Selah Yearbook 2014-15

Page 1

But since you excel in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you — see that you also excel in this grace of giving.


TABLE OF CONTENTS ACADEMICS 6 Fall Coverage Spring Coverage Online Student Features Nursing Trip

8-15 16-21 22-23 24-25

STUDENT LIFE 26 Fall Events Spring Events Christmas Coffeehouse Spring Coffeehouse Convocation Campus Renovations Snow Day Play

28-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-43 44-45

ATHLETICS 46 Football


Women’s Soccer / Men’s Soccer


Women’s Field Hockey / Cross Country


Women’s Volleyball




Women’s Basketball


Men’s Basketball






Women’s Lacrosse


Swimming and Diving / Golf


Track and Field


Club Sports


Men’s DI Hockey


Women’s DI Hockey


Men’s Lacrosse / Wrestling


Men’s Volleyball / Paintball


Men’s DII Hockey / Crew / Gymnastics / Ski and Snowboard


Triathlon / Equestrian / Disc Golf / Women’s DII Hockey


TEAM ROSTERS 88 Rosters and Scoreboards Ministry Teams

90-103 104-105





Graduate Names


Yearbook Closing


 old when we moved there in ’87, and there’s probably not one wall where I haven’t pulled the siding off and renovated. There’s probably not one place in the house that hasn’t been redone … My wife was so glad when

Meredith Brown @mercatbro @JerryJrFalwell please close or delay school tomorrow! It is windy and freezing! Walking to class will be impossible tomorrow!

I became president here and started renovating campus because that meant I would leave our house alone. The house has actually stayed the same now for eight years.”

WHAT DO YOU ADMIRE MOST ABOUT LIBERT Y’S STUDENT BODY? “Their attitude. It’s been so fun to get to know them over the past eight years … You can see the Christian spirit in the student body, just in the way they want to help others locally and around the world. When I was at another college yesterday for a meeting with college presidents, I passed students on the sidewalk, and they didn’t even make eye contact. Here they say ‘hello’ and it’s been like that since I was a kid. I remember Liberty

Jerry Falwell @JerryJrFalwell @mercatbro walk in packs like wolves and cuddle up in the wind to stay warm! You have my permission!

Malik Nichols @JusCallMe_Malik @JerryJrFalwell I’m a Mississippi kid. -9 is unacceptable, can we cancel? I think the Lord will be honored in this lol…

Jerry Falwell @JerryJrFalwell @JusCallMe_Malik weather like this builds character! That’s why you’re in college!

students back when I was a teenager — they were that way — just really friendly and excited about the future, wanting to make a difference in the world. It’s PRESIDENT JERRY FALWELL AND HIS WIFE BECKI FALWELL

so much fun to joke with them in Convocation. I just like everything about Liberty students. That’s what makes

Andi Phillips @andiphillips10 @JerryJrFalwell when 2 or 3 are gathered in the name of prayer, it shall be done #PrayForDelay

this job enjoyable.”




e has more than 8,800 followers on Twitter and is president of the world’s largest Christian university. But who is Jerry Falwell? Well, wonder no more, because the Selah yearbook staff sat down with Falwell to get to know the

Jerry Falwell @JerryJrFalwell @andiphillips10 when 2 or 3 are gathered in prayer, that will keep them warm!

“We live on a farm, with four-wheelers and trails. We try to invite small groups out so they can do things

man behind the tweets.

they don’t normally get to do. That’s also why we have












and I always look forward to them. I’ve




to the school’s original vision and

But, you can’t build these mountains

mission, and being adaptable and

or these views, so it turned out to be

willing to change with the times but

the perfect spot.”

not to compromise the core principles … has been my main purpose. My


planning. Anybody will tell you my favorite

form back then. It wasn’t pretty at all.




connection to the history of the school gave me a unique platform to oversee that transition.”


in the early days, it was just metal

“Just the transition — there was a

buildings and not much landscaping,

lot of uncertainty. My dad was so key

not much green space, and not many

in the early days at the university;

“As far as any one place, I would

athletic facilities … The most fun part

there was a lot of concern about what

say the new academic lawn, not so

of the job has been to watch the

would happen when he passed. Would

much for what it is now, but what it’s

transformation from what it was: a

it continue on? A lot of places that

going to be. That’s probably going to

nondescript, very functional campus

had a very charismatic founder didn’t

be my favorite spot … I can’t stand

… into what you’d expect the world’s

do so well after the founder passed.

for anything to stay like it is for

largest Christian university to look

So keeping everybody unified and

very long. My wife and I, we live in

like. It was definitely substance over

pointed in the right direction, true

an old farmhouse that was 80 years


students up to the box at ball games. If we have any empty seats, sometimes we’ll just call students up. Talking to them one-on-one and on Twitter … interacting

Douglas Ricchini @ DRicchini @JerryJrFalwell hey, how about a Liberty University Drag Racing Strip???

with them either in person or over social media.”


Jerry Falwell @JerryJrFalwell @DRicchini we already have Wards Road!

“Well, there are quite a few. You have to just look through my account. It’s hard to say which one is my favorite, but we had a lot of fun when it was snowing that night and they were all begging me to close school.

Loghan Goins-Phillips @logss96 @JerryJrFalwell is literally the greatest.

I decided last year or the year before to let LUPD make those decisions, so by the time they come to me the decision has already been made.

So whatever it is, I

don’t give an inch on it. The cops are out at four o’ clock in the morning checking the roads, so I’m not about to second-guess them. If the answer is already ‘no,’ I might as well have a little fun with the students.”

Jerry Falwell @JerryJrFalwell @logss96 no, #libertyuniversity students are the greatest by far!







added to the Astronomical Observatory located on Liberty Mountain. This addition allowed students an unparalleled view of the heavens. In an interview with the Liberty News Service, observatory student-worker Michael Foose said, “The telescope is incredibly powerful and took over a year and a half to build. We control it through a computer. We can just click on something in the sky, such as Saturn or the moon, and the telescope will know where it is and track it.” The telescope was equipped with a roll-off roof and cameras to take digital images of the sky. The largest in the region, Liberty’s Astronomical Observatory brought stargazing to a whole new level.







n Oct.





Aeronautics’ (SOA) National

Intercollegiate Flying (NIFA)





claimed X





difference between first and last

first overall with 143 points, Charity

place can come down to less than a

Holland placed second overall and

second of timing.”


first in the female pilot competition

Over 80 percent of the winning


with 123 points, and Evan Thrams

team of Liberty pilots were first-

placed third with 102 points.

time competitors. The young team

title. The team scored a total of n Thursday evening, Sept. 18, students,

Cariello encouraged students to be examples

724 points, soaring high above the

alumni, and community members gathered

of Christ, even if they work in professions

two closest competitors, Averett



leadership of Liberty SOA-certified

for the opening of comic book artist Sergio Cariello’s

steeped in pop culture. As an example of how to


explained, “The landing events are

flight instructors Zach Floto, James

exhibit at the Liberty University Art Gallery.

live out one’s faith as an ar tist, Cariello shared

Naval Academy (453).


Curry, and Sean Clayton.

Junior Bethany Glasloe, who attended the

images from his own work on “ The Action Bible,”

event, explained, “Sergio Cariello talked about his

a 750 -page, full color graphic novel depicting

childhood in Brazil. He loved to draw cartoons,

over 200 Bible stories.

and at an early age he already knew that was





Liberty pilots swept the winner’s

Hartman, who has been named





about his career illustrating for Marvel and even


gave a few demonstrations on how to illustrate a

superheroes are, they need Jesus Christ just as

standard comic book page.”

much as any of us.”








the NIFA

years most





as Ranking showed a significant increase in online education interest

Placed directly after Harvard University and University of Cambridge

Liberty ranked 17th out of 20

Liberty enrolled over 90,000 online students in more than 250 degree programs ‘EVEN SUPERHEROES NEED A SAVIOR’




Lists Liberty Among World’s 20 Most Searched-For Universities



Senior Tommy McGuire said, “I really enjoyed

what he wanted to do with his life. Then he talked





attributed its success to the quality

Design by Melissa Breaux



n Sunday, Oct. 5, approximately 80 Liberty

growing anti-Christian and anti-Semitic atmosphere

students boarded a bus and traveled to

of modern campuses. She encouraged students to

Washington, D.C . to attend the Rally for Israel

stand up for what is right, even when it isn’t popular.

event, hosted by America Takes ACTION (ATA) and


Concerned Women for America (CWA).




University outside of the Capitol Building with Gov.

Design by Tenzi Chacha

Design by Brianne Crist

Design by Amy Yoon


his fall, four students’ apparel

at the ITA A conference alongside

Award for Sustainable Design for


professionals and students from

her dress made from garbage bags

across the world.

and soda tabs. This award marks



at the International Textile and

Chelsea Andrews, senior class president and

Mike Huckabee, Congressman Trent Franks, and


president of Liberty’s Young Women for America

countless other political leaders provided me with



accomplish anything,” said Crist. “This

chapter, was invited to address the crowd.

a unique platform to explain what anti-Semitism

N.C . The featured designs were

has only reaffirmed my passion for

looks like on college campuses.”

made from up-cycled materials as

design and created a huge desire in

given me the confidence to look

Also in attendance were two Liberty alumnae,

part of the university’s 2014 “Go

me to work towards my dreams, now

beyond the here-and-now and into

Penny Nance, president and CEO of CWA , and

Green, Go Glam!” fashion show.

knowing that they are attainable.”

the future. I feel like it has helped

Alison Howard, CWA’s communication director.

Students Melissa Breaux, Brianne

During this conference, Breaux

confirm that this is the path that

Crist, Amy Yoon, and Tenzi Chacha,

was given the Educators for Socially

God has set me on and that it is not

were selected to show their work


too late to follow my dreams.”

“As the only student asked to speak, I was honored and incredibly humbled to be a part of something greater than myself,” said Andrews. Andrews spoke out on behalf of pro-Israel college students all over the nation who struggle against the

“It was awesome to see a fellow student being allowed to represent Liberty University along with so many influential people. No one else is going to spread our message for us, so we must be willing to work hard to make our voices heard.” Kathryn Blass, SO

“I chose to attend the Rally for Israel because I am passionate about standing for what is right. Liberty students are called to be lights in an ever-dimming world. If we are politically active as a body, then we can bring about great change.” Ashton Harrison, SO

Association’s conference



“At this point, I feel like I can



the first time a Liberty student has won at any event of this type. Breaux






n an effort to live out the love of Christ, the university and Sodexo Dining Services

partnered with Lynchburg Daily Bread to help provide food and spread hope in the Lynchburg


community. Twice a week, the university donated


Daily Bread, explained, “This charity prepares



rewarding in recent years to see


having won seven Big South

how far our team has progressed

major Doug Stephens was Liberty’s

Championships, earned a landmark

— beating schools like University of

top scorer with a total of 425 points.

victory on Saturday, Oct. 4, when it

Pennsylvania, University of Virginia,

“I got involved with Quiz Bowl as

defeated an Ivy League opponent

Johns Hopkins, Duke, and others.

a freshman because I love academic

for the very first time. A close

It shows that our Liberty students

competition,” explained Senior Kaity




Shondelmyer, team captain of the

anybody, including the Ivy Leagues.”

Liberty A team. “Now, however, I







Pennsylvania ended in a win for the Liberty A varsity team with a final









stay because I’ve made many of my





closest friends while playing, and

Dr. Nutter, Quiz Bowl faculty

and the junior varsity team, Liberty

because Quiz Bowl prompts me

coach and Honors Program director,

B, defeated both the University of

to both excel in my classes and to

shared his enthusiasm: “It’s been so

Virginia (140 -80) and Virginia Tech

always continue learning.”

score of 125 to 105.




food to this active local charity. Senior Rachel Myers, a volunteer at Lynchburg and serves lunch seven days a week, including holidays, for those who do not have the means to do so for themselves or their family.” The

par tnership





place to ser ve and complete their Christian/ Community Ser vice (C SER) hours . Myers continued, “I chose to do my CSER at Lynchburg Daily Bread after I was able to see how much this service impacts those in the community, not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. I am truly honored to be able to help prepare and serve food to those in need.”










with the Liberty News Service that



the landmark opportunity to earn

he feels blessed to be a part of the

opening ceremony for the new Center

a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

university’s milestone .





Aug. hosted






(D. O.) degree, one of only two degrees

“The building is beautiful. We have



in existence that qualify graduates

state-of-the-art equipment to use,

features two full-sized auditoriums,

to practice medicine in all 50 states.

and the professors were handpicked

12 conference rooms, 16 small group

Liberty welcomed its first class of

from very prestigious universities,”

study rooms, and over 15,000 square

medical students in June 2014.


feet of laboratory space. The




of of






Arif Haseez, an EMT from New York

quickly become like family. It’s the


and a member of the first class of

camaraderie and togetherness that


LUCOM students, said in an interview

I’m enjoying the most.”







n Oct. 18 , four science students traveled to Virginia






attend the Virginia Academy of Science’s ( VAS) Fall Undergraduate meeting. Students competed in teams of two - against 25 other teams from across the state presenting upper-level research projects. Both Liber ty teams were successful, earning two of only six available


$500 research grants.


“ The VAS Undergraduate Meeting is an annual gathering




undergraduates ,”

explained junior biomedical sciences major Matthew Dalton , one of the four students invited to the event.


uring the Fall 2014 semester, the Benham

stood up for their faith, and God has been blessing

“ Their goal is to foster a passion for scientific discover y

brothers, real estate entrepreneurs and

them ever since. They advised us to hold to the

in undergraduates and promote meaningf ul research

words of the Bible, because the more you read,

in various scientific fields .”






Liberty University to share their story of faith

the stronger you feel when faced with sin.”

Dalton par tnered with senior Amanda Haz y to

and success. Both Liberty alumni, Jason and

After Convocation, the brothers shared business


David Benham sat down with David Nasser in

advice to students in the School of Business and


Convocation to discuss the experience of having

the School of Communication & Creative Arts.

Disease Mouse Model.” Junior Nathan MacGilvar y and

their HGTV show canceled.







E xpression



Dif ferential


Alzheimer ’s




n Nov. 17, Liberty was named the most popular university in America in an

“I loved that the Benham brothers said that they

senior John A zra also presented research related to

article published by Mic, a news website

explained , “ The

went into the business world as salty Christians.

Alzheimer ’s disease in a project titled “ Using Bisulfite

Benham brothers talked about their business

They taught us that knowing God’s Word will help

Sequencing to Determine Specific Ventilation Patterns

geared toward students. The article calculated

success in spite of trials. They spoke of how their

you in the real world. While a degree comes in

in Gene Regions Related to Alzheimer ’s Disease.”

popularity by measuring the percentage of

reality TV series, ‘Flip It Forward,’ had to be

handy, the real source of success is sincere, godly



S ainval

sacrificed because of their beliefs. The brothers

character,” said senior Erika Sovacool.

Hazy explained that while presenting in front of

growth in applications from 2003-2013, and

the judges was difficult, she was very grateful for the

then compiled a ranking of the top 25 schools.

opportunity. “I enjoyed the chance to share research that

Liberty topped the list with an impressive

I am passionate about in a professional environment,” she

993 percent growth, easily outranking the

said. “Matt and I worked hard to develop our research, and

next runner-up, St. John’s University in New

I was excited to be able to share the results of our work.”

York City, which reported a growth of 321 percent. According to the article, Liberty’s popularity also far outpaced that of US News top-ranked colleges such as Princeton University (65 percent growth) and Harvard University (67 percent growth). Over the past four years alone, enrollment at Liberty has increased by over 36,000. This year, more than 13,500 students were enrolled on campus and roughly 95,000 students online, making Liberty the largest private, nonprofit four-year university in the country.









began planning an undergraduate

While computer science majors

technology, faced with potential

cyber security cognate, combining



classes already offered to help



create both degree programs.

relates to cyber security, it will be







computational sciences program




frequently class


has been working to equip its

Charlie Snyder, a member of

beneficial for students interested

graduates with the skills necessary

the university’s Cyber Defense

in security to take classes with an

to keep cyberspace secure. In the

Club, which competes against

emphasis on security and have

fall, the School of Engineering &



this experience on their degree.”

Computational Sciences launched

challenges based on real-world

The programs are practical and

a new master’s degree in cyber



emphasize hands on training. The

security created specifically for

think Liberty is smart to realize

university worked with leading

graduates with computer science



companies in the industry to allow



professionals, and I think it is wise

students the opportunity to train

working in the field. They also

of Liberty to begin training them.

using specialized labs.



colleges events, need



explained, cyber





Spring 2015, the Department

of Studio & Digital Arts, under

the School of Communication and








Bachelor of Fine Arts

(BFA) and Master of Fine Arts (MFA).


Students in the 127-credit-hour BFA


graduate students in the 60-credit-

program chose to focus on either Studio Art or Graphic Design, and

n Feb. 24-25, ministries


from around the country

gathered in the university’s Jerry








were so open to talking to students and offered great opportunities to get involved in ministry.” After the event was over, representatives were encouraged





students, answering questions about their ministries.


design, “I love the faculty and couldn’t wait to continue working under them. My experience in undergrad was so great that I couldn’t stay away! It is a great privilege to be in the first class of the MFA, and I couldn’t resist getting to be a pioneer in a program that will be Training Champions for Christ in the years to come.” Joey Wright, Graduate Student



photography; three-dimensional art, sculpting



and graphic design, such as Web

“It was really encouraging to that


art, such as drawing, painting, and including

Savannah Brooks explained, see


included courses in two-dimensional

network with students as part Planting


Both the BFA and MFA programs


of the eighth annual Church


Studio and Digital Art.




animation, and print design. The programs were designed to offer a more focused concentration in the student’s area of study, preparing the graduate for a career in the arts or graphic design while encouraging them to be a witness for Christ.

“I love that with the BFA program I get to focus on one area of study instead of a more generalized approach.” Micayla Gibby, SO





uring the 2014 -15 school year, construction




the new Center for Music and the Worship Ar ts , located on the main academic corridor near the Jerr y Falwell Hall.


facilit y

Librar y




140,0 0 0 -square -feet,







teaching studios , 50 practice rooms , and a fine ar ts concer t hall capable

events, such as junior and senior


more stud



a primary

(LUCOM) started its newest project, a

women’s health services. The center

due to the

primary care center for the Lynchburg

also included a diagnostic lab and

providers i

area. The purpose of the medical

X-ray capabilities.


of seating 1 ,60 0 guests . A separate recital hall for smaller

osteopathic manipulative medicine,

College of Osteopathic Medicine

clinic was to serve the community


linked 4 -stor y buildings housing 40

his spring, the Liberty University




“I am taking Chemistry 302

professors held classes in the



First-year medical student Jessica will

first year

allow us to serve the community, which


experienced faculty and staff.

has so graciously embraced us, and

was creat

provide more opportunities for people





to have their health needs taken care of










and has s

with the opportunity to study under Through partnerships with Central

n Spring 2015, students and


in the new Science Hall, and

recitals, was also planned. “I think

MD Resources, the facility offered

by caring, compassionate individuals.


newly constructed Science Hall


that having several designated areas

family medicine, internal medicine,

Hopefully, the clinic will also encourage

future phy

for the first time. The 4-story,

sophomore Joel Brenny. “What

for voice, piano, instrumental music,



etc., will be very helpful to students,”

which more than tripled the size

laboratories is the spaciousness

explained junior Greta Hanks. “Each

of the former science facilities,

and the new equipment. Liberty

department is going to have its own


area, and there will also be various






amazing,” about


said new



students are able to have the



best experience possible for

computer labs, composition labs, and

Chemistry and the Department

learning about God’s creation.”

at least one recording studio, making

of Health Professions.

it easier for students to write and








Professions ,


The academic portion of the facility









promotion ,











of fered

degrees in athletic training,

was expected to be complete and for


The Depar tment of Health

The new facility also included

produce their own music.”








Center for Digital


semester. While many u


addressing digital awa




first university to devo

2015 with the fine arts auditorium

degrees in biomedical sciences,

technology, including a Netus

expected to open in Spring 2016.

providing educational re



balance system , an Ultrasound

the healthy, biblical use


Imaging system , an Isokinetic

molecular and





Senior Shaquille Coo

Testing system , and a Delsys

we are presented with

access to a gene sequencer,



difference in the world,

GC mass spectrometer, and a

had access to four new labs:

opportunities because w




digital lives and devices.




system . Center

Students for

spectrometer. Twenty biology

Analysis ,


for Digital Wellness, I le



Assessment Lab, the Human

relationships with digita

including cadaver, cell culture,

Per formance Lab, and the Jef f

engage with the people

and research, were also added

Taylor Athletic Training Lab.




to the new facilities.

Dr. Sylvia Hart Frejd degree



leadership, is the founde

of the new center. She

addiction and recover “The new cadaver lab is spacious, well equipped, and has state-of-the-art video technology so students can see exactly how the instructor is performing the dissection. Having the opportunity to learn from cadaver dissection at the undergraduate level is incredible.” Christa Brown, JR



author of ”The Digital I

faith-based approach t

has also lectured for cl

other events at the univ

develop healthy digital b





THE LITTLE MERMAID Alluvion Stage Company


“I love that Liberty took home so many gold and silver awards this year — we really killed it. I am so proud of everyone, and it is clear that the students here are gifted and have a keen eye for design. It especially excites me that we can represent the success of a Christian school because, as Jerry Falwell Sr. used to say, “if it’s Christian, it ought to be better.” Soren Conrad, SR, Winner of Gold in Collateral Material (Poster, Single) and Collateral Material (Book Design)

n 2014-15, Liberty’s Department of Theatre Arts presented eight shows that created a

wonderful season filled with laughter, drama, and music. The season began with the Central Virginia premiere of “The Little Mermaid,” in partnership with Alluvion Stage Company. Next came the historical drama “A Man for All Seasons,” a study of Thomas More’s struggle with Henry VIII’s decision to separate from the Catholic Church. The Tower Theater then featured a series of

CHARLEY’S AUNT Anderson Pusey and Lindsey Register

“When submitting my work, I was hopeful, but I was not expecting to win, so when I did, I was overjoyed. My heart was racing, and my hands were shaky and sweaty. I was so excited that someone took interest in my work and that my hard work paid off.” Kelsey Bengtson, SR, Winner of Gold in Elements of Advertising (Logo)

1937 Pulitzer Prize winner, “You Can’t Take It With You.” In January, Alluvion presented “Peter and the Starcatcher.” The Tony Award-winning play was staged in the Warehouse Theater in downtown Lynchburg, providing a more intimate The







PETER AND THE STARCATCHER Kara Faraldi, Jonathan Hogue, Jacob Beasley, Jeremy Webb, Audrey Moore, Andy Geffken, Cameron Jones, Ryan Scanlon, Alex Miller, Brett Schultz, Neal Brasher

“As if the mass amount of awards that Liberty took away last year wasn’t impressive enough, we somehow managed to double our recognition this year. I am so grateful to be surrounded by such talented designers as I learn how to improve my own craft.” Kelly Byers, SR, Winner of Gold in Digital Advertising (Mobile Apps) and Best of Student Work

musical, “South Pacific,” followed by “Everyman,” Middle Ages. The 2014-15 season concluded with an Alluvion production of the musical adaptation of “The Secret Garden.”

“I love the fact that I tell a story and that I give life to a character, but my favorite part of being in ‘A Man For All Seasons’ was the camaraderie with the cast and crew. Liberty’s theatre department does a great job of having talented and passionate people in shows. Years from now, I might not really remember much about the show, but I will remember the people I worked with and the friendships that grew out of such a memorable experience.” Cody Hill, SR


niversity students won over 75 awards at the Western Virginia Student Advertising Awards (formerly the ADDY Awards) on Feb. 28 in Roanoke,

Va. The 39 students, who represented the university’s Department of Studio & Digital Arts, collected 34 gold awards and 41 silver awards — a significantly larger number than the 40 awards won last year. Liberty students took home more

and two out of three Judges’ Choice awards. At the 2015 National American Advertising Awards in June, students Emily Hoover, Kelly Byers, and Brianna Nissen won Student Silver for their website design.


PA RTNER IN FAITH n January, the university announced its partnership with No. 1 New

York Times best-selling author Karen

a morality play that was first performed in the late

“Getting to be in the cast of ‘Peter and the Starcatcher’ in 2015 was an absolute joy, and I learned so much about God and His love for me through it. Each of the 12 shows I've gotten to do these past four years has been so unique, and I've been blessed to serve in a variety of ways, both onstage and backstage, so it's hard to pick favorites!” Kara Faraldi, SR

Danielle Heitzman

Advertising Awards in March, students went on to receive two gold, six silver

“Charley’s Aunt” set in Oxford, England, and the

schedule with the classic Rodgers & Hammerstein


Charissa Cox

awards than any other school in the competition. At the 2015 District III American

comedies, beginning with the 19th-century farce

performance experience.

Soren Conrad


SOUTH PACIFIC Jonathan Hart, Michael Pigliavento, Ryan Scanlon, Jonathan Hogue, Michael Brennan, Austin Joseph, Jacob Beasley, Jared Calhoun, Nathanael Westover, Dean Anthony Cestari

“The Western Virginia Student Advertising Awards are a chance to establish yourself as a designer. The awards not only allow you to get your foot in the door of design, but also allow you to make connections in the design community as you near the end of your education and move closer to beginning life in the professional world.” Charissa Cox, JR, Winner of Gold in Collateral Material (Publication Series) and Sales Promotion (CD Design) “When they called my name, the feeling was surreal. Having been invited to the awards ceremony, I knew that I had at least won silver, but winning gold was a total surprise!” Danielle Heitzman, SR, Winner of Gold in Sales Promotion (Point of Purchase)

Kingsbury. Kingsbury was welcomed as a visiting professor for the English and creative writing programs, and developed




specifically for the university’s use. Through


established Liberty






Kingsbury Scholarship.

At the April College For A Weekend, Kingsbury was a guest lecturer in creative writing classes, sharing her experiences in writing and publishing with students. Sophomore Heather Fox commented, “I am absolutely ecstatic about Liberty’s partnership with






experience and wisdom; I believe the students here at Liberty can only benefit from this partnership.”




ince 1985, Liberty University has been a pioneer in distance education. In 2015, over 95,000 students were enrolled in Liberty University’s online program. In email interviews, online students from around the world shared their experiences as part of Liberty’s thriving online community.


Jon L. Needler Anderson, Ind.

Karen Hardaway Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Stephanie Rice Lantana, Texas


Joshua McKee Omaha, Ill.

Robert DeVinck Wailea, Hawaii

Priscilla Jews Gaithersburg, Md.


“After graduation, I plan to work for a major hospital in Anchorage, traveling to remote areas of Alaska to assist with crisis and trauma counseling needs.” Shay Klingbiel McGrath, Alaska Psychology

“I tried the traditional classroom setting and did not like it. Liberty Online allows me to work at my own pace to achieve my goals. When I graduate, I hope to become a chaplain at the nursing home where I work.” Thomas Gaddis Hammond, Ind. Double Major in Psychology and Theological Studies

“I chose Liberty Online because my job has a tendency to move me around quite a bit. When I graduate, I hope to begin working for one of the police departments back home.” Michael Marsh Seoul, South Korea Criminal Justice

“I believe God is going to use the injuries I sustained in the military along with my degree in order to reach wounded veterans at veteran’s hospitals.” Christopher Monticue Okinawa, Japan Business Administration

“I intend to pursue a law degree, but I am determined to use whatever opportunity God places in my path.” Robert Dotson Cave Creek, Ariz. Business Leadership

“My favorite aspect of Liberty Online is the family atmosphere. Even though I live so far away from the campus, every faculty and staff member makes me feel I am getting the support I need to succeed.” Gregory Kleiner Randolph, Mass. Accounting

“Through the Liberty Online Facebook community, I’ve made some close friends. One of them lives in a city about 10-15 minutes away from me, and we’re planning to meet face-toface soon.” Sharon Burgmon Baton Rouge, La. Elementary Education Psychology

“Thus far, the most effective study trick I’ve found is to wait for my precious little girls to go to bed before trying to do homework. Let’s be honest, when I have an opportunity to spend time with them, studying doesn’t stand a chance!” Brian Stroka Hattiesburg, Miss. Management Information Systems

LaFrieeda Busby Charlotte, N.C.

Brenda Trammell Concord, N.H.

Gerry Sorensen Massillon, Ohio

Helen Sheppard Richland, Miss.

Bryce Rodgers Lynchburg, Va.

Dorothy Hasselmann Vero Beach, Fla.



ver Winter Break, nursing students



traveled to Togo to encourage and




minister to the Togolese people.

Bethany Rauscher, Abby Ponder, Rachel Krause, Kari Stanley

Students used over half their luggage space to carry Christmas gif ts and much-needed medical supplies





learned about the lives of the Togo





missionaries who work there. The nursing students worked in the Hôpital Baptiste Biblique, assessing patients, administering medications,





providing Bethany

Rauscher explained, “One thing that is unique about this hospital is that its primary focus is spiritual care. So while we were able to help meet the physical needs of the Togolese, we also got to experience

Nurse from hospital, Kari Stanley, Rachel Krause, Kristen Baber



gospel-centered atmosphere of the hospital as the staff sought to lead patients to the eternal healing that comes through faith in God.” The students returned home in the new year, having been



through the experience.

Bethany Rauscher


Kristen Baber

Abby Ponder








CONCERTS ON CAMPUS Student Activities offered more than 100 events throughout the year, 16 of which were concerts by a variety of well-known artists. “Student Activities brought in some of my favorite bands. Every concert was an awesome opportunity to hang out with friends and enjoy good music. My favorite artist was John Mark McMillan, because his lyrics communicated the Gospel well and in a refreshing way,” said sophomore Jamie Otto. Other notable artists included Andy Mineo, All Sons & Daughters, Britt Nicole, and Andrew Belle. Many of the concerts took place in the LaHaye Event Space, which provided an intimate environment for students to enjoy








unforgettable musical performances.




















support of the ALS Association. The stadium

students assembled at Williams Stadium for

erupted with cheers as buckets of ice water



were dumped on the couple’s heads. President







said freshman Harrison Mead. “The

the deluge, students chose to

President’s Kickoff. Hosted by the Athletics

Falwell then challenged the students to take



Block Party was a great chance to

embrace the rain as part of the



part in the fundraising movement and used a

Saturday, Aug. 23, for Student

hang out with my friends and hear

Block Party experience.

students the opportunity to learn some of the

fire hose to douse the front rows of the stands.


some awesome music.”











participating in the Ice Bucket Challenge in


the food trucks and it was delicious!”



n a beautiful Friday evening in August,

record number of students in



Sophomore Kyle Burton said


A few well-known faces arrived


the carnival-style event, which

to participate in the event, including


culminated in an outdoor concert




family, along with TV personality

the best concert I have ever gone

John Luke Robertson from the

to. I loved jumping in the pouring

reality show “Duck Dynasty.”




















Freshman Kelsey Lynn Ellis was among those


freshman Leah Depiero. “My favorite part was

blown away that President Falwell and his

getting to be with all of the other freshmen and

wife did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. It was

seeing the school spirit that Liberty has.”

awesome how they donated money for each







and John Luke Rober tson,” said

myself be free. It was an amazing



junior Alyssa Hill. “ We were able


fencing club, food from local food

to get a picture, too. It was so

truck companies, free rides on a full-

random , but so great! ”







including an inflatable moon bounce,

“I had a Greek salad from one of


challenged to get involved, “I was definitely

closest friends, and just letting

sized Ferris wheel, and more.



“I really liked my first Liberty event!” said

“ We met the Falwell family



university’s classic game day traditions.












Midway through the evening, President Jerry Falwell and his wife surprised the students by

the start of the Fall 2014 semester.


myotrophic lateral sclerosis (A L S), also known



G ehrig’s

Disease ,



degenerative disease that at tacks the ner ve cells in the brain and spinal cord . Par ticipants in the I ce B ucket Challenge , which was star ted to “The Block Party was a great time to hang out with friends, play some cool games, and enjoy rocking out in the pouring rain. Definitely a night well spent.” Nathan Lee, SR

“NEEDTOBREATHE brought southern soul to Liberty University. Hearing this band live was such an amazing experience and was one of the best concerts I have ever attended.” Jessica Snow, JR

raise both awareness of the disease and f unds

30 30

“The Block Party gave students a great chance to visit with each other. It rained, but I’m really glad I stayed! The concert was great and lots of fun!” Karen Murphy, JR

“I accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge because it is a powerful and creative way to spread awareness and raise financial support for ALS research. It has become one of the most effective social media movements in recent memory. This movement has affected virtually every person I know who has an online presence.” Andy Murphree, SR

for a cure , were challenged to dump a bucket of ice water over their heads and then encouraged to nominate three more pe ople to do the same . M embers

“The Oh Hellos are a favorite band of mine. Their high energy and tight vocal harmonies were on point! It was truly fantastic!” Emi Oyama, SO

what my years at Liberty will be like!”




took the stage, a sudden downpour

person that got wet. I’m very excited about



universit y ’s



gladly took par t in this chilly challenge . D ue to the viral success of the movement , over $ 1 0 0 million was donated to the c ause .

“The staff of the Liberty Champion took the challenge to honor Dr. Schwartz, whose wife Sharon recently died of ALS. As a former student of his, I know how much he loved her, and I know how horrible of a disease it is. So as Digital Media and Communication Arts students, we wanted to honor one of our very own professors and raise awareness.” Emily Brown, JR



s part of the new campus-wide health and wellness initiative, Live Healthy Liberty, the Liberty Farmer’s Market

was added to the university’s weekly events. Every Thursday, the market was held in the Doc’s parking lot and offered produce from local farmers and handmade products from community vendors. “There are a lot of local vendors and small businesses trying to put their names out there at the market. It provides a good

“It’s a cute atmosphere. There are a lot of vendors with a wide variety of products. I think it’s cool that the campus garden is here because I feel a lot of people don’t realize we have a garden and what they do. It’s great to see them so involved.” Felicia St Clair, SR

“David Nasser cares a lot for the students. We can tell if someone really cares about us or if they’re just trying to make a good appearance, and David Nasser genuinely cares about the student body and our needs.” Abby Chennells, FR

opportunity for students to sample their products. I’ve had lots of samples, and they’re all very good,” said freshman Nick DelAguila. The Morris Campus Garden, one of the 30 vendors at the market, also had the opportunity to sell produce and discuss its agricultural principles with students. Senior Sage Lewis said,

“The Liberty Farmer’s Market has lots of local and homegrown products. You can find healthy, organic options and support local farmers and businesses.” Logan Price, FR

“Here at the campus garden, we get to be a part of this event and “David Nasser represents Liberty well, especially as a campus pastor. I am grateful for his desire to bring us together as a community, even through things as simple as bringing prayer requests to our attention at Convocation. I am incredibly thankful for the leadership he has brought and his honesty in some difficult times.” Rebecca Turner, SR

sell our organic produce that we grow ourselves.”

C H R I ST M AS IN L IG H T S “It was so fun listening to Christmas music while watching the Christmas tree and all the trees up and down the boulevard light up!” Emalea Kempner, FR


undreds of students braved 20 -degree weather to gather in front of DeMoss Hall for the fifth

annual Christmas in Lights celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 18. This university tradition, hosted by Student Activities, put students into the holiday spirit with live music, refreshments, and an ugly Christmas sweater

“Christmas in Lights is a great time for people to come and hang out with friends. It’s also the perfect time to get into the Christmas spirit by watching Liberty’s beautiful campus light up.” John Henry, SO

contest. President Jerry Falwell and his wife, Becki, welcomed students and lit the main tree along with all the trees lining University Boulevard, marking the official start to the university’s Christmas festivities.


n August 2014, the university



up the normal rhythm of Convocation

announced the hiring of David

Outreach and Christ City Church

with time specifically set aside to pray,

near Birmingham, Alabama.

worship, and fellowship each month.”







president for spiritual development. In












unity through Liberty’s campus by

schedule for Monday Convocation

implementing changes in Convocation,

messages, setting aside the first


including a new “in-the-round” stage

Monday of the month for prayer,

the Center for Global Engagement,


the second for praise, the third for

and Campus Community (formerly

seating and a better view of speakers.


Campus Church).




managed the university’s spiritual including






“David Nasser brought a lot of

“perspective,” the







Born in Iran, Nasser was raised

innovative strategies with him to help

speakers whose views might not

in an Islamic family. Nasser and his

Liberty better accomplish its purpose

match the students’ own beliefs,

family eventually fled during the

of Training Champions for Christ,”

and the final Monday of the month

Iranian Revolution, and later came

explained senior Jon Bateman. “The

for “play,” bringing in comedians to

to live in the United States. At 18

new Monday Convocation schedule

entertain students.

years old, he became a Christian

gives us a great opportunity to break




fter announcing his 2016 presidential candidacy on Twitter, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas spoke at

Convocation on Monday, March 23. The senator first spoke at Convocation last year and felt so welcomed that he began his campaign at the university. Cruz spoke to students about faith, American values, and his vision for the presidency. According to President Jerry Falwell, this was a historic time for both the university and the city of Lynchburg. “We’re honored that political candidates are now requesting to appear at Liberty,” Falwell said. “We never had that happen years ago — we had to invite them. I think it’s a testament to what Liberty students have accomplished and what they are accomplishing.” Cruz began his speech by telling stories from his life about faith and the American dream. He tied his stories and conservative values to his political platform, promising to repeal Obamacare, to seek immigration and tax reform, and to stand with Israel. He also promised to defend the unborn, gun rights,







“The greatest impact Ted Cruz’s speech had on me as an individual was the fact that he was unabashedly conservative. Deciding to begin his campaign at Liberty University – the largest evangelical college in the entire world – speaks volumes about his character. He knew that the media would attack him for that decision. However, by beginning his campaign at Liberty, he communicated a lot. I believe the action was a request for God’s blessing and favor on Cruz’s campaigning endeavor. He did not compromise.” Erica Tomlin, FR


for all Americans. Cruz summarized his vision by saying, “It is a time for truth. It is a time for liberty. It is a time to reclaim


n for








the Constitution of the United States. I am honored


to stand with each and every one of you courageous


conservatives as we come together to reclaim the

Services, Math Emporium, and Med-Serve, a

promise of America, to reclaim the mandate, the hope,

student community service group, hosted a

and opportunity for our children and our children’s

“Be The Match” Bone Marrow Registration

children. We stand together for liberty.”

Drive. The drive was held on behalf of one of the university’s staff, Debbie Kelly, who had


been unsuccessful in finding a bone marrow donor to help her with her battle against cancer and myelodysplastic syndrome.


One of the main organizers of the event and member of Med-Serve, Emily Ridge, had

uring spring finals week, Student Activities, the Reber-Thomas Dining Hall, and the Jerry Falwell

a special interest in helping with the drive.

Library (JFL) helped students unwind by bringing in a

“A bone marrow transplant” the junior explained,

variety of food and events. Student Activities showed

“can be the difference between life and death

movies in the LaHaye Event Space, as well as provided

for a person suffering from a blood cancer. I

professional massages, popcorn, relaxation stations with

have experienced this firsthand because I am a 20-year leukemia and bone marrow transplant survivor. The drive was such a blessing to be a part of, and I loved every minute of it.” The drive was extremely successful with more than 600 students, faculty, and staff attending— over eight times more than the average turnout for a college bone marrow drive.

Nintendo 64s, and photo booths during De-Stress Fest.

“I decided to register because I came to realize that if God gave me a healthy body, I should be willing to use it to help others by volunteering to donate blood and bone marrow. My body is not my own; rather it should be used for God’s glory, and if that goes into furthering someone else’s life, that would be awesome!” Adriane Guy, JR

Freshman Xandra Weaver said, “The de-stress events were fantastic. It was great to just have something free and fun to do to relax during finals. I particularly loved the movies, photo booths, and Play-Doh at the LaHaye Student Union.” The Reber-Thomas Dining Hall offered late night snacks and sweets at its Cram Jam event. The JFL DeStress Central event featured games and coloring books, AMBUR SMITH AND STEPH DEMMON

and the library provided therapy dogs, popcorn, bubbles, and crafts at various times before and after exams.



















71 Sounds of Praise REE













Count It Loss

Present Tense


Sandbox Scars

David and the Dukes

Split Decision

Divine Dance Call Elmer and the Townspeople Melodies from Heaven

The Mistle-tones The Power Mangers World’s Greatest Coffee

Peacemakers Crew


36 36

















“This year, I really liked the videos in Christmas Coffeehouse, and I thought they were very creative. Some of the dance performances were also fun to watch. Overall, I thought everyone did a great job tying the theme, ‘Christmas at the Movies,’ into the show.” Alex Vogel, SR

“In my family, we traditionally have a Christmas movie marathon, so I loved that Student Activities chose Christmas movies as the theme this year. It made my last year at Liberty very memorable. The video about Rudolf was one of my favorites!” Kandice Hamilton, SR

“My favorite thing about coffeehouse was the great variety of acts. From the videos to the performance, it was all fantastic. My favorite act was Sleigh Bells & Hay Bales. They were absolutely amazing.” Zachary Scott, SO

“This was definitely my favorite Christmas Coffeehouse to date! The theme, ‘Christmas at the Movies,’ was great. The students all did an amazing job on their performances.” Kaila Niehaus, SR

“This was my first Christmas Coffeehouse, and I thought it was amazing. I was surprised and really impressed by the talent of the students who performed. ” Johnny Salter, FR

“Christmas Coffeehouse always puts me in the spirit of Christmas! I really enjoyed getting to watch my talented classmates perform — especially in the videos. It was a great night and provided the perfect ending to the semester.” Ashley Hancock, SR













ACT LIST David and the Dukes


Dogwood & Holly

Quiet Ninjas

D-Trex Jonny and the Peaches Lenny & the Kravitz Live Long and Prosper Marilyn Manbun MCN

“This year the acts were all really solid! There was a lot more energy than I’ve seen in past Coffeehouses — probably because most of us are all ’90s kids!” Joanna Garcia, SR

The Boombox Saints D -T

The Elmer Tones



The Frontstreet Boys The Toxic Circus Vegan Llamas

“I think the coolest thing about this semester’s Coffeehouse was performing and hearing people sing along to the songs we were playing. Not just because they were familiar songs, but because we all grew up singing these songs in the ’90s.” Kyle Dunscomb, SR

38 38

“Spring Coffeehouse was an exhilarating experience for me and produced a roller coaster of emotions, from the terror produced by the Furby video to the hilarity of the RA’s video. The live performances were awesome too, especially D-Trex and the “Jesus Freak” cover!” Leah DePiero, FR

“The ’90s theme of this Coffeehouse spoke to everything good about my childhood. It evoked so much nostalgia.” Ben Walters, SR

“Out of all my four years here at Liberty, this Coffeehouse was the best one by far.” Danny Schofield, SR



The Posers

“Even though I didn’t recognize some of the songs and references, I thought the quality of the performances was really great. I especially thought the D-Trex dance routine was pretty amazing.” Seth Rosamilia, FR








































n Nov. 5, political commentator and New York Times best-selling





all of Fame quar terback, cancer sur vivor,








Tomlin performed at Convocation

author Oliver North spoke at the

Jim Kelly, along with his wife Jill

on Monday, Nov. 3, for a crowd of over

Military Emphasis Week Convocation.


The retired United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel spoke on the


10,000 students. Recognized by CNN as

Liber ty, shared their testimony at





“the undisputed king of worship music,”

Convocation on Friday, Oct. 24 .

Tomlin has won two Billboard Music

importance of America’s military and

Before Kelly’s battle with cancer,

those who serve with bravery, sacrifice,

his son, Hunter, was diagnosed with

and commitment. Videos and images

Krabbe Disease. Hunter’s death in

of North reporting from the front lines

2005 led the Kelly family to place


for FOX News showed examples of true

their trust in Christ.

presence as he led them in some of

awards, a Grammy award, and 21 Gospel Music Association Dove Awards. Despite his fame, Tomlin impressed with




heroism, such as the story of a Marine

When Kelly was diagnosed with

who carried a wounded enemy soldier

cancer in 2013, his new foundation of

“ The stage was empty except for

out of battle on his back.

hope in Christ strengthened him through

a keyboard , two guitars , and two

Junior Cameron Swathwood said,

many painful cancer treatments. Now

microphones ,” explained sophomore

“Lt. Col. North is a great example of

cancer free, Kelly uses the trials he has

Jef frey McCracken . “ I liked the low-

someone who has a sincere affection

encountered to encourage and touch

key, acoustic atmosphere. It made

both for this country and the men and

the lives of others.

him seem like less of a superstar and

women in the armed services, and it was inspiring to hear from him.”

his most famous worship songs .

“Don’t stop fighting,” Kelly told

more of just a guy leading worship. It

the students. “I live every day like

was special to sing with the man who

North told the crowd that the

it’s my last, but I enjoy every day. So

actually wrote the songs .”

U.S. military are great role models,

enjoy every day that you can and be

and he challenged them to be the

blessed with what you have.”

Tomlin also debuted songs from his CD, “Love Ran Red,” which was released

same. “Being a role model is the most

on Oct. 27. Following Convocation,

important thing you can be,” North

Tomlin offered copies of the album to

said. “The only way to lead is by being

students at a discounted price.

up front. And the best way to lead is to set the example.”

40 40




n Friday, Jan. 30, Beth Moore, renowned speaker, best-selling author, and founder of Living Proof Ministries spoke at Convocation. B efore M oore took the stage , Christian recording ar tist Kari J obe led students in worship with Liber t y C ampus B and . Moore talked about what truly loving God looks like. “ You can love the Word of God and still not love God,” she said. “ You can admire Him, be grateful to Him, appreciate Him, worship Him, and study Him. However, I am talking about devotion, not just discipline, but also passion.” Senior Natalie Morrison said, “Beth Moore reminded me that it is easy to get caught up in obedience to the Lord, but forget that the greatest command is to love the Lord your God.” M oore f inished by challenging students to ask G od to be the driving desire of their lives ever y day for six months .


former contestant on ABC ’s “The Bachelorette” and “The Bachelor,” Sean Lowe came to speak to students in Convocation on Monday, Feb. 16. Lowe discussed his desire to maintain a relationship with God while on national television. Being on television gave Lowe a platform to share his faith, he said. He witnessed to his fellow contestants, and one man gave his life to Christ af ter the show. Lowe also shared with students about being labeled the “virgin bachelor” by the media. Sophomore Allie Kapus stated, “I really respected Sean Lowe’s take on purity. I admired how he made a commitment to abstinence until marriage, proclaimed it publicly, and followed through on it.” Lowe ended with a plea for students to take responsibility for their faith and start living for Christ today.



att Chandler, lead pastor of teaching at The Village Church, spoke at Convocation on April 10, during the last College For A Weekend event of the spring semester. The Christian duo, Shane & Shane, opened for Chandler, leading the students and visitors in worship. Chandler preached on Hebrews 11-12, encouraging students to be honest about their struggles and imperfections, avoiding the temptation to create a veneer of perfection. He explained, “If you are a Christian, [the] high points and low points in your life are about a holy God chiseling, shaping, and molding in a way that, a lot of times, we can’t fathom.” Freshman April Henry said, “It was such a privilege and encouragement to be able to listen to Matt Chandler bring an inspiring message about fighting sin and focusing on Jesus as our perfector.” Chandler closed by encouraging students to connect with a local church — one that will provide a support structure for following Christ even in difficult times.




he Flames Softball team kicked off

“The new stadium is completely

its season with the grand opening

different than the little field we used to

Kotchey said she looks forward to



play on,” said freshman softball player

using the stadium during her time on

expansion of the LaHaye Student Union. The

stadium. The facility replaced the old

Madison Kotchey. “It’s our own little

the team. “Access to the new facility

transformation included the addition of several

softball field, which was built in 1994

sanctuary — it has all we need.”

is going to improve me as an athlete,


he university’s campus rebuilding continued


with the renovation and 67,000 -square-foot


incorporated into the facility.

and had a 500-person capacity. The

The stunning location also included

she said, “because now I have the

new stadium included 1,000 chairback

a large athletic training room and

space and equipment to work out and

wall, and triple the previous amount of cardio and

seats, a video scoreboard, an AstroTurf


improve my skills at any time.”

weight equipment.

outfield, and an infield covered with

rooms, a team meeting room, and

special, water-repellent dirt.

updated coaches’ offices were also

new recreational areas, such as a mezzanine level with a view of Liberty Mountain, a 40 -foot rock


“The new LaHaye offers many diverse options to





stay fit and active. The open layout is so inviting, and I cannot think of a single piece of equipment that we do not have! The way each section is divided


makes working out a breeze, and the various workout rooms really help with crowd control,” said


senior Brooke Bradshaw. The expansion also included the new LaHaye Event Space, which featured seating for up to 650 people, a large stage, and specialized acoustics. This much-needed space allowed students to enjoy the wide array of university and Student Activities



his year marked the opening of the university’s first parking garage.

Construction on the five-level structure, which

events hosted throughout the year.

began with the demolition of Worthington Stadium in 2013, was completed at the beginning of the Fall 2014 semester.

“I love the new rock wall. I think it’s a great addition to the gym. It’s great that LaHaye offers that level of cardio. You can’t find that in any other gym, so it’s really cool to utilize that.” Logen Hodges, JR

“Most of the traffic will come into the tunnel and go directly into the parking garage, without driving around campus. It will be a quieter campus, a more peaceful place — less traffic, less noise,” said President Jerry Falwell

“The new LaHaye Event Space is surprisingly spacious. It was a good use of space in the new expansion and is quite a versatile facility.” Kyle Young, SR

in an interview with Liberty’s News Office. The addition of the garage opened up 1,400 brand-new, centrally located parking spaces for use by students, faculty, staff, and visitors. LAHAYE EVENT SPACE











updated this year to better accommodate growing




expanded the seating capacity to serve 2,200 customers, a new self-swipe entry system was introduced to eliminate long lines, five new serving stations were added, and the interior layout was completely reorganized.


“I really appreciate the more open floor plan,” said senior Caleb Figgers. “Before the





addition of 40 seats and complimentar y soup and salad bar. The service process was streamlined with pagers and touch-screen kiosks, allowing students to receive their food faster than ever before received.

“It is so much better. They now have a lot more variety and options in terms of food, and the serving stations make it so much easier to order. There’s no more waiting in long lines.” Sullivan Brady, JR

Many of the new serving stations were designed “The new layout of Doc’s is different, but it works really well. The food is even fresher, and I think the new salad bar is a great addition.” Kathryn Crouthamel, JR

to offer healthy, nutritious meals prepared fresh for each student. The Mongolian Grill, Homestyle BBQ, and Rise & Shine Breakfast Nook have

the new dormitory marked the first completed

quickly become student favorites.

phase of the Champion Circle makeover.

Junior Caleb Shirey said he was impressed with

“I chose to live on the Commons because

the new options. “The pulled pork sandwich section

af ter attending Liberty for four years and NEW RESIDENTIAL COMMONS

and the dessert section are my favorites,” he said. “The desserts always have good variety, and I love

benefits,” said senior Charles Snellings. “I

that BBQ pork is a staple food option now.”

love the interior layout; it seems much more

Vegetarian and allergen-free options were

like an apartment, which is a great segue to

also expanded, earning Liberty a No. 7 spot on


the National Top 10 Gluten Free Accommodating

The new dorm provided more privacy by

Colleges list for 2014.

offering students living on Main Campus two-

“I’ve really enjoyed the wellness station. As

person rooms with individual bathrooms for

a vegetarian, I appreciate having a variety of

the very first time. “ We have enough room to

meat-free meals made available to me,” said

spread out and decorate our room how we

junior Abbie Brubaker. THE COMMON AREA


The building also offered new community spaces. Senior Ellie Erisman explained, “The floors in the Residential Commons are made up of two wings, one for the girls and one for the guys. The two halls are connected in the center by a common area, which my floor has renamed ‘the family room.’ All the students

“My hall has started this game in the common area called ‘Slothpocalypse’ or ‘Sloth-tag.’ In it, the King Sloths have to work together and move slowly to tag the other players who then become sloth minions. The game has become so popular that we might have to find a bigger space soon.” James Sauerwein III, SO

“There has definitely been an overall improvement in food quality — they serve genuinely good food. The rotisserie chicken or BBQ station is best because they balance quality with accessibility.” William Hopchak, SR

on my floor are actually getting to know each other, and that’s something the new dorm has really facilitated.”



self-ser ve model. Changes included the

The food court has also made a new push to

With nine stories and approximately 1,200 beds,

cozy but it’s not too close for comfort.”


restaurant transitioned to an on-the-go,

improve the quality and diversity of food options.

Commons I welcomed its first residents.

want it,” said freshman Haley Slavo, “It’s very


a new name - Doc’s. The former diner-style

worry about lines.”


living in construction, I wanted to reap the


expansion this year and even received

students can come and go without having to

C OM M O N S the


renovations, it was easy to get boxed in. Now




“I chose to live on the Commons this year because I was excited at the prospect of being one of the very first students to take part in this exciting time in Liberty’s history. Also, I absolutely love having my own bathroom!” Kara Stanley, SO

“I really appreciate how the softer color palette lends the dining hall a calming and more professional atmosphere.” Gabbi Killough, JR



PLAY Students enjoyed several snow days during the spring semester, filling their free time with snowball fights



the in




fields, powder,

and decorating the campus with friendly snowmen. Other students stayed out of the cold, taking advantage of the impromptu Open Dorms to hang out and relax with friends in the af ternoon.

“Since I’m from Maryland, this was just a normal, run-of-the-mill winter for me. So my favorite part was watching people see their first snowfall, as well as laugh when people didn’t know how to clean off their cars.” Christa Shive, JR


“I loved all of the snow days! While I missed going to classes, I had a great time relaxing, going outside, and hanging out with friends.” Connor Clyde, SR

“My friends and I spent a snow day having fun sliding down a sheet of ice near the dining hall.” Christina Carrington, FR

“On one of the snow days, my friends and I found some pieces of cardboard and had an amazing time sledding down the giant hill near the Liberty Softball Stadium.” Garrett Shue, JR

“When I found out classes were canceled because of the snow, I responded by turning off my alarm and sleeping in until noon.” Sidney Robinson, FR

“My favorite part of the snow day was going outside with my friends and taking lots of pictures in the snow!” Brianna McClave, FR


TEAMS TIED INTO OVERTIME During Homecoming Weekend, a record 20,838 fans filled Williams Stadium and watched the Flames face the Richmond Spiders. With only 1.8 seconds lef t in the game, junior kicker John Lunsford scored a record-breaking 60 -yard field goal that sent the game into overtime. “I felt fantastic. I knew I made contact in the right place, and my follow-through was just right,” explained Lunsford. “It definitely has given me more confidence to make the longer field goals — and any field goal for that matter.” Lunsford’s 60-yard kick tied for the sixth-longest field goal in NCAA FCS history and was featured at No. 4 on ESPN’s SportsCenter Top 10 Plays of the Day. Lunsford set a Liberty and Big South record as well as a record for the three longest field goals in the country made by an FCS player within the year. Lunsford continued, “Ever since I was young, I always thought, ‘ What if I did make the Top 10 Plays of the Day? ’ I honestly thought that would never happen. It was an honor being on the Top 10, but giving the glory to God, who is the reason why I am able to do what I do, was even better.”



The Flames finished a momentous season as seven-time Big South Champions, defeating JMU in the program’s first-ever NCAA FCS Playoff appearance. After a 15-14 victory over Coastal Carolina, the university’s Big South rival, the Flames finished their regular season by securing a place in the NCAA FCS Playoffs for the first time in program history. The Flames’ 26-21 defeat of James Madison University advanced them to the second round to play No. 5 Villanova. Their successful season was concluded with a 29 -22 loss against Villanova. LIBERTY 22, VILLANOVA 29 27 Jacob Hagen

“It feels great to know that we will go down in history as the first Liberty University football team to ever make the playoffs,” said freshman Trey Turner. “By making the playoffs, I feel like we’ve set a new standard for our team that will change the way we train and compete.” Many athletes received honors for their noteworthy performance during the historic season. Senior safety Jacob Hagen was the first in program history to be named one of 20 finalists for the 2014 Buck Buchanan Award, which is given to the top FCS defensive player in the country. Senior offensive lineman Mitch Hanson was named to the CoSIDA Academic All-America

LIBERTY 22, VILLANOVA 29 33 Jimmy O’Grady, 38 Alpha Jollah, 44 Joshua Yoda





News 2014 Fabulous Fifty FCS All-America team.

“It was the best feeling advancing to the NCAA FCS Playoffs for the first time. Being the first team in the school’s history to reach this goal was a great accomplishment, and it was great to be a part of it.” Jacob Hagen, SR



Lunsford was named to the College Sporting

“The leadership on the team was definitely our key strength this year. We had seniors, juniors, and sophomores who knew what would be expected of them. Without their leadership, we wouldn’t have been able to win the close games this season or make it to the playoffs.” Josh Woodrum, JR








“For the Win!,” featured the Flames Football







“freshest” college football uniforms in the nation. The Flames debuted a











logo during their Homecoming game against the University of Richmond. Paired with red jerseys and white pants, the ensemble was ranked the sixth best in the nation — right behind Kentucky and Texas A&M.


LIBERTY 2 , CAMPBELL 1 2 Troy Reeves, 9 Sachem Wilson






The Flames Women’s Soccer team completed another successful season while boldly bearing the name of Christ. The Lady Flames claimed the Big South regular-season championship for the third time in program history after a

For over 18 years, the Flames Men’s


victory over Longwood. They entered the quarterfinals as

Soccer team has completed each season

the No. 1 seed and reached the final championship game

with 10 or more wins, and this year it did

for the second straight year.

not disappoint, earning an overall record

Senior goal kicker Holly Van Noord earned the title of Big South Defensive Player of the Year, becoming the

LIBERTY 1 , DAVIDSON 0 21 Rebeccah Smith

of 11-6-1 and competing in the Big South Championship quarterfinals.

first player in program histor y to achieve this honor. In

This year’s team had many freshman and

addition , junior midfielder Brittany Aanderud and senior

transfer students who worked diligently

defender Maddie Boone won places on the conference’s

to complete a strong season. The only

first team , while senior for ward Alanna Dunkle and

senior on the team, fourth-year starting

junior midfielder Rebekah Page were selected for the second

team .


for ward


goalkeeper Scott Sutarik, set the bar high

LIBERTY 2, CAMPBELL 1 13 Connor Fleming


for his teammates and was named the

and defender Jordan Kestel were selected for the All-

Big South Men’s Soccer Defensive Player

Freshman team and senior for ward Helena Pereira

of the Week twice in one season. Junior

earned a spot on the All-Academic team .

defender Tim Harbison was also honored

In the final match up of the season against High

for his efforts, earning a spot on the 2014

Point, the game ended with penalty kicks after a 2-2 tie. High Point advanced on penalty kicks 5-4, bringing the season to a close. The Lady Flames concluded their season with an impressive 14-4-2 overall record and an 8-1-1-conference record. This year’s team tied with last year for a program record of eight conference victories.

“I couldn’t be more honored to stand among a team of girls who are surrendered followers of Christ. Together, we are driven and empowered by our faith to pursue excellence on and off the field. I am eternally grateful for what Liberty athletics has done in my life.” Maddie Boone, SR


LIBERTY 3 , WINTHROP 0 3 Alex Mack, 27 Abigail Persson

“I play soccer for Liberty because it is the only Division I soccer program that is completely focused on Christ. Our goal is not just to win, but to be a light in Division I athletics.” Brittany Aanderud, JR

“My favorite thing about being on the soccer team is the joy that comes from playing with guys who are all aiming to use their talent to bring glory to God. Our greatest strength is not only our ability to never quit, but also our continual commitment to never give up on each other.” Tyler Bullock, JR

“No matter what the result is at the end of the game, we worship God if we win, and we worship Him if we lose. To me, that is the strength of our team. Being part of the men’s soccer team has sharpened me as both a person and an athlete. It gives me the opportunity to rise to the standard and then do my best to set the bar higher.” Dylan Kurtz, FR

Big South All-Tournament team. During the last regular game of the season, junior forward Sachem Wilson scored






overtime to send the team to the Big South Championship. The Flames earned the No. 5 seed for the tournament and met the No. 4 Winthrop Eagles, in the Big South Quarterfinals. Despite their determination, the Flames were defeated 4-1, bringing their season to an end.


The Flames NCAA Division I Field Hockey team, which began only three years ago, won its second NorPac Championship. The young

“Being a part of the field hockey team has taught me to use time wisely and to serve others. The coaches inspired me to never stop having the joy of Christ, despite the circumstances.” Abby Batdorf, SR

This year, we were tested many times with very difficult teams. After losing, we could have hung our heads and felt sorry for ourselves, but instead we worked even harder. The hard work paid off when we defeated Stanford in the conference championship.” Morgan Mummau, JR

team went into the championship after a 7- 0 win against Georgetown, which marked the program’s 50th victory, ending the regular season with a successful 11-7 record. The






“When I first joined this team, none of us would have imagined we would be playing No. 1 North Carolina in the NCAA Sweet 16. But we did it. We made it to the top 25.” ​ Erin Bartley, JR



NorPac awards, including Player of the Year (Kelsey Harbin), Offensive Player of the Year


(Alex McCawley), Defensive Player of the Year (Dulcie Davies), Freshman of the Year (Katie Keyser), and Coach of the Year (Tara Danielson). Senior Helen Doolittle, who has

The Flames Men’s and Women’s Cross

held a perfect 4.0 GPA during all four years of

Country teams both claimed second-place

her participation on the team, was named the

titles this year at the 2014 Big South Cross

Sheryl Johnson Academic Award recipient.


The Lady Flames’ NorPac conference win

Country Championships. “The cross country and track & field

against No. 4 Stanford (1-0) propelled them

programs here are very distinguished, and

to the first round of the NCAA Field Hockey

the coaches care a lot about the athletes,”

Championship. The team, which was ranked

said Senior Jacy Christiansen. “The Liberty

No. 20, held its own against No. 1 ranked

cross country team has challenged me so

North Carolina, falling short by a single point to finish the season with a 14-8 record.

much, both as an athlete and as a person.” LIBERTY 2, NO. 11 Ranked LOUISVILLE 1 14 Sarah Gipe, 17 Ashlee Krulock, 15 Erin Dombach 7 Hannah Goldsborough, 16 Cassidy Bremner

Christiansen emerged as the women’s Big South 5k Individual Champion, and four other Lady Flames runners placed in the top 20 overall. Freshman Titus Koech placed PANORAMA FARMS INVITATIONAL Alyssa Karle

fourth in the 8k men’s race, making him one of seven Flames runners in the top 22. Koech

“The team’s greatest strengths are positivity and the ability to rebound. Everyone is such a hard worker and so willing to learn and adjust!” Stephanie Buda, SR






the NCA A Division I Southeast Regional Championships.





cross the finish line, Koech placed 28th in the men’s 10k. The Flames ended the team

“It encourages me to see the team praying together, especially with our coaches Tolsma and David. It’s my first time competing in big contests, so it’s really motivating to see the team representing Christ.” Titus Koech, FR



“My coaches, teammates, and other staff have shown me the love of Christ through leadership and friendship. I would not be the person I am now without them, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to run for this school.” Kat Bouton, SO

competition in 15th place with 433 points. The Lady Flames were close behind, moving up four spots from last year’s ranking to place 19th with a total of 586 team points.


​T he






season and registered a 12-win improvement over their 2013 campaign, finishing in the Big South





form, the team ended its season with an overall 23-10 record and conference record of 10 -4. T he team welcomed back veteran players ​ as well as eight new members. With a strong foundation and the addition of new talent, the Lady Flames placed four players on Big South All-Conference teams. Redshirt junior and outside hitter Caroline Douglas







All-Conference first team, and juniors Jade LIBERTY 3, PRESBYTERIAN 1 9 Kate Corson, 10 Caroline Douglas, 2 Caila Stapleton

Vorster and Caila Stapleton made the second team with freshman Hannah Weidner. Weidner also made the All-Freshman team along with freshman Sirena Vorster. T he Flames Volleyball team had a 13-match ​ winning streak, its longest since a program record 16-match winning streak in 2007. Ranked No. 3 in the 2014 Big South Volleyball Championship, the team closed the season in a quarterfinal match against No. 6 seed High Point. High Point scored a 3- 0 sweep to upend the Lady Flames, placing Liberty third in the Big South Championship and giving the Lady Flames the nod as the team with the highest-scoring offense.

LIBERTY 3, UVA 1 24 Jade Vorster

“This year, I felt like our team was closer than we’ve ever been. Through these close friendships, we learned to truly trust and depend on each other. With a team sport like volleyball, the chemistry of a team can really make a huge difference on the court, I believe our friendship was our biggest asset this season.” Caroline Douglas, JR

LIBERTY 3, UNCG 1 22 Haley Jeffcoat, 4 Allie Reynolds, 8 Gabrielle Shipe, 24 Jade Vorster, 2 Caila Stapleton


“One thing that made us better this season was that we had a large incoming class of new players. With different strengths than last year’s team, we combined those strengths to create a successful season.” Hannah Weidner, FR



he Lady Flames Tennis team showcased its talents by concluding a record-breaking








Championship. The team finished with an overall record of 19-5, the best in program history. “My favorite part about playing tennis for Liberty is getting to play with the people on my team. I absolutely love my coaches, our team manager, and my teammates,” said junior Valerie

LIBERTY 6, RADFORD 1 Belen Rivera



Thong. “We’re such a tight-knit group on and off


the court. We genuinely love to be around each other. Every facet of my life has been influenced


in some way because of this team.” The





earned the team the No. 4 seed in the Big South Championship, where the team claimed a 4-0 quarterfinal victory against Campbell. Advancing

“This season has impacted me in more ways than I can count! I’m so incredibly grateful to be on a team that cares so much about me. I’ve been impacted knowing that God can use me in any area, on and off the court.” Evangeline Crist, FR

to the Big South Semifinals, the team completed its season after a 4-2 loss against No. 1 seed “This season taught me determination and how to enjoy the process of growing. It taught me to never give up, no matter how much adversity you face and to make the most of each day, even if it isn’t perfect.” Brittany Yang, SR

Charleston Southern.









record-breaking season, making it to the

semifinals of the 2015 Big South Championship in Asheville, N.C. After winning the most conference victories in program history, the Flames finished as the No. 2 seed going into the championships. Many of the players won Big South honors over the season. Sophomore Sam Matheson was named to the Big South Conference Men’s Tennis All-Conference singles squad

LIBERTY 4, CAMPBELL 3 Jason Burgess

af ter being the Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Tennis Player of the Week for his matches from March 9 -15. Senior Jorge Azuero was included on the Big South AllAcademic squad for the third year in a row. In March, junior Egon Samaai was both the Big

“As a co-captain this season, I was able to learn how to lead a group of guys and did my best to show them the importance of hard work and determination. During this process, not only did it allow me to show them how to persevere during tough situations, but it also showed me what areas in my life I could improve in order to be better prepared for what is coming next in my life.” Jorge Azuero, SR

South Conference Choice Hotels Player of the Week and the Corvias ECAC Men’s Tennis Player of the Week for matches played March 16-22. Head Coach Chris Johnson was named the 2015 Big South Men’s Tennis Coach of the



LIBERTY 7, PRESBYTERIAN 0 Emily Groeneveld

“My favorite thing about being part of the team is the brotherhood that we have created throughout the year. My teammates have encouraged me to work my hardest on and off the court. They made me want to grow spiritually by helping me realize that not everything is about tennis and that the way I act on the court can reflect Christ for my opponents.” Diego Castano, FR

Year. The Flames ended their season with a 1410 overall record and a conference record of 6-2.


Once again, the Lady Flames worked their way to victory, finishing their season with a 26-7 overall record and 19 -1 in Big South Conference play. The team claimed its 16th Big South Women’s Basketball Championship title in 19 seasons, placing the Lady Flames in the first round of the 2015 NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Championship. The Lady Flames also garnered the fif thlongest winning streak in program history, winning 14 games in a row between Jan. 24 and March 8 . In addition, the team’s 19 -1 record in conference play made Big South history as the most conference wins in a season. Several athletes were honored for their

LIBERTY 56, GARDNER-WEBB 47 3 Sadalia Ellis

individual efforts during the season. Senior Emily





team at the Big South Championship, while sophomore Simone Brown made the AllTournament






University Thanksgiving Tournament. Junior and Big South Championship MVP Ashley Rininger was awarded several honors during the season, including Big South ScholarAthlete of the Year for the second year in a row. LIBERTY 69, VCU 53 10 Jaymee Fisher-Davis

“Our motivation this season was pretty simple: we wanted to win games. However, the reason we wanted to win is more important. Ultimately, it was our team’s goal to bring glory to God through our actions on and off the court. Above all else, that’s what matters.” Ashley Rininger, JR

LIBERTY 74, HIGHPOINT 64 14 Karly Buer

“When it comes to my teammates and coaches, I most appreciate their dedication to work hard and get better every day. As a team, we constantly fight to get stronger and our coaches always push us to be the best.” Mikal Johnson, JR

LIBERTY 64, HIGH POINT 47 21 Emily Frazier




he No. 11 seed Flames Men’s

Freshman guard Moller was named

hosting a Christmas Clinic on Dec.



Big South Freshman of the Week

19 for over 100 children in first

to the first round of the Big South

in December with a career-high 22

through sixth grade. The students

Championship. A number of players


participated in a free 90 -minute



Bluefield on Dec. 13. Johnson, a junior,















Week for the games he played in

basketball instruction. They later

and returning talent.

during Feb. 23-28, with a career high

enjoyed a pizza party after the

of 26 points from the Flames’ upset

Flames’ win against Central Penn.

win against Radford on Feb. 26.

The Flames ended their season with









also took time to give back to the




conference honors over the season.



n a press conference on April 1, the university welcomed back familiar face Ritchie McKay

as the new head coach of the men’s basketball team. McKay was the head coach for the Flames during the 2007-08 and 2008-09 seasons. For the last six seasons, he has been the associate head coach at the University of Virginia. Under McKay’s previous coaching, the Flames started with a 16-16 record in 2007-08 and then improved to a 23-12 record the next season. That win total was equal to the program’s NCAA Division I record for most wins per season. McKay led the Flames to one of the top scoring offenses in the Big South, and they were ranked No. 48 in the nation, with an average of 75.5 points per game during the 2008-09 season. McKay has accumulated a 204-186 career coaching record over the past 13 seasons. Before his initial time coaching at Liberty, McKay acted as head coach at Portland State, Colorado State, Oregon State, and the University of New Mexico. Having worked for the past six seasons with the Virginia Cavaliers — ranked No. 2 in the nation for seven weeks this past season — McKay’s



their players’ talents, the Flames




Two players, Peter Moller and Theo


LIBERTY 80, RADFORD 69 23 Joe Retic


was named Big South Player of the

the Big South All-Academic Team.




graduate student, was voted onto

LIBERTY 69, RANDOLPH 45 0 David Andoh


the season, showcasing both new Junior



coaching is slated to help increase the Flames’ standing.




an 8-24 record.



he Lady Flames Sof tball team finished its season ranked No. 4 in the Big South Conference — an 18-

win improvement from last season. Players earned many conference honors during the season. Megan Robinson was named the Big South ScholarAthlete of the Year (the first Lady Flame to win that honor), and was included on the Capital One Academic All-District team, the All-Academic team, and the All-Conference

LIBERTY 3, UVA 2 6 Jessica Cicerchia

Second team. She was also awarded the prestigious George A. Christenberry Award for Academic Excellence. Freshman Alexia Taylor was the Big South Freshman of the Year and was also named to the All-Conference Second team along with pitcher Chandler Ball. Taylor, Tori Zavodny, Madison Kotchey, and Abby Tincher were named to the All-Freshman team. With four players garnering the honor, Liberty had more players on the All-Freshman team than any other conference squad. This season, players enjoyed using Liberty’s new NCAA-regulation






Softball Stadium. The team ended the season with a conference record of 12-12 and an overall record of 29-30.


“This season I have seen the faithfulness of the Lord and how his plans are bigger than mine. I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to play this year and come back from my ACL surgery. I am humbled and thankful God is in control. He has proved that his timing is best, and a year of rehab and dedication to my faith was ultimately what made me successful this season.” Kenzie Friesen, SO

“My teammates are great spiritual leaders with strong character. They have encouraged me to believe in myself under the toughest of circumstances and to never let anyone or anything persuade me otherwise. Regardless of any challenge, I could turn to each of my teammates and know that their encouragement and support was never-ending.” Blair Lawrence, JR

LIBERTY 9, RIDER 2 10 Tori Zavodny



his season, the Flames showcased their skills as a team, as well as individually. The team closed out

its regular season with a three-game series against High Point. After winning the final game, the Flames claimed the No. 4 seed at the Big South Baseball Championship. Many players were recognized for their efforts during the season. Senior Alex Close was named to the 2015 Capital One Academic All-District three team, becoming one of two Liberty baseball players to ever receive this honor. Close was also named the Big South Baseball Scholar-Athlete of the year. Senior Matt Pennington

LIBERTY 5, GARDNER-WEBB 0 7 Sammy Taormina

was one of the three Liberty students who received the prestigious George A. Christenberry Award for Academic Excellence, which was presented by the Big South Conference to student-athletes who attained the highest GPA during their college careers. Finally, senior Jared Lyons was chosen as the Big South Pitcher of the Year. “My favorite part about being on the team was playing the sport I love with a group of guys that have become brothers to me,” noted freshman Zach Clinton. “This season showed me that no matter what the outcome, I must always trust and lean on God. Every day is a new chance to go out and use the opportunities God has blessed us with to improve.” Liberty finished in game six of the championship LIBERTY 9, PRESBYTERIAN 5 6 Shawn Clowers

against the No. 8 seed Longwood Lancers, concluding the season with a 33-23 overall record.

“This season helped me form new relationships and strengthen old ones. I had the opportunity to share the love of Christ with others, while being impacted in many ways by my teammates’ friendship and encouragement.” Dalton Britt, JR

LIBERTY 3, GARDNER-WEBB 0 3 Clay Keranen



“The best quality of the team was definitely our ability to stay loose and play at a high level, but still have fun while competing. It was great to get to know my teammates, become part of the baseball family, and go out and compete with each other against some of the best teams in the nation.” Josh Barrick, FR









numerous team records this season. The No. 2 seed entering the Big South Championships, the Flames finished second in their first appearance LIBERTY 16, HIGHT POINT 15 21 Kallie Britton

at a Big South Finals game. During the season, they also set a new team record for most goals scored in a single game during their 23-4 defeat of Gardner-Webb in April. Many individual players broke records and garnered

conference honors. Morgan Becker

set a new program record for points in a single season (70) and was named Big South Offensive Player of the Week. Katy Pridemore broke the single-season record for scoring with 52 goals and was named Big South Freshman of the Week three times over the season. Kallie Britton (the Flames’ lead scorer during the Big South Tournament),





were all named to the Big South All-Tournament Team. The Lady Flames ended their season with their highest win record in the Big South Conference with 5 wins and 2 losses.

“This season, our team has grown spiritually, mentally, and physically. We push each other to be better and work hard to be the best. I spent almost every waking hour with these girls and really got to know them on a more personal level. This connection has allowed our team to grow on the field.” Michaela Rich, SO

LIBERTY 10, RICHMOND 13 13 Katy Pridemore

LIBERTY 16, HIGH POINT 15 1 Courtney Brown

“My favorite thing about this year has been meeting new freshmen. They’re a great group of girls and I have enjoyed building relationships with them. This season has taught me a lot of patience and challenged my attitude. It is very hard to always show Christ through athletics, but this season has helped me build a stronger reliance on God through my sport.” Kristin Boland, SR LIBERTY 16, HIGHT POINT 15 55 Mercedes Cox , 28 Nina Dunay



The Lady Flames concluded another successful season, finishing No. 2 at the 2015 Coastal Collegiate Swimming Association (CCSA) Swimming & Diving

“ The team gained so many talented and athletic women this year. Our strength from the beginning of the season was that we were all able to push ourselves — and more importantly, push each other — to become better women and better athletes.” Heather McCorkel, SO “My favorite part of being on this team was the relationships with the other team members. It is difficult being the only diver, but having all the swimmers there to cheer me on and support me was awesome. They all have been such a blessing to me this year.” Madi Long, FR

Championships. This marked the fourth consecutive year that the team claimed a top two finish at the conference meet. LIBERTY SPRING INVITATIONAL Mathieu Fenasse

During the CCSA event, the Lady Flames registered 11 podium finishes, six program records, and seven NCA A B cuts. “ This






strength was our ability to rely on God and on each other,” explained senior C ari Gar y. “ While we were technically all competitors , we were also racing and training par tners . My teammates

Liberty 139, James Madison 212 LU claimed seven event victories, broke one Savage Natatorium pool record Kendall Hart

Championship in Ninety Six, S.C .

Three of the Lady Flames, junior Hough,


Flames Golf had a strong showing this year, placing fif th at the 2015 Big South Men’s Golf

always challenged me to be my best.” Kendall








season. Senior Mathieu Fenasse and Freshman

Rooker, and senior Meghan Babcock,

Isaiah Logue were both named to the Big South

received the honor of Swimmer of the

All-Conference Team. Fenasse was also included

Week from the CCSA . Following the

in the Big South All-Championship squad and

season, the team was honored with the

the Big South All-Academic Team due to his

College Swimming Coaches Association

fif th place showing at the tournament. Logue

of America Scholar All-America Team

and Payton Taylor were named to the Big South

Award, having earned a 3. 37 team GPA

All-Freshman team, and Logue was named Big

during the Fall 2014 semester. Liberty 189, Richmond 105 Sarah Browning

South Freshman of the Year, becoming the fif th player in program history to be awarded the title. Logue was also one of 10 students selected to participate at the 2015 NCA A Chapel Hill Regional. At the tournament, Logue played for three days, finishing on Sunday with a total score of seven over par. He was the fourth Liberty


Flames player in program history to advance to regionals.

“My favorite thing about playing on the golf team has been the bond we have created. We count and rely on each other on a daily basis, and we’ve built a lot of friendships. My teammates have motivated me to practice harder and spend more time in the gym as well as on the golf course.” Adam Eineving, FR Liberty 189, Richmond 105 Emily Duff






Liberty Twilight Qualifier Jennifer Smith

he Liberty Track & Field team dominated

Flames’ high scorer for the meet, placed first in the

the competition at the 2015 Big South

shot put and discus and took bronze in the hammer.

Outdoor Track & Field Championships in High

The women’s track & field team won its 14th overall

Point, N.C where both the men and women’s teams

title, defeating defending champion Coastal Carolina

took home gold.

by 11.5 points. Abigail Flower won the 100-meter and

The men’s track & field team won its 20th outdoor

200-meter races, becoming the first Flames athlete

team title beating the runner-up by over 100 points,

to win either event in over 14 years. Janae Jones

and gaining its ninth consecutive win at the outdoor

was the women’s triple jump champion and Jocelyn

championships. Stephen Racanelli took gold in the

Williams came in second in the women’s hammer

400 meter, defeating the defending champion, and

throw. The Lady Flames also broke school records

also placed second in the 200 meter. Ryan Davis

at the tournament. Mary Witmer broke the school

won his second straight gold in the 400 hurdle,

record for the women’s 400 hurdle with a time of

Ken Ritchey was the new pole vault champion, and

59.92. Dana Mercer, Abigail Flower, Olivia Davis, and

Aklesso Agama won the men’s triple jump, reaching

Kate Flower set a new school record for the 4 x 100

a new personal best. Fred Fulton, who finished as the

relay with a time of 45.68.



he Track & Field teams

win gold, but they did it by

at the tournament as well.

continued their record

dominating their competition,

Ednah Kurgat was named Big

of excellence this season at



the 2015 Big South Indoor


Track & Field Championships







Liberty Collegiate Invitational Jeremy Miekley, Jacob Onifer

Samford Invitational Aklesso Agama


Liberty Collegiate Invitational Aklesso Agama

Samford Invitational Kelsee Derr

Liberty Quad Kelsee Derr









of the Year and was the first Lady Flame to ever earn that


The Lady Flames finished in





second place at the Big South

Agama was named Big South

the men and women’s teams



placed in the top two slots at

Senior Abigail Flower won two

Performer, and Head Track &

the tournament.

gold medals in the 60- and

Field Coach Brant Tolsma won





The men’s team won its

200-yard dash, earning her

Big South Men’s Coach of the

18th consecutive team title,

first two Big South titles. She

Year. Janae Jones and John

the longest champion streak

was Liberty’s first 200-yard

Sherret were both named to

in any sport in Big South

titlist since 2001.

the Big South All-Academic

conference history, and in the

The members of the men’s

NCAA Division I men’s track &

and women’s teams won a

field. Not only did the Flames

number of individual honors

“My teammates on the track team are some of the friendliest people I’ve met. The coaches and athletes are all people I look up to in many aspects of my life. I’ve made many strong relationships especially with those I work out with on a regular basis. Because of the sport itself, I have met all different types of people, which is something that makes track and field so unique.” Erin Zappia, High Jump, FR


“The thing I enjoy the most about being on Liberty’s Track & Field team is the family atmosphere. We’re so close that I can pretty much go to anybody about anything. Our closeness as a team and our desire to praise God in whatever we do are our greatest strengths. With this team, I have become a much stronger athlete, but more importantly I have strengthened my relationship with God.“ Carson Waters, Pole Vault, FR




ARC I a n HERY Rign ey


DO ON KW a x t o n E TA m S Ad a


F F a n IGURE tas i a R SKATI e m NG o nv il


N’S P a r DIII H ke r O M c CKEY Int y re

ULTIMATE 44 Josh Neubauer, 99 Johnathan Klingler


7 B



TE IMA ULT n e c h t nk age




The Flames Division I Men’s Hockey team ended its season with a 25-12-4 record, making it to the first round of the American Collegiate Hockey Association


National Championships as the No. 11 seed. It was one of three hockey teams that the university’s Club Sports program sent to the National Championships in Cleveland, Ohio. LIBERTY 5, MINOT STATE 1 16 Lindsay LeBlanc, 14 Luke Hannon

Freshman forward Luke Hannon led the Flames in scoring, with 35 goals and 40 assists, and senior Lindsay LeBlanc came in second with 16 goals and a league-high 50 assists. Hannon and LeBlanc were also the ACHA DI second- and third-leading scorers. The team ended the season with a total 561 points. Hannon was also chosen to represent Team USA in the Winter World University Games






2015 . He was the first Flames player to participate in the event in the eight years USA Hockey has sent a team to the games.

“I enjoy representing Liberty hockey because it’s more than just a hockey program — the players are devoted to making an impact on and off the ice. Being able to be a light for Christ in the game I love is something I will never take for granted. Liberty hockey gave me that opportunity.” Cary Byron, SR



“I would say our greatest success as a team has been through our failures. Even though there have been many highs and lows this season, our team has never self-destructed. The growth I have been able to witness in our guys from the beginning of the year until now has been incredible.” Benjamin Hughes, FR “Playing with the Flames Men’s DI Hockey team for the past four years has been life-changing. Being able to battle with the guys on a consistent basis really brings a team together. My college experience would be nothing without my teammates. I have loved my time at Liberty and will cherish a lot of great memories.” Lindsay LeBlanc, SR




CH A MP S Through



the Lady Flames finally reached their ultimate goal — winning the American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) DI National Championship title. After





Championships for the third year in a row, the No. 2 seed Lady Flames were determined to make program history. Entering the tournament with an overall record of 26-4-1, the team claimed a 4-1 victory over No. 1 seed and defending champion,






Flames are the first team in Club Sports


history to receive an ACHA DI National Championship title. In






News Service, senior goalie Chantal Lischynski said, “ We’re all just so happy. We’ve been in this position for the last two years, and we fell short. It ’s just so amazing to be able to finish and win this tournament. We give all of the glory to God.”

“I have really loved having such a great group of girls on the team. Our team had many seniors this year, and they were able to guide the team with their experience and knowledge of the game.” Caroline Innes, FR

“This year, our team became one big family and worked hard to do everything for the glory of our God. The team was filled with leaders who consistently encouraged us all to do our best and strive for success.” Clarissa Tipping, FR

LIBERTY 6, PENN STATE 5 3 Carrie Jickling




O B S T ACLES Persevering through a season of injuries, the Flames reigned victorious and won their first National Collegiate Wrestling Association

National Championship in

Allen, Texas. The team had been ranked No. 1 since the preseason, and won the title LIBERTY 19, UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA 5 24 Brett Bernardo

by over 60 points (a total of 194 points), which was 20 points more than last year. Many of the players suffered injuries this season, including defending national champion Ryan Diehl, who wrestled at kept him out for almost two months. Junior





neck injury during the first day of the tournament, while Chase Boontjer was forced to default out of Friday’s semifinal match due to a dislocated kneecap. David




Abbadusky suffered a concussion and


team finished its season ranked as the No. 16 team in the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse


individual champions at the tournament

highest finish in the MCL A .

— Diehl was the 133-pound champion and

In their highest scoring match of the Flames



Josh Llopez won the 174-pound title. Nine


of the 17 wrestlers earned All-American

blackout game, “Midnight Mayhem.” At the


approved late-night event, fans gathered to watch the lacrosse team demolish the previously undefeated Georgia Bulldogs 19 5. Along with the exciting game, the crowds enjoyed 150 free T-shirts, flamethrowers


flanking the scoreboard to celebrate each Liberty goal, and a food truck provided by Sodexo. The Flames placed four th in both the regional conference and the SouthEastern Lacrosse Conference with a final overall record of 10 -2- 6 .

“The best quality about our team this year is how much we invested in each other both on and off the field. We looked out for each other like brothers and that’s something that sets us apart from other schools. I have their backs, and I know that they have mine.” Bryce Mrakovich, JR

“I have really enjoyed the fun bus rides that have allowed us to bond as a team. My teammates are able to see the good in a bad situation and they have pushed me to work harder in practice. The relationships I’ve built while being on the team really helped me to get through some struggles in my life.” Trent Daggett, FR


“Our national championships were not just individual accomplishments, but a team effort. The whole experience of cheering on your teammate who you’ve been practicing with is amazing, and watching that person win helps pump you up for your own match.” Keyshaun Ward, SR

compete due to a torn medial collateral Despite injuries, the Flames had two

than last season, and the team’s second


fellow freshman Tyler Sigler was unable to ligament in his knee.

