12 minute read
The Heart of Worship
Students Challenged Each Other inPeer-ledWorship Services
Worship came in all forms. For some, it was the collaborative group atCampus Church Others enjoyed a more intimate setting inthe forms ofstudent-led services such as ThePoint and Common Ground
"ThePoint is a peer-led worship servicethatis designed totake an honest look atthe Bible, verse-by-verse, while promising notto waste people's time,"seminary student Charlie Bussey said.
Meeting each Sunday night inthe Towns Alumni Center, ThePoint was led by Bussey and four otherleaders
"ThePoint has helped me personally by keeping me sharp, inthe Word and always mindful ofmy testimony,"he said "It's forced me to seriously study God's Word on a consistent basis, even when Isometimes don't feellikeit."
Common Ground,another student-led service on campus, met weekly inthe Prayer Chapel Alumnus Ben Forreststarted the group a few years ago as a student-led ministry that emphasized growth and discipleship on a personal level
"We existto create an atmosphere thatis conducive tospiritual growth Discipleship cannot take placewithout the context of relationships."Forrest said "Personally, thisministry has been a huge blessing in my life It has taught me how to'do' ministry."
Students enjoyed the chance to learn and grow in the small, personal, on-campus gatherings.
"Common Ground has been a place ofgrowth and encouragement forme," Rod'Esther Castor, sophomore,said "We come togetherto hearwhat God has brought us through and what he is continually teaching us W e are more encouraged when we're running thisrace beside someone That'swhat Common Ground is." i iRYB
Why did you decidetostartyour own off-campus biblestudy?
"Iguessthemain reasonwhy we decided tostart ourbiblestudy was first and foremost because it'sbiblical You can getmore outoflife groups/smallgroups thanyou can from yournormalcorporate worship setting Thatisnottotakeaway thesignificanceand importance of Sunday morningsbutyou canobviously getdifferentthingsfrom thegroups thansittinginthechurch seats."
-Timothy Wadsworth, SR
How do you spend yourtime during your biblestudies?
"My Biblestudies areactuallyapart of anorganizationcalledSweet Monday Each evening hasatheme sowe do something relatingto thetheme and then haveafive minutedevotionrelatedto it I alwayshavecoffeeand dessertand we just chill and haveawonderfultime together. Sweet Mondays aresupposed tobe "simple, sweetand salty." Simple we onlymeet on thefirst Monday of each month sothatneither thewomen nor thefacilitator everdreads it Sweet it'sa sweet timeoffellowship Saltytheyleave wanting more, whether it is fellowship orwanting toknow more aboutGod."
-Hannah Ellenburg, SR
My favoriterestaurant isTaco Bell because itisthe best place to getreal authentic Mexican food"-Michael Newhall,FR
"Characteristics thata bestfriend should have areloyalty, trustworthiness honesty and they need tobe someone who will always be there foryou." -Emily Lietzan, FR
"Iwould definitelygo toIsraelifI had thechance because itwould be too amazing forwords towalk in Jesus' footstebsand see where Helived and taught"-Joshua Vaughan JR
"Ihaven't been tomany placesaround Lynchburg,but I think adate downtown would be something differentand exciting"-Cordia Lewis JR
The concentration was almost audible
The only sound was the swishing and clicking ofthe littleplastic devices as members of the club desperately rushed to solve the puzzles against the time on the clock.
Senior Jason Baum started cubing three years ago,and decided to start an official Rubik's cube club on campus inthe spring of 2008.
"It's open to anyone People who haven't had a clue how to solve come inand I can teach them, but it's mostly those who want to improve," Baum said "We not only race but talk about who's got new types of cubes,cool designs we can make with them and I'S cube moves theeasiest.'
Heath Hudnall got a Rubik's cube last Christmas and says it's hisfirstsemester cubing
"Iheard about [the club]through word of mouth and Facebook,and I have been coming every other week," Hudnall said s so comfortable inhis hands, he went through the motions without skipping a beat to answer questions.As he switched his 3-by-3 cube back and forth, Hudnall went on to say,"It'sa step by step process to solve a Rubik's cube." But he insisted that anyone can learn
Junior Jordan Harper also learned how to cube only thissemester Though it was hisfirsttime ata meeting,he said hisaverage time on a "solve" was 50 seconds but hisfastest clocked inat45 seconds
If you think that's fast, that's nothing compared to Baum
Baum said his unofficial fastest solve was 7.43 seconds and the world record solve was 9.18.
