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Playersrecruitedfrom Aroundthe World
When itcame totheworld ofgolf,freshman Tobias Pettersson waswilling togo the distance Pettersson wasrecruited from Sweden, over 4,000 miles away,toplay on the team
"During the time I washaving contact with different schools.Coach Thomas showed the most interest and gave me some really good offers," Pettersson said "At that time my interest in Liberty had grown,so I decided tocome here."
Golf coach JeffThomas recruited talented golfers from America and abroad thisyearto play on the team and improve their swing
"The team is great. There are a good variety ofpeople on the team. W e have two South Koreans,oneMexican and guys from allparts ofAmerica," Pettersson said
The best five members played ineach of the season's tournaments,consisting ofthree rounds of 18 holes each Theother players practicedin order toqualify for an upcoming tournament
Senior JayCalvo, a fourth year veteran and one ofthe starting five, said, "Your goal is to shoot aslowaspossible Every year my scoring average hasgone down. My freshman yearit was about 75strokes,and at the end of last year my scoring average wasa good 74.6."
"This wasoneofthe few Division 1 schools that offered me an opportunity toplay golf at the college level,"Calvo said "They flew me down here to check out the school,and assoon asI stepped onto thecampus I liked it So I came here."
Inhisseventh year on the coaching staff, Thomas said, "Ilikeworking with the guys and helping them grow their games and become bettergolfers."
Thomas explained hisgoal forthe golf program "Ihave a vision ofLiberty being a place forthe best Christian golfers in the country todevelop theirgame."
"Proverbs16:3 is avery simplebut profound proverb: "Commit your work totheLORD,andyourplans will succeed " It'san incredible promise."- JustinMorgan SR
"Ilike BuffaloWild Wings because everyone elsegoes thereandyou can get allyou can eat Plusevery timeI go there I gowithfriends What's notto like9"
-James Fitzgerald, FR
"The homecoming eventsand things are great, but it's alsoa time forme tocatch up with friends."- Don Wood Alumnus
"Common ground is a great place where students areabletogather and worship ina personable manner outsideof campus church" - Grant Ingvalson,SO
"Thefaculty is helpful They know what they'retalkingabout, and they letme know exactly what I need todo forme toget thehighest possiblegrade Zach Seelinger, FR
"The best place to take a date isthe Mezzanine because it's small but classy and you can enjoy each other'scompany"
Baker, SR
"IfI could invitesomeone to speak at "My favorite place to study is the library "I enjoy helping and encouraging young "I would want to be stranded on a desert convo I would invitePresident Obama It'd because itkeeps me less distracted than people to see the world and expand their island with Johnnie Moore because be nice to get a personal 'talk' from him being at home where I can watch TV or view of God's work inother countries he is constantly talking so I would especially him to a group of conservative clean instead of study" - Sarah Wilson JR learning to trust God throughout the never be bored,and he isextremely Christians." - Sherylyn Row. SR fund-raising " - Evan Sprankle.JR spastic - Jacob Singleton. SO