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Matthew Raposas

Matthew Raposas

Held Captive In El Salvador

*Js ' When juniorBrittneyFugharrivedattheSan Salvador airport inElSalvador fora mission trip in2004,thelast thing she expected tohappen toherwas tobe detained

"When we got up to the security checkpoint, they took our passports and told us we couldn't go on through customs We weren't allowed to have our bags and we weren't even allowed to get anything toeat."

Fugh, along with 12 members of her church, organized a mission tripto El Salvador to work with underprivileged children

"Thereweresixty-twoAmericansthatarrivedintotheairport atthesametime.andpoliceandothergovernmentofficials suspectedthatweweretryingtodisruptandillegallyviewan upcomingelectionthatwastakingplaceinNovember2003."

The group was forced to wait for hours,not knowing what was going to happen next.

"We weren't taken to lockdown or anything They just sectioned offa part of the airport and security monitored us to make sure we didn'ttry to get away."

"We called the missionary,Chris Bowser,who was at the airport waiting for us He contacted the American Embassy to try and find out what to do to helpus."


"A representative from the American Embassy spoke with the Department of Immigration and was able to get us our stuff back and get us released."

After almost 12 long hours of sitting on the dirty airport floor,Fugh's group and the rest of the Americans were able to leave theairport

"Ialways new you could get introuble for witnessing insome countries,but I never thought I would end up being detained by government officialswho thought we were going to try to harm an election candidate."


"I thinkthebiggestthingfor our group was thatbeforewe got toChina ourcontactmoved to a differentpartofthe country So that made making plans verydifficult However,God trulyalready had it worked out becausewhen we gotthereHe provided opportunities togo into aschooland otherplacesthatwe would not have had withouroriginal contact Our groupreally saw thatGod'stiming isn't necessarilyour planning."

VictoriaCowell, JR, China, Spring Break 2008

"Patience is notalways my greatest strengthbut this trip taught me thatGodis in control He is theone who softened heartsand would allow ustoshareHis love."

"When I started going toCampusSERVE, I never imagined thatI would meeta little girl who looked up tome asking, 'Who is Jesus?.'"- Janessa O'Connor, JR

"I lovetheatrebecause it providesan outlettounderstand people deeply and pushes me totakethatknowledge and make adifference."- ChristinaForshey, SR

"I lovethefights on campus,butsomehow "The highlight of my semester has been they always turn intoahockey games." creating relationshipswith wonderful, fun,

-Genette Bartlett, SR God-lovingpeople."

-Carmen Granger,SO


Light took tripsto Cambodia, East Asia, Peru,Mexico,France, North Africa, India, Senegal,Bosnia,Central Europe,Brazil and Nepal.

Approximately 225 spots Fourteen tripswere The average cost ofa are available to go on a planned thisyear. mission trip is around $3,100. tripwith Light each year

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