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Athletics came a long way sincethe very beginning Footballcoach Danny Rocco, men'sbasketball coach Ritchie McKay and women's soccer coach Jessica Celi were new coaches brought insince 2006 tobolster each team's performance within our division DirectorofAthleticsJeffBarber said, "We've created a rivalrywith Coastal Carolina Typicallythey'retheones we're going tohave tofighttowintheSasser Cup."
Students often wore red"Beat Coastal"t-shirts tofootball and basketball games toshow their schoolspirit.
Senior Travis Millsremembered the football team's 1-10 record forthe 2005 season "[Now] I think wehave better quality players, and wehave more professional and able coaches,"hesaid
AccordingtoToddWetmore.AssistantAthleticsDirector forCommunications,varioussportsexperienced record attendance.Over2,000attendedamen'ssoccergame,while asmany asl5,000rowdystudentsand fansfilledWilliams Stadiumforeachhomefootballgame.Thesenumberspropelled the school intoatop10spot forathleticattendance
SeniorJennaLandpraisedBarber'sathleticefforts."He's reallycoolandinterested in thestudent body,"shesaid "He's excited about getting usexcited aboutsports."
Land also said, "I think that w e are on theverge ofgreatness and that [our school is] going tobe really good in the next fiveyears School spiritisbeing redefined into areal college sports atmosphere."
Barber said,"We're starting traditionsand we're also having success I can't deny thefact that the coaches are recruiting theright kind ofplayersand youn g people."
"One ofthe coolest things about this "I wanted to do something really "It's amazing how God made in [the kids semester was finding out how awesome meaningful with my Saturday andnotjust thatneed tojustbe held," and inspiringthefreshmangirls on my hall something tofill time So I started going - Candace Davey, JR were" - ColleenCook, SO toCampus Serve,"- Maureen Lovetro, FR
Aformerfootballplayerstandsonthesideline atWilliamsStadium One can seewhat the football uniforms looked likeinthe1980's AlumnusKevinCorreasaid,"Theteamshave gottenmorecompetitiveona nationallevelit seems Igraduatedinmay2008,buteventhen the change in the athleticprogram was on therise Football,cross-country,track.soccer and women's basketballall won conference titlesforthe firsttime inschool history."
Number 52 Ronnie Carter leaps inhopes totip the basketball to one of histeammates The game was against Lincoln on November 25, 1980 inthe old Schilling Center before itwas remodeled and we won the game 84 to 81 Ina matter ofdecades the University has observed many changes intheirathletic programs and facilities Alumnus Travis Campbell recalled, "When I got here in'02only our men's track, cross country team and women's basketball did well bn a consistent basis,but now the school is starting to get on the map in[other]sports with the addition of club teams like hockey"
With 12:12leftinthe quarter, second down and eight yards to go,the offensive player advances down the field craddeling the football as the opposing team tackles him inattempt to prevent a firstdown at a Homecoming game inthe 1980's New coaches have turned the University ina new and positive direction Alumnus Ben Handon said, "The addition of Coach Rocco and Coach Mckay inboth football and basketball [have changed the image of Liberty athletics] This is only Rocco's third season and Mckay's second and already things about their programs have people saying 'Liberty's legit.'"
The Flames hold theirtropheys with victorious spiritsas they have caputred the district title, NCCAA Basketball Champs, Past achievments have brought about an attitude of strength and perserverence Andrew McFadden,an Alumnus and assistant track coach stated,"I thinkit's great to see the new drive the work ethic of the athletic teams even since I was lastcompeting in 1996 We all see the fruitsof each other's labor really putting out for the one common purpose, toglorify God, I think now more than ever that message has been seen through the coaches and the playersas everyone is buying intothe mission and now we're reaping a lotof the payoff indifferent team successes It's great!"
What are the struggles that you have faced this year and how have you worked to overcome them?
Rachel Hammond againstVirgina Commonwealth University "The women's team has shown a lot ofspirit and sportsmanship They have playedwell and kept theirenergy up They have displayed good sportsmanship and have given ussomething excitingto watch,"Kelly Mortensen, senior, said
Who or what has been a major encouragement for you this season?
Brolin Floyd and Seth Curryanticipate the ball's movement and potential rebound inthegame againstCoastal Carolina Flames won 68-55 "I wentto a game against UNC Ashevilleintending toleaveathalftime, but it was so close I decided tostayfor the restofthegame
It was so intensewith fansthrowing paper airplaneseverywhere, going crazy and therewas even a blimp in the vines!" Adam Parker, freshmansaid, Seth Curry out maneuvers hisopponent in thegame against Charleston Southern University which ended ina 79-60 flamesvictory Fueling the school spirit and excitement thatfilledtheVines Center on game nights, theSpiritband belted out both traditionaland modern crowd pleaserswith the intensity that only big brassand percussion can muster "Being in thejazzband gives you a differentperspective on thegame
The playerssay they appreciatethe band forsetting the mood and getting them pumped up,"RachaelChastain, freshman said PHOTOSBYLESSCHOFER