40th Year Feature
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The 2011-2012 school year marked the 40th anniversary of the birth of a vision. Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr. began what was then called Lynchburg Baptist College in 1971, launching his initiative to train Champions for Christ. Trials and tribulations awaited the university, but yet it prospered. As the largest Christian evangelical university in the world, Liberty University had overcome obstacles and the vision lived on.

• Lynchburg Baptist College officially opened with 154 students.
• Classes were held in the church and its educational buildings.
• The school’s first football coach, Rock Royer, held practice on Treasure Island’s field.
• Over Christmas break, resident halls were built on Treasure Island.
• The abandoned Ruffner Elementary School was used as additional classroom space.
•The school provided residence halls to 400 students by purchasing the Virginia Hotel.
• A wrestling team was formed by coach Bob Bonheim.
• Dr. J. Harold Smith spoke at the school’s first Commencement ceremony.
• The women’s basketball team was formed under Brenda Bonheim.
• Classes were held in the old Brookville High School where Dr. Falwell graduated as valedictorian in 1950.
•The school’s official colors were changed from green and gold to red, blue, and white.

• The school’s name was changed from Lynchburg Baptist College to Liberty Baptist College.
• A prayer meeting with 2,500 attendees was held in eight inches of snow outside.
• The first year of intramurals was a success under the direction of Dr. Alfred Moore.
• A 3,000 seat tent was erected to house Convocation and large classes.
• The first Convocation was held on a grassy field overlooking the new campus.
• The Theatre Department debuted their first Shakespeare play, “As You Like It.”
• The Flag Corps. and Rifle Squad was added to the marching band.
• Dec. 17, the school announced that it had received full accreditation as a liberal arts college from the Regional Accrediting Agency, the Southern Association of College and Schools.
• 3,098 students were enrolled.
There was no white space, every inch of the walls were covered in memories. A time line of photos surrounded Evelyn Tomlin everyday as she sat in her office.

Tomlin’s walls depicted the evolution of Liberty University. Special Assistant to the VP of Finance, Tomlin had been with the university for 37 years, documenting her journey along the way.
The journey began for Tomlin on Aug. 20, 1974 on check-in day as a student accounts representative. “This place is the most awesome place I’ve ever worked,” Tomlin said as tears rolled down her face.
Tomlin’s past was deeply rooted in the university. Green Hall, formerly known as North Campus, was very significant. “I came full circle in this building,” she said. Tomlin told the story of finding peace and comfort with the Lord in a bathroom of Green Hall years before it was even a part of the university.
“I’ve seen it all,” Tomlin said. She had witnessed God’s favor on the university and the growth that had occurred to form the
largest Christian evangelical university in America.
She pointed to a photo behind her of the late Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr. and family and shared how the Falwell’s had always played such a significant role in her life. “He [Falwell Sr.] held my twins before I did,” Tomlin said as she laughed, “I was so mad.”
It was evident that Tomlin had an unconditional love for the university and for its students. Pictures of students, past and present, hung all over the walls. Her face lit up as she shared how many students had forever impacted her life. “God has allowed me to bless a lot of people, but not as the students have blessed me,” Tomlin said.
At 72 years old, Tomlin does not see her journey with the university ending anytime in the near future. “It’s a heart thing instead of a job,” she said. When asked when she was going to retire, Tomlin giggled, “If they tried to take me out of here, they’d have to drag me out.” By
Gaetane MauriceChanCellor Jerry Falwell Sr. stands by his son, Jerry Falwell Jr., while watching the football team take on Washington & Lee in 1974. The college improved its sports programs over the next several years. Photo by Les Schofer students praCtiCe their skills in a typing class in October of 1980. The school prided itself on offering students access to the newest technology available.

Photo by Bob DeVaul students leave the multi-purpose building, later named the Schilling Center, after Convocation in April 1979. Demolition of the Schilling Center began in 2012 to make room for the new Jerry Falwell Library.
Photo by Bob DeVaul students, faCulty, staff and administrators fill the multi-purpose building as Sumner Wemp speaks at a Chapel service in October of 1979. Chapel services were first held on a grassy hill and later in a large tent. Photo by Bob DeVaul


• The Prayer Chapel and tennis courts were built.
• The school’s sports teams gained full acceptance into the National Collegiate Athletic
• The B.R. Lakin School of Religion building opened.
• A soaring eagle carrying a torch became the school’s official mascot.
• The marching band was one of 12 bands chosen to march in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
• The school graduated 574 students and marked its 10th commencement.
• The monument for unborn babies was built.
• All students took a trip to Washington, D.C. for Baptist Fundamentalism.
• The school became known as Liberty University on May 6.
• The university launched its distance learning program.
• The James River flooded and washed away Treasure Island.
• Many students served in Costa Rica during Thanksgiving break.
• Macel and Jonathan Falwell graduated from the school with 4.0 GPAs.
• Jan. 22, the school was covered with 14 inches of snow after a blizzard.
• The school was named the largest private university in Virginia by the Chronicles of Higher Education.
• The Athletic Program was inducted into the NCAA.
• David’s Place was constructed in memory of David A. DeMoss.
• The Student Government Association helped collect 1,430 lbs. of food for families in the area.
• Football player, Eric Greene, was first round NFL draft for the Pittsburg Steelers.
• The Vines Center, housing 12,000 seats, was completed.
• Freshman Seminar was instituted.
• The school entered into the Big South Conference.
• The Reber-Thomas Dining Hall was completed.

• The seven-year debt reconstruction plan began in May and called for repaying 100% of principal indebtedness.
• The Spirit Rock, an eight-ton rock, was added to campus by the Spirit and Tradition Committee.
• Student Government Association sponsored the first Block Party the day before classes.
• The football stadium’s name was changed to Williams Stadium in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams.
• The school entered into the world of the internet, advancing campus technology tremendously.
• The debate team took first place in both American Debate Association and the National Debate Tournament.
• The school celebrated its silver anniversary. An enormous 25th birthday party was held in Vines Center, and 25 major events throughout the anniversary year commemorated the milestone.
• Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin, the school’s president since inception, stepped down from his role.
• Dr. John M. Borek Jr. was named interim president and later named full-time president.
• The Hangar Food Court was constructed.
• The library was renamed the A. Pierre Guillerman Library in honor of the school’s president Emeritus.
• In Sept., a prominent American foundation made an anonymous $9,000,000 donation to the school to be used to construct additional floors in DeMoss Hall.

• On Jan. 7, the Executive Committee of Liberty University’s Board of Trustees voted to begin immediate construction on the third floor of DeMoss Hall.
The STeeple of The Prayer Chapel is placed on the building by a crane in June of 1981. Students were able to go to the Prayer Chapel to have quiet, alone time with God.

building conTinueS a round the first academic buildings on the campus of Liberty Baptist College in 1978. Over the years, the campus changed dramatically from its original state as a farm.
The Men’ S ba SkeTba ll team plays at home in December of 1979. The Flames ended the 1979-80 basketball season with a 28-11 record and the NCAA National Title.

The liberTy ba pTiST College Marching Flames Band performs during halftime at Lynchburg Municipal Stadium in October of 1978. The band was selected to be in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1983. Photo

Avision was birthed and it was time for execution. Co-Founder and Dean of the School of Religion, Dr. Elmer Towns, was first skeptical of such a vision.

“Jerry Falwell [Sr.] taught me faith on so many occasions. It’s not as though I didn’t want great things to happen; I just didn’t have the inner confidence that God would do it,” Towns said. “But it was what I wanted.”
The vision began with 5,000 students and later in the year grew to 50,000. Towns remembered being apprehensive. “I really didn’t believe that it would happen,” he said. “It was far beyond my comprehension.”
Towns stressed how faith and great leadership were key factors in the success of the university. “Jerry [Falwell Sr.] had always done big things…His faith was the biggest thing that motivated me,” he said.
To many, such a vision was extravagant. Falwell Sr. opened Lynchburg Christian Academy in 1967 and four years later wanted to open a university. The only thing that Towns could say was, “he had great faith.”
Now that the vision was in place there were many things that needed to be accomplished. “We must realize there was a team of people and the team of people

• The men’s dress code was changed and no longer required that men wear ties.
• The State Council of Higher Education in Virginia approved the school’s first Ph.D. program.
• Classes were cancelled for the second time in the school’s history due to snow.
• The dress code was changed and allowed women to wear pants year round.
• North Campus was purchased from the Green family for one dollar.
• The Jerry Falwell Museum was given to Dr. Falwell for his 70th birthday.
• The Law School opened during the fall semester.
• Campus North and LaHaye Student Center officially opened in November.
• The Tolsma Indoor Track was completed.
• The American Bar Association granted provisional accreditation to the School of Law.
• The LaHaye Ice Center officially opened Jan. 1, 2006.
• Senator John McCain spoke at Commencement.
people who filled their slots and did great work for God,” Towns said.
He spoke of the obstacles Liberty had to overcome and how the faith of its leaders had to increase. Despite all that the university had to endure Towns stated that Liberty was “[t]he college that wouldn’t die.”
Comparing the 40 years of the university to the Israelites’ 40 years in the desert, Towns stated, “40 years means we’ve made it, but there are going to be giants in the land,” he said.
Towns furthered the analogy by explaining that 40 years did not mean it was the end. “There are going to be bigger problems and bigger challenges in the future then we’ve had in the past,” he said. “But they will be different challenges and different problems, so we are going to have to trust God in a different way for different victories.”
Towns was thankful that he was able to witness the 40 year mark of the university. “40 years from now, I would hope that the leadership team of Liberty would have the same vision,” he said. “And that Liberty would communicate to its students, who will probably be the core leaders of the future; both the heart and head of ministry.”
By Gaetane Maurice2007
• The Liberty University monogram was constructed on Liberty Mountain.
• Founder, Jerry Falwell, Sr. passed away on May 15.
• Doc’s Diner opened.
• Carlos Ray “Chuck” Norris spoke at Commencement.

•The Liberty Mountain Snowflex Centre opened. It was North America’s only park with patented synthetic material that simulates the slip and grip of real snow.
• The Tower Theater was built for the expansion of the department.
• The school adopted Humble Tip’s “LU Anthem” as the anthem for football games.

A new ch A p ter h A d begun for the university A s i ts 40 ye A r A n niversA ry wA s c elebr At ed in 2011. onc e A sm A l l bA p tist college, Jerry fA lwell sr . h A d gr e At A spir At ions to build A university of le A ders th At would one dAy i nfluence the world. forty ye A r s l At er, under the le A dership of his son, Jerry fA lwell Jr., l i berty u n iversity h A d grown to be the l A rgest ch risti A n evA nge lic A l u n iversity in the country.

“I was more of a preacher’s kid than a college chancellor’s son,” Falwell Jr. said as he described his journey through Liberty from the start. He depicted his childhood as living in a glass house, something many students could relate to, being preacher’s kids themselves. “Everything I did was under a microscope,” Falwell Jr. said, “It’s just something I got used to.”
Many failed to realize that the chancellor could relate. He was once a
pastor’s kid dealing with the pressures of being perfect, and once a student dealing with the stress of midterms and finals. After graduating from Liberty and receiving his law degree from the University of Virginia, Falwell Jr. became General Counsel of the university. “Those were tough years,” Falwell Jr. said. “I just remember a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of weekends trying to figure out how we were going to cover payroll on Monday.”
His transition from preacher’s kid, to
college student and to General Counsel was smooth. The greatest transition of them all was becoming chancellor. “I was behind the scenes doing work that nobody saw [as General Counsel],” Falwell Jr. said. “Becoming chancellor was totally different; it’s much more fun.”
He recalled walking around campus and thinking about what improvements needed to be made to better the
university, even as a student. “I was always telling Dad [Falwell Sr.], you need to pave this road or you need to improve this building,” he said.
When asked about his father, Falwell Jr. recounted his fondest memories being the very early years of his life and the very late years.
Falwell Jr. stated that working with his father as a young boy and working alongside his father at the university would always be some of his fondest memories.
“His big thing was perseverance and faith,” Falwell Jr. said. “He had a lot more of those than most people.”
The Legacy
Seeing the accomplishments of the school was humbling. What was once a small baptist college trying to stay
afloat was now the largest Christian evangelical university in North America. “You could see God’s hand on Liberty all the way through,” Falwell Jr. said. “It was a lot more subtle back in those days; it’s a lot more obvious now.”
“I want Liberty to become for conservative evangelicals what Brigham Young is for Mormons, what Notre Dame is for Catholics...”
He continued, “I shouldn’t say it was more subtle, but it was more survival. You could see God’s hand on Liberty, but it was God intervening to save the school and to keep it operating,” Falwell Jr. said describing the earlier years of the school. “Now, it’s more God blessing the school with tremendous growth.”
The FuTure Many would have thought that Liberty had arrived, but hitting the 40
year mark was only the beginning. “I want Liberty to become for conservative evangelicals what Brigham Young is for Mormons, what Notre Dame is for Catholics,” Falwell Jr. said. “I want Liberty to compete at the top level in football and all the other sports and to remain true to its Christian mission.”

Falwell Jr. spoke of the big dreams that he had for the university and how 40 years from now he hoped for even more expansion. “It’s already the leading Christian university in the country,” he said. “But, we want it to be academically, athletically and spiritually right at the top and among the most prominent universities in the world...” The vision of Falwell Sr. was in play. The Lord was not done with the school yet. By Gaetane Maurice

“Snow Day,” two words not heard many times on campus since it first opened in 1971. On Feb. 20, 2012, the university had one of its only snow days and when classes were cancelled, the students took advantage. Over 500 students from the dorm circle and the hill teamed up, producing one of the largest snowball fights in the history of the university. The university also enjoyed another partial snow day on Mar. 5 when all classes prior to Convocation were cancelled.

DeMoss Hall, Snowflex, and Williams Stadium were some of the first buildings students saw when entering onto campus for the new school year. One building missing however was the Hancock Athletic Center. In Feb. 2011, the demolition of the athletic center began in order to make room for the new Hancock Welcome Center.
Although it was originally scheduled to open in Oct. of 2011, the deadline was extended until the spring of 2012 to allow more time for the newest technology and amenities to be installed. The Hancock Welcome Center was added to the list
of buildings seen upon entering the university’s campus located next to the newly renovated Williams Stadium. The Jeffersonian style building housed meeting rooms, counseling rooms, a theater and a gift shop.

The university continued its face-lift with the announcement of the Jerry Falwell Library that began construction in the spring of 2012.

The new $50 million library would be located behind the Vines Center. Also incorporated into the new plans was a lake that would stand in between the library and the Vines Center.
The library would be fully equipped with new state of the art technology, terraces as study spaces and an open twostory food court. Planning to adopt the Jeffersonian architecture, the four-story building would add about 500,000 square feet of new academic space.
The Wards road ConneCTion
The university began construction for a pedestrian tunnel connecting campus to Wards Road in June 2011. It opened in Jan. of 2012. “It’s a great asset to the campus and very helpful for the students on campus who don’t have cars or just want to walk to Wal-Mart,” senior Sakinah Salley said. The tunnel emptied near the new pedestrian bridge that was opened in November of 2011, allowing students to safely cross Wards Road and have access to restaurants and various shopping centers.
It took me a while to find it at first, but once I did, it was definitely worth it. The bridge is in the perfect location. It was surprisingly clean and very well lit. Both the bridge and the tunnel are very useful and convenient.
Jenae Bartlow, SophomoreI usually take the bridge when I go to Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart every three or four weeks. I think the bridge has helped campus tremendously concerning safety. Now, people won’t have to worry about getting hit by a car.

I do like Liberty’s implementation of the bridge across Wards Road. I have yet to go through the tunnel, but it seems like an easy way for students to get access from the school to various restaurants and stores. The bridge and tunnel are great resources for Liberty to have.
Brittney Houston, Senior“ “Rendering of the Jerry Falwell Library
DeMoss Hall: The fourth floor of DeMoss Hall was opened to students for the 2011-2012 academic school year. With the addition of the fourth floor, the number of students attending classes in Green Hall was dramatically reduced. The university had planned to one day transition all classes out of Green Hall, and the opening of the fourth floor began the process.
Food Services: Founder’s Food Court, formally located in Green Hall, was moved to the Vines Center and Tilley Center in the fall semester of 2011. This was only a temporary move until a main food court was built in the new Jerry Falwell Library.

Name Change: In the summer of 2011, Campus North was renamed Green Hall after the Green family who donated the building to the university for $1. The university wanted to transition from the Main Campus, Campus North verbiage and be referred to, as a whole, as the Liberty Campus.

Student Union: The university began construction to enlarge the LaHaye Student Union. The addition planned to serve the same function as the Schilling Center, a multipurpose recreational building that would be torn down to make room for the new Jerry Falwell Library.
Student Union
Name Change
DeMoss Hall


During Convocation in Oct., the university introduced the addition of the cinematic arts concentration to the Communication Studies Department. The new opportunity was a two-year program that students could join in their junior year.

Stephan Schultze was named director of the program. Schultze, a very experienced professional in the realm of cinematography, who previously worked on several motion

pictures including Tremors and The Abyss. Schultze also worked with Henson Productions and has expereince in television, music videos and independent films.
While it was a new program, the application process was still a rigorous one. Only 40 students were accepted into the program for the fall of 2012.

The business end of making a film is equally, if not more important, than the actual creative process of making a film. Film is a business first. The new Cinematic Arts program is giving students the tools to make the creative happen while equipping them with the education to make it profitable to reach more people in the world with our message.
Drew Middleton, SeniorI am enjoying CINE 201 (Screen writing) because this class will help my writing skills improve in terms of making my characters come to life. When writing a song or script I want people to feel the emotion of what is going on to the point of where [the characters] seem like real people. Even though this program is just beginning, I’m sure it will produce plenty of successful cinematographers in the future.
Jeremy Carden, Junior
I am excited for the new cinematography program at Liberty, which I believe compliments our broadcast and video programs already in place. In addition to sending Champions for Christ out into the news world, we can now have a positive impact on the world of film. Using these mediums to advance the cause of the Kingdom of God is a powerful tool like no other in academia.
Bruce Kirk, Faculty
Forty years ago Jerry Falwell Sr. had a dream to establish a university that would one day be comparable to the University of Virginia and James Madison University. “The changes that are happening on this campus absolutely show how much God is moving,” senior class president Thomas Turner said. The announcement of a new medical school proved that the university was well on its way to accomplishing Dr. Falwell Sr.’s dream.
In Sept. 2011, the Virginia Tobacco Commission awarded the university a $12 million grant that would aid the
funding of a School of Osteopathic Medicine and expand the School of Health Sciences. The university’s grant was the second largest grant ever authorized to a medical school by the Virginia Tobacco Commission.
Chancellor Falwell believed that the new medical school would not only be an asset to the university but also to the community. Medical students would be required to assist Southside residents in need of health care as their Christian and Community Service (CSER).
The announcement of the school

stirred excitement among students. “I’m looking forward to the new medical school,” junior Sola Ayegbusi said. Students would have the opportunity to further their learning at the university.
“The Medical School is going to place Liberty on a higher stage in academics and make the university more competitive with other top institutions,” Turner said.
Along with the announcement of the medical school and expansion of the School of Health Sciences, it was also announced that a Master of Public Health would be added to the list of degrees offered to students. Associate programs would soon accompany the nursing and masters programs and would all be housed in the expanded School of Health Sciences.

“I am very excited about the expansion of both departments. It is long overdue and well deserved. It is great to see opportunities that are to come within the majors, as well as expansion on the overall programs such as master’s degrees. “
Elizabeth Alvarez, Senior
“I’m going to apply for the Master of Public Health program, it’s a big move for our department.”
Anwar Smith, Senior
Germany Switzerland


Family & Consumer sCienCes (FaCs) took a trip to london and paris in may 2012 that provided students the opportunity to learn outside oF the Classroom.
The trip allowed students to participate in a learning experience with a specialized emphasis on interior design, architecture and fashion. “I think the trips are a great idea for the school to be doing,” FACS major Timothy MacLeod said. “With FACS, especially the merchandising and interiors degree, a lot of how you learn is by observing and seeing how other designers and creators were inspired.” Students spent 11 days visiting places such as Versailles, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, Big Ben and St. Paul’s Cathedral. By
Gaetane Mauricethe sChool oF engineering and Computational sCienCes Combined ForCes and embarked on a journey like none other.
In the month of March, while the majority of students were relaxing in the sun, many Liberty students were on the mission field. Scott Pleasants, a professor who joined the university’s staff roughly eight years ago, led the trip, having prior experience as a missionary in Germany. While his mission field had taken on a new form at the university, his heart still burned for Europe.
The students worked under the leadership of Bob and Heidi Winslow, as well as institutions such as Geneva Bible College and Black Force Academy, fulfilling technological needs. “Our students are a different breed, if you will,” Pleasants said. Nonetheless, this “different breed” was able to make a huge impact in Germany, France and Switzerland.
By Rebecca AlvaradoThe new year brought about an addition to the Department of Mathematics. Leaving the traditional ways of teaching math in the classroom behind, the university progressed to the math emporium. The math emporium, offered to students who had to take lower level math courses, was a program designed to help students learn at their own pace.
While students still had to attend the classroom once a week, they
were also required to attend the math emporium a minimum of three hours per week. Tutors and professors stood by to offer their guidance if needed as students moved according to their own learning speed.
The university was very excited to see where this would lead them not only in the mathematics department but in other areas as well.
By Rebecca AlvaradoThe Best of the Best Numbers Made Easy
The Center For Worship program was named one of the leading and most inclusive worship programs in the country. With 550 undergraduate students, 349 graduate students and 32 doctoral students, the university managed to grab the attention of many, including Dr. Charles Fromm, editor and publisher of Worshipleader magazine and former owner of one of the most prestigious Christian record labels. In an issue of Worshipleader, the university was featured as one of “the best of the best.” Students had the privilege of learning from some of the most prominent characters in worship and music, and continued to make an impact in the music industry.
By Rebecca AlvaradoFairy Dust GUN SHOTS
Cowboys, fairies and spies made an appearance at the Tower Theater with the Theatre Arts Department’s line up of old classics mixed with modern favorites. Each show uniquely showcased the different talents that could be found in the Theatre Arts Department.

Among those talents, the architects for the Tower Theater received a professional design award from the American Society of Interior Design in
Oct. 2011. The Bond Comet Westmoreland Hiner (BCWH) Architects in Richmond, Va., won the first place in the Institutional category at the American Society of Interior Designers annual Interior Design Excellence awards presentation. The Theatre Arts Department continued to thrive in all aspects and continued to supply faculty, students and the community with show stopping performances.
By Gaetane MauriceSHOW LISTING Oklahoma
Little Shop of Horrors
My favorite play was OKLAHOMA!
I believe our department has an abundance of talent when it comes to acting, singing and dancing. OKLAHOMA! showcased all of those skills at a professional level. yemisi egbewole, junior
“ “
My favorite show would have to be Little Shop of Horrors. I am a little biased because I was in it but it was great because it was such a creative show. We used the set like we never have before and incorporated new technology as well. There were three short films that were custom made for our version and I really think that set it apart.
lashonda brown, senior

“ “

This year, my favorite show was Romeo and Juliet. After a long, hectic week I was able to sit back and get lost in the story. This show was different because it was Shakespeare. You really had to get past the language and be invested in the story and how the actors told it to stay engaged and understand it. Once you did, it was beautiful! shannon benton, senior
Romeo & Juliet Ragtime
The 39 Steps
Peter Pan Alluvion Stage Company
John Clampet sings baCkground vocals for the band, Adalia. Adalia included Danny Gonzalez, David Michon, John Clampet, Cory Kick and Zach Melvin. The band played rock/alternative music.

Josh sorber of the tanktops performs for the audience at one of the many campus artist series hosted in the Tilley Center. The Tanktops also performed at Christmas Coffeehouse where they played ‘N Sync’s “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.”

Cory kiCk, bass player for adalia, impresses the audience with his skillful performance. Adalia played at Campus Artist Series on Sept. 14, 2011. They set the standard for performances to come.

I count the days of your life
It’s not enough to satisfy
I see the trail you’ve blazed And legacy you’ve left behind
And I’m caught at a crossroad
Don’t know which way to go
I’m left with what I know And, well, that’s enough

Hear your voice in my mind
It’s like you’re still close “Son, step up and step in And become the man within Wipe the tears that are shed Count each loss as a gain
Keep your eyes fixed on Him Press on till we meet again.”
On Jan. 24, 2012 Student Activities held their first Campus Artist Series of the spring semester. Among the bands that performed was a band of three called GHandBrothers. GHandBrothers embodied a talented group of individuals lead by Gabe Hernandez, along with TJ Sloan and William Wilson.

GHandBrothers was the last band to perform for the night and for their last set they sang a song that was very sentimental and very close to their hearts. Wilson lost his father in Oct. of 2011 to diabetes, which caused Hernandez to birth the song “Crossroad.” Hernandez, the leader of the band, decided to put himself in Wilson’s shoes and capture the emotions of a son losing his father.
Hernandez described his thought process as he began compiling the lyrics
for this song. “I thought about what Will might have been thinking and what the last conversation between he and his dad may have sounded like,” Hernandez said. “The song envisions a father telling his son that he is the man of the household and that he must step up into the shoes that he will be leaving behind…it’s a story about loss, responsibility and a relationship with God.”
The band showed true artistry as they poured out their hearts in love for their hurting brother. As the band played, Wilson sat in the back holding onto a necklace his father had left behind for him along with memories and lessons.
Everyone in the Tilley Student Center sat still as GHandBrothers took them along on a journey of reflection. By Rebecca Alvarado
And I’m caught at a crossroad
Don’t know which way to go And I’m left with what I know And, well, that’s enough
And though here at this crossroad
I know which way to go
I will walk by what I know
And that is enough
Truth is enough
He is enough
God is enough
You are enough

The Polar Plunge was an event held by the Special Olympics of Virginia with the help of sponsors, such as the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). The event was all about fundraising for the Special Olympics of Virginia. “Plungers sign up and commit to raise fifty dollars and then plunge into the cold waters of Camp Hydaway Lake at the end of the festival on Saturday,” Haley Collins said. The goal set by PRSSA was to double the number of plungers they have had in the past, totaling 100 plungers. The festival included games, entertainment, live music, hot chocolate, face painting, giveaways and much more. It was open to the public and many Lynchburg families came to participate. “The Polar Plunge Festival is definitely a unique way to give back to an incredible group of people in the Lynchburg community,” Collins said.

Johnnie moore and Clayton king like this. View all 4 comments
Chris morgan Please do this again and again. It was such a blessing, and being an online student, I now feel I am truly part of the campus. Thank you.

november 2, 2011 at 8:42pm
Adrienne Caroline Hudson I have been to Campus Church in person, and I didn’t think I would like this as much, but g od really spoke tonight and I pray that many will be blessed with what they have heard and seen!
november 2, 2011 at 8:52pm
Jordan er tman This is so awesome! I am very excited and feel blessed that there is finally something for online students to feel connected to Liberty through Him in this way. Yay for this experience!
november 2, 2011 at 1:00am
b ob Pepe It takes the fear and intimidation out of going to Church. People can sit in their own homes and relax and worship at the same time. g ood for Liberty.

november 2, 2011 at 4:43pm



w henever I go I feel a sense of peace. I just feel renewed when I leave the prayer chapel. There’s no other place that I feel like I can go to pray, like the prayer chapel.” Jeffery White, Senior “ w hen I go to the prayer chapel I go there to pray and to do my devotions. There’s solitude and if there are people there it’s motivating to see others grow close to g od.” Jacob Anspach, Sophomore
“The best thing about the prayer chapel is that its doors are always open. I love that there is a beautiful cross on the stage; I find that there is no better-suited place on campus to kneel than at the foot of the cross.” Dominique Perry, Junior
“I like to go to the prayer chapel because its quiet and peaceful and the atmosphere helps me focus. There’s just something about being able to get away from the chaos of life and come into g od’s presence and being still.” Nawona Nhekairo, Junior
The university hosted TRAIL 2 RAILS on de c. 3 where Snowflex took students who had never skied or snowboarded before and turned them into professionals. The competition came down to 18 finalists who trained for two months in order to compete. On the other side of the campus, the second annual demoss RAIL JA m was held for the more expert skiers and snowboarders.
Christmas decorations were all over campus in buildings, residence halls and offices. “I have always loved the Christmas season, so lighting the Christmas tree while singing carols was a perfect way to bring in the holidays,” junior Jonathan du nn said. Campus was illuminated by rows of Christmas lights hung from the trees lining un iversity blvd. “It was exciting to be a part of bringing Christmas joy to our campus,” senior melissa Yowell said. The lighting of the 30-foot-tree brought about 1,200 students, faculty and staff together with carols, hot chocolate and joy.

Sn Ow b OA R d
1st Zach Huff (Liberty student)
The event held over 40 contestants that arrived with one thing on their mind, to win. The participants of the competition included guests from Roanoke, Lynchburg College, Virginia Tech and lastly some of the university’s very own Freestyle Team members. The winners were awarded with cash and prizes.
Sk I
1st Ross Rowan (b oone, n.C.)
2nd matt Rogers (Liberty’s Freestyle Team)

3rd Tanner Sinclair (b oone, n C.)
-bobby Seagers, Sophomore
On Feb. 11, many students received an automated text message that stated the city of Lynchburg was under a boil advisory due to a water main break. The break took place on wa rds Road and was caused by a
contractor hitting a 12-inch main line. Only boiled and bottled water were acceptable to drink or cook with according to the City of Lynchburg. The boil advisory was lifted a few days after.
Peacemakers, a break dancing team, performs some of their moves for Coffeehouse. Many students found the dance acts to be the most entertaining. Photo by
rob estevez sings for his act at Christmas Coffeehouse. Several students showcased their vocal talents for the audience.
this student shows no fear while performing in front of thousands. Nerves ran high in many students before going on stage.

theater students Perform the 12 Days of Christmas. Many students referred to this act as one of their favorites of the night.

The “Single for Christmas” was my favorite act, and I thought it was the funniest. They wrote a song about dumping your girlfriend before Christmas so you wouldn’t have to buy her a present. I also had two friends that were dancers for the Nutcracker act.

A Christmas Morning
Whether you enjoyed the singing, dancing, acting or comedy, the university’s Christmas Coffeehouse did not disappoint. as they had sinCe the early nineties, students gathered in the vines Center to witness speCtaCular performanCes by their Classmates.
Neil Harmon, Alicia MacLeod, T.J. MacLeod, Zach MacLeod and I went to coffeehouse to see my friend Jeff Sunheim perform with the theatre club. Their act was my favorite. They performed the Twelve Days of Christmas but with extra commentary. The act was extremely entertaining. Jeff Sundheim, Sarah Seaman, Rachel Day, Ray Jones, Caleb Hughes, Rachel Osterhus, Erica Mini, and Tim Williamson were all part of the performance.
Laurie VanBuren, Senior

The culture and diversity of the performances was a perfect blend. One of the bands added Coldplay to a Christmas classic and blew my mind. The eccentric mix of hip hop, bluegrass and beautiful renditions of Christmas classics put me in the Christmas spirit instantly. If you can get ME in the Christmas spirit, you know it must be good.
Sarah Singer, SeniorI really liked the dancing acts, but one of my favorites was the one the theatre club performed. They sang the “12 Days of Christmas,” and it was hilarious. Jennifer Carlson, Senior

My favorite group was Earl Lives at the Annex. I thought the moment when the singer pulled his glasses down and made the comment about Becki Falwell, ‘Even Becki Falwell loves a sharp dressed man,’ was hilarious. I enjoyed the videos as well.
Scott Hill, Senior
Representing the 80s
StudentS were taken back in time aS Spring coffeehouSe celebrated the 80S leg warmerS, overSized SweatShirtS and cut off jeanS could be Spotted throughout the vineS center aS StudentS enjoyed Some of their favorite 80S tuneS from michael jackSon to whitney houSton.
My favorite was The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’s performance of Whitney Houston’s ‘I Want to Dance With Somebody.’ It is probably my favorite Whitney Houston song and you could tell they were having fun on stage, which caused the audience to have fun themselves.

I was happy that Student Activities chose my group, D-Trex, to perform. As a dance group, we offered variety to the show. We had a lot of fun doing a Michael Jackson tribute that we called ‘This is It.’ My second favorite act would have to be the one performed by The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It was fun!
Abbey Jenkins, Freshman

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’s performance of Whitney Houston’s ‘I Want to Dance With Somebody’ was my favorite. I admired Ray Jones’s energy on stage. He turned it into a solo performance and made me get up and dance. I think everyone left with that song stuck in their head

ryan jacques, from the band Montview, gives his all to the performance. The band played a cover of “Free Falling.”

spencer york and his band perform a mix of classic 80s music with modern pop. They played a mash up of Police and Snow Patrol.
chris carter strikes his performance ending pose. D-Trex performed the dance routine and gave tribute to Michael Jackson. They called their routine, “This Is It.”
m att himes basks in the spotlight as he shows off his guitar skills. He was a member of the group Liberty Metal Orchestra and they performed “80s Medley.”
Photo by Kevin Manguiob

A Love that Multiplies

Preachers, authors and professional athletes are just some of the different types of people who had graced the stage of Convocation. Reality TV stars were added to the list during the fall semester of 2011. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, stars of TLC’s hit show “19 Kids & Counting,” visited Convocation to share their story and testimony about faith, family and life.

Having never viewed their show before, senior Tola Adamson-Olaotan was interested in what the Duggars had to say. “I was really excited that reality stars were going to be on campus,” she said. “I didn’t know much about them so I was excited to get to learn more.”
Adamson-Olaotan said.
The Vines Center was full of smiling faces as the students watched Michelle giggle and hold onto her husband’s arm nearly the entire time. One couldn’t help but gush as Michelle and Jim Bob shared a kiss on stage. “They were so in love. They finished each other’s sentences and it was refreshing to hear their testimony and their reasons behind the growth of their family,” senior Camille Chucks said.
Students gasped as Jim Bob and Michelle shared a kiss on stage. Jim Bob and Michelle blushed at their violation of the Liberty Way and smiled as they expressed their apologies.

The Duggars also brought along with them their five eldest daughters, Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna, who opened Convocation with a captivating violin special. “It is pretty cool that their kids go on speaking engagements with them,”
Known for their conservative views, the Duggars went more in depth about their position on marriage and birth control, touching the hearts of the students and encouraging them to stay close to the Lord and their families.
After the Duggars spoke, hundreds of students waited in line for a chance to meet them. The line wrapped around the Vines Center arena. Many students purchased copies of their Duggars’ books, “The Duggars: 20 and Counting,” and “A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make It Work,” to have the Duggars autograph them. Sophomore Janae Stracke was one of the students
Students welcomed Candace Cameron Bure onto the Convocation stage just as many of them had welcomed her into their hearts years before. Best known as “D.J. Tanner” from ABC’s “Full House,” Bure shared with students the struggles she had as a twelve-year-old girl in the media.

A full time mother and part time motivational speaker and author, Bure traveled the country sharing her experiences concerning her body image as a child in the spotlight and how things changed when she had an honest encounter with the Lord. Bure came prepared to speak to the students about her book, “Reshaping it All: Motivation for Physical and Spiritual Fitness,” but instead, told her story of how she was able to find God in the midst of a secular industry. Senior Kailey Green enjoyed Bure’s message. “I thought it was neat to see someone in the industry proclaim her faith,” she said. “She seemed really genuine.”
who waited to meet the Duggars. She shared a connection with them that other students did not. “I waited in line to talk to them because my cousin’s relative, Brittany Crist, lives with their family and is their tutor. I got to share the weird connection with them and talk to them about her for a little while,” said Stracke. Stracke waited an hour and a half before meeting the Duggars, along with many other students who gladly waited in the long line.
The university had the privilege of hosting NFL veteran Don Davis on Nov. 1 at the South Tower of Williams Stadium. Throughout his nine years in the NFL, Davis played for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, St. Louis Rams, and New England Patriots, earning two Superbowl championships.
After retiring in 2007, Davis served as the Director of the NFL Programs for Pro Athletes Outreach, an organization that offered Christcentered programs and conferences for professional athletes, coaches and their families to help them in their ministry. The audience listened attentively as Davis shared with them the struggles he faced in the industry. “The thing I remember the most about him was his confidence to share his story,” junior Tony McClendon said. “It was just something about his discipline.” This event, hosted by the Psychology Department and the Department of Health Sciences, combined the love of football and an interest in psychology to motivate and inspire students.

beN CarSON

StudEntS lEft convocation inSpirEd on m a rch 28. World-rEnoW nEd nEuroSurgEon, dr bEnJa min ca rSon, addrESSEd StudEntS about intEllEct rEform and thE importancE of Standing up for W h at onE bEliEv ES ca rSon pa S SionatEly Sh arEd hiS Story of ov Ercoming pov Erty and mEdiocrity to bEcoming thE dirEctor of pEdiatric nEuroSurgEry at JohnS hopkinS hoSpital.
There was one word to describe Carson, prestige. The author of “Gifted Hands” and “America the Beautiful,” Carson had 60 honorary doctorates and according to CNN and TIME magazine, held one of the 20 foremost positions in science. Not only an author and intellectual, Carson was also an innovator. Carson made medical history in 1987 by being the first to successfully separate Siamese twins, enabling them to survive independently of one another.
Carson spoke of his accomplishments but stressed that among all of his accolades his biggest accomplishment was allowing God to change his life. He challenged students to be bold in their aspirations and to respect persons with whom they may disagree. “I loved his bit about being politically correct. I liked the fact that he knows he can’t please everybody, and doesn’t try to,” Senior Bryant Nardozzi said. He gave the students a call to action. Carson challenged students to take their education into their own hands and to return to a standard of excellence. “ your brain has billions and billions of neurons, hundreds of billions of interconnections. It can process more than 2 million bits of information in one second. It doesn’t forget anything you have ever seen or anything you have ever heard,” Carson said. “What is your brain capable of if you actually put your mind to something?”
Election season was right around the corner and the university wanted to make sure that students had the opportunity to get to know the candidates and effectively participate in the 2012 Presidential elections. GOP presidential candidates Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry were two of the candidates who had the opportunity to address students during Convocation.
Bachmann’s message to students was to not settle for anything less than God’s best in their personal and spiritual lives. Bachmann told students that one of the best decisions that she made was to not compromise her faith in anything she did. Perry used his opportunity to speak at the world’s largest Christian university to talk about his “faith journey” and how he did not have clear direction for his life until the lessons of scripture were revealed to him.
As of Jan. 4, 2012 Bachmann suspended her presidential campaign, followed by Perry on Jan. 19, 2012.

Who was a better convo speaker?
Spiritual Empha SiS W EEk kickEd off W ith a “ba-boom” a S milES mcphErSon EncouragEd StudEntS to align thEir liv ES W ith god’ S “ba-boom” poW Er.
This was the second time McPherson, senior pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego, Calif., and former NFL player for the Los Angeles Rams and San Diego Chargers, had been the featured speaker for Spiritual Emphasis Week.

The former heroine addict spoke passionately to students as he emphasized the power that Christians have with the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s will on earth. Students left Spiritual Emphasis Week with one word in their mind, “ba-boom.”
McPherson urged students to incorporate the “ba-boom” mindset to everything that they set out to do, and to “let go, and let God.”
Rick Perry Michele Bachmann84%

“I consider myself quite conservative and having a presidential candidate speak at our school who believes that this country needs some spiritual guidance is why I believed Rick Perry was a great choice.”
franco Santos, Senior
“Michelle Bachman did an excellent job of relating to us as a student body and motivating us to never settle for anything. She spoke with confidence and I enjoyed listening to her story.”
neil harmon, Junior

Liberty University OnLine Offered mOre than 45 degrees and 100 speciaLizatiOns in a fLexibLe OnLine fOrmat that allowed students to achieve their associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in a way that best sUited them. With Over 80,000 stUdents enrOLLed in the prOgram, the University cOntinUed tO reach peOpLe aLL arOUnd the WOrLd and train champiOns fOr christ. stUdents shared their experiences Of being OnLine stUdents and the strUggLes they Overcame.
Sometimes the road we’re on doesn’t take us where we need to go. For Kathy Vaughn, this was indeed the case. Kathy had grown up in Missouri and at the young age of 18 she moved to North Carolina. “I learned what real hospitality was and the southern way of life,” stated Vaughn. She quickly fell in love with the area. A few years later, she moved back to Missouri but her heart stayed in North Carolina.
Over the next 30 years in Missouri, Vaughn married and had three children. Even after years had gone by since her time in North Carolina, she still longed to be there. After 18 years of marriage, Vaughn’s husband passed away and she was left with the puzzling question of what to do. She pondered over the question for a few years and finally decided she would return to school. Vaughn started studying nursing because

of the money it promised her.
She worked hard at her studies and tried and failed twice to enter into a nursing program. On her third attempt, she was accepted but three months into the program, she quickly realized she had been ignoring a voice that had been speaking to her all along. “I should have realized that God had other plans for me. I was blinded by the big money, and I was going to make my dreams come true,” Vaughn said. “Unknowingly, I had pushed what God had for me to the side.” She realized that her two failed attempts to get into the program had been signs that it was not what she was supposed to do.
Vaughn, then 49 years old, quickly began evaluating what God had been trying to tell her. “I spent several months in prayer wondering ‘What do you want me to do God?’ These thoughts began to flood my mine, ‘Remember when you were 17, and you wanted to go to Bible school?’” Vaughn said. It became clear
to her that she should attend Bible school and that was when her opportunity came. Vaughn discovered Liberty Online and immediately decided she wanted to be a student there. She had finally found the path God had been leading her to, but that was not all He gave her. Vaughn was already thankful to God for guiding her to her true path but then He answered yet another prayer. Vaughn spoke with one of her three daughters and learned that she was thinking about moving to South Carolina. Vaughn saw this as her opportunity to finally venture back to the place she loved, the South. Vaughn sold her house and moved to Charleston, South Carolina. Vaughn had completed her first year of studying religion through Liberty University Online. “I am so happy to know that I am where God wants me to be and look forward to what He has planned in my future!”
Liberty Online has given me the opportunity of a lifetime. Their online program really allowed me to obtain a college degree, something that I have always wanted. I became a mother at seventeen years old and then again at nineteen. The odds were definitely against me obtaining my college degree before the age of 30. Liberty Online allowed me to pursue my dreams and give my children the life they deserve. It has been a long road with a lot of hard times and financial struggles but here I am in my senior year of college and graduating in May. I would not be here without the support from God, my family and the wonderful Liberty Online staff! All of you have helped me turn my dream into a reality. The one message that I feel my story will give to others is that no matter the choices you make in your life, you can always achieve your goals. It might be harder than normal, but with hard work and dedication it can be done! Thanks Liberty Online for giving me this opportunity and I am so happy my children are able to watch my hard work payoff.
“I spent several months in prayer wondering ‘What do you want me to do God?’”Brittany Murphy
Liberty Online offered more than an education. It provided more than a certificate that stated one achieved higher learning. The online program provided hope and confidence for one to achieve their dreams of obtaining a college degree.
“By His grace I am the first child in my family to accomplish a Bachelor’s degree,” Gordon Hazell said. “Now, at 30 years of age I feel like my life can actually begin.”
Like most, Hazell wanted to attend the university residentially but due to an unfortunate financial situation, he was unable.
He spoke on wanting to pursue a career in missionary aviation, but in the situation he was in it did not seem tangible. “The devastating truth was that in our situation, no bank on the island would lend us any money for that course of study,” Hazell said.
After a year of hoping for a miracle, Hazell became discouraged. Near the end of 2002 he remembered watching television one Sunday morning and seeing the late Dr. Jerry Falwell on “The Old Time Gospel Hour.” Falwell spoke of the Liberty Home Bible Institute and Hazell immediately enrolled into the program and within a couple of weeks began studying.
Finishing the Liberty Home Bible Institute program in 2008, Hazell applied for the Liberty University School of Religion. “When I got married in 2006 I had to slow down my studies somewhat,” he said. “Working full-time and
LeSLIe BAdger
Liberty Online gave its students the “new leaf” they needed to turn their lives around. Leslie Badger was one of those students who turned to Liberty Online in an attempt to better her life.

Badger found herself stuck in a dead end job and living a less than perfect lifestyle. She had tried to pursue a college degree ten years earlier but had fell short of meeting her goal. Since then, she had been working as a bartender and facing many struggles. Nearing her breaking point, her boyfriend and later husband, advised her to get a new job and start over. Badger quickly realized that to do so she would need to go back to college. After a quick Google search, she discovered Liberty Online.
She contacted the school shortly after learning about it and enrolled in the education program. In the midst of her first set of classes, Badger quit her bartending job and started to see her life brighten before her eyes. Life seemed to be looking up for her and not just in the academic aspect. “I began to realize that God had not really forgotten me but maybe He was preparing me. I quit my bad habits, married the man who took me for the good I could become and felt the burden of a bad lifestyle lifted from my shoulders,” Badger said.
Through the support of God, her family and the people of Liberty Online, Badger found herself living a lifestyle very different than she had previously. “I look back on those past dark days as lessons learned,” she said. “Because of Liberty University, I can see a bright future ahead of me, including my graduation in May 2012.”
taking care of my wife simply was not as easy as it looked, but I pressed on still.”
After getting accepted into the School of Religion, Hazell still faced many hardships. “The devil only intensified his attacks. Pressure from work, demands at home, time constraints, difficult classes, issues at church, financial strain, bad decisions; it seemed like it all was against me right to the bitter end,” Hazell said. “I still marvel at how the Lord sustained me.”
Despite his setbacks, Hazell was able to finish his degree. “I will forever cherish my experience with Liberty University,” he said. “No other school has captured my attention like it has. It has affected my life in every aspect, especially theologically, and in terms of my understanding of ministry and God’s purpose in bringing the world back to himself.”

Many students can attest to the fact that going to school is difficult to handle. However, for Matthew Simmons, school was not the only trial he faced.

Simmons stayed very busy during his time as a student for Liberty Online. At times, his plate seemed to be overflowing with responsibilities. Many times, it seemed he could not possibly handle more than what he was already dealing with, but in the spring of his junior year, he learned his mother had breast cancer. “I had a full slate of classes, a job, church commitments and now a health crisis,” Simmons said. “Needless to say, I was approaching my breaking point.” His mother’s diagnosis presented him and his family with great struggles. “Yet through the entire process, God was good,” Simmons said.
At any given moment, Simmons and his family were being prayed for. Professors, classmates, prayer partners and the Liberty Online ministries were of constant comfort and prayer support to Simmons and his family. Each group provided great support and he expressed his gratitude toward them.
The prayers did not go unheard. Through the entire situation, Simmons’s grades did not falter and greatest of all, his mother had a successful surgery leaving her cancer free. “Nothing short of a miracle,” is how Simmons described the grace granted to him. “God truly is the provider, and I thank the Lord every day for providing Liberty Online.”
The university welcomed a new head football coach, Turner Gill, during the month of December.
Gill was a three-time, Big Eight all-conference selection, earning second-team All-American honors during his time at the University of Nebraska. He was also a Heisman Award finalist, finishing fourth in the voting during 1983.

senior pat kelly rushes down the field, outrunning his opponent. He showed great dedication throughout the season.

field after a punt return.

swiftly maneuvered his way around Lehigh’s defense.
boys started off rocky but never gave up,” Phoebe
sophomore, said.
with the ball during a game against James Madison University. The

played with great determination during the game.
University is special because it gives you an opportunity to play a sport that you love and glorify the Lord at the same time,” Brent

When push comes to shove
The university’s football season was a sensational one to say the least. The team as a whole had to say goodbye to some of their key players such as Matthew Bevins, Brandon Robinson, Chris Summers, Mike Brown, Ervin Garner and many more. However, these players left more than just their farewells behind.
In an interview with Adam Godwin, Assistant Director of Operations and Recruiting, Godwin raved about the senior class and the accomplishments they had achieved. “I think the greatest accomplishment has to be looked at in a long-term perspective. This senior class finished their careers as the most successful class in program history. No group before them had ever won more games in a career, and that is an outstanding legacy to leave,” Godwin said. “We expect to win

and we expect classes coming up behind them to break that record, but to have been a part of four championships in their five years in our program is a phenomenal achievement.”
Many of the players pushed through the season with injuries such as ankle twists, injured shoulders, and one individual even played half the season with broken ribs. The team fought harder than ever before. The seniors were not able to take another Big South Championship with them, but what they left behind was even greater. The athletics department had grown successfully, but the football program had developed rapidly. What was accomplished in the previous four years would always be remembered and these players had forever left their mark on the legacy of the mountain. By
Rebecca AlvaradoQuestion&Answer
m att Bevins
Q: What is the next step for you? NFL?
A: “Working out until Pro Day and then hopefully everything else will fall into place after that.”
Q: What was your most memorable moment?
A: “My start against North Carolina State University, because I originally wanted to go there coming out of high school.”

Q: What life lesson did you learn while playing football that you will take with you?
A: “God really is in control of your life in the small and the big things. Apart from God, it’s just a game.”
Q: What is the next step for you? NFL?
A: “Taking the time to work out and train for the NFL; I’m actually in the process of getting an agent as well.“

Br andon Robinson m ike Brown
Q: What was your most memorable moment?
A: “Winning three Big South Championships over the four years and the relationships I made.”
Q: What life lesson did you learn while playing football that you will take with you?
A: “Learning how to overcome difficult situations and how to prepare for those in the future. Perseverance to sum it all up.”
Q: What is the next step for you? NFL?
A: “Just working out until Pro Day.”
Q: What was your most memorable moment?

A: “Scoring a touchdown toward the end of the game against Ball State University.”
Q: What life lesson did you learn while playing football that you will take with you?
A: “Don’t listen to the people who tell you, you can’t. God has a plan for you.”
“The women’s team showed resilience. They didn’t play well in the first half of the season, but they proved themselves worthy by turning around and dominating during the second half. They had a young team this year, but you can tell that there is a lot of potential among them.”
Kate Powley, Senior
“This season has been full of new things for us. Now, we have a tennis facility with 12 courts that can be used to hold conference playoffs and national playoffs. This new addition will help us achieve our goal of winning Big South and playing in the NCAA National Championship. Another thing that has made this particular season special is the great cohesion we have as a team on and off the court. We like not only to spend time together during practice, but to also hang out outside the athletic environment.”
Giancarlo Lemmi, Senior

SoPhomore rebeK a h jenKinS a ggressively swings for the ball. The Lady Flames defeated Campbell 4-3.

Senior m a ndeeP Yadav demonstrates his experience during a match against U.N.C. Asheville. The team did not allow their opponent to score any points during the match, beating them 7-0.


With an overall record of 15-6 and a conference record of 3-3 before entering the Big South Men’s Tennis Championships, the Flames were ready to head to Asheville, N.C. to compete for the title of Big South Champion.

Senior Giancarlo Lemmi described the highlight of the season to be their win against Georgia Southern. “We had lost the doubles point in a tough match, but we came back strong in singles and we pulled off five out of six singles wins to win the match for us five to two,” he said. “It was a great example of how my teammates and I are invested in the program and are not willing to go down easily.”
The Lady Flames finished their regular season on Friday, Apr. 6 picking up a 7-0 win over U.N.C. Asheville. With an overall record of 11-11 and a conference record of 4-4, the Lady Flames finished with a solid record. The Lady Flames freshman Nicola Wellman was named Big South Freshman of the Week for matches played from March 26-April 1. It was the third conference recognition the Lady Flames received during the season. Alexandra Sheeran and Rebekah Jenkins were selected as Player of the Week earlier in the season as well.
By Gaetane MauriceHARD WORK meets DEDICATION
2011 BIG SoU TH MeN ’ S SoCC er CH AMPIoNS - A LoNG

The Flames won their first Big South title in five years with a 9-8-4 record in November of 2011. Captain Chris Phillips believed that a unique brotherhood was formed among the team that year. “We had some great wins this past season but we also had some tough losses,” Phillips said. “Those tough losses brought us together and that togetherness is exactly what got us a Big South title this year and one penalty kick short of going to the 2nd round of the NCAA tourney.”

Along with being named Big South Champions, the Flames had three team members; Phillip Aseweh, Darren Amoo and Uriah Bentick named to the All-Big South First team. Hard work and dedication proved to pay off for the men, also having four team members to be a part of the 2011 Big South All-Tournament Team.

“This season provided several opportunities for our team to grow a brotherhood that was very unique from the other four years I was at Liberty. Moments like having our bus break down in the middle of nowhere Virginia on our way to Indiana makes the team grow together quickly.” Christopher Phillips, Senior

“This season was different from the rest because we finally didn’t underachieve and as a team we adopted a selfless mentality that allowed us to be successful. The highlight of the season was beating #10 UVA for the first time in program history. It also was our coach’s 100th win with the program so it was a really special night.” Alex Verville, Senior
The Lady Flames had a good run ending the regular season 8-7-3 overall and 5-4-1 in Big South play. A quartet of the Lady Flames received AllConference honors that season.
Midfielder Silvia Betancourt and forward/defender Lauren Stell were named on the All-
Conference Second-Team and freshman Karen Blocker landed on the All-Academic Team. In this season, 11 different Lady Flames scored at least one goal and out of those, five players scored their first career goal in 2011. By Gaetane Maurice
freshman forward alanna dunkle keeps her focus while handling the ball during a game against Valpariso. The Lady Flames defeated them 3-1 during the Liberty Invitational Tournament.

junior midfielder junior amaya dribbles the ball down the field. Along with his teammates, he showed skill and precision with every move he made. The Flames defeated Southern Virginia 9-0 during this game.

senior forward darren amoo takes his opponent one-on-one in a game against Howard University on Sept. 16, 2011. The Flames had a successful outcome, beating Howard University 4-0.


senior guard/forward danika dale controls the pace of the game against the James Madison University Dukes. Throughout the season, the skills she learned during her basketball career at the university showed through in her leadership and performance.
T H ere WAS ON e WOr D TO De SCr I Be TH e
2 011-2012 L A Dy FL AM e ’ S SeASON, GrOWTH
The Lady Flames had always been on top of their game, managing to achieve 15 consecutive winning seasons, but this season was a season of spiritual, mental and physical growth.
Captain and redshirt senior, Avery Warley, described this season to be like none other for the team. “Seeing us gel has been such an important thing, how we work together and the chemistry on and off the court,” Warley said. “There were a lot of sacrifices made in order for us to be successful.”
The Lady Flames had a 10-game winning streak this season defeating teams such as Coastal Carolina, U.N.C. Asheville and Gardner-Webb.

Warley and Danika Dale were the only two seniors on the floor for the Lady Flames. “I’ve been able to see things from a different perspective,” Warley said. “First I was a freshman watching and being able to play with upperclassmen, now I’m a step further as a leader [captain] being able to see my younger teammates grow.”
Having been a Lady Flame since 2007, Warley hung up her Liberty red, white and blue in October to put on the red, white and blue of Team U.S.A. Warley had the opportunity to represent the university and her country in Guadalajara, Mexico at the Pan American Games. “Trust God in everything that you do,” is the advice Warley left for her teammates. “Let Him be first in everything. From running, to jumping, to working out, let Him be first in everything and trust Him no matter what.”
The Lady Flames made their 14th appearance in the NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Championship and wrapped up the season ranking No. 20 on the CollegeInsider.com Women’s MidMajor Top 25. The Flames took on No. 1 seed, Notre Dame, on Mar. 18, 2012 at the first round of the Championship series. Despite their loss, the Lady Flames went 16-2 in Big South play, and set a new record for most league wins in a single season.
By Gaetane Mauricefreshman gua rd reagan miller drives the ball down the court, bypassing her opponent during a game against Virginia Commonwealth University. “Liberty’s basketball games are always the most exciting games because they play to the very last second of the game,” el i Sanchez said.

junior forward/center

Tolu Omotola watches the ball intensely as it comes down from the net. Her determination and skill helped her to be successful during the season.

The Liberty Flames cheerleading program consists of two different teams, the red Squad and the White Squad. each team consists of roughly 16 to 20 members and are divided accordingly. The red Squad cheers for all the football games as well as men’s basketball and has the opportunity of representing the university in the UCA College Nationals. The White Squad cheers for all home football games and some of women’s basketball.

“The season went really well for us! We started practicing in August before school started to prepare for football season and competition. Then in January we competed in the UCA National Competition, advanced to finals and ended up ranking 9th in the nation! We were all proud of our accomplishments at Nationals and are looking forward to next year’s competition. We’re still in season now cheering for basketball games as well as preparing for tryouts for the upcoming school year.”
megan robinson, sophomore
“This was my second year on the team and it has been quite different from the first. Last year, everything was new to me. I was growing and learning so much from the leadership of our coach and team leaders. This year, I stepped into a leadership role for the team. For the most part this has been an exceptional year! From the beginning, we set the bar high. With that came trying times, but I believe that we have become a better team, mentally, physically and spiritually.” sean washington, captain, junior
Photo by Les Schofer Photo by Scott Hill

The men’s basketball team seemed to have their fair share of mishaps and adrenaline pumping moments. Finishing the overall season with a record of 14-18 and a conference record of 9-9, the Flames were able to recover and progress despite injuries. Senior Kizuku Scott spoke highly of the Flames in spite of some of their setbacks. “I feel like the team is playing well even though they were missing key players like John Brown,” Scott said. “But with leaders Jesse Sanders and David Minaya, I feel like they have a lot of depth and talent to where they can match up with teams like Coastal and VMI.”
Fans were excited to see what the team would accomplish during the season. There was great potential and much to be said of the men’s team that was underway. The underclassmen were able to learn hands on and from the mistakes of the team as a whole. As the No. 5 seed, the team took on No. 4 seed Charleston Southern and had an unfortunate loss in the Big South Championship Quarterfinals. Coach Dale Layer worked with the team in preparation for not only the current season but for the years to come.
By Rebecca AlvaradoGOINGJUMBO
On Jan. 9, the university changed the way Flames fans watched basketball games forever. In Vines Center hung a four-sided board containing four LED high-definition video displays, each approximately nine-feet high and 16-feet wide. The scoreboard was up and running in time for the spring semester’s first Convocation.

“I think it looks awesome! It was cool because nobody expected it and when we came back from break it was already there.” raquel harmon, junior

“Liberty basketball has a lot of good in the future. This year Liberty played a lot of nail biters where games could have gone either way, but that’s all part of the game. With the upperclassmen on the team, along with the coaching staff and Big South Player of the Year Jesse Sanders, Liberty will have an advantage at the Big South tournament. The remainder of the season and post season should be very interesting. Kizuku scott, s enior

With a 9-3 conference record and a 30-10 overall record, the Flames hit it home last season. The men played some tough games including the Georgia Bulldogs. Despite out hitting the Bulldogs, the Flames had an unfortunate loss of 5-3.
Players had been recognized for their skill and hard work by the Big South Conference including John Niggli who was named Big South Pitcher of the Week and Ryan Cordell named Co-Player of the Week for games played from April 10-17. Cordell continued to shine after having four hits, which included two home runs, against the Winthrop Eagles aiding the Flames
to an 11-1 victory. Stellar tossed eight scoreless innings leading the Flames to a 7-0 victory in another game against Winthrop.

The Lady Flames had a conference record of 6-9 and an overall record of 15-26 with six remaining series before the Big South Softball Championship. The Lady Flames claimed a series finale victory at Costal Carolina on Apr. 15 after losing the first two games. The Flames competed hard and achieved much. Freshman Amber Donovan exhibited skill after hitting a game winning three-run homer pulling a 7-5 win over Gardner-Webb. By Gaetane Maurice


During the fall semester of 2011, Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr. introduced plans to further the university as a prominent player in the athletic realm. The plans included construction of a new baseball stadium. The stadium would cost slightly more than five million dollars and would provide seating for 3,000 spectators. The project would be completed before the spring 2013 season began. The university would not begin building the field until after other building projects such as the new library, DeMoss roof and practice facilities were completed. Until completion, the baseball team continued to play at Worthington Stadium. By Whitney Moon & Rebecca Alvarado

FIGHTING for each other
The wOm eN ’ S vOLLey BALL T eA m h A d AN Ou TSTAN dI Ng SeASON T h AT wOu Ld SeT T h e STAge FOR yeA RS TO COm e.

During their season, the Lady Flames made it to the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2008. After a bittersweet loss in the first round to the number eight seed and four-time defending champion, Penn State, the team still came home with a strong sense of pride. In an interview with Nick Pierce of LibertyFlames.com, Coach Pinder stated, “Our offense came around in the tournament; we played our best ball those three matches of the season.” Pinder described his team as, “[o]ne of the greatest teams in terms of fighting for each other,” after talking about a thrilling season with a record of 20-13. The Lady Flames dominated the Big South Championship winning eight of their last sets.

“The most memorable game would be a toss up between Big South and Penn State. Big South was the most exciting because we won the tournament and walked away champions. Penn State was very memorable because we got to go play a volleyball team that holds four consecutive national championships. It was fun to be in that environment and to share the love of Christ with the other team. Afterwards we prayed and Coach Pinder shared the g ospel. It was really neat, because in the end that’s what we are all about, being Champions for Christ.”
Jeannette Larsen,
“As a freshman, there were certain responsibilities that had to be taken care of. Freshman had to carry water bottles, equipment, cleaning after the team, and letting upperclassmen go ahead of us. I would say this was a hard transition, because coming from being a senior in high school last year to being a new freshman; you’re starting all over again. The most memorable game this year was most definitely when we played Penn State. That game will stay with me forever. Being able to play the five-time national champions was an experience that I will never forget.”
GabrielleFreShman meLiS Sa r acz anxiously waits for the next play. The Lady Flames won the five-set match against g ardner-webb.

Senior DeFenSive Specia LiSt a nd libero, Courtney Cooper, digs for the ball during a scrimmage. The Lady Flames worked hard during the preseason to better themselves.

“This season has been a huge blessing after coming off an injury from the last two years. God has truly been faithful and taught me to trust Him in everything, not just high jump. High jump is a thrill. I absolutely love it. It is very rewarding to see the effort and time you put into perfecting the technique pay off when you clear a big jump! I have high-jumped for eight years now and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Next year I get to help coach at my high school, and I can’t wait to see how God has blessed the kids there through jumping and every other area of their lives!”
marianne Wheeler, senior

“Pole vault is my favorite sport in the world, it is a chance for me to let go and just have fun. I have the best teammates anyone could ever ask for, and I will truly miss jumping with all of them.”
kolby shepherd, senior“This season has been a lot of fun since I have a year of competition under my belt and know more of what I need to focus on technique wise. So far all of our men discus throwers have been doing very well so it’s fun competing within our team and pushing each other. The best thing about throwing the discus is the satisfaction of seeing a five-pound saucer come off your hand and watching it just keep going and going. The fact that there will always be that “perfect throw” eluding you is what keeps me coming back every day.”
tim abbott, sophomore

“The best part about long jump is it’s over in 30 seconds. You try and muster all of your focus and energy into one enormous effort to fling your body as far as possible. You say a prayer, grit your teeth and fly down the runway hoping that this jump will be farther than the last.”

sophomore harrison allen competes in the Liberty Opening. Harrison finished the meet taking fifth place in the heptathlon. He scored a total of 4,464 points making him the number 10 best heptathlete on the university’s all-time list. Photo by Scott Hill

junior roderick spruel takes part in a 4x100 relay during the Liberty Collegiate Invitational. The quartet consisted of Spruel, Leonard Robbins, Tarell Williams and Anthony Settje. They finished the relay in 40.82 seconds and captured first place.


The teams demanded to be seen for their success during this season. Both the track and cross country teams performed at an extraordinary level and set a standard to be admired. As whole teams and individual members, many accomplishments were obtained, including Coach Brant Tolsma who once again added the title of Big South Coach of the Year to his collection totaling 49 titles out of the 26 years he has been at the school.

Starting off the school year, the cross-country team set the tone for the following track teams. The men’s team captured first place at the Big South Cross Country Championship and the women’s team followed closely behind in second place. Zac Edwards and Jennifer Klugh were named men’s and women’s runners of the year at the championship. The team progressed to the NCAA Division I Southeast Regional Championship and finished with the men taking 11th place and the women in 22nd. To finish off the season at the Eastern College Athletic Conference and Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America Cross Country Championships, the men and women both took home eighth place standings.
Following an impressive cross-country season, the indoor and outdoor track teams did not disappoint. The men’s and women’s teams competed in the Big South Indoor Track Championship and both brought home first place standings. The men’s indoor team set the Big South Conference record for all events for the most consecutive wins at the Big South Championship, winning their 15th title in a row. The indoor track teams started their season on March 9 at the Coastal Carolina Invitational. The meet started them off to an impressive season.
Team members grew as individual athletes but also as teams. “The highlight of the season, in my opinion, would be our conference meet where we made it about the team effort rather than individual performances,” said Junior Cody Fridgen. Through their individual and team efforts, the members made the season one to remember.
By Whitney Moon freshman melissa roh W er performs the triple jump during the Liberty Collegiate Invitational. Rohwer took fifth place in the event and earned sixth place on Liberty’s all-time performance list for the outdoor women’s triple jump. Photo by Joel Coleman

THe UniversiT y offered 31 differenT clUb sporT programs for sTUdenTs To parTicipaTe in. THey ranged from wresTling To Tae kwon do and all sorTs in beT ween THe program provided sTUdenT aTHleTes an opporTUniT y To be involved.