Association (MCL A) DI, six places higher



the championship af ter an ankle injury


LIBERTY 40, ST. ANDREWS 9 Josh Pelletier

LIBERTY 40, ST. ANDREWS 9 Scott Pendell

“My favorite thing about this season was getting to form a brotherhood with my teammates. They always encouraged me to keep going forward and to never give up. There were plenty of times when I wanted to give up, but everyone, from our coach to those in the lower weight classes, told me to hang in there.” Eric Clatterbuck, JR

Lucas Werth


Kevin Synder






invitational title since 2009 at a

to compete in Vines Center, playing

volleyball team was ranked for the

tournament at Eastern Mennonite

a midnight blackout match against

first time in the National Collegiate

University. It split a tournament title


Volleyball Federation’s Top-25 pool,

with King University at the host’s

Spike at Midnight, featured food


finishing as the No. 24 team after

school, and finished second at the

and prizes for the student crowd of

championships in Lakeland, Fla., af ter placing

the NCVF championships. The team

Lancaster Bible Invitational.

almost 3,000. The men’s volleyball

first in four of the five competitions that it

team finished its successful season

participated in during the normal season. For

with a 33-12-2 record.

the championships, Coach Brian Davidson

proved itself at many tournaments

On Jan. 30, men’s volleyball

this year, including claiming its first

became the first Club Sports team











Flames Paintball team competed in the Collegiate



“My favorite thing about this season has been getting to play with such a talented group of people. There is a strong sense of community since everyone spends a lot of time together on and off the field.” Alexander Manzek, FR

combined the gold and red lines (the first and second-tier squads respectively) in order to form a strong 11-man Class A team. This “Getting to play in the Vines Center for the midnight blackout game was just surreal, and it was a huge milestone for our program. This is my third year playing, and it’s been amazing to see the growth of the team and the program.” Josiah Williams, JR


“I think what makes our team unique is our focus on God. We are playing for an audience of One and that is all that matters to us. Other teams play for pride and recognition, which I don’t think is nearly as good of a motivator. We strive to set a godly example on and off the court.” Caleb Pitcher, FR

new team placed fif th out of 20 teams at the national championships in its class, going 3- 0 in preliminary play and advancing through to the quarterfinals.

“The best quality of the team this year has been the hard work we put in week after week. It takes constant determination to continuously better ourselves, in both physical condition and our skill on the field.” Kayne Boyer, JR







snowboarding teams won multiple medals this semester. At the United States Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Association (USCSA) Southeast Region event, both teams had riders who placed in the top three spots. Freshman





senior Kevin Hoff placed second, and senior Isaac Gibson placed third in the men’s




“My favorite part of this season was the team Bible studies. Everyone grew in their faith, and guys were challenged to live as men of God. At nationals, we went around Salt Lake City putting our faith into action by handing out meals to the homeless.” Peter Kazmierczak, JR

“Our team’s best quality this year was our hard work. We spent about six hours during the week training and practicing for our games on the weekends. Along with working hard, the guys continued to show me how a group of hockey players can love the Lord and represent Jesus on and off the ice. Before coming to Liberty, that is something I never had experienced while playing hockey.” Justin Gortman, SR

snowboard slopestyle individual rankings. Gibson, and junior Brandy Fronte placed first, second, and third respectively in the women’s slopestyle event.

The Flames DII men’s hockey team

After their wins in the regional competition,

earned its second consecutive trip to the

the Flames had a great showing at the USCSA

American Collegiate Hockey Association

National Championship in Bend, Ore. The

DII National Championships at the Salt

women’s team placed third in both rail jams

Lake City Sports Complex, the official

and slopestyle for the first time in Liberty’s



history and placed ninth in the boardercross

Olympics. It was the fourth-seeded team

event. The men’s team placed fourth in the

of the Southeast Region, defeating both

rail jams event, third in the slopestyle event,

Miami of Ohio and Penn State University.

and eighth in boardercross.





past season. The season began with excellent performances in its indoor competitions. Freshman Lydia Miller placed first in the coxswain 500-meter race with a time of 1:55.1 at the Mid-Atlantic Erg Sprints. Freshman Trevor Quandt won gold in the Novice Lightweight 2,000-meter, finishing at 6:49.4 in the Colonial Erg Sprints hosted by the College of William & Mary. At the same event, sophomore Debbie Martin finished as the runner-up in the

team left the tournament on a high note,


The Flames ended their season

with an 18-12-1 record. Flames

performed very well, continuing on to the American Collegiate Rowing Association National Championships. The team, made up of four freshmen — Lydia Miller, Sarah Catto, Allie Coughlan, Kendra Dowdy — and sophomore Gabby Kitchens, finished seventh in the nation, completing the 2,000-meter course in 8:18.58. 86




Intercollegiate Gymnastic Clubs Championships

“Personally this season has increased my friend group so much. I’ve gotten to know so many more people than I ever would have met had I not started crew a year ago. Because of that, I’ve been able to be a part of something much bigger than Liberty Crew; I’m a part of something that God used to work in my life, as well as in the lives of everyone on the team and everyone at this school.” Trevor Prescott, SO

on April 9-10 in Philadelphia. Sophomore Ashley Grim made it to finals in the balance beam event with a score of 9.25, and tied for ninth out of 222 participants in the preliminaries. She placed 12th out of 20 finalists with a score of 8.75. The Flames’ sole male finalist, Cameron Streeter, placed 24th in the All-Around competition with a score of 70.1 and Austin Minuto

placed eighth in the vault. The gymnastics team also had the opportunity to host the first Liberty

Rachel William was second in the Varsity Lightweight women’s In the outdoor competitions, the Women’s Novice 4 team


by participating in the National Association of

Varsity Women’s 2000-meter race with a time of 7:36.2 and junior 2,000 with a time of 8:18.3.

“The team’s best quality is our ability to have fun while we compete. Of course, snowboarding will always be fun, but competitions can still be stressful. In slopestyle, if you mess up your run, it can get in your head. However, I would say that our team was able to step back, overcome the stress, and just have a great time doing what we all love.” Kevin Hoff, SR

games of the championships, the DII


The Flames Crew team had a strong showing throughout this

“Before this season began, I had never hit a jump or a rail in my life, but because of the team’s encouragement and support, they were able to turn me into the rider I am today. The support system of this team is unbelievable.” Nathaniel Feldman, FR

While it was defeated in the first two

beating New York University in a 9-1


Kevin Hoff

Sophomore Sydney Beatty, senior Brooke

“Our best team qualities are maturity and leadership . We hold each other accountable to do our very best. Whether we’re in the weight room, on the water or doing a land workout, there is always someone pushing another teammate to work their hardest. “ Jordan Childs, JR

Invite, sanctioned by the National Association of “Being on the gymnastics team provided me with the opportunity to do something I have loved since I was little. This season, being my last impacted me tremendously, and the trials and triumphs we experienced allowed us to grow closer as a team.” Jennifer Schools, SR

Intercollegiate Gymnastics Clubs, in the Flames’ newly renovated facility in Lynchburg. The men’s team took first in the competition and the women’s team placed second out of the eight teams competing.



166 Rebekah Heaphy

2 Joseph Anderson














this season by making it to the

TRI ATHLO N The Flames sent 16 athletes, nine women and seven men, to the USA Triathlon Collegiate National Championships in Clemson, S.C ., on April 24-25, the largest Liberty team in program history. The team faced tough conditions over the weekend, fighting against cold, rainy weather and a lake temperature

Delaware Valley Collegiate Hockey Conference playoffs in February for the first time. The team improved during

“I have been challenged and stretched so many ways during the past year. I have learned perseverance and how to balance a busy schedule of classes, practices, student leadership, and more while still being able to enjoy it all. I have learned what it means to rely on God’s strength in times when I had none left.” Megan Merryman, FR





soundly defeating Montclair State in two matches in November. The Lady Flames finished the season LIBERTY, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT 13 Sonja Nielsen

with a 4-15-1 record.

of 65 degrees. Senior Joseph Anderson was the fastest Flames competitor, placing No. 24 of 1,145 triathletes (men and women) with a time of 1:56:47, continuing his excellent performance from last year when he was ranked No. 25. Freshman Megan Merryman had the best performance of the Lady Flames, finishing No. 163 with a time of 2:36:9.2.

“My favorite thing about this season has been the fellowship and camaraderie that comes with being on the team. Everyone is encouraging and supportive of one another athletically and academically, and they have helped push me physically and mentally in our practices, allowing me to live a healthier lifestyle.” Jacob Mulkey, SO

“I transferred to Liberty in my sophomore year; so when I joined the team, it was nice being able to see familiar faces around campus and to have friends so quickly. Now I can’t imagine not playing and not getting to know the girls who have been so encouraging to me both on and off the ice.” Kaitlyn Scales, SR

“Being part of this team has been like a family away from home. They have inspired me to work harder and have taught me that true teamwork is achieved with great leadership and lots of fun!” Alëna Steiger, SR



This year marked the Flames Equestrian Western team’s inaugural season and the Hunt Seat team’s second year of participation in Region 5 of the Intercollegiate








the season with multiple riders winning blue ribbons.

club sport team, placing in the National

Kaitlyn Quesinberry became the Western team’s first

Collegiate Disc Golf Championships at

regional qualifier after placing first in the beginner

the Hippodrome Disc Golf Club in North

category at the last show of the regular season.

Augusta, S.C .

The Hunt Seat team’s very first individual qualifiers

During the fourth annual Flamethrower

for IHSA Region 5, Elizabeth Chennelle and Morgan

Invitational, a national qualif ying event for

Murphy, progressed to the IHSA Zone Finals where

the championships, teams tested a new

Murphy placed No. 6. Overall, the Hunt Seat team

20 -hole disc golf course that was built

placed No. 6 out of 11 teams and was presented with

along the trails at Camp Hydaway. The

the Ascero Memorial Sportsmanship award, while the


“The best quality of the equestrian team this year was its incredible teamwork and encouragement. They are so driven to not only do their best at competitions, but also to glorify God in everything.” Cassandra Steptoe, SO

Lance Brown





qualifier, sending the team to the National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships. All divisions of the team qualified during the

“I think my favorite part about being on the disc golf team is fellowshipping with my teammates, getting to know them better, and just hanging out with really good friends.” Brent Prudich, FR

final day, where the Championship Flight team placed ninth out of 61 teams. The First Flight team claimed third out of 25 teams, and the Second Flight team claimed second out of four teams.



Both teams had excellent performances throughout

Western team was ranked No. 3 out of nine teams.

Kari Hicks


completed its fourth year as an official






This year, the university’s ministry teams shared the Gospel of Christ across the country. The teams used music, drama, and creative arts in order to reach and serve people. Senior Julia Smith, member of Awaken, explained, “I have a huge passion for worship, traveling, and people. Ministry teams are the perfect place for me to combine all three of those things. It is such a joy to meet people across the country and shine the light of Jesus on them.” The university had seven ministry teams this year: Sounds of Liberty, Exodus, Seventy One, Awaken, Crimson Flood, Soar Dunk, and Youthquest. Each team had its own specific focus, which utilized the members’ gifts and talents to spread the Word of God. Youthquest combined music, discipleship, and creative arts, while Soar Dunk members used their basketball skills and showmanship to boldly share their faith. Awaken, Sounds of Liberty, Exodus, Seventy One, and Crimson Flood focused mainly on musical ministry.











volleyball : 14 Susan Babcock, 9 Kate Corson, 10 Caroline Douglas, 22 Haley Jeffcoat, 23 Maribeth Kern, 11 Nzea McQuitery, 12 Rachel Morris, 7 Melissa Racz, 4 Allie Reynolds, 8 Gabrielle Shipe, 25 Rachel Smoltz, 2 Caila Stapleton, 20 Gabrielle Vess, 24 Jade Vorster, 21 Sirena Vorster, 5 Hanna Weidner, 1 Anna Willey, and 13 Hannah Williams; STAFF: Head Coach Shane Pinder, Assistant Coach Johnathan Willis, Assistant Coach Rebecca Rudnick, and Strength & Conditioning Coach Dave Williams. football : 2 D.J. Abnar, 55 Tolen Avery, 87 Shane Blanchard, 91 Dylan Bowman, 15 J.T. Bradwell, 58 Dia’Vante Brown, 88 Isaac Brown, 69 Dylan Brucki, 63 Jonathan Burgess, 74 Ethan Callison, 79 Aharown Campbell, 85 Kyle Carrington, 64 Trey Caso, 66 Spencer Cook, 17 Kendall Couamin, 94 Dane Dabney, 90 Dominique Davis, 96 Erwin Dessources, 43 Avery Echols, 4 Daquin Edwards, 82 B.J. Farrow, 25 Ray Ferguson, 51 Jeff Fox, 83 Justin Fritts, 41 Nicky Fualaau, 7 Jaquan Glover, 50 Cody Gochenouer, 76 JaRon Greene, 40 Kevin Grooms, 23 Justin Guillory, 27 Jacob Hagen, 73 Mitch Hanson, 68 Tanner Hartman, 67 Michael Henderman, 10 Gabe Henderson, 42 Dexter Herman, 70 Lucas Holder, 6 Tyrin Holloway, 93 Gerald Holt, 54 Leo Hunt, 29 Miles Hunter, 20 Lucas Irons, 24 Cameron Jackson, 28 Corbin Jackson, 38 Alpha Jalloh, 11 Avery “A.J.” James, 31 Andrew Jauch, 19 Will Johnson, 65 Grant Jones, 20 Austin Kaigler, 16 Dakota Kelly, 36 Thomas Kennedy, 48 David King, 59 Dylan Lewellyn, 81 Garrett Long, 49 John Lunsford, 22 Todd Macon, 53 Javon Majors, 3 Stephon Masha, 28 Theo Mayo, 84 Ryan McCarter, 86 Tyler Meeks, 34 Carrington Mosley, 9 Nick Newman, 33 Jimmy O’Grady, 95 Toby Onyechi, 1 Zac Parker, 4 Bobby Partilla, 77 James Passmore, 13 Darrin Peterson, 56 Greg Ray, 26 Desmond Rice, 30 Dexter Robbins, 80 Malaki Roy, 5 Gary Sampson, 47 Zach Schreiber, 14 Kenny Scott, 21 Wesley Scott, 18 Javan Shashaty, 32 D’Ante Shaw, 8 Dante Shells, 45 Nick Sigmon, 89 Canon Smith, 29 Joshua Smith, 72 Max Sommer, 92 Nolan Spicer, 75 Gregg Storey, 12 Bo Swanson, 39 Chris Turner, 35 Trey Turner, 52 Chima Uzowihe, 25 Tyus White, 37 Charles Williams, 62 Kris Wilson, 99 Marc Wilson, 57 Hunter Winstead, 6 Josh Woodrum, and 44 Joshua Yoda; STAFF: Head Coach Turner Gill, Offensive Coordinator/Tight Ends & Fullbacks Aaron Stamn, Assistant Head Coach/Offensive Line Dennis Wagner, Passing Game Coordinator/Quarterbacks Joe Dailey, Special Teams Coordinator/Running Backs Jamaal Fobbs, Assistant Coach/Wide Receivers Juan Taylor, Defensive Coordinator/Safeties Robert Wimberly, Co-Defensive Coordinator/Defensive Line Vantz Singletary, Assistant Coach/Defensive Backs Marshall Roberts, Assistant Coach/Linebackers Josh Bookbinder, Assistant Coach/Defensive Tackles Bryant Lewellyn, Offensive Quality Control Kyle DeArmon, Defensive Quality Control Charlie Skalaski IV, Assistant Athletics Director For Administration Paul Rutigliano, Director of Spiritual Development Dr. Ed Gomes, Director of Player Personnel/Recruiting Charlie Skalaski III, Assistant Director of Player Personnel Kettie Flickter, Video Coordinator Danny Wegner, Senior Assistant Athletic Trainer Barry Finke, Head Strength & Conditioning Coordinator Bill Gillespie, Associative Strength & Conditioning Coordinator Dave Williams, and Executive Administrative Assistant Zel Farrow.


W W radford W gardner -webb W unc asheville W campbell W high point W william & mary W charleston southern W coastal carolina W presbyterian college W winthrop W radford L high point L campbell L unc asheville L gardner -web W high point L belmont virginia

W maryland L elon W james madison W howard W murray state L usc upstate L uncg W georgetown W central connecticut state L brown W umass lowell W fairfield W northern kentucky L wright state W san jose state



3-0 2-3 3-0 3-1 3-0 1-3 0-3 3-2 3-1 2-3 3-1 3-1 3-0 1-3 3-2

3-1 3-2 3-1 3-0 3-1 3-0 3-2 3-0 3-1 3-1 3-0 3-0 0-3 1-3 1-3 0-3 3-0 0-3

FOOTBALL (9-5) north carolina L

W W bryant W indiana state L richmond L appalachian state W gardner -webb W presbyterian W monmouth W charleston southern L coastal carolina W james madison W villanova L norfolk state brevard

29-56 17-0 56-31 38-21 19-38 39-46 (2OT) 55-48 (OT) 34-0 28-7 34-24 36-38 15-14 26-21 22-29

women ’ s soccer : 7 Brittany Aanderud, 28 Brianne Beard, 0 Nikki Belt, 2 Maddie Boone, 18 Jaime Bouffard, 26 Tori Collar, 24 Alanna Dunkle, 13 Crystal Elmers, 25 Baylee Gillmore, 4 Ashleigh Hill, 19 Lizz Kappler, 17 Madison Kauzlarich, 9 Jordan Kestel, 8 Kaitlynn Klamut, 20 Jennifer Knoebel, 3 Alex Mack, 16 Bertha Martinez, 5 Gabriella McKee, 11 Lauren Nicholas, 23 Andrea Nummerdor, 12 Rebekah Page, 10 Helena Pereira, 27 Abigail Persson, 15 Sami Santos, 21 Rebeccah Smith, 14 Erika Troutman, and 1 Holly Van Noord; STAFF: Head Coach Jessica Hain, Assistant Coach Laura Armstrong, Assistant Coach Adam Godwin, and Volunteer Assistant Coach Casey Norris. men ’ s soccer : 7 Alan Arellano, 23 Tyler Bullock, 5 Jovanni Chavez, 22 Will Coleman, 13 Conner Fleming, 17 Jamie Foxwell, 3 Tim Harbison, 27 Hunter Hudson, 6 Khalil Karl, 24 Glodi Konga, 15 Oluwatomiwa Kosoko, 8 Bay Kurtz, 28 Jeremy Lee, 21 David Maharaj, 18 Brady Mazzei, 14 Kurt Meyers, 20 Josiah Phillips, 4 Victor Portillo, 2 Troy Reeves, 12 Andre Reimer, 19 Murphy Short, 16 Ernest Siaw, 1 Scott Sutarik, 11 Blessing Tahuona, and 9 Sachem Wilson; STAFF: Head Coach Jeff Alder, Assistant Coach Jose Gomez, and Assistant Coach A.J. Madero.

WOMEN’S SOCCER (14-4-2) old dominion

MEN’S SOCCER (11-6-1) W

uncg L appalachian state L

W george washington L davidson W george mason W charleston southern W campbell T unc asheville W presbterian college W radford W high point W gardner -webb W winthrop W coastal carolina L longwood W radford W campbell W high point T charlotte

1-0 0-1 3-4 (OT) 1-0 0-1 1-0 2-0 4-1 0-0 8-0 2-0 2-1 2-0 2-1 3-1 0-1 1-0 2-0 2-1 2-2 (4-5 PK s)

W W marshall T robert morris W usc upstate W davidson L howard W winthrop L radford L gardner -webb W coastal carolina L longwood W unc asheville W n . c . state L presbyterian college W campbell W high point W winthrop L bluefield vmi

TRACK & FIELD 2-1 5-0 2-2 (2OT) 2-1 (OT) 3-1 1-2 4-0 0-2 0-2 1-0 0-2 1-0 3-1 1-4 1-0 2-1 1-0 (2OT) 1-4

sykes-sabock challenge cup samford invitational big south indoor track championships ecac /ic 4 a indoor track championships virginia cup duke invitational campbell invitational big south outdoor track championships

men : 8 th women : 4th men : 7 th women : 5 th men : 1 st women : 2 nd men : 8 th women : 5 th men : 2-0 women : 3-1 men : 1 st women : 2 nd men : 2 nd women : 3 rd men : 1 st women : 1 st

ot : overtime

bold: post season game

women ’ s basketball : 34 Katelyn Adams, 15 Simone Brown, 14 Karly Buer, 3 Sadalia Ellis, 10 Jaymee Fisher-Davis, 21 Emily Frazier, 24 Jasmine Gardner, 5 Mikal Johnson, 44 Catherine Kearney, 2 Candice Leatherwood, 12 Adurey Rettstatt, 55 Ashley Rininger, 4 Ellee Rollins, 1 Mickayla Sanders, and 22 Sheana Vega; STAFF: Head Coach Carey Green, Assistant Coach Alexis Sherard, Assistant Coach Andrea “Andy” Bloodworth, Assistant Coach Brittany Hoyt, Director of Operations Sarah Boruta, Strength & Conditioning Coach Dave Williams, Athletic Trainer Ben Galley, Office Administrator Katie Garlick, and Graduate Assistant Joyous Tharrington. men ’ s basketball : 0 David Andoh, 22 John Dawson, 1 Jordan Dembley, 12 Tomasz Gielo, 3 Calvin Hoffman, 13 James Johnson, 14 Theo Johnson, 5 Ryan Kemrite, 15 Ethan Layer, 32 Evan Maxwell, 31 Peter Moller, 2 A.C. Reid, 23 Joe Retic, 11 Andrew Smith, and 24 Ezra Talbert; STAFF: Head Coach Dale Layer, Assistant Coach Brian Joyce, Assistant Coach Omar Mance, Assistant Coach Vince Walden, Director of Operations Matt Olinger, Strength & Conditioning Coach Solomon Tat, Athletic Trainer Aaron Schreiner, Office Administrator Rebekah Ray, Graduate Assistant Reggie Chambers, Graduate Assistant Griffin Williams, Head Manager/Student-Athlete Development Adam Farrish, and Academic Coordinator Kristie Beitz.

lacrosse : 30 Ashlyn Altieri, 31 Eden Bayuk, 2 Morgan Becker, 5 Olivia Becker, 22 Kelly Belue, 33 Kristin Boland, 24 Abigail Britton, 21 Kallie Britton, 20 Paige Britton, 1 Courtney Brown, 6 Anna Browne, 17 Kaitlyn Cassidy-Fischetti, 26 Erin Cornell, 55 Mercedes Cox, 28 Nina Dunay, 12 Colleen Ekert, 46 Juliann Elmer, 9 Kelly Garrett, 11 Meghan Hammond, 25 Alyssa Kidder, 29 Lindsey McNamara, 23 Kathryn Milwicz, 13 Katy Pridemore, 18 Michaela Rich, 15 Natalie Silvers, 7 Caroline Smith, 19 Sam Struss, 14 Casey Thate, 16 Victoria Tickle, 3 Melanie Via, and 10 Faith Wells; STAFF: Head Coach Kelly Nangle, Assistant Coach Annie McGinley, Assistant Coach Meghan Harkey, Volunteer Assistant Coach Kristen Masullo, Undergraduate Student-Assistant Coach Bailey Meador, Undergraduate Student-Assistant Coach Lindsey Spence, Athletic Trainer Jen Tapken, and Strength & Conditioning Coach Karyl Wiese. field hockey : 12 Bethany Barr, 19 Natalie Barr, 9 Serena Barr, 13 Erin Bartley, 5 Abby Batdorf, 16 Cassidy Bremner, 22 Olivia Carroll, 20 Mercedes Cox, 72 Mallory Cuccio, 2 Hannah Doherty, 15 Erin Dombach, 11 Helen Doolittle, 14 Sarah Gipe, 7 Hannah Goldsborough, 4 Lindsey Hanks, 86 Monica Hernick, 10 Megan Johnson, 8 Hannah Jones, 17 Ashlee Krulock, 27 Carrie Logie, 1 Morgan Mummau, 6 Summer Parker, 28 Alynn Richardson, 24 Nicole Simms, and 30 Rachel Suter; STAFF: Head Coach Jodi Murphy, Assistant Coach Tilly Brampton, Assistant Coach Jacki Raithel, Athletic Trainer Jen Tapken, Director of Operations Courtney Hall, and Strength & Conditioning Coach Karyl Wiese.




virginia tech L


charlotte L vcu

W saint joseph ’s W elon L penn state W georgia state W radford W gardner -webb W nc state L minnesota L south carolina L unc asheville W high point W presbyterian W coastal carolina W longwood W charleston southern W winthrop L campbell W unc asheville W high point W radford W gardner -webb W 94


77-79 69-53 76-75 (OT) 62-73 80-68 73-71 72-63 56-47 64-67 60-74 44-84 67-55 64-47 59-42 66-47 70-48 86-51 58-63 64-40 62-58 58-41 75-39 61-48

W W longwood W charleston southern W winthrop W campbell W unc asheville W campbell W high point W north carolina L coastal carolina presbyterian

78-64 63-41 65-60 64-53 91-71 64-57 59-51 71-43 74-64 65-71

MEN’S BASKETBALL (8-24) W W virginia tech L miami (ohio) L north florida L morgan state L furman W st. francis brooklyn L bluefield W randolph college delaware

69-45 61-55 63-73 52-63 57-77 50-51 66-52 54-65 79-61

uncw L

W princeton L cincinnati christian W campbell L presbyterian L unc asheville L coastal carolina L charleston southern L longwood L winthrop L radford L high point L charleston southern L winthrop L presbyterian L campbell W coastal carolina L longwood L gardner -webb L radford W unc asheville L unc asheville L central penn

70-73 94-65 47-65 78-58 46-53 58-62 54-71 54-69 58-80 71-85 56-71 76-84 53-72 62-74 61-74 61-69 73-60 56-96 72-78 67-77 80-69 77-95 70-80

11-15 6-21 vanderbilt L 10-20 george washington W 17-13 richmond L 10-13 usc L 6-20 san diego state L 12-18 george mason W 11-7 james madison L 5-18 elon L 8-13 campbell W 21-11 coastal carolina W 18-8 gardner -webb W 23-4 presbyterian W 23-9 high point W 16-15 (OT) winthrop L 6-17 longwood L 11-13 gardner-webb W 21-4 coastal carolina W 14-8 winthrop L 8-13 navy L


stanford L vcu L old dominion L lafayette L

W W missouri state W ohio W louisville W longwood W appalachian state W appalachian state W duke L virginia L north carolina L pacific W georgetown W california W stanford W richmond W north carolina L penn

wake forest

2-1 1-4 1-2 1-2 2-4 3-2 2-1 7-1 5-0 2-1 8-1 10-0 6-2 2-3 2-3 (OT) 0-4 5-1 7-0 5-1 1-0 3-1 1-2


140-121 145-112; 167-90 virginia tech swimming & diving challenge 2-2 richmond W 189-105 virginia tech invitational 7 th out of 7 teams 7 th out of 7 teams 7 th out of 7 teams florida gulf coast quad meet 2-1 james madison L 139-212 uncw tri meet 2-0 uncw quad meet 3-0 campbell

oregon state /seattle

cssa swimming and diving championships

4th out of 11 teams 2 nd out of 11 teams 2 nd out of 11 teams 2 nd out of 11 teams

baseball : 33 Dylan Allen, 20 Jake Barbee, 30 Josh Barrick, 55 Parker Bean, 24 Nathan Blaylock, 5 Austin Bream, 18 JonRyan Breeden, 26 Dalton Britt, 35 Zach Clinton, 12 Alex Close, 11 Josh Close, 6 Shawn Clowers, 4 Victor Cole, 25 Isaac Crafton, 40 Caleb Evans, 23 Carson Herndon, 31 Corey Howard, 3 Clay Keranen, 1 Jake Kimble, 16 Jared Lyons, 2 Nick Paxton, 21 Matt Pennington, 17 Ashton Perritt, 22 Derek Perry, 10 Tray Roberts, 9 Nick Salisbury, 27 Becker Sankey, 34 Will Shepherd, 19 Michael Stafford, 29 A.J. Stevens, 32 Aaron Stroosma, 7 Sammy Taormina, 8 Nick Walker, 39 Andrew Yacyk, and 13 Thomas Yoder; STAFF: Head Coach Jim Toman, Assistant Coach Garrett Quinn, Assistant Coach Jason Murray, Volunteer Coach Blake Hunt, Student Assistant Coach Jaret White, and Director of Operations Daniel Brown. softball : 24 Alexis Albert, 9 Kelby Allen, 4 Chandler Ball, 6 Jessica Cicerchia, 18 Madi Clarke, 21 Jamie Crisp, 17 Kenzie Friesen, 2 Cassie Gingerich, 8 Katie Han, 3 Madison Kotchey, 11 Blair Lawrence, 7 Mickey Loveridge, 23 Kassidy McCoy, 5 Megan Robinson, 22 Alexia Taylor, 33 Abby Tincher, and 10 Tori Zavodny; STAFF: Head Coach Dot Richardson, Assistant Coach Bob Pinto, and Assistant Coach Paige Cassady.

swimming and diving : Sydney Archuleta, Meghan Babcock, Natalie Beale, Danielle Boothe, Sarah Browning, Natalie Chambers, Emily Duff, Cori Gary, Jennifer Garzinski, Ranndi Grubbs, Kendall Hart, Rachel Hoeve, Kendall Hough, Madi Long, Heather McCorkel, Morgan Noonan, Chelsea Pond, Rachel Rippey, Prudence Rooker, Ashlee Sall, Chloe Thomas, Victoria Tschoke, Kristin VanDeventer, Hannah Wakeley, and Rachel Wasko; STAFF: Head Coach Jake Shellenberger, Assistant Coach Jessica Barnes, Strength & Conditioning Coach Patrick Gifford, and Director of Operations Keely McMillon. golf : Tyler Abrahamsen, Huston Chandler, Adam Eineving, Mathieu Fenasse, Colby Francis, Austin Inman, Mitchell Klooz, Isaiah Logue, Payton Taylor, and Harrison Winger; STAFF: Head Coach Jeff Thomas and Assistant Coach Eric Klinger.

BASEBALL (29-17)


kennesaw state L

W georgia state W st. john ’s L uncg L east carolina W bryant W bryant W bryant W north carolina L duke L kent state L kent state W kent state W western carolina W penn state W western carolina W penn state W virginia tech W radford L radford L radford W duke L virginia L presbyterian W georgia state



9-11 10-7 (11 inn .) 9-1 1-4 5-6 4-3 3-2 6-1 11-4 4-6 2-3 4-7 4-3 (12 inn .) 8-3 5-1 7-6 4-2 3-2 12-5 5-9 3-12 3-0 1-3 7-10 9-5

W presbyterian W old dominion W charleston southern W charleston southern W charleston southern W old dominion L north carolina L campbell L campbell W campbell W maryland L longwood W longwood W longwood L virginia L gardner -webb W gardner -webb W gardner -webb W james madison L east carolina W richmond W coastal carolina W coastal carolina L coastal carolina L presbyterian

4-1 9-3 9-7 3-1 10-0 2-1 1-5 0-6 2-3 7-0 10-2 4-6 7-4 11-3 4-7 2-5 5-0 3-2 3-0 10-13 5-0 3-2 7-5 4-7 1-12

W high point L high point L high point W high point L longwood L maryland

7-6 5-6 0-5 8-7 3-8 3-4

SOFTBALL (29-30) south alabama L lamar L houston baptist


houston L

W W south dakota state L middle tennessee L umass lowell W kansas L florida L illinios state L cleveland state arkansas

0-8 (5 inn .) 6-10 11-3 (6 inn .) 5-6 3-0 5-2 6-14 (5 inn .) 7-8 2-0 4-10 0-11 (5 inn .) 2-3


mercer L south carolina L dartmouth


jacksonville L

W loyola chicago W garnder -webb W gardner -webb W gardner -webb L rider W saint francis (pa .) L princeton W quinnipiac W toledo L hampton W hampton L campbell W campbell W campbell L longwood L longwood L longwood L presbyterian W presbyterian W presbyterian L south carolina state

0-3 3-12 (5 inn .) 5-4 2-5 5-2 2-1 3-1 8-4 8-10 9-2 4-5 2-1 4-1 1-4 6-2 1-2 4-0 3-0 2-3 2-10 (6 inn .) 6-12 0-9 (5 inn .) 7-3 5-0 2-10 (5 inn .)

W 5-3 W 8-7 radford L 1-4 charleston southern W 9-0 (6 inn .) charleston southern L 0-5 charleston southern W 10-7 virginia tech L 1-10 virginia tech W 1-0 coastal carolina L 3-4 coastal carolina W 5-4 coastal carolina W 5-4 (10 inn .) hampton W 5-4 (9 inn .) hampton W 5-2 virginia W 3-2 virginia L 2-4 winthrop L 3-6 winthrop L 7-11 winthrop L 0-3 marshall W 3-1 charleston southern L 3-4 gardner -webb W 7-2 coastal carolina L 5-7 radford radford

inverness intercollegiate shoal creek invitational rod myers invitational pinetree intercollegiate stetson sea best invitational suntrust gator invitational

12 th out of 12 9 th out of 12 11th out of 12 2nd out of 11 W 435-445 t10 th out of 15 t 8 th out of 14

cleveland golf palmetto intercollegiate linger longer invitational mason rudolph championship liberty spring invitational big south men ’s golf championship

7 th out of 18 8 th out of 15 8 th out of 14 3 rd out of 18 5th out of 10

men ’ s tennis : Jorge Azuero, Josiah Boda, Jason Burgess, David Bush, Diego Castano, Sam Matheson, Egon Samaai, and Dillon Segur; STAFF: Head Coach Chris Johnson and Assistant Coach Rich Benson. women ’ s tennis : Evangeline Crist, Emily Groeneveld, Mariely Hassey, Maria Khval, Lauren Mabe, Belen Rivera, Valerie Thong, Nicola Wellman, and Brittany Yang; STAFF: Head Coach Jeff Maren, Assistant Coach Giancarlo Lemmi, Volunteer Assistant Coach Siim Tuus, Athletic Trainer Tuesday Hunt, Strength & Conditioning Coach Karyl Wiese, and Director of Operations Keely McMillon.

MEN’S TENNIS (14-10) W W virginia L king W bluefield state W florida atlantic L florida gulf coast L miami L longwood W abilene christian W incarnate word W st. mary ’s W utsa L richmond L coastal carolina W presbyterian W unc asheville L gardner -webb L campbell W winthrop W william & M ary L radford W unc asheville W winthrop L james madison

morehead state




WOMEN’S TENNIS (19-5) 7-0 5-2 0-7 7-0 6-1 0-4 1-6 2-4 6-1 4-3 6-1 8-1 1-6 3-4 4-3 4-3 2-5 2-5 4-3 4-3 0-4 4-3 4-2 0-4

W W florida international L charlotte W villanova W njit W akron W james madison W marshall L longwood W unc asheville W elon W pacific W cal poly W charleston southern W campbell W coastal carolina L presbyterian W radford W winthrop L gardner -webb W richmond W campbell W charleston southern L wofford

north carolina central

6-1 6-1 3-4 4-3 6-1 7-0 5-2 5-2 2-5 5-2 7-0 5-2 5-2 5-2 4-3 6-1 3-4 7-0 6-1 2-5 5-2 5-2 4-0 2-4

uva duals

men : 1-3

gardner -webb invitational virginia /panorama farms

women : 1-4

invitational hagan stone classic

men : 2 nd women : 3 rd men : 7 th women : 9 th women : 3 rd

greater louisville classic

men : 3 rd

isu pre-national invitational big south cross country championships hokie open

women : 4th men : 35th women : 25th men : 2 nd women : 2 nd women : 2 nd

ncaa division 1 southeast regional

men : 15th


women : 19 th

marching band : FIELD COMMANDERS: Daniel Spencer, Ashley Cypher, and Mark McDonald; FLUTE/PICCOLO: Rachel Blattner, Shelby Burton, Lindsay Coleman, Shelby Cotone, Morgan Davis, Sara Green, Elizabeth Hartsock, MaKayla Harvey, Elisa Jacobs, Stephanie Kerr, Traci Maistros, Savannah McGuirt, Melissa Miller, Heidi Reinhart, Samantha Seelig, Breanne Steindel, David Stoeltzing, Megan Stuckey, Katie Trimble, Jameka Tuppince, Meagan Veacock, Danielle Walker, Laura Wentz, and Joann Yang; CLARINET: Elizabeth Boger, Ashley Brannen, Sarah Brewer, Jessie Brown, Joshua Chung, Amber Davis, Autumn Fox, Lauren Glossner, Abigail Gray, Molly Helton, Nicole Hill, Leah Jillson, Christian Kaim, Alyssa McDorman, Jordan Robinson, Lauren Ross, Elizabeth Rupert, Jessica Rydelski, Ariel Smith, Ayana Walker, and Dillon Wright; SAXOPHONE: Kathy Abdallah, John Barrows, Alyssa Bavar, Josh Boyer, Randy Burke, Casey Campbell, Chelsea Curtis, Summer Fox, Anthony Giannini, Kaleb Gooden, Curtis Green, Michael Holmes, Steven James, Caleb Martin, Bethany McDonald, Rebekah Neale, Joshua Nordland, Quentin Palmer, Olivia Rutt, Christopher Shafer, Tyler Simmons, Kris Suptela, Tyler Wunderlich, and Adriel Yague; TRUMPET: Abigail Adams, Kyle-Tyler Burton, Joseph Cooper, Tyler Crown, Tyler Cypher, Evan Downing, Amy Eustace, Joshua Gittens, Micah Green, Andrew Harris, Matt Herron, Jordan Kauffman, Michael Kimbrough, Chloe Mellinger, Kristin Miller, Cameron Monari, Jacob Moyer, Timothy Murphy, Aaron Parlier, Stephen Perkins Jr., David Renfroe, Marissa Roath, Meghan Schrad, Christian Sprout, Thomas Stone, Brandan Sushko, Jonathan Theodore, Gabriella Thomas, and Stephen Thomas; MELLOPHONE: Adam Allison, Arianna Angles, Courtney Anthony, Caleb Berry, Dana Fogg, Alyssa Hurley, Sarah Johnson, Kelsie Rhodes, Matthew Shinsky, Kristen Solivan, Jordan Stevens, and Antal Vegh; TROMBONE: Jordan Bower, Bryan Clark, Jacob Cozart, George Fendley, Heather Fox, Jess Gibson, Katherine Gregg, Davin Hadley, Hunter Hook, Garrett Johnson, Macon Knight, Tone’Jah Knight, Allison Kurtz, Ryan MacKay, Christian Marple, Alex Selph, and Dominic Williams; BARITONE: DiNicola Ashley, Kevin Exner, Bailey Holtzman, Alexandra Kaercher, Montana Montgomery, Sandrielle Rottier, Alex VanderMey, and Abby Zehr; TUBA: Catherine Adams, Nicole Anderson, Jeremy Cantu, Elizabeth Chaplin, John Cranford, Hayleigh DeBruhl, Logan Dingus, Tess Ford, Brandon Funk, Jordan Homa, Evan Keene, Nana Osei-Tutu, Alan Payan, Danae Rudy, Austin Sassine, and Breanna Tyson; BATTERY: Conner Brady, Tyler Crocker, Logan Damery, Erik Detweiler, George Hambel, Benjamin Hill, George Johnson, David Keller, Anthony Knuckles, Andrew Kuenzi, Carter Layne, Ryan Miller, Emily Naegel, Samuel Parsons, Charlie Partridge, Elijah Romick, Jessica Scott, Doug Sidey, Nathaniel Trawick, Seth Westgate, and Jeremy Williams; FRONT ENSEMBLE: Morgan Argenbright, Joey Buggica, Kevin Collier, Margaret Curry, Kayla Davis, Bethany Federico, Jordan Fitzwater, Kaila Griffith, Madeline Hall, Justin Hammerberg, Jack Hoover, Kaitlyn Knapp, Jessica Lindsay, Skyler Lippard, Joseph Moyer, Hailey Tyree, David Walthall, Weston Webb, and Kara Witt; COLORGUARD: Betty Baker, Alison Basney, Miriam Brighton, Taylor Cedeno, Cassandra Cooper, Emily Cox, Brianna Creech, Megan Davis, Gioanni Galan, Jharezee Guzman, Heaven Hogan, Sara Hostetter, Molly Ketcham, Diana Lackey, Angela Lee, Nicole Lynam, Heather Manuel, Amanda Neagle, Olivia Pennington, Devin Pullen, Michelle Radcliffe, Shae Reichard, Brittany Smith, Ashleigh Tuck, and Victoria Wood; FIELD CREW: Caleb Childers, Emily Phillips, Alexcia Revell, Valorie Sims, and Suzanne Hernandez; STAFF: Director Dr. Stephen Kerr, Associate Director Kathryn Voelker, Percussion and Battery Instructor Tyler Loftin, Assistant Director Christpoher Coker, Guard Instructor Bryanna Tester, High-Woodwinds/F.E. Technician Shelby Hamrick, Mid-Woodwinds Technitian Becca McDonald, High Brass Technician Michael Kerr, Low-Brass Technician James Francois, Battery Technician Ryan Jones, and Battery/Visual Technician Aaron Maraj. wind ensemble : Adam Allison, Rachel Blattner, Jordan Bower, Kyle-Tyler Burton, Elizabeth Chaplin, Joshua Chung, Shiona Clark, Brian Clark, Christopher Coker, Lindsay Coleman, Sean Cothran, Tyler Crocker, Ashley Cypher, Tyler Cypher, Morgan Davis, Logan Dingus, Kevin Exner, Tyler Goodwin, Abigail Gray, Dr. Clark Greer, Andrew Harris, Matt Herron, Benjamin Hill, Alexandra Kaercher, Christian Kaim, David Keller, Valorie Kelley, Stephanie Kerr, Kaitlyn Knapp, Macon Knight, Christian Marple, Caleb Martin, Mark McDonald, Bethany McDonald, Melissa Miller, Kristin Miller, Timothy Murphy, Emily Naegel, Rebekah Neale, Joshua Nordland, Alyssa Osorio, Quentin Palmer, Stephen Perkins Jr., Tom Reid, Erin Searson, Matt Shinsky, Daniel Spencer, David Stoeltzing, Thomas Stone, James Van Eaton, Danielle Walker, David Walthall, Jeremy Williams, Dominic Williams, Dillon Wright, and Abigail Zehr; FACULTY: Dr. Stephen Kerr.

men ’ s di hockey : 44 Cam Bakker, 96 Steven Bellew, 1 Cary Byron, 91 Ryley Egan, 63 Bram Erickson, 18 Kyle Garcia, 12 Christian Garland, 17 Grant Garvin, 30 Josh Halpenny, 14 Luke Hannon, 13 Chase Harris, 33 Ian Harris, 5 Ben Hughes, 93 Ryan Kerr, 20 Paul Lamoureux, 16 Lindsay LeBlanc, 74 Danny Logan, 5 Kyle Miller, 29 Matt Pinel, 26 Peter Shantz, 11 Matt Sherry, 22 Luke Simon, 10 Colt Steele, and 19 Tyson Street; STAFF: Head Coach Kirk Handy, Associate Head Coach Jeff Boettger, Assistant Coach Jake Hannon, and Goalie Coach Dan Berthiaume. women ’ s di hockey : 19 Alexis Alexopoulas, 14 Catherine Burrell, 67 Nicole Douglas, 12 Madison Fischer, 97 Sarah Fowler, 92 Courtney Gilmour, 27 Amanda Grainger, 18 Chelsey Greenwood, 91 Brittany Hymers, 24 Caroline Innes, 3 Carrie Jikling, 29 Rosie Kelly, 15 Autumn Kucharczyk, 1 Chantal Lischynski, 8 Jenny MacArthur, 9 Nikki McCombe, 33 Samantha Rupp, 4 Stephanie St.Amand, 11 Sarah Stevenson, 95 Clarissa Tipping, and 30 Kristina Toppazzini; STAFF: Head Coach Paul Bloomfield, Assistant Coach Kaylee Vandjelovic, and Assistant Coach Jonathan Chung.

men ’ s lacrosse : 4 Chris Armstrong, 24 Brett Bernardo, 21 Luke Bieri, 6 Jacob Campbell, 10 Trent Daggett, 5 Stephen DiPaola, 8 Alexander Ehrich, 50 Daniel Ehrich, 9 Charles Fianko, 33 Max Fontaine, 7 Tom Girani, 40 Kyle Goulden, 13 Dave Jenson, 23 Ethan Kamholtz, 22 Asa Keimig, 14 Jon Killian, 26 Sam King, 16 Nick Lombardozzi, 2 Ryan Miller, 11 David Mitchell, 99 Chad Moore, 20 Bryce Mrakovich, 54 Micah Norcross, 28 Aaron Ochs, 3 Jimmy Page, 1 Morgan Pitts, 47 Peter Potecha, 12 Tommy Rolewicz, 44 Connor Sheehey, 17 Ronnie Stringfield Jr., 52 Nick Taylor, 48 Sam Thmopson, 27 Nathaniel Whyte, 25 Brett Wood, and 22 Jonathan Yantz; STAFF: Head Coach Kyle McQuillan, Assistant Coach Mike Zumpano, and Strength & Conditioning Coach Jessi Glauser. men ’ s volleyball : 5 Troy Brown, 11 Sam Eisbrenner, 3 Steven Fawcett, 6 Andrew Glover, 1 Josiah Hershberger, 17 David Hong, 4 Jacob Outten, Caleb Pitcher, 8 Kevin Synder, 15 Lucas Werth, 2 Josiah Williams, 7 Nick Williamson, 9 Sam Wyman, and 1 Isaac Zywczok; STAFF: Head Coach Bryan Rigg and Assistant Coach Ryan Culkin.

MEN’S D1 HOCKEY (21-17)


potomic patriots jr . a

W W richmond jr . a W naval academy L naval academy W university of arizona W university of arizona L minot state university L minot state university L davenport university L davenport university W arizona state university L university of arizona W university of arizona W west virginia university W west virginia university W delaware university L delaware university W stony brook university L stony brook university W davenport university L oakland university L oakland university W virginia tech W stony brook university W stony brook university L rochester college L richmond jr . a



7-2 6-0 11-0 4-5 6-2 8-0 5-6 5-6 2-4 3-4 6-3 4-6 4-3 4-3 11-1 7-3 4-6 5-1 1-3 8-4 4-6 4-7 4-3 7-3 7-3 2-3 1-2

rochester college


ohio university L ohio university L

W delaware university W oakland university W oakland university L west virginia university W west virginia university W minot state university W minot state university W ohio L delaware university

7-3 4-7 2-3 3-1 6-3 8-3 2-5 3-0 7-0 5-1 3-1 2-5

WOMEN’S D1 HOCKEY (31-4-1) W W washington pride W university of massachusetts W university of massachusetts W university of colorado W university of colorado W colorado state T colorado state W naval academy W naval academy W hamilton hawks

washington pride

6-0 2-1 3-0 4-1 5-1 8-0 8-1 3-3 3-0 12-0 6-0

W W university of buffalo W university of buffalo W university of rhode island W university of rhode island L university of miami L university of miami L penn state university W penn state university W grand valley state university W grand valley state university W lindenwood university L lindenwood university W naval academy W naval academy W university of buffalo W university of buffalo W tri city selects W tri city selects W penn state W grand valley W university of massachusetts W adrian college W miami of ohio W robert morris university robert morris university

4-2 5-0 11-2 11-0 4-1 3-4 1-2 3-4 6-5 2-1 3-2 2-0 1-2 6-1 17-0 16-0 14-0 4-0 5-0 4-0 4-3 (OT) 3-0 2-1 3-1 4-1

W W george washington university W university of arizona L grand canyon university L arizona state university L university of oklahoma W west virginia W pittsburgh W university of georgia W university of tennessee W florida state university W virginia tech L florida state university W georgia tech L clemson university davenport

10-5 13-9 10-2 8-9 9-14 10-11 18-5 14-4 16-11 19-5 14-10 11-10 7-15 10-7 7-9

MEN’S VOLLEYBALL (36-16-2) usa volleyball team- T


charlottesville va

W W radford university W christopher newport university W eastern mennonite university

usa volleyball team- north va

2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0

virginia commonwealth




2-1 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0

W king’s college tournament king’s college T cairn university W messiah college L lancaster bible college W kutztown W messiah college L eastern mennonite university W rutgers university L alderson broaddus university W old dominion university W duke W george mason university W duke W university of central florida L illinios state L uw- oshkosh L


eastern mennonite university north carolina virginia military institute bluefield college university of virginia virginia commonwealth university milligan college-

missouri-b L michigan L


1-1 2-0 0-2 2-0 2-0 1-2 3-0 1-2 2-1 2-0 2-0 3-0 2-0 1-2 1-2 0-2

W W florida W depaul W vcu W unc W duke W virginia tech L jmu W virginia tech L university of central florida W penn state university W syracuse L maryland W rutgers W virginia tech L iowa W uc irvine W minnesota L utah valley W uc davis L virginia tech L marquette L ohio state b

ohio state c

0-2 1-2 3-0 2-0 2-1 2-1 2-0 2-0 2-0 0-2 2-1 0-2 2-0 2-1 1-2 2-0 2-1 0-2 2-0 2-0 1-2 2-1 0-2 0-2 1-2

wrestling : David Abbadusky, Edwin Balcita, Thomas Bartholomew, Chase Boontjer, Michael Bryant, Evan Canady, Cary Caprio, Eric Clatterbuck, Alex Cox, Ryan Diehl, Josh Ferenczy, Ronald Frank, Patrick Good, Charlie Hancock, Austin Kirtlan, Joshua Llopez, Zach Newton, Tim Nordan, Joshua Pelletier, Gregory Pendell, Ike Podell, Amy Pond, Alexander Ramos, Kent Rasmussen, Matt Reynolds, Cody Richmond, Joshua Sanders, Zach Scott, Jonathan Sigler, Josh Sturgill, Jonah Swinson, Peter Tatanish, Josh Travers, and Keyshaun Ward; STAFF: Head Coach Jesse Castro, Assistant Coach Allen Hackmann, Graduate Assistant Miguel Rodriguez, and Volunteer Coach Peter Crawford. crew : Zachary Belk, Emily Berguson, Linda Branch, Kevin Brown, Sarah Catto, Jordan Childs, Mattheus Coelho, Alexandra Coughlan, Andrea Deisher, Kendra Dowdy, Hayley Edmundson, Trevor Ellingson, Natasha Fifelski, James Ford, Haley Halstead, Josh Herts, Stephanie Jorge, Gabrielle Kitchens, Mary Klein, Samuel Knauss, Ian Laya, Kathleen Lopp, Kristen Mallory, Debbie Martin, Lydia Miller, Carolyn Olieirva Nascimento, Caitlyn Parr, Trevor Prescott, Trevor Quandt, Matthew Reidy, Ana Rodriguez, Tyler Seelig, Kayla Sims, Alexandria Strader, Megan Stuckey, Abby Sweeney, and Rachel Williams; STAFF: Head Coach Sarah Morris and Assistant Coach Mitchell Dieudonne. gymnastics : Jonathan Baldwin, Cassidy Boarman, Davina Bowman, Rufus Chapelle, Kayla Corriveau, Sarah Escobar, Ashley Ford, Alyssa Frost, Ashley Grim, Jessica Hogue, Constance McNair, Austin Minuto, Jennifer Schools, Cathryn Scott, Kathryn Sibande, and Cameron Streeter; STAFF: Head Coach Rachel Steele.



men ’ s dii hockey : 21 Jordan Barstead, 29 Blair Bennett, 6 Tim Bierema, 7 Ryan Bray, 10 Eric Burke, 30 Connor Carew, 11 Johnny Cotton, 12 Devon Docksteader, 4 Lucas Ebel, 18 Ben Freymond, 15 Adam Gnatowski, 1 Justin Gortman, 19 Caleb Grow, 13 Daniel Huntington, 14 Paul Ingles, 16 Peter Kazmierczak, 8 Josh King, 20 Kade McDaniel, 17 Jeremy Miller, 2 Clinton Nigh, 3 Roger Roulette, 26 Kaleb Shannon, 5 Ryan Sidun, and 24 James Thayer; STAFF: Head Coach Chris Lowes, Assistant Coach Josh Tucker, and Assistant Coach Mike Morrison. ski & snowboarding : Collin Anderson, Sydney Beatty, Bryan Ducharme, Nathaniel Feldman, Brandy Fronte, Brooke Gibson, Isaac Gibson, Austin Herrero, Kevin Hoff, Chris Holt, Michael Kane, Brendan McHugh, Austin Santos, and Matthew Ziegler; STAFF: Head Coach Ryan Leeds, Assistant Coach Brent Washburn, Assistant Coach David Promnitz, and Assistant Coach Kevin Manguiob. women ’ s dii hockey : 27 Sarah Cozzens, 18 Alyssa Davis, 2 Christina Fisher, 1 Faith Gerber, 11 Jenna Holman, 20 Meghan Nawyn, 92 Kaitlyn Nelson, 13 Sonja Nielsen, 22 Kaitlyn Scales, 21 Megan Shellman, 19 Alëna Steiger, and 30 Emily Thomas; STAFF: Head Coach Sara Niemi, Assistant Coach Rena Leone, and Manager Brittany James. men ’ s ultimate : 37 James Allen, Lowe Bibby, 24 Luke Byron, 9 Erik Clowdis, 20 JA’mhar Comena, 21 Erick Danielson, 2 Micah Davis, 27 Evan Harris, 8 Brandon Kanerva, 99 Johnathan Klingler, 1 Taylor Nelson, 44 Josh Neubauer, 25 James Russell, 00 Collin Seelan, Robert Stahler, 4 Evan Trimble, 8 Josiah Twiddy, 7 Ben Wagenknecht, and Jonathan Whitt; STAFF: Head Coach Jason Jarrett, Assistant Coach Joseph McAllister, and Assistant Coach Brendan Phillips. women ’ s ultimate : 25 Jacqueline Albert, 64 Stephanie Albert, 34 Katherine Clark, 10 Allison Coffey, 3 Ashely Condon, 17 Sydney Dawson, 32 Jenna Derrick, 47 Jillianne Hook, 18 Krista Johnson, 11 Kaitlyn Kane, 45 Megan Kinne, 47 Casey Kmett’Pendry, 5 Keziah Lewellyn, 7 Lindsey Matson, 40 Lauren Neubauer, 24 Camvy Phan, 82 Hannah Plasterer, 4 Hayley Seiler, 2 Danielle Smith, and 68 Jennifer Vachon; STAFF: Head Coach Jason Jarrett, Assistant Coach Jonathan Mast, and Assistant Coach Brendan Phillips.

equestrian : Justine Adams, Micah Armbrust, Paige Brinkley, Lauren Bunnell, Kendall Carter, Chelsea Cepeda, Elizabeth Chenelle, Christie Freda, Taylor Gramse, Brianna Henry, Kari Hicks, Courtney Kerns, Brittany Kimmel, Avonlea Kisner, Tiffani Lindsay, Emma Moore, Sarah Philbrick, Lily Rothenberger, Christa Shive, Kayla Sims, Cassidy Smith, Andrew Start, Cassandra Steptoe, Jordyn Tawney, Mallory Walker, Bethany WIlliams, Leah Wright, and Graham Young; STAFF: Head Coach Caroline Trexler, Assistant Coach Lori Matthews, and Shelby Rader.

men ’ s diii hockey : 86 Sean Bakker, 26 Jerrod Beresid, 11 Casey Brown, 21 Paul Brueckner, 18 Kyle Burman, 97 Brandon Cockburn, 32 Patrick Comack, 77 Markus Deas, 6 Jordan Dickinson, 37 Chad Docksteader, 44 Chase Evangelista, 33 Daniel Flaherty, Ryan Francis, 8 Matthew Graham, 28 Dalton Harris, 93 Gregory Heywood, 5 Josh Klakring, 29 Jonathan Lulis, 15 Parker McIntyre, 4 Drew Muir, 17 Alexander Saylor, 10 Connor Sheehey, 25 Christian Smith, 22 Eric Smith, 7 Austin Wagner, and 9 Caleb Weesner; STAFF: Head Coach Rett McGibbon and Assistant Coach Jared Smith.

triathlon : Joseph Anderson, Hannah Baldino, Dale Carty Jr., Will Daugherty, John Davenport, Brennon Dunbar, Carson Faix, Travis Fehr, Ashley Fouse, Jonathan Freed, Jessica Tate Gibson, Madeline Griffin, Rebekah Heaphy, Rebekah Hodge, Bethany Jenkins, Devante Lewis, Hannah McDonald, Megan Merryman, Ginny Mitchell, Jacob Mulkey, Christian Schick, Greg Schott, Tanner Smith, Grace Tumminello, Hannah Uvodich, and Rachel Walters; STAFF: Head Coach Parker Spencer.

archery : Chris Britton, Sam Hatcher, Deanne Houseknecht, Hunter Jacobs, Zach King, Jason Lynch, and Ian Rigney; STAFF: Head Coach Mitch Reno III.

racquetball : Kawin Barnes, Philip Brown, Sarah Bunyea, Kelly Connors, Morgan Drake, Alex Ecker, Monica Elder, Ryan Evans, Nick Gadsby, Joe Gallagher, Juan Jaramillo, Jordan Kemp, Ben Musick, Emily Parnell, Eric Piering, David Schreck, Michael Shealy, Phil Vorderstrasse, and Kolton White; STAFF: Head Coach Danny Rodriguez and Assistant Coach Shawn Furman.

tae kwon do : Ariel Aadounkpe, Stephen Backof, Christian Brinkley, Paige Brinkley, Becky Cook, Leah Deaton, Emmanuel Dii, Caitlin Gallagher, Danielle Gallagher, April Handog, Isaiah Handog, Tykeyah Henderson, Thien-Nam Hoang, Joro Ianouchev, Moise Kabeya, Bryar Kader, Moriah Martin, Biranganine Ntibonera, Michael Personius, Adam Saxton, Emma Selby, Callie Wilson, and Helen Wood; STAFF: Head Coach Jesse Wilson, Assistant Coach Tom Childress, and Assistant Instructor Brian Preiser.

beach volleyball : Rebecca Benson, Caroline Bertholino, Sam Brewster, Aaron Brooks, Ryan Burtt, Alysha Clayton, Samantha Evans, Steven Fawcett, David Hong, Morgan Horne, Tim Jacobsen, Jules Johnson, Ezra Kwame, Carly Lagerquist, Marlaina McConville, Dana Mercer, Elissa Mulcahy, Jordan Pfau, Mike Ragan, Emily Stotmeister, Brittany Tyree, Kaleb VanDePerre, Andrew Winn, and Tinsley Zentmeyer; STAFF: Head Coach Rachel Willis, Assistant Coach Johnathan Willis, and Assistant Coach Mike Morrison.

disc golf : Daniel Ballard, Ben Brown, Lance Brown, Hannah Croke, Jesse Edgin, Reuben Galang, Jarrod Goodhue, Ed Lipscomb, Bridger Melton, Zach Nicol, Brent Prudich, Colby Robinson, Jordan Strother, Devin Swartz, Justin Towns, and Jon Younce; STAFF: Head Coach Steve Bowman, Assistant & Player Coach Mary Merat, and Assistant & Player Coach Joses Merat.

synchronized skating : Adrielle Benner, Caileigh Gallagher, Brianna Gasterland, Rachel Halvorson, Emily Hautbois, Kaitlyn Humphrey, Katherine Lash, Rebekah Leahy, McKenna Orcutt, and Kelsey Rieschl; STAFF: Head Coach Tatiana Payne and Assistant Coach Meghan Schenker. figure skating : Elizabeth Adams, Emily Boyles, Lauren Creekmore, Maria DeFosse, Kayla Gilley, Laura Gordon, Rachel Halvorson, Emily Hautbois, Emily Hays, Rebekah Hicks, Rebekah Leahy, Shelby Locklear, Sheena McCown, Kylea Moyer, Melissa Palahnuk, Kelly Pollock, Katie Proia, Fantasia Remonvil, Kelsey Rieschl, Kadrea Tucker, and Rachel Yingling; STAFF: Head Coach Tatiana Payne, Assistant Coach Dawn Harter, and Assistant Coach John Carlow.

paintball : 10 Kayne Boyer, 54 Christian Campbell, 99 Daniel Chiaverini, 36 Victor Cortes, 52 David Dickerson, 42 Ryan Esquirrell, 7 Chris Godwin, 14 Brent Jones, 24 John Lewers, 4 Brendan Liakos, 631 Bobby Majuk, 262 Alex Manzek, 18 Randy McKinsey, 3 Micah McLeod, 15 Josh Okuda, 27 Dean Sepe, 117 Jacob Sims, 603 Chris Smith, 321 Tyler Smith 314 Joe Sobchinsky, 26 Reagan Stehman, 9 Ethan Strickland, 319 Erik Stupelman, 23 Brandon Terrell, 64 Aaron Thompson, 777 Kyeneil Tippett, and 2 Jonathan Yeo; STAFF: Assistant Coach Brian Davidson, Assistant Coach Glenn Davidson, and Assistant Coach Noah Burns.
















L to R: Elizabeth Myers, Candace Pruitt, Julia Smith, Cassidy Johnson, Katelyn Grant,

Front Row (L to R): Meghan Pritchard, Lauren Sweeney, Kyle Smith,

L to R: Marshall Robins, Rachel Hickling, Colby Chase,

L to R: Evan Apon, Joshua Fowler, Kelvin Scott, Luke Seaborn, Emanuell Sloan,

Rebecca Hobbs, Amy Justice, and Ashley Marrero.

Katelyn Grant, and Louis Fabrizi.

Judson Harris, Tom Szoch, Morgan Wallace, and John Bisaga.

Chandler Bronkema, and Nick Fike.

Back Row (L to R): Christian Hodge, Harrison Mead, Bryce Rodgers, and

Not pictured: Shawn Lewis.

Matthew Morrisey.





L to R: Sam Swaim, Caleb Lynn, Josh Crosby, Joseph Watson,

L to R: Alexander Hoffman, Melodie Castellanos, Clay Finnesand,

Front row (L to R): Kevin Williams, Ginny Stovall, Aimee Hammerly,

Discipleship Team: Jake Smejkal, Molly Evans, Sebastian Hernandez, Justice Gilbert,

Connor Kearns, Will Tompkins, and Nathan Fulks.

Jonathan Simon, Daniel Patti, Rebecca Gage, Dillon Sherlock, and

Melissa Jean, Kourtney Jones, and Steven Musso;

Mike Hines, and Hannah Rudy.

Coty Knight.

Back row (L to R): Ryan Albert, Skylar Ortega, Patrick Marshall,

Creative Arts Team: Peter Johnson, Brittany Sprinkle, Morgan Robbins,

Mark LaMontagne, Austin Addams, and Christopher Wilson.

Jake Kounter, and Gloria Umanah. Worship Team: Luke Beavers, Caleb Blair, Lacy Payton, Kinshiro Shimochi, Aaron Chase, Lance Fletcher, and Brandon Schroeder.



INDEX A Aanderud, Brittany 52 Abbadusky, David 81 Agama, Aklesso 72, 73 All Sons & Daughters 26, 27 Alluvion Stage Company 20 American Advertising Awards 21 America Takes ACTION 10 Anderson, Joseph 86 Andoh, David 62 Andrews, Chelsea 10 Archery 74, 102 Art Gallery 8 Astronomical Observatory 6 Awaken 88, 104 Azra, John 15 Azuero, Jorge 59

B Babcock, Meghan 70 Baber, Kristen 24 Bachelor of Fine Arts 17 Ball, Chandler 64 Barrick, Josh 67 Barrows, John 34 Bartley, Erin 54 Baseball 66, 67, 94 Basketball, Men’s 62, 63, 92 Basketball, Women’s 60, 61, 92 Bass, Johnathan 9 Batdorf, Abby 54 Bateman, Jon 31 Beach Volleyball 74, 75, 102 Beasley, Jacob 20 Beatty, Sydney 85 Becker, Morgan 68 Belle, Andrew 26, 27 Bengtson, Kelsey 21 Benham, David 14 Benham, Jason 14 Bernardo, Brett 80 Blass, Kathryn 10 Block Party 28 Boland, Kristin 68 Bone Marrow Drive 32 Boone, Maddie 52 Boontjer, Chase 81 Bouton, Kat 55 Boyer, Kayne 83 Bradshaw, Brooke 40

108 108

Bradshaw, Megan 9 Brady, Sullivan 43 Brannock, Jerritt 9 Brasher, Neal 20 Breaux, Melissa 11 Brennan, Michael 20 Brenny, Joel 18 Britt, Dalton 67 Britton, Kallie 68, 69 Brooks, Savannah 16 Brown, Christa 18 Brown, Courtney 69 Brown, Emily 29 Browning, Sarah 70 Brown, Lance 87 Brown, Meredith 5

Christian/Community Service 11 Christiansen, Jacy 55 Christmas Coffeehouse 35 Christmas in Lights 30 Church Planting Expo 16 Clatterbuck, Eric 81 Clayton, Sean 9 Clinton, Zach 67 Close, Alex 67 Clowers, Shawn 66 Club Sports 74 Clyde, Connor 44 Commencement Ceremony 110, 112 Concerned Women for America 10 Connor, Barbara 112, 113 Conrad, Soren 21

Brown, Simone 60 Brubaker, Abbie 43 Brumble, Laura 110 Buda, Stephanie 55 Buer, Karly 61 Bullock, Tyler 53 Burgess, Jason 59 Burgmon, Sharon 23 Burton, Kyle 28 Busby, LaFrieeda 23 Bush, Jeb 110, 112, 113 Byers, Kelly 21 Byron, Cary 76

Convocation 14, 31, 32, 33, 38, 39 Cook, Shaquille 19 Corson, Kate 56 Cothran, Sean 9 Coughlan, Allie 84 Cox, Charissa 21 Cox, Mercedes 69 Crew 84, 100 Crimson Flood 88, 104 Crist, Brianne 11 Crist, Evangeline 58 Cross Country 55, 96 Crouthamel, Kathryn 43 Cruz, Ted 33 Curry, James 9 Cyber Security 16

C Calhoun, Jared 20 Campus Band 39, 104 Campus Community 31 Cariello, Sergio 8 Carrington, Christina 44 Castano, Diego 59 Catto, Sarah 84 Center for Academic Support & Advising Services 32 Center for Digital Wellness 19 Center for Global Engagement 31 Center for Medical and Health Sciences 13 Center for Music and the Worship Arts 18 Cestari, Dean Anthony 20 Chacha, Tenzi 11 Chandler, Hutson 71 Chandler, Matt 39 Chennelle, Elizabeth 86 Chennells, Abby 31 Childs, Jordan 84

D Daggett, Trent 80 Dalton, Matthew 15 Danielson, Tara 54 Davidson, Brian 83 Davies, Dulcie 54 Davis, Olivia 73 Davis, Ryan 73 Deitrick, Jessica 19 DelAguila, Nick 30 Demmon, Steph 33 Department of Biology & Chemistry 18 Department of Counselor Education & Family Studies 112 Department of Health Professions 18 Department of Studio & Digital Arts 17, 21 Department of Theatre Arts 20 Depiero, Leah 29, 36 Derr, Kelsee 72

De-Stress Fest 33 DeVinck, Robert 22 Diehl, Ryan 81 Dining Services 11 Disc Golf 102 Doc’s 43 Dombach, Erin 54 Doolittle, Helen 54 Dotson, Robert 23 Douglas, Caroline 56, 57 Dowdy, Kendra 84 Dubrow, Cheryl 112, 113 Ducharme, Bryan 85 Duff, Emily 70 Dunay, Nina 69 Dunkle, Alanna 52 Dunscomb, Kyle 36

E Eineving, Adam 71 Ekert, Colleen 68 Ellis, Kelsey Lynn 29 Ellis, Sadalia 61 Equestrian 86, 102 Erickson, Bram 77 Exodus 88, 104

F Fabich, Andrew 15 Falwell, Becki 4, 30 Falwell, Jerry 4, 5, 28, 29, 30, 33, 110, 160 Falwell, Sarah 110 Faraldi, Kara 20 Fawcett, Steven 75 Feimster, Colt 9 Feldman, Nathaniel 85 Felton, Noah 37 Fenasse, Mathieu 71 Field Hockey 54, 93 Figgers, Caleb 43 Figure Skating 74, 103 Fisher-Davis, Jaymee 61 Fleming, Connor 53 Floto, Zach 9 Flower, Abigail 73 Flower, Kate 73 Foose, Michael 6 Football 46, 49, 50, 51, 90 Fox, Heather 21 Frazier, Emily 60, 61 Frejd, Dr. Sylvia Hart 19 Friesen, Kenzie 64 Fronte, Brandy 85 Fulton, Fred 73

G Gaddis, Thomas 22 Gallagher, Kyle 9 Garcia, Dan 9 Garcia, Joanna 36 Garvin, Grant 77 Gary, Cari 70 Geffken, Andy 20 Gibby, Micayla 17 Gibson, Brooke 85 Gibson, Isaac 85 Gipe, Sarah 54 Glasloe, Bethany 8 Goins-Phillips, Loghan 5 Goldsborough, Hannah 54 Golf 71, 95 Gortman, Justin 84 Greene, Santara 34 Gregoire, Jon 144 Grim, Ashley 85 Groeneveld, Emily 58 Guy, Adriane 32 Gymnastics 100

H Hagen, Jacob 49 Hamilton, Kandice 35 Hancock, Ashley 35 Hanks, Greta 18 Hannon, Luke 76, 77 Hanson, Mitch 49 Harbin, Kelsey 54 Harbison, Tim 53 Hardaway, Karen 22 Harrison, Ashton 10 Harrison, Brandon 9 Hart, Jonathan 20 Hart, Kendall 70 Hartley, William 9 Hartman, Daniel 9 Haseez, Arif 13 Hasselmann, Dorothy 23 Hassey, Mariely 58 Hazy, Amanda 15 Heaphy, Rebekah 86 Heitzman, Danielle 21 Henry, April 39 Henry, John 30 Hibbs, Sam 55 Hicks, Kari 86 Hill, Alyssa 28 Hill, Cody 20 Hockey, Men’s DI 77, 76, 98 Hockey, Men’s DII 84, 101

Hockey, Men’s DIII 74, 75, 103 Hockey, Women’s DI 78, 79, 98 Hockey, Women’s DII 87, 101 Hodges, Logen 40 Hoff, Kevin 85 Hogue, Jonathan 20 Holland, Charity 9 Homecoming 46, 51 Hoover, Emily 21 Hopchak, William 43 Hôpital Baptiste Biblique 25 Hough, Kendall 70 Howard, Alison 10 Hughes, Benjamin 76

I Ice Bucket Challenge 29 Ingles, Paul 84 Innes, Caroline 79 International Textile and Apparel Association 11

J Jeffcoat, Haley 56 Jerry Falwell Library 16, 18, 33 Jews, Priscilla 22 Jickling, Carrie 78 Jirgal, Sarah 20 Jobe, Kari 39 Johnson, Chris 59 Johnson, David 34 Johnson, Mikal 60 Johnson, Theo 63 Jollah, Alpha 49 Jones, Cameron 20 Jones, Janae 73 Joseph, Austin 20

K Kang, Dean 37 Kapus, Allie 39 Kari Stanley 24 Katonah, Elise 9 Kazmierczak, Peter 84 Kelly, Debbie 32 Kelly, Jim 38 Kemp, Jordan 75 Kempner, Emalea 30 Keranen, Clay 66 Kestel, Jordan 52 Keyser, Katie 54 Khval, Maria 58 Killough, Gabbi 43

Kingsbury, Karen 21 Kitchens, Gabby 84 Kleiner, Gregory 23 Klingbiel, Shay 22 Klingler, Johnathan 74 Knoebel, Jennifer 52 Koech, Titus 55 Kotchey, Madison 41, 64 Krause, Rachel 24 Krulock, Ashlee 54 Kurgat, Ednah 73 Kurtz, Dylan 53

L Lacrosse, Men’s 80, 99 Lacrosse, Women’s 68, 69, 93 LaHaye Event Space 26, 33, 40 LaHaye Student Union 28, 40 Lawrence, Blair 64 Layer, Ethan 63 LeBlanc, Lindsay 76, 77 Lee, Nathan 28 Lee, Trip 27 Liberty Farmer’s Market 30 Liberty Mountain 6, 40 Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine 13, 19 Liberty University Online 23 Lischynski, Chantal 79 Live Healthy Liberty 30 Logue, Isaiah 71 Long, Madi 70 Lowe, Sean 39 Lunsford, John 46, 49 Lynchburg Daily Bread 11 Lyons, Jared 67

M MacGilvary, Nathan 15 Mack, Alex 52 Manzek, Alexander 83 Marching Band 97 Marselus, John 9 Marsh, Michael 22 Martin, Debbie 84 Master of Fine Arts 17 Math Emporium 32 Matheson, Sam 59 McCawley, Alex 54 McClave, Brianna 45 McCorkel, Heather 70 McCracken, Jeffrey 38 McGouldrick, Milan 34 McGuire, Tommy 8

110 110

McIntyre, Parker 74 McKay, Ritchie 63 McKee, Joshua 22 McMillan, John Mark 26 Mead, Harrison 28 Mercer, Dana 73, 74 Merryman, Megan 86 Miekley, Jeremy 72 Miller, Alex 20 Miller, Lydia 84 Miller, Ryan 80 Mineo, Andy 26 Ministry Teams 88 Moller, Peter 62, 63 Monticue, Christopher 22 Moore, Audrey 20 Moore, Beth 39 Morris Campus Garden 30 Morrison, Natalie 39 Mrakovich, Bryce 80 Mulkey, Jacob 86 Mummau, Morgan 54 Murphree, Andy 29 Murphy, Karen 28 Murphy, Morgan 86 Myers, Rachel 11

N Nance, Penny 10 Nasser, David 14, 31 National Intercollegiate Flying Association 9 NCAA FCS Playoffs 50 Needler, Jon L. 22 NEEDTOBREATHE 28 Neubauer, Josh 74 Nichols, Malik 5 Nicole, Britt 26 Niehaus, Kaila 35 Nielsen, Sonja 87 Nissen, Brianna 21 Noord, Holly Van 52 North, Oliver 38 Nutter, Dr. Jim 10

O O’Grady, Jimmy 49 Onifer, Jacob 72 Otto, Jamie 26 Oyama, Emi 28



Page, Rebekah 52 Paintball 83, 103 Parking Garage 41 Pelletier, Josh 81 Pendell, Scott 81 Pennington, Matt 67 Pereira, Helena 52 Persson, Abigail 52 Phillips, Andi 5 Pigliavento, Michael 20 Pitcher, Caleb 82 Ponder, Abby 25 Prescott, Trevor 84 President’s Kickoff 29 Price, Logan 30 Pridemore, Katy 68, 69 Primary Care Center 19 Prudich, Brent 87 Pusey, Anderson 20

Sage Lewis 30 Sainval, Naomi 14 Salter, Johnny 35 Samaai, Egon 59 Sauerwein III, James 42 Saxton, Adam 75 Scales, Kaitlyn 87 Scanlon, Ryan 20 Schofield, Danny 36 School of Aeronautics 9 School of Business 14 School of Communication & Creative Arts 14, 17 School of Engineering & Computational Sciences 16 School of Health Sciences 112 School of Music 112 Schools, Jennifer 85 Schultz, Brett 20 Science Hall 18 Scott, Zachary 35 Seventy One 88, 105 Shane & Shane 39 Sheppard, Helen 23 Sherret, John 73 Shimochi, Kinshiro 37 Shipe, Gabrielle 56 Shirey, Caleb 43 Shive, Christa 44 Shondelmyer, Kaity 10, 15 Shue, Garrett 45 Sigler, Tyler 81 Ski & Snowboarding 85, 101 Smith, Ambur 33 Smith, Andrew 62 Smith, Jennifer 72 Smith, Julia 88 Smith, Rebeccah 52 Smith, Todd 17 Snow Day 45 Snyder, Charlie 16 Soar Dunk 88, 89, 105 Soccer, Men’s 53, 91 Soccer, Women’s 52, 91 Softball 41, 64, 65, 94 Softball Stadium 41 Sorensen, Gerry 23 Sounds of Liberty 88, 89, 105 Sovacool, Erika 14 Spring Coffeehouse 36 St. Amand, Stephanie 78 St. Clair, Felicia 30 Stanley, Kara 42 Stanley, Kari 24

Q Quandt, Trevor 84 Quesinberry, Kaitlyn 86 Quiz Bowl 10

R Racanelli, Stephen 73 Racquetball 75, 103 Rally for Israel 10 Rauscher, Bethany 24, 25 Reber-Thomas Dining Hall 33, 43 Reeves, Troy 53 Register, Lindsey 20 Remonvil, Fantasia 74 Retic, Joe 62 Reynolds, Allie 56 Ricchini, Douglas 5 Rice, Stephanie 22 Rich, Michaela 68 Ridge, Emily 32 Rigney, Ian 74 Rininger, Ashley 60 Ritchey, Ken 73 Rivera, Belen 58 Robertson, John Luke 28 Robinson, Megan 64 Robinson, Sidney 45 Rodgers, Bryce 23 Rooker, Prudence 70 Rosamilia, Seth 36

Stapleton, Caila 56, 57 Steiger, Alëna 87 Stephens, Doug 10 Steptoe, Cassandra 86 Streeter, Cameron 85 Stroka, Brian 23 Student Activities 26, 28, 30, 33, 40 Sutarik, Scott 53 Swathwood, Cameron 38 Swimming & Diving 70, 93, 95 Synchronized Skating 103 Synder, Kevin 82

T Tae Kwon Do 75, 103 Taormina, Sammy 66 Tatanish, Peter 81 Taylor, Alexia 64 Taylor, Payton 71 Telescope 6 Tennis, Men’s 59, 96 Tennis, Women’s 58, 96 The Oh Hellos 28 Thong, Valerie 58 Thrams, Evan 9 Tincher, Abby 64 Tipping, Clarissa 79 Tolsma, Brant 73 Tomlin, Chris 38 Tomlin, Erica 33 Tower Theater 20 Track & Field 72, 73, 91 Trammell, Brenda 23 Triathlon 86, 102 Trible, Charles 9 Turner, Rebecca 31 Turner, Trey 49

U Ultimate 74, 75, 101

V Valle, Reinaldo 9 Vestal, Dylan 34 Virginia Academy of Science 15 Vogel, Alex 35 Volleyball, Men’s 82, 99 Volleyball, Women’s 56, 57, 90 Vorster, Jade 56, 57 Vorster, Sirena 57

W Wagenknecht, Ben 75 Walters, Ben 36 Ward, Keyshaun 81 Waters, Carson 73 Webb, Jeremy 20 Weesner, Caleb 75 Weidner, Hannah 57 Welcome Week 29 Werth, Lucas 82 Western Virginia Student Advertising Awards 21 Westover, Nathanael 20 William, Rachel 84 Williams, Jocelyn 73 Williams, Josiah 82 Williams Stadium 29, 46 Wilson, Sachem 53 Wind Ensemble 97 Witmer, Mary 73 Woodrum, Josh 49 World’s 20 Most Searched-For Universities 9 Wrestling 81, 100 Wright, Joey 17

Y Yang, Brittany 58 Yoda, Joshua 49 Yoon, Amy 11 Young, Kyle 40 Young Women for America 10 YouthQuest 88, 105

Z Zappia, Erin 73 Zavodny, Tori 64, 65 Ziegler, Jake 34


On May 9, a record number of guests — more than 34,000






Commencement Ceremony. Former






Jeb Bush, challenged graduates to ground themselves in their faith. “In the way of life’s advantages, each one of you already has the best there is — an awakened conscience. When you’ve got that going for you, there’s no end to the good you can do, or the wrongs you can help overcome, or the hope you can bring into the lives of others,” said Bush. Liberty University Provost Dr. Ronald Hawkins and President Jerry Falwell presented an honorary Doctorate of Humanities degree to the former Florida governor. President Falwell also explained to the graduates how proud he and everyone in attendance were of the Class of 2015. “Your years of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication have made this day a reality,” the president told them. Falwell took time to recognize special graduates and guests, such as military members, parents and spouses, and the online students who made up over half of the graduating class. He also honored his family members during the ceremony, including his daughter-in-law, Sarah, and future daughter-in-law, Laura Brumble, both members of the Class of 2015.

* 1


Teacher Licensure AA Honors

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar






THE were

NUMBERS: conferred


both residential and online graduates at the ceremony, including 7,700 master’s degrees and 500 doctoral degrees. 4,800 students graduated with honors and more than 1,000 students graduated with a perfect 4.0 GPA.

NEW DEGREES: Many new degree programs saw their first graduates at the 2015 Commencement. The School of Health Sciences awarded its first five Bachelors of Science in Zoo & Wildlife Biology degrees and its first eight Master of Science in Biomedical Science degrees. The Department of Counselor Education & Family Studies awarded its first 35 Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling degrees. The School of Music presented its first Bachelor of Music in Songwriting degree as well as its first two Bachelor of Music in Artistic Development degrees.

GRADUATION RELATIONS: The Class of 2015 included 28 siblings, 18 parents graduating with their children, a grandmother and granddaughter, (Barbara Connor and Cheryl Dubrow), eight sets of twins, and 96 married couples celebrating their graduations together.

FAMILY TRADITION: The keynote speaker for Commencement, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, was not the first in his family to act as a Commencement speaker for Liberty University. His father, 41st U.S. President George H. W. Bush, was the Commencement speaker for the graduating class of 1990.