Sophomore Mike Canderlirio said, "Jasonis en inHmidatina It's onlv an evenly matched raced between us when he is doing it one handed.'
"My favoritegame was MallMadness My mom would even putmy sticker pictures on thecreditcardsso they lookedreal" LeslieHunt, JR likedcheckers because it was easy." Stephen Peters, JR
"My favoritegame was Guess Who because I always won." Nicole Buckingham, SR
80s Fashion Trends leggings, layers, chunkyjewelry oversized sweaters and skinnybottoms, straight-legged jeanswithpointy heels, ripped jeans, acid-washedjeans jeanjackets, tunics, bigger belts, upturned collarand suspenders
80s Music Trends New wave, Rap Hard Rock,Heavy Metal, BigHair Bands,Glam metal, Madonna Michael Jackson, Prince, BruceSpringsteen, Run DMC, The Police, Whitney Houston and Metallica
80s Game Trends SpaceInvaders, PacMan,Donkey Kong, Frogger, Super Mario Brothersand Trivial Pursuit
Making Headlines
Student newspaper gainednationalattention
Crafting a spread for the weekly Champio n student newspaper demande d late nights from its editors and talented writing from reporters
Th e effort put forth landed the m first place in five of its seven years of competition against other Christian college newspapers at the Baptist Press
Fall semester Editor-in-Chief Jennifer Schmidt, senior, worked with the staff of news, sports, life and opinion editors, as well as a group of contributing writers and photographers "I would liken it to coaching a n all-star team I get to wor k with and lead som e of the best writers, designers and editors at Liberty," she said
Although in charge of separate sections, each editor cared about the newspaper as a whole "W e all wor k hard to mak e sure that not only is our [individual] area the best it can be, but that the other sections are putting forth their best," New s Editor Natalie Lozano, senior, said Th e editors learned to wor k with deadlines as well as with each other "You only have thirty-six hours to put out a n entire paper," Schmidt said "Wor k can be stressful, but w e are constantly joking around and teasing each other as well."
Faculty adviser since 1998, Debora h Huff acted as coach to the budding editors and writers "The skill to craft a well worde d sentence is essential, but if yo u can't mee t a deadline, yo u won't hold a job," she said "This is a safe place to get in and splash around an d try things."
Each week's final product wen t throughout campu s to update readers o n pertinent current events. ?'The [newspaper] provides real opportunities for students to keep the local communit y informed about campu s happenings and entertained about a yariety of events and personalities," Huff said
Several writers and editors put their skills into action whe n Chancellor Jerry Falwell pied during finals wee k in Ma y 2007 Th e Champio n had already closed its doors for the year but produced an issue just a few days after to honor Falwell's life
"The students kicked hemselves in gear," Huff said "I think they could have piroduced it without me."
Workin g at the paper gave the staff real life experience Sports , "I've learned ho w to deal with other people [Being a n editor] is a great wa y for m e to gain experience needed to exceed in the journalism ATOrid after I graduate." STORVBYCHARLIE
"A best friend should be a Christian, share many of the views I hold, be able to have silly fun with m e and know m e really well."
"If someone would pay for m e to visit "I would choose [to eat with] Dr Ben another country I would go to Romania to Gutierrez because of his love for God find m y sisters' mother and share the love The opportunity to sit and talk with of Christ with her." - Chelsea Hertzler, FR him would probably change m y life m five minutes!"
- Seth Grutz, S O
"When following God's footsteps, we are following the rightsteps. My point is we should always do things God's way and blessingwill come our way"
-John Gilliam,JR
"The best place to take a date inLynchburg is Crab TreeFalls because of its beautiful scenery" Jonathan Thompson SR
"Liberty University still stands firmly on the Christian morals and values that were set forth from the beginning It's unfortunate other universities cannot say the same" -Tyler Lee, JR
"The mansion lawn ismy favorite place on campus because it has an amazing view of the mountains and it is where Dr Falwell is buried It reminds me of the incredible legacy he left"-Magm Mills.SR
Miranda Arnold and Apryl Rowan collect boxes forOperation Christmas Child. The boxeswere then delivered topoverty strickenchildren overseas Thisis just one ofmany volunteer effortssponsored by Kappa Delta Pi "I joined KDP my sophomore yearatLiberty I am now the President I'veloved every moment I wanted tobe a partofsomething that was making a difference intheworld, and KDP is justthat We are actively involved in theLynchburg community taking partinlocalschoolfunctions, such asScholastic Book Fairs, providing school supplies, fall festivals, reading days and much more,"Danielle Clark, senior, said, ft
Children from kindergarten to fifth grade gathered at Linkhorne Elementary School during an October festival hosted by Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), the international honor society for education majors With a variety of activities including a petting zoo, pony rides,chilicookout and inflatable bouncing games, KDP hoped to achieve their main purpose of helping education majors give back to the community, specifically to local schools,through service
"Individual university chapters of KDP, including Liberty's chapter, Pi Sigma, participate in service projects throughout the year,and we try to help out local schools as much as we possibly can," Kristy Genung, the historian and a field officer,said
"Ithought that one of the best things about the event was that it was during the school day so that the kids got to participate in it for school and enjoy everything with their classmates," Barbara Winstead, senior,said "They allseemed to have a great time and allthe activities were very age appropriate."
According to Genung, the organization gave seminars that offered a variety of resources and teaching tips to teachers in addition to serving the community
Other activities KDP were involved with included a scholastic book fairto help a local charity,a writer's conference at Liberty Christian Academy and Literacy Alive,where members of KDP read to students and donated books to the classrooms at Linkhorne Elementary School
Overall,the festival provided a fun day of activities for the children to attend Senior Hilary Colette Cox said,"The kids had a blast They were running around, laughing, asking if they could do the obstacle course again They loved itso much they didn't want to leave when their time was up."
The administration at the school appreciated the help from KDP. Principal Jason Mack said,"They were a big help They made the fallfestival run a lot smoother. Itwas fun for everyone." STOP
"If I could enjoy afreelunch witha professor I would choose J.J Cole because I admire herasa person, just asmuch asa professor. She alsohas greatstories!"- Rachel Sibley, SR
"My favoriteplace inLynchburg is "Best friendsshould be loyal. You have to Chicago on theJames Pizzeria because it have someone who you can depend on hasthe bestpizza."- Jonathan Finley, FR and count on Someone you don'thave t doubt theirmotives" - Nathan Renell, JR
Danielle Clark and Kristy Genung help with crafts at the Kappa DeltaPi Fall Festival. Rachel Dunham,junior, enjoyed the opportunity towork with kids andgive back tothe community
"There were atonofkids that came through of allages from kindergarten to 5th grade It wasgreat becauseall the kids enjoyed it no matter what age they were," Dunham said A student leads apony ride during the Fall Festivalwhich alsoincluded apettingzoo "Thekids seemed tohaveagreattime at thefestival They were veryexcitedto be there.," HilaryColetteCox, senior, said
"Ichose to participate in Kappa Delta Pidue toitsservice-oriented mission that seeks tohelp the Liberty, local, andglobal communities Each semester, members ofKDP volunteer for service projects that take place here at Liberty orinthe localschools Inthe Spring semester of 2008, our members hadthe opportunity to impact several schools inthe Philippinesby sending essential school supplies for the children. Serving others is one of the most rewarding experiences, and we want tohelp students tocapture the joys ofserving," Apryl Rowan, senior PiSigma Treasurer, said
"The school ofgovernment isnotonly "Myfavorite place on campus is at the
"Ifsomeone waswilling topay for preparing students for today's political top ofthe 'princess stairs'[onTheHill] me togo toanother country I would battles,buttraining students tobetop where my friend Craig fellinfront of visit Israel tounderstand God's holy Christian political leaders for tomorrow's many ofhis friends,much tohischagrin." nation This would accomplish my society" -Nick Underwood FR Chris Fournier,Graduate student wish inmy life"-Christina Row JR
"Iloved the movie 'Fireproof I cried " - Justin Fritts JR
With cookies intheir hands and hearts on their sleeves,the participants of CampusSERVE went out intothe community inhope of meeting both the spiritual and physical needs ofthe families they encountered
Every Saturday morning from 10 a.m to 1 p.m., groups went to eight different government housing sitesto spend time with children,visited nursing homes or participated inthe Helps program — going door-to-door offering to perform household chores
This student-led initiative started in 2001 when alumnus Paul Atkinson decided to begin a ministry that performed what he defined as,"more than just good works."
Director of CampusSERVE, Kevin Mahan, said, "CampusSERVE never stops with just a service project [It] has to go into a spiritual realm and say,'It'snot about us,it'sabout this community having a right relationship with Jesus.'"
For Mahan, the goal of CampusSERVE was forthe students to walk away with a desire to become more deeply involved with the personal lifeof each family lJustin Mosebach and his friend engage in a game offooseball with two children at a CampusSERVE site Students had the opportunity tovisit avarietyofsites that helpawide range ofage groups "It's a sacrificetowake upat8:00 inthe morning on Saturday,but it's somuch more rewarding tosee liveschanged through the message ofthe Cross," Andrew Cheatham, junior, said about the rewarding experience of being aCampusSERVE site leader, iDeidre Singleton reads a passage from the Bibletoagroup ofchildren Each week, CampusSERVE participantstaughta different lesson andencouraged children to participateand ask questions about the Bible "CampusSERVE has been an amazing oppprtunity to beinvolved with [It] allows me toget out ofthe Liberty bubble and witnessfirsthand how Godcan work insome ofthe most desperate situations." JanelleHoffer, sophomore, said
"These are not only children,but they are starving for Christ's love and joy,"Candace Davey,junior, said. "Knowing that I might be the only glimmer thattheir littleeyes willever see keeps me continually waking up at 9 a.m on the only morning I have to sleepin."
"Iwent over there with the intention of maybe changing a child's lifeand itwas me that was changed inthe entire process,"Giovanna Arguello, sophomore, said "They letme into their lives, but they affected mine."
IA young girl colorsduring a CampusSERVE session The program provided many opportunitiesabeneficial to students working towards acareer involvingchildren and teens Senior Jessica Pixleysaid, "CampusSERVE has prepared me foryouth ministry byone onone encounters with parents, childrenand students through teaming upforpersonal evangelism,door to door ministry andprayer walking in order to teach the necessity ofrelying onGod."
"By far, themost rewarding experience is toget tosee a child accept Christas their Savior After allthe time,effort and prayers putinto the ministryand investing inthese kids'lives, it is so rewarding tosee achild finallycome to accept Christ andhave an understanding of the Gospel That's what it's all about."
-Danielle Kearney,SR
"Dr BenGutierrez is biblically sound and up-to-date with today's churches He's preaching God's Word, and he's really good at reaching college kids" -Steve Cole.SR
"My favorite restaurant in Lynchburg isTexas Roadhouse because it has the best ribs intown " - Andrew Haga SR
"The most rewarding experience that I've hadfrom CampusSERVE would be forming relationships with thekids and watching four of them accept Jesus as their Lord andSavior Moments like these make me realizejust how lucky I am tobea part of their livesandhow I will beable tosee them grow over the years."-Deidre
"Debate has shaped my entire college experience I really enjoy competing against some of the smartest kids from allover the country andseeing how exactly we compare" - Ross Garrett JR
"Ifsomeone would payfor me to visit another country I would love to revisitthe Amazon, Brazil This summer I went and the people captured a part of my heart" - Melisa Wallace, SR
A student carefully paints a pairof TOMS shoes The TOMS shoes event was justthe beginning ofthe Studio's list of planned tripsand activities."The [Studio]is focusing on being activein the artcommunity thissemester We will be taking tripsto the Taubman Museum of Art inRoanoke and also the National Gallery inWashington DC Allof these activitieswere made possible by fund raising lastsemester,including the TOMS shoes event." Traci Tesenair, senior, said
Students begin the process ofdesignin a pair of TOMS shoes by choosing from a variety of paints Students saw the TOMS event as a way to show their creative side while helping children inneed Senior, Erica Mesman, said, "When I saw that there was going to be a TOMS event on campus I was really excited t^cause not only are they really fabulous shoes,but' forevery pairyou buy,a pair isdonated to a child who does not have shoes Afrd I wholeheartedly believe inboth of those things -great shoes and great giving," ;
Despite frigid temperatures,students gather inthe DeMoss courtyard to paint their pairof TOMS shoes'The event was open to anyone who bought a pairof shoes,regardless of their major "[The •* Studio]was created not just forthe graphics and studio artists, but forthe benefit of our community as a whole we continue to hold events and taketrips it isour mission to exude Christ through our individual creativity that He has given to us," Sarah Connally,senior, s^id .*',';"* -'.*.->Si ALLPHOT LEMAN • *'.•'} ^/Vfcj,
"After spending a semester training for the National Guard, I can't wait to get back to LU."- Brock Nardozzi,JR eating."-Elianna
"I always liketo see our otherteamswin I believe it encourages the restof athletic body and the school."-