Men’ S LaCroS Se
It has been a great experience helping start the team and playing with these guys. Last season, our first season, we finished 4-4 and third in the conference. This season we’re a lot better and hope to not only win conference, but make it to the divisional championship.
Jarrett Chambers, Senior
Figure SkaT i ng
Juggling school, skating, and being a prayer leader is definitely a lot to have on my plate this year. However, being involved in all three things has really grown my character. God has taught me a lot through being on leadership such as putting His will first before my own. School has also been more of a challenge as I progress into the harder core courses of my major. I have learned that it takes hard work and discipline to study and be on leadership at the same time. Skating also requires hard work and dedication so that I keep pushing myself to full potential. It is through God’s strength that I have been able to study, serve on my hall, and skate at the same time. It is also a privilege that the Lord has blessed me with skating, leadership, and studying at Liberty University. ‘The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.’ Psalm 118:14
Kelly Pollock, Captain, SophomoreWre STLi ng

This year, wrestling for Liberty has been quite the experience. Initially we all came in and many of us had the “it’s just a club” mentality. Soon enough, we changed that and began to take our team and program much more seriously and that’s when we began working for a possible national title. The fact that it’s a club sport gives guys that wouldn’t have made the D1 team a chance to experience collegiate athletics. This has not only been fun but also a great ministry platform.
TJ Sloan, SeniorSynC h ronized SkaT i ng

So far, balancing the leadership roles of a team captain and a prayer leader have been a challenge but they have taught me a lot about responsibility. There have been ups and downs throughout the year and it hasn’t been easy to do both, but ultimately my experiences have been very rewarding spiritually and I’ve learned many life skills for my future.
Lindsay Wethington, Captain, Sophomore

“It’s great getting a chance to play sports competitively with such little time to commit.”
Matt Miller, Junior

“I personally love volleyball and was thrilled to find that I could play for fun here at Liberty. Through the formation of teams and playing other teams I met so many people and made a lot of friends and on top of that, had a great workout with volleyball at least twice a week! It was a great distraction from studying. I would recommend it to anyone who loves volleyball or wants a great workout away from the monotonous gym!”
Rhoda Meyers, Senior

JunioR DeRick SiMpSon catches a pass. Intramural football was played on the indoor soccer field.

“I love having softball as an option for an outlet to release my stress! Especially competitively.”
Brina Baker, Senior
nuMBeR 12 ShootS a fRee throw. Students watched and played intramural sports to escape the stress of school.

“It’s a great opportunity to be part of an uplifting league that not only kept me fit physically but also improved my spiritual health.”
patrick Shorts,“I am a very competitive person and I enjoy getting to feed that aspect of myself through playing intramural football. I played sports in high school and baseball at my previous college. Playing intramural football allows me to still participate in a sports team.”

“Playing intramural sports gives those of us who played sports in high school the opportunity to still play even though we didn’t make it to the collegiate level.”
Darian Sealey,

flamespy awards

The university hosted the first ever Flamespy Awards. Twenty-five awards were given to honor the accomplishments of student-athletes and coaches.


Liberty Athletics hosted the first-ever Flamespy Awards at the Tower Theater on May 1, 2012. The Flamespy Awards celebrated student athletes’ accomplishments on and off the field throughout the year. Dinner was served in the newly-opened Schilling Center that hosted the athletes, athletic administrators, coaches, and other distinguished guests from around the Liberty community.
Student athletes came dressed to impress as they walked the red carpet prior to the awards ceremony. Upon arrival to the Tower Theater, guests enjoyed a 60-minute show provided by the Flames Sports Network highlighting major events that occurred during each athletic season. Twentyfive awards were presented throughout the night. The ceremony concluded with Director of Athletics Jeff Barber awarding the Cornerstone Award to Jerry Falwell, Jr., and his wife, Becki. The awards highlighted yet another successful year for the Liberty Athletics Department.


trey w immer and k a ren Blocker smile for a photo after receiving the male and female Dr. Jerry Falwell Leadership awards. wi mmer and Blocker both expressed how honored they were to be presented with such awards. Photo by Les Schofer
FLAm espY AwA r Ds
AD Commitment to e xC e LL enC e Megan Neff, Cheerleading*
Gi F t s oF the spiri t Rueben Gaines*
proF e ssor oF the Ye A r
Carolyn Towles, English*
Best su pportinG Ath L e te oF the Ye A r
Malcolm Boyd, Football
Courtney Cooper, Volleyball*
Laura Nyholt, women’s Soccer
per sever A nC e oF JoB
Giancarlo Lemmi, Men’s Tennis
Jen Moyer, Lacrosse*
Asa Chapman, Football
Best BL o ope r
Dillon Segur, Men’s Tennis (during a doubles match, he hit his teammate in the face with the tennis ball)
Sam Duininck, Men’s Soccer (while chasing after a ball at IUPUI, he flipped over a fence and went down a hill)
Tomasz Gielo, Men’s Basketball (during a substitution against Campbell, he ran onto the court without his jersey)*
Best C Lu t Ch pe r F orm A nC e
Antwan Burrus, Men’s Basketball (three point buzzer beater against Charleston Southern)
Kevin Fogg, Football (100-yard return for a touchdown against Charleston Southern)
Dalton Sype, Baseball (triple in the bottom of the ninth to win a game against The Citadel)*
Best Finish
Antwan Burrus, Men’s Basketball (three point buzzer beater against Charleston Southern)*
Chris Summers, Football (game-winning touchdown reception in overtime against Presbyterian College)
Meghan Burggraf, women’s Track (dominant 800 meter victory at the Liberty Collegiate Inviational)
Best u p set
Men’s Soccer vs. No. 10 Virginia Baseball vs. No. 14 Virginia and No. 6 North Carolina* wayne ha rrell, Men’s Tennis vs. ok lahoma State
Best Ch A m pionship pe r F or m A nC e
women’s Swimming (Second place finish at the C.C.S.A. Championships)
Men’s Soccer (wi nning its second Big South title)*
Jocolyn wi lliams, Track & Field (wi nning the weight throw title at the Big South Indoor Track Championships and the ECAC Championships, breaking her own personal record)
mo st ou tstA n Di nG t e A m Baseball (best start in program history)
women’s Basketball (winning its 14th Big South title in the last 16 years)
Track & Field (men’s indoor & outdoor Big South titles, women’s indoor Big South title)* Volleyball (winning its sixth Big South title in program history)
Bre A k throuGh Ath L e te oF the Ye A r Kevin Fogg, Football*
Reagan Miller, women’s Basketball
Mychelle Cumings, women’s Track & Field Richard wr ight, Football
su pport s tA FF oF the Ye A r
Paul Carmany, Assistant Athletics Communications Director
Mickey Guridy, Senior Associate Athletics Director –Internal o perations*
Sara Norman, C.A.S.A.S.
Matt Staton, Assistant Athletics Business Manager/Game o perations
AssistA n t CoACh oF the Ye A r
Ethan Allen, women’s Soccer

Lance Bingham, Track & Field
Ryan Fitzwilliam, Men’s & women’s Tennis
Pete McFadden, Track & Field*
pLAY oF the Ye A r
Antwan Burrus, Men’s Basketball (three point buzzer beater against Charleston Southern)
Francis Bah and wa lt Aikens, Football (sack and touchdown return against N.C. State)
Chris Summers and Mike Brown, Football (game-winning touchdown pass and reception in overtime against Presbyterian College)*
Fem A L e ro okie Ath L e te oF the Ye A r
Kelby Allen, Softball
Mychelle Cumings, women’s Track & Field*
Reagan Miller, women’s Basketball helen Doolittle, Field hockey
mAL e ro okie Ath L e te oF the Ye A r
Alex Close, Baseball
Leonard Robbins, Men’s Track & Field*
Nick Sigmon, Football
Scott Sutarik, Men’s Soccer
Best Fem A L e Ath L e te oF the Ye A r
Avery wa rley, women’s Basketball*
Brye Ravettine, Swimming
Alyssa Pegues, women’s Track & Field
Loren Thomas, Volleyball
Best mAL e Ath L e te oF the Ye A r
Mike Brown, Football wa lt Aikens, Football/Men’s Basketball
Robert Karlsson, Golf*
h e A D CoACh oF the Ye A r
Jeff Alder, Men’s Soccer
Jodi Murphy, Field hockey*

Shane Pinder, Volleyball
Brant Tolsma, Track & Field
ro Ck roY e r/ m AC r i ver A
Jesse Sanders, Men’s Basketball*
Dr. JerrY FA Lw e L L Le A De rship
Female Nominees

Karen Blocker, women’s Soccer*
Jenn Klugh, Track
Chloe Mcintosh, Lacrosse
Laura Nyholt, women’s Soccer
Male Nominees
Cory Freeman, Football
Giancarlo Lemmi, Men’s Tennis
Jesse Sanders, Men’s Basketball
Trey wi mmer, Baseball*
t he Cornerstone
Jerry Falwell, Jr., Liberty University Chancellor and President, and his wife, Becki*
*Recipient of Flamespy Award
Over 5,000 students gathered in the front of the Arthur S. DeMoss Learning Center on Friday, Sept. 2, 2011 to participate in a tradition that began many years ago. The All Night of Prayer kicked off the university’s Spiritual Emphasis Week with students praying every hour on the hour from Friday evening through Saturday. Prayers and songs filled campus as students visited 26 different stations leading them in prayer for the campus, the world and personal needs.

Football: 1 Chris Summers, 2 Ervin Garner, 3 Kevin Fogg , 4 Bobby Partilla, 5 Korrey Davis, 6 Josh Woodrum, 6 Ryan Ayers, 7 B.J. Hayes, 8 Brent Vinson, 9 Pat Kelly, 10 Mike Brown, 11 Gabe Henderson, 11 Sorie Bayoh, 12 Tyler Brennan, 13 Ron Hobby, 14 Kenny Scott, 15 Greg Pratt, 15 Ricky Kyles, 16 Demetrius Ward, 16 Jaquan Glover, 17 Elliott Dutra, 18 Brian Hudson, 19 Walt Aikens, 20 Aldreakis Allen, 21 Randy Spann, 22 Brandon Robinson, 22 Julian Poindexter, 23 D.J. Edmond, 24 Sirchauncey Holloway, 25 Chase Barnett, 26 Desmond Rice, 26 Darec Brooks, 27 Jacob Hagen, 28 KaJuan Lee, 28 John McConnell, 29 Jeffery Henderson, 30 Scott Hyland, 31 Andrew Jauch, 32 Chris Mayo, 33 Jimmy O’Grady, 34 Marques Jenkins, 35 Matthew Baptiste, 36 Pierre Hawkes, 37 Kirby Anderson, 38 Thomas Nelson, 39 Lewis Bailey, 40 Andrell Morrison, 40 Miles Hunter, 41 Nicky Fualaau, 42 Justin Gunn, 43 Aaron Dial, 44 Eric Fath, 45 Nick Sigmon, 45 Dexter Herman, 46 Francis Bah, 47 Mike Larsson, 47 Leo Cardenas, 48 Peter Gagliardi, 49 Matt Bevins, 50 Chase Griffiths, 51 Ray Jones, 52 Alex Kacere, 53 Brian Arelt, 54 Kevin Widener, 55 Mike Connolly, 56 Greg Ray, 57 Nick Martin, 58 Greg Schuster, 59 Dylan Lewellyn, 60 Bryant Lewellyn, 64 Richard Wright, 65 Mark Tomlin, 66 D.J. Sellman, 67 Trevor Jenkins, 68 Jay Weatherington, 70 Aaron Brown, 72 Stan Herring, 73 Mitch Hanson, 74 Andre Mondor, 75 Toney White, 76 Grant Jones, 77 Malcolm Boyd, 78 Aaron Lundy, 81 Garrett Long, 82 Ty Billie, 82 Brandon Apon, 83 Ryan Ferguson, 84 Patrick Gibson, 85 Branden Francis, 86 Michael Johnson, 87 Christian Griffith, 88 Andrew Cordasco, 89 Tommy Shaver, 90 Dominique Davis, 91 Dylan Bowman, 92 Nolan Spicer, 93 Paco Varol, 94 Toby Onyechi, 95 Matt Stokes, 96 Luke Pingley, 97 Hunter Steward, 98 Asa Chapman, 99 Cory Freeman; Staff: Daniel Rocco, Pete Sundheim, Tom Clark, Brandon Streeter, Marshall Roberts, H.T. Kinney, Charlie Skalaski, Wally Ake, Levern Belin, Blaine McCorkle, Manny Rojas, Paul Rutigliano, Dr. Ed Gomes, Mike Morris, Chris Brown, Danny Wenger, Chris Casola, Barry Finke, Bill Gilespie, Dave Williams, Bev Cole, and Adam Godwin; Cheearleading: Front row: Morgan Hoeritz, Brittany Sands, Breanna Slagle, Tina Arnett, Kayla Rawls, Stephanie Pruett, Megan Neff, Megan Robinson, Jessica Jensen, Kara Callihan, Shelby Locklear, Sydney Comer, Brittany Neal, Katie Walkder; Second row: Rachael Calloway, Taylor Mathis, Brittany Durnil, Raina Brooks, Andrea Passaglia, Whitney Mock, Amy Clemenson, Amber Mackenzie, Kaitlyn Bernhardt, Emma Overby, Jessica Young, Jessica Mailloux, Courtney Brumfield; Back row: Jared Kelly, Daniel Shadrach, Logan Moyer, Nicholas Thomason, Sam Davidson, Sean Washington, Nate Cassa, Bryan Munoz-Leon, Matthew Helmick, Jonathan Lane; Staff: Jennifer B. Sydnor

n c state L 21-43
robert morris W 38-7

james madison u L 24-27
L ehigh L 24-27
kentucky W es L eyan
18 Brittney Johnson, 7 Chelsey Johnson, 13 Bridgette Kelly, 3 Aimee Luurtsema, 4 Bekah Moye, 15 Casey Norris, 16 Laura Nyholt, 17 Helena Pereira, 14 Sarah Robinson, 5 Madison Short, 21 Rebecca Smith, 22 Lauren Stell, 28 Geena Swentik, 8 Megan Warner, 9 Sarah Winship;
MEN’S SOCCER (11-6-3)

wOMEN’S SOCCER (9-8-3)

Wrestling: John Aguiar, Brice Bahhur, Jeremy Beale, Aaron Beverly, Gabe Bird, A.J. Blosenski, Chase Boontjer, Justin Branham, Royal Brettrager, Jordan Bruckner, Mark Busse, Jonathon Chilcott, Bobby Clymer, Scott Clymer, Zach Cox, Peter Crawford, Lucas Dixon, Robert Evans, Wanick Fayette, Andrew Goolsby, Jacob Hood, Nick Knowles, Brandon Lawrence, Bobby Leffew, Christopher McDonnell, Trevor McGlynn, Brandon McKee, Josiah Merritt, Ryan Miller, Joseph Nappi, Jack Neblett, Ian Olsen, Rogelio Ponce, Eric Reger, Robert Rushnak, Grayson Sherman, Terrence Sloa , Justin Smith, Josh Sturgill, Aaron Thompson, John Timmer, Matthew Voss, Keyshawn Ward, Pete Ward, Andrew Wilson, Eric Woodard, Jake Wright; Staff: Jesse Castro, Rory Bosek, Aaron Kelley, and Alan Hackmann; volleyball: 4 Courtney Boggs, 6 Lauren Bosché, 15 Courtney Cooper, 13 Jade Craycraft, 25 Caroline Douglas, 9 Ansley Gebben, 5 Kaylee Groeneveld, 12 Lillie Happel, 20 Becca Haraf, 10 Kelly Haseman, 22 Jeannette Larsen, 23 Erica Manor, 7 Melissa Racz, 1 Kendle Rollins, 8 Gabrielle Shipe, 21 Loren Thomas, 2 Rebecca Warren; Staff: Shane Pinder, Jennifer Vaden, and Becky Rudnick


Seth Adams, 6 Seth Jensen, 7 Jackson Kuhn, 8 Scott Morongell, 9 Andrew McCombe, 10 Joe Smith, 11 Matt Sherry, 12 Christian Garland, 15 Ivan Smirnov, 16 Lindsay LeBlanc, 18 Ryley Egan, 19 Luke Aitken, 22 Brent Boschman, 23 Luke Baumgarten, 24 Rick Turner, 27 Josh Cornelissen, 33 Clayton Brown, 35 Blair Bennett, 44 Cam Bakker, 68 Aaron Semiao, 92 Jake Hannon, 93 Ryan Kerr; Staff: Kirk Handy, Jeff Boettger, Jeff Lowes, Mike Binnie, Dr. Richard Lane, Darlene Martin, Angie Witt, and Joe Lovitt; WoMen’s Di hockey: 9 Nikki McCombe, 92 Stacey Christiaans, 27 Amanda Grainger, 11 Sarah Stevenson, 13 Carly Peleshok, 21 Laura Del Monte, 4 Stephanie St. Amand, 19 Kathryn Girnus, 17 Courtney Fischer, 12 Madison Fischer, 15 Autumn Kucharczyk, 67 Rebekah Bendle, 33 Samantha Rupp, 01 Chantal Lischynski; Staff: Paul Bloomfield, Justin Forth, Josh Graham, Crystal Toney, and Misty Pirus
michigan state t 1-1
northeastern university L 1-2

macha p L ayoffs
virginia tech W 3-2
u m b c L 2-3
bo WL ing green W 6-3 virginia tech L 3-5




BASEBALL (41-19)

SOFTBALL (19-36)


gopher invitationa L 8 th out of


DFor several years, the SELAH yearbook had been named one of the top yearbooks in the country and received many awards. The yearbook’s awards included recognition from the Associated Collegiate Press and Silver Crown Awards from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, only awarded to a select few from over 1,000 national entries. The yearbook added to the collection its first Gold Crown Award from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association during the 2011-2012 school year. The 2011 SELAH Editor-InChief, Brett Hastie, 2011 Design Editor,
Brittany Mortensen and 2012 Editor-InChief, Whitney Moon went to Columbia University in New York, N.Y. to claim the award on March 18, 2012.
Leading the way in the realm of yearbooks, SELAH was reinvented to include an online option for students. The online version was provided at no cost to its viewers and included numerous new features. With this change came the addition of videos, personal profiles, online signatures and much more.

The 2012 yearbook wasn’t the only one that became available online. All of the school’s past yearbooks dating back to

Train and lead staff to produce their best work to develop a book that exemplifies the campus community. Troubleshoot all problems, regularly communicating with the staff and administrators
Managing/Supplemental Editor

Develop story ideas, conduct interviews and write stories. Provide insight for use of theme and ideas for the yearbook. Conduct daily office tasks.

Marketing Manager
Plan, organize and execute all events to promote awareness, involvement and sales of the yearbook.
1974 when the program began were also hosted on the internet for all to see.
A printed book was still offered and it was also upgraded to include personalized pages. These personalized pages allowed students to add in their own photos so they could capture their personal memories.
In celebration of the yearbook, a SELAH release party was held after Convocation on April 25, 2012. The changes to the yearbook program allowed more students the opportunity to view the book and stay connected with their history at the university. By
Art Director Develop all design elements for the yearbook. Coordinate copy, photos, and content submitted into coherent, creative design that demonstrates a common theme. Design all yearbook content.

Copy Editor
Develop story ideas, conduct interviews, write stories and edit all copy. Provide insight for use of theme and ideas for the yearbook.
Joel coleM a n helps out W ith the release party that was held in the front of DeMoss on April 25. Joel and the rest of the university’s photography team provided many photos for the yearbook. Photo by Cali Lowdermilk
Katie a nfindsen seRv es snoW cones to the hundreds of students who came to the event. Katie helped coordinate many of the marketing events. Photo by Joel Coleman

Gaetane MauRice uses the ipad to show students the new online yearbook as they wait in line. Students were excited about viewing all 38 editions of the yearbook online.

hundReds of students line up in front of DeMoss at the yearbook release party. In honor of the newly released yearbook, the SELAH staff provided students with free cotton candy and snow cones. Photo by Kevin

Jacob a nspach and Whitney Moon interact with graduating students at the Vistor’s Center. The graduates enjoyed looking back at their years at the school. Photo by Cali Lowdermilk
Whitney Moon announces the neW online and print options of the yearbook at convocation on April 25. Students were invited to a release party that was held after Convocation.

Rebecca a lva Rdo, Jacob a nspach, and Gaetane Maurice smile for a candid. They were excited to see the completed book.

Many ecstatic graduates sMile for a candid while attending Commencement. More than 34,000 proud guests and 6,000 graduates filled Williams Stadium that day.

Patrick a ndrews joins in the Commencement festivities Saturday, May 12. After Andrews was involved in a car accident in 1994, Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr. promised Andrews that if he would return to school, he would take care of the expenses himself. Sparky presented Andrews with an orange mortar board on Saturday since he was known for wearing orange around campus. Photo by Joel Coleman governor and goP candidate Mitt Romney and Chancellor Jerry Falwell, Jr. stand on the stage at Commencement while waiting for Romney to address the many guests and students. The campus also welcomed Luis Palau as the Baccalaureate speaker.
Photo by Joel Coleman

Over 34,000 guests were present to honor the graduates and to hear Governor and GOP candidate Mitt Romney deliver the Commencement address.
The celebration kicked off on Friday, May 11 with a Baccalaureate service and an inspiring message from evangelist Luis Palau. A reception was also held that day for Liberty University Online students honoring their accomplishments and allowing them to explore the campus and interact with fellow students and professors.
After the Baccalaureate service, the school’s first Military Graduate Recognition Ceremony took place in the Vines Center. The event recognized the accomplishments of veteran students and more than 2,000 graduating service members.
The celebration continued with the
official Commencement ceremony on Saturday. During Commencement, Romney congratulated graduates on their accomplishments. He also encouraged them, now that they had finished one journey, to look at graduation as another beginning. He encouraged a lifestyle of service and challenged students to operate in the purpose and mission of their lives.
Romney told the graduates “you leave Liberty with conviction and confidence as your armor. You know what you believe. You know who you are. And you know whom you will serve. Not all colleges instill that kind of confidence, but it will be among the most prized qualities from your education here.”

Following Commencement, the graduates departed to attend their degree awarding ceremonies.

CommenCem ent 2012

“You have sacrificed and labored for many years to make this day into a reality - we are proud of you.” Jerry Falwell, Jr.

“Liberty was a school that wasn’t supposed to happen. Everybody said it couldn’t be done. A Conservative Christian school could not survive, but we did.”

AHarrah, Wesley
Abbe, Lauren
Abbott, David
Abbott, Joy E
Abbott, Steven
Abbott, Timothy
Abebe, Samuel M

Abel, Emily A
Abel, Lauren K
Abildness, Derek
Ablett, Kristina A
Abramowicz, Jared T
Abrams, DaMeka L
Abramson, Weston T

Acell, Kelsey H
Aceves, Alberto

Achtau, Roland
Acker, Jordan D
Ackerman, Daniel K
Acree, Mary K
Acree, Stephen
Acres, Jaylyn M
Adams, Abigail
Adams, Andrew W
Adams, Angela A
Adams, Bradleigh
Adams, Brittany
Adams, Chad
Adams, Courtney R
Adams, Daniel C
Adams, Daniel H
Adams, Danielle
Adams, Dylan R
Adams, Jeremy
Adams, John N
Adams, Katelyn R
Adams, Matthew T

Adams, Melissa N
Adams, Rhiannon N
Adams, Royce
Adams, Stacie R
Adams, Zachary A
Adamson, AnneMaria
Addington, Ashley N
Adebayo, Amos
Adebayo, J
Adkins, Arey
Adkins, Hannah

Adkins, Morgan
Adler, Joshua R
Aertker, John C

Aghaji, Mia N
Agnoletto, Alexander
Agoe Larbie, Claus
Aguiar, John
Aita, Stephen
Ajibola, Oluwateniola O
Akerele, Kayode O
Akers, Benjamin C

Akers, Daniel
Akers, Sarah E
Akimov, Angelica S
Al Naimat, Danial
Albaugh, Elizabeth A

Alberino, Christina
Albright, James P

Albury, Catherine
Aldrich, Erik
Aldridge, Austin M
Alexander, Corey J
Alexander, Jordan
Alford, Taylor M

Ali, Rachel M
Ali, Simeon
Allen, Carrie A
Allen, Debra M

Allen, Jacqueline
Allen, Kelby B
Allen, Kristi M

Allen, Lara L
Allen, Lauren A
Allen, Richard J
Allen, Sarah E
Allen, Thomas V

Allen, William B
Allensworth, Joshua D

Allerdings, Melanie
Alley, Joshua D
Allgood, Riley
Allison, Daniel C
Allison, Luke W
Allocco, Charles

Alsobrook, Jordan
Alsop, Katherine C

Alsop, Sara A
Altis, Ashley N
Alvarado, Angel
Alvarado, Ashlee R

Alvarado, Noelia
Alvarenga, Cesia R

Alvarez, Benjamin
Alverson, Haley

Amaya, Andrea A
Amaya, Manuel A
Amaya, Rafael
Ambrosino, Fortuna
Amert, Chelsea L
Ames, Elizabeth
Ametam, Joseph
Amiri, Timothy J

Amoah, Abigail A
Amos, Valencia L
Andersen, Karsten E
Anderson, Alicia
Anderson, Andrew G

Anderson, Brooke
Anderson, Chelsea
Anderson, Derek M

Anderson, Gordon E
Anderson, Jamir
Anderson, Joanna

Anderson, Kirby M
Anderson, Kristi N
Anderson, Nicole E
Anderson, Taylor
Anderson, Tyler C

Anderson, William D
Andres, Noelle
Andrews, Chelsea
Andrews, Philip N
Andrick, Tyler
Ange, Daniel J
Ange, Donna
Angione, Jeremy
Angle, Staton
Aniol, Joellyne N
Annette, Patrick
Anspach, Jacob S

Antezana, Justin D
Anthony, Holly A
Anthony, Richard
Anthony, Summer
Antonio, Stephen
Antoury, Amina S
Apa, Henrietta
Apon, Robert B
Apthorp, Alan R
Arbuckle, Ann M
Archer, Page K
Ardon Jones, Vanessa
Argyropoulos, Alexander P

Arias, Isaac
Arisman, Jacob

Armstrong, Cody
Armstrong, Emily
Armstrong, Jesse L
Armstrong, John Arnold, Cody
Arnold, Paloma
Arnoux, Shawnte

Aron, Michelle
Arp-Barnett, Zack

Arpin, Ryan
Arrington, David

Arslain, Kara L
Arslain, Paul
Artale, Michael P
Arthur, Dominique T
Arvey, Christopher M

Asante, Diana Serwaa
Asante, Kwadwo N
Asbury, Candace B

Ash, Robert W
Ashbaugh, Julianne E
Ashby, Samantha L

Asher, Matthew T

Ashley, Katlin L
Ashmore, Matthew

Ashworth, Trey S
Asihene, Alvin

Askren, Nicole M
Askren, Travis
Assinesi, Kelly S
Atangan, Nathaniel
Atewologun, Olubunmi
Athanasiou, Alexandra
Atkins, Matthew

Atwood, Laurel B
Au, Chi-Hang B
Aube, Courtney L

Aucott, Rebecca E
Aughenbaugh, Catherine G
Augustin, Jean Climaque
Augustus, Teresia M
Austin, David O

Austin, Leamon M
Auton, Sean M
Averette, Lauren
Axon, Brianna

Ayodeji, Savon O

Ayres, James

Azubuike, Chizoba
Azuero Tejada, Jorge A
Babb, Lydia F
Babb, Sarah E
Babcock, Meghan P Baber, Kristen L Bachelder, David K
Baczewski, Monica
Bae, Geu Rim
Baez, Audrey
Baez, Jessica M
Baez, Luis G
Baggarly, Kelsey D Bai, Jiabin Bailey, Alicia A
Bailey, Andrew Bailey, Brooke
Bailey, Jennifer B
Bailey, Jonathan W

Bailey, Joshua W Bailey, Mallory A Bailey, Taylor G Bailiff, Amber
Bain, Norshanti N Baine, Ashley D
Baines, Krystal S
Baird-Rhymer, Mery C

Bajramoski, Thomas J
Bak, Yulhuem

Bakaitis, Zachary D Baker, Anna V
Baker, Arthur S

Baker, Bronwyn C

Baker, Dianna L

Baker, Jesse A
Baker, Morgan
Baker, Rachel N
Baker, Riley C Baker, Sandra J
Baker, Stephanie R

Bakker, Cameron
Balcom, Aleeza B

Baldino, Hannah
Bales, Brock K Ball, Chandler V Ball, Jeremy R Ball, Kaitlyn R
Ballance, Taylor C

Ballew, Jaime

Bamford, Audrey B
Banda, Chimwemwe

Bandari, Nissy

Bandeaux, Kasey N
Bandy, Kristin A
Bane, Carrie
Banks, Angela
Banks, Isaac
Banther, Korey N
Banton, Dakota W
Baquero Fierro, Lina María
Barahona, Reina I
Barahona Murillo, G Barbeau, Michael S

Barbee, Cody L

Barber, Christopher Barber, Marisa
Barbir, Joshua
Barbir, Nicolas J

Barbir, Timothy D Bardy, Amanda L Barefoot, Caleb
Barela, Adam C
Barese, Sarah E
Barfield, Antoine

Barker, Isaac D
Barker, Zachary T Barnes, Kawin A Barnes, Rachel E Barnes, Semaj A
Barnett, Chase R
Barnett, Jordan M Barnhill, Jonathan
Barock, Kelly E
Barra, Katheryn S
Barrans, Christopher P Barre, David Barrett, Breanna G
Barria, Karina L Barrows, Chad
Barry, Shannon
Barstead, Ashley D

Bartell, Ashleigh
Bartels, Allison M

Bartholomew, Rebecca
Bartlett, Daniel R
Bartlow, Brent C

Bartlow, Jenae C

Barton, Nicholas C

Barton, Tony R
Basel, Charles A
Baseme, David B

Bashore, Monica K Bass, Alexandra N
Bass, Daniel M
Bass, Emily M
Basye, Samuel W
Batdorf, Abigail E Bateman, Jon C Bates, Alexandra D
Bates, Carissa J Bates, Joel D
Bates, Jordan S
Batson, Meghan J Battillo, Kari
Battiste, Karen L
Battiste, Zachary A
Battle, Celeste
Battle, Derrick Bauer, Abigail L
Bauer, Alexandra N
Baugh, Marcie E
Baugniet, Lauren M
Baugniet, Michael A

Bauguess, Jeremy T
Baumbach, Matthew Baumgardner, Andrew Baumgardner, Kristin
Baumgardner, Rachel E
Baumgarten, Luke Bayes, Jedidiah T Bazan, Daniel R Bazil, Jovannie
Bazzoli, Keenan D Beacham, Christopher S Beale, Jeremy
Beam, Erik Beam, Nathaniel G Beam, Sean M Beaman, Heather Bean, Haylea
Beard, Joshua M Beard, Stephen Beasley, John P
Beason, Benjamin S Beaston, Tyler Beatty, Blaine S Beatty, Elizabeth
Beaty, James S Beaty, Joshua J Beaulieu, Michael Beaumont, Timothy D

Beaver, Stacy Beavon, Kyle
Bechtel, Benjamin R Beck, Allison N

Beck, Benjamin B Beck, Emily A Beck, Michael R Beck, Trevor N
Becker, Emily C

Becker, Hannah
Becker, Morgan T Beckett, Hillary R
Beckett, Mark A Beckett, Matthew Beckett, William R Beckman, Brandon A
Beckner, Katie L

Beckwith, John L Bedwell, Allison P Beebe, John Beech, Seth J
Beecher, Kathrine Q Beeghley, Jesse S
Beeman, Alecia M

Beeman, Alena N Beerman, Luke A Behnke, Emily E Beikert, Brennan C
Beissner, Kyle A
Bejarano, Erika Bekele, Mathias Belay, Eleni Tamerat

Belcher, Hailey E
Bell, Jordan C Bell, Josiah M Bell, Mariah
Bell, Matthew D

Bell, Thomas W
Bellew, Rachel
Beltrami, David
Beltz, Brandi
Benavidez, Taylor
Benda, Camille J
Benet, Amanda N
Benet, Natalie R

Benfield, Brandon
Bengtson, Anders W
Benjamin, Ryan A
Benkovics, Brittany F
Bennett, Blair
Bennett, Caleb J
Bennett, Carissa
Bennett, Chantell C

Bennett, Ryan E
Benson, Denisha D Benson, Jeffrey W
Benson, Mary K
Benson, Matthew G
Benson, Tiffany J
Bentley, Jonathan A
Benton, Lindsay

Bentson, Chelsea L
Benzinger, Phillip D

Berdeau, Alexander
Berenyi, Stephen A

Bergen, Heather Berger, Ali G
Berger, Emily
Bergey, Jade A
Berkley, Alaina M
Berlin, Joshua A
Berman, Jessica M

Bernard, Wesley T
Bernas, Michael
Bernhardt, Heather J
Bernhardt, Kaitlyn M
Bernritter, Hilary
Berrios, Solianna
Berry, Jasmine M
Berry, Jennifer
Berry, Jessica L
Berry, Justin L
Berry, Katherine
Berryman, Ryan J
Bertram, Rebecca E
Bertsch, Maxwell

Best, Amanda B
Bester, Brandon A
Betancourt, Amarilis

Betar, Rebekah
Bethell, Kerri A
Beverley, Brenton C
Beverley, Keston P
Bew, Audrey K
Bibby, Lowe H
Bibby, Ruth N
Bicevskis, Megan
Bicket, William A Biddington, David A

Biereder, Jennifer

Bigelow, Mark N
Biggers, Taylor A
Bilby, Kristen P Billings, Michael S
Billiot, Brianna N
Billow, Alyssa

Bingham, Ashley
Bingham, Matthew E

Birchard, Brett A
Birchfield, Lindsey S Birriel, Stephanie Bishop, Altha B

Bishop, Colby S

Bishop, Taylor A Bittner, Breana
Bixby, Jaclyn M

Bize, Sarah Black, Brian Black, Cassandra E Black, Emily N
Black, James Black, Jenna Black, Marilyn M Black, Olivia
Blackburn, Adrian T Blackwell, Christopher S Blain, Jordan M Blaine, Aaron T
Blake, Gavin R Blake, Leslie Blake, Paul A Blakeman, Kaylin
Blakeman, Scott

Blakey, Randesha M
Blalock, Luther Bland, Cody
Blankenship, Melissa N

Blaskewicz, Jacob C Blattner, Rachel M

Blease, Anna E
Bledsoe, Jazmine M Blevins, Mary K Bliesner, Caleb Blosser, Bethany
Blount, Danielle R Blount, Gregry Blue, Cayla O Blume, Mark
Blumer, Andrew D Boaitey, George

Boarman, Cassidy M Boateng, Elvis

Boateng, Janet Bobbitt, Mary L

Bock, Abigail L Bockelkamp, Cody
Boda, Jessie
Bodanza, Matthew R

Bode, Anna R Boden, Sean

Boderck, Sarah J
Bodie, Grace
Boe, Hannah M
Bogan, Rebekah
Bogdan, Ian J
Bogier, Kenya D
Bohlmann, Elizabeth
Bohrer, Peter J
Boland, Kristin N
Bolden, Rashad E
Boley, Rayanne J

Bolthouse, Caleb P
Bolton, Daniel J
Bolton, Ethan M
Bond, Jessi D Bone, John E
Bonelli, Brittany J
Booker, Kassie E
Booker, Paul
Boone, Madeline L

Boone, Melissa

Boontjer, Edward C
Boontjer, Samantha B Boorom, Sarah E
Boorum, Victoria L
Booth, Britney
Booth, Christian
Booth, Hilary J
Borders, Andrew

Borem, Jacob A
Borgia, Scott T
Bornarth, Garrett R
Borne, Michelle
Borneisen, Timothy W

Bornhorst, Tara M
Bortz, Eric D
Bos, Andrew
Bos, Curtis W
Bosco, Angela
Bosco, Patrizia M
Bosiger, Jordan A
Bosso-Hamernick, Anthony

Bost, Katherine J
Botello, Eric
Bottoms, Robert L
Boucher, Britanny L

Boucher, Katherine R Boucher, Trever D

Bouchez, Brittany L
Bourne, Christopher K
Bourne, Elizabeth A
Bourret, Sophie M

Bouton, Victoria
Bovard, Matthew

Bovitz, Kelsey E
Bowden, Edward A
Bowe, Dustin L

Bowen, Nathan Bower, James R
Bowers, Daniel A
Bowers, Jacqueline

Bowers, Kyle S
Bowie, Natalie N
Bowler, Steven J
Bowlin, Kati J Bowman, Jacob W

Bowman, Jonathan

Bowman, Katherine V Bowman, Luke N Bowman, Marissa Bowns, Carter Boyce, Aaron

Boyce, Travis J Boyd, Chelsea L Boyd, Christopher P Boyd, Corderro O

Boyd, Darren Boyd, Moses J Boyd, Zachary Boyer, Jeremiah W

Boyet, Jennifer Boyette, Emily L Boykin, Ian Boykin, Taylor K Bracken, Joshua T Brackett, Kathryn E Bradford, Heather M Bradford, Keegan J

Bradley, Adrian Bradley, Amanda N Bradley, Jonathan R Bradley, Laurel Bradley, Lauren Bradley, Rachael Bradner, Patrick Bradshaw, Blair M

Bradt, Caitlin D Brady, Maria Bragdon, Beulah A Bragg, Andrew Bragg, Lauren N Brainard, Jeffrey A Brancaleone, Giovanni V Brandenstein, Nathaniel

Brandon, Daniel Brandon, Drew M Brandon, Riley E Brandon, Timothy L Branham, Justin E Branson, Tyler K Branstetter, Melissa J Brant, TKeyeah M
Brassell, Donald J Braswell, Justin Bratton, Darius A Braughton, Hannah Braughton, Kalista Braun, Allison J Braunius, James Braxton, Chelsey
Bray, Joshua D Brazas, Jonathan Bredeman, Angela C Bredemeier, Stephen D Bredin, Michael J Breidenbach, Kaitlyn B Breidenbach, Megan Breitmeyer, Kyle

Brennan, Michael S
Brennen, Joseph A
Breton, Elizabeth
Breunig, Sterling
Brewer, Austin J Brewer, James D Bridges, Daniel J Bridges, Kiara D
Bridges, Lindsey M Bridgett, Devin M Bridwell, Caleb J
Briggs, Michael G

Briggs, Travis
Briggs, Trevor R Brighoff, John R Brightbill, Dylan
Briley, Zachary H

Brillhart, Nathan D Brindley, Victoria I

Brinson, MaKenzie L Bristow, Daniel Britner, Ricky E
Broadway, Kristina I Brocaille, Caleb A
Brocious, Emily J Brock, Anna L Brock, Victoria
Brockelman, Olivia V

Brondyke, Steven R Brookman, Daniel R Brooks, Darec R Brooks, Earl T
Brooks, Kelsey N Brooks, Luann M Brooks, Rhett Brooks, Samuel J
Broomell, Brooke T
Broughton, Mary C
Brousseau, Emma L Browe, Graham C
Brown, Aaron S Brown, Abby Brown, Adam R Brown, Alexander L Brown, Brandon Brown, Brandon Brown, Brian E Brown, Byron

Brown, Chelsie R
Brown, Christine R Brown, Corbin A

Brown, Daniel E Brown, Devon Brown, Diandrea K Brown, Emily R Brown, Ezekiel

Brown, Gabrielle M Brown, Haley Brown, Halla
Brown, Heather J
Brown, Jessica E
Brown, Jevon P

Brown, Jolene D Brown, Joseph D

Brown, Kenneth M

Brown, Lance
Brown, Lindsey J
Brown, Mary E
Brown, Murray N
Brown, Rachel A
Brown, Russell C
Brown, Timothy
Brown, Tyler P
Brownd, Elizabeth
Browne, Kathryn
Brubaker, Chris
Bruce, Kenneth
Bruckmann, Rachel M

Brueckner, Paul
Brumbaugh, Coryna J

Brumbelow, Micah
Brumble, Laura B
Brumfield, Courtney S

Brunco, Brett A
Brundidge, Lawrence A
Brunk, Nathaniel
Brunner, Victoria P
Bry, Ashleigh A
Bryan, Roger
Bryan, Wesley R
Bryant, Andrea
Bryant, Jon Q
Bryant, Melissa L
Bryant, Miranda E
Bryant, Stephen C Buchanan, Elisa N
Buchanan, Jason M

Bucher, Jerade M
Buck, Amanda R
Buck, Danielle
Buck, Samuel
Buck, Sarah E
Buckwalter, Brittany D

Buda, Stephanie T
Buechner, Joshua M
Buening, Rachel N
Bulles, Joshua
Bullock, Ashley
Bullock, Caleb J

Bullock, Hillary J
Bullock, Nathan A
Bullock, Stephen C
Bump, Thomas
Bundy, Wesley E
Bunn, Sabrina L
Bunner, Ashley B
Bunts, Rebecca L
Bunzey, Tyler
Buonanno, Jessica R
Buracker, Ava N
Burchfield, Jessica E

Burden, Brendan R
Burdette, Cody E
Burgess, Jonathan
Burghardt, Caleb D

Burgos, Iliana M
Burgos, Madeline A
Burgos, Steven A
Burhans, Paige K
Burke, Cody T
Burke, Emily
Burke, Hannah
Burke, Rachel
Burkert, Aric L Burkett, Carson
Burleigh, Keith
Burlin, Michael
Burling, Austin W
Burling, Preston N
Burman, Kyle M
Burnam, Leslie
Burnell, Caitlyn J
Burnette, Anna R

Burnham, Emma D

Burns, Noah
Burrell, Shaanan J

Burrow, Nathaniel
Burt, Kirsten L
Burt, Laura K
Burton, David M
Burton, Elijah
Burton, Jordyn C
Burton, Shelby
Burton, Stephanie N
Burtt, Ryan J

Burwell, Aisha D

Buschmann, Brooke D

Bush, Margaret A
Bushnell, Ashley N
Butcher, Hannah M
Butler, Andrew M
Butler, Jessica M

Butterfield, Lee Ann

Buttner, Alex
Byeon, Jongmoo

Byers, Brandon Z

Byers, Hannah
Byers, Helen
Byers, Katelyn
Byers, Kelly A
Byman, Brenden
Byrd, Briannan K
Byrd, Jacob T

Byrd, Janique L

Byrd, Stephanie

Byrnes, Kyle W
Byrnside, Anthony S
Byrnside, Erica M
Byron, Cary J
Cabe, Hillary R
Cabral, Kaylee
Cabrera, Amanda V
Cacioppo, MaCauly L Cado, Ross P
Caffo, Caprice
Caffree, Virginia P

Cagle, Merry A
Caldwell, Joshua J
Caldwell, Michael Harold
Calhoun, Benjamin
Calhoun, David M
Calhoun, Jared M

Calhoun, Samuel D

Caliendo, Alexander P
Call, James B
Callaham, Amy C

Callahan, Cody J
Callahan, Heather M
Callahan, Veronica
Callejas, Lilian
Calmes, Caitrin
Calo, Ryan
Calvetti, Alec T

Camera, Nathan
Cameron, Janique C
Cameron, Jaquayla C
Cameron, Paul
Camilleri, Evan R
Campagna, Courtney L
Campbell, Andrew
Campbell, Brittany L
Campbell, Christopher J
Campbell, Dana A
Campbell, Elisabeth
Campbell, Elizabeth A
Campbell, Elizabeth L

Campbell, Heather E
Campbell, James C

Campbell, Jeffrey P

Campbell, John M
Campbell, Nathan B
Campbell, Rodney
Campos, Barbara Miranda
Canada, Zanathan M
Canale, Nicole R
Candamil, Carolina
Canegata, Andre
Canfield, Zachariah
Cannada, Courtney
Cannon, Elizabeth
Cantatore, Nicholas
Cantu, Nathaniel A
Capano, Mariana C
Capuzzi, Elizabeth A
Carasella, Christopher J
Carden, Amber R
Carden, Jeremy C

Carden, Kristen B
Cardenas, Leonardo
Cardinale, Carolyn E
Cardinali, Thomas G
Cardonne, Kevin R
Carela, Pedro O
Carey, Jade
Carl, Ryan T
Carlberg, Jennifer R
Carley, Rebekah E
Carlo, Alma
Carlson, Breton A
Carlson, Hannah
Carlson, Jennifer L

Carlson, Kessley D
Carlson, Matthew S

Carlson, Melanee A
Carlson, Rebecca
Carlton, Morgan
Carlyle, Leah A
Carmickle, Kristin A
Carneal, Christina L

Carnell, Daniel

Carney, Erin G Caron, Blake R
Carouthers, Lakerria M Carouthers, Zacchaeus G
Carpenter, Katelynn G
Carr, Brittyn M Carr, Leslie N
Carraher, Brian
Carriker, Morgan N
Carrilho, Noah J
Carrillo, Erin O Carroll, Devin C
Carroll, Kelli D Carroll, Lindsey M Carroll, Sarah Carroll, Shayne Carroll, Wesley E
Carson, Kenneth L Carson, Kristen A Carson, Michael P
Carson, Zachary B Carter, Jacob N Carter, Jordan R
Carter, Joshua M
Carter, Linzi R
Carthew, Melissa R
Cartmell, Colleen E Caruso, Kaylyn E
Carvalho, Nicole
Carver, Andrew
Carver, Kayla M
Carvlin, Andrea L

Casey, Andrew K
Cashen, Anna
Cashen, Catherine G
Caskey, Terence D

Cassidy, Samuel P
Castro, Kevin T
Caswell, Callahan T
Cata, Christopher
Cater, Jonathan
Caudill, Lauren M

Caudle, Alyssa
Caudle, Ashley N
Caulder, Christopher S

Caun, Joseph A
Caun, Samantha M
Causey, Jessica L
Cavalcanti, Carla
Cazer, Tyler J
Cedeno, Leslie M

Cederberg, Joseph
Cella, Jack
Centeno-Nieto, Oscar
Cernigliaro, Andrew

Cerrato, Brett A
Cervone, Robert E
Chadwick, Elizabeth R

Chae, Hyun-Jun
Chamberlain, Emily
Chambers, Cody E Chambers, Daniel W Chambers, Jarrett D Chambers, Logan S Chambers, Mallorie C Chambers, Montrice L Chambers, Zane Chambliss, Jared A

Chan, Alexander C Chan, Dianne J Chan, Elizabeth Chanady, Mikaela S Chandler, Klarice N Chandler, Nathan T Chang, Hakyung Chapman, Casey R

Chapman, Daniel R Chapman, Rebekah J Chapman, Rory C Chappell, Samuel D Charles, Emily J Chase, Cassandra L Chastain, Emily C Chaverri, Timothy

Chavez, Jessica T Chavez Salgado, A Che, Amanda I Chelf, Tyler Chen, Hillary R Chen, Meng Chen, Xieyao Chen, Xieyuan

Chen, Yujun Chenault, Tyler Chennis, Lakresha Cherian, Shawn Cherry, Alonna Cherry, Chelsea R Chervin, Deborah R Chesson, Adam H

Chestnut, Avery C Chiaverini, Daniel Chichester, Corinne E Childers, Laura E Childres, Laney M Childs, Tyler Chiles, Emily F Chiles, Lydia
Chilton, Bradley A Chimere Dan, Sharon Chioma Chin Kim Kui, Deryl Ching, Hui T Ching, Jason D Chipman, Cord Chiware, Tapiwanashe S Cho, Dae Yeon

Cho, Daru Cho, Eunna Cho, Hyemi Cho, Minyoung Cho, Stephanie Choi, Ellim Choi, Hye In Choi, Michelle

Chow, David J
Chown, Barbara
Chrisman, Nicole R
Christensen, Kristi L
Christenson, Mary H
Christiansen, Jacyda
Christopherson, Bethany F Chukiatiwongul, Mahapawn

Chuks, Camille
Chun, Jae Im
Chung, Miho

Chung, Yujin
Church, Cheryl F
Church, Landon K
Ciaccio, Bethanne M
Cissell, Michael A

Ciulla, Thomas
Clack, Ashley
Clair, Brendon Clampet, John
Clampitt, Aaron D Clampitt, Adam V Clark, Alisha L Clark, Aricka
Clark, Brittany E Clark, Bryan
Clark, Caleb R
Clark, Cassandra S

Clark, Joshua Clark, Katie A
Clark, Kiersten N
Clark, Kristen M
Clark, Marcela C

Clark, Samara T Clark, Tyler J
Clarke, Amy
Clarke, Clifford
Clarke, Erica M
Clarke, Nathan J Clarke, Ryan K
Claros, Dominique R
Clay, Hannah J
Claybaugh, Michael

Claypool, Josiah E
Clayton, Kirstin J
Clayton, Megan N
Clayton, Michele Clayton, Sean C
Cleek, Natalie A
Clemens, Travis

Clementson, Anna

Clemmons, Steven N
Clemons, Brandon

Clendenen, Erin
Clerkin, Michael
Clermond, Ricardo

Cleveland, Matthew A
Cleveland, Ross M Clifton, Krista
Cline, Alexandra L

Close, Alexander D
Clowers, Shawn M
Clyde, Connor R
Coar, Sammylita L
Coates, Rachel L Coates, Theresa M Cobb, RoseMarie Coburn, Kayla Cochrane, Robert J Cockman, Skye E Cockrell, Aaron J Cockrell, Joel L
Cockrum, Emily Cofer, Erica Cofer, Landon D Coffey, Allison B

Coffey, Nathan A Coffield, Daniel Coffman, Alexa N Coffman, Megan
Coghill, W. Holden
Colas, Davidson Colboch, Courtney D Cole, Casey M Cole, Joelle Cole, Mary C Cole, Mary Cole, Mollie J

Cole, Travis J Coleman, Austin R Coleman, Gregory A Coleman, Nicklaus P Coleman, Stephone Coles, Brittany F Collea, Cory Collier, Erica N

Collins, Christian S Collins, Jacob R Collins, Joseph M Collins, Joshua L Collins, Lindsay K Collins, Rachel J Collins, Shane Colon, Alexander D

Colonna, David C Colsey, Elizabeth A Colwell, Tiffany M Combs, Marissa A Combs, Neil Combs, Penny Comstock, Mackenzie Cone, Melissa G

Cone, Michael Conetto, Yennhi Conger, Luke D Conklin, Alexandra L Conklin, Andrew Conklin, Brittany Conklin, JohnMark Conley, David

Connell, Jonathan P Connell, Jordan Connell, McKenzie L Connell, Nicole L Connelly, Kit M Conner, Samuel Connors, Glenn W Connors, Kelly L

Connors, Lauren A
Conrad, Amy C

Conrad, Timothy M

Conrath, Caitlan E Conti, Janessa R
Contreras Calderon, S Cook, Amber M Cook, Blair J
Cook, Haley C Cook, Hayley E Cook, Michael J
Cook, Shaquille E
Cook, Sheachashaq
Cook, Stephanie J Coombs, Brianna C Coon, Emilee
Cooper, Jessica A
Cooper, Jordan G Cooper, Mary C Cooper, Rachel Cooper, Sarafina M Coopwood, Emily C Cooter, Jannah L Cope, Whitney L
Copeland, Clayton G Copeland, Robert B Copeland, Stephen
Copley, Jennifer E Copp, Emily E Coppinger, Jeanette M Corbin, Audrey D Cord, Abigail
Cordasco, Andrew
Cordell, Ryan T Corder, Sarah J
Cordes, Daniel J
Cordes, Joshua E Corkill, Brice
Corlett, Daniel P Cornelius, Bryan J
Cornell, Donald L

Cornett, Hannah
Cornett, Lauren P Cornfield, Jarred L Cornwell, Joshua D Coronato, Matthew
Corpe, Mallory A Corr, Nathan
Corral, Xavier
Corson, Laura E Cortez, Ana L
Corwin, Rebecca D

Cosner, Tabethia L Cosner, Troy E Coss, Jennifer
Costabile, Holly A
Cote, James
Cotter, Jeffrey C Cottingham, Carley Cotton, John
Couch, Rachel L Coughlin, Ryan
Courson, Kristen M Courtney, Jonathan J

Courtright, Amber

Courville, Jeremy N
Cover, Rebecca A

Covington, Amanda L

Cowden, Shawn L

Cowell, Joseph Cox, Abigail K
Cox, Benjamin J
Cox, Brittany Cox, Jeremy P Cox, Kari L
Cox, Kevin B
Cox, Matthew R

Cox, Mercedes Cox, Olivia Crabtree, William T
Craft, Brandon Craft, Joshua V Craig, Andre Craig, Ashleigh P Craig, Chelsea M
Craig, Elizabeth D Craig, Samuel T Craig, Sarah L
Craig, Shannon Crain, Andrew L Cramer, Ashley N Cramer, Sarah J
Crandall, Giles H Crandall, Jacob Brian Crass, Brent A Crawford, Carlee R
Crawford, Emily Crawford, Lindsay R Crawford, Tyler J Creech, Stephanie
Creisstoff, Ivana

Crenshaw, Joel Crenshaw, Saquan M Cressley, Corban B
Cribb, Leah
Crider, Hudson L Cripe, Marley
Crisp, Jamie Crist, Brianne G
Crist, Sarah E
Crockett, Kelsey L Cromley, Joshua A
Crone, Courtney Crook, Paige
Crookshank, Nathan Croom, Lydia E Croom, Mia V Cropanese, Melody E Crosby, Joshua Croson, Bryan A
Cross, Caleb W Crossley, Austin J Croushorn, James W
Crouthamel, Luke D Crowder, Jasmine
Crowder, Rachel R

Cruickshank, Kellie Crump, Garrett A

Crumpler, Caroline
Crumpler, Martha E Cruz, Anna C Cruz, Daniel Cruz, Elizabeth N Cruz, Joel Cruz, Kristina M Cruz
Argueta, Cindy J
Cryan, Sean
Cuff, Jerald R

Culbertson, Jacob

Cullinan, Megan L

Cullum, Deon
Cullum, Lauren A
Cumings, Patricia M

Cummings, Brent A
Cummings, Mary J
Cummings, Reid S
Cunliffe, David
Cunningham, Jordan M

Cuoco, Joshua
Cupp, Mark H
Curley, Jennifer M

Curry, Erin M

Curtis, Brian
Curtis, Tessanna
Cuthbertson, Treandous D'Bene, Lee
Dabi, Bezawit M
Dache, Alexis C

Dahl, Kimberly D
Dailey, Matthias
Dale, Danika A
Dale, Heather A
Dalien, Tsadok
Dallenbach, Katie L
Dalrymple, Amy C

Dalton, Dallas S
Dalton, Sydney A
Damon, Joshua D
Damon, Sarah
Danaher, Justin
Danehower, Joshua S
Daniel, Ashley B
Daniel, Jeremy W
Daniel, Nicole
Daniel, Rachel Daniels, David J
Daniels, Holly L
Dankert, Stephen C

Danko, Caitlyn M
Danko, Kelsey
Danso, Amazing Grace L

Daratony, Natalie B
Darby, Christine S

Darius, Benjamin
Darius, Brian
Darko, Jeffery
Darling, Craig
Darling, Gerald L
Darling, Heidi
Dartt, Rachel
Daum, Alyson
Davenport, Mary E
Davey, Jessica L

David, Elias M
Davidson, Lacey R
Davies, Alexander M
Davies, Anikeh C

Davies, Joshua S
Davies, Robert
Davis, Alexandria G
Davis, Asia Davis, Audrey
Davis, Bailey
Davis, Caleb B

Davis, Christopher

Davis, Cidney M
Davis, Constance D
Davis, Courtney L
Davis, Daniel C
Davis, Dominique
Davis, Erica L
Davis, Gequetta N
Davis, Henry
Davis, James
Davis, Jessica B
Davis, Jonathan T
Davis, Kaitlyn
Davis, Kathryn M
Davis, Kyle L
Davis, Melanie E
Davis, Micah I
Davis, Morgan C Davis, Nicole A
Davis, Octavius D
Davis, Olivia G
Davis, Rebekah R
Davis, Savannah
Davis, Torrye R
Davis, Tyrale D
Davy, John
Dawson, Ariel
Dawson, Dorothy M
Dawson, Rachel L

Day, Hannah M
Day, Matthew
Day, Natalie E
Day, Sarah
Dayberry, Kelsea M

Daycock, Whitney O De Blank, Christopher B
De Gastyne, Aaron D

De La Cruz, Pamela J De Souza, Thiago
De la Hoz, Natalie
DeCambra, Daniel G DeCindio, Tonya J
DeLorenz, Kristin
DeMann, Morgan E
DeMaria, Jennifer
DeMaria, Jonathan

DeMeo, Elizabeth
DeValve, Jacob C

DeVault, Jennifer

DeVore, Jonathan
DeYmaz, Emily
Deal, Whitney
Dean, Travis A
Deas, Markus
Deas, Rachel E
Deaton, Christopher L

Deaver, Jadrian M
Deaver, Seth M
Deberry, Darrius D
Debreus, Darby Burdley
Decarlo, Michelle J
Decker, Bradford C
Degazio, Alexis M
Degler, Daniel S
Dehnert, Jacqueline
Deibert, Ian M
Deibler, Jeffrey H
Deike, Matthew G

Deissler, Alyssa
Dekreon, Joseph R
Delagarza, Alyssa
Delano, Brandon
Delcamp, Holly J
Delello, Jared D
Delevante, Amanda J
Delfino, Nicholas A
Delgatti, Ryan
Dellinger, Amanda M

Demetros, Anastasia L
Dempsey, Joshua S
Dempsey, Lauren
Denardo, Brooke A
Dennerlein, Sean
Denney, Joel
Dennis, Deana
Denny, Joshua T
Dent, Megan C
Deppen, Stephanie M

Deramo, Christopher
Derby, Anne
Derby, Elizabeth B
Derosa, Ashley A
Desmond, Amber J
Desmond, Daniel
Desouza, Kathleen
Destine, Erline
Detar, Allison L

Detweiler, Heath
Detwiler, Ryan
Deus, Dana
Devries, Jeremy S
Dewenter, Jacklyn D
Dewolf, Chelsea M
Dexter, Sarah A
Di Leo, Angela S
DiBartolo, Erica M
Dias, Danielle A
Diaz Roman, Mizraim

Diblin, Jill A
Dicarlo, David F
Dicaro, Jessica L
Dicesare, Stephanie B

Dickens, Jacob
Dickens, Robert
Dickerson, Gregory
Dickey, Justin C
Dickinson, Courtney M
Dickson, Jeffrey D
Dickson, Mark
Diehl, Jacob S

Diehl, Joshua T

Diehl, Katelyn
Diehl, Sabrina
Diesel, Louis R
Dieudonne, Mitchell
Difelice, Nicole D
Difernando, Ryan
Diffy, Daniel
Digges, Jacob R

Digiacomo, Kerry L
Dii, Esther N
Dilella, Danielle
Dilg, Taylor E
Dimanche, Jonathan
Dimauro, Richard J
Dina, Andrew J
Dipento, Breana G
Dirling, George G
Disbro, Stephanie
Disher, Lydia N
Dishman, Allison

Dishman, Amanda N
Distler, Jonathan

Dittmeier, Christian
Divers, Eric T
Dix, Carolyn J
Dix, Cory
Dixon, Hannah G

Dixon, Hannah J
Dixon, Justin
Dixon, Lucas
Dixon, Michael D
Dobbins, Denzell M

Doble, Wesley
Dobrzanski, Zoie B
Dobson, Laurey H
Docksteader, Chad R
Dodson, Jared C
Dodson, Kimberly R
Dodson, Morgan L
Dodson, Rachel C
Dodson, Richmond C
Doerfler, Nigel
Doerstling, Mackenzie A

Doherty, David
Doherty, Drew A
Doherty, Kaitlin
Doherty, Megan
Dolan, Andrew
Dolan, Bobbi
Doll, Sarah E
Dollar, Sophia
Domenech, Annisha C

Domingues, Ana A
Domschine, Benjamin S
Donahoo, Brandon M

Donato, Matt D
Donigan, Sheldon E
Donovan, Amber M
Donovan, Catriana R
Donovan, Sara K
Doolittle, Helen
Doore, Christopher
Dorman, Rachel M

Doron, Carrie C

Doronila, Rolando
Dorr, Lauren
Dorr, Philip

Dorton, Amanda
Dorton, Brittany
Doty, Kevin M

Doucett, Samantha R
Dougherty, Jacquelyn

Dougherty, Jonathan Q
Dougherty, Lindsey B
Doughty, Sarah
Douglas, Caroline B
Douglass, Shayne A
Douyon, Sebastien A

Dow, Jeremy R
Dowd, Colin P

Dowlearn, Melody L

Downer, Shelby
Downie, William N
Downs, Chloe C
Downs, Christina K

Downs, Rachel C
Dozeman, Melissa
Drake, Sharayah
Dreyer, Callie L
Dreyer, Cole
Driskill, Ethan S

Drobot, Anatolii
Drown, Hannah J
Drudge, Ashley
Drum, Seth H
Drumheller, Leah E
Drye, Carley A
DuCasse, Dallas
Dubbe, Adam N
Dubrow, Cheryl F

Duckworth, Elizabeth M
Ducre, Marc
Dudley, Robert
Duff, Emily
Dugard, Joel W
Duininck, Samuel M
Dukate, Evan P
Duke, George M
Duke, Hillary A
Dukes, Molly
Duncan, Ashley
Duncan, Chaselyn A
Duncan, Jessica L
Duncan, Michael
Duncan, Tyler C

Dunevant, Kayla
Dunivan, Christina N
Dunivin, Jeremiah
Dunkle, Alanna M
Dunkum, Tabitha
Dunn, Anna M

Dunn, Colin
Dunn, Heather E
Dunn, Jonathan Dunn, Rachel Dunne, Brittany K
Dunscomb, Kyle Dupre, Kyle R
Duque, Javier D Duran, Armando Durdin, Jordan S
Durig, Zachary T Durkovic, Lydia K

Dussault, Benjamin Dutil, Leo P

Duvall, Sharin J

Dye, Robert S Dyer, David Dyhouse, Natalya C
Dyke, Jeffrey E
Dyson, Keverly L
Dyson, Miles Eagle, Dylan T Early, LeeAnna R Earwicker, Emily M Easley, Darius C East, Andrew
East, Elizabeth Easter, Annette A Eastman, Kyle Eastridge, Katherine

Eaton, Jesse R Eaton, Jonathan Eaton, Richard Ebel, Lucas A

Ebling, Neil Ebrahim, James Ebrahim, John Eby, Daniel M
Echeverria, Danielle F Eckels, Daniel Eckels, Julie Eckhoff, Andrew

Eddings, Rory C
Eddins, Elizabeth N
Edds, Lauren E
Eddy, Christopher M

Eder, Isaac Edfort, Mark Ediger, Cheree Edmond, Michael
Edmond, Paul W Edwards, Austin M Edwards, Barry Edwards, Caleb L Edwards, Jae L Edwards, Meagan E Edwards, Melinda Edwards, Noah
Edwards, Sally A Edwards, Stephanie M Edwards, Tremayne

Edworthy, Jacob

Effah, Constance A Effinger, Micah J

Efird, Amanda J Ehlert, Johnna

Ehret, Brittany R

Ehrich, Daniel T

Eichel, Jonathan D

Eicher, Henry N Eifert, David Eikrem, Leif
Eilers, Frederick J Elam, Erica

Elder, Angela M Elder, Landis R Eldridge, James R Eldridge, Kelly E
Elkins, Brittany N
Ellenburg, Sarah N Eller, Hannah L Eller, Rebekah M

Elliott, Jeremy D Elliott, Julie M Elliott, Laurin B Elliott, Seneca D Elliott, Travis Ellis, Aaron M Ellis, Andrew Ellis, Daniel Ellis, John Ellis, Lachaddrick T Ellis, Paul D Elliston, Logan A

Ellsworth, Zachary S Ellwanger, Tracy N Ellwein, Tyler J Elmers, Dawn

Elrod, Emily Elswick, Brandon Embry, Raymond

Emebo, Nnamdi Declan
Emerson, Michael A

Endel, Austin R Endres, Matthew Endres, Preston

England, Katherine E

Engle, Hannah M Entenok, Timothy Entriken, Loren S

Epperson, Kameron K Eppler, Caleb J Erickson, Zachary T Erisman, Ellen M
Ernewein, Jordan E Errico, Rebecca M Ertsos, Joseph A
Erwin, Destiny M Erwin, Elizabeth G Esbenshade, Samuel Eshleman, Keith A Eskridge, Sreedevi
Espinoza Aguilar, Monica

Esposito, Joshua S Essex, Madoline Essig, Amelia
Essig, Jeremiah J Estell, Georgianna
Estep, Marissa L Estes, Diana
Estevez, Robert M Estira, Ricardo

Etemadi, Edrys W Etheridge, Heather
Etheridge, Kristen R Ethridge, Daniel J Ethridge, Zachary W Etienne, Nehemie L

Etienne, Timothy Evans, Bradley C Evans, Brittany N Evans, Bruce D Evans, Callie A Evans, David L Evans, Jake E Evans, Jordan C
Evans, Joshua H Evans, Joshua R Evans, Klaire M Evans, Mario Evans, Nathan Evans, Sarah A Everett, Ashley Everett, Justin

Everett, Nathan Everett, Timothy J Evetts, Kayla M Ewing, Catherine L Ewton, Bradley N Eyo, Prince E Ezeigbo, Chidiebele M Facchiano, Jessica
Fahrenbruch, Sarah T Fail, Rebecca Fail, Richard Fairall, Ann
Fairclough, Alicia Fairfield, Brianna L Falconer, Constance A Faraj Kawas, Amira

Faraldi, Kara E
Fariss, Caitlin V Farkas, Brandon Farley, Laurel Farmer, Ashtan S Farmer, Laura Farmer, Lucas Farnham, Joshua

Farnsworth, Samuel Farnsworth, Tessa L Farrar, Zachary T Farries, Christina D Farris, Jordan Farris, Toni Faucette, Kathryn E Fayette, Wanick

Fazio, Luke M

Fearney, Michael T Febrizio, Mark Fechter, James A Fecteau, Michael A Federico, Joshua J Feeney, Hannah Fehsenfeld, Jessica

Feijoo, Maria d
Feild, Sarah
Feister, Steven

Felder, Jennifer G
Felder, Melissa
Feliciano, Deborah
Feliciano, Rachel
Felker, Stefani A
Felker, Travis
Fellon, John C
Felty, Erika R
Fenasse, Mathieu
Fendley, George W

