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Matthew Raposas

Matthew Raposas

Leadingtheuniversitywhile Lovingthe Students

Regardless ofthe reserved demeanor of Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr and his proclaimed dislikefor public speaking,students were drawn to him forhisabilityto relateto them

As a 1984 alumnus and parent ofan enrolled student,Falwell, Jr took the opinions ofthe student body seriously HisFacebook profileboasted nearly 3,500 friends— most ofwhom were students or graduates leaving comments like2005 alum, Phillip Baucom's sentiment of missing the school.Or words ofgratitude from freshman Josh Head,saying, "Thank you so much for letting God useyou."

He had hishand on the pulse ofthe student body — mostly because he was notjustleading them, he was with them.The Falwell's hosted more than 70 students attheirhome forthe Super Bowl and regularly invited groups totheirprivate suiteduring football and hockey games.

Going beyond the casual settings,Falwellstarted focus groups during the spring semester where students, faculty and staffcould gather and discuss hottopics, make suggestions and be heard by the Chancellor

Falwell, Jr said, "I relatetothe students because I was one ofthem and I have invested so much of my life inthe school It is rewarding forme to see that my investment inLU is paying offinthelives ofthese students They are worth everything that we had toendure inthe difficultfinancialyears."

Hisoldest son,sophomore Trey Falwell, enjoyed being part ofthe planning process "Hearing about all the new projectsfrom [my dad]isprobably my favoritething todo.He'lltell me about new projectsand ask my opinion about it," hesaid

Students such as senior Laura Feagan remembered the leadership of Founder Jerry Falwell, Sr but alsoliked how Falwell, Jr kept the originalvalues ofthe school "I think he has maintained the vision hisdad created for the school but brings a fresh new perspective,"she said. "And he'sgreatatcontinuing the legacy ofhis father."

Dr Elmer Towns,co-founder and Dean ofthe School of Religion, said, "Jerry [Sr.] was a visionary leader He led on the future, on vision, and he painted a picture ofwhere we were going togo And he had faithto believe God when we had nothing. Jerry, Jr... leads by management Jerry, Jr is twice the manager ofJerry, Sr. [He]is exactly what we need today and Jerry, Sr was exactly what we needed back then."

Junior Brandon Milksappreciated the leadership of Falwell, Jr "Jerry, Jr is a quiet yet impactful leader It is evident through my experience here atLiberty that Jerry, Jr. has made an impact business-wise.He works behind the scenes on a lotofthings that we as students don't even hear about untilthey come tofruition."

Students quickly learned how approachable their Chancellor, and even hiswife Becki, were Often sending Facebook messages oremails tovoice opinions or suggestions, the Chancellor took those students seriously, saying, "I schedule most ofmy meetingsin the latemornings and afternoons and tryto respond to e-mails and messages from students intheevenings."

While taking intoconsideration the opinions of the students,Falwell, Jr. had hisown visionforthe school He said, "I want tocontinue to move LU toward the originalvisionofa world class university providing academic excellence,NCAA Division I athleticsand all the programs and facilitiesofa major university within a distinctively Christian atmosphere No other university has achieved thisgoal but I believe it can be done and that we are wellon our wa y here." STCRI

The Falwells pose outside of Demoss fora family photo. Some studentsfelt almost a part ofthisfamily because of how the Falwellsinteracted with them on a daily basis "Jerryand hiswifetake time to provethat they are notjust some big honchos on campus,but thatthey genuinely care about us students and want tospend time hanging out with us," Katie Baines,sophomore said. -

Jerry Jr and Becki enjoy a football game amongst a crowd of students at Williams Stadium The Falwells were no stranger to campus events according to freshman, Victoria Mamoquin. "You can tellhow the Falwell family cares about [us]by their involvement inschool events and games The LUnatics have a cheer forJerry during the Basketball games,because he is always there with Becki and the restof the family,"she said

Chancellor Falwell addresses the media regarding the Snowflex ski slope that is currently under construction This new facility was part ofthe Ultimate LU program intended to provide additional recreational outletsfor resident students "The Falwells have done an exceptional job at making Liberty University what it is today Mr and Mrs Falwell have went above and beyond theirtitles I mean what other student can say theirchancellor talks to them on facebook," Sarah Workman, sophomore said

For the Vice President for Executive Projects and Media Relations, Campus Pastor and professor Johnnie Moore,the "to-do" list seemed never-ending

"I manage the day-to-day media inquiries received by Liberty University whilealso overseeing the Center forGlobal Ministries, and the Officesof Spiritual Programs — Convocation and Campus Church — Technical Productions and Online Ministries,"Moore said."I also teach a course each semester,speak inCampus Church on most Sundays and periodically on Wednesdays and supervise various specialprojects."

Three key items helped him stay on task throughout the day "Jesus, coffee and books ensure my brain isfresh,my day is productive and that I make the best use of my time," he said

As forfreetime,Moore said, "I also love great food and great restaurants.I loveto travel and experience other cultures andI especially loveto spend quality time with my family and good friends. Recently,I've been spending a lotof my freetime with Andrea [Marcilio]planning our summer wedding."

Moore,an alumnus,had been here since 2001 and had a passion forfurthering the school'sgoal. He said, "I intend on using every ounce of my influence to press on the mission ofthe university so that every graduate may be used by God in their life and career to demonstrate the message Jesus to the ends oftheearth."

After being a Campus Pastor since 1988 and Director ofthe Office of Student Leadership (OSL), Dwayne Carson was named the Vice President of Spiritual Development

Intackling hisdaily tasks,Carson said, "I learned a long time ago to identify my roles, then to attach the responsibilitiesto them, then rollmy sleeves up and get itdone."

As a 1987 alumnus,Carson reflected on hisfavorite memories including a snowball fightwith hisgirlfriend, Donita Hershey,who laterbecame his wife

Another occurred with his Resident Assistant partner "I had three TVs in my room that I confiscated from all the guys So I'm an RA and watching a confiscated TV because the Miami Dolphins were playing Igot ina lotoftrouble when the Dean of Residence Lifewalked on thehall

Carson had astroi among the students "Ultimately drives me day-in and take the customer become a champi them insuch a way as the prod a cha%M^N6r Ch

In November,the Executive Director of Resident Recruitment,Chris Johnson,was promoted to Vice President for Enrollment Management.

Johnson,a 1994 graduate,met hiswife

Katherine,a 1993 graduate,while attending school

Recalling hiscollege days,Johnson said, "Liberty is a place that changed my life."He added, "I came to school here,met my wife here, now I'm working here and giving back It's an amazing opportunity I've had forover sixteenyears."

After receiving his new title, Johnson's duties included being incharge of resident enrollment,financial aid and online enrollment

One of Johnson's favorite activities involved taking hisfour children to school most every morning "Ienjoy that opportunity to talk and laugh and pray with them on the way toschool

Each week at LCA they have to memorize a verse and that's really pushed me and my memorization because it started offwith just one of them — now I have four kids learning averse."

Johnson and hiswife shared a special moment in May 2008 being able to graduate with their Master's degrees together. He said,"We thought it was neat for our four children to come to Williams Stadium when we walked together."

Vice President of University Advancement Ron Brown came here inAugust 2007 following a newspaper career that spanned more than three decades.

"I was always drawn to Liberty'sChristcentered mission,"Brown said,who covered the school and its founder for severalyears "Iwas convinced that Dr Falwell'svision forthe school was inspired by God."

Brown, was originally hired to convert the former National Liberty Journal tabloid newspaper intothe magazine,a high-quality promotional piece that focuses on exciting activities and individuals associated with the university

Shortly after Brown arrived,Falwell Jr asked him to take on more responsibility by consolidating the university's graphic design,photography and marketing personnel intoone cohesive department.

While the new department was originally named the Office of Promotional Publications, it transitioned to the Office of University Advancement. Falwell Jr. added the oversight of the university's development officeand alumni relations department to Brown's duties with his newfound title

"Liberty and Thomas Road Baptist Church have always made the best stories in Lynchburg," Brown said "Now I have an opportunity to tell that story 365 days ayear."

Students listen during one ofthe weekly Common Ground services inthe prayer chapel Small groups provided another form of growing,learning and investing inthe word of God "A lotoffreshmen come here and seem to get lostinthe crowd," said Greg Forrest, junior "Student led services [...] reallydraw students likethis in and give them a niche of their own Common Ground is a great place where true fellowship happens Unlike other events at LU,it is small enough that you can connect on a personallevel."

Ben Forrest, founder ofCommon Ground, waitstocloseup before heading to Macados with the restofthosethat attended theThursday nightservice Other student ledservices alsomet weekly and provided additionalopportunities forBiblestudy "ThePoint is unique in thatit is a service led by studentsfor students in an attempt todo a verse by verse study ofthe Bible,"Leslie Phelps, senior, said

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