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I On The Campaign Trail

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Matthew Raposas

Matthew Raposas

Mascot Competed For National Spotlight

He danced and jumped among fans at the basketball game, waving to thecrowd and struttingschoolcolors "Votefor Sparky!" yelledagroup ofstudentswho crowded toslaphishand

"He'sprettymuch thecoolestthingwith wings," BrittneyLeanne Martin, freshman, said A Politicsand Media graduate classorganized acampaign to place Sparky asthenumber one write-infortheCapitalOne National Mascot Challenge They pushed studentstovoteonlineonce adayup toDec 15

"Forafinal projectI have studentsform acampaign committeeto support orelectacandidatetoany office that theycan imagine," Dr. Terri Cornwell, Communications Studiesprofessor, said "Severalstudents were interested informing acampaign committee toelect Sparky."

The class divided into threegroups— creative, operational and administrative— tospread theword aboutthecompetition

'We spraypainted sheetswith'Votefor Sparky,' handed out flyers and hung up posters," Amy Nipper, graduate student, said Voting was simplebutsignificant The winning write-inmascotwould receive $5,000fortheschool'smascot program and two freenational commercials

"Allit takesis afew secondseach daytomake thefaceofLU athletics thenumber one 'people'schoice' mascot in thenation," graduate student Allyn Lyttle, acampaign supervisor, said "There is averytangible chance ofgaining nationalrecognition for ourfeatheredmascot."

Once informed aboutthecompetition, supportersquickly cast their votes "The studentsareverysupportiveofSparky," Lyttle said "Perhapshisname is notasrecognizable ashis presence, which, if absent from theseevents, would leaveanoticeable void."

Sparky represented ourschooland ourathletics Though students ralliedbehind thecause, he finishedthechallengeinsecond place. Sparky enthusiasts, however,were proud oftheir bird Freshman Elizabeth Hefner voted for Sparky She said, "He'll neverletyou down." 1

What is your motivation to take on thischallenge?

"Mascotting is one ofthe few things thathelps me make it all worth it right now The feeling I get when I hear 15,000 people screaming when I run out ofthe tunnel easilyoutweighs any number ofpapers I have to write,"

What is your most memorable moment?

"The one moment that reallysticksout in my mind and still gives me goosebumps was the 2008 footballgame against Stony Brook I was standing hidden in thetunneland I justfelt extra pumped up forsome reason I took a deep breath and ran out ofthe tunnel full speed The fansmust have had that same pumped up feeling because when I ran out of the tunnel by myselftothefiftyyard line like I had done forthe past two years, I felt the earth move when thefanserupted. They were absolutely crazy and that intensity never died It was amazing."

What time commitments do you have as Sparky?

"Sometimes I'll get aweek off, other times I'll do up toeighttotenevents in one week During Homecoming 2007 atLiberty, I was incostumefor sixeventsand about eight hours in one day Football season doesn't requiretoo much except convo and the footballgames,but I trytomake it to volleyballand fit insoccer Basketball season consumes me because I have todo all the home women's and men's games,then post-season Marchis usually full ofSparkyevents."

"The best movie of2008 was The Dark Knight' because it was filledwithaction packed fun."- Jason Brawster JR

"If someone was willingto pay for me togo toanother country, I wouldvisit Germany My ancestors lived in Bavaria and I would like tosee where my family originated" - Nathan Treese FR

"McDonald's is the bestrestaurant because it is thecheapest"




"If I could enjoy a freelunch witha professor I would choose Dr Peters because he is very personable, fun tobe around, and an all around great guy" - Beth Crum,JR intodouble overtime "I lovewatching my buddiesplay

Senior Hope West competes for possession ofthe ball The ladiessoccer team was known fortheirtestimony JulieGagne, a junior, said "It's justso amazing how one group ofyoung women can glorify the Lord so much afterevery game,despite what the scoreboard may say Whether they win orwhether they lose, I'venever seen them compromise theirtestimony."

Eightor nineofthe guys on the team are my buddies, and it's awesome to cheer them on and heckle the other team in their favor—of course, always inthe name ofthe Lord,"Josh Ahier, senior, said perspective man tnose 01ms ornerteammates

J Junior Juan Guzman captained the men's team despite an injuryearly intheseason

"When anything happens with the referee, [I want to]make sure the team's settled," Guzman said

Defender Brittany Tyson,a senior, desired the admiration ofthe younger players as she led the Lady Flames soccerteam "I want to seta standard and I want toleave a standard so other girlswill continue't-_

Senior midfielder and defender Mallory Neff said she played forher teammates on the field "We're a family,"she said "You don'twant toletyour family down.If you stop working, you're lettingthem down on thefield."

"We won the Big South Championship freshman year,"Neff said "We want that feeling again W e came so close sophomore year, and last yearwas so disappointing. As seniorsyoujust wa tofinishstrong and have those _

Senior Mike Gelatt, defender, hoped to improve his game on thefield."Iwant toget more shut outs and have a lower 'goals against' average than we did lastseason,"hesaid

Gelatt alsosaid he wanted to grow closertothe team "The more we learn about each other, the more confidence we will have ineach other and the betterwe willplay," hesail

Every soccer player w.____ had unique goals and motivations behind every ounce of sweat and determination on and offthefieldSTORYBYCHARLIEGOSS

Mike Gelat senk during anearearlyseason game. "Liberty s been a big part ofmy life t threeyears I havelearned gs through this experience life The friendsI have made through these yearsaremore thanjust friends or teammates they arenow part of my family In theend we know there is more toit than justtowin or lose We play forsomething way bigger and more important than thegame of soccer, we play forGod,"JuanChavez,

"I'mso busy, but afterI get my degree I'll be relieved "

The Golf Simulator:

How does it work?

"Basically thesimulator isalarge projection screen with sensors that you canhitgolf ballsinto and the sensors cantellyouhow far you hit it, the distance your ballflew in the air,how much ballspeed you produce,theangle at which the ball takes off,and italso shows your flight patterns compared toyour other shots Youcanplay on a driving range, chipping area, oreven play famous golf courses that are builton the computer like, Harbour Town,Firestone and Castle Pines."-JayCalvo, SR

Do youfind it effective?

"Itisvery effective especially when it istoocold outtohitballsoutside The winter months are very difficulton the golf team tohave quality practice time with the weather Thegolf simulator allows ustohit ina comfortable eason andalso allows ustowork >n fixing and improving ourpersonal wings." -Preston Dembowiak, SO

"After the election I feltlikehistory was made. I definitely feltmy vote counted." -Brandon Toombs JR

"Have youever gone tohang out with a person justasfriends, and than realized they thought itwasa date?

Welcome toLiberty."-Alex Aker,SO

"Even though I liveinLynchburg,I "The volleyball team isstrong againthis don't come by campus a lot.This year's year asusual.There isa lotof talent homecoming wasagood time togive flowing. We'll seemore inconference, I'm myself a break and getback to the alma sure W e have time." -Kristyn Dalton, SR mater." -Mynique Robinson, Alumnus

"Common Ground isagreatplace

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