Fendt, Sarah C
Fenlason, Stephen

Ferguson, Kyle B

Ferguson, Michael
Ferguson, Mitchelle L
Ferguson, Preston Albert
Fero, Sarah M
Ferrara, Hunter B
Ferrario Tweeten, Danielle
Ferris, John W
Fetterhoff, Erin A
Fetty, Shane A
Fewell, Jibrille
Ficco, Samantha M

Field, Geoffrey E

Fields, Corey
Fielitz, Lyndi
Fierro, Danielle
Fifelski, Nicholas
Figliola, Pilar N
Figueroa-Diaz, Keila
Filegar, Jacob F
Files, Kathryn
Filiberto, Kevin
Filpo, Anadel
Finch, Shiloh P
Fink, Michael J
Fink, Timothy
Finley, Brandon D
Finley, Jonathan E
Finnerty, Trevor J

Fiordelise, Mary
Fiori, Zachary R
Firooznia, Brandon
Firooznia, Natasha L
Fischer, Courtney B
Fischer, Madison A
Fishburne, Allison L

Fisher, Emily L
Fisher, Gideon E
Fisher, Hannah
Fisher, Micah
Fisher, Rusty
Fisher, Ryan C

Fisher, Sandon
Fisher, Sarah R
Fisher, Stephanie M
Fisher, Stephen R
Fisher, Wesley
Fitch, Elizabeth F Fitch, Robert
Fitter, Bruce B
Fitzgerald, Andrew J
Fitzgerald, Brandon W
Flaherty, Abigail
Flanders, Ben
Fleagle, Karissa M

Fleck, Jacqueline
Fleetwood, Ashley M
Fleming, Joshua M
Fleming, Rayshun
Fletcher, Danielle N
Fletcher, Kinsey B
Fletcher, Kristin L
Fletcher, Kyle D
Fleury, Kaitlyn J
Flickinger, Michael

Flippo, Brittani A
Flood, Kevin M
Flood, Theresa M
Flores, Gerli A
Flores, Tanya I
Floros, Rebecca J
Floto, Zachary D

Flournoy, Jacqueline R

Flowers, Eugene
Flowers, Lucas L
Floyd, Jillian L

Flynn, Tyler
Foard, Lauren
Fobbs, Brooke
Fogle, Kacie M
Fogleman, Caleb A
Fogleman, Stephen
Foley, Kelsey
Foley, Spenser
Foley, Tosha M
Fonner, Robert F

Fontaine, Caitlin A
Fontes, Anna R
Foose, Brittany
Foose, Michael H

Foote, Thomas
Forbes, Ashley J
Forbes, Jessica B
Ford, Cameron
Ford, Carson B
Ford, Christina
Ford, Miraj O
Forero, Brittney N
Forrest, Ben
Forsberg, Adam T

Forst, Joshua T
Forsyth, Corey
Fortier, Carmen
Fortier, Jeffrey L

Fortier, Kevin W

Fortier, Stephenie
Fortner, Amanda

Fortner, Jessica

Forton, Violet
Forward, Phanessa L
Forystek, Jedidiah A
Foss, Jimmie C
Foster, Benjamin S

Foster, Cassie E
Foster, Hannah D

Foster, James L

Foster, Josh Foster, Kim
Foster, Wesley P Fouse, Ashley

Fouse, Melinda
Foust, Glenn C
Foust, James O

Fowler, Christian A Fowler, Jeremiah
Fowler, Joseph D
Fowler, Joshua D Fowler, Kevin
Fowler, Zachary D

Fox, Adriana
Fox, Amy D Fox, Bethany G Fox, Ciara C Fox, Heather G Fox, James M Fox, Kara Fox, Micah
Fox, Nathaniel D Fox, Ryan P Foxwell, Jamie P

Frackleton, Colleen C
Frailey, Caleb Frais, Esdras Frais, Janide Fralin, Jessica L
Francis, Branden T

Francis, Carmen E
Francis, Courtney A
Francis, Jessica A
Francis, Rachel L
Francis, Sarah M
Francis, Stephen R Francisco, Claire N
Frangos, Britney
Frank, Tyler B
Frankenfield, Karch A
Franklin, Kameryn L
Franklin, Laura Frantz, Justin
Fraser, Jenna
Fraser, Stephen P
Fraser, Timothy C Frazier, Emily
Frazier, James E
Frazier, Kristen J
Frazier, Taylor V Fredette, Gabrielle
Freeman, Aaron

Freeman, Cory D
Freeman, Hannah
Freese, Andrew C Freier, Nathan
Frejd, Robert W French, Aric Frey, Geza P

Freyre, Rachel M

Friberg, Dylan W

Friberg, Jessica
Fricke, Alexander
Fridley, Jacob T

Fridley, Joshua T

Friedel, Jonathan

Friederichsen, Chloe W
Friederichsen, Kelsie
Friesner, Geoffrey R

Frimpong Konadu, Jemima
Frisby, Gary
Fritzemeier, Lyndee R
Fritzinger, April D

Frohne, Amanda E
Frohnheiser, Chelsea L

Frost, Alyssa
Frost, Michael
Fry, Danielle
Fry, Elizabeth
Fry, Kristen O
Fry, Lauren M
Frye, Cassandra
Frye, Nikolas A
Frye, Tyler Fualaau, Nicholas
Fugitt, Chelsea B

Fulcher, Taylor

Fulde, Audra L
Fulgham, Philip L

Fulks, Nathan
Fuller, Emily
Fuller, Ericka L Fullerton, Travis R

Fulton, Cody B

Fulton, Jordan
Fulton, Stephanie R

Fulwider, Jeremiah D
Funez, Kelly
Furman, Charles R
Furman, Lindsey
Furman, Shawn
Fuselli, Christina
Gabbard, Melanie
Gable, Kevin
Gable, Ryan
Gabriel, Kelsi
Gadd, Amanda J
Gage, Samantha G

Gage, Sara C
Gailer, Shannon N
Gale, Danielle A
Galer, Sarah
Galiley, Yael
Gallagher, Randall
Gallagher, Tyler J
Gallinar, Ricardo E Galloway, Ashelyn E
Galo Salgado, Cinthya R
Galvez, Brenda

Galvez, Linda M
Galvin, Suzanna L
Galyon, Allison R

Gamble, Nicholas
Gambrino, Dean J
Gammons, Amanda
Gandy, Kevin
Ganse, Jeremy T
Garber, Kelly E
Garcia, Adina V Garcia, Bianca F Garcia, Jennifer Garcia, Noel Garcia, Travis G
Gardner, Jasmine E
Gardner, Samantha R

Gardner, Sarah C

Gardner, Timothy A
Gardow, Dane
Garibay, Karla
Garland, Christian
Garman, Virginia M
Garnier, Matthew S

Garrett, Courtney P
Garrett, Randi L
Garrett, Roxanne
Garrity, Lydia A
Gary, Coralynn G
Gary, James F
Garza, Taylor B
Garzinski, Jennifer N
Gaskin, Joshua
Gaskins, James H
Gass, Jessica M
Gaston, Joshua D
Gates, Laurel C
Gatz, Morgan A
Gaudio, Anna K

Gayle, Kaden
Gearhart, Gabrielle
Gearhart, Jacob
Gebben, Ansley P
Gederberg, Blake W
Gee, Megan
Geesey, John
Geiser, Matthew D

Genaway, Kenneth P

Gendrue, Joseph C
Genovese, Gina M

Gentilella, Joshua D
Gentry, Ashley M
Gentry, Kaylan M

Gentry, Nicole
George, Rebekah
George, Rhiannon
Gerardi, Nicholas
Gerhart, Courtney P

Gerrald, Ashley M

Gery, Matthew T
Gerz, Marshall
Gestrich, Randal
Getsee, Kathryn E
Giannini, Anthony V
Giaritelli, Elizabeth N
Giarratana, Tyler P
Gibby, Melissa F
Gibson, Brooke V
Gibson, Dwayne P
Gibson, Hannah G

Gibson, Isaac E

Gibson, Jenna L
Gibson, Julian G
Gibson, Kirk T
Gibson, Kyle
Gibson, Leah M
Gibson, Neal
Gibson, Oliver E
Gibson, Shane B
Gibson, Zachary
Gibson-Faber, Justin A
Gielo, Tomasz
Gifford, Ann
Gigliotti, Thomas J

Gilbert, Halley
Gilbert, John L
Gilbert, Laura
Gilbert, Zachary J

Gilcrease, Matteson L
Gill, Kyle
Gillan, Ian T
Gilley, Brett A
Gilliam, Michael C
Gilmartin, Kevin R
Gilmer, Sarah E
Gilpin, Taylor
Ginn, Joshua J

Ginsburg, Kyle M
Gintner, Jennifer A
Giobbie, Corinne
Giordano, Kimberly
Girnus, Kathryn
Givens, Christian

Givens, Jessica J

Givens, Teschia
Glackin, Christian M

Gladfelter, Jenna R

Gladfelter, Kevin A
Glahn, Stephanie

Glass, Michelle N
Glass, Onesiaum J

Glidden, Kierra G
Glidewell, Daniel
Gliganic, Kimberly
Glodfelter, Cody
Glover, Alexandra
Glover, Ashley
Glover, Callie M
Glover, Chanise J

Glover, James
Glover, Joshua M
Glover, Lindsey J
Gnanakan, Alethea E
Goddard, Rachel E
Godden, James
Godfrey, Meredith R
Godley, Philip A
Godsey, George
Godsil, Andrea
Godwin, Kathleen G
Goebel, Caleb C

Goetz, Natasha
Gogerty, Sarah E
Goings, Jacob
Goins, David H
Goins, Rachel M
Goins, Rachelle
Golden, Sara E
Goldman, Matthew R

Golike, Alyssa
Goncalves, Fernando
Gong, Yue
Gonzalez, Gladis J

Gonzalez, Julie N
Gonzalez Bardales, A Gonzalez Pena, Ruben D
Gonzalez-Flores, Dennis J
Good, Kyle E
Good, Kyle E
Good, Rachel
Goodall, Nicholas R

Goodenough, Aaron
Goodin, Allison

Goodin, Isaac D

Goodman, Rochelle

Goodrich, Kristen M

Goodsell, Ashley

Goodwin, Joshua A
Goolsby, Andrew
Goon, Hunter C
Goon, Juliette
Gooss, Rachel L
Gordon, Casey
Gordon, Chelsea A
Gordon, Joshua
Gordon, Laura D
Gordon, Rebecca S
Gorman, Hanna L
Gorsuch, Kristen Gorter, Jacob
Gortman, Justin L
Gorton, Kyle
Goshorn, Daniel

Gosliga, Erin
Gosnell, Joseph M
Gosse, Sarah
Gossett, Mondrea

Gossett, Seth W

Gott, Zachrey W
Gottilla, Anaya F
Gover, Charles M
Governale, Jeremy
Grab, John E
Grabau, Andrew Gragg, Dakota
Graham, Allyson T
Graham, Brady J
Graham, Emily R
Graham, Jessica M
Graham, Joshua W Graham, Troy
Grainger, Amanda N
Grainger, Melissa A
Grant, Brandon A
Grant, Katelyn V
Granville, Sarah M
Grasser, Keith W
Grauer, Daniel
Gravatt, Christian M

Graves, Brandon
Graves, Jack T
Graves, John C
Graves, Kimberly R Graves, Mary J
Gravley, Jonathan T Gray, Amanda Gray, Andrew R
Gray, Bethany A Gray, Kaylani C Gray, Lorin E
Gray, Luke

Gray, Nathaniel
Green, Chase Green, Courtney Green, Holly
Green, Meghan E
Green, Morgan H
Green, Thomas
Greenberg, David M

Greene, Benjamin A Greener, Lillian E Greenfield, Abbie
Gregg, Katherine A
Gregoire, Jacqueline

Gregoire, Jonathan D Gregory, Amanda L Greigg, Philomen
Grenke, Courtney J Gresham, Miranda A Griffin, Kyle M Griffin, Terrence
Griffith, Bradford P Griffith, Christian Griffith, Jonathan A Grigas, Anna C
Grigg, Ashley
Grigsby, Gary

Grimes, Sarah E Grimm, Josiah D
Grimmer, Cydney M

Grindeland, Nicholas

Grindstaff, Garrett D Grishkowsky, Natasha
Grist, Lia M
Griswold, Isaac D

Groat, Jacquelyn
Groeneveld, Kaylee

Gromlich, Bridgette
Groover, Rachel
Groski, Benjamin
Gross, Heather R Grosso, Kevin Grove, Travis M Groves, Rebecca Groves, William G
Grow, Caleb B
Grow, Jordan W Grupp, Megan
Gruver, Kayla

Gryder, Kaitlyn
Gu, Yang
Guensch, Matthew Guenther, Daniel

Guenther, Jessica

Guillaume, Fille

Guillermo, Miguel P
Guilliams, Claire J
Guilliams, Sean D
Guimond, Aaron M Gula, John A
Gulledge, Brandon T
Gulledge, Jordan
Gum, Samantha
Gummo, Joshua T
Gunter, Casey P
Gupton, Joshua L

Gurnavage, Rachel E
Gurreri, Christopher N
Gustafson, Andrew

Gute, Melinda
Guthrie, Hannah
Guthrie, Rachel L

Guthrie, Ruth E
Guthrie, Sarah H
Guzman, Maria C Gwon, Jinjoo
Gyatt, Ashleigh E
Gyatt, Douglass H Ha, Ester Ha, Hyesoo
Haas, Amy R
Haas, Max S
Haberman, Elizabeth M Hack, Colby M Hackney, Terey
Hackney, Terrell
Haddock, Kierstin
Hadley, Amanda A
Hadley, Brady S
Haemmerle, Erika K
Hager, Alexis M Hager, Chelsea

Hagerman, Aaron W
Haggerty, Robert J
Hagopian, Alexis Hagy, Holly N
Hairston, Christopher

Hairston, Kimoni L Hairston, Lee
Hairston, Princess P Halbach, Amy E
Halbach, Bethany R

Haldeman, Ann C

Haldeman, Rachel
Hale, Alyssa M
Hale, Christina E
Hale, Daniel L Hale, Rachel
Hale, Sarah B

Hall, Brandon E
Hall, Christopher J Hall, Frederick
Hall, Isaac R
Hall, Jonathan L
Hall, Kristen N
Hall, Phillip Hall, Sabrina
Hallman, Alexandria
Hallman, John
Hallman, Matthew R

Halsey, Benjamin D Halstead, Haley
Halstead, Justice L
Halvorson, Victoria L Halyard, Jacqueline
Ham, Chanyang
Hamel, Chad A

Hamid, Micaela L

Hamilton, Alex D
Hamilton, Ashley
Hamilton, Brian D
Hamilton, Christian
Hamilton, Joshua G
Hamilton, Kandice D Hamilton, Kelly L
Hamilton, Rebecca J

Hamilton, Sarah E
Hammans, Kathleen A

Hammell, Kevin T
Hammett, Erica
Hammitt, Jonathan C
Hammond, Alyssa C

Hammond, Michael Hamrick, Austin
Hamrick, Shelby A
Hamrick, Tyler
Han, Peijun

Hancock, Anne-Marie R
Hancock, Ashley R
Hancock, Christopher D
Hancock, Erin F
Handal Villatoro, K
Handy, Melanie L

Handzlik, Zachary
Haney, Bradley N
Hanger, Rachel J Hankey, Sarah
Hankins, Timothy
Hanks, Lindsey
Hanlon, Jonathan
Hanna, Daniel B
Hanna, Pedro L
Hannon, Timothy D
Hansen, Andrew S

Hansford, Emily E
Hanson, Kayla R
Hanson, Mitchell A
Hanson, Samuel W
Happel, Lillie C
Haraseviat, Candace

Harbeson, Hunter
Harbison, Columbus Hardin, Taylor
Hardison, Kellie

Hardy, Adam E
Hardy, John G
Hardy, Larkin L
Hardy, Rebekah E
Hardy, Sabrina N
Hargett, Caitlin N
Hargett, Paige M

Hargrave, Conner
Harkins, Katie M
Harlan, Kimberly Harmon, Dillon
Harmon, Jeremiah
Harmon, Neil P Harmon, Raymond L
Harper, Angelica
Harper, Sarah E Harrell, Anna L
Harrell, Tenisha A
Harrell, Wayne A

Harrigan, Patricia E
Harrigan, Robert J
Harrington, Jordan M Harris, Allison E
Harris, Candace
Harris, Dustin L

Harris, Jasmine M Harris, Kelia M

Harris, Kenneth C Harris, Kevin D Harris, Marly K Harris, Nicholas J
Harris, Tameka M
Harris, Victoria E
Harrison, Andrew
Harrison, Deanna J

Harrison, Nathan Harrison, Sterling
Hart, Clinton T Hart, Seth A
Hart, Stephen T Harter, Carl

Hartke, Timothy
Hartley, Brittany Q
Hartley, Madison N
Hartley, Maggie L
Hartman, Alyssa

Hartman, Jeremiah J
Hartman, Joseph
Hartman, Joshua
Hartman, Lucas M

Hartman, Zachariah
Hartnett, Bryan M
Hartranft, Glenn D
Hartsock, Elizabeth Hartwell, Brooke N
Harvell, Michelle R

Harvey, Donte J
Harvey, Emily G

Harvey, Kyle
Harvey, Rebecca
Harvey, Renee A
Hassenpflug, Madeline R
Hassler, Andrew R

Hastings, Matthew J
Hatch, Kathryn M
Hatcher, Mary Leigh L

Hatfield, Megan M

Hathaway, Jesse
Hatter, Hunter N
Hatter, Nerissa K
Hatton, Matthew R

Hatton, Melissa
Haug, Titus A
Haug, Wayne E
Haugan, Vanessa B
Haugland, Zachary J

Hauk, Elizabeth
Hauk, Gabrielle
Haupt, Julie A
Haven, Jaykeb
Havens, Katherine M
Hawkes, Pierre
Hawkes, Shaneqa C
Hawkins, George W

Hawkins, Sarah E
Hawkins, Shailyse J Hawkins, Stephen D
Hawks, Brandon R
Hawley, Alexander J
Hawley, Cody R
Hawthorne, Shabris A
Hayden, Andrea K
Hayden, Jaclyn P
Hayden, Joshua
Hayden, Shannon M
Hayden, Victoria E Hayes, Carlie
Hayes, Christian A Hayes, Corey L
Hayes, Season N Hayhoe, Brian T Haynes, Erik M
Haynes, Michael E
Haynes, Shelby L
Haynes, Zachary A Haywood, Derek C
Hazy, Amanda D
Head, Sarah M
Healey, Joshua
Hearne, Tracie

Heath, Spencer R
Heathcote, Ryan M
Heatwole, Allyson J
Hebrank, Kendall
Heckard, Jeremiah T

Heckman, Jason
Hedblom, Jonathan A
Hedden, Albert A
Hedrick, Blake L

Hedrick, Brittannie
Hedrick, Meghan
Hedrick, Samantha M

Heermance, Stephen T

Hefner, Sarah M
Hegarty, Stephen R
Heidorn, Jacob M
Heidorn, Jodi
Heidt, Jessica
Heil, Sarah K
Heinecke, James R

Heinly, Morgan R
Heinrich, Ross E
Heins, Mary
Heisinger, Colby W
Heiskill, Tyevon J
Heisler, Andrew R

Heist, Stephanie L
Heizer, Brittany Heller, Kayla L
Hellman, Rebecca
Helmick, Matthew B

Helms, Bennett T
Helmuth, Austin
Helsabeck, Candace F Helt, Phoebe
Helt, Sarah A
Helton, Brent M

Hemmen, Rachel A
Henderson, Christopher N
Henderson, David Henderson, Jordan L
Henderson, Keiona V
Henderson, Neal P
Hendren, Nick L

Hendricks, Joshua B
Hendricks, Ryan C
Hendrickson, Daniel L

Hendron, Sapphire Heng, A

Henriquez, Sylvia
Henry, Matthew J
Henry, Matthew S
Henry, Matthew T
Henry, Meagan B
Henry, Mikayla N
Henry, Patricia
Hensley, Lauren D

Hensley, Zachary

Henson, Cara
Herbert, Kaitlyn G
Hercyk, Caralynn R
Hermening, Kaitlyn
Hernandez, Candy A
Hernandez, Gabriel Hernandez, Randall B
Hernandez, Reed C

Mejia, Milagro
Herndon, Megan N
Herrera, Emma
Herrera-Flores, Ashley
Herrero, Austin
Hershberger, Jeremiah D

Hertzler, Michael T
Herzog, Nathan
Hess, Samantha G

Hester, Tyler K
Hetrick, Hannah

Heubish, Jennifer L
Heuck, Kathryn
Heuisler, Amber R
Heverly, Christopher
Hewitt, Jonathan M

Hiatt, Taylor M
Hibbard, Ciara D
Hibbs, Alexandra M
Hibbs, Anneliese
Hibbs, Taylor C
Hickling, Timothy D
Hickman, Anna

Hicks, Brittany Hicks, Brittney M Hicks, Caleb E Hicks, Joseph D Hicks, Megan C Hicks, Seth M Hicks, Shannon Higginbotham, Kyle E

Higgins, Elisabeth Higgins, Kimberly Higgs, Chrisellyn High, Connor
Highton, Nigel A

Hightower, Spencer L Hileman, Nicole A Hill, Emily M

Hill, Joseph L Hill, Lauren M Hill, Nathan R Hill, Samantha Hillegas, Kelsey Hilliard, Hannah G Himes, Matthew S Hineline, Tara

Hines, Cecilia Hines, Rachel Hines, Sarah M Hinton, Andrew Hinton, Michael R Hippe, Jessica L Hippolite Amadi, Homasom D Hirst, Andrew

Hitch, Molly J Hitchens, Marie A Hne, Dwedeh E Hoag, Erika M
Hobson, Kyia

Hochstettler, Andrew L Hock, Lisa Hockenbury, Paige

Hodge, Christian D Hodge, Erick Hodge, Hannah N Hodges, Andrew L Hodges, Chelsea N Hodgson, Alex
Hodgson, Benjamin C Hodson, Hillary L

Hoehman, Matthew T Hoeritz, Morgan Hoff, Kevin Hoff, Matthew J Hoffman, Benjamin J Hoffman, Devon Hoffman, Emily Hoffman, Jaclyn J

Hoffman, Jonathan H Hoffman, Morgan M Hoffman, Stacey R Hoffmeier, Stephanie H
Hofmeister, Kyle D

Hogan, Anthony G Hogan, Lauren Hogge, Sarah E

Hoglen, Anika
Hogue, Jonathan T Hogue, Lindsey
Hoisington, Benjamin A
Hojakuliyeva, Sabina
Hoke, Danielle N
Hokoana, Kameona
Hokrein, Emily E
Holcombe, Timothy S
Holden, Hobie Holden, Skyler
Holder, John C
Holguin, Alex
Holland, Andrew L Holland, Faith M Holland, Justin R
Holland, Micheal C Holland, Peter J Holland, Sharon R Hollar, Rebecca L Hollen, Izabella Hollister, Nathan Holloman, Logan M Holloman, Sarah
Holloway, Amie M
Holloway, Olivia F
Holmes, Brandon L Holmes, Charles
Holmes, Edward W Holmes, Jonathan C Holmes, Melodie Holmes, Tawney
Holmquist, Carissa J
Hommes, Jacob K Honaker, Korie L
Hong, David

Hong, Petros

Hood, Adrienna L Hood, Jacob S Hood, Teresa J
Hooker, Bryan D
Hooper, Jessica B

Hoosier, Emily A
Hopchak, William
Hope, Trevor
Hopkins, Brennan
Hopkins, Kimberly A
Hoppe, Kyle R

Hopper, Steven A
Hoppis, Rachel M
Hopson, Kaylen
Hormann, Alexa
Hornberger, Fred R

Horne, Nicholas A

Hornemann, Katie A
Hornick, Amanda N
Horning, Peter
Hornung, Mikaela
Horrell, Brian D
Horsley, Devyn J
Horton, Kristin
Horwat, Dayne
Hostetter, Katie F

Hotchkiss, Kyle

Houck, Jonathan

Hough, Harrison
Houk, Alexandria
Houk, Cassandra G
Houser, Elizabeth A
Houser, Rebekah L
Houser, William S
Houston, Alicia R
Houston, Brittney L
Houston, Caleb E
Houston, Connor A
Houston, Trevor
Houtz, Ashley

Houze, Theresa
Howard, Abigail L
Howard, Abigail
Howard, Elizabeth
Howard, Florence
Howard, Jonathan D
Howard, Karmen M

Howard, Megan N
Howard, Rachel E
Howard, Sarah E
Howard, Scott W
Howe, Levi Howell, Taylor D
Howes, Ethan R
Howington, Jacquelyn
Hoyle, Allison K

Hoyle, Rachel E
Hoyt, Bradley
Hrabosky, Zachary G

Hrit, Ceilia R
Hsu, Rebecca R

Hu, Chengyuan
Hu, Shengwei

Huang, Ximan
Huband, Donald W
Hubbard, Clint W
Hubbard, Saddraid
Hubbell, Dallace
Hubbell, Kenneth
Huddleston, Jared G

Hudgins, Thomas

Hudson, Adrienne C
Hudson, Carylynne
Hudson, Elizabeth A
Hudson, Robert M
Hudson, Sarah
Hudson, Staci N
Huebner, Paul T
Hueni, Brianna
Huertas Landero, Joy J
Huffman, Kristina
Hufhand, Christianne
Hufstetler, Jesse
Hugen, Jessica C

Hughes, Bruce W
Hughes, Colleen E
Hughes, Elizabeth
Hughes, Erik T
Hughes, Ian W
Hughey, Briana
Hughey, Matthew
Huhtala, Evan P
Hull, Jonathan
Hull, Mark
Hull, Mary
Hummel, Cristiana G
Hummel, Luke E
Humphreys, Matthew D

Humphries, Hillary D
Humphries, Luke
Hundley, Krista L
Hungerford, Caleb S

Hungerford, Christopher
Hunt, Davis M
Hunt, Grant R
Hunt, Hannah R
Hunt, Keith W
Hunt, Meredith Hunt, Starr
Hunter, Cory D
Hunter, Jacob L

Hunter, Kameron
Hunter, Miles D Hunter, Rachel L
Hunter, Shelby M
Hupal, Michael
Hurlbert, Marcus
Hurley, Forrest S
Hurley, Jennifer L
Hurst, Kali J
Hurst, Sarah A
Husovich, Chelsea M

Huston, Kylie R
Hutchens, Allison

Hutchins, Shalonda
Hutchinson, Melanche
Hutchison, Garrett M

Hutson, Catie B
Hutson, Chesli
Hutton, Brooke
Hutton, Tiffani L

Hutton, William
Hwang, Jihyun
Hwang, Jisang
Hwang, Ki Up

Hwang, Sechan
Hydock, Natalie J
Ianno, Jeffrey R
Idiake, Obehiaghe
Ijadola, Emmanuel O

Ikejiofor, Uzo C Ilo, N

Imbriano, Joshua I
Imel, Heather
Indyk, Devyn N
Ingersoll, Jakob R
Ingle, Cody D
Ingram, Bryan
Ingram, Jayme B
Inman, Daniel J

Ireland, David J
Irizarry, Hermes
Irwin, Alicia H
Isaacson, Joshua D
Isidro, Amanda
Isom, Taylor
Ivanova, Natalia O
Jablonski, Katelyn M

Jackola, Nathan M

Jackson, Anjelica S
Jackson, Caleb Jackson, Carly Jackson, Christian
Jackson, Christopher R Jackson, Demetrius D Jackson, Faith

Jackson, Israel
Jackson, Joshua J
Jackson, Karason I Jackson, Latoya Jackson, Lauren Y
Jackson, Lorenzo O
Jackson, Marc
Jackson, Matthew B

Jackson, Maurice P

Jackson, Victoria E
Jacob, Jodi A Jacob, Jonathan R Jacob, Merlin A
Jacob, Victoria L Jacobs, Ashton Jacobs, Marissa A
Jacobsen, Charles
Jacobsen, Stephen R
Jacobson, Michael
Jadin, Joy D Jager, Matthias
Jagst, Rochelle

Jakob, Joshua
Jamerson, Shannon N
James, Ashley
James, Dylan G
James, Haley E
James, Kevin W James, Miklhail
James, Shannon D
Jamison, Benjamin

Jamison, Kimberly A

Jang, Seeun
Janiec, Allison E
Janney, Josh D
Japs, Michelle A
Jara, Jaime E
Jarrett, Chad W
Jasperson, Samantha A

Jaye, Tyler
Jean, Blondine
Jean, Melissa
Jean Noel, Maxini
Jean Paul, P
Jefferis, Ann E
Jeffers, Eric
Jeffers, Karen
Jefferson, Jeremy
Jefferson, Justin L
Jeffrey, Lauren R

Jeffries, Kaitlin R
Jenisch, Christi Jenkins, Abbey

Jenkins, Alison M

Jenkins, Brandy L Jenkins, Shaari J
Jenness, Amy

Jennings, Curtis W
Jennings, Katherine E
Jennings, Meghan E
Jennings, Shelanne N
Jennings, Timothy Jeon, Heungjin Jeon, Jun Hyok
Jeong, Dahye
Jepsen, Phillip W

Jervis, Emily
Jesalva, Cameron M

Jessee, Jared G

Jeter, Deondra M

Jett, John H
Jewell, Andrew J Jewell, Victoria Jia, Ru

Jiang, Mengmeng
Jillson, Emily

Jim, Marena L
Jimenez, Ethan Jin, Haitao Jin, Meishan Jin, Zhecun

Jin, Zhenyu
Joas, Michael
Jochmann, Wesley A

Johann, Brenden F
John, Joemon
Johnson, Allison O
Johnson, Andrew P

Johnson, Ashley F
Johnson, Ashley
Johnson, Brandon A
Johnson, Brittany Johnson, Bryce
Johnson, Caleb
Johnson, Chelsey
Johnson, Christine T

Johnson, Christopher S
Johnson, Daniel W
Johnson, David L
Johnson, Elissa
Johnson, Grace E
Johnson, Jasmine O

Johnson, Joannah
Johnson, Joelle
Johnson, Josiah D
Johnson, Katelyn R
Johnson, Kayla M

Johnson, Keri
Johnson, Kristi R
Johnson, Kyeisha R
Johnson, Maggie L
Johnson, Malachi

Johnson, Matthew D

Johnson, Matthew
Johnson, Megan
Johnson, Micah
Johnson, Michael D
Johnson, Myles D
Johnson, Re'Neicia N
Johnson, Renae E
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, Thomas C
Johnson, Van A Johnson II, Ronald D
Johnston, Kathleen
Johnston, Kristopher
Joiner, Katherine
Jolly, Bruce A
Jonathan, Marci J
Jones, Amanda
Jones, Ashley M

Jones, Austin Jones, Breanna
Jones, Brian G
Jones, Brittany
Jones, Cameron Jones, Donald S
Jones, Grant H
Jones, Haley M Jones, Hayley L Jones, Jacob B
Jones, Jamison
Jones, Jared W
Jones, Jennifer Jones, Keith K
Jones, Matthew L

Jones, Morgan N
Jones, Nathan D Jones, Nathaniel R
Jones, Nora K Jones, Reba
Jones, Rebecca K

Jones, Samantha A
Jones, Sara E
Jones, Steven B
Jones, Sydney C Jones, Tia
Jones, Tracey
Jones, Zachary R

Jonsson, Joshua P
Joo, Nicholas H

Jordan, Bonnie L
Jordan, Brittany L
Jordan, Chelsey
Jordan, Jessica M
Jordan, Kaitlyn
Jordan, Kali R
Jordan, Melissa
Jordan, Walesha C
Joseph, Emily M
Joseph, Esther M
Joseph, Leonord
Joseph, Nicholas
Joseph, Sherry E
Josephs, Daniella
Joyner, Emilie S
Joyner, Sarah M

Joyner, Zachary R

Judd, David J

Jugar II, Kelly T

Julian, Sarah N

Julian, Wesley A
Jung, Chaehwa
Justice, Amy
Justice, Brock
Justice, Johnathan W
Kabeya, Moise
Kacensky, Thomas L
Kacere, Alexander
Kacinski, Alicia M
Kacinski, David
Kaigler, Barry A
Kaim, Christian
Kalbach, Stefanie
Kalin, Melanie L
Kalleberg, Michele
Kamenga, Jennifer R

Kaminski, Ryan M
Kanagy, Christopher

Kanagy, Khristina M
Kancianic, Tricia
Kane, Brian J
Kang, Byunggu
Kang, Dabichi M
Kang, Joo Young

Kang, Min Hye
Kang, Samuel
Kapke, Danielle
Kapke, Jordan
Karel, Jameson L
Kargbo, Daniel W Karr, Zackary
Kasper, Kiani
Katz, Cassandra N
Kauffman, Austen M
Kauffman, Jordan
Kauffman, Marissa
Kaus, Keri S
Kay, Evan G
Kearney, Catherine G

Kearney, Hannah L
Keating, Andrew S
Keating, Katie L
Keaton, Catherine E
Keaton, Corey S
Kebede, Fikre
Keck, Abigail K

Keef, Daniel J
Keegan, Thomas
Keel, Zachary R
Keen, Hannah
Keene, Cody R
Keeney, Christi D
Kees, Zachary R

Keeton, Chelsea M

Keeton, Theresa
Kefle Seyoum, Natinael
Kehr, Jordan N
Keimig, Asa
Keiningham, Kristopher
Keiper, Melissa J

Keith, Jonathan
Kelchlin, Allyson
Keller, David M Kelley, Alyssa
Kelley, Frederick
Kelley, Jessica
Kelley, Laura E
Kelley, Sarah
Kellogg, Joshua J
Kellogg, Michael Kelly, Angelina Kelly, Anna M
Kelly, Bregon P Kelly, Bryce Kelly, Charisa J
Kelly, Daniel P
Kelly, James A
Kelly, Jared R Kelly, Jeffrey Kelly, Kacey
Kelly, Matthew
Kelly, Sean D
Kemmerer, Kristin L
Kemp, Jordan D Kendle, Shayna Kendrick, Sarah A
Kennard, Deidre A Kennedy, Katie E
Kennedy, Scott A Kennon, Aaron M Kenny, Eli M
Kent, Justin D
Keo, Pov

Keo, Sophorn Kerkhof, Annamieka V Kerkhof, Emily R
Kerns, Nicolette A Kerr, Allison C
Kerr, Ryan J Kerr, Samuel A
Kerr, Taran
Keslar, Rachel A

Kessell, Travis Kessler, Kirsten A

Kessler, Nicole M

Ketcham, Molly A
Ketner, Cory Key, Majique
Keyser, Bryan L

Keyton, Krystal M
Khan, Sneeya Khanal, Shiksha
Kholos, Jared M

Khosrofian, Joshua D Khosrofian, Michael P
Khoury, Heidi
Khuri, Alfred
Kibler, Cherish J Kick, Cory B Kidd, Jenna L
Kidd, Taylor D Kiebzak, Kalie
Kienitz, Damon M
Kijawski, Tyler
Kilburn, Joseph T

Kiley, Michael
Kilgore, Sarah J
Kilgore-Parker, Robert
Killian, Lindsay
Kim, A Reum
Kim, Andrew D Kim, Eun-Chong
Kim, Hanbee Kim, Hayung

Kim, Hyoyoung Kim, Hyun
Kim, Ji Young

Kim, Jinwoong Kim, Juchan

Kim, Kang R Kim, MuJin

Kim, Neil K Kim, Nohgyeom Kim, Oue Chan
Kim, Paul J Kim, Richard Kim, Sara Kim, Sarah Kim, Seong Yoon Kim, Seowoo Kim, Sue M Kim, Yeongwon
Kimball, Jael

Kimball, Ricki E Kimball, Sarah
Kime, Natalie
Kimmel, Stephanie L Kinard, Keynan Kinas, Caleb M King, Amanda L

King, Anella I King, Chancey King, David E King, Dennis F
King, Jonathan C King, Julie R King, Katelyn King, Ruby J
King, Sylvia K
Kingseed, Kelly

Kinker, Jonathan D
Kinne, Brendan A
Kinne, Megan A Kirega, David
Kirk, Jonathan F Kirkland, Ian
Kirse, Hannah Kirst, Rebecca Kish, Bryan A
Kistler, Victoria L

Klakring, Joshua Klase, Daniel Klein, Johanna F Klein, Maygan A

Klimavicz, Sandra
Klimkowski, Elizabeth Kline, Riley
Kline, William R

Kling, Taylor L

Klingensmith, Alyssa G

Klingler, Johnathan Klink, Elyse M

Klischer, Julie H Kloosterman, Jeremiah Klugh, Jennifer M Knapp, Corey Knapp, Kaitlyn M Knarr, Joseph E Knecht, Jordan Knecht, Luke A

Knef, Corey M Knepp, Tony Knight, Ariana M Knight, Christopher R Knight, Taylor Knights, Moorea K Knobeloch, Maeve Knoll, William T

Knopp, Tyler K Knouse, Emily J Knowles, Kelsie L Knox, Emily C Knox, Katharine M Knox, Lindsay M Knudsen, Zachary S Knuppel, Ryan

Kobinah, Ashley Kobinah, Steven Kobischen, Jennifer Kochanek, Jonathan A Kocman, Alexander J Kodel, Thomas R Koehring, Caleb F Kogok, Rebekah J
Koh, Seung Hun Kohn, Dana L Kokufuda, Hannah Kolar, Jason M Koning, Micah J Kontur, Grace E Koo, Ja Woong Koon, Zachary C

Kopfstein, Blair M Koppenhaver, Abigail KorKoya, Hassallen Koran, Bethany Korang, Desmond Kordus, Avery J Korinko, Francis Korson, Megan

Kosloff, Titus M Koteles, Chelsea M Kourkounakis, Abigail E Kovaluk, Kyle M Kovar, Brigitte Kozikowski, Kaitlyn Kraft, Josette Kratochvil, Andrew
Krause, Rachel A Krauss, Jessica Krautter, Daniel Kreimeyer, Nathanael T Kreisel, Brandon G Kremann, Kimberly Krick, Jonathan Krna, Kaitlyn E
Kromidas, Daniel G
Kronzer, Jay
Krouse, Rachael L
Kruer, Mary-Travis
Krumich, Erica
Kryza, Karly
Krzykalski, Cierra L Kuadey, Christian S
Kucharczyk, Autumn J
Kuchinski, Leanna L
Kuenzi, Grace

Kuhn, Jackson B
Kuhns, Sara
Kulp, Taylor R
Kunker, Brendon M
Kuntz, Carleigh S

Kunz, Jonathan
Kurosaki, Naoya
Kusi, Ama Serwaa

Kuske, Loren M
Kuzmik, Ashley E
Kwak, Joon Hyuk Kwon, Sujin
Kwon, Sung Jun

Kyle, Alex P
Kytle, Lyndsey
LaMier, Taryn J
LaSasso, Matthew L

Laborde, Anne E
Lacey, Isaac T
Lachapell, Rafael
Lachniet, Amber
Lackey, Ariel N
Lackey, Brittany
Lackey, Diana C

Lacombe, Kelly M
Lacy, Katelyn M
Lafayette, Cassandra
Laginestra, Ashley M Laing, Corlene
Laird, Brittany H
Laird, Meganne S Lake, Aaron
Lake, Bethany D
Lake, Krystal
Lalama, Jacqueline
Lally, Jeany M
Lally, Sean
Lalonde, Daniel J
Lam, Dorcas
Lam, Jordan E
Lam, Tak Sing

Lamb, Noelle
Lambach, David G
Lambert, Samuel C
Lamberton, Kelsey E
Lamm, Katie P

Lamm, Timothy I
Lamothe, Zachary L

Lancaster, Cassidie
Lancaster, Christina B

Lancaster, Jeffrey
Landavere, Alexis
Landis, Kaylee M
Landis, Mark F
Landis, Tyler
Landrum, Sara
Landry, Meredith
Landwerlen, Chelsey K
Lane, Joseph M
Langford, Christine
Langley, Kathryn A
Langley, Michael D
Lanier, Kaylin
Lanning, Kayleigh M
Lanning, Ryan E
Lantz, Mark K
Lanz, Jason
Lanzaro, Christian A
Laremore, Micah J
Largent, Edward
Lariccia, Dawn C

Larison, Lauren N
Larkins, Deshon
Larosa, Alexis F
Larrabee, Samuel E
Larsen, Jeannette
Larson, Alexander T
Larson, David T
Lash, Michael T
Lassen, Sarah
Lassiter, Lauren
Lathan, Sidnye C
Laton, Hailey E
Latshaw, James
Lattimer, Aubrey L

Lau, Kenny O
Laubscher, Luke A
Lauritsch, Bryan D
Lauson, Kara
Lauta, Anna
Law, Maegan L
Lawless, Calvin
Lawlor, Emily P

Lawrence, Austin
Lawrence, Jasmin M
Lawrence, Jennifer C

Lawson, Carrie
Lawson, Jenna L
Lawton, Elisabeth
Lawyer, Kimberly D

Laya, Danikka V
Layfield, Kaitlyn
Layne, Meyhonia T
Layton, Joseph B

Lazar, Hannah J
LeBlanc, Lindsay
LeMieur, Kiersten E
LeValley, Justin D
Leach, Elizabeth
Leahy, Darrell
Leaptrott, Anna F
Lear, Jessica E
Leasure, Gregory
Leatherman, Jeremy D
Leathersich, Timothy
Leatherwood, Maria E
Lebo, Jared M

Lebo, Lindsey R

Ledbetter, Joel A
Lederer, Kathryn M Lee, Brenna T
Lee, Changmin
Lee, Chi Wai

Lee, Daniel J Lee, Dillon E
Lee, Hagen G Lee, Hyojin
Lee, Jae Wook
Lee, Jeremy T

Lee, Jonathan
Lee, Ju An Lee, Lydia Lee, Min Jin
Lee, Nathan
Lee, Po Chun

Lee, Stephanie W

Lee, Subin
Lee, Taeheon
Lee, Timothy D Lee, Victoria Lee, Youngbin
Lee, Youngkwang
Leeds, Spencer S
Leepa, Matthew

Leeper, Morgan
Leers, Ashley
Leers, Kiara A
Lees, John B

Lees, Matthew B

Lefferts, Jeffrey
Leffew, Brandon S
Legg, Richard W
Lehman, Katherine
Lehr, Marissa C
Leistner, Shelby L

Leitch, Fiona K
Leitch, Stacey

Leite, David A
Leitz, Shae M
Lemmi, Giancarlo P

Lensch, Brittany N
Lentine, Tobias
Lentz, Jonathan
Lenz, Karl K
Lenzen, Derek M
Leon, Joshua M
Leonard, Jakob
Leonard, Jennifer A
Leonard, Julie M
Leonard, Leslie E
Leong, Jeremiah W
Lesh, Bethany L
Leslie, Zachary
Lesniak, Justin T

Lessig, Jewell R
Lester, PreToria
Leuci, Alexandra R
Levesque, Elizabeth A
Levesque, Sarah L

Lewallen, Laura
Lewanowicz, Andrew G
Lewellyn, Kelsey L

Lewellyn, Keren L
Lewis, Amanda M
Lewis, Brandon A
Lewis, Brennan T
Lewis, Brittany R
Lewis, Cara
Lewis, Edward S
Lewis, Jimmy R
Lewis, Joshua M
Lewis, Julie Y
Lewis, Kalynn M
Lewis, Kevin
Lewis, Krista
Lewis, Kristen M
Lewis, Sarah E
Lewis, Shawn M
Lewis, Tazhji M
Lewis-Allen, Kourtney
Leybold, Emily J

Li, Duo
Li, Junyi

Li, Kaikai
Li, Trisha
Li, Yuanhua
LiDrazzah, Jordan
LiVigni, Ashley R
Libby, Lucas O
Libby, Ross D
Lightner, Andrew

Lightner, Autumn M
Ligon, Luke
Lilly, Joshua S
Lim, Ji Chen

Lin, Tzu Chao
Linares, Josh M

Lind, Rachel
Lind, Victoria R
Lindner, Timothy G

Lindsey, Abigail
Lindsey, David
Lindsey, John H
Lindsey, Joshua W
Lingerfelt, Dylan D
Lintner, Adam

Linton, Bonita S
Lippa, Sydney G
Lippy, Casondra C
Lipscomb, Hannah J
Lisa, Justine
Lisbeth, David J
Lischynski, Chantal D
Liscio, Anna S
List, Garrett M

Lister, Mitchell L
Little, Alyson
Little, Emily
Littleton, Alexander
Litton, Lorrie K

Liu, Binbin
Liu, Can
Liu, Hsiao Ching

Liu, Siyi
Liu, Xingyu

Liu, Zhao

Lively, David T

Lloyd, Daniel R
Lloyd, Kyle E
Lloyd, Nathanial

Lloyd, Neil
Lock, Kristin S
Locker, Jonathon
Locklear, Philip C
Locklear, Shelby J

Lockwood, Evan

Loftis, David R

Logan, Patrick W
Logan, Richard J
Logel, Sarah
Lomax, Katherine
Lombardi, Lauren E
Lombardi, Nicole R

Loncar, Elizabeth C

Long, Allison B
Long, Eric G
Long, Garrett Long, Kalley
Long, Meredith
Long, Rebekah A
Long, Tyler R
Longenecker, Allison F

Longenecker, Lauren K
Longley, Natasha Ambrosine

Longnecker, Dylan M Longsworth, Meredith K
Lonsdale, Marissa
Look, Ryan
Lopez, Tatyana
Lopez, Tiana M

Lopez Colman, Jose D

Lorah, Michael
Loughney, Kaitlyn

Loughridge, Anne E
Louissaint, Patrick P
Love, Parker E
Love, Victoria A
Lovekamp, Lauren
Lovelace, Aaron G
Lover, Hunter
Lovetro, Maureen
Loving, Lillian
Loving, Raymond L
Lovitt, Michael

Low, Cameron
Lowder, Jonathan

Lowe, Clint W
Lowe, Courteny A
Lowe, Daniel E
Lowery, Jonathan H

Lowry, Anne S
Lozada, Miguel A Lu, Pei
Lu, Qingchuan
Luan, Jingwen

Lucas, Brittney
Lucas, Brooke
Lucia, Hanna L
Ludwig, Paul G
Luff, Shae
Luger, Matthew D

Luhrsen, Benjamin
Luick, Megan R
Lukaszewski, Sarah
Lumia, Tessa
Luna, Jeanette R
Lund, Christian
Lund, Hannah E
Lundie, Kristen M

Lunsford, Laurie

Lunsford, Terika
Luo, Wenjing
Lusignea, Kevin M
Lust, Elizabeth
Lust, Erica
Lustig, Joseph
Luther, Christopher B
Lutrario, Casey M

Lutz, Brian
Lutz, Joseph Lutz, Mariah J Lyle, Ted W Lynam, Nicole C
Lynch, Adriana M
Lynch, Hannah K

Lynch, John
Lynch, Katherine J
Lynch, Noah A
Lyon, Elizabeth E
Lyon, Taylor D Lyons, Amanda
Lyons, Jared S

Lyons, Thomas N
Mabes, Maellen
MacDonald, Joshua A
MacDougall, Heather L

MacDowall, Alexsa B
MacEwen, Thomas
MacKenzie, Amber K
MacMaster, Mary K
MacPherson, Rachel
MacQueen, Aubrey E
Macchiavello, Andrew J
Macdonald, Jami L
Macdonald, Trenton M
Machita, Alexandra
Mack, Aaron M

Mack, Avani
Mackey, Alyssa C
Mackey, Evan P

Mackie, Scott A
Macklin, Corey
Macy, Elizabeth
Maddox, Daniel
Maddox, James

Maddox, Megan S
Maddox, Micah T
Maderer, Olivia D
Madison, Joel T

Madison, Michael J
Madrid, Katherine
Magee, Stephen Magill, Elizabeth
Magyar, Lydia P
Maharaj, David W
Mailloux, Jessica

Major, Gerald H
Major, Jessica R
Malbuff, Aaron J
Malcolm, Skylar A
Male, Susanne R
Malhotra, Paul N
Malinda, Timothy W
Malizzi, Marc
Malkemes, Stephen
Mallinson, Tabitha D

Mallory, Justin
Mallow, Jessica L
Malnati, Eric D
Malone, Ashley
Malott, Joseph T
Mancuso, Emmalee
Mangum, Tyler J

Manley, Jordan
Manley, Joshua S

Mann, Jeremy
Mann, Katelyn N
Mann, Philip
Mannerino, Alexandra S
Manning, Byron L
Manning, Olivia K

Manoj, Sheryll A
Manor, Erica R
Mansfield, Brigette
Mansfield, Renee M

Mansour, Naser K

Manuel, Allison R
Manuel, Heather J
Manuel, Meghan A
Maples, Andrew F
Maples, Carla R
Marable, Jeshad

Maraj, Boydie
Maravilla, Charlene D
Marcello, Tracie M
Marcey, Leanna C
Marchand, Ellyse R
Marcouillier, Carley
Marienski, Glenn
Marinell, Chase M
Marker, Cecily M

Market, Jordan
Markle, Zachary S

Marlow, Kaitlyn E
Marquis, Dylan A
Marr, Ashley M
Marra, Joseph L
Marroquin, Cassandra
Marrotte, Michael R

Marsh, Rebecca
Marshall, Margaret V
Marshall, Patrick T
Marshall, Stephanie A
Marsico, Ethan
Marstell, Julia R
Marstin, Mark W
Martell, Nathan
Marti, Geancarlo E
Martin, Benjamin T
Martin, Caleb M
Martin, Christopher J
Martin, Claire A
Martin, Dominique
Martin, Eric
Martin, Garrett
Martin, Jairus
Martin, Jasmine
Martin, Justin H
Martin, Mallory
Martin, Samuel T
Martin, Sean S
Martin, Stephanie A
Martin, Taleysha
Martin, Victoria A
Martin, Weston S
Martin, William S
Martin, Zachary A
Martinez, Billieann
Martinez, Carlos M

Martinez, Josephine
Martins Lamptey, Karen N
Martsolf, Emily
Martz, Mitchell R
Marusich, Emily A
Marvel, Aaron L
Mascara, Brittany A
Mason, Andrew H

Mason, Briana M
Mason, Eric D
Mason, Justin
Mason, Justin
Mason, Laura M
Mason, Meredyth A
Mason, Morgan
Masonheimer, Joshua M
Massary, Abbigail J
Massimilla, Julia A
Mast, Kailee N
Masten, Katherine Y
Masullo, Kristen
Matherlee, Joshua D

Matherly, Courtney A
Matheson, Victoria K
Mathew, Jason
Mathew, Joel
Mathews, Lauren
Mathews, Rachel A

Mathews, Rielly C
Matis, Ryan
Matthews, Geoffrey
Matthews, Lavar
Matthews, Shelby N
Matthews, Victoria
Matthews, William C

Matula, Caroline S

Matula, Paul
Matzdorff, Jeffrey S
Mauceri, Ferdinando G
Mauch, Jared
Maudsley, Kayla M

Mauldin, Brian C

Mauldin, Kelly

Maurhoff, Charles B

Mavunga, Faith K
Mawyer, Andrea L

Maxey, Sarah N
Maximo, Nicole
Maxwell, Nathan
May, Brooke
May, Ellyn
May, Zachary
Mayberry, Rachel L

Mayes, Christian E
Mayes, Katie
Mayhew, Jordan J
Maynard, Jennifer L

Maynard, Mallory G
Maynard, Olivia P
Maynard, Taylor
Mayo, Brandy C
Mayo, Lindsey M
Mays, Austin E
Mays, Spencer
Mazza, Justin W
Mazzei, Sarah
McCabe, Michelle
McCall, Katelyn
McCalla, Joseph A
McCarl, Taylor O
McCarrick, Corey
McClain, Larissa L

McClemmy, Laura E
McClendon, Tony
McClinton, Kyle C

McClinton, Tyler S
McCloskey, Mary
McComas, Brittany
McConnaughey, Alison K
McConnel, Christie L
McConnell, Ian P
McConnell, John R
McCool, Erin V
McCorkle, Sarah

McCormick, Brynn M

McCormick, Elaine M

McCormick, Matthew
McCormick, Nalani R
McCosker, Michael J McCoy, Jodie L
McCoy, Taylor E
McCracken, Kathryn V
McCrary, Magdalyne G
McCray, Amy
McCroskey, Robert V
McCubbin, Garfield
McCully, Rebeccah C
McDade, Sean
McDade, Timothy McDaniel, Cara
McDaniel, Grace E
McDaniel, Jordan M
McDill, Joshua

McDonald, Daniel L

McDonald, Megan
McDonald, Rebecca C

McDonald, Stanley
McDonald, Taylor K
McDonough, Heidi
McDowell, Maresa J

McDuffie, Paiton E
McFadden, Pamela R
McFerren, Kyle A
McGaha, Connor T
McGann, Ethan K
McGarvey, Sean J
McGhee, Hunter
McGhee, Joshua C
McGlynn, Lydia S

McGlynn, Trevor
McGouldrick, Milan L
McGowan, Seamus P
McGrath, James T

McGugin, Paige E
McGuire, Candace L

McGuire, Katherine J

McGuire, Seth H

McHenry, Caroline E
McIntire, Timothy McIntyre, Jessica
McIntyre, Kaitlyn E McIntyre, Michael C McKean, Timothy C
McKechnie, Christopher

McKee, Christian D McKelvey, Kyle D
McKenna, Katelyn M McKinley, Kyle P
McKinney, Joshua D

McKinney, Scott W
McLain, Joshua McLane, Courtney
McLean, Hillary G

McLean, Lauren

McLemore, Alyssa
McLemore, Jeremy
McMahon, Christopher
McMahon, David
McMahon, Jonathan
McManaway, Kristin R

McMannen, Caitlin L
McManus, Sarah
McMichael, Kylie K
McMillan, Barbara
McMillan, Bryan P
McMillan, Joshua W

McMillan, Matthew R

McMillen, Sara
McMinn, Luke

McMullin, Joshua J
McNeil, Courtney A
McNew, Christiann E
McNulty, Paul
McPeters, Amber M
McPhee, Katherine A
McQuigg, Rebekah A
McRae, Alex B
McRorie, Nichole
McSpadden, Luci McTier, Hannah
McWaters, Abigail
McWilliams, James D McWilliams, Jamien M
Mcallister, Joseph
Mcgann, Gabriel
Mcgettrick, Rachel Mcghee, Dillon S Mcintosh, Abigail
Mckenzie, James H

Mckeown, Sarah
Mclaren, Eric
Mcneil, Jessica R

Mcneil, William K
Mcquinn, Jeremy R
Meachum, Joseph C Mead, Bobby R
Meade, Carroll M
Meade, Patrick J

Meade, Sarah E
Meador, Kurtis K
Meadows, Chanelle J
Means, Ryan M
Medena, Marie Y Medina, Elisa J
Medina, Lilian
Medina, Yamila A Meekins, Joshua
Mehltretter, Jewel C
Meinke, Ellyn L

Mejia, Daniel Mejia, Elizabeth
Melder, Zachary S
Melillo, Anna

Melin, Heather
Mellinger, Jennifer N
Mellis, Ashleigh
Mello, Caitlyn Ann
Mello, Devan
Melroy, Kyle M Melton, Ellen L
Melton, Mary E
Melton, Megan R

Melvin, Julia C
Melvin, Matthew
Melvin, Michael W
Melvin, Zachary

Melz, Katelyn Mendez, Matthew
Mendoza, Ivet C
Mendoza Duran, Luis M
Mengesha, Yared Belete

Mensah, Doreen
Mensah, Terance

Mentzer, Jack D

Mercier, Danielle E
Meredith, Christian I
Merrick, Stephanie D

Merrill, Christopher D Merrill, Lindsey
Merritt, Josiah C

Merritt, Kevin Merry, Matthew
Merryman, Rachel Meservy, Michael J
Messer, Michaela D

Messick, Christopher

Messina, Andrew M
Metelus, Marc A

Metzger, James C
Metzger, Joshua A
Metzger, Kyle
Metzing, Rachael
Meyerhoeffer, Benjamin
Meyers, Mark A
Mibaraka, Amen
Michael, Amber L
Michel, Elizabeth A
Michon, David
Mickel, Alexandria
Mickens, Ryan W

Middleton, Amber
Middleton, Andrew
Middleton, Justine
Middleton, William
Midgett, Daniel R
Mieden, Tricia R
Mierley, Hannah E Mijares, Mark P
Mikkelson, William
Milazzo, Anthony

Miles, Desnee L
Miles, Evanda
Miles, Jared E
Miles, Jordan D
Miles, Prince Miliano, Kyla
Miller, Adam S
Miller, Alexander W
Miller, Alison K
Miller, Amanda
Miller, Amy
Miller, Brandon P
Miller, Bryce
Miller, Cedric S
Miller, Darrell L
Miller, Derek R
Miller, Evan
Miller, Holly C
Miller, Jason D
Miller, Julia M
Miller, Julian E
Miller, Kathleen
Miller, Kristina R
Miller, Melissa J

Miller, Melissa N
Miller, Melissa R

Miller, Melody
Miller, Reagan N
Miller, Ryan C
Miller, Scott
Miller, Stephen L
Miller, Victoria C
Millican, Geoffrey
Milligan, Kyle
Milligan, Lauren R

Millman, Victoria
Millner, Shekinah J Mills, Bernon

Mills, Daniel Mills, Jacob
Mills, McKenzie K
Mills, Steven
Milwicz, Caroline E
Mimms, Travis
Mims, Caitlin M

Min, Stella J
Minden, Amber
Miner, Kristen
Minguez, Aaron
Minick, Andrew

Minner, Rance J
Minner, Zachary D

Minnick, Joshua E
Minniear, Stacy
Minter, Bari
Minter, Brandon T
Minter, Brent
Mintz, Gina R

Mioduszewski, Andrew
Miorelli, Olivia A
Miracle, Constance
Miranda, Ashley M
Miranda, Bliselda M
Mistretta, Meredith J
Mitchell, Ashley
Mitchell, Chelsea
Mitchell, James W Mitchell, Jon
Mitchell, Jonathan K
Mitchell, Kaitlin E
Mitchell, Kyle
Mitchell, Meredith E
Mitchell, Sarah A

Mitchell, Shamia M
Mitton, Leiren
Mizerani, Bruno
Mliakoff, Sophia
Mlinek, Rebekah R
Moberg, Breanna N
Mock, Ashton M
Mock, Morgan K
Mock, Whitney C

Mockabee, Julia D

Mohammed, Trudy A
Mohr, Evan
Mohr, Justin T
Moise, Taheshah
Moles, Kit A
Monahan, Robert
Moneymaker, Brenton S
Monopoli, Stephanie L
Monroe, Caitlin D

Montalvo, Ryan N
Monterroza, Katherine A

Montgomery, Adrianne

Montgomery, Colton
Montgomery, Samuel M
Montgomery, Seth T

Moody, Nicholas G
Moody, Sararose E
Moon, Brandi
Moon, Melissa
Moore, Amanda L
Moore, Andrew N
Moore, Anne
Moore, Audrey
Moore, Daniel T
Moore, David
Moore, Drew
Moore, Emma G
Moore, Erica
Moore, Hayden
Moore, Isaac
Moore, Katherine
Moore, Kathryn
Moore, Kiara M
Moore, Kurt A
Moore, Kyle
Moore, Lane
Moore, Meredith
Moore, Michael
Moore, Michelle
Moore, Rashida S
Moore, Ryan
Moore, Sarah A
Moore, Spencer A
Moore, Thomas W
Moore, William J
Moore-Hyson, Olivia M

Morales, Andres
Morales, Joseph E
Moran, Jason Moran, Samantha
Moranha, Dennis
Morann, William L
Morash, Christopher

Morden, Jennifer R

Morelli, Jessica N
Moreno, Jonathan J

Morgan, Alexandra T
Morgan, Ashlee L
Morgan, Courtney N
Morgan, Heidi N
Morgan, Jeremiah A
Morgan, Kelsey B
Morgan, Rachel L Mori Ramos, Keyla D
Morin, Caitlyn D
Morley, Brooke N
Morrill, Robert A
Morris, Alex B
Morris, Amanda C

Morris, Coral
Morris, Edward
Morris, Ericka J

Morris, Gage
Morris, Heather
Morris, Jacob T
Morris, Kathryn
Morris, Kristie S Morris, Lauren
Morris, Nicholas L

Morris, Robert D
Morris, Sarah E
Morris, Sarah K Morris, Shelby J
Morris, Sigourney C
Morrisey, Matthew
Morrison, Jessica
Morrison, Natalie A
Morrison, Samuel A
Morrow, Jordan Morse, Samuel Morse, Shannon
Morton, Charles

Morton, Deidre L
Moses, Hannah O
Moses, Martha A
Moshkowski, Jordan F
Moskalski, Dorothy
Mosley, Macklyn D
Mosley, Raven
Mosley, Shanay

Mosquera, Kyla L
Moss, Alexandra L

Moss, Franz Ottis A

Moss, Julie
Mosset, Lauren R
Mosteller, Drew A

Moszumanski, Steven
Motley, Octavia
Motta, Kayo R
Mouzon, Patience M
Mowery, Allyson
Moxey, J
Moxley, Richard
Moye, Karlyn V
Moyers, Levi
Moyo, Nkosana
Mozingo, Mallory R
Muckenfuss, Jesse L

Mudd, Emily
Muffett, Lauren
Muhammad, Amirah
Muhoro, Emily N
Muir, Sean A
Mulder, Matthew
Mulero, Andrea S
Mull, Stephen D
Mullaly, Kathryn B

Mullen, Amelia
Muller, Dana L
Muller, Tara
Mulligan, Christopher M
Mullinax, Vaida L
Mullins, Benjamin R
Mullins, Nathaniel K
Mullis, Blessing R
Mulugetta, Milka
Mumme, Laura E
Mumpower, Sara E
Munaires, Marcos A
Mundo, Jessica A
Mundy, Katie A
Munoz-Leon, Bryan A
Munson, Hannah
Munson, Kayla M
Muntz, Abigail L
Muomah, Onyinye M
Murachanian, Dennis R

Murdaugh, Emily

Murphree, Andrew
Murphy, Andrew C
Murphy, Holly M
Murphy, Joseph
Murphy, Samuel
Murr, Alexander S
Murray, Allyson P

Murray, Alyssa K
Murray, Judah
Murray, Katherine R
Murray, Lindsey
Murray, Morgan
Musselman, Matthew T

Musser, Douglas

Musser, Erin A
Mwambazi, Mulota
Mwasha, Edith Solomon

Myers, Charity A
Myers, Claire T
Myers, Dominique
Myers, Elizabeth
Myers, Hannah G

Myers, Jesse M
Myers, Kendra
Myers, Zachary
Myhren, David C

Myrick, Amberly
Myrick, Jessica
Nace, Dylan

Naess, Kelsey
Naff, Logan P
Namgung, Jin
Nance, Caroline W
Nance, Lindsey F
Nanton, Robert T
Napier, Aaron
Napier, Alexa
Napier, Danielle H
Napier, Hope
Narron, Ryan H
Nash, Erica M
Nash, Hunter T
Nathan, Phillip A
Naude, Ian

Navarre, Forrest D
Navarrete, Ana M
Neal, Brittany N
Neal, Whitney L
Neber, Andrew R

Neeley, Mary K

Neff, Alexandra M
Nehring, Mackenzie
Nelson, Brianna
Nelson, Britta
Nelson, Caleb D
Nelson, Connor
Nelson, Diana
Nelson, Janeil
Nelson, Kaitlyn M
Nelson, Kelly R

Nelson, Luke
Nelson, Nathan
Nelson, Rachel
Nelson, Taylor A
Nelson, Tinsea
Nemshon, Marina
Nero, Tierra K
Nesbitt, Elizabeth A
Nesmith, Sherrell M

Nester, Jesse
Nestor, Joshua R

Nevard, Micah B
New, Elizabeth B
Newman, Daniel
Newman, Lukas
Newman, Mark T
Newman, Robert B
Newsom, Chelsea N
Newton, Nicholas J

Newton, Ryan D
Ng, Jennifer E Ng, Kevin
Ng Ming Ai, Esperanza
Nguyen, Brooke
Nguyen, Dung
Nguyen, Hang Thu
Nguyen, My T

Nguyen, Nathan
Nguyen, Sarah N Ni, Beibei
Nibblett, Teneka R
Niceforo, Philip N
Nicely, Ashley
Nichols, Amber R
Nichols, Amina R
Nichols, Brittanie M
Nichols, Dana R
Nichols, Hanna P
Nichols, Jason
Nicholson, Chase S
Nicholson, Devin
Nicholson, Jennifer
Nickerson, David J

Nickerson, Jordan C
Nickerson, Melissa C

Nicklow, Jennifer B
Nicol, Joshua S
Nicotra, Sarah E
Niehaus, Kaila N
Nielsen, Rebecca J
Nieman, Gabriel O
Nigh, Clinton G Nino, Juan
Nino Aguirre Campis, D
Nino Aguirre Campis, David
Nishimoto, Hope

Nissen, Brianna N
Nitschke, Robert D
Njoroge, David M

Noble, Rebecca J
Noble, Sandra D

Nolan, Laura E
Noll, Cynthia M
Norman, Anais D
Norman, Cody L
Norman, Deborah L
Norman, Zachary
Norris, Casey J
Norris, Charles L
Norris, Mary H
North, Victoria A
Northrup, Michael F

Norton, Brittany N
Norton, Melissa
Notarbartolo, Ana
Notarbartolo, Daniel
Novitsky, Matthew

Nuce, Amanda
Null, Forrest
Nunez, Christine E
Nunez, Israel M
Nunez Zambrano, C Nunley, Micah
Nunn, Benjamin P

Nunn, Caitlyn E
Nunnally, Collin
Nye, Samuel M
O Donnell, Christopher
O'Berry, Kelsey J
O'Brien, Christopher
O'Brien, Jared A
O'Brien, Jeffrey
O'Brien, Mahala
O'Dell, Jerusha
O'Dell, Jill
O'Donal, Perry E
O'Donnell, Amy L

O'Donnell, Matthew

O'Hara, Patrick
O'Keeffe, Adam T

O'Leary, Daniel P
O'Leary, Shannon L
O'Malley, Kathleen J
O'Neill, Scott
O'Prandy, Tara N
O'Rourke, Brendan P

OBrien, Sean P
OHandly, James
Oakes, Landon M

Oakey, Kent
Obenchain, John B

Obenchain, Justin T
Oberg, Chelsea L
Oberg-Porter, Ashleigh E
Oberholzer, Eric M

Oberlin, Timothy M

Oberst, Shawna
Ochs, Stephanie F

Odellas, Cherone

Odom, Brandon
Oduro, Samantha
Oelrich, Melanie
Oertly, Brittany R
Oester, David
Oesterheld, Stephen
Oesterling, Jarrod D
Offill, Joshua S
Ogbonnewo, Ifeoluwa O
Ogden, David
Ogden, Kelly
Ogle, Valerie M

Ogukwe, Somto E
Oh, Minhee
Ohene, Priscilla

Ohlhauser, Brooke
Ohman, Isaac N
Ohnmeiss, Daniel
Ojiaku, Uchenna C Ojoibukun, T

Oldham, Lauren E
Oleyar, Adam S
Olinghouse, Jordan L
Olivieri, Dylan C
Olsen, Cameron Olsen, Ian A Olson, Kaleigh A Olson, Nicole
Olson, Russell W
Olson, Veronica
Olugbemi, Olamide
Olver, Sarah E
Omatiga, Mary E
Omdal, Carly R
Ommundsen, Jakob A
Ommundsen, Jamie
Ommundsen, Joseph
Omotola, Toluwani
Onifer, Jacob

Onyechi, Tobenna P
Ooi, Chien L Oppel, Garrett T
Orange, Michelle H
Orcutt, McKenna M
Ordway, Jessica D

Orlandi, Joseph
Orne, Tiffani N
Orsini, Lauren N
Ortega Lopez, Estefany Luz
Orth, Renee A
Ortiz, Elizabeth H Ortiz, Julio A
Osborn, Heather
Osborne, Laura K Osei, Devon
Osei-Mensah, Abigail
Osei-Tutu, Nana

Osgood, Brandon R Ossler, Tara
Oster, Sarah E
Osterhus, Rachel
Osterkamp, Benjamin
Ostrom, Rachel

Osuala, Sophia
Otieno, Lillian D Ott, Carlie C

Ottaway, Alek C
Ottinger, Lauren A
Ottino, Barbara L Otto, Alyssa
Ouellette, Michael
Overbey, Bethany
Overbey, Matthew D

Overholser, Charis J
Overholser, Kirsten L

Overholt, Andrew

Owens, Anastasia M
Owens, Kaitlyn D
Owens, Michael W
Owens, Serena C
Owsley, William T
Owusu, Nana Konadu S
Owusu, Robert
Owusu Ansah, Michael

Pacay, Stephanie G

Pacchioli, Jesse
Pace, Kayla D
Pace, Montgomery
Packett, Jacob A
Pagan, Katherine L

Pagan, Michelle
Page, Austin D
Page, Denise
Pagliuso, Brittany
Paladino, Frank
Palencia, Benjamin

Palicas, Nicolle

Pallaria, Christina J
Pallaria, Grace M
Pallaria, Steven F
Palm, John J
Palma, Jacob I
Palma, Yzela E
Palmatier, Benjamin T
Palmer, Ashley
Palmer, Bailee
Palmer, Katelyn N
Palmer, Maddison A
Panchigar, Shahil

Pandorf, Timothy
Pannell, Ashley D
Pannell, Jonathan J

Paolelli, Taleah R

Paone, Amanda

Parchment, Silvanous

Pardue, Hunter A
Parent, Christopher D

Parfitt, Andrew

Park, Andrew
Park, Dajung
Park, Jun Park, Semi

Park, Taeyoung
Park, Vanessa E
Park, Young Gyo
Park, Young Ho

Parke, Janice B

Parker, Adam D
Parker, David S
Parker, Jelisha L
Parker, Joel A
Parker, Jordan R
Parker, Katie M

Parker, Krista L
Parker, Kyler R
Parker, Lauren E
Parker, Matthew C

Parker, Samantha
Parker, Sarah E
Parkinson, Susanna

Parks, Adam J
Parks, Amber D
Parks, Taylor F
Parris, Adesafi
Parris, Caroline A
Parsons, Joseph F
Parylak, Joseph A

Passaglia, Andrea M
Passmore, Erin B

Pasto, Christian

Pate, Esther
Pate, Kelsey
Patel, Sharon N
Patkos, Lindsey M
Patrie, Timothy
Patterson, Chelsea
Patterson, Kelly A
Patti, Brianna
Patti, Daniel T
Patti, Matthew R
Patton, Brandon M

Paul, Stephen N
Paulson, Tori
Paulus, Kate C
Pausch, Jesse T
Payel, Parmina C

Payne, Alexander M
Payne, Bradley D
Payne, Corbin H Payne, Sharon
Payne, Sophia E
Payne, Stuart L
Pearce, David P
Pearce, Jennafer L
Pearce, Lauren
Pearce, Olivia
Pearson, Andrew C

Pearson, Chad H
Pearson, Jesse
Pearson, Jonathan W
Peavyhouse, Michael
Peck, Jason D

Peck, Miranda D
Peckman, Leslie
Peele, Mallory M

Peelen, Heather
Peer, Elise A
Peer, Leanne K
Pegram, Jordan C
Pegram, Joshua

Peiffer, Erika L
Peleshok, Carly S
Pelesky, Chelsea R Peloso, Robert Pendell, Megan

Peng, Chiung-Yueh

Penn, Jonathan D

Pennington, Brittany
Pennington, Olivia M
Pennisi, Mark A
Pennix, Nicholas
Penrod, Tyler G

Pentoney, Emily
Pepin, Chadwick
Percival, Gabriel C Percival, Veronica E Perdomo, Karina S Pereira, Helena Perez, Angel A Perez, Azucena Perez, Joy Perez-Gaitan, Montserrat
Perin, Caleb M Perkins, Allen Perkins, Charlotte A Perkins, Jonathan D Perla, Caleb Perrell, Kyle D Perricaudet, Caroline V Perritt, Ashton T

Perry, Calease J Perry, Dylan J Perry, Genevieve A Perry, James D Perry, Jamie L Perry, Samantha R Perry, Stephen Person, Jennifer N
Person, John R Peterman, Arthur W Peters, Brandon Peters, Emily K Peters, Kara Peters, Nicholas T Peters, Olivia Peters, Ryan

Petersen, Cody J Petersheim, Benjamin D Peterson, Andrea Peterson, Devaul M Peterson, Ginny Peterson, Jeremy Peterson, Kelsey Peterson, Kylie J
Petit, Nicole L

Petriccione, Alyssa M Petro, Luke Petrocelli, Victoria Petroff, Nicholas Petrovich, Jordan L Pettus, Jerod Petty, Tanner E
Peyton, Philip Pfaffle, Alexa J Pfau, Danae M Pham, Minh Hoang Philipps, Joshua S Phillips, Aimee Phillips, Andrew S Phillips, Barrett C
Phillips, Brooke N Phillips, Christina M Phillips, Cole T Phillips, Dillon Phillips, Kent V Phillips, Kyle Phillips, Taylor M Phoebus, Caitlin M
Piacentino, Anthony
Piazza, Joseph
Piccioni, Christina M
Piccirillo, Camille E
Picht, Gina
Pick, Justine M
Pickard, Connor R

Picking, Rachel
Pickinpaugh, Amy M

Pico, Bethany G
Piekarski, Ethan S
Pieper, Emmett
Pierce, Andrew
Pierce, Rachel Pierce Diehl, Ciara R

Piergallini, Francesca M
Pigliavento, Christopher M
Pigliavento, Matthew D

Pigliavento, Michael J
Pignataro, Angela
Pikarsky, Kiersten
Pike, Rebecca L Pilgrim, Emma G Pilipauskas, Greg
Pinder, Gracesella
Pineda, Benjamin
Pineda, Ismael
Ping, Jennifer
Pingley, Luke C Pinho, Daniel
Pinkerton, Karissa L
Pinkleton, Jacquelyn N
Pinkleton, Nichole E
Pinkston, Zachary

Piskorik, Marshall
Pitcher, Samuel
Pitts, Andrew J
Pitts, David J
Pitzen, Brandon M

Plasterer, Sadie E
Platz, James M
Player, Timothy M

Pless, Kathryn L
Plum, Hannah
Plumback, Alexandrea K
Plymale, Lynn
Poff, Jenna F
Pogue, Brandon M

Poitras, Rebekah A
Polachek, Ryan

Poli, Jared C
Poling, Lindsay C

Pollack, Kelly C

Pollard, Lauren M
Pollock, Kelly M
Ponce-Maldonado, Rogelio A
Ponsini, Rebecca J

Poole, Alyssa A Poole, Megan
Pope, Jessica
Pope, William M
Porell, Chad
Port, Tessa Porter, Bailie H
Porter, Matthew T
Porter, Tanner
Portillo, Cesia S
Portillo Carcamo, D
Potter, Katrina M
Potts, Alicea R

Potts, Cameron J
Potts, Jandi
Poulos, Bethany J

Pound, Erika F
Powell, Catherine
Powell, Haleigh E
Powell, Karyn
Powell, Nicholas J

Powell, Ryan
Powell, Sean M
Prater, Amanda M
Prater, Charles W
Preble, Christina R

Preble, Matthew T

Prescott, Jacob A
Prescott, Justin
Preston, Kathleen E
Pretty, Nicholas
Preu, Ryan
Price, Amy E
Price, Brandon
Price, Earl
Price, Emily
Price, Jordan P
Price, Joshua B
Price, Leesha D
Priest, Laura B
Prieto, Spencer D

Pritchard, Meghan N
Proctor, Kristen E
Proctor, Richard
Proffitt, Lauren N
Promnitz, David H

Prosser, Ciji O
Proulx, Wilson A
Prousalis, Mark

Prowant, Ashley E
Prozzo, Emmett J
Pruitt, Martin
Pryor, Seth K
Psolka, Lindsay
Puccino, Joshua
Puccio, Joshua T

Puffenburger, Robert
Pugh, Joshua D
Pugh, Yasmine N
Pugh, Zachary
Pujol Rooks, Christine M

Pullen, Devin J

Pullen, Lauren E
Pulliam, Darius T
Pullin, Cynthia
Purcell, Robert T
Purdy, Christine
Purtell, Seth

Pye, Emily J
Pyles, Lauren N
Pyles, Leslie A
Qassis, Hussam Fuad Yacoub

Qin, Jiaying
Quackenbos, David C
Quandt, Ryan P

Quanstrom, Karis
Quaynor, Jazmin A
Queen, Lindsey B
Quesenberry, Stuart J
Quesinberry, Kaitlyn
Quigg, Sarah E
Quinn-Woods, Derek
Quinones, DiAnna V
Quintanilla, Sarahi
Quintrell, Carla J
Quirion, William
Rabon, Stephen R

Rachor, Steven
Rack, Michael W
Racz, Melissa R
Rada, Ariel D
Radcliffe, Hannah B

Radke, Sara N
Radt, Laura
Radtke, Noah J

Rady, Amanda M
Ragusa, Jenna P
Raiche, Josiah
Raiford, Brittany

Raj, Stephanie A
Ralon, Audrey M Ramberger, Micaela M
Ramey, David L
Ramos, Edisson G
Ramos, Elizabeth S

Rampersad, Thaleigha
Ramsdell, Alexcia B
Ramsey, Joshua H
Ramsey, Meri G
Ramsey, Richard Ramzy, Devon

Randolph, Andrew P

Randolph, Thomas Rank, Kaleigh
Rapp, Alexandra K
Rasmussen, Kent J
Raszinski, Brett
Raszinski, Bryan Rathsam, Benjamin
Ratliff, Devin W
Rauch, Emily

Raudenbush, Michelle
Raulli, Craig
Rauscher, Bethany B

Rauscher, Caitlin S
Raush, Emily R

Ravindranath, Barnabas P

Rawls, Jacob W
Rawls, Kayla R
Rawn, Rachel B
Rawsthorne, Ashley K
Ray, Andrew
Ray, Brandon M Ray, Jacob R
Ray, Kimberly N
Raybould, Katie L
Reade, Brooke N Ready, Joel A
Reagan, Shelby L Reagan, Victoria E
Reale, Jade Reames, Casey C
Rear, Amanda
Reasner, Cason

Reasor, Lindsey
Reaves, Julia A Reavis, Adrienne D Rebolledo, Lenore
Rector, Jonathan Redd, Andrew Redding, Cassia
Reddington, Kevin Redman, Stephan
Reed, Alan S Reed, David L Reed, Heather N Reed, Jennifer E Reed, Kendall A Reeder, Allison J
Reeder, Michael T Rees, Andrew Reese, Brian Reese, Sarah E Register, Lindsey A Regnaert, Gabrielle Regnaert, Hilary R Rehrer, Lydia R

Reichard, Jacob

Reichard, Matthew A Reid, Justin A Reidy, Erin E
Reikes-Moody, Tirzah

Reilly, Jennie E Reist, Janelle Rendinaro, Christopher
Renney, Christina

Renshaw, Meghan
Rerick, John Resor, Justin T
Rettig, Emily

Revely, Christopher J

Revely, Jessica L Revercomb, Marie I

Reyes, Henry Reyes Rivera, Carlos Reynolds, Brandy M Reynolds, Jonathan Reynolds, Kamryn B Reynolds, Melissa B Reynolds, Nathan D Reynolds, Rebekah M

Rhebergen, Katie J Rhee, Dimode Rhee, Semy

Rhoads, Dorothy
Rhodes, Christopher
Rhodes, Jennifer R Rhodes, Susan K Rhymer, Hannah L

Rhymer, Kelsi J Rice, Camila M Rice, Emily M Rice, Erin N Rice, Katie Rice, Leah R Rich, Alvin Rich, Cory R
Rich, Joshua A

Richard, Cameron L Richard, Lawrence J Richards, Courtney E
Richards, Darrell O
Richards, Edward D

Richards, Hannah J Richards, Janelle
Richards, Lee
Richards, Nicholas I Richardson, Crystal A Richardson, DeAngelo X Richardson, Jordan
Richardson, Joshua Richardson, Michael Richtarik, Ashley
Richvalsky, Evan J Rickert, Sarah A Rickett, Brittany
Rickett, Casey M

Rider, Amanda M Ridge, Elena M Ridge, Patrick Rieke, Luke
Riel, Margaret V

Riggins, Granger
Riggins, Hannah M
Riggins, Heather M
Riggs, David T
Rigney, Andrew J Riley, Karen A Riley, Kirsten P
Riley, Mark C
Riley, Zachary P Ring, Kasey
Ringel, Renee E
Rininger, Ashley M Rioux, Jade E
Rishel, Cortney
Risley, Bethany M

Riss, Drew
Ritch, Christopher Ritchey, John-Michael

Ritchey, Kimberly

Ritchie, Amanda M Ritchie, Chad S Ritchie, James C Rivera, Dennis L
Rivera, Jaimie R Rivera, Teresa Rivera, Xavier R
Rivers, Adam T
Rivers, Addison L Rivers, Keith C
Robbins, Amber M Robbins, Leonard
Robbins, Matthew A Robbins, Rachel Roberson, Angela Roberson, Julia R Roberson, Parker A Roberts, Brandon Roberts, Hannah L Roberts, Jacob
Roberts, Kathrin E Roberts, Kerianne C Roberts, Lara J Roberts, Luke K Roberts, Nathan D Roberts, Preston E Roberts, Rhett Robertson, Drake
Robertson, Thomas H Robinette, Spencer D Robinson, Alexis Robinson, Colby B Robinson, Dillon M Robinson, Elizabeth A Robinson, Katelin Robinson, Kelly L
Robinson, Kyrie Robinson, Matthew E Robinson, Matthew R Robinson, Megan L Robinson, Megan Robinson, Rebecca A Robinson, Rebekah Robling, Zachary D

Robson, Jordan A Rockey, Jasmine Rockson, Akindele A Rodebeck, Emily Rodgers, Andrew Rodgers, Bridget E Rodgers, Bryce A Rodgers, Rebecka

Rodgers, Zachary W Rodriguez, Alexander J Rodriguez, Ananias Rodriguez, Ashley J Rodriguez, Daniel Rodriguez, Miguel Rodriguez, Raymond Rodriguez, Sara A

Rody, Megan H Roedding, Kassandra Roeglin, Alexander C Roehm, Brandon T Roeseler, Christian A Rogers, Austin J Rogers, Jessica M Rogers, Lori M
Rogers, Mallory C Rogers, Racquel D Roggensack, Emily C Rohrer, Adam T Rohrer, Andrew Rohrer, Benjamin N Rohrer, Jared Rohring, Julie M

Rohwer, Melissa S

Roland, Erica
Rolfe, Brooke E
Rolle, Travier M
Rollins, Elizabeth L Rollins, Kendle A Rollins, Lydia G Rollo, Andrew
Romaniello, Alexander
Romano, Gabrielle
Romanov, Rita I
Romas, Vanessa
Romero, Tyler
Romero, Veronica M
Rominger, Ryan Rong, Dabin

Roop, Emily
Rooth, Gloria
Rosasco, Joseph
Rose, Brittani M Rose, Rebecca L Rose, Sean
Roselle, Elisabeth D Rosenberger, Amanda B
Rosewell, Chantel E
Roshetko, Katelyn C Ross, Anita D Ross, Arielle
Ross, Cody T Ross, Emily C Ross, Emily Ross, Eric P
Ross, Samuel T Ross, Timothy Roth, Marlin Rothhaar, Daurie
Rothwell, William H
Rotruck, Joshua
Rotz, Benjamin D Rouse, Matthew D
Rouse, Sam
Roush, Elena E
Rousselo, Erin M
Rowe, Laura J
Rowe, Rachel M

Rowe, Savannah Rowles, Darren Rowley, Joshua M
Roy, Jacquelyn G
Ruchte, Lane K Rudisill, Kara J
Rueckher, Lauren M
Rufo, Matthew
Ruiz, Christina A Ruiz, Dekota E Ruiz, Jorge L
Ruiz, Tarsis
Rumbold, Amanda K

Rundlett, Mattison

Runion, Richard L

Runnels, William

Rupp, Samantha M
Rupprecht, Nicholas C Rusk, Ryan

Russell, Alyson E
Russell, Jessica
Russell, Katelyn B
Russell, Tyler D
Russo, Joshua T

Russo, Katie J Rust, Micah T
Rusterholz, Copeland A
Rutherford, Ashley E
Rutherford, Whitney A Rutland, James K

Rutledge, Katy S
Ryan, Brett L
Ryan, Bryce W
Ryan, James R Ryan, Jeremy T
Ryan, Kathryn P
Ryan, Matthew D
Rygh, Nathan L
Rygh, William G

Rygh, Zachary D

Saar, Bruce A
Sabella, Brien C Sabella, Joseph
Saburro, Jacob J
Saccocio, Michael Sagarino, Taylor
Sailsbury, Hannah
Sailsbury, Jenna A
Sala, Elizabeth Salamanca, Brian A Salinas-Bacher, Erica E
Sallee, Mark R
Salley, Sakinah
Salsberry, Sarah E
Samms, Danae L
Sample, Xavier

Sams, Brandi
Samuel, Benjamin Samuels, Damian
Samuels, Tiffany K
Sanabria, Angela M
Sanabria, Harry E
Sanchez, Cecilia M
Sanchez, Danielle J
Sanchez, Gilber H

Sanchez, Jerardy
Sanchez, Jessica L
Sandberg, Hannah C

Sanders, Andrew
Sanders, Ashley R
Sanders, Joshua
Sanders, Joy E
Sanders, Kara
Sanders, Richard Sanderson, Christina
Sandison, Candace
Sanford, Terence M

Sangeorge, Amy

Santana, Janitza
Santos, Krystina
Santos, Rick N
Sapperstein, Paul
Sapu, Joshua A
Sarachik, Kayla
Sargent, Abigail J Sarrett, Caylen M Sartelle, Courtney Sarvis, Amanda Sassaman, Aaron J Sauers, Brett Sauerwein, Weslie
Saul, Dustin M Saunders, Ashley Saunders, Joshua Saunders, Raven Savacool, Marc
Savage, Cary L Savage, Kayla C Savoy, Brandyce E

Sawusch, Andrew
Sawusch, Kimberly R Sawyer, Jeffrey A Sawyer, Lucas C Sawyer, Ryan Saxman, Jonathan Saxton, Faith Saxton, Nicholas
Scalfaro, Dominic C Scalzo, Gina M Scalzo, Marissa A Scanlon, Ryan
Scarborough, Caleb J Scarce, Caitlyn D Scarper, Richard W Schaefer, Benjamin T

Schaefer, Caroline Schaefer, Casie N Schaeffer, Erin Schaff, Haley M
Schea, Isaac H Schell, Zachary
Schellenberg, Anna C Schellenberger, Kyra L
Scherbenske, Hannah
Schiappa, Jenny Schieldt, Cameron Schies, Kyle Schiferl, Tiana M Schirmer, James A Schirmer, Paul Schlademan, Lauren T
Schlaudt, Jeffrey A Schleh, Rebecca J Schlenker, Jennifer A
Schley, Timothy M Schmell, Derek Schmidt, Eric R Schmidt, Heather L Schmidt, Jared
Schmidt, Jonathan Schmitt, Tim Schmitz, Samuel
Schneider, Jonathan M

Schoch, Alyssa M

Schoch, Joshua A

Schoener, Katherine E Schofield, Daniel S

Scholten, Jason T

Schomer, Benjamin J Schonta, Torin P Schools, Caitlin E Schools, Jennifer A Schools, Melissa R Schoonover, Zachary Schott, Allie L
Schram, Mark E
Schreiber, Zachary J

Schrider, Paige
Schroeder, Brandon M

Schultz, Brett D
Schultz, Jordan
Schultz, Katie E
Schultz, Matthew A

Schultz, Nicholas B Schumske, Sarah
Schwanger, Tyler

Schwartz, Patrick J Schweitzer, Casden Sciolino, Marybeth R Scofield, Margeret
Scott, Bethany M
Scott, Bianca
Scott, Jackson A Scott, Jared R Scott, Juliana
Scott, Kara N
Scott, Kizuku A
Scott, Morrissa M Scott, Nicholas J
Scott, Rachel L
Scott, Shane' E
Scott, Taylor E
Scott, Thomas J
Scott, William K
Scott Preston, Xavier

Scouten, David L Scribner, Meagan
Scuilla, Mary C

Seaborn, Heather J Seagears, Robert P
Seale, Abigail J
Sealey, Darian T Searcy, Nathan

Seavers, Cullen M Sebold, Jacob E
Sebrell, Leah

Sechrist, Mindy R Sedgeman, Hilary Seeland, Jacob

Seetaram, Robert R Segur, Dillon

Seiler, Hayley G Seiler, Rebecca L
Seiler, Samantha P Sejas-Ortiz, Janet Sell, Samantha J Senderoff, Nathaniel

Seng, Ehud
Senick, Alexis R Seo, Hanul Seppala, Kristofer

Serapiglia, Kevin
Serapiglia, Lia
Serrato, Andrew J

Sessoms, Klaire K

Sevcik, Caleb
Seymour, Holli R
Sgandurra, Joseph W Shadle, Daniel J
Shadrach, Daniel B

Shaeffer, Bethany

Shafer, Adam J

Shaffer, Corey A Shaffer, Stuart
Shaffer, Taylor P Shakro, Rosemary J Shane, Rachael
Shank, Marshall S Shanks Bagnerise, Marnay C Sharick, Erin Sharp, Courtney E
Sharp, Katharine E

Sharpe, Charity G
Sharpe, Meghan N Sharron, Zachary
Shartzer, Jordan
Shaver, Harmony A
Shavers, Steven M

Shaw, Heather R Shaw, Kegan J Shaw, Matthew C Shbeeb, Jonathan
Shearin, Matthew S

Sheehan, Melisa
Sheeran, Alexandra M
Sheldon, Dylan
Shellabarger, Ciara

Shellman, Megan
Shells, Dante B
Shelton, Holden M Shelton, Leanne
Shepard, Sarah
Shepherd, Rebecca L
Shepherd, Ryan A
Shepherd, Shawn A
Sheppard, Ian D
Sheppard, Katlyn R

Sheridan, Keren G Sherland, Katelyn
Sherlock, Dillon J Sherret, John
Sherrill, Jensen A
Shevel, Daniel A Shickel, Hannah Shickel, Kathryn Shields, David Shields, Julia M
Shields, Rachel M Shields, Scott
Shiffer, Zachary

Shin, Eun Seock

Shin, Jennifer
Shin, So Young
Shingleton, Kaylie M Shinn, William

Shinsky, Matthew D

Shipe, Gabrielle
Shipman, Bethany M

Shipman, Thomas
Shipp, Quintaz A
Shiveler, David
Shiveler, Sara
Shoemaker, Elizabeth R
Shondelmyer, Kaitlyn A
Shorey, Brady
Shorey, Esther
Short, Christian T
Short, Kori
Shorter, Christa A
Shorts, Patrick J
Shouse, Mackenzie D
Showalter, John H
Showalter, Nathaniel L

Shreve, Haley

Shubina, Yuliya
Shuffield, Kaley J
Shulda, Brian T
Shuler, Ebony K
Shuler, Meredith A
Shull, Christian A

Shull, Jeremy
Shumate, Richard M
Shupe, Chris M

Shuster, Samantha
Siddiqui, Asima

Sidey, Douglas
Siegrist, Aaron
Sigler, Timothy J
Sigmon, Stephen T

Silva, Klayton R
Silver, Amanda E
Silver, Hannah L
Silver, Molly
Silverthorn, Jason W
Siman, Victoria M
Simerly, Danielle M
Simes, Jearous N
Simkins, Steven D

Simmers, Carter L
Simmons, Daniel
Simmons, Elizabeth A
Simmons, Nicholas A Simmons, Seth
Simms, Nicole M
Simone, Ariel G
Simons, Michele
Simonsen, Rachel M

Simpson, Cody T Simpson, Joshua
Simpson, Mark S Simpson, Matthew
Simpson, Taylor
Simpson, Wesley R
Sims, Brittany A
Sims, Charles E

Sims, Megan
Sims, Melanie
Sims, Patrick D Sims, Valorie D
Sinclair, Isaac
Sinclair, Kyle Sinclair, Michael M
Siner, Robyn K Singer, Sarah E Singletary, Cherish Singleton, Christopher Singleton, Micheal

Singley, James Sink, Richard Sinnema, Sarah A Sipe, Jacob T
Sipe, Skylar M

Sizemore, Michelle Sjolinder, Niklas K Sjolinder, Sophia J

Skaggs, Nathan C Skean, Jessica L Skilling, Jaime Skinner, Melissa J Skok, Meghan Skovira, Rebecca A Slabbekoorn, Brooke A Slagle, Breanna K

Slamecka, Matt Slaughter, Alison Slaydon, Josiah M Sloan, Matthew S Sloan, TaQuoya S Sloan, Terrence Slotterback, Laura Small, Cierra D
Smallwood, David A

Smalt, Jonathan P Smart, Brianna Smart, John
Smirnov, Ivan

Smith, Abigail C Smith, Adrienne Smith, Amanda D

Smith, Amy J
Smith, Andrew D Smith, Anwar J Smith, Auburn Smith, Austin D Smith, Austin Smith, Autumn B Smith, Brielle
Smith, Brittany R Smith, Bryan P Smith, Carissa A Smith, Carly Smith, Christian G Smith, Christian Smith, Christopher P Smith, ConRoy

Smith, Creighton A Smith, Deborah E Smith, Deylan Smith, Douglas
Smith, Dustin F
Smith, Elijah M Smith, Ethan P Smith, Evan D
Smith, Grayson
Smith, Hannah
Smith, Hudson E
Smith, James L
Smith, Janessa
Smith, Jared Smith, Jaren D
Smith, Jay
Smith, Jeremy R
Smith, Jessica
Smith, John
Smith, Jonathon A
Smith, Jordan W
Smith, Joshua J
Smith, Joshua T
Smith, Julia
Smith, Justin M

Smith, Justin T
Smith, Justin T
Smith, Justin
Smith, Kara A
Smith, Karyn L
Smith, Keith M
Smith, Kelvin
Smith, Kevin M
Smith, Kyle
Smith, Laura A
Smith, Leah M

Smith, Leigh E
Smith, Lindsey M
Smith, Lucas
Smith, Luke S
Smith, Meredith
Smith, Michael
Smith, Miguel Smith, Monica
Smith, Morgan E
Smith, Morgan J
Smith, Rebecca L
Smith, Rebeccah M
Smith, Ryan Smith, Sarah L
Smith, Sierra L
Smith, Stephanie O

Smith, Timothy G
Smith, William A
Smith, Zachary H
Smith, Zachary S

Smith II, Julius K
Smoot, Rachel W

Smothers, Carolyn A
Smyth, Alexandra J
Snapp, Steven
Snavely, Adam W

Snead, Timothy L

Sneed, Kara
Snellings, Charles L

Snow, Kenlyn B
Snyder, Benjamin M
Snyder, Charles E
Snyder, Daniel D
Snyder, David
Snyder, James W
Snyder, Julie H

Snyder, Peter
Snyder, Sarah E
Snyder, Savanah N
Snyder, Stephanie
Sober, Corrie K
Sockwell, Shannon C
Soetoyo, Celestia
Sole, Jenna R
Solem, Hannah L

Solenberger, Jacqueline A
Solomon, Brandi L
Somerville, Amanda B

Sommer, Maximilian
Son, Sangrak
Song, Ha Eyn
Sooklal, Sarah
Sopkiw, Brandon
Sosin, Timothy A
Sotereanos, Stella E
Sousa, Adriano J

Souther, Keri

Souther, Lorin E Souza, Elias P
Sowa, Kristen M
Soward, Brittany
Sowards, Garrett
Spader, Phoebe N
Spangler, Jordan D
Spangler, Kyle

Spann, Cassidy M
Spann, Durant L

Sparks, Steven

Spaulding, Britney K
Speaks, Joseph M
Speight, Patrick

Spence, Amanda M
Spence, Amy M
Spence, Ashley M
Spence, Hannah M

Spencer, Daniel J
Spencer, Laura N
Spencer, Skylar E
Spicer, Chelsea N
Spicer, Nathan D
Spicer, Nolan P
Spiering, Ryan

Spiers, Logan R Spigle, Sydney
Spinks, Caitlin
Spradley, Larry H
Sprague, Felicia
Sprague, Kaitlyn A
Sprecher, Clay D
Spriggs, Caleb D

Spriggs, Katie S
Springer, Jillian E
Spruel, Roderick

Spruel, Rodwin E
Spruel, Sherri
Squire, James
St Amand, Stephanie L

St Clair, Alicia C St Fort, David
St Gelais, Tyler J
St Onge, Michael
St Ores, Paige C
St. John, Luke C
Staats, Rebecca R

Stackhouse, Dustin E
Stacy, Kevin J
Staffiero, Paul J
Stafford, Justin
Stahl, Benjamin
Stahlman-Dwyer, Camryn
Staiger, Kylee M

Stalcup, Adam J
Staley, Elizabeth
Staley, Joshua D
Stallings, Andrew

Stalnaker, Leslie A
Stamoulis, Vittoria
Stamp, Elizabeth A

Standridge, Mike H
Stanley, Ashley T
Stanley, Breanna D
Stanley, Kari N
Stanton, Erin O Stanton, Paul M
Stanzione, Sandra
Stapp, Sarah F
Stargel, Diane
Starkey, Monterey A
Starr, Stephen C
Staton, Erica M

Stauch, Thomas
Stauffer, Andrew J
Stauffer, Kelly N
Steadman, Mary H
Stearns, Courtney E
Stearns, Jessica

Stearns, Kimberly
Stedjan, James
Steed, Sarah K
Steele, Joshua D
Steele, Michael
Steelman, Victoria J
Steenburgh, Nicole K

Steffaniak, Jordan L
Stegall, Elizabeth M

Stegall, Rebecca
Stehle, Jonathan
Steiger, Alena J
Steigerwald, Kelly

Stein, Kristina J
Steindel, Breanne
Stellabotte, Chad P
Steltz, David

Stenger, Matthew

Stephens, Jillian
Stephens, John
Stephens, Sally J
Stephens, Sarah
Stepp, Glenn
Stepp, Zachariah N
Stergar, John G
Stertz, Benjamin B
Stevanus, Dimitri R Stevens, Branden R
Stevens, Hannah P

Stevens, Jeremiah P

Stevens, Justin
Stevens, Kayla Stevens, Marinda
Stevens, William C
Stevenson, Angela S

Stevenson, Kellie
Stevenson, Kristian A

Stevenson, Sarah L

Stewart, Abigail E
Stewart, Adrienne M

Stewart, Bailee A
Stewart, David
Stewart, Erica
Stewart, Erik C
Stewart, Jordan M
Stewart, Joshua S
Stewart, Valerie R

Stillman, Seth M

Stillwell, Amy
Stine, Dylan J
Stine, Esther Stock, Megan
Stockholm, Kyrstin
Stockslager, Breanne A
Stockwell, John
Stoeltzing, David B
Stokely, Cherish F Stokes, Sara F Stokes, Tiarra L

Stolar, McKennah E
Stoltzfus, Reuben
Stone, Cassandra
Stone, Megan F Stone, Melody
Stone, Rachel V
Stones, John Taylor
Stonkus, Alyssa M
Stotmeister, Grace
Stovall, Brittany L
Stowe, Abigail
Stowe, Ariana
Stracke, Janae
Strader, Alexandria
Stram, Matthew F

Streeter, Devin C Streets, Rebecca D
Strickland, Kieran
Strickland, Tanner A
Stricklen, Tabitha R

Strider, Rebecca P
Stringfellow, Emily N
Strodtman, Garrett W
Strohman, Elizabeth
Strohman, Johannah

Strom, Lindsay
Strong, Joseph E
Strother, Jordan S
Stroud, Brittney
Stroud, Elizabeth
Struhar, Autumn M
Struss, Samantha A
Stuart, Catherine L
Stuart, Kallie B
Stuart, Laura R
Stucki, Hannah A
Stull, Jennifer
Stump, Elisabeth A
Stump, Haylee N
Stump, Theodore J
Stuppiello, Amy

Su, Wen Yu
Suddreth, Caleb E
Suders, Reagan B
Sullivan, Elijah
Sullivan, Juli A
Sullivan, Sarah E
Sullivan, Shannon
Sullivan, Steve
Summerlin, Lucas

Sumpter, Morgan A
Sumrall, Shawn B
Sun, Da
Suozzo, Annamarie K
Supper, Dawn
Suptela, John K
Surles, Christopher L

Surratt, Jordan
Sury, Emma L
Susman, Jonathan

Susman, Nathanael
Sutarik, Scott E
Suto, Michael D
Sutter, Jordan N
Sutter, Ryan T

Sutton, Lara L
Sutton, Matthew S
Sutton, Timothy J
Swails, Kaitlyn B
Swain, Rasheika M
Swanger, Brittany M

Swank, Ethan C
Swanson, Christopher R

Swanson, Cori A
Swanson, David
Swanson, Thomas
Swartz, Devin
Sweat, Charles J
Sweat, Whitney
Sweazey, Jasper Lynn S
Sweeney, Elizabeth A
Sweeney, Lauren E
Sweet, Julia
Sweetra, Cassie M
Swentik, Geena
Swezey, Jessica A
Swilley, Patrick L

Swineford, Jordan
Swiney, Joshua N
Swing, Riley
Swinn, Jacob A
Swinson, Angela J

Swortzel, Ashton
Swyers, Jillian
Sylvester, Kaitlin B
Symeonides, Oshua S
Symonette, Kenth
Symons, Bethany J

Sype, Dalton H

Szoch, Thomas
Szymanik, Matthew D
Tabor, Kayla B
Tahalele, Jonathan S

Taher, Noor M

Tait, Crissey
Tait, Mark
Taiwo, Niyi O
Tallafuss, Colby S

Tallant, Julius A
Tallent, Davinity L
Tallman, Allison M

Tamiso, Allissa
Tang, Wai
Tangsirisatian, Suphitporn
Taplin, Charles D
Tapp, David
Tare, Marjun
Tari, Jennifer
Tari, Kiana
Tarpley, Josh

Tase, Amy R
Tashobya, Ednah
Tasker, Alex
Tate, Daniel
Tate, Emily M
Tate, Matthew T

Tatum, Whitney D
Taverna, Kelsi L
Taylor, Aaron J
Taylor, Alexander
Taylor, Alison
Taylor, Amanda C
Taylor, Benjamin T
Taylor, Benjamin
Taylor, Brandon Z
Taylor, Brittany M
Taylor, Caitlin A
Taylor, Caleb E
Taylor, Courtney R
Taylor, Dishon
Taylor, Ethan
Taylor, Isaac C

Taylor, Isaac
Taylor, Jayne M
Taylor, Jessica D
Taylor, Jessica R
Taylor, Jonathan H

Taylor, Katherine
Taylor, Kelbi C
Taylor, Kelsey A
Taylor, Kristin N
Taylor, Lewann

Taylor, Rachel A
Taylor, Ryan T
Taylor, Talya K
Taylor, Zachary
Teachout, Andrea J

Tee, Lien Chen

Teer, Anthony
Teklu, Hewan Negash
Tellers, Jacob

Temple, Janay S
Temple, Tony
Tenney, Jennifer L

TerMarsch, Kyle M

Terkelsen, Audrey
Terpay, Alexander J
Terrazas, Katelyn
Terrell, Jordan
Terrien, Noah S
Terrill, Laura A
Terry, Jeremy L
Terry, Joseph K
Terry, Melissa D
Terry, Trey D
Terzek, Taylor
Teschon, Megan C
Teschon, Tyler B
Tester, Bryanna R

Teufel, Kelly M

Theobald, Josiah A
Theobald, Sarah-Jane
Theodore, Holly A
Thigpen, Andrew F

Thigpen, Bethany

Thomas, Ashleigh E
Thomas, Aubrey
Thomas, Blake M
Thomas, Catherine
Thomas, Chloe M
Thomas, Christina
Thomas, Cori M
Thomas, Daniel
Thomas, Eric A
Thomas, Jessica D
Thomas, Jillian E
Thomas, Jonathan
Thomas, Katelynn M
Thomas, Sarah E
Thomas, Sarah L
Thomas, Savannah B
Thomas, Stephen C
Thomas, Steven P
Thomas, Travis A
Thomas, Trevor
Thomason, Nicholas R

Thomassian, Ty
Thompson, Aaron
Thompson, Britney J
Thompson, Caleb
Thompson, Charissa A
Thompson, Chelsea M
Thompson, Emily K
Thompson, Gavin
Thompson, Gregory
Thompson, Jesse
Thompson, Karin
Thompson, Katrina D
Thompson, Kelsey R
Thompson, Keytov A
Thompson, Lyndsie
Thompson, Marissa R
Thompson, Mark J
Thompson, Matthew C

Thompson, Melissa N

Thompson, Raquel
Thompson, Tiera
Thornton, Blake
Thurber, Matthew

Thurman, James B
Thurston, Russell H
Tian, Dexiang
Tibbs, Eric
Tichenor, Alexander L

Tighe, Haleigh D
Tilley, Andrew
Tilley, Joseph
Tilley, Savannah J
Tillman, Amanda
Tillman, Joseph E
Tillotson, Sawyer
Timmer, John D
Timmerman, Amber

Tiprigan, Christine
Tiprigan, Joshua A
Titus, Brittany M
Tobias, Kevin C
Tobias, Kurtis C
Tobias, Paulina E
Todd, Justin D
Toews, Christopher I
Toh, Joel P
Toliver, John N
Toll, Victor P
Tolley, Christopher P

Tolley, Emily F

Tomlin, Kelly J

Tomlinson, Jordon M
Tompkins, William K
Tomson, Katherine S

Toone, Elizabeth L

Torres, Jamie M

Torres, Selena
Torrie, Samantha M
Tosi, Vincent D
Toth, Christina M

Toth, Nicholas
Toth, Thomas A
Towarak, Aaron
Townsend, Adam C

Townsend, Lauren A
Toyoda, Mitsuki
Tracy, Amelia S
Tran, Britton L
Tran, Thomas T

Tratnack, Geoffrey D
Travis, Nicole M
Travis, Sarah E
Treese, Anna V
Treme, Jon M
Treme, Titus A
Tressler, Andrew J

Trimble, Jennifer

Trine, Tiffany R

Trinkle, Kelsea A
Trinkle, Leslie V
Triplett, Traci L
Tripp, Daniel J
Troobnick, Jacob
Trout, Lauren C
Troyer, Amanda R

Troyer, Angela S

Troyer, Denise M

Troyer, Jessica R

Truax, Brittany
True, Rebecca
Truitt, Brooke E
Trujillo, Aaron
Tschantz, Stephanie
Tsuchihashi, Mana
Tuan, Shih-Shuan S

Tucker, Brandon W
Tucker, Lindsey
Tucker, Robert E
Tudela, Natalia L
Tulua, Mele F
Tumminello, Grace E
Tureman, Daniel
Turlington, Darren C
Turlington, Jake
Turner, Aaron M
Turner, Anthony
Turner, Briley J
Turner, Corbin M
Turner, Jonathan R
Turner, Logan M
Turner, Mary C
Turner, Megan N
Turner, Rebecca
Turner, Rebekah F
Tuthill, Emerald N
Twigg, Joshua M

Twining, Jeremy
Twining, Jonathan D
Twombly, Luke
Tyler, Angelique
Tyre, Chelcey A
Tyree, Courtney N
Tyree, James

Tyree, Zachary
Tyson, Andrea J
Tyson, BreAnna
Uchefuna, Victory I
Uhler, Christopher J

Ukwuani, Tim
Ulferts, Cassandra
Ulm, Cassandra A
Ulmer, Gabriel A

Ulmer, Gerald D

Ulmer, Jarrett
Undseth, Sophia M
Updike, Melanie
Upton, Brooke
Upton, John R
Utter, Claire R
Uva, Amanda
Vafaei Avval, Kiana M
Vagueiro, Joshua
Valadez, Yasmine
Valdes, Jessica
Valentin, Devon
Valentin, Stephanie
Valleau, Brieanne
Valleau, Paige
Vallejo, Manuel
Valles, Joshua
Vallone, Nicholas A

Van Althuis, Kerry
Van Der Hyde, Annie
Van Doren, Jonathan H
Van Duren, Jacob
Van Dyk, David
Van Dyken, Charlotte C
Van Eerden, Richard S
Van Fossen, Samuel R
Van Groningen, Aaron
Van Kampen, Erin G
Van Norman, Elizabeth
Van Ormer, Amanda L
Van Prooyen, Tyler
VanAernam, Ethan W
VanBoxtel, Heather E
VanBuren, Laurie
VanSice, Susan L

VanSoest, Michael V
VanTil, Matthew Vance, Caleb
Vance, Cydney M

Vance, Jordan M
Vance, Roger
Vancuren, Abigail
Vanden Brook, Jenna
Vander Pluym, David

Vanderbleek, Jamie L

Vanderford, Heather L

Vanderlee, Pleuni C
Vandermey, Alexander J
Vanderpool, Krystin L
Vanfossen, Tyler J

Vanhouten, Heather A
Vanio, Marissa I
Vanosdall, Katharine

Vanover, Anna J

Vargas, Erick
Vargo, Kaylee
Vargo, Peter
Varnadore, Jeffrey A
Vas, Donald F
Vasilescu, Johanna
Vasu, Alisha L
Vaughan, Alexandra L
Vaughan, Denise
Vaughan, Juwante
Vaughan, Shelby K
Vaughn, Erin N
Vaughn, Laura E
Vaught, Jennie L
Vazquez, Charles
Vegh, Antal F
Velasquez, Xiomara J
Velez, Amanda
Velez, Michael D
Vencill, Laura E
Venden, Dewi
Venning, Allison
Venning, Jamie A
Veorse, Lori E
Vetters, Stefan P
Vial, Kaylyn
Viars, Kelsey A
Vick, Nikayla M
Vickrey, Jordy
Vieth, Brandon J

Vilchez Saldana, G Villar, Clement
Vindivich, Nick G

Vining, Dylan
Vinson, Jacob S

Vinson, Jared

Viriato, William S
Visscher, Alissa M

Vitale, Cassandra D Vitullo, Maria
Vitullo, Sarah E
Vogel, Alexander P Vogler, Skylar
Vogtsberger, Justin D Volpe, Lindsey
Volzke, Joshua Vonada, Robert E Vongvirath, Manininh
Vos, Rachel C
Wada, Hannah L Wade, Danae C
Wagner, Austin M
Wagner, Holt
Wagner, Kari L
Wagner, Paige Wahl, Katie
Waite, Rebecca L

Waits, Jonathan A
Wakefield, James D

Wakefield, Kelly R
Wakefield, Laura
Wakeley, Bethany R

Wakim, Lena
Waldrop, Sherri M
Walker, Ben D
Walker, Bryant S
Walker, Christiana D

Walker, Derek C
Walker, Forest D
Walker, Hannah
Walker, Jeremy L
Walker, Katie
Walker, Lucas
Walker, Rachel E
Walker, Sarah
Walker, Wesley
Walker, Zachary S

Wall, Dylan J

Wall, Emily F
Wall, Onnalee J
Wallace, Akelea
Wallace, Elizabeth M
Wallace, Jaclyn S
Wallace, Julie
Wallace, Sarah
Wallach, Alyssa

Waller, Collin S
Waller, Jacob T
Wallin, Jacob F

Walls, Alana A
Walls, Andrea M

Walsh, David M

Walsh, Liliia L

Walsh, Sierra M

Walters, Benjamin
Walters, Jonathan T
Walters, Monet N
Waltmire, Jacquelyn Walton, Barry L
Wanamaker, Brett C
Wanamaker, Christa L

Ward, Jonathan W Ward, Keyshaun Ward, Pete
Ward, Steven K

Warden, Hannah F
Ware, Spencer

Wareing, Shaina L

Warley, Avery R
Warner, Benjamin
Warner, Joshua A
Warner, Megan N
Warner, Michael K
Warner, Sarah M
Warner, William
Warren, Chalinda L
Warren, Chas R
Warren, Courtney L
Warren, Jayson M
Warren, Lucas C
Warren, Michael P
Warren, Shaquille O Warrick, Rebekah E
Washington, Kelvin
Washington, Lakendra A
Washington, Lakendra V
Washington, Russell Washok, Nicholas

Waterman, Kimberly

Waters, Matthew
Waters, Natalie M
Waters, Ruthellen
Waters, Tiffany P

Watkins, Christian

Watson, Amaris O
Watson, Andrew
Watson, Dylan
Watson, Emanuel Watson, Erin
Watson, Jeremy P Watts, Taylor Waynick, Maleah
Weadon, Zachary R Weatherholtz, Jacob R
Weaver, Ashley N
Weaver, Jacob
Weaver, Jamie E
Weaver, Sarah M
Webb, Alexa
Webb, Lucas D
Webb, Reed P
Weber, Troy A
Webster, Emily

Webster, Rebecca E
Weedon, Alicia
Weekley, Daniel
Weekley, Luke
Weeks, Alysha
Weeks, Jackson K
Weeks, Josiah D
Weeks, Kelli
Weeks, Rachel T
Weeks, Rebekah H
Weeks, Vaughn
Wegner, Josiah
Wehberg, Jeffrey D
Wei, Oliver A
Weigandt, Tyler A
Weimer, Taylor
Weise, Hannah L

Weiss, Jared
Welch, Katelyn
Weller, Amber R
Weller, Leah M
Wellman, Nicola G
Wells, Danielle
Wells, David R
Wells, Dustin L

Wells, Samantha
Wells, Sarah M
Wells, Timothy J
Wenberg, Danielle R
Wendt, Emma
Weniger, Ashleigh
Weniger, Brooke A
Wensley, Rachel
Wentworth, Jonathan D
Wermuth, Eric J
Werner, Rachel M

Wernig, Daniel P

Wesler, Victoria M
Wessel, Jacob C

West, Bryan L
West, Destiny
West, Jordan R
West, Matthew L
Westafer, Aaron

Westbrook, Arthur

Westcott, Matthew S

Weston, Erica M

Weston, Kayla
Wethington, Lindsay
Weyant, Richard M
Weymouth, Jordan
Wezenaar, Pierce J
Whalen, Nancy C

Wharton, Daisy B
Wheeler, Alexander S
Wheeler, Alyssa S
Wheeler, Benjamin L
Wheeler, Joshua K
Wheeler, Kara
Wheeler, Kevin M
Wheeler, Kyle
Wheeler, Megan M

Wheeler, Ryan L

Whetzel, Brooke M

Whicker, Holly
Whipkey, Jessica
Whitaker, Paige E
Whitcomb, Sheila White, Alee White, Alysse D
White, Annette P
White, Christa
White, Corey S
White, Daniel R

White, Hannah M
White, Hannah R
White, Janey B
White, Jonathan D White, Joshua
White, Lacey D
White, Marlenea R White, Micah White, Rose N
White, William H
White, William R
Whitebread, Joshua C Whitehead, Christa M
Whitehead, Hannah J
Whiteside, Jonathan
Whiteside, Marcus
Whitfield, Jeremy A
Whitley, Kaylyn
Whitmore, Aaron T
Whitson, Anna M Whitt, Jenee E
Whitted, Jessica N
Whittemore, Dylan
Whittington, Benjamin T
Whittington, Hali N
Whittington, James E
Whitworth, Cory E
Whitworth, Matthew J Wi, Michelle
Wigfield, Ryan P

Wilburn, Rebecca L

Wilcox, Jason D
Wilcox, Tanner
Wilda, Timothy M
Wildberger, Sharon R

Wiles, Seth A
Wilke, Rachel L

Wilkerson, Braedon
Wilkerson, Tracy
Wilkie, Pamela L
Wilkins, Erika
Wilkinson, Rachel B
Willard, Amy E
Willats, Kole M
Willeford, Kristen E
Willett, Joshua Willett, Tasha
Willhite, Andrew K

Williams, Alexander A
Williams, Amber
Williams, Anthony
Williams, Benjamin D
Williams, Benjamin J
Williams, Brandon S
Williams, Brittany N
Williams, Brittany
Williams, Casi M
Williams, Charles C
Williams, Dominic L
Williams, Harrison L
Williams, Jacob D
Williams, Javaz V Williams, Jeremiah
Williams, Jocelyn A
Williams, Jonathan
Williams, Jordan L
Williams, Joshua
Williams, Keandre M
Williams, Kristine M

Williams, Larry D
Williams, Lauren E
Williams, Maha
Williams, Mark J
Williams, Marshall R
Williams, Michael B
Williams, Michael J Williams, Michael W

Williams, Nathaniel J
Williams, Rachel H

Williams, Sarah
Williamson, Aaron J

Williamson, Amber
Williamson, David
Williamson, Dawn
Williamson, Reid D
Williamson, Timothy J
Willis, Daniel A
Willis, Ethan G
Willis, Layne M
Wills, Nate
Wilmot, Emily

Wilson, Alexandra R

Wilson, Avery
Wilson, Brad M
Wilson, Brittney J

Wilson, Caleb E
Wilson, Catherine A
Wilson, Christian
Wilson, Courtney L

Wilson, Dennis J
Wilson, Emily
Wilson, Erin P

Wilson, Jacob
Wilson, Jared S
Wilson, Jordan A
Wilson, Justin B
Wilson, Kamry
Wilson, Lucas F
Wilson, Mark D
Wilson, Matthew D

Wilson, Megan
Wilson, Michael S
Wilson, Shaun M
Wilson, Travis W
Wilson, Tyler A
Wilson, Tyler
Wilson, Zachary
Winckler, Brandon J

Windley, Allison
Windsor, Neil E
Wine, Amanda L
Winebarger, Kevin C
Wingert, Bethany A

Wingfield, Cora B
Wingrove, Wanda M
Winks, Lindsay M
Winn, Elise
Winn, Victoria L
Winne, David B
Winneroski, Lindsey A
Winnicki, Brittany
Winslow, Emily C

Winter, Johanna C
Winter, Nicole
Wirth, Brandon
Wirth, Hanna
Wise, Alyssa C
Wise, Chelsea L
Wise, Kylika L Wisor, Daniel
Wisterman, Sarah
Witherite, Olivia G
Withrow, Hillary E
Wolcott, Victoria R
Wolf, Amanda L
Wolf, Ashley D
Wolf, Chelsey D
Wolfe, Aschalew L
Wolfe, Ethan J

Wolfe, Joshua S
Wolfe, Lance S
Wolfe, Malissa M
Wolford, Logan
Womble, Mary E
Won, Jane
Wonderley, Michael T

Wong, Haley

Wong, Kendall N
Wong, Rhyan W
Wood, Brian A
Wood, Katherine M
Wood, Laurence J
Wood, Leslie A
Woodall, Abigail
Woodard, Eric J

Woodbury, Joshua E
Woodcock, Amber C
Woodley, Andrew L
Woodrum, Joshua A
Woods, David Woods, Emily
Woods, Timothy W Woods, Tyler A
Woodson, Hope
Woodson, Kayla N
Woodstock, Jennifer L
Woodward, Wesley K
Woody, Brookley
Woody, Russell T
Woolfolk, Andrew L
Woolfolk, Courtney

Woolford, Alexis D Woosley, Jordan Woosley, Micah
Workman, Courtney E Workman, Erica M Workman, Sara Worley, Kristin Worley, Morgan

Worrell, Richard Worsham, Kyndal L Worthington, Benjamin E Worthington, Connor C Wose, Caitlynn B Woytsek, Teresa Wozniak, Jordan Woznica, Katherine

Wray, Kyle L

Wrenn, Byron E Wrenn, Kristen M Wright, Alfred Wright, Bailey A Wright, David P Wright, Hillary Wright, Jacob N
Wright, Jessica M Wright, Joshua D Wright, Kaleb S Wright, Megan Wright, Rachel L Wuokko, Brittany Wuya, Taamu Wyand, Andrew S

Wyatt, Celestyn L Wyatt, Cooper J Wyman, Austin P Wyrick, Alisha B
Wythe, Zachary Xiao, Zhengchao Xie, Yahui Xing, Linhao

Xu, Shanshan
Yacynych, Hannah L Yaeger, Paul Yakaboski, Jennifer L Yaklin, Jacob Yamaguchi, Kota Yamamori, Ken Yampolsky, Jared M

Yang, Brittany Yang, Ji Won Yanov, Lisa Yao, Linbo Yarber, Jonathan M Yarber, Kelsey Yarbrough, Justin W Yates, Caroline G

Yates, Chelsea Yeatman, Kristi L Yebernetsky, Autumn C Yeboah, Angel S

Yee, Daniel Hsiang Khoon Yellets, Bethany Yencho, Kyle Yerby, Brandon E

Yi, Seentae
Yizazew, Rebekah M

Yoast, Joshua I
Yoda, Joshua
Yoder, Katrina
Yoder, Kaylee J Yoo, Andrew Yoon, Jihyun
Yoshino, Tiffany L Yost, Rebekah P You, Dongguin
Youmans, Hannah R Youn, Ha Eun
Young, Amy J Young, Clayton Young, Colleen E
Young, Cristopher M

Young, Jonathan A Young, Kyle N Young, Kyle Young, Matthew P Young, Meghan Young, Meredith Young, Myles A
Young, Ryan C Young, Stephanie Young, Timothy R

Youngdale, Megan M

Youngerman, Lisa M Yu, Paulina P Yu, Rachel Yuen, Michael

Zeleke, Meklit
Zentmeyer, Tinsley A

Zentz, Heather

Zgrabik, Hannah K
Zhang, Bailu
Zhang, Bovey

Zhang, Qingmu Zhao, Guohuan
Zheng, Ye Mu
Zhu, Caikai
Ziama, Winston F
Ziemkowsky, Nathan Zigan, Joseph
Zilverberg, Daniel J
Zimmerman, Amber E Zimmerman, Amy
Zimmerman, Christina M

Zimmerman, Sarah B
Zimmerman, Sydney A
Zimmermann, Amanda L
Zins, Sarah E
Zipagan, Lee Anne C Zittle, Chloe L
Zitvogel, Stephanie T
Zolnowski, Lianna S
Zook, Dakota L Zulim, Desiree
Zurn, Melody J
Zurn, Stephanie A
de Mik, Ashley M
deLivron, Amanda J van der Linden, Jane

Aanderud, Bryan
Abaskharon, David
Abbott, Cassandra A
Abbott, Julie A
Abbott, Robert
Abedzadeh, Alexandra A
Abner, Natasha L Abotsi, Anita
Abraham, Betsy
Abramovik, Nikola
Achampong, Adwoa Ago
Acheampong, Yaw
Acker, Leah E
Acosta, Christopher

Guzman, Angela
Acree, Ethan

Acres, Jake R

Adair, Alana C
Adam, Derek
Adam, Roland
Adams, Allison M
Adams, Amanda L Adams, Chelsie
Adams, Hunter D
Adams, James R
Adams, John D
Adams, Joshua B
Adams, Kaitlyn I
Adams, Omar
Adams, Raven Z
Adams, Seth H
Adams, Tinsley A
Adams, William J
Adamson, Svetlana
Adamson-Olaotan, Aminat O
Adamson-Olaotan, R
Addington, Courtney B

Addo, Juliet E
Addo Dankwa, Edwina
Adejinle, Gregory A

Adelman, Curran A
Adhikari, Nab Raj

Adler, Zachary

Agbana, Abiodun O
Aggrey, Isaac
Aggrey, Michael Z

Aggrey, Princess Ruth

Agudelo Castaneda, C D
Agyemang, Alberta
Ahn, Da Sol
Ahn, Eric J

Ahn, Jaehak
Ahn, James
Aikens, Breanne
Aikens, Joshua M

Aikens, Walter B

Aitken, Danielle E
Aitken, Luke

Ajibade, Femi E
Akakpo, Ashley
Al-Hada, Ali A
Alb, Adam R
Albrecht, Candis
Albright, Katie R

Albright, Krista B

Albury, Cierra M
Albury, Cynthia
Aldrich, Alexander
Alexander, Jeremy J
Alexander, Jessica F
Alexander, Julia
Alexandre, Jonathan
Alexandre, Latoya L
Alford, Michael
Alford, Rebekah J
Ali, Ezra L
Alkire, Gregory
Alkire, Susan

Allan, Kigen Kipkoech
Allen, Aldreakis T
Allen, Amber G
Allen, Ashley
Allen, Cedric S
Allen, Daniel K
Allen, Diamond R

Allen, Harrison
Allen, Jeffrey R
Allen, Jennifer N
Allen, Kelsey R
Allen, Matthew C

Allen, Richard
Allen, Seth
Allen, Vanessa
Alley, Danielle J
Alleyne, K
Alleyne, Kendra R

Alleyne, Shirley P

Allgood, Madison
Allison, Alyshia M
Allison, Caleb
Allison, Jon D
Allred, Christa A
Almeida, Tatiana M
Alsip, Edward M
Alston, Joseph C
Alston, Malcolm
Alvarado, Rebecca J

Alvarez, Elizabeth J
Amaning, Theodora
Amaro, Lourdes
Amato, Julia
Amburgey, Stephen T
Amedore, Anthony N
Amedore, George
Ames, Shawn F
Ames Leong, Timothy K

Amiri, Nathan E
Amoo, Darren S
Amorin, Nicole
Ampofo, Isaac

An, Jinkyung
An, Koan Seok

An, Mi Hyun
An, Ran
Anasco, Christine
Anders, Chelsey
Anderson, Andrew R
Anderson, Andrew W
Anderson, Audrey E
Anderson, Breanna M

Anderson, Colby B
Anderson, Hannah
Anderson, Jacob M

Anderson, Jason S
Anderson, Jordan T
Anderson, Joseph
Anderson, Whitney S

Andrews, James R
Andrews, Max L
Andrews, Patrick M
Andrews, Paul D
Andrews, Robert
Andrews, Ryan N
Androsova, Ulyana
Anduiza, Nicholas J
Angell, Zachary L

Angles, Kirk L
Anim, Angela
Annable, Andrew C

Anspach, Benjamin A
Anthony, Lisa D
Antone, Taylor
Antwi Boasiako, Yaw B

Anyan, Rhoda
Arango, Robert K
Arbige, Jennifer M
Arce, Rick
Archer, Camilla M
Archer, Courtney
Archer, Jermaine
Archer, Magan S
Arelt, Brian C
Arelt, Kimberly
Arevalo, Kevin
Arguello, Giovanna M
Argueta, Salvador O
Arista, Emily
Arledge, Christopher S
Armstrong, Ashley L
Armstrong, Joshua
Armstrong, Samuel
Arnett, Christina L

Arnold, Elizabeth A
Arnold, Eric M

Arnold, Jessica Arnold, Tyler
Arrington, Andrea D
Arrington, Andrew K

Arrington, Charity C
Arrington, Kelly M
Arthur, Daniel
Arthur, Kara L
Arthur, Kirsten L
Arthur, Michael D
Arvik, Maria K
Asamoah, Nicholas Y
Asante, Emmanuel
Asante, Maxwell
Asante-Mensah, Belinda

Aseweh, Philip B

Ashe Batista, Jennifer L
Asheber, Robel
Ashley, Lindsey C
Ashley, Tierra M

Ashong, Veneranda
Ashton, John A
Ashwood, Daniel S
Asiedu, Gideon Akwasi

Askew, Spencer R
Assarandarban, Mostafa
Atchison, Chad
Atchley, Morgan K

Atkins, Melissa

Atkins, Richard

Atkinson, Aaron
Atnip, Trevor
Au, Ming-Yee A

Aubin, Jason J

Aubrey, Charity
Auckland, Kyle M
Ausink, Brent
Austin, Erika N Austin, Valerie K
Autry, Jeremiah S

Autry, Joseph B
Auwarter, Alexander J
Avera, Stephanie Ayegbusi, Sola Ayembillah, Abass

Ayendi, Ukong-Ikwen C
Ayers, David M

Ayers, Joseph R
Ayers, Marc B

Ayers, Travis L

Ayieko, Sylvia A
Ayodeji, Sunday
Azu, Rodney A
Baafi, Jacqueline
Babcock, Brianna R Babcock, Elizabeth N
Babik, Gizelle Babinsky, Gabriel
Bachelder, Bryan G

Bachmann, Hannah K

Bachmann, Kaitlyn
Bacon, Ian S
Bae, Dong

Bae, Heesoon
Bae, Hyewon Bae, Ji Yeon
Bae, Jong Kyun
Bae, Namju Bae, Seungeon
Bae, Young Min
Baek, Chang Hyun

Baek, Joseph
Baek, Seung Hun
Baeza, Jonathan L

Baggarly, Kara M
Bah, Francis
Bahhur, Brice E Baidya, Prasanna
Bailey, Benjamin E Bailey, Benjamin G Bailey, Brenton Bailey, Jason T
Bailey, Jason
Bailey, Kimberly Bailey, Kyle C Bailey, Lewis Bailey, Robert P Bailey, Whitney L Baines, Jonathan E Baines, Jonathan

Bair, Allison L Baird, Stephen Bakalian, Brian Baker, Ashli Baker, Brandon Baker, Brina Baker, Hillary Baker, Kathleen

Baker, Keshia D Baker, Lauren N Baker, Matthew Baker, Owen A Baker, Rachel C Baker, Sarah B Baker, Tracy A Balandimal, Samantha-Kelly

Balde, Mamadou B Balderson, Mark Baldwin, Crystal B
Baldwin, Elizabeth M

Baldwin, Samantha D Balken, Lauren N Ball, Emily Ballard, Casey D

Ballard, Daniel Ballard, Randolph Ballentine, Kathryn A Bancer, Elisha

Bang, Tae Jun
Bankemper, Patrick H Banks, Gerrell Banks, Jasmine A

Banman, Emily A

Banman, Paul
Bannon, Patrick M Bapst, Lauren

Baptiste, Matthew A

Barbeau, Andrew T Barber, Janna Barber, Jonathan

Barber, Matthew Barbour, Brent Barbour, Jason
Barclay, Timothy H Bare, Kaitlyn Bare, Lindsey R Bargabos, Catherine E Bargar, Brandy

Barger, Kristina L Barker, Abigail Barker, Brian L Barker, David Barksdale, Brandon
Barksdale, Chelsea Barley, Kiley Barlowe, Benjamin J

Barnard, Stephanie N
Barnes, Chelsea
Barnes, Kimberly R

Barnes, Sarah E
Barnett, Alexander S
Barnett, Christopher
Barnette, Ashley S

Barnhart, Alicia J

Barnoski, Kathryn
Barock, Steven
Barr, Lorena M
Barr, Sean R
Barre, Jessica C
Barrett, Broderick L
Barrick, Jennifer Barton, Roy
Barton, Tyler R
Basham, Takisha
Basinger, Hope E
Bass, Jonathan
Bass, Ryan K
Bass, Wesley
Basselgia, Jennifer
Basto, Andrea M
Bates, Miriam E
Battaglia, Angela
Bauerle, Chelsea N
Baum, Brittanny
Baum, Michael-David
Bauman, Mackenzie R Bauman, Melissa
Baxley, Carey E
Baxley, Daniel Baylor, Holly N Baynton, Benjamin H Bayoh, Sorie
Bays, Russell A
Beachley, Amy

Beall, Daniel T

Beals, Bradley G
Beasley, Kemper M
Beaty, Thea
Beauregard, David L

Beaver, Cory J
Bechtold, Lindsay J
Beck, Amber J
Beck, Kandace N
Becker, Suzanne M

Beckles, Ashleigh

Beckles, Robyn E
Beckner, Benjamin
Beckner, Candace

Becton, John M

Bee, Rachel E Bee, Robert S
Beecher, Kylee M
Beel, Rachel
Beem, Theresa M
Beeson, Stephanie S

Begley, James T

Begley, Peter
Beharry, Lisa N
Beich, Katherine A

Beigle, Jonathan M

Beilfuss, Joanna

Beimers, Joshua
Beisel, Nathan W

Beitler, Kristie
Bekele, Dagmawi F

Belardinelli, Caitlin M
Belcher, Andrew S

Belcher, Brandon K
Bell, Alexa R
Bell, Eric W
Bell, Ethan T
Bell, Katelyn A

Bellew, Christine
Belotte, Maggie E
Belotte, Nicholas B Bendik, Melinda
Bendle, Rebekah
Benedict, Daniel
Benham, Kristina
Bennett, Adam J
Bennett, Allison
Bennett, Blair D
Bennett, Elizabeth K Bennett, Jared C
Bennett, Tristan
Benninger, Kent S
Benson, Bowman
Benson, Daila
Benson, David T Bentick, Uriah
Bentley, Heather N
Benton, Polly M
Benton, Shannon
Berdych, Ashley
Bergen, Valerie
Berger, Taylor L
Bergstrom, Peter R
Berkland, Anna L
Berkland, Caleb M
Berliner, Autumn R
Bernard, Christopher D
Bernhart, Cassandra M
Berry, Phillip
Berry, Stephen E
Bertone, Dana
Betancourt, Silvia M
Bettcher, Stephanie

Bevacqua, Nicole
Beverage, Chelsea N
Beverage, Stephanie
Beverley, Samantha J
Beverly, Aaron C

Bevins, Matt Bibb, Andrew Bibler, Shannon Biddison, Anna J
Bielicki, Arielle C
Bieri, Nathaniel C

Bigelow, Lyndsay S

Biggs, Caroline E
Billie, Lauren
Billie, Tyler A
Bingham, Brittany L
Bingham, Cody R
Bird, Gabriel Bird, Monique
Birnbaum, Kevin
Bishop, Brandie
Bitner, Joanna

Bixler, Emily J

Bixler, Steven

Black, Alexandra F
Black, Corvette S
Black, James A

Black, Jordan M
Black, Micah
Blair, Selby A
Blais, Eric C

Blais, John M Blake, Rebekah
Blake, Robert C
Blake, Rudy R
Blalock, Charles
Blanchard, Kyle R

Blanding, Robert

Blankenship, Lindsey P
Blankenstein, Benjamin M Blanton, Victoria P
Blashock, Ariel A
Blevins, Travis
Bliss, Michael R
Blizzard, Demarisse
Blocker, Karen
Blodgett, Courtney

Blonde, Verona E Blondon, Marcus
Bloom, Brett M
Blosenski, Anthony
Blount, Nancy S
Blue, Samantha
Blum, Abby K
Blum, Emily A
Blundell, Brandon
Boafo, Amma A
Boafo, Kofi Osae
Boardman, John E
Boardwine, Anthony
Bobb, Daniel J
Bobbitt, Perry A
Bobby, Jonathan D
Bock, James
Bock, Jonathan
Bockman, Alyssa
Bodder, Chelsea
Boden, Jennifer M
Bodrog, Isabel
Boggs, Courtney M

Bojaciuk, James C
Bolakas, Jill E
Bolakas, Sophia G
Bold, Mark G
Boley, Angela N
Bollinger, Ashley K
Bolt, Candice L
Bolt, Frank W
Bolt, Jordan
Bolt, Joshua
Bolte, Stephanie M
Bond, Jason
Bond, Joseph C
Bonferraro, Matthew C

Bonferraro, Nicole K
Bonilla, Eimy
Booher, Todd
Booker, Donja D
Booker, Ronald
Boone, Anna M

Boone, Mary K

Boone, Timothy K

Booth, Brittane M

Booth, Ryan A
Booth, Savannah
Bordeaux, Leah K
Borders, Elizabeth A

Borland, David A
Bosche, Brian
Bosche, Lauren
Boschman, Brent C

Bosma, Andrew
Bosma, Michael B
Bosnyak, Jessica Boston, Deshawn
Botta, Daniel S
Botzenhart, Karin J
Bouldin, Tyler A
Bourlier, Jonathan P

Bowden, Grant T Bowden, Joseph P Bowden, Scott
Bowen, Anna L
Bowers, Jocelyn M

Bowers, Katelyn A Bowers, Kendra
Bowles, Meghan
Bowles, Taylor A
Bowling, Terran
Bowman, Dylan J Boyd, Malcolm D
Boyer, Jordan
Boyer, Michael-Robert T
Boyette, Lydia A
Boykins, Tazjanique D
Boyles, Elliece N
Bozarth, Rebecca J

Braam, Megan Braband, Reese A
Brackeen, Joshua
Bradbury, Paul
Bradley, Alyssa M
Bradley, John D
Bradley, Kayla J Brado, Lucy A
Bradshaw, Jeffrey D

Brady, Matthew W

Brampton, Tilly G
Brancaleone, Nina B
Branch, Jeshua B
Brandenstein, Joshua
Brandon, Micah
Brandt, David
Brandt, Jeremiah S
Brandt, Rayna M

Branner, Leanna
Branov, Gorgi
Braswell, Luke H

Brathwaite, Tenille

Bratton, Austin
Braun, Craig
Braunius, Hannah C
Braxton, Desiree J
Braxton, Landen
Bray, Jordan
Bredemeier, Katie A
Breiholz, Chelsea M

Breland, Arne
Breland, Venke M
Brennan, Tyler C
Brettrager, Royal A
Brewer, Alexander
Brewer, Benjamin
Brewer, Cassandra L

Brewer, Emily
Brewer, Joshua B
Brewer, Melinda D

Brice, Nicole A
Brickner, Ronald

Bridgers, Kristen M
Bridges, Erica L
Bridges, Rachel N
Bried, Rahul

Briggs, Allison M

Bright, Jordan W
Brindley, Andrea R
Brinkley, Jacob S

Brisson, Steve F
Britt, Trevor S
Britton, Christopher M

Britton, Jennifer
Broadway, Juliet
Brockway, Nicholas

Brodd, Scott C
Brodersen, Paul
Brooks, Colton A
Brooks, Dominic
Brooks, Jessica M
Brooks, Joshua W
Brooks, Kevin J
Brooks, Michelle F
Brooks, Raina S
Brooks, Sarah J
Brosseau, Carl G

Brouhard, Jonathan

Brown, Alexander D
Brown, Alexandra M

Brown, Alyssa M
Brown, April

Brown, Christina E
Brown, Claire F
Brown, Clayton L
Brown, Daniel H
Brown, Domonique
Brown, Dwaine L
Brown, Emily J
Brown, Gordon S
Brown, Jared R
Brown, Jarel R
Brown, Javonte I
Brown, Jeffrey L
Brown, Jeremiah D

Brown, Joseph S
Brown, Kraig R Brown, Krysta A Brown, Kyle A
Brown, LaShonda M

Brown, Melissa D

Brown, Michael E Brown, Nathan Brown, Olivia
Brown, Parker A
Brown, Richard S
Brown, Richard T Brown, Sarah E
Brown, Sarah J
Brown, William D
Brown, William M

Browne, Benjamin
Brubaker, Jason L
Bruce, Daniel C
Brucker, Kathryn Bruffy, Hollie E
Bruins, Nathan Brumfield, Bobby
Brummitt, Kirsten D

Brundage, Kathryn

Brungard, Mark E
Brungard, Rebecca R Brunson, Jennifer Brunson, Shade

Brush, Meridith I

Bryant, Christina
Bryant, Danita
Bryant, Jacob K

Bryant, Jarron K
Bryant, Joshua
Bryant, Katherine Bryant, Kaylee K
Bryant, Michael
Bryant, Porshaonna
Bryant, Taylor
Bryant, William A

Bryant, William C
Buadu, Josephine O

Buah, Leona H Buccola, Amanda
Buchiere, Allison R

Buck, Amber R
Buck, Jonathan M
Buck, Lauren A
Buck, Seth M Buckhalt, Joel D Buckhalt, Johnathan M Buckhalt, Jordan E

Buckler, Eliza
Buckley, Garret W Buckmaster, Seth J
Buckner, Kaitlin
Buckner, Raymond L

Budd, David G Buggs, Kyle Bullman, Kelsey J

Bullock, Emily S
Bullock, Heidi J
Bullock, Timothy C
Bullock, Zachary T
Bunch, Brittney E
Bunnell, Allison L

Burbrink, Mary
Burchman, Joshua
Burdeaux, Amanda N
Burdeaux, Robert C
Burgess, Lindsay E
Burggraf, Meghan C
Burggraf, Samuel E
Burgin, Kristin
Burke, Rebecca J Burkhard, Nora

Burks, Ashley F
Burks, Douglas
Burks, Karesse N
Burleson, Jeremiah J
Burling, Leah C

Burn, Treacy L
Burnett, Richard L
Burnette, Amy L

Burnette, Bethany S
Burnette, Lindsay A
Burnette, Michael W

Burns, Daniel C

Burns, Lindsay
Burns, Zachary T
Burrill, Stephen W
Burroughs, Christopher A
Burroughs, Kaitlyn E
Burrus, Antwan K

Burrus, Courtney L

Burton, Bethany G
Burton, Justin
Burton, Kelsey R
Burton, Paul D
Buscher, Gregory E
Buscher, Jacob

Bushman, Mark D
Busse, Mark
Busse, Melissa R

Bussert, Seth

Butcher, Breighanne L
Butcher, Sarah
Butler, Brandon
Butler, Korsica V Butler, Trenton A
Butterworth, Devan C
Butts, Robert
Bwondara, Shelton J
Byeon, Jee-Yeon
Byers, Casey
Byrd, Arielle
Byrd, Ashley N
Byrd, Matthew A
Caballero, Fernando
Cable, Christopher

Cagle, Casey A
Cagwin, Callie L
Calandrino, Nichole M Caldwell, Kevin
Caldwell, Sydney
Caldwell, Wilson B Call, Kaitlin D Call, Kristen B
Callahan, Maura L Callihan, Kara
Callison, Alyssa
Calloway, Joshua

Calloway, Leslie R

Calloway, Rachael L

Calohan, Marsha
Calvert, Ethan
Calvert, Thomas M
Calzada, Caleb
Calzada Ortiz, Eduardo
Camburn, Ruth
Camire, Matthew A
Camp, Brittnee V
Campbell, Andrea K

Campbell, Arthur L
Campbell, Ashley A
Campbell, Ashley E
Campbell, Benjamin D
Campbell, Brittan T
Campbell, Caitlin E
Campbell, Christina
Campbell, Colin A
Campbell, Elizabeth L

Campbell, Haley N
Campbell, Holly A
Campbell, Iris N
Campbell, James T

Campbell, James
Campbell, Jordan E
Campbell, Joshua
Campbell, Justin E
Campbell, Kareem
Campbell, MaryBeth

Campbell, Matthew F

Campbell, Rachel M
Campbell, Sally A
Campbell, Stacy A
Campbell, Victoria L
Campbell, Victoria
Camphor, Njeri S
Canfarotta, Michael
Cannon, Ashley W
Cannon, Christopher
Cano, Jonathan

Cano, Sarah A
Cao, Chenggang
Capellaro, Asherah J

Caprara, Olga
Captari, Dorel Carapezza, Jenna
Carapezza, Joshua J

Card, Ryan L

Cardinale, Ryan J
Cargo, Maria
Carico, Jeffrey C

Carloni, Joanna L
Carlton, Patrick
Carman, Jason R

Carmer, Evan R

Carpenter, Amanda L

Carpenter, Rebecca A Carrasquillo, Daniel R Carrasquillo, Elianna Carrera, David E Carroll, Emily A Carroll, Steven Carron, Desiree

Carson, Eric Carson, Robert Carter, Cassie A Carter, Heather A
Carter, John Carter, Lowell T Carter, Matthew Carter, Strom

Carter, Taylor E
Carter, Tiffany L Cartledge, Abigail L Carver, Clayton T Carver, Joanna Carwile, Robert C Carwile, Shane D Casey, Michael

Casey, Sean M Cash, Kinzi J Cass, Laken M Cassa, Nathanael J Cassidy, Tabitha Castellano, Andrew W Castelow, Jessica L Castor, Rod' Esther

Castro, Ana Carolina L Castro, Sarah E Castro Davila, R Caswell, Angela
Caswell, Erin D Caswell, Joshua W Caudle, Michelle D Cavey, Chelsea C

Cawthern, Nathan D Cecchini, David Celeste, Asian Marie Cernilli, Elise C Cerrato, Matthew A Cervantes, Jennifer L Cervantes, Juan Cha, Junyong

Chae, Kwan Yong Chalflinch, Seth E Chalmers, Crystal E Chamberland, Ashley A Chambers, Michael J Chambers, Patricia M Chandler, Lillian C Chandler, Wilbert J

Chaney, Kirstyn Chang, Peter H Chapman, Asa Chapman, Kasie C Chapman, Megan L Chapman, Samantha A Chappell, Charles Chappell, David S

Chappell, Kenneth A

Charapich, Katherine S
Charles, Dave B
Charles, Roxane

Charnuski, Olivia
Chase, Francis M
Chastain, Rachael A
Chea, Sopheach
Cheatham, Andrew P

Cheatham, David R

Chekashkina, Anna V
Chemell, Morris A
Cherenfant, Mirlando

Chesiyna, Chepkwony K
Chesser, Eric L

Chew, Cassandra Mae Chuin

Chewning, Amanda R

Chijioke, Michael
Chilcott, Jonathon
Childres, Bradley K
Childress, Kyle
Chiles, Marvin T Chilton, Hailey
Chin, Rebecca F
Chinboukas, Erica
Chisholm, Joshua

Chittwood, Sarah B

Cho, Chun Kyung
Cho, Donghwan Cho, Eunae
Cho, Gun Ho
Cho, Heedae
Cho, Jeong
Cho, Minyoung
Cho, Seokjin
Cho, Yongpyo

Choi, Byung Hun

Choi, ChiWoo
Choi, Guisung
Choi, Hansol
Choi, Hyo Sil
Choi, Hyun
Choi, Jeong Il
Choi, Ji-Woon

Choi, Joungho
Choi, Seung DO

Choi, Young-un
Choi, Younjung
Choi, Yun Jung

Christensen, Christopher
Christiaans, Stacey
Christie, Jordan
Christophel, Kayla J
Christy, Elizabeth
Chronister, Rachael A
Chun, Jong T
Chung, Dae Eun
Chung, DongSu
Chung, Eunice J

Chung, Ilhyung
Chung, Jonathan

Chung, Seyoung
Chung, Yohan

Churchill, Lindsey A

Cibula, Emilio A
Cihak, Heather N
Cihak, Kirsten J
Cindric, David J

Cirbus, Thomas

Citty, James R
Claircius, Woodly
Clark, Corbin D
Clark, Eric
Clark, James W
Clark, Jessica K
Clark, Kristy L
Clark, Matthew J

Clark, Nicholas E
Clark, Samantha L

Clark, Travis
Clark, Zackary
Clarke, Alice
Clarke, Allen T
Clarke, David B
Clarke, Heather L
Clarke, Jason
Clarke, Matthew J
Claros, Valerie
Clary, MacKenzie M
Clay, Taylor
Clayton, Meagan L
Clearwater, Sierra C
Clee, Molly R
Cleek, Courtney
Clemenson, Amy E
Clements, Daniel R

Clements, Jessica M

Clements, Robert D

Clements, Shontarris
Clemmons, Brittany
Clemo, Lindsay M
Clemonts, James E
Cler, Ian P
Clevenger, Danielle M
Clifford, Lauren N
Clinton, Megan A
Cloudt, Jennifer K
Cloutier, Jamie R

Clubb, Jason T

Clugston, Stephen M
Clyburn, Jeremy Clymer, Scott
Coaxum, Cleveland
Coceano, Elizabeth
Cockburn, Brandon J
Codario, Elizabeth

Coderre, Christopher W
Cofflin, Blair N
Colburn, Adam H

Cole, Brent L
Cole, Jeffrey L
Cole, Mackenzie
Cole, Scott E
Cole, Tyler P
Colella, Joseph L
Colella, Rose
Coleman, Andrea K
Coleman, Autum

Coleman, Christy
Coleman, Clement
Coleman, Cristen A
Coleman, Irwin
Coleman, Joel R

Coleman, Kara K Coleman, Whitney Coleman-Thomas, M

Coles, Jerel P Coles, Sharice M Collier, Hannah E Collier, William
Collins, Clarence J
Collins, Donald S Collins, Freddie Collins, Haley A
Collins, Jeffrey Collins, Jenna
Collins, Katelyn Collins, Kurt B
Collins, Rachel D Collins, Rachel E Collins, Vanessa N Colmery, Joshua R
Colvin, Andrew L Colvin, Ethan A Combs, Steven
Comena, Tiphani L Comer, Sydney A
Comfort, Catherine E Comfort, Cort V Compitello, Everett M
Compton, Sarah L

Condon, Megan E Condon, Sarah J Coneby, Jacob
Conklin, Caleb Conley, Erika P Conn, Abbey R Conner, Calab J
Connolly, Michael P

Connor, Andrew M
Connor, Julia E
Connor, Rebecca A
Conolly, Sarah

Conord, Zachary H

Conover, Daniel Conrad, Jason M

Constant, Jonathan Cook, Elizabeth K Cook, Justin T Cook, Keri A Cook, Lauren V Cook, Nathaniel Cook, Ryann Cooley, Jason A

Coombs, Austin M Cooney, Sean M
Cooper, Cheryl E
Cooper, Courtney E
Cooper, Elisa J Cooper, Erin
Cooper, Gregory S Cooper, Matthew
Cooper, Todd V
Cope, Bethany M
Cope, Nicholas A
Copeland, Jordan
Copenhaver, Victoria H
Coplin, Matthew W
Copper, Jordan
Copsetta, Dawn A
Coran, John D
Corbett, Cynthia
Corbett, Kristen L
Cordani, Robert
Cornelissen, Joshua J
Cornelius, Christina
Cornfield, Carolyn A
Correa, Brandyn A

Costa, Derrick A
Costlow, Lauren E
Costner, Katie L
Cote, Elizabeth A
Cotton, Amir S
Couch, Casey M
Couchoud, Samantha P
Couillard, Rachel M
Coursey, Charles

Courtney, Chelsea D
Courtney, Matthew J
Courtney, Taylor
Courtney, Taylor
Couto, Andrew
Couvillon, Kevin
Covert, Joshua J
Cowan, James D
Cowans, Corderius A
Cowling, Regan B
Cox, Caleb J

Cox, Heather J

Cox, Jonathan R

Cox, Joshua
Cox, Kristen N
Cox, Ryan
Cox, Thomas G
Cox, Traci
Cox, Tyler A
Craft, Shiree D
Craig, Justin D
Craig, Tyler
Crain, Donald T
Crampton, Stephen
Crandall, Jolene V

Crane, Glenn E
Crane, Jordan T
Crankshaw, Daniel R
Crapse, Harold M

Crapse, Sara L
Crawford, Andrea M

Crawford, David W

Crawford, Laura
Crawford, Matthew R

Crawford, Michael J
Crawford, Peter D
Crawford, Tyler
Crawley, Brendon
Craycraft, Jade M
Creasey, Jessica L

Creech, Charles C
Crego, Johnathan
Crema, David R
Crenshaw, Laurin K

Cress, Kristina R

Cresson, Katie L

Crickenberger, Megan L
Crisante, Filippe C
Crisante, Meredith A
Crockett, Jennifer L

Cromer, Nathaniel S

Cromwell, Joshua R
Cronshaw, Kelsay K
Crosby, Grace E
Crosley, Peter E
Cross, Kandice L Cross, Robert D
Crossley, Colton R Crossman, Taylor
Crosson, Katrina
Crosswhite, Benjamin E

Croteau, Allison
Croteau, Brenden J
Crouse, Justin D

Crouthamel, Zachary T
Crowder, Chelsey A Crowell, David
Crowell, Nicholas E
Crowley, Kristin M
Crozier, Susan G

Crume, Evan A
Crutchfield, Amanda J
Cruver, Aaron
Cruz, Diana M Cruz, Maria
Cruz, Tina R
Csaky, Jenna L
Cubbage, Katie R
Cucci, Gioia M
Cucci, Giovanni P
Cucci, Giuseppe D
Cucci, Meghan H
Culler, Destiny D
Cullison, Kristi
Culpepper, Kaleb

Cumberland, Bethany M
Cumbia, Erin L

Cumby, Barrett
Cummings, Chelsea K
Cummings, Julia
Cummings, Kiersten
Cummings, Sarah J
Cundiff, Allison N
Cunningham, Elizabeth
Cunningham, Jamie
Curry, James P
Curtis, Emma Curtis, Ethan
Curtis, Meredith L
Curtis, Sophia
Cushing, Joshua C

Cutler, Garrett E
Cyphert, Kenneth M
Czajkowski, Kelsey L
Dabo, Marisa S
Dacruz, Jeremy P

Dagner, Sherrad J

Dahlager, Kristal R
Daley, Ryan D
DallaVilla, Lauren R
Dalton, Audrey D
Dalton, Brittany D
Dalton, Kendra
Dalton, Rachel E
Dalton, Sean M
Daly, Maurice F
Daly, Shawn
Dang, Mai T
Daniel, Andrew
Daniel, Jacqueline L
Daniel, Joseph W
Daniel, Louis
Daniel, Nicholas P
Daniels, Joseph S
Daniels, Philibert N
Danquah, Dominique
Danso, Maame A

Danso, Prince A
Dao, Deborah J
Darden, Derrick C
Darden, Kevin B
Dare, Emily G
Darling, Brittany A
Darville, Jeffrey B

Darville, Jeffrey K

Daugherty, Larry
Dauksys, Troy A
Davenport, Chad D

Daves, Melanie V
Davidson, Andrew T

Davidson, Brian
Davidson, Chelsea L
Davidson, Christopher S

Davidson, John S
Davidson, Jordan
Davidson, Michael F
Davidson, Nicole M

Davidson, Timothy M
Davies, Dean
Davies, Shanna M

Davies, Tyler
Davis, Adrian Davis, Amanda B
Davis, Andrew R
Davis, Anna M
Davis, Barney R
Davis, Bethany J
Davis, Brian J
Davis, Chrishonda S
Davis, Christina E
Davis, Daniel H
Davis, Emily L
Davis, Emily R

Davis, Ian
Davis, James M

Davis, Jason W
Davis, Jerlissa M
Davis, Joanne L

Davis, Jonathan M
Davis, Jonathan
Davis, Jordan N Davis, Joshua A
Davis, Justin G Davis, Kevin J Davis, Korrey L
Davis, Mark
Davis, Paul R
Davis, Samantha
Davis, Timothy A

Davis, Timothy W
Davis, Timothy
Davis-Leonard, Ruth
Davy, Mary G
Dawkins, Jasmine

Dawson, Bethany P
Dawson, Chelsea J
Dawson, Emily L
Dawson, Gina M

Dawson, Morgan B
Dawson, Robert B Day, Rachel
Dayy, Jacqueline V
De Jager, Jaime T
De Nijs, Melissa
De Rosset, Rebecca

De-Graft-Duncan, Kwaku A
DeBord, Adam C
DeCeglie, Stephanie M
DeChamplain, Tiffany N
DeFosse, Brittany L
DeGracia, Raymond
DeLaCruz, Katie M
DeLange, Jonathan

DeMaria, Christina

DeSantis, Matthew A
DeVault, Launcelot A
DeVries, Joshua
Deacon, Trevor O
Deakyne, Donald R
Dean, Adrianna M
Dean, Jasmine
Dean, Richard J
Debello, Elizabeth
Debernardi, Romain G

Debrauske, Kaul I
Decker, Megan E
Decourcy, Erin L

Defosse, Emily B
Defries, Matthew S
Degie, Anteneh S
Deitsch, Christopher M

Del Monte, Laura
Del Prete, Winter M
DelPriore, Lucas
Delabruere, Alison R
Delphia, Laura E
Delucca, Craig
Demoret, Laura K
Demoret, Lawrence Asa
Dempsey, Andrew P
DenDulk, Karen S
Dening, Kamilla E
Dennis, Maria J
Dennis, William
Densmore, Cameron B
Desir, Wilson
Desmond, Ryan P
Detweiler, Timothy

Detwiler, Joshua M

Devamithran, Rachel
Deveney, Brian C

Devin, Jonathan M
Devlin, Christopher J
Dew, Heather L
Dewald, Krystina R
Dewitt, Danielle N
Deyerle, Steven H

DiMaggio, Jared M
DiMartino, Alyssa

DiNatali, Dustin
Dial, Aaron N
Diaz, Beverly
Diaz, Cynthia J
Dible, Joshua T
Dicaro, Lauren
Dickens, Daniel M

Dickens, David A
Dickens, Laura C
Dickerson, Jenny L

Dickson, Drew
Dickson, Jeffrey R
Diffy, Patricia
Dilavore, Candice M
Dill, Jessica
Dill, Tiffany C
Dillabaugh, James J
Dillard, Joseph R

Dinnie, Kaitlyn M
Dinsbeer, Lauren G
Dinsmore, Emily

Distler, Joy L

Dixon, Lynn R
Dixon, Paul E
Djukic, Mario

Doane, Audrey
Docherty, Richard

Docksteader, Bradley R
Dodge, William H

Dodoo, Mary Paula

Dodson, Andrew W
Dodwell, Brittane A
Doebler, Daniel L

Dogini, Erica M
Doherty, Robert N
Dolan, Brian S
Dollanarte Acevedo, Brian
Dominguez, Gabriela
Domowski, Hezekiah
Donawho, Amanda M
Doney, Jack
Dong, Jing
Donnelly, Timothy J
Donovan, Shauna
Doomy, Chad
Doomy, Kristina
Doremus, Adam
Doremus, Shawn M
Dorholt, Megan A
Dorival, Mackenlov K

Dorner, Mason
Doss, Michael A
Doucette, Travis R
Dougherty, Kaitlin
Doughty, Brittany A
Doughty, Victoria L
Douglas, Vicshauna
Dove, Michael S
Dow, Mark B

Dowdy, Joshua M
Dowell, Matthew
Dowlearn, Emily J
Downie, Nia
Downing, Katelin A
Doyle, David Doyle, Mary
Doyle, Rachel M
Drablos, Jonathan L

Drablos, Katherine

Drake, Andrew A
Drake, Megan L
Drane, Genevieve A
Drinkard, Christine M

Driscoll, Kelly
Driskill, Lisbeth
Drumheller, Amanda P
Du Bose, Giovanni
DuBose, Dustin R

DuPre, Bethany G

Duckworth, Celene M
Duckworth, David N
Dudley, Timothy M
Duff, Tashan L
Duffy, Breanne B
Dufie, Angelina
Duke, Zachary K
Dula, Halee M
Duley, Amanda D

Dunay, Nina
Dunbar, Charles
Duncan, Amy K
Duncan, Chad A
Duncan, Hillary L
Duncan, Margaret B
Duncan, Phillip D
Duncan, Priscilla
Duncan, Taylor G
Dunk, Allan R
Dunkle, John T
Dunn, Andrew L

Dunn, Courtney M

Dunn, Dana M
Dunn, Jackson L Dunn, Jami
Dunn, Jasmine D
Dunn, Lauren A
Dunn, Michelle
Dupere, Adam J
Durden, Jonathan W
Durden, Nathanael A
Durham, Leah E
Durnil, Brittany A
Durst, Kariann
Dutkus, Ian
Dutra, Elliott
Duty, Heather
Dwyer, Kaitlin
Dye, Hannah E
Dyer, Brandon R

Dyer, Jessica M

Dykstra, Sarah E
Eacho, Tyler P
Eade, Chase
Eakin, Maria A
Earhart, Robert S
Earl, Robert G
Earley, Andrew M

Earley, Daniel D

Earley, Luke

Earley, Sarah E
Eason, Hannah M

Eason, Semone M

East, Kayla G
Easter, Kody G
Eberhardt, Carolyn
Eby, Rachel E
Eck, Aimee R
Eck, Gordon R
Eckelbarger, Stephen

Eddins, Chelsey R
Edds, Taylor K
Eden, James P
Edenfield, Mena
Edgar, Kirk T
Edgerton, Angela L

Edgerton, Maryann T
Edgin, Stephen
Edinger, Nathan D

Edma, Fabine
Edma, Jack L
Edmond, Derrick D

Edmonds, Caleb
Edmonds, Peter
Edney, Christina J

Edwards, Alexandria
Edwards, Andrew

Edwards, Connie R
Edwards, Dane M
Edwards, Grace E
Edwards, Jane V
Edwards, Jessica M
Edwards, Jonathan
Edwards, Lauren
Edwards, Nathan S
Edwards, Zachary
Edwards, Zoe
Efird, Joel
Egan, Ryley
Egbewole, Yemisi

Eggeman, Lindsey
Ehrhorn, Madeline E
Ehrhorn, Theodore E
Ehrich, Joshua R

Eisbrenner, Rylie

Eisentrout, Rebecca L
Ektrakul, Panya
Ekworomadu, Victoria I Elder, Lisa K
Elfers, Sean M
Elielie-Ndjana, P O Ellenburg, Emily A

Ellenburg, Hannah L

Eller, Caleb D Eller, Nathan Ellingsen, Kari Elliott, Caitlin E Elliott, Hannah Q Elliott, Justin M Elliott, Lauren C Elliott, Rachel D
Elliott, Sam Elliott, Sara R Ellis, Maggie A Ellis, Mary R Ellison, Alyssa Ellsworth, Michael Ellzey, Laura Elmore, Esther
Elmore, Quinton Elrod, Brandon K Embler, Carl Embry, Ashley R Engel, Anna J Engel, Mary E England, Mary A Enloe, Tanner R
Ephraim, William
Epperly, Jacquelyn E Ericsson, Stephanie E Esden, Grace E
Eshleman, Addison A

Eskew, Britney B Espinoza, Ariana Estes, Edward L
Estevez, Sara E
Etheridge, Claire C

Etheridge, Jared C

Etheridge, Joshua M

Etheridge, Lauren N
Etheridge, Mark C
Eto, Joshua P
Eubank, Jonathan D
Eubank, Stephanie N
Eubanks, Jessica B Eun, Maria Evans, Autumn M Evans, Charles Evans, Danell J Evans, Jesse C Evans, Kaitlyn E
Evans, Logan J Evans, Mallory R Evans, Matthew R
Evans, Robert B Evans, Ryan
Evans, Steven D Everett, Rebekah L
Everhart, Christine C

Exline, Matthew C

Faber, William L

Fabling, Jessica R

Fabling, Tara K
Facemire, Laura K
Fahy, Erin L
Fahy, Owen
Faillace, Matthew
Faircloth, Kathy
Fairley, Stacy W

Faix, Jason C
Falls, Carroll D
Falwell, Amanda B

Falwell, Jerry L
Falwell, Matthew

Falwell, Victoria L
Fan, Wei
Fan, Zhengrong
Fang, Xueru
Fantasia, Christina
Fantin, David
Fariss, Courtney L
Farmer, Benjamin T
Farmer, Crystal G
Farmer, Kelsey E
Farmer, Kristen A
Farrar, Kathryn A
Farris, Kathryn

Farris, Sally
Farrow, Brielle M
Fasciano, Andrea D
Fath, Eric
Faulkner, Matthew W
Faust, Paul C
Fawcett, Steven
Feagans, Christopher
Feister, Ryan M

Felder, Shelly
Feldman, Mary M

Feliciano, David
Felton, Colby E
Fenelus, Fedeline
Fenelus, Jocelyn
Fenelus, Samuel
Fequiere, Gabrielle
Fereg, Mark
Ferguson, John R
Ferguson, Pauline
Ferguson, Raymond M

Ferguson, Robert M
Fernandez, Sarah
Ferrell, Andrew
Fetzer, Dustin D

Fevry, Jean-Homere O

Fielding, Ashley
Fields, Matthew J
Fields, Taelor A
Fifelski, Alexis N
Fifelski, Erika L
Fifer, Megan A
Filan, Laura A
Finch, Ashley
Finch, Ed H
Finegan, Patrick M
Finelli, Mark
Finfrock, Jocelyn
Fink, Brian J Fink, Krista
Finke, Shannan M

Firestone, Arianna N
Fischer, Raymond F
Fisher, Candice L
Fisher, Hugh
Fisher, Joel A
Fisher, Tyler
Fitter, Megan K
Fitzgerald, Erin
Fitzgerald, Jacqueline R
Fitzgerald, Jonathan Fitzgerald, Kelsey
Flanders, Katelynn E
Fleischer, Shannon L

Fleming, Anthony C
Fleming, Brandon P
Fleming, Kristin J
Fletcher, Brittany
Fletcher, Melissa
Fletcher, Sally A
Flickinger, David I

Florvil, Skania
Flower, Abigail J
Flower, Kate E
Flowers, Cassidy
Flowers, Heather L
Flowers, Luke A
Flowers, Stormi
Floyd, Hunter D
Floyd, Pamela M
Fogg, Kevin

Foit, James T
Foley, Lindsay E
Foley, Maria F
Foley, Ruth I
Foley, Stephanie L

Fontes, Alysa Lyn
Forbes, Daniel
Ford, Carlee L

Ford, Christine L
Ford, Connor I
Ford, Tiffany
Fore, Taylour L Forehand, Nicholas D
Foreman, Patricia C

Forland, Kristi L Forner, Emilee
Forslund, Michael B

Fort, Kathryn Fortenberry, Brenton W

Forth, Justin P Forth, Lynne E
Forystek, John B
Foster, Chadley J

Foster, Christian D
Foster, David M
Foster, Dustin J

Foster, Emily C

Foster, Nicole
Fournier, Amanda H

Foust, Benjamin D
Foust, Joshua
Foust, Sarah A
Fowler, Gabriel
Fowler, Jillian A
Fowler, Lindsay R

Fowler, Melanie A
Fowler, Nathaniel
Fowler, Samantha L
Fowling, Tameca
Fowlow, Micah
Fox, Caitlyn M
Fox, Candice L
Fox, Jennifer
Fox, Kelsea M
Fox, Melissa
Foy, Courtney L
Frady, Amy L
Fraley, Sadie
Frame, Ian M

Francis, Devin M
Francis, Ian T
Franco, Adam
Franco, Sheina R
Francois, James
Francois, Jennifer N
Francois, Larissa J
Frank, Richa
Franklin, Joanna M
Fraser, Christian
Fraser, Donald
Fraser, Joshua C
Frazier, Megan
Frazier, Paul
Freel, Keri D
Freeman, Chenoa M

Freeman, Stephen T
Frejd, Ashley G
Frejosky, Kayla
French, Parker T
Frenier, William W

Frenz, Kegan C
Frerichs, Joshua

Freshour, Lauren A
Freston, Christina

Freymond, Jennifer M

Freyre, Christina E
Fridgen, Cody

Frimpong, Pat
Fritz, David S
Fritz, Kevin W
Frock, Amy M
Fry, Nathaniel J
Fry, Vannah
Frye, Jordan
Frye, Lindsay A
Fullbright, Tyler

Fuller, Gabriella
Fuller, Kelly L
Fulton, Hailey
Funderburke, Sarah A
Funk, Alexandra G
Funk, Deborah
Furman, William H
Futrell, Samantha E
Gachoki, Stephen M

Gaebe, Cindy O
Gagliardi, Peter Gagnon, Nathan
Gaines, Dustin
Gaines, Jerrell C Gaines, Rueben T

Galang, Ruel C

Galarza, Federico Galeone, Maria G
Galinato, Laura R
Gallagher, Caroline B

Gallagher, Donna M Gallagher, Jordan Gallaher, Cara J
Gallant, Ashley

Gallardo, Sierra T Gallo, Yone
Galloway, Matthew S Gallup, Robert E Gandy, Brandon
Ganiyu, Akeem Gao, Junlong

Garber, Christopher P Garber, Jason D Garber, Kacey L Garcia, Daniel T
Gardenhour, Justin
Gardner, Matthew T Gardner, Shannon D Gardner, Stacy R
Gardner, Stephanie L Gardner, William Garland, Hayley M
Garner, Ervin

Garrett, Jerald W
Garrett, Kelly M
Garrett, Lincoln Garrett, Rebecca C
Garrett, Tasha N
Garrigan, Sharanda Garrity, Joshua
Gartner, Robert W Gary, Abby
Gastardi, Christopher L

Gaston, James R Gathuo, Godfrey K

Gatling, Demetre
Gatling, Devin
Gaudet, Matthew D

Gaudet, Nathan R
Gaudiose, Chelsea Gaunt, Elliot
Gaunt, Kylee E
Gauthier, Stephen
Gavin, Jessica
Gay, Andrew
Gay, Matthew C
Gayle, Cologio

Gaza, Josiah
Gee, Amber
Gehman, Sarah R

Gelles, Chelsea

Gengo, Krista L
George, Nicholas S

George, Rachael E
Gephart, Kaitlyn

Geraghty, Ellen M
Geraldino, Raquel
Gerberich, Meagan
Gering, Amber
Gervasi, Anna E
Gestrich, Scott

Gianopulos, Benjamin H
Giaquinto, Brian R

Gibbs, Rebekah
Gibson, Gabriel R
Gibson, Joseph Gibson, Noah
Gibson, Patrick T
Gibson, Timothy P

Gil, Peter J
Gilbert, Brittany L Gilbert, Matthew C
Gilbert, Meredith R Gilbert, Michael J Giles, April
Giles, Bethany D
Giles, Seveda L Gillen, Jayne
Gillespie, Brittany N
Gillespie, Rachel
Gillis, Brooke C Gillison, Brittany V Gillispie, Brittany N
Gillispie, Leslie J

Gilman, Alexander
Gilmore, Ian M
Ginn, Anna E
Giraldo, Nathalia

Givens, Sarah F

Gladding, Tilden
Glass, Erica L
Glass, Jamie L
Glaze, Jason M

Glaze, Melissa S
Gleason, Robert
Glover, Ashley
Glover, Davis W
Glover, Jaquan

Gnalega, M G
Go, Miroung
Godwin, Douglas B

Goebel, Rachael E
Goff, Cory B
Goff, Garland
Goin, Travis G
Goins, Joseph Goins, Justin M
Goldsmith, Anna R
Gomes, Amanda P

Gomez, Adam
Gonce, Jonathan

Gonzales, Cecilia
Gonzalez, Daniel A
Gonzalez, Justin Gonzalez, Noelia

Gonzalez, Richard A

Gonzalez Pena, Debora D Gonzalez Pena, Lilian E
Good, Ashley B
Good, Bethany N
Good, Seth
Goodacre, Michelle Goodall, Nicole
Goodman, Aaron Z

Goodson, Molly-Catherine K Goodwin, Dashawn

Goodwin, Elizabeth H

Gordon, Abigail
Gordon, Emily R Gordon, Emily Gordon, Kelly
Gordon-Tate, Valerie Gore, Jessika
Gorin, Hannah L Gorman, Erika J Gormley, Danielle S Gornick, Michelle D Gorsuch, Meredith L Goshu, Tilahun

Goss, Sarah C

Gough, George R Gould, Lauren
Grabill, Rachel E
Grafman, Zachary Gragan, Patrick A Graham, Kara E Graham, Mark
Graham, Megan Granda, David A Granda, Emilia S
Grandey, Matthew C

Granger, Jonathan E Granger, Mark
Grannell, Matthew L Grant, Krystal J
Grantham, Kayla A
Grate, Chanel Graterol, Carmen A
Grauch, Christina J Gray, Dylan S Gray, Elizabeth V Gray, Jennifer Gray, Leslie A

Gray, Lindsey E Gray, Molly E Gray, Nicole D Gray, Victoria E Gray, William M Graydon, Haley N Green, Adam Green, Caitlin
Green, Kailey E Green, Lillie C Green, Michael R Green, Nathan Green, Peter Green, Taurean K
Green, William M Greene, Matthew J

Greene, Olivia D
Greenlee, Rachel D

Greenwalt, Richard A

Gregg, Holley M
Gregoire, Chelsea
Gregorin, Jennifer L

Gregory, Trina L
Gresh, John
Griffiths, Garrett L

Griffiths, Robert C
Grigat, Jonathan

Grigg, Emily A
Grigg, Jessica
Grim, Jonathan M
Grinnell, Derek Grissom, Jordan
Groenewegen, Jared J
Groh, Alicia N
Gross, Quinton J Grover, Kristopher M

Groves, Aaron B Groves, Emilie A
Grubb, Matthew W Grubbs, Gregory T
Guenoune, Malory
Guensch, Raymond

Guise, Casey G
Guiseppe, Kenton J

Gunn, Justin Gunter, Hallie E
Guo, ChunYing Guo, Jixing
Guo, Rui
Guo, Victoria T

Gupta, Paurav Gurley, Kayla
Gurung-Johnson, Sajana

Guthrie, Ronald
Gutierrez, Sandra Guwoe, Richard K
Guzman, Maritza L
Guzman, Sopfia J
Gwynn, Darren L
Gyamena, Dillon K
Haag, Heather L
Haapanen, Gabriele
Haas, Amanda M Habecker, Nathan D
Habermas, Courtney
Haegerich, Jordan G
Hagan, April D
Hagan, Austin
Hagen, Andrew M
Hagen, Jacob D
Hagen, Matthew M
Hagey, Laura O
Hagos, Merkeb
Hague, Savannah
Hagwood, Benjamin
Hahn, George A
Hahn, Peter Hahn, Sophia K
Hailey, Mitchell A Haines, Nicole

Haire, Madalyn G
Hairston, Yuji

Halbach, Scot M
Haldren, Harold A
Hale, Amber L
Hale, Brittany A
Hale, Erin E
Hale, Michael J
Haley, Zachary
Halfinger, Laura
Hall, Brett A
Hall, Caleb R

Hall, Cari A
Hall, Douglas S Hall, Eric T

Hall, Monishka C
Hall, Roberta D

Hall, Seth H
Hall-Schroeter, Meghan K

Hallam, Michael N
Halsey, Katie M
Halvorsen, Brent
Hamann, Francine M

Hamer, Luke M
Hamilton, Ross
Hamis, Hilder E
Hamlett, Amber V
Hamlette, Donald T
Hamlette, Lamont
Hamlette, Miranda T Hamlin, Alicia A
Hammack, James
Hammermeister, Eric F
Hampton, Caleb A
Hamrick, Sydney G

Han, Chao
Han, Ha Yeon
Han, Hee Sun
Han, Ji Yeoun

Han, Qiong
Han, Xu

Han, Yohan
Han, Zhen Tao
Handoyo, Charisya
Handy, Kristin
Hanes, Timothy M

Hanna, Joseph S
Hannon, John C

Hansen, Christine E
Hanson, Leonard
Haraf, Rebecca
Hardee, Catherine R
Harden, Amy L
Harder, Alyssa N
Harding, Karyn

Hardwick, Bradley R
Hargis, Elizabeth M
Hargis, George E
Hargraves, Robert E
Haring, Jonathan
Harker, Sarah L
Harless, Amy J
Harley, Jonathon M
Harlow, Jonathan L

Harmon, Raquel A
Harmony, Lauren M
Harmsen, Phillip S
Harold, Brandon
Harper, Ansley
Harper, Leighanne S
Harper, Ryan B
Harre, Lindsey G
Harreld, Gregory
Harrell, Collin T

Harris, Amanda
Harris, Ashley
Harris, Blakely
Harris, Douglas O
Harris, Ethan M
Harris, Gabrielle
Harris, Jonathan E
Harris, Juanita I
Harris, Marilyn O
Harris, Samuel
Harrison, Caroline T
Harrison, Johnnie A
Harrison, Joseph P Harrison, Kylian E
Harrison, Ross
Harrison, Ruth
Harrison, Tyler
Hart, Bradley T
Hart, Desire C
Hart, Paul
Hart, Rachel N
Hart, Russell A
Hartburg, Lauren M
Hartman, Amber A
Hartman, Leah R

Hartnett, Gregory J
Harvey, Brian R
Harvey, Caitlin
Harvey, Desarae
Harvey, Michael E
Harvey, Shereena
Haseman, Kelly K

Haskin, Molly J
Haskins, Nykol
Hassell, Jana
Hassett, Aaron

Hassett, Alex A
Hatch, James
Hatcher, Katelin R
Hatfield, Judith

Haugland, Laura L

Hawkins, Hilary L
Hawkins, John C
Hawkins, Jordan T
Hawkins, Nathan H
Hawksford, Elizabeth A
Hawley, Natalie R

Hayden, Justin L
Hayden, Shemia
Hayes, Adam D
Hayes, Ashante L
Hayes, Brittany
Hayes, Chase A
Hayes, David M

Hayes, David
Hayes, James A Hayes, Kolin
Hayes, Ronald Hayes, Timothy J
Haymaker, Adam
Hays, Kaylah
Hays, Matthew
Hazlett, Kaylie
He, Fei
Head, Joshua A

Headley, Jennifer
Headley, Laura E
Heady, Marybeth
Heard, Krystal N
Heard, Thomas W

Hearle, Ethan
Hebert, Justin R

Heck, Brittany D Heck, Jacquelyn
Hecker, Catherine
Hecker, Rick J
Heckman, Colby M Heckman, Kristin
Heddleston, Joy E
Hedrick, Brett
Hedrick, Chung S
Hedrick, Lauren E
Hedrick, Paige M

Hefner, Elizabeth D Heidorn, Julie
Helmich, Alex J
Helmich, Khristina L
Helms, Amber
Helms, Christopher A

Helms, Rayna
Helring, Erin E
Hemric, Brett N
Henderson, Gabriel A Henderson, Jeffery
Henderson, Justin T

Henderson, Keyona P

Henderson, Ramonda
Hendricks, Kelsie
Hendricks, Kimberly J
Hendricksen, Charles K
Henion, Kelly M

Henley- Hope, Katrina
Hennessey, Emily K
Henry, Amber
Henry, Jonathan D
Hensley, Katherine L

Hentnik, Eric R

Hentschel, Erin L
Heo, Jaeseok
Hepburn, Timothy R
Hepkins, Rachel L

Hepler, Nathan Hepler, Ryan A

Herbert, Michael W
Herbst, Christopher
Herdtner, Daniel R

Herman, Amelia
Herman, Dexter
Hernandez, Anthony C Hernandez, Elizabeth

Herndon, Carson R
Herring, Amanda R

Herring, Stanton R Hershberger, Bethany J Hershberger, Jenna M Hershman, Victoria A

Hertwig, Esther Hertzler, Chelsea

Hertzler, Nicholas J

Hess, Margaret
Hetfield, Zachary
Hetzler, Joshua Hewitt, Julie R Hewitt, Rob
Hewitt, Ryan T

Heydeman, Amber
Heywood, Gregory J

Hibbs, Daniel K Hicks, Allison G Hicks, Bellmon D Hicks, Brian Hicks, Chassidy N
Hicks, Dustin M Hicks, Hank J Hicks, Mark A Hicks, Matthew Hicks, Melody J Hicks, Salem A Hicks, Trevor M Hickson, Kasey M

Hiddema, Aubrey Higbee, Julia Higby, Amber L Higginbotham, Crystal L
Higgins, Anna L

Higgins, Candice High, Elise R Hill, Allyson T
Hill, Lorenzo D Hill, Mark Hill, Rachel E Hill, Scott W Hill, Tucker
Hilt, Jacob
Hilton, Alicia Hindman, Leslie A

Hine, Emily N Hiner, Christopher R Hines, Labonne Hines, Matthew A Hinkle, Nathan W Hinkle, Rhandi Hinrichs, Stephanie Hise, David B
Hiskey, Michael J Hitchcock, Barbara Hitchcock, Nathan Hitchens, Monica L Ho, Yun Ho Quach, Khoa
Hobbs, Gareth T Hobbs, Jessica J

Hobbs, Miquela D
Hobby, Ronald
Hodge, Amanda M
Hodge, Shayne K
Hodges, Brandon
Hodges, Sandy L
Hodgin, Jennifer A
Hodnett, Lisha G
Hody, Grace A
Hoff, Donald S
Hoff, Oswald L
Hoffer, Janelle
Hoffman, Jeremiah
Hoffmeyer, Katie
Hofmeister, Amanda N Hogan, Kerry A
Hogue, Robert
Hogue, Vincent
Hoilman, Courtney C

Holidaya, Ho Peter Troy
Holland, Charity Holland, Jacob L Holland, Julia A Holland, Meghan
Hollenbach, Todd J

Holloman, Leah A Holloway, Ashley
Holloway, Sirchauncey
Holm, Gregory
Holmgaard, Emory
Holsinger, Nicholas C Holt, Amber

Holt, Daniel
Homem, Steven
Homer, Nicolle D
Honeycutt, Heather N
Honeycutt, Joshua D

Hong, Suk J

Hong, Xiaolu
Hons, Jordan L
Hood, Tricia
Hooker, Matthew J
Hooker, Sarah W
Hooks, Joshua L
Hoornik, Joshua
Hoover, Chelsea C
Hoover, Justin
Hopper, Jeffrey D
Hopple, Katlyn
Hornbaker, Hope L

Horne, Amanda L

Horne, Lindsay R
Hornsby, Matthew J Horst, Michael
Horton, Sarah E Hoskins, Danial
Hospedales, Latoya
Hosse, Elijah
Hosterman, Geoffrey
Hotelling, Darek E
Houchens, Joshua M
Houdek, Kaley
Hough, Holton
House, Jennifer M
House, Megan L
House, Nathan D House, Ryan
Houseknecht, Rachel L

Houston, Janelle
Howard, Brock T Howard, Kelvin Howard, Michael W
Howard, Samuel J Howard, Thomas
Howarth, Cory R
Howe, Jesse P

Howe, Lance G
Howell, Carla Howell, Richard

Howry, Aaron M

Hoy, Emily B
Hoyt, Amanda L

Hoyt, Derek Hoyt, Tanner K Hu, Frank Hu, Yingying Hu, Yuchen Huang, Mingdong

Huang, Qi Hubach, Amelia Hubbard, Amanda L Hubbard, Dominique A Huber, Ashley Huber, Nicholaus M Hubler, Joshua Huddleston, Allison
Hudnall, Aaron Hudson, Benjamin R Hudson, Brian M Hudson, Cody T
Hudson, Elizabeth
Hudson, Jennifer L Huff, Kelsey E Huff, Mary M
Huff, Morgan Huff, Zachary
Huffines, Joshua A
Huffines, Sarah E
Huffman, Lydia
Hufhand, Katherine R Huggins, Brianne A Huggins, Jacob L
Huggins, Sarah M Hughes, Amber D Hughes, Anthony L Hughes, Caleb D Hughes, Craig A Hughes, Jillian F Hughes, Kevin L Hughes, Rebecca G
Hughes, Savannah Hughes, Susan Hughes, Tara Huh, Kyun Heang

Hui, Po Hang

Hullett, Jenna

Hulse, Jessica
Humbertson, Garrett S
Hummel, Benjamin
Hundley, Nathaniel J

Hunsley, Bryan D
Hunt, Ashley M

Hunt, Jason Hunt, Keri N
Hunter, Lauren M
Hupe, Jeffrey
Hurd, Tiffany L Hurley, Michael Hurley, Ruth
Hurt, Elizabeth R
Hurt, Samantha
Hurt, Zachary
Hussack, Christina A Hustead, Sarah M
Huston, Matthew Hutcherson, Kayla D Hutchinson, Christopher Hutchison, Gavin T
Hutto, Victoria L Hutton, Otey R Huver, William Hwang, Hee Jeong

Hwang, Hyun
Hwang, Inchun

Hwang, Younghyun
Hyland, John T
Hyland, Justen Hyland, Ryan

Hyland, Scott S

Hylton, Joshua M

Ikeakanam, Ify P
Ikeakanam, Immanuel D
Ikeakanam, Nonye P

Inabnit, Jared B
Incorminias, Jessica
Ingersoll, Melisa B

Ingersoll, Robert E
Ingle, Jessica M

Inglett, Angela
Inglett, Joseph N
Inglett, Michael Inman, Maria
Inman, Theodore S
Inmon, Lauren J
Innis, Danielle Insley, Mindy B

Irby, Mary C

Iredia, Jasmine
Irizarry, Elaine

Irizarry Torruella, Ashley

Irvin, Amanda C Irwin, Ashley
Isaacs, Rachel L

Isidro, Nathan

Isner, Elizabeth N
Iversen, James
Iverson, Susie J
Ivill, Caleb A
Iwuamadi, Lawrence I
Izadi, Ponteaah M Jack, David Jackson, Amber L
Jackson, Chanel M
Jackson, Danielle T
Jackson, Deondre
Jackson, Drew M
Jackson, Edward A
Jackson, Jessica M
Jackson, Kurt
Jackson, Matthew
Jackson, Olivia G
Jackson, Spencer T
Jackson, Tanner J
Jackson, William T
Jacob, David C
Jacobs, Daniel C

Jacobs, Dwight I
Jacobs, Katelyn M
Jacobs, Pamela J
Jacobsen, Amanda P

Jacques, Ryan A
Jacquez, Parri L
Jadin, Crystal
Jagtiani, Garrett
Jaime, Jordan M
James, Andrew C
James, Ashley N
James, Benjamin A
James, Caris E
Jameson, David A
Jamison, Annessa
Jamison, Cherie N
Jang, Su Young
Janusz, Stephanie

Jarman, Brooke E
Jarman, Rebekah M
Jarman, Robert B
Jarrell, Daniel G

Jarrett, Jennalee E
Jauch, Andrew J

Javins, Nicholas S

Jaynes, Stacy L

Je, Nakyoung
Jeffer, Bailey
Jeffers, Alyssa M

Jeffers, Jared S
Jefferson, Brandon L
Jefferson, Brett
Jefferson, TaQuania D
Jenkins, James H

Jenkins, Kimberly D

Jenkins, Marques
Jenkins, Rebekah
Jenkins, Trevor J
Jenne, Anthony

Jensen, Audrey A
Jensen, Jeffery A
Jensen, Jessica
Jensen, Jonathan J
Jensen, Molly J
Jensen, Nicholas B
Jensen, Seth
Jensen, Stefani
Jeon, Gean Guk

Jeon, Sin Soo
Jeong, Ho Moon

Jeong, Jong Gyu
Jeoung, Eean A
Jepkosgei, Egline
Jessup, Evan

Jeun, Dong Hun
Ji, Yuping
Jiang, Xiaochen

Jin, Ik Jae

Jin, Li Hua
Jividen, Brittany M
Joe, Malik D

Johansen, Michael C
John, Reuben C
Johnson, Aaron W
Johnson, Aaron X
Johnson, Alicia
Johnson, Amaris I
Johnson, Amber R
Johnson, Angela C

Johnson, Bethany

Johnson, Brandon
Johnson, Brennon
Johnson, Brianna N
Johnson, Brittney L

Johnson, Carolyn

Johnson, Chelsey N
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Clayton J
Johnson, Cordale
Johnson, Dirk
Johnson, Erik D
Johnson, Holly L
Johnson, James A
Johnson, Jermaine
Johnson, Jessica S
Johnson, John H
Johnson, Joseph W
Johnson, Kaitlyn R

Johnson, Kameish S
Johnson, Kayla R
Johnson, Kendra
Johnson, Kendria E
Johnson, Kristen D
Johnson, Leah
Johnson, Marie E
Johnson, Matthew T

Johnson, Matthew
Johnson, Matthew
Johnson, Micah
Johnson, Michael K

Johnson, Michael R
Johnson, Michael
Johnson, Miranda
Johnson, Nathan S
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Riley E
Johnson, Shayla
Johnson, Shonda R Johnson, Sidney
Johnson, Stephanie N
Johnston, Ashlyn D

Johnston, Chelsey J

Johnston, Colleen
Johnston, Jody

Johnston, Kendra L Johnston, Whitaker R Joiner, Michael Jolley, Sidney L Jolly, Alina M Jones, Aaron N Jones, Alexandria N Jones, Andrew S
Jones, Andrew T Jones, Brendan L Jones, Breyanna M Jones, Claire K Jones, Danyiel D Jones, Darrell E Jones, Eden J Jones, Jacob E

Jones, James M Jones, Jessica N Jones, Justin L Jones, Kayla L Jones, Kevin Jones, Leah D Jones, Molly Jones, Monique A

Jones, Raymond A Jones, Robin Jones, Ryan M Jones, Sara B Jones, Stephen Jones, Taylor Jones, Terrance L Jones, Zachariah I

Joo, MyungSoon Jordan, Amanda M Jordan, Kathryn L Jordan, Kathryn Jordan, Vickie L Jordan, Victoria R Jorge, Daniela Josefczyk, Jordan

Joseph, Travis Josifov, Vladimir Joyce, Annie L Jubilee, Marcus D Jubilee, Neshawn L Judd, Kaelynn D Judd, Spencer C Jude, Kimberly

Judkins, Kenneth Jun, Jean Jun, Sanggyu Jung, Chansong Jung, Chung Sik Jung, Hoon Jung, Hosear Jung, Jin Eun
Jung, Jongmun Jung, Joshua T Jung, Philip Jung, Tae-Eun Jung, Woong Jo Jung, Ye-Eun Jung, Youn Kil Jurgensen, Nathan R

Justice, Sarah G
Justice, Victoria
Kabongo, Esther

Kacan, Rachel
Kadjeski, Steffen P
Kaetu-Smith, Hilda
Kahl, Lindsay
Kaiser, Joel
Kaiser, Melissa J
Kaiser, Peter
Kaleta, Melissa M
Kalevas, Robert W
Kamau, Rahab W
Kaminski, Caroline A
Kamradt, Linda
Kane, Jessie M
Kang, Bobin
Kang, Eunkyung
Kang, Jimu
Kang, Min Chul

Kang, Myung Sik
Kang, Pil Mo

Kang, Seungeui

Kang, Sion
Kang, Yun Ho
Kang, Yun Suk
Kangogo, Raymond K
Kania, Sarah E
Kappler, Abigail A
Kappler, Daniel W
Kardos, Joseph J
Karlsson, Robert
Karpenko, Natalie
Karr, Elizabeth A Kast, Audrey
Kastuk, Sara K
Katze, Charity F
Katze, George W
Kauffman, Briana L
Kauffman, Rachel M
Kawchak, Megan L

Kearney, Patrice H

Kearns, Jackson J
Kearns, Stephenie R

Keating, Elizabeth R
Keatts, David A

Keck, Jeremiah J

Keef, Bethany L
Keeler, Reade A
Keen, Seana F
Keen, Shannon L
Keenan, Samuel J
Keeney, Brittany L Keeys, Rachel Keffer, Richard
Keirstead, Leah R

Keiser, Lucas A

Keitany, Solomon K
Keith, Steven E
Keller, Andrew P

Kelley, Brandon
Kelley, KC
Kelley, Meredith
Kelliher, Kathryn
Kelly, Benjamin
Kelly, Bretta D
Kelly, Bridget D
Kelly, Bridgette M

Kelly, Kaitlyn M
Kelly, Patrick T
Kemmerer, Jacob T

Kemmerer, Kerah
Kemper, Karis E
Kempner, Ana G
Kendall, Emily G
Kendall, Terron

Kendrick, Elizabeth M

Kennedy, Heidi
Kennedy, Monica L
Kennedy, Shawn T
Kennon, Wade A
Kenny, Carter L
Keo, Sach
Kerl, Katie L
Kern, Crystal
Kern, Timothy

Kerongo, Melyzedeck N Kerr, Michael R
Kerrin, Adam Q
Kerry, Aaryn
Kessler, Karis L

Kessler, Stephan
Kessy, Doreen G
Kessy, Naomi G
Kessy, Neema G Kessy, Pendaeli G
Ketchie, David W
Ketron, William B

Khamla, Manel
Khan, Waseem U

Kia, Jonathan A

Kidd, Christine E
Kidd, Jason E
Kight, Kenneth E
Kijawski, Kaitlin P
Kil, Yeon Jeong

Kildare, Michael N
Kilgore, Bryan
Kilonzo, Florence
Kilpatrick, Hannah
Kim, Aesra
Kim, Bum Su

Kim, Changsook
Kim, Dong Hyun
Kim, Dong Sung

Kim, Dongin
Kim, Euikwon
Kim, Eun Taik

Kim, Eunice
Kim, Eunkyung
Kim, Gyunam
Kim, Ho
Kim, Hyong T
Kim, Hyong Joo
Kim, Hyun Gi
Kim, Hyunmi
Kim, Insun
Kim, Israel P

Kim, Ja Yun
Kim, Jeonghag
Kim, Jinchul
Kim, Jonghun
Kim, Juman
Kim, Jun S
Kim, Junghwan
Kim, Jungyeon
Kim, Kang
Kim, Keeyoung
Kim, Kyeonghui
Kim, Kyuwon
Kim, Mi Jung
Kim, Minsu
Kim, Mun Seong

Kim, Sang Jun
Kim, Sangwoo

Kim, Seung Kee
Kim, Shinil
Kim, Sung Jin

Kim, Yeseul
Kim, Yong Eun
Kim, Yong Il
Kim, Young Chan
Kim, Youngsun
Kim, Yuneun
Kime, Bethany S
Kimmey, James E
Kinas, Sarah B
Kinder, Carly J

Kindt, Ryan M

King, Amanda D
King, Andrea
King, Angela M
King, Anthony J

King, Daniel
King, Daylee
King, Dustin
King, Joshua R
King, Katrina M
King, Laura A
King, Leah A
King, Matthew P
King, Michael A
King, Semaj A
Kingery, Robyn E
Kingsley, Kristen
Kingswood, Leah B

Kinney, Alyssa
Kinney, John J
Kinzer, David N
Kinzer, Faith L

Kinzie, Kendall T
Kipchirchir, Ngetich

Kirby, Andrew W
Kirby, Catherine E
Kirby, Matthew T

Kirk, Robert T Kirkby, Jessica
Kirkland, Jami K
Kirkland, Leanna C

Kirkland, Lindsey P
Kirkpatrick, Ryan
Kirkpatrick, Shannon W

Kirks, Jonathan B Kiser, Nick A Kitchen, Derek J Kitts, Amy E Klacynski, Brandon C Klarich, Elsa R Kleiman, Alexander O Klein, Tamara
Kleinhans, Kelsey A Klemm, Megan C Kline, Jacqueline Kline, Laura Kling, Ryan M Klingensmith, Ashton C Knapp, Meghan Kniffin, Robert K

Knight, Bradley D Knight, Brandon S Knight, Casey R Knight, Clayton Knight, Forrest A Knight, Kevin J Knight, Ryan M Knight, Ryan

Kniowski, Lydia B Knoblet, Benjamin D Knoess, Brandon Knollenberg, Andrew J Knowles, Nicholas Knudsen, Sarah O Knuppel, Matthew Ko, Sanghoon

Ko, Yealim Kobischen, Jason B Koch, Carissa Koch, Christine A Kochanek, Kyle D Koger, Joy Koh, Minjung Kohout, Kimberly A

Kokinda, Cody R Koles, Lynsey M Kompelien, Daniel S Konechne, Ben J Kong, Jae Kyu Kontaxes, Benjamin J Koomson, Charles Kopanko, Justin

Korn, Jessica Korr, Timothy Korson, Mitchell Korth, Joshua S Koshy, Lovely Kovaly, Stephanie Kowalczyk, Nicole Kozak, Kristopher F

Kpadeh, Solieh Kraemer, Kelly P Kraemer, Nick Kramer, Alan Z

Kratt, Daniel J Krauter, Caleb J Krauter, Jonathan D Krecker, Kelli L

Kregenow, David S

Kreis, Kelly
Kreuziger, William D
Krick, Ashley M
Krick, Jillian M
Krom, Michael L
Kronawetter, Aaron M Krueger, Erik
Krug, Adam J
Krug, Chelsea L
Kruidenier, Jennifer L
Kuchler, Christina
Kuhn, Amber S
Kuhn, Brooks A Kum, Ebua M Kunda, John
Kunwar, Manisha
Kunwar, Sami
Kutch, Rachel Kutch, Rebecca
Kuzmik, Daniel Kwak, Jeongmin

Kwon, Chang Eun Kwon, Chang Hyun
Kwon, Dong Hyun

Kwon, Eun Kyung
Kwon Hwang, Ji Hae

Kyles, Ricky V
Kyper, Brittany L Kysia, Lisa La, Joo Eun LaFortune, Gilbert
LaFrance, Ashleigh
LaMartina, Gabriel W
Laborde, John P
Lackey, Jessica
Lacks, Chelsey
Ladnier, Emily M

Laidlow, Leata L Lake, Andrew
Lalone, Jonathan
Lam, Donovan B

Lam, Janessa
Lamartina, Drew G
Lambert, John C

Lambert, Joshua R
Lambeth, Joshua M Lambros, Amanda M
Lamkin, Sheri B

Land, Steven C
Landa, Samuel
Landavere, Austin G
Landes, Tyler T Landis, Erin
Landis, Joshua
Landolfi, Jamie R
Landrum, Andrew T

Landrum, Matthew D

Landry, Brian
Lane, Jonathan
Lane, Stuart W
Lang, Andrew X
Lang, Kevin V Langdon, Katelyn D
Lange, David B
Langley, Charles B
Lanham, Peter J
Lanowitz, Morgan
Lansing, Alyssa J
Lantzsch, Jordan
Lanz, Amanda
Largen, Christopher E
Lariviere, Mark F
Larsen, Christine M
Lashkevich, Briana H
Lashley, Crystal K
Laskowski, Dylan D
Lattimore, William T

Laughlin, Philip

Lauta, Laura L
Lavender, Kevin
Lavender, Timothy
Law, Courtney M
Law, Jennifer
Lawhorn, Anna W

Lawhorn, Brittney

Lawhorn, Laura A
Lawing, Diamond E
Lawless, Timothy C
Lawrence, Aaron B

Lawrence, Adam
Lawrence, Brandon
Lawrence, Dwayne A
Lawrence, Ellissa P
Lawrence, Matthew
Lawrence, Tyler A
Lawrie, Betsy L
Laws, Jonathan
Lawson, Donald
Lawson, Erick R
Lawson, Jessica M