LIBERTY UNIVERSITY DOCTORAL DEGREES SCHOOL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Doctor of Philosophy Nancy Cochran 6 Deborah Elizabeth Foulkes 5 Mildred Janice Howard 5 Timothy R. King 5 Lizabeth Leigh Matthews 6 Joshua Michael Myers 5 Saudia Lewan Twine Timothy Lee Williams 5

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Doctor of Education Philip R. Alsup 5 Juliette Attis Yolonda Tennile Bankston Donald Kevin Barrows Shawn M. Bielicki 6 Maite Blanton 5 Richard K. Bomgardner 5 Robin Naifeh Bontrager Rebecca Bowman 6 Darrell Scott Byrum 6 Jefferey Warren Chandler Robyn Arlisha Clark Patti Ann Cleaveland 6 Ionel Coltea Lori A. Cooper 6 Megan LeeAnn Cordes 5 Betty Melinda Damon 5 Douglas Robert Damon Kerri Allen Daugbjerg 6 Mishea Griffeth Dean Cory Maret Dickerson Dana Gayle Dionne 6 Beverly Grayson Dorsey Malik Douglas Christina Marie Durham Julie Anne Dutko 6 Stephany Eisenmenger Eley 6 Julia Lynn Elliott 5 Brock Wimberley English 5 Todd Lee English 6 Natalie Evans Amy Dawn Fanusi Nicole Rene' Frederick 5 Linda Marie Gigliette 6 Julie M. Hale Darnette Louise Hall Elizabeth Shealy Hearn

Eileen Elizabeth Hegel 6 Nathan Joseph Heltzel Michelle Greene Hemendinger 6 Lara Elizabeth Creel Henry 6 Randy James Hill 6 Renee Mishey Hoard 6 Jeffrey Charles Hoffman Claudia Ann Huddleston Laura Meeks Hudson 6 Janice Lee Hurt 6 Sherri Cain Irish Jessica Lynn Jacobs 6 Donna Clanton James 5 Albert John Jardines Jan Darice Johnson Johnson Joseph Franklin Johnson Todd Allen Johnson 5 William Ronald Johnson 6 Tomeko Rene Johnson-Smith Brian Kirby Jones Eric M. Kohler 6 Linda L. Kyees Angela M. Lambert 5 James D. Langteau Garry Joe Leonard 6 Lisa A. Lindley 6 Wendy Kathleen Lundberg 6 Ronald Dalton Lupori 5 Tammy Ann Magouirk John Paul Mangold Sylvia Chavous Martin Debra Lynne Masterson 5 Katheryn Ashley McAfee 6 Richard Andrew McCormick 6 John Ralph McKinley 6 Donna Kaye Miller 6 Kristin Nicole Mobbs 6 Charles David Moore Deborah R. Moore Duane M. Mottern David Dean Nemitz 6 John Howard Newman 6 Jason M. Nix 6 Sarah Jeanne Pannone Stacy Ann Marie Plemons 6 Adam H. Ploeg 6 Allen C. Pratt 5 Shannon Michele Price 6 Pamela D. Pryfogle 6 Joy Lynn Reichenberg 5 Jennifer Ramey Ricks Jamie Elizabeth Rife Susan West Roach 6

Katie Elizabeth Robinson Zachary Isaac Romain LaChelle Marie Rosenbaum Wayne Dion Rumbaugh Jena Kerry Salazar Joranna M. Saunders Joseph Michael Schipper 6 Jason Clayton Scott Thomas Seaberry Michael E. Seckinger Jr. 6 Angela R. Shoemake Laurie L. Simpson 6 Melissa Jill Small Alan Fitzgerald Smith 5 Dennis Steve Smith Jr. 6 Kristy Nicole SomervilleMidgette Angela Stanford 6 Loree L. Stapp 6 Kevin Daniel Struble 6 Ashley Hudson Tharpe Thomas Barry Thompson John Anthony Thompson 6 Jean Metcalf Tweedy Jennifer Nicole Threatt Usry 6 Annette M. VanAken 6 Rebecca Susan Wagner 5 Staci Delia Ladd Wagner Abel Gitimu Waithaka Winnie Gray White 6 John C. Whiton 6 Sharon Edge Wilkie Daniel Keith Winters 6 Karen Ogden Woodford 6 Michael Keith Zulfa 6

SCHOOL OF LAW Juris Doctor

Erin Aitcheson Randolph Ballard Jonathan Barber Hannah Bowie Tinisha Bowles-Densford Kayla Bramnick Andrew Brown John Brown Caleb Byrd Melanie Caldwell Marsha Calohan Juan Cervantes John Chichester Candice Combs Edward Copeland 2 Corey Crigger

Dominique Davidson Joshua Dawson Luke Douglas Rory Eddings Sandon Fisher Jennifer Froeschl Stephen Geiger Garland Goff Molly-Catherine Goodson John Gresh Daniel Harris 2 Charles Helm 2 Joshua Hetzler Kimberly Hicks Amanda Hornick Hugh Jackson Kimberly Alexis Johnson Bryan Klein Kevin Kluetz John Maghamez 3 Reed Marbury 3 Luke Martin Stevie McDonald Kevin Miller Teresa Moran Analisa Parker Joshua Pearce Todd Perry Robert Peters Kristie Pierce 3 Jessica Rapps Grace Reeves Jesus Reyes Johnathan Scott Michael Sharp James Sosnoski 3 Jerrod Steele Seth Tuininga Joshua Turner 4 Lindsay Utsman Genevieve Vallotton Jonathan Wallis Timothy Werner Erik Zetterberg


Ryan Kent Ayers 6 Kenneth Rickey Baker 6 Daniel R. Basile 5 Phyllis Lawrence Blackmon Jason Willis Bland Charles Barton Blankenship 6 Eric Ladell Boone Sr. Marcus Bridges Kevin Harold Brooks 6 Chun Kyung Cho John Michael Cole D. Paul Fuller 5 Gloria Jean Good John Lamar Hardwick 6 Cindy Simpson Hayes 6 Ronald Edwin Hughes Sin Soo Jeon Ralph W. Jernigan 6 Teresa S. Johnson Dave Chestney Joseph Jr. 6 Delphoney Suzette Kargbo James Otis Ledbetter Youn Sik Lee Joseph Allen Lightner 6 John David Lones 6 Timothy Allen McIntosh Brian Keith Moss Gesner Noel 6 Dongjin Park Wayne Allen Patton 6 Christopher Russell Payne 6 Marty W. Payton Dwayne Philip Pedroza 5 Wayne E. Rogers Jeffrey Dane Schlenz 6 Colin Thane Seager 6 Alethia Janise Simmons 6 Ho Jin Song 6 James Robert Woods

Doctor of Philosophy Timothy Blake Chrisman Jerry Michael Ireland Robert Joseph Matz Philip Bradford Palmer 5 Garet Daniel Robinson Brian Thomas Scalise John Allen Sypert Robert Wayne Talley

Doctor of Ministry Carla Marie Antoine Bruce D. Aubrey 6

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Education Specialist Gisele Abron Alicia Luka Allicock Kimberly Ann Andros Bernadette Arceneaux Juliet Arkeshia Artis Iyonna Minrell Babb Kim Moline Owens-Babb Cecelia Denise Baggott 6 John Alan Baggott 6 Kellie Scruggs Baldwin 5 Sheila Denise Barrett Joanna Lee Bartlett 6 Kristine L. Bennett 5 Nyla Ruth Best Meagan Christina Biello Sheila Golden Bingham Lisa A. Birchmore 6 Robert A. Birmingham Leslie DeVonne Blair 6 Rickey Boatright Nabulungi Aisha Bolton Angela Marie Booker Blair De’Ana Bowens Robert Dale Bragan Jason Randall Bramlett Tiffany Brewer Travis Deonta Broaddus Michael Deed Brock Sr. Sarah Elizabeth Brock Jamie Lynn Brooks Nicolaus E. Brooks Victoria Carmona Brower 6 Julia E. Brown Shavonne Lanice Thompson Brown VaRondi Joyce Hill Moore Brown Brianne Kay Bruscino Michael Bryant Matthew Joseph Buckley Tiffany Jade Burchette Patti Jane Burks Amanda R. Burns Wanda Jean Burns 5 Timothy Clarence Burry Deantwa Levette BushCorbitt Lisa A. Byess Renee V. Byrd Sarah Moore Callaway 6

Curtis Aldric Stanley Campbell Donald G. Campbell Christi Lynn Carey 5 Kimberly Joe Anne Carter 6 Theodore Miles Carter Sr. Heather Willett Case Amanda Simmons Castello 5 Romeo Leonen Cerico Janet Marie Chapin 5 Jason Ray Cheek Michelle Joy Chittam 6 Gary R. Christensen Michelle Katherine Clay 6 Shaundeidra BradfordCleaves Sandra Clements Katherine Marie Latour Clophus 5 Rochelle Peterson Cochran Nicole Lynne Coldren Christopher Noel Coleman Felicia Renee’ Colquitt Arlissa LaNell Conley Sonia E. Cornish James L. Craig Sharon Crenshaw Sherry D. Crissman 6 Guy Robert Crubaugh Allison Freeny Cunningham Quintin Quintellus Davis Robin Hudson Davis Rebekah Janelle Dawson William Jerome Dean Jenny DelosSantos Cali Tomai Dennison Michael Teah Denu Whitney Suzanne Dyer Carol L. Dolan 6 Cassandra Denise Dorsey Velinda Charlette Dorsey Edith Evelith Dupree Charm LaMega Eaddy Shanqueetay Culver Easley Thomas Michael Easterly Kristian Elyse Edgeman Michael Christ Edgerton Donna Listra Edmund Jennifer Lynette Ervin 6 David Estrada Dionne D. Evans Lisa Bullard Evans Tosha Lakara Evans Heidi Lyn Eveland

Lori Farnum 5 Tracy Davis Fendley Jeanine Garcia Finlay Beth Price Fiorito 5 Sonya Gwen Caldwell Forbes 6 Julia Charmaine Jones Osvaldo Garcia Laura J. Gast 6 Lorraine Carr Genetti 6 Sunda J. Gerard Aida M. Gonzalez-Gerst Patricia Ann Graham Angela Grace Green Tobey N. Green-Mayfield Chandra Evette Fulton Terry-Ann T. Griffin Justin Swan Grigg Laura C. Grisso 5 James Bageant Grubbs Hannah Coffee Guarino Susan Kaye Hagen Timothy Robert Hahn 5 Jennifer A. Haines Tommianne Little Haithcock Charlisa R. Hall Catherine J. Hammond Elaine Jacobs Hampton Natachsa Raelyn Hampton Kathy Veronica Hardy Tabatha Jean Hargrove Adrienne Morgan Harris Christie F. Harris April Taneka Harvey Tyneal Antonio Haywood Sr. Erica Michelle Heisler Jennifer M. HendersonRudling Allison Schoen Hepfner Heidi Marie Hickman 5 Paula T. Hill Jennifer Metz Hollingsworth 5 Angela Ridgeway Holt Melissa Lee Horton Verneisha C. Howard Victoria M. Howard Ashley Jo Hoy Jeannie Marie Hudson Dennise Joyce Hundley Tamantha Champion Hurt Cory McKendria Hyden Sterling F. Infield Rebecca Cress Ingebo 6 Angela Waiters Jackson

Jeniah Jackson Tonjanika Jackson Erica L. Jackson-Matthews Otis James II Cheryl A. Jarmon Jameka LaKecia Jay Sallie Burch JohnakinPutnam Joshua L. Johnke Janice Blackshear-Johnson Kara Michelle Johnson Melissa Norman Johnson 6 Karen Johnson-Devereaux Amy Jones 6 Jennifer C. Jones Kelly Lynn Jones Kendra Latrice Jones Thomas Leslie Jones Jr. Harold Doyle Jordan Jr. 6 Edmond Kelly Jr. Kimberly Joyce Pinkney Kelly 5 Herbert Rodriguez Kendall Amy Kimbrough Key Brittany Jeanne Keys 6 Van Carll Kirchhoff 5 John Michael Klingseisen Laureen Ann Krawiec Raymond John Landis Lakesha Michelle Lane Earl Aurelius Layne 6 Jean Marky Leandre Alisa Brown Lemon Kimberly Alexis Lewis Kristie Wilson Linn Darla Robinson Littrel Karen Autumn Logan Jessica Lyn Lopez 6 Thomas Corey Lowe Erma Sanders Lowery Bobby Calvin Luckett Jr. 5 Billie Jane Lynch Kimberly Lynch Brook Nicole MacMillan Carla Lynette Mahn 5 Tommy Scott Marberry 6 Jimmy Dale Marcum Judy Martin LaRhonda Fluker-Mason Thomas John Mason Bonnie Sue May Deborah Charlene May Elizabeth Corrina Mayhand Gloria ShirleyAnn Mays

Brian Todd McAlpine Candice Shavonne WilsonMcCain Holly Smith McCallum Timothy Allen McClain 6 Joseph R. McClary Jennifer Harris McCluney 5 Laurie Dickenson McCracken 5 Nikki LaShonda McGhee Christopher Odell McGowan Gail Moore McGowan 6 Keisha M. McHargue 6 Shameerah McQueen Matthew Meadows 6 Stefan Charles Melikian 6 Benjamin Lane Horne Melton 6 Roderick Fernando Miller 6 Connie Faye Mitchell Dennis Gerald Mobley II Benedetto Mongiovi Angela Moody Brittany Renee Moore Karen Ann Moree Robert C. Morgan III Mary Kristen Morris Tina Marie Morris Sarah Brianne Morrison 5 Tonya Meichelle Morrow Cornell John Munlin Claire P. Murdoch Tiffany Nicole Murray Kazembe Fredecode Mwema Adrienne Washington Windham 5 Alisha Anne Nations Cherie Valencia Neal Chander K. Negi Melissa Danielle Neild Brenda Lee Nesbitt Nicole White O’Conner Jacqueline J. Offutt 6 Debbra Elizebeth Enz O’Hara 6 Amanda Lynn Ontjes Chrissy P. Owenby Francis Ibiyinka Owolabi Sherre Anita Padgett 6 Teresa Mahanes Page 5 Khia Paige Belinda Palmer Chavonte’ Joi Paschal Donald A. Patrick

*Duplicated names reference graduates who have completed multiple degree programs * 1


Teacher Licensure AA Honors

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

* 1

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Elizabeth Angela Paul Douglas Wayne Pavey 6 Theresa Ann Pedersen 6 Courtney Thurman Perry 6 Trey Braxton Perry 6 Shayla Donnita Peterkin Sha’Carla Keyauna Petty Billy Wayne Phillips 5 Tammy Phillips Torrey Pitchford Shauna L. Plunkett Karen Kratz Poole Donna Ragan Poskas Breanne N. Poston 5 Nathan Issac Poteet Mark Robert Potts Daniel Edward Preusser 6 Tammy Pruett Brian Keith Purcell Byron Lance Purnell Donna Boyd Purvis 6 Erica M. Rainey Erika Danielle Reese 5 Lisa Patricia Reid Shantae Antonique Reid Matthew Scott Richardson 6 Rachel Elyse Ritz Meagan McPherson Roberts Veda Robinson Ojo Gina Qulsum Rodriguez Jeffrey R. Samoranski Jessica Burgess Sams 6 Krystle Monique Savage Jessica Rae Schmanski 6

Suzanne Grace Schott 6 Latoya Denise Scott 5 Martin Joseph Seay Jr. Mary Ellen Sell 6 Sabrina Ann Session-Jones Donna Sexton 6 Linda Johnson Shiflett Timothy Russell Shives David Todd Shuler Thomas Matthew Shultz Stephanie Ann Shultz Jay Michael Silver Alicia D. Simonds La Toya Nicole Sivells LaToya Woody Smith 5 Melody Taylor Smith Shaftina Fiesta Snipes Jared Squires 5 Tameka Ranelle Stafford Patricia Diana Stanford Alanna Renée Staton 6 Thomas John Stephens Era Lachelle Stewart Rhonda Gayle Stitham Noelle Yvonne Stuteville Tiffani Lynn Symeonides Stephen C. Tate 5 Rennie Mark Taylor Solomon Tention Nachelle Lia Thomas Cerette Miriam Thompson April Elizabeth Tidwell Bruce A. Tinor Janice Lea Tolliver

Paula Anita Tra William F. Travis Pamela Michelle Tucker Dashan Alexander Turner Lynsey Jo Turner Matthew John Turner Vivian Louise Utley Debra Lee Wainscott Kenneth Winston Wainscott Brenda Lavern Walker Deborah R. Walker Kathryn Royer Walker 5 Kimberly Renee Walston Jennifer D. Washington Konya Teresa Watkins Wendy Boren Watson Sarah Ann Watson-Stanley Winfred Bernard Watts Salena Lee Weed 6 Sherrie Lynn Weeks Lauren Taylor Rutherford Wheless Jane Ellen Whitaker Felicia R. White Jamilia L. Williams Laqueta Shane’ Williams Sean Lontrel Williams Gwendolyn Arnita WilliamsHendrick Edward Larence Wilson 5 Ian Richard Wilson 6 Isaac C. Wilson Lee Richard Wilson Lori Pencitta Wimbush

Jarrica Lamaris Windham Mayra Elizabeth Wood Kimberly Deon Woods 6 Dustin Yaworski 6 Alissa Vickers Youghn Emma H. Younger


Deokjong Bang Jeremiah Cody Braudrick Junyong Cha Myung Mi Cho Sheila R. Darden William Banks Farris Stephen J. Feild Jorge Gabriel Finlay Norm Fistler 6 John Patrick Fitzgerald 5 James William Fogal Gaines Lloyd Wesley Gentry James Allen Gerhart 5 Carleton Edward Hafer 6 Samuel Han Jongsik Hwang Ho Moon Jeong Jinwook Kang Jiman Kim Jinju Kim

Kwangsik Kim Kwangsik Kim Robert Norman Kirk 5 Jeremiah Joseph Kutz Ohsang Kwon Jong Young Lee Sunyoung Lee Ranny George Lewis Howard Ray Lucas Jr. 5 Brett Tannon Malott Stuart M. Mattfield Ronald K. McCraw Robert Collison McCready Melvin Gamble Miller Jin Sung Min Hyeondeok Park Jonathan Matthew Parker Russell Joseph Schmidt Myoungkwan Shin Troy M. Skora Se Jin Son Yul Eui Song Hershal Eugene Spangler III 6 Albany Layne Stephens William Jacob Sturm Timothy Jay Van Duyne Jason Ray Whitehurst Gerald Williams Rick Il Yi Sungjoo Yoon Steve A. Zarcone


ENGLISH Tara Lynn Rossdeutscher Keegan J. Bradford 5 Christine L. Chichester 6 Caitlin Elizabeth Elliott 5 Randi Love Garrett Sabrina Nicole Hardy 5 Samuel Nathan Harris Alicia Valere Morgan Jessica May Pall Roberta Yamamoto Pecanha Clifford James Stumme Allison Joy Thompson Elizabeth Monet Yerke HISTORY Daniel Joel Cordes Megan Floyd Melissa Cortlan Gibbs Christopher Gunn 6 Zachary Stephen May Herbert Sterling Pieper Amy Janelle Van Beek 5 Heather Nora Wambolt Master of Arts in Philosophical Studies Zachary H. Hicks Lucas Andrew Keiser Kevin Lebel King Jr. Lloyd G. Pemberton III Shaun Smith Jacob Daniel Webb


EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP Sonia Yvette Bell-Spivey Veronica LeAnn Boykin Shamyra Elizabeth Burgess Herieth Sengala Chengula Aaron James Connell Shondra C. Dickson Mitchell Nina Aubrey Dunay Robert Lee Floyd 6 Richard G. Gary

* 1


John L. Guidry Daniel Edward Hamman Tierra Centra' Harvey Candice Elaine Henry Monica Lynn Jenkins Jeffery Thomas Maskol Jeffrey Allen Miles Justin Laurence Sandling Joseph E. Taylor 6 Keith Taylor Jr. Alphonso J. Velasquez Michele Corinn Vigil Jason Brian Washburn James D. Wolfcale

Master of Arts in Management & Leadership Heldy Basabe Abueg 5 Oluwatoyin Adebona Alex Aguilar Beth Ann Ajdinovic Evetta Vin-Ca Aldridge Lorena Esther Aldridge 6 Freda S. Allen Autherine A. Allison Terrence A. Alston Michael Alvarado Susan J. Ancheril Richard Douglas Anderson Richard R. Anderson Sonia Paulette Anderson Tyree LaSalle Anderson David Alan Andrews Eunice Appiah Edwin Daniel Bailey Michael Justin Bailey James Edward Banks Elizabeth Louise WithersBanning Trica Moore Barber Ashley Nichole Jones Jovita Cruz Barton Wanda C. Battiste Shawn Glenn Baublitz Larry G. Beheler Paul Vincent Belken II Kiesha N. Bell Percy Lee Bell Jr. Charles June Bennett III

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Cindy Smith Berry Justin Lyndell Berry Carmelita Denise Black Farrel Anthony Blake Vyreese Blanden Alisa Wilson Blanton Bryce Kelby Blunck Michael James Bogenschutz Brian Michael Bopp Hannie Rene Brake Kanitra Lynn Branch Matthew Ryan Braxton Angela Nicole Brewer Kyle Maetke Brewer 5 Shasta Michele Britt Josh Brizzi Omega L. Brooks Aaron Shamar Brown Abigail Brown Lancaster Gregory Earl Brown Jeremiah James Brown Margaret Ann Brown Richard Jerome Brown Tracey Lindette Brown William Mckinley Brown Jr. Danielle Latrice Byrd Matthew Rydell Cabler Carlton LeMar Cain Amanda Shree Caldwell Cortina Jenelle Caldwell Amanda Marie Cameron Harvey Hugh Campbell Wilberto Francisco Campbell Will Myles Campbell Jr. Daniel Edmond Carby Fabian Cardona Francisco Javier Cardoza Shea Snow Carter Carolyn Wallace Carthen J. Napoleon Cassell Justin McGarry Cassell 6 Dawn Marie Cataloni Peter Michael Cerwinski Elizabeth Ann Chaffin Cameisha Chin Tonya Owens Clary James Edward Clemonts III Teresa M. Coats 5 Kedrick Douglass Cockrell

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Emily Hinton Coe Katherine Elizabeth Conway Beau Douglas Cook Garnet E. Cook III Chanelle Candide Corpening Mary Beth Lauren Cowan Marquita Patrice Cozart Karlton Webster Creech Anamae Irene Crockett Timothy Dale Cyphers Rachel Sharon Daniel Joette Deann Daugherty Barney Ray Davis Cody H. Davis J. Allen Davis III Nicola Davis Robert Joseph Davis Wendolyn Denise Davis Michael B. Dean Timothy Michael Dean 5 Christopher Wayne Delano Rhonda S. Delmain Donald E. Denny Lucia Herring Depenhart Rita Devine Jeremy Gregg Dexter Matthew R. Diebolt Derek Kyle Dillard Mark David Dillon De'Ossie D. Dingus Sr. Emily Patricia Dixon Donald A. Dodson Mandi Grace Donaldson Prendre Dozier Laine Drummond Tarshae Laverns Drummond Sebastian Arkadiusz Dudek Leonard M. Dumo Robert Eldridge Dunaway Tyler Durden Martin Scot Duren Christopher Michael Duvall Bryan Nathan Eberhardt Mathew Eckert Marvin Lee Edwards Shaylynn M. Edwards Dwayne Earl Ellis Jasna Savin Elswick Jennifer Ernest

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Jean-Paul Eslava Megan Marie Cornwell Shawn Sayama Eustaquio Tanya Shaniece Evans-Jones Malinda Poole Eversole 5 Louis Theodore Fabrizi Michael Joseph Falco Trevor S. Falnes Steven Paul Farris Jason E. Faugl Langston J. Faulk Seamus Gregory Feeley Alexander Raymond Ferguson Jennifer Jo Ferguson Jonathan Edward Fetterman Dennis Todd Fitzpatrick Britannia Yvette Flournoy Jason Lee Floyd Taylor Molly Fort 6 Ebone’ Shedon Foster Eric R. Foster Patrick Randolph Fowler Henrietta D. Francis Natasha Antoinette Franklin Tremayne Fredrick Anthony Freeman 6 Frederick Freeman Margeaux Fuhrman Brian E. Fuller Richard Tomm Fultz Rashida Darhia Funches John Gaines Brian Patrick Gendreau 6 Leslee R. Gensinger Cariee Gibson Derek Ryan Gibson Cynethia Cheriés Gillispie 5 Sheadrick Jonah Gilyard Demetric Godfrey II Nathan Daniel Goetsch 6 Kristian Kuaika Gongob Daniel Del Rosario Gonzalez Jesus E. Gonzalez-Borjas Steven Jerome Goode 6 Michelle Page Goodman Anna L. Goodwin Yaisa O. Goodwin Victoria Holmes- Gordon

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Mathew Ben Graham Sara Agner Grambling Kristin Gray Kevin Emmanuel Green Macie Green Micheal Wade Green Jennifer Inez Gullatt Monica Jane Greene Crystal Torrence Gregory Patrica Carolyn Kirk Michael Scott Grosshans Gregory Cullen Hahn William Christopher Hairston Dexter Clayton Hall Sr. Nathaniel Franklin Halley Christopher Wesley Hardin Arnold Kirk Hardy Jeremiah J. Hargrove Daniel L. Harlin Laura B. Harmon 6 Michael Lee Harris Willie Harris Christopher Lee Harrison Aaron Gabriel Harry Matthew Ryan Hart Rebecca Marie Harten Zach Allan Harter 6 Charleta Danee Harvey N. Ciera Haskins Emily Susan Hassan Christopher Allen Hayes Monica M. Haynes Jeremy Daniel Hazelett Eric Christopher Hellon Claudia Ann Helmes Robert Garrett Hembree Henrietta Henderson Shelly N. WatfordHendrickson Ronnie Dewayne Henry Leland Conrad Hertig Carrie Helen Hicks Meesha Nichole Hickson Leroy Higgs Herbert M. Hill Jr. James Hill Tiffany Semika Hill Britnee Lollar Hittle Jesse Hoff Katina Holland Eric Wayne Holman Michael G. Hooven Anthony W. Hopkins Roderick Howard Talonda M. Howard Demetrice Howard Hubbard Edward Dwaine Huber Robert Talmadge Hudson III 5 Marcus L. Hutchins Heather Judy Inman Elaina Nicole Intrieri Aja Nicole Jackson Bernard L. Jackson Brenda Jean Jackson Brittany Sloan Jackson Chunnisee T. Jackson Lamour Heaven Jackson Patricia Jackson Tammye Hamilton Jackson Kerry Lynn James Ruby James Billie Turner Jenkins Archie Edward Johnson Chasmin Debnam Johnson Jamie Denise Johnson Kianni Nicole Johnson Lance Mitchell Johnson Sherry Sheron Johnson Stanisha Natrice Johnson Stephanie Lynn Johnson Lawrence Allen Joiner Antywnn L. Jones Carmen Antoinette Jones Pearlean Michelle Jones Trevoron Leclaynance Jones

* 1

Kathrena Louise Jordan 5 Douglas Paul Kanz Dennis Lee Kellenberger Keenan Shane Kelley Daniel Uvictor Kelly Sharon Kidd Miranda Shyree Kilby Thomas Martin Kimmes Kim Marie King Mark Daniel King 6 Donte Forrest Knight Jewal Velore Knight Barbara Kennedy Knotts Charles Andrew Koonce Alex Elias Krevor Russell R. Kuhn 6 David Paul Lafargue Bobbie Halby Lapiejko Ira J. Latham Adam W. Lawley Alenka Leciana Lawson Sarah Jane Lawson Deonca Lachelle Green Leach Taneen Lucinda Legree Michael Lawrence Leirer Michael Lee Leister John S. Lewis Ann S. Lewis-Jones Anthony Omar Lindemann Beau Daron Lintner Solange Leandra Lloyd 6 Brett J. Lobel Lowery Dena’ Lockard Roger Edward Lolly Chelsea Nicole Greene Charles David Lopez Mindy Rebecca Lowe Tawana Monique Jackson Lynch Casey Thomas Lynn David J. Mack Crystal Nesha Mackey Crystal Star Maddox Eric S. Madrid Sarah K. Marsh Sara Renee Martin Scott Wesley Martin Shanna Ruth Martin Rachael Martinez-Bawroski Joshua James Masopust Nathan Jacob Mathias Janet Elaine Maynor Powers Renee H. McCummings Juanita Shante McDaniel Jackie Lee McDonald II Susan McLaren Stephanie Clairesse McPhan Arnette Devorn McSwain Karen Francene Meade 5 Kristina Ann Meadows Michelle Lynn Meadows Isely Jasmine Medina Ian Braden Meneeley Chanice Gladys Michaud Travar Roland Middleton Geoffrey Thomas Miller Kelley B. Miracle Elisa Mitchell Nicole Lynn Mitchell Kevin Patrick Monahan Lizajo Montgomery David Charles Mooney Moyishe Kenyatta Moore Judith R. Morgan Jason Shawn Morris John David Mosby Jr. Jeremy Thomas Moselle Emanuel Motley Joyce M. Murdock Candy Ella Naim Ashlee Rose Napier Jerad David Napier Ebony Brooke Nickens Ezekiel Mavowa Niemogha Cassandra Marie Nitti

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Carlos L. Nurse Brianna Lawson O’Brien Sebastian Daniel Oertel Rebecca Ogram Ihebuche Miracle Okorie Charles Mensah Osei Selwyn Shaun Oudit Joshua Garret Padgett 6 Andrew Phillip Parise Gregory Carter Parise Robert Terry Parker Sandra Faye Parker Desrael Amos Parks Allison Joelle Parson 6 Keyla Pavia Kelli Michelle Payne Joseph William Payton Keisha Barnes Peacock McKinley Rexrode Perkinson Morine’ Nicole Perry Nixon Choco Peters Robin Petty Jeffrey Scot Phillips Megan Phillips Tamara R. Phillips Veronica Bernard Pierce Jessica Danielle Pointer Heather Lyn Pollard Nicky A. Polo Kevin Matthew Price Matthew Ryan Pridgen Richard Joseph Proctor Denorio Quinn Catherine Magalys Quiros Lydia Ruth Ragsdale Miriam Dinorah Ramos Kendall Davis Ramsey Salvatore Francis Randazzo Christopher Scot Ratcliff Kisha Kinloch Rawlinson David Reagle Taleasha Ann Reavis Nancy Ruth Reed Ashley Nicole Reese Amanda Lloyd Reidelbach Paul Jacob Reiner 6 Bianka Katrina Reynolds Matthew Jude Reynolds Donald Gene Rice Sr. Sheri Teeter Rice 6 Brian A. Rizzo Brian Patrick Roberts James LaWan Robertson Seth Lemuel Robinson Shawn Patrick Robinson Marquita Lorraine Rockamore 6 Luis Antonio Rodriguez Fonseca Elissa Ann Rogers Jose Herman Rosa Christopher Lee Rosado Justin Brand Rose Jenna Michelle Ross Kathleen Elizabeth Ross Martha Eugenia Roy Melissa Royster LeVaun Jermire Rudisill Ariel Amira Monroe Hector I. Sanchez Mirian Mechelle Sanders Melissa Lea Scheving 5 Timothy J. Schneider Timothy Glen Schofield Larissa Dawn Sellers Alejandro Severino Sena 5 Javier Abraham Serrano Patricia Sharo Johanna Annick Rosine Sharp Jonathan Sharpe Theresa Katherine Sheets Michael Todd Shellnutt Shawn Shelton Daryl Miquel Shields II Robin Spencer Shilling

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Alecia N. Sims DeJernèt Sims Sukhjinder Singh Jeffery Darnell Sisco Shelby Sisco Arnold Thomas Skinner Jacqueline Slaughter McClanahan 5 Troy Michael Slezak 5 Bethany Grace Smart ChaRelle LaTrice Smith Dianne M. Smith 6 Hobart Newell Smith Jr. KiJuanis D. Smith Layana Shikei Smith Steven Dewight Smith Marquise Lamar Snead Kathleen Gloria Anne Snow Joshua Snyder 6 Gary Sonnier Sophronia Valerie Southerland Danica A. Spriggs Ashton Brei Steele Tina L. Stell Phillip Christopher Sterling Kevin Alexander Duprix Stiff Christina Marie Storey Kelli Noel Stover Alexander Douglas Strobehn Jane Elizabeth Keil Strong 6 Lara Lynn Sturgess 5 Gregory C. Such Scott David Suter 6 Ashley Marie Suttle Matthew Steven Swartz Michael Sweeney Angela Lynetta Sweetenberg Shawn Justin Sweigart 5 Carol Denise Swinson Jordan Lucas Tackett Seika Chie Tamai Sean Michael Tapscott Philip Joseph Tatum Tameka D. Taylor Janene Dionne Taylor-Smith Antonio Gerome Terry Angela H. Tezeno Janette L. Thode 6 Mary Thomas Angela Melisa Thompson Michael Lumarque Thomson Dayna Allison Thornburg Paul Willis Thornton Tevita Naiven Tilini Laura Faye Topping 6 Joseph Michael Towles Michael Keith Townsend Vincent Trouten Tonya Lynne Tubbs Richard Hamilton Tuten III Courtney Moss Umosen Joseph Harold Van Voorhis Lakeisha Vaughan-Jones Trenice Danielle Wade Angela A. Walker Maxine Wardlow Junius O’Neal Warren Brandon Washington Dymon Jai Washington Ja Neice Washington Danielle M. Watkins Sarah Laine Stotler Watkins 6 Aimee Kathryn WatsonGreen Beth Ann Wead 5 Tara Shemail Webb Michael Joel Weber Matthew James Wegert 6 Brandi Leigh Weldon Jennifer L. Wensmann Brian Kent Wernle Shala S. West Karl Frederick Wheeler

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Octavia T. Drayton Bianca Lassiter Derek L. White Ray White Janel L. Williams Jordan Mitchell Williams Joseph Daniel Williams Keith Alexander Williams Rachel Laxamana Williams Rayna Jerome Williams Angela Kristine Clothier Willson Latanya Denise Winfree Teniel Anise Winston Tracy Allen Wolfe Craig Stephen Wood Jonathan M. Wood Rodney Andrew Woodson Donald Ray Woodyard Jr. 6 Ryan Jacob Worrell Corey Adam Wright Dankeis Derrod Wylie Sarah Eve Wynn Sara Ashley Young John Michael Zatezalo Jr. Denita Mia Zelk Kasahun Tamrat Zemene David Alexander Zentmayer Kyle Andrew Zimmerman George Andrew Zoller

Master of Business Administration Todd Brookter Abercrombie Salvador Anthony Accardo Jr. Alexandria Leatrice Adams Josie Michell Adams Modupe Bolanle Adegoke Oluwaseun Adebisi Adeyeye Robert Allen Adger Jr. Nathan Alan Agan Abiodun Oluwamuyiwa Agbana Shiwei Ai Paul Robert Ainsworth Jennifer JoAnn Akers Alison C. Albers Nicholas Richard Alexander Angela Alford Cheryl Ann Allen Jesse David Allen Saunte Ahmed Allen Yawna Daye Allen Angela M. Almeida Chelsea Alpaugh Jessica Faye Altice Derek Scott Altizer Emily Anne Alvey Enoh Frederic Amon Betty Anderson Janelle U. Anikamadu Althea Anne Appleton Peta Noreen Guitelen Arcinue Joshua Patrick Arms Jennifer Elaine Arnold Scott Mathue Arthur Julius Kofi Osei Asare Sonya D. Ashford Stephanie Lynn Ashworth 6 Olubunmi Adekemi Atewologun Michael David Atkins Lindsay Barker Atkinson Todd A. Auld Alexis DeAnne Austin Leah Lynette Austin Patricia Jones Austin 6 Desmond Kofi Awadzi 5 Martin Ayala Jr. Dominic Dudley Babineaux 6 Ryan Edmon Bailey Starr Lyn Baker Chenona Kristie Baldwin La Wanda D. Balmer

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Rebekah Banach Kristin R. Santini Betty Joyace Banks Joshua Lee Banks 6 Paul Andrew Banman Vladimir Fiodorovich Baraniuk Beverly C. Barbee James Barker Amber Flaim Barlow Daytonya L. Barnes Gregory Johnson Barnes Jr. Wesley Allen Barrow Bibinuer Batuer Jappar Brian Legrande Baumgarten Lauren Nicole Baxter Perry L. Bays Amanda Lynne Beaman Brandon Thomas Bean Kaitlynn Joann Beck Gerald Becker Lukas William Becker Tabatha Samantha Belcher Freddie Glenn Bell Jr. Erin Fitzpatrick Bellissimo Crystal Hendricks Bennett Frank R. Bentley Jonathan Lane Benton John Magyar Bernard Sharon Danette Berry Michael Louis Bertha William Riland Beverlin Jonathan Robert Bicker Lauren N. Billie Sarah Ann Billman Amoria Lee Bird Christina Rae Black Matthew David Black April Lynn Blakley Jon Paul Blankenship Maria Teresa Blessing Desmond Eugene Blue Rachel Marie Bond Thomas Allen Booth Cherri Pratt Boothe Michael David Bosco Joseph Robert Bost Florence Taylor Boswell Racha Samih Bou Moughlbay Correy Germaine Bouldin Shawn Michael Bowe 6 Ciara Bowen Grant Thomas Bowden Sheri Ann Bowker William J. Bowman Jonathan Andrew Boye Julie Lynn Brandt Jennifer Owens Branham Amy Tabitha Braswell Brandon M. Brilhart Henrietta Katrina Brisbon Anne-Simms Tucker Brockman Jaclyn Alyse Bronson Christopher H. Brooks Rachel M. Brooks Luz Elena Brown Nicholas Tyler Brown Erin Brady Bryan Faith Bryant Nathaniel Thomas Buck Irene Longares Bulaong Eureka Ellease Bullock Michael Andrew Burrows 6 Brittany Wallis Burton Jolanda Jarale Burton Jeffrey Allen Bush Deborah Sigworth-Cain Roy C. Cain Jr. Andrew Pickens Calhoun IV Timothy Patrick Calhoun Cody Tyler Cameron Amanda Rae Campeau Hope Renee Cantwell Alex Carlson Linda R. Carlson

* 1


Bradley Scott Carlton Laura Lloyd Carroll Brian Mark Carter Robert Drake Carter Steven Carter Andrew Kent Casey Shannon M. Casey Bradley Jonathan Cash Gioia Nicole Casso Maxwell Vincent Catalano Brittany Anne Cavanaugh Morgan Anne Cavcey Rebecca A. Cesarski Paulette A. Chapman Keith Chase Jr. Montijia Monique Cherry Troy Childress Lana Ling Gee Choi Sue Ellen Clark Kaylee A. Frogley Mario Travares Clay 5 Josiah E. Claypool Tommy Lynn Clements Tave Christian Close Betty Schroer Cobb Michael Allen Cole Kelvin Durwin Coleman Timothy Maurice Coleman Jacquetta Marie Coles Jane Hudson Collie Gwendolyn Collins Lorie B. Collins 5 Andrew Laurent Colvin Stephen Davis Combs Chanin Consoer Francis John Conway Jessica Yvette Cook Michael Justin Cook Shunette L. Cook Abigail Badger Cooke Matthew Cooper Rosezetta Shampayne Cooper Whitney L. Cooper Clayton Glenn Copeland Jonathan Robert Cordell 6 Bryon Christopher Coro Chasity Anjuanetta Cosby Henry Scott Cottrell Michael Dwayne Cox Rebecca Craighead Paula Kay Creamer Yong Ray Crosby Giuseppe Daniele Cucci Ashleigh Louise Cupp Brandon Scott Cupp Marc Allen Curley Lori Ann Dachille Danielle Lynette Daley Tonya Lynne Darner Andrew William Dashner Patricia Diana Davenport Heather Christine Davidson Douglas Scott Davis 6 Jeffrey Alan Davis Nicole Alekshia Davis Billie Frances Dawson Eric R. Day Jon Phillip Deal Mellissa Drouin-Dean Jeffrey Allen Deason Victoria Renee DeBoef Shamica Monea Kelly-DeBose Kenneth John Deeb Kayla Suessette Deel Jorge Antonio Delgado Katrina R. Deloach Brian Paul DeLong 6 Goliath Yewondweson Demisie Jessica Marie Depestre Robin Antwanette Dessau Jason Paul Detwiler 5 Doris Patricia Lopilato Angela Melissa Diamond Mirna Diaz

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Jeremy Tyson DiBernardo Samantha Dolloff Brad Donbach Anthony Ampiaw Donkoh Brittney Antoinette Dorman Daniel James Doucette 5 Nathan Andrew Dove Nathan Daniel Draughn Tamara Lashawn Dreher Kevin James Duban Garrett Lee Duff Daniel M. Duffy Michael Shane Dunkin Danton Daryl Durand Michael John Dytynyshyn John W. Eaton III Gwendolyn Deloris Edmonds Ashley Wilkerson Ege Adam Bjom Ekerholm Nicole Danielle Elam Timothy Scott Eldreth Michael John Elliott Michael Dean Elliott Thomas Jefrin Elliott Joshua Aaron Ellis 6 Marie Paulette Eloy-Bell Erik Scott Ely Cheryl Ann Emery John David Enfinger Meredith Ruth English John Ryan Estes Clint Michael Evans Stephanie Danielle Evans Michael P. Eviston Eric Dean Faber Shelby Denise Sanders Failey Carolyn Faines Leslie Fairchild Marisha Ann Fairfax Mysha Selders Brian M. Favela Joy M. Federico Christy Ann Fedor Richard Dee Fedrick Randy Michiel Feehan Margaret E. Felton Yolanda Felton Sarah M. Ferguson April Marie Fields Kathy doCarmo Finholm Susan Fisher Korie S. Flannagan Chelsea Ikea Fleming Albreena Kornegay Fletcher Tara A. Fletcher Jane Acebedo Flores Valentin Flores Jr. Shannon Kay Fogg Andrew John Fogle Christopher Michael Ford Jeffrey L. Forry Jr. Mark A. Fosdal Erica Jeanne Fouche Shelly Ann Fowler Michael J. Frazee John Jasper Freeman 5 Jessica Faulkner French Lisa Isabel Frontus Bryan Scott Frye Jr. 6 Kiersten Lanae Galeone Cinthya Rosaura Galo Salgado Joseph Bradley Gammon Samuel David Gardone Robert Garlington Justin Andrew Garrett Kendra Michelle Garrett George Michael Geiges Sharon Jean Gele Jean Rudy Gerestan Emily Katherine Gerhardt Michael Allen Gibson Elizabeth A. Gilbert George Carey Gillenwater Frank Gilliard IV Marissa C. Gipson

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Richard James Glass 5 Jennifer Glasscock Linke Korrin Renee Glasscock Minerva R. Glover Anthony Michael Gole Michael A. Gompah Amy Dooley Gordon Caleb Samuel Gordon Hillary Marie Gordon Cheryl A. Gorham Sara E. Gorton 5 Brandon Anthony Grant Kenneth Wesley Grant Rishona Nicole Grant Anastasia Marie Greene Daryl Lamont Green Cylie Jimenez Benjamin Harold Gregory Kimberly Lynn Gregory Violet Gregory Donald Richard Grimes Jr. Sean Tyrone Grove Shayna Stanfield Grunewald Christopher Michael Guerrette Marylin Clariza Guillén Escobar Zachary William Haley Calvin Halfacre Ashley Walker Hall Tatisha Spruill Hall Adam Chase Hallman Gina Juanita Hambrick Chloe Elizabeth Hammett Britni Collier Handlan 5 Charles Raphael Hantz Jr. Haley Amanda Hardin 5 Timothy Jamelle Harmon Natalie Joy Harp 6 Jeffrey D. Harper 5 Ebone’ Elizabeth Harrill Cathy Elaine Harris Clinton B. Harris Ian Harris Maegann Marie Harris Nekoda Omega Harris Regina Gloria Harris Brian Bernard Harrison Stephanie Marie Harrison Kelly Hart Jeffrey Lee Hartzog II 5 April Renea Harvell Kendra Harvey Jennifer Michele Haskell 6 Patrice Michelle Haskins Jacqueline Musgrove Hassan Joseph Andrew Hatch 6 Amy Lynn Burke Scott W. Hayman 6 Adam Lee Hazelwood Nathan James Heath Emily Hedrick Towery Ryan James Heher Shannon Mae Heisel Keyona P. Henderson Melissa Joy Hernandez Kristen Zigrang Matthew Edward Herzberg II John Mark Heskett Tara D. Hill Felecia I. Hilton Herbert Tyrone Hilton Tony Dwayne Hinds Kathryn Schad Vassar Hiskey Michael James Hiskey Tarrance Sharome Holcombe Peter James Holland Steven Wayne Hollar Darrell Alexander Holliday Ashley Holloway Jonas Matthew Holman Brandon L. Holmes Thomas R. Holstead III Lindsey Patricia Holtz Joshua R. Hopper Robert Andrew Hostelka

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Christopher Daniel Howard Katrice Nichelle Howard Scott D. Hoy Tanner Keais Hoyt 6 Felicia Renae Hudson Michael Dustin Huffstetler Bryan David Hulse Ashley Renee Humbles Benjamin William Hunt Hali Sattire Hunt Karen J. Dugger Cynthia Denise Huntley Alisha Cook Hutchens Nathan Wayne Hutchinson Casey Wade Ingle Julie Nicole Ireland Gregory Bart Isaacs 6 Riverra LaFondra Jackson Ann Marie Jacobson Arthur F. James 5 Robert Harris Jeffries Heather Jenkins Jennifer Marie Jernigan Paul Gordon Jesse Brandon Earl Johnson 6 Cory Sentel Johnson Erika Johnson Joseph Johnson Kimberly Prudente Johnson Alex Joanna Johnston Joel Winner Jolley 6 Jada Lynn Jonas Alicia Ann Jones Cassidy Leigh Jones Daniel James Jones Matthew Ryan Jones Sam Hooker Jones III William Allan Jones Jr. Justin Joo Anastasia Hope Josephs Danielle Terese Karp 6 Hanri Kaya 5 Hitesh Kayastha Susan Bea Leonard-Keith Christopher Jacob Kelley William Randy Kelley Jenell Kelly Keya Wilkins Kelly Barbara Jean Kennedy Sherry Dawn Kennedy Bethany Ruth Kennon Richard James Kenny Ashtyn Kiel Michael Richard Killian 6 Eugene Leo Kingsbury Ray James Kirby Ryan A. Kirkpatrick Donovan Lewis Klein Terrance Knight 5 Ericka Lynn Knipp Jonathan Andrew Kolhagen Lacey Nicole Komis Sei Kpeyei Jessica Lyn Kunes 6 Traci Lyn Kutzke Chinh Shan Lai Matthew Luis Lama Daniel Paul Landsgaard Morgan Marie Lanier Clinton A. LaPreze Veronica L. LaRock Jacob Thomas Laufer Christopher David Lauver Irene Michelle Myers Lavant Brittany Denise Law Timothy Charles Lawless Annette D. Lawson Jarvis D. Lay Rebekah M. Leach Gofaone Mildred Lebotse Scott C. Ledermann Robert Brandon Lee Jonathan Teron Lee Robert Matthew Lee Samuel Jack Lee James Merton Leeman 6

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Erica Renee Leftwich David Etienne Lemaster Nicholas Charles Leonard Michael Lewis Paul G. Lindley Matthew Scott Linton Tammy L. Linton William Christopher Little Jarvis Thaddeus Little Meagan Ashley Bell James C. Lock Bonnie Gainey Logwood Brenda J. Long Lytonia Wright Lovinggood Daketia Lucas Athos Rocha Lucchini Maria Krystyne Lund Mark J. Lyons II 6 Jaleel Astoveza Macasaet 5 Celine Macdonald 6 Emily Dawn Maddy Michael Travis Mader Patrice Michelle Magee Brian Mahlan Robert J. Manes Thelma Louise Manning Tina Mapes Jaclyn Leigh Marino Ashley Seniunas Marks Jason Powell Marston Jeremy Bryan Martin Rebecca Lynn Martin Sean Patrick Martin Ezekiel D. Martinez Jovanim Jacob Martinez Nanette Sharon Martinez Theresa Darnell Martinez Gusmond Mason Jr. Nicolas Colby Mason George Wilson Mathias Laurie L. Maxwell DeLisa Chenese Maybin Bobby Brent Mays Allen R. Mazelin Jeanine Williams McBride oshua McCaherty Demetrice McCain Dana Lynn McCalley Misty Renee McCann Addison Keith McCarty Nicholas McCaw Stephen Matthew McClellan Mark Brian McCool William Mason McCormick Micah Ray McCracken Rafael Jose McFarland Brittany W. McGehee Jason J. McGouldrick Matthew McGroarty Rebecca Sue McIntyre Matthew Charles McKibben 5 Chrystal Nichole McKinney Laura Rae McKinnon Kerry Jo McMinn Angela Kim McPeak Duncan Joseph McPhee Sean Edward McSwain Drew Nalin Mehta Kevin Eugene Melton Natali Mendez de los Santos Sarah Mary Magdalene Mercado Angela Yvette Merck Denise Wanda Merriweather Cameron L. Merville Kris E. Meyer Jennifer Lynn Miles Neil Wiley Miller 6 Patrick Ryan Miller Kevin Leigh Milton 5 Antonio LaMark Mitchell Dennis Jerome Mitchell Lance Bradley Mitchell Matthew Raymond Mitchell Olubunmi Mobolaji-Makanju Chase Christopher Montney

* 1

April Renee Moon Jennifer Renee Moore Katherine J. Moore Matthew Cabell Moore Neva Moore Winifred Rossetta Moore Zackary Taylor Moore Jorge Andres Morales Christopher Patrick Moran Meghan Dianne Hill Elizabeth Anne Morgan Monica George-Bunts Morgan Amanda Victoria Morris Bridgette Denise Morton Joe Murillo Jr. Ruth Wilfred Muruve Raymond Lee Musser Chilombo C. Mwambazi Shakaya M. Myers Candace Elayne Myrick Ryan Hunter Narron Ralph Nehme 5 Kelsey Dawn Nelson 6 Samuel A. Nelson Elizabeth Anne Nelson-Lyda Ramona Nemeti Douglas J. Neumayer Indrek Neville Shelby Young Newman Melissa Mae Newton Barton D. Nichols Thomas Lowell Nichols Gentry Allen Nickell Fernando Wladimir Nicolalde 6 Adam Ray Nobile Erin Mayo Erin Renee Nolan John Trowbridge Norton Eric Foster Nost Brenda Michelle Nowlin Danielle Nugent Kenechukwu Balthazar Nwanah Cameron Scott O’Berry Abiola Osikomaiya Afeez Ishola Oladepo Lauren O’Neil Mary Kathryn O’Shea Jamie Leigh Outland-Brown Robert Trent Owen Walter Benjamin Owens 6 Benjamin T. Owens Michael Warren Owens James Joseph Panagakis Laura Elaine Pangallo Tommye Leigh Panuska Kimberly Ann Paparone Jon Michael Pardo Jerome Wayne Parker Justin Scott Parker 5 Kreg Ashley Parker Adam Richard Parkulo Jonathan Andrew Parrish Daniel I. Pastor Rebecca Anne Patchett Torey Denis Payne 6 Mason Allan Peavy 6 Melodee Lynne Sculfield Kathryn Townley Pehl Jonathan Robert Peifer Brian Elmo Penrod April People Marcos Antonio Perez Patricia Smyth Perez Donte Perkins Michael Morgan Persun 5 Kiara Alexandria Peterkin Robert Peterson Trameka Peterson Anthony Joseph Phillips Jay L. Phipps 5 Michael Paul Picardi Adam Christopher Pickeral Frances Ann Pickeral

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Sherri Reynolds Pillow William Scott Pinette Geoffrey Thomas Ping James William Piper III Kala Sazon Plaskett John Manning Poole III Tameka Anita Powell Jay Brent Price Robert Eugene Priest II Elizabeth Jane Principe Ashley Elisabeth Lorraine Prowant Stephen Patrick Puckett Kristen Ashley Pugh 6 Richard T. Pugh Brandy Lea Pulver Tammie Serrell Pyne Anh Nguyen Quaranta Anthony Emilio Quaranta Jr. Daniel Albert Quarmout Zachary Espinoza Quiroz Priscilla Hill Racer Matthew Scott Racine Manoasoa Sandaniaina Rahantanandrasana Melissa Sue Bonds Maribel Kaylee Ramirez Jessica Ramsey 6 Philip Andrew Ramsey Claudia J. Brites Arlen R. Rash Jr. Brandy Michelle Ratcliff Shawnte’ L. Reed Desmond Tutu Reeves Ashley Reffey Joseph Francis Regnier Jr. Raychell Elizabeth Chaudhuri Diane Cheryl Reis 5 Mark Alan Reu 5 Brenda Reynolds Darrin Keith Rhines 6 Jacob Leonard Rich George Ryan Riggin Glen Andrew Roberts Ryan E. Roberts Stacy Marie Roberts Zachary Burton Smith Robertson 6 Brittney L. Robinson Jason Emerald Robinson Lynetta Robinson Patricia Dawn Robinson Wayne Thomas Rock II Kelli Jo Rodney Whitney Rusnak Roe 6 Ernest Christopher A. Rohrbacker Jon Talon Ross Shayne Ray Ross Zakenya Zaheeda Ross Morgann Linn Haddad Elizabeth Ann Runco Kelsey Mary Rusnak 5 Glorena Sue Russell Jesse Wayne Salmon Stanley V. Sam Catherine Ann SandiferRobertson 5 Rick N. Santos Christina Lucia Sarcona Shannon Lee Satterfield Stuart Brantly Sauls 6 James Andrew Sawyers Tshering Pamu Sayers Robert Lee Scafone 6 Dustin Paul Schanaker Vicki M. Schmidt David Richard Schmoyer 6 Yvette Elise Schultheis Vania Paola Schwab Alvin Scott Tameka Mills Searcy Keri Lynn Self Kenneth David Semat Jessica Farmer Setzer Karlee April Noyona Shelton

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Dusty Glenn Sheppard Matthew William Sherry Cayla Denver Shinn Karla Gizelle Short Beverly Jane Shull Derick Brendon Sikes John Joseph Singer IV 5 Vaughn Chance Singletary Kenneth George Sliger Natalie Baeza Sloan Andrew Thomas Smith 5 Bradley William Smith David Lee Smith Joshua Philip Smith Kara Elise Smith Randy Smith Sabrina Elaine Smith Stephanie Rae Smith Teresa Joy Smith Tiffany Yvette Smith Jared Wayne Snow Daniel William Snyder 6 Robert Clyde Solomon II H. Dale Sorling Caitlin Anne Southerly Ryan Timothy Sparks Melissa McClure Spencer 6 Stacy Bryan Sprinkle Bradley Neil St.Clair Joseph Lorentz Stagnaro Bradley James Stallings Jennifer L. Stambook Kari Stapler Robbin Stone Stasny Terri Lynn Steele 5 Candace Cullars Stevenson Ashley Tiayanna McMillan Orissa Michelle Stewart Stephanie Staggers Stewart Guy Jacob Stickley IV Codey Shale Nicodemus Stipkala Joshua David Stoll Bettina Gillette Stone Samuel Jackson Strawbridge 6 Hayley Rhome Stringfield Kevin Michael Studer Jaret Michael Sullivan Bradley Summey Chavante Lakeshia Sweat Elizabeth Nicole Syner Jeffrey Allen Tanner Jessica Graham Tanner 6 Cori Lamone Taylor John Robert Taylor 5 Kathryn Taylor Teresita de Jesus Telleria James Michael Terenyi Bini Johnson Thomas Reginald Antonio Thomas Brandon Scott Thompson Sherry C. Thompson William Keith Thompson Hannah Thorn William Howard Thrasher Pamela L. Timmerman Colin A. Tisch Marti Beth Tolliver Buford Charles Toole Tiffany Ruth Towne Jim W. Trader Carolina Marie Trindade 6 Chad Day Truslow Myra D. Tunstall Aubree Cherie Tupper Anke P. Turner Annette Renee Cardwell Centeria Denise Turner Toiyriah Lakibah Turner Charlie L. Tveit Victory I. Uchefuna Tori Lynn Utley Walix A. Valcin David Eric Valentine 6 Richard Valentine

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Thomas Joseph Van Deinse ShaVon Danielle VanBuren Candi Gertrika Vandalsem Kayla Alexandrea Vanderpool Danielle M. O’Shaughnessy Heather Hanson Vann Lisa-Ann Dana Vassell Felicia Vaughan Penny Denise Vaughn Wesly Ryan Vawter Waldemar Vega Lopez Kristian Velasco John Derrick Vick Christa Gayle Villarose Sara Davisson Vines Jacob Scott Vinson Anna Vreeland Charla Diane Wacker Andrea Frances Gordon Wade Joseph Buchannon Waid Danielle Denise Walker Willie David Walker Jr. Jeanna Gadsden Wallace Yi Wang Darryl Maurice Ward John Holden Wardlaw Chelsa Novell Warren Reggi-Dominique Washington Donte Terrell Washington Mark Scott Wasson 5 Brent Alan Waters Melissa Lynn Waters Deborah Renee Davey Earl William Watson Jr. Kenneth E. Waugh Denise Marie Webb Elizabeth Ann Welborne 6 Chavaleh Weller Sky Ronnette Whisonant Krista Marie White Philip Chris White Richard Joyner White III Jamella Tianna White-Russell Pebbles Sunshine Wiggins Kylene R. Wilder Alexis Marie Wilkins Amy Dearien Williams Dixie Lee Williams Michael David Williams Michael L. Williams Shannon Kobie Williams Terry Williams Tuawana Lashay Jenkins Brent Allen Williamson Adam S. Willis Michael Lynn Wilson Jr. Tiffany Andrea Winbush Brandon Wirth Carlita Withers Tiffany Angelica Woodard Jeffrey Mitchell Woods William Joseph Wynn Rory Clay Yeaman Clifton H. Young Jasmine Cierra Young 5 Felecia Sheree Younger Glenn E. Zechman Jr. Mark Kenneth Zeeff Shenguang Zhou

Master of Science ACCOUNTING Anthony Harrison Adams Rotimi Adekunle Afolayan Jason G. Akers 6 Alysia S. Anderson Charleste Latrice Anderson Alex Archer Eva Kirsten Arnold Patria Arroyo Sharon Lynelle Bailey Linden Wayne Ballard 6 Kristyn Ann Bane Sheila May Banke 6

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Melissa Beth Barnett 6 Jessica Jane Bell Karra B. Black 6 John Marc Blais Kimi File Bliss Karen Bowry Yajaira Gonzalez Crespo Erika Donyale Brown Sandra Lynn Brown Jennifer Michele Burkett Stephen Wesley Burrill 6 Shavonne Renee Cameron Aisha Canonico Victoria Elizabeth Capobianco Liza M. Cardona Guzman Wanda Denise Carr Michael T. Chandler Zhao Zhen Chen Shanna Christopherson Kelly Clark Jeff N. Coates Alicia Rose-Collins Gryskiewicz Lacey Rose Coronado Samuel Bryan Croom 6 Kimberly Gail Dadson Lisa Ann Daidone Sheryll Lynn De Haven 5 Shimelis Endalew Dillala Wesley Doble Samantha Dogan Monica Maria Doratt Andrea A. Dougherty Allison Renee Elrod Aaron Christopher Epp Damaris Venice Evans Eric Orin Evans John Henry Everett Dawn Elizabeth Fancher 6 Suprena Dawn Fay Brian Jacob Filer 6 Dustin Clint Bovell Fleenor Karen Elaine Flener 6 Cayla Noelle Fraley 6 Greg Anthony Fraser Audrey Batts Friedrich Raymond A. Fullerton III 6 Juan Hector Garcia Eva Del Rosario Gardner Andrew Dwight Garner Deborah Gay Gibbs Michael J. Gillingham Anthony James Glass Evan Curtis Gould Shirley Dale Gray Tamara Rebecca Greear Mayra Sofia Griffin Kimberly Nicole Gutelius Laura Susanne Hardin Bethany Diane Hardy Linda Maynard Harlow 6 Joshua Edward Harner 5 Jacqueline Nicole Henderson Michael C. Hendricks Whitney Leigh Henzler Camille Hill Ryan Thomas Hingst Kevin Theodore Hodges Harry George Holmes David Im Santonius Rodriquiez Isom Noemi Silva Jackson Tony Raynard Jefferson Brittany Michelle Johnson Robert S. Johnson 6 Samuel Delos Johnson Debra Kauffman Amanda Kehr 5 Rochelle Marlene Kelly Ann Kenny 6 Donnie Thomas Allen Marshall Kern 6 Midori Matsunaga Kinne 6 Michael Newman Kinsey 6 Steven John Klubertanz 6

* 1


Devon Doll Korff 6 Katharine Lynne Laundrie Christopher B. Lee Kevin Russel Lewis 6 Kevin Alexander Linhart Nathan Hence Love Trista S. Lysek Erin Ashley Mack Brenda Liz Maisonet Robert J. Maly Angela Dennise Peterson Robin McCutcheon Alisia Nicollette McGrady Chad Alan McKay John Walter McNeil Jeremy Louis Mebane Desnee Lynn Miles 5 Breonna Rochelle Miller Jonathan Allen Miller 5 Dennis C. Mills Olututu Mimiko Teresa Shaunt’e Minor Amy Sue Mooney Felicity P. Morris Kimberly Lynn Morris Sarah Marie Mundy Brianna Renée Murphy Manatsawani Abishai Mutasa Richard Michael Myers Shareen Pearlina Neale-Lang Melinda Nielsen Cheryl L. Nipper 6 Alovarson Odige Michael Ohemeng-Dapaah Caleb Robert Ohlmann Myrtle L. Olonikadi Tina Marella Palmieri 6 Subin Panta Kelsey Brooke Parks Theodore Pelfrey Tisha Jones Perkins Caleb Allan Perla Barbara Perry Tamela Annette Phillips Tameka D. Porter Anita Nicole Poteat Angela Powell 5 Clayton Robert Prendergast Kristi Whitfield Propst 6 Morgan Alana Quesinberry 6 Tracey Quigley Courtney Lynn Ramsey Rhoda Lorraine Restivo Dahilvis Reyes Emanuel Reyes Yanira Reyes 6 Sierra Moirá Richardson Monica Robinson Roxana Rodriguez Ruben Allen Rush Jr. Shaun Patrick Ryan Dennis Kaye Scheidt 6 Ellen V. Schneider Robert Bradley Shaddix Shinez Menita Shell Daniel Adam Sherwood Britany Kristin Sholly 6 Ryan Matthew Simmermaker 6 Kumarie Singh Jennifer Ann Smith Tracy Monique Smith Mariana Soliman Evallory Spratlin Jeremy Lee Stone Anan L. Sturgess Amber Nicole Tarlton Cynthia Eve Taylor James Ryan Taylor Justin Michael Thacker 6 Elina Thapa Stephan Thelusme Brandon Lee Thomas Jose R. Tolentino Van B. Tonnu Sophia Marvette Townsend

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Sandra F. Kanjumba Kristen Harris Tucker Jeremy Philip Turton Matthew Twitty Thomas Daniel Udo Vincent B. Walker William Darrell Walters Silena Antoinette Washington Stephen Russell Waters Marvin Lewis Wharton AreTina Williams Robert A. Williams Shaniqua ShaCoya Williams Mark Wilson Shevis Danielle Wimbush Ceswick Andrew Wright Stanley Nelson Wright Shamia G. Wynn

Master of Science in Information Systems David Kelly Campion Angela Eason David Hodges Romeline Mylene Sab-it Obonan Stephen Safranek John Robert Weber

Master of Science in Management Paula Ruth Shropshire

Graduate Certificate John Elliott Ayo 1 Matthew Baker 1 Charles J. Bennett III James Blewett Perry Andrew Bobbitt 1 Tyrone Douglas Brackens Brittany E. Brown 1 Rebecca L. Brown 1 Danielle Latrice Byrd Danielle Latrice Byrd Thomas B. Collins Brian T. Conley 1 Leon Ernest Connell Olandous R. Curry Tijuana L.B. Cuthbertson Joshua Shane Davies Jason Richard Dawson 1 William Paul Delaney 1 David Glenn Dicken Tarshae Drummond Shaylynn Edwards Glenn Anthony Evans Lucia I. Fabbri 1 Collette M. Frazier Sophia A. Guerra 1 Erin Earnest Hardester Michael Thomas Harsch Michael T. Harsch Kentha Heng Kathryn Schad Vassar Hiskey 1 Michael James Hiskey 1 Steven W. Hollar 1 Steven W. Hollar 1 Kimberly Johnston 1 Alicia A. Jones Carlos Jones 1 Deborah Kauba 1 Jerica Kelly Bethany Kime Angelic Kinder Angelic Kinder Donte Forrest Knight 1 Ericka Knipp 1 Elizabeth Smith Liles Mattie L. Lucas Joseph R. Lujan 1 Ryan Lynn Tammy Denise Mathis 1 Steven Edward McDonald Jason Shawn Morris Kendrell Marie Ringer Janette Rivera

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Lori B. Ruff Porscha Lynn Scott Larissa D. Sellers Larissa D. Sellers Johanna Annick Rosine Sharp Natalie Baeza Sloan Micole Stokes Robert Joseph Sybil 1 Taquita Syse Matthew J. Tatum Aquay Jo’Van Tolliver Courtney Umosen Brad Vanbeuning 1 Lashaundra Dominique Walker Will B. Weiser 1 Karole G. Williams Debra Lynn Wilson Nicole M. Winston Rachel Macharia Woodson 1


CLINICAL MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING James Ryan Andrews 5 Allyson Rae Ausel Joseph Benjamin Autry Adrianne Myra Beach 6 Mary Kate Blevins Chelsea Marie Breiholz 5 Abigail R. Brentner 6 Briannan Katie Byrd 6 Laura Ellen Captari 6 Emily Carmella Coopwood Corderius Alphonso Cowans Shiree Danielle Craft 5 Stefanie Brooke Crigger Kenneth Adrian Deneault Margaret Claire Donohue Britney Bliss Eskew 5 Lauren Rayellyn French 6 Ebony Millner Giles Debora Dalila Gonzalez Pena Rebecca Haist 6 Angela Faith Hall 6 Jason Hall Sarah Gayle Justice Hardee 6 Briana L. Jain Kendra Lyn Johnston Bridget Delores Kelly Ashton Christine Klingensmith 6 Edna Cassandra Lassegue Kailey Rose Mahan 6 Porsha Hutchins Mills 6 Peace Nadine Ningabire Melissa Anne Oswald Jeffrey Scott Pardine Jordan Randolph Parker James Brittian Parramore Tiffini Latrese Quaker 6 Amanda Grace Rose 6 Dustin K. Sarrge Carly Rio Schneider 6 Keren Yadai Sclafani Ebony R. Smith Cherish Fallon Stokely 5 Sophia Daa’iyah Strange Wen Yu Su Elizabeth Ashley Suggs 5 Nicole M. Taylor 6 Darly Thomson John Nathaniel Toliver Jr. Sunday Beckman Towles JungHee Trexler Candice Rachel Tynes Brandy Lee Vancil 6 Sheila S. Williams HUMAN SERVICES Carmen I. Acevedo 5 Akua Nyarko Adu - Gyimah LaTasha Monique Alexander Kimberly Lynn Allison

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Daniel Alejandro Alvarado Craig R. Anderson Linda Jane Williams Anderson Rachel G. Anderson Bennett Bowden Andrews Kenneth Twumasi Ankrah Anissa De’Shay Antwine Laura Marie Arnason Sheila Jenkins Arrington Rosalind Denise Arvin 5 Cameron Severo Ashworth 6 Danielle Attus Tania Avery Rebecca Bainbridge Rosalia Mildred Baker Jill Irene Ball Deborah Bonita Banks Crystal Ann Barber Lauren Beth Barber Daniel Erasmus Barclay Susan Gail Myers Tracy Loraine Barnes Hunter Dana Barnhill Brenda Yvette Barrett Brenda M. Beauregard Geoffrey Becton Cortney Nicole Beltz Brooke D. Bliss 6 Mary Dalton Booker Curtis Lee Bradley Jr. Lisa Rose Brock 6 JacQunisha Nèal Brooks Ashley Shonta Brown Jared Robert Brown Jennifer Anice Brown Marcia Lynn Brown Shadricka Brown Angela Dawn Burford Samantha Anne Burgess Cynthia Yvette Burgos 6 Ayanna Lashay Burns Larry Ricky Burrell II Tarcia Smith Bush Kristin M. Calhoun Jessica Sarah Camargo Ashley Brianne Campbell Jack Dempsey Campbell Ashley Nicole Walden Campos Latisha Danielle Cannon Phillip Matthew Carlock Laverne Tucker Carr Sophia Melissa Carranza LaTasha Carroway Alesia Joy Hogan Carter Carolyn Joyce Cash Sarah Jane Chapman Monique Chappelle Ashley Cheffen Kimberly Aisha Cherry Demetrius Alexander Chester Audrey Mallicott Clark Di’Andra Michele Mayo Rachel Leigh-Ann Clemans James Clouse Pamela Demetris Coleman Michael Leyvon Collins Danielle Considder Michael Thomas Cooper Meldonia Joy Coston Kandice Marie Craddock Michelle Marie Daigle Lynda Kay Daniely Velma Darden Allison H. Davis Elizabeth Marie Davis Elizabeth Jane GallimoreDavis Janice Davis Alton Ray Dawson Marinda Latoya Daye Kim L. Debnam-Tatum Susan Deike 6 Richard DeLaRosa Maxine P. Denegall

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Erica Michelle Dickens Brian Wesley DiGia 6 PhyllisCarol Dowdy Wall Juan Manuel Duenas Suzette Dukes Nathaniel Duvert Meagan Nicole Faulk’ Eatmon Alisa Tonette Ebron Jason Edward Eby Eric Edelman Judawndrial La’Shay Elam Michael Keith Elkins Roland Emerton Jr. Velvet Charise Epps Carmalita Genay Escoto Asia Junea Etheridge Rhonda Evans 6 Deidre Quinerly Exum Lynn Marie Farquhar Stacey Lynne Farr Vanessa Lynn Fatur Sandra Dee Favors John Mark Felton Pamela Michelle Fields Dawn Fitzpatrick 6 Dedric Leander Foreman April Foster James Edward Franklin Marie Louise Fraticelli Jenna M. Friedman 6 Victorya Nicole Fuller Lindsey Ellen Funk Choumarthe Hallegra Gabikiny Tristin Corrine Galvez Jessica Danielle Gant Johnnie M. White-Gant Anice Richardson Garmon Alisha C. Garrett Pamela Eyvone Garrett Craig Scott Gatzemeyer Biamca Gauthier April Shanta Gee Christian Bryant Gilbert Daniel Thomas Golden Adriana Maria Gonzalez Griselda Gonzalez-Munoz Regina Lasheil Goree Brandi R. Gray Kari E. Griffin Monet Griffin Shanai Antonece Summer Griffin Donnie Edward Grubbs III Mary Lewis Guidry Chanae D. Guinyard Andrew Hagstrom 6 Marsha Diane Hale Tanya Hall Danielle Marie Haluska Kim L. Harrell Dena Simone Harris John E. Harris Sonja L. Hayes Molly Beth Heckendorn Martha S. Hepner Euvrena Samson Heriveaux Jenny Beth Fargo Hernandez Shaquita Joy Herring Jasmine Genee Hicks Tamika Nicole Hill Sarah Marie-Thomas Hines 6 Todd Hittle 6 Samuel D. Hobbs Chequila Church Hoffler Brittany Nytasha Hogue Mitzi P. Sidelko Lawrence Denton Holt II 5 Tiffani Renee Hopkins Cynthia Ruth Hopper Ebony Evette Hudson LaQuasha Yemise Hudson Nicole Janine Humphrey 6 Rhonda Denise Hunter Safiya Ebony Hunter

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Jennifer Hutchinson 6 Ify Princess Ikeakanam Pamela N. Jackson Quentin Jackson Kyle Myron James Alicia Vanessa Jarrell Brittany Arrielle Jarrett Francine Lorraine Ellis-Jarrett Jessica Lee Jenkins 6 Randie J. Jenkins Aleena Fisher Johnson Gregory Duane Johnson 5 Caryn Breanne JohnsonWhite Melissa Andrea Johnston Angela Janet Jones Larry Lewis Jones Jr. Melani LaToya Jones Sasha Diamond Jones Poonsak Kajonpong Leah Marie Kean Rebecca Lynn Keen Gretchen Lee Keezer Tresa Mechelle Keith Kenneth H. Keller Jr. Brenda Evans Kendrick Holly Renee’ Kidd Dana Taylor King Medina King-Harris Nyema T. Rascoe-King Sue Ellen King Erin Elizabeth Kingston Alonzo Aurelius Kitchens Peasie Denise Knight Gina Ann Knox Thomas Raymond Kodel 6 Nicole Marie Kraus 5 Christopher James Kyser Kathryn L. Labbe 6 Lavell Zavon Land Regina M. Land Angela Dawn Larson 6 Tamara Michelle Lawrence Betty Jackson Laws Danette Lynn Leak Ashley Cheri Lee Byron Lee Sunny Lee Courtney Trishan Lewis Rochelle Nadean Wolfe Karina G. Licon Jennifer Leigh Lindemann Delicia R. Little Nathaniel Samuel Little III Dana Marie Loveless Edith B. Lozano Esther Anell Lucas-Robinson Olivia Ludwick Grace Anne Luginbuhl Danisha Lucas Lyles Sandra Elese Lyles Emily Dawn Lyons Jennifer-Brooke Jackson MacTaggart 6 Jonathan Ashley Madison Zenaido Magallanes Latoya Notae Maiga Belinda Maio Davida Marie Major Lynn Maloy Kristin Nicole Maney Brigina Chantel Manley Lateesha Sharee Maris Nermein Markous Jennifer Lynn Martin 5 Yadi LaChanda Martin Jessica Denise Massey Tammy Rose Mathews Kelly Leshun Mathis Sheena D. Matthews Michael Roy McCants Kathleen Ann McConnell Samantha Celina McDonald 5 Maurice LaVelle McDougald Courtney Lela McGhee Torrence Felice Smith

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Jeffery Romell McNair Joslynn Lynette McNeishEdgerton Kathleen Meeks Elaine E. Melkioty 6 Paul David Mellon 6 Tyler Martin Melton Angel Manuel Menendez Armond Paul Merillat 6 Steven Andrew Meyrahn Kendra M. Middleton Amanda Beth Miller James Edmund Miller Sammy Miller Sharolette Michelle Mills Pamela Rebecca Moffitt Crystal P. Mohamed-Dormer Andrea Collins Mohammad John Fredrick Mohr 5 Denise Dos Santos Moitinho Michaela Mojzis 6 Ricardo Montoy Porcha Marenda Thomas Thomas Candice Morciglio Kierra Lashe Morris Laura Ryan Mullinax Margaret Wishart Munn 5 Shayla Elyse Myers Jean de Dieu Ndahiriwe Melissa J. Neal Phyllis L. Nealy Lindsey Lee Nesbitt Alana Simone Nichols Connie Jean Oberman Althea Emelie Oetoyo Sheriff Adisa Oladepo Wallace Bissette O’Neal Jr. Neil A. Onyeukpere 6 Natasha Ourtane Julianna Lynn Padron 6 Sondra Lee Parks Antoinette Maria Patrick Heather Jill Pavlat Joshua M. Pedersen Janice Theresa Perez Rivera Crystal Marie Perkins Stephanie D. Peterson 5 Angelica Tiffany Pickett Courtney Pinkerton 6 Kisha Ann Marie Pinkney Roberto Carlos Piscoya Susana Elizabeth Piscoya Katherine Felton Pleasant Edward Lee Poff 6 Tanya Porter Consheta Tineal Prince Pamela Denise Prince Gary Wayne Proctor Fealita Kimbre Prunty Cinder Irene Puckett Robert Jon Radecki Rosanna Prevost Raj Khadijah Shaaqira Alice Raphael Ayshia Camaron Reilly Jennifer Marie Ritzko John David Roach Jr. Judith Ann Robertson Sarah Michelle Robichaud 5 Gerenda Inell Robinson Lakita Sherrell Robinson Contina Roby Jeannette Rodgers Philip David Rodgers Serena Donald Rouse Courtney Roy 5 Terri Samuels Jose Luis Sanchez Tressa Ann Sariñana Scott Ashley Saucer Yolanda Ruth Schlabach 5 Lawrence Eugene Schruff Mallory Anne Self Natashia Nichole Selph Erica E. Servin 6

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Tori Ann Shaver Alesia Mae Shaw David Khalil Sherwood Jonathan Andrew Shular Felicia Ruiz Simpson James Fredrick Simpson Kerry J. Simpson Carmen A. Singh Nicky George Sisco 6 Michelle Siwik Kaneshia Slade Coles Antonio L. Smith Dawn Marie Smith Joelle Nicole Smith 5 Mary Helen Smith Lisa Belinda Smith Amber Gayle Snoek Jaime Lee South Linda Southall Dianne Beasley Spears Victoria Elizabeth Stacey Deborah McDougle Stamey Summer Christi Stephens Regina Sinclair Stradford Allison Elizabeth Struber Vanessa Rosa Suarez Carolyn Faye Swanson Leslie Suzanne Dunn Swindle Oshawna A. Tackett Brittany Roberts Taylor Chris Taylor Savannah Camille Thomas Steve Thomas 6 Demetria LeVonna Thompson Ria Charice Marie Thweatt Kelsey Elizabeth Tisch Catina Anne Tomei 5 Andrew William Trader Lauren Victoria Tucker Virginia Tucker Grace Angella Tulloch-Daly Beverly felicia Turay Edward Turner Miguelina Valdes Jillian L. Valentine Tiffany Mowery Van Newkirk Allie Michelle Vara Jaime Alberto Velastegui Michael Joseph Volz 5 April W. Walker Larry Vernell Walker LaTasha Marie Walker Rachel Victoria Warren Anja Chantay Washington Markeeta Nicole Washington Vernesa Faye Washington Mariam L. Watson Jason E. Watts 6 Andrew Christopher Weaver 6 Thomas Lee Webb Danielle M. West Tina R. Whitby 5 Melissa Arlene White Jennifer M. Whiteaker Kimberly Whitehead Wiley Monica LaVera Wilkerson 5 Carlos Antonio Williams Debbra A. Williams Vernice L. Williams Jamie Nicole Williams-Canty Felicia Willis Amelia Renee Wilson Dalaine James Wilson Tyrell Christopher Wilson LaVita Winfield-Williams Heather Ellis Worthey Chelsey Dorise Wright Christine Renee Wright 5 Joyce Marie Wynn Madalyn McGrath Zulauf 5 HUMAN SERVICES COUNSELING Janet Marie Acosta Cynthia L. Adams Gracie Adams

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Jankail S. Adams Linda Lee Adams Ozzie D. Adams II Mary Anne Adamson 6 Cqshunda Latrinese Addison Salas Mills Addo Benedict Adegbola Adeolu Adejinle Christina Maria Adkins Jacquelyn Adorno-McCall Vanessa Marie Agee Tonya Marie Aguilar Robert Anthony Aguirre Barbara L. Aki Beverly Shlaine Albury Derrick Avery Aldridge Jeffrey Layne Aldridge Courtney Joyce Alexander Lucretia Diane Alexander Jennifer Lorraine Alexis Tiffoney Shaunaun Alford Bethany-Raven Annette Allen Brigette Kristine Allen 6 Cathy Louise Allen Precious Shantrice Allen Raymond Allen Jr. Yvette L. Allen-Tatum Sandra L. Allison Ashley Nicole Alston Eugene Frank Alston Richard Stanley Amato 5 Jon Thomas Andersen Dakiarah Reynolds Anderson Mark Darin Anderson 6 Monika Sharrell GatesAnderson Quinta Santrez Anderson Emily J. Andres Ely Antonieta Anduray Tamatha Anne Anthony 6 Cherri Anty Amanda Lee Apap Joanna Joy Apgar Cheryl B. Arbelaez 6 Louis Andre Arceneaux Franz William Arias Ramos 6 Dennis Maclean Arkoh Connie Diana Lewis Armstrong Jonathan Lee Arnold Kristen Ann Ashwood 6 Rachel Suzanne Atchison 6 Tessa M. Augustine Starla Rae Austin Esther Elizabeth Averill 6 Nieta Marie Nero Sola Akins Ayegbusi Donna Sue King Ayers Jace Edward Azevedo Lee Ellen Bach Rita Felece Bacon Ebony Tiffany Bailey Mechelle Antionett Bailey Paula S. Bailey Hattie Jane Baker Lori Michelle Baker 6 Kristine Marie Baker-Costa Angelo Cary Banks April Hope Banks Barbara Kiera Banks Jacquilyn Rose Banta Christina Marie Barber Ana Barend 6 DeAndrea LaShun Barnes Elizabeth Nicole Barnes Jerome David Barnes Michelle Antionette Barnes Renete Lashay BarnettMorgan Bradley Michael Barrett 6 Stuart S. Barrett Kadijah Musilimah Batiste Shereese Battle

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Terry A. Baxter Nick Arthur Bazalaki Connie Bazemore Hester H. Beal Tammy Lorene Beam Tammy T. Beasley Tonya Beasley Christena Lynn Becker Cheryl Patricia Bell Haylei Dawn Bell Elleena Rapturina Belle Janice Atkins Benejan Jennifer M. Bennett Jessica Renee Bennett Mark T. Bennett Sebrena Bennett-Wells Julia M. Bentley Robert B. Bentley Daniella Sarah Benton Leslie K. Berg 6 Alessandro Rey Bermudez 6 Matthew Ryan Bernas 6 Heather Jordan Bernhardt Kristina Elaine Bibb 6 Kristen K. Bilapka-Cowpar 6 Jennifer Jo Bills Jean Hunt Birckhead Jennifer Biro Lekiesha Sharie Roberson Black Niki Black-Cheek Tawanda A. Blackwell Brenda Kay Blair Kelley Jean Blas Jasmine Ciera Bobbitt Bethany Suzanne Boettcher Summer Combs Boggess Chere Angelene Bohr Tania Tache’ Bolden Stefani Renae Bon Caronda Bond Janai Javonne Bonham 6 Diane Nelson Booe Brittany Nica Boone Mallory Jane Boreland Autumn G. Bosnick Leon Monquite Boulanger Patricia Rose Bower Sarah Allyson Edmonds Bowers Jennifer Rebecca Boyko Brenda Braam Brandi V. Bradshaw Rhonda L. Bradshaw Caitlin Danielle Bradt Concita Rebecca Brady Jill E. Brady Crystal J. Brandon John Yuma Brannon Eunice Branscomb-Blackburn Pamela Kidd Brant Mary Beth Brantley Warlece Plunkett Brassel Jena Marie Metzger Holly Crystal Brauer 5 Tiffany Marie Braxton Ashley Nicole Nadine Bray Kwamena Brew-Adams Mary Helen Higdon Brewer Maria Briantseva Peggy Hopkins Briggs Kari M. Brink 6 Angela Teresa Brittingham Zoila Estrella Brock Joneka Sharell Brooks Angela Thomas Brown Bethany RayAnne Brown Claire Frances Brown Jamie Antoinette Brown Kavica Donterie Brown Kenya Kivani Brown Mary Lindsey Brown Mindy Hamlet Smith Brown Porsha Monique Brown Sydonnia Sheree Brown Tiffany La’Sha Brown

* 1


Traci C. Brown Kevin Gregory Browne 6 Staci Chanel Brownlee Dana Arne’ Bruce Kenneth M. Bruce Jr. Julie Ann Brumley 6 Jamila Rebecca Bryan 5 Sybil Monique Plaskett Angela Denise Buchanan Jacquelyn Buck 6 Jason Lee Buck 6 Peter Stanton Buckland 6 Donna Lee Buckley 6 Lanana Renee’ BucknerBrown Ka-Trina Bufkin Tamiya Nikcol Bunn Samuel Mckinley Craig Bunting Sonia Fay Burford Alicia Rene’ Burke 6 Anthony Wayne Burnette Victoria Dimonek Burton Megan Elizabeth Buster Frances Ehi Butler Karen Renee Butler Rebekah Lynne Butler 6 Arthur Lee Byrd Sr. 5 Amie Cahill Kathleen M. Cahill Kelly Beigle Cahoon Silvia Mishell Calderon Curtis D. Caldwell Frederick Juan Caldwell III Melinda Caldwell Michelle Renee Caldwell Rebecca Leigh Caldwell Amber Nygelle Calhoun Kenneth M. Calhoun Jr. Patricia Callis Tonya Campbell Heather R. Cannon Natasha Michele CanslerFortune Erika Alice Cantrell Amy Linda Canupp 6 Keith A. Caraway Deneb G. Cardenas Kristen Elizabeth Cardinale 5 Joyce Loraine Carelock Manfred Mohamed Asheru Carew Emma Rose Carpenter 6 Jennifer Kathleen Seigworth Jessica Cherrell Carter Elizabeth A. Cassidy 6 James B. Casto Bruce James Cerbone Bethann Cestrone Falba Tiffini Rushanne Chamblin Ryan William Chancellor Teresa E. Cheadle Mesha Cheek Sylvia L. Cherilien 5 Hermion Chiddick Debbie J. Childress Minyoung Cho Lillian Saerom Choi Janell Renee Choice Corey Chorba Jason Stephen Christafaris 6 Susan Kay Christenson 6 Bruny Stiff Christian Ruby Jean Christian Tammy S. Churchwell Amecia DeVonee’ Clark Kaitlin Marie Clark Lana Yvette Clark Stephanie Nerissa Clark Yvonne M. Clark Andrean Selina Clarke Ronald Dean Clarke Anthony Jarrod Clary Regina A. Clemons-Cobb Gertha LaVonne Cleveland Theodore Lee Cline

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Andrea Renee Clinton Kim W. Cloyd Paul R. Cobb Eric Bernard Coe Ashley Faye Coffey Lena Ellen Cohen Renella Marie Coker Charrell Chanice Colbert Jameela Kristan Colden Robin Diane Cole 6 Danielle Elizabeth Coleman Angela Rewis Hayek 6 Gloria Faye Hayes Joy F. Haynes 5 Cheryl Ann Healy 5 Tina Kaye Hearne Harriet Elaine Hedgcoth Shannon Marie Heffner 5 Hugh Andrew Heinrichsen Jr. Gina Denai Helms Jennifer Shantel Flagge Tia Robin Caruthers Hencke 6 Brittany Noel Henderson Caroline Louise Henderson 5 Dewey L. Henderson III Kenneth Karl Henderson Tanya Jade Hendricks Tara Jeanne Hendry Kirby Elizabeth Henley Alyse Millisent Henning David Paul Henning 6 Wilner Henri Haley Beth Henrickson 6 Bethany Henry Eva Kathrine Henry Meagan Brianne Henry Xyandrdevona Briana Henry Rachel Ann Hernandez Deidre A. Herring 6 Fayellyn M. Heshelman Ginny Hewitt 5 Tyrone Christopher Hewitt Kieviet Tatiana Heyward Hilary Lynn Hicks Rebecca Lauren Highland Jacinta Aunjale’ Hill Jason Eric Hill Keeli Lorraine Hill Kimberly Rutherford Hill 6 Donna Hilley Delores Joycelyn Hines Johnathan Dietrich Hintz Rebecca B. K. Hockaday Margaret Remy Hodge Tonya Michelle Hodgin Joy Hogan Amanda Hogston Jessica Briana Holcomb Stephanie Holden Danielle Hollinger 5 Dayna Denise Hollinquest Shayna L. Hollinquest Antwan Kennedy Holt Barbara Landrum Honaker D. Joshua Hood Christopher Ryan Horne 6 Tanaya Harris Horne 5 Rebecca Louise Hosfeld Amanda Jo Hostettler Wanda F. House Kerski Latrice Houston Marama Carla Howard Gwendolyn Yvette Howerton Erika Rene Hoyle Eric Randolph Hubble 6 Robert Louis Hudson 6 Meghan Patricia Martin Huff 6 Donna Marie Hufnagle Kenneth F. Hughes Sandra Lee Wooldridge Kimberly Marie Hull James Edward Hulsey Michelle Lynn Hultberg 5 Detra Montea Humphrey Annie T. Hunt Georginia Patricia Hurge

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Tiffani L. Hutton Samalia K. Idris Maya Ingram Mildred Sue Ingram Latasha Isaac Tiffany Monique Isbell Andrea Latrell Jackson Darron Emanual Jackson Deidre Matilda Jackson Destini Latoya Jackson Kiti B. Jackson LaTonya Lynn Jackson Pamela Ann Jackson Shanetta Antoinette Jacobs Erik S. Jacobson 6 Ashley Renee James Makeda Pearson James Marcia Y. James Sandra Dee James Robert Joseph Janis Stephanie Renee Janusz 6 Jacquelyn Jarus-McDanel 6 Stacey Christy Jeannett 6 Christine Lynn Jeffreys 6 Kara Koryn Jenkins Loreatha Verna Jenkins Hope Jones Jennings Rachel Victoria Jernigan Claudia Ann Jett 5 Amy Nicole Johnson Angela Catherine Waymire Bianca Tiesha Johnson Brandi Niche’ Bettina Johnson Carla Sherelle Johnson Charla Jean Johnson Chiquita Sierra Johnson Cynthia Elaine Johnson Eddie LeVon Johnson Jr. Jacqueline Johnson Kelvin Dewayne Johnson Latoria Griffith Johnson Lisa Ann Johnson Patricia A. Johnson Regina M. Johnson Rhonda Renee Johnson Sandra Dee Johnson Sharon D. Johnson Shondra Leialyce Johnson Tamara Lynn Johnson Taylor Tiffany Rexanne Johnson Virginia Lizette Johnson 6 Bernardra Glennise Johnson Kagwe Anita Price Johnston Bobbie Jean Jones Chantel Nicole Jones James L. Jones Jr. James Thomas Jones Janet Rae Taylor Jones 5 Jasmine Marie Jones Jesse Alexander Jones Kim La-Via Jones Kimberly Anne Jones Kristina K. Jones 5 Lisa Claudine Jones Mario Sebastian Jones Michelle Jones Patricia Jones Rebekah Joy Jones Terra Carletta Jones Veronique Germaine Jones Terry L. Jones-Collins Danny Lamar Jordan Stephanie L. Jordan Terria Ann Jordan Briann N. Joseph Melissa Joyner Ashley Marie Kariuki Jennifer Kavanagh Tricia Keeler 6 Lashonda Monique Keen Colburn Tate Keister David James Kelber Charity Kelly Crystal Elizabeth Kelly

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

DeMaitresse R. Kelly Jessica Nicole Kelly 5 Ammiana LeShonda Kenard Dean Allan Kennedy Candi L. Kersey Robert Kersey Danika Tae Key Brittney Ethel King Charles Michael King Erika M. King James Christopher King Tiffany Marie King Misty Williams Kirby Susan Ann Kirchoff Cindy P. Kirkland 6 Shannon Lee Klein Barbara Rae Kline Kelli Yvette Knight Teena Kocsis Stephanie Lynn Koon Carol Michelle Korensky Jacqueline A. Kovacs Stephanie Renee Kramm Laura Mary Krizan 6 Rachael Elizabeth Torres Kulesza Sonya Russette Lackey Cynthia Barfield Lamb Janelle Marie LaMontagne Tiffany LuWanda Lampkin Shannon Nicole Lamppa Alexa Elaine Landrum 6 Jada Lane Paula Lane Deanna Marie Langevin Angelique Chevelle Lanier Courtney B. Lanza 6 Aimbriel C. Lasley Antoinette Lassien Karen Cooley Lassiter Janice Renee Lathan Fonda K. Laughlin 5 Vicki LaVersa Arleathia Rene’ Lawrence Jade Renae Lawrence Jenna Louise Lawson Sabrina C. Lawson Lettie Diane Layne Megan E. Leap Marchelle LeBlanc Ashley LeClair Kerri Ledford Alina Lee Chanel Lee Darlene A. Lee 6 Frances Burton Lee Jatoya Lee Legolia Kanako Lee Verlecsia Lee Victoria Elizabeth Lee Janayia Yvonne Lemon Devonus Demontaett Lennon Rosiland J. Lennon Jane Myra Lessman 6 Tori Ann Lester D. Andrea Lewis Edward F. Lewis 5 Gregory Paul Lewis Janae Marian Lewis Leisha Lei Lewis Natashia Ronzing Lewis Natashia Jones Lewis Belinda Gail Lewis-Krisel Shemeka Lynette LewisSpates Tammi A. Lewter Phyllis Ashley Linck Michael David Lindsay Shaneika Lindsey Mery Lipscomb Christina E. Lloyd Karina Liani Lockhart 5 Debra Denise Long Jacqueline Colleen Long 6 Jamie L. Long 6 Xiomara Raquel Lopez Emily Yoshiko Lorah

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Linda Louis Travis Calvin Loveday 6 Jessica Pancinko Lovgren Angela R. Lowe Terra Keonia Lowery Denise Lozano Mason Adam Lucas 6 Tyler Luck Zachary Michael Lumpkin Vania S. Lunardon Jennifer Anne Lusk Alana-Eden M. Lykins Kevin Francis Lynch Tanza J. Lynch Steven Matthew Lynn Phylica Ralna Mabry Brian Eric Macklin Valencia Chateece Macon Octavia Deneen Madden Renee Maddox Melissa Nicole Madonna Kelsey Robin Magnanti An Tran Major Katina Nicole Major Kimberly Renee Makonnen 5 Richard Matthew Malebranche Robin Michelle Manley Katie L. Mann 6 Geri Lynn Maples Jay Douglas Marcum 6 Christine Elizabeth Markling Aileen René Markowsky 5 Shayna Alexis Marlowe Selena Marrow-Smith 5 Rene’e Jeanette Marshall Meredith Ann Marsini Amanda Leigh Warner Cynthia Martin Leon Martin Nathaniel L. Martin Tiffany Dianne Martin Heather Marie Martinez 6 Julissa Correa Martinez Althea Michelle Richardson Sevyn Maryland Rachel Lynn Mason 6 Teresa Elizabeth Mason Nicole Marie Massie Tamika Annette Massie Randi Sue Matics LaKeisha C. Matthews Katey Maurer 6 Darin Scott Maxwell Isaac Maxwell Kayla Rebecca May Christine Elizabeth Ferguson Mayers Patricia R. Mayhew Debra Maynard Artura Linda Mayo Derrick Anthony McCain Avis Taylor McCants Robert William McClain Robert T. McCloskey De’Andre Jermaine McCoy Luke B. McCoy Sr. Lisa McCurdy 6 April Williams McDonald Kimberly Mae McDonough Valarie McDuffie Corinna C. McFadden Jenicia Shanquesta McFadden Jessica Diane McFadden Carrie Lynn McGinnes Tonya Denise McGriff Frances Long McIlwain Leo A. McInnis Crystal Boyd Mciver Selena Marie BakerMcJimson Janisha Shanee McKenzie Sonya Alise McKinzie Brian Hurley McLean Lauren Jennifer McLean

* 1

Alexandra Patterson Tammy Sue McManis Virginia Vaille McMillin Kasandra D. JacksonMcMillion Ghetaun Danielle McNaughton Carlos Rashann McNeil Dawn Meredith McNeill Germani Fea’ McNeill Cristine Elizabeth Meade Ashley Nicole Meadows Sandra H. Meadows Jessica Mears Christina L. Medina Danielle Marie Medley Jody C. Meldrum Patricia Gail Melton Henry Mendez Pamela Nicole Meredith Brittney May Messner Timothy R. Mikels Alicia Mae Milam Danielle Renee Miles Kevin Ray Miley 6 Katia Milian-Quiñones Namika Inez Miller Sabina Marie Miller Ashley Nicole Milligan 6 Kimberly R. Millington Talayia Quashelle Milton Francis Todd Miskelly Adrienne Noélle Mitchell Alaina Garnette Mitchell Christina Maryann Mitchell Nelson Eddy Mitchell Robin Mitterer 6 Gustin Harrell Mixon Alysia Bailey Mizelle Tricia L. Molloy 5 Matthew J. Monson Tami Lynn Hagan Montez 6 Michelle Ann Montgomery Monique D. Lochan Natacha R. Montgomery Tara Montgomery Kathleen Annette Schuman Moon Beth Ann Moore Christina Marie Moore Katherine Moore 6 Michelle Price Moore Paige Jeter Moore Steven C. Moore 6 Summer Nichole Moore Valeria D. Moore Valerie A. Moore Sabrina Maria Morais James Adam Morgan Michelle Marie Morgan Tracie Morgan Kristina Phenice Morris David Edward Morrison 6 Belinda Grace Mortensen 5 Chrystyna Rebecca Morton Jessica Renee Morton Rebecca Moseley Finley Jeanette A. Moser 6 Malinda W. Motley Clarice M. Moyer Risa Michelle Muenchsdorfer 6 Patrice Muhirwa Fesseha B. Mulugeta Yolanda Mumford Robin Mumpower Edward Ray Murphy Michelle Miller Murphy Marjorie Marie Murray Reginald Murrell Latisha Myers Rosemary H. Myers Pamela Lunette Myrick Ronald Dean Naillon Mary Katherine Neeley Alicia Shaunte’ Nelson

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Roy Curtis Nelson Jr. Nina Ameir Nettles Elise Marie Nevius Tasha Michelle Newcomb 6 Courtney Mae Newhall 6 Mark Allen Newsom 5 Son T. Nguyen Candice Nicholson 5 Ashley Renee Nickels Holly Niebauer Cheryl Anne Niehoff Daniel Nogueras Heather Elizabeth Nottingham Chelsey Novak Heather Lauren Nozea 5 Sweba Nyaho Martin Nyanzu Henry Nyenteah Robin Tonya Oakes James David Odle 6 Felix Kwabena Ofosu Ugochi Cynthia Ohale Michael Thomas O’Kane Joana Okudzeto Biekro Cherylann Oliver 6 Jennifer Marie Olsen Anna Oswald-Hensley Collene Ottum Tara Alesia Ouden Rebecca Jean Overton Judith M. Owen Latrice Lachun Owens Tiara Danisha Owens Morenike Oye Robert Louis Page Hope H. Palacio Jessica Michelle Baker Lisa Ruth Palmi Ashley Danielle Parker Cynthia Denise Parker Melody Yvette Hardy Tara Arlene Parker Amy Parousis Latoya Latrina Patrick William Clayton Patterson Jr. Revon D. Pauling Alison Kathleen Kaufman Jason Talbot Paxton Jessica Ciera Paylor Vicky Lee Pearce 5 Elaine Peguero Laseeta Pellot-Rosa Torie Neel Pendleton Staci Nicole Pennartz Lauren Gabrielle PeraltaSauls Laura Pereira Shayla Nicole Perez Desirèe Antoinette Perry James Shawn Perry 6 Latrice Danyell Brown-Perry Michelle Denise Perscell Stephanie Peterson Tobasha T. Peterson-Houck Elizabeth R. Petree Jessica Autumn Phaup 5 Valerie Gibbs Phelps Holli Maree Phillips Meredith Kendall Phillips Barbara Pianko 5 Oquilla D. Pickett Colin David Pilch Carla Johanna Pimentel Christine Denise Placencia Sybil Monique Plaskett Sandra Kenya Plummer 6 Delray Kareen Pointer Stephanie Waller Polite Bertha Phachita Polk Tricia Ponce Faith D. Porter 5 Carolyn Ann Potts Andre L. Powell Cheryl Ricks Powell Stephany D. Pracht

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

April Denise Press Kenneth S. Pressley Lynn Pressley Porche LaTrez Price Charles Joseph Prichard 6 Rebecca A. Prill James E. Prince Monique Maria Prude Colleen O’Reilly-Prue Kristie Elaina Puckett Carly Marie Pulver Tonisha Shauntrice Purcell Liza Almeda Castaneda Purtell Devin M. Rachael 5 Jeffrey Wilson Radcliff Arlene Sidaris Ramirez Everleane Roberta Randolph Rosa LaToya Readon Annie Kate Redding Cornelia Redding Monica Renee Cosby-Reed Richard Wayne Reeder 6 Sharon Marie Reese Alisa Michelle Reid Tierra MeShawn Reid Vicki G. Reiner 6 Anthony Troy Restivo Digna Emerita Reyes Suzie Rhee 6 Amy Elizabeth Jacobs Rhymer Curtis O. Rice Logan Rice Nathalie Richard Petrice Aneika Richards Crystal Yvonne Richardson Morita J. Ricks Ashley Marie Rininger 6 Judy Ann Smith Stephanie Ritter Ernesto Rivera III Jennifer L. Rivera-Grosso Brenon Robbins Ashley Nicole Roberson Alexandria Michelle Roberts Dianna L. Roberts 5 Barbara Spearman Robinson 5 Christine Robinson Kendell R. Robinson Andrea Britt Rodenberg 5 Bryce Austin Rodgers Erinne LaTrice Rodgers Shleaker Elois Rodgers Terry Robert Roelfsema Bianca Danielle Rogers Bryan Edward Jermaine Rogers Candice Denise Rogers Tamara Renee Rogers Tia Kelso-Rogers Veronica Elizabeth Rohrer Brandi Lee Roney Tiffany Catherine DeMaraRoot Melissa Kay Rorie Clara E. Rosales Jonathan Edward Rose Karen Saunders Rose 5 Birdeana Payne Rosenbaum Nicole A. Ross Bryan Marc Roy Robert Edward Lee Roy Jr. Leigh R. Royall William Christopher Rucker Jennifer R. Rueda Ryan Elizabeth Rusk Caitlyn-Viktoria Russell Kevin LaDon Russell Lynette Reneé Russell Elyssa Frances Ryerson Jennifer Brooke Ryerson Holly Sablich 6 James Arthur Sadler Doreen Jo Saffle

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Jenna Anne Sailsbury Mercedes Salinas-Lackey Sakinah L. Salley Moshe Michael Halevi Samueleis Gina LaShawn Sanders Nakisha Delynn Ducksworth Margaret Sansbury Brandy Nicholle Sargent Sandra Faith Satterwhite Kevin J. Saucier Trena M. Savageau 5 Robert Schnabel Katharina Joy Schneider Keith James Schwennesen Andrea Denise Williams Bonnie Celeste Scott 6 Diane Scott Jolanda Rochelle Scott Torrie Cassandra Seibert Miranda Anosi Neru-Seloti Briana Alexis Sepersaude Natasha Elise Blankenship Breanna Nicole Seright Lisa Ann Danfelser-Sesniak Lillarweise Johnson Seymore Kenneth Edward Shackelford Edgar Shaffer III Terri Ann Shambach Matthew David Sharman Linda Renée Sharpe 5 Travis Jason Sharpe 6 Jennifer Lorraine Shaw Patricia Jones Shaw Qua’Shai Laquise Shaw Jessica Anne Sheerin Yolanda Renee Shelton Todd Kent Shepherd Robin Michelle Sherman 6 Eun Joo Shin Julie Louise Shirley Ryan Keith Shivers Paula Nicole Shouse Samantha Erin Sillett Jill A. Silva Amy Joy Simkins 6 Dominique Denise Simmons Renee Simmons Alisha Nicole Simms Antoinette Lashurn Simpson Katrina Simpson Lakisha Daphney Simpson Carla D. Singleton Frank Ernest Sipps III Susan Ann Skipper Denise Kelly Skogfeldt Jennifer M. Skuta Sonya Yvette Small Mary Katherine Smart Antoinette Yvonne Smith Ardella Smith 6 Barbara Silver Smith Cassandra Denise Smith Deena Carol Smith Ebony Joy Smith Edward L. Smith Holly K. Smith 5 Jaleesa Roché Smith Janaki T. Smith Linda M. Smith 5 Lisa Victoria Smith Luther Farrell Smith Lynette Madison-Smith Micah Danielle Smith Monique Smith Natasha Delecia Smith Nicki Marie Smith RaNeshia Latrell Smith Tamara Annette Smith Tamara Enjoli Smith Taz Bianca Smith Tiffani-Rae Ann Smith Kendra O’Cynthia SmithBeaufort Susan Margaret Snider

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Wendy Coleman Snider 6 Katherine Solivan Shannon Ashley Soto Denice A. Southall Laurie A. Spataro Paula Diane Spears Donna Speeks Armstrong Richard Howard Speer DeShawn Sylvester Spellman Amber Nicole Spence Freda Mae Spencer Jamie L. Spencer Theresa A. Spencer Yolanda Zanette Spencer Susan L. Spiak 6 James David Spillman Emily Faith Spivey Jennifer Erica Spivey Christine Carol Sponsler Susan Rogers Spradlin 5 Chad Robert Spriggs Delannie Reverio Spriggs Jr. Karen Louise Staley Chericia F. Stallworth Crystal Gail Stamey April L. Starks Bianca Monique Smith Katrina Rose States Deborah Kaye Steen Andrea R. Stephen Viola S. Stephens Laurel Mann Sterling 5 DShea Amy Faulk-Stevens Ariel Christine Stevenson Donna Elaine Stewart Melissa Carleen Stewart Michael Wayne Stidham Morris Levi Stith Sr. Patricia Gray Stocker Matthew Jason Stogsdill Tonia Carter Stoney Tashana A. Stovall Angela D. Strickland Chad Michael Strickland Kristin Ann Strobel Laura Little Suggs Marshall Pike Sullivan Kenise Loreal Sumler Candace Denine Sumpter Louise Marie-Bragg Sutliff Lisa Marie Svidron Cheryl Denese Riggins Yolanda M. Swank Christopher Ray Swanson Delsie L. Swearingen Dedra Alesia Swimpson Marchelle Patrice Syktich Richard Nathanael Tabb Christine Marie Taimanglo David Tapia Menendez Jr. Falysia Tate Kilbourne Shirley Jean Tate Bernadette Marie Ramsey 6 Ashley Taylor Cara Taylor Heddie Marie Taylor Jan Melissa Taylor Katherine L. Taylor 5 Linda R. Taylor Ruby L. Taylor Sabrina Estelle Taylor Shamesa N’Cole Teel Rahel B. Teferra Cesar Manuel Telles Carrie Templeton Laketisha Tennione Patricia M. Terrell Stephen Terry Tashawna Andrena Terry Raechelle Terry-Davis Jesus Manuel Terson Tsedenia Tesfaye Gwenetta Shawnise Themes Sherilee Chloe Thevenin Elester K. Thigpen Sr. Ada Jean Thomas

* 1


Carol Ann Thomas Christopher Robyn Thomas Erin Elizabeth Thomas Carla Hope Thomas Kimberly Ann Thomas Phoebe Wright Thomas Robert Jerome Thomas Sondra L. Thomas Brezette Rochelle Thompkins Brandy Linette Thompson Christopher A. Thompson Enaysha Anitra Thompson James Edward Thompson II Kadesha Monee Thompson Leslie LaShawn ThompsonGraham Kemberly Leigh Thorn Buddy Curtis Thornton Danielle Heather Thornton Sonya Sofya Jean FryeThornton Quentin Dondre Thornwell Lauren Thrasher April Antonietta Thrift Crystal Tillery Shirley Renee Tisdale Rhonda Marie Tisdel Melissa Latreace Tolliver Penny Diane Tootle Amanda Marie Torres Giustina Ann Torres Angela Marie Townsend Christina Townsend Cheryl Trammell 6 Brandon Keith Travis Laura Sue Trent 6 Alesandra N. Trevillian Michelle Lynne Trice Robin Renee Tripp Brittney Christian Truscott Tamela Tucker Anisa Andrea Turner Erica Rene Turner James Aaron Turner Jr. Leslie Ann Turner Mary Christen Turner 6 Trevis Elaine Turner Ursula A. Turner Tameka Jennette Tyner Susan Ashley Tyree Melissa Michele Tyson Vickey Lynn Tyson Ruth A.M. Uhl Sheryl Scarbel Umstead Sadia Upright Adryan E. Usry Daniel Brian Van Matre 5 Joel Allen VanderPol Darlene Lee Vandewerker Bobbie A. Lewis Doris Grisel Ventura Cynthia Lynnette Vereen Tabrina ladonna Vincent Erin Susan Voskanov 6 Jennifer Beth Voth 6 John A. Vovakes Patricia Vowell Matthew Lee Wagner Aquichia Walker Elisa A. Walker Hannah Lynn Walker Jessica S. Walker Anastacia Danielle Wallace Jesus Wallace Kendra Lee Wallace Tanya A. Walls 5 Anitras Elizabeth Walston 6 April Walter Todd J. Walts Heidi Lynn Wanty 6 Rich Stanley Wanty 6 Shalome Tashara Ware Shannon Patricia Ware Janice Lee Warren Harmony Danielle Matthews Marlo Denise Washington

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Angela Lynn WatcheyFrancke Crystal Gene Watkins Jacques Marsha’ Watkins Margaret Jessica Watkins Lynn Andromeda Watson Ashley Nichole Webb Chelsea Marie Webb Donna Lee Patrick Wells Sherwin Lester Wells Tamika Shaunta Wells Chasitiy Stewart-West Joseph L. West III Phillip Curtis Westbrook 6 Diana Whitaker-Ellington James Cletus White Mallory Layelle White 6 Miya Shene’ Kennedy-White Nancy Lee Ann White Raechell C. White Tina Marie White VeShon Leigh Sheridan Kyla Ke’shawn Whitehead Niya Whiteside Boyce Octavius Tremain Whiteside Roshawn Antonio Whitfield Christine M. Whiting Carol Sandra Whitman Elizabeth Ann Whitney Tamea Darshae Wickware Cynthia Mitchell Wiggins Shemeika Laurece Wilbert Kim R. Wilkerson Antonio Terrell Williams Detoine Williams Janet Flounory Jocelyn Anne Williams Joyce Powell Williams Justine Folk Williams 6 Karina Lynn Williams Latoya Williams Lori Jennine Williams Mary Williams Miguel L. Williams Monique Danielle Williams Monique Williams Shelby Kristan Williams Tiffany Amanda Williams 5 Tina Marie Williams T’Mesha Williams Wendy Williams Yvette Suzanne Williams 6 Yvette W. Jones Dawn Antoinette Williamson Marcy Beth Engel Williamson Monica Ann Willis Amanda Jean Wills Enjolique Wilson Jettie Wilson Lakysha D. Wilson Paul Christopher Wilson Shemeika Monique Wilson Joanie Michelle Wise Craig M. Wittenberg Victoria Lainue Woazeah Adaeze Akuezue - E. Nwankudu (Woko) Anthony LaShawn Womack Lynesha Mendenhall Womble Aaron Matthew Wood Amanda Rae Wood Della M. Wood Katherine Alyse Wood 5 Shaun M. Wood 6 Joyce Myrick Wooden Melissa Ann WoodsLedbetter Cheryl Yvonne Wooten Katherine Jayne Woznica Chrystal Dawn Overman Wrenn 6 Alicja Emilia Adamczyk Wright Amanda Wright Derrick LeTrone Wright Jr.

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Jermain Lamar Wright Nicholas Wright Pamela Boyd Wright Relonda Dannette McGill Wright Megan Michelle Wurzelbacher Julie Doreen Wyant Philip Wyatt Brenda Stough Wyers Alice M. Yankson Ashley Law Yarborough Alexandrea Estrada Ybarra Sarah Martin Yeager Janice J. Young Richard Allen Young Alejandro Zapata Sara Ann Zebolsky Lisa Therese Zelenak Ayoub Majed Nicola Zurikat MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPY Debra Adler John L. Adriatico Allyson Mildred Barry 5 Rebekah Christine Barton Charles Andrew Baskin Angela Grace Benway Wayne Ray Bills Zechariah Gaetano Bolick Amanda Shea Brooks Christina Anton Brooks Diana Ryann Bryant Koreenna Taylor Bubar Brandie Nicole Burleson 6 Joi D. Calloway Ebony Campbell Heather Reichert Carroll Alecia Diane Castro 6 Mattie Elizabeth Cato Lee Ann Chadrick Leroy E. Childress Jr. Steven E. Cline 5 Christopher David Clotez Dawn Michele Cole J. Travis Cross 6 Grace Davila Miesha M. Dawson Kimberly S. Earley Kashorie Roniece Fields Kelly S. Finn Rita Rena Finnie Terrene E. Fisher Sean Timothy Geraty Sam Albert Bryan Goins Michele Robin Hairston Vicki Lynne Halchak Crystal Hall Kristy Danielle Hampton Kaylyn Faith Harris Tamara Lynnae Harris Tiffany Dawn Herndon Allison Latonya Hines Maria Orrego Horne Leemon Hoyle Jimmie Scott Inman Janis O’Neil Jackson ShaLonda LaShay Jackson Jacklyn Marie Jensen 5 Crystal Kay Jessee 6 William A. Kahn Yvette Alice Kidman Jamie Duff Kierpiec Lisa Michelle Kilgore Oper L. King Kurt Kostenbader Brittaney L. Mahler Debra Faye Lattimore Misty Rose Lawrence Jared D. Leinart Rose Mary Lewis Karen Lindsay 6 Ashley Marie Lowe Shannon J. Lowell 5 Kathy Marie Martinez Glenna B. Massey 5 Gwendolyn Rose Mbuvi

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Jodi D. McCarthy Denise Sheppard Merritt Matthew Michael Meyer Alma C. Miller Christina Marie Miller 6 Stephen A. Mitchell Michael R. Moebs Heather Sherae Mullins Rosemarie Murphy Brandy K. Nicholson 5 Willie Bryon Norris Desiree Paddack 6 Caron Palmer 5 Brittanny Wilson Petrzala Lindsey Anne Reichert Craig Louis Rich LaRhonya Michelle Richards Shannon Ricks Brandi Robinson Mandalyn Kay Sands Shanika Sands Sandra Jo Schoepke 5 Brian R. Shepherd Rebecca Lynne Sherfey Felicia Smith Quintin Jay-Scott Smith Shelina Faith Smith Samantha Rae Snovelle Clarajean Lane Snyder 5 Erika Renee Snyder Kari Lynn Snyder Brittany Janel Sothern Dennis E. Springsteed Jr. Barbara Ellen Stacy Brittany L. Stoner Guy Scott Strawder 6 Priscila Elisa Torres Paige Marie Turri Stephanie V. Varano Ashley Michelle Waithe Bonnie June Willey Michelle Denise Williams Tamra Diane Williams 6 Robert Lawrence Willis Thomas Joseph Young Jr. Kristin Marie Zeek 6 Brandee Laniece Zettel 6 PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING Susan E. Aaron Samuel R. Abelseth Vina Accomazzo Beth Bosman Acosta 5 Rafael D. Acosta 5 Amanda Erin Adams D. Nikki Adkins Janelle Renee Agard Iyabosola Oluwafunmilola Ajani Christina Maguire Allen Robin Antoinette Guynn Allen Laura Anne Allison Julie Elaine Almagro 6 Patricia Lesli Anderson Vernna Lee Anderson Jr. Lisa Marie Ansell Debra A. Apollonia 6 John Gerard Arellano Michael Dustin Arnold Tammy S. Arnold 5 Pamela Renee’ Ash Joseph B. Atanacio Margaret Jean Avitabile 5 Gerron Todd Ayento 6 Ashley Nicole Bagwell Jamie L. Bailey Mallory Lauren Bailey Claudia Maritza Balatoni Charlie Edwards Baldwin Scott Bales Charles Clayton Barden Wakita D. Barksdale Julie Barnhill Jennifer Lynn Barron 6 Hannah Christine Bartow 5 Charles Henry Basel III

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Michele Renee Basiletti Tondra D. Basnight Mandy Sue Bass 5 Gayle Marie Beach Elizabeth Beagle Aimee Chemin Beard 5 Shuntai L. Beaugard Sherry Beckwith 6 Lana K. Beecher Hope Michelle Bennett Randolph Nathaniel Bennett Holly Ferguson Benningfield Jacqueline Longley Benton Alicia L. Bickel Sarah Marie Biggs Danielle Farra Bingham 6 Sandra Palmer Bivens Robin A. Bixler Ginger Lea Blacksmith 5 Sagen Lynae Blackwell Alysha Dawn Blagg Jacklyn Michele Blake Andrea Lee ThomasBlakeney Shontay Edwina Blakeney Joy Adiel Blauvelt Jazmine Maria Bledsoe Larry Darnell Blount Melissa Artina Booker Kenarda Bowe Correia Ashley Lee Bowers 6 Jessica Paige Brady J. Alesia Brand Danielle Renee Bratton 6 Tammy Ann Breault Andrea Renee Brindley Trina Brinkley Trisha Danielle Broadright Janie Marie Brock Kelly Lynn Broda Amy M. Broglin 6 Jordan Alford Brooks Cody P. Broussard Kayla Broussard Angela Kay Brown Cassandra D. Brown Elizabeth Lynn Brown 6 Gloria Denisha Brown Hope Brown 6 Jammie Diann Brown Jarel Rashod Brown Kimberly Suzanne Brown 5 Nicole Hairston Brown 5 Shonmeka Ann Antwi Ryan Jeffrey Brownlow 6 Brandi Rose Budlong 6 Jane 0. Bullock 6 Jennifer Tison Burgess Amber Rose Burrell Natalie N. Burrows Sherri Burruss 5 Laura Marie Burt Sharon Lynne Burtzlaff 5 Cameron Bryce Butler Jessica Shirelle Butler Allysen Aiken Byers Konje Yolanes Byron Joan Cain Jacqueline Waits-Callier Colleen Callister Felicia Maria Cambridge Beverly D. Campbell Christy Sue Campbell 5 Sheryl B. Campbell Joshua Griffith Carr Daniel Ramon Carrasquillo Catherine Ann Carrington 6 Kimberly Carroll Jennifer Carson Bethany Lee Carter Rebecca Ann Martin-Castille Wendy Tiedeman Cawley Michael Cazzetta Karen Lynn Cebula Karen Haley Cersley 6 Jana M. Champion

* 1

Barbara Elizabeth Chapman 5 Telina Diane Chavez Crystal Sue Luckett Solomon Alexander Chernyshov Nancy E. Christian Ginger Corbin Church Jordan Nicole Cienski 6 Brittney Cipolla Anna Maria Vencenza Clark Regina White Clark Sherry Southall Clark 5 Amber Dawn Clarke kathryn Hudson Clarke Leeann Clarke Whitney Jo Clayton Clarke Tina Beausejour Cobb Fatima Maisha Cochran Karen Olene Coffey Kayla D. Coker Jennifer Cole 5 Jessica Elise Cole Vanessa Lynn Collier Julia Katherine Compton 6 Natalie Sue Confer Elizabeth Ann Connelly Tiffany Jade Connelly Michael Roland Connors Carolyn Cook 6 Michael Troy Cook Tonya L. Cook Christi DeAnn Copeland Larry D. Corbitt Wade M. Cordell 6 Christopher Charles Cosacchi Amy Cosner Shay M. Cottrill Pamela Jean Cowan Sonya Lenore Cowart 6 Rachel Stauty Cox Tony Franado Craddock Paul Kellis Crandall Scott Owen Credeur Patricia Lynn Crowder Sueann Marie Crowther 6 Emily Crumbley Hart Kana Sharee’ Crumby Mary Frances Ringley Charles Ryan Culkin Thomas Bradley Cullum Morgan Haines Cunningham Onorio Eugene Dadamo Jr. Chris George Dahmen Najah Dail-Harris Carl E. Daley Jeremiah Dalton Amanda Yvette Dance 6 Holton Ariel Daniel Stephanie Denise Daniel Ruth Marie Darland Erica R. Daudt Danielle Ryan Davenport Gwendolyn Grier Davis Regina Yvette Davis Sarah Hoskins Davis 6 Amy Day Danielle M. DeAngelo Meghan Jean DeBrosse David A. DeCamp Jill Annette Defayette Marsha Annette Dillard Samantha Lauren Dineen 5 ngela Denise Dion 5 Heather Jo Doherty Alexander Dolin Julie Dooling 5 Patricia Ann Dorazio Verdaro Demenance Draughn Delvondria DaiYunte’ DuBose Tamara Duchard Cristin Marie Duffy Julie A. Duffy Cory Dugger Shareece Schafer Dumont Stephanie Dunay Flynn

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Charissa Michele Duncan Cecile M. Dunkley Layne Heather Lane Dunleavy Bethany Grace DuPre Shaun Paul Dutile Bernard Duvivier Loretta Tomika Ebison LaTina Sharisse Edmonds Gloria Edwards Stephanie La Sha Edwards Winifred Eliopolo Mary Rachel Ellis Christy Elzer Traci Ennis Amanda Leigh Espigh Sara Elizabeth Goins Jeremy Lee Eveland 6 Gerald L. Evens Beverly Jean Everett Samantha Wilson Farmer Julie K. Fee Tiffany Ann Cooley Feliciano Michael Wayne Fender Stephanie Leigh Fickle 5 Hannah Elizabeth Field 5 Jeanie Lee Fields 6 Heather Lynn Filby-Salazar Allison Rebekah Stone Fisher Melissa Fisher 6 Timothy Patrick Fitzgerald 6 Phyllis Ann Flagg Jason Leslie Flanagan Alicia Renee’ Fleming Tricia L. Fleming Joanna B. R. Grey Beverly Fayleen Florence Jacqueline Marie Flynt 5 Natalie Frances Fontanella 6 Tracey Rachelle Fournier Ginger Nicole Freeman Joshua L. Freeman Kristina Marie Freeman Patricia Lynn Fry 6 Traci R. Fuquay Dawn Louise Gallagher Yelitza Vargas Gallimore 5 Stephen Galloza Vera Lynn Garcia 6 Paula J. Gardner-Porter Robin René Garrett Joseph H. Gasperini Rachael Evangeline George Frances Darlene Germany Melissa Moon Girard Crystal Tshaye Glass Krista Lee Godlewski 6 JoEllen Goldsberry 5 Solana Ramonita Gomez Lori Lynne Gonzalez Camie Goodes Alyssa Kaye Gordon Teresa Goudy 6 Meagan Elise Graham Vanessa Wyche Graham 6 Catherine Dean Graves Kwanda Lee Graves Daisha Na Tia Grayson Hermann Theobalt Green Harriett Lavern Greene Vernetta Joneil Greene David James Grenn Douglas S. Griffith Meagann Grignon 5 Lynn Rachelle Groen 6 Amy M. Groh Joey Leigh Gude Jerry Wayne Guy Jr. Kathy Christina Gvardijan 5 Lana Jamal Saleem Haddad Darlene Corlette Hagood Marilyn Slay Hall Timothy Randall Hall 5 Erin Lynn Worley - Hambrick Anna Catherine Hamilton Janese Nichole Hampton Michael Erle Hancock

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Robert G. Hancock Whitney Barber Hardeman Caleb Harding Karen Ann Hare 5 Willie J. Harris Michelle Marie Harrison 6 Gloria Renee Hartwell Nathan Ryan Havens 5 Timothy Wendell Hayes 6 Mary Beth Heidenreich Tawana Denise Helmich Audrey Elizabeth Helms Marilyn W. Hembrick Josephine Marie Hensley Jose Esteban Hernandez II Linton Fulton Hester Angela D. Hewlett LaTascha Theodora Hiban Ernestine Young Higgs Natalyn P. Hill Tracy Halloran Hill Laverne Patrice HofflerDuckworth Brandon Paul Hoffman Jeremy David Hogg Rebecca Danielle Hogg Kayla N. Holguin 5 Connie Blake Holland 5 Deborah Kathleen Holland Michelle Nichole Holloway Amy Lynn Holmes Kristen Elder Holmes Kurt Dwayne Holsopple 6 Beth Dianne Howard Stephanie Leigh Howard Deborah Elaine Howell Lacey Howell 6 Natasha Lavette Hubbard Johnson Haley Jo Hunter 6 Sean Patrick Hurley Anna Cunningham Ingram Andrea L. Jackson Patrice Lynette Jackson Terronda L. Jackson Marva Jackson-Smith Kari Beth James Lisa A. James 6 Mary Louise Jensen Lacey Lee Jervis Kenneth Lee Jewell Yettel Santana Jimenez Charryse Johnson Eric Michael Johnson Ethel B. Johnson Javaughn Christen Johnson 6 Jennifer Ellen Johnson Julie Robyn Johnson Kimberly Lee Johnson LaKeyta Penny Johnson Lisa Ann Johnson Pamela Lane Johnson Paula Johnson Laura Ashley Musselman Melissa Marie Johnston Brandon Lionel Jones DeNell C. Jones Hillary Noelle Jones 5 Lakeisha Yvette Swain Mila Jean Jones Monica Jenel Jones Rachel Neubacher Rachel Adele Kaisinger Kelsey Lea Karon Laura Elizabeth Kase Melissa Kauffman Joshua Steven Kee Meneika Chandler Keith Salina M. Keller 5 Rebecca Leah Kelley 6 James Joseph Kelly IV Marisa Grippando Kennemer Carol Kennerly Sonya Danielle Kindle Elizabeth Ann Kirk Linda Marie Klieber 6

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Beth Bayer Kiingati 5 Brett Knott Jr. Patricia L. Kohler Valerie Jo Kolick Brianne Nicole Kramer Michele A. Kuhn 6 Karen Cochran Lafferty Kerri A. Lafferty Heather Anne Lail Shane Bret Lakey 5 Kerry Lance Kelly Ann Lane Yolanda Lane 6 Jesslyn Pearson Langbein Mary Reid Larcade Karen S. Larsen Monica McNair Lasker Mark Thomas Lauzon Ashley Nicole Lawson Ashlee Kay Lawton 6 Angela Carter Lea Jana Marinda Lee Jolynn Elizabeth Lee Susan Marre Lee Leah Cim Lesesne 6 David James Lester 5 Marrisha Lewis-Engler Miranda Joann Maxine Kee Llano Karen Lynnette Logan Michelle Loney 6 Scott Brian Long Jennifer Anne de Perio Lopez Andrea Elaine Lott Noel Bethany Loughran 5 Allison Ruth Loyd Tameka C. Ludd Jonathan Carl Lunn John R. Lykins Frank Allen Males III Brenda Kay Malone Jason Lonnie Manning Sherille Antranette Manns Ashlie Nicole Manuel Carolyn Christie Manzi Linda Marie Mario Melissa Marks 6 Clara A. Marshall Emily Rose Marshlain 6 Alyssa Danielle Hurley David Christian Martin Shirley Ann Martin-Flowers Sandra E. Mason Heather Hubbard Massey Stacy Massey Kendria Elyse May-Johnson Jay Neal Mayo 6 Marcy Renae McClain Tanya McClung Rosa Marie McColloughLeake Terrence Anthony McCray Sr. Elizabeth Anne McDowell 5 Tammy Marie McGhee Pamela Lynn McGraw Kelly Anne McGuire Sarah Ann McKennon Janae Anita McKie Toni S. McKinley Ashley N. McKnight Robert Thomas McLendon Nathan Lee McMurrey Diane M. McNinch Thomas A. McSpadden 6 Michael Todd Mead Ruth Close Medley Tammy B. Melton Gwen Ann Mendez 6 Chelsea Lea Meraviglia Melissa Sue Merchant Meredith Mullens Meurer Brittany Lauren Middleton Zachary David Miers Amy Lynn Miles

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Rebecca Lynn Miller Stephanie Brooke Miller Dana E. Mills 5 Sarah Jeanne Mines Bethany Felisa MiracleLarson Carol Suzanne Mitchell 5 Wister todd Mitchelson Phillip Fentress Mobley Chandra Christine Moma 5 Marissa Lauren Monger Veressa Loretta Monserrate Kimberly Haynes Moore Rhonda Jeanne Moore Rhonda Shavanti Moore Terry Dennell Moore Elizabeth Diane Morales Carlos F. Moreira Denise E. Moreland Brooke Morgan Vanessa Sue Morris Naglaa Boutros Moussa 6 Jeffrey L. Mowery Wendy Joyce Muenchow 6 Shannon Lee Mullins Cynthia Gale MurchisonGrice Dianna Keller Murphy David Compton Murray Rochelle W. Murrell 5 Hilary Allison Musgrove Lydia Ann Nance 6 Glenn Louis Naquin Jr. 6 Aderemi Nelson Benson Joshua Neuer Kimberly Ann Neuharth Jamie Marie Newell Lindsey Brynn Newman 5 Tammi R. Nicholson Megan Rene’ Nolasco Stacie Carisa Norman 5 Catherine Marie Norwood John Nwabueze Nweke Goldie Marker Oakes Darin Edward Ollis Lisa Bybee Olvey 6 David C. Orges Shanna Ann Orozco 5 Kamala Amakiriba Elease Oruamabo Rhonda Kay Osei-Bonsu Cherokee Gabrielle Selena Ottesen Lee Elizabeth Seevers Earl Reese Owens Jr. Catherine Margaret Panos 6 Surprize Monai Parker Victoria Michelle Parks Bonnie Melinda Kidwell Partin Sarah McDonald-Pate Sabrina Kay Paul 6 Sandy Lynn Paul 6 Noelle Elaine Pauling Rhemma Dubr Payne Laquita Laquan Pearce Ashley Kay Perilloux Wendy Ann Perlstein Alyson Neeley Pertuis 5 Shannon Nicole Peterson Hoelter Liza Monique Fant Katina Caprice Pettiford Alexandr Vattamala Philip Donita P. Foster Latonia C. Pierce Samantha Renee Pillow Suzanne Piper Bower Kenda Margaret Plate 5 Andrea Leigh Barbian Sherri Hughart Polhemus 6 Denise Renee Poole Cherie Annette Porras Keisha Porter Megan Poto William McCrea Potts 5

* 1


Mary Powell Brandy Rae Preston Terry Stephen Pritchett Gary Robert Probst Danielle C. ProchVonbartheld Ritchie Puckett Cora Ruddell Pyles Glenda Gore Queen Julia Barnes Quisenberry Robert James Ragland Kristin Marie Raines Julie Kim Randall Krista Lynn Rasar Stefanie Nicole Ray Heather Nicole Redmon 6 Joshua Eli Reed Megan A. Reeves-Denton Wendy K. Regner Jaime Reynolds Hardy Patrick Hazelton Reynolds 6 Dustin Thomas Rheel 5 Yvonne Rheinschmidt Lyndsey A. Rich Christina Michelle Richardson Kelli L. Richmond 6 Gigi A. Ritchey Geneicia Jernae Robinson James R. Robinson 5 Morgan Ashleigh Rodgers Jennifer Rodriguez 5 Lisa Marie Rodriguez Sabrina Rodway Alyse Nicole Rogers Charity Rogers Michael Jack Rogers Laura Marie Romeo Karyn A. Romo Crystal Chavone Rose Bernadette Eileen Roumbos 6 Tanisha Lashay Rouse Lorraine Ruiz 6 Lynn M. Rush 6 Donna Ryan Amanda Raquel Stone Pasqua Salvo-Holder Mariah Grace Sampson Sheree Locklear Sampson Martha Jane Sandquist Lindsay Nicole Sandy David P. Sanzo 6 Alicia Dominque Saunders Susan Diane Savage 5 Sierra La’Shae Savedge Charlotte Ann Schafer Janae Danielle Schirle Sabine Scholz Dawn Schroeder 6 Sherri Ann Schroeder Patricia Ann Schrumpf Mary Kostmayer Schwing Angela Scott Ashly Nicole Scott Dana Kiara Scott Jennifer Kalie Sears Stacey Leigh Swanner Seay 5 Elizabeth Michelle Seibert Charita Lynn Selden Joanne Ellen Shaver Amber Kristy Shaw Rebekah Dove Shelton Keshonna Suzanne Sheppard Linda Carole Sherrard Angela J. Silva Jennie Antonette Sitman Kimtrese Lynette Slaughter Travis Allen Smeltzer 5 Adrienne Nicole Smith Autumn Rose Smith Brittany Ciara Smith Heidi Joan Smith Samantha Nicole Smith Rebecca Sams Sneed Joanna R. Snow Angela Nicole Southard

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Breanna Elder Sparrow Audra Brooke Speerhas Lyn O. Spence 6 Revondia E. Spinks Sherrie Ann St.Clair 6 Sarah Elizabeth Stahl Edmund Jason Stamper Lauren Voshell Startup 6 T. Matthew Steenburg Matthew Todd Stevens Travis Robert Stewart Jill D. Strickland Christine Louise Suhler Carla Dawn Sullivan Charles Teague Summerlin Chandra Melissa Sutton Harry Jay Swanson Dawn Swartz 6 Stephanie Jovon Sylvester Jasmine Nicole Tankard Brittany Nicole Taylor Felicia Shontel Taylor Leslie Taylor Rebecca Herrera Taylor Sheba R. Taylor Jeanne Record Thomas Rachel Maxine Thomas Jessica Michelle Thompson Denise Lea Tillmannshofer Kollette Da Rhae Tolbert Trina Michelle Tolbert Jessica Anne Tovar 6 Tanesha Terrell Townsell Amanda Kay Townsend Sarah Trengove Kristin Ponish Trick 6 Heather Truax Andrell Turner Beverly A. Turner 6 Katherine Augusta Turner Varquelta Turner Connie Uff Graciela Elizabeth Uhles Genifer Leigh Van Pelt Doreen Velazquez Erika Nordquist Veletto Miguelina Villanueva Erin Lynn Vinersar 5 Guy Hamilton Von Wiegand Tempia Cole Waddell Richard Brent Wadsworth Jr. 5 Allison LeAnn Wagner Ebony Glynn Walker Jeneen Walker Patricia Joan Walker Terrence Walker Kanishia Wallace Katlyn Anita Walsh Daniel Joseph Walters Melyssa Paige Warden Shelly Ann Warnick 6 Chantel S. WashingtonMbuthia Lakia L. Washington Stephanie R. Watson Matthew E. Weaver William Michael Weeks 5 Kimberly Anne Snow Wehry Lesley Allison Weir Mary Ruth Werner 6 Nathaniel Douglas West Tabitha Kathleen Westbrook 6 Alisha A. Weston Robert Kenneth Wheeler 6 Christa Lee Whitacre Brittany Ann Essig James Luther White Althea King Whittaker Whitney Love Wilbanks 5 Yudy Wiley Trevor O. Wilkins Annette Marcella Williams Connie Elaine Williams Danica L. Williams

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Donald Charles Williams Jennifer L. Williams-Perkins Jovonna Williams Katrina Darel Williams Shelia Evangeline Williams Tiera D. Williams Sarah Dymetra WilliamsTolliver Carrie Willis 6 Ashley April Wills Michael W. Wilson Shatoya Wilson-Young Emily Wiltshire Nichols Jessica Blair Winebarger 6 Janel Irene Witherspoon Kathryn Rebecca Wolverton Jonetta Kannheiser Womack LaKisha D. Womack Katherine Branham Wood 5 Katherine Lee Wimberly Suzanne Rose Wood 5 Cynthia Renee Woods Caitlin Elizabeth Worrell 5 Ashley Francis Wright Lauren Ann Wycuff Taylor Fagan York Jonathan David Youmans David Paul Young Ashley Zaepfel Rebekah Michele Zello 6

Graduate Certificate Debra Akaveani 1 Tiffany Ann Batacao 1 Anita L. Berber-James 1 Sharonda Michelle Boggs Katja Anna Bettina Brosam Robert M. Dixon 1 Cora Hollis Nicolya Jones Lisa Muir 1 Shar-Dai Hamilton


COMMUNICATION STUDIES Anderson Da Silva Santos Phillip Edward Wagner 6 STRATEGWIC COMMUNICATION Courtney Lynn Aube 5 Charla Faye Bansley 6 Lindsay Jill Bechtold Suzanne Marie Becker Alexandra Sullivan Bothmann Chelsea Nicole Brett 5 Elbert Mattison Brooks 6 Joshua Phillip Burdick Rachel Vandana Chadalavada Blair Joseph Cook Yasa Guo 5 Cody Ryan Hawley 6 Robert Taylor Kirk Sarah Wavinya Malinda Andrew James Menard 6 Jonathan Ryan Pfenninger Kimberly Shea Reynolds 6 Nathan Andrew Schwenk Ashley Elizabeth Wiktorek Alison Dale Wilks Teniqua Nadria Williams

Graduate Certificate Cassandra LaVette Brown 1 Latasha Lanese Clay Cedric Jevon Evans Marquita M. Evans Tyson L. Gee 1 Shayna Grunewald Tanya Hall Guy Jovin Amanda F. Mitchell 1 Jason Lee Rierson Erica Joy Thompson 1 Addison Ross Webb

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Crisanta Marie White Tamara Yoho 1


Master of Arts in Teaching Tina Aswini Akula * Alexis N. Alexander * Raymond Lewis Allen Jr. * Craig Douglas Allin * Heather Nicole Anderton 6 * Eleanor Rose Argentieri 6 * Jenny Armstrong 5 * Jenny A. Armstrong 5 * Jennifer Gwynne Arnold 5 * Dollie Maria Avant * Ebony Ayalingo * Hejatu Kimberly Bah * Shannon R. Baker * Kacie Janae Bass 6 * Ronald Jeremy Belcher * Angie LeNette Belfield Reese * Angie LeNette Belfield Reese * Hannah Cassada Bennett * Sabrina Bertsch * Laura Marie Bocianski 5 * Jenny Nichole Bond * Jenilee Garcia Boogades * Jenilee Garcia Boogades * Jenelle Rae Boyd * Chelsey Katherine Marie Bradby * LaTeeka Zenobia Bradford * Tina Marie Brausch * Brittney Nicole Broadus * Dominique Tamyra Brooks * Shawanna Marsaya Brooks * Bradley S. Broskie 6 * Ashley Elizabeth Brotzman * Angela Renai Brown * Danielle Dominique Brown * Joshua Alan Brown * Tara Lynette Brown * Ashley Megan Brunner 5 * Sheryl Buchanan * Ashley Faye Burks * Rebecca G. Burnfin * Tonie Lee Busby 5 * Erin N. Busch * Erin Nicole Busch * Michele Denise Busey 5 * Randolph Brian Bush II * Stacey Lee Campbell * Erika A. Howell * Erika A. Howell * Somers Randall Carter * Adrienne Alayne Casey * Sarah Casimir * Sherry Chambers Thacker * Kaarin Raili Chavez * Stephanie Simpson Clark 6 * Amber Clarke * Shelly O’Niell Clary 6 * Shelly O’Niell Clary 6 * Sasha L. Claverie * Siri Yvonne Coleman * Robert Haley Conway Jr. * Patricia A. Cook * Craig Brandon Cooper * Jonetta L. Cooper 5 * Katelyn Irene Coulby 6 * Jessica Lynn Counts * Michelle Lyn Couvillion * Julie Colleen Cozzie 6 * Kathryn Cook Craig 6 * Whitney Burris Crayton * Elizabeth Cuevas * Robin Leslie Cunningham * Timothy Rennel Cutnaw * Amparo Loreta Cutrona 6 * Amparo Loreta Cutrona 6 * Bethany Michelle Daniel * Yonne S. Daughtry-Jones * Jakia Cherelle Davis *

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Judith A. Davis * Katrina Elizabeth Davis 6 * Erica Lynnette Davis-Dunn * Amy Lynn Dekkers 6 * Taylor Dobler * Lindy Erin Donahue * Laura Lynn Doss * Heather Ann Downing 6 * Deborah Lynn Doyle * James F. Driscoll 5 * Jennifer Marie Duello * Kasita Bryant Edwards * Amelia Jean Elander 5 * Hugh Charles Ellington Jr. * Heather N. Elliott * Angelena W. Ellis * Angelena Ellis * Joy Via Ezelle * Kaitlyn Olivia Faile * James Fulton Fay * Amanda Dugas Feathers 6 * Cathy J. Fincham * Kendra Lorraine Fisher * Tremain Adair Fisher * Elizabeth Ann Foster * Molly S. Fraser * Andrew Frye * Megan Elizabeth Fulcher * Deborah Ann Fuller * Shona R. Furman * Magalie Garcon * Lisa Marie-Gardiner Coule * Samantha Garland * Gwen Doss Garrett * Jillian Nichole GentryJackson 6 * Brandon Michael Gill * Stephanie R. T. Gomes * Hannah Laurel Gonot 6 * Sarah Suzanne Bustos Good 6 * Jamie Nicole Goss * Cassandra Cooper Gould 5 * Terri Lynn Grabb 6 * Terri Lynn Grabb 6 * Samantha Santoro Graham * Jean Clark Gray * Joy Nicole Green * Ralphielle Chiloe Green * Ralphielle Chiloe Green * Elizabeth Anne Greer Mobley * Debra Harper-Gwinn * Amanda Hale * Dana Bosiger Hale * Rebecca Danielle Ham * Marisa Hamilton * Zachary Franklin Hamilton * Chantal Madison Hamlin * Lauren Calco Hammond 6 * Ashley Brooke Handley * Sara Hanna * Starr D. Harris * Peyton Allen Hart * Kevin Robert Harvey * Renee Austin Harvey * Dawn Marie Hastings * Shounda Hathaway * Pamela Sue Hayes * Heather Marie Hayter 6 * Andrew Thomas Heath * L.V. Hill III * Monica M. Hill * Cheryl Lee Hines 6 * Tara Christina Callis * Kristi L. Hoffman 6 * Chambers Tevebaugh Holloway 6 * Avery Christine Horton 6 * Candice North Houtz * Alyssa Pandora Faughnan * Angela Hiatt Hunter 5 * Jordan Thomasson Hyde 6 * Kimberly Nicole Irvin * Anita W. Jackson * Athena Pualeilani Jackson 6 *

* 1

Wendy C. Jacobs * Wendy C. Jacobs * Brianna Mary Rice * Megan Leigh Janney * Vicki Francine Jeffers 6 * Kenya Jefferson * Gloria Lee Johnson * Jennifer Marie Kacur 5 * Khatara Amira Johnson * Lindsay Marie Johnson 5 * Tabitha Queen Johnson * Chrystopher Tracey Jones 5 * Katrice Jones * Rachel Samantha Jones * Scott T. Jones * James Christopher Jordan * Minah Finda Josiah * Kristin Torri Keene 6 * Beth Hitson Keeney * Ashley Nichole Keiser * Mary Frances Kelly 6 * Leigh Heather Kessler * Lita Mauray Kessler * Shelley Elda Kilgore 6 * Kiff James Kinkead * Matthew Thomas Kirby * Carly Joyce Kirk * Kristen Virginia Kitchen * Andrew William Knef Jr. * Sarah Elizabeth Knepper 6 * Erin Marie Koewler * Collin Kent Koogler * Terry Lynn Koon * Camara Joy Kulp 5 * Kimberly Joy Lambertson * Leah Marie LaRocco 6 * Jennifer Catherine Semenyna * Tennisha Nicole Lawrence * Tucker Carol Le * Tucker Le * Sonya Hill League 5 * Giancarlo Pereira Lemmi 5 * Courtney Ashton Lemon * Erik D. Leto * Terri Owens Leto 5 * Sarah Anne Link * Stacy Earline Davis Link * Adam L. Linkous 5 * Rex Allen Lloyd * Patricia Luchsinger * Corinne Regina Maas 6 * Merritt T. Maguire * Tanae Michelle Magwood * Jeanne Marie Marino * Emily Anne Trayer Marshall 6 * Esther Rebekah Martin * Lael Lea Martin 6 * Miguel Antonio Martinez * Wyndie S. Mayfield * Jennifer Ann McCann * Rhonda DuBoise McDonald 6 * Roystin Joseph McDonald * Morgan McElroy 5 * Anthony McGhee Jr. * Robert Franklin McIntire * Aaron McLain * Brittany Anne McLean * George Davis McNair * Christine Marie Medley * Jaimie Nicole Meeks * Alexandra McShane Mellen * Kimberly Melvin * Mary Elizabeth Meyer * Joseph C. Middleton * Jessica Yvonne Mika * Laura Evans Milette * Dale Witt Miller 5 * Kelly Sue Miller 6 * Naomi Laurin Emily Miller 6 * Lindsay Milo * Julie Lynn Mitchem 5 * Michael David Mizak 5 *

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Allison Leigh Mock * Lindsay Preachers Mohney * Emily Mohrman 6 * Emily Michele Mohrman 6 * Bret Russell Moon 6 * Amber Danielle Moore 6 * Rodney Dewayne Moore Jr. * Tianna Shantel Morris 5 * Christine Lee Keays * Brittany Renee Moye * Kai Tuere Mumford * Kai T. Mumford * Sherry Lynette Murphy * Emily Hope Myrick 6 * Trineka Nash-Stewart * Jennifer Nauman 6 * Courtney Shalinta Nelson 5 * Ebony Jewel Nesbitt 6 * Michael Benjamin Newhall 5 * Sarah Catherine Nicol * Shannon Nininger * Megan Brooke Nipper 6 * Victoria Lynn Noon * Lisa Christine North 6 * Constance Elizabeth Nylander * Galin Elyse Oglevee 6 * Jenny Rhea Sisemore Oldham * Jamison Drew Olinger * Amanda Elizabeth Oliver * Sarah Ann Oliver * Brandon Michael Orr * Elizabeth Timerie Oughton 6 * Jessica Paige Overton 5 * John Darrell Page * Kyle Marcus Pardner * Rebecka Ann Parker * Christina Grace Parsons * Tammy Lynn Patton * Stephanie Loraine Pearsall * Charmaine Darce’ Pelt 6 * Charmaine Darce’ Pelt 6 * Katrina Ann Perez * Katrina Ann Perez * Sheldon George Perkins * Caroline Valerie MarieFrancoise Perricaudet 6 * Kristen C. Piper * Dawn Marie Pitts * Lovely Pope * Megan Elizabeth Poppe * Demario Levon Preston * Siera Danielle Price * Ciera Reilly Lachniet * Karita Kae Redmon * Sonia Singh Riar * Kristine E. Rice * Linda Marie Riden 6 * Patrick Duane Riley * Charlene Blair Rivera * Heidi Michelle Robbins 6 * Roberta Sue Osborne Roberts * D’Andra Kay Robinson 6 * Kate Hill Roehl * Alanna Marie Rollins 6 * Barbara Welch Rosier * Jason Michael Rothwell * Angela Rosa Ruiz * Kristy Raschelle Russell * Ellen Loyce Sailes 6 * Amanda M. Salisbury 5 * Laura Cynnara Salzer * Mistina Dawn Sawyer * Tina R. Schuj * Lacy B. Schupp 5 * Amanda K. Scott * Cynthia Dawn Sharpnack * Irene Shepherd 5 * Jason LeMar Shipp * John Sholota * Miranda Nicole Shore 5 * Kimberly DiiBon Shrader 6 *

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Natalie Sightler * Orlean Venecia FindlaySimpson * Ramona F. Sims 5 * Rachel Whitney Sipe * Melody Sizemore * Melody Mirrenda Sizemore * Robyn Slone * Adrienne Adele Small * Christine Smith * Kimberly Meador Smith * Lauren Lightfoot Soulen * Jessica Sue Southall * Aaron Calvin Sparkman * Christy Marie Spear 6 * Jessica Erin Sponsler 5 * Kyle Franklin Stelling * Kristina Edwards Stevens * Donya Tarin Stewart * Donya Tarin Stewart * Tyrus Tige Stith * Sydney Stitzer Muller * Amanda Jane Strong * Kelsey Judith Stump * Carrie Lynn Swanson 5 * Aislynn Kizer * Erica Dawn Teter 5 * Amy Beth Tewalt 6 * Joshua Frank Thaller * Andrew Clinton Thomas IV 6 * Shawn Croson Thomas * Timothy Wesley Thomas * Valerie Thompson * Charles Halton Wood Thomson 6 * Lisa Ann Thornton 6 * Erin Michelle Timberlake * Philip N. Tinsley 6 * Debra Kay Tompkins * Kelly Marie Toponce * Ashley Renee Irizarry Torruella 6 * Sarah Lisa Towne * Grace Elizabeth Tripp 6 * Megan Paige Turman * Ariel Joslyn Turner * Joanna Lee Turner * Brett Clayton Twigg 5 * Emily Christine Van Engen * Melody LeAnne Varnado 5 * Sally Fisher Via 6 * Heidi Victorino * Alisa Kim Walker * Michelle V. Walker 6 * Sherry T. Walker * Katelin Wall * Jessica Shelton Waller 6 * Jasmine Nichole Ward * Teresa Lorene Keyes * Kristin Nicole Ware 5 * KristaJoy Leolani Wasson * Eartha Watts 6 * Philip Bernard Watts * Michael Allen Wehn * Jesse Myer Weidler * Jesse Myer Weidler * Cassandra Eva Whitaker * Laurrie A. White * Laurrie White * Tonya Gail White * Ta-Loris J. Whitfield * Heather Blair Whitlow 5 * Jacob Samuel Whitman * Alyssa Marie Wickman 6 * Alyssa Marie Wickman 6 * Lydia Jo Wilcocks * Lydia Jo Wilcocks * Ashley Lauren Wilcox * Melody E. Williams * Stephanie Williams * Emily Catherine Willis 6 * Jasmine Fontiane Willis * Jasmine Fontiane Willis * Rebecca Beebe Wilson 5 * Rebecca B. Wilson 5 *

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Sara Jessica Winters * Benjamin Michael Woodyard * Vivienne Woon 6 * Brandy Lavern Wright * Victoria Kay Wright * Victoria Kay Wright * Bethany Joy Wurzburg 6 * Rebecca McCoy Zellner 5 *

Master of Education Timothy Andrew Abercrombie Cathryn Devin Adams Charity Ann Adams Fidericia Alicia Adams Hope Bowling Adams * Kathryn L. Adams Mariska Shirbane Adams Karen Marie Albrecht 5 * Sherri Harris Allgood * Sonia N. Alvarado * Emily Bennett Ambuske * Angela D. Andrews Jennifer Ann Antongiovanni Misty Kay Antonioli 6 Stephanie Louise Aquino 6 Terri Lynn Hart Charles E. Arnold 6 Lacey Lynn Aronin Christine Suzanne Arrington * Earl D. Ashmore 6 Crystal Mary Aubert 6 Kayla Victoria Ayers 6 * Donni Lynne Baase * Kevin Scott Bailey * Sharon Lucas Bailey * Karyn C. Baitzel 6 Garry Carlin Baker * Shuntara R. Baker-Brown Mandala Hampton Barber Curtiss Reginald Barnes * Rhonda Diane Barnes Lauren Brittany Barnett Virgie Kay Barnette 6 Stanley Barthelemy Samantha L. Bartlett * Mark Lee Bastedo Taurus Jamar Batiste * Alexa Batsel Demeitra LaChelle Battle * Sheyma Ingrid Bautista * La-Keesha Ria Nickole Bean * Quinetta Percell Beard * Deborah Anne Belisario Kelley Bell Kami J. Bennett * Mary-Ellen Benson Christina Elise Berry 5 Elizabeth Anne Bevins 6 Meaghan Leigh Billett Katelynn Marie Billings Robie Lee Bivens Andreana LassiterBlackwell * Selby Anderson Blair Jr. Katherine Blevins Marybeth Booth Molly Borland 6 * Cynthia Carole Bradley Rhonda Chinell Bradley Amber Rose Bragg * Tiffany Grace Branch 6 Edward Wellington Brantley * Sheryl Marie Brantley * Keyoka Braswell-Mckoy April Shorter Breeden Rachel Anne Brennan * Laura Anne Breslin * Tequita Celethia Brice * Michelle Kristine Bricker Ashley Latrice Brown 6

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Chantelle L. Brown 5 Dennis Gregory Brown * Jamie Broome Brown Kimberly DeAnn Brown Lynesha Claudesse Brown Margot Katz Brown Traniece Antwonette BrownWarrens * Andrea Marie Bruce Angel Sharese Bryant Travis Lamont Bryant Wendy Denise Bryant * Christy L. Bryson Emily Rose Buday * Tarshe Anita Buggie Jacqueline D. Bunch Andrea L. Staton * Tara Williams Burnette * Kayneynia Burney Stephanie Michelle Burns James Thomas Bussiere Francine Porter Butler Virginia Michelle Caison * Shelley Dee Calhoun Carol Denise Callaway 5 Vernon R. Callwood * LaShauna Campbell Shayla Dean Carew Amanda Ruth Carlo Rachel Lyn Carlyle Marla Carnahan-johnson Lisa Marie Carr Monica Noel Carter * Lauren Carver * Jonathan James Cassell Adrienne Lively Chancey Celia Tasha Chancey Kayla Rena Chandler Debra Sue Chapa * Jocelyn Cherry Ralph Ernest Chew Jr. Kelly Christian Botto * Cecilia Renee Clark 5 Kristin Elyn Clark 5 * Astrid Claypoole Carimy Moore Cobb * Willie Barns Coleman * Loshonda Denise Coley * Whitney Lynnette Collurafici Kelly J. Connelly Matthew Edward Conrad Emily Sears Cook * Ree Lynn Coombs Tonya Jenkins Correll 6 Rebecca Balentine Cramer * Anita Deane Crawford * Yvette Doreene Crawford * Sharon Lynn Crow Anita Ballentine Crutcher * Darrick Lamont Cureton * Jenilee Kell Curtis * Terina Lee Curtis Krista Lynn Daigle 6 * Amy Johnson Dail * Esther Evangeline M. Daley Kenneth Leon Daniel Jr. * DeElva Halacha Dash Patricia Lynn Daugherty Felicia Davis * Linda S. Davis 6 Lula Herrington Davis Roslyn Diondre Davis Shaquana Tomika Davis Tamara T. Davis Vache’ Davis-Johnson * Tierra Jelani Day * John Wallace DeBerry Rhonda Sandvig DeBorde Ashley M. DeClue Heather Nicole Deel 5 Jessica Kimberlin Deffendall 5 * Ty Allen Dengler Angela Jean Detlaff Ethan David Diamante

* 1


Marquie Lanita DiggsMartinez Minnie Dixon Misti Leighanna Gibbens Jessica Ann Doaty 5 * Simon Derral Dreisbach Bethany Joelle Ester 5 * Tiffany DuBois Keri Renay Falls-Dudley Valerie E. Dufort 5 * Emily Hardison Duke 6 * Laurie Ann Dunaway Lynn Oliver Duncan Sherwonda L. Dunn Kristina Marie Bowman * Ann Pond Dye 6 * Sabrina Kelley Eagle * Samantha Shaw Eason * Heather Ellen Edmisten * Stephanie LaShon Edwards Malina Joy England Charlie Ann Ennis * Heather Marie Erbsen * Jacqueline Valenzuela Essery 5 Krista Russell Etheredge 6 Krystyn Lynne Farabaugh * Rebecca Ann Farris Adrienne Michelle Felger Amanda Beth Fenson 6 * Clara Penelope Ferguson Andrew William Ferris Syreeta Fields Pascale Rivard Fitts 6 Jill Marshall Fleming Kia Corrin Folsom * Yamilet Fontaine Shelly Denise Forster 5 David Albin Foster * Elizabeth Elaine Foster Valerie Charnelle Fowlkes * Amber Walker Franklin * Michele Anita Freeny Kimberly Dawn Freitas Deborah Anna Fucci 6 * Cana L. Fuest Tanya Malita Fuller Melody Nicole Fulmore 5 * Leslie Lynn Gadson Jacob Gentry * Lauren Lynn George 5 * Kimberly Ann Geremia * Joel Gibbs 5 Joel Michael Gibson 6 * Natalia Giraldo * Russell Bryan Goode * Zack Caleb Goodwyn * Sharon L. Gore * Chanel Siara Graves Cate Elizabeth Green Clayton Tyrone Green Joe N. Green Jr. Cierra Lashaye Griffin DolYe Carol Vasconez Ibarra Griffith Janet Elizabeth Grimes * Carey Renee Haan * Sarah Elizabeth Haberman * Mary-Kate Hagedorn Thomas Erick Haldeman Stacy Louise Halvorson Joy Johannah Hamilton Amber Lee Handy * Nichole Michele Hanel 6 Hilary Hardy Lucas * Jamal Edward Harris * Julie Ann Pierce Harris Kristen Leah Harris * Lydia Claire Harris Shawia Holdbrooks Harris Crystal Bathsheba Harrison * Tanya Ann Burris * Antawn Jermaine Harvey * Ryan M. Hatley 6 * Anna Louise Hawes

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Sherron Lynette Haymer TammyJo Hays Elizabeth Abigail Head * Eleanor Fredericka Heard Amanda Mae Heffelfinger * Sharon Kelly Heins * Robyn Lynn Helms 5 Brittney Nicole Henderson Jeffrey F. Hendricks Waukita G. Hendricks Sharelyn Rose Henry * Nakisha Marie Lucas-Hercule Christina A. Herr * Jonathan Herrera * Katherine Curtis Hester Melissa Kaye Hester Susan Marie Hewlett 6 * Laurie G. Hickman * Wesley Jason Hicks * Alycia Mary Hill Lisa Jones Hill 6 * Tammy Laura Hilliker 6 * Felicia Jarvis Hinkley * Dolores Hinojosa Ashlie Lynn Hirschman Luann Mae Hodges Stephanie Barbara Hodges Jason Thomas Hofacker 6 * Nathaniel Gregory Hoffmeister Anthony Allan Hoffmeyer Sr. Laurine Denise Hollis Daniel James Holloway 6 * David Lynn Holloway 6 Damian Jermaine Holmes * Derricca Danyelle Holmes Keith Thomas Holt Vanessa Dawn Honaker * Dameon Deon Horne Gregory John Hortman 6 Meghan Kendall Howard Michael Howlan 6 Megan Lynn Hulling Lou Anne Watson Hunter * Rene Nolen Huntsinger * Julie Lynn Hylland * Ovidiu V. Iriza 5 Russell Irwin Emily Isacson Parks Malinda Sue Isbell 5 * Annie Jackson Anthony Jackson Atiba Bonner Jackson * Cheyenne Leigh Jackson Erica Ross Jackson * Frances Jackson 6 Sabrina C. Jackson Shawn Allyn Barnard * Paul Jacques * Jenny Lynn James 6 Kelly Alisa Jarman * Donnetra Renata Jean 6 Brittany L. Jenkins * Carla Renee Jenkins La’Tesha Nicole Jennings * Jeremy Edward Jessup 6 * Kristin N. John * Amy Nicole Johnson Crystal A. Johnson * Jeannette F. Johnson * Jennifer Lynn Johnson MaSheta Monekia JohnsonEllison Michael Andre Johnson Nicole Johnson Ron Johnson * Sara Louise Johnson * Sharon Kelly Johnson Timothy Eugene Johnson Brittany Nicole Johnston 6 * Ashley Gray Jones * Brittany Willette Jones * Christina G. Jones * Courtney Latrice Jones * Delbra Rejeania Jones 5

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Katherine Ann Jones Nneka Jones Polly N. Jones Roman Jones * Shannan Marie Jones 6 * Kylee Jordan O’Bryan Marcus Jordan David Abram Joseph * Florence Wilmerteen Joseph Benita L. Kelly David Kerr Gizelle Kerr Keturah Laquan King LaTash King Katherine D. Kirby 6 Maria Theresa Kisner * Deborah Gayle Kline Lindsey Marie Klix * Emery Knight * Shakia Knight * Aireale Nata Knowles * Eva Talitha Koeper 5 Dalene R. Kosobucki 6 * Amy Heintz Kraus 6 * Melissa Danna Krone 6 Marty Joe Krutz Nicole Kumnji * James Lafler Debra Susan LaFountain 6 Jennifer Alexandra Lagasca 5 Ryan Albrite Lam * Eric Stephen Lampkin * Kelcie Octavia Landry * Marie Amanda Lanza Nixie Ione Laremore Yolanda Yvette Larkin Pamela Tann Lassiter * Gretchen Lease James Barry Ledford * Jennifer Mary Leone Annelise Hatch Lesser Ashiki Denise Lewis * Juliet Iris Licorish Lillie Christie Coliat Liddell * Beverly Ann Lindstrom * Sierra Tobiason Linton Megan Elizabeth Lissy 5 Teresa Lynn Lister Angela Marie Littlefield 6 * Nichelle L. Littlejohn 5 * Heather Marie Logan 6 Laura Casey Lopez * David L. Lord Katie Shields Louhoff * Shannon C. Louhoff 5 * Mary Leanne Lowen 6 Vicky Lee Hodges Catherine Elizabeth Bragg Victoria Luther Shaye Elizabeth Lyell 6 Otis DeAngelo Maben Semyon D’von Deanna MackYoung Katrina L. Madden Bonita Carol Madigan Sarah Magnuson 5 * Lindsey Clark Mahnke * Sandra D. Main Kaitlyn Elizabeth Majors 5 Summer Janell Malave Nicola Manton 5 * Tiffany LeAnn Marlow 6 Victoria Earle Marroquin 5 * Shannon Marie Marshall * Adrian Pearce Martin 6 Lantz Raby Martin * Michael John Martin Patricia Lynn Martin 6 Stacy Heath Martin Whitney Moore Martin Timothy Andrew Masters Ashley Susan Mathew * Amy Sager Mauck 5 Teresa Anne Mauldin 6 Latasha Monique Maxwell

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Monica Maxwell * Christine Lynn May Christina Marie Mayes Sarah Donica Mays 6 Jocelyn Marla McAllister Tommy Joe McAmis 5 * Courtney Lynn McArthur * Lisa J. McAuliffe * Justina Mae McBride 6 Yamile Celia McBride * Carla Ivonne McCain Carla Ivonne McCain Donna Robinson McCarley Elizabeth McClain Lesa Anne McGarity Nicole Deanna McGee Heather Diana McGovern * Brittany Michelle McGregor Erin Kathleen McKibben * Miranda J. McLaughlin 6 * John McMillian * LaMonica Denise McNair * Megan Elizabeth-Deichler McNear * William Alan McNew 6 Leslie Amber Meadows Howard O. Meeks II Julie Ann Melendez * Tera Christine Mendoza 5 Lauren Griffith Mercado Melissa Anne Merkle 6 Roger Merritt * Claudia Alejandra Metzger Alexander Vaughn Miller 6 Julia Ann Boyd Miller 5 * Michelle Lynn Miller Shannon Lynn Miller 5 Katie Aldridge Mills 6 Natalia Mae Mills * Paula G. Mills Stephanie Shelton Minich 6 * Rikki Marie Mitchell Julie Lynne Moffett Carol Ann Mitchell-Moncriffe Candice Jackson-Montague Christine Elizabeth Moon 6 * Stephen Russell Moon Elizabeth Moore Ramsey Harrison Moore * Travis Landon Moore * Thomas Christopher Moosey Bianca Mercedes Morales Brooke Caroline Morgan 6 * Tangela Horne Morgan * Kimberly Wright Mosco Olivia Moseley * Steven Scott Mowen 5 Peter Michael Muer Linnann Marie Muhlemann Jared Nicklas Mulcahy 6 * Rachel Deanne Munson * LaToya S. Murphy * Stacey Danielle Murphy Taryn Maria Nall * Casie Michelle Neppl 6 Kelly Newsome Christie Lynn Nezat 6 * Jamie Mae Clark-Nieman Ashley Anne Nolette Star Adrianna Norton * Maria Franchelo Kris Nuguid * Thomas Nykamp Michelle Oates * Ebimobo Waridiere Obasi Heather Ann O’Brien 6 * KimberlieKae Carlos-Castro Obusan Portia Yolanda Ocampo 5 G’nel Marie Ochs * Charmonia Deangela Odom * Joseph Office Naomi Oldham

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Jaime Tavonia Olidge * Renae M. Oliver * Heidi Lynn Olson Sydney Hope Organiscak * Jocelyn Otero Jessica Michelle Ozbolt * Melanie Perry Painter 6 Kendra Caroline Pal 6 * Robert Willard Palmer * Diana Mobarak Parfait * Chalonda N. Parham 5 * Deborah Anne Parker Sharlene Khadija Parker Kendall Trent Parks 6 * Mitchell D. Parson 5 Candace Pitter Patrick * Angela D. Patterson Krista LeeAnne Patterson Sherron Monia Patterson * Trina Maureen Pauley Lori Kirsten Payne Lydia Elyse France * Ashley Peluyera Ashley Elizabeth Pendleton Crystal Peralta Adriana Perez * Dorothy Perry Philip Forrest Perry Cheryl Lynn Petty 5 Lindsey Chenelle Phelts * Cassandra Mae Philip Bonnie Phillips Gloria Marie Phillips James Edison Phipps * Melissa Pickerin Yvette Chandler Pierce * Ricky Pina Danielle Rae Pinckard 6 Stephanie Anderson Pippin Antoinette Pittman * LaKisha Plair April Michelle Poe 5 * Doris Elizabeth Poe * Jeremy Scott Poole 6 Danielle Hope Poorman Shavolkia Chante McAdams * Jessica Leigh Portnell 6 Michael Eugene Post 6 Christina Joy Harrell Diana Marie Potter 5 * Susan L. Potvin 6 * Pamela L. Preston * Christine DeAnglia Preyear Shannon McCracken Price * Karen Esther Butrim Raboin * Kevin Matthew Rackley 6 Whitni Rader Burnette Julie Cecilia Rainer * Aunj’anaya Diamonds Ramdath Casey Lee Ray * Stacy Lynn Raymer Nina Elizabeth Reardon * Holly Reese Abigail Odette Reichart 6 * Kevin Edward Reigner 6 Caroline Joy Rexroad Jessica N. Rhoades * Kari Lynn RhodenTsaregorodtsev 6 Jasmine Lizzette Rice Heather Starr Richards Jomanda Morton Richards * Kristen Marie Richards Nathan Edenfield Richardson 5 * Kimberly Richey 5 Jordan Elizabeth Ricks * Rebecca Deeane Rizzutto 6 Mollie Elizabeth Roach Katie Jean Freed Roache Brinda Alston Robinson Larry Jerome Robinson *

* 1

Stephen Andrew Robinson 6 * Victor Pershing Rockhill IV 6 * Emisha U. Rodriguez-Dickey Jennifer Michelle Rosario 5 Rachel Anne Rosell Thomasa A. Ross * Brittni Rene Rudisill 6 Kristen Elizabeth Rueb Brandon Scot Maxwell Russell 5 * Robert Wayne Rutta Jr. 6 Grayce Alexandra Rey Kevin J. Ryan Christine H. Saba Dianna Sue Salazar Jose Alberto Sanchez 6 * Ruby Joan Sand 6 Linsy Maris Santiago * Marcie Lee Saporsky 6 * Shalena Annette Sarver * Caitlin Marie Sauerhage 6 * Danielle N. Saulsberry 6 Tiffany Nicole Saxton 5 * Sherika Hairston Scales * Mary Faulconer Schaeffer Stephanie Lynne Schafer 6 * Reba Leigh Schettler Mariah Christina Schick 6 Melissa Schick Coreen M. Schull 6 * Jenna Scifo Darlene Holt Scoggins 6 * Ida Masako Scott Joseph Anthony Scott 5 * Ashleigh Elizabeth Scully Natalie Joy Selby * Elizabeth Aeowyn Selman Tiffney Michelle Shankles 6 Lottie Annette Shaw Jennifer Lindsay Shehane Amy Elizabeth Shelley * Melissa Ruth Shirley 6 Rebecca Jean Shorey Jamie Lynn Silver * Fayth Silveus Lindsey Marie Simmons 6 Wanda Beck Simmons Cynthia Ann Simms-Payne Jenny M. Sisk Rebecca Skrobacki 5 Edith YoLanda Slack Adam Ray Slocum 5 Amy Maria Slys Andrea Lynn Smith 6 * Kevin A. Smith Mary Thompson Smith * Shawn Michael Smith * Sonya Patrese Smith * Patricia M. Snider James B. Snyder Laura Soblotne Angela Tilley Southard * Jennifer Anne Southerland Nikki Natasha Southern Teresa Lynn TuttleSouthworth * Karla Campbell Sprouse Sarah Alise Stayton 6 * Rebecca Grace Stevenson 5 Marty Hobson Stewart * Diane Marie Stichler * Brittany Angela Stockdale * Caren Jean Stocks Sara Frances Stokes * Darina R. Stover 6 * Karole Lynn Stroud Anna Laura Stutts * Andrea Suh Tina Marie Sweet Crystal H. Swinton Amanda Loyd Talbert 6 Ashley LaVerne Tannehill * Jacqueline Hughes Taylor *

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Janet Thornton Taylor Shalise M. Taylor Tamika Yvette Taylor * Carol Williams Tenoschok Christopher Eron Thomas Kristen Shantrell Thomas Ryan Christopher Thomas * Allison Katherine Thornton * John Michael Thornton II 5 * Tina Thorpe 5 * Kevin Bradley Tindoll * Jacqueline Orr Tinling Maryellen Tissandier 6 Vickie Jo Tolbert * Denise J. Tolliver 6 Janine Orian Tomlin 6 Tiffany Dawn Torrey Christine Marie Walker-Tosh Cynthia Ellis Higgins * Tyson John Traver * Amy S. Turner * Hilda Frances BantherTurner * Misty Maureen Turner 6 * Jennae Finnette Tuzzolo Tracy N. Valdes James Gerhard Van Dyck 5 * Ashlee Jean Van Gundy * Charita Yvette Vance Tamra Martin VanDorn 6 * Alisha Lynn Vaughn * Christy J. Velasco 6 Heather Leilani Victorino Cary Ann Vincent 6 Grace Leann Visker 6 * Jeanna Marie Vogt 6 * Kathleen Jeanette Sullivan Voyles * Stephanie Catherine Wade 6 Casey Lynn Wallace 5 * Nicole Danyal Walters William Daniel Ward Arnita Denise Washington Ashley Nicole Carter * Joyce Washington Dale Brent Watkins Emily Davis Watkins 5 * Kamal Denard Watkins * Kaitlin Ryan Watts 6 Kasi Lynn Wautlet Yumeca Webb-Jordan * Shana Kay Webber Gordon Erica Elizabeth Weeks Lindsay Elizabeth Wells Sylvia Adnie Wells Elizabeth Lois Wendland Amanda Elizabeth Westbrook Clarissa Wheeler * Kaitlyn Smith Whetzel * Alanna Potter 6 * Rachel Maria White 5 * Rebecca Jean White * Shelly White 6 * Stephanie Allyson White 5 Lorraine Jones Whitfield Bridgette Nicole WhitlowSpurlock 6 Sandra Morris Wiggins 5 * Danielle Marie Wikander 5 * Brandon Elliott Wilkinson Andrew Keith Willhite Gabrielle Juliana Williams Jared Nelson Williams Shatara Hyde Williams * Lynda Rose Williamson Tanya Lewis-Willis * Christine J. Willmington 6 * Jacqueline Dana Wilmore 6 * Octavia Regina Wilson Terri Sha’wanda Wimbush Heather Lynn Wines * Jessica Rebecca Wingfield Erica Delaine Winkle

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Phyllis A. Witt Holly Ann Witte 6 Kelley Alyse Wojcik * Susanna Heilbron Wood * Robin Yvette Woods * Donna Alverta Woodson 5 Cynthia Peterson Wright Rebekah Gammon Wright * Sarah Atcher Wyatt 6 Allison Renn Yokeley 5 Angelique Jacobs Young * Kimberly N. Young 6 Novalee Anita Young Julie Zahn

Master of Science SPORT MANAGEMENT Paul Anthony Barbour Cameron Robert Bechtold Jason Douglas Bingaman Lauren Kelly Bosché 5 Marlin Lavar Brown Joshua Levert Campos James Patrick Caylor Michael Montana Churchward 5 Chase Anthony Cooley Cassandra Shea Crumal Ian Michael Davis 5 Doug David DeBiase 6 Robert Deutchman Gregory J. Dombrowski 5 Richard Noah Downs 6 Benjamin Ryan Earhart DeVaughn Egans Adam Michael Farrish Maureen Frederique Michael L. Gibson II Brett Gullicksrud James Lynn Hall Brennan Fitzgerald Hand Brian John Harlor Jared Harrell 5 Latasha Elaine Harvey Whitney Lynette Hays Tirell William Hiatt Ashley Elizabeth Hilliard Elizabeth Marie Hirschi 5 Brooke Kendall Hodges Lindsay Paige Hofferberth William Jacob Hudspeth Abdul Jalloh Ashley Nicole Kelly Marvin Lewis Kendricks Jr. Brett Stuart Kluge 6 Michael Vernon Kopajtic Matthew James Kovacs Felix La Rue Joseph Earl Roy Landrum Shannon D. Lane Tuffield Latour Quintierra A. Lewis Joseph Edward Lovette Dana Marie Lyon Damian Macias 6 SheQuitia Michelle Manning Mollie Ann Mantiply Nicholas Scott Marshall Mark Austen Martin Kara Leigh Matthews Laurie A. Matthews Ryan Juliette McCarthy Ryan Jack McDonald Kiersten Leigh McGreer J’Von Domonique Mckinney Johnny R. Mitchell Scott David Moore Jeffrey Mark Moos Randy Myers Leanne Elizabeth Nancy Niemi Jonni Lee Nottingham Jerrod Scott Parker Steve Pepe 6 Leonard Pettus Dan Scott Phillips

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Jordan Phillips Matthew Paul Pino Morgan Brittany Price Martha A. Puckett Lindsey Shafer Reid Michael Andrew Ricks Paige Rife 6 David Cleveland Rocco Mark Brian Romig Nikolas Coree Rule Elizabeth Corry Sacks Christopher Allen Schoenrock Jesse L. Scott II Bryce Edison Seymore Andy Shelton Deborah Kay Shierling 6 Andrew Jacob Simpson Morgan Noelle Skillman Benjamin Ray Skinner Leon Smith Rebecca I. Summers LaTasha Thomas Kaycee Evelyn Tripp 5 Abraham Cabatu Uy Kaleb Lee VanDePerre Miguel Angel Vazquez Kyle William Jung Ming Webb Andrew Searcy Whatley Nathan Thomas Willhite John Starrett Williamson II Demetreius James Wilson Matthew Christopher Wingate Tyler Alexander Wright

Graduate Certificate Rebecca Lyon Austin Kristyn R. Baker 1 Christina Lynn Ballard 1 Anne M. Barnett Alicia Perkins Barriga Betty Simpson Berger 1 Hellena Berrios Makeda Kaye Billingsley 1 John W. Bolsch Jr. 1 Andrew J. Bond 1 Beth Michelle Brocious James Brown 1 Lajuanda Yvette Brown Travis Lamont Bryant 1 Wenda Marie Burnom Scott E. Canterbury Riaz N. Chohan Bunnie L. Claxton 1 Whitney L. Collurafici 1 Danielle Renee Day 1 William Patrick Deshields Rosemarie Doss 1 Latricia A. Earl Thomas Harold Oliver Ebling Thomas Harold Oliver Ebling Crystal Denise Edmonds 1 Judy Marie England 1 Malina Joy England 1 Mark E. Enriques Vernon L. Finley Latoria Savon Fleming Katrina K. Ford 1 Shawn C. Grant Charles Alonza Graves Sandra Hall Rob Healy Donald A. Henley Stephanie A. Herrera 1 Crystal Hughes 1 Jeffery Hutto 1 Teresa Irons Bartholomew 1 Anthony Jackson Chunnisee Jackson Michael Sherrod Jackson III Linda C. Johnson 1 Myra Lynn McCoy Curtis Jones Julienne Inez King

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Pauline LeBlanc Rachel Lewis 1 Jamila Lucas Renee McClinton Franchesca L. ConleyMitchell Jessica Ann Meisinger Charlotte Morton Debra Rose Pallmann 1 Arlyne Renee Partridge 1 Adriana Perez 1 Isaac Pettway Karen Gertred Phillips 1 Elisa Christine Preston 1 Angela Christine Rankin 1 Jenna Sue Riffle 1 Janette Rivera Kimberly S. Seiler 1 William L. Shull 1 Kim Diane Siegel 1 Iris Singleton 1 Robyn Slone 1 Jennifer Anne Southerland 1 Caren Stocks 1 Kelly Lynn Stremmel 1 Sherri P. Thomas 1 John Sirdre’ Thompson Tanya C. Thompson Ashley Renee Irizarry Torruella 1 Christy J. Velasco 1 Kimberly Nicole Wade Jacob J. Warren-Kraatz Kimberly M. Wiley 1 Sharon Williams Sharon Williams Andrew Joseph Wolf 1 Anna Wooden Donna A. Woodson 1 Amy Lee Woodward

HELMS SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT Master of Arts in Public Policy

Tresean Javor Adam Shauna Lynn Anderson Christine Kauilani Arnott Brian Keith Barnette 5 Mark Bradford Bedner 6 Rebecca Elizabeth Beem Emilye Rebekah Bell Jeremy D. Berry Jarrod Ryan Birchler 5 Africa Izeara Shahar Burroughs Jesse Andrew Brown Dwight Alan Corbett Jr. Thomas Maxwell Creek Megan Lanea Crickenberger Sandra Jean DeShong Andrea Emerson Eric Scott Ethridge Troy Robson Evans James David Gestrich 6 Brandi Greenfield Katherine Collins Harkey Matthew Bridle Hebb Rachel Catherine Helton 5 Jeremiah Paul Hempel Thomas Randolph Higgs II Patrick Joseph Hill 6 Stevie Rivenbark Hull 5 Howard Wayne Hutchison Jr. Michael Anthony Imperato Audrey Diana Jackson Scot Lee Joslin Jesus B. Juarez Jr. Katie L. Beisel Brandon A. Kuretza Francis S. Laari Derek E. Lacy Christopher Charles Lange Scott Michael Lescenski Craig Michael Malozzi Simone Patrice Martin

* 1


Stephen Alexander Mason Katrina Marie McIntyre Jeanette Elaine McLaughlin Patrina Palmer Mosley Meghan M. Vestal 6 Mark Murray 5 Steven Richard Nelson 6 Ashley Dawn King Bobbie Metcalf Ollie Kathy L. Paden Nicholas Jason Parisi Jonathan David Perkins Katrina Arnice Reeves Robert Nolan Renquist 5 Jonathan J. Roth 5 Tamara Marie Roth David Miles Scolari Marie Therese Scott 5 Ryan James Shanley Reginald D. Shaw Michael Wayne Shelley Steven William SheltonPullen Latisha Ann Simon Scwyana Essie Smith Yatina Smith Craig Alan Storrs Brenton John Swyers 5 Matthew James Tatum Sekou Aliou Tounkara Dea Louise Tovar Martin Vasquez Jr. Jennifer Diffley Wells Zane Williamson Anne-Cherie Ornella Wilson Errol G. Wilson Anthony Alexander Lee Winbush Katherine Wolf Kailee Christine Wolterstorff 5 Jeremy Nathanael Wyatt 6 Michelle Villarreal Zook 6

Master of Science CRIMINAL JUSTICE Danny J. Agan Jr. Jason Nathaniel Alexander Lisa Donella Bowser Harold Lee Bees 6 Tamaria Nicole Belser Steffi Janae Booker Autumn Leigh Braithwaite Quince Rameses Brown Sr. Shani Foster DeShaunt’e Aaron Burns Christopher Michael Cannon 5 Stephen Vincent Carter Joshua Taylor Childress 6 Adrian JaMarcus Christopher Chadwick Everett Curtis Russell G. Cyphers Wayne H. Daniels Arthur Darby III Prurince Dice Jeffrey M. Dickerson 6 Shawn Mathew Dickerson William Richard Dold James Marcus Dwyer III Nathan Isaac Ecelbarger Mario Derrick Evans Schquita Ferges Sarah Ellen Ferrin Sherrie Fogg John Ryan Godfrey Joey Michael Griffin Barry Wayne Hale Iyesha Benjamin Ronald Dwayne Holt Daniel Thomas Hudnall Chad L. Hutchens Julian Eloy Igualada 5 Immanuel D. Ikeakanam Annie P. Jones Curtis Lawrence Jones III

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

William Scott Jones Chad Ryan Kauffman 6 Alfred B. Lee Sr. Earle Stanley Lewis Robert C. Mason Courtney Anne Matherly 6 Valarie Lynn McBride Lonyae Marjorie Ransome Edward F. McElroy II Rodger Dale Murray Johnny Lester-Jack Naillon Robert Wayne Page Joyce Paku Cynthia Felicia Palmer John Michael Parrish Katrina Leigh Paxton Jennifer Anne Petrowski 6 Stephanie D. Pollay 6 Robert John Puleo Tiffany Marie Ramsey Rodney W. Rego 5 Mark Edward Remsa 5 Nathan Daniel Roberts Christopher William Roop Brittany Shavonte Sayles Sabrina Scott David Clyde Sexton Michael David Stanton Jr. 5 Yeadon Paul Sturtevant Rex Jeffery Taylor 6 Keith Reid Thomas Jenifer Blanchard Thompson Scherry Thompson Anthony Troy Thompson Brian Anthony Toyloy Leslie Anne Trexler Jason Lee Turner Terry Udstuen Erica Walker Tara Warford Michael Keith Warren Daisy Ann Watson Raki Watson Candice Lynn Wheeler Amanda E. Wiles 6 Gregory Williams Jr. David Klaus Winningham 5 Teresa Ann Wright Robert Ray Yokeley Azareel Latron Young Charles Hubert Zamor

Graduate Certificate Justine Marie Bolanos 1 Autumn Leigh Braithwaite 1 Charles W. Byrd Philip T. Cook 1 Habakkuk W. Cooper 1 Greshun DeBouse 1 Cedric Jevon Evans Annette Fontenot Ned Gaines Trey R. Harris Philip J. Hartshorne 1 Quentin Jackson Alexander Cagen Jordan Al Kearney 1 Peasie Knight Abraham K. Korvah Sr. William Litteral 1 Larry B. Marshall Emily C. Martinez Joel H. Mutschler Phillip A. Read 1 Inpong Rouppasong Dante Scott 1 Erika Latrice Scott Scwyana Smith Chad Edward Sweeney 1 Patricia Ann Tate Tamara LaTrice Wright 1 V. Renee Wright-Jimenez Damon Youmans Azareel Latron Young

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude


Jennifer Catherine Adams Lowell A. Adams Brittany Patrice Albany Rochelle Samantha Allen Amy Amaro Michelle Florence Ambersley Paul Antonio Ambersley Irmhild Masume ArreyMbeng Rehman Ahmed Attar Karyl E. Bacon Christopher Ryan Bandy Lance K. Barbour Victoria Jean Barlow Sean Christian Bear Marceline R. Beem 5 Holly Anne Beistline Tammy Kay Berg Trista Kalen Best Amanda Lucille Bickle Prayas Bista Amy Alexandria Blauman Lauren Marie Booher 6 Brittany Leigh Booterbaugh Aimee Beth Bridgwood Audra Lynn Brummel Erica Lee Buckley 5 Agnes Bugyei Toni Marie Bullock Elisha Caldwell Angelina Jumwa Carlson Astrid A. Cartagena Chelsea Alayna Clark Rachael Wyrick Coleman Laura Lynn Cook Ana Michelle Correll Holly Lyn Daniels Christopher N. Darbee Elizabeth Sara Davis Summer Elizabeth Dawson Alberto Matthew Diaz Brieana Driskill Sherita Grace Eastmon Sutton Obinna Roy Echeozo Mharie Jean Stevenson Joshua David Fuller Paul-Jacob D. Gecaine Brittany V. Matthews Masako Elisabeth Griffith Renz Paulo Guiao Kristine Hall Emily Hamilton Alfreda Janette Harder Tyler John Harris 6 Annie Marie Heit Jojomaku Higa Crishna L. Hill Erica Sade’ Hunter Kimberly Anne Hurst Kristie Teshenna Irvin Krystal Tashanda Irvin Sarah Rochelle Johnson Jessica Lee Jones Sheetal Kamble Farhat Kamran Frenzy Kiamco Bethany Starr Kime Nicole Regina Kowalczyk Hannah Louise Kuhn Donna Marie LaDuke Larry A. Leal Christina Ellen Leeman Julia Huff Lerch Lindsay Margaret Lett Hunter Dixon Long Susan Ashley Ingram Lynn 5 Wendy Elizabeth Mallory Beth Ann Mattie Kara Mauldin Worrell Cecily Karimi Mbaka Corrin Hoffmann McCloskey

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Marcus Maurice McCord Janelle C. McManis Carinne Emilie Meline Janine Michelle Milazzo Carrie M. Minor Giordana Morales Samantha Sue Morton Stephanie Lynn Mulac Clairisse Yvonne Marie Mullsteff Shelly Ann Murray Baraka Muvuka 6 Karen Lynette Branks Nichols Deborah Niyongabo Leighton Marie Norvell Edmund Kwesi Obuobisah Shelley Lynne Schuster Vini Patel Christina Amanda Petit Myrtle J. Pettit Kristin Yvonne Pridgen Bonnie J. Reading Jamie Rae Reed Jennifer Eileen Reed 5 Malcolm Bryce Richbourg Alexandria Carroll Rimmer Andrew Raymond Roberts Jr. Ania Sinan Robinson Isaack Cheruiyot Rono Haley Elyse Runion Brittany Miranda Samuel Beth L. Sanborn 6 Melanie Gail Schell John Randall Schlueter Gretchen D. Shierlock Jae Il Shim Erica Grace Sparkman Sarah Elizabeth Stannard 5 Heather Peterson Statzer Rachel Lynn Steele Ashlie Dawn Steward Elisabeth Ann Stump 6 Swanda Williams Swann Colby M. Takacs Greta M. Triebel Sarah Kania Tuttle Jordan Michael Vandjelovic 5 Rebecca Elaine Walsh 5 Jamesha FraNay Ward Casey Nicole West Tiffany Bre’Ana Whaley Haley D. Williamson 6 Lindsey Anne Dobson Fuller Winter Kendra J. Witherspoon Yonatan Mitiku Zeleke

Master of Science BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Camille Denise Audette Gabriel Babinsky 5 Hajirah Tasnim Ishaq Sarah Alice Robinson Kyle Michael Samyn

Graduate Certificate Sarah Bonifanti 1 Nicole Reena Byrd Victoria Lee Minor Cox Melinda A. Dunavant 1 Mathew Ben Graham 1 Tiffany Michelle McLean Graham Melinda Johnson Devin Juel 1 Bethany Kime Jazzmin Star Maddox 1 Ivy Freeman Peyton Andrew C. Schauble 1 Donald L. Simmons Jr. 1 Meredith Elaine Mae Spies 1 James N. Tompkins 1 Gloria Villaroman Tantanea A. Williams

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

SCHOOL OF MUSIC Master of Arts

ETHNOMUSICOLOGY Jon Edward Bullock 5 Scott Ebeling Hannah J. Jackson Nicholas Karl Kircher Jessica Pastor 6 Beatrice Irene Pate Colin Francis Slade 6 Robert R. Veith MUSIC & WORSHIP Elizabeth Godfrey Ford 6 Valerie Reese Harris 5 Bradley Taylor Hart Matthew Hazen McCall Kimberly J. McKennett 6 Carol Resleff Benjamin Wright Rhodes Teri Kim Seiler 5 Aaron Christopher Smith Robin Ashley Smith 5 Kevin Michael Williams Kevin Charles Winebarger WORSHIP STUDIES Emmanuel Olugbenga Adu Linell Elmore Anderson Robert Zeb Balentine Jared Arthur Blount Paul Edward Bryant Pedro Othoniel Carela Amber Niccole Patiño Jamison David Elder Moises A. Felipe Benjamin Framstad Amanda Marie Graley Matthew Charles Grisanty Brishan Dagan Hatcher Denise Nicole Heath 5 Karen Elizabeth Johns Andrew Duncan McCallum 6 Robert Hensley McFarland Stephanie Morey-Barry Brent G. Polglase Christopher Lee Ramsey Matthew Hodgkins Schallmo Timothy W. Sheranko 5 Hyun Ah Shin Jakia Tamiyun Stanley Barry Karle Westman Christopher Lewis White 6 Joshua DeWane Wicker Robin Elizabeth Yurky

Graduate Certificate Mentor C. Addicks 1 Cheryl Dawn Besser 1 Joanna Tushara Fernandes 1 Diatra Langford Joelibeck Lebron-Millan 1 Beatrice Irene Pate Barbara Joyce Woods 1


Master of Science in Nursing Herman A. Allison Mark Edward Allred 5 Batoul Khadem Astaneh Karen Atkins 6 Sherry Sandoval Ball Megan Swisher Barefield Deborah S. Beck 6 Katherine Tara Becker Megan Joye Bennett 6 Jane Audrey Bonner Laura Lee Brausch 6 Laci Kay Bronson Vonetta Cassandra Brown Janet Del Carmen Buser Benjamin Caleb Cecava 6 Jovitta Chandler Dawn Marie Clauson 6 Holly H. Coble 6 Brandy Lynn Coles 5

* 1

Julie Ann Billings Collins 5 Robert Lee Corson Jr. 6 Amy Lynn Cross Patricia Elizabeth Cummings Corry Lee Dahl 6 Brooke Myers Darnell Joan Solomon Daversa Lynn Marie Davidson 6 Jessica Christina Munoz Rosamma Devasia 5 Sharon Dickson 5 Melissa Diane Baldridge Karina Karin Espinoza-Palmer Stephanie Jane Foss 6 Joyce E. A. Garlington Stephanie Taryn Goodrich Melissa Simona Goodwin Sajana Gurung-Johnson Michele Haas 5 Judy Ann-Lee Hale Brian William Harbour 5 Michele Frances Harrell Lorri Lynette Hays Chasity Dawn Hearn Ian K. Henneberger Kady Hovagimian DeAnna Marie Hutchings 6 Oruaro Nelson Idudhe Gloria T. Johnson Tracie Musser Johnson 6 David Keefover 5 Christen Elizabeth Keeney 6 Betty J. Klunk 5 Danyel Kathleen Kush Jodi Lynn Lafferty 6 Elizabeth Marie Lester Kerri Lyn Lindsey 5 Lucretia A. Mack-Bramsen Bobby G. Maddox Jr. James A. Miller 5 Natacha Leatrice Miller Wendy Renee Miller Leslie Ann Morin Toni Ann Nash 5 Abigail Jean Newton Jamette Renee Nichols Arthur Lee Owens Jr. Kelli Latrell Owens Kristina Nicole Presson 5 Denise Renee Pritt Catherine Theresa Raj April Rasmussen 6 Susan L. Reilley 6 Kelli J. Rogers 5 Diana Elaine Schroeder 5 Margaret Ann Amos Scott Jennifer Ann Serback Janelle Renee Shelly 6 Stephanie Lynn Sherwood Kimberly Ann Smith 5 Vicki Lynn Smith Johnaleka Smith-Otis Jeanette Tayamen Spence Jennifer Esposito Spruill 6 Lisha A. Steed Jennifer Hope Stokes Brittany Noelle Stone 5 Stacy Nicole Taylor 5 Teri Tench Tashalla Thomas Susan Carter Thompson Tammy Lynn Traynham 5 Regina Denise Williams Sharon Rose Willis Annelisa Maria Jeppesen Winston 6 Molly Johnson Wisehart Amanda Woodward Shanna Collins Wright 6

Teacher Licensure AA Honors


CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP STUDIES Gramley F. Alsobrook Christopher Warren Lovelace Barber Travis Aaron Beck 5 Christie Ann Connatser Veronica Renee JerkinsEaves Jonathan Caleb Elliott Stacey A. Ellis-Antisdel Christopher Michael Eyre Stephen Lee Greenwade 6 Gary Allen Hahn 6 William Earl Hollingsworth LaTrisha NaChet Jackson Rodney Jackson Oliver Martínez 5 Robert McLelland Thomas Bryan McPherson José Miguel Mercedes Bradley Evan Moffatt Karen Denise Neal Carlos Payan Glen David Renfree Dennis Joel Rivera N. Adam Tillinghast Michael David Turner Matthew Wayne Wheeler DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES Tzeleong Steven Chang John Richardson Jr. Jonathan Peter Schuppel 6 EVANGELISM & CHURCH PLANTING Frank L. Price Robert John Sevilla GLOBAL APOLOGETICS Scott D. MacLeod Intercultural Studies Esther Campbell Rebecca Lea Corder Rachel Alexandra McClean MARKETPLACE CHAPLAINCY Zoia Ava Martin Barbara Jean Vasquez Alma Maria Wooley PASTORAL COUNSELING Ariene R. Allen 6 Jason Paul Atkinson Carrie Bailey Jon Ross Baisden Lizzie Baker Ben Curtis Barkley Scott A. Brinks Julius Ceaser Bryant Jr. Mekeba Harlise Bryant Albert Seymour Bynoe Jr. Natacha Dominique Byrams Brian Jesse Capps Hernan Alberto Castano Brian A. Clark 5 Virgel James Coffman Jason Allen Cole Harold Coleman Sr. LaShunda Coleman William Robert Cooper Erick R. Cortez Serrano Sampson Lee Coston William Scott Criscillis Terrance Lamont DixonLynch Pamela Denise Dorsey Ruben G. Duarte Susan Duckett Mark A. Emery 6 R. Neil Farrar 5 Susan Deloris Floyd

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Lekeisha Marie Ford Cory Daniel Freeman Helen Gibson Newman Odalys Gomez Cecelia E. Goodrich Reba R. Gore Seungho Han Edgar W. Hariston Jason Scott Havens Antoinette Henderson Bradley J. Henderson Matthew Alan Hines James Matthew Holt John A. Holt Marlinda M. House Rhodes Sherilyn Ann Howard 6 Virginia Louise Hutcherson Arthur D. Jackson Earnestine Addison Jefferson Tuwana Anita Johnson Justine Elizabeth Jones Sheila Jones Christine Kyounghee Kim Jeffrey David Krodel Rick Laine Jr. Cholong Lim Donna Marie Livernois Denise Marcel Lucombe Geoffrey David Malgee Linsey Ann Martin Margarita E. Matamoros Jason Paul Mauk Charmaine McGowan Jaimie Michelle Mercer Pandora E. Mikell Willie Lee Mitchell Lorelle A. Moore Heather Ruth Morrison David Mosquera Lauren Lynn Montero Mary R. France-Murphy William Matthew Nettekoven 6 Andrew Brian Nishimoto 5 Barbara Nixon 5 Anthony George Norton Jr. Melvin Lee Osborne Jr. Peter James Passaglia John Scott Pope Jr. Melinda Lee Smith Preston 6 Jaime M. Riefer Teddi Rodgers Zenaida Rodriguez Cecilia Markita Ruffin Michelle V. Sanders Catherine Ann Holmes-Shaw Rubens C.C. Silva Pastor Maurice Smarr Beverly J. Lewis-Smith Herman Hyatt Solorzano Milton Craig Spence III Kenneth Emanuel Stephens Christopher Taylor Stokes 6 Terry Emil Sulpizio Devin Michael Swartz Joseph Randall Tapp Brian Y. Tekawa Magnus Omojowo Thorpe Pedro L. Torres Dale William Tracy Natasha Tubbs Emily Sue Tufts Willie L. Tukes Jr. Danhny Waleska Urquia Jeffrey Scott Valentine 5 Victoria Valle Cynthia Mae Van Anden Damaris Vélez Gary James Wallin Cassie Ward Jennifer Rosalee Williams David P. Wilzewske 6 Diane Tuttle Zimmerman THEOLOGICAL STUDIES Jacqueline Elizabeth Alexander

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Chad G. Blackman Shad Blount Ryan James Butler Joseph Larry Caples David Nicholas Carlyle Patrick Michael Cassidy Carl Lamar Chastain Cullen Zachary Christian Bill F. Collum Jr. Krista Steiner Corley Isaac Aaron Cullum 5 Scott E. David Craig Stevenson Davis Gary A. DeBoard 5 Matthew Case Downing Matthew Eric Eckel Glenn Carlton Ellis Michael Fida Deborah Fields David Francis Gray Shannon Daniel Houtrouw Tracy Jackson Daniel L. Keener 5 George C. La Femina Brian Keith Mawson Gordon Christopher McMillan 6 Chad E. Miller John William Moore IV Jeff Necessary Adrian Maurice Nesbitt Christopher Stewart Paschal Samuel Shang Quartey Michael Allen Rodgers Ted T. Rogers Ayanna Lichelle Shivers Kimberly Aperauch Stelter 5 Risa Sylvester Marianne Elizabeth Szpilka Leroy J. Tavares Jr. Casey Taylor Benjamin Ross Tindall Tammy Trembley Pamela Dawn Watson Scott Dennis Wilson 6 Brian Wayne Wright Travis Lamarr Zimmerman 5

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Judson Taylor Adams Adekunle Bamidele Adesegun Olayinka David Adeyemo Regina Walden Alston Craig James Amnott Kirby C. Ayers Kristy Bailey Kevin Paul Barclift Cynthia Shervon Barfield Matthew William Barker Robert Drew Baum Cheryl Diane E. Berry Jonathan Boeyah Anthony Bouhasin 6 Jason Michael Brassfield Shonda Renee Brayboy 5 Thomas Lynn Bridgmon Alan Wayne Brown Ray Kieth Brown Amy Nicole Bryant Weston Bryant Bruce Buckman Rowena Sandra Burkett Frank Burkhead Jr. Jonathan Samuel Burnett Kevin Michael Burns 5 Daniel Lee Busenbark Yvette Butler Brian Mitchell Cameron Nicholas Alexander Campbell Chase Cantrell Floyde Leon Carson Jr. KuWana Brendett Carter Fernando Castro Rosario

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Jimmy Clyde Chavedo Timothy Justin Chinn 5 Lydia Chuhan 6 Mary Virginia Clare Jared James Clarke 5 Christopher Todd Clayton Austin Ray Coleman Shane J. Collins Arlene Colon Rivera Melissa Marie Jenkins John Kevin Cook Ryan Thomas Croft Sr. Christopher Kyle Cunningham Brian Kyle Davidson Benjamin Charles Davis Derrin Davis Justin Russell Davis Karlena Lenore de la Cruz 6 Lynda Jolene Green Joel Douglas DeBlaay Eli Abel Delgado Brenda Ann Dempsey Kristin Dawn DeRight Mark Robert DiAndreth 5 Herman A. Dixon Sherrie Downing John William Duffey 6 Hallie Dwyer Samuel Oluseni Elijah Samuel Alexander Erskine Tawanda Barnes Ervin Edward Louis Fenton David Anatoly Fesyuk Benjamin Arthur Fleet Michael Adam Flynn Corey Michael Foster Edwin V. Gaje Henry Garza Theodore Gausmann Jason Robert Georges Bridgette Lori Gilmore Timothy J. Goode 6 Jarrod D. Goodhue Brant Ryan Gordon Todd Nathan Gorrell Timothy Luke Grant Eric Graves 6 Timothy Gray Elliott N. Gregory 5 Gregory Walter Gresens Roger Dale Griggs Lawrence E. Grizzell Justin David Gross Patricia Roxana Gutierrez Jeremiah Hagler William Vance Hardiman Brandon Scott Hartle 6 Linda Noelle Hartman 6 Arvetta F. Hawkins Christopher Robert Hayes 5 Jonathan Howard Haynes Lystra Maureen Haynes Eric Scott Heatherly Samir Rosid Herman Kevin Michael Hess 5 Herman C. Hinton Kyle Bradley Hodges Jerome Orin Holmes Kenneth Wayne Hood Sarah Elizabeth Hopkins Troy Kenneth Horne Paul Bentley Howington Ronald Odell Huff Natasha Nicole Owens Carol M. Hughley William M. Iverson Willie G. Jackson Alfonse Javed Christopher Lee Jessee Daniel Scott Johnson 5 Patrick Jerome Johnson Vanessa Denise Johnson Taylor Markus Jolley Christopher George Jones

* 1


Rebekah Ann Jones 5 Suno Justus Jeffrey Scott Kaldahl Kara L. Kent Patricia Garrett Keyes Minyoung Kim Ohhwan Kim Andrew John King Mark King Hyunghee Koo Etienne Lacey Sr. Edward Largent 5 Laura M. Lawson 6 George D. Lee Joshua Todd Lee Rachel A. Lee Rena Suzanne Leone AbuDhabi Wyama Lewis Shelia Renay Lewis 6 Jeffery Ley Kristen Ley Jonathan Michael Llera Johann Georg Lochner 6 David Daniel Lucas 5 Lindsey Marie Lumley Craig Allen Lundvall 5 Jennifer Gail Lyons Adrian J. Mack 6 Ewen Bradley MacKillop James M. Mahan Tyler Maraia Lauretta Lee Market Taylor René Marston Jesse Matthew McBride Charles McClure Brandon R. McIver Sr. Steven Earl McKay Gary B. McLendon Brian Metzger Jordan Matthew Metzger 6 Tanya Beth Midyette 6 David Eddie Miller Patrick S. Miller 5 Ryan N. Miller Alex Miranda Bonita W. Moffitt Kevin L. Molloy Jungsun Moon Timothy Wayne Moran Samuel Ryan Morse Stephen Jackson Morton Miguel Angel Moyeno II Andrew Roger Needles Yira E. Negron Jill Ann Nichols 5 Tyler Noblet 6 Sophat Nou Ovuefelomaloye London Onyenego Robert Ortiz Jr. Amy Overcash David Overcash Charis Joy Overholser Kert D. Owens Olusola Olutoyin Oyekale Matthew Aaron Page Chelsea Rose Pelesky John Pennington Joshua Martin Peoples Andrew Lane Peterman Scott Grant Peterson 6 Pamela M. Phillips Malcolm Jarod Pickard Dawn LaRae Pickering 6 Todd David Pickthorn Christopher R. Powell Jesse Daniel Powell Kristi Benton Pullig Tiffany Leanne Qualls Marcus L. Rasberry Sr. Shenae E.H. Rasberry Kevin J. Rawlins 5 Nathan Dale Rector Terri Telisia Reeves Myrlande I. Regis

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Matthew Reichard Jason H. Reynolds Sean L. Rheaume Laura Victoria Rogers Gary Donnell Rothenberger Jr. Gordon P. Rowe Joanne Ruggiero Michael L. Rundel 5 Ashley Suzanne Nicely Salinas 5 Joel Salinas Frencia 5 Jacob Sanchez Richard William Santor Ruth Anne Bowles Sawyer Kimberly Ann Scaff Roy Schneider Alexander C. Schotanus 5 Tina Marie Schuenke Carl Bryson Seay Kangil Seo Brad Anthony Shalloup Steven Wayne Shirley Steven Ray Simon Laura Alyssa-Hannah Smith 6 Charles Mark Smith 6 Mechile Renee Smith Sean Michael Smith 6 Stephanie Grace Smith 6 Jeremy Glenn Sorensen Richard Sotolongo Matthew Bryan Sparks Matthew A. Sparling 6 Sidney Edward Sprabary II Ronald L. Staggers Sr. Katelyn Stephens Kathy Lyn Stewart John W. Tabor Varney Firenyika Taylor Andrew Wilson Temple Michael Allen Tester Josiah Anthony Theobald Trent Ryan Thompson Jacqueline Bofaye Thornton Shelove Tilus Douglas Edward Triplett Frank Leonard Turlington Logan Michelle Turner Benjamin Federico Valenzuela Jacob James Vorpahl 6 Jesse Gavin Wagenaar Cedric Duane Walker Harry Cornwell Wallace Jr. Jason Homer Walton Kerry B. Warner Dina Kay Warren Adrion Gregory Waters Parker Marshal Watson Joyce Ashley Webber Sheree Denise Weller Seth Aaron Westmoreland David A. Wheeler Amy Elizabeth White William Benton White II Tara L. Whitmore 5 Terrence A. Williams Latasha Fabrae Williamson Rose Marie Willis Charles Edward Wilson Jr. Tiffany Leigh Wilson Vera Singletary Wonsley Cassandra Leona Wood William Shay Wood Alexander Charles Woody 6 Soua Xiong Samuel Yohannes Eric Kyle York 6 Jonathan Eugene Young Sophia Young-Malcolm

Master of Arts in Global Studies B. Keith Allen 6 Travis Adam Currin Samantha Anne Francart 5

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Jason Gary Garrison Robert James Broderick Gunkelman Barry Lance Haley Monishka Colleen Hall Brittany Rebecca Hayward Gary Patrick Hubbard II Ban Souk Kim Christine Lee Manson Ryan Paul Matlock Lawrence Richard Milks Jillian Elizabeth Nash 6 Francisco Pavia Galen Edward Peel Jr. Emonie Joy Whitley Ashlee Arleen Woodruff

Master of Arts in Religion Carmen Abston Alfred Wesley Adams III Andrea L. Adams Stacey Lynn Herndon Jeremy E. Allen Gregory L. Altman Shirley Andrew Leonard Joseph Argentieri Shavonta N. Arline Jacob James Arnette Charlene Banks Artis Alyssa Dees Avant Robert A. Bambino 5 Gerald Joseph Bauer Jr. Daniel Matthew Berkenkemper Luetricia Billingsley Katherine J. Brock Andrew Brown Sophia Dennice Brown Yessenia Del Carmen Buckley James Arthur Bynum Jeannette Mercedes Calderon Dennis Lee Carroll Hyo Sil Choi Sara L. Christiansen Philip Ryan Christmas Todd Andrew Clark Paul R. Cobb Timothy Dale Coleman Brent Austin Crass Terry Marvin Crowe Tommy Jones Curtis Jr. Suzette Dance Daniel Marcel Danciu Tania N. Davis Ella DeDeaux Holloway David Newton Dees Daniel James DeFriece Jason Edward Dion Kurt M. Earl Uduzei Felix Edgal Lance William Ehrecke Melissa Ann Eirich 6 Jeffry Ross Epling Zachary Thomas Farrar 6 Arlene Denise Ferebee Sandi Yeury Ferreira Robert Earl Ford Chiffon Rena’ Foster Joshua Kevin Frazier Thomas Anthony Gadson Sr. Roberto Garcia II Patrick Lee Gibbons Charles Ray Glenn Andrew Saverio Goodwin Ira Douglas Gordon Barney Graham Maxim Graham David Edward Ham Duan Edward Hanks Merri Jill Hannity Eric Heilker Brennan Christopher Hendricks Thomas M. Herman Robert Morrissey Hoffman

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Jonathan Drew Holbrook Rick Hopper Vernie Randolph Hough Justin Franklin Hoy Anthony Scott Hubin Brandon Ray Hulsey Kevin W. James Easter Mosley Jeffress Lisa Kay Jennings Michelle Lynn Jernigan Kevin Langley Jones Marion Diane Jones Richard C. Jones III Ronald Sneed Kaker II Sean D. Kallner Odessa Leanice Knight Heather Marie Krolicki Kim Corvette Lane Leslie Marlene Lavalle Carla Covey Ledane Matthew McNeill Leonard David Lee Lillard Doreen Adamson Logan 6 David W. Long Egbert John Lopez Nicholas Gerard Luthman Julius K. Magee II Kevin D. Mallow Gary Mariano Emanuel David Marshall Brooke Elizabeth Martens Deborah L. Martin Matthew Aaron Mayfield Karmen Jo McMillan Anna Melissa Bogle Melendez Kwaku Mensah Isaac John Metroka Dwight Bernard Micheal Sr. Barry Reginald Miller Michael E. Miller Theodore L. Miller Isaac John Mixon Donald R. Morgan Matthew Morris Jason Andrew Murguz Gerald Edward Murphy 5 Jeremy L. Neiditch Michael L. O’Bryant James Jason Odum Jean Marie Ernst Olivier Luc Paul Poirier Andrew Chandler Pouncey Ronald Clifford Powell Avelonia Smith Quarrie 5 Gregory Alan Rains Rosemarie Ramcharan Thomas Jefferson Randolph VIII Jeffrey Douglas Rayle 5 Jason E. Reagan Dennis Ridley Slade Russell Rinehart Charles Stewart Roberson 5 Ryan Keith Rohan Jason Michael Ruiz Nehemias Santiago James Albert Schattle Barry Michael Schnaitman James Gifford Searls III Lane Paul Sebring Meredith J. Seuss Samuel Russell Sieg Lynn Turner Sonner Chandy Tennille Swetnam Stephen C. Switzer Daniel L. Syrcle Yvonne Thomas-Clark James Kevin Thompson Charles L. Trammell Jr. James Michael Trevillian 5 Melissa Marie Trujillo David Neil Tunison Joey E. Turner Norma Gene Turner Anna L. Viands

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Christopher James Vitarelli Matthew James Wagoner Rebekah Jean Waldrep Me’Lonnie L. Walker Aaron Paul Weiss Raphael Wellington Shirley Dix Whitaker Kevin Todd White Philip Marshall Wigley Timothy Tyler Wilson John Stirling Winchell 5 Robert James Woolcock John Carlos Wray Zach Yeldell John Yera Billie Jo York

Master of Arts in Theological Studies Constance Levett Abbott Joseph L. Adair III Marilyn Joy Adams Bradley James Albin Rodney M. Albin Alvin C. Albright Bryon Almeda Dessalegn H. Amanu Danny Charles Anderson Donna Demestra Anthony Thomas D. Antonoff Jr. Claire Elizabeth Appiah Dale Edward Arnold Stacy Erin Ash Jeffrey Askanazi John J. Authenreith Donna L. Avery Betty Jean Bailey Caleb Lucas Baker Sandra Dee Baker Robert Banks John Lloyd Barbour II 6 Jennifer M. Barnes Samuel Chris Barnes Vally Jean-Louis Bastien Reuben Beachem Jonathan Robert Bennett Brett Wayne Black Michael Evan Boardman Martha Valencia Borner William R. Bowyer Jill Marie Bradley Billie Lee Bright II Harold Dorrell Briscoe Thomas James Broadbent Jonathan Danial Brothers Adam Brown James Theodore Brown Jr. Jody Aaron Bryant Wesley Howard Bunting Daniel Aaron Burgoyne George K. Burns Justin Matthew Cannell Milton Carnes Benjamin Fletcher Carter Ernestine Lynn Carter Joel Bennett Carter Johnny Carter Steven Lonzo Caughran 5 Sonia Cordelia Charles Caleb Colton Cheshier Aaron Jacob Chilton Richard Anthony Cirillo Dalmer Ray Clawson III 5 Ben Clayton Jr. Amber Amara Clifton Terry Lynn Coggin Jr. 5 Louis Matthew Collins Mario R. Cooper Aaron S. Copeland Travis Andrew Cordial Ryan David Cox John Robert Crews Donald M. Crooms Jerry Lucas Cunningham Joseph Paul Cusenza William Scott Dale

* 1

Don Alvin Darden Jr. Gregory Lamar Davis Kenny Lynn Davis Jeremy Scott Day Roland Paul de Gastyne Raymond Paul DeHaan Jean Elizabeth Donnell Joseph Patrick Dougherty 5 Claire Dowdy Otis Charles Drummer Sean David Dugan Willard Earl Dyuran Mark Vincent Eberhard Brandon Mark Ediger Jason Stephen Egli Joel Eguiluz Eli Joseph Elliott Jessica Leanne Elliott Jimmie H. Evans III 5 Travis Farmer Gary Faulkner 5 Ky Robert Fehlbaum Wendell Bryan Feldman Charles H. Field III Chance R. Fieldson Daniel Christian Fink Joshua A. Fisher Daniel Sutton Fitzgerald Bryan Thomas Fletcher Lottie Diane Foster Kevin Michael Franklin 5 Mallory Frederick Dumond Nancy Ann Freeman Kyle James Friesen Aviva Gafford Williamson Alvaro Raul Garcia Terry Don Garner Israel Micah Garrett William Henry Garrett Christopher Wade-Arthur Garrow Steven C. Gates Ernst Gautier Christopher Mark Giacalone 6 Caitlin Sheree Gibson Kathleen Andreoli Goble Peggie McCants-Goins Sosthenes Gonzalez Jr. Jeremy Ryan Goode Rachel Ann Gordon Robert Lee Gore Jr. Charles Steven Goss 5 Mark Edward Grafton Brian Elton Gramling Donald W. Granger Jr. Britt Lee Groom Michael J. Groop Teresa Gwynn Justin Ryder Hall 6 Donald Timothy Hamlette Brandon Scott Hamlin Melissa Anne Hammond Jeremy Ryan Hand Solomon Hang Karen Elizabeth Harden Caleb Wilson Harper Paul Thomas Harrington Larry Donnell Harris Jr. Queen Ester Hatchett Michael W. Hembree 6 William Thaddie Henry Mark Hernandez 6 Chad Lee Hesler Madison Noel Hetzler 6 Yvette Hicks Bonnie G. Higgins David Hilgeman 5 James Napoleon Hill Lashawnda Latika Holmes Deborah Holt John W. Hontz Jr. Ernest E. Hopkins Jr. Ernie D. Hopper Timothy Joshua Hoss Timothy Alan Houston

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Christopher Scott Huddleston Christopher Gerald Hussey Samuel G. Hutchinson III Darold Anthony Ingram Jr. Patrick Abram James Susan E. Janos Brian Timothy Johnson Robyn Yvonne Johnson Tamela Rochelle Johnson Johnnie Ray Jones Sr. Rashanna L. Jones Justin Allen Jordan Brent Allen Kamphues John Albert Keller Mark Lerob Kelsey Chester R. Kempston Jr. Joshua David Kenyon Christian Jinsan Kim Alvin Andrew Kinder 6 Ernest King Reginald King Lowery B. Kinney Christine Marie Kirkpatrick Joseph Allan Kleehammer Rick N. Kloos 6 Albert Knapp Samuel A. Knaus Crystal Olivia Knight Steven William Koehler David Wilbert Krahling Deborah Diane Krichbaum Andrew Tyler Krop Rodney Lake Ryan Lambros Joey Francis Langlinais Mark Alan Langner Daniel Ray Langston Shannon LaShawn Latimer Dava Rae Laxton 5 Michael Jason Letizia Michel Letterer James M. Lewis III 5 Nathan Lewis Darren Michael Livie Nicholas Lombardi Mark A. Machan John William Maier Ryan Allen Manning Dominic Paul Marrone Daniel Timothy Martin Alejandro Martinez 6 Joseph W. Martinez Dierre Antwaun Massie CoTrina McCants Willie David McClung II Shirley Mccollough Dennis Jay McCullough Gary L. McCutcheon 6 Maresa Joanna McDowell Tommy Glen McElwrath Jr. Laurie Sterling McGill 5 Lawanna Denise McNeal Shawn McNeil Demetris Williams-Medley John Michael Mendola Courtney Elizabeth Millwood Craig Austin Mims Jeremiah Mitchell Shawn A. Moline Shirley Henderson Montague Peter Moon Christian Morciglio Merritt A. Morgan Brandon James Morrow Jon Lewis Mosley 5 Shane Aaron Moss Jamie Brian Mosteller Jeffery Ward Mullins Durrell Bennett Nelson Derrick Bryon Newburn Betty S. Nichols Daniel Alexander Nichols Aaron Jay Nickerson Ronald William Nieman

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Aaron O’Neil Noland 6 Mark Andrew Norris Timothy Francis O’Connell Aaron Davis Odom Jerome Anicet Onguene Leonard Osborne Hubert Eugene Owens Jr. Kirk Cameron Palmer 5 Alexander Chase Parker Matthew Robert Patti Bryan Joseph Pauley Brent A. Paysinger Sr. Dana Erlene Pearson Benjamin John Phillips 5 Bonnie P. Phillips Brendan Phillips Robert Jay Phillips 6 Richard Lee Pickett William Russell Pigg Eric Peter Thomas Pillath Jay Allen Piña Timothy Wolcott Plante 6 Rene Polanco Marvin Clay Potter Danny Lamont Powell Richard Jason Powell 5 Mark J. Prichard 5 Nell Ivy Prince 6 Gary James Pryor Robert Lawson Puckett Jr. Elvis Reynaldo Ramirez 5 Loretta Louise Ransom Jamare Lanal Razor Sr. Deborah E. Gordon-Reagle Anne Ford Rector Nathaniel M. Reid 6 Barbara Ann Reynolds 5 Stephanie Marie Reynolds Linda Rhodes Yolanda Ann Rhynes Laura Gwen Richards Jerry L. Riddle II Rhonda Jo Rigsby Marlon Ivan Rios Cynthia Ann Ritsko Ethel Lee Roberson Joshua Joseph Roberts Branden Tate Robertson 6 Priscilla A. Robertson Charles Lamar Rocker III Christian Fermin Rodriguez Eric Donnell Rogers Tony A. Rogers 6 Leonardo C. Rosa John R. Ross Jordan Rudat Charlie Emmit Ryan Christopher Patrick Ryan 6 Troy Brian Sadler Jerry Bruce Sanders Shannon Nicole Santisteban Regina C. Satchell Ronisha Leann Saville Larry Milburn Schatt Tiana Marie Schiferl 5 Howard Alan Schonhiutt Daniel Schultz Mark Aaron Scott 5 Kristie Searcy Shericka Teness Sellers Timothy Lance Serrano Dee Sewell 6 Jesse Reed Shale 6 Kevin Lee Shearer Lamar Daniel Shegog Robert Wade Shepherd 5 Michael Shewfelt 5 Jason D. Shipley 6 Russell S. Shute Tony G. Simpson Jr. Andre Batlener Small Warren J. Smallwood Jr. Derek Charles Smith Jake Smith Jason John Smith

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Jeremy A. Smith Kinsley Anne Smith 5 Kyle Anthony Smith Lillian M. Smith Stuart D. Smith Timothy E. Smith 6 Vincent Binford Smith Zeth Brian Smith Robert W. Snider Jennifer Rose Snow Michael Trent Snyder Tala Sasha Solaimanpour Steven L. Solomon Teddy W. Sorrells Jr. Corey Spence Jason Spencer 6 Mornique Rochele Spencer Rhoda Glariada Sperling Peter Alexander Stachelek Edward L. Stayton Edward Steffens John Charles Stickles Jason Brian Sturgill Anthony Paul Svendsen Ryan Jarrod Swafford Sr. Christopher Allen Swain Gregory Neal Sweet Jr. Erik Wayne Switzer Darrell Linn Tate Joseph Benjamin Terenyi Taylor Edward Terzek Blong Thao Christopher Bryan Thigpen Jason Daniel Thole Jerod Wayne Thomas Cynthia Thompson John Ryan Thompson Jeff H. Tillman Barbara D. Todd David C. Tori James D. Turner Joseph Anthony Valenti 5 Benham Brasher Van Gaasbeek Joseito Velasquez Carlos M. Velez 5 Urim Winstone Velpula Christine Ann Walcott Gregory Robert Walker Natalie J. Walker Patrick Lee Walston 6 Wade Jackson Walton Carolyn Ashley Ward Marque Dewayne Washington Lorne David Watson Adam P. Watts 5 Robert Brandon Weaver 6 Gina Deniese Weir Steven Robert Welch Henry T. Wells Isaac West Jr. Perry West Jr. Damion DeWayne Wheaton Alaya Denise White Matthew S. White Oscar Lee Whitfield Jr. Christopher W. Williams James Bruce Williams 5 Robert C. Williams Jr. Andrea D. Wilson Christina M. Wilson 5 Michael N. Wilson Taneze Cheryll Wimbish Elisabeth Winbush Bernard Winchester Jr. Argyle Torrey Woods Rashad Woods Ashley Wright Bernard Cecil Yates Danny Dwayne Young Jonathan M. Zabick 6

Master of Divinity Sidney Brent Aaron Biboy Antonio Reyes

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Abejuela Christopher James Aikens Kasana Y. Akridge Darrell Ray Allen Edwin James Demaree Allen Lisa Ann Allen David Armstrong Antonio Q. Arnold James Eric Ashcraft Anthony Amir Ashoori Mark Thomas Avery David Glenn Bailey Chala Ann Baker Douglas Scott Banker Joshua Banks Bruce Murray Baxley Jr. 6 Christopher Michael Bean Edward Brandon Beckham Aron James Belcher John W. Belcher Jason Lloyd Bell Michael Ray Belton Allan John Benson 5 Precious Sibley Bernard Kevin L. Betton 5 Edward Matthew Betts Jeff Birch 5 Joshua Brandon Birchfield Bruce Bishop Thomas Hughes Blake Jessica Ann Bode Samuel Boettcher Simon D. Boone Chad Mason Booth Myisha Latara BowensCampbell Adam Lee Bowers Warren Franklin Bowman II Andrea H. Bradford Gary Edward Breeding Wendell Lee Breedlove Jr. Robert L. Brewer Sr. Benjamin L. Brewster Scott Alan Brooks Timothy Roger Broughton Jonathan C. Brown Michael Brown Sidnetta Lewis Brown Joshua Sean Bryant 6 Letitia Atkins Bryant Timothy Glenn Burdick Alvin Alastair Burks Kevin W. Buzzard 6 Howard Randolph Byrd Joshua Sungchan Byun Ronald James Calligan III James Matthew Campbell Luis A. Campudoni Joshua Andrew Cannon Edisson Cantor Milton Kennard Carter Jonathan Randall Chambers Jonathan M. Chappell Dwight Chavis Andrew Phillip Cheatham Patrick Bruce Cheek Barry G. Clark Brandon Drew Clark James Lynell Clark Brandon Raymund Clay Tanner Paul Clements Clinton Michael Cochran Will N. Cochrane M. Andrew Cockrell Glenn M. Coleman Rodney Damon Collins Tonnie L. Collins Gwendolyn Marie CollinsGreenup Abraham Colon Derrick S. Colon Patricia Ann Cook Richard Anthony Cornejo Edward Louis Costa Jr. Kenneth Andrew Cousar Carmen Luisa Coya James Edward Crain

* 1


Christopher Lee Crank 6 John C. Crenshaw Jubilee Anne Criswell Grace Elizabeth Crosby Brandon Edward Crowley Samuel W. Cruce Jeffery Shawn Cully Austin Blake Curtis Jonathan Curtiss Mary Arlette Dandridge Lyle David Daniels Tyler R. Daniels 6 Derrick Carolyle Darden Jr. Tyler Joseph Daugherty 6 Christopher Paul Davis 6 Nadine B. Davis Sadaria N. Davis Traci Davis Robert Dawson William Dustin Dean Edward F. DeForest Nathan Mathew Delcour 6 Patrick Dempsey 6 Bart Lee Denny 6 Xiomara Diaz Kenneth B. Dillman Bernard Doan Cristina Ivette Domínguez Batista Timothy Herman Dotson Christina Sherree Douglas Candice E. Dow Kanshasa Tyrone Downs Kara Margaret Dreflak-Utley Walter Clayton Duck David B. Dulaney Bernadette Meredith John Clifton Dunlap Brinton Jess Easley William Matthew Edwards 6 Jason Michael Ellis Larry D. Elston Lacy Deane Enderson Robert Leland Endsley David Taft Essary Jonathan E. Eubank Carolyn L. Evans R. Neil Farrar 5 Peter Kurt Faville Colby Earnhart Felton Lisa Victoria Fields Nicholas Fields Katenia Yvette Fitzgerald Byron D. Forrest William Randolph Forrest Carl Anthony Foster Matthew Charles Foster 6 Laura Ann Frable Everett Lee Fraley II Hector Alejandro Franco Karch Anthony Frankenfield Benjamin Charles Franklin Stuart Grant Fraser Duane Timothy Frederick Amanda J. Furbeck 5 Johnny Franklin Gail Jr. Jorel Jamar Gaines Taylor James Galpin Jaime B. Galván Muñoz John Michael Galyen Timothy David Gaster Andrea Lavette Gearing Wanda Denise Geist Joshua George 5 Daniel Joseph Gifford Chris Edward Gill Manuel Allen Gilliland Kevin Ray Goldsmith Nicholas Joseph Gonzalez Shelby A. Goodman Charles Ralph Cruz Gormley Michael Wayne Gossett Kimberly Anne Grambow David Robert Grate John O. Graves James Morgan Gravley Charles D. Green

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Charles Dale Green Conterrace A. Green Venice Green Ken Greimann Braden Henry Gross Jermaine Aaron Gross Amy Lynn Guartuche Kwesi Gyimah Sangkil Ha Jeffrey Keith Halstead Hunter Wayne Hamilton Tracy Michelle Hamilton Michael Stewart Hammond Hwa Lih Han Phillip Lloyd Hare Stacie Collins Harkins Richard Allen Dennis Harrid Jr. Allan C. Harris II James M. Harris Michael D. Harris Alicia Douglas Hart Jeffrey Haslitt Julian Laurent Hawes John Wayne Hawkins Lisa Catherine Head Peter James Heikkinen Richard Charles Helein 5 Michael William Herbert 5 John Douglas Herby Jeffrey Michael Herron Edward Anthony Herty IV 6 Tabitha Jayne Hibbard LaSheika Neilcole Hill Melissha K. Hill Richard William Bryant Hill Michael G. Hines Keith Douglas Hinton Randall James Hoffbeck Christopher Ray Holbrook 5 Ericka Rosetta Holland Helen Janet Holman Kyle M. Hooks Roderick Brian Hopes Jesse Aaron Hough Sammie L. Houston II Karl R. Hrebik 6 Jared Samuel Hunt Timothy Tyrone Hunter Lex Shelby Richard Hutchins Jr. Zachary Jacob Ingallina Kyle Joseph Isabelli Geraldine Denise Jackson Kevin Michael Jackson Victor M. Jackson Lenet James Tasha Savader James Thomas Edward Jefferson Stacy James Jernigan Darrell Samuel Johnson Eric C. Johnson Jeremy Stevens Johnson Jeremy David Johnson John Stephen Johnson Mary Louise Johnson Mitchell Ray Johnson Oscar Henry Johnson III Sandra Lynn JohnsonEricksen 6 Christopher Ryan Jones Jacqueline Marie Jones Jacqueline Yvonne Joplin William Leonard Kaminski Jonathan LaMonte Keene Richard F. Keller IV 6 Kevin Martin Kelley Christine Joyce Kelly 6 James Chesley Kelly III James F. Kessler Isaac Luke Ketner Ho Kim Yong Eun Kim Brehan Rachelle Heeren Adam Robert Knapp David A. Kohls Kenneth Andrew Kohn

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Thomas Martin Kollars Jr. 6 Jay Kotsko Douglas Richard Kump Arlesha Larayne La Stephen Eugene Lager Noah Joseph Lang 5 Colin W.K. Lau Michelle Lee Lawson 5 Jordan K. Lee 6 Aaron Christopher Lewis Shawn Patrick Liebegott 6 Taehoon Lim Paul James Limato III William Bryan Logan III 6 Timothy Scott Long 6 Cindy Lynn Longoria Everardo Ruben Lopez John David Marr Joseph Lewis Marshall Paris M. Marshall-Cole David Lee Martin Jr. Dwayne G. Martin Charlene Louise Martinez 5 Timothy Wayne Massengale Victor A. Matos Willie G. Mayberry Anthony J. Maynard John Charles McClean 5 Ascellus McClinton Joshua Duane McCormick Marguerite P. McCreary Frankie Leonard McCurley Kenneth Ryan McDevitt Daniel Lamar McDonald Julia D. McDonald Ingrid Caldwell McKinley Michael James McLamb Rick McMaster Charl E. McRae II Charles Mitchell McRae Jr. James Allen Mead Chata Meador Matthew David Mendenhall Heather Mendoza Gregory C. Mergian Aisha Cherie Merritt Shaun Stephen Miles Angela Gregg Miller Christopher J. Miller Lee David Miller Michael David Miller Timothy Ian Miller Terry Dewayne Mobley Chad Douglas Moler Stanley Paul Mongin David Allen Moore Ira Orazio Moore Michael Scott Moore Randall Craig Morehead Timothy Gregory Moroz Gregory S. Morris Sr. Harold W. Morris Luis Alfredo Munoz Bueno Craig George Murphy Sr. Linda K. Murray Bryan Thomas Myers Sharon Lynnette Myers Dennis Nealy Jeffrey S. Nelson William L. Nestor Angel Diane Newhart Constance N. Nhira William E. Noel II Robert A. Noftz Eliseo Nogueras Jr. Adam Ryan Nuckols Michael Lewis Nunn George Frederick Nytes Justin Odom Yoonho Oh Hailey Debra Okeif Ian H. Olson Opeyemi Samuel Oluwafisoye Alice Tillman O’Neal Robert Allen O’Neal Jr. Andrew Lee Orr

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Gamaliel Ortiz Bryan Christopher Parrish Sylvia E. Patterson Sherry Patton Kenneth A. Peacock Shirley G. Peele Billy Matt Perkins Jarrett Ryan Permann Nathan Eli Perry Jeremy Wayne Pfeister Bettina Phagan Gregory Allen Phillips Larry Owen Phillips Amy Beth Pike Kevin Lee Pike Frank E. Porter Jr. Daniel Wesley Potter David Bennett Potter Hubert Pratcher David John Pretlove Bruce Thomas Price Calebb Alan Proehl John Robert Puig Guoping Qian Ashley Candace Ram Kim Maynard Ratliff Christopher J. Ray Joshua Larry Ray Richard Scott Ray 6 Gregory Stefon Redden Raymond Leslie Reed Jomo Kenyatta Reeves Kimberly Reid Peter Thomas Reins 6 Paul Michael Christopher Reutzel Michael Allen Rhoad Phillip Sherron Rhoda Brian G. Richard Leslie Richardson III Ryan Clark Richardson Brent Ryan Riddle Andrew James Rigney Vincent Harvin Riley Jonathan Edward Rissmiller Jon Roark Adam William Roberson Joseph Reid Robinson III Patrick Wayne Robinson Jeremy Chet Roden Reginald LeVaughn Rodman Jr. Mark Thomas Rohrbach Matthew Rohrbach Mark E. Rolling Timothy Rose Ronald Ruben Ryann Sheldon Ruckman Joel Apolinar Ruiz Deborah Dianne Rule Tommy E. Russell Heather Dawn RutherfordSmall Timothy Charles Ryan Tony J. Sanchez Drew He-Man Sartorius Michael Lee Schmidt Marta H. Schultz 6 Michael Allen Scott Jamie Lee Seals James Richard Sevon Jr. Brian Christopher Shelly Perry Joseph Sheneman Edward Jonathan Shepard Wi Jae Shin Joel Russell Shinpoch Barry Lee Shortt Wayne Ronald Sibole Richard Wayne Skinner Daniel Robert Sloan 6 Kevin A. Smith Lori Lee Smith 5 Manson C. Smith III Ramona Jean Smith A. Christian V. Snyder III James William Snyder James Richard Somers

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Michael Eric Speer 5 Keisha Battle Spivey Darryl John Stalter 6 Linda Ann Steen Thomas Gordon Stenswold Wayne Stephan Clara Iyabo Stephens Arden Dale Stevens Phillip Harold Stevens James Allen Stevenson Sabin P. Strickland Adrian Denise Strong Dan E. Stuart Justin Edmonds Sudler Jorge Harvey Suitor Brandon Lee Swartz Desmond Sanchez Sykes Sr. James Bert Testerman 6 Donald Scott Thaden Kenneth Martin Thomas Jr. Roy Dwayne Thomas Steven Paul Thomas Micah Luke Thompson John Michael Thornton William Russell Threet Debbie Marie Trower Eric Q. Truss Sylvester Maurice Truss Thomas Desvarney Tucker Willie Ezell Tucker Preston Adam Turpin Kevin Christopher Uhrich Gary Lynn Usher Fredina Janice Usher-Weems Peter Van Brussel Marcus Walker Van Every Damian Solomon Velarde Luis Manuel Velazquez Monserrate Vergara-Soto Paul Anthony Villano Robert Frederick Volk Timothy Nelson Wade Daniel Hunt Wager 5 Adam Lee Wahl Lorrie Brooks Wajciechowski Matthew Steven Walker Jeremy Allen Walton Matthew Paul Wanasek Shantel Patricia Tracy-Wazny Grant Weaver Brian Chase Weeks 5 Brandon Paul Wells Kyle Richard Welter James Daniel Wessell

Cory Dean West Leotra Lorel West Justin Thomas Wester 5 James Glenn Wheatley Robert Lee White III Shaun Keith Whitt Gregory LarVelle Williams Joseph McKinley Williams Jr. Renata Louise Williams Travis Justin Williams Marcelious Willis Jr. Michelle D. Willis Boyce Glen Wilson Jamie Ryan Wilson Darin Scott Wilt Richard A. Wolfe Jr. Paul Douglas Woodcock Felton Lavone Woodson Rhonda Ladell Gee Manuel Lee Wyley Joshua Yaffe Paul Jongho Yi Ji Yun Jungsoo Yun

Master of Religious Education Anthony James Allison Susan Dawn Avery 6 JR George Bravo Jason Ramon Burgan Patricia M. Colindres Beth Ann Dille Marian Suzanne Eivins Rachel Parker Falcone George L. Ferrell Angela Mary Fitzgerald Jordan Harrison Floro Chad James Forte James Christopher Fryar Benita Williamson Graves Allen O. Green Karen E. Hofmann 6 Mark Edward Hughes Jake Alan Hunt Jennifer Lee Jones Julie Glover Jones Susan K. Kerns-Wilson Jiseong Kim Han Sol Lee Lacinda Jan Ams Legate Howard Leroy Lewis Jr. Clive M. Lindo Kenneth W. Lucas Myron E. Lyons

Jacob Anthony Macias Justin Mitchel McCoy Marcus William McDaniel Caleb Steven McGee 6 John A. Miller Joyce Hyang-Bin Min Edward Morales Jerome A. Newman Sr. Terry Michele Noonan Fitzgerald Marie D. Peters Christopher Allan Reed Joseph Aaron Rosbury Melody Renee Saunders Donald Glen Schultz Jarod Tyler Seay Ronnie Keith Sharp Douglas Perry Shelley Erica Jo Shelton Lissa Marie Smith Thomas Michael Smith Shawn P. Stretch George Lorpokollie Suah Timothy Adrian Whitman Bryan Adam Wisdom

Graduate Certificate Richard S. Adams Gabriel Aldana Barbara Jean Anderson Donella Speights-Aquil Donella Speights-Aquil John J. Authenreith 1 Sonia Patricia Bandoo Dwayne Barnes Natalie C. Bishop 1 Gary Edward Breeding Sonya D. Brink Regina Annette Brown Velvea Brown Karen Brown Tyson 1 Carla T. Bryan-Sheard 1 Howard Randolph Byrd John Cecil Christenberry April F. Cooper 1 Robert Edward Dandridge II 1 Robert Edward Dandridge II 1 Arian Davenport 1 Lynda J. Dearman 1 William L. Delaigle Jr. Andres Delgado Jr. Aronda N. Dent Eric M. Dixon 1

Karen Elizabeth Patch Douglas 1 Laura Dunn-Borgra 1 Dedra Burke Duty Verla Mary Felts 1 Lara C. Fierz 1 Laverne Fitchett Lance George Flood Bridgitte C. Forward Jennifer Gemmill 1 Marquette D. Gilchrest Crystal C. Godfrey 1 Gayle Ann Gonzales Gayle Ann Gonzales Karen Hagen Gordon Robert Lee Gore Jr. 1 Vanessa Graham 1 Shair Rena Hale Tricia Haley 1 Jeanna D. Hamilton 1 Stephen H. Harmon 1 Cheryl Lee Herring 1 David Wayne Higginson LaSheika N. Hill Aaron R. Hinkle Marilyn B. Hutchinson 1 Franzetta L. Ivy Keith Eric Ivy Keith Eric Ivy Sr. Sandra K. Jackson Trudie Annette Jackson Venus Angelica Jackson 1 Madelyn Ann Jansma 1 Jacqueline Marie Jones 1 Lillie Mae Jones Derek Kelly 1 George F. King James Christian Kirk 1 Jonathan Howard Lawler 1 Katherine Olivia Lawrence 1 Rebecca Lynn Ligon-Lewis Belinda Gail Lewis-Krisel Machell R. Little Edwin Franklin Long III Catrina N. Luca 1 Caridad A. Lyons Selena Marie Marshall Joel E. McDonald 1 Brandon R. McIver Sr. 1 Lena Christian Meadows 1 Alyssa J. Miller 1 Suzanne L. Mills 1 Thomas V. Montgomery III 1 Robert Morris Moody

Peter Moon 1 Dennis Michael Moore Jr. 1 Lorelle A. Moore Edward Morales Tyler James Morgan Peggy L. Mull David William Neverdon Joseph S. Nimoh 1 Mary Jo Odom-Dull Renee D. Odrick Renee D. Odrick Renee D. Odrick Pamela Marie Perry Jared W. Price 1 Tanieka Denise Ricks Isaiahretta Yolanda Riley 1 Karlyne Robinson Richard Ryan Ashley Suzanne Nicely Salinas 1 Ashley Suzanne Nicely Salinas 1 Joel Salinas Frencia 1 Joel Salinas Frencia 1 Divinia D. Sampson 1 Tobili Yvonne Sam-Yellowe 1 Teresa Santoski 1 Dale Alan Scherberger Chris Schroeder Virginia Rose Seger 1 Craig Shumate Wanda B. Simpkins Gary S. Sinclair 1 Tammy Smith 1 A. Christian V. Snyder III Phillip Stevens Curtis Dean Stewart Curtis Dean Stewart Curtis Dean Stewart Michael Paul Strohl 1 Dawn Strohmeyer 1 Annette Bulger Sunday Ryan Christopher Taylor Keith VanderVeen 1 Emily J. Vandeventer Barry Vassar Robert Joseph Velarde Darrell S. Walker Marlo Denise Washington Eric M. White Eric M. White Teresa Jeanette Wilkinson Alisha T. Williams Alex Zehr


TECHNICAL STUDIES Madeline Rose Hassenpflug Thomas Nelson Lyons Kyle Vincent Smith

Associate of Arts GENERAL STUDIES Felicia Loren Elston Jennifer Loring Haas Gwendolyn Kristine Harmon 1 Chad M. Melson Mark W. Moore Melissa Rogers 1 Tameka Denise Sparrow Zachary Tavenner Brian Temple 1 INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Lakiesha B. Abner Stanley Achille Brian Adams 1

* 1

Joseph George Adams 1 Nicole Carrie Albertson Jennifer Lynn Allison Jacquelyn Almarode Alicia Alston 1 Eddie Amaro Donna L. Anderson Chere’ Donyl Andrews Wade Anton 1 Jazmis Deserey Aponte Marcus Ashby 1 Abda Shanaz Ashraf Brandi Rene Atkins Thaddeus Baker Carla M. Banks Cori Banks Daryl Scott Barber 1 Felicia Leann Barber 1 Mardis James Barber Trevor Erickson Barber Lisa Gillian Barnes 1 Owen Ryan Barnes Kimberly Barock Ashley Kearney Bean 1 Morghan Rashelle Beausoleil 1 Robin Danyelle Beck 1

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Marguerite L. Bell 1 Natalie Rose Bennett Michael Berry Lisa Biddle Jimmy Birdsong Olga Birgans Porsha Maurine Roberts Black 1 Marie Lang Blevins Nickolas W. Boardman 1 Sara Jayne Bollinger Sarah Marie Borchardt 1 Tiffany Ulean Bowen Titus Joel Bowen Alice Sweeney Bowyer Latonya R. Brand Jennifer Ann Brodie 1 Cornelius D. Brooks Angela M. Broten Cole Alfred Brown 1 Jessica Brown 1 Somer DeLane Brown 1 Zachary Clark Bumgardner 1 Kelly Isaiah Burns 1 Jenifer Lyn Burris 1 Leslie D. Butcher Benny Johnathan Byers

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Benjamin Emerson Byler 1 Kuwantu Cammon Christina Merie Campbell 1 Julie A. Campbell Cesar Antonio Cano 1 Peggy Lee Carson Brook Carter 1 John A. Casares Willie Jean Cashaw Jessica E. Cerniglia 1 Sandra Nicole Chaplin Winfred Lynn Chapmon Naquisha Wynette Chester Phillip John Chibbaro Ashley Brooke Chiodo Elly Marie Chipman Donna Joyce Clark 1 Aaron M. Cleveland 1 Ashley Elizabeth Coffey Chilatu Bluseke Collins 1 Daryl Blaine Collins Timothy Sean Collins 1 Charles Joseph Conrad Michael Cornelison Tyler P. Cotner John Ealy Cotton 1 Candace Christine Crandall 1

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Holly Crawford Jessica Lynette Creasey Susan H. Creasey 1 Anthony Philip Creeden Courtney L. Croan 1 Jennifer Holly Crowe Terren Lamar Curtis Danielle Nicole Custodio Catherine Cutler Jessica M. Daniel Dylan T. Davenport 1 Larry Lavon Davison Sr. Naomi Elizabeth Deane 1 Amanda Kathleen deGrandcourt 1 Thomas Jonathan DeLong 1 Renee S. Delorenzo 1 Javis Rudell Dew Darla Teneille Dickey 1 Molly Laray Dickson Brian Matthew Dillon 1 Jessica Diane DiSilvestro 1 Catherine Doyle 1 Kristen Alyse Drake 1 Russel G. Dsouza 1 Terrah Lynn Dubasak 1 Danielle K. Dudley

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Jeffrey Dudley Diane F. Duffy 1 Brian M. Dugal 1 Bobby Lheman Duggar 1 Carla Dunham 1 M. W. Dunkin 1 Richard Samuel duPont Daniel Martin Dye 1 David Murray Dye Whitney Virginia Earls Paul W. Edmond LaTasha Yvonne Edwards Latifa Rakhia Little El Bianca Jade Elliott Sarah Ann Ott Latoya Marie Farmer Pamela Maria Faulkner 1 Melvin Lee Feltman Kama Findley 1 Amanda Nicole Fitzgerald Eric Nathan Fitzpatrick 1 Deirdre E. Flaherty 1 Patrina Flanagan Arthur Jackson Flood Sr. Beverly Ann Ford James Glen Ford Haritomeni Eleni Foukara Andrew J. Franco Tammy R. Freeman Tiffany Aisha Freeman Melinda Amelia Friedland Nicole Friets 1 Thomas B. Gainey Suzanna Lynn Galvin Natalia Garin Kristin Lanette Garrett 1 Abigale Arnold Geathers Brian Thomas Gentry 1 Portia Gibbons Lakeisha Demetria Gibbs Derrick I. Gibson Amanda Elaine GiffordStevens Sierra Madenna Gipson Karen Diane Godair 1 Jerry Quentin Goldsmith 1 Christy Marie Goodman Daniel Goodrum Amanda Jean Gorecki Kenneth R. Graham 1 Elizabeth Joy Grasso 1 Brenda Y. Graves Latricia Ann Gray Rachel Marie Grayson 1 Tynea J. Green Anthony Roylett Griffin Sr. Leitha R. Griffin Ashlee Ridge Groulx Keisha J. Guinyard Brooke Danielle Hafer 1 Vernice Haliburton Emily Ruth Halstead Ashley Nicole Hambright Kasandra Leigh Hamilton Jean Holloway Hanvey Michelle Renee Hardy Justin Shaun Harman Tracey M. Harrell 1 Martha Marie Harrington 1 Christopher Daniel Harris 1 Naidra Yvette Harris Melveria Rich Hart Andrew Peter Harvey 1 Brandi Harvey 1 Heather Ann Harvey 1 Abagayil Eryn Hatt 1 Angharad Keely Hatt 1 Cassondra Hay Jason C. Hayes Vincent A. Hayes Vincent T. Heard Janelle Ilene Helfer 1 Brian T. Helton Sean Marie Herbert Kayla Alexis Hicks

* 1


Stephanie L. Higdon-Carr Carrie R. Hill Luke Corliss Hinkle Stacy L. Hinkle Paul Michael Hinton Michelle Lynn Hoff 1 Scott Norwood Holland 1 LaTorya Janelle Hoyle Julie Marie Huckaby Queene`Faith L. Hudson 1 Karen Ferguson Huffman Rodney B. Hunt Steven J. Ingram Jr. 1 Whitney Jacinda Irick Vunita R. Iske Ray Jaber 1 Janet Jackson Eric William James Samuel Jean Tyrone Jenkins Lloyd Leverne Joe David Ray Johnson Karen Ann Hale-Johnson Kristina Marie Johnson William Craig Jolly 1 Jennifer M. Jones 1 Marilyn Mackenzie Jones Nancy L. Jones Bryon Joseph Justice 1 Ashlea Gabrielle Kasey Amanda L. Kidd Shenika Nicole Kimbrough Monica Shanice King Amanda G. Kinnaman Jason P. Knight 1 Kerry Leonard Knight Grace Ann Kudlo Christopher Kuilan 1 Valerie Kumma Jessica Rachel Kuro 1 Latresha C. Lacy Connie LaHair 1 Michael Paul Lambert Stephanie Michelle Lane Edward Frederick Lass Joel Lassalle Perez Toni M. Lawson Lindsey Suzanne Laye J. H. Ledford David Matthew Lee Jhenna Madison Lee 1 Andrew R. Leist Crystal E. Lemley Amy Elizabeth Lewald Ashley Lewis Donald Lewis 1 Denise Ann Lister Diane Lombrana 1 Ruthine Love Whitney T. Love Veronica L. Luck Sarah Lumbard 1 Naomi Louise Sunderland Godfrey Aleksander Maciorowski 1 Sabrina Watson Markle Cynthia Marquez Shaleeah Marshall Zerita Martin Lerida J. Martinez Luis Martinez Chelsea Martino 1 Heather Rae Martz 1 Jeffrey Lee Mason Lynelle Renee Massie Wilmer Matamoros Mara McAdams Ryan Mitchell McCollister 1 Donald McCoy Shakeria Jessica McCoy Gunner Mcquerry 1 Lauren Elizabeth McSwain 1 Tiffany Meek 1 William Meeks Eamon S. Meisner 1

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Tj Messier 1 David Lawrence Miller 1 Gregory Ryan Kenneth Mills 1 Benjamin T. Mollohan 1 Wayne E. Montgomery Chelsy M. Osborne Daniel Wayne Moore Ruthie Charnette Moore Emily Bridget Morgan 1 Cristina Joy Motta 1 Yata Mozley Katilyn Shane Nail 1 Jonathan Nauman 1 Lester Wolanyo Navisky Sarah Beth Neeley 1 Bradley K. Newcomb Barrie L. Newman Jr. Troy Arron Nicely Victoria N. Nichols Jessica Niskanen Micah Andrew Nissly Christopher Thomas Noell 1 Dona Rae Chatman Erik Lee Norman 1 Tisha Dersé Norris Joseph Frederick Notch 1 April Deann Ocasio Cody Olsen 1 John Thomas Olson Kurt James Oswalt 1 Jesika Ann Palmer Tolita Montez Parks 1 John Michael Patterson Jr. 1 Mary J. Paul Kristen Olivia Payne Lindsey Gayle Payne Jermaine Erving Pearson Sharon Melissa Pettaway 1 Stefan Petty Boquita C. Tellis 1 Stephanie Nichole Pierson 1 Cory Lee Pomeroy Rebecca Faye Powell 1 Graceful Price Michelle Denise Price Courtney Lynn Quigley Ray J. Rabideau Joshua Bradley Rahn Michael A. Ramey Sr. Alexandra K. Rapp Kari Lynn Read 1 Stacey Reeder-Mcghee Cheryl T. Rees 1 Donnie Dean Rench 1 Lisa Marie Reyes-Smith Stacia Fay Riccio John Gilbert Rice Devin Joshua Rill 1 George Jr. Rivera Harley Nicole Robbins 1 Stanley Maurice Roberts Maryline Robles Jaime Rodriguez Jr. 1 Rita M. Rodriguez Kristen Marie Roland 1 Matthew Manuel Rosario 1 Nikita C. Rose Lavar W. Ross Ladara Lamont Royal Ellen D. Bowen Russell Kerby Samedi-Tropnas Nicholas Alan Samples 1 Holly Kristine Samson Tamika Celeste Scales Christina Lee Schindler Alexandra Ann Schneider Robert Carl Schwartz Aleta Marie Rebecca Seay Alisha Marie Seidel Bobby Jo Severs 1 Joseph W. Shannon 1 Chantrell Antoinette Shaw 1 Charmone Denise Shaw Patrick Lee Shaw Krystie Janai Sheldon 1

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Samantha Leann Shelton Sharon D. Mikell-Shine John Michael Shisler 1 Matthew Paul Shoemaker 1 Karen Yvonne Shupp Janice Leigh Simon Diana Michelle Simpson Shalamark Deon Simpson 1 Vera L. Simpson Teresa L. Smallwood Anrick W. Smith Derrick Gregory Smith 1 Elizabeth Diane Smith 1 Erica Leigh Smith Yolanda Mason Smith Alaina Snow-Hawkins Jolie Michele Sock 1 Dreama Dawn Sollars MaryDora Rita Soza 1 Angelena Ann Noto Spillman Edward Paul Spillman Judeth Tidwell Staggs Emily Dawn Stark Miranda Joy Starr Justin Steckbauer 1 Ida Delores Starling Barbara Stewart Steven Todd Stewart Steve R. Strickland Arlexter Nadine Strong Brandy Nicole Strong Lisa Nicole Stroud Brenda L. Strum 1 Jerry L. Stubblefield Jeffrey Ryan Sweatt Jonathan C. Temple Emily Margaret Thomas 1 LeAnn Michelle Thomas Rebecca L. Thomas Lakeidra J. Thompson Lauren Towe-Thompson Melinda Thompson Patrice Nicole Thompson Scott Roger Tifft Melanie Hanner Todd 1 Crystal B. Tomlinson Ashley E. Turner Mark Arthur Turner 1 Amanda Jo Tusing 1 Karen Lynn Tyree Jamell Tyson Tanisha R. Valenzuela Janniell Shantell Vazquez Tina Marie Vidalier James Ervin Vreeland 1 Lucinda A. Bearden Carol S. Warford 1 Franklin Washington Lashone Denise Washington Tierra Denay Washington Joseph J. Waterman Andrew Jason White Bryan C. Williams Crystal Shamere Williams Erin Leigh Williams Jamila Roda Williams Nancy Jane Williams 1 Taylor M. Williams 1 Christine Nicole Wise 1 Daniel Aaron Withers Victoria Rene Wolcott Angela Woodard 1 Jacob Kerry Woolbright 1 Edward W. Wright Melanie Denise Wylie Trisica Terhea Young Jessica Marie Zamora

Bachelor of Science GENERAL STUDIES Stephen Edward Berry INDIVIDUALIZED STUDIES James Black Andrea Shante Childs Casey Leigh Gordon

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Natalie J. Hydock Jordan T. Lettau 3 Ryan Patrick Rusk Emily Katherine Thompson INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Brian Dollanarte Acevedo David Aaron Adkins Rahsaun L. Akridge Kipland Lamonte Albright 2 Hilda Laretha Alexander Janice Marie Alexander Sarah Bethany Algarin Alexis Dominique Allen Emma Analeydy Alvarez Elizabeth Ames 4 7 Christopher Anderson Annie Grace Anderson Amador Anguiano Barbara Anne Anundson Zulivette Aponte-Burdine Maxwell Appiah TaKara Ashantise Archie Tray Andrew Arthur Deena M. Ashworth 4 Cathy J. Askwith 3 Javier F. Astaiza Bedoya 2 Edward Daniel Austin Matthew Richard Ayers Randall Lee Badgerow Curtis Scott Bailey Alan Kenneth Bake Dustin James Baker John David Ballard James L. Ballinger 2 Thomas L. Ballinger Lauren Elizabeth Bapst Sharron Clifton I. Barnes Sr. Owen Ryan Barnes Kimberly Renee Barock Natalie Sarah Barr 4 Kizzy J. Barrientez Jenae Cheree Bartlow 3 Andrew Bates 4 Suzanne Kae Baumgartel Doreen Demitra Beard Mary Carol Monson 2 Christopher William Beaty Rodney Thompson Beckom 4 Lee Kanaly Becton John Lewis Beebe Jr. Christopher Richard Belcher Wayne G. Belisle Karl Felix Bell Jr. Sheila Celeste Bell-Buckner John Thomas Bennett Sara Elizabeth Bennett 3 Barth Anthony Berry Douglas Joel Berry Philip Brian Berry Shawn Steven Bickel Sr. Elma Elizabeth Biela 3 Arold Bien-Aime William J. Bilson 2 Bradley Derek Bishop 4 Eric Christopher Blais Randy Lee Blake Jr. Stefan Blazier 4 Nicholas Ray Blevins LaToya Razor Bogan Yvette M. Botts 4 Stanley Tresor Bouadi Karyna Elizabeth Boudwin Latoya Bouie Kailee Blake Bowen Sharon Marie BowenCampbell Melissa Dawn Bowers Odes Roger Bowshier 2 Daniel Collins Boyer 2 Amanda Nicole Bradley 3 Gail JoAnn Elizabeth Bradley 4 Joseph Warner Brady

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Angela Louise Brafford Brian Eric Brandenburg Riley Elizabeth Brandon J. Marilyn Brannan Aaron Brannon 3 Brittani Michelle Braswell Esther Ruth Breem 2 Breah Nichole Briggs Ramanda Renee Brockett Raina Stephenie Brooks Derek Donahue Brown Eric J. Brown Fredrick Fitzgerald Brown Jeffery Raymond Brown Jeffrey Kevin Brown Jevon Pierre Brown Shamont Brown Walton S. Brown III Jennifer Bruce Jodene Epperson Brunner James Bradley Brush 3 Elizabeth Fay Buckles 2 Maria Alyse Buel Jermaine Bunton Cameron Stewart Burgamy Renee Michele Burkey Walter James Burnett 2 Taleetha Jackson Burns 2 Valerie Buschmann George Lee Butler Jr. Romaine Dion Byrd Jeanette Angela Cain Mayo Sharon G. Caine Amy Ruth Caldwell Dalvin John Camanse Brittany Dawkins Camp 4 Melissa Bernette Campbell Alicia Nicole Cannizzaro Paula Joy Caracol Daniel Curtis Carber 3 Nyesha Carissa Carey John Thomas Carpenter Benjamin Daniel Carr Barbara Carter Dorer 2 David Matthew Carter Hannah Elizabeth Carter 4 Harold James Carter Jeffrey Alan Carter Zaneta Wright-Carter Brook Joy Carter 2 Holly-Mae G. Carver David J. Caslow Britney Denice Cavazos Osebe A. Cecil 2 Paul Wallace Chace 2 Tashina Maria Figueroa Jordan Michael Chapman Frederick A. Chappell III 3 Breckenridge Clare Charapich Nicholas James Chartier Timothy Winfield Chase Penina Chekroun William Cheung 3 Thomas Leroy Chiarizia 4 Alyxandria Rene’ Mikelaites 2 Brandon Thomas Clark Ginger A. Clark 4 Joy Clark Townsel Phillip Christopher Clark Stephen Lynn Clark Jennifer Collins Clements John Coakley Jr. Reginald Coaxum 3 Angela Evette Coburn Rebecca A. Cochran 2 Lauren Coetzee Mark-David Coffey 4 Douglas Gary Collins II 4 William Bryant Collins Amy Joy Conahan Heidi Elizabeth Conaway 3 Lauren Concepcion 3 Robert James Cone 3 Russell E. Conner 4

* 1

Ronald R. Cooper 3 Taylor David Corman Deborah C. Covert Julia F. Craft Eric Allen Craig LaChanda Crathers Jack Walter Crews Jr. Terry Anne Crickenberger 4 Tanya M. Crochunis Chase Daniel Croft Dana Marie Crumpton 2 Ricardo Cruz Ashley Nichole Cullum 4 Michael D. Culp Dexter Dewayne Curry Shawn D. Curry 4 Danielle Nicole Custodio Julie Daigler Anthony Santo D’Angelo 4 Ronney Daniels JaNae Windhausen Lewis Perry Darley 3 Whitney Nicole Dasouza 4 Ashley Scripter Davidson Michelle Ann Davis Stephanie Lyn Davis Terry Owen Davisson 4 Belen De La Garza Robert Alan DeVinck 4 Mark Dean 4 Daniel D. Dechenne 3 Tonya Jeaninne DeCindio Laura Kay Demoret 2 Danielle Trista Denner 3 Nicholas John Diehl Ryan Michael Dipzinski Timothy Edward Dirks 3 Ashley Jolly Dispennette Sandy R. Dittrich 3 Avan Laprell Dixon 2 Rebecca G. Dixon 4 Lavarna Antoinette Donaldson 2 Rachel Marie Doremus Joseph Karl Douthat 4 Michelle Renee Drake 3 Jolynda Rose Dubnicka Ariel Brown Duhadaway 4 John S. Duke 2 Michael C. Dukes Tyler Casey Duncan Sherry Bryan Earnhardt Riahna Elise Easom Barbara Jane Edmonds Constance Rose Edwards Jae Lamar Edwards Patricia Ann Edwards Sain-R Edwards Jr. 3 Susan Jean Edwards 4 Hannah Lois Eller Colton Clay Engleman 4 Gabriella Anessa Enriquez Magdalena Eterno Mark Anthony Eubanks David William Evenson 2 Kara Ann Mezzano Rob Farrar 3 David E. Farrow Joseph Wayne Faughtenberry Austin Joel Favor Alexis LaDonna Restivo Janeisha Delores Fields Carol Lynn Janssen Timothy S. Figley Nikki Christine Filippone 3 Shane Benson Fisher Timothy J. Fisher Laura Ledford Fitch Kelli Marie Flaherty Tina L. Flaherty Timothy Matthew Fleming 3 Damayra Rosado Rivera Mitchell Florea Joseph Garcia Flores

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Ryen Fondriest 4 Jason Errol Fortenberry 4 Clinton Doyce Foster Jennifer Nicole GoodwinFoster John Mathews Foster Jr. Joshua David Fowler Belinda Kaye Frank 2 Joshua Glen Franks 3 Carla M. Frazier Emily Kathryn Frazier Esther Ellyzabeth Fredericks Rebekah Ann Freeman Jeremy L. French 4 Charles Frith 4 Susan Fritz Allison Rumore Frye Darren Michael Frye Leah Angel Fuaga Matthew Allan Fullerton Robert Keith Funderburk 3 Danny Fuqua Shawn Ryan Furlong Donald William Gallo Junior 2 Chelsea A. Gamble Melissa Rena Gann Melba Jean Gant 3 Elvis Gardner Joseph P. Garland Jr. 2 Craig Lewis Garner Cameron Jack Garrett Jessica Renay Garrett Tara Martin Garrigues Rachel Elizabeth Redmond Julie Elizabeth Gary Danyelle Latrecia GatlinScroggins Alan W. Geiger 3 Mary Jennette Gerdes Angele D. Gerten 2 Luann J. Geyman 4 Tarra Renee Gibson Gregory Wayne Gilbert 3 Erin Renae Frescas Tommy Gilmer Cornelius Ramon Gipson Riccardo Joseph Givens Abbie Jo Golden Chelsea Leigh Goldstein Natalia Gonzalez 3 Clay S. Good Adrianne Nicole Goodrum Ramona Graf Carol Graham 3 Alexandra Marie Granger Christopher G. Grau Zachary Tyler Greco Gabrielle Nicole Green Janna Michelle Green Sheila Yvonia Green James H. Greenawalt 3 David Franklin Greene Erica Granger Greiner Christopher John Griffith 3 Ryan W. Guertin 2 Amy Sue Guinn 2 Julianne Marielle Haag 3 Roxann Haislip Hadley 3 Leslie Clare Hagerich 4 Joshua David Hagy 3 Peter Michael Hahn Sabrina Hairston Sara Carolina Hall 3 Billiejo Halsey Brian Dean Hamilton Robert Andrew Hamilton 3 Vanessa Leigh Hamilton Wendy Roberson Hamilton 3 Madrice D. Hamn Jennifer Lee Hanan Rachel Elizabeth Hardeman Donald Lee Hardenbrook 2 Christie Ann Simon Anthony Dennis Harn Benjamin James Harre

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Lester Gorman Harrell 2 Amber Lynn Harris Jack Harris Jon Anthony Hartwick 2 Aneela Khaleel Hasan 2 David William Hasseler Keith Anthony Hatcher Kolin Evan Hayes Joshua Monroe Hedrick 3 Michael Joseph Hellmers Anthony Furman Henderson Janet Leigh Henderson Kochitia Lynn Henderson Donnie Elden Hensley John Joseph Henson Ryan Alan Hepler Christopher James Heppner Christopher R. Herbst Mark Andrew Heringer Keith M. Herman Francie A. Hernandez 3 Heather M. Herren Dana K. Herron 3 Randall Ambrose Hershner Olivia Ruth Hertzler 4 Brittney Marie Hicks Monte C. Hieke Sr. Jason L. Hill 2 Richard Craig Hilliard Tara Elaine Hineline Kevin J. Hines Olivia Sue Swisher Travis Sean Hodge Kim Hodges 4 Ryan Patrick Hoffman Stephanie Heather Hoffmeier Chester B. Hogston III 2 Brian H. Holbrook 3 Bethany S. Holland Sarah Elizabeth Hollar Jordan Evelyn Humphrey Thomas A. Humphreys John Hunter 2 Scottie Paul Hunter Ciara Nicole Huot Jesse Lee Ingram 4 Chelsey Victoria Inman Jessica Christine Irvin Daniel Wayne Isom 3 Stephen James Isreal Craig Leon Ivery Marc Sanders Ivey Andrea Lindsey Ivy Beau Stephen Jackson 4 Shawanna Denise Jackson Thomas Andrew Jackson 2 Harry Claude James Jr. Sherman Jessie Jefferson Jr. Lee Jonathan Jeffries 3 Andre Lemar Jennings Christa Lee Jennings 3 Nicole Marie Job 3 Gerald Kenric Johnson James Thomas Johnson II 4 Karen Cecile Johnson 3 Paul A. Johnson Quiana Elnora Johnson Rochelle Renee Johnson Savanna Barron Johnson 4 Timothy Johnson Valerie Michelle Johnson Victor Kevin Johnson Kayla Johnston Kaitlyn Nicole Jolly Billy Todd Jones 2 Crystal Lang Jones Ashlee Brianne Jordan Jacob Dempsey Jurden 3 Jessica Lynn Jurisch Rychele Pi’ilani Kam Yee Kalilikane 4 Lauren Michelle Karhoff April Christine Kavanaugh Marianna Elizabeth Keeth Anni Elizabeth Keffer

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Crystal C. Kellar James Edward Keller II 3 Michael David Kelly 3 Melissa Anne Kemp Scott Austin Kennedy Donna Joann Kerelejza Nadirah Uhuru Khalifah Amy Elisabeth King 4 Danny Webster King 3 Whit A. King 2 Diane Tramontana Kingsley 3 Cynthia Ann Kirby LoriAnn Kirschner Edward M. Kisselback III 4 Johnathan Frederick Klingler Jason P. Knight 3 Robby L. Knight Jr. Natasha Nicole Koger Kenneth Christian Kolbo 2 Benjamin James Kurz 2 Steven Micheal Kyle Steven Benjamin Lacey Marvin LaLone 2 Kaylee Marie Landis 3 Samantha Kathryn Langberg 2 Raelyn R. Latchaw 4 Joseph Anthony Laudico 3 Eureka Tiffany Lawrence Tiffany Paige Lawson 4 John T. Lay Jr. Nichole Gail Layman Laura Rae Lemons Crystal Dawn Lennie Joseph Stephen Leshko Jr. William David Lewis Ronald Gunnar Lien John Leonard Lightfoot 4 Vickie L. Lindahl-Day Angela L. Lindroth 4 Rene Lisheness Linda Elizabeth Litschi 2 Brian Richard Litwiler 2 Jason Richard William Lock Thomas Edward Loftus 2 Diane Gonzales Lombrana 2 Jeremy Long Matthew Mark Lowery Michael Taylor Loyd 4 Ariel Moriah Lugo Laszlo Lukacs Jr. Laurie Renee Loughry 3 Kellie Lee Sine Luttrell Jesse Mace 2 Nicole Suzanne Macomber Noemi Madera 2 Derrick Louis Maffett Sr. Darrell W. Mahle Delsy Maldonado 2 Meghan M. Arguedas 4 Emilee Ann Maloney 3 Anayesik Manzo Drake Ronal Charles Mapps Jr. Daniel Forrest Marshal Kimberly Marie Marshall 2 Christopher R. Marsolais 2 Matthew Kyle Marston Bennie Lee Martin Jeffrey Scott Martin Leslie Frances Martin 3 Yolanda Y. Martin 3 Alberto M. Martinez Paula Korine Martinez John L. Mashburn Jr. Antonio DeMario Mattox Sabrina Lory Mawyer 4 Gerald Alvan Maxey III 3 Kailee Bruna Maxey Nicolas Mayora 2 Rachel McBride 4 Derrick Dewayne McCown Cathrine Jeannette McCracken Bianca Marie McCune

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Crystal Deona McDaniel Freeman 2 Curtis Alan McDaniels 2 Kari McDannell Richard Randall McDowell Melodie Eve JohnsonMcFadden 4 Christopher Mark McGrady Eleanor Francesca McGrath Karen Margaret McGrath 2 Katilyn Marie McKeefery 3 Jeffrey Lynn McKinney William Charles McPherson Jr. William Scott Meadows Marcus Ryan Medina Aguedo Mendez Echevarria 3 Patricia L. Mendez David D. Mesmer 4 Scottie Monroe Meyer Amanda Gayle Miller 2 David Lawrence Miller Jeffrey Matthew Miller Kyle Scott Miller Leanna Neelands Miller Lisa Vlachos Miller Scott Richard Miller Thomas Mims IV 3 Ginny Margaret Mitchell Thomas Neil Mitchell 3 Keenan Edward John Modica Tricia Charity Moffett Marie Amber Moisant Paul Walter Mond 4 LaDonna Michelle Montgomery 3 Shaniqua Latiek Montgomery Stephen P. Mooney 4 Charles A. Moore Jr. Lorie Katherine Moore Oscar Morales Jr. Natasha S. Morris Shanada R. Moss Fitton Tara Michelle Moss 2 Janette Lee Moyer John H. Muckle John Francis Mulligan 3 Lucimar Vilarino Musch Courtney Javar Muse Barbara Y. LittletonNakasone Lindsey Narayana Jaya 3 Lester Wolanyo Navisky Adam M. Nelson 3 James Lanelle Nelson Jr. Beatrice Cervantes Nettles Preston Thomas Neumann 2 Cuong Van Nguyen Tien Hoang Nguyen Troy Arron Nicely Matthew Daniel Nichols 3 Kristen Elizabeth Nicholson Krystle Hitchcock Jennifer Lynn Norton Daniel Jerenias Nuñez 4 Theresa Lynn O’Brocki Kathleen Rose Olinger Jonathan Edward Olmstead 3 Justine Danièle Olsommer 3 Rachel Nicole Olson Nathan Daniel Opalewski 3 Joseph Eric Orange Patrick C. Orgler 3 Kristyn Ortiz Dareld A. Osborne Lisa Osborne Shawn E. O’Steen Boyd Fitzgerald Ouden William Jamieson Outlaw 4 Oluwafemi Olaniran Owadasa 3 Serena Christine Owens Kojo Foley Owusu Raymond Andrew Pachar

* 1


Austin Daniel Page Ellen Kay Pardee 3 John Edwin Parker Jr. Latrice Shannae Parker Ronald M. Parks II William Philip Parrish Robert Stephen Partilla Deborah Pastrana Williams 4 Katelynn Nicole Patz Robert Luther Paul 3 Theresa Agnes Paul Barbara J.D. Payne Wendy Lou Payton 4 Krishunna Smith Amy Dawn Peeler Luis E. Penalillo 2 David W. Pence The Donald Lee Penley 4 Luke Vincent Penniman 2 Harry J. Perez Ashley Nicole Perry Jonathan Petie Amanda L. PhelpsDammann 3 Michelle Jones Phillipps 3 Angela Elizabeth Phillips D. Neal Phillips Sean Michael Pine 3 Amanda Ann Piper 4 Kristina Michele Pirie James Thomas Pittman III Ashley Alexis Plonchak Angela Joy Poe Joseph Polson Haley Louise Pope 2 Andrea Denise Porter Christopher G. Porter 2 Tammy Porter Michael Scott Potter Shannon Moorefield Pratt Cathy Dian HuneycuttPressley Ariel Allison Houston 2 Christy Ann Price 2 Lori Michelle Prosha 2 Scott Warren Prosser 4 Cherylann Lystra Providence Patricia Ann Pryor Shawnette Deveen Pryor Mitchell Dwayne Queen 3 Megan Goodin Quin Joslyn Renae Ramey Lakeshia Denise Ramsey Lori Ellyn Ranshaw 4 Asia M. Ransom Maria Ransom Vickie Raulerson Nijel Anthony Rawlins Brian J. Raymond Aaron Edward Robert Raynor 4 Christopher Lee Re’ 2 Jack Bennett Reagan 2 Heather Rebekah Redka 3 Scotty Lee Reed Susie Reed Trina Michelle Reed Kevin Douglas Reeves Michelle L. Botelho 2 Jose Luis Reyes Elizabeth Johanna Ribbey John Gilbert Rice Jason Brice Richards Misty Lee Richmond 2 Tracey G. Rickabaugh Paola Andrea Rivera Parada Casey John Roberts Michelle Evelyn Roberts Suzanne Hale Roberts 3 Tarmika Shartriece Roberts Kenneth Wesley Robertson Jr. Brenda Ruth Robson 2 Paul S. Roche Bridget Elise Rodgers

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Alexander Rodriguez 3 Antonio Rodriguez Christopher Andrew Rodriguez-Apolinaris 2 Gregory Alex Rodriguez Phillip Andrew Roell 3 Kendall Marie Rogers 3 Matthew Logan Rogers Gregory H. Rohman Adrienne Hope Roof 4 Edgardo M. Rosa Rodriguez 3 Stephanie Michelle Ross Lori Ann Ruhlin 4 Angel Yolanda Russell Gwen Ryals 3 Felice Axom Saleem Kenneth M. Sampson 2 Brigitte Agnes Sanchez Jessica Sanchez Maranda Jo Sanders Nicholas James Sanders Abigail Santiago Cora Lee Sanzone Alexis Ann Sasso Monique Allison Saunders Hubbard Savage Donald Earl Sawyer III Daniel Scott Scarber Brian Paul Scarborough 2 Desiree Marie Schaffner Tawnya L. Schar Daniel Jay Schiffbauer Collin Daniel Schneide Carl Duane Schneider 3 Terri Johnson Schrews Brett Daniel Schultz Nicholas Bynum Schultz Joanne Elizabeth Schumm 3 Amelia Joy Schuring Virginia J. Scibilio 2 Bryan Edward Scott 3 Christopher Morgan Scott Ryan C. Scott Stephanie Lynne Segida Trevor Alan Seipp 4 Caroline Anna Sekercan 4 Kurt Edwin Sellers Cindy Marie Shackelford Cheryl Ann Shaulis 3 Benjamin Eugene Shaw Robert Thomas Shawhan 3 Jared Martin Sheldon Jessica Dawn Shellenberger Robert Sheppard 2 Joshua Robert Sheriff George Milo Shields 4 Steven R. Showalter 2 Joel V. Shroades Ashley Clark Simmons Curtis Gordon Simmons Ryan Andrew Sloan 2 Brianna Justine Smart Bonnie L. Smith Clifford J. Smith Sr. 2 Danielle Pauline Smith Darlene Deborah Coleman LaTonya Griffin Smith Martin Boyd Smith 4 Nicole Marie Smith Sheryl Loydine Smith Hannah Lathrop Solem 3 Mandi Ryan Rimmer 3 Janie King Sousa 3 Steven South April Spaniol Joshua Curtis Speer David Steven Spruill III James R. Squires 3 Chima L. Staley Erin Stalnaker 4 Shanon Crawford Stanbury Lisa Gayle Collins Gwen Stapleton Melinda S. Stapleton Victoria Jean Steelman 3 7

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Ashley Marie Steffens KaSondra Michelle Stephens Reid Hayden Sterrett 4 Jamee Rae Stewart Virginia Ann Stewart 2 Vicky M. Stickler Kenneth Eric Stiles 3 John Coty Stiltner 2 Natalie Kaye Stinnett Marcus Anthony Stone Natalie Anne Stratton Stephen William Strauss 2 Samantha Jo Strayer 3 Billy Ray Stroups Jr. Harold T. Studer Adriane Michelle Sullivan 3 Ingrid Ava Johnson Sullivan Jeromy Morgan Sutphin Erica Summer Swaringen Jeffrey Ryan Sweatt Scotty Dale Sweatt 2 Duran Joseph Sword 4 Samson A. Tadesse Tara Marie Talerico Patrick Allan Tarczynski Daniel B. Tarrant Kenneth Blake Taylor Shanita Shontell Taylor Yolanda Patrice Taylor Kathryn Teague Davis Frederick Teff 4 Sambo Teng Jr. Hollie Reianne Thomas Joshua David Thomas 4 LaTaisha Michelle Thomas 3 Rastrick G. Thomas Troy Howard Thomas 2 Victor Maurice Thomas James Robert Thompson 2 Nicole Michele Thompson 2 Taylor Wade Thompson 3 LaDonna Shena Tillery John Randolph Tillotson Michael Q. Tilman Orville James Toller Phillip William Towe Brandi Nicole Trevino Crystal Elaine Tubbs Morgan Tuck 2 Louis Melvin Tutt IV Brian Scott Umbel Toni Lynn Valencia Martha Ann Van Vliet Terrance Michael Vangelos Michael Vincent Van Soest Nicole D. Veasey-Washington Amber Vecero 4 Kimberly Dawn Velez 2 Candice Vietzke 4 Kyle Esther Vines 3 Robert Samuel Vineyard Amyjoy Nicole Vowels Laura Kathryn Voyles 4 Dean A. Wade Emanuel Michaelmew Walden Todd J. Walts 3 Natasha Lee Ward 3 Julia Browder Warlick 4 Karen Kay Warren David Noel Washburn Jr. Vinson George Washington 3 Christian Watkins Britney La’Cole Watson Guy Edward Weber Joseph Nathanuel Webster Shawn Patrick Weldy 2 Jeremy Steven Wendt 3 Yaniet Wheeler Robert Earl Wilborn II Deszerelle P. Wilkinson Airlea Michelle Williams 2 Eric Lorenzo Williams Olivia Francine Williams 3 Oscar Elijah Williams

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Robert D. Williams Vernice Williams 3 Alvin Andrew Wilson David C. Wilson 4 Elizabeth Helen Wilson 2 Evangeline Nicole Wimberly Clarissa Noelle Wing 2 Darren Lee Wingo Emily Lynn Winter 2 Travis Michael Wirt Sarah Louise Wirtanen 3 Nichole R. Wise 4 Daniel Aaron Withers John Michael Witt Ricci J. Woerner Kathryn Suzanne Wood Adam Terrence Woodmansee Jacqueline Cecilily Woodyard Troy Montigue Wooten 2 Jason Allen Worek 2 Christopher Wright Celestyn Luane Wyatt Nickolas Erin Wyatt Ashley Samantha Yakobchuk 3 Michael Ray Yarbrough 2 Heather E. Yi James Henry Young Jonathan Young 2 Kyle Nicholas Young 4 Ryan Daniel Zak 4 Nicholas Dean Zamboni Rusty Zarger Felicia Mae Zurface 3 MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Lydia Amekuedi Alex Lambros Antiohos Hudson Edward Babler Jeffrey Bryan Barnett 3 Courtney Howland Beal 3 Raisa Mayor Berriz Brian Alan Boase Kelly Renee Brock Cesar Camacho Sherri Joanne Chasse William Rodger Conner Jody Edward Cooper 3 Catherine Ivette Cruz Blake Ian DeMarchis George Elliott DePuy 4 Michael Darryl DuBose David Jon Dzuro Gretchen Therese Eisenberg 2 Ida Elizardo Paul Junior Ellis Anita Emerson Scott Benjamin Fiskness Nicholas R. Fry 2 Russell Joseph Goff Christopher Patton Goninan 3 Lisa Renee Grace Chelce Toreco Green Kristen Ashley BaldwinGreen Richard Scott Groblewski 4 Jacqueline Paige MuseHarding Nwannedima Hendricks Mark Allen Huffor 4 Kenneth R. Irvin 3 Erica Nicole Johnson Stephanie Lynn Krop Jeriprolu John Anil Kumar 4 Marjorie Elizabeth Ledbetter Roland G. Lewis 2 Joshua Lincicum Michael Lindsey Nicholas Joseph Lyster Mitzi B. Mackey Arlene Manley-Harrington Carlton McDuffie

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Brandi Lea McElheny 4 William Warren Mistretta 2 Gail L. Moore 3 Tatyana P. Moroz 2 Ana R. Morrison Benjamin Daniel Nyce Jennifer Ann Ortiz Samuel Ortiz Jr. Latrice Lachun Owens Raymond A. Pate Jr. Barbara June Paulus Lori R. Quigley Justo Rivera Stephen D. Rivers Danielle Harris Robinson 2 Stephan L. Scott Shawna Kay Shafer 4 Tony Wayne Shifflett 4 Julia Ann Sollars Rodney Eugene Sprouse T M. Strauser 2 Daniel Mark Summers Emily Kish Waters Shannan Marie White Paul Robert Winfield Jr.


AIRLINE FLIGHT ATTENDANT Hannah Marie Burke AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Noah Cameron Hartley Christopher James Revely Jeffrey William Stuber

Bachelor of Science AERONAUTICS Kevin Accomazzo 4 Manuel Alexander Amaya David Owen Austin Rachel Elizabeth Barretto 4 Savio Joseph Barretto 4 Jonathan K. Bass Samuel Wayne Basye 2 Lee Andrew Beene Terry Gene Bolin 4 Anthony Lee Hamernick 4 Jonathan Everett Bowman Angela Dora Brewer 4 Jesse Briscoe Aaron L. Brown Andrew Forrest Brown Joshua Michael Burke 3 Kelly Isaiah Burns 2 Casey Byers 2 Daniel Steaven Chandler 2 Timothy Michael Chaverri 3 Sean Carl Clayton 2 Kyle Heath Cook Sheachashaq Chung Mui Jean Cook Joseph Alexander Cooper Matthew Lee Crawford 3 Conner Alan Davidson 4 Marc Brandon Davies Tyrale Daniel Davis Markus Timothy Deas Jonathan Warren Dodson 3 Melody Lynn Dowlearn 2 Ian Dutkus Stephen Edgin Mark Gregory Etheredge 3 George Waymon Fendley II Gretchen Kay Fisher 4 Lucas Lee Flowers 3 Joseph Daniel Fowler Jennifer Lee Gaulton 3 Dusky Reed Goulding 2 Carson Shepherd Greve 3 John Zachary Gryczewski Daniel Scott Hartman Michael Thomas Hertzler Brian Richard Hough

* 1

Cody Jacob Hudock 2 Justin M. Jensen 3 Charles Junnie Jones Lincoln E. Joseph Mikhiel Augusto Kabbabe Jordan Glen Kauffman 4 Andrew Stephen Keating Scott Joseph Kepling Kyle Stephen Kessler 3 Lloyd Kessler 4 Elsa Rebecca Klarich 2 Zachary Lee Lamothe 2 Hagen G. Lee Soonwook Lee Soonwook Lee Jeffrey Hollerith Lefferts Joshua Douglas Loy Scott Andrew Mackie Mitchell Robert Martz Dustin Errol Maxwell 2 Terri-Jo Annette Mayeur 2 Taylor Oneal McCarl Ronald Joshua McCurry 2 Jacob Douglas McIntosh Marvin R. McKenney Jr. 3 Patrick James Meade Joshua W. Mundy 3 Aaron Matthew Napier Joseph Fleming Nowell 2 Jacob Obert Shaun Christopher O’Connor Eric David O’Connor 4 Joshua Steven Offill Shawn Nelson Paris 4 Jacob Russell Perdew Haslyn Anson Peters 4 Justin Potter Aaron Nathan Pritchett 4 Daniel Scot Pusey 2 Andrew Quilliams Robert Leon Renfro Mark Allen Rogers 3 Peter Joseph Ryan 4 Sankalpa Sharma Steven C. Skoog 4 Miguél LaNorris Smith Steven Lynn Smith 2 David Snyder Peter Alan Snyder 2 Thomas Herbert Sorrels Benjamin Blaine Stertz Jakub Svec Chad Todd Tanner Jay Dallas Tarnove Isaac Richard Taylor 4 Richard Tempel Charles Arthur Trible Alexander James VanderMey Charles Francisco Vazquez 2 Phillip J. Watson Collin Michael Wenrich 3 7 Timothy Christman White 4 James P. Whitman 4 William Carl Williams 4 David Jordan Williamson Travis Walker Wilson 2 Christopher Lee Worrell 3


ENGLISH Emily Christine Buechner 3 7 Tyler Sinclair Bunzey 3 7 * Benjamin David Campbell Lauren Katherine Cook 4 G. Elliot Crane * Erin Joy Diaz 2 Meagan Elizabeth Edwards 3 Rachel Danielle Elliott Caleb Dillon Figgers 4 Jocelyn Amber Finfrock * Brandon Pierre Fleming Micaela Lynn Hamid 3 7 Taylor Correne Isom 3 7 *

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Katherine Elizabeth Lomax Rielly Catherine Mathews 3 Kathryn Virginia McCracken 3 7 Leigh-Anne Margaret Molnar 4 Samantha Grace Moran 3 Joshua Gregory Novalis 4 7 Katherine Lee Pagan Christina Elizabeth Sanderson Daniel A. Shevel Meredith Alaine Shuler Leah Marie Smith Douglas Stephens IV 4 7 Rebecca Lynn Turner 3 7 Alysha Marie Weeks 2 * Aaron Matthew Weston Kristin Nicole Worley HISTORY Michael Wesley Thomas Flickinger 4 Jeffery Thornton Garris Jr. 3 William Elijah Hopchak 4 7 Andrew Taylor Murphree 4 7 Helena Maria Pereira 4 Wanda Michelle Wingrove PHILOSOPHY Mary Louise Bobbitt 4 7 Christopher Paul Garber Jonathan David Howard Lucas James Smith 4 Canaan Mark Suitt 4 SPANISH Olivia Brown 3 Mary Christine Cole 4 7 Kerry Lianne DiGiacomo 4 7 David Benjamin Eifert 2 * Taylor Violet Frazier Jessica Jean Givens * Denia Sarahi Howard Elaine Michelle McCormick 2 Anna Victoria Treese TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Jeremy Tyler Bauguess 3 * Katherine Juliann Bost 3 * Kimberly Megan Curtis Katie Lynn Dallenbach 3 * Amber Jean Desmond 2 7 * David Benjamin Eifert 2 * Hannah Ruth Hansen 4 Timothy Kyle Harro Hee Jeong Hwang Kang Kim Rachel Hope Knaus 2 Aubrey Jasmine Koukol Claire Alice Martin 2 * Kyle Avery McFerren 4 7 * Changwan Na Jaimie Leanne Neece Robert Allen Strand Perkins * Stephanie Lynn Person 4 * Carissa Anne Doty Shannon Christina Sockwell 2 Kayla Rose Stevens 4 7 * Dawn Elaine Supper Brittany Michelle Taylor Maria Ann Van Den Akker

Bachelor of Science FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES Sandra Janine Baker Lauren Marie Baugniet Blair Bennett Ruth Noelle Bibby 4 Jacqueline Celeste Bowers Emily Lauren Boyette Melissa Ann Breaux 4 Kelsey Nicole Brooks 3 Sydney Amelia Dalton Leah Danielle Deal Chelsea Lynn Doebler Jacqueline Suzanne Dougherty 2

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Melissa Felder 2 Lauren Ashley Freshour Kaylan Gentry Chisholm Emily Anne George Jamie Lee Glass Kathleen Lorraine Grymes Rachel Elizabeth Haldeman Rachel M. Halvorson Anna Grace Hickman Florence Elizabeth Howard Starr Hunt Kaitlynn Priscilla Jenkins Whitney Lynn Jones Emilie Susan Joyner 2 Alexis Marie Landavere Keren Lynn Lewellyn Justine Elizabeth Lisa 2 Hanna Lyn Lucia Paul Gregory Ludwig 2 Jordan Elizabeth Manley Emily Ann Marusich Rebekah Ann Mason Shelby Nicole Matthews Ellyn Louise Meinke Keila Beth Merkh 2 Rachel Marie Merryman 2 Anne LeMay Moore Joy Perez Nguyen 2 Ariel Elizabeth Olsen Christy O’Neal Emma Katherine Overby 2 Katelyn Nicole Palmer Durrell Montene’ Pannell Brooke Nicole Phillips Christina Ann Pierce 2 Victoria Elizabeth Reagan Nicole Elizabeth Rucinski Haley Morgan Schaff Hannah Scherbenske Robert Rajendra Seetaram Lia Ann Serapiglia 2 Brandi Alexander Shotwell Emily Kathleen Shumate Kristen Hope Snyder 3 Hannah Lathrop Solem 3 Cayla Nicole Stephenson Leah Elese Summers Hallie Noel Tripler 3 Alissa Marie Visscher 4 7 Bethany Rose Vlandis Julie Anna Wallace Rebecca Michelle Walls 4 7 Jacquelyne Hali-Renea Washington Charlotte Emily Zach HISTORY Zachary Smith Bright Kaylyn Elise Caruso 4 7 Christy LeAnn Connell 2 Joel Aaron Crenshaw Lee Alden D’Bene Jonathan Tyler Gravley Rebekah Ellen Hill 4 Christopher Robert Jackson Christopher Daniel Keating 2 Leanna Ashley Marino 2 Carson Hundley Masencup II Sean A. McDade John Tyler Moore Michael Noel Moore Matthew T. Musselman David Charles Myhren 2 Scott Eugene Panida 7 Grace Marie Peterson Parker Andrew Roberson Hannah Lea Soyars Kaitlin Nicole Dougherty Matthew Christian Thompson 2 Kiley Elizabeth Vest 2 Ryan Vohringer 4 Jamie Elizabeth Weaver 2 Marc Brandon Williams MATHEMATICS Mihyun An

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Karissa Marie Darius 2 * Nicole Dawn DiFelice 2 Andrew Christian Freese 2 * Amanda Laurene King 3 7 * Hannah Victoria Kirse 3 Dylan Patrick Lewellyn * Chantal Denise Lischynski Jeanette Rachelle Luna Zachary David Minner 2 Erica Melissa Nash * Ashleigh E. Oberg-Porter 3 Joshua Stephen Philipps Richard Michael Shumate 4 7 Asima Siddiqui Cameron Bryant Ward Rebecca Leann Wilburn Bailu Zhang 2 SOCIAL SCIENCES Jon Conway Bateman 4 7 * Taylor Ashley Biggers * Ashley Jordan Brown 3 Miranda Elizabeth Bryant Jessica Katelyn Clark * Brandon Lee Clemons 2 * Kyle A. Gorton 3 * Sarah Marie Huggins Ashley Dawn Mays * Laura Elizabeth McClemmy Shannon Ruth McVeigh Stephen Leonard Miller 4 * Kyle William Mitchell 3 * Amanda Marie Wolfe 4 Eric Sean Reger Erin Nichole Standeven * Joshua Aaron Rich 3 7 * Janitza Santana Anna Claire Schellenberg 2 * Mackenzie Gregory Alan Scott Rebecca Lee Shepherd * Jadon Brady Smith 4 * Matthew David Szymanik 4 7 * Rachel Yu *


PSYCHOLOGY Cara Catherine Adams Tiyonna Lashay Agyarko Joel DeJesus Almonte-Cruz Kaashif Ameer Eddie Lydell Avery Syreeta Maria Hardy Jamel Banks Maribel Bargas Clifton I. Barnes Sr. Ricky L. Barnes Kimberly Renee Barock Melody Bass Kellie Nicole Beard Holly Michelle Beck 1 Damion Jermaine Beckett Michael Kevin Bence 1 Michelle La’Sha Bennett Kevin Daniel Benton Elyse Marie Berninger 1 Diana K. Birdwell Cheryl Roberts Boyles Derek Henry Bracken 1 Virginia Mae Brandon 1 Anna Renee Brewer Shevonne Elizabeth Briscoe 1 Michelle Brooks Jerron Eric Brown Janeen Louise Bruce LaFrieeda Melady Busby 1 Jackie Lynn Butcher Lois Taylor Caleb Kanedra Haygood Margaret Corine Carpenter Vanessa Cerro Sheryl L. Adkisson-Chaco

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Misty Michelle Chandler 1 Zaida Clarke Mary E. Clugston Kayla Marie Collins 1 Robert John Collins 1 Belinda Colon 1 Jenni Lyn Conner 1 Tameka Latoya Harvey Maria Cristina Alvarez Ashley Denise Corley Melina Teresa Costa Inez Delorse Craft Jasmina Crnkic Laurel Anne Dangrow 1 Natasha D. Daniel 1 Monica Evet Davila Sheila Marie De Jesus Robert Craig Dearth Jr. Denise S. Dixon Chrystal Evine Jourdain Donathan Christopher Michael Doomes Rhonda Genile Drumgo Marie E. Dufresne April Sunshine Dupree Patricia Ann Edwards Deborah Lynne Ellis Lisa Elmendorf Melody Anne Sexton Melinda L. Ervin 1 Vermell E. Etheridge Kim M. Faulk Anna Marie Fiebelkorn 1 Rhonda S. Fink Sierra Elizabeth Flach 1 Cristina Flores-Solis 1 Desiree J. Flowers Cortney Louise Foor 1 Lynell Iona Foy Linda Leigh Gaines 1 Julia Annette Garris 1 Candice Hope Garrison 1 Amber Danielle Gawthrop 1 Gladys Gillam Chantelle Anisha GlymphGregory Norma Jane Goldman Pedro Pablo González Jiménez Rita James Gray Lindsey Amy Gross 1 Alexandra Elizabeth Gryder 1 Sandra Teresa Güiza Cano 1 Tasha Arenette Hackett Diane Hall Tamiko T. Hamilton 1 Erica Nichole Hamm Jean Holloway Hanvey Tracie Lynette Harps Tracey M. Harrell 1 Janonnie Hawkins Azure Dee Herrington 1 Heather Marie Hinton Amie Lynn Hodges Angelica Holloway Racheal Rose Holloway 1 Tiffanie Monique Hood Latasha A. Howard Linda Louise Howard Stephanie Darlene Howard 1 Saress Lee Hudson 1 Breayn Kastine Hughes Crystal Hyde Jamie Jo Ickard Alexis S. Jackson Pamela R. Jackson Elizabeth Roxanne Jelinski Rhonda Johnson-Island Jennifer Jordan Kristy Leanne Joyner Tarl John Kaio Robert L. Kanode Stephanie Kehrley Joy Louise Kimsal Terris Sheronda King 1

* 1


David A. Kitchen Mindy R. Koentopp Kimberly Elaine Koniewicz Amanda Ruth Leedham Blake Jay Levin Ruth Anne Lockwood 1 Kellie Ann Love 1 Catherine Marina Lowrie Debra Loy 1 Diahn Loya Susan Lueth 1 Lynn Martin Wilmer Matamoros Yolanda Kutricia Mathis Pamela Anita Maye Mary Reese-Paul Anietra Jean McCombs Ami Violet McCumber Ashley Nicole McFarland 1 Nathaniel G. McMurray Tonya Shanae McNaughton Susan McNeil Amber N. McQueen Ariel Mihal Kedma Sousa Miranda Violet Leimomi Modiri 1 Julie Frances Moline Miriam Cruz Moore Franklin L. Morder Jr. Janet Green Morgan Aleem Qiyam Muhamad Amber L. Muyres Tyler Myers Christina Marie Nicholson 1 Jaime Marye Norris Jennifer Ann Norris Shawn Patrick O’Brien Christina Ochoa Sheila Arnesia Orr 1 Tyrell Galloway Osborne Pamela K. Ott 1 Lori Leigh Pentland-Swerine 1 Shawnte’ Spriggs Sheryl Perysian Kaitlyn Elizabeth Phillips Wendy Renee Phillips Lizandra Cordero Portalatin Michael Eugene Portley Lori Quackenbush Melissa Williamson Quick Alexandra Marie Raber Angelica Ramos Leola Davis Ray Kimberly L. Rhodes Candace M. Rice Stephanie Mae Rice Brenda Lynn Riley Jason Robar Erika Lynn Robinson Zaida Rodriguez Rosezinna Romero Tonya E. Rougeau James T. Russ Sonia Salas-Vilches 1 Annie L. Salley Georgia A. Salmon Mariana Santana 1 Rebecca Anne Scarisbrick 1 Susan Renea Scriven Angela Shifflett Hannah Morrison Shifflett Lana Mae Sikes Michael Jerod Smith 1 Lisa Ann Sparks 1 Siyourae Monique Stallings Melinda Sue Stapleton Edith Marie Stargel Melissa A. Statler Catherine Diana Staton Hannah Elizabeth Stephens 1 Aoctavia Stewart-Miller Michele Marie Stipes 1 Jeremiah Ellis Strayhorn Kindel A. Stubblefield 1 Megan Lynn Sutliff

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Jeffrey M. Sutton Kayla Marie Swatek 1 Sheila M. Sweeney Tabatha Lee Tate 1 Diana Alicia Taylor James Tchokogoue 1 Nancy Terrero Glenn Keith Thomas Amanda Irene Thornton 1 Joceline Urena-Genao Sylvia Velez Donella Walker Deborah Lynn Walkuw Ashley Anne Walser Amy Walton Tovarce Washington Rashondra Williams Carlene Evelyn Wilson 1 Mireili Blanco Wilson Valerie Yvonne Wilson Ethel Wise Veronica D. Witt Jennifer Wojtczak Barbara Wooten Lisa Kay Yingst Rachel Lynne Zimmerman 1 Sarah Ellen Zwarton

Bachelor of Science PSYCHOLOGY Talar Lara Abadjian Kayla A. Thibodeaux 3 Andrew Douglas Acuna 3 Angela L. Adams Mary Beth Adams 4 Melanie Adams Santana Nikcole Adams 2 Carolie Dionne AdamsPoteat Rebecca Kay Adcock Frederick William Aften 4 Lavonda Nicole Agee Esther Ahn Wilkinson Sarah Cherechi Ajiere Emily Albright Wilson 3 Camille Roche’ Alexander Lutas Bashar Alkhadra Emelie Elise Allen Talana Allen Vikki Denise Allen Alexandria Renee Lodick Lee Ann Amacher Kenneth Carl Amburgey Randall Warren Ames Antonia Anastasaki 4 Donna Lou Anderson Erica Lynn Anderson Sandra Lenette Anderson Alberto E. Andino Jessica Lauren Annunziata 3 Glen Alfred Argabright 4 Paula Aristene Larry Armes 3 Brittany Marie Armstrong 3 Emily Marguerite Armstrong 4 7 Joseph Edward Armstrong III Lori Ann Arnold Vickie Sue Arroyo Karen Margaret Aschner Alburnie Renee Auborn Overlease Alburnie Renee Auborn Overlease Nina Samantha Augustine Serena A. Austin Melody Autry Kathryn Clontz Ayres Katrina Ranee Ayres Brandi Lynn Azais Sarah E. Babb Tammy Lynn Baber Danny E. Back Noelle Kealoha Bacon Amy Michele Bagley

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Larry R. Bagley 2 Jawann Milton Baker Julie Lynn Baker Samantha J. Baker Shannon Raye Balduini Haley Lynn Slade Joshua Kenneth Bane Myka Marie Bangert 3 Carla Marie Banks Heather K. Banks 4 Jasmine Anitra Banks Jerry Banks Kristina Lynn Barger Jacalynn Marie Barksdale 2 Anita Carol Barnes Sommer Ashley Barnes Tunisha La’Rae Barnes Diana Cisneros 3 Katheryn Sarah Barra Vicki Jo Barrera Jade Karen Barrera-Wilder Ashley Dawn Barstead Amber Bass Joel Derek Bates 4 7 Joel Derek Bates 4 7 Julia R. Bates Leigh Anne Bates 2 Rachel Brianna Bath 2 Kelsey Maralice Battle Sr. Amy Melissa Glenn Holly Noel Baylor Rhonda A. Beal Amanda Kelly Beals Haylea Rheanna Bean Stephanie Patricia Beard Pamela Jo Bearden 2 Crystal Hope Beaudin Tiffany Marie Bechtold 3 Robyn D. Beck 3 Reed Douglas Becker 3 Bronze Weldon Beckley Sophie M. Bedard 3 Whitney Naji Bedillion Christina E. Beier 4 Annie Bell 3 Kym Sheree Bell Tracy Janece Bell Mylissa Rogers Bellamy 4 Evelyn Annette Belle-Cain Angela Jill Bennett 3 Anthony Robert Bennett Sarah Ann Bennett 3 Sarah Ann Bennett 3 LaVonne Maria PooleBenyard Alaina Marie Berkley Joshua Aaron Berlin Kaitlyn Michelle Bernhardt Michelle Lynn Bertram Daniela Beserra Amarilis Betancourt Danna Suzzette Betancourt 4 Naomi Grace Beverly Liz Bilomba Mukau Eric Dean Bivens 3 April Lin Bjorklund Justin Blackburn Lori Blackburn 4 Angela Nicole Blahnik 2 Jane Mary Blatt Jamiel Nathaniel Blizzard 2 Kristin Nicole Blumer Janet Agyare Boateng Dawn Beach Bocanegra 3 Dawn Beach Bocanegra 3 Nicole Denise Bolden Corey James Bolton 2 Brandi Booth Boone 2 Brenda Gayle Booth 2 Trae Todd Bordelon 3 Mary Bordwine Garrett Robert Bornarth Michele H. Borntreger 3 Kaylyn Lois Boswell 3 Melanie Bowling 3

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Heather Bowman Melinda Ann Boyd 3 Erin Brooke Boydston Sherry Leigh Boyles Sherry Leigh Boyles Sherry Leigh Boyles Meghan-Ann Renee Braddock 4 Rachelle Bradford Lois Peterson Bradley 3 Rosetta Sierra Bradley Blair Marie Bradshaw Ariel Maria Brafford 4 Cynthia Wynn Brandon Cynthia Wynn Brandon Vernon James Brant Karen Vaughan Braswell Karen Vaughan Braswell Joshua Daniel Bray Angela Christine Bredeman 2 7 Paige Nicole Breeden 4 Travis Clayton Brege 4 James Michael Brennan Judith Charlotte Brewer Casey Ann Bricco Alyssa Dawn Briggs 4 Jeanie Marie Brimm Joyce Britt Joni L. Britton 3 Kim Denise Broaddus 2 M. Kristeen Brock 3 Angela Mae Broten Vanessa Ann Broughton Angella Rochell Broussard Harry R. Brower 3 Candice Loraine Brown Derrick M. Brown Joshua Stephen Brown Kimberly Anitra Brown Mitzi Dianne Brown 4 Sherice Marie Brown 2 Tawana Jenell Brown 2 Vanessa Renee Brown Timothy M. Brubaker Deborah Joy Brunn Nicole Marie Bryan Roger Matthew Bryan Courtney Paige Bryant Thomasine Bryant-Mc Clain 2 William John Bryla 4 Amanda Kathleen Buchanan Cynthia Pruitt Bumpus 4 Timothy W. Bunn Sandra Lyn Burdine Jonathan J. Burger Ashlyn Harbison Burgess Janet June Burnette Kendall Leigh Burnette Wendy M. Camaur Sharon Burrell Jenifer Lyn Burris 4 Beverlee D. Burton Chelsea Amanda Burton Brenna Courtney Butler 3 Erin Nicole King 2 George Lee Butler Jr. Larry Sintell Butler Susan R. Buttrey 3 James Alton Butts Jr. Brittany Lee Byrum 2 Alyssa Marie Calhoun Amanda Louise Callahan Latrisha Shante Cameron Melissa Eileen Cameron 2 Tammy Lynn Campbell Victoria Lauren Campbell Raven Canada 2 Thomas Wayne Cannady 3 Amanda E. Cano Mariana Crystal Capano 2 Asterio Perreras Caras Jr. 4 Amanda Lindley Carentz 4 Amanda Lindley Carentz 4 Erikah Brooke Carmichael

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Tremaine Andre Carmouche Regina Maria Carroll Cheryl Carron 4 Kristi Carson Kristi Carson Crystal Carter-Kirksey Chelsea Jean Casey Helen E. Cassidy 2 Michael C. Cassidy Ericka Elizabeth Castillo Hannah Grace Zinkand 3 Lauren Marie Caudill 3 Kendall A. Cazer Stephanie Cristtina Cerna 2 Daniel Jose Cervantes Anne Charise Chamberlain Megan Kate Chamberlain 3 Deborah Atkins Chambliss JoInga Dionne Chambliss Grace-Anna Shannon Chaney 3 Grace-Anna Shannon Chaney 3 Janene Channell Morgan Long Charles Mark D. Charpentier II 2 Ronald Chatman Jr. Christina Chattin 2 Christina Chattin 2 Gladys Elizabeth Cheney 3 Amanda Chewning 4 Amanda Brooke Childres Travis Childress Lynn B. Christmas Michelle Lee Chumbley Michael Alan Cihak JoAnn Darnell Clark Karen Hood Clark 3 Carmelita Clay Cheryl Clayton Whitney Lee Clinton Ailleen B. Jimenez-Cobbs Brianne Nicole Cockrell Mary Christine Cole 4 7 Shakira Chaunt’e Coles Dale Ray Colford Theresa Collie Katelyn Leigh Collins Ana Isela Colmenero 2 Christina Jeannette Colon Myra Colon Veronica Colón Jessica Deanne Wright 4 Arnaldo Concepcion 2 Erika Paige Conley Mara Grace Connelly Jason Myles Connerley 4 Barbara Choate Connor 4 Rachelle Brewer Contreras Deana Marshall Shaquille Eugene Cook Elise Corrin Cooper Clarisa M. Copeland Jessica S. Carpenter Matthew David Coronato Patricia Aileen Cortazar 2 Christy Lee Coté 3 Bridgette Danielle CothronWatts Kenyetta Michelle Cottle Kristin Anderson Cottle 4 Nancy Cotton 4 Matthew Joontae Courtney Amy Michelle Cox Bethany Marie Cox Kari Lee Barnett Leslie Nicole Cox 2 Nina Elizabeth Cox Linda Marian Cramer 4 August Craven Amber Marian Cremeans James Dennis Crews 3 James Dennis Crews 3 Carla Michele Cristino Carla Michele Cristino

* 1

Randolph Todd Critzer Sr. Ruben Davis Croft Brittany Wade Crow Elizabeth Crowe Elizabeth Crowe Misty Shante’ Crumby Morgan A. Cucciardo Ashley Lynn Cummings 3 Joyce Lee Cundiff Joyce Lee Cundiff Daniel Clifton Curling Robert Boyd Curtis Misti Nations Cutler Jason Troy Dalton 2 Jennifer Chance Dalton 3 Vincent W. Daniels Teresa L. Daniels-Young Paula Darden Kathryn Lena D’Argento 4 Kelli Anne Darling Erica Kay Darr Amanda Ann Davis 2 Caitlyn Nichole McCormick Cassandra D. Davis 2 Cassandra D. Davis 2 Danielle Christian Davis Darlene Sherrell Davis Jennifer Christine Davis 2 Julianna Emma Ruth Davis 2 Kathryn Michelle Davis Brandy Davison Michael Alexander Dawson Tara Coleen Dawson Danielle Renee Day 2 Carol Lynn De Jong 4 Thiago Henrique DeSouza Whitney Danielle Deal Amy Catherine Dean 2 Ashley Celeste Dean 4 Jordan Lee Dean Kendyl Bree DeCourcy Lisa Ruth DeGrow 2 Dawn Victorlean DeHorney 3 Kelsie Deanne Deines 4 Shenny Alejandra Del CidBatres 3 Giuseppe Vencenzo Delgiudice Brooke Ashley Denardo 3 Donna Humphrey Denson 2 Kathleen DeSouza Larissa Hope Dickerson Jennifer N. Dickson DeLois Dillard Michael James Dioszeghy David Steward Dobbs II Jennifer Kaye Dodd 2 Alyson Nicole Doehne 2 Christina Marie Schuetz Halyna Lee Donatelli 2 Gregory David Donmoyer 4 Julia Marie Dorrier Bashiek Jamel Dorsey Rakia Renee Dorsey Brittany Douglass Jacinth Mae Downs Kristen Alyse Drake 2 Cheyenne Drawbaugh 4 Sonia Drayton Sharon Kay Drexler 3 Corey Dwight Driggs Christine Michelle Drinkard Janice Lynn Driskell Michelle Wilson Driver 2 Cheryl Faye Dubrow Vestal Ryan Dull David A. Duncan Tanya Jean Duran 2 Brandy Caprice Durant Stacey Lynn Dorcheus 3 Janiece Michelle Dziedzic 2 Bridgett Eaddy Charles Matthew Early 4 Deborah Ann Eastham Jennifer Lynn Eastman

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Kishana Eastmon David Kenneth Eatman 4 Rebekah Joy Ede Ashley Jane Snyder Tammy A. Eiler Latifa Rakhia Little El Ashley Marie Elliott Kristen Elliott 2 Seneca Diane Elliott Bradley Scott Ellis 4 Allison Brooke Ellis Ami S. Elrod 2 Candi Elsey 2 Sierra Twanyetta English Jeff Ray Erford Carrie Beth Erikson 2 Ellen Marie Erisman 3 Jordan Elizabeth Ertman 3 LaWanda Ervin 4 Cindy Andrea Escobar Nemecio John Esmeralda Martha J. Evans 3 Cynthia Carol Ewing Tansy Lachelle Ewing 2 Chidiebele Makanjuola Ezeigbo Angela Fagan Charlyn Nicole Fagerberg Kawena Ka‘iulani Faima Randi Lynn Fanning Anna Grace Farrell 3 John Farrell Jon Draydon Farris 4 Stephen Daniel Fast 2 Pamela Maria Faulkner Marcia L. Felder Debra Lea Fenison 3 Aime Ferow 3 Teyeonia Chauntaye Ferrell Robert Anthony Ferrer Madison Danielle Fetzer 4 Andrea Ashley Banwell Matthew Spencer Fields 2 Charity Lee Fillmore 2 Iroxaema Natasha Findahl Kylie Brianne Finley Pleuni Clazina Dorothea Finley Elizabeth Faith Fitch Emma Joyce Fitz 2 Jeffrey Lyman Fitzgerald Leslie Michele Fitzpatrick Heather Dawn Flanagan Patrina Latrael Flanagan Lionel Flores Jr. Angela Christine Flowers Kristine E. Floyd Michelle Phillips Flynn Alexis Leigh Foglio Kevin Emery Foley 2 Allycia Jeanne Fontaine Jessica Renee House Ryan Harrington Forbes 2 Archine Natisha Ford Ashley Jean Ford Troy Sophia Ford Denise Anita Spears Lula Jean Fowler Autumn Rebecca Fox Bethany Gail Fox Michelle Marie Fox Michael Lynn Francisco 3 Bethany J. Franklin 2 Thomas B. Franz 3 Asa Andrew Fraze 4 Shericka L. Freeman Tammye Lynnette Freeman Rachel Marie Freyre 2 C. Elizabeth Fritsch 4 Kristen R. Fritsche 4 Solveig Kristina Frivold 4 Trina Dixon Fuentes Jacqueline Rose Fuhrer Heidi Lee Fuller Rodney Wyatt Fulton

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Laura Amber Gage Stephanie Galvis Juanita Gamble Danielle Nicole Viall Imelda Cortez-Garcia Samuel Garcia Amanda LeAnne Gardner 4 George Wallace Gardner III 3 Miranda Lynn Garrett Roni Elyse Garrett 2 Heather Garrett-Baity 3 Lydia Ann Garrity Terry Hollice Gaston 4 Dezada O. Gatlin Mary Joanne Gatten David A. Gauntlett Jorge Miguel Gavilanes Gabrielle Leah Gearhart 4 Robert William Gianella Ann Bate Gilchrist 2 Tammie Ree Brown-Giles Sadie Maynard Gillette Roger Robert Gillis Joshua Jordan Ginn Krystal Marie Giordano Timothy Michael Giroux 2 LaRonda V. Givens Karia Jeane Gladden Lisa Gladstone 4 Joe Fred Glass Deanna L. Glauner Tiffini Marie Glinka Michelle Glover-Scott 3 Parker K. Godwin Wendy K. Goetz Sarah Jane Goldspring Rhonda Lillian Gomez 2 Rhonda Lillian Gomez 2 Bethany Ann Gomeztapia 3 Gloria Williams Goode 3 Alex Robert Gordon Jessica Marie Gordon Travis James Gordon Keri A. Grant Sherill Grant-Carpenter Sherill Grant-Carpenter David Elizaga Gray Bryant Kevin Greats II Emily Ruth Greek Andrea A. Green Angela Greene Taylor Danielle Greene 4 Robin Oenning Greenway Lorraine Greer Sandra M. Gregory 4 Philomen E. Greigg Amanda M. Griggs 4 Jessica Eleain Griggs Abigail Elaine Grimmett 4 Jim Gross Ashlee Marie Grunenfelder Malory Jo Guenoune Timothy Alan Gulley Tara Gurbarg Karen Jaworski 3 Diana Jeffers 3 Kaitlin Rachael Jeffries Antoinette Jeffries-Williams Shemeka Lajuana Jenkins Shemeka Lajuana Jenkins Elizabeth Dibble Gregory James Jenks 3 Angie Rebecca Jimenez Tonya Hogberg Julie Nicole Hogue Danielle N. Hoke 2 Kathryn Lee Holbrook 4 Megan Elizabeth Holdren 2 Talvin Jerome Holland Izabella Leigh Hollen Sarah Morgan Holloman Michael Richard Holly Jr. Hillary Rene Holmes 2 Jonathan Curtis Holmes Haylee Jo Holt 4

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Jamie Cushman Holt Kristina Fay Homan Nicolle Denise Homer Heather Nicole Honeycutt Kristin Irene Hoskins Ja’Quale House Garth W. Houston Jamie Mercedes Howard Martin Joseph Howard Christian Tyler Howell Melody Theadora Howell Maria Huffman Sara Michelle Hughes Savannah Nicole Huizenga Matthew Copeland Hulcher Jacob Adam Hull 3 Cristiana Grace Hummel 3 Tracey Elizabeth Hunsinger Miles D. Hunter Paul Richard Hurd 3 Erika Lynn Hursen 4 Kelly Canady Hurt Regina Lee Hutcherson Melanche Hutchinson Tonya Ingle 3 Steven J. Ingram Jr. 4 Rebecca Louise Inman Andrew Guy Ireland Angela Denise Barnes - Irvin Catherine A. Isbell 3 Nellie Amber Ison Alexis S. Jackson Caleb Baruch Jackson Christopher Joe Jackson 4 Marcella Maria Crier 2 Robyn Ann Jackson Olivia Danae Jalowiec Shaaraim K. Jamier 2 Donna Gale Janiec 4 Donna Gale Janiec 4 Jason Charles Jarrell Megan Nicole Weaver Paul Douglas Harlan Tracey Mignon Harrell 4 Tracey Mignon Harrell 4 Briana Rasela Harris Elizabeth Marie Harris Erin Harrison Meghan Lisa Harrison Raymond Allen Harryman Sr. Ladesha P. Hart Mai Vang Hart 3 Rachael Katherine-Toole Hartley Edie G. Hartwick 3 Leta Lorraine Harvill 3 Nerissa Kadey Hatter Amy Lynn Hauch 3 April Lynn Hawk 2 April Lynn Hawk 2 Jade Elizabeth Hawkins 3 Courtney Goins Hawks Rachael D’anne Fisher Terence O. Hayes Kristin Ariel Heath Markus Linzey Hebel Markus Linzey Hebel Katie Renae Hegseth 2 Kimberlly Olinger Helmick Patricia Denise Henderson Alerice Hendfield-Duncanson Scarlett Henley Kristine Emma Henry 4 Alexa E. Henson 4 Cara Lynne Williams Kristy Jo Henson John J. Hephner Erica Morticha Hermann Julie Erin Hernandez 2 Jamey Meleigh Herring 2 Anneliese Grace Hibbs Mariah Tabb Hickman Ashley Renae Carden Martha A. Lloyd Samantha Jean Crabtree

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Kendra Elizabeth Hills 2 Amanda Lynne Hines Pamela Michelle Hines 2 Elizabeth Lauren Hixson 4 Shelby Lynn Hjort-Michel 3 Dwedeh Elisabeth Hne Alyssa Joy Hobson Erika Hoburg Chelsea Noel Hodges 2 Benjamin James Hoffman Deborah Jo Gurley Deborah Jo Gurley Stephanie Renee Hager 2 Brandy Leigh Hagston Leah Christine Hahn 4 Tekecia Kiamona Hairston Tia Chenita Haizlip-Fuller Daniel Lee Hale Adam Monroe Hall John Gregory Hall Juanita Hall Kimberly Smith Hall Kristen Nicole Hall LaPorsha Hall 3 Melissa Jane Hall Melissa Jane Hall Jana Helen Hallmark 4 Emily Ruth Halstead Natasha Dora Hamilton 4 Victoria Lashley Hancock 2 Keren Jeannett Handal Villatoro Morgan Paige Bieber 3 Christina Marie Hanks Juliane Aileen Hanna Lacey Anne Harbour 4 Dominique Lashae’ Hardy Amber Louise Hargett Aleeya Karen Hargrove Michelle Jennette Hargrove Bonnie Lynnea Johnson 4 Brittany Kymbeli Alexis Johnson 3 Cristina Vasquez Cynthia Y. Johnson Eunice Vanessa Johnson 2 Jennifer Marie Johnson 3 Joshua C. Johnson 3 Keidrea Janon Johnson Lauren Elizabeth Johnson 4 Rebecca Ruth Julia Johnson 3 Rebecca Rose Johnson Stephanie Marie Johnson Stephanie Marie Johnson Stephanie R. Johnson Ashley Michelle Jones Aubrey Faith Jones Cherie Patricia Nelson Jones 2 Donnelle Jones Jennings Lenward Dewayne Jones Marilynn Faye Jones Nancy L. Jones Stephanie Marie Jones 4 Timothy S. Jones Tracey Marie Jones Christina Michelle Joplin 3 Emily Marie Joseph Sherry Elizabeth Joseph Daniella Josephs Sharon Margaret Junkin Marcia Lynn Kaiser 4 Min Hye Kang 3 7 Natalie Marie DeLaPorte Mark Irwin Kauffman Jr. Erin Keene 2 Daniel Kelley 4 Emily Elizabeth Kelly 2 Heather Lynne Kelly Tisha Kelly Julie Lynn Kenagy 2 Jessica Renee’ Kennedy David Karle Kern Tina Lee Kern

* 1


Taran Raymond Kerr Kirsten Ashley Kessler 2 Leah Nicole Kessler Emma Kathryn Keys Laura Elizabeth Kight Namhee Kim Marguerite MacLean Kimsey Breanne Dawn King 4 Michael J. King 3 Todd M. King Tonya Renee King Tonya Renee King Shawnda Pauline Kirchmann Joel Adam Kirchstein 2 Valerie Faye Kirk 2 Fernando Ali Kittrell Renita J. Kittrell Brett Dominic Klawitter Rhonda Leigh Knight 3 Kenneth Mark-Edward Knoechel 3 C. Denise Knox 2 Karen Elaine Koops 3 Arianna Gabrielle Korangy 4 Chandler A. Koury Veronica Jean KovachDodd 3 Ashley Elizabeth Kraus Jessica Krauss Rachael Lauren Krouse 3 Deborah Lynne Kunze Shannon Kay Wallace 3 Kelly Marie Lacombe Patsy Aiyanna Laino 2 Dianna Elizabeth Lake Patricia Ann LaMarr Chelsea Nicole Lamb 4 Lattany Helen Lamons 4 RoLenn Trave’ Land Stephanie Ann Larosee Tia G. Latham Diamond Essence Lawing Gwendolyn Yvette Lawrence 3 Christopher David Lawton 4 Brianna Marie Lay Maria Elena Leatherwood 3 7 Alshaniqua Tyshandra Lee Crystal M. Scott Amanda Ruth Leedham Heather Theresa Leffew 4 Deborah Lynn Lemon Kimberly Beth Leonhard Carolyn Lewis Emily S. Lewis Margaret Dee Lewis Maureen Lewis-Gambino Brennyn Joy Lillo 2 Bonita S. Linton Melanie Denise Little 2 Charles Augustus Logan Jr. Bria Chantile Lomax-Brown Victoria Elizabeth London Kathryn Long Jennifer M. Lopez Morgan Love Kimberly Joyce Lowe Aaron Christopher Lucas Elizabeth Ann Luce Jamie Renee Luna Eileen Marie Krueger Lundy Eileen Marie Krueger Lundy Naomi Louise Macy 4 Sondra Renee’ Magee 3 Tiffany Mahan Jessica Elaine Malone 2 Lauren Gabrielle Malone 3 Lauren Gabrielle Malone 3 Myrrh Manaytay Myrrh Manaytay Rhonda Antoinette Maness Christal Tania Manning 4 Faith Lynn Manning 3 Melanie Lauren Mantooth Micah Alizandra Manzanilla

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Robert Kelley Marsh 4 Kendra Williams Marshall Rachael M. Marshall 4 Cher Renee Martin Joy Priscilla Martin Randal K. Martin 3 Robin Allesia Martin James Martinez 3 Mary Lou Martinez Brittney Marvin Nichole Hernandez Mason Sarah S. Mason 3 Lisa R. Massary 2 Nicholas Cevaston Massey 4 Joshua Simon Matheny 2 Simmone Matherson Robert Allen Mathis Heather Lynn Matrisian 4 Cody David Mauer Luc Moise Maxineau 4 Shiketra LaShonda May Lorie Mayfield Sarah Colleen Mazzei Mary Susan McAuliff 4 Sharon R. McCamant 4 Jonathan R. McClain Stacy Harding McConville Brandy Renee McCoy Brandy Renee McCoy Jodie Lea McCoy Lesa L. McCoy Mary Carol McCoy Melvin Calvin McCoy Patricia Ann McCutcheon Patricia Ann McCutcheon Megan Elizabeth McDonald Sarah May McDonald 3 Melissa Ann Fenner Laurie Patricia McKenzie Latoya A. Mckie 2 Laura Beth McKinney 3 Carol J. McKinnie 2 LeeQuan McLaurin Dakota Ryan McLeymore Louisa TimofeyevMcLoughlin 2 Kristin Rachelle McManaway Paul Anthony McManis 2 Janice Theresa McNair Beth McQuilkin Carroll Michelle Meade 2 Kimberly Moran Meeks 2 Sara Suzanne Meierdiercks 4 Sara Suzanne Meierdiercks 4 Dora Amalia Membreno Callie Danae Menges 3 Lenny Mercedes Jessica Ann Mersino 2 Natalie Gretchen Suzanne Mertz 3 BethAnn Julette Meyer 4 Lindsay Meyer Dorenda Mellyn Middleton William David Mikkelson Donnie Ray Miller Hailey Nicole Miller 3 Jami S. Miller Lisa Marie Miller Michelle Dawn Miller Sandra Elaine Miller 2 Sandra M. Miller Gabrador Jwolyn Milligan Jonathan Kurtis Mills 4 Lauryssa Aynsley Milner 2 Donna C. Mims LaShan Emerson Mims Allison Marie Mitchell 2 Kelley Mitchell Melissa Denise Mitchell Richard Scott Mitchell 3 Wanda A. Mixon Caitlin Renea Moffett Caitlin Renea Moffett Christopher Dale Mohrmann Perry Lee Molden Jr.

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Jasmin Jade Moler Dina Mombrun Kacey Moodie Sarah An Moodie 3 Sharon Denise Letson Elizabeth Ann Moore Shannon Michelle Moore 2 Kathryn Ann Moorefield 3 Sheena Pilar Morataya Michaela Rose Morel Courtney Allison Rosenberg Morgan 2 Courtney Morgan Paul Bradley Morrell 3 Rachel Briana Morris 4 RC Morris III 3 Valerie Michelle Morris Laura Lynn Morrison Michael Ted Morrison Bryan Randale Moss Albert J. Mount 3 Angela D. Moyer Marlea M. A. Mroskey 4 Jeffrey W. Mueller Scarlett Muldoon 2 Karyn A. Mulligan 3 Karyn A. Mulligan 3 Katie Adlynn Mundy 3 Crystal Marie Muniz 2 Jessenia Deserrene Schuetzler Eileen Veronica Murphy Lisa Hill Murphy 2 Lisa M. Hargrove-Murphy Tonya Larsen Murray Rachel Kelly-Ann Myatezh 3 Melissa Kay Nauss Crystal Dawn Nava Dina Nay Brittany Nicole Neal Jeff Neff 2 Anthonette L. Nelson Julie Marie Nelson Laura B. Nesbitt Bryanna Presley Nesemann Teresa Crowe Nesmith 2 Melissa A. Newbill Chelsea Nicole Newsom Leah D. Newton Brooke Nguyen 2 Jocelyn Marie Laymon Faith Michelle Cobb Nichols Scott Allen Nichols 3 Victoria Nicole Nichols Zachary Ryan Nichols Whitney Jetton Nifong 3 Hope Lillian Nishimoto Aubree Christine Nix 4 Katelyn Danielle Noel Lisa Norman Casey Eileen Raines Nancy Jane Raley Lyndsie Carson Ramsdell Dusan Rancic 4 Jimmy Lee Randolph Sandy Jean Randolph Kari Joy Rankin 2 Pamela S. Rankin Jessica Rasmussen 4 Amanda Paige Raub 3 Jamie M. Ray Jamie M. Ray Cedrick Allen Reese Rosemary Lynette Reeves James Chad Register Tara Lynn Rehberg Kamilah Renee Reid Miranda Audrey-Ruth Renfro 3 Jenny Pierre-Renville Monica Restrepo Olga Reyes Tatiana Rita Reyes Jonathan Taylor Reynolds 2 Nathaniel Purcell Reynolds Jr.

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Otis Lee Reynolds Jr. Kristin M. Beckerink Crystal Ashley Richardson F. Evelyn Richmond Margaret Virginia Riel Bailey Jo Ann Riggins 2 Maria J. Rivera 2 Beverly Ann Rivers Erin Elizabeth Robb 4 James Gregory Robbins Dustin Ray Peck Karen Michelle Peeler 2 Courtney Hope Pennix Tristan Pennix Amy Renea Pequignot 2 Azucena Perez Samuel Alvaro Perez 4 Brittany Wilmouth Perkinson Christopher Brian Perkinson Clinton Alexander Perry Leslie Renee Perry Valesia Joy Neal Evangeline Mae Nelson 4 Shaina Martai Peterson Cherelle Lucinda Adelle Peters-Williams Chantel Marie Petty Alicia M. Phillips April Phillips Cindy Lynn Phillips Justin Gregory Phillips Marie Elana Phillips Jenny Rebecca Picard Matthew Lawrence Piciulo Lisa Renee Pickard 3 Felisia C. Pierce Luciane da Costa Pimentel Rita Pittman-Philpot 4 Kellie E. Pizzuto 2 Steven Plessinger Philip Timothy Plumley Jr. 4 Karen Deleiha Poe Brenda E. Poitier Rebecca Ellen Pollack Erin Lorraine Ponchak 2 Lizandra Cordero Portalatin Lizandra Cordero Portalatin Deana Porter 3 Joshua Shane Porter Dytanya Posey Dytanya Posey Thomas Edward Posey Dorothea Pounds 3 Heather Mary Powell 2 Teagen J. Prevette Sarah Elaine Price Stephen Wesley Price Melissa Dawn Prigmore 4 Stephen Alston Prince Flor Providence Sarah Elizabeth Pruett Bridget Ann Pruitt Kimberly Rose Puhala Devin J. Pullen 2 Jordan Michael Purcell 3 Regina L. Westmoreland 3 Mae Dawn Quinlan 4 Sean Michael Quinlan 4 Alvan Quinones 2 Stephen Scott Radosevich 4 Phyllistine Bellamy Rahman Addison Taylor Rahn 4 7 Joy Elisabeth Norwood Amanda A. Nuce Charlotte R. Nungester Kayelan Micha Nyako Maureen L. Dodson 3 Maureen L. Dodson 3 Samantha Alexis OConnell 2 Krystina Dawn O’Connor Karyn Lee Robinson Beniliz Ohl Alessandra Oliveira Jan-Erick Charles Olson 4 Tara Nicole O’Prandy

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Benson Oriedo Jessica Nicole Osborne 3 Dustin Ostrom David Robert Oswald Ida Mae Otems Danielle P. Ott 4 Jessica L. Overbey Kirsten Leigh Overholser Meredith Katelyn Overton Jeffrey Lee Owen 3 Isaiah Ames Owens Jordan Vieira Owensby Diana Marie Pace Nathan Chandler Page Toni Lynn Pakus 2 Karen F. Palmer 4 Nathan Earl Palmer Brittany Nicole Panda Janice Beverly Parke 2 Jameka Quinne’ Parker 3 Cam Dowling Parks Rebecca Leigh Parks Tasha Gail Parrish 2 Janelle Melissa Bronniman Ernestine Helen Passa Tekla Puamaeole Passi Tekla PuaMaeole Passi Helen Patella 3 Brittany Nichole Patten Felicia A. Patterson Jessica Nicole Patterson Michelle Rene’ Mayo April Dawn Applegarth Mary J. Paul Nicholas William Paulakis Christopher Mark Payne 2 Christopher Mark Payne 2 Wendy Marie Payne Wesley Pearce Sheila Ray Roberts Wanda Laurice Roberts Cassie Nicole Robinson 3 Debbie Eliese Robinson Jennifer Johnna Robinson 4 Patricia L. Robinson Patricia L. Robinson James Robert Robor 3 Antoine Dicardo Rockmore Sr. Katie Michelle Rockwell Jennifer Toy Roder 3 Kimberly Lynne Rodriguez Linda F. Rogers 3 Sandra Norah Rojo-Miller 2 Brenda Rooker Brittany Janel Rose Lenae Madison Ross Cathleen Roth 4 Joseph William Roth Sandrielle Rottier 4 Jenny Leigh Roudabush Randy Teddie Rouse Brooks A. Roy Kristina Ann Roys 4 Marlo G. Rubio Brittany Rhodarmer Ruechel Lauren Michelle Rueckher 2 Danielle D. Ruffin 2 Renee L. Rumler Dean Olivia Russell Olsworth Lloyd Russell III Christian Sain 4 Mingus Samuels Ashlyn Marie Sanchez Stephanea Renea Hignight Jennifer Lynn Sand Laurel Lachelle Sanders 4 Tabitha Almeta Sanders Bethany Joy Sandlin 4 Erin Michelle Sansom 2 Pamela K. Santiago 2 Frances LeSue Santini 2 Elia Santos Danielle Marie Sarbo 3 Faith Nicole Saxton

* 1

Jennifer Scarbrough Ariel Elena Schnobrich Dorothea Schulz 4 Michelle Anne Schumacher Amy Elizabeth Schwartz Laura Rockwell 2 Jessica Lynne Scott Kevin Ian Scott Melissa Sue Scott Tony Darnell Scott Tracy Scoville 4 Roshaunda Stringer Scriven 3 Sammy Lee Scriven 3 Mary Catherine Scuilla Verona Sealey Brigette Maria Mimms-Sears Danielle Seehase 2 Teresa Ann Bernice Seidel Allison Faith Sexton 3 Elizabeth Ann Sharpe 2 Tabitha Renee Compton Susan Renee Sheidy 4 Ronald Lynn Shelor 4 Elizabeth Yates Shelton 3 Lincoln S. Shelton Janice Davis Shepherd LaTonya Shepherd Kisha Mya Sheppherd Darci Sherwin-Beulah 3 Darci Sherwin-Beulah 3 Jessica Lynn Shillingburg Andrea Geni Shoemaker Bridgette Ann Shoemaker 2 Adam L. Short Kathy Lynn Short Stacey L. Short Melanie Christine Shumate 4 Vanessa Dawn Sibley Vincent G. Sidelinger Varah Siedlecki 4 Ariel Bethany Sieger Philip Sigstad 3 Jenna Christine Silva Darlene Marie Simmons Erin Michael SIms Glenda Lavern Singleton Susan Gaye Singley 3 Cheylene M. K. Sinnett 3 7 Benjamin Christopher Sisneros 4 Jeremy David Sitkowski 4 Melissa A. Sitman Holly Danielle Sitton Casey Cole Sizemore Angela Joel Skinner James Edward Skinner Rebecca Sue Skinner Barbara Lynn Sloan Chandra Kaye Smith Clayton Grant Smith Danielle P. Smith Danielle Tinsley Smith David L. Smith 4 Elizabeth Ann Smith Elizabeth Ann Smith Hannah Elisabeth Smith Kenyetta Camille Smith Melissa Ellen Smith 4 Tayla Christian Smith 4 Victoria Julianne Smith Alexandra Jayne-Louisa Smyth 2 Amber D. Sola Ashley Renee’ Sommars Rachel Brianna Sopok Angela Garza-Soto Jessica L. Soto Anthony G. Spack Lisa Ann Sparks 3 Stephanie Renee Hadley 4 Vanessa Speights Greene Jacqueline Ewing Harris Teresa Yvette Spencer 3 Weslyan Renae Spight Ashley Nicole Spriggs

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Dawn Everett Sprouse Sheila Bass-Squier Ryan Alexander Stamper 3 Casey L. Standley Marcia Anne Stanford Tracy Lynn Stanley 2 Sarah Frances Stapp Diane Elizabeth Stargel Scott David Stark 4 Stormie Starks Erica Miana Staton Sarah Gencarelli Stell 3 Michelle Lynn Stelly 4 Timothy T. Stephenson Jasmin Stevens Steffanie Stevens 2 Tammy Lynn Stevens Amanda Lee Stevenson 2 Barbara Stewart Demetrius Stewart Jason Stewart 2 Stacy Andrew Stewart Kazuna Hara Stilson Megan Elizabeth Stock Tiffany Ann Stone Anthony David Straub 3 Anthony David Straub 3 Melissa Brooke Strickland 2 Michelle Madge Strong Lawanna Vondell Strowbridge Brenda Jean Horacek-Stuart Lelia Yvette Stubblefield Sarah Marie Stucky Caleb Eugene Suddreth 3 Lindsey Renee Sullivan 3 Shelomo V. Sumner John Sundeen Becky Surles Michonda Kelli Sutton Ronald E. Sutton 3 Eric L. Swanson Mark Jacob Swartz Carl Leondus Sweat III Marlene Sweda Melissa Lillian Sweeney Denise Marie Swindell Denise Marie Swindell Joseph Perry Swinson Oshua S. Symeonides Kendra Benningfield Szagola Alanna Talley-Johnson Jamie Ratti Jonathan E. Taylor 3 Steven Daniel Taylor Yvonne Taylor Janay Sherell Temple Mary Khrystene Templeton 3 Lauren Kathryn Tepaske 3 Jessica Faith Terry Landon Terzich 4 Lynn Marie Thelwell Antonette Rosina Theron 4 Crystal S. Thomas Emily Margaret Thomas Jonathan David Thomas Kimberly Marie Lewis Thomas Carolyn C. Thompson Charissa Adele Thompson Crystal Blayne Thompson Cynthia Sue Thompson Cynthia Sue Thompson Paula M. Thompson Stephany Delois Thompson Rhonda L. Thompson Rhonda L. Thompson Rhonda L. Thompson Haleigh D. Tighe Ella Sue Tilley 3 Janet D. Tillman Tracey Timms Keinah Janae Tindol 2 Keinah Janae Tindol 2 Keinah Janae Tindol 2

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Sheila G. Tinney Diana Lynn Todisco 3 Elizabeth L. Tompkins Sharise Marie Toombs Stephanie Marie Torres 2 Irene Toussaint 2 Janelle Kate Towarak Rose Ann Townley 3 Rose Ann Townley 3 Rose Ann Townley 3 Bambi Lee Townsend 2 Carl David Townsend Jr. 2 Mona Lisa Trice Angela Judith Trone 2 Anthony J. Tuero Latrice McGinnis Tulensa Chelsea Brooke Turman Anna Kate Turner Brian James Turner 2 Christina Danielle Turner 3 Joshua Mathew Turner 3 Lindsey Marie Turner 3 Rebecca Timmerman Turner 2 Sandee Lea Waldo Turner 2 Julie T. Turney 3 Robert Walker Tuten 2 Angela K. Tutko 3 Christopher James Uhler Helmer A. Umaña Linda Celeste Underwood 4 Michelle Y. Underwood Tanya Unterbrunner Kristin Alisha Urwin Jacqua Demario Deaundrea Ushry Jacqua Demario Deaundrea Ushry Victor H. VandeWal 3 Victor H. VandeWal 3 Jennifer Gantt VanDyck Jennifer Gantt VanDyck Sara Beth Van Dyke Hautumn Skye VanGeison Melissa Helen Vangorder Jeffrey Todd Vaughan Shelby Kaitlin Vaughan Lisa Vaughn Kristina Mia Vendetti BreAnn Lynn Verschoor Jennifer Lynn Vigeant Norma E. Villanueva 2 Rustbelt H. Villegas Arnesia LeRae Vinson Karen Sue Voorhies Jeremy Seth Vrablic 4 Richard Lee Waddell Jr. 3 Danae Chirele Wade Amanda Jane Wagner 2 Kari Lisa Walker 3 Leslie J. Walker Matthew J. Walker 3 Pamela Jane Walker Michelle Renee Wallace 2 David L. Wallis Ashley Walser Bonnie Jean Walters Janevieve Kay Ward 3 Valerie Christina Ward Haven Elizabeth Ware Jeffrey Dewayne Warner 2 Crystal Brooke Kobylinski Hollie Noel Washburn Audrey Patrice Watkins 2 Sheralyn Kay Watkins Kristin Victoria Watson 2 Rhonda Michele Watson Tamera Watt 2 Jacob Robert Weatherholtz 3 Robert Matthew Weaver Jr. Alyssa Rae Webb 2 Gerald Dwayne Webb Rebecca Elizabeth Webster Jackson Kyle Weeks Heidi Lynn Weidemann 3

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Mckinzie J. Weiss Angela S. Compton 2 Cheryl Ferrari Welch 2 Amber Dawn Welsh 2 Angelika Kaye Wentz Angelika Kaye Wentz Angelika Kaye Wentz Angelika Kaye Wentz Tonya Wesley H. LaVerne West Benjamin Westry 2 Ashland Nichole Wheat Scott Eugene Wheeler Brooke Mackenzie Whetzel Holly Dawn Whicker Jordan Whitaker Breann Nicole White 3 Charles Mitchell White Jr. 3 Christopher Brian White Nicole A. White 2 Dylan Whittemore Dawn Ellen Whyrick Sandra L. Wiggins 2 Patricia Ann Wigley Mattea Kiriel Wilber 4 Eric Corbett Wilford Christa Dawn Will Bruce Alan Williams Emily S. Williams Jacqueline SueAnn Williams Kristina R. Williams Lenisha Anaika Williams 2 Linda C. Williams Lindsey Marie Williams Michael Wendell Williams Robyn M. Williams Chanise Willis 2 Jeremiah F. Willis Shelly Rae Willis 3 Carissa Nicole Willmington Sarina Danielle Wills 3 Brittney Janay Wilson Deborah Carol Wilson Dianna F. Wilson Gale Wilson Cheryl Berg Wineman 4 Julie Ann Winkler Eva Carol Winters 3 Myasha Jasmine Witherspoon 3 Alicia Deann Wolfe Caryn Annette Johnson Woodard Gladys Woodard Amy P. Woodruff Sherika Monique Woods Laura Lee Woolam Joshua Benjamin Wooldridge Danielle Adrianna Worley 4 Morgan Worley Jacqueline Janice Worrell Lesley Wotton Amber Eileen Wright Vivian Elaine Wright 3 Vivian Elaine Wright 3 Sara Jane Wyatt Madonna Susan Wyatt Madonna Susan Wyatt Jennifer Lynn Yakaboski Sylvia Lynne Yampierre Christina Jo Ann Yarbrough Tammy Lynette Yarbrough Christine Sanseverino Sande Chelsea Yates Hepburn Tyler Norelle Yon Deanna Dawn York Jennifer Lynn York 3 Erika Dante Young Kaitlyn Alise Young 4 Meghan N. Young Patricia Young Victoria Marie Young He Joo Faith Yum Sandra Zacchino Bethany Ann Zamora 2

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

I N M E M ORY O F JO N GREGO I RE Social Media Post written by Jon on October 30, 2014


Erin C. Zappin 3 Samantha Jo ZechmanNichols Tammy Lee Zeek 3 Lori A. Zehler Holly Jean Zepeda 2 Myriam Zermeno Magdalena Zielinska Drew Elizabeth Zimmerman Stacey Nicole Zimmermann UNDERGRADUATE CERTIFICATE Sherry Leigh Boyles Jenifer Lyn Burris 1 Ada Xochitl Edwards Sarah Eileen Gallup 1 William P. Lawrence 1 Jeremiah Alan McLean Melissa Prigmore 1 Susan Singley 1 Tammy Ann Vazquez


Associate of Arts ACCOUNTING Elisa Ann Allen 1 Nicole Lynn Angelo 1 Jodie L. Bear Angela Beighle 1 Douglas G. Bennett II 1 Kimberly Ann Bethke Amanda Lauren Body Steven Bowers Charles Christopher Buckley Joy Elizabeth Burd Karen Renee Caldwell 1 Robert James Catallo Morgan Bette Causey Whitney Marie Chapman Matthew Robert Chisum Tina Marie Danielson

* 1


“If life ends at the grave, then we have no ultimate purpose for living.” - William Lane Craig “The fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts is the same. As one dies so dies the other; indeed, they all have the same breath and there is no advantage for man over beast, for all is vanity. All go to the same place. All come from the dust and all return to the dust.” Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 We were created to enjoy, serve, love, and please our Creator! Why? Because there is ultimate and significant purpose in this! We are given value and purpose from the greatest being in the universe God. Through His Son - Jesus Christ. If there is no God, we could all live for ourselves and not worry about a single consequence. All of creation, people vs. animals; none of it would be different as it all would have been thrusted into existence with no purpose. The culmination: a meaningless death for all.

Courtney Sue Farnum 1 Wenonah Sinita Fears Tina L. Flaherty Akuoko Nketia Frimpong Meagin Rose Ganus Joshua R. Germain 1 Jonathan Paul Henderson 1 Pamela A. Hirtzel 1 Latrice Tamecia Hollingsworth Marion Jefferson Humphreys III 1 Victoria Charlene James Terasa Mae Johnson 1 Robert A. Johnston 1 William Kelly Jost 1 Elizabeth Ashley Joye Barbara Prahar Kranick 1 Alina Krol Christopher Owen Martinez 1 Patricia McCormick Isiah Murray Jr. Kevin L. Neal 1 Mitzi L. Neiderhiser 1 Joshua Heath Osborne Todd Richard Otto 1 Julia Ann Parlett 1 Amanda Rae Pilla 1 Nickoy Charles Richards Danielle Nicole Simms 1 Kyle Smith Bridgette Oshaun Soto Andrea Sarette Duggin Jeannie Hendrick Tardy Linda Thao Jared Jackson Thompson 1 Daniel Gary Trygstad 1 Kayleigh Alana Turvin Dana Marie Robbins Johanna Kay Washburn BUSINESS Victoria Leigh Alba

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Timothy Andrew Allen Luz Dalia Alvarez Sara J. Amodio 1 Thomas William Baca John C. Barnum Carrie Michelle Beasley 1 Amanda Mae Bentley David Paul Bentz 1 Della K. Blackmon Aquinta Nicole Booker Kristen Bretscher Dontá Lance Briggs Christopher Paul Burkett 1 William Michael Anthony Campbell Ashley N. Cannady Christen Joy Cargil Johnny Ray Claibourn Jr. Sheila G. Cochran Payton Elizabeth Coleman 1 Christian Suzzanne Collins Steven Duane Conrad 1 Sarah Craig 1 Leslie G. Cubbison Debbie J. Cunningham 1 Shann W. Dalton Benjamin J. Daniel Sr. Alana Michelle Davis Rodney Terrell Dawson Susan K. Dempsey 1 Anthony Nazzerine Donato Monique Renee Dotson Saisha Rae Durham Maria Celeste Eddeh Jeremy Fielder Sarah Joy Finfrock 1 Frank A. Finkle 1 Jennifer Fleming 1 Justin Paul Ford 1 Akuoko Nketia Frimpong Larissa Ann Garcia Terra Terrell Gatson

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

That’s all there would be - death. That would be our hope - to die. To get off this rock so we can cease to exist. To not have to persevere any longer through this life. But if there is a God, (and I am without a shadow of a doubt sure of this through subjective experience, through objective moral reasoning, and through the revelation of absolute truth revealed in the Bible) then all of us should be worried. Worried that we will face a perfect, holy God who offered us purpose, and we rejected Him for insignificance. This is why we must give our lives to the God of the universe. To have ultimate purpose beyond ourselves, and to not waste this life in the insignificance of ourselves. In Him, we have purpose and hope. He offers it so freely when we give up our insignificance in a radical exchange for His significance. That’s grace.

Taina Germain Tonya F. Good Toi Marie Gray Natasha Leclair Green 1 David Thomas Gut Jennifer A. Hall 1 Justin Steven Hall Shawnia Lafia Henry Sosthenes O. Henry Laurie Holden Christopher John Homeniuk James AaRon Houston 1 Karen Feguson Huffman Christel Martin Hughes 1 Michael Klepper Hulst 1 Karmela Sharohn Israel Monica Ligon Johnson Maril Kay Jones Christine June Khang 1 Roslyn King Robert E. Kirk 1 Hannah Rae Krause William Anthony Kunkler 1 Austin James Lake Ashley Jaleesa Lanier Richard Allen LaRue Kyle Levasseur Lori Ann Ligon Brian Lilly 1 Sherri L. Marquis 1 Frankie Leigh Marshall Madeline Marie Marshall Marvin Pruitt Marshall III William Christopher Martin Jena Emilye Meaney Abigail Eileen Merritt Brihanne Alyssa Miller 1 Barry Colin Millwood Andrew Nathan Moore 1 Matthew Thomas Moreno Esther Neumann 1 Elijah Clark Payne Sr.

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Charles Edward Pearson Jr. Cathy Lynn Perry Nathan Ray Perry 1 Bobby J. Phillips 1 Catrina Michael Pikey 1 Erica Rhona Rashid Anna Louise Graham Kayla Gardner Reed 1 Teah L. Reichard 1 Jacqueline Renee Roach Chadrick S. Robinson 1 Angelina Roggiero Cynthia A. Roy 1 Jacey Clare Runnels Lindsey Ann Russell Carmen Diana Rutherford Angela K. Sanders John Eric Scott 1 Michael Lee Scott Brenda J. Setelin 1 Deborah Darlene Shaw William J. Sikes 1 LueVern Simmons Marshall Lauren Elizabeth Wiley Harry Joe Smith Jr Jana Renee’ Smith Stephen Smith 1 Daniel Soto Janet Arlene Stafford 1 Kevin Stewart Bethany M. Stripling 1 Shemelia S. Sutherland-Dick Katarzyna Agata Tapia 1 Rebekah Louisa Terrey 1 Tina Marie Todzia Jennifer Ullom Emanuel M. Walden Adam Duane Ware Pamela E. Watkins 1 Jonathan Robert Wheeler Suzanne Renee McKenzieWhite

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Maria Del Carmen Wiggin Connie S. Williams David Brett Williamson Theresa Renee Wilson-Mingo Cara Rene Wood Lonnie A. Yoder Dana Culpepper Young BUSINESS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Jeffrey Roy Bickford Jr. Qunta Marques Brown Jeffrey Lewis Craig 1 Daniel Foster 1 Philip Fulgham 1 Tammy Lugenia Goins Christopher I. Gorsline Rachel Leigh Isaacs Valeria Johnson Gregory Thomas Jones 4 Daniel James Keef 3 7 Rebecca Kent Damon Marc Kienitz Bryan Christopher Killian Jeremy Paul Kirkham Ryan Andrew Knight 2 Tammy Lee Custer Christopher Paul D’Amore 2 Sue Clark Davis 2 Austin Tyler Deese 4 Sandra Denson 3 Morgan Renee Desper Love Ana Marie Rodriguez John Austin Dixon Colleen Dondo Wattina S. Dowtin Sarah Dumais 4 Sarah Elizabeth Dunn 2 Melissa Diane DuPriest Jasmine A. Duran John Richardson Durham 3 Melba Lacie Leigh Edwards 2 Leslie Ann Emrich 3 Justine Marie Ferrer Melendez 2 Delores Ann Finch Timothy Fink Gillian Camille Fisher Ryan Covington Fisher Jeffrey Paul Fleming Alicia Ann Friend Dustin Harris Fritzmeier Shiree Fuller 4 Ruth Danette Gargus Dawn Garris 2 Fernando Goncalves 3 7 Rory Tyler Goodman 2 Glenn Michael Goodwald 4 Justin Edward Goodwin 4 Carolyn Faye Green Danielle Yvone Peterson Greganti Matthew Wayne Grubb Christopher Joseph Gruhlke 2 Melinda Hall 2 Audrey Ann Hamilton Carmen Renee Hamlin 2 LaTia Paige Hancock Bernard Reams Hanvey Lisa Marie Harrington James Elwood Harris III Autumn Brianne Hartwick 3 Andrew Reagan Hassler 3 7 Zachary Daniel Havens 3 Anne Marie Hayes 4 Andrew Hitchcock Elaine T. Holliday 2 Jennifer Benton Honaker 3 Vicki Jo Hood Monowara Hossain Stephanie House 2 Cadi Anne Howe Amanda Hudson Heather Marie Hull Jacob L. Hull Dequaela Dontia Hutchison

* 1

Younghyun Hwang 3 Benjamin Ruben Ingle Matthew Steven Keenum 1 Cynthia A. Roy 1 Nicholas James Shell Kristofer Jon Siebers 1 David A. Strout Frank Eugene Swanson III 1 Ben David Thompson MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Bryan Dale Baldwin Logan W. Davis Kenneth Haynes Marcus Antonio Hughes Tatiana Klesc 1 Edward P. Knox 1 Donald Jason Largen Jacob Daniel Pollock BettyAnn Reed 1 Vincent L. Washington

Bachelor of Science ACCOUNTING Shane Christopher Abbott 2 Timothy James Earl Abbott 3 Da Sol Ahn 3 Anna Demetra Ahtipis-Grest Karina Lise Allen 2 Rafael Almazan Jr. Nathanael Austin Arbour 4 Jonathan Oliver Strasburg Bachert Keenan Barr Kelly Barrios Regina Ann Baugher Robert Ray Baxter Virginia Rhodes Bayes 3 Patsy Lee Beasley Danielle Rae Bickling 2 Christopher G. Biesiadecki Kristopher Dane Bohon 3 Michaela Rae Bond Hendry Bong 3 Eimy Dayana Bonilla Martinez Raleigh Thomas Bowling 3 Tanecia Coulter Angela Kristine Brinkhoff Kaitlin L. Brown Blake Justin Bryson Elizabeth Ann Buchy 2 Jennifer Lynn Burch-Flowers Donald George Burgess 3 Tiara McPhatter Akeisha A. Callier Stacy Aaron Chambers 2 Tamara Pierce Chapman Stephanie Renee Chori 2 Anna Rebecca Clark 2 Rodney Lee Clark Jr. Stephanie Cline 3 David Allen Cobb Daniel James Colonna 4 7 David Joseph Conley 2 Le Cheire Connaughton Mercedes Gwynn Cox Ethan James Crooks 4 Thomas Joel Crouch Justin Shawn Kyle 3 Stefanie Lassiter Chi Wai Lee 2 Timothy Lee Joana Corbett Lemus 2 Olivia Leon Kayla Shae Linnenbrink 2 Xingyu Liu Matthew Alan Loerop 3 Heather Le Long Jie Lu Kenneth Russell Lundvall 2 Joseph Daniel Lutz 4 Kristina D. Mace Annette Marie Marquez 2 Faith Kudzai Mavunga

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Michele Marie McRee Valerie Lynn Mecca Joshua C. Moon 2 Laura Moreyra Amanda Jane Morford Suzanne F. Mowery Lisa Dawn Murphy 2 Noemi Navarro April Dawn Necessary Lyubov Alekseevna Niemann 4 Purity W. Njenga Tanya Marie Oleniacz Stephanie O’Neill Amanda Lee Pacholski Joseph Carl Paddock Maria Isabel Asuncion Pagaduan Tammy Sue Parasida 2 Jon Paul Parish 4 Tamala Mae Patterson Tamatha Rene’ Patterson Kelsey Pederson 2 Alicia Pinder Albury 3 Sarah Elizabeth Pond Lori Elizabeth Price Jeffrey Paul Prickett 2 Lori Nicole Ramey Isaiah T. Ray Wanona Rogers Redd Chrystal Kay Renfrow Jesslyn Gabriella Riang 3 Darrell O’Keith Richards Jr. Amanda May Ritchie Charity Rivera Sara Rivera Malcolm Eric Roberson 3 Seth Hobert Roberson Melissa Sharon Rohwer Erik Uriah Ronningen Tanisorn Ruengpinyophun 4 Linda S. Russo Kimberly Joyce Sackett Angelina Loretta Sandoval 2 Tanya D. Saunders Scott Wray Schorr 3 Danielle Marie Seifer 4 Juxhin Sela 3 Luke John Senden Christine Elaine Shipman Douglas James Sidey 2 7 Danielle Nicole Simms 3 Yaphet Monice Skinner Betty Jean Smith Brittney Campbell Smith Kesha Smith Patsy L. Smith 3 Julie Ann Solis Olin Mark Sondeno 4 Danielle Nicole Stacy Madesha N. Stapleton 4 Amy Elisabeth Stegall 3 Marissa Anne Stohl 4 Teresa Fae Stovall Vaishali Swan Jared Sweetin Sheila Taylor-Clark Gregory Heath Thomas Lisa Thomas 2 Starlena Flippin-Thomas Natalie Cathranne Shipman 3 Andrea Maryam Toczko Allison Tomko 3 Carina Renae Toothman Brittany Elizabeth Tull 4 Eric William Vance Hannah Grace Vernon 4 7 Cassandra Danielle Walter 3 Mary Melissa Wheeler Andrea Weldon Williams 3 Joseph Tyler Witherspoon Terry Gene Woodard Sean Jeffrey Wray Hao Zhang

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

BUSINESS Timothy James Earl Abbott 3 Beatriz D. Aceituno 4 Royce Adams Wanda Michelle Adams Amber Katherine Addington Lynyette Selima Addison Trevor J. Addison Gregory Adefolarin Adejinle Jessica Sue Adkins Princess-Ruth Aggrey Alberta Agyemang Shantara Kasing Alatorre Sandra Milena Albelo Joanne Janet Albury Andrew Alegre Kellys Alegre Matthew Charles Ales Mary Lee Alexander Ed Manuel Alicea 2 Kelby Breanne Allen Kristi Marie Allen 2 Thomas Hunter Allen 3 Timothy Andrew Allen Tina Louise Allen Jeremy Patrick Allman Sandra J. Altamura Stephen Amoako Joseph Charles Anderson Steven Joseph Anderson Thomas Manule Anderson III 2 Nathan Scott Angles Alan R. Apthorp 4 7 Alan R. Apthorp 4 7 Gayla Marnette Archie Kevin Daniel Ard 3 Craig Thomas Armes Denae Lynn Armstrong John Abram Armstrong John Abram Armstrong Todd Ashline 3 Veneranda Ashong Dakota Michael McQuade Asnip Hudson J. Atkinson 4 Kayla M. Avey Deserea Michelle Awkard William Lloyd Ayers Jorge Andres Azuero Tejada 3 7 Marvin Lamar Babb 2 Caroline Cathleen Bachmann 3 Caroline Cathleen Bachmann 3 Celeste Baez Francis Oliver Bah Barrett Channing Bailey Bradley Courten Bailey 3 Eric Lowell Bailey Keona Latrece Bailey Eva Janette McCormack 3 Eva Janette McCormack 3 Michael Devin Ballard David Blackwell Bangit 2 Peter J. Baranzini David Lester Barber Sr. 3 Jennifer Ann Barger Gary W. Barnes McKenzie Kaitlyn Barnes 4 McKenzie Kaitlyn Barnes 4 Samuel Guilford Barton David Bulyansima Baseme Monica Basquez-Cervantes Timothy Batol Justine Erin Battcher Donald E. Bauer Rachel Elizabeth Baumgardner Mark Bayley 2 Nathaniel Gibson Beam 4 Nathaniel Gibson Beam 4 Heather Dawn Beamon John Paul Beasley

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Michael Robert Beaulieu Brennan Clark Beikert Brian Scott Bellamy Kelly Anne Bender Douglas G. Bennett II 4 Samantha Bennett Brandon A. Benson Moriah Cheyenne Benson 2 Moriah Cheyenne Benson 2 Sammy Lee Benton Jr. Andrew Ryan Bercaw Justin Leon Bethel 2 Anouk-Marie Beuerle Natesha Sharell Bibbens Yolanda Gail Biggers Nathan Everitt Bingham 4 Dean Charles Bjerke 2 Olivia Lynn Black Della Kaye Blackmon Meagan N. Blackstad Melissa Ann Scott Tamara Blair Mark Bradley Blakeney Deandra Gabriela Bodenhorst Kenya Denise Bogier Britney Martika Bonilla 3 NeShama Janay Yvette Bonneau Lisa Anne Bossert Trever Daniel Boucher Melissa Boudreaux Paul A. Bouvier James Russell Bower Jr. 2 Jacob Weston Bowman Jacob Weston Bowman Kerri Michelle Boyd Blaine Christian Brackett 4 Loryn Jenete Brackett 4 Michael James Brado Skyler Herbert BrandonBrady Melody K. Brailsford 3 Julie Crotts Branch 2 Kimberly Ward Brank Amanda Kaylyn Brannen Teresa Bratcher Nicholas W. Brennt 2 Austin James Brewer Sarah Danielle Brim Karen Michele Britton 2 Ribka Zephanya Brodt 2 Jonathan David Brouhard Jonathan David Brouhard Allison Elizabeth Brown Anne Elizabeth Brown 2 Candice Anita Brown Ginger Brown Jerome Leon Brown Lakisha Denise Brown Rachel Nichole Brown 2 Richard Roy Brown 2 Robert O’Connor Brown 4 Laura Beth Brumble 4 Cleveon Russell Bryant Crystalline D. Bryant 2 Kenzie Lauren Bryant 4 Meledy Ann Bryant Sarah Elizabeth Buck Sarah Elizabeth Buck Glenda Darlene Bucy 2 Joshua Michael Buechner 4 Belinda Anna Bullard 4 Timothy Paul Bunnell Jr. 3 Clayton Eugene Bunting Joseph Ethan Burford Rex Julain Burford Brandon Earle Burgett Clifton G. Burlew Jr. 2 LaTasha ReNee Burse Jason P. Burt Kaile Marie Bushey Jonathan R. Butler Joshua Robert Buwalda 2 Cary James Byron

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Michael H. Caldwell 3 Cody James Callahan Nathan Camera Jordan Ealane Campbell 2 Justin Edward Campbell Latoya Gilder Cannon Valerie Caporale 3 Ryan Thomas Carl Leslie Nicole Carr Virginia Carrol Wesley Edmond Carroll Billie Carter Dwight L. Carter Tina Lorraine Carter Kari M. Foy 2 David Christopher Cashatt 4 Nathanael J. Cassa Gina L. Casstevens 3 Willie Daniel Castor Kristal Dawn Cavanaugh Susan Chabala Chad Michael Chambers Ivory Octavia Maria Chaney 4 Michelle Marie Channon 3 Kenneth Allen Chapman Malinda Anne Chapman Christopher John Charte Colby James Chase Kaydene Kadian Chea Priscilla Chinnadurai 3 Andrew Ron Chiricosta 3 Jamin Eric Christophersen 4 Eric Anthony Church Kathleen Marie Church Kathy Ciaciulli Michael Q. Ciolek Caleb R. Clark 2 Christopher Neal Clark Cody Andre Clark Denise Michele Clark Davon Clarke Monique Blondell Clayton Richard Scott Clemens Colby Keith Clendenin Ross McKinley Cleveland III Lauren Elise Cloninger 3 Jeremy Clyburn Ashley Ann Coble Stephanie Anne Coburn 4 John Mason Cody Nathan Andrew Coffey 2 Olivia Diane Cokendolpher 2 Brittany Cole Kelsey Bray Cole Nicholas Hartsel Cole Tashana Sharona Coleman Danielle Ashley Dias Juan Carlos Diaz Jeffrey Devan Dickson 4 Jeffrey Devan Dickson 4 Paige Diehl Alison Mae Digges 3 Thomas Allen Dill III 4 Thomas Allen Dill III 4 David Allen Dinsbeer Amanda Nicole Dishman Christian Gianni Dittmeier Kaitlin Nicole Dixon 2 Andrew Benjamin Doherty Shane Ryan Doherty 3 Dennis Shane Dooley James Dorce Jarrod Benjamin Dose Matthew Doucette Jerry Mack Douglas III Jesse C. Drake 4 Byron Lee Driscoll 2 David Driver Ginger Goff Coles 3 Samantha D. Collins Julie Anne Comer 3 Richard Comer Cort Vaughn Comfort Scott Martin Comptois 4 Robert Ian Compton 3

* 1


JohnMark Conklin 3 Kelliann Marie Conley 3 Stephanie Connally Timothy Marshal Conrad Timothy Marshal Conrad Gregory Robert Cook John Thomas Cooper Jordan Douglass Cooter Joshua Chase Cope John Michael Copenhaver Benjamin David Cornwell Joshua Douglas Cornwell 3 David N. Costa 3 Amanda Marie Costilla Melissa Ann Cotton 2 Kevin Matthew Coughlin 3 David Allan Countryman 4 Rachel Danielle Covert 2 Rachel Lorie Covil 2 Joshua Caleb Cox Matthew Rhian Cox Zachary Taylor Cox Michael David Craft Timothy L. Craft 2 Antonio Crawford Antonio Crawford Yolanda Crawford Michael Creech Ryan James Crittenden Shawn Michael Croft Ethan James Crooks 4 Caleb William Cross Jasmine La’Nae’ Crowder Alexis Reyes Cruz Ricky Andrew Cuevas Reid Steven Cummings Michael W. Cunha David Edward Cunliffe Michael Joseph Cunningham 3 Anna Maria Custer Kim M. Cyr 4 Bezawit Mengistu Dabi Heather Ann Dale Brian Eugene Dall 2 Adria Nicolette Davis Melissa Snellings Dannel David Edward Davidson Jr. 2 Amy Siobhan Davis Jonathan Aaron Davis Manée Sylvia Davis 2 Marina Magvrone’ Davis Natalie De la Hoz Candida Dawn Dean David Nathanil Debose David Nathanil Debose Kevin Decker 3 David Wayne Deel Sarah Williams Kirkpatrick 2 Teri L. Deike Carla Delgado Sparks Eric Neal Delk Jonathan David DeMaria Thomas P. DeVito Jr. 4 Thomas P. DeVito Jr. 4 Kathleen M. Dewan Anatolii Drobot Jeffrey R. Dudley Lauren Duggan 4 Joanne Karen Duncan Eric Gabriel Dunn 4 Ashley N. Dunning Nathanael Allen Durden Andrew Michael East Bradley Michael Ebersole Daniel Paul Eckels Jennifer Edgren Beverly Inez Edmonds Tomica Weaver Edwards Johnna Danielle Ehlert 4 Christy Lynn Ellington 2 Chadwick J. Ellis 4 Hilda Theresa Ellis-Dixon 3 Christine Rae Mijares David Nathaniel Emswiller

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

LaToya L. Epps William Morgan Erwin II Monica Espinoza Aguilar Monica Espinoza Aguilar William Alexander Eubank III Robert Bryce Evans Laura Jane Everett 2 Sarah Lynn Falwell Jacqueline Nicole Fanning Katherine A. Farrell 4 Michele Ann Fedele Erika Richelle Felty 3 7 Mathieu Fenasse Sean Louis Fenn Ashley Marie Feser Laura Elena Figueroa Natalie J. Fillmore 2 Sarah Elizabeth Finison Charles A. Fink Timothy Fink Timothy Fink Stephany K. Fletcher Kelley Anne Florian Abigail Jane Flower Kelsey Lynn Foley Robert Franklin Fonner Caitlin Alicia Fontaine Amy Ruth Ford 4 Gwendolyn Denise Ford 2 Kayla Fore William J. Formosa Jr. 4 Jonathan M. Fortenberry Azalyn Louise Foster Zachary Luke Foster Jessica Devonne Fox Kervin Francois Britney Good Heather Braswell Franklin James Mark Franklin James Mark Franklin Lisa Marie Fraser 3 Cynthia Denise Freeman Dawn Anthony Freeman Deneen Estelle Freeman 2 Charles Casey Freis David F. Freyre Sr. Bethany Friesen 4 Florian Fuchs Nathan Aaron Fulks Angela Perkins Fuller Hayley Ann Fulton Justin Wayne Furnish 2 Christina Hall Gabbert 4 Monique I. Galan Ryan Scott Galiotto Brett Douglas Gallian Michael E. Garcia 2 Emily Marie Gardner Luke Joseph Gardner Christian Alexander Garland Christian Alexander Garland Edmond Peter Garrett 2 Matthew David Gaudet Eric Lee Gauker 3 Bryanna D. Gaunt 2 Le Vette Bernice Gee Amanda Janay Geffken Joshua R. Germain 3 Lee Alexander Gernovich Timothy M. Giasson Sibyl Gibson Tomasz Gielo Tyler Ross Giles Amber Lynn Gillis Meagan Tomlin Gilmer Amit Giri Katherine J. Gladu Kierra Grace Glidden Davis W. Glover Julie Glover 3 Julie Glover 3 Kimberly Nichole Godfrey 2 George Todd Goff Samantha Goff Sara Elizabeth Golden

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Sara Elizabeth Golden Seth Ashton Golding 4 Michell Gomez 4 Fernando Goncalves 3 7 Alejandra Carolina Gonzalez Ruben Dario Gonzalez Pena Brandon Kiser Goodson Joel David Goodwin Ryan Thomas Goodwin 3 Andrew Laymon Goolsby Maria Juliana Gordy 2 Justin Lee Gortman Seth Ward Gossett Scott Douglas Gouldman 3 David Michael Grace 3 Louana Wendy Graham Christian Michael Gravatt Christian Michael Gravatt Carolyn Joanne Graziano Dominique Green Michael M. Green Brittany Ann Greene 2 Anita T. Gregoire Jonathan Gregoire Carl Vincent Gregory 2 Andrew John Griesemer Josiah Daniel Grimm 4 7 Lyndsey Jordan Grimm 2 Christy Renae Hawkins Caleb Bennett Grow Daniel J. Gudaitis Sara Guenther Sara Guenther Layce Kelli Guldin Craig R. Gunstream Christopher Nicholas Gurreri 3 Diana Hadley-Patillo Michael Patrick Hagan Lindsay Hagstrom 2 April Hall Jeremiah Dean Halstead Marcus Hamaker Alicia Emily Hamilton Rena Shanay Hamlette Lindsey Michele Hamlin Amanda Christine Hammitt 3 Kathleen Kay Hanson 3 Neil Patrick Harmon 3 Amanda Joy Harris Amanda Kaitlyn Harris Michelle Picou Harris Seretta R. Harris Jennifer Moats Hart Glenn David Hartranft 2 7 Melinda Hartsook Hite Corey V. Hartzler 3 John C. Harvey Jr. NaTasha Myrobia Hawkins James John Hawley 3 Shannon Marie Hayden 3 Lori Ann Hayes Jacob Cole Haynes Samantha Michelle Hedrick Joshua James Hembree Andrew Barnes Himawan Heng Michael Wayne Hensley Will Bryant Herndon 4 Arno Kurt Hess Taylor Christian Hibbs Kimberly Ann Higgins Emily M. Hill Lindzey Dianna HilleyHollobaugh Lorenzo Raphael Hines Jessica L. Hippe Seth J. Hixon 2 Matthew James Hobbs Erin Margaret Hockman Forrest William Hoffman III Anthony Gage Hogan Katie Lynn Hogan Joshua M. Hogue iley Lyn Holdren

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Sharon Rita Holland 2 7 Brian Joshua Hollander Nathan Charles Hollis Edward Wymmer Holmes Bryan Hooker Solange Hooper Kaitlyn Elizabeth Hopkins Steven Albert Hopper Carmen M. Hosey Carmen M. Hosey Luke Eric Hostetter Daniel Howard 3 James Benjamin Howell 4 Krista Lee Hsu Michael Spenser Hubbard 2 Jessica Christine Hugen 3 Rebecca Hughes 3 Savannah Victoria Hughes Savannah Victoria Hughes Briana Janel Hughey Zakiyyah Sabree Bobo 2 Rachel Rhenea Hunsucker Jennifer Clary Hunt Dustin Troy Hurley 4 Natalie Michelle Hurst William Kivlighan Hutton II Younghyun Hwang 3 Stephanie Leigh Hyatt 2 Stephanie Leigh Hyatt 2 Ashley Teresa Hogan Zachariah Ingemi Amanda Nicole Isaacson Crystal Katherine Ives Catherine Jackson David Everett Jackson Marc Andrew Jackson Charles John Jacobsen Mark Ian Jaggar 3 Rochelle Chona Jagst Rochelle Chona Jagst Thomas Arthur James Dimitri Jansen 3 Prisca Leettitia Jean Paul Richard Harvey Jenkins Rodney James Jenkins 4 Shelby L. Ustad Jennifer Foster Jessee Aaron Xavier Johnson Chanthea Chhay Johnson Christopher Ervin Johnson Ryan Keth Johnson Tiffany Mathews Johnson William Edward Johnson Jr. Rochene A. Johnson-Trueitt Sandrae Scheib Johnston 2 Belinda McCurley-Jones Edward Jones III Grant Harrison Jones Jeanine Jones Morgan Louise Jones Parris Jones Tawshawa L. Joyner 2 Benjamin Patrick Kahle 2 Ethan Jeffry Kalkwarf Ethan Jeffry Kalkwarf Joanna Christina Kaplanges Evan Gary Kay Mary Grace Keathley Daniel James Keef 3 7 Caroline Michelle Kelly 3 Scott A. Kelly Sarah Ashley Marie Kendrick Kimberly G. Kennedy Samuel Luke Kern Ryan James Kerr William Gilmer Ketron III Krystal Marie Keyton Andrew Dong Yun Kim 2 Andrew Dong Yun Kim 2 Nohgyeom Kim Autumn Ashley King Jonathan Carl King 4 Daniel David Klase Arlesia Wena’ Knaup 3 Arlesia Wena’ Knaup 3

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Carrie Lynne Knickerbocker Amy Knight Angela Catherine Knight Christopher R. Knight Paulus J. Koedam 3 Daniel James Kohlmann Rita Elizabeth Kosin-Rohler Pamela Jane Kost 3 David G. Kreidler Sam Henrik Kriegler 2 John David Krulock 3 William Jr. Carl Kuhn Debra K. Lacey Chris Loyd Lafontsee Holly G. Lafoon Jodie Danielle Lagan 4 Carly Elizabeth Lagerquist Carly Elizabeth Lagerquist Andrea H. Harris 4 Daniel Jared LaLonde 2 Daniel Jared LaLonde 2 Katie Phillips Lamm 4 7 Joel Martin Lamoreaux David Paul Lancaster 4 Jessica Amber Dawn Lane Joseph Michael Lane 2 Michael David Langley Roberta Lea LaPonsie 3 Hannah Larocco Hannah Larocco Matthew Lawrence LaSasso Lauren Alyse Lassiter 2 Kelvin Dewayne Latham Kenny Oilam Lau Brandon Todd Lawrence Michael John Ledee II Kathryn Mary Lederer 2 John Bradley Lees Matthew Brian Lees Fiona Kathlyn Alison Leitch 4 7 Emily Frances Lentz Joseph Louis Leon Brittany Grace Leonard Jennifer Ann Leonard 4 Monica Denise Lester Austin Harold Lewis Daniel Miles Lewis Kevin Lewis Michael Raymond Lewis Michael Raymond Lewis Jordan Spencer LiDrazzah 3 Ericka Alspaugh Ligon Chanelle Chia Shin Lim Jack Finley Lippmann Sean James Liptak Garrett Michael List Chance Livingston Anthony Shawn Long Katie J. Long 2 Meghan McClung Lopus Sherry Yvonne Louris Aaron Grayson Lovelace Jennifer Loving 2 Darlene Nicole Lowe Mariah E. Lower 4 Nathan Lowmaster Tiffany Diane Luck Jennifer Israel Lugar Kimberley Marie Lynch Katherine Miller Lyon 4 Edrina Yvette Maben-Collins Dewayne Mace Jesse Aaron Caroline Maddalena Harlan Keith Maddox Meagan Rae Mahon Alexander Stephen Mahoney 2 Rachel Ferguson Maly Chase Michael Marinell Morgan Rhyne Marple Cathy Mars Joel David Marselus Dylan Taylor Marshall

* 1

Kelsey Elizabeth Marshall Lindsay Louise Marsolais Ashley Lauren Marth 4 Jason Matthew Martin Luis Omar Martinez Sergio Luis Martinez Jr. 2 Tiffany Fargis Martinez Sawulakabee J. Massaquoi 2 James Robert Matherly Tracy Hobbs Mathews Jennifer Korynn Mathis 4 Jeremy Michael Mattson 2 Matthew Stephen Maynard Andrew James McClelland Jeffrey Davis McClure Jessica McCormick Jasmine Danuelle McCoy Michael James McCoy 3 Erica Nicole McDonald Timothy T. McIntire Jessica Lynne McIntyre Jessica Lynne McIntyre Joshua McKee 4 Thomas M. McKibbin Joshua Bruce McLain Joel Andrew McMahon Thomas L. McManis 3 Melissa McMillion Tanya S. McNew James Daniel McWilliams 2 Briette N. Meadows 3 Valerie Lynn Mecca Timothy Scott Mello Anthony Brandon Melo Crystal Ann Meneeley 2 Danielle Elizabeth Mercier 2 Matthew Scot Merry Adam Stephen Miller 2 Adam Stephen Miller 2 Benjamin James Miller Christine Grant Miller Heather Rae Miller Kacie D. Miller Melissa Joy Miller Sarah Jayne Miller 4 Thomas Alan Miller 2 Peandre Regina Milligan Jill Milton Shannon Marie Minkova Latricia L. Mitchell 2 Charity Ann Mizell Jenna M. Moede Jeremy Mohl Amy Marie Mohlenhoff 4 Andrew Graham Molatch Eliana Molina Tanner Christian Moncrieff Alexandria Lauren Montgomery Ronel C. Montgomery Samuel Michael Montgomery Samuel Michael Montgomery Seth Thomas Montgomery 2 Lynn Sloan Moore Orlando Moore Ryan John Moore Ryan John Moore Angelina Raquel Morgan Danielle Carolina Morris Robert D. Morris 2 Adrian Emelio Morrison 2 Daniel R. Morrow Hope Elizabeth Morton 3 Shari L. Moultrie John Michael Mountjoy Alex Geoffrey Mueller Sean Andrew Muir KellyLynn Mulcahy 2 KellyLynn Mulcahy 2 William Aaron Mullens Angela Dawn Watson 2 Brian Mullins Suk Hyun Mun 2 Marcos Alberto Munaires Claire T. Myers

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Hannah Grace Myers 3 Cindy LaShonda Nalls Lindsey Faith Nance Quint Lee Nance Rachel Lauren Nappi Meredith Colleen Neel 3 Kaitlyn Virginia Neese 4 7 Meghan Leigh Nelson Buck Newby 2 Aubree Morgan Newell Wilma Denise Newsome 3 Alexandra Hayley Neyland My Tat Kieu Nguyen 2 My Tat Kieu Nguyen 2 Nathan Lee Nguyen Ting-Ting Nguyen 2 Philip Andrew Nixon Christina Lee Norris 3 Megan Louise Novak Holly Ann O’Briant Ala EL’Dean Wael Odeh Tarick Ibrahim Odeh 4 Emily Kay Smith Lisa Kay Oglesby 4 Jeanine Sherise O’Guinn Daphne Ann Olds 3 Megan Marie Oliver Jodie Lynn Ortego 3 Jordan Michael Wellman Orvek Christopher O’Shields Trevor Thomas Ottman Nathan Karl Overbeek 4 Andrew Scott Overholt Otis A. Owen Jr. Krystle Monique Owens Sylvia Ann Paige 2 Kevin Matthew Pakkala 3 Nicholas Albert Pampaloni 2 Brandon D. Parker Uhura Natasha Parks David Wayne Parris 3 Ryan Parsons Jennifer Parthemore Gerwyn Pascual Andrea Marie Passaglia 2 Robin Kathleen Pate 3 Daniel Thomas Patti Nicholas Robert Pawlak 2 Kevin Allen Paxton Alexander Michael Payne 3 7 Amanda Lee Payne 2 Breanna Reynolds Payne Adriene Michelle Payton Karen Taylor Pearson Brian Steven Pennell LaClaire Dantzler Pennell Mark Andrew Pennisi Theresa Anne Peregoff 2 Cathy Lynn Perry Cody Duane Persinger Christopher Monroe Peters 2 Nicholas Theodore Peters April Marie Philippi 2 Jessica Phillippo Ashley Elizabeth Phillips Benjamin Dean Phillips Wesley Phipps 3 Kenneth Pickel Jr. Rachel Marie Tillis 2 Jennifer A. Pierce 2 Kayleigh Margaret Pipe Darren C. Piper 4 Michael Justin Pittman Markie Lynne Pitts Nathalie Plumey 4 Norman Gene Pool Courtney Lynne Poole Tanya Lynn Poole 4 Andrew Michael Poore Alicea Rae Potts Crystal Marie Poulsen Chase Wesley Powell Sandra Lynn Powell 2 Levi Gary Powers

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Promita Prajapati Nicole Gabrielle Presley Gregory Allen Price Richard Lawrence Price Paige Emelia Prochniak Evita Pruna Amber Joyce Quann 4 Christopher M. Queen 3 Melissa Renee Racz Rachel Lynne Radke 3 Unique T. Ragland Brittany Morgan Raiford Jeannine C. Ramey 4 Kim Lee Rand Michael Wayne Rawls 3 Deborah A. Redden Alan Scott Reed Allison Jenee Reeder Thomas L. Reeves III 2 Leah Jane Reist 2 7 Leah Jane Reist 2 7 Robert John Rensing Jr. Jordan M. Renwick 3 Jerica Christyne Repass Kevin Lawrence Rettle 3 April Michelle Rice 2 Desmond Lee Rice Buddy L. Richards Eliza Richardson Daniel Morgan Rickard Daniel Morgan Rickard Daniel Morgan Rickard Bonita Lynn Riddley 3 Dusten Lloyd Ridings Lisa Sue Riggleman Karson Layne Riggs 4 Josiah David Ring Kevin Shawn Ringenbach 2 Matt Ritchey-Wilson Deborah Rivera Jaimie Rae Rivera Angelo Tyrone Robinson Colby Brittan Robinson Melchisedeck Roche Sierra Marie Rockwell James Michael Rod 2 Gloria Pamela Rodriguez Camacho Pamela Rodriguez Angelina Francesca Roggiero Jacob Allen Rolen 4 Caleb W. Romanowitz Josiah Romanowitz Kristina Marie Romeo Martin Romero Ryan Garrett Rominger Ryan Garrett Rominger Zachariah Daniel Ronspees Stephen Root 3 Joseph Dominic Rosasco Robin Lynn Rose William Hudson Rothwell William Hudson Rothwell Anneliese Rowan 2 Spencer Hailey Rowe Brandi Roy Jennifer Leigh Rudasill Erik Bruce Rush Brandon A. Russell 3 Jeanne A. Russo Jacob Richard Rust Matthew Lucas Rutledge Chastity Ellen Ryan Pierre Gregory SaintJean Gilbert Salazar Jr. Andrew Wayne Sanders Crystal Blair Sandy David Lawrence Sanford James Michael Sanford 4 Wilfredo Santiago 4 Ann R. Schaeffer Todd Clifford Schafer Jenny Marie Schiappa Emily Diane Schmidt 4

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Jonathan David Schneck Melissa Schneider Mark Evan Schram 3 Emily Rebecca Schuler Kathryn M. Schwartz 4 Tyler Jordan Schweigert Darrell Wayne Scott Hal Matthew Scott Stephen W. Scruggs Jr. 4 Ted Joseph Seago Ross Allen Seaton 4 Cullen M. Seavers Maureen Seibler 2 Hannah Grace Shackelford Steven Lonnie Shaffer William Marcus Shaffer 2 Natisha LaShawn Bellinger Erin Nicole Sharick David W. Shaulis Christopher Allen Shay 3 Emily Jacqueline Sheffield Jessie E. Shelley Tracey Baumgardner Shifflett William Bradford Shinn William Bradford Shinn William Bradford Shinn Gabrielle Justine Shipe John Henry Showalter III Trent B. Shroyer Danny Michael Shurett 4 Douglas James Sidey 2 7 John-Henry Dean Sigman Caitlin Ann Sigmon Krista Lloyd Sills Jason W. Silverthorn Victoria Marie Siman Daniel Reece Simmons Jeremy M. Simms Nicole M. Simms Isaac O’Dell Sinclair Kimberley Marie Singleton Glenda Six Rebecca A. Skovira Lance S. Slater Lisa Marie Slaughter Rachel Lucinda Slaughter 2 Lawanda Catric Sloan Scott Slonaker Nicole A. Small-Fletcher Luke Jeffrey Smejkal Christopher Patrick Smith Creighton Aaron Smith Daniel Robert Smith Franklin Robert Smith Jeremy Ryan Smith Jeremy Ryan Smith Michael L. Smith Pamela Smith Robert Luther Smith 2 David Charles Snarr Bryant Solano Scott Raymond Soldani Wendy Lynn Soli George Roumany Soliman 4 Samantha Ashley Sommers Kara Blake Southall Erika Lin Sovacool Garrett Hunter Sowards Garrett Hunter Sowards Richard Connor Spaulding Kammi Marie Spencer Darrell H. Springer Shannon Denise Spurling 2 Stacey Marie St.Clair David St. Fort Laura Franklin St. Julien Dustin Ernest David Stackhouse 4 Adam Joel Stalcup 4 7 Amber Allison Stamper Jennifer L. Stanger 4 Theresa Michelle Stanifer Daniel William Stanley 3 Pamela Latrice Stanley Timothee Wallace Starn

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Vanessa Nicole Stebbings Holly L. Steen Christi Stephens 3 Sally Jane Stephens 2 Amanda L. BeardsleyStevens Natalie Alayne Stewart Cody Michael Stoneman Rebecca Danielle Streets Jillian Leigh Striffler Amanda Elizabeth Stroffoleno Robbi Lee Strother John Michael Strunks Jordan Nicole Sutter Nathan Michael Swab Geena Elizabeth Swentik Heather Marie Swiney Danielle L. Swink 3 Lisa Edith Syner 3 Thomas J. Szoch Michael Chirstopher Tabor Jordan Winston Talbott Adam Chappelle Tate Heather Diann Tatman 2 Dabney Vaden Taylor Karalee Melissa Taylor 3 Kyla N. Taylor 3 Michael Russell Taylor Hewan Negash Teklu Hewan Negash Teklu Amber Dawn Te’o Alexander Joshua Terpay Brian Joseph Tevlin 4 William Hank Thetford 4 Daniel O. Thiel Ashleigh Elizabeth Thomas Brittany Reynolds Thomas 3 Cori McCall Thomas 3 Shea Thomas Dana Leann Thompson 3 Gavin Drew Thompson Lance QuoVadis Thompson Lindsay Nicole Thompson Mark Andrew Thompson 4 Benjamin Alexander Thorn Darla Dalaine Tollison 2 Dustin Bradley Tompkins Tammy L. Toppings Vincent D. Tosi Stephanie Leigh Towne 4 Samuel Brandon Travis Tram Trinh Gina Marie Trivelli Joseph Richard Troutman Herbert Tyler Troyer Kevin Truong Margaret Ann Truxell 3 Sheri Ann Tsuji Justin R. Tuck 2 Stacey Marie Mason Stacey Marie Mason Michael Turner 2 Richard Allen Turner Sonyia Danielle Lee Turner Pamela Turpin Lisa Marie Tweed 2 Lauren Ashley Twigg BreAnna Faith Tyson BreAnna Faith Tyson Brooke Upton John Richard Upton David Alexander Van Aken Charlotte Catherine VanDyken Lentry Steven Vance Victoria Vande Vrede Ana Beatriz Vargas Gracie Ann Vela Leomaris Veras Lukus Bob Vermillion Angela Vessella 2 Melissa Gayle Vest 4 Timothy Joel Via Desiree Villegas Paul E. Vincent 3

* 1


Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Michael Andrew Vitko 3 Ulanda Spencer Robert William Wagner 3 Joshua Thomas Walker 3 Kimberly Dawn Walker 2 Stephanie Michelle Walls Benjamin W. Walters 4 George Edward Walton 4 Rei-hou Wang Zena S. Ward 2 Christopher Warner 3 Daniel Warner 4 Naomi Lee Warner Robert Lewis Warren Michael Wray Washburn Geraldine Washington Miranda Nicole Washington Patricia F. Waye 2 Brian Weathers Ashley Marie Weikart David Lee Welborn Jr. 3 Nicola Grace Wellman Jonathan Kyle Weston Chad Alan Whaley 3 Cassie Lynn Wheatley 2 Kyle Wheeler Ryan Leslie Wheeler Catherine Renee White Catherine Leigh White Christopher D. White 2 John Andrew White 3 Sheila Beatrice White Ali Grace Williams Charles Carrington Williams Denise Michele Williams 2 Erica Williams Jonathan M. Williams Marsha Nicole Williams Melvin Williams Jr. Stefen D. Williams 3 Steven Terrill Williams David Brett Williamson Greg Alan Williamson Erika N. Wilson Kristen Marie Wilson 2 Rebecca L. Wilson Sharon Lynn Wilson Amanda Louise Wine Kerry S. Winslett 4 Ross Wisnewski Ross Wisnewski Stephanie Nicole Witt Amanda Lauren Wolf 4 7 Aschalew Louie Wolfe Aschalew Louie Wolfe Kimberly Woods Janell Joi Woodward 3 Tricia Elizabeth Worden Shanelle April Wright Mackenzie M. Wyatt Shanshan Xu Triantafylos William Xypteras Hannah Elizabeth Yarger 3 Katelynn Marie Yates 3 Julia Carin Yoda Kody Cy Young Monique Janeen Young 3 Heather Lauren Younger 3 Courtney MaryAlice Yzzi Kaylee Lynn Zentai BUSINESS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Daniel Kruse Ackerman 2 Joshua Raymond Adler 3 Brent Christopher Bartlow Matthew Steven Baumbach 2 Matthew A. Bolton Daniel Lee Bowden Annie Jane Bowers Brian E. Brizendine 4 Daniel Eugene Brown Paul Robert Carpenter 2 Richard Todd Cox 2 Ernest Benjamin Craft 4 Jashawn R. Dixon 2 Mario Djukic

Edson R. Dorvil Jamal A. Elliott Raymond Frederick Fischer Andrew M. Fisher Kevin Bryant Fogg Scott Alan Forbes 4 Jonathan Eliason Gay 2 Jeremy Wayne Gregory 3 Christopher Jordan Hall Jonathan Grant Jeffery 3 Pov Keo Gary Ryan Ketchum 4 Melanie Lauren King Richard Charles Koval 2 Lauren Nancy Larison 4 7 Evan Andrew Lemmons 2 Sarah Elizabeth Lewis Sarah Elizabeth Lewis Robert Collin Majuk Emily Diane Markle 4 Emily Diane Markle 4 David Anthony McSherry Lucas Calder Messenger 3 Philip Minard Corey Robert Montgomery 4 Carlos Roméo Moore Daniel Moynihan Emily Grace Pemberton 3 Christina M. Piccioni 4 Christian T. Randall Jared Lee Register Thomas Ashley Seaford Christopher Michael Shupe Christopher Michael Shupe Garrett Yates Edgerton Smith 4 Gary Wayne Smith Jr. 2 Brandon Walter Sopkiw Jordan Stewart Christopher Lee Surles 2 Ashley Francis Thornton Kurtis Christian Tobias Collin S. Waller Marc Brandon Williams Shaun Michael Wilson 2 Jessica Marie Zartman MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Carolie Dionne AdamsPoteat Hollie Mare Banks Janet P. Benton Charles Edward Browne Stephen Wade Channell 4 David B. Cowett Caleb Andrew Criscoe Jamie F. Cruell Stacey E. Cudd 3 Micah Curtis Regina Sessoms Davis Dustin Karl Eckel Huma Farman Khan Joseph Aaron Fults Rodney Michael Hairston Matthew Gabriel Hoffman Ricky Allen Hubbard Denise Antoinette Jones Christopher Lance Mee Matthew Joseph Meltzer 3 Russell A. Ochsner 4 Ryan Christian Opfer Dustin Michael O’Shaughnessy David T. Palczewski Matthew Indermaur Robbins 3 Samantha Michelle Scarbrough Ryan D. Spangler 4 Anthony Logan Stillwell 4 Jason Edward Thompson 2 Alexander Chau Tran Shundale K. Varnado 2 Gino David Vogt Larkin Walker III Charles Henry Walters IV

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Jennifer Yonce White 3 Monica O’Brien Wiles 4 Naomi Griffith Wirt

Undergraduate Certificate Andy J. Borka 1 Willie L. Daniel 1 Jennifer E. Dean 1 Kimberly L. Diaz 1 Cantaria L. Fleenor Edward Clarke Fort II 1 David F. Freyre Sr. Teresa Michelle Gray 1 Seretta R. Harris LaTorya J. Hoyle LaTorya J. Hoyle Christopher Knox 1 Venita L. Lewis David Petriccioli 1 Emma Gail Phillips Matthew James Skinner Kristi Lynn Taylor 1 Jose Victorio 1 Maude C. Winston


THEATRE ARTS Jacob Beasley Steven Alexander Burgos Jared Michael Calhoun 2 Kara Elisabeth Faraldi 2 * Halley Dayne Gilbert 2 Rachel Elizabeth Goddard Jonathan Taylor Hogue 3 7 Joel Asher Ledbetter Audrey Ann Moore 4 7 Timothy James Ross Whitney Dawn Tatum 2 7

Bachelor of Science CINEMATIC ARTS Langley Christopher Coleman 2 Alexander David Colón Stephen Philip Dean 3 Andrew Eckhoff Jessica Christine Friberg 2 Cody Alan Glodfelter Eduardo Aquiles Gomez 2 Morgan Taylor Hardy Robert Michael Hudson II 4 7 Kaitlin MacKenzie Keene 4 Trevor Caleb McGlynn Joshua Paul Messarge 2 Mark Philip Mijares Ian David Miller Caleb Daniel Nelson 3 7 Micah John Nunley Tyler Guy Penrod Wesley Wilson Reed Jonathan Christian Wymer COMMUNICATION STUDIES Tory David Abrahamsen 3 Keith Michael Anderson Jr. 4 Taylor Danielle Anderson Shea Anderson Chandler Victoria Ball Amanda Laurin Bardy 3 7 Jeremy Rashad Beale Tyler Robert Beaston 4 Denisha Rachel Benson Ali Gabrielle Berger Megan Camille Berry Amanda Breauna Best Mary Louise Bobbitt 4 7 Christian Michael Booth Steven Joseph Bowler Dalton Britt 2 Christine Rochelle Brown Emily Rachel Brown 4 Olivia Brown 3 Rachel Ann Brown Elizabeth Ashley Brownd 2

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Sam Campbell 3 Samuel D. Chappell Jacyda Patience Christiansen 3 Andrew James Claudio Abigail Ruth Cord Mary J. Cummings 3 Mary J. Cummings 3 Maurice Frank Daly III Cidney McDonough Davis Timothy Allen Davis Mikaela Lyn Diel Hannah Joelle Dixon James Ebrahim 3 Austin Michael Edwards 2 Laurin B. Elliott Jibrille Antonio Fewell Kelsea Ann Filter Amanda Fortner Elizabeth Ann Fry Blake Francis Fulghum Nicholas Robert Gadsby Coralynn G. Gary Nicole Cheyann Gentry 3 Jack Thomas Gill 4 Lauren Blaine Glossner 4 David Tré Goins-Phillips Kyle Edward Good Rebecca S. Gordon Morgan Hope Green Erica Raeanne Griffin Haley Rebekah Gunter 2 Julie Gabrielle Guy 3 Emily Rose Halvorson Kelly L. Hamilton Bradley Nikolaus Haney Taylor Nicole Hardin Sarah Katina Heil Gabriel Adam Henderson Jared Garth Huddleston Felicia Paige Hudson Grant Redman Hunt Colin Gregory Ingram 3 Josh David Janney 2 Christa Melissa Jefferson Haley Michelle Jones Leah Elizabeth Jones 2 Jonathan Alan Kochanek Anna Faith Leaptrott Kiara A. Leers Brandon Stanfield Leffew Tazhji Monique Lewis Autumn Marie Lightner Allison Faith Longenecker Elizabeth Ann Lust 2 Erica Lorrean Lust 2 John Lynch Aubrey E. MacQueen Boydie Aaron Maraj Jane Kristen Marczewski Michael Robert Marrotte 2 Celeste Nicole Martin 4 Carmina Kristel Martinez Morgan Brittany Mason Victoria K. Matheson 2 Joseph Aaron McCalla Shekinah Janay Millner Olivia Ann Miorelli Cassie Dawn Mitcheltree Karlyn Virginia Moye 2 Nawona Joy Nhekairo Mary Helen Norris Landon Mitchell Oakes Geffrey David Oakley Jared Andrew O’Brien Daniel Olson Michelle Grace Osbourn 4 Stephanie Gabriela Pacay Joshua Edward Parrish Mary Priscilla Pereira Michael John Pigliavento 3 Zachary Alan Pinkston Joshua Dwane Pugh 2 Thaleigha Rampersad Kelsie Ann Rhodes 2 Sarah Ashley Rickert

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Christopher Lee Ritch Ryley Anne Rush Jessica Paige Russell Emily Nicole Rutt 4 Danae LeeAnn Samms Shelby Sayer Shelby Sayer Anna Eliese Schlueter 4 Nicholas Elliott Scruggs Jordan Taylor Setterlind Nathan Christopher Skaggs 2 David Anthony Smallwood 4 Dustin Francis Smith 4 7 Dustin Francis Smith 4 7 Elijah M. Smith Rebecca Hilary Sorrells Vittoria Leigh Stamoulis Brendan Sullivan Joshua Raine Swogger Mark Daniel Tait 3 Mark Daniel Tait 3 Hannah Elizabeth Taylor Graham Antony Tchividjian Luke Daniel Thornley Alexander Luke Tichenor Thomas Thang Tran Robert Eugene Tucker Briley Jonathan Turner Jenee E. W. Turner David Van Dyk Chelsea Ann Walker Jaclyn Sarah Wallace Tobi Dawn Walsh Shae Marie Weyant Pierce Julian Wezenaar Theodore Wilson III 2 Lindsey Ann Winneroski 4 7 Alexa Eileen Wolfe Victoria Grace Wood 4 7 Kendra Nichole Wright Linhao Xing Seentae Yi Robert Breen Young III Kathryn Jean Zavodny Tinsley Alice Zentmeyer 2 Melinda Ann Zosh 3 DIGITAL MEDIA Callie Emmalee Forest 2 Kaitlyn Elizabeth Mintle 4 Dustin Sean Reichard 2 JOURNALISM Emily Anne Hoosier SPEECH COMMUNICATION Andrew James Nobilini 3 STUDIO & DIGITAL ARTS Claire Olivia Rudd 4 * Lauren Martha Adriance Kelsey Lynn Bengtson Audrey Joy Bennett 4 Breann Elizabeth Black Matthew Stanley Burt Dale Lester Carty II Hannah J. Clay Sarah Marie Courtley Kelsey Marie Danko Kelly May Davis 3 Rebekah R. Davis Robert Jaron Davis Sarah Lynn Dempsey Kyle Douglas Fletcher Ciara Caitlyn Fox Jillian Rose Mayfield Falen Marie Fricchione Autumn Grace Gochenaur Christina Meghan Hammond 3 Anna Louise Harrell 4 Danielle Nicole Heitzman 2 Molly Jane Hitch Emily S. Hoover 3 Courtney Joy Hostetter Brandi Catrice Jackson Kaitlin Elaine King 4 Christine Lee Kozuch Lydia Joy Kraus 2 Rachel Ann Lawson 4

* 1

Philip Nathaniel Mann Olivia Katherine Manning 3 Thomas Gavin McGuire Courtney Louise Meyer 2 Brittany Nicole Meyers 3 Lucas Allen Moore Jennifer E. Ng Elizabeth Hazel Ortiz Brittany Pannapacker 3 Sungeun Park Jennafer Lynne Pearce Lauren Nicole Pearce Julie Ann Planchard Karis Elaine Quanstrom Allison Jenee Reeder Lori Melissa Rogers 3 Courtney Dawn Russo 2 Weslie Elisabeth Sauerwein Ashlynn Brooke Selner Christian Taylor Short Elijah M. Smith Justin Luke Stevens Dylan Crockett Tordoff Rebekah Audrey Travis 3 Heather Leigh Whitehead 2 VISUAL COMMUNICATION ARTS Amanda Leigh Adams Charity Christine Arrington Ashleigh Rahel Dunne Ian Christopher Boykin Joshua Campbell Eric S. Carson Cheryl Faye Church Brandon James Cockburn Joel Lane Cockrell 3 Rachel Johanna Collins 4 Jessica Lynne Davey 2 Lauren Elizabeth Dorr Philip Lawrence Dorr Ethan S. Driskill Erin Alyssa Fetterhoff Sharayah Drake Fonyad 4 7 Carson B. Ford 4 Cassie Elaine Foster 4 Jacob C. Goings Emily Ruth Graham Caleb Ryan Hall 2 Zachary Daniel Hensley Julie Rachelle Hewitt * Taylor Maree Hiatt 2 * Joseph Daniel Hicks Christi Dawn Keeney Laura Elizabeth Kelley * Alexander J. Kelsey Michael Alexander King Corey Michael Knapp Abigail Elizabeth Kourkounakis John M. Kunda Tak Sing Lam Daniel Jacob Lee Morgan Rose Leeper 4 Allison Rene Manuel Rachel A. Mathews Luke R. Mathisen Jordan Michele McGrath Chanelle Jean Meadows * Alex Benson Morris Robert Charles Murphy Jr. 2 Brianna Nicole Nissen 4 Lindsey Marie Patkos Andrew Thomas Pierce Brandon Michael Ramsey Robert Dawson Reaves Rachel Elizabeth McQuigg Kayla Cathleen Savage Jennifer Ann Schools Katlyn Rose Sheppard 3 Emily Elizabeth Smith Ryan M. Smith Alëna Julia Steiger 3 Breanne Steindel Sydnei Leighann Lester 3 * Alison Kittredge Taylor Kelly Jo Tomlin

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Allison Rader Venning Hannah Lee Wada 3 Spencer Nathaniel Ware Haley A. Wheeler Joshua Junichi Whitaker Joel Aaron Williams Hillary Wright Brittany Yang 4 Joseph Newton Zigan


EDUCATION Glenda Nohemy Acosta Patricia Ann Adams Gloria Denise Akridge Tonya Michelle Albertson Julie Allen Beagle Kristina Alley 1 Krystan Brianna Asselin 1 Renate Barber Holly Elizabeth Barnes Taylor Adrianne Bartlett 1 Tiffany Bauer 1 Samantha J. Bennett Katie Elizabeth Byrd Danielle Cernuto Belem Chavez Nazaret Yvette Chavez Alyssa Laine Copeland Madison K. Counts Sondra R. Currie Amy Davis Amanda Ruth Doe 1 Kayla Chase Lisa Chedalal Dianne Matthews Cofield Jolean Helen Colvin 3 Beverly Totten Combs Mamie Cook 2 Heather E. Corey Elizabeth Amber Cosner Madison N. Cothran Deneen Brown Couch 2 Richard Travis Cox Chris Ellen Crawford Kandy Ann Crosby-Hastings Robin Dale Cunningham 2 Donna Lynn Dalton 3 Diana Le Ann Daniels 3 Kerilynn Marie Daniels Sari Diaz Chandra Elaine Donaldson Penny Duberstein April L. Rees Dana Gullage Richardson Kristen Nicole Richardson Abigail Joy Riley 1 Madison Jean Oatley Kakia S. Shelly Beate Smith 1 Jasmine Gabrielle Snow Achaia Denise Spencer 1 Christine Elizabeth Splittgerber 1 Kianga Noel Stith Sheldon Stockton RoyceAnne Ruth Stringfield Tami Rae Taylor Eva Thomas Valerie Ann Thompson 1 Mary Elizabeth Trumbo 1 Maria Ulloa Cara Marie Unruh Paula Vasser Patricia Cisneros Vigil Cynthia Ann Ward Amy Watts Brittany Elizabeth Wright 1

Bachelor of Science EDUCATION Lourdes J. Adorno-Gonzalez Donna Jean Akers Lorie Wells Alkema 2 Tonya Amezaga

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Savannah Leigh Arrington Morgan Rae Baker Amanda Jane Baldwin 2 Sarah Barratt Michael Kevin Belcher 2 Rachelle Dawn Bergman 4 Rachel Lee Bieber Donna Cork Bingen 3 Barbara M. Blowe Monica Jane Borchardt 3 Andrea L. McKay Stephen J. Brewster 3 Latresa Brickle Jeanie Marie Brimm Zamora T. Brinkley Amber Nicole Brown Jason Burkhow Jocelyn Wylinda CarterCalhoun 4 Kathryn Anne Casey Brenda Clark Cassady Valerie Joann Ceniceros Tara Lynn Eanes 1 Ann Marie Estridge 1 Abigail Ruth Eveland 1 Manuela Filippini Corinna Freyre 1 Veronica Gabriela Gonzalez Jason Ellys Greene 1 Melissa Ann Guider 1 Nichole Ann Hall Pamela T. Harding Nikki Jo’Dell Harrington Alyssa Janel Harris Janelle Harrison Jennifer Lynn Helms 1 Patricia Ann Highlander 1 Tamika Deanne Hurley-Goyco Kristina Monée Jean-Baptiste Jasmine Jew Eden Gabrielle Johnson 1 Jennifer Camille Johnson 1 Anita Lenora Kerney Andrea Rose Lettrick 1 Theresa Diane Levey 1 Erica Judid Lopez Grace Catherine Luccia Angela Denese Luten Anne Elizabeth Mackin Jennifer Elaine Marlar Amy Carol Mathias 1 JoLeigh Susan May Meaghan Nicole Meaux Chelsey Nichole-Chenard Mills Sara Mitchell Heather N. Morder 1 Debra Mosley Shirley Mullis Andrea Soledad Munoz Rebolledo Judy Hyatt Murrill 1 Judy Hyatt Murrill 2 Glenda Kay Nicholson Jamie Renee Nuckols 1 Jennifer Olsen 1 Natalie Ortiz LaRyta Danielle Patterson Lisa Marie Payne 1 Natalie Michelle Peterson 1 Christina Lea Pilkinton Laura Lynn Plott 1 Mary-Catherine Thompson Pool 1 Randi Lea Pringle Rachel Kristine Pulgarvidal Takiyah F. Eady Taylor Renee Eicher 3 Mary Lynn England 3 Emily Marie Eppard 3 Deborah Elaine Fels Kira Celeste Fisher 4 Janae’ La’Niece Crowder Kristy Nicole Fleming Elizabeth Louise Ford Elisha Elizabeth Foreman 2

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Shantell Francis-Jones Felicia D. Friedly 2 Keri Helen Garner Heather Marie Gastardi 3 Georgia Genwright Michael Scott Gibson 2 Heather Nicole Glass Ivette Gomez Jennifer Marie Goodfield 4 Kristin Marie Gordon Mary Elizabeth Green Jason Ellys Greene 4 Shaunda Desiree’ Guidroz 3 Brittany Nicole Hall Hailey Elizabeth Anne Hall 2 Alexis Alger Hamilton Jason Nathaniel Haskell 4 Brian Jacob Hawkins 4 Colleen Marr Heath Isaac Nathan Heil 4 Journey Edward Lewis Henderson 3 Peggy Lynn Henry 2 Kimberly Ann Hicks Destani Rena Hill-Snell Tabitha Sue Hyams 2 Rebbecca Suzzanne Jackson 4 April Michelle Johnson Catherine Mary Johnson 3 Jacqueline Marie Jones Janna Elaine Jones 2 Sarah Anne Kelleher Carrie A. King 3 Jennifer King-Jaynes Shannon Claire Koss 3 Deanna Lander 4 Lee Michael Lane Jenny LeBlanc 3 Helen K. Lee Elizabeth Morgan Legg Jasetta Dunham Lester 2 Cheryl Marie Lockhart 2 Sara Elaine Bennett Carolyn Ann Manning Melissa Pope Manuel Pamela George Marinelli Scandi A. Marshall Laura Elise Mayor Pamela Gayle McDaniel Christina Diane McDonald 3 Christina Joy McNair 3 Matilda M. McNeill Tania-Farzeen Mian 4 Tory Kathleen Miller Courtney Wilson Moon 4 Colleen Bella Mora Kyndle Moore Newton Celestial Lea Nikodemski Domica Ortiz Jessica L. Overbey Carmen Anne Peters Chastiney Phifer Philip J. Prescott 2 Victoria Marie Quattlebaum Corinna Kay Quick 3 Stacey Kay Reed Tammy Reilly Samantha L. Rivera 3 Olga Grasiala Rivero Bianca D. Robertson Stephanie Yenetta Robinson Danna Rodebush 3 Tiffany White Rogers Wendy Marie Roles Kristy Marie Rooney Amy Jo Rosenberg 3 Darlene Saxon 2 Cristina M. Scheff Taylor Renee Schmitt Karen Scholl Rachel Marie Scott Kristen Elizabeth Seale 2 Brenda Canard Shapbell 3 Tammy K. Shoun Amber Lee Simpson 4

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Anrick Wilverene Smith Deana Jon StonecipherSmith John Scott Smith 2 Anisha N. Solomon Jennifer Lee Smith Sowers Achaia Denise Spencer 2 Sammie E. Spencer Brodie J. Spivey 3 Lesia Mcdonald Stallings Elizabeth Susanne Steffee Afton Roof Stewart La’Tangela Sheneice Taylor Tami Rae Taylor Cornelia Sherise Thomas Jessica Evangeline Thorn Arlin Titanian Niki Lyn Trezzo 4 Lori H. Vaughan 3 Kristina Mia Vendetti Pamela Denise Walden Richard Brian Waring 3 Franklin Washington Michelle L. Weideman Stephanie Lynn Westhafer 4 Carolyn Elizabeth Wilkes 4 Nikki Jean Williams 2 Melissa Deanne Wilson 2 Emily Louisa Wood 2 Dawn Woodard-Vaughn 3 Talisha Roshekia Woods Claudia Janet Wright Danielle Kimberly Zama ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Britney Nichole Adams Risikat Oluwabukunmi Omotayo AdamsonOlaotan * Alyssa Adkins 4 Danielle Brooke Adrian Lizzie Helen Allen 4 * Whitney Dawn Allen Shelia Marie Allmond Ashley Nicole Altis 4 * Kayla Marie Amos Kaleb Charles Anderson 3 Lara Elizabeth Anderson Bethany Raye Andes 4 Christina Lynn Arnett * Jamie Lee Baggett Michelle M. Baldwin 4 Kristy Kay Ballard Allison Barbosa Hanna Lane Barton Jeanette Kay Batz 3 Meridith-Ann Emily Beam Sarah Lynn Becker 2 Jennifer Biereder * Cassandra Renee’-Saunders Bigelow Rachel LeeAnne Faith Bolinger 3 * CherRiessa Dione Bost Hannah Janae Braughton * Eden Marie Brazeal Frances Kate Brown Julie M. Brown 3 Sharon Evette Brown Michelle Burgess Leslie D. Farler Butcher Randice M. Cain 3 Marcia Caldwell 3 Amy Christine Callaham * Melinda Sue Blaine Hannah Elizabeth Card 4 * Angela K. Carr 3 Phillip Shannon Carroll Joshua Maurice Carter * Leah Danielle Chase Janessa Lynn Cheeks 4 Aleah Thompson Clark 4 Tennille Seamans Clark Jeremy David Cline Elizabeth Jane Coleman 2 Robin Beth Collins 2

* 1


Alexis Marie Escoto Jolean Helen Colvin 3 Angela Lorene Compston 2 Lauren Paige Cornett * Glorisel M. Kampsen Kaitlyn Cronrath Allison Croteau * Megan Niccole Cunningham * Allison Ann West * Kathryn Lynn Dankert 4 * Mary Ellen Davenport * Rebekah J. Dean 3 Samantha Paige Derenoff Ashley Anne DeRosa 4 * Madeline Adell DeShano 3 Conrad J. Detweiler 4 Shannon Marie DiAmco Katherine Elizabeth Dowling Somer Caroline Duncan Elizabeth Esbenshade 2 Ann Marie Fairall 4 * Carrie Dale Farley Katherine Kelley Farrell 2 Samantha Victoria Ferguson 3 Ashley Marie Fielhauer 4 Racheal Celeste Files 4 Marisa Flemings Diana Flores Lesley Ann Foster 4 Terah Brittney Fox Lindsey Renee Fritzinger Kelly Michelle Gabriel 2 Jennifer Nicole Garzinski * Jennifer Kirstin Gearhart 2 * Leah Marie Gibson * Michael Joshua Giles 4 Areli Dolores Glenn 4 Callie Marie Glover * Kevin Anthony Graham Stephanie Lynn Gray Carmel Lynn Green Angelia Griffith Amy Hendrus Griggs 3 Hallie Elizabeth Gunter * Deborah America Hall 3 Ashley Rose Hancock * Rebecca Noemi Hannon 3 Jacqueline Nicole Hansen 2 Katelyn Erin Hanson Barbara Jean Harger 3 Sarah Margaret Head * Cynthia Lynn Herring Elizabeth Anne Heuer 3 Nicole Arlene Hileman * Aleathea Marie Holzworth Megan Dawn Howes * Mary Alice Huber Tracy Jolene Hudson 4 Kelle Renee Hunter 2 Devyn Nicole Indyk * Amanda Nicole Jackson 3 Nicole Faith Jacobs 2 Allison Elizabeth Janiec * Brooke Noel Jenkins Cody James Jensen Mary Jo Jimenez * Erin Leigh Johnson Jazmin Ciera Johnson Kristina Lynn Johnson Sarah Helen Johnson 3 Janssen Ruth Jones * Rozalia Frances Jones 3 Annie Leora Joyce * Katherine Ann Kastner Lupe Yanira Keitz 4 Jessica Lynn Kelley * Lisa Gene Anderson Christa Jean Kibler 3 Sun Kim Kenya C. King 3 Susanne Ruth Kirkpatrick Heidi Jenee’ Kniseley 4 Jessica Noemi Korn 4 7 *

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Jonathan Robert Kroskey Alexandra Morgan Kuehm Katherine Joy Land 4 Sara Elizabeth Landrum * Kayleigh Marie Lanning * Peter Frederick Laseau 2 Crystal Lynn Latsch 3 Jonathan Jaehoon Lee * Julie Marie Leonard * Kaily Danielle Long Hollie Ann Lowrance 2 Melissa S. Lynch Paige Elizabeth Manion * Kayla Awbrey Manus Nicole Marie Maples Carissa L. Marlin 4 Susan Jane Martin 3 Rachel Carol Massey 2 Laura Nicole Mattson Meghan Eileen McBride 2 Amanda Loree McDaniel Amy Malcom McDaniel Michelle Lorraine McDonald 3 Angela Denise McDuffie Rachel Lynne McGettrick 2 * Holly McGinnis 2 Julissa Lilibeth Mejia Darius Trevon Micheal Bryce Cameron Miller * Jessica Leanne Miller Kathleen Lynn Miller * Rebecca M. Mitchell 2 Deidre Lynn Morton 2 * Haylee Elizabeth Mozingo 4 * Savanah Nichol Nabors 3 Juanita Claudette Ndomb 2 Danielle Latrice Nelson Mark Thomas Newman * Onnalee Joy Odom 4 * Uchenna Chinahum Ojiaku * Kathy Renea Olmstead Caroline Ann Olson Carrie Owens 2 Courtney Blaire Owens 3 Jessica Pacheco 2 Mary Catherine Schlott Patterson 3 Jaclyn Maria Patullo Phyllis Jean Paul Lindsey Gayle Payne Heather Leah Peelen * Olivia Marie Pennington * Whitney Pete Mark G. Peters 2 Mary Katherine Peters 3 Matthew Gilbert Peters 3 Loida Peynado-Dunlap 3 Amanda Philbeck 4 Christina Marie Phillips 3 * Stephanie Estelle Pinkerton 3 Alyssa Ann Poole * Lora Beth Potts 3 * Megan Allison Praisler 2 Raquel Lynett Proctor 2 Stephanie Marie Pruett * Lindsay Alexandra Psolka * Katrina Lashawn Quince 2 Laura Ashley Radt Daniel Alan Ramsey 4 William Churchill Randolph Kendall LaVonne Rawlings Camila Maritza Rice 3 * Kimberly Elizabeth Richard Tabitha Nadine Riggle Lindsay Rae Ritch * Cydney Michelle Roden 4 * Kristin Nicole Roy * Ladara L. Royal Casie Noel Schaefer * Jordan Paige Schaller Peter David Scheer Jr. 4 Ashley Michelle Goto 4 Anna Theresa Yanke 4 Juliana Rose Scott * Lauren Cullum Sebold

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Brittany Kyle Short Kasey Marie Short 4 * Tamara Touchton Shuler Corey Hannah Shull LaShaunda U. Slade Brielle Nichole Smith * Jean Ann Smith 2 Jennifer M. D. Smith 3 Kimberly Morgan Smith Rebecca Erin Smith * Kelly Ann Stallings Krista Lynnette Staton 3 Kristina Joy Meola Stein 4 7 * Kristen Jeanette Stepan Samantha Renee Stike 4 Elizabeth Grace Strohman 3 7 * Grace Marie Sturm 3 Jenna Isabella Sullivan 2 * Kelsea Ariana Summers 4 Chelsea Sutter Ashley Michelle Sutton Erica Keely Swanson 2 Starlisha Chanise Sylvester 2 Emily Elizabeth Taylor 4 7 * Brittani Danielle Tharp 3 Britney Jane Thompson * Leah Kathleen Thompson * Michelle Dawn Thompson Christopher Thornburg Tammy Smith Thurman Savannah Joy Tilley * Jayme Rose Totten Meta Reed Trent 2 Leslie Velora Trinkle * Michelle Elizabeth Tucker Catherine Alexandra Mejia Uscategui 2 Jerry Vance 4 Aubrey Ray Vaughan II 3 Cynthia Bragg Via 2 Kelsey Dawn Wallace 4 Lucas Raymond Ward * Nicole Renee Washington Greg Wells Jenna Lore Wertman * Amber-Michelle Kelly White 3 Kristen White * Cindy Mitchell Williams Deena Rochelle Williams Antonio Woods 2 Melissa Sue Woughter * Hannah Leigh Yang 2 Kimberly Reese Younger Angelique Zitto 2 Bonnie Zondory-Surfield 4 Allison Michelle Zornischenko 4 SPECIAL EDUCATION Lori Beth Adkins Sharon Nkengafac Alenda Lucas Andrews Christine Marie Bailey 3 Michael S. Barrett Abigail Elizabeth Batdorf 2 * Emily E. Behnke Ronald A. Bell Megan Bridget Bidwell Megan Nicole Blanchard 2 * Sarah Joan Boderck 3 * Shannon Elise Bon 3 Tara Marie Bornhorst Ashley Deann Braswell Jaimee Janelle Bridges Bethany Ann Brobst 2 Naverro Brown Coryna Jean Brumbaugh * Glenn Craig Butorac 2 Lee Ann Butterfield 3 * Tamara Jean Cameron 4 Kelli Danielle Carroll * Lindsey Morgan Carroll * Kathryn Anne Casey Kimberly Ann Chandler 2 Laura Elaine Childers *

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Emily Laine Cockrum * Theresa Collie Jenna Ann Collins 3 Elizabeth Anne Cook 4 Stephanie June Cook 2 * Norma Lauren Crenshaw Rhonda Ann Stanton Erin Maureen Curry 2 7 * Hannah Williams Daniels Erica Marie DiBartolo 4 * Christa Daelene Dubbeld Davidson Bruce Dunaway Katelyn J. Durst * Landon Brock Edwards Megan Edwards Handler Kristina Enger 3 Amanda Grace Feaster 3 Samantha Mae Ficco * Abigail Jane Flaherty * Jillian Leigh Floyd * Holly Ann Fogelsanger Michael E. France Darius Charles Fuller Rosa D. Rodriguez-Gomez Garrett D. Gordon Sarah Elizabeth Gosse * Bethany April Graham 2 Bethany April Graham 2 Amber Dawn Granahan 4 * Melissa Ann Guider 3 Cathleen Elizabeth Hall Dreama Dawn Hamid Sarah Joyce Harding 3 Victoria Elizabeth Hayden * Deirdre Eileen Heaphy * Kathryn J. Herzog 4 Anika Lee Hoglen 2 * Kimberly D. Horne 2 Samantha McCormick Hudson Serenity Robin Hultin 4 Keshia Yvette Jones Melanie Lynn Kalin 4 * Tanya M. Keel 3 Samuel Arthur Kerr * Tonya Maria Knapp Kaitlin Veronica Laine Cassidie Lancaster Abernathy * Dawn Christine LaRiccia 2 * Shae Marrin Luff * Nicole Catherine Lynam * Kayla Dawn Martin Stephanie Ann Martin * Carolyn Graves Martinez 3 Fungisayi Masiya Melissa Sue May Lauren Alyssa McAllister David Carlton McConnell Cara Beth McDaniel 2 Taylor Katelyn McDonald 4 * Janis Renee McGlauchlen Tonya Louise Mejia Nichole M. Mickley 3 Brock Aaron Miller Michelle Elizabeth Miller 4 Lauren Moreno 2 Sarah Katherine Morris * Shelby Jo Morris * Tony Elias Navidad 3 Jennifer Lyn Nutt Mahala Dawn O’Brien * Kayla Lynne Oeth 4 Kathleen Jane O’Malley * McKenna Mae Orcutt * Amanda Paone * Robin Reed Parker 4 Robyn Cheri Parramore Aquila Romaunda Phillips Nicole Pierre 3 Jaquelyn Ku’uanoipualiilii Powell Sarah Elizabeth Quigg 3 * Antoinette Elizabeth Ranjbar 2

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Robin Woods Redington 2 Neomi Irene Rios 3 Marilyn Robinson Kimberly Kemper Rodriguez Angela Roenke Laura A. Rogers 2 Gabrielle Marie Romano * Cindy Cahall Rossbach 4 Jacquelyn Gabrielle Roy * Stephanie Marie Ruiz 4 Samantha Lynne Rupert Kathryn Page Ryan * Benjamin Samuel 2 * Joanna Jean Seaney Jordan Shultz 2 * Kimberly Jones Skulski 4 S. Hayes Smith Tamara Ann Smith 4 Mamie Leigh Sorensen Sonia Ivette Souchet Jason Allen Springs Heather Jackson Steele Jeremy Michael Stowe Kristal Tallungan Chloe Michelle Thomas * Angela Mae Tonkin 2 * Brooke Elizabeth Truitt * Jamie Louise Vanderbleek * Natashia Nicole Vogel Jacquelyn Marie Waltmire 3 * Shauna Padgett Kamau Watson Rebekah Hayes Weeks 2 * Peggy A. White Kristen Elizabeth Willeford * Valerie Dawn Yoder 4 * Susan Lane Zarkauskas SPORT MANAGEMENT Chris J. Bae Nicolas Joseph Barbir Shane Julian Blanchard Kristin Nicole Boland Mark Stevenson Bowman Jordan Mitchell Brustle Austin William Burling Darius Shamarr Byrd Caleb Isai Calzada Josue Gabriel Champagne Kevin J. Clark II 2 Kayla Anne Coburn William Holden Coghill Michael David Cone Matthew Brian Cook Matthew William Cunningham Aaron Patrick Davenport 3 Olivia Graham Davis Seth McNeil Deaver Ryley Francis Egan Elizabeth Ashley Fouse Branden Taishawn Francis Kaden Merrill Gayle Tyler Philip Giarratana Jaquan J. Glover Kyle Matthew Griffin Bradford Perry Griffith Jacob Daniel Hagen Carson Robinson Herndon Steven Wayne Iannaco Adam Scott Jacquez 2 Aaron Ware Johnson Riley Eli Johnson Yong Joo Ethan N. Kamholtz Cory Ketner Bryan Alexander Kish Desmond David Korang Austin David Lawrence Lindsay LeBlanc Duane Devanté Lewis 2 Clint William Lowe Julia Rose Marstell Ryan Justin McCarter Caitlin Leigh McMannen Christopher David Merrill

* 1

Lauren R. Milligan Jonathan Keith Mitchell Samuel Alexander Morrison Kendra Rae Myers Israel Mel Nunez Christopher O’Donnell Leesha Danae Price Stuart James Quesenberry Kessley C. Rhodenizer Spencer David Robinette Kaitlyn Elizabeth Christina Scales Kendrick Omar Scott Aaron James Semiao Kyle Stephen Sikes Skylar M. Sipe Charles David Taplin Osei Rudo Telesford Brandon Nathanial Tolsma 2 Britton Lloyd Tran Richard A. Turner Tyler Aaron Woods Matthew Palmer Young

Undergraduate Certificate Carrie A. Deane Laura Higgins Drake Pauletta Kay Francis Corinna Danielle Freyre 1 Suzanne Helene Herrema Robin Ann Lavey 1 Marie K. Lee 1 Samantha Lucas Melissa S. Lind Molly Kathryn Murphy Cynthia Helen Norton Maame Efua Okine 1 Holly R. Smith Shakira Sutton

Joshua W. Caswell Lindsay Kristina Collins 4 Justin Daniel Craig Luke Douglas Crouthamel Chad Docksteader 2 Harold Anderson Haldren III 4 Austin G. Helmuth Jacob Kyle Hommes Stephen R. Jacobsen 3 7 Curtis William Jennings Zhenyu Jin 2 Jordan Nicholas Kehr Shiksha Khanal James Allen Latshaw 3 Matthew Faison Lewis Noah Andrew Lynch Zachary Steven Markle 4 Amen Mibaraka Aaron Michael Ocampo Frederick Opeyemi Ogunseye 3 Nicholas Jerome Paxton 2 Geoffrey Dale Tratnack Judson Maxwell Tumas Joshua Mark Twigg 2 KeyShaun Ward Daniel Paul Wernig 4 7 Jonathan Micheal Yarber INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ryno Prinsloo WEB TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN Joshua Stephen Marshall 2

SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES Associate of Applied Science

Bachelor of Science

MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT Gladys P. Attin Tera Ann Talbert Teri Deloreto Rebecca Elizabeth Ellsworth 1 Linda Rivera 1

APPLIED INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Rachel Marie Blattner 2 7 Robert Marshall Broaddus Dixon 3 Tzu Chao(Paul) - Lin Jordan Leigh Olinghouse Sarah E. Thomas Zachary Mark Wettstein COMPUTER SCIENCE Caleb Mark Adams 3 Daniel Hinson Adams 4 7 Lina María Baquero Fierro 3 7 Phillip Douglas Benzinger Jordan Davidson Caleb Andrew Fogleman Dane Mitchell Gardow 3 David Bradley Lewallen Jonathan H. Lowery Zachary David Minner 2 Walter Machen Schultz Charles Evans Snyder 4 7 Rodwin E. Spruel Walter Richerson Tomlin III ENGINEERING Taylor Michael Alford Katrina Shirley-Ann Alleyne Timothy James Enakeno Amiri Mihyun An Robert David Andrews Travis Wesley Askren 2 Gabriel Eduardo Barahona Murillo 2 David James Barre Colby Scott Bishop Justin Earl Monroe Branham 2 Arne Steven Breland Kyle William Byrnes John Michael Campbell 4 7

ATHLETIC TRAINING Allison Mae Bartels Joseph Michael Collins 3 Emilee Jane Coon 2 7 Corban Boyd Cressley 4 Ryan Douglas Daley Gideon Eli Fisher Kevin W. Fortier Nathan Robert Gaudet Daniel Holt Kristin Giron Horton Jonathan Mast Houck Shannon Nicole Jamerson 4 Kiara Marie Moore 2 Amy M. Pickinpaugh Patrick Edward Ridge Alyssa Marie Stonkus 3 Timothy John Wells 2 Darrylwanna Querone Whitten Jr. Kristine Michele Williams 2 Christina Marie Zimmerman BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Michael P. Carson 4 7 Sean Patrick Cryan 3 Zachary Gerald Hrabosky Maria A. McCrea Meredith Jane Mistretta 2 7 Carter Louis Simmers 4 BIOLOGY Joshua Daniel Barbir 4 Rebekah Anne Betar 2 Robert Jackson Blanding Brandon Tyler Brown 3 Stephanie Therese Buda Sarah Elizabeth Castro 3 Augusto Javier Chavez Salgado


Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Bachelor of Science

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Deborah Rose Chervin Jessica Marie Clements Rachel Lea Couch 3 Sophia Ruth Mliakoff 3 7 Robert Patterson Davies IV Jeremy Ryan Dow 3 Carley Ann Drye 3 Lauren Elizabeth Edds Daniel Tyler Ehrich Jeremiah Joseph Essig 4 7 Christian Michael Glackin Alethea Esther Gnanakan Daniel Scott Goshorn 4 Joseph Matthew Gosnell Luke Michael Gray Travis Michael Grove Aaron Michael Guimond 2 Paul Bryan Hankey II 4 Amanda Dawn Hazy 4 7 Allyson Jean Heatwole 2 Ross Ernest Heinrich 2 Benjamin Alan Hoisington Micheal Christopher Holland Shalonda Latrice Hutchins Nonye Precious Ikeakanam Riley Anne Kline 3 Daniel Scott Krautter 3 Elizabeth Ann Levesque 2 Joel Thomas Madison Maresa Joanna McDowell Ethan Kyle McGann 3 7 David Allan McKechnie Kyle Patrick McKinley 2 7 Chelsea Rae Mitchell 4 7 Ryan Nestor Montalvo Hayden Gregory Moore 3 Jesse Paul Myers 3 Ifeoluwa Oluwafadekemi Ogbonnewo Heather Christine Osborn 4 7 Christopher David Parent 2 Arthur William Peterman IV Taylor Mackenzie Phillips 2 Lisa Brown Pinelli 2 Mitchell Wade Potter Christine Marina Pujol Rooks 4 Sarahi Isabel Quintanilla Alexcia Brooks Ramsdell Dimode Rhee Taylor Sagarino Samantha Paige Seiler 2 Alexandra Marie Sheeran 2 Katelyn Joy Sherland 2 7 John Sherret 4 7 Eun Seock Shin 2 7 Kaitlyn Ann Shondelmyer 2 7 Elizabeth Anne Simmons Benjamin M. Snyder 3 Sangrak Son 2 Ryan Louis Spiering Sydney Spigle Wills Thomas Jonathan Swanson Joshua Alexander Vagueiro Jonathan Hunter VanDoren 3 Beth Mary Verdone 2 Jared Lee Vinson 4 Katelyn J. Welch Josiah Jamal Wilson Kaleb S. Wright 4 7 BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Jon Erik Berguson 4 Diandra Coleman 2 Dana Kristina Daoud 4 David Sami Shbeeb 3 Rukshan Sivarajah ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY Brianna L. Coleman 3 Michael Stephen Maynard Esther M. Stine EXERCISE SCIENCE & FITNESS Jacqueline Grace Albert Heather Lynn Anderson Kara Lee Arthur

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Meghan Phyllis Babcock Francis Oliver Bah Kyle Andrew Beavon Blair Duncan William Bennett Drew Bollman Jeffrey Scott Boschman Angela Maria Bosco 2 Jordan Alexandra Bosiger Elizabeth Leigh Campbell Shayne Alexandra Carroll 4 Stephanie Mihae Cho Steven Noel Clemmons Michael Patrick Clerkin Mackenzie Austin Comstock 4 Jamie Catherine Crisp Joshua Aaron Cromley Stephen Charles Dankert Alyssa Ashley DiMartino 2 Mackenzie Ann Doerstling 2 Cole Luke Dreyer Lindsey Rans Dreyer 2 Jeremiah Fowler 4 Jamie Peter Foxwell Alyssa Nicole Frost 2 Lindsey Beth Furman 3 Jeremy Thomas Ganse Anne-Marie Rose Hancock Louis Wilmet Hensler Darlene Nicole Hensley Lorenzo Hoff Peter Anthony Horning 3 7 Sarah Eileen Horton 2 James Alexander Kelly Christopher Robert Kerr Glodi Muanga Konga Chang Hyun Kwon Nathan Andrew Lee 3 Robert Martin Leffew III Casondra Caitlyn Lippy 2 Jennifer Catherine MacArthur Beth Ann Martin Christopher Joseph Martin 3 Emily Grace Martsolf Rene Elizabeth Mason Stephen Ryan Mink Bryan Allen Munoz-Leon Clinton Georg Nathanael Nigh James Carlin O’Grady Taylor Forrest Parks 3 Erika Lynn Peiffer Kaitlyn Marie Quesinberry 3 7 Troy Burnett Rasmussen Joshua Matthew Saunders 4 Marybeth Rose Sciolino Hayley Grace Seiler 2 Shayne Rodney Short Breanna Slagle Deaver Austin Patrick Smith Luke Samuel Smith 2 Rebeccah Marie Smith Felicia Lena St. Clair Adam James Steen Samantha Alexandra Struss 4 Haylee Nicole Stump Samantha L. Sweeney 3 Brandon Zachery Taylor Jaclyn Lea Toews 2 Joel Paul Toh Ryan Randall Versen Philip Sidney Wands 2 Alyssa Shannon Wheeler Javaz Vernard Williams Joshua Andrew Woodrum Joshua Yoda Nathan F. York HEALTH PROMOTION Lauren Marie Abbe Stacie Rae Adams Alysa Lyn Y. Akai Valerie Gerardline Auguste Kawin Ann Barnes Mary Elizabeth Bennett

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Jasmine Mercedes Berry Katherine Rose Boucher Deryl Chin Kim Kui Demetria Angelica Jessica Clark 2 Amber Diane Courtright Sarah Jane Jordan Cummings Elias Manohar David Amanda Brooke Davis Zoie Brianne Dobrzanski 2 Erin Nicole Dombach 4 Georgianna Lynn Estell Allison Anjali Strachan Rachel L. Gooss Jessica Moriah Graham Janelle Leigh Gregory 4 Amy Renee Haas Matthew Robert Habuda Colton James Hagar Kandice Danielle Hamilton Kathleen Amanda Hammans Andrew Preston Harrison Brittany Quinn Hartley 2 Megan Elizabeth Hobbs Rachel Maree Hoppis Nkechinyere Chidiebere Ilo Esther Jeoung Krista Johnson 2 Megan Paige Johnson 3 7 Renae Elizabeth Johnson 2 Sidney Lake Jolley Rahab Wanjiru Kamau Ashley Elizabeth Kuzmik 2 Leeanna Lynn Lamers Carrie Lawson Lydia Grace Lee Lauren Rachele Lovekamp Tyler Christian Daly Mattner Magdalyne G. McCrary Michael Christian McIntyre Amber Lynn Michael Amanda Leigh Milford Ashley Marie Mitchell Breanna Nicole Moberg Justin Thomas Mohr Jonathan Joseph Moreno Juliana J. Mshama Zoe Danielle Wisley Munjal 2 Kelly Lynn Murphy 2 Edith Solomon Mwasha Hanna Payne Nichols 2 Emmanuel Nshokano Ntibonera Amy LeahAnn O’Donnell Ifeoluwa Oluwafadekemi Ogbonnewo Stacey Elikem OwusuAttakora Tracey Elikplim OwusuAttakora Chelsea N. Page 4 Sadie Elizabeth Plasterer Emily L. Poole 4 Cesia Sarai Portillo Melody Carol Preachers 2 Lindsey Brooke Queen Gabrielle Nicole Regnaert 4 7 Edward Dunn Richards Jade Elizabeth Rioux Katherine Marie Ruggles Melissa Lauren Sánchez Jessica Simpson Hannah Grace Spannbauer Jasmine Danielle Sullivan Crissey Lynn Tait York Nee Tan 3 Suphitporn Tangsirisatian 4 Megan C. Teschon Sherelle Alicia Wilson Emily Faith Womble 3 Sydney Ann Zimmerman KINESIOLOGY Michael Stephen Barbeau 2 * Christopher Kelly Bourne 2 * Royal Anthony Brettrager II *

* 1


Wilbert Jamar Chandler Kevin Michael Cox 2 Alanna M. Dunkle 4 * Marie Isabella Goshorn 4 * Justin Ryan Holland Jeffrey Scott Matzdorff * Matthew Tyler Melvin 2 * Nathaniel Keith Mullins * Jeffrey Murphy Grace Michelle Nordan 2 * Joshua Haven Potter Kent Joshua Rasmussen Kerianne Christine Roberts 2 * Jennifer Lynne Smith Matthew Jevon Smith Joshua Shane Sturgill Sean Anthony Washington Cristopher M. Young 2 * ZOO & WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Arielle Eveleigh Robson Amy Jo Smith Michael William Steele ZOOLOGY Stacey R. Martin Ryan Joseph Ponseti

Undergraduate Certificate Eunice E. Avila Diania Bunting 1 April S. Campbell Andrea Nicole Jackson 1 Tessa Lewis Robin McClamma Kristin Ann Miller 1 Lauren Nicole Philippi 1 Angela M. Rodriguez


CRIMINAL JUSTICE Romaine Andrews Alexander Paul Argyropoulos Carl Bernard Batson Sr. Gordon L. Bennett Jr. Misty Elaine Bennett Richard Alston Brassell Janice R. Brown Mary Brown Martin Tyler Bryant 1 Michael James Burkey 1 Robert Paine Burnett 1 Nicole Rebecca Canale 1 Patrick Raymond Cosby 1 Danny Lee Cox Monte Deon Davis Belinda Harmon Deloatch Angela Diefenderfer Samantha Lynn Doucet Melinda L. Ervin 1 Brian O’Neal Fair Misty Jane Fowler Jossie David Garcia 1 Martha Garcia Dominique Garrett James George Gilson Creighton David Anthony Gray Sean Craig Hall Terry Grant Hall 1 Dorothy Lynn Hasselmann Michael Lee Hatton 1 William Robert Haugh III 1 Michael Hazzard Christopher Wayne Hingle Paul Jackson Hodge 1 Stephen Austin Hunt Denise Estelle Irish Miguel Angel Jaco-Vargas Jr. Justin L. James Paul W. Johnson Kristen Richelle Jones Kiyo Marie Larson 1 Carrie Lynn Chapman 1

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

William Leffew 1 Sean M. Letson 1 Ryan Matthew Lindsay Sean Mangan Aaron Dwight McCarley 1 Jeffrey Samuel McDougle Jarred T. Medenwald 1 Hylejhnea Kelsey Miles Luther Eugene Minix Jr. Kevin Thomas Moan 1 Mark Fountain Norris Bobby Allen Owens Carlos Baker Parker Cynthia M. Perry Torrance Jerome Polk Joanna Marie Proffitt 1 Richard H. Ragucci Jacob Alan Ray Andre Leroy Richardson Shakeya Robbins Chenel Michelle Roberts Stephen Lynn Searl Andrew Robert Shaffer Caroline Smith Steven Joseph Snitzer 1 Angelena Ann Noto Spillman Monkeith T. Stanley Abner Steinmetz 1 Caleb Eugene Suddreth 1 Donna Rigg Terry Carolyn Tillis Amber Lee Vecero 1 Robert Nelson Vereecke 1 Tammy Lee Vickery Richard Matthew White 1 Kelly Evan Wilcher Sarah Keen Wilson Michael Eugene Young 1

Bachelor of Arts GOVERNMENT Timothy Kah Wah Ames Leong Jean Climaque Augustin Lauren Allena Easter 2 Thomas William Edwards Henry Nickolas Eicher II Rachelle Joan Goins Olamide Theodore Olugbemi Kylie Josephine Peterson 3 Jonathan Travis Thompson 2 Kallie Anne Yates 4 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Alexander Peter Caliendo Timothy Jacob Carothers 3 Joshua Curtis Connor Robert Lee Cordani John Jedidiah Cotton 2 Catriana R. Donovan 4 7 Emily Rose Gunderson Carly Ann Hirschman 4 Emily Elizabeth Hoffman Kyle Douglas Hofmeister 3 Connor Alexander Houston Joseph Newton Inglett 2 Blair M. Kopfstein 4 Tanner Don Mullican 4 Chelsi Lei Murray Lindsey Marie Murray Brittanie Morgan Nichols Mary Esther Omatiga Montgomery Elizabeth Pace 3 Joshua Michael Rowley 2 7 Alyson Marie Smith Jacob A. Stephens Amy Stillwell Rachel Morse Hale 4 Grace Tumminello 3 Morgan Christian Vance Dylan James Wall William Alexander Warner Jeffrey Douglas Wehberg 4 Wesley Ian Winkler 3

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Bachelor of Science CRIMINAL JUSTICE Mark Andrew Acree Stephanie Renee Alexander Brittany Ann Allbrook William Bradford Allen Benjamin Juarez Alvarez David Amaral Andrade Anthony Scott Annunzio Alberto Agnelio Arauz Jr. 3 Mary C. Aridi Ryan Alexander Arpin David Edward Atkins 2 Jessica Marie Bailer 3 Brooke Bailey 2 Nathan Douglas Bailey Amber Marie Baker 4 Ronald Kevin Baker Sr. 2 Kelly Jo Barber William John Barber Jr. 4 Jason Bard 2 Erika Christine Barnes Michael Baroni 3 Nicholas Clark Barton Andrew Lee Beach Jeffrey Rhundles Beach Erica A. Beatty Kenneth Raymond Becker 3 Samantha Lynn Bell 2 Tijuana Linette Bell 2 Joshua Allen Berry William Arthur Bicket Heather Anne Marie Biggers Stephen Paul Billings 3 Jonathan Scott Blackwell 4 Jordan Mark Blain 3 Steven G. Blakley 2 Cody Lee Bockelkamp Keisha Latrice Bogard 3 Emylee Bogart 4 Robrean Jasmine Bonner Micheal DeWayne Bonnett Catrina Marie Bonus 2 Donja Denise Booker Timothy John Bowman Jr. Kristin Melissa Boyd Thad Bradley Boyd Jr. 2 Deborah Lee Bradley 2 Sherry Bragg Jared Ryan Brandeberry 2 Joshua Micheal Brantley Kara Jan Bremer 4 Travis Edward Brett Kenisha Latoya Bridgemohan Vaughan 3 John Ross Brighoff 3 7 Candace Nicole Brinton Joyce Britt Mellissa Corrine W.Brumfield Perrow Anderson Brumfield III Brett A. Brunco Nathaniel Aaron Bryant 4 Samuel Buck 2 Jonathan Allen Buckley Jessica Anne Bullock Thquita Lee Bunting Ashley Meaghen Burge 3 Ryan Joseph Butts John Russell Byars Jr. Christopher Byers 4 Jared Knight Byers Charles David Byrd Joseph Matthew Byrd 4 Christopher Anthony Cali 4 Sarah Lynn Camper 4 Dana Colon Jamie L. Cange 2 Jeffrey Shawn Caparoon Shannon Michelle Carroll Kenneth Logan Carson Hailey Jae Carter 2 Brian Michael Cashion Jennifer Castro Joshuah Michael Chambers Meg Anne Chambers

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Clarence Clayton Chamblee Jr. Joshua Scott Chapman 2 James Mark Chatfield 4 David Raymond Cheatham Edward Christian Chicko 2 Richard A. Chumley Paul Anthony Clayton 2 Timothy Cobaugh 3 Allison Breanne Coffey Catherine Bridget Cole 3 Murray Timothy Comly Sr. Chadwick Dewey Compton Brittany Joy Cook Mitchell Blake Cook 2 Christian Anthony Cooper Jacob Brian Crandall Christina Marie Crawford Edward Lee Crawford Christina Denise Cromartie Cynthia Kaye Cross Keith Antwan Crudup Keith Antwan Crudup Anthony William Cugino Kyle Steven Dalton Jeremy Wayne Daniel William Wallace Daugherty Charisse LeNae Davis Denise F. Davis 3 Elizabeth Jean Davis 3 Lance L. Davis Pamela Davis Brandon V. Dawson Tyler Michael Dean Robert Jose De Castro 2 Joshua V. DeGroft Elliott Joseph Deilus 2 Cameron Blake Densmore Diamond LaRae Diggs Richard Docherty Kimberly Rosalie Dominguez Bobbie Bree-Anna Donnelly 3 Ashley Dorris Daniel James Dulak 2 Micah Ryan Dunford Christina Nicole Dunivan Ambra LaMoure Durbin 3 Ryan Lee Dyer Jennifer Lyn Easter Lucas Anthony Ebel Gordon Richard Eck II Christopher Michael Eddy Mena Megumi Edenfield 2 Michael Todd Edgerton 3 Bryan Chadbourne Edwards 3 Charles Allen Edwards Jr. Patrick Raeson Edwards Brendan Patrick Egan 4 Dennis Craig Erb Jr. Nichole Cooper Falls David James Fantin Kennith L. Farris II Nathan W. Farris Michael Thomas Fearney Giorgio Toni Fernandes Jr. 3 Emmett Lee Ferrell Pedro Figueroa Brantly T. Fitzgerald 4 Steven E. Flores Bryan Dedrick Frady 4 David Alan Fragoso Ruth Elizabeth Francis Larissa J. Francois Rebekah Frazer Austin Shoaf Frye Angela Dawn Fulcher 3 Travis Ronald Fullerton Alexis Gardella Viktoria Anne Montana Amber Danielle Gawthrop 4 Jessica M. Gibboney 3 John Gibbs Verona T. Gibson 4 Timothy Dwayne Gilbreath Caleb Christian Goebel Nick Ryan Goodall

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Nicolas Robert Gordon 3 Zoe-Jaaziel Gray Geoffrey Luther Grow Leonard J. Haith Kelsey Hall Terry Grant Hall 2 Haley Halstead 3 Joshua Scott Halvorson 4 April Carter Hansen Kenneth Warren Harmon Jr. 4 Christopher Daniel Harris 3 Elizabeth Kate Hartsock Amanda Ruth Hasley Andrew Joseph Hatmaker 4 Matthew Hays Brent Michael Helton Dexter Jordan Herman Michael Adam Hernandez Catherine Hewitt 2 Nigel Alan Highton Jason Jermaine Hite Danielle N. Hoke 2 Melissa D. Holcombe 2 Matthew Homer Deanna McClure Hood 2 Michael David Horanburg 3 Loretta Louise Hosfeld David Brian House Jr. Abigail Leigh Howard 2 Katie Huckstep Lister Brent Thomas Hudson 3 April Renee Hurttgam JoVa’a Marie Jackson Jonathan Jaster Justin Lamar Jefferson Jue Yon Jo Wesley Allan Jochmann Donna K. Baskett-Johnson Zachariah R. Johnson Kevin D. Jones Sandra Jones 2 Lemar Alton Joyner 3 Chris D. Keiser II Charniecce Marie Kelley Regina Leigh Kelly Jesse Lee Ketchum James Weston Key Amanda L. Kidd Dawn Shaye King Dwight Allen King II Kelly Ann Kirchhoff Ian Kirkland Amanda Marie Klutts 4 Tyler Kent Knopp Denny Dale Knowles 2 Jimmy Lee Lacy Stephen J. Laero Stephen Andrew LaFountain Leata Lydia Laidlow 2 Karen Flowers Lanier 2 Mark Kenneth Lantz Seth Shepard Lauber 4 Kayla Renee Lauer Samantha Ann Lautenschlager Heather Renee Lawrence Chloe Ann Lee 3 Leslie Erin Leonard Shawn Christopher Liberty Joshua W. Lindsey Michael John Loberg 4 Jeff Steven Loftin Garrett Anderson Long Joseph Long Kimberly Anne Long 3 Theresa Frances Lopez 3 Jose David Lopez Colman Anne Stuart Lowry 3 Patricia M. Lyles Jared Samuel Lyons Adam Page Mank 2 Tomeka Ivey Mann Donald Eldin Marlow 2 Shawn C. Martin 3 Kelsie Jo Martinez 2 Jeanette Marie Mathis

* 1

James A. Matney 2 Michael George Anthony May Jennifer Leigh Maynard Matthew James Mays Christopher Charles McConkey Colby A. McCormick 2 Matthew Charles McCrory Peter Danial McDannell Gregory Wells McGee 2 James Hampton Mckenzie Shante Yulyssa McLeod Crystal Teana McNamara Teresa Lynn McPherson 3 Ruth Melendez Mitchell McCabe Mengel Lloyd Merchant Jr. 3 Joseph C. Mertens James Caleb Metzger 3 Stacie Suzanne Meyrahn 3 Peter W. Miller 4 Geoffrey William Jameson Millican 4 7 Eurena Lanelle Montgomery 2 Keith A. Morgan Michael Wayne Mosely 4 Raven Nicole Mosley Edward James Moss Philip M. Mostowski Jason Paul Mounce Natashdra A. Mosley Jonathan Andrew Murphy 4 Rebecca Lynn Murray Sayuri Magda Murrieta Jon L. Needler 2 Deborah Zilbauer Nesbit Michelle Kristine Nevenhoven 2 Kindell Ashleigh Newsome Dakota Fawn Fortin 3 Joseph A. Nickerson 4 Aaron Joseph Niepoetter III Abdinasir Mohamed Noor Cody Lee Norman Lindsay Renee Notter Corey Tywann Nowell 2 Michael Ray O’Dell Christin Lynn Oesterling 3 Adam Talbott O’Keeffe William Brian Olds Ivy Ann Olivier Devin Olmedo Nana Osei-Kufuor 2 Jeffrey Wayne Owen Clarence Matthew Owens Jr. 4 Jerry Lee Pace Jr. 3 Paul Lee Pagan Sharon Denise Paige Doretha Antonia Pair Joshua Michael Passas 2 Tonya Marie Payne Mieshia L. Pearson Richard Lee Penor Jr. Nathan Andrew Perry 3 John R. Person Jr. 2 Keith Duane Peterson 4 Benjamin Frederick Phenicie 3 Richard Phillips 2 William A. Pierce Jr. 2 Daniel Allen Pittman Philip Timothy Plumley Jr. 4 Nora E. Poitras Ryan Patrick Polachek Jason Bradley Pope Brian George Porter 3 David Richard Powers Jr. Carmelita Antionette Preston Brianna Ladean PrestonAlpers Claudia Katrina Proctor John Andrew Pulley David J. Radomski Lamont Raiford

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

John J. Ramirez Danielle Marie Ramondetta Kimberly Allred RamseyGriffin 2 Aliza Ratterree 4 Khadejah Lashawn Rawlings Jon-Paul Ray Rodny Dale Ray 2 Jonathan David Reiber 3 Daniel Reinker Alison Alyssa Reuben Shameka Ivey Revels Andrew James Reynolds Ashley Nicole Reynolds Dina Marie Rice Cory R. Rich Charles Edward Riley John Brendan Riordan Michael Renee Robertson Timothy John Robertson Nicholous Ryan Robinson Jose Alejandro Rodriguez 2 Paula Olivia Roehrs 3 Joshua Blake Rogers 2 Travier Michael Dominque Rolle Tyler Daniel Romero 3 Eric Chad Roten 4 Nitishia Tana Royall Anna Rose Burnette Krystal L. Ruiz 3 Stacey May Rush 4 Daniel David Rusinyak 3 Vera Lynn Sadler Barbara Irene Salais Luis Alberto Salame-Mora Paul Jorge Salazar Joshua Stephen Sanders William Sanford 2 Jennifer Hernandez Santiago Jennifer Hernandez Santiago Marc Savacool Brandon L. Schmidt James Alan Schrodt 2 David Ray Scott 2 Ryan Colby Scott W. David Seay 2 Rebecca L. Seiler 4 7 Megan Marilee Shellman Mackinzey E. Shelstad 2 Dwight Lamar Shepard Carolyn Shields David Andrew Shiveler Rachel Short 2 Feleasia Skates Heather M. Skiles Robert Earl Skinner Dean Sladky 3 Damani Jamal Smallwood Arik P. Smith 2 Brandon Scott Smith 3 Christian Glenn Smith Donald Lee Smith 2 Holly Smith Ric David Smith Scott Anthony Smith Shelby Dianne Smith Victoria Julianne Smith Sharon Teresa Sneed Rebecca Ann Snodgrass Tyler James St Gelais 3 Timothy Allen Stanhope Tyresha Deshawn Starks Thomas Alexander Stauch Monica Siomara Stephenson Zandra Monique Sterling Gregory Brian Stevens LaToya Denise Stevens 4 Nicholas Craig Stevens William Charles Stevenson 3 Andrew John Stewart Jr. Erik Colin Stewart 3 7 Gerald David Sticker 3 Benjamin Roberts Stiles 3 Melinda Emilie Stokes 4 Lavester Bernard Stone Sr.

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Alexandria Christine Strader James Lee Strickland Theodore John Stump Timothy Peter Supp Aaron Lynn Sutton Bryanna Dutchess Tabler 2 Victoria Renee Tabler Johnny R. Tallon John O. Tanner Jr. 2 Kristen Marie Tascone 2 Thomas J. Taylor Jr. 4 Joshua Neil Teague Albert Thomas III 2 Aaron Montrell Thompson Raquel Brianne Thompson 2 R. Ryan Threatt II 3 Marcus Tinsley Daniel Harry Torgerson 3 Heriberto Irizarry Torruella Tamika Michelle Townes Benaiah John Townsend 4 Gavin Turner 4 Jonathan R. Turner Tyler Thomas Turner Elizabeth Rose Van Driessche 3 Margaret Beverly Van Gorder 3 Stephanie S. Vance 4 Jazmine Rakayle Vanhook Timothy Varney 2 Linda Ann Vaughn 4 Michael David Velez Steven Vershel 3 Michael John Vogel 2 Austin Michael Wagner Joseph William Walker Rasheen Terae Washington 3 Jannat Sarah Wasi Melissa Mae Waters Kern Lee Watson 3 Jeffrey Douglas Wehberg 4 Rebecca Lynn Welch 3 Leontyne D. Weston Joshua Caleb Whitebread Melissa Lynn Widerman 2 Jordan Lane Williams Joseph Adam Williamson 4 7 Michael T. Wilson 2 Michael Todd Wilson Jr. 4 Rachel Joyce Wiseman 3 Christopher Anthony Woodrow Sherri Margaret Woods 2 Joshua Allen Woosley Michael L. Workman II 3 Ethan David Wray Thomas Kyu Yoo Ryan Christopher Young Tara Lee Young Geoffrey McKinnon Zeller 3 GOVERNMENT Chelsea Katlyn Andrews Staton Clay Angle Jaime Cecelia Ballew Tyler Robert Beaston 4 Andrea Lanae Beeman Caleb Michael Berkland Scott Thomas Borgia 2 Joshua Joel Caldwell Nicole Rebecca Canale 4 Zachary Eric Cook Tyler Jake Crawford Christopher Brian de Blank Mena Megumi Edenfield 2 Aaron Michael Ellis Nathan Duane Freier 3 7 Andrea Yuleny Giovanetto Andrew Lynn Gustafson 3 Angela Joy Inglett Jay Michael Kronzer 2 Austin Prescott Lucas 2 Paul Lucas 3 Eduardo Marquez Daryle Mc Ghee Joseph Elijah McGowan 3

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Joshua Walker McMillan Luke William McMinn 2 7 Thomas Peter Morris Jessica Nicole Morrison Mary Teal Mulligan 3 Alexander Shipley Murr Jack William Neblett Ciara Rose Pierce-Diehl Cabot Baldwin Phillips Daniel Andrew Reiher 4 7 Lawrence Joseph Richard III Rekhail Deajuan Sharp Holden Michael Shelton Richard Charles Sink II 3 Michelle Marie Sizemore 4 Nathaniel Trent Street 2 Meagan Michelle Stroud Dong Hyun Suh Luke Patrick Swanson 3 Dylan D. Vining Lacey Dana White 3 Todd Curtis Williams Jennifer Rae Winson

Undergraduate Certificate Christine Hannis Dilts 1 Ganiat A. Ajibona Graham 1 Ashley Elizabeth Hedrick 1 Jonathan A. Nixon 1 Rachael McGinnis Putnam 1 Rebecca Joe Scogin

SCHOOL OF LAW Associate of Arts

PARALEGAL STUDIES Jason Albright Jessi Marie Arreola Julie Mae Bailey Robin M. Bavin 1 Pabla Adami Bernardes Elke Catherine Botha 1 Shelly Brentlinger 1 Mindy Elizabeth Bressert 1 Raymond Carroll 1 Jennifer Clements Rachel Elizabeth Croom Hedy Irma Dayton 1 Sabrina Lauren Devogt Mark A. Hagston Peggy D. Hayden Shelley Briggs Jobe 1 John H. Johnson IV Anna Petra Lococo 1 Katelynn Ann Loring 1 Amanda Lynn Lovett Nichole L. Lucas Elizabeth J. Edwards Brett Louis Mattson Zaylen Marie Miller Kara Leigh Morris 1 Robin May Mueller 1 Kristin Nichole Peters 1 Tina M. Price Kimberly Chicora Rawls Amanda Davis Reagan Melissa A. Reeves 1 Anita Nicole Rooney 1 Thaddea Anna Marie Schrijn Tucker R. Schroth Shannon Dawn Semmler 1 Kaleah Smith Josephine Marie Spencer Florence Matthews Thomas 1 Nikita Michelle Vaughan Zandra Aimee Westenkirchner 1 Anita Leigh Windsor 1

Bachelor of Science PARALEGAL STUDIES Jessica Yvette Alford Stephanie Marguerite Bastion Lisa Jean Benn 4 Randy Alan Bohon 2 Agnes Mary Noble Brown 4 Ernest Avery Campbell III

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Melissa Ann Carlson Katelyn Joanne Cash Clinton Jon Caudle 2 Dustin Lee Clark 4 Jennifer Mullins Cleveland 3 Melanie Jane Couch Brandon Wells Crabtree Edgar Cuevas Elizabeth Jean Davis 3 Rhonda Davis Morgan Elizabeth Dawson William F. Downing Jr. 3 Rhonda Wilson Edwards 4 Jeffrey Scott Eggleston Emily Elizabeth Emerson Melinda L. Ervin 3 Peggy Evans Krista L. Flores 4 Richard Frausto Melisa Fretwell Virginia Marie Garman Michael Ray Garr Jr. Matthew Ryan Gaw 3 Cherie Lynn Hanes 2 Cynthia Younts Harris Julie Page Heath 4 Mary E. Hood Stephanie Marie Horowitz Melinda Jenkins Brittany Michal Jividen Bethany Sara Johnson 2 Shane Paul Korthas Benjamin Lee Lakey Monica Logan-Lanier Toni R. Likens 2 Amy Elizabeth Baldwin Michelle Katherine Manville 3 Melanie Martinez 3 Catherine Ann Mathias 2 Grace Eileen Meeks 3 Andrea Metts Joelle Denise Meyer Kameelah S. Monroe Kelly Ann Neeleman 2 Stacie L. Newton Cheryl North-Dickerson Amanda Lyn Ofstedahl 4 Paula Ann Opalewski 2 Mallary Paulk Ashley Leigh Poff Lori Qualls 3 Melissa Resendez Sonya Rhem 4 Ashley E. Sample 2 Gregory Scott Sampson 4 Jay Joseph Schmitz 3 Heidi Elizabeth Snyder Kelly Jo Stalnaker 4 Christina Stauffer 3 LaToya Denise Stevens 4 Fanny Marie Stevenson 3 Wynter Morgan Stiles Kimberly Dawn Swanson 2 Kristen Marie Tascone 2 Christopher Glenn Taylor James L. Taylor 4 Paige Scott Trainum Carol Lynn Tripp Gayle Carlene Lang Tucker 4 Christine Vargo 3 Heather Rene Vessell 3 Hazel Marie West Anna M. Whitson Jasmine Nacole Williams

Undergraduate Certificate Tim J. Abel 1 Carla V. Adams Amanda R. Anthony Erin Samuelle Beadle Patricia Ann Carignan 1 Teresa Firestone Castle Jacqueline Adriana Chavez 1 Trinity S. Claros 1 Brandon Wells Crabtree

* 1


Debra S. Cypryla Stephanie Donlevie Jill Marie Fenton 1 Bobbi Jo Fritz 1 Amanda Weizenecker Fuller 1 Alexis M. Gardella Amanda L. Grounds Brina Lyn Harwood 1 Tammy Jo Ingraham 1 Karen Lynch Misty Lyons 1 Martha Malvitz-Ellis Dorothy Ann McKinney Ebony Anne Meads Sharenea Olivia Mosley Peyton Oxford Chelsey Shanell Renfrow Keena Rosetta Scott 1 Jasmine Tanzania Smith Khalilah Horton-Spencer Stephen Baxter Trull 1 Sharon Renee’ Mann 1

SCHOOL OF MUSIC Bachelor of Music

Andrew J. Dina 4 * Leah E. Drumheller * Jonathan Micaiah Dunn Amanda May Flint 3 Courtney Paige Garrett 2 Shelby Anne Hamrick 2 * Shelby Anne Hamrick 2 Lauren Michele Hartburg 4 7 Sharon Hickman 4 * Rachel Elizabeth Hoyle 2 Brittany Leigh Jordan 4 7 Michael Robert Kerr * Michael Robert Kerr Diana Christine Lackey * Kalley Ruth Long 2 * Taleysha Lache’ Martin Josephine Martinez 4 Yzela Elizabeth Palma Kyler Reid Parker Amber Dawn Parks * Meghan Nicole Pritchard 3 Martin Tyler Pruitt * David T. Ruck 4 Elizabeth Rebecca Shoemaker * Sarah Catherine Stephens 3 7 * David B. Stoeltzing 3 Autumn Michelle Struhar Lien Chen Tee 2

Bachelor of Science MUSIC INSTRUMENTAL Joshua M. Detwiler WORSHIP & MUSIC STUDIES William Dwight Anderson 2 Julianne Elisabeth Ashbaugh 3 7 George Andrew Benton Sarah L. Brent 4 Lindsey Michelle Bridges Jonathan David Brouhard Emma Danzey Burnham 2 Merry Allison Cagle 2 Freddie Collins III Joshua Hampton Crosby 3 Joseph Wayne Daniel Nicholas Park Daniel Maame Afriyie Danso Kerry Lianne DiGiacomo 4 7 Jonathan Distler Lisa Katherine Hudson Nathaniel Carl Fowler Jessica Leigh Fralin 4 Ryan Michael French Sarah Revelle Fucello 2 Kyle Thomas Gibson 2 Sarah Beth Godheim 4 Daniel Albert Gonzalez Katelyn V. Grant 3

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Curtis Austin Green 2 Jaclyn Paige Hayden Kaitlyn Jo Hermening 3 Kyle Richard Hoppe Nicholaus Michael Huber Nicholaus Michael Huber Catie Beth Hutson 4 Molly A. Ketcham Cory Bryson Kick Naoya Kurosaki Joseph B. Layton Brigette Anne Mansfield 3 Patrick Thomas Marshall 2 Benjamen Robert McNew 2 Alexandra Terry Morgan 4 7 Matthew Lemont Morrisey 4 Elizabeth Marie Myers 3 Jason Nichols Julie Anne Osterhus 4 Christopher Ryan Rhodes 3 Magdalena Schroeder 4 Ashley Marie Smith Julia Marie Smith 4 Timothy Leland Snead Jr. Rebecca Ellen Stegall 3 Elizabeth Megan Stroud 2 7 Hannah Victoria Tetmeyer 3 Corbin Michael Turner 2 Jane Elizabeth van der Linden 4 Matthew Thomas Ware Jacob Christian Wessel 3 7 Jordan Ronald West Jordan Weymouth Timothy John Williamson 3 Andrew Scott Wyand


Bachelor of Science in Nursing Lauren K. Abel Kelsey Hope Acell 2 Marlene Acevedo 2 Katie Acree 2 Abigail Erin Adams 2 Katelyn Rose Adams 2 Sarah Elizabeth Akers Omolola Adebanke Akinmadelo Brenda Mary Chiappetta Maria A. Alexander Ashley Star Allen Monica Jean Allen 4 Brenda Kay Amundson 3 Melissa Joy Lattanzio Dana Utz Andrews 4 Jessica Tray Anthony Amy Arnold 3 Juliette E. Arrastia 2 Nkechi Obinma Asoh Sylvia Dolores Atkins Alison Vaughn Atwood 3 Meskerem T. Ayalew Kristen Lee Baber 4 7 Taylor Gray Bailey 4 Linda Baldwin Charity Ann Balentine 4 Suzanne Ball Pearl Lynette Banks 4 Kimberly Renee Barnes Courtney Shane Barrett Catherine Elyse Beach Cynthia B. Bender Nicole Marie Bennett 3 Patricia Currin Berens 3 Pamela Rae Bertram 3 Stephanie Brooke Beverage Bianca Nichole Bishop Ellen Arthur Boling Monica Esperanza Bonilla Madeline Louise Boone 3 Robin E. Borkey 3 Michelle Lynn Bourque Kelsey Lynn Bower

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Linda Fisher Bower 3 Jennifer Leigh Boyce 3 Jamie Elizabeth Bricker 3 Melissa H. Brizendine 2 Kathryn Elizabeth Brostrand 3 Cara Lyn Brower Inez L. Brown Rebekah Brown 3 Kathryn Nicole Browne 2 Lisa Anne Bryant 3 Josephine Oforiwah Buadu Craig A. Burmeier 4 Patricia Dawn Burton Seth Michael Bussert Helen Lenae Byers 3 7 Tessa J. Cabbagestalk 2 Joshua Dale Calloway 2 Lauren Whitney Campbell Lizelle Casupanan Carino 3 Morgan Ashleigh Carlton 2 Brittyn Michelle Carr Melissa Renee Carthew Megan Lynn Casey 2 Pamela Freeman Caviness Crystal Elizabeth Chalmers 2 Kendra Ann Chapman 3 Samantha Alexandra Chapman Laura A. Cherry Shane Adrain Christian Melissa L. Clark Samara T. Clark Darren Sean Clarke 2 Midge Ann Alice Clarke 2 Lauren Kulp Clemens 3 Julie Nichole Cluck 3 Melissa Lynn Coldren 2 Jessica Gem Connor 3 Amy W. Cooper 3 Audrey Dean Corbin 4 Ashley Monique Cousins Leilani Rene Craig 3 Sarah Elizabeth Crist 2 Bethany Michelle Cromer Christina Lynn Curry 4 Ariel C. Davidson Audrey Davis 3 Desiree Davis 3 Tasha Nicole Dean Jessica Nicole Dearfield Michelle Juanita DeCarlo Jacqueline Grace Dehnert 2 Ruth Evangeline Demetros 4 Lindsay Paige Dennys Kristi Lea DePaola 3 Jonelle Colleen Depp 3 Blair Victoria DeRossett Virginia Gale Derringer 2 Michelle Donna Dewey Rajwant Kaur Dhillon 3 Heather Renee Dickinson 2 Sabrina Lee Diehl Michael Christian Disalvo 3 Analeigh Dorsey Ferguson Denise Renae Doss 3 Kelley Lynn Doss Pamela Jiggetts Dozier Paul A. Drumheller Laura Rebecca DuBose 3 Chaselyn Duncan Parsons Kelly Ann Eckert Grace Elizabeth Edwards 2 LaDonya A. Edwards 3 Anna Joy Engel 3 Aba Mensima Eshun 3 Connie Lynn Estes 4 Danielle Nikole Farmer Kelly H. Farnsworth 3 Tessa Leigh Farnsworth Joanne Mitchell Feickert 2 Amy Marie Feugate Amanda Lynn Fico 4 Colleen Rae Fisk Joshua Michael Fleming

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Kathleen Hogan Flinn 2 Jennifer Kae Frazier Tabitha L. Frazier 3 Andra Leigh Fridley 3 Angela Hare Furman 3 Patricia Gail Fyfe-Horne 4 Gabrielle Autumn Mead Samantha Renee Gardner 2 Paul Robert Garrard Leslie Jordan Gillispie 3 Ashley Salena Girard 3 Michelle Nadine Gold Laura Ashley Good 4 Ashley Brooke Goodsell Amanda Nicole Eileen Grainger 3 7 Keith William Grasser 4 Abbie Marie Maurhoff Katherine Arlene Gregg 2 Jannat Powell Habeebul-Lah Laura Christine Habighorst 3 Holly Nicole Hagy 2 7 Rebecca Caldwell Hamlett 3 Susan Hammond 4 Debra Shanks Hamric 2 Lindsey Catherine Hanks 2 Rebecca Lynn Harvey Katie Lynn Haslett Sarah Margaret Hasselbach 3 Catherine Bryant Hayes Sharon Snider Hazelwood Phoebe Louise Helt Royal Cornelius Hendricks Nicholle Danielle Henning Ursula Alexcia Hodges Brittney June Hokoana 2 Jaclyn Nicole Houghton 2 Christopher B. Howard 4 Elena Gabriela Howl Faith R. Huff Elizabeth Rachel Hughes Jon Michael Hughes 3 Shelby Michelle Hunter 2 Maria Benita Inman Theodore Sterling Inman LaQuisha LaChelle Jackson Olivia Grace Jackson Melony Jill Jaggers Christi Jenisch Brandy Lynne Jenkins 4 Shaari Jacqueline Jenkins Anna R. Jennings Tiffany Worthington Johnson John Grady Johnston 3 Brittany Chavonne Jones Kristina A. Jones 4 Shannon Nichole Jones Jennifer Journey 2 Sissy Jumper Michele Margit Kalleberg Hyunjung Kang Danielle Kapke 3 7 Christine Celeste Karlsson 3 Cassandra Naomi Katz 4 Joanna Lynn Bennett Meredith Ann Kelley 2 Sarah Elizabeth Kelley 3 Vickie Rae Kelly Mari-Tate Elizabeth Kendrick Melyzedeck Nyangaresi Kerongo Laurie J. Kerschner 2 Kristie Showalter Kidd 3 Natalie Taylor Kime Cynthia Kinney 3 Sara Hilliard Kirkman 3 Jennifer Yolanda Kiser Ingrid Angela Kissel 4 Kristen Marie Knapp Evelyn Renee Knisely 3 Emily Caroline Knox 2 7 Emily Dora Koch 4 Avery Jo Kordus 4 7 Rachel Anne Krause 3 7 Alicia Ann Kuntz 3

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Annah Elizabeth LaJoy David Michael Larew II 3 Hannah Joy Lazar 2 Antioneisha Myrie Fields Sharon June Lee 4 Brittany Nicole Lensch Stanford Bradley Lerch 2 Rachel Colleen Lewis Kelly Marie Lindner Elizabeth Christine Loncar 3 Rebekah Ann Long Dylan Michael Longnecker 2 Aimee Elis Lopez 2 Crystal Dawn Lowder Tibbs Nicole Marie Lucas Judith Lea Lucchesi 4 Regina Marie Luiz Hannah Elizabeth Lund Emily Lunt 3 Leandra Michelle Lusk Christina Lynch Kimberlie Lynch 4 Marcella Ann Lynch 3 Sherri Lea Lynn Taylor Deanna Lyon Heather Lauren MacDougall Emmalee Melissa Beth Mancuso Hannah Margaret Manley Dionna Manuel-Shelton Melanie Jane Marenna Maribeth Hope Marshall Kimberly Oxner Martin 2 Kirstin Theresa Mason 3 Kelly Ann Mauldin 2 7 Olivia Paige Maynard Krystalin Rae Mays Julie Ann McBride 4 Alomie E. McCallum Nora Jenea McClung Lauren Elizabeth McClure 2 Amanda Scarlett McGill 3 Courtney Paige McKinley 3 Jessica Raegan McNeil Gregory Meadows 3 Thelma Megginson 2 Andrew Shannon Michael 2 Amy Krystell Miller 4 Constance Miller Shelly Robin Miller 2 Suzanne P. Miller 2 Tamara Lynn Millich 4 McKenzie Katherine Mills Diana Mitchell Marisa Clare Monacelli 2 Julie Ann Monville 4 Betty Jean Moore 3 Ronald Raymond Moore 3 Vickie Lynn Moore Carissa Morris Dawn Ann Morris Gale Morris Ginger Morris Martha Moses 4 Beth Hartgrove Mowery Lauren Elizabeth Muffett 2 Laura Elizabeth Mumme 3 7 Sarah Johnson Murph 2 David Andrew Murray 4 Rachel Catherine Myers 2 Tremayne Lamar Myles 2 Alexandra Michelle Neff 3 Cheree Noel Wood Negreiros Heather Neighbors 2 Kayla Nicole Nelson 3 Marsheita Denice Nelson Reana Nelson 3 Nicole Noel Nestell 3 Laura Susan Newman 3 JennyBeth Nicklow Kaila Noelle Niehaus 4 Ujunwa Jane Nnaji 2 Dona Rae Chatman/Norfleet Christine Marie Nusslein 3 Sacha Vaught Ochoa 3

* 1

Atsoupe Kpodzoh Odah 3 Winifred Dawn Ohm 3 Sarah J. Olguin 3 Kelly S. Osborne 2 Lindsey N. O’Shea 4 Ivy Stella Otchere-Alhassan Sandi Beach Owens Margaret Lynn Pague 3 Matthew Douglas Painter 3 Bethany C. Panasci Lilieth Rose Parke 3 Bonnie D. Parker 4 Krista Leigh Parker 2 Janet Marie Parson 2 Sonya Renee Patterson 2 Rebekah Blair Pemberton 3 7 Stephanie Gail Penacho 4 Paula Kaye Penick 3 Booker Clay Perkins 2 Kay Anne Peters 3 Kelsey Leigh Peterson 4 7 Lyn Marie Phillips Kristin L. Phillips-Marcum 3 Deborah May Piskur 3 Kelly C. Pollack Sharren Denise Pope Brittany Porter 3 Emilee Kathryn Poteat 3 Haleigh Elizabeth Powell 2 Kathleen Indorf Pratt 4 Linda M. Primm Jennifer Ryan Prine Chase Pritt Scottie Throneburg Przybylek 3 Cynthia Rose Pullin 3 7 Cindy Quick 3 Jenifer Quilodran Yovante Lynn Rabun 3 Stephanie Anne Raj 2 Michelle Leigh Randolph 3 Lisa Marie Rankin 2 Monica Gail Ratliff 3 Bethany Brooke Rauscher 2 7 Kathy D. Ravan 2 Brooke Nicole Reade 3 Nadia Reese Brandon Rhodes 3 Donna Barger Rice 2 Heather Renee Richey 4 Inez Nicholson Robbins Stephen Roberts Rachael Louise Robertson Millissa Gayle Rodgers Kelly Nicole Roehm 2 Emily Catherine Roggensack Brooke Elizabeth Rolfe 3 Elizabeth Lee Rollins 2 Roylene Rosso Erin Marie Rousselo Susan M. Rozelle 4 William Paul Runnels Brandon Scott Russell Tara Lynn Saksek 3 Lindsay Layne Salmons Timothy E. Salyer 3 Jeannine Marie Sawyer Erin Margaret Schaeffer 2 Jennifer Anne Schlenker Kathleen Megan Schreiber 3 Paige Danielle Schrider 2 Patricia Scott 2 Jodi Lynn Seaks 3 Louis Duane Seay 4 Mindy Rene Sechrist 3 Joanne Seepersad 3 Vandana Tejas Shah 4 Bradley J. Shaw 3 Debra Shaw 3 Barbara Jean Shelton Patricia Shifflett Kazuyo Shimizu Aimee Lawlor Shreffler 3 Ereka D. Coleman-Singleton 2 Lauren Katheryn Sizemore

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Michelle Slack 4 Maxcey Lynne Sligh Christine Rita Smith Susan M. Sowell Donna Antoinette Stanford Alicia Catrelle Stanley 4 Kari Noelle Stanley 3 7 Shelly Jeanine Stanley Erin Olivia Stanton 3 7 Tara Ninette Jones 2 Kathryn Lynne Starr 3 Matthew David Steverson 4 Sierra Brooke Stewart Valerie Renee Stewart Patricia Stopka 4 Ashley Nicole Strader Regina Dionne Strange Lyndsey Michaelle Worrell Nicole Surette 2 Ashley Anne Naylor 2 Jennifer Ashley Tari 2 Jodi Amanda Tarlton Stephanie Tate Kristin Deborah McGuire Manda Marie Taylor 3 Brittany Lynn Thomas Debra Hall Styles Thomas Jillian Elizabeth Thomas Brandi Smith Thompson Jane Y. Thompson 3 Tara Lee Tisdale Nicholas Louis Tosi Savannah Banks Toth Kathy Ann Townsend 2 Lisa Townsend Tasha Marie Troendly Joshua Brian Tucker 2 Amanda Tyree Davis Cortnie Christine Ulrich 2 Janet Kay Utt Kimberly Ann Vess 3 Cynthia Parker Wallop Massa Harriet Watson Lindsay Jean Weaver 3 Rachel Taylor Weeks Amber Ramirez Wells Carolyn Louise White Emily Ann Whitfield Ian Crum Wilcox 3 Shannon Lee Wiley 2 Pamela Lauren Wilkie Amy Elizabeth Willard Andrea Denise Williams Michelle Walker Williams Allen L. Williamson Sarah Elizabeth Wilson Catherine Lynn Coleman Winyard 4 Sarah Danielle Witt Mary Meade Tuttle Wolfe 3 Taylor Beth Woodson Ashley Lynne Worsham 3 Brittany Noelle Wright 3 Joshua Russell Wright Brittany Leigh Wuokko Mary Heather Zimmer 2


Associate of Arts RELIGION Altheia Watson Abdullah Brittany Alexander James Mason Allen Anthony Perry Andiorio Levi M. Baber Smith T. Banks II 1 Tiffany Nicole Barbee 1 Drew Barker 1 Jachob Michael Dominick Bartkovsky David A. Bartlett 1 Damion Jermaine Beckett Martha Jacqulia Bennett Janet P. Benton

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Ada Elizabeth Best Willie J. Best Sr. Michael Anthony Bingham Addie A. Blankenship 1 Irene B. Blazio Samuel Dean Bonura Ronnie Rashawn Brakes 1 Christopher Steven Brooks 1 David Leroy Brown Derek Brown Harold Eugene Brown 1 Robert Russell Browning Dwanna R. Buckner Jeff Lee Burghgraef 1 Kenneth Lamar Butts 1 Elizabeth Anne Bybee Thomas Dewayne Bynum Travis Ray Carpenter 1 Colleen Lynette Carroll 1 Tommy Lynn Chadd Michael Chambers 1 Sheryle Lynne Chambers Ross Matthew Clark 1 Richard Anthony Cleary Barbara Cleveland Glendia Clower Randy Lee Conley Jr. Michael Benjamin Cook Loretta L. Cooper Loretta L. Cooper Eddie Lynn Cox Duane L. Crawford Thomas Joseph Daniels Elden Delano Darby Jr. Helen Davis Jacqueline Diane De Giovanni 1 Antonio T. Drake Richard T. Dunham Barbara W. Dunlap Darnell Tyrone Edwards Sr. Fredrick Eily Ivory Elizabeth Jackson El Ricky Eugene Faircloth 1 Sandra L. Ferrell Matthew James Preston Fields David James Fowler Ryan Frayser 1 Laura Fernanda Galvan Jason Alexander Gibbs Mechelle Rena Glenn Kimberly Marie Gliganic Doris Jean Grays Alysa N. Hampton Llana Michelle Harmon Agnes T. Harris Vesta McArthur Harris Andre Dwight Harrison Marshall L. Hart Jr. 1 Kristine Emma Henry 1 Anthony O. Hooks Daniel Casey Hopkins Lisa M. Horne William Francis Hosko 1 Myron Phillip Ice Andrew G. Ireland Angel Carmelo Izquierdo 1 Alex Ray Jackson William James Jackson Ken January 1 James Anthony Jennings Michael Ben Job 1 John Michael Johnson 1 Nichelle C. Johnson Richard William Johnston Stacey L. Joiner Jennifer Jones Leon Raymond Jones Micah Jones Sr. Tanya Lee Jones Charles Edward Keller Jr. 1 Debra Leigh Kelly 1 Christopher Ian Kenna 1 Danielle Kentish

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Andrey Steven Kidd 1 Valorie Shawn Thomas 1 Kyliegh Snow Crowder Kite 1 Tony B. Kolasch 1 Nicholas Anthony Kott Carrie Ann Kraus 1 Seth D. Lackey 1 Undra Lamar Lambert Sr. 1 Ronnie Blake Large 1 Jennifer A. Lear Andrew Elmer Lee James K. Lee Inese Lewis Mark A. Locke 1 Faith Esther Love Gerald E. Loveless Joshua K. Lucia Cassandra Hammond Luke Naomi Louise Sunderland Geraldine Freeman Lundy Todd Michael Lynch 1 Kyle Lloyd Major Megan Grace Marcus 1 Jereme McAlpin 1 David Mealancon Sharon Jean Meyer 1 Thomas Edward Mikoski 1 Daniel Jordan Miller 1 Eric Raymond Mitten Frances A. Mix Carlos Mario Monsalve Dwayne T. Moore Larry Sidney Moore Roger Vincent Morgan 1 Jerry Michael Morton 1 Lillie Amos Moyer Michael Alan Nicolson-Curtis Jennifer F. Olmstead 1 Luz Idalia Ortiz Karen Darie Pagan Isabelle Emy Bonato Parada 1 Timothy Parson Kyle Alan Patrick 1 Paul Benjamin Paulos 1 Dana R. Peebles 1 Dianna Lynn Griggs-Pollard Dorance Powell Jonathan Earl Pratt James Cody Proctor Paul Anthony Prude Jr. Lloyd Eugene Purswell Alex Troy Quinn 1 Lissette Quinones Christopher James Ray Gary Gene Rebok 1 Jose M. Rey Remedios Galvez Reyes Philip Andrew Reynolds Tyler Stephen Reynolds Dana Gullage Richardson Blake Edward Roberts Anthony Arlington Robinson Angel Luis Rodriguez Joseph James Rogers 1 Zachary Wayne Rose Anya Nicole Rountree Richard Wayne Royalty Steven Erik Sabine Jean Y. Saint-Cyr Vanessa Sanders Yolanda Vonshae Adams Sanders Danielle Marie Sarbo 1 Sean Ronald Sarnecki 1 Thomas Aaron Seabolt Brandon W. Sell David Eugene Seymour 1 Mitchell Shawn Shipman Vincent B. Shirey Edna Diane Cheek Siler Willie Gerald Siler Sr. Lynette Lewis Singleton David Michael Smith 1 Justin D. Smith Jennifer Ann Hall 1

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

James Anthony Sorrells Yanira Lorena Soto 1 Joshua Dale Sparks Andrea Renee Speelman 1 Kyle W. Spinks 1 Andrea Renee Stahl 1 Tyrone Michael Stallings Sr. Wanda Johnson Stuart Anthony Lyle Tabor Carlito Reynaldo Tartt David Taylor Gerri Lynn Teat Larry Renard Thompson 1 Preston Lance Thompson 1 Wallace Demetrious Thornton Ella P. Smith Barbara Ann Todd 1 S. Austin Miller Townsend Robert Merle Tucker II 1 Eddie Turner Joy Lynette Tyree 1 Zachary T. Van Dyke 1 Amanda Leigh Van Meter Burch 1 Penny Ann Venable Rosemary Ridley Vines 1 David Andrew Waller 1 Anne Walter Daniel Lee Watson Corina Lynn Weaver Jason West 1 Isaiah Barnabas Whitman Matthew Jordan Whitworth Julian Bernard Williams Kenneth Charles Williams Jr. Michele Yvonne Williams William Williams Eboni Nicole Willis Leonard Marvin Wilson Steven W. Windsor Jr. Ryan Thomas Worl 1 Daniel R. Yoder 1

Bachelor of Arts BIBLICAL STUDIES Luther James Barak Blalock Aaron Douglas Boyce 2 Justin Waddell Dixon 2 Bradley Noah Ewton 2 Jonathan Herbert Hoffman Luke Edwin Hummel 4 Daniel Kevin Kalin Zachary Christopher Koon Kevin James VanTongeren 4 Jackson Davis Woosley Jessica Britany Worsham 2 PASTORAL LEADERSHIP & BIBLICAL EXPOSITION Joshua Frank Penley 4 Aaron Christopher Russell Dakota Wesley Wade 3 PHILOSOPHY & RELIGION Joshua David Alley 4 7

Bachelor of Science BIBLICAL & EDUCATIONAL STUDIES Brandon Ryan Faulkner Matthew Steven Henry 2 Brenda Louise Trammell Cynthia Ann Ward CHURCH MINISTRIES Leslie Lynne Bean 4 Caleb James Bennett Gavin Robert Blake 2 Matthew Aric Bovard Jacob Tyler Byrd Caitlynne Camille Daugherty 4 Chad Wayne Davis Sara Catherine Gage Reed Colson Hernandez 4 Charles Holmes Garrett Matthew Hutchison Zachary Lee Keiter

* 1


Heidi Winger William T. Lanman Cameron Gabriel Lloyd Ellyn Margaret May Gregory Alan Mimbs Joshua Ray Nestor Matthew Scott Pedersen 3 7 Caitlin Marie Phoebus Sarah Elizabeth Reese 4 7 Katie Jane Rhebergen 2 Katie Jane Rhebergen 2 Megan E. Robinson 4 Javan Joseph Shashaty Evan Daniel Smith Marissa Marie Sorce 3 Kaitlyn Bethany Swails Chloe Nicole Swoope Anthony Michael Talley Shelby D’anne Uhler 3 Emily Anne Wilmot 3 Emily Caroline Winslow 2 John Michael Worley GLOBAL STUDIES Carolina Candamil Dylan Michael Childrey 2 Katherine S. Farnham Laurel Christina Gates Amy Elizabeth Harris 2 Erin Elizabeth Hawthorne Trevor Hope Brandon Michael Jones 2 Corlene Marie Laing 4 Duo Li Weston Scott Martin 2 Megan Renee Melton Morgan Victoria Monasterio Jessica Leanne Notarbartolo Joshua Thomas Smith Rebecca Lynn Smith 3 Titus A. Treme Tucker Ray Whitley 2 Elizabeth Young PASTORAL LEADERSHIP & BIBLICAL EXPOSITION Corey James Alexander Cody Ray Bingham Dylan Tyler Brightbill Dylan Tucker Eagle 4 7 David Maurice Greene Austin Michael Laws Robert Charles Sanders Kinshiro Paul Shimochi Scott Anthony Spalding 4 RELIGION Lori Ann Achey Brian Glenn Adams 4 Brian Glenn Adams 4 Jeremy Christopher Adams 2 Matthew Joseph Adams 2 Aaron Michael Ady George Dustin Alderman Joshua Blake Alderman 3 Barbara J. Alexander-Cripe 4 Caleb Stephen Allen Joseph F. Alonso Ethel Jean Alston Sharon Marie Alston September Schaffer Schaffer Christina Antoinette Anderson 3 David William Andrews Jr. 4 Anne Kathryn Antaya 2 Christopher Scott Argent 3 Wilford W. Arnold 2 Tavon James Arrington 3 Randall Thomas Ashlock Jr. James Raymond Askren 4 Kody Alan Aten Cory James Atkinson Robert Dale Atkinson Richard D. Ayres Matthew Mason Babcock Christa Ruth Bailey 4 Dorothy V. Bailey 4 Michael Robert Bailey 3

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Susie Wells Bailey Hogan Ronald Baker 2 Jeremiah Lynn Baker Steven A. Bakner 2 Taylor Banducci Thomas Walter Baran 4 Mardis James Barber Stephen Paul Bare 2 Katlin Justine Barkley Robert Barlow Jr. 2 Rachel Elizabeth Barnes 2 Alexander S. Barnett Christian Mackenzie Barnett 3 Scott Justin Barrett 2 Tyler Wayne Barrett 2 Johnathon E. Bates 4 Sam Timothy Battaglieri Gregory Aaron Bault 2 J.R. Beaver Benjamin Ryan Bechtel 4 7 Dyann Parker Beckner Annie Bell 3 Jeffery Bell Zachariah Wayne Bender Phyllis Marchell BennettWilson Jeffrey Wayne Benson Russell Leland Berger Darin Thomas Bernard 4 Sergio A. Betancourt Michael Bethel Brenda Michele Betts 2 Renê de Matos Bezerra David J. Biewer Charles Brandon Bishop Bryan Christopher Blain 4 Lucresia Maria Blankenship Wyatt Lloyd Bloom Roger Boaz 3 Theresa Lynne Bobbitt 4 Manuel Alejandro Boglio Melendez 4 Alan Keith Bolen 4 Britney Booth Christy L. Boswell 4 Todd Anthony Bourgeois Vanessa Elaine Boyd-Shegog Marshall Terrell Bradford Aaron William Brady Ashley Lynn Brady Garrett Wayne Bragg Sylvia C. Braggs 2 Eric Bratcher Maurice Braxton Dominic John Brewer 4 John Victor Broberg II 3 James Earl Brodie Jr. Gregory Brooks Joshua L. Brooks 3 Michael Ryan Brooks 3 Autumn Brooke Brown 2 Avery Wayne Brown Brandt Thomas Brown Cleveland Charles Brown Eric Michael Brown 4 Jeffrey Ross Brown Matthew Jonathan Brown 4 Sharon Katherine Brown Jerry Allen Browning Amanda Leigh Collins Bryant Catina L. Bryant Stephen Thomas Bryant Terry William Buck 2 James Blake Buckner David Bunch 2 Jonathan J. Burger Evan Burgess 2 Caleb David Burghardt Preston N. Burling II Robert James Bursell Ryan James Burtt Dustyn J. Burwell Tyler J. Buth 3 Thomas Michael Buxton II 4 Michael Lynn Byrd

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Tiffany Lynne Caddell 4 Pedro Joshua Calderon Thomas Caldwell III 3 Philip J. Cali II Kevin Patrick Callaghan 4 Isiah Calvin Timothy William Cambre Tommy Lee Camden II Carlos Cameron Brad Evan Camidge 3 Harold Dale Campbell James Christian Campbell Kevin Dewitt Cannon Charlotte Ann Cappama Stephani Ann Carpenter 4 Bethany Anne Carson 4 Andrew Michael Carter 3 Edward K. Carter Jr. 3 Tony Lee Carter Tami Caskey Blake Adison Cataldo 4 Robert Wayne Cathers 4 Daniel Jose Cervantes Logan Scott Chambers Omega Danielle Chambliss Peter Jamison Champion Aaron Chandler Hannie Chang Kevin Scott Chesser Travis Eugene Childers Ricky L. Chishom Sr. Jamie Lynn Aalialuk Christensen John Anthony Christopher Bethanne Mae CiaccioTarpley Robert Louis Cichon 3 John Patrick Clair 2 Aaron J. Clark Chase Austin Clark 3 Anna Clarke Matthew Scott Close 3 James Caleb Cody Timothy Lee Cole Chance Anthony Coleman Nicolas Floyd Coley Timothy Sean Collins 3 Will Collins 3 Daniel Michael Collinsworth 2 LaKeenya Davon Colvin 4 William Harper Compton Arnaldo Concepcion 2 Randy Lee Conley Jr. Christopher Lane Connally Stephen Conomacos 4 Kristopher Jon Considder Gregory Robert Cook Stephen Miller Cool Mary Catherine Cooper 3 Candis Nicole Cope James David Copeland Kelly D. Cornwell Derek Blane Cory Christopher Daniel Countryman Alicia Diane Courtney Rebecca Jo Atkinson Lewis Cox Adam L. Craig 4 Kristopher A. Craig William D. Crass 2 Rodney Antoine Crayton David Logan Crock Brian Christopher Crone Christopher Norman Otto Croom II Kandy Ann Crosby-Hastings Robert James Cross 4 Danny Joe Cunningham Christopher G. Dauenhauer Charles Leslie Dause Jr. 3 Adam Guy Davenport Austin Kyle Davis 2 James Dean Davis Leslie Anne Davis

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Lydia Belle Davis Nathaniel Davis III 4 Steven Lynn Davis Sr. William Daniel Davis Andrew Donald Dawson Shelby Tyree Dawson 2 David S. Day 3 Brad Mathew Dayton Daniel Joseph Deal Mary Dean 2 Angela L. DeBerry-Bailey Scott Harold Dees Frank DeLeo 3 Fabio Delgado Olivia C. Denhoff Kennedy Dennard Sr. James Patrick DePirro Yvette Lenora Derico Timothy Brian Deschler Jr. 2 Coy Glen Dickenson 2 Jason Matthew Dildine 4 Hope Marie Dillon Billie Ann Dimmig 3 Eugene W. Dingle Adrian John Dirschell 3 Aaron Lee Dobbels Ryan Earl Dobbs Kaitlin Mallory Doherty Ashley Lynn Donahue Robert Shane Dorn Dana Anthony Doss Christopher Michael Dotson 2 Yolanda A. Kelty-Douthit Elizabeth Joy Downey 2 Robert Carter Drackett Jr. Matthew Spencer Drake Joshua Lee DuBois Gregory Navoy Dunbar Russell Jay East Clifton Everett Eastham 2 Daniel Mark Eby 4 Rebecca Stewart Edwards Ivory Elizabeth Jackson El Amy Michelle Elder Sarah Neville Ellenburg Kory D’Angelo Ellis Robert Verne Ely III 4 Carl Aaron Embler III Paul Edwin Emery Sandra May Engle 2 Whitney Paige Enquist William Adam Ensley Jr. 3 Adan Espino Vanessa Lynn Estes Tracy Octavia Eubanks James Blake Evans Nathan James Evans Robert G. Evans 3 Justin Thomas Everett 4 Deborah Ezzo Tara Kelly Fabling Adam E. Facundo Joseph Thomas Farren II 2 Gerald Roy Faulkner 2 Fred Ferguson III 3 Jimmy Alfredo Ferman 3 Larry Ray Fernberg Brent Lee Ferrell Carolyn Jean Fisher 4 Sarah Rebekah Fisher Jamel Javon Flag 3 Robert Lee Flay Ronald J. Flowers Avery Michaela Lauren Foley 4 John Edward Foley 2 Sarah Paige Taylor 2 Michael Harry Foose Ryan Harrington Forbes 2 Jeffrey George Ford 3 Geoffrey Nathaniel Forrest 4 William B. Forster Douglas John Forsythe Jr. 2 Douglas John Forsythe Chedrick LaManes Foster

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

B. Andre’ Fowlkes Michael A. Fox 3 John Merrill-Zim Frahm 3 Brandon Scott Frank 3 Kerry D. Freeman Sr. Dylan D. Frercks Derrick Eugene Freshour 3 Johnny B. Friday Scott Joseph Friend Raymond Jorge Fuentes Brian J. Gagnon 2 Kimberly Christine Gallian Michael A. Galvan Matthew Galyon Ivan Garcia John Stephen Garcia Luis Jacob Garcia 4 Nathan Charles Garconvil David William Gardner 4 Mary Costello Gardner Joshua Alan Garner 4 Jesus Antonio Garriga 2 Dane Elric Leroy Gay 3 Jason Gebert Aaron A. Gebhardt Charity Marie Beard Shon D. George 3 Robert Gerber 4 Daniel Jason Ghiurau Kirk Thomas Gibson Kelsey Bernard Gifford Joshua David Gilmore Jason Paul Giroir Malika Daoud Givehand Tiffini Marie Glinka Steven William Goatley 2 Christopher Columbus Gomes Patricia Gonzalez Gomez Matthew Lee Gooch Richard Lynn Good Kyle Wolfgang Goodier Brian Keith Goodman Garvin Hendrickson Gourie Christopher Wayne Gracey Kevin Graham Ronald G. Graham Phillip Edward Grant Brandon Michael Graves Timothy Gage Graves Brandon Dale Gray 3 Anja M. Green Tarries Greenup Paula L. Grett Jeffrey Alan Griebling 2 Joshua Reynolds Grimm Jennifer Leah Grisham Jason Grissom Christopher LaMonte Groom Richard Anthony Groover Quinton Joshua Emmanuel Gross Samantha Anne Guillen Katherine Asbury Crowe Guion Kyle Hackett 3 Brandon Scott Hall 2 Leroy Darryl Hall Jr. 2 David Wade Halsey Sr. Scotty Dale Halsey 2 Natasha Dora Hamilton 4 Joshua Caleb Hammonds 4 Austin Nathaniel Hamrick Joshua Nathanael Hance 2 Todd Hanken 2 Michael William Hanley Darcy J. Hanson 4 Matthew Steven Harmon Charles David Harper Nicholas Gregory Harpin Elizabeth Harris 2 John William Harris Shannon Elizabeth Harris 4 William Elbert Harris III Sherry Diane Harrison

* 1

James Levi Hart Joshua Brian Hart 4 Taylor Wayne Hartley Charles W. Harvard Benjamin Olaf Haug Michael Leroy Hawk Felicia Yvette Hayes Steece A. Hayes Sr. 3 Tommy Hayes James Harold Hazlewood 2 Cory Hearnsberger Richard Aaron Hegwood Rickie Everett Helms Jr. 4 Christopher Michael Helton Aliese D. Hemphill 3 Lee Matthew Henderson 3 Shon-Mark Henry 4 Brian Scott Hensley Shana A. Hensley Jose Hernandez Vanessa Hernandez 2 Cary Sean Herrin 2 Ryan P. Herzog Terry Ward Heykamp 4 Billo F. Hicks 4 Melody Joy Hicks Justin Daniel Higham Melissa C. Hill 4 Robert H. Hill Sharon Marie Hillegass 4 Philip C. Hilt Kalob L. Hinners 3 Heath Thomas Hinton 2 Justin L. Hite 2 Michael Grover Holderfield Kristen Maria Corpora Amy Hollis Jason Dale Holt Korie Lynn Honaker La Tosha D. Honor Rodney Osben Hopes Donnell Leroy Hopkins Erik Mark Hopkins 4 Rebecca M. Horn 2 Elijah Hosse 2 Milton Joseph Howard Allison Kay Hoyle Donald Wayne Huband Jr. Bryan Michael Hubbard 3 Nicole Elliott Hudnall 4 Amanda Gray Miller Jacob Webster Hughes Peter Humphries Frank N. Hundley William Bennett Hurst Jr. Sarah Michele Hustead Ki Up Hwang Matthew J. Hyde Timothy Marc Hyde 2 Zachary David Hyler 4 Brett Eric Hystad Jordan Paul Ingram Jesse Eugene Isaacs Jr. Brian K. Jackson Carroll Lynn Jackson Janet Jackson Johnnie M. Jackson Kerry James Jackson Yousef Jafari 2 Derrick B. Jahn 4 Christopher W. Jarman Karen Jaworski 3 Jules Nerson Jean-Louis Aaron Gene Jefferson Cory Adam Jenk Brian Dale Jenkins 2 Robert Burton Jenkins 3 Aaron John Jerome Phillip Jesenick Ricardo Raul Sinohui Jimenez 2 Jessica Marie Job Andrew Bradley Johansen Aaron Gabriel Johnson Brandon Curtis Johnson 4

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

David Michael Johnson 4 Jamie Lynn Johnson 2 Lekevie C. Johnson 2 Maria Antoinette Johnson Matthew Jerome Johnson 2 Payte Alan Johnson 3 Arthur L. Johnson 4 Stefan Johnson Tayler Lee Johnson Antoinette Jones Jerry Kevin Jones John Crit Jones III 2 Paula Jones William Leonard Jones 2 Hilmar Mark Juell Brian J. Kane Timothy Lee Kelly Sharon Lynn Kemp Carl Kendrick 4 Crystal Suzanne Kent Justin Dean Kent 3 Brandon William Kenyon 3 Adam Russell Kester 2 George Harvey Ketchum II 2 Cathy M. Key 4 John Kim Joseph J. Kim Joshua Kun Kim Kang Rok Kim Anthony Kinder Lori R. King 4 Joel Adam Kirchstein 2 Kathleen Kay Kirk Timothy Craig Knight Heather Renee Knox 4 Jonathan J. Knox Jake Elliot Kohl 3 Emerald Nicole Kolar Vaughn Edward Krause 4 Christine Elizabeth Krauter Daniel George Kromidas 4 Marc Douglas Lambert 4 David R. Landgren 4 William McKinley Landrum 2 Brian Landry Alice Bond Langley Mackenzie Stewart Langlois Agustin Lara Lara 2 Jake Carl Larson Jerry Lattimore Jacob Neale Laurence Law Brent M. Lawson Jonathan Lawson 3 Christopher David Lawton 4 Jason Laxton 4 Jeanette Altschuler Layton Dillon Lehnen Trudy Mae Leis Derrick Ben Leitao 4 Jonathan Matthew Lentz Joanne Lynn Lester 3 Andrew James Levang Jimmy Ryan Lewis Taylor Michelle Lightsey Scott L. Lipker Paul Little John Henry Lochbaum Michael Wayne Loman Stephen Allen Long 3 Doel Lopez Jr. Gabriel C. Lopez Abigail Marie Lord 3 Matthew Milan Losee 4 Marchelle Deatra LotheryDavis Cathcart Hudson Louque Andre Demetrius Love Joseph David Lovitt Daniel E. Lowe Gage Ikaikakukane Lucas 2 Joseph T. Lund 4 Bethanee Lynne Lunday 2 Christopher John Lutyk Reba D. Lynn Joshua E. Maciel 3

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Zachary James Madren 2 Lucas Maggard Wilfredo Maisonet Tracy Garland Mallory 3 Erik James Maloy Chad Manbeck 4 Joseph W. Marks III Dennis Wayne Marshall 4 Jacob Richard Martin Jamie D’Angilo Martin 4 LaDrena Nicole Martin Melissa Marie Marvin 2 Brian Masat James Winston Mason 2 Phylicia Delta Masonheimer 3 Malani K. Massey Joshua David Matherlee George C. Mathews 3 Lewis Denard Mathis Zachary Clay Mathis Joshua Andrew Matias David Justin Matthews 4 T J. Mauldin T J. Mauldin Travis Dean Maxey 2 William James Maxwell Elijah Edward Mayers 3 Mark Maynard II Matthew Taylor McBride 4 Jesse Edward McCabe Lawrence McCarter Kristin Talia McCarthy Gregory Dale McCarty 4 Jim L. McCarver Joshua Daniel McClain Jerry Emmett McClurg 4 Charles Warren McConnell Edward William McCorkle 3 Braydenton Shane Mccormick Jacqueline McCoy D. Patrick McCoy 3 Joseph W. McCulley 4 Dennis Rae McCullough Wallace Charles McCullough Heidi Layne McDonald 2 James Edwin McKaskle 2 Fabyann S. McKinley 3 Viola Jean McKinney Eric Christopher McMahon 3 Hannah Elizabeth McNair 4 Rodney Eugene McNair Stuart Cole McPherson 3 Patrick Thomas McWilliams 4 Ephraim Lane Meadows David A. Mealancon Ryan Shane Medrano 2 William D. Meeks Kenneth Taylor Mefford Christopher Robert Merck William Alan Middleton 4 Timothy Zane Miles 3 Daryl Andrew Miller John Warren Miller 4 Lisa Marie Miller Marisa Antoinette Hayes Miller Stephen Leonard Miller 4 Tracy Leamare Mingo Shannon Edward Minor Gregory Mitchell 2 Jeannette Mitchell 2 Karen Mitchell Rosalind M. Moats Lendell R. Modder Micah D. Moffitt 2 Michael Thomas Moleta Ronald Eugene Mongold 3 Thomas Wilford Monroe Jr. 4 Valdon Todd Monroe Eurena Lanelle Montgomery 2 Katherine Marie Moore Lane Christian Moore Daniel Alejandro Morales Kristina L. Moren 3

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Alfred Nava Moreno Jr. Gregory Allen Morgan 2 Zachary Taylor Morgan 2 Merwyn Pat Morrel Brandon Stephen Morris 3 Richard Allan Morris 2 William Joseph Morris Stacy Joan Mottola Angela D. Moyer William Gregory Mullins 3 Eric Munoz Jr. Lucas H. Munoz Michael Anthony Murphy Raymond LeRoy Murphy III 4 John Michael Murray Shane Vincent Muszall Hayward Gerald Myers Sr. Stephen Grady Myers Walter Steven Myers Jr. Logan Patrick Naff Megan Monique Naillon Charles Denver Nance James Melvin Nave II Travis Walter Neely 3 Julie Christine Roca 2 Neal D. Nemeth 4 Edward Neves Dennis Ray Newcomb Jr. Jeffrey Alan Newsome 4 Charles Anthony Newton Sr. 3 Kyle Joseph Nice 4 Timothy Alan Nicholas II 3 Michael Alan NicholsonCurtis Jeremy Thomas Noel 3 Kevin Scott Norris 4 Callin Kelly O’Brien 3 April Deann Ocasio Jessica Lynn Ocasio 2 Jacob Ochoa Michael Tighe O’Connor Zachary Michael Oglesby Jordan Ryszard Olesiak Manuel Matthew Olivas Sr. 4 William Russell Olmstead Jr. Cameron Olsen Jacob Lee Ondrak 4 Barbara Magdalena Orticelli Aaron Brent Osuna 4 Joe W. Oswalt Jr. Kelsey Lynn Ott 4 Jeffrey Lee Owen 3 Robert L. Pagan 4 Jonathan Brad Page Bryan Eugene Painter Christopher Glenn Painter 2 Toni Lynn Pakus 2 Eric D. Palac Adrina E.W. Palmer 4 Lauren Elizabeth Panettiere Isabelle Emy Bonato Parada 2 Robert Park Jerry Brian Parker 3 Katie M. Parker Marcus Damon Parker Steven Lorenzo Parker Will Brooks Parker Todd William Parks Charles H. Parmenter 4 Joshua David Parsons Kyle Alan Patrick 4 Cameron Allan Patterson Mary J. Paul Jeremy Wayne Payton 4 William Lee Peace Jr. 4 Samuel Pearson Gabriel Pech 3 Abner Pedraza Timothy Peery 4 James Michael Peper Eric Todd Peters 3 Natalie M. Peterson 4 Evelyne Petion Laroque Kristen Woodyard Pettaway 3

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Michael Alexander Phillips Ben Christian Pierce 2 Curtis Wayne Pierce Jr. Patricia A. Pike 2 Jorge Pina Jeremy C. Pingel 2 Michael D. Piotrowski Christopher David Pittman 2 Veronica M. Pittman Smith Krysten Renee Tetrault Richard H.J. Plourde III Anthony M. Pluymakers Traci Lynn Pollard Lindsey Deane Polley Cesar A. Ponce de Leon 3 Krista Joy Pope Marjorie Louise Porter 4 Pamela Louise Porter Fabian Portunato 3 Daniel Shane Powers 4 Shane Curtis Praisler 2 Timothy D. Price III Michelle Elaine Priebe 3 Susannah Catherine Prince 2 Darril Leon Prout Jr. 2 Jacqueline Acosta Pujol Nash Otis Purcell Travis F. Qualls 2 Travis Marshall Quin 4 Cody Allen Quinn Mario Carlos Quinn 4 Julio Quinones Shalmon Tyrone Radford Michael D. Raibon Sabrina D. Raibon David Christopher Rainey 4 Walter Rand IV 4 Tommie Gail Randolf Maxine Evelyn Rascoe Gencarol Morrison Ray Lora J. Ray 4 Jonathan Michael Reagan 3 Caylee Anne Redford 4 Samuel Willis Reed 2 Charles Thelton Reeder 2 Theodore William Reich Angela Lynn Renick Joshua E. Reynolds Shannon C. Rhoades Lawrence Edward Rials Julie Ann Ricks 4 Dexter Lavell Ridley Rachel Michelle Riggs 3 Richard Dean Riggs 3 Jeffrey Allen Riley Jeannie Ring Pablo Manuel Rios Hernandez 4 Corey Dewell Rivera 3 Phillip Mark Robbins Adam Matthew Roberts William Cordell Robertson Luis R. Robles Gwendolyn Rodriguez 4 Josue D. Rodriguez 2 Emily Ann Bundy Milton Rogers Wilman Rojas Erica Caitlin Roland 2 Laurie Ann Roldan 3 Jeremy Jaymes Roll 4 Dana Jewell Rollins Jesse M. Rollins 4 Nicolas Martin Romero Ramon Luis Rosa Ramos 2 George Arthur Rose 2 Cody T. Ross 2 Steven James Ross 4 Willie Rogers Ross Jr. Daniel Jacob Rossdeutscher Anya N. Rountree Dupre Demille Rouse Lorraine Ann Rowe Richard John Rozman Jr. Quinton Leon Runyon Andrey Rusavuk 4

* 1


George Dwayne Russell Willie Andrew Russell Christopher Kevin Ryan Charles Robert Sabo 3 Michael David Sadzinski Rene Robert Saldivar Sandy Hope Sanchez Redondo 4 Essence L. Sanders Mark Andrew Sanders Samuel Logan Sanders Moises Santana Joseph W. Saweikis Curtis James Schenke 2 Derek John Schering 3 Marshal Jon Schmid Jared I. Schmidt Susan Lynn Schulte 4 Jacob Brady Schuster Samuel Steven Schweinshaupt Rachel Jean Scott 3 Kenneth Paul Scrivner 3 Charles Page Scruggs Aaron Phillip Scudder 3 Stephen L. Searl Denise Anne See 4 Dillon Segur Harry Rene Segura Caleb Lee Seibert Steven R. Sell John Charles Seltzer Mikaela Danielle Serafin Joseph E. ThompsonSexton 2 Daniel Banks Shadrach Charles Lee Shafer Naomi S. Sharif Clifford Douglas Shaw Richard Allen Shea 3 Daniel Ray Sheaffer 4 Joshua Richard Shearer 3 Linda Delores Shearin 3 Troy Shepherd Keren G. Sheridan 2 Ronald Roy Sherlin 3 Rachel Marie Shields Richard Michael Shumate 4 7 Steven Frederick Siegrist Kirby John Silo Lawrence Hugh Simms Jr. Mark S. Simpson Shalamark Deon Simpson Joshua David Singleton Rich J. Sironen 3 Barry Skinner Scott Michael Skipper 3 Darin Scott Slater 3 Joel David Slater 4 Sheila Small Anastasia Smith 2 Brian Gary Smith 3 Charity Elizabeth Smith Charles Wesley Smith Christopher Michael Smith 3 David L. Smith Jr. 2 Davida Renee Smith Gabrielle Ann Smith Jonathan Pierce Smith 4 Justin Taylor Smith Justin Smith Leianna Lyn Smith 4 Luke Eric Smith 2 Martha Lynn Smith Maurice Robert Smith 4 Nancy Lee Smith 3 Roy Smith III 3 Shawn Anthony Smith Willie Lee Smith Charles Lee Snellings Dexter Darrell Snerling Christopher E. Sorrells Orlando Souden Andrew David Southwick 4 Lois Ann Brueckner Joseph Matthew Speaks 4

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Adam Reid Speight Corey Colt Spencer 4 James Nikolas Spikes Asheley III St Clair Mark Christopher Stahl 4 Crystal Deneene Stalling Charles Stanford 3 Richard Timothy Starling Daniel Phillip Starnes 4 Justin Steckbauer 3 Darwin Walter Steele 4 Jamaya Antonio Stephenson 4 Donald B. Stevens Sarah Lynn Stevens Jeffrey T. Stevenson Charles S. Stewart Ryan Charles Stoker Lauren Elizabeth Stotler Grace Harmony Stotmeister 2 Amanda Gabrielle Hayes Kyle Strunk Jeffrey A. Struss Jr. 3 James Douglas Sturey 4 James Edward Sullivan 4 Bryant Summers Jordan Lee Surratt Anthony Sutton William Earl Sutton Monica Renee Swarez John Christopher Sweet 4 Kim Louise Szabo 3 Albert E. Tackett 3 Evan Mawyer Taylor Jeffrey Thomas Taylor LewAnn Francessca Taylor Matthew Stephen Taylor Tinna Amor Taylor 3 Hiwet Tekie Brian Joseph Tevlin 4 Dennis James Theriault 3 David M. Thomas Gary Floyd Thomas 4 George Gregory Thomas Henry Elvis Thomas Mark Franklin Thomas Shane Russell Thomas Tammie Thomas William Phillip Thomas 3 Jacqueline Thomas-Bass 2 Thomas Harold Thomasson 3 Brian Reeves Thompson Chad Alan Thompson Eldon Paul Thompson Ericka Kelvina-Natasha Thompson 2 Gregory Vincent Thompson Irena Eudene Thompson Terry Allen Thompson 3 Ashley Francis Thornton Carlin Michael Tiano Eric Bruce Tillman Anthony Lynn Timms Emily Elizabeth Tinsman Matthew A. Toban Trena Vonnice Todd 4 Laurie Michael Tomlin 3 Cobie Lee Tomlinson Donald Kahananui Toro VeeVeca Lavoira Torrence Daniel Torres Stephan Austin Miller Townsend Debby Lee Traffas Jerry D. Travis Lloyd Novack Traxler Mark Allen Tribble Shivonne Christine Trull Kerwin Dawayne Tucker 2 Jonathan K. Tullos 2 Juan Carlos Turcios Dustin Guy Turner Elisha Tweneboah Kodua James Keith Tysinger Kristen Dawn Uhrig 3 Evan David Uibel

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Barbara A. Boone Kenneth Usher Edward R. Vaillancourt 3 Gina Lynn Valenzuela Jordan Emmet VandeBogart Krystin Leigh Pogue 4 Jonah CP Vang Douglas Donald VanNostrand Michael VanProoyen 2 Shian Marie VanRappard Daniel Vargas Jr. 2 Marsha Deanne Vargas Finney K. Varughese Maribel Velez 2 Anthony Joseph Verderame Benjamin Rhys Vestal John Steven Victory Jr. 2 LaTonya N. Vinson Dana Michelle Voss Patrick Waddell 2 Patrick D. Waddell 2 Mikasha C. Wade Patricia Wade 4 Kurtis Wagner 3 Luke Patrick Wagner Jonathan Martin Walden Alvie Dennis Walker Walter Barnes Wall III Alan Joel Wallace Sr. Kenny Wallace Owen James Walsh Elizabeth Jordan Walters Robert Michael Walters 4 Timothy James Walthour Carla Williams Walton Tammy Wann Fredrick Emanuel Ward Cheryl Ann Washington Kelvin Jamal Washington Joseph J. Waterman Kristopher R. Waters Matthew Garrett Watson 3 Samantha Elizabeth Watson 2 William Dale Watson Jr. 2 Daniel Brandon Weatherman 2 Matthew Barton Weaver Shanna Raye Webb Ross Thomas Weller Eric Earl Wells 3 Larry Douglas Wells Ronald Richard Welsh Jr. 4 William Terry Wendt 3 John Dallas Wesley Megan Michele Wheeler Christopher Allen White 3 Demetrius T. White 2 Isaac Maurice White 3 James Earl White Kendal A. White 2 Daniella Meriqua White Stephanie Nicole White Benjamin Tyler Whittington Angela Michelle Wieder Ryan Paul Wigfield Jeremy R. Wiggins 4 Tina Wilburn Timothy Nelson Wilde Katie Rachel Willard 2 Kelly J. Willhite 4 Deborah Diana Williams Jonathan Andrew Williams 3 Lawanda Beatrice Williams Lawrence T. Williams Marshall Robert Williams Otis Dearrell Williams Ricky Williams Wayne Williamson Jr. 2 Adam Duane Wills Ronald John Wilmer 3 Gordon Christopher Wilson Paul Alan Wilson Taylor Hamill Windham Matthew Leroy Wisecarver

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Nathaniel Womack Sr. 2 Ann Marie Wood Arnold Edward Wood III 3 Brian Michael Wood 2 Pamela McNeil Wooden 3 Robert Lee Woodson Brian Heath Worrell 4 Dylan M. Worrell 4 Henry Lee Wright Cooper James Wyatt Melanie Denise Wylie Anthony Jacob Wysong William Michael Yee 3 Catharine Marie Yodis Kathleen Anne York 4 Melvin Charles Yost Jr. 3 Jarrett A. Young 4 Robert Harrison Young Laura Marie Zander 4 Mark Zepeda Kirk Randall Zweigle 2 RELIGIOUS STUDIES Paul Joseph Abdallah 3 Stephen Antonio 3 Jon Quin Bryant 2 Christopher James Carasella Jannah Leigh Cooter Elizabeth Brighton Derby 2 Nigel Doerfler Nathaniel Bruce Downey Jeffrey Earl Dunagan 2 Kent Michael Gearner Laken Faith Hendron 2 Evan Thomas Hughes 3 David Larnell Johnson Christopher E. Largen Matthew Langford Pennington 4 Emmett Matthew Pieper 2 Sydney Gregory Porter Elizabeth Marie Powell 4 Ian S. Pringle Noah Jay Richardson 2 James Andrew Schirmer 4 7 Lucas Anthony Smissen 2 Bradley L. Smith 4 7 Patrick Ambler Speight John Gregory Stergar Timothy James Sutton 4 7

Undergraduate Certificate Charletta Adams 1 Selma Waddy-Aiken James Alexander 1 Michele R. Amig Gerald G. Andersen 1 Nessa L. Andrews 1 Karen D. Bain Brock J. Baker 1 Julia L. Barry Daniel L. Beasworrick Keith A. Bentzel Douglas W. Bergsnev 1 Charles A. Bilbey 1 Vilma Birriel 1 Thomas Daniel Boone Michelle Cobbs 1 Daniel Lamar Collins Sr. 1 Robert John Collins 1 Sarina Davis Cook 1 Lauren L. Cowell Larry Lavon Davison Sr. Dirk Ermon Deaton 1 Kathy J. DeBoer 1 Katherine A. Douglas Jalisco Dowdy Robert Lawrence Drake Joseph Robert Dunton 1 Miguel Antonio Estrada Christopher Favors Robert E. Feldmann 1 Michael David Gardner 1 Rachel Soosanna George 1 Wilson C. Glenn Sherry Glover

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

Shell S. Goulding Tiffany D. Guthrie 1 Rhonda Chereese Hall Lawrence Harris Jr. Tyray F. Harris Bradley Stewart Hawksworth 1 Derek James Heller Lance L. Henderson 1 Gina Holm 1 Eric Holmes Carol Denise Jackson Hunter A. Jones Priscilla Jordan Rodney L. Judd Jr. 1 Laura Kamp 1 Colleen Kelhofer 1 Thad J. Kelhofer I Lydia Patterson Kennebrew 1 Cheryl L. Kenyon Roslyn D. King Benjamin K. Klock 1 Christopher Knox 1 Dena LaRoux 1 Tonya Perkins Law 1 Latina Kirkwood Lewis Cristian R. Linares Bryan Paul Littrell 1 Mary Lyons Tony J. Majors Carlos J. Matos Carlos J. Matos Cherish Mayers 1 Errika R. McCarrell 1 Michael Mcdonald Sr. Viola McLelland Hannah Dawn McPherson 1 Elisabeth Mejias Emerson Mertens 1 Lindsey Shepard Lisa M. Montgomery 1 George E. Moore Jr. 1 Joseph Moore Teresa L. Moppins William T. Morris 1 Scarlett Muldoon 1 Tekecia Chanta MurdockBrown Cathleen D. Nauta 1 Manuel A. Ortega Guzmón

Varieon Termaine Owens Brandon Pachey Isabelle Emy Bonato Parada 1 Robert G. Perez Jr. Gladys Marie Perry Sergio G. Pineda Shannon Leigh Popoff Dustin L. Potter 1 Sryvonne Sittia Pruitt Pamela A. Ragghianti 1 Eric Christopher Richards Reatha Rivera 1 Rozetta McCray Rodriguez 1 Roy Rogers 1 Amanda Elizabeth Sanchez 1 Jerry Schroder 1 Carole C. Sciotto Rachel Marie Scott Louis Michael Smaldino 1 Erica Smith Justin Smith Justin Smith Sharriskaa Smith Tina Spight 1 Barbara Pamela Sterling 1 Ronald J. Stiles Teresa Suggs 1 Linda D. Thistle 1 Charles W. Townsend 1 Gale Tucker 1 Robert Merle Tucker II 1 Candice H. Turner Rebecca Turner 1 Johnny Vereen Kristopher Victor Danny Vinculado 1 James Wagner 1 Linnie Michael Ward Jo Nita Washington Christopher Paul Weltin 1 Ericka D. White 1 Richard O. Wiggins Sadie M. Williams Dorothy M. Williamson Janice D. Wilson Sean Avery Wilson Sean Avery Wilson Jeffrey M. Winters 1 Kisha Latrina Winters Ken Wombacher 1

Wade Hampton Young III


Tom Otieno Abungu Charles Augustus Alexander Warren Lamar Allen Dorcas Elizabeth Andrews Evangelist Vivian Arline Christie Elaine Artuso Calvin Ball Yvette Elaine Purnell Gloristeen Barnhill Barnes Stacy Leigh Becktel Mary Margaret Bertsch Jerry Bishop Jon Blaha Rebecca Boyle Jimi Dylan Branch Yvonne Buchanan Daniel Edward Butler Alice Marie Campbell Scott Barry Carpenter Frank J. Casler Glynda M. Chapple Merlinda Rose Chavis Shaunric Martez Rackel Clark Christopher Keith Collins Cindy Lou Connors Marcus Cooper Jacquelyn Taylor Craig Tamara Hope Dalton Mike Daniel Marion Davenport Debra Deyarmon Joseph Lee Douglas Wanda Jean Douglas Joseph Karl Douthat Mildred Delores Gerald Odis E. Gillen Janice J. Gordon Thomas Grant Gail Denise Freeland Nancy Marie Griffis Christine Grissett Timothy Daniel Haberly Laura E. Hammer Ernest George Hart

Katina Nicole Hartsfield Annie Hibbler Deborah D. Hicks Sharon Faye Hill Gregory Lance Hoff Jr. Krista Leigh Hoff Wanda J. Johnson Shaun William Johnston David G. Jones Sandra Faye Jones Bruce Edward Lanter Mary Booth Lyons Jack Reed Maddox Peter Jon Maerkel Nicholas Adam McCorquodale Molly E. McFadden Austin McFarlin Kenneth Eugene McLaughlin Shannon D. McMiller Shawn McNulty David Brittain Midgett Sylvia H. Moran Charles Michael Needham Comfort Owiredu Laverne A. Palm Kyle T. Palmer Bobbie Jo Charlene Parks Allen Lester Patterson Michelle Bell Peay Jeffrey Michael Perry Frances Marie Reed Tony R. Reinbold Bobbie Jewel Reliford Pamela Riddick Troy Roland Amador Rolon II John Brian Roseman Linda Sayles James Thomas Shetley Herbert L. Shook Jr. Michael Alan Slagter Edgar Scott Snellgrove Jorge Solis Phillip H. Spivie Jr. Douglas Benjamin Staub Alex R. Stewart Marvin Lee Stokes Paulette Stokes Moni Lelei Tautu

Dwayne Taylor Cordelia Christine Thomas Joseph Michael Thornton Scot Olav Tomlinson Brandon Grey Tuck Teresa Twitty-Witherspoon Cheryl Elizabeth Urfer Jennifer J. Verdugo Wanda Wilkerson Kathleen A. Williams Stanley Williams Maurice Denard Wilson Phillip Woodward Janet Gail Wooten


Patricia A. Funchez Lisa Michelle Gum Calvin J. Kendricks Sr. Robert Joseph Kraus Cecil Allen Lambert Melissa Rogers Malumbe William Rogers Malumbe David Benjamin Marsh Daria I. McFarland Jaime Edward Mendez Beverly Smith Moore Thomas Moore Jeffrey C. Mowen Kevin Randolph Deborah Ann Ringler La’Juan T. Robinson Tomeka M. Robinson Roy D. Scherer Rebecca S. Shoemaker Tony Wayne Smith Tony Eli Spaulding William N. Ulmer Reginald Thomas Vaughn P. Michael Zeimann

LIBERTY UNIVERSITY ONLINE ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMAS Rebecca Adair Lauren Taylor Adams Ciara Destiny Almodovar Gloria Genevieve Babisha Collin Samuel Bauer David Andrew Beach Emily Beidel Kennedy Christian Berry Ashley Blake Gabriella Maria Borowski Isaac Thomas Brenny Infinity Bunday Katherine Alina Buonanno Nicholas David Burkett Grace Catherine Camillieri Catherine Elizabeth Cashion Stacy Annette Cavanaugh Angelica Marie Chestnut Kelsey Elizabeth Clay Taylor Gabriel Cleveland Cody James Clinebell Kenneth W. Coates IV Lukas Porter Coffey Luz Maria Comboni John Christopher Coombs Nathaniel James Crawford Hannah Elizabeth Croft Samuel Wade Cuidon Anna Kulani Davidson Rachel Davis Timothy Joseph DeVilbiss Salazar

* 1

Bailey Nichole Dingledine Anna Marie Dobbins Nicole Lyn Dowell Alexandria Nicole Durdle Katelyn Elizabeth Durig Kourtney Alexandra Dye Andrew David Stone Dyson Alexandria Grace Elkins Karoline Dawn Ernst Journey Rachael Esposito Ian David Evans Rebecca Briana Evans Jessica Ann Farley Lynette Marie Figueroa Kelly Renae Fischer Hannah Marie Flook Christian Forbes Anna Mari Ford Abigail Faith Fox Matthew Zorub Galgon Janelle Gan Lauren Garner Gabriel Augustine Garza Justin Wayne Glover Grace Taylor Gonzales Ashleigh Michelle Gregory Emily Kathryn Gutshall Madison Faith Hamm Jordan Elain Hansen Joshua Scott Harper Cheyenne Taylor Harris Johanna Ray Harris

Teacher Licensure AA Honors

Jules Stephen Harshberger Victoria Céline Heard Emily Grace Heintz Seth Harrison Hendricks Kelsey Michaela Hodge Kortney Nicholle Hollinger Paul David Hopkins Ryan Charles William Hoppe Julio Reinaldo Iguina-Pascual Joshua Josiah Jefferson Anna Ruth Johnson Brandon Lee Johnston Bryson William Jones Rebecca Mary Jordan Jacob Dewey Joyner Donald Adrian Keesee Diana Kislyanka Noah Loren Klein Benjamin Carl Koch Natalia Helena La Plant Blake Addisyn Larson Alexia Mandiza Lasala Emily Anne Lavender Hannah Michelle Lee Logan Michael LeGate Rachel Anne Lockerbie Gabrielle Alexa Looney Lisa Ashley Lopane Patricia MacDowell Timothy Paul MacGregor Alexis Anne Mattingley Tanera Elizabeth McNeill

2 Cum Laude 3 Magna Cum Laude

Brianna Lee Meeker Chelsea LeAnne Mills Joshua Wesley Miracle Kathryn Niu Mitman Chelsea Lyn Momot Cecelia Lynn Monnin Allison Rae Naatus Jaida Alohe'lani Marie Navarro Luana Nogueira Galvao Hanna Marie Ogston Elizabeth Gabrielle Owen Lee James Parish Amber Faith Patrick Logan Bryce Phillips Ashton Lee Kemp Pickford Sylvia Clara Popphan Alyssa Raney Mary Julia Rawson Andrew Noble Rineman Alexander Mark Ross Aleesha Rose Rothering Mary Louise Sanford Samantha Erica Santiago Emily Nicole Schneider John Paul Schneider Lacey Joanne Sellers Shayla Nicole Setzer Dasia Janeen Simms Elizabeth Renee Sinclair Hannah Elizabeth Skidmore Emily Runae Smith

4 Summa Cum Laude 5 Distinction

Hannah Lee Smith Kailee Diana Smith Rachael Cecelia Sondