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Matthew Raposas

Matthew Raposas

A Professor Surpassed Expectations

A doctor told a couple that their son would never walk again,would be mentally retarded,would probably not survive, to put him inan institution and forget ever having him These words were heard by Betty and Claud Offield about their son,Martin Littledid they know theirtrustin God would allow their son to receive hisdoctorate and become a professor

Martin Offield was born with spina bifida, and atthe age of12 had major back surgery that kept him out of school for about three months At the end of hiseighth grade year he was able to get back on hisfeet somewhat It was during that time when he decided he wanted to study medicine. He said from middle school to high school, "I started taking allthe science and math that I could."

Offield,an alum,decided to attend school here partially because he received a scholarship forattending a Christian high school One week there was an evangelistic meeting with John MacArthur who gave a powerful message on the sovereignty of God That message caused Offield to completely turn his lifearound. He said,"Ihad pretty much planned my lifeon my own I hadn't really consulted God much about it So I really started rethinking things atthat point inmy life."

From that point on he decided not to attend medical school but to become a teacher instead He said,"Most of my abilities were tilted towards teaching and administrative work."

After receiving hisdoctorate from Vanderbilt inNashville, Offield spent six years doing his postdoctoral rotation at UVA before returning here as a professor of biology, embryology and biochemistry


"After having visited Liberty,I knew that

God was calling me to come to this plus conviction

Working inthelabratory, Professor Offield uses theeye-dropper during hisexpenement Offield got toshare hiswisdom and love forthescienceswith hisstudents particles. Everyone had a purpose inthislife even when othersbelittle thatreality Senior DesireeSarchet had Dyslexia, ADD,and Dysgraphia "Peopleand what they have arenot a mistake God made them thatway for a reason according toPsalm 139:14 My passion is toreach outtopeople likeme and givethem hope through teaching art." HOTO n I i .

Senior Dorothy Emami, a Molecular Biology major, explained, "More than anything Dr Offield hastaught me thevalueofhard work, long hours,intensestudy andgiving glory toGod throughout He puts inthetime forhisstudentsand we areexpected togiveback.While oftenourcoursework andlives seem overwhelming,heis one ofthe professorsyouwillalways remember and thank foreverything they taughtyou."

Brian Howerton

Born with a visual impairment,Junior Howerton explains hisdisability and how he overcomes a variety ofdaily obstacles.

"Of course there have been the obvious visual barriers that have somewhat hindered my learning experience But then again,it has not hindered itina way because professors have always been pretty good about explaining things such as visual aids that they use,etc I think that iswhat separates this from a secular school is the fact that the professors care about us as students Ihave lots oftechnology that helps me within theclassroom I have a speech software package Itreads everything to me on the screen and allows me to use the computer and maneuver around it justlike any other sighted person. I also have a Braille printer inwhich I can take any printed document and translate itinto Braille and then print it out into Braille In class, I also record lectures and then go back later and take notesfor myself.As faras getting to class, I just hook up with friends who have the same schedule or a similar schedule as me and walk with them toclass"


Three professors inthe Department of English and Modern Languages had more in common than their expertise in linguistics and literature Dr David Towles,Mrs Carolyr Towles and Dr Matthew Towles were family

David and Carolyn were pleased when th joined them the University a blessing I couldn't anticipate," Carolyn said

Matthew jumped int isposition as an English professor "Within a week I started school bought a house and had a baby," he said nthusiasm and intensity marked the Towles family "There isa high energy that allthree of us bring," Matthew said

SophomoreHeatherTaintersawthisreflected inMatthew' lectures.Tainter said,"He told us one day,'I'm goingti come inhere likeI'm about toexplode out ofa cannon!

David had been a Spanish professor for 32 years H> said."This place islike it was designed exactly forme.'

Carolyn worked as an English professor "Her personality foremost demonstrates a Christ-likeness that isalways evident in her teaching," senior Matt Te cares not only for the academi: her students but also their ituallives.'

David and Carolyn grew up inthe same Texas town. "She isstilla Texan. I outgrew it,"he said with a smile "This is where I found where God wants me tobe."

"This iswhere God wants me to be,but I just brought Texas with me,"Carolyn said inreply

The paraphernalia on Carolyn's office walls declared her Texas roots."Inever had a problem living here, I just had a problem not living in Texas," she said David and Carolyn settled on a small farm in Matthew ar fe frequentl visited with thei family affair

"I am passionate abouttalking topeople and gettingtheir opinions on any giventopic."

"The intramural sports here are amazing We have [a great] staff and there isa place foreveryathlete."


"My favorite part about livingoffcampus "I am passionate about helping tospread has tobe thetranquility." the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the


"On a cold winter's day,my favorite thing "I love football on campus due to the "My favorite campus pastor would have "On a cold winter's day, my favorite thing to do iswear tons of clothes,drink coffee amount of fan support that our students to be Johnnie Moore because he can take to do is snuggle in a warm blanket and and stay inside where it's warm" show for the team." Scripture to a whole new level" drink hot chocolate with my family"

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