Lawson, Stephanie N
Layer, David E
Layer, Jessica L

Layne, Erika S
Le, Minhthieng
LeFave, Nathan
Leach, Cody
Leach, Megan R

Leach, Rebekah M
Leach, Stephen
Leahy, Kyle
Leake, Jesse
Lease, Jacob
Leblanc, Courtney
Ledbetter, Jordan
Ledford, Abbigail L

Ledford, Justin H

Lee, Brian D
Lee, Byung Ri
Lee, Caleb J

Lee, Chi Bang
Lee, Chul J
Lee, Chung Moo

Lee, Chunsuk
Lee, Corey
Lee, Courtney Lee, Dokyung
Lee, Dongha
Lee, Dooho
Lee, Esther H

Lee, Eunsung
Lee, Gi Woong

Lee, Gyeongok
Lee, Haengjin
Lee, Hai Sun
Lee, Han Sol
Lee, Hyokjin
Lee, Hyuna
Lee, Ilkeun
Lee, Ivan
Lee, Jaegil
Lee, Jin Seong

Lee, Joo Eun
Lee, Jungwook
Lee, Kang H
Lee, Kap Soon
Lee, Koeun
Lee, Kwanghoon

Lee, Kwangseok
Lee, Kyuhak
Lee, Kyuhee
Lee, Kyuhyuk
Lee, LaRandale K
Lee, Moo Hwang
Lee, Phillip
Lee, Sangsu
Lee, Seulbee
Lee, Seung Hee
Lee, Seung Jae

Lee, Soon Wook
Lee, Sungkwan
Lee, Won
Lee, Ye Lim

Lee, Yerim
Lee, Yi S
Lee, Yuijun
Leeds, Ryan M
Leeworthy, Cody A
Leffew, Robert M
Lehman, Christopher A

Lehman, Gregory M
Leighton, Chelsey
Leitch, Hilary
Leite, Lucilia K

Lemire, Kaleigh
Lemon, Jeremy
Lennon, Daniel A
Lenz, Abigail J
Leon, Erica C
Lesh, Jamilynn J
Lesh, Sky
Leslie, Winston S
Lessard, Erica

Lester, Sydnei L
Lett, Lindsay
Letterman, Melanie
Letterman, Morgan
Levandovska, Liliya
Levens, Michael J

Lewallen, David B

Lewellyn, Bryant

Lewellyn, Dylan P

Lewis, Aaron C
Lewis, Austin
Lewis, Cameron Lewis, Chelsea D
Lewis, Daniel B
Lewis, Illeah E
Lewis, Jeremy K

Lewis, Leland
Lewis, Lindsay S
Lewis, Matthew
Lewis, Michael R
Lewis, Ryan
Lewis, Sara B
Lewis, Sarah M
Li, Chengsi
Li, Hui

Li, Jin
Li, Qimin
Libka, Kristen C
Lichvar, Rebecca A
Liddell, Ashley L

Liddil, Madilyn E Lieb, Jennifer M
Liebig, Amanda

Liedstrand, Holly R
Liedstrand, Krista M
Lietzan, Emily
Light, Brooke E
Light, Kristian M Lightle, Katelin
Likens, Samuel
Lile, Christine
Lile, Justin Lillis, Matthew J
Lim, Chanelle Chia Shin

Lim, Cholong
Lim, Dong Sun
Lim, Hwan Lim, Jang Soon

Lim, Job
Lim, Taehoon
Lin, Shoshana R

Lincoln, Matt
Lindemulder, Stephen C
Lindenbaum, Matthew J

Lindsey, Calvin J Lindstrom, Niklas A
Lindy, James M

Linke, Brean
Lippard, Joy

Lipscomb, Barbara A

Lipscomb, Donovan L

Lisa, Michael A
Listor, David
Little, Cammille
Little, David A
Little, Safari H
Livengood, Brad S

Livernois, Lisa M

Livingston, Shane M

Liwski, Anna M
Lobato, Kelsey

Lockhart, Seth

Logan, Sarah
Loggins, Ciara N
Lohr, Janet R
Loizos, Alexander
Lollar, Robert J Long, Adam T
Long, Amy E Long, Joshua
Long, Morgan L Long, Susan Longino, Walter
Loomis, Jonathan M

Lopez, Christopher

Lorcy, Shekinah
Lotspeich, Zachary M
Loughran, Noel
Louis, Samara S
Loukinas, Megan Love, Emily
Lovelace, Medley E
Loveland, Kevin T

Loving, Charles
Lovitt, Joseph D Lowe, Nathan D
Lowell, Melissa

Lowery, Brian V
Lowmaster, Nathan
Lowry, Chad A
Loyd, Payton
Lubeshkoff, Eric M

Luc, Loan T
Lucas, Christopher
Luccia, Grace
Luce, Havilah K
Luce, Isaiah D

Lucia, Steven R
Luckey, Rebecca M

Ludwick, Payden
Lueking, Kara M
Lukaszewski, Diana M
Lundquist, Ashley M

Lundy, Aaron W

Lupo, Brandon J

Lupton, Devon S
Lupton, Dylan P Lust, Katie
Luster, Catherine E
Lutz, Katelyn J
Lutz, Zachery D

Luurtsema, Aimee J
Lyles, Michael D

Lynch, Candace B Lyons, Anna
Lyons, Collin M

Lyons, Joseph Ma, Doyeong

Mabe, Lena M
Mabe, Ryan C

Mabes, Christopher
Mabes, Kelsey R

MacBean, Andrea
MacDonald, James R
MacInnis, Lindsay
MacIntyre, Kelsey

MacKenzie, Aaron S
MacLeod, Timothy J
MacLeod, Zachary A
MacMoyle, Benjamin
Mace, Jeremy J
Machapu, Vimbai
Mackenzie, J
Mackie, Mallory
Macleod, Scott D
Macolino, Brent J
Madison, Donovan A
Madison, Thomas J

Madsen, David
Madsen, Heidi
Madsen, Nathan M

Magann, John T
Magliaro, Samantha E
Mahaney, Samuel C

Maher, Sarah C
Mai, Timothy
Makin, Kristi
Makullah, Mwanze R
Malay, Elizabeth M

Malchuk, Joyce
Maldonado, Richard
Malizzi, Bryan
Mallet-Prevost, Aaron
Mallon, Kaitlyn M

Mallory, Andrew C
Mallya, Rogers C

Malott, Brett T
Malsch, Sara J
Malvaso, Kaitlin L
Mamo, Meseret
Manalo, Nicole
Manicone, Darren M
Manis, Randi L
Manley, Hannah M

Mann, James D
Mann, Katie L
Mann, Krystalin R
Manning, Andrew C

Manning, Katherine B

Manns, Benjamin F
Manson, Matthew T
Manu, Nana A
Manuel, Benjamin E
Marbury, Phillip E
Marcelo, Carolyn
Marchant, Brandi H

Marcouillier, James

Marcus, Joseph C
Marczewski, Jane K
Marilla, Richard J
Marino, Arielle
Marion, Trevor D
Marker, Luke W
Markides, John M
Marlowe, Jessica A
Marple, Gabrielle

Marple, Katherine E
Marple, Thomas
Marques, Heyde O
Marquez, Amy E
Marquez, Eduardo
Marquis, Jennifer N
Marquis, Jeremy
Marquis, Lauren L
Marrero, Kyle J
Marrero, Timothy J

Marriott, Jamie L

Marroquin, Amanda
Marroquin, Victoria E
Marrs, Victoria J
Marselus, Joel D

Marselus, Rebekah
Marsengill, Samantha A

Marsh, Austin
Marsh, Billy
Marsh, Erik
Marsh, Hannah M

Marshall, Jordan S
Marshall, Joshua S
Marshall, Maribeth

Marshall, Michael
Martens, Ashley E
Martens, Douglas G

Martin, Alyssa D
Martin, Beth A
Martin, Bryan A
Martin, Christopher R
Martin, Jacob R
Martin, James A
Martin, James M
Martin, Kacey
Martin, Katherine E
Martin, Kristen L
Martin, Luke
Martin, Markita S
Martin, Mary E
Martin, Matthew G
Martin, Nicholas A
Martin, Nicole J
Martin, Nicole L
Martin, Olivia A
Martin, Roy E
Martin, Ryan Q
Martin, Terry G
Martin, William N
Martin, Zachary L

Martinez, Ezekiel
Martinez, Mario
Martinez, Sharon A
Maryland, Angela M

Mashburn, Kelley A

Mason, Allison B

Mason, Chad
Mason, Kari L
Mason, Katie
Mason, Kimberly A
Massengill, Alan W
Massey, Christie L
Massie, Danielle
Massie, David W Mast, Caleb S

Mast, Jacob B
Mast, Joshua K
Masters, Ryan L
Masterson, Emily R

Mather, Spencer
Matheson, Brittany N
Mathia, Addison B

Mathias, Christopher
Mathieu, Jonathan M
Mathis, Billy J
Mathis, Emily H
Mathis, Taylor A
Mathisen, Luke
Matos, Jose L

Matos-Serrano, Ivette
Matthews, Alexander W
Matthews, Ezekiel D
Matthews, Robert S
Mattingly, Timothy M

Mattox, Mary J

Mauer, Philip A
Maupin, Jamea
Maupin, Nicole
Maupin, Tory D
Maurice, Gaetane M
Mavinga, Guy
Mavunga, Allen T
Maweu, Doreen
Mawyer, Jasmine L
Maxwell, Bridgitte
May, Cody C

May, Jonathan A
May, Lindsey K
May, Melissa M
May, Michael G
May, Nathan E
Maye, Brianna
Mayers, Rhoda R

Mayfield, Brian M

Maynard, Matthew S

Maynard, Michael S
Maynard, Paul E
Maynard, Sadie E
Mayo, Chris Mayo, Ebony
Mays, Ashley
Mays, Christine L

Mays, Jonathan B
Mays, Warren C
Mazonde, Goroma M
Mbaaga, Emmanuel Masanja
McAlister, Christopher A

McAllester, Angela S

McAllister, Kevin
McAllister, Lauren
McAllister, Rachel F
McAlpin, Kevin
McBride, David
McBroom, Lee M
McCain, Michael-Chase
McCain, Nathan
McCall, Chelsea L
McCann, Heather M

McCarthy, Michael
McCarthy, Patrick S
McCay, Kate S
McClintock, Christina M

McCloskey, Bryce A
McClure, Carly E
McClure, James
McClure, Josiah J

McClure, Tyler D

McCombe, Andrew J

McCombe, Nicole J

McConnel, Cameron J
McConnell, Allison
McConnell, Amanda K
McConnell, Tasha L
McCormick, Christopher E
McCormick, Rachel
McCoy, Corey J
McCoy, Kristen E
McCracken, Jessica
McCracken, Megan
McCray, Frederick
McCray, Gregory J
McCray, Tyrone
McCrea, Maria A
McCrickard, Jessica
McCroskey, Charles
McCuiston, Josie
McCullough, Brandon McCurdy, Aaron
McDaniel, Bradley M
McDaniel, Brittany R

McDaniel, Erin N
McDonald, Anna
McDonald, Ashley N
McDonnell, Christopher R

McFadden, Brittany S

McFadden, Michelle K
McGill, Courtney R
McGinn, Kevin
McGinn, Stephanie M

McGowan, Amy

McGrady, Christopher M
McGreevy, Patrick
McGuire, Christopher

McGuire, Thomas G
McGunigale, Melissa K
McHale, Carrie V
McIlhenny, Caitlyn
McIlwain, Reginald M
McIntosh, Chloe
McIntyre, Bradley
McKay, Dominique G
McKay, James M

McKechnie, David A

McKee, Brandon
McKee, Brooke A
McKenzie, Courtney A
McKenzie, Katherine E
McKinley, Mary E
McKinney, Amanda
McKinney, Courtney A
McKinney, Joshua J
McLaughlin, Amy C

McLaughlin, Calvin
McLaughlin, Karen

McLendon, James

McLeod, Merrianne E

McMahon, Katrina R
McMillan, Courtney
McMillian, Julia K
McMillon, Keely J
McMinn, Cassandra

McMullen, Kelly
McMullin, Anaisabel
McMurray, Kathryn J

McMurray, Nathaniel
McMurray, Rachel E
McNair, Austin M
McNeil, Cory
McNeil, Travis
McPeck, Stephany K

McPhee, Christine I
McPheron, Andrew D

McPherson, Brittany L
McQuigg, Rachel
McRee, Kathryn B
McTigue, Caitlin M

McVety, Ryan C

McVey, Alexander
Mccamey, Robert E
Mcguire, Jordan I
Mchale, Devon
Mead, Stephanie M

Means, Brandon C

Meares, Carson A
Mears, Dustin T

Medlin, Amanda E
Medrano, Kenny W
Meekma, Rebecca D
Meetre, Joshua R

Meetre, Sara A
Megginson, Nicole M
Mei, Wenfu

Meibauer, Erika D
Mekena, Christelle

Melara, Abner
Melfi, Leah M

Mellette, Mark H
Mello, Brianna M
Melnichuk, Liana J
Melnichuk, Rachelle E
Melton, Chris L

Melton, Mollie
Menez, Audra
Mercer, Daniel G
Mercer, Rebekah D
Mercer, Todd D

Meredith, Rebekah
Merene, Vanisha A
Merholz, Veronica
Merritt, Lowell D
Merritt, Timothy E
Merz, Christopher
Metayer, Vilsene
Metayer, Walcene
Metelus, Vanessa
Metzler, Ryan
Meulemans, Alexandria C
Meurrens, Blake H
Mey, Elrich
Meyer, Matthew J
Mezzano, Emily

Miceli, Megan B
Michael, Andrew S
Micklem, Franklin
Miclos, Diana M
Midgett, Kaitlyn

Midgett, Logan G
Mielnicki, Joseph T

Migliaccio, Melanie
Miglis, Nicole C

Mihai, Emilia
Mihelic, Matthew L

Mikkelson, Benjamin
Milacci, Ellen E Milacci, Karis
Milanowski, Ivy Jo-Wei

Mildenstein, Jeffrey
Miles, Shannon
Milian, Alyssa E
Millard, Adam

Miller, Alexander V
Miller, Alydia R Miller, Ben P
Miller, Briana
Miller, Brittney
Miller, Chara O
Miller, Cooper S
Miller, Jacob
Miller, Jenna M
Miller, Jordan N
Miller, Julie M
Miller, Kathren E
Miller, Matthew
Miller, Megan Y
Miller, Michael A
Miller, Nathan L
Miller, Ramsey S
Miller, Tami
Miller, Thomas
Milleson, Jenna
Millner, Ebony G

Mills, Allison F
Mills, Heidi
Mills, Jacob
Mills, Keary R Mills, Porsha
Mills, Rachel M Mills, Timothy A
Milton, Tayler M
Min, Dong-Joon
Minerali, Genta L
Minerva, Michael D
Mini, Erica J
Mink, Stephen
Minkarious, Lydia R
Minor, Phillip D
Minter, Adam H
Miranda, Bianca
Miroshnichenko, Nancy
Mishler, Michael S

Mitchell, Allison N
Mitchell, Angela R
Mitchell, Bradford N
Mitchell, Christina D

Mitchell, Ginny M
Mitchell, Jacob A
Mitchell, Luther M
Mitchell, Melissa
Mitchell, Teala
Mitchell, Victoriya
Mitchener, Brandon
Mobley, Joseph C
Moen, Carolyn E
Moerman, Joshua
Mohr, Joshua
Moize, Earl T
Mojica, Demitrius
Moldvay, Stacy B
Mombrun, Dina
Mondor, Andre C
Monroe, Melody
Montalto, Dayna M
Montour, Bridget M

Mook, Daniel P
Mook, Jessica J
Moon, Hong Jin
Moon, Hyun Soo

Moon, Scott A
Moon, Whitney A
Mooney, Ashley N
Moore, Anna T
Moore, Brian D
Moore, Brittany N
Moore, Casey M
Moore, Christopher T

Moore, Janet W
Moore, Jessica D
Moore, Joshua A
Moore, Julie B

Moore, Lucas A
Moore, Rayme
Moore, Salena K
Moore, Samuel J
Moore, Samuel
Moore, Tahirah
Moore, Tiffany L

Moores, Jessica
Moos, Christiana
Morales, Adam L
Morgan, Alexis M
Morgan, Alicia V
Morgan, Jonathan P
Morgan, Katherine
Morgan, Trent J
Morgan, William A
Morgan Anderson, Leah M
Morice, Christina

Morin, Christopher R

Morningstar, Steven D
Morongell, Scott J
Moroz, Timothy G

Morrett, Hannah R

Morris, David B
Morris, Hillary A
Morris, Mallory K
Morris, Sarah
Morris, Tanner L
Morrison, Ana R
Morrison, Andrell
Morrison, Danielle L
Morrison, Michael J
Morrison, Roshane N
Morrissey, Jeremy
Morrissey, Molly A
Morrissey, Rachel L
Morse, Elizabeth
Morse, Sarah E
Mortimer, Chad E
Morton, Sean M

Moschler, Rebecca
Moser, Christina M

Moser, Jesse
Mosher, Elliot
Moshkowski, Melody
Mosley, Bryson L

Mosley, Lauren
Moss, Angel M
Moss, Betty J
Moss, Shanika
Moss, Sherika
Moss, Zachary
Motley, Benjamin D
Motley, Jacob P

Motsenbocker, Abby D
Moulton, Carl
Moutoux, Jessica
Mowry, Daniel E
Moye, Rebekah
Moyer, James

Moyer, Jennifer T

Moyer, Mitchell
Moyer, Molly
Mrozik, Pawel Marcin

Mshama, Juliana Julius

Mshamma, Jacqueline J

Mshamma, Jennifer J
Mueller, Mckenzy A
Mugwanja, Rahab W
Mukri, Colin R

Mulchi, Andrew R

Mullen, Annie E
Mullen, Joshua E
Mullen, Seth W

Muller, Megan
Mullins, Hailey
Mullins, Kayla M

Mulvihill, Donna
Mulwa, Diana M
Mulyangote, Enguma Y
Mungai, Bryan M
Munguia, Ashley N
Munguia, Michelle M
Muniz, Michael J
Munson, Rachel
Murachanian, Emily L
Murdock, Glen E
Murdock, Justin M

Murphy, Clint
Murphy, Jeffrey
Murphy, Jonathan M
Murphy, Michael S
Murphy, Robert
Murphy, Tierney L
Murray, Alina E
Murray, Joshua S
Murray, Tamryne
Musick, Chase
Mutisya, Maureen N
Mwasha, Neema
Myers, Carley B
Myers, Jasmine D
Myers, Michael E
Myers, Mikel C
Myers, Nathan
Myers, Rachel C

Myers, Richard M

Myers, Sharon L
Myers, Thomas
Na, Chang Wan
Nace, Darick
Naff, Alena B
Nam, Hyemin

Nam, Jaeeun
Nance, Whitney S

Napier, Cristi M
Napierkowski, Andrew W
Nappi, Rachel
Nardozzi, Bryant

Nash, Jillian E
Nduta, Judith L

Neal, Derrick H

Neal, Jetts
Neal, Joseph D
Neal, Melvin T
Neece, Jaimie L
Neeley, Zachary J

Neely, Rachael
Neergaard, Miriam
Neff, Megan
Neff, Tyler
Neffinger, Richard V

Negron, Kristi L
Negroni, Jonathan
Nelms, Christine M

Nelson, Alexandra
Nelson, Charles J
Nelson, Joel S
Nelson, Kristin E
Nelson, Thomas
Nemiccolo, Whitney

Nesemeier, Michelle W

Ness, Reed A
Neufeld, Ryan

Neville, Indrek
Newcomb, Lauren L

Newcomb, Roolchane M
Newcomb, Vicente

Newhall, Kathryn E
Newhall, Michael
Newman, Angela S
Newman, Charles P
Newsom, Rachael B

Newsome, Chelsea A
Newton, Steven
Ng, Tai Kwok

Ng, Tai Man

Ng, Tsz Fan
Ngun, Sui Z

Nguyen, Minh L
Nguyen, VuBang D

Nhekairo, Nawona J
Nicholas, Kelsey
Nichols, Elizabeth
Nichols, Laura E
Nichols, Mary-Ashtin M
Nichols, Randi D
Nichols, Susanna M
Nichols, Terrence J
Nicholson, Jordan E
Nickerson, Drew E
Nickerson, Joel D
Nickerson, Jonathan M

Nicks, Brady S

Nicodemus, Samantha C
Nicotra, Anna M
Nielson, Marcus
Niemann, Sierra M
Niemi, Leanne E
Niemi, Sara M
Niggli, John
Nijakowski, Theodore
Niu, Genying

Njau, Doreen S
Nodell, Aleksey T

Noell, Daniel
Nolen, Allison L

Nolton, Christina
Nonaka, Kiyohide

Noonan, Alexandra J
Nordan, Grace M

Norman, Matthew
Norman, Timothy
Norris, Christian
Norris, Matthew M

Norton, Jeffrey R
Norton, Timothy J
Norwood, Katie G
Notter, Lindsay R

Novak, Kevin R
Novakowski, Sarah
Nowlin, Roderick W

Nowottnick, David C
Nowottnick, Michael
Ntumy, Vanessa L
Nuckols, Patrick
Nusbaum, Abigail I
Nusbaum, Emily

Nwankwo, Lucy N
Nyarko, Richard
Nyholt, Laura M
Nymeyer, Christina M
Nzuki, Elizabeth M

O' Berry, Gregory L
O'Brien, Nahum M
O'Grady, James C
O'Neal, Christy
O'Neal, Erin L
O'Toole, Brian P
OLory, Jean-Charles Y
ONeal, Brianna P

Oakes, Christina
Oakes, Rebecca
Oakley, Stephen J
Obanla, Michael O
Oberhelman, Andrea G
Oberry, Cameron S
Obert, Jacob
Obiri Mainoo, Ama
Ocampo, Aaron

Ochieng, E

Ochieng, Lovenda
Ochoa, Julie
Odell, Joshua T
Odongo, Florence A
Ofenloch, Tracy L
Offutt, Tifany
Ofori, Brenda

Ogram, Rebecca
Ogunseye, F
Oh, Jin S
Oh, Kyungmin
Oh, Seung Won
Oh, Yoonho
Okuley, Christopher R

Olayide, Priscilla
Olek, Kelly J
Olinghouse, Ashley J
Oliver, Alyssa
Olko, Tadeusz J
Olkonen, Elaine
Olmstead, Jonathan E
Olsen, Ariel E
Olsen, Katelyn H

Olson, Nathaniel J

Olufotebi, Emmanuel O

Olufotebi, Temitope
Ontaneda, Valeria
Oostdyk, Melody
Opoku, Abena
Orantes, Mariam

Orellana, Gabriel J

Orona, Shem
Ortiz, John R

Ortu, Toni J
Osattin, Scott
Osborne, Charles
Osborne, Evelyn
Osborne, Mark
Osbourn, Brian

Oskam, Jennifer
Osoro, Purity M

Osterhus, Julie Anne
Oswald, Heather K
Oswald, Melissa
Ott, Kathryn L

Ourahmane, Noura
Overbey, Jacob E
Overbey, Kathryn A
Overbey, Rebekah G
Overby, Emma K

Overmyer, Kelli M
Overstreet, Christina J

Overstreet, Jacob A

Overstreet, Julie

Overstreet, Richard P

Oware, Jessica A Owen, Catherine R Owen, Courtney R Owen, Madison C Owen, William M Owens, Benjamin T Owens, Brittany

Owens, Kehinde Owens, Sandi B Owensby, Taylor Owuor, John Vincent Owusu, Mercy

Owusu-Attakora, Stacey

Owusu-Attakora, Tracey Oyelabi, Adeola O

Ozah, Reginald Pack, Matthew L Page, Sarah E Paik, Sung Eun Palko, Shelley Palm, Josh A Palmer, Heather Palmer, Jennifer R

Palumbo, Brandon K Panasci, Bethany Panasci, Rachel A Panchigar, Shalin
Pannell, Harry Pantaleo, Joseph Pantana, Jessica R Pantana, John

Pantana, Kacie C Pantoja, Jennifer L Papanu, David Papet, Lindsay E Parada, Valerie
Pardine, Jeffrey S Parish, Stephen T Park, Bolam J
Park, Byoung Kyu
Park, Cameron K Park, Dai Joong Park, Dong Jin Park, Dongjin Park, Eunjin Park, Hanna Park, Hannah

Park, Huijae Park, Je-Ju Park, Jiyoun Park, John Park, Jong Bock Park, Jong Sub Park, Jungwon Park, Keyoung

Park, Ki Yong Park, Kyung H Park, Lae Deuk Park, Mikyung
Park, Samuel Park, Sangjin D Park, Seung J Park, Shin-Woong
Park, Sung Cooc Park, Sung-Shin Park, Yewon Park, Younhee

Parke, Madeline M

Parker, Alexander C Parker, Amy L Parker, Andi L
Parker, Breana N Parker, Christina M
Parker, Justin M
Parker, Lydia
Parker, Madison
Parker, Marie
Parker, Megan E Parker, Pamela
Parker, Shelley
Parkes, Rachel M
Parliament, Kyle
Parmley, Ian

Parnell, Hannah
Parramore, James B

Parris, Seth G Parrish, Joshua E
Parrott, Alexander Parsons, Candice Partilla, Robert S

Parvis, Joshua
Pascoe, Michael Pascoe, Peter Pasque, Cooper Passero, Kristy L
Patchett, Rebecca A

Patel, Chandani A Patel, Sima

Patino, Melanie
Patkose, Meghan
Patrick, Joseph Patterson, Kaitlin E Patterson, Kaitlyn O
Patterson, Rika
Patterson, Sarah B

Patti, Christopher A Patton, Logan
Patz, Katelynn M
Paulding, Alexis N
Paull, John E
Paultre, Gregory E
Paultre, Thierry R

Peacock, Lauren K
Peak, Jonathan
Peake, Rachel Peaks, John H Pearce, Jacob A Pearce, Victoria Pedersen, Matthew
Peed, Meredith N Peeler, Donna J
Peeler, Molly J
Peers, Emily D
Peery, Sara L

Peguero, Gabriella
Pegues, Alyssa Pelletier, Christin
Pemberton, Lloyd G
Pemberton, Rebekah B Penha, Robert
Peniche, Joseph
Penland, Jeremy C

Penley, Donald L Penley, Joshua Penn, Robert
Pennell, Caitlin
Pennington, Jonathan
Pennock, Ryan C

Pentoney, Rachel
Peper, Brandon

Peplinski, Taylor N
Perdew, Mark
Perdomo, Carlos
Perkins, Alexandria
Perkins, Rachel
Perkins, William B
Perkinson, Jared N
Perminov, Maxim A

Perpete, Rebecca S Perry, Adam D Perry, Calvin
Perry, Dominique K
Perry, Jessica K
Perry, Perrsha
Perry, Ryan
Perryman, Brittney
Perseo, Catherine
Persons, Gordon
Persson, Erica C
Peters, Jeremy M
Peters, Michael J
Peterson, Ashley
Peterson, Brad
Peterson, Grace M

Peterson, Joshua N
Peterson, Keith D
Petitjean, Stephen T

Petroff, Emily

Pettibone, Kristen
Pettman, Timothy
Pettus, Dana M

Petty, Steven M
Pfeifer, Christopher
Pfenninger, Jonathan

Phelan, Tarrah
Phelps, Christa E
Phillips, Andrew
Phillips, Arthur C
Phillips, Benjamin D
Phillips, Chester K Phillips, Christopher J
Phillips, Cynthia A

Phillips, James T

Phillips, Jeremy Phillips, Matthew Phillips, Michael A
Phillips, Neal D
Phillips, Rebekah R

Phillips, Simon P
Philpott, Ria J
Phipps, Seth E
Picht, Todd
Pick, Micah D
Pickard, Cheston
Pickett, Danielle L
Pickett, Dayne A
Picking, Erica
Pierce, David G
Pierce, Emily
Pierce, John D
Pierce, Stephanie
Pigsley, Samantha

Piirto, Hope E
Pike, Aaron R
Piland, David

Pineda, Josser A

Pinel, Bradley O

Pinelli, Lisa
Pinkerton, Joshua
Pinkham, Lauren E
Piper, Allison M
Piper, Christina M
Piper, Heather L
Pippin, Heather
Pipping, Calvary H
Pirus, Melissa
Pitre, Clifton A
Pittman, Courtney N
Pittman, Michael J

Pittman, Peter
Pittman, Rebecca

Pittman III, James T

Pitts, Allen K
Pitts, Reagan P
Pixley, Jessica E
Pizzichillo, Louis
Planchard, Julie A
Pless, Emily D
Plummer, Michael R

Plunkett, David W
Plush, Lewis C
Poe, Vanessa C
Poff, Samuel M
Poggemiller, Evangeline E
Pohlmann, Andrew
Poindexter, Joshua M

Poindexter, Julian
Poindexter, Whitney O
Poissant, Tia M
Polanec, Kathryn A
Polichemi, Anthony D
Polk, Kevin D
Ponder, Maurice J
Ponder, Ryan P
Pongracz, Samuel W
Poniente, Sheryl L

Ponseti, Ryan J
Ponton, Charles W

Poole, Henry C
Poole, Jacob R

Porochniak, Lauren A
Poss, Catherine
Potecha, Leah M
Potter, Andrew W
Potter, Ebonie
Potter, Jeremiah
Potter, Joshua H

Potter, Kevin
Potter, Kyla L Potter, Mitchell W
Potts, Ashlee R Potts, Chandler
Potts, Jeanel G

Poucher, Hannah J

Powell, Colin C
Powell, Megan J
Powers, Stephen T
Powley, Kaitlyn N
Pradenas, Danielle N
Pradhan, Shriti

Prange, Krista K
Pratt, Gregory A

Prescott, Denielle
Presley, Teresa A
Pressley, Grace A
Pressley, Morgan
Presson, Benjamin P Preston, Lane E
Prewitt, David W
Price, Daniel
Price, Emilee C
Price, Kaitlin L
Price, Mary-Ashley S
Price, Rachel
Price, Randi E
Price, William N
Price, Zachary
Prillaman, Heather L
Pringle, Stefone C
Prinsloo, Quinton
Prinsloo, Ryno
Pritt, Chase
Pritt, Tyler W
Probst, Jessica M

Proffitt, Casey M
Proffitt, Kathryn C

Proffitt, Stephen
Propps, Erica L
Prosper, Joshua D
Proto, Michelle T

Pruett, Sarah E
Pruett, Stephanie
Pruitt, Braxton H

Pruitt, Hannah N
Pruner, Laura A

Publicover, Robert

Puckett, Hunter
Puckett, Kelsey Pullen, Trevor A
Pulsford, Shane K

Punch, Le'Ambre V
Purdie, Gene R
Purdy, Francis J
Purificato, Dean R
Purificato, Tricia
Pyeatt, Justine N
Pyles, Timothy

Qian, Guoping
Qualls II, Robert D

Quaranta, Elena E
Quarmout, Daniel A
Quarmout, Sana A
Quartuccio, Daniel
Quebedeaux, Miles C
Quesenberry, Devin M
Quezada, Samantha
Quigg, Zachary D

Quill, Tiffanee
Quin, Rebecca J Quinn, Andrea N
Quinn, James A
Quinn, Sarah D
Quintanilla, Jerika B Radka, Erik R Radke, Jonathan
Ragan, Timothy
Rahn, Addison T Rahn, Austin T
Raidiger, Angela C Rainey, Caleb Rainey, Joshua L Ralston, Dathan Ramey, Kaleb M
Ramirez, Amber Ramirez, Marco A Ramos, Estefania
Ramos, Migdalia
Ramsdell, Lyndsie C Ramsey, Brandon M Ramsey, Kylah W Randall, Laura E
Randolph, Morgan Randolph, Paul Randoo, Jason J
Rankin, Jessica

Ransom, Rebekah L Ransom, Sarah A
Rardon, Brooke J Rasmussen, Gretchen E
Rasmussen, Shawnae S
Rasmussen, Troy

Rathore, Amar S
Ratliff, Heather
Ratliff, Holly E
Ratner, Rachel

Rau, Matthew J Raudenbush, Amanda

Raup, Denise D

Raven, Michelle L
Ravettine, Bryeanne
Rawal, Sanjay K
Rawlins, Matthew Ray, Cory
Ray, Gregory R

Ray, Stefanie N
Raymer, Brittany N
Read, Joshua L Reagan, Victoria K
Reaves, Robert

Redden, Jourdan T
Redmond, Jeremy
Redmond, Rachel Redmond, Taylor M

Redshaw, Darren Reece, Payton M Reed, Cory Reed, Jennifer Reed, Jonathan Reed, Joshua Reed, Rachel K Reed, Samuel C

Reed, Seth C Reed, Wesley W Reese, Kaylan M Reese, Stephen Reeves, William R Reger, Eric S Register, Jared L Rego, Sundeep Savio Ronald
Reichard, Dustin S Reichard, Kelsey E Reichenbach, Faith A Reid, Jacquetta Reid, Jordan Reid, Kamilah Reilly, Brian Reinarz, Vanessa C
Reitenbach, Sara L Ren, Mengci Ren, Shaowen
Renauro, Ryan R Renner, Yasha Rere, Joyce C Reyes, Krysalee Reynertson, Brittany

Reynolds, Casey L Reynolds, Christopher E Reynolds, Danielle E Reynolds, Josh M
Rezen, Kimberly Rhe, Jeong Doo

Rhodenizer, Zachary R Rhodes, Ashley A

Rhodes, Lisa
Ricaurte, Elizabeth P Rice, Ashley N Rice, Desmond L Rice, John G Rice, Jonathan S Rice, Jordan Rice, Katelynn R

Rice, Tiffany M Richard, Christina Richard, Lauren N Richard, Nathan Richard, Rebecca L Richard, Tyler J Richards, Abigail L Richards, Goldy M

Richardson, Justin P Richardson, Thomas E Richardson, Trey M
Richey, Heather
Richey, Jonathan D

Ricksecker, David C

Ricksecker, Rebekah E Riddell, Luke W

Riddell, Steven Rider, Bailey K
Rieksts, Kristina J
Rife, Dustin T

Riggs, Kyle
Riggs, Taryn N
Riggs, Treva P Rigler, Andrew S
Riley, Aaron Riley, Caitlyn R Riley, Michael W
Rinaldo, Giuseppe C Riner, Marjorie

Riordan, Timothy W Riss, Claire Ritter, Benjamin A
Ritter, Erika K
Rivenbark, Joshua E
Rivera, Donna M

Rivera, Stephanie P Rivers, Ashley N Rizzo, Samuel Roach, Matthew Roach, Timothy J
Roane, Robert Robbie, Colin P Robbins, Jacqualine N Robbins, Jeremy R Robbins, Lindsey Robbins, Mikaela L Roberson, Alex
Roberson, Mitchell G

Roberson, Nancy
Roberson, Stephanie Roberts, Adriane A

Roberts, Andrew

Roberts, Brittney
Roberts, Jared S
Roberts, Wade Robertson, Michael
Robertson, Rachael

Robi, Bethlehem G Robinson, Brandon E
Robinson, Brooke A
Robinson, Cesar
Robinson, Darrell D

Robinson, Derick Robinson, Gregory S
Robinson, Madilyn C

Robinson, Sarah A

Robitaille, Kaela J
Robitaille, Trapper E Rocco, David C Roche, Melchisedeck Rock, Breanna M Roden, Jeremy C
Rodgers, Andrew K Rodgers, Kyle Rodgers, Matthew
Rodriguez, Amaris J Rodriguez, Christina M Rodriguez Zarate, D Roe, Carolyn J Roe, Jeremy S
Roe, Tristyn Roebuck, Daniel Rogers, Amber R Rogers, Ashley Rogers, Cody A Rogers, Heath Rogers, James C Rogers, Jill E
Rogers, Rebecca J Roget, Rachel Rohrer, Nathan B Roland, Brandon D Roller, Abigail L Roller, Hannah Rollins, Sandra M Roman, Jeffrey A

Roman, Jonathen P Roman, Melissa S Roman, Roberta D Romero, Brittni V Ronda, Jesse Roop, Christopher W Roper, Meagan Rose, Andrew C

Rose, Brittany J Rose, Kimberly M Rose, Renee L Rossdeutscher, Tara Rossignol, Andrew Rost, Emily Roth, Brittany A Roth, Mitchell R

Routh, David M Rowe, Justus B Rowe, Matthew Rowe, Ryan C Rowe, Zechariah Rowell, Jessica Rowland, Christopher S Rowley, Kenneth

Roy, Brooks A Royall, Amy Royce, Kelly L Royer, Kaitlin E Ruba, Elizabeth Rubeck, Joshua D Ruberg, Michael J Ruck, Jonathan H

Rudd, Sarah Rudisill, Bryce A Rudolph, Rebecca I Ruffner, Ashley Ruggeri, Brittany L Runda, Matthew B Runk, Brian C Rupe, Talicia R

Rush, Valonda C Rusnak, Robert R Russell, Aaron C Russell, Caylin S

Russell, Dakota L Russell, David C Russell, Kristen E Russell, Rashad D

Russell, Stephen
Rutherford, Christian
Ryan, Andrew J
Ryan, Patrick J
Ryan, Tyler J Rymer, Taylor S
Saavedra, Julia M Sabanos, Jenessa
Sabatell, Patrice L Sabatini, Amy C

Sabey, Lindsay E
Saeler, Mark
Safo Kantanka, Daniel

Saint Blancard, Elijah D Saint-Ange, Dieuseul Saint-Cyr, Ruth
Saintable, Katiana S

Sajous, Soraya V Salerno, Nicole
Salsberry, Matthew

Salsman, Kelcy L Salters, Quonsetta N Sammis, Brian Samples, Ryan E
Sampson, Lance W Samson, John D Samson, Jordan C Samueleis, Moshe

Sanchez, Anthony Sanchez, Melissa L Sanchez, Stephanie Sandefur, Jeremy N
Sanders, Caleb Sanders, Donald Sanders, Jesse
Sanders, John
Sanders, Kirstyn
Sandoval, Dustin

Sandy, Ryan S Santana, Melissa
Santana, Olinca
Santino, Joseph H
Santoro, Matthew L

Santos, Anibal

Santos, Mishael T Sarchet, Dana A Sarchet, Lucas Sargese, Jessie
Sarrge, Dustin K

Sarrge, Kristen Sater, Jonathan

Satterfield, Naomi

Satterwhite, Brittany M

Sattler, Alexander
Sattler, Hannah A Saunders, Angela B
Saunders, Ashley G Saunders, Benjamin D Saunders, Bethany L Saunders, Kyle R
Saunders, Levi J

Savas, Steven H
Savola, Lindsey A Sawyer, Lynn M

Sawyer, Samuel P Schaefer, Stephens T Schaeffer, Lauren Schafer, Joy A Schall, Alyssa L Schallmo, Matthew H Schanaker, Dustin P Schankat, Sarah
Schantz, Michael L Schaub, Chad Scheideman, Samantha Schempp, Elise Scherlacher, Mariah
Scheule, Jessica M Schissler, Mark O Schmid, Daniel J
Schmidt, Paul Schmuker Jr., Steven B Schneider, Brittany P Schneider, Sarah Schoch, Kathryn M Schoch, Kevin B Schools, Eric J Schoonhoven, Andrew T

Schreiber, Kathleen M Schroder, Johannes Schronce, Ethan Schroth, Tucker R Schucht, Jessica E Schuetz, Matt J Schuitema, Jared M Schultz, Asa
Schultz, Jocelyn A Schultz, Nathanael E Schultz, Walter Schumacher, Stephen L Schurig, Kevin P Schuster, Gregory L Schweigert, Tyler Schweikart, Nathan

Schweinsberg, Richard L Sciola, Matthew C Sclafani, Juan Scofield, Elyse Scott, Iesha S Scott, Jessica L Scott, Justin L Scott, Katelyn M

Scott, Kendrick O Scott, Lacy M Scott, Mark A Scott, Ryan Scott, Samantha J Scott, Stephen Scott, Zachary T Scruggs, Charles P

Scruggs, Christina N Scully, Jeffery Seaborn, Edward Seaborn, Samuel
Seagle, Kelli M

Seaman, Sarah H

Seamon, Lauren R Searcy, Kaitlyn

Seavers, Luke R

Sechrist, Kiersten
Sechrist, Madeline M
See, Lauren Seeley, Jessica
Seelinger, Zachary

Seilkop, Mary L
Self, Rachel E
Sellman, Sheldon D
Sells, Brandon
Semiao, Aaron
Sempsrott, Marc A
Sene, Setnick T
Seo, Hoon
Seo, Ki Won I
Seo, Youngil
Seon, Eun Im

Serafini, Caleb J
Serpliss, Jennifer M
Sessoms, Jessica B

Settje, Anthony K
Setzer, Amy E
Setzer, Jeffery S Severson, Andrew M

Sevilla, Gerson J
Sexe, Alissa D
Sexton, Joshua R
Sexton, Taylor
Seymour, Corey
Sgandurra, Rebecca
Sgromolo, Daniel J Shackelford, Logan

Shackleford, Waverleigh
Shadel, Conrad L Shafer, Timothy A
Shaffer, Brian

Shaffer, Stephen R

Sharp, Brandon
Sharp, Karley Sharp, Rachel
Sharp, Sarah K
Sharpe, Richard D
Shaver, James
Shaver, Thomas M

Shaw, Ashley L

Shaw, Grace
Shaw, Howard R
Shay, Daniel L
Sheaffer, Kaitlyn S

Shearer, Benjamin J
Shearer, Peyton T
Shedd, Laura

Sheffer, Erika N
Sheffield, Franklin M
Shelby, Nathan
Sheldon, Jared M
Sheldon, Sarah A
Shellenberger, Jessica D
Shelley, Brandon W
Shelton, Alexandra L
Shelton, Benjamin J

Shelton, Brittney S
Shelton, Karlee A Shenk, Allison
Shepherd, Joseph C
Shepherd, Kolby F
Sheppard, Scott
Sherlin, Kelsey R

Sherman, Patrick G
Sherrell, Miranda
Sherrell, Randall L

Sherret, David H
Sherret, Oliver C
Sherry, Matthew
Shick, Douglas
Shifflett, Patricia

Shikoski, Veronica L
Shim, Jae Il
Shimizu, Kazuyo
Shimp, Sarah
Shin, Bakbum
Shin, Derella
Shin, Dochol
Shin, Doo See
Shin, Hyun Seok

Shin, Hyunduek

Shin, Ki Hye
Shin, Mhin Keun
Shin, Myoung K

Shin, Wi Jae
Shinkle, David G
Shipman, Joseph C
Shipps, Benjamin C
Shirkman, Travis J
Shivock, Samantha M
Shoaf, Adam
Shockley, Jason E
Shockley, Todd M

Shore, Lee T
Shore, Miranda N
Short, Madison B
Shouse, Phillip R

Shover, Abigail M
Shrestha, Prabesh M

Shubert, Alexandra B
Shukerian, A

Shultz, Jordan
Shumake, Drewcilla M
Shupe, Kimberly M

Shurr, Emma J
Siaulys, Tomas
Sieg, Amy
Siegel, Brett
Sigmon, Nicholas D

Silva, Savannah L
Silvey, Shayne R
Sim, Jae Kuk
Simmonds, Michael
Simmons, Jared
Simon, Kevin W
Simonetti, Anthony
Simonton, Allison D

Simpkins, Ashley N
Simpson, Derick J

Simpson, Jessica
Sinanan, Omar
Sinclair, Sushanne L Siner, Jacob

Singh, Carmen A
Singh, Joban
Singor, Jordan M
Sir, Yoon Won
Sireci, Luke
Sirocco, Jacob
Sise, Michael J Sitoula, Sonu

Sivarajah, Rukshan
Sizemore, Justin

Sizemore, Lauren K

Sizemore, Randy
Skalaski, Charles W
Skillman, Morgan N Skinner, Joseph Skirko, Charles
Slagle, Don H
Slater, Dallas C
Slaymaker, Nathan P
Sledge, Andrew Sligh, Maxcey L

Sloan, Andrea N
Sloan, Cameron A Sloan, Clinton B
Sloan, Hannah M Slone, Brandon D Small, Shayne
Smalls, Dominique
Smart, Justin C
Smejkal, Samuel
Smirnov, Isaac A Smissen, Amy M
Smissen, Richard M

Smith, Aaron R

Smith, Abigail L
Smith, Amanda J
Smith, Amber N
Smith, Amber N
Smith, Andrew Smith, April M
Smith, Ashley M Smith, Ashley
Smith, Bethany N
Smith, Caleb M

Smith, Charles
Smith, Chase H
Smith, Christopher E Smith, Claire K
Smith, Conor P
Smith, David N
Smith, Demitri
Smith, Elizabeth J

Smith, Emily E Smith, Emily K
Smith, Eric Smith, Glenn
Smith, Gregory Smith, Hannah
Smith, Harold E
Smith, Jaleesa R

Smith, James C
Smith, Jaquese M
Smith, Jonathan Smith, Joseph H
Smith, Joseph R Smith, Joy E Smith, Justin T Smith, Katie M Smith, Kayleigh M Smith, Kendra A Smith, Laporsha D Smith, Lauren A

Smith, Lauren E Smith, Lindsay N Smith, Matthew D Smith, Matthew J Smith, Matthew Smith, Megan R Smith, Melissa A Smith, Michelle
Smith, Michelle Smith, Noah A Smith, Rachel L Smith, Rebecca E Smith, Renee Smith, Ryan M Smith, Samuel Smith, Sarah A
Smith, Shaun M Smith, Shawn Smith, Stephanie J Smith, Tabitha D Smith, Taylor M Smith, Terri Smith, Timothy R Smith, William C

Smithey, Tamara Smitthimedhin, Sarida Snead, Taylor N Sneed, Molly Snell, Callee L Snell, Cameron Snow, Kayla Snow, Nathan J
Snowman, Tiffany A Snyder, Ashley D Snyder, Courtney E Snyder, Heather Snyder, James Snyder, Jeremiah J Snyder, Jeremy Soistman, Chelsea

Somers, James Somuah, Eunice Son, Jaeyoon Son, Myung Jin Son, YeJi Sones, Kaitlin Sopkiw, Mark T Sorber, Joshua D

Soria, Kaylee L Soria-Galvarro, Claudia D Sorie, Andrea Soroka, Dana A Sorrell, Charles S Sorrels, Thomas Sorrentino, Dominica L Sosnoski, James

Soto, Vanessa M
Souther, Ashley R

Soward, Kimberly

Soyars, Hannah

Spadino, Jeshua P
Spadino, Kaley M
Spaeth, Katie M

Spain, Eric W

Spalding, John L

Spalding, Scott
Spannbauer, Hannah
Speaks, Tavares
Spear, Hannah R
Spear, Josie
Spearman, James Spears, Jamal E
Speight, William G
Speirs, Philip Spell, Brittany D
Spencer, Brittany A Spencer, Jeffery W Spencer, Parker J
Spencer, Patrick E Spencer, Rebecca
Spencer, Whitney G Spicer, Jordan M Spillar, Sarah E
Spinner, Loreal
Spivey, Benjamin S Spivey, Emily Spoon, Rachel D Spradlin, Jesse A
Sprague, Jeremy J Spratt, Kenneth Spriggs, Dan
Springer, Logan
Sprinkle, Brent D
Spurlock, Samantha R
Srodulski, Rebecca Staaby, Svein A
Staats, Joshuwa S

Stadtlander, Naomi N
Stafford, Christiana J
Stafford, Jonathan C
Stafford, Stephen
Stahnke, Julia S
Stainback, Lauran Stallman, Jeremiah L

Stamper, Hamilton
Stanaway, Kayleigh J

Standeven, Joshua R
Stanfield, Emily K Stange, Stephen Staples, Lauren R Stark, Erica Stark, Kendra N
Starling, Adrianna J
Starnes, Joshua W Starr, Miranda J
Statham, Kyle C

Staton, Jared

Stauffer, Andrew C

Stavrianos, Aris A Stayt, Tristan J

Stazen, Peter S
Stearns, Ashleigh E

Stearns, Michael A

Steel, Jonathan Steele, Rachel
Steen, Adam J
Stegall, Hannah D

Steidl, Erik M
Stein, Katelynn
Steinhauer, Courtney
Steinhauer, Edward
Stell, Lauren P
Steltzer, Jonathan
Stenholm, Andrew R
Stephens, Lauren
Stephens, Shari M
Stepp, Joseph N
Sterling, Aaron J
Sterling, Noah D
Stermer, Jennifer L

Stertz, Chelsey
Stevens, Alyssa
Stevens, Angela
Stevens, Kate E
Stevens, Kimberly
Stevens, Morgan C
Stevens, Samuel P

Steward, Hunter T
Stewart, Andrew J
Stewart, David
Stewart, Elizabeth A
Stewart, Joshua E
Stewart, Keren
Stewart, Marlisha S
Stieg, Christopher B

Stieglitz, Tracy L

Stier, Amy E
Stier, Scott H
Stillman, Kristen E
Stillwagon, Jeanne
Stillwagon, Julia E
Stimpson, Chelsey
Stimson, Tony S
Stinnette, Christopher B
Stinnette, Leeza M

Stinson, Brandon T
Stirparo, Zachary S
Stiteler, Tracie L
Stockslager, Mark R
Stockslager, Sandra L
Stokes, Matthew R

Stokes, Sadie A
Stollings, Allie K
Stone, Caz J
Stone, Foy C
Stone, Meredith
Stone, Sherri
Stoneman, Cody
Storey, Joseph
Story, Kristen V
Stout, Ryanne K
Stow, Dawn F
Stowe, Roxanne
Strachan, Matthew R
Strain, Kristen N Strappelli, Michael Straw, Lyndsey M Stribling, Kristopher L Strickland, Kelly N Strickland, Kenneth W Strine, Gabriel Stritesky, Ashley J
Strom, Katrina P Strong, Gillian Stroud, Justin R Stroud, Meagan M

Struhar, Andrew J Stuart, Antwaun L Stuart, Daniel E Stuart, Jennifer A

Stuart, Nicolas D Stump, Jacob M Stump, Sarah E Sturgill, Joshua S Stvan, Matthew A Styer, Bonnie K Suarez, Ashley A Suarez Boscan, Diego A

Suh, Dong H Suh, Jung Rok Sullivan, Aaron Sullivan, Amanda M Sumey, Jeffrey Summers, Christopher A Summers, Kristin R Sun, Youngbum
Sundaramurthy, Singaram Sundheim, Jeffrey T Sung, Byungchul

Sung, Sui

Sunwoo, Joo Hyun Supp, Timothy P Surprenant, Chelesea L Sutton, Hayley
Sutton, Hilary L Svendsen, Sara E Swalm, Taylor L Swank, Thomas R Swann, Brittany Swanner, Joseph T Swanson, Kyle Swarn, Shaquita
Swarr, Joshua Swartzwelder, Erik Sweat, Ryan C Sweeney, Amanda F Sweet, Aaron J Sweet, Matthew S Sweigart, Shawn J Swigert, Nina M

Switzer, Stephen Swogger, Joshua Swope, Kristen L Sylvester, Matthew T Symonette, Fallon M Symons, Rebekah L Szyszkowski, Adam Tabler, Victoria

Tackett, Christina

Tagoe, Kwabena O
Takano, Amy L
Talerico, Tara
Tamba, Andrew

Tamba, Sylvester
Tan, Pui Yu P

Tankard, Angela F
Tanner, Eric R
Tapia, Walter P

Tapken, Robin S
Tarantino, Alexandra N
Tarazona, Eduardo G
Tatagiri, Issac
Tate, Adam
Tate, Erin L
Tate, Seth P

Tatro, Devin J
Tatum, Billy J
Tawney, Christopher

Taylor, Alonzo C
Taylor, Amber L
Taylor, Ashley E
Taylor, Brittany R
Taylor, Candise
Taylor, Jerrica C

Taylor, John W
Taylor, Michael R
Taylor, Morgan
Taylor, Naomi
Taylor, Nathaniel B
Taylor, Rachel R
Taylor, Ronald
Taylor, Sarah E
Taylor, Thomas A
Taylor, Timothy
Taylor, Whitney C
Tayon, Sheila M

Tchah, Laon
Tchividjian, Charlotte
Tchividjian, Graham A
Teage, Joanna E

Teague, Joel W
Tedder, Brittany
Tedeschi, Allycia
Teeple, Kristin J
Teer, Aleah
Tejo, Kimberly
Telfer, Breena
Tello, Anna C
Tenpas, Todd
Terracciano, Andrea
Terrell, Essence M

Terrell, William G

Terry, Gabriel C
Terry, Joel E
Terry, Nicholas T
Terry, Victoria
Tesi, Winston P
Teter, Anna
Tetford, Brittany M
Thaler, Emily J

Thayer, Elisa G

Thebault, Sandrine

Theodore, Kristin
Thigpen, Margaret O

Thomas, Ashley
Thomas, Aubree
Thomas, Brittany L
Thomas, Cathryn O
Thomas, Christopher M
Thomas, Corey T
Thomas, Emily
Thomas, Heather M
Thomas, James A
Thomas, Jane A
Thomas, Jennifer M
Thomas, Jessica L
Thomas, Jimmy N
Thomas, Jonathan C
Thomas, Julie E
Thomas, Kaley M

Thomas, Karissa
Thomas, Lauren E
Thomas, Loren D
Thomas, Magdalene
Thomas, Milcah M
Thomas, Robert V
Thomas, Ryan D
Thomas, Shea
Thomas, Sophie M
Thomas, Tia
Thomas, Timothy J

Thomason, Paul M

Thompson, Aaron D

Thompson, Alyson W
Thompson, Austin
Thompson, Bradley R
Thompson, Brittani L

Thompson, Bryan
Thompson, Carolyn C
Thompson, Chevon W
Thompson, Danielle A
Thompson, Elizabeth
Thompson, Jeffrey A

Thompson, Kaitlyn
Thompson, Kimberlyn J

Thompson, Lauren M

Thompson, Leah K

Thompson, Marie N
Thompson, Steven M

Thomson, Darly
Thomson, Jason K

Thorn, Benjamin A
Thornley, Luke D

Thornton, Adair
Thornton, Mackenzie
Thornton, Rebecca
Thorpe, Matthew
Thrasher, Andrew W
Throop, Steven

Tian, Ying
Tidd, Dayna
Tiegs, Emily L
Tighe, David
Tilford, Brian N
Tiller, Victoria
Tillett, Josiah

Tucker, Ashleigh N
Tucker, Elizabeth A
Tucker, Kristan A
Tucker, Nicholas A

Tucker, Sonja
Tunu, Renae A
Turnage, Joshua W

Turner, Ashley D
Turner, Brandon L

Turner, Brittanie
Turner, Cody J
Turner, Kara G

Turner, Rebecca
Turner, Richard A
Turner, Sarah
Turner, Thomas N
Tuttle, Christopher

Tuus, Siim
Twark, Emilee C
Tweed, Dana
Tweed, Hunter F
Twiggs, Joshua
Tyree, Samantha
Tyree, Sarah E
Tyree, Susan A
Tyrrel, Osei A

Tyson, Blaine A
Tyson, Briana J
Uhler, Nathan A
Uhrin, Danielle J
Ullmann, Priscilla F
Ulrich, Christopher W

Ulrich, Kayla J
Ulrich, Michael
Umphlette, Charles R
Underwood, Adam
Underwood, Cody B
Underwood, Patrick
Ungaro, Cassandra J
Upchurch, Lauren
Urban, Rebecca
Urbani, Luke N
Urbanik, Elizabeth M
Ursulescu, Calin

Utsman, Lindsay

Uveges, Micah
Vahey, Delia
Valdez, Joseph Orlan T

Valek, Erika Y
Valentine, Michael D
Valeriano, Vincent
Van Althuis, Courtney L

Van Den Bos, Jocelyn J
Van Eaton, Jonathan
Van Engen, Meagan J
Van Kampen, Abigail D
Van Patten, Charles R
Van Sciver, Jamie E
VanDePerre, Kaleb L
VanMeter, Justin T

Vance, Jacob
Vance, Jordan A
Vandenbos, Wesley J
Vander Klay, Amanda
VanderWiele, Lindsay
Vanderpol, Joel A
Vanlandingham, Victoria
Vardeman, William
Vargas, Ana
Varghese, Grace
Varnell, Stephen C

Varnell, William M

Varney, Timothy Varol, Ufuk

Vassar, Kathryn
Vasser, Trevor S
Vatran, Estera D
Vaughan, Daniel A
Vaughan, Heather N
Vaughan, Jessica N
Vaughan, Mary L
Vaughan, Megan
Vaughan, Stanislav
Vazquez, Victoria M
Vega, Alyssa
Velarde, Alexandra
Velastegui, Jessica M
Velez, Joseph D
Velilla, Joshua P

Velilla, Nicolas D
Velker, Rebecca J
Venson, Claresa C

Venters, Caroline

Venters, Christopher

Vereen, Morris
Verghese, Rachael

Verley, Taryn
Vermeesch, Alissa N
Vernon, C'Celia B
Vernon, Hannah G

Vernon, Timothy
Verville, Alexander D
Vest, Cirstin R
Vest, Heather A
Vest, Jamie L
Vial, Brittany L
Vick, Thomas A
Villaronga, Milcah
Vincent, Brendan
Vincent, Whitney
Vinson, Brentley A
Vinson, Miriam L

Vissa, Anand
Vitale, Joshua E
Vitollo, Tara M
Vlandis, Bethany R

Vogel, Robert
Vogler, Mary H
Vogler III, Robert C

Vogt, Chelsea N
Voigt, Caitlin N
Volcansek, Corinne
Volstad, Sally M

Voltaire, Cynthia
Voltaire, Sabrina
Voltmer, Jacqueline E
Voogd, Tim J
Voogd, Tyler J
Vooys, Jason D
Vorberger, Melanie
Vorberger, Wesley A
Waddell, Michele G
Waddell, Perry P
Wade, Christina D

Wade, Erin R
Wade, Leslie E
Wagaman, Dwight
Wagner, Carson R
Wagner, Heather
Wagner, Julia A
Wagner, Justine A
Wagner, Lyndsey
Wagner, Phillip E
Wagner, Rachel N
Waite, David I
Wakin, Christopher J
Walborn, Karis J
Walborn, Karly F
Waldron, Bjorn
Walker, Benjamin D
Walker, Brandon S
Walker, Dariska J
Walker, Harold
Walker, James R
Walker, John T
Walker, Mark S
Walker, Matthew S

Wall, Morgan B
Wallace, Lauren E
Wallace, Matt R
Wallace, Meagan
Wallace, Stephanie N
Waller, Phoebe G
Waller, Robert A
Walls, Joseph R
Walsh, Stephen G

Walston, Tyler
Walten, Rachel
Walter, Greg
Walters, Andrew
Waltman, Joshua C

Waltmann, Rebekah J
Walton, Adam T

Walton, Curtis M

Walton, Shelley W
Walton, Tiffany
Wampler, Alan
Wampler, David

Wang, Chengchen
Wang, Rei Hou
Wang, Wei

Wang, Yaolin
Wang, Yazhuo
Wang, Yi

Wanjohi, Victor
Wanyoike, Veronica W
Ward, Cameron B
Ward, Demetrius A
Ward, Karilyn M

Ward, Lucas R
Ward, Nickelle A
Ward, Spencer
Wardlaw, Gary P

Ware, Andrew
Ware, Matthew T

Wariner, Cortnie R
Warner, Guy T
Warner, Pamela P

Warren, Rebecca K
Warren, Sarah A
Warren, Susanna J

Warriner, Hope Washburn, Brent
Washburn, Laura A
Washington, Andre
Washington, Jacquelyne
Washington, Keithen
Washington, Rudy
Washington, Sean A
Washington, Tanea
Waterman, Matthew P

Waters, Charles
Watford, Tamara
Watson, Amy L

Watson, Dorian M
Watson, Kyle
Watt, Tamera
Watters, Jonathan
Wayne, Dominique Y
Weatherington, Jacob S

Weaver, Janie K
Weaver, Shereen B
Webb, Andrew D

Webb, Anthony C
Webb, Jacob D
Webber, Samuel E
Webber, Sarah
Weber, Bethany
Webster, David D
Webster, Laura D

Webster, Lauren M

Wedemeyer, Eziel E
Weeks, Chelsea
Weeks, Emily A
Weeks, Sarah C
Weeks, Zachary A
Weichmann, Kaitlyn
Weimert, Christopher
Weir, Kevin H
Welborn, Whitney
Welch, Arland Christine E
Welch, Daniel
Weldon, Tyler
Weller, Ross T
Wells, Betty B Wells, Cameron S Wells, Charles A
Wells, Emily S
Wells, Jonathan D Wells, Zachary S
Welsch, Stephen D

Welsh, Shauna R
Wendland, Elizabeth L

Wendland, Isaac M
Wendling, Kerri A
Wendt, Michael
Wenger, Emily R
Wenrich, Collin

Were, Serah
Werl, Charity R
Wermager, Seth
Werzinger, Sarah
Weslow, Danielle
West, Kaylee R
West, Matthew
Wester, Justin
Wester, Lindsey S

Westfall, Brandi M

Weston, Griffin J
Weston, Logan
Weston, Mercedes M
Wetherill, Chelsea
Whalen, Melissa E
Whalen, Thomas G

Wharton, Melissa
Wheeler, Ashlee A
Wheeler, Ashley N
Wheeler, Dana M
Wheeler, Desiree
Wheeler, Elizabeth
Wheeler, Haley A
Wheeler, Marianne M
Wheeler, Taylor N
Whelan, Jacob
Wheless, Jon C
Wheless, Laurence J
Whitcraft, Lauren
White, Anthony L
White, Benjamin S

White, Greg W
White, Jeffery T
White, Jeremiah L
White, Katelyn J
White, Kelsey
White, Kimberley
White, Kristopher C
White, Leslie D
White, Marsha
White, Riley M
White, Toney L
White, Zachary D
Whitecavage, Alicia
Whitehurst, Anne E
Whitehurst, Jordan P
Whiteman, Julian
Whitener, James
Whiting, Rachel L
Whitlock, Elizabeth
Whitlow, Lindsey
Whitman, Meagan
Whitney, Katlyn E
Whitted, Richard
Whitten, Darryl
Whitworth, Jonathan W
Wickham, Daniel
Widener, Kevin P

Widener, Paul G
Wiese, Jason S

Wiest, Courtney
Wigfield, Rachel L

Wiktorek, Ashley E Wilcox, Ian
Wilcoxson, William D
Wilde, Destiny E
Wildermuth, Meghan N
Wiley, Rob J Wilhoit, Tyler N
Wilkerson, Amber L

Wilkerson, Holly A
Wilkinson, Aaron

Wilkinson, Daniel K
Wilkinson, Joseph D
Williams, Audrianna
Williams, Brandon
Williams, Christopher B

Williams, Dakota A
Williams, Garrett C
Williams, Geoffrey G
Williams, Hannah E
Williams, Jamie J
Williams, Joel A
Williams, Joshua
Williams, Kevin M
Williams, Kirk W
Williams, Luke A
Williams, Marc B
Williams, Matthew E
Williams, Matthew R
Williams, Molly S
Williams, Nathanael M

Williams, Petrina C

Williams, Phillip J
Williams, Rachel D

Williams, Shakira B
Williams, Shannon C
Williams, Tarell
Williams, Taylor G
Williams, Todd C

Williams, Tyler
Williams, Zachary D

Williamson, Brian
Williamson, Stephanie A
Williamson, Tobias A
Willis, Alanna K

Willis, Andrew
Willis, Jonathan M
Willis, Kyle J
Willis, Matthew R

Willmington, Carissa N
Willoughby, Kristal D

Wilmouth, Adam S

Wilson, Abigail M

Wilson, Brian K
Wilson, Erica L
Wilson, Jarvis J
Wilson, Josiah J
Wilson, Justin L

Wilson, Kayla A
Wilson, Mart A
Wilson, Maxwell
Wilson, Nicole
Wilson, Rebecca E
Wilson, Thomas M
Wilt, Rachel F
Wilterdink, Ben G
Wilterink, Annetta J

Wiltshire, Rebecca
Wimbush, Amanda N
Wimmer, Melvin L

Winberry, Brian R
Winberry, Michelle C

Windsor, Lacie N
Windsor, Vanessa L
Wine, Leah A
Wine, Sarah E
Winebarger, Amanda F
Winebarger, Wesley R
Winfield, Paul R
Winger, Douglas
Wingfield, Anthony

Winick, Jennifer L

Winship, Sarah I
Winstead, Brently M
Winters, Brittany
Wippermann, Jill A
Wirtz, Kristen J
Wiseman, Brian P

Wishnatsky, Martin
Witcher, Brett M
Withers, Isaac W
Withrow, Hannah L

Witmyer, Brandon A

Witt, Aaron R

Witt, John M
Witt, Kimberly B
Witt, Marion
Witt, Sarah D
Witt, Tyler R
Wittenbrook, William J
Wolf, Erika A
Wolf, William
Wolfcale, Kelli J
Wolfe, Brian J
Wolfe, Linda A
Wolford, Courtney R
Womble, Meredith L
Wong, Stephen J

Woo, Namgyu
Wood, Aaron J
Wood, Benjamin T
Wood, Chelsea R
Wood, Jacob
Wood, Jessica L
Wood, Marilyn E
Wood, Randi
Wood, Rebecca
Wood, Ryan S
Wood, Thomas A
Woodard, Dana M
Woodard, Molly J
Woodard, Timothy C

Woodburn, Marcus K
Woodford, Heather
Woodruff, Austin T
Woods, Bridgett D
Woods, Joseph M
Woody, Brandon M
Woody, Brandy
Woody, Jessica
Woody, John Tyler E
Woolard, Brett M
Wooldridge, Kimberly D

Woolson, Cooper R
Woolston, Ashley
Woolston, Darnay S
Woosley, Angela E
Woosley, Joseph S
Woosley, Joshua A
Woosley, Rebekah A
Wooten, Matthew C

Wooten, Michelle
Worley, Hannah P

Worley, Hillary A
Worley, John M
Worley, Paige D
Wortman, Loralee D
Woughter, Melissa S
Woyak, Justin A
Wrape, Daniel
Wray, Brittany A
Wray, Ethan D
Wright, Charles M
Wright, Dustin
Wright, Ethan J
Wright, Hannah
Wright, James G
Wright, Joseph
Wright, Joshua R
Wright, Kendra N
Wright, Matthew F
Wright, Micah
Wright, Michael P
Wright, Richard M

Wright, Vanessa R
Wriston, Joseph D
Wrobleski, Brandon
Wyndham, Megan J
Xia, Yaqian
Xuxi, Stiljan
Yacovelli, Jacob J
Yadav, Mandeep

Yan, Sili
Yang, Ju Seob
Yang, Seung I
Yang, Yali
Yapp, Jia Hong

Yarbrough, Dana
Yates, Andrew J
Yates, Charity L
Yates, Erin R
Yeboah, Andrew

Yeon, Kyu Hong
Yerdon, Steffanie M
Yerke, Elizabeth M

Yeung, Erica N
Yi, So Young

Yim, Han Sam
Yin, Zhongyi
Yin, Zhongzheng
Yntema, Elizabeth
Yoder, Gary W
Yoder, Jared
Yoder, Melanie J

Yoder, Serena

Yoder, Valerie

Yohe, Paul S

Yonts, Timothy A
Yoo, Bonghyun
Yoo, Hyun S
Yoo, Ingyu
Yoo, Jahyun
Yoon, Ba R

Yoon, Yeongkwang
Yopp, Ellen L
Yorio, Bethany R

York, Spencer W
Yosef, Betel
Yost, Shelby
You, Shiyang
Young, Anna M

Young, Briana L Young, Derek P
Young, Felicia
Young, Grant
Young, James H Young, Jessica

Young, Kayla E
Young, Kody Cy
Young, Paul T

Young, Robert B
Young, Saudi
Young, Steven C
Young, Taylor
Youngblood, Kathryn A
Yowell, Melissa
Yu, Jae K
Yun, Jungsoo
Yurkowski, Alexandra
Yurkowski, Kristen M
Zagar, Bret V
Zammito, Kenneth B Zapien, Helena
Zappitella, Michael L
Zappitella, Paige M
Zarova, Yeva V
Zavodny, Kathryn J
Zawasky, Leah D
Zeitler, Elisabeth G
Zeleny, Marissa A Zeller, Amber
Zello, Rebekah M
Zeloof, Sarah
Zeng, Hui

Zhai, Han
Zhang, Chen Zhang, Hao

Zhang, Luya
Zhang, Zhishen
Zheng, Ying
Zhou, Shen Guang
Ziegenhorn, Hayley E
Ziegenhorn, Luke
Ziesel, Ashley
Zimmerman, Matthew T

Zimmerman, Ryan L
Zimmerman, Sarah P
Zimmerman, Shannon R
Zimmermann, Anne C
Zodhiates, William

Zoll, Jacqueline R

Zolnowski, Danielle E
Zook, Benjamin K

Zucchero, Maria K
Zumpano, Michael V

Aaron, Romalyn
Aaron, Samantha
Abarca, Sarah G
Abbitt, Anthony

Abbitt, Brianne
Abbruzzi, Julie
Abernethy, Kyle W
Ablaza, Mark D
Abraham, Cyril T
Abramowicz, Sylvester P
Acker, Diane D

Adams, Andrea H
Adams, Andrew D

Adams, Bonita Z
Adams, Brionna
Adams, Cameron B
Adams, Cara
Adams, Gail
Adams, Jessica
Adams, Marissa
Adams, Tracey M

Adams-Brown, Jason L
Ade, Arllen B
Adent, Yesenia
Adetunji, Tijuanna
Adger, Amber S
Adkins, Anita D
Adkins, Della N
Adkins, Katie N

Letterlough, S O
Adsit, Stephen

AduGyamfi, Kwasi
Agee, Shameka
Aggrey, Enoch K

Agner, Stephanie M

Ahn, Matthew S
Ahn, Young C
Aidoo, Kwame N

Akagi, Christine Aker, Alex
Akers, Caleb A
Akers, Shawn D

Akins, Chantelle Y
Alber, Shannon N
Albers, Christie

Albert, James D
Albright, Lauren Albritton, Jay
Albritton, Kristina J
Albuquerque, Maria
Alderman, George
Aldrich, Vincent A

Aldridge, Michael G
Alenda, Sharon N
Alexander, Cynthia J
Alexander, Felix E
Alexander, Roland F
Alexander, Violet
Alexis, Christopher J
Alfonso Del Aguila, Alain
Allbrook, Brittany A
Alldred, Casandra
Alldrin, Cassie L
Alldrin, Cody
Allen, Charles
Allen, Heather
Allen, Justin R
Allen, Nathania
Allgood, SeLa
Allison, Benjamin A
Allison, Hannah M
Allison, Philip M
Allotta, Joseph

Allsup, Rehana K
Almo, JoAnna
Alsbrook, Blythe D
Altman, Jillian A
Altman, Matthew
Alton, Rita
Ambrosi, Kerri
Amburgey, Stephen G
Ames, Randall W
Ammons, Jasmine

Ammons, Michael E
Amos, Daniel
Amos, Kayleigh L
Amos, Thomas S
Ancheril, Allen J
Anders, Joshua M
Anderson, Caitlyn
Anderson, Elizabeth R

Anderson, Emiley T
Anderson, Enjonae
Anderson, Erika R
Anderson, Gary T
Anderson, Keith R

Anderson, Kenneth J

Anderson, Pia
Anderson, Rodney
Anderson, Rosalyn
Anderson, Suzette
Anderson-McKenna, Cheryl
Anderton, Benjamin D

Andrade, Lola M

Andraeas, Alan
Andreucci, Bonnie M
Andrew, De Anne L
Andrews, Aaron T
Andrews, Alexandra R
Andrews, Bennett B
Andrews, Jennifer C

Andrews, Kimberly N
Andrews, Luke E
Andrews, Mark A
Andrews, Sherri L
Andrews, Stacey A
Andrews, Stephen L
Andrews, Wardell
Andrzejewski, Nathan S

Anenson, Benjamin
Anglin, Audrey
Antar, Sophia
Anthony, Brittany N
Antoine, Carla
Antonucci, Jennifer
Anyaoha, Stephanie
Appleby, Matthew E
Appleton, Annestacia A
Appling, Anna L

Aragon, Rebecca L
Arango, Andrew
Arce, Christian A
Archer, Robert J
Are, Bashirat O
Arelt, Donald J
Arena, Mark
Arenas, Sheila B
Argabright, David

Armstead, Trenai S

Armstrong, Amanda M
Armstrong, Jerell L

Armstrong, Parker C
Arnesen, Holly A
Arney, Stephanie

Arnold, Malik S
Arnold, Miranda L
Arrington, Leanne M

Arrington, Savannah L
Arrington, Stephen M

Artero, Condalette
Artese, Michele C Arthur, Scott
Ash, Pamela
Ashley, Don T
Ashton, Yolanda L
Ashwood, Arion D
Askew, Alan A
Askew, Jennings B Atalla, Suzi S
Atkins, Angelica
Atkins, Jackie
Atkins, Kimberly
Atkinson, Ethan
Atkinson, Jason
Attaway, Misty
Attin, Gladys P

Atwood, Uriah S
Aubert, Carnel E
Ausburn, Justin R

Austin, Ashleigh
Austin, David A
Austin, David
Austin, Mary E
Austin, Selena R
Autry, Jessica H
Avelar, Marina
Averill, Esther

Avery, Hannah
Avery, James
Avery, Joshua S
Avery, Mark T Awere, John
Ayala, Damian
Aycock, Jesse R
Azuaje, Jaime
Babcock, Katelyn
Bachert, Jonathan O

Backus, Steve J

Bacon, Melissa L
Badger, Leslie G
Badger, Zachary D Bado, Aaron J
Bae, Hojin

Bae, Kang Eun
Baeza, Natalie D
Baggett, Alan M

Bagley, Raleigh W
Bagwell, Ashley

Bailess, Shelly D
Bailey, Allan M
Bailey, Barrett C
Bailey, Bonita
Bailey, John E
Bailey, Karen
Bailey, Linda S
Bailey, Meagan E
Bailey, Michael A
Bailey, Monica M
Bailey, Phillip G
Bailey, Sabrina L
Bailey, Whitney C
Baird, Jeffrey

Baker, Anna C

Baker, Brittanie
Baker, Catherine L
Baker, Cynthia L

Baker, James Baker, Johnny J
Baker, Kelsey
Baker, Rick
Baker, Ryan C

Baker, Tyler
Balderston, Kelly

Baldwin, Ingrid
Baldwin, Justin R
Baldwin, Ollie M
Baldwin, Tamara L

Balfour, Robert Z
Ball, Brad
Ball, Cory A
Ball, David
Ball, Emily S
Ballagh, Brooke
Ballard, Thomas K
Ballew, Caitlin
Bandara, Ashley
Banducci, Taylor

Bangs, Shellie A
Banks, Savannah B
Banks Cotton, Saranita
Bannister, Cindy L

Bannister, George B
Bannister, Liliana
Bannister, Morris D
Banton, Donald L

Banton, Wendy K
Baptiste, Theresa
Baraka, Niya
Barakat, Darius
Barber, Christopher W
Barber, Mandala
Barber, Travis
Barbosa, Jeremy

Barbour, Emily L
Barbour, Regina A
Barbour, Timothy
Barclay, Brittany M
Barefoot, Christopher P
Bariloni, Mark D
Barker, Edgar E

Barker, Justin P Barker, Kevin Barker, Shelton
Barksdale, Reuben
Barnes, Curtiss
Barnes, Daphine D
Barnes, Eric D
Barnes, Jessica B
Barnes, Kelly-Anne
Barnes, Misty R
Barnett, Alexandra Barnett, Jonathan D
Barnett, Zachary W

Barnette, Cindy

Barney, Allison R
Barnhart, Bruce L

Baroch, Matthew C Barr, Shannon M
Barr, Shawn M Barrett, Faith P

Barrett, Jonathan Barry, Ibrahima
Barry, Stephanie A
Bartasavich, Barry R
Bartholomew, Derric
Bartholomew, Joy L
Barton, Al
Barton, Brittany
Barton, Pamela
Bartow, Hannah C Bass, Carita Bass, Peter R

Batacao, Tiffany A
Batiste, Shawnnell
Baucham, Monique S Bauer, Jonathan D
Baugh, Nikkia K
Bauman, Zachary H

Baxter, John R
Baxter, Michael
Baxter, Robert
Bazzle, Deborah
Beale, Jessica
Beale, Katherine
Bealman, Vicki D

Beaman, William S Bean, Chris
Bean, Joshua M
Beane, Christopher

Beard, Ashley N
Beard, Elizabeth E Beard, Juditha F
Beard, Steven P
Beard, Timothy R Beasley, Caleb
Beasley, Ervin
Beasley, Larry R
Beauchamp, Marcia K

Beaulieu, Francie S
Bechtold, Cameron R
Bechtold, Clayton M
Becker, Abigail E Beckett, Jessica L
Beckner, Jameson V Becraft, Alicia A
Befus, Emily M Behal, Julie Behnke, Curtis
Behrend, Anne H

Beight, Stephen
Bekoe, Unity S
Belcher, Tabatha S
Belk, Walter
Bell, Brittany E Bell, Eric D Bell, Ernest L
Bell, Faith M Bell, Heather A Bell, Keith L Bell, Keith Bell, Kristen Bell, Michael Bell, Rebecca L Bell, Ryan O
Bell, Sarah E Bell, Tommy Bellamy, Andrea Bellingham, Grace L Belton, Stephen Benfield, Erin L Benfield, Malarie Benjamin, Jordan A
Benjamin, Mary M Bennett, Avis M Bennett, Jessica Bennett, Joelle
Bennett, Robert B Bennett, Sandra J Bentley, Heather D Bentley, Rachel L
Benton, Damien
Berberich, Hannah
Berchie, Brenda S
Bergen, Grace Bergey, Marty L Berkenkemper, Daniel M
Berkenkemper, Karen J Berkland, Timothy J

Bernhardt, Samuel D Berryman, Edwina O Bertke, Hannah
Bertz, Samantha
Bess, Chanel Besse, Raymond
Best, Sheila Bethea, Kenya N

Bicevskis, Ashleigh E Bickel, Jesse Bickel, Kelly
Bicknell, Daniel Biedron, Rebekah
Bielicki, Shawn M

Bier, Joshua A Biggs, Joy R

Biggs, Paul
Bilger, Brock D Billett, LuAnn
Billie, Erica C
Binder, Lali E Bird, William Birge, Stephen Birkl, Alyson D
Birkl, Christopher L Birriel, Vilma

Bishop, Wendell L Bivins, Michelle L Bixler, Emily P Bixler, Nathan
Bixler-Zalesinsky, Tammy Bjerga, Tor L
Black, Carmelita

Black, Jessica N Black, Kari E Black, Luke E Bladen, Scott E Blair, Jared M Blake, Carla S Blake, Julie S
Blake, Kenneth E
Blake-Gillespie, Carol M

Blanchard, Kathy D Bland, Daniel
Blank, Bradley D Blankenship, Charles B Blankenship, John M Blankenship, Stephanie L

Blankenship, Timothy R

Blankenship, Vickie Blanks, Sarah Blanton, Africa M
Bledsoe, Andrew S

Bledsoe, Matthew T

Bledsoe, Natalyne
Blevins, Jennifer A

Blocker, Hugh D Bloom, Justin L Bloomfield, Julie A Blount, Brett
Blunk, James B Boardman, Alessandra
Boatner, Jeffrey D Boatright, Linton

Boaz, Carol Bobbitt, Ollie
Bocanegra, Dawn
Boerman, Laurie

Boettcher, Kimberly Bogan, Tequila L Boggan, Deborah J Boggess, Nathan
Bolden, Sequiell L Bolick, Adam R Bolick, Marcene K Bolinger, Kimberly
Bollinger, Anastasia S Bollman, Drew Bolt, April M Bolt, Doncel
Bolt, Jason
Bonanno, Annamarie
Bond, Jonathan D
Bond, William Bonds, Regina K
Bonifanti, Sarah M Boogades, Jenilee
Book, Nichole M
Book, Thomas R Booker, Angela M Booker, Kimberly J Books, Heather
Boone, Eric L

Boone, Jeffrey J Boone, Tasha Booth, Elisabeth A
Booth, Marybeth
Boothe, Lawrence

Boothe, Nathan W Borders, Jack Borders, Virginia
Bordes, Elyse L Borkovec, Daniel Born, Jonathan M

Borst, Sharon Bosch, Ethan Bostic, Jennifer Boswell, Shakeya T Botts, Kaleb M Boucher, Catrina Boucher, Marc D Boush, April J
Bove, Sarah Bowden, Danielle Bowden, Jennifer E Bowen, Amber L Bowen, Chanel Bowers, Adam L Bowers, Jennifer R Bowers, Sharon
Bowers, Stephen R

Bowie, Sarah E
Bowling, Amber R Bowling, Tysen C Bowman, Cody A
Bowman, J. Thomas
Bowman, Kimberly S Bowman, Rebecca
Boyd, Bryan Boyd, Christopher P Boyd, Laconda
Boyd, Sonya
Boyd, William H Boyer, Nancy F
Boyer, Robert E Boykin, Delishia
Bozzo, Mike Bradford, Haili B Bradley, Alexander S
Bradley, Cynthia C

Bradley, Savannah N
Bradshaw, Carl
Bradshaw, Jeffrey A Brady, Ashley L
Brady, Jon W
Bragg, James L

Brainard, Tracy

Branch, Katheryn C
Branche, Jacquelin
Brannan, Jean M
Branscome, Rachael M
Branstetter, Joshua A

Brasseau, Anthony M
Braud, Susan C

Braxton, Annette
Braxton, Tessia
Bream, Tyler
Breeden, Diedre Breeden, Sharon
Breedlove, Crystal R

Breen, Renee' A
Breitrick, Rebecca R
Brelsford, Joshua
Brennan, Monica S Breton, Mark L
Brewer, Annette Brewer, Cheryl Brewer, Robert
Brewer, Tamara
Brewster, Adam Brezinski, Kathryn
Brice, Garry D
Brice, Tequita C
Bridge, Dennis
Bridge, Diane C Bridges, Dana
Brigman, Craig C

Brinly, Steven R
Briscoe, Stephanie

Brisson, Emily K

Britt, Sharon J
Broadus, Brittney
Broda, William K Broman, Aaron T

Bronson, Jaclyn A
Brookes, Joy R
Brooks, Cheryl D

Brooks, Elizabeth H

Brooks, James
Brooks, Jonathan D
Brooks, Kathleen A Brooks, Kevin H
Brooks, Laura J
Brooks, Quamell R Brooks, Terrell
Broomell, Annastasia
Brotzman, Ashley E Brown, Bobby B Brown, Charlotte
Brown, Dana T
Brown, Danai Brown, Daniel D Brown, Danielle R
Brown, Deneshia
Brown, Dustin M

Brown, Elizabeth L
Brown, Garth Brown, Gregory H
Brown, Heather A
Brown, Holley
Brown, Jammie D
Brown, Jeffrey C

Brown, Jeffrey
Brown, Jeremy P
Brown, Jerry
Brown, Jesse H
Brown, Jessica S
Brown, John D
Brown, John
Brown, Justin E
Brown, Karen

Brown, Kathrine B

Brown, Kimberly
Brown, Mark
Brown, Mary R
Brown, Monica
Brown, Monique
Brown, Nathan J
Brown, Nicholas T
Brown, Pamela R
Brown, Renee B Brown, Renee
Brown, RoLonda
Brown, Robert
Brown, Samone J
Brown, Stephanie N
Brown, Timothy L
Brown, Twanya D
Brown, Wendy
Browne, Charlene
Browning, Lauren E
Brownlow, Ryan

Broyles, Wendy G

Brubaker, Eric V
Bruffy, Amber N
Bruinsma, Casey A
Brumfield, Jennifer R

Brumfield, Stephanie G

Bruns, Henry

Bryan, Travis A
Bryant, Amy
Bryant, Cynthia G

Bryant, Elizabeth M
Bryant, Eric W
Bryant, Ericka M
Bryant, Kaylah D
Bryant, Kyle
Bryant, Lauren B
Bryant, Matthew C

Bryant, Mecalah J
Bryant, Melisa H
Bryant, Monique
Bryant, Todd
Bucci, Charles D

Buchanan, Terry B

Buchanan, Thomas
Buck, Rick A
Buckles, Elizabeth
Buckley, Taylor A
Buckner, Lauren B
Buggie, Tarshe A Bui, Tyler

Bukolt, Zachary R
Bullman, Kenneth S
Bullock, Timothy
Bunce, Kara E
Bundrick, Brian S

Bunker, Aaron
Buntain, Brendon M

Buntain, Michal Ann
Bunts, Monica G
Burden, Megan
Burger, Jonathan W
Burger, Jonathan
Burgess, Alisha
Burgess, Taylor
Burgett, Brandon D Burgos, Charlotte
Burke, Timothy B
Burkhart, Aaron M

Burleson, Teresa
Burley, Brandon W
Burnett, Edward T

Burnett, Nicole A
Burnette, Jessica N
Burnette, Ronald F

Burnette, Shannell L

Burnette, Sherri K Burney, Donna L
Burris, Brian
Burris, Devan
Burriss, Christopher A
Burriss, Mary Elizabeth J

Burrow, Thomas D
Burrows, Shalie I
Burt, Laura M
Burton, Frances E
Burton, Megan H
Burton, Michael C
Burton, Patricia H

Burton, Yolanda Burwell, Arthur

Bushby, Richard F

Busk, Christina M
Bussiere, Ashley L
Bussiere, James T
Butcher, Tamara A
Butincu, Mallory A
Butler, Brittany T Butler, Danny J
Butler, Jessica
Butler, Joseph E
Butler, Kelsey N
Butler, Laquita
Butler, Melissa Butler, Richard J
Butler-May, Kristy L

Butts, Dianne
Buzzy, Rosemarie

Byers, Allysen S
Byers, Eric F
Byers, Tim
Bylsma, Jessica L

Byrd, Nicole
Byun, Joshua S
Cable, Corrine
Cabrera, Angelo L

Cadwallader, Randall
Cain, Adam
Cain, George A Cain, Laura Cairns, Twyla
Calcei, Nicholas L Calcei, Sarah E
Calderoni, Ryan A
Caldwell, Alexander
Caldwell, Jason Caldwell, Joshua A

Calinisan, Jan A
Calinisan, Riza Eva T Calland, Deborah Calland, Sarah A

Calloway, Melissa A

Calloway, Shannon

Camarata, Micah L
Camarata, Miho T Camden, Tina V
Camden, Tracy
Cameron, Carlee J Cameron, Clarence
Cameron, Jawana N
Cameron, Kayon
Camiolo, John J

Camp, Brandon
Campbell, Anthony Campbell, Beverly D

Campbell, Cheryl Campbell, Deborah A

Campbell, Ebony
Campbell, Jordon L Campbell, Joseph B Campbell, Lorrie A
Campbell, Michelle Campbell, Randy R

Campbell, Ronnie P Campbell, Ross A
Campbell, Sheranek L

Campos, Sarah J Canales, Leah B Cangialosi, Carissa
Cannon, Kara T
Canter, Brandon M Cantrell, Shelly S Cantu, Kanika L

Cao, Ninghao

Capenos, Steven R Caporuscio, Jena M Cappalo, Jennifer Capparucci, Edmund M Carboneau, Ryan A Cargin, Jeanne M Carlson, Jacob R

Carlson, Marybeth E Carlton, Catherine N
Carlyle, Heather
Carmody, Duane D Caroll, John
Carpenter, Erin E
Carpenter, Rebecca Carr, Austin T

Carr, Dolores
Carr, Melanie
Carr, Ryan M
Carr, Stephen A
Carrasco, Marilyn R
Carrasquillo, Kelsey
Carrera, Michelle R
Carrilho, Marlene
Carroll, Andrew R

Carroll, Dennis L

Carroll, Randall S
Carroll, William G
Carson, Bethany
Carson, Stella L
Carter, Brian
Carter, DeVarion J
Carter, Jameisha S
Carter, Javan L
Carter, Latanya W
Carter, Mary
Carter, William J
Carty, Anthony W

Carver, Holly-Mae G Carver, Todd R
Cary, Anna G

Cary, Veronica
Casey, Kristie C Cash, Robert
Caskey, Bethany
Casler, Stacie
Castaneda, Odair R Castellucci, Daniel J
Castro, Jesse
Cater, Evan P Cato, Lisa
Catron, Andrew K

Catron, Brandon S
Catron, Mark
Caudill, Charles
Causey, Leslie
Cauthen, Jennifer
Cavanaugh, Jeanna M

Cawley, Wendy T

Cecchini, Anna
Cersley, Karen H
Cervantes, Lloyd O
Chadwick, Allison B Challen, Anna
Chamberlin, Brandi J
Chamberlin, Steven D
Champion, Elizabeth A
Chancey, LaToya T
Chandler, Christopher
Chaney, Jacqueline
Chang, Sung In

Chang, TzeLeong S

Chang, Won-Ho
Chapin, Janet M

Chapman, Anna C
Chapman, Ashika
Chapman, Benjamin C
Chapman, Jeffery
Chapman, Sherry B

Chappell, Heather

Chappell, Sarah

Chappell, Victoria A Charles, Guerda
Chase, Dorothy I Chase, Ethan M Chase, Kelsey M Chase, Sara Chastain, Coleman B
Chatfield, John D Chavel, Joseph R Chaverri, Tony Chavez, Telina D Cheatham, Demetria

Cheatham, Kendra Cheatham, Tammy Chen, Austin
Chenard-Powell, Chelsey
Chennault, Mary B Chernyshov, Alexander Cherry, Demetric L Cherry, Robert Cherry, Stevie Cheshire, Ashley Cheshire, Drema A

Cheung, Kailyn C Chewning, Christina Childrey, Zottie M Childs, Kiersten R Chilton, Amber Chipman, Paul R Chittick, Dayn R Chiumento, Geoffrey C

Chmielewski, Daniel Cho, Dae Woon Cho, Kwang Young Cho, Kyoung-Gil

Choi, Christopher J Choi, Kihun Choi, Samuel J Christ, Kevin

Christensen, Jamie Christian, Kimberly D Christian, Michael A Christian, Shane A Christman, Harlee Christodonte, Ruby L Church, Kevin W Cienski, Jordan
Cipolla, Brittney Citty, Samantha C Civil, Harold E Clampet, Nichole Clark, Anna Maria V Clark, Joshua B Clark, Kimberly Clark, Matt
Clark, Mikail O Clark, Omar-Shay M Clark, Robert Clark, Robin Clark, Robyn A Clark, Sarah A Clark, Sue Ellen Clark, Susan S

Clark, Thomas C
Clarke, Brian P
Clarke, Mary Lynn C

Claudio, Andrew J

Clauson, Michael

Clavon, Natalie
Claxton, Bunnie L Clay, Christopher
Clayton, Jacob
Clayton, Katrina
Clayton, Matthew F
Cleckner, Chad W
Clemens, Tyler A
Cleveland, Kacee L Cline, Chelsea

Cline, Theodore
Clingenpeel, David E

Cloninger, Lindsey
Cloos, Frederick J Clugston, Mary
Clyburn, Roxann E

Clymer, Christine Clymer, Robert Coates, Emily B
Coaxum, Kiera R Cobb, Bryant P Cobb, Kristi L
Coccaro, Elizabeth J
Cochran, Candis
Cochran, Harold A Cochran, Nancy
Cockerille, Melissa D
Coddington, Joanne L

Coffee, David M Coffey, Reginald
Coggin, Dustin
Coke, Diamond D
Coker, Christopher W

Colandrea, Laurie A
Colanino, Allyson

Colas, Laura C
Colbert, Giselle M
Cole, Jonathan
Cole, Joshua G
Cole, Katelyn
Coleman, Francine C

Coleman, Kevin M Coleman, Matthew
Coles, Imel
Coles, Terrill
Collier, Vanessa
Collins, Aaron M

Collins, Amanda C

Collins, Benjamin W
Collins, Cherbrie S
Collins, Kristie L

Collins, Martha
Colls, Kaitlin
Collurafici, Whitney L
Colon, Maria d
Colon Lopez, Lourdes R

Combs, Nada E
Comfort, Austen
Comfort, Parker
Compton, Virginia A
Concepcion, Arnaldo

Coney, Sandra S
Conley, Amy C

Conley, Dana
Conley, Donald Conn, Thomas Connell, Donna
Connell, Jeffrey S Connell, Theresia Conner, Demetria M Conner, Earl
Conner, Jared
Conner, Karen B
Conner, Kevin W Conner, Mariann
Connors, Allison
Considder, Kristopher J Coogan, Devin C Cook, April M Cook, Ariana L Cook, Dinah Cook, Heidi A Cook, Melody
Cook, Michael Cook, Stephanie L Cooke, Crystal G Cooke, Misty
Coombe, Matthew J Coombs, Ronald L Coomes, Trey Cooner, Alison A
Cooney, Gregory A

Cooper, Caleb S
Cooper, Craig B
Cooper, Dennis D
Cooper, Elise Cooper, Emily G
Cooper, Michael Cooper, Rachel
Cooper, Robert S
Cooper, Stephaney
Copeland, Amarie
Copeland, Ashleigh N Copeland, David I
Coppock, Robert C

Coppock, Ronalee Cops, Jesse G
Corbett, Kenneth D Corbett, Sequilla B Corbin, Barney
Cordery, Justin

Corfield, Reginald J Cornwall, Rhonda Corrigan, Daniel Cortes, Braulio

Cortes, Christopher L Cosacchi, Christopher Cosby, Lisa
Costen, Amara P Cottingham, Rebecca Cottle, Kenyetta
Cottom, Cristina Cotton, Alexander B

Coughenour, Sandra
Coursey, Brittany A Courson, Joy
Courtney, Mark F
Covington, George C

Cowan, Sabrina
Cox, Aaron A Cox, Christie J
Cox, Christopher
Cox, Courtney A Cox, Danielle
Cox, Rasand
Cox, Raymond
Cox, Shontae
Cox, Zachary T
Coyner, Matthew R
Crabtree, Susan L

Craft, Amanda L
Craft, Elijah
Craft, Paul A
Craft, Timothy
Craig, Priscilla G Crain, Valarie
Cramer, Kenneth R

Crane, Erin
Crary, Charlotte
Cravens, William M
Crawford, Jacob D
Crawford, Russell T
Crawford, Sallianne
Crawford, Tommy
Craycraft, Jenna
Creager, Timothy

Creasey, Rianne E Crews Jr., Jack
Cribb, Anna C

Criner, Seth T
Crisante, Elizabeth
Crittenden, Paul A Crocker, Julie
Crockett, Morgan E
Croft, Diane M

Croke, Bethany A
Cromwell, Richard
Cronrath, Danielle M
Cronrath, Donald J
Cross, Amanda L Cross, Shontray
Crouch, Thomas J

Crouterfield, Joshua L
Crowder, William J

Crowley, Kristi D
Crowther, Sueann
Crozier-Crooker, Brittany
Cruise, Richard A
Crumby, Kana S
Crume, Jessica H
Crumpler, Mary S
Crumpler-Harris, Mary J
Crutcher, Rachel D

Crutchfield, Bryan O

Cruthis, Christy E
Cruthis, Jarod L

Cruver, Chandra

Cruz, Gregory
Cruz, Taylor N
Cuellar, Kathryn J

Culbertson, Justin J

Culkin, Charles R

Cullen, Hillary Cullen, Justin W
Cully, Jeffery S
Culp, David A
Culver, Colby
Culver, Justin
Cummings, Cimberly
Cummings, Gary D
Cummings, Jordan
Cundiff, Zachary
Cunningham, Ashley
Cuotto, Jonas A
Cupit, Christy L
Curran, Stephanie
Curry, Asha
Curry, Winston A
Curtas, Joshua L
Curtis, Micah
Cushing, Amanda M

Cutler, Alan D

Cutting, Rahna S
Cyrus, Kelly E
D'Amato, Paulina
Daggett, Christopher R

Dahlby, Andy P
Dahlby, Kindal H
Daigneault, Amandia
Dalrymple, Jack F
Dalton, Heidi R
Dalton, Kyle
Daly, Lauren E
Damon, Douglas R

Daniel, Audra T
Daniel, Heather
Daniel, Herbert L
Daniel, Jordyn
Daniel, Matthew
Daniels, John
Daniels, Syllanda
Daniels, Wilanne G

Daniluk, Jason M

Dantzler, Shanaya
Darien, Jay A
Darling, Anneke E
Darling, Javonne
Darnell, Wendy D
Dates, Willie
Daul, Amelia
Dausman, Stephanie

Davenport, Quanda
Davis, Carol K

Davis, Chelsea E
Davis, Christopher S

Davis, Curtis
Davis, Dominic J
Davis, Edward T
Davis, Felecia M

Davis, Floyd C
Davis, Jack S
Davis, James H

Davis, Janeen K Davis, John'ae N Davis, Joshua A
Davis, Joshua Davis, Joyce V Davis, Kathryn Davis, Katrina

Davis, Leslie D Davis, Lindsey Davis, Manee Davis, Megan
Davis, Michael A
Davis, Michael W Davis, Richard R Davis, Rozetta P
Davis, Ryan M Davis, Sadaria N Davis, Shaquana Davis, Tabatha O Davis, Taneshia M Davis, Walter Davis, Wilhelmina A
DeAngelo, Danielle
DeCourcy, Todd M

DeHaven, Tiffany

DeLozier, Cynthia K

DeMarchis, Blake I
DePalma, Michael
DeRosso, Rachael
DeShazo, Brandy
Deabreu, Renee
Deacon, Todd E Deal, Ruth E Deal, Steven
Dearborn, Matthew D

Dearth, Robert
Deboer, Heather
Debord, Jessica K Debord, Larzetta

Decastro, Elizabeth J

Dechant, Joel M
Deckard, Daniel S
Deel, Joshua C

Deel, Lena
Deemer, Connie

Define, Robert J
Dejesus, Olga N
Dekker, Anna R
Dekkers, Amy

Del Cid, Jessica L

Del Rosario, Amanda
Delaney, Deborah K Delaney, John
Delaney, Larquetta
Deleon, Gwendolen K
Delivuk, Joshua
Dellahoussaye, Tina
Demarchis, Rachel
Dempsey, Ariel N
Deneault, Kenneth

Dennison, Jessica
Denny, Jennifer
Deras, Araceli
Derr, Sheila
Deshazor, Ronnie
Desmarais, Amanda G
Dever, Steve F
Dew, Jason I
Dewalt, Krystal T
Dewan, Kathleen M

Dey, Ashley
DiLorenzo, John P
Dial, Devon R
Diamond, Dorothy C
Diaz, Francisco J

Dicenzo, Paula
Dicken, Crystal
Dickey, Belinda
Dickson, Casey L
Didden, Rachael
Diefenderfer, Angela M
Dieterich, Melissa L

Dietz, Gary
Diggs, Crystal
Dignan, Daniel A
Dilbeck, Brittany
Dill, Benjamin
Dill, Mackenzie L
Dillard, Raymond

Dillon, Alexander J
Dinwiddie, Elaine K

Dix, Danielle
Dix, Samantha C

Dixie, Susan
Dixon, Frank E
Dobbins, Tammy
Dobson, Jill A
Dodge, Randy A
Dodson, Caleb
Dodson, Nicholas
Dohme, Charles P

Dohme, Sarah K
Doles, Vermonica
Dollarhite, Amber N
Dollarhite, Lucas C
Dominguez, Laura E
Donahoo, Buffy L
Donahue, Michael J
Donahue, Tara L
Donaldson, John
Donaruma, Joseph D
Donnelly, Monika
Dooling, Christine
Dorival, Barbara
Dose, Jarrod
Doss, Denise R

Doss, Elizabeth J

Dotter, Corinna R

Dougherty, Christopher

Dougherty, Donald
Dougherty, Elizabeth M

Dougherty, Narissa R
Dougherty, Phillip
Douglas, Danielle L
Douglas, Jerry M

Douglas, Matthew A
Douglas, Toniquia D
Dove, Kimberly B
Dowdy-Pribble, Maria V Dowell, Darryll G
Dowell, Rachel
Dowler, Hope
Downam, James R

Downey, Amy
Downey, Catherine
Downey, Nathaniel
Downing, James
Downing, Nikki
Doyle, Kelly
Doyle, Tiffany N
Drabick, Anthony P

Drablos, David L

Drake, Jonathan A
Drake, Joshua M
Drake, Solomon J Drake III, Albert
Drambi, Amy
Drambi, Dlama
Draper Cabiness, Pamela R

Dreher, Jeffrey C

Drinkwater, Mark
Driver, Heather
DuPont, Summer D Duenas, Jason
Dufrene, Rebecca

Dugger, Cory
Dunagan, Jeffrey C
Dunagan, Jeffrey E
Dunay, Stephanie
Duncan, Antionetta
Duncan, Brittany N
Duncan, Caleb A
Duncan, Haley
Duncan, Isolyn B
Dunham, Clint L

Dunham, Michelle L Dunlap, Jennilee

Dunn, Angelle A
Dunn, Sarah
Dunnavant, Latasha
Durham, Rosemary J
Durso-Finley, Jeffrey D
Dusthimer, Nancy
Dvorak, Michelle D
Dye, Amanda N
Dykin, Jaina L
Dyson, Kimberly G Eakins, Frieda

Eanes, Sonya F

Early, Rebecca K

Earnheart, Jacob L
Easley, Brinton J
Easley, Lindsay M

Easter, Laura A
Easton, Melanie R Eaton, Kelly A
Eberhart, Matthew

Eberle, Christian D Ebert, Doug
Ebron, Michael J
Echols, Christopher J

Eckel, Dustin K

Eckert, Ambur
Eckert, Katelyn

Ecklebarger, Robert
Edgar, Carrie F
Edgington, Shawn
Edinger, Kathleen D

Edlin, Christopher R

Edman II, Clarence D
Edmiston, Christopher

Edmond, Gwendolyn T
Edmonds-Holman, Jeanettia
Edwards, Alexandra J
Edwards, Deryl M
Edwards, Gloria
Edwards, Janice
Edwards, Jason
Edwards, Lauren P

Edwards, Naheem B
Edwards, Paul S
Edwards, Sain-R K
Edwards, Thomas W
Edwards Barnes, S
Efird, Caleb J
Egbert, Allison C

Egli, Kaitlin G
Ehrenberg, David M
Ehrig, Stacie R
Eiban, Ashley A
Eiban, Michael K

Eimer, Janae
Eirich, Deanna
Eisele, Patricia L

Ekwotafia, Efe O
Elam, Terrell L
Elangwe, Sherell
Elder, Mary
Elder, Thomas O
Elder, William R
Eldridge, Alyssa N
Eldridge, Dorothy C
Eldridge, Vikki
Eley, Quentin
Elias, Jessica B
Ellenburg, David
Elliott, Jerry P
Elliott, Stephanie
Elliott, Thomas J
Elliott, Yvette A
Ellis, Andrew L

Ellis, Anglea M
Ellis, Chestener
Ellis, David E
Ellis, Dwayne K
Ellis, Joel
Ellis, Karen
Ellis, Sheryl M
Ellison, Robert E
Ellison, Roger L

Ellison, Sharon M
Ellsworth, Daniel
Elmore, Annamarie R

Elmore, Michael C

Emerick, Tina D

Emerson, Andrea
Emmert, Nathanial M
Enchautegui, Samantha
Encinosa, Jamie S
Encinosa, Taylor M
Endress, Jessica R

English, Marian M
English, Peggy J
Enns, Luke D
Enold, Brittany
Enold, Janine A
Entsminger, C B

Epperson, Brian K

Epperson, Tamara H

Ericsson, Jonathan D
Erlenbach, Emily J

Ertel, Austin R

Ertl, Vernon
Ervin, Cassandra F
Ervin, Melinda
Escalera, Michael
Escamilla, Nicole
Eskridge, Joseph A
Eskridge, Lauren K
Espenscheid, Daniel L
Espinoza, Jose A
Espinoza, Michelle H

Estacio, Grace
Estes, David C

Etheridge, Anthony L

Etheridge, Carl G

Etzel, Gabriel B
Eubank, Jeremy
Eubank, Terri
Eubanks, James W

Evans, Aaron J

Evans, Alicia
Evans, Anita D
Evans, Ayelet D

Evans, Dustin R

Evans, Erin K
Evans, Janice

Evans, Lindsay M
Evans, Melanie A
Evans, Mickey F
Evans, Steven
Evans, Tiffany M

Everhart, Tawanda
Evert, Hillary N
Ewing, Jennifer S Ezell, Oliver
Ezelle, Sherese D
Fabian, Sichel

Facchiano, Amy E
Fahringer, Alden D
Faidley, Laura E
Faire, Cassandra
Fairley, Asia N
Faix, Timothy
Fallen, Daniel
Falwell, Kristina M

Falwell, Scott B
Fanjoy, Tawnya
Fanning, Jacqueline N
Fanusi, Amy D
Fariss, Adam T
Fariss, Donna
Farman, Derek
Farmer, Charles J
Farrand, Matthew M

Farrington, Melissa J

Farris, Michael
Farrow, Frenzelor E
Farsht, Lisa
Farthing, Cory
Faust, Jennifer C
Favreau, Travis J

Felder, Durley J

Felecan, Alexandra
Felesena, Martin D

Felix, Josefina A
Feliz, Ivelisse
Felton, Tameka
Felts, Justin B
Fenelus, Junie
Fenison, Dustin D
Fenson, Alexander
Ferguson, Adam
Ferguson, Carla
Ferguson, David B
Ferguson, Jeffrey A
Ferguson, Mary
Ferguson, Rachel
Ferguson, Robert L
Ferguson, Taylor
Ferguson, Vivolyn
Ferrara, Nicole
Ferrell, Ruth T
Ferris, Leviticus J
Fetterman, Jonathan E
Figueroa, Edgar
Fike, Susan M

Fillyaw, Kathy
Finch, Erin
Finchum, Brenda
Finkel, Rebekah J
Finley, Kylie B
Finley, Sheila
Finney, Ashley

Fiock, Lawnda F
Fishburn, April L
Fisher, Cynthia A
Fitch, Kevin
Fitchett, Laverne M

Fitzgerald, Angela M
Fitzgerald, Anitra
Fitzgerald-White, Cherel L

Flake, Natalie
Flanary, Aleithea D Flanders, Kelsey
Fleetwood, Elaine
Fleming, Morgan B
Fleshman, Holly A
Flinchum, Ramona C
Flippo, Elizabeth
Flood, Aisha L
Flores, Angel G
Flores, Claudia
Floro, Jordan H
Floyd, Darrelle
Flueckiger, Kallie M

Foch, Heather R
Fogal, James
Fogelstrom, Lori
Fogg, Gailtricia

Foit, James H

Foit, Sarah A
Folster, Ashley M

Fonseca, Yelitza
Fonville, Tiffany R

Forbes, Christopher M
Forbes, Tammy
Forcey, Eric G
Ford, Archine
Ford, Demetric
Forman, Belinda
Formo, Jonathan L

Forrest, Benjamin K
Forrest, Lerisa M
Forrester, Derek
Foster, Cassandre D
Foster, Devon H
Foster, Laura
Foster, Matthew C

Foster, Terrell R

Foudriat, Jennifer
Foulkes, Deborah
Fournier, Eric J
Fowler, David
Fowler, Derek R
Fowler, Tamara
Fowler, Theresa M

Fowler, Timothy J
Fox, Nycole B
Fox, Sarah
Frable, Jessica L
Frable, Laura A
Frable, Tyler W
Fraiser, Melissa D
Francis, Tara L
Francois, Peter R
Frankart, Dylan
Frankel, Kristin
Franklin, Baron
Franklin, Heather M
Franklin, Shirley A
Franzelas, Amy N
Fraser, Amelia
Fraser, John
Frasher, Elaine
Frazier, Kissena
Frederick, Serena D
Freeman, Ashley

Freeman, David L
Freeman, David
Freeman, Rebekah A
Freeman, Tonya
Freeman, William T
Frejosky, Joshua E
French, Leah
Frett, David G

Fretwell, Valarie T

Fretz, Beth-Anee
Fretz, Derrick M
Frey, Kasey C
Frey, Kyle A
Frey, Shawn M

Freyre, David F
Friberg, Brian
Friday, Jiana L
Friday, Joshua
Friday, Robin
Friddle, Collins R
Friederichsen, Patricia L
Friedrich, Tyler M
Frierson, William

Frodigh, Roland N
Fry, Jason
Frye, Christie E
Fukuhara, Joan
Fulcher, Angela D

Fuller, David P

Fuller, John
Fuller, Shemeika
Fulson, Marc
Fulton, Ricky
Fultz, Rebecca
Funk, Julianna M
Fuqua, Joshua
Furlough, Melanie
Furman, Rachael M

Furner, Emmitt M

Furr, Jennifer
Furtak, Debra C
Futch, Penny
Futrell, Audrey A

Gabel, Matthew W

Gado, Murna N
Gafford, Beth A
Gaglia, Michelle
Gagnon, Jenna R

Gahagan, Kevin E
Gaillard, Julianne E
Gaines, Darin
Gaines, Denitra L
Gaines, Hazel-Ann A

Gaines, Joy D
Gala, Jacqueline
Gallagher, Patricia
Gallaugher, Joseph A
Galler, Susan

Galloway, Andrew
Galloway, Kelly
Galloway, Selina M
Galluccio, Joseph D
Gamez, Joseph
Gammon, Shala M
Gammons, Amanda
Gannaio, Jennifer
Gannon, Jeremy W

Gannon, Jodi W
Garber, Jessica

Garcia, Aaron S
Garcia, Albert A
Garcia, Lea Ann
Garcia, Lorel
Garcia, Rosa E
Gardiner, Walter
Gardner, Alicia
Gardner, Alysha D

Gardner, Keith R
Gardner, Linda
Gardner, Tamara
Garland, Michelle
Garlow, Kathleen

Garman, Richard W
Garner, Alisheia
Garner, Michael
Garnes, Christopher D

Garofalo, Crystal
Garrett, Ashley M Garrett, Tracey
Garrison, Torrey
Gary, Shanna N
Garza, David R
Gastardi, Heather M

Gatoura, Shawne
Gatson, Charmere N
Gauger, John M
Gause, DaShawn M
Gavulic, Alyssa
Gayheart, Amy E
Gebremariam-Baraki, Roza
Geer, Kristin
Geiger, Dawn M

George, Janel
George, Jessica
George, Shawn M
Gerhart, Stacey

Gerner, Bryan
Gerner, Rebecca L

Geukgeuzian, Felicia L
Ghaly, Marina
Gholson, Ti'Juana A
Gibbons, Christy
Gibbons, John R
Gibson, Melissa K
Gibson, Rebekah R
Gibson, Taylor O
Giesler, Mackenzie
Gifford, David S

Gil, Charissa A
Gilbert, Christopher B Gilbert, Jason C
Gilbert, Joel D
Gilbert, Nickolas S
Gilbert, Whitney R

Giles, Darrell M
Giles, Jonathan A
Giles, Kimberly
Gill, Amanda L
Gilleand, Tim
Gillenwater, Sean
Gillespie, Tawanda
Gilliam, John A
Gilliland, Erin

Gillin, Stacy
Gillis, Elizabeth
Gilmartin, Wanda
Gilmore, Charlotte
Gilpin, Mackenzie L

Gipson, Damien

Gipson, Emily
Gipson, Tiffany Q

Givens, Linda R

Glading, Bethany N Glass, Ashley M Glass, Crystal
Glass, Dexter Glass, Linda B
Glass, Linda
Gleaton, Kelly A

Glenister-Powell, Keisha L

Glotfelty-Hershman, Tania Goble, Daniel J

Godlewski, Krista L
Goff, Amanda N Goff, Rebecca
Gogain, Aaron M

Goh, Sally Goin, Chelsey L Goldman, Jenna
Gomes, Christopher C Gomes, Joshua M
Gomez, Nancy Gonda, Troy C
Gonzales, Mary E
Gonzalez, Ana V
Gonzalez, Aubrie N Gonzalez, Joshua D Gonzalez, Katherine Gonzalez, Sarai
Gonzalez, Victor

Good, Gloria J
Good, Tonya F
Goode, Lauren E
Goodenough, Steve E
Goodier, Carmen R

Goodman, Joshua F Goodson, Rebecca S
Goodwin, Allison M

Gordon, Alex R
Gordon, Amy D
Gordon, Elicia G

Gordon, Ira D
Gordon, Melissa Gordon, Rupert Gordon, Sarah
Gordon, Sarina J
Goshorn, Emma
Goss, Jamie
Goughnour, Lindyn J
Gould, Evan C Gould, Kendra L Grabaskas, Carrie E
Grace, Amy B
Grace, Nathaniel
Graham, Alecia
Graham, Andrew J
Graham, Dennis E
Graham, Heather
Graham, Mark P
Graham, Michael D
Graham-Bailey, Kathy
Grainger, Scott K

Grambusch, Monica
Granda, Martin A
Grant, Brandon L
Grant, Tabitha
Gravatt, Danielle G

Graves, Bobby R
Graves, Tuwana M
Graves, Tyronda M
Gray, Jonathan H
Green, Adam B
Green, Anja
Green, Anthony
Green, Aquanda
Green, Eric J
Green, James T
Green, Jessie
Green, Josette A
Green, Kristen A
Green, Micah
Green, Ravien
Green, Robert A

Green, Sabrina D
Greenan, Grace L

Greene, Boyce J
Greene, Jonathan T
Greene, Lori

Greene, Tina A
Greer, Paul B
Gregg, Scott
Gregg, William
Gregor, Christina
Gregory, Ardis B
Gregory, Cheryl L

Gregory, David A

Gregory, Jim
Gregory, Kenisha
Gregory, Luxtracia Y
Gregory, Rebecca V
Gresh, Amanda M

Grey, Alexander R

Grey, Miranda
Griffin, Cindy
Griffin, Kenya
Griffin, Nichole
Griffith, Bradley
Grignon, Meagann
Grimm, John D
Grinstead, Brian
Grizzel, Sarah
Grogan, Lauren A
Groneveldt, Danielle
Gross, Lindsey A
Gruner, Melanie K
Grunert, Michaela A
Guajardo, Ruben

Guard, Ivette
Guardia, Sergio R
Guenther, Grant
Guenther, Tyler

Guenthner, Chelsey
Guerra, Amanda L
Guerrant, Shandi N
Guess, Thomas E
Guetterman, Karisa G
Guice, Krystal
Guidry, Kathleen
Guiffreda, Daniel F

Guill, Wendy A
Guilliams, Adam
Gunter, Amanda
Guridy, Alicia M
Gusler, Theresa
Gust, Christina
Guthrie, Christian C
Guthrie, Stephen D
Guy, Sheila R
Guzzo, Keisha
Gwynn, Valerie B

Ha, Seung-Yong

Haas, Daniel M
Haase, Karen
Haberman, Sarah
Habuda, Matthew
Haddad, Diana K
Haddad, Lana J
Hadley, Christina M

Hadley, Timothy F

Hager, Gregory A

Hagler, Jeremiah
Hagler, Laura B

Hagley, Bryan M
Hahn, Debra K

Hain, Frank
Hairston, Marcia T

Hale, Julie M
Hale, Rebecca A
Hales, Gregory A
Haley, Joshua A
Hall, Andrew
Hall, Cortessa
Hall, Crystal
Hall, Holly
Hall, Janet
Hall, JoElyssa G
Hall, Marilyn
Hall, Rolanda
Hall, Susan M

Hall, Tamara E
Halloran, Rebecca
Halsey, Billiejo
Halsey, Curtis N
Halsey, David
Halsey, Kimberly K
Halstead, Christie
Haltom, Brianna E
Ham, Kenneth A
Hamel, Courtney M
Hamilton, Betty
Hamilton, Hunter
Hamilton, Kristy M

Hamilton, Leah G
Hamilton, Lisa M
Hamlette, Christopher W
Hamlette, Rena
Hamm, Caleb A
Hamm, Christopher

Hammond, Audrey G

Hammond, Craig W
Hammond, Jason R
Hammond, Kevin P

Hammond, Vaughn M

Hampton, Brandon M

Hampton, Janese Han, Choong Gi

Hancock, Emily G
Hancock, Michael R
Hand, Katherine Hanks, Bobbie
Hannan, Ashley G

Hanson, David
Harbour, Donna M
Harbuck, Henry R Harcup, Blake M
Hardbower, Benjamin D
Harden, Herschel C
Harder, Evan Z
Harder, Patrick
Hardin, Christy
Hardin, Oceanous T
Hardnett, Candace Hardy, Amanda E
Hardy, Charles Hardy, Kathy
Hare, Emily
Hargraves, Alanna A
Harkey, Meghan Harless, Jon T Harlow, Justin W
Harm, Benjamin J
Harmon, Carla
Harms, Daniel R

Harpe, Jennifer L
Harper, Eliza C
Harper, Jeffery
Harper, Joseph
Harper, Theresa L
Harrelson, Addison D

Harriel, Williestine

Harrington, David

Harrington, Lisa M

Harrington, Nikki
Harris, Adam D Harris, Briana
Harris, Brittany E Harris, Charles
Harris, Christina C
Harris, Elizabeth
Harris, Gordon D Harris, Isaac L Harris, Jeffrey Harris, Jessica L Harris, Kelli L Harris, Lakisha M

Harris, Mathew L Harris, Mia D Harris, Nathan W
Harris, Pamela
Harris, Rebecca M

Harris, Renell N
Harris, Samantha W Harris, Sandra
Harris, Shamika L
Harris, Starr D
Harris, Tensis
Harris, Tyler J
Harris, William
Harrison, Jenny W
Harrison, Sherwood M
Harrypaul, Daniel Malcolm
Hartburg, Craig
Hartin, Tim
Hartman, Lauren
Hartmann, Jennifer
Hartwig, Melissa M

Hartwig, Michelle T
Hartzog, Melva
Harvey, Gerald D
Harvey, Jerry
Harvey, Jordan E
Harvey, Justin W
Harvey, Kendra
Harvey, Larhonda W
Harville, Timothy W

Harwood, Otway P
Hassell, Sarah
Hasty, Jennifer M

Hasty, Jeremy W
Hasty, Samantha J
Hatchel, Charles D
Hatfield, Alicia C

Hatmaker, Sarah J
Hatten, William T
Haug, Danielle E
Haug, Marcia K

Haumann, Rosheen
Hawes, Courtney
Hawkins, Ashley L

Hawkins, Susan T
Hawks, Corbett
Hayes, Catherine B
Hayes, Cindy
Hayes, Heather A
Haygood, Ashley E
Haymaker, Dustin J
Hayman, Kenneth A

Hayman, Samantha C
Hayman, Travis M
Haynes, Joy
Haynes, Samuel R
Haynes, Spencer D
Hays, Brittany G
Hays, Justin M
Haywood, Dionne M

Hazelet, Jesse J
Headen, Stephanie

Heaney, Shawn
Heap, Heather
Heath, Andrew
Heath, Brad C

Heberlein, Nicholas A
Heckert, Jason G

Hedrick, Mary K

Heffner, Mallory H
Hegedus, Stephen D
Heidig, Rayella

Heilig, Walter W
Heilker, Eric
Hein, Molly
Heinrich, Erica L
Heiple, Stephene
Helmick, Casey
Helmick, Sandra
Helmintoller, Angela L
Heltzel, Nathan
Hemphill, Vickie

Henderson, Andrea
Henderson, Angela
Henderson, Crystal
Henderson, Don
Henderson, Josiah O
Henderson, Kenneth S

Hendon, Jessica
Hendricks, Royal
Hendrix, Charles B
Hendsbee, Lynn M
Hennard, Andrew T

Henning, Erica A
Henry, Bethany W
Henry, Billy
Henry, Cornell X
Henry, Daniel F
Henry, Erin E
Henry, Michael P
Henry, Shalane
Henschel, Isaac J
Henschel, Regina E
Hensley, Adam T
Hensley, Logan T
Henson, Michael D
Hentschel, Amber M
Hernalsteen, Victoria M
Hernandez, Bethany J
Hernandez, Bethany
Hernandez, Enuel
Hernandez, Jose E
Hernandez, Phillip A

Herndon, Tiffany

Herndon, Tonya R

Herr, Kenneth J
Herrera, Ashina
Herring, Angela
Herron, Joshua
Herron, Tonia
Herschel, Tammy M
Hershberger, Carissa J
Hertzer, Darren J

Hertzog, Jamie-Lynne
Hervey, Curtis A
Hester, Adam
Hester, Daniel S

Hewitt, Eric D
Hewitt, Michele D
Hewlett, Angela D
Hibbard, Robb A
Hibbard, Tabitha J

Hicks, Dakota R
Hicks, Hilary L
Hicks, R K
Hicks, Wesley
Hickson, Robert S

Hiers, Stuart F Hiers, Taylor L

Highsmith, George K
Hildreth, Ariel M Hildreth, Michael A Hill, Carol W Hill, David J
Hill, Gwendolyn W Hill, Lynnette Hill, Michael Hill, Natalie Hill, Obie P

Hill, Sherrie Hill, Steven K Hillman, Major L

Hinchman, Hayden S Hinckle, Olivia Hines, Paige H Hinkley, Thomas P Hinson, Dexter A Hinton, Paul M Hipp, Jim Hipps, Trevor L
Hiraldo, Tania M Hissey, Lysinda Hissey, Paul Hitchcock, Kathrin Hite, Jason R Hite, Jessica M Hite, Mary K Hobbs, Devron
Hobbs, Stefanie Hockensmith, Matthew J Hodge, Danielle S Hodges, Alyssa B
Hodges, Bethany A Hodges, David Hoegh, Travis L Hoffman, Brian J
Hoffman, Brian K

Hoffman, Crystal
Hoffman, James C

Hoffman, Jeff
Hoffman, Katheryn E Hoffman, Krystina
Hoffman, Nancy Hoffman, Stephanie M
Hogan, Dawn Hogan, Katie L Hogue, Tametra
Holbrook, Larry Holcomb, Adam Holcomb, Alexandra Holcomb, William Holden, Kelly

Holder, David E Holdstock, Lynn M Holgate, Colville

Holland, Erica L
Holland, John P Holliday, Tytecha
Hollifield, Robert Hollingsworth, Tracy

Hollis, Tara A
Holloway, Jeffrey H
Holly, Rebekah
Holmes, Brianna Y
Holmes, Keith
Holmes, LaToya M

Holmes, Laura A
Holmes, Michael S
Holt, Anthony J

Holt, Liberty L Holt, Mylina L
Holter, Leslie

Holzer, James B

Homan, Leslie A Hong, Ki Ja
Hong, Seog Hyun

Hong, Soon Ho
Hong, Sungsoo

Honnold, Beth
Hood, Christine L

Hood, Cordell M

Hooke, Kelsey R Hooker, Scott
Hooten, Chad
Hoover, Laura
Hopely, Mark R
Hopely, Matthew R

Hopkins, Christopher S

Hornbaker, Cindy J

Horne, Sarah E
Horner, Brendan A
Horner, Rachel B

Horrigan, Jared M
Horrocks, Sarah
Horsley, Latoya L

Horvath, Kasey A
Horyn, Jadan
Hosea, Linnetta
Hosfeld, Loretta L
Hosfeld, Rebecca
Hosler, Eric F
Houppert, Eric
Houser, Jonathan

Houston, Rickey L
Houston, Veronica
Houtz, Pam
Hovis, Jennifer M
Howard, Danielle A
Howard, Jupiter S
Howard, Melanie R

Howe, Samuel A
Howell, Erika A
Howell, Leo
Howell, Robert
Hsia, Chu-Hsuan
Hubach, Anne G
Hubbard, Ahmard C
Hubbard, Barbara N
Hubbard, Gary P
Hubbard, Sammie D
Huckaby, Mark K

Hudmon, Dean
Hudnall, Hannah N
Hudson, Allyson N
Hudson, Ashley A
Hudson, Cynthia W
Hudson, Jared
Hudson, Jesika N
Hudson, Katie L
Hudson, Laura J
Hudson, Lee J
Hudson, Maladean
Hudson, Marc Hudson, Rachel
Huffman, Courtney M
Huffman, Madison L
Huggett, Larrisa K
Hughes, Christel M

Hughes, Shannon
Hughes, Stephanie L

Hughes, Tanya
Huitt, Jessica L

Humphrey, Aliya
Humphrey, James V
Humphrey, Morgan E
Humphreys, Heather
Humphries, Peter
Hundley, Angela J

Hundley, Dennise J

Hundley, Raven D
Hungerford, Benjamin

Hunsley, Kari F
Hunt, Michael A
Hunt, Shanna
Hunt, Stephanie
Hunt, Valerie
Hunter, Delrayoshon
Hunter, Elizabeth D
Hunter, Gloria
Hunter, Jenna
Hunter, Jessika
Hunter-Brown, Stephanie R
Hurd, TammyJo
Hurt, Robert
Huston, Sarah
Hutchens, Mary
Hutchins, Jessica N
Hutchins, Lex
Hutsenpiller, Shiela
Hutson, Phil
Hutto, Pamela N
Hutton, Ryan
Hwang, Geun Bae
Hyde, Mark
Hyden, Cory M
Hydock, Benjamin R
Hylland, Julie
Hyska, Kimberly A
Ickes, Amy
Indorf, Abigail
Ingle, Tonya
Inman, Anna-Marie H

Innocenti, Sydney M
Interial, Nathan J
Iqbal, Deborah B
Irby, Nathaniel Z

Ireland, Jerry
Irvin, Andrea
Irvin, Casey
Irwin, Drew J Isaac, Carrie
Isaacs, Andrew Isner, Kelly
Israel, Dustin M Israel, Jennifer S
Isreal, Stephen J

Italiano, Casey E
Iveson, Rebecca E Ivey, Jana D
Ivory, Shelia

Jabbour, Michelle
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Darin S Jackson, Darren
Jackson, Jeremy L
Jackson, Kami
Jackson, Katelyn E Jackson, Marcia
Jackson, Rachel A
Jackson, Shalonda Jackson, Shawn Jackson, Tanisha W
Jackson, Tierra Jackson, Tori S

Jacoboski, Jessica D
Jacobson, Kelly R

Jacobson, William Jaecks, Lora
Jaikaran, Meden M
Jakub, Christopher R
James, Adrienne
James, Billie D
James, Courtney T
James, Crystal E
James, Deborah K
James, Demi M
James, Denise James, Fidela
James, Johna L
James, Jonathan D James, Kari B Jang, Changsoo
Jankowsky, Steven M

Jansen, Lindsay M
Jarbath, Jymael
Jardines, Albert
Jarrad, Sarah
Jarvis, Jennifer Jaworski, Karen
Jaworski, Nathan A
Jean-Baptiste, Berline J
Jean-Charles, Elisabeth K
Jean-Louis, Daniel
Jeannot, Hughes
Jeffcoat, Stacey L

Jeffers, Charles R Jefferson, Kenya
Jeffries, Lisa S

Jenkins, Anthony M

Jenkins, Dennis
Jenkins, Kara K Jenkins, Natalie
Jenkins, Nellie
Jenkins, Thomas
Jennings, Elizabeth
Jennings, Hope J
Jensen, Gregory A
Jeoung, Jang W
Jernigan, Joseph W

Jernigan, Lauren C

Jernigan, Ralph W
Jesse, Paul G
Jessee, Jessica L

Jett, Travis W
Jeudi, Falinda
Jimmerson, David
Joachim, Stephanie L
Joback, Joseph A
John, Ashlyn
John, Jyothi M

Johnke, Joshua L

Johns, David W
Johns, Jennifer
Johns, Robert
Johnson, Aaron
Johnson, Ashley O
Johnson, Aspen B
Johnson, Austin D
Johnson, Brittany J

Johnson, Brittany M

Johnson, Casey
Johnson, Chantal

Johnson, Christen A
Johnson, Darlene M
Johnson, Denise M

Johnson, Desmond G
Johnson, Elijah E
Johnson, Ethel
Johnson, Freddie Johnson, Jackie L
Johnson, Jahsid
Johnson, Jaime A
Johnson, Javaughn C
Johnson, Jessica L

Johnson, Joseph F
Johnson, Kathy-Ann G

Johnson, Katie L
Johnson, Landon
Johnson, Marcela
Johnson, Nathan T
Johnson, Nikki M
Johnson, Pamela
Johnson, Pamela
Johnson, Rebekah
Johnson, Robbie L
Johnson, Sharon
Johnson, Taran
Johnson, Thomas F
Johnson, Timothy L

Johnson, William
Johnston, Laura A
Johnston, Matthew K
Johnston, Philip B
Johnston, Vickie
Jolie-Boaz, Noelle
Jolin, Julia
Jones, Amber H Jones, Andrew Jones, Ashley D Jones, Ashley M Jones, Brent A Jones, Carol A Jones, Christopher P Jones, Cory A

Jones, Delisa J Jones, Dina L Jones, Felisha Jones, Gerney Jones, Hannah Jones, Jasmine L Jones, Jeff Jones, Jeremy S

Jones, Jerome A Jones, Jesse A Jones, Joscelyn R Jones, Kameron Jones, Kari Jones, Katelynn Jones, Kathie A Jones, Kellen P
Jones, Kevin C Jones, Kevin Jones, LaKeisha N Jones, Lakisha Jones, Laura E Jones, Marcie Jones, Marilynn Jones, Michelle

Jones, Monty E Jones, Shannon Jones, Sheila R Jones, Sherlonzo D Jones, Stephanie Jones, Whitney L Jones, William Jordan, Aaron E
Jordan, Andrew S

Jordan, Beth A
Jordan, Camden M
Jordan, Daniel Jordan, Jason S
Joseph, Jorshe A
Joseph, Naomi Josephs, Anastasia H
Josephs, Faith A
Josephs, Jonathan M Joslin, Michael D Joswick, Brandon T Joyner, Peter W Joyner, Tameshia D Ju, Grace E Jubin, Michael
Julian, Rachel L Julsaint, Ralph Jun, Jea Soung Jung, Bawool
Justice, Greg P Justice, Katie
Justice, Philip A Kahler, Alyssa

Kahn, William A
Kaijala, Jared M
Kaikala-Gilbreath, A

Kaleli, Jones M
Kamm, Rachael K
Kane, Morgan B
Kang, Dong Hyun
Kang, Hyung Jun
Kang, Jaewook
Kang, Jeong Min
Kang, Jungil

Kang, Seung Hun
Kang, Shin Wang

Kanne, Lisa
Kaplan, Christina
Kaplanges, Joanna C
Kappler, Paige M
Kapusta, Stephan J
Karafa, Elissa J
Karnavas, Zachary G

Karner, Benjamin A
Karon, Kelsey L
Kastroll, Emily H
Kastroll, Herman C
Kauffman, Allyssa J
Kauffman, Angie
Kauffman, Glorious Dawn
Kauffman, Kurt A
Kauffman, Melissa J
Kaye, Jimmy W
Keatts, Andrea N
Kee, Silva
Keene, Kristin T
Kees, Erin E
Keimig, Eli W
Keimig, Sarah I
Keiser, Chris D
Keiser, Colleen
Keister, Elizabeth M

Keith, Andrew P
Keith, Joanna
Keller, Michael D
Kelley, Camry D
Kelley, Lisa
Kelley, Rebecca
Kelly, Ashley N
Kelly, Edmond

Kelly, Ellen
Kelly, Kimberly S
Kelly, Paul B
Kelly, Samantha J
Kendrick, Clayton T
Kennedy, James M

Kennedy, Jennifer A
Kennedy, Kylie
Kennedy, Monica
Kennedy, Rose
Kent, Courtney N
Kent, Sharrika M
Kepner, Tamara
Kerelejza, Donna J
Kerkstra, Hayley M
Kerns, Steven R

Kessler, Patricia R

Kettenring, Jenna
Kettering, Christian T Key, Tangie N
Keyes, Joshua F

Keyes, Perry S
Khatman, Anastasiya V Kidd, Don Kierpiec, Jamie
Kight, Ryan K Kilbourn, Aaron G
Kilbourne, Brianne F

Kilcrease, Thomas L

Kilgore, Lisa

Kim, Amy Kim, Dongsik Kim, Faith
Kim, Gun Young

Kim, Hansup

Kim, Hyeak Kim, Hyo Seop
Kim, Hyung Seok Kim, In Jib Kim, Jinse Kim, John
Kim, Joshua Kim, Min Gwan Kim, Sung Chul

Kim, Sung Hoon

Kim, Tae Sun Kimball, Lynn Kimmel, Bryce E Kincaid, Lynn W
Kindley, Paige E
King, Amanda L King, Andrew R King, Antonio R
King, Jason
King, Marian L
King, Rebecca L King, Wendy H
King-Johnson, Kareema
Kinne, Devin
Kinney, Nathan S

Kinsley, Lisa A

Kinzer, Arielei S

Kinzie, Shannon K Kirk, Bruce M Kirk, Christina P
Kirk, Jonathan
Kirkland, Joshua Kirkland, LaToya

Kirkland, Melissa M

Kirkley, Amanda N Kirsch, Yvonne A Kirschnick, Kim
Kiser, Hanna L
Kiser, Katherine J

Kitchen, Wills S
Kitchens, Alonzo A
Kitchens, Leonard K
Klamm, Harvey L

Klasa, Kristy A
Klein, Matthew R
Klimovitz, Emily
Klingmeyer, Kevin M
Klopp, Megan
Knauss, Jenae L
Knese, Renita M
Knight, Alexander
Knight, Katie E
Knight, Lawrence R Knight, Miyah P

Knippers, Jason
Knop, Max R
Knotts, Benjamin J
Knowles, Brittaney S
Knox, Tara
Ko, Sooyon
Kobischen, Justin Koehler, Wanda
Koester, Jeremiah T

Kolars, Ben
Kolb, Rachel L

Kolman, Nicole C
Kongpetch, Panida
Konkel, John
Koonce, Nelson R Kopp, Jacob
Kornett, Susan W
Koss, Elizabeth T Kottler, William

Kozic, Ashley N
Kramer, Angela
Kraujalis, Karen Kraus, Debra Kregenow, Daniel
Krein, Ditmar
Krieger, Cody R
Krieger, Leah R

Krimmel, Melissa R
Krout Minor, Stacey
Kruger, Tammy J
Kruse, Bobbie L
Kruse, Patricia J

Krynski, Mark
Krzeszewski, Jacquelyn M
Kukulski, James A
Kuperus, Kiersten
Kupeyan, Aline R
Kurtz, Gina S
Kurtz, Kevin Kurtz, Travis R
Kuzniar, Joy L
Kwak, Tae Hee
Kyle, Ian K
LaPointe, Kathy

Laboard, Lateefah A
Lacks, Chris
Lacoste, Becky
Lacroix, David M
Lacy, Kendria M
Ladd, Allicia
Ladd, Scott
Ladnier, Vanessa C

Laffoon, Brian

Lafser, Garen
Laidlaw, Saundra O Laidlow, Conrad
Lake, Elia A
Lake, Nelson O Lakey, Shane
Lakvold, John Lamb, Larry
Lambert, Ryan R
Lambert, Stephanie F

Lambeth, Charity
Lampman, Lauren J

Lance, Justin Landes, Ashley
Landes, Kourtney
Landrum, Angelia

Landrum, Edwanda
Lane, Benjamin C Lane, Melissa
Lane, Phillip R

Langlais, Amanda G Langley, Brian O
Langteau, James Lanham, Reid H Lanphere, Megan P Lansdale, Belen Lantz, Mary D
Lanum, James

Lapointe, Danielle R Larkin, Jonas A

Larkin, Matthew W
Larson, Bill R Larson, Lance M Larson, Spencer
Lasher, Patrick T

Lassiter, Kametra S
Lassiter, Travis J Latham, Mayo V
Latif, Ibn Khalil W
Latula, Shawn
Lau, Yat-Por
Laubscher, Mark T

Laughter, Jeffrey
Lavinder, Aaron

Lawhorne, Chase W Lawler, Aaron Lawley, Sarah
Lawrence, Brenicia
Lawrence, Ronald N

Lawrence, Tyler K Lawrie, Zachary A

Lawson, Heather N Lay, Raquel
Layer, Timothy Layne, Kenneth Le, Jonathan

LeBlanc, Nicole R LeClair, Ashley
LeGree, Dominique
LeShea, Andrea

Leach, Terresa
Leandre, Jean M
Lear, Danielle N
Learn, Erin M
Leavitt, Michael

Lebendiger, Carol Lecubet, Marina

Ledee, Avis
Ledesma, Francisca
Ledford, Suzanne

Lee, Byron Lee, Eun Ho
Lee, Ho Jung

Lee, Hyuk
Lee, Hyun J
Lee, Jae Ik
Lee, James

Lee, Kaitlin T

Lee, Kang Kuk

Lee, Latonya F

Lee, Mina Lee, Russell W Lee, Tim A
Lee, Woo Shik
Lee, Younchan
Leffew, Bob
Lehigh, Coleen
Lehman, Mark Lehman, Matthew I Leigh, Ashley S Leigh, Deelynn

Leineweber, Philip R Lemmon, Taylor R Lemon, Paul R
Lenington, Jeffrey S

Lennon, LaToya S Lenox, Heather R Levie, Steven Lewald, Scott L

Lewis, Carlisa N Lewis, Chamayne S Lewis, Daniel M Lewis, John W
Lewis, Lluberke
Lewis, Mary E
Lewis, Nigel N Lewis, Terrilyn
Lewis, Timothy

Li, Yun
Li, Zhenfei

Liedstrand, Julie M
Light, Andrew
Light, Charity E

Lightner, Marc Ligon, Lori
Lilly, Roscoe J
Lilly, Roszell
Lilly, Scott J

Lindsey, Andrea M
Lineweaver, Darrin L Link, Barry J

Lipka, Stephen M Lipscomb, Barry

Lipscomb, Jill C

Lipscomb, Tabatha
Lipscombe, Loma M
Lipsitz, Christiana E
Lischke, Catherine
Liscum, Steven
Littleton, Christie Litz, Aimee B
Ljunghammar, Tyler J
Lloyd, Jessica E Lo, PA Cha
Lobaina, Orlando
Lobb, Jaime
Lockhart, Aaron S

Lockhart, Kia E Lockhart, Perry
Lodge, Jenna L
Loftis, Jessica S

Logan, Karen
Logan, Mary Cathrine

Logue, Jerrod F

Logue, Shannen
Lokonon, Marie P

Lolli, Louis D
Loman, Lauren A
Lombardo, Amy R
London, Amy
Lones, Monica R Long, Chris
Long, Hunter D Long, Jacqueline Long, Justin T
Long, Kevin N Long, Laramie
Long, Randy L
Long, Samantha J Long, Wendy Longton, Calvin
Lopez, Anthony F

Lopez-Davila, Pura
Lorah, Tracy
Lord, John W
Lormis, Jeremy A
Loth, Rebecca
Love, Charles E
Love, Holly D
Love, Kimberly E
Lovejoy, Kimberly D

Lovelace, Cheryl A

Loveland, Larry
Lovell, Rachel E
Lovitt, Kory
Lowder, Noah J

Lowe, Roy
Lowe, Stafford A
Lowery, Jessica N
Lowman, Dianne K

Lowman, Patrick

Lowrey, Brett
Lowry, Noelle
Loy, Douglas R Lucas, Amy J Lucchini, Luis
Luckey, Matthew A
Luetters, Rebekah G
Lugo, Ariel
Luiz, Regina M
Lumley, Sydney
Lund, Christian N
Lunde, Rebecca M
Lundstrom, Timothy P Lundy, Eileen M
Lundy, Raquel
Lunsford, Amanda
Lunsford, Lynne
Lupton, Paul M
Luthman, Nicholas

Lutyk, Christopher
Lyles, Pearl
Lyles, Sharon B

Lynch, James D
Lynn, Jeffrey H
Lynn, Mercy J
Lyons, Christopher
Lytle, Stephanie H

Lyttle, Iain D
Maashe-Mengueme, Charity E
Mabika, Adna C
MacDonald, Katy A
MacIntyre, Ian T
MacLean, Rupert E
Macasa, Michael J
Macasa, Pamela
Macdonald, Loretta L
Mace, Wendy
Macey, Rae J
Mack, Teresa A
Mackins, Tammy L
Macleod, Amanda
Madara, Shannon A
Maddah, Roxanna J
Madding, Brooke A
Maddox, Jessica
Maddox, Tony
Madero, Andrew J
Madison-Hemphill, Lakeisha

Madkins, Alessia F
Madrigal, Eddie
Madry, Calita J
Madsen, Andrew C

Magnuson, Sarah
Maguire, Sean T
Mahan, Kailey R
Mahan, Theresa A
Mahle, Corey W
Mahoney, Gretchen E
Mains, Angela
Maki-Rydland, Nicole L
Makino, Hitomi
Malan, Stephenie A
Malasquez, Kristlee
Maldonado, Matthew J

Mallalieu, Sara A
Mallo, Brittany N
Malone, Brenda
Malone, Jessica C
Maloy, Karen
Malozzi, Craig M
Maner, Misty
Maness, Shannon
Mangan, Cynthia
Mann, Zachary A
Manning, Felicia
Manning, Matthew
Mannings, Larsen A
Manno, Jessica
Manns, Sherille A
Manuel, Ashlie N
Manuel, Rose
Manzoni, Abigael
Marble-Smith, Sharon D
Marinkovich, Sarah
Markle, Sabrina W
Marks, Aaron
Marrero, Heather
Marsh, Andrew J

Marsh, Floyd C
Marsh, Trevor
Marsh, Wallace
Marshall, Nichole D
Marsico, Maria A
Marston, Maggie
Martens, Margaret
Martens, Mark W
Martin, Aaron C
Martin, Abbie N
Martin, Andrew D
Martin, Ariane L
Martin, Brandy L
Martin, Claude
Martin, David R
Martin, Derrick F
Martin, Dina
Martin, Ellen R

Martin, Garrett A
Martin, Jesse
Martin, Kendall
Martin, Kevin R
Martin, Leon
Martin, Nathaniel L
Martin, Owen
Martin, Rebekah
Martin, Ronald W
Martin, Ryan B
Martin, Timothy P

Martin-Flowers, Shirley A
Martinez, Sara J
Martinez, Stephanie T

Maryott, Jarad
Mash, Misty
Mashburn, James M

Mason, Jasmine C
Mason, Rachel
Mason, ReGina
Mason, Teresa
Mason, Thomas
Mason, Tiffany D
Mass, Kedric
Massie, Felecia
Mast, Jonathan M
Masters, Marta A
Matera, Laura E
Mathew, Abraham
Mathia, Callie K
Mathia, Rebecca L

Mathia, Timothy E
Mathias, Catherine
Mathis, Lisa M

Mathwig, Johanna C
Matis, Denise M

Matteson, John R

Matthews, Cynthia L

Mattingly, Joshua B

Mattingly, Rebecca D
Mattson, Roy
Matz, Robert
Matzker, Justin
Maupin, Candace C

Maupin, Michael

Maurer, Kyle J
Mavunga, Albert T
Maweu, Carter M
Maweu, Faith M
Maxam, Daniel L

Maxwell, Christopher
Maxwell, Constance D
Maxwell, Leyann T
Maxwell, Nicole S
Mayberry, Sandra
Mayers, Leigh
Mayfield, Ryan L

Maylum, Rebecca
Mayo, Alma M
Mayo, Jodi L
Mayo, Marquita
Mayo, Mechelle M
Mayor, William C
Mays, Jason
Mays, Krystal D
Mc Allister, Calyna
Mc Allister, Christopher R
McAllister, Bethany M
McBride, Casey C
McBride, Yolanda K

McCallum, Patricia M
McCann, Kayla

McCard, John F
McCarty, Addison K
McCarty, Isaac
McCarty, Kali T
McCaslin, Chris
McCauley, David R
McCauley, Stacy M
McClain, Joshua D

McClanahan, Daniel G
McClarty, Jennings
McCloud, Rebecca A
McClure, Jennifer

McClure, Ryan D
McCormick, Rachel M

McCoy, Beth
McCrary, Megan
McCutchen, Lindsay R
McCutcheon, Tina L

McDaniel, Kayla
McDonald, Jean A
McDonald, Joshua R

McDonald, Timothy G
McDonough, Kimberly M
McDougal, Victoria G
McFadden, Dennis
McFarland, Blake
McFarland, Melissa A
McFarland, Rafael J

McFarlin, Amanda

McGaha, Jonas M
McGee, James E
McGhee, Tammy
McGouldrick, Jason J
McGowan, Erin McGowen, Glen
McGregor, Morgan J
McGuire, Kelly A
McGuire, Michael
McGuirk Middendorf, M

McHale, Steven J
McIntosh, Lisa M
McIntosh, Timothy A
McIntyre, Gretchen N McIntyre, Paul
McKee, Matthew

McKelphin, Keith
McKenzie, Valerie A
McKinley, John R
McLane, Brady L
McLaughlin, Jordan S
McLaughlin, Justin
McLaughlin, Kristy A
McLaughlin, Lisa
McLaughlin, Robert
McLaurin, Ashley F

McLendon, Robert

McMahan, Adrienne T

McManis, Thomas L

McMickin, Alanna
McMillan, Frances L
McMillan, Samuel G
McMillan, Terry
McMillen, Jeff

McMinn, James M

McMullen, Maurice
McNair, Andrew McNair, Lana
McNamara, Amanda
McNamara, April
McNeal, Emily E McNeill, Twana L
McPherson, Alistair
McPherson, William McQueen, Ray A
McQuigg, Benjamin McSherry, David
McSherry, Rebekah M
McSweeney, Krista G

McVeigh, Shannon R
Mcdonald, Bonnie Mckeel, James
Mcknight, Maggie
Mclaurin, Josh

Mcneal, Nancy L

Mead, Bobby J
Meade, Belinda K

Meade, Jeffrey W
Meadors, Carolyn
Meadows, Chelsea M
Meadows, Eula
Mears, Gregory S Mebane, Felecia
Medlin, Lindsey N
Medlin, Wendy H
Medrano, Dennys A
Meeks, Rachel M
Megginson, Thelma
Meixsell, Stacy
Mejean, Terry
Melara, Elisa R
Melcher, Zachariah E
Melikian, Stefan C

Melillo, Michael T

Mello, Rebecca L
Melton, Clinton E
Melville, Amy Mendez, Ayla V

Mendez, Jonathan A
Merat, Joses D
Merat, Mary
Meredith, Scott M
Merke, Daniel
Merrick, Justin C

Merrick, Verity R
Merry, Joshua
Merschen, Richard
Meservy, Matthew D

Messarge, Robert J

Messerer, Donald J
Metcalf, Brett
Metzger, Hope
Mewhorter, Matthew
Meyer, Mary E
Meyer, Scottie M
Meyers, Vanessa A
Meziere, Nicholas
Michael, James R Michaels, Shawn P
Michielli, Domenic S
Middledorf, Lauren M
Middleton, Bridgette D

Middleton, Debra W

Middleton, Joseph C
Miear, Kristina L
Mielnicki, Matthew C

Migwii, Josephine K
Mikell, Lee S
Miklinski, Michelle
Milam, Renea N
Milbourne, Jessica R
Milks, Bradley A
Milks, Brandon R
Milks, Chelsea J
Milks, Kristin M
Millan, Thomas
Miller, Andre N
Miller, Christina
Miller, Christopher J
Miller, Clint
Miller, Craig J
Miller, David E
Miller, Deborah
Miller, Donna
Miller, Dustin J
Miller, Edward D
Miller, Edwin W
Miller, Elliot R

Miller, Ethan N Miller, Jacob
Miller, Jonathan R Miller, Joshua L Miller, Kelly S Miller, Ken D Miller, Kristin M

Miller, Lori S

Miller, Michael D Miller, Michele Miller, Nikia C Miller, Nolan R Miller, Rebecca Miller, Ryan D Miller, Sandy K

Miller, Sarah A Miller, Scott A Miller, Shanee Miller, Takisha
Miller, Tamara A Miller, William E Milleson, Wesley Mills, Amy D
Mills, Britt C Mills, Jonathan A Mills, Jonathan D Mills, Jonathan M Mills, Melissa Mills, Mindy Mills, Vernon Millwood, Courtney E
Milton, Oriana
Mimande, Kathleen L Mimande, Kevin J Mimidis, Ryan J
Mims, Diana L Minard, Philip Minaya, David Mininger, Victoria S

Minite, Lauren

Minter, Benjamin M Minter, Chad

Miracle, Anthony D

Miranda, Edmund M Miriello, Angela R Misiano, Mark D Mitchell, Chad
Mitchell, Dionne M Mitchell, Lee C Mitchell, Philip Mitchell, Scott D Mitchell, Tiffany Mitchell, Tyler Mitton, Tommie Mobley, Aaron W
Moebs, Michael Moffit, Shannon Mohr, Douglas Mohr, Shelli R Mohrmann, Heather Moisan, Daniel R Moitinho, Denise D Moles, Brittany V

Mona, Sarah
Monger, Marissa L
Monroe, Russell R
Monroe, Sarah E
Monserrate, Veressa
Montague, Jacqueline
Monteiro, Heather L
Montemayor, Vanessa
Montgomery, Karen E
Montier, Nancy J
Montney, Chase
Moody, Macretia
Moogalian, Terri S
Moon, Dilek R

Moore, Alane M

Moore, Angela
Moore, Anna C

Moore, Barbara M

Moore, Bradley R
Moore, Brandon D
Moore, Charity
Moore, Chelsy E
Moore, David
Moore, Jennifer A
Moore, Jeramy M
Moore, Keisha M

Moore, Kenetra
Moore, La'Tisha D
Moore, Lorie

Moore, Mark
Moore, Phebe
Moore, Ramsey H
Moore, Raquel J
Moore, Savannah R
Moore, Travis
Moore, Tyrone
Moore, Vance R
Moore, Whitney
Mora, Colleen B
Morales, Bianca M
Morales, Elizabeth D

Moreira, Carlos F

Moreno, Alejandra P

Moreno, Arquisha
Morgan, Brooke
Morgan, Leslie
Morgan, Willie J
Morgenlander, Michael
Morin, Gregory S

Moritz, Gary J
Morran, Matthew E
Morris, Bobbie
Morris, Bradley C Morris, Bradley
Morris, Brion
Morris, Carole S
Morris, James
Morris, Jason S
Morris, Joseph C
Morris, Kaitlyn C

Morris, Kenneth A

Morris, Linda M

Morrison, Michael L
Morrison, Sarah B
Morrison, Shawn M
Morrissey, Samuel L
Morrow, Joshua
Mosby, Desmond R
Moscati, Derek R
Moser, Erin

Moses, Natasha D
Mosley, Patrina P

Mosley, Shalottie
Moss, Eleanor N
Mostella, Donnisha
Motte, Kristy A
Motture, Rachel A
Moubray, Robert B
Moughton, Katherine E
Moughton, Rebecca A
Mount, Christian K
Mounto Ehade, Aline C
Mowbray, Holleigh
Moye, Virginia A
Moyer, Sylvan A
Mozingo, John C
Muir, Adelaide B
Mularski, Gordon
Mulberry, Aubrey S Mull, Peggy
Mullen, Kathleen
Mullen, Susan
Mullinax, Bradley S
Mullings, James
Muniz, Francisco L
Munlin, Cornell
Munn, Shannon
Munos, Chase E
Murchison, Michelle
Murfin, Aaron
Murfin, Deborah

Muriithi, Nikole
Murkli, Meggan
Murnane, Anna L

Murnane, Brittany L
Murphy, Edith M
Murphy, Erin E
Murphy, George A
Murphy, Katelyn
Murphy-Fields, Rosemarie

Murray, Mindy Murray, Sharinetta N
Musselman, Debra L

Musselman, Joshua P

Musselwhite, Chuck
Musser, Andrew L

Mustafa, Mohamed

Muszall, Shane V
Myers, Brian E Myers, Deneisia
Myers, Joshua M
Myers, Katherine E
Myers, Landon
Myers, Mark J
Myers, Rachel L

Myers, Samuel D
Myers, Stephen G

Myles, Dominique

Nappi, Joseph
Nardozzi, Brock W

Narwid, Robert
Nash, Tiffani A
Nauss, Amy
Nazeck, Stephen
Neace, Jordan R

Neal, Adam
Neal, Kendrick
Neece, Jesse
Neeley, Marcia
Negari, Nata F
Neill, John
Neiss, Robert A
Nelms, Monecia M
Nelms, Natalie

Nelson, Christal D

Nelson, Dutch
Nelson, Elizabeth
Nelson, Eric J
Nelson, Jacqueline
Nelson, Jennifer L

Nelson, Kedrick T

Nelson, Marie
Nelson, Monique A
Nelson, Nyisha
Nelson, Thomas L
Nelson, Timothy R

Nemitz, David D
Nesbitt, Julie L

Nettekoven, Irene
Nettuno, Katie
Neuenschwander, Anne E
Neuer, Joshua
Newcomb, Tammy L

Newell, Aubree M
Newsom, Letesha N
Newsom, Staci
Newsome, Jeffrey

Newson, Curtis
Ngugi, Crown N
Nhira, Edwell N
Nicely, Amanda L
Nicholas, Morgan L
Nichols, Amy N
Nichols, Brian J

Nickerson, Danielle
Nickerson, Matthew W

Nickoli, Zachary G

Nicotra, Katie
Nie, Jamie
Nielsen, Kiersten
Nielson, Christina
Nigh, Helen P
Nishimura, Marshall K

Nix, April
Nix, Jason
Nix, Matthew R

Noble, Liza
Noel, Michael J
Noffsinger, Michael
Nolen, Joshua L

Noll, David
Noll, Marsha D
Noonan, Jonathan D

Noonan, Kristen M
Norman, Jonathan Norris, Jayson Norris, John M
North, Jonathan Norton, Rebekah J Nosal, Joan M
Noseworthy, Denise Nottingham, Nicole A
Novack, Joanna J
Nowlin, Aric

Nowlin, Leslie P

Nowlin, Machelle N Ntui, Collins
Ntumba, Joseph

Nwankwo, Tiffany N
Nweke, John N
Nylander, Thomas L O'Connor, Scott
O'Dell, Michael R

O'Donnell, Karyn L
O'Donnell, Kyle T
O'Hara, Heather M
O'Meara, Matthew L
O'Neal, Reyna L
O'Neal, Vanita
O'Neil, Alan
ONeal, Benjamin T

Obadiah, Reuben K Odell, Helen D
Odom, Mary A

Ofenloch, Ryan M

Ogden, Jordan
Ohanenye, Madu
Ojuola, Folarinwa
Okello, Javan H
Okello, Katherine M
Olenik, Joel K

Oler, Franklin
Oliver, Altoria L
Oliver, Marcus
Ollis, Darin E
Olmstead, Yetta A
Olson, Christen E
Olusegun, Olubusola O

Omaley, Timothy Oman, Luke
Onafowokan, Adedamola O
Ondrea, David L

Oprea, Seth R

Ore, Khateeta
Orman, Cherith L
Orn, Derek I
Orr, Susan M Orth, Jacob
Ortiz, Pedro B
Orton, Casey L
Orvek, Sarah E
Osborne, Aleksandra J
Osborne, Christopher D
Osborne, Corey Osborne, Donna
Osborne, Katherine E
Osborne, Stephanie
Osborne, Tiffany
Osei, Leatrice
Oshokoya, Vivian
Ososkie, Skyler
Ospina, Juliana
Ostlind, Benjamin
Ostling, Suzanne
Otto, Michelle
Ouimet, Levi
Ouzts, Angela D
Overstreet, Kelly
Overton, Rebecca J

Owen, Brian K
Owens, Christopher L

Owens, Earl Reese

Owens, Isaiah A
Owens, Joseph
Owens, Julie
Owens, Tina D
Owensby, Brittany
Pace, Joshua W
Pack, Janet L
Padron, Luije
Pae, Sunghyun

Paetz, Michael C

Pagan, Renee A
Page, Amanda L
Page, Kecia
Page, Lacie
Page, Matthew S

Page, Terri M
Paige, Kimberly H
Paik, Inho
Painter, Jennifer
Paku, Joyce
Palladino, Cailer L
Palmer, Jessica
Palmer, Kevin
Palmer, Nathan E
Panettiere, Lauren E
Pannell, Tunya
Paone, Jennifer L

Paparo, John

Papet, Louis M
Parada, Kevin D
Pardoe, Audrina A
Parido, Kari A
Park, Jeayeon Park, Jun Pil Park, Kyung Won
Park, Philip N Park, Robert Park, Seong Ill Park, Shinyoung Park, Songhwan
Park, Vaughn D Park, Yang Hyun Park, Yushin

Parker, Andrea E
Parker, Christopher J
Parker, Christopher
Parker, Crystal L
Parker, Derek
Parker, Diana
Parker, Jessica K
Parker, Kathy S

Parker, Lora
Parker, Matthew J

Parker, Monroe R Parkhurst, Austin P
Parks, Richard
Parnell, Jennifer R

Parry, Timothy J
Partridge, Charles
Passaglia, Peter J

Pate, Beatrice
Patel, Roxi

Patrick, Donald
Patterson, Alexis M
Patterson, Amanda L Patterson, Ashley
Patterson, Cheryl
Patterson, Darrell J

Patterson, Heather R
Patterson, Jully
Patterson, Renee Patterson, Travis E
Patton, Wayne A
Paul, Alain J
Paul, Amanda
Paul, Clyde H
Paul, Joseph
Paulauskas, Michelle V
Paultre, Yamilee
Pawlak, Nicholas R

Paxton, Lauren Paxton, Lisa
Payan, Carlos
Payne, Chandra
Payne, Mary S
Payne, Shamara M
Payne, Vernestine Paynter, Robert C
Payton, Leroy
Payton, Marty W
Payton, Steven
Peach, Fred
Peacher, Miriam
Peacock, Kenneth A
Peak, Juli A Pearce, Kelly
Pearse, Ryan C
Pearson, Krystle
Pearson, Morris Peck, Amy J
Peck, Andrew A

Peckham, Renee R
Pecore, Johnna
Pecunia, Melissa A
Pedroza, Dwayne P

Peele, Justin L

Peer, Kenneth A
Pelczar, Christopher
Pena, Kristen M
Pendleton, Tammy T
Penfold, Brianna K Penley, John
Pennifield, Joshua
Pennington, Blake A
Percival, Amanda
Perdew, Luke
Pereschuk, Jacob J

Peresich, Deborah

Perez, Brian J
Perez, Danielle R
Perez, Dennis Perin, Elizabeth G Perkins, Brandy N
Perriott-Ordonez, Tamara
Perry, Durmount E
Perry, Jesse L Perry, Nicholas S Perry, Trecia
Perry, William J

Persons, Amanda C
Pete, Nerine M Peters, Charles Peters, Jordan Peters, Kevin M Peters, Sarah R Peters, Sean M
Peterson, Amanda L Peterson, Faye
Peterson, Felicia D
Peterson, Jared D
Peterson, John H
Peterson, Lindsey A Peterson, Melvin Peterson, Sarah
Peterson, Steven D Pettiford, Anika J Pettit, Justin M Pettit, Sarah
Pettus, Vickie I
Phanord, Valens
Phelps, Brittany N Phelps, Jonathan M
Phelps, Kristen C

Phelps, Lauren
Phelps, Leslie M

Phelps, Shauna Philipp, Stephanie
Phillips, Aaron K

Phillips, Carlton L Phillips, Donald
Phillips, Holli M Phillips, James B Phillips, Robert T Phillips, Sloane Phillips, Stacy Phillips Rouse, Beverly Philogene, Valissa Pickard, Malcolm
Pickett, Sheena
Pickle, Arika W Pierce, Ben
Pierce, Christina R

Pierce, Dessie Pierce, Donita C Pierre, Jonathon M Pierson, Cameron J

Piescik, Paul
Pigott, Laura A
Pilch, Iain M
Pillow, Samantha R
Pina, Iris
Pineo, Helen
Piner, Michael H

Pines, Bridgett L
Pinette, William S

Pinkham, David A

Pinkie, Elyse
Pinn, Lakisha
Pinto, Noah
Pipkin, Rhonda
Pitter, Candace G

Pittman, Ashley C

Pittman, Darrell G

Pitts, Amanda J
Pizzo, Erin
Plasterer, Sarah J

Ploeg, Adam
Plomaritas, Joshua A
Poch, Amanda L Poe, Christopher
Poindexter, Beryle J

Poje, Sergio
Poku, Kofi G
Policastro, Jordan
Polinaire, Serita M
Polinski, Meghan R Polk, James B
Polley, Abenlemah
Polsinelli, Kelly
Poluikis, Christopher G
Poluikis, Peggie M
Ponce, Jose
Ponce, Maureen
Poole, Stephanie T

Poprik, Sarah
Porter, Ashley M
Porter, David L
Porter, Dexter
Porter, Iyana
Porter, Jason S
Porter, Jennifer L
Porter, Justin R
Porter, Mariel A
Porter, Sarah M
Portis, Kyersten
Potter, Audrea
Potter, Josiah
Potter, Travis L
Powell, Brandon C
Powell, Danielle M
Powell, Denotra
Powell, Evan
Powell, Jason T
Powell, Mark
Powers, Daniel T
Powers, Matthew
Prater, Ronald K
Pratt, Deborah

Pratt, Mark
Pratt, Stephanie

Prellwitz, Courtney
Preusser, Daniel
Price, Christopher O
Price, Florence Price, Rachel L
Price, Sarah E
Price, Scott F
Price, Stefanie N
Price, Teresa Priddy, Zach
Prieto, Nicholas E
Primiano, Melissa A
Primous, Izabia
Prince, Sandra
Prince, Shawn R
Pritchett, Matthew R

Privott, Jaleesa
Proffitt, Amy M

Prokop, John S

Prosser, Joshua
Prosser, Marie

Pruett, Steven J
Pruitt, Kasie G

Pruitt, LaNekia

Pruitt, Sara B
Pruitt, Sheri A
Puckett, Micah W
Pugh, James H
Pugielli, Amika
Puig, John R
Purdy, Charlotte
Purgason, Catherine P
Puskarenko, Seth A
Pyo, Hyun Joon

Pyton, Gregory S
Quarles, Tracey N
Quesenberry, Roy S
Quick, Myleka C
Quilty, Shannon S

Quinlan, Jacquinlan
Quino, Cheeryl
Quinones, Karla
Quintana, Steven E
Quintero, Judith

Quintero, Paola
Rackley, Austin T
Rackley, Bethanie T

Rackley, Kevin M
Rackley, Laura E
Rackley, Samuel E
Radcliff, Eric B

Radtke, Jacob A
Ragan, Sarah P
Rahn, Jennifer M

Raines, Casey E
Raines, Kristin M
Raines, Scott E
Rainner, Shakera L
Raithel, Jacqueline R

Rajpat, Lydia G
Ramey, Juanita
Ramey, Lori N
Ramey, Luke A
Ramirez, Krystal
Ramirez, Lindsey M
Ramos, Alexander I Ramos, Diego
Ramsdell, Ronald D

Ramsey, Lucas W
Ramsey, Robbie D Randall, Anthony M
Randall, Dominique D

Randle, Ezra
Randle, Sharmaine
Randlett, Jennifer L

Randlett, Paul H

Randolph, Angel T
Randolph, Brent Rangel, Misty
Ranger, Darnell R

Ransom, Charles Rasberry, Lisa J
Rasberry, Tamra L
Rasmussen, Katelyn B

Ratkovich, Jennifer
Ravert, Margaret A Ray, Elvira Ray, Maryanna L
Ray, Michael
Raymond, Cassandra M

Read, Sarah M
Reagan, Brian
Reamer, Sam W

Rebert, Timothy P Redd, Erica Redd, Gregory
Reece, Jason L
Reed, Christy V Reed, Judith
Reed, Keith W
Reed, Khaison
Reed, Kristin N Reed, Latoya Reed, Samuel J
Reed, Ty
Reedy, Marissa
Reese, Derrick Reeves, Kelly
Reeves, Michael
Reffner, Laura V
Reich, Ashley A Reichard, Tracey E
Reid, Cynthia Reimer, Mary
Reiss, Kaysha R Reitenour, Nick
Reneau, Megan K
Renke, Cassandra L Renner, Denise
Renquist, Sarah E
Resleff, Carol
Retzlaff, Abby Rey, Jose
Reyes, Alexandro F

Reyes, Krysta E
Reyes, Roberto
Reyes, Susan L Reynolds, Alfred
Reynolds, Andrew J Reynolds, Brock A Reynolds, Eric B

Reynolds, Jennifer Reynolds, Kiki Reynolds, Lauren F Reynolds, Patrick Reynolds, Raeann E

Reynolds, Tyler Reynolds, Victor D Rhea, Ryan D Rhodes, Colt A
Rice, Dwight C Rice, Jennipher Rice, Lydia M Rice, Samantha C

Rice, Vanessa Rich, Vatell Richard, Kevin M Richards, Marie C Richards, Teryn K Richardson, Stephen T Rickert, Paul R Rideout, Kathy

Rideout, Steven Rider, Melissa R Ridgell, Heather M Ridges, Mae L Rife, Jessica M Rigdon, Mary C Riggs, Sonya Rigsby, Enrique D

Riley, Julia R Riley, Patrick D Rinker, Amy E Rios, Arabella Rios, Trina Rippeon, Joshua L Riss, Chloe A Ritchart, Hillary A

Ritchey, Brigitte M

Ritz, Bunny Ritz, Robert L Rivera, Amy J Rivera, Angela M Rivers, Alvin L Rivers, Stephen Rixon, Joseph R

Roach, Susan Robbins, Alicia Robbins, Robert M Roberson, Michael R Robert, Lindsay D Roberts, Adam M Roberts, Christopher D Roberts, Corey R
Roberts, John A Roberts, Kaitlyn Roberts, Margit Roberts, Natalie Roberts, Nathan A Roberts, Shanon K Robertson, Anthony Robertson, Bianca

Robertson, Brad L

Robertson, Gwen
Robertson, Madison W
Robertson, Marcia K

Robertson, Ryan A
Robinson, Alexandria Robinson, Angela C
Robinson, Brianna N
Robinson, Carole E Robinson, Cassie Robinson, Charis A

Robinson, Christopher

Robinson, Douglas E
Robinson, Durwood G Robinson, Jeffrey M Robinson, Kimberly
Robinson, LaTonya K

Robinson, Latisha R Robinson, Luke W

Robinson, Meredith
Robinson, Michael D Robinson, Monica M Robinson, Sandy H Robinson, Seth L
Robinson, Stephanie

Robinson, Tonette M Robinson, Travis
Robinson-Yaw, Karen R

Rochelle, Kristopher Rock, Nathaniel J Rockwell, Sierra M Rodgers, Danny L
Rodgers, Marie Rodriguez, Joe Rodriguez, Pedro
Rodriguez-Lopez, J M
Roebuck, Donald L Rogers, Debbie E Rogers, Evangelina Rogers, Robert P
Roh, Kay S
Roh, Paul
Rollison, Kristen L
Roman, Jeffrey P

Rommel, William N Romo, Karyn Roop, Brandon Roper, Antonio D
Rorex Miller, Bryon C Rose, Ann W Rose, Brady N Rose, Bruce A Rose, Karen Rose, Renee Rosel, Maira A Rosenthal, Richard
Ross, Chase J Ross, Lauren S Ross, Melanie L Ross, Tammera D Rosser, Patrice M
Rossiter, Stephanie

Roth, Bryon K Roth, Jessica I

Rouleau, Michael D
Rountree, Melvin

Rouse-Wilson, Roberta D

Routon, Tyler
Rowe, David
Rowe, Peggy Rowell, Rebekah G
Rowland, Christopher J

Rowland, Emily S
Rowlett, Kenneth

Roy, Kristin N
Roy, Robert
Royal, Brent P
Royal, Faith
Royster, Debra

Ruck, David T
Rucker, Kelley
Rueb, Colleen
Ruecker, Mamta
Ruffin, Ariel A
Ruiz, Lorraine

Rukes, Todd G
Rumble, Summer A
Rumley, Tyler

Runions, Amanda R

Runnels, Richard

Runner, Jennifer M
Rupe, Heather
Rusinyak, Daniel D
Rusk, Christopher J

Russell, Abby E
Russell, Brandon E
Russell, Jonathan
Russell, Kevin B
Russell, Kevin B
Russell, Laverne T
Russell, Nathaniel I
Russell, O'Neil K
Russell, Ryan J
Russo, Karen A
Rustchak-Meade, Tasha L
Rutherford, Allison

Rutledge, Patrick W

Ryan, Angelica T
Ryan, Brian
Ryan, Charlie
Sadora, Jason
Sale, Bethany Y
Sales, Eric
Salinas, Richard Salisbury, Latara
Salmon, Gregory
Salvia, John
Samora, Dina L
Sams, Derek M
Sams, Rebecca
Samuels, Terry D
Sanchez, Angela Marie
Sanchez, Elias
Sanchez, Felisa L
Sanchez, Jaison Z
Sanchez, Jose Luis
Sanchez, Pedro Sancho, Trevor

Sandel, Christopher R

Sanders, Adia H
Sanders, Daniel R Sanders, Heather
Sanders, Michael P Sanders, Nichole Sanders, Possia Sanderson, Christine E
Sands, Shanika Sanning, David L Santana, Daniella C Santana, Raudy J

Santaniello, Rachael E
Santiago, Kathleen Santini, Joseph V Santoro, Michele
Santoro, Samantha J Santos, Ibis S Sanzo, David Sapp, Stephanie
Sargeant, Douglas E Sargent, Carter K Sargent, Sarah A Sarrell, Daphne M
Sarver, John A Sarvis, Shannon L Sauder, Courtney S

Saunders, Daveta J Saunders, Dorothy Saunders, Micah Saunders, Suzanne Sauter, Katie
Savage, Tiffany Saville, Martin J Saville, Tesla Savini, Justin S

Savini, Leslie J

Sawchuck, Patricia C Sayer, Shelby Sayers, Tshering P

Sayres, Melissa R

Scalise, Brian T

Scalise, Matthew
Scarborough, Brian P Schaefer, Rebecca L Schaefer, Scott
Schaeffer, Elizabeth Schafer, Caroline
Schafer, Corinne K Schafer, Justin P Schafer, Nicholas
Schat, Marianne E Schaub, Matthew S Schellenger, Bryan Schemehorn, Wanda Schenk, Ashley R

Scheren, William J Scherling, Sarah Schettler, Ashley Schierberl, Zachary

Schirle, Janae D
Schlademan, Chelsea B
Schlenz, Jeffrey D Schmidt, Brandon
Schmidt, Jordan
Schmidt, Misty M

Schmidt, Patrick
Schmidt, Paul
Schneide, Collin D
Schneiderhan, Jacob
Schraf, Lindsay M Schroder, Nora
Schroeder, Magdalena
Schuetz, Christina M

Schuit, Emily

Schultz, Donald G
Schultz, Lucinda
Schuster, Lawrence
Schwab, Vania P Schwecke, Benjamin
Schweitzer, Gina B
Schwenk, Adam C
Schwenk, Nathan A

Schwinn, Amy N
Scott, Catherine A Scott, Hal M Scott, Kailey Scott, Karah A
Scott, Kayla
Scott, Kenneth
Scott, Melissa S
Scott, Michael
Scott, Phillip A
Scott, Rachelle Scott, Susan M
Scott, Veronica
Scruggs, Rachel W
Scubelek, Elizabeth G
Scull, Stacey M
Seager, Colin T

Sealy, Cassandra A
Seamon, David

Seamster, Robert Sears, Ashley L

Sears, Jennifer K

Sears, Maxwell

Sears, Morgan
Seavers, Cameron
Sebastian, Ryan
Sedam, Jennifer
Seelinger, Debbie Seetaram, Shara
Seibert, Torrie C
Seinar, John
Seitz, Kelly T

Sellers, Edwina
Sellers, Heather N Selph, Jeff
Semenyna, David W Seo, Minsung
Seoung, Wonho
Sermons, Brandi K
Serrano, Juan E
Sesay, Ibrahim

Setliff, Chelsey R
Setliff, Ryan M

Sever, Lindsey
Seward, Keshaunda C

Sewell, KaTina
Sexton, David
Seymour, Kathryn
Sgandurra, Bethany A
Shafer, Shawna K
Shakkour, Louis
Shalev, Josef N
Shanklin, Jenece L
Shanks, Dawn K
Shannon, Ian M
Shannon, Kathleen E
Shannon, Richard M
Sharber, Shanna R
Sharpe, Joseph C Sharpe, Traci Shaver, Joanne
Shaw, Amber
Shaw, Michael J Shearin, Sean
Shearn, Morgan W
Shedd, Sarah M

Sheffey, Courtney
Sheffield, Emily J Shell, Sophia J
Shelor, Robert E
Shelton, Brianna R
Shelton, Christi S
Shepherd, Amber N
Shepherd, Chelsea
Sheppard, Gregory N

Sheppard, Tony L
Sheppeard, Lori K
Sherrill, Christie N Shifflett, Tony
Shiflett, Sarah
Shin, Ayoung
Shin, Jueon
Shipley, Victoria
Shipman, Jilian M

Shipman, Samuel T

Shisler, Rebecca L

Shoemake, Angela R
Sholes, Ruth K
Short, Amber M
Short, Matthew R

Short, Rebecca A
Short, Shayne
Shroyer, Kolby A
Shuford, Jennifer M

Shuler, Shanda D Shultz, Robbie R
Shumate, Contrell Siaji, Steven
Sibande, Thandizo H Siebert, Paula

Siedlecki, Varah
Siefert, Stephen P

Sierra, Julieth N
Sifford, Jessica L Sigman, John
Sigmon, Jonathan D

Silcox, Katerina
Silcox, Wilhelm C Siler, Betty
Silva, Wendy
Silvey, Lynda L
Silvia, Shandra
Siman, Elizabeth Siman, Sheilha
Simmons, Alicia Simmons, Curtis G
Simmons, Daniel K
Simmons, Darlene
Simmons, Karen L
Simmons, Lakishia M

Simone, Traci L
Simonson, Amanda
Simpson, Amber L
Simpson, Brandy
Simpson, Brittany L

Simpson, Charles
Simpson, Denae
Simpson, Jessica E
Simpson, Krysta
Simpson, Nichole
Simpson, Stephen
Sims, Taneshia V Sims, Terrica R

Sinclair, Mona L Singh, Haniel

Singletary, Daniel

Singletary, Jan R

Singleton, Deidre F Sinkler, Allison
Sinopoli, MaryElizabeth
Sintayehu, Lilyana B
Sipes, Lauren Sipple, John A
Sipple, Laura M

Sirivastava, Meena
Sirmons, Wendy
Sisk, English
Sites, Taylor N
Siwak, Christine
Siwicki, Joseph R

Skidmore, Laura L

Skillman, Michael E
Skrine, Karen
Slade, Gwendolyn
Slagle, Patrick J
Slagle, Roy L
Slagter, Michael
Slagter, Peggy C
Slater, Miranda
Slater, Taylor N
Slaughter, James R
Slayden, Brittany N
Sledge, Erika
Sleighter-Furey, Nicole L

Slone, Thomas V
Smagala, Stanley J
Small, Melissa J
Smalling, Hopeton
Smallwood, Jeffrey A

Smallwood, Jimmy
Smallwood, Seth A

Smarr, Michael
Smarr, Nichole A
Smeltzer, Travis A Smile, Melissa Smith, Amanda M Smith, Anna Smith, Anthony Smith, April D Smith, Bradley Smith, Brittany N

Smith, Brittany T Smith, Brittany Smith, Cassandra D Smith, Cassandra Smith, Christina L Smith, Christina M Smith, Dalesha Smith, Damian

Smith, Dana Smith, Daniel A Smith, Danielle Smith, David M Smith, Esther G Smith, Gwendolyn Smith, Jaime N Smith, Jason T

Smith, Jeffery C Smith, Jessica A Smith, Jessica Smith, Jonathon L Smith, Julia Smith, Julian Smith, Katie E Smith, Katina
Smith, Kimberly Smith, Laura E Smith, Lauralene L Smith, Lauren A Smith, Luke Smith, Megan Smith, Michael A Smith, Natasha C

Smith, Nicole B Smith, Pamela Smith, Patrick D Smith, Patrick T Smith, R. Kathleen Smith, Robert L Smith, Robert W Smith, Robin
Smith, Russell D Smith, Ryan Smith, Sharayah M Smith, Sierra S Smith, Sonja Smith, Tim Smith, Timothy E Smith, Tisah

Smith, Torresy Smith, Trey Smith, Victoria Smith, Yvette Y Smith, Zachary E Smoot, Cheryle
Smotherman, Cutter Smyre, Patricia R

Snead, Dustin K
Snipes, Donzell
Snoe, Stephen J

Snow, Rhonda
Snyder, Abigail
Snyder, Clarajean
Snyder, George M

Snyder, Lori B
Snyder, Samantha J
Sobers, Terrence L

Soden, Kate E
Soderstrom, Lauren

Soemer, Patricia

Soirez, Rhonda
Soistmann, Brian E
Solenberger, Jaime L
Solivan, Katherine B

Somerville, Rivy
Son, Eun Chong

Sondeno, Olin M
Song, Byonghun
Song, Hojin
Sotomayor, Zachary A

South, Michele M
South, Robin
South, William A
Spangler, Olivia S

Sparks, Adam J
Sparks, Andy
Sparks, Bryan K
Sparks, Tameka L
Sparrow, Lamont
Sparrow, Tameka
Spear, David B
Spears, Scott
Spears, Taylor M
Speck, Salina E
Speed, Stanley L
Speed, Yolanda
Spencer, Bobby J
Spencer, Jacqueline
Spencer, Lauren
Spencer, Noel
Sperling, Debra
Sperry, Trisha A
Spetter, Troy
Spicer, Nicholas
Spicer, Noelle D
Spillar, Sammye A
Spillar, Shelby N
Spinks, Revondia E
Spivey, Richard A

Sponsler, Jessica

Spoon, Nora L
Spoon, Timothy L
Spradlin, Amber N
Spradlin, Tammy

Sprague, Matthew

Sprowls, Emily
Spruce, Courtney C
Spruill, Samantha J

St Bernard, Erica
St Fleur, Ariel K
St Hilaire, Yvelande
St John, Mandi E
StClair, Asheley
Staats, Holly N
Staats, Leah M
Staats, Melissa
Stadler, Mark
Stafford, Joel Stafford, Max R
Stahl, Vicky
Stahlhut, Cornelia
Stahre, Sara
Stalder, Jeanne
Stallard, Benjamin D
Stallard, Shiana
Stallings, Lindsay M Stamm, Dawn E
Stanley, Alicia W
Stanley, Charles E
Stanley, Daniel W Stanley, Hope Stanley, Rebecca
Stanovich, Brittany M Stansell, Cameron Staples, Alani N
Stapp, Leigh Ann N
Starchia, Thomas A
Stark, Mandy
Starkey, Deloris
Starks, Alecia Starks, Clint Starr, Hannah L Statler, Laura
Staton, Kalea M
Staton, Nathaniel J
Stauffer, Christina

Stauffer, Robert
Steele, Amanda R
Steele, Dennison M
Steenburg, Terry M
Steenburgh, Erin L

Stefani, George
Stehman, Gregory T

Stell, Douglas S
Stelly, Michelle
Stelzer, Karl A
Stephen, Dona
Stephen, Pradeep E

Stephens, Daniel W

Stephens, Janet R

Stephens, Viola S
Sterling, Darial
Stermer, Eric

Stevens, Lauran E
Stevens, Matthew S

Stevens, Matthew
Stevens, Melissa D
Stevens, Tricia G

Stevenson, Amanda Stevenson, John
Stewart, Ashley
Stewart, Christopher L

Stewart, Marcus D
Stewart, Tarsha
Stewart, Terrelle N
Stienbarger, Gregory A

Stoddard, Elizabeth A Stoicu, Daniel N Stoicu, Shawn
Stokes, Deanna M

Stokes, Nicole L Stone, Deborah L Stone, Jeremy G

Stone, Rosemarie C Stone-Lamb, Jessica J Stork, Kyle
Storrs, Craig

Stotler, Adam W

Stout, Abra Stout, Chasity R Stowell, Natalie E
Strandberg, Martin
Strausbaugh, Chad W Strauser, T M Streetman, Rebecca Stripling, Chrissy Stripling, Seth M Stroka, Brian Strong, Amanda
Strong, Terry Stroud, Jason E Strout, Jennifer L Strozyk, Andrew J Struble, Brittany M Struble, Kevin D Stubblefield, Emily E Stubblefield, Jerry L
Stuber, Jeffrey Studer, Brent M Stultz, David Sturgill, Lisa
Stuttler, Brian K Stuurmans, Sarah Styer, Jonathan C Styles, Frederick D

Styles, Kristie
Suarez, Jorge L
Suarez-Morgenlander, N Sublett, Jamey L Suders, Sheila S Suggs, Keja

Suggs, Laura Suleski, Rachel A
Summers, Amber Summerset, Angelique R Summy, Michael S Suri, Jenifer M Sutherland, Jessica J Sutherland, Matthew
Sutton, Demetria
Sutton, Phillip T

Sutton, Renee
Svennes, Mason W Swaim, Darcy
Swaim, Monica
Swaim, Richie K Swan, Sora Swanger, Jonathan D Swanson, Charles
Swanson, Mark A
Swayne, Harry V
Sweatt, Apryle N
Sweeney, Megan E
Swenson, Kyle R

Swenson, Rachel C

Swierenga, James A

Swinford, Amanda
Swinnie, Tyrone
Swinson, Shantel
Switzer, Jennifer L

Sykes, Vicky
Symeonides, Sebastian
Szapkiw, Michael
Tacy, Cheryl
Takacs, Crystal
Takacs, Michael S

Taliaferro, Tamara

Talley, Stephen E
Talley, Timothy D

Talley, Velma D
Tankard, Jennifer G Tanner, Joy
Tanner, La'Tana
Tantimonico, Joseph Tart, Willie
Tate, Courtney L
Tate, Joshua S
Tate, Perry T
Tavenner, Zachary
Taylor, Ashley
Taylor, Brooke K
Taylor, Brooke
Taylor, Cameron
Taylor, Christian B
Taylor, Cleveland
Taylor, David
Taylor, Erwin D
Taylor, George E
Taylor, Jennifer R
Taylor, Karen
Taylor, Krystal G
Taylor, Manda M
Taylor, Matthew L

Taylor, Rebecca E
Taylor, Sarah L
Taylor, Taj M
Taylor, Takiya
Taylor, Thaddaeus S
Taylor, Travis L
Taylor, William R

Taylor-Richardson, V Teasley, Derek
Teer, Amber M
Teer, Ashley G
Teeter, Jonathan
Temple, Alyssa K
Tenney, Jill A
Tenpas, Erika
Terry, Isaac L
Terry, Mary
Terry, Seth R
Tesch, Kathy L

Tesenair, Eric M

Thacker, Corey A
Thamer, Kathryn

Thaxton, Joleen P

Thebaud, Sheila
Theisen, Anna C

Thomas, Aaron P
Thomas, Caroline P
Thomas, Chadhil K
Thomas, Deborah L
Thomas, Duane C

Thomas, Edward L
Thomas, Iva
Thomas, James
Thomas, Jimmy
Thomas, Krista J
Thomas, Lisa M
Thomas, Lynette O
Thomas, Marcus
Thomas, Patricia
Thomas, Rebecca
Thomas, Rosalind
Thomas, Shannon K
Thomas, Venessa K
Thompson, Andrew G

Thompson, Anthony B

Thompson, Billy
Thompson, Carla M
Thompson, John A
Thompson, Julie
Thompson, Krystal L
Thompson, Lucius E
Thompson, Matthew A
Thompson, Michael C
Thompson, Samantha
Thompson, Stephen
Thompson-King, Melinda
Thomsen, Melissa J

Thorn, Nicole D
Thorn, Timothy L
Thorne, Stephanie N
Thornsbury, Barry W
Thornton, Carleshia
Thorpe, Julie
Threet, William R
Tickle, Amanda B
Tiemeyer, Rachel M
Tillett, Phylicia
Tillman, Mildred
Tillotson, Donald

Tillotson, Kalee R
Tindall, Richard E
Tinsley, Marcus
Tipton, Andrew

Tipton, Miles H
Tisdale, Dontrell

Tisdel, Rhonda M

Tise, John M
Titus, Dara C
Tjo, Sashanna A
Tobolski, Jeanine
Todd, Katherine L
Todd, Ronald C

Toews, Caitlyn A
Toews, Derek R
Toews, Jocelyn E
Tokarick, Stephanie R

Tolbert, Trina M

Tolley, Lindsey G

Tomlin, Jonathan
Tomlinson, Cobie L
Tomlinson, Crystal B
Tone, Laurie A
Tookes, Edward
Toriello, Tammy L

Torrence, Stacey
Torrison, Chadwick B

Touprong, Simon
Towles, Matthew D

Towles, Sunday B
Townley, Phillip R

Townsend, Andy L
Townsend, Katie
Townshend, Deanne M

Trader, Joey
Traphagen, Aaron D
Traynham, Dorothy
Traynor, Shane
Tremble-Hamer, Ashley S
Trent, David O
Trent, James E
Trexler, Junghee

Trezzo, Steven
Trill, Matthew A
Trinkle, Katie
Trosky, Sara
Troupe, Kelli D
Trowbridge, Andrew D

Troxell, Charles M

Truax, Heather
Truax, Jerry D
Trueblood, Sara
Trujillo, Melissa M
Tubbs, Bryan M

Tubbs, David K
Tuck, Alicia
Tuck, Michael E
Tucker, Brittany L
Tucker, David M
Tucker, Joshua W
Tucker, Justin M
Tucker, Kimberly R Tucker, Kyle
Tucker, Stephen J
Tuggle, Barbara

Tumas, Judson M

Tumas, Nathan
Tunnell, Sarah
Turbyfill, Kristen N
Turner, Joshua J
Turner, Mark A
Turner, Taisha M
Turner-Boswell, Janice E

Turrentine, Derrick E
Turton, Joshua
Tuten, Micah
Tuttle, Leland W
Tutty, Jeremy
Tweedy, Jean M
Twine, Saudia
Tyler, Jeremy P
Tyler, Loretta A
Tyler, Nicole L
Tyler, Ryan
Tyrcha, Michelle
Tyree, Evelyn K
Tysor, Dale H
Udobong, Emem
Ueltschy, Zachery B
Umbenhaur, Ryan M
Underwood, Linda C
Underwood, Renee G

Unger, Megan J

Updike, Anita I
Urban, James
Urban, Mattie E
Usher, David
Usry, Jennifer N
Utley, Valencia T
Vaccaro, James

Vaden, Chaseton R
Vail, Scott H
Valber, Fernando
Valdes, Claudia M
Valdes Lopez, Juan C

Valentine, Angeleina
Valeriano, Terese

Valladao, Alicia A
Vallery, Regina
Van Aken, David A
Van Dyk, Jonathan G
Van Dyke, Aaron

Van Engen, Tuesday A
Van Epps, Isaac A

Van Prooyen, Timothy D

Van Wynsberg, Kevin P
Van Wynsberg, Melanie A
VanHook, Clinton

VanLeeve, April
Vance, Victoria V
Vancil, Brandy L

Vancol, Mathew
VandeBogart, Jordan E
Vandegriff, Stephen R
Vang, Xong
Vangarde, Ana
Vanzyl, Alexandra N
Varghese, Vicky

Varnell, Kara B
Varney, Edsel S
Varney, Joshua S
Vassar, Tiffany M

Vaughan, Charmaine M

Vaughan, Danielle N
Vaughan, Elvira
Vaughan, Jennifer M

Vaughn, Jessica
Vaughn, Melissa A
Vazquez, Josue J
Venable, Jonathan
Vera, Amanda J
Verjinski, Sarah
Vernon, Susan
Vernoy, Jarrid C
Vernoy, Sheila R Verser, Isis
Verville, Austin M
Vester, Joycelin
Vester, Tyrone A
Vicioso-Harris, Lucy E
Vickers, Ashlynn
Vickers, Jonathan D

Vickers-Cox, Latasha
Victor, Jenah
Viera, Raul
Vinaja, Elizabeth A

Vinaja, Sean S
Viner, Alyssa J
Vinersar, Daniel
Vinersar, Erin L
Vines, Lynda

Visbeen, Adam J

Vitcavich, Michael F
Von Eime, Elizabeth J
Vooys, Colleen J
Vorce, Catherine G
Voss, Matthew C
Vowell, Constance
Vowell, Patricia

Waddell, Tara A
Waddy, Stewart A
Waddy, Tamika
Wade, Diedre
Wade, Jessica
Wade, Joshua K
Wade, Sarah M
Wadsworth, Richard

Wagaman, Aubrie L
Wagan, Katrina
Waggoner, Brandon P

Waggoner, Heather D
Wagner, Michael C
Wagner, Michael R
Waite, Emily B
Walburn, Carrie M

Walburn, Nicholas B

Walden, Susan B
Waldo, Robert A
Walker, Courtney E
Walker, Finley W
Walker, Harold G
Walker, Jessica L
Walker, Jordan M
Walker, Kristyn A
Walker, Lauren A
Walker, Leslie P
Walker, Lisa A
Walker, Pamela
Walker, Patricia J

Walker, Rashell
Walker, Sherri
Walker, Stephanie L

Walker, Tatyana
Walker, Travis J
Walker-De Arman, Ashley
Wallace, Douglas H
Wallace, Nathan
Wallace, Sandra B

Wallace, Terri L
Waller, Keith E
Waller, Nataiya
Walsh, Abigail
Walsh, Heather
Walsh, Lindsay J

Walsh, Sean M

Walter, Jeffrey D
Walter, John
Walter, Tiffany M
Walters, Richard J
Walton, Heather
Walton, Isaac
Walton, Melody L
Walton, Tasha A
Walz, James K

Wang, Holly
Wanjai, Loice W
Wann, Melanie
Waples, Justin
Ward, Bernadette
Ward, Chrissy
Ward, Daniel W
Ward, Jennifer L

Ward, Melissa J

Ward, Rachel L
Ward, Roy J
Ward, William D
Ward-Redman, Carol
Ware, Danielle R

Ware, Langston L

Warfield, Jill
Warner, Jessica
Warren, Ester J
Warren, Kenneth G
Warren, Lindsey A
Warren, Steve E
Warrington, Donald L
Washington, Chantel S
Washington, Christopher A
Washington, Jerry L
Washington, Lesley M
Washington, Letisha
Washington, Nicole R
Washington, Ozias
Washington, Renita J

Washington, Shanta C
Washington, Stephene

Wasserman, Christopher A

Wasson, Bruce
Waters, Brandon
Waters, Douglas
Waters, Merriah L
Wathen, Lauren J
Watkins, Jacquelyn
Watkins, Lakiesha N
Watkins, Nathan
Watkins, Rachel L

Watson, Daniel
Watson, John W
Watson, Patricia
Watts, Illana
Weatherford, Brandon J
Weatherly, Taylor N
Weathers, Kimberly L

Weatherspoon, Stacy R

Weaver, Emily K
Weaver, Joshua Weaver, Matthew B Webb, Andrew Webb, Daniel A
Webb, Debra L Webb, Michaela J Webb, Ronald L Webb, Ross
Webb, Whitney M

Webel, Paul V

Webel, Rachael A Webler, Lynn
Webster, Ilva A
Wedgeworth, Rickey D

Weems, Reginald D
Wegert, Amelia L

Wegmann, Chris

Wegner, Celeste
Weidley, Christopher J Weidley, Jennifer D

Weight, Lauren E Weir, Tifany S
Weisberg, Aaron L
Welch, Michael B
Welch, Nicole S
Weldon, Brandi L Wellman, Kristen E Wells, Casey L
Wells, Elizabeth M Wells, Elizabeth Wells, Rashod C Wells, Stephanie
Welsh, Nathanael

Wendling, Angela
Werling, Sara A West, Anissa J
West, Chantel L
West, Colin J West, Kyle P
Westa, Erik J
Westa, Joseph M

Westbrook, Tabitha
Weyand, Ashley S Weyer, Annalise
Weygandt, Joshua S

Whaley, Hansel E
Whatley, Lezlie
Wheatley, Sean
Wheeler, Benjamin W
Wheeler, David A
Wheeler, Lindsay
Wheeler, Robert
Whitaker, Joel
White, Armanii S
White, Carmen J

White, Carol Ann
White, Craig H
White, Deborah White, Emily A White, Eric
White, James L

White, Jennifer
White, Joshua C
White, Kristin R
White, Lonnie
White, Michael J
White, Nancy L
White, Ryan J
White, Stellania
Whitehead, Lamar L
Whitehead, Robert
Whitehurst, Jason R

Whiteside, Camille
Whiteside, Quinton
Whitfield, Lorraine
Whitlock, Melvin D

Whitman, Jacob S
Whitman, Justin K

Whitman, Mary F
Whitman, Timothy A
Whitmer, Chad L

Whitt, Daniel
Whittle, Dustin C

Whorley, Elizabeth G
Whorley, Jeremy C
Wickham, Steven D

Wicks, Carolyn
Wicks, James
Widener, Ashlee
Widener, Melissa D

Wiebe, Kevin S
Wiegand, Joseph M
Wietholter, Jeffrey
Wiggs, Tiffany R

Wigley, Philip M
Wigman, Katlynn M
Wikander, Noah S

Wilborn, John

Wilcox, Larri K
Wilcutt, Julie

Wilde, Diane L
Wilde, Timothy N
Wiles, Angelique
Wilgus, Timothy G
Wilkerson, Lacey
Wilkerson, Lucia C

Wilkerson, Tamika
Wilkins, Christine
Wilkins, Takeisha
Wilkinson, Carrie
Wilkinson, Jason R
Wilkinson, Matthew E
Willard, Jordon
Willems, Pierre D
Willging, Casey J

Williams, Aaron
Williams, Alosina
Williams, Angella
Williams, Brandi N
Williams, Connie E
Williams, Courtney M

Williams, Daniel L
Williams, David
Williams, Debra D

Wingfield, Jessica R

Winkler, Rodney L

Winn, Heather G
Winship, Eric C

Winston, Christopher G
Winton, Shawn
Wisby, Daniel W
Wisdom, Jeff
Wise, Daniel N
Wise, Kenneth
Wiseman, Jamie C
Wistrom, Donald
Witherspoon, Kendra

Witkowski, Nathan M

Witt, Chelsea L Witt, Kelly
Wittcop, Adam C
Wittcop, Sarah E
Wittle, Avonlea L
Wittman, Derek
Wnuk, Rachel J
Woconish, Robert P

Woerner, Bryce M Wohlfeil, Jake R
Wojtcuk, Alexis N
Wolfgram- Coomes, Meghan M Wolford, Jeffrey
Wolhfert, John
Womack, David S
Woo, Jeffrey S
Wood, Debra A Wood, Erica
Wood, Erika
Wood, Katherine L
Wood, Kendra A
Wood, Sarah M
Woodall, Amanda M

Woodbury, Amanda
Woodcock, Roger Wooden, Joyce
Woodruff, Kimberly J

Woodruff, William G
Woods, Clarice D
Woods, Cynthia R

Woods, Emaurie D
Woods, Ingemar
Woods, James R
Woods, Jennifer L
Woods, Jonathan D
Woods, Martin T
Woods, Megan
Woods-Warrior, Erica
Woodson, Brittany
Woody, Scott P Wooldridge, Jeremy T
Wooldridge, Jordan M
Woolridge, Daniel Woolridge, Michael
Woosley, John
Woosley, Samantha E
Wooten, Robert A

Workman, Daniel J
Workman, Matthew Works, Emily E
Worley, Michele S

Wormley-Williams, Gloria V

Worthington, Ashley M

Wortman, Angela M

Wray, Emily
Wrede, Matthias
Wright, Brandon D

Wright, Christine
Wright, Donna L
Wright, Gregory C

Wright, Joyce
Wright, Michael A
Wright, Mollie
Wright, Morgan B
Wright, Pamela B

Wright, Sarah L

Wright, Steven
Wright, Valerie
Wright, Velma
Wrigley, Alicia M
Wu, Darren C

Wyatt, Mackenzie
Wyatt, Tammy
Wyatt, Terrence
Wycuff, Lauren
Wygal, Kayla E
Wymer, Jonathan C

Wynn, Cindy F
Wynne, Kathleen R Xing, Zhenli
Yang, Jung S
Yarbrough, Renay A
Yeager, Heidi C
Yeboah, Olivia
Yeoman, Joshua S
Yezbick, Erin
Yi, Sean
Yielding, Melonie L
Yockey, Laura J

Yoder, Mary C
Yoder, Mollie E
Yoo, James J
Yoo, Young I
Yoon, Jihoon
Yoon, Seung Hyun York, Shane
Young, Candice J
Young, Karen S

Young, Peter A

Younger, Christy L
Younger, Emma H
Zack, Brenda A
Zambuto, Michelle
Zapotocki, Michele
Zarrelli, Janelle M
Zauner, Rebekah J
Zavacky, Jillian
Zeigler, Jeffrey
Zenon, Justin Zhou, Hang

Zimmer, Mason
Zimmerman, Harry
Zimmerman, Marc D
Zimmerman, Margaret L