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Matthew Raposas

Matthew Raposas


"He willdo anything foryou at anytime no matter how inconveniencing itisforhim,"Moore saiddescribing Deitsch as "insanely brilliantand very disciplined" with a hidden talent as a "fantastic cook."

As for Moore,the pastors described him as the one who gives mini-sermons in everyday conversation because he is"so good with words." With this, they allboldly admitted that sometimes theirattention spans could be a bitshort for the amount of words Moore liked to pour out

"And yes,"McKinney said,"he is just as crazy at home as [he is] on stage."

They said on any day,you could find Moore in the corner of a coffee shop reading or watching the news to keep up with current events.

"Itreallyisajoytowork withhim," McKinney said "I've nevermetanothertwenty-five-year-oldwhoissoanointed by the Lord to accomplish so many differentthings.' Inthe public eye,students looked to them t as leaders, but intheirown home,they were justfour friends making their way through life together

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Pastors,David McKinney, Michael Miller, Johnnie Moore and Chris Deitsch interact together intheir house offcampus Senior Amy Sabatini, former prayer leader and a current SLD,has interacted with these pastors over the years "They have helped challenge me by their teaching and preaching, but even more so by personally living out what they teach by their display of integrity and character They have shown me that the Christian lifecan actually be lived out It isnot impossible."

Students gather fora photograph with Chancellor Falwell and hiswife Beckiat the senior pinic "Itis such a blessingto have a Chancellor that cares abouthis students and wants togettoknow them. He and hiswife definitely displayed their compassion forusstudents when they •'invitestudents totheir home I am so grateful tobea part of a university that reaches outtoevery student," Melanie Negroni, junior, said."

Attending the seniorpicnic, two students relax together on the lawn Junior Amber Kostura explained, "I went with my sisterto the senior picnic lastyear It wasreally awesome

The Falwell's were very invitingand 'hospitable They have a beautiful home land farm W e had agreat time" ve music entertains guestsat the firstsenior picnic from the deck above the lake Students enjoyed a '*'' bonfire lateron that night Senior Erica Mesman said,"The Falwell farm isone of ; themost beautiful places I've everseen." a WHATTOOKPLACEATTHE SENIORPICNIC ANDHOWDOYOUFEELABOUTBEINGINVITED OVERTOTHE CHANCELLOR'SHOME?

"The picnic wasgreat.There wasatonofgood food, good people

^ F and great music from Six Chasing Seven Everyone sat onthe side ofthe hilland watched people on the jetskis,playing volleyballand the band played on a platform right over the lake Jerry Jr wasincredibly nice toinvitethe seniors outfor anawesome daywith a lotof great people He really went through a lotjusttoshow hisappreciation tothe seniors." Kyle Patrick,SR

"I seethe depth ofGod inRomans I grow tounderstand my relation to God, my faults, God's justice, and the grace that heshows me."- Daniel Klock, SR

"I like Psalm 18 because Ican see itas "Dr Jaeshil Kim invests in her students' "Ben Gutierrez is biblically sound and very practical with my life and how God lives beyond academics I'm thankful for up to date with today's churches He's protects me."- Jessica Holcombe,JR how she has helped me understand my preaching God's Word." purpose inlife." -Karin Hutson,SR - Steve Cole,SR

Becki Falwellgathers with a groupof students thatwant toget in a human pyramid A varietyofstudents were invited over thoughout theyearto hangout and relaxattheFalwell's farm Freshman PhilipGrayexplains "I thinkit is greatofthe Falwellsto invitestudents overtotheirfarm so often, and I like thatwe havea Chancellor who caresabout getting tbknow the students inthe school."


Not only was Jerry Falwell,Jr the Chancellor of the world's largestevangelical university, but he and hiswife Becki also found time to be friends with the students Jeremy White and Bryson Goss were just two students who frequently spent time at the Falwell's house.

"At first I was like, 'Wow, I'm actually hanging out with Jerry Falwell, Jr.,'" White said "But they are just normal people and they're not high and above everyone else."

"Ifyou had afriendand hisparentswerereallycool,that wouldbehowtheyare,"Gosssaid."Youcanhaveconversations withJerryprettymuch likeyouwoulddowithyourparents."

White and Goss, cousins from North Carolina, were part ofthe LUnatics, a group of students who attended sportingeventstoshow theirschoolspirit Falwellinvited the group to the farm in February 2008 for the Super Bowl, and the two got to know Trey,the Falwell's son Often times,White and Goss tagged along with Trey and ate dinner out with the Falwell's

"They make us feel likewe're a part of their family,"Goss said."[Jerry and Becki]check up on us to see how we're doing and how school isgoing."

White said,"Jerry will email me sometimes and ask me for my opinion from a student's standpoint."

Gossand Whitehad highremarksforJerryJr.andBecki.

"They're awesome, down to earth,really relaxed and easygoing," White said "They want to be close to the student body They want to interact with the students They really care about and want to have a relationship with the students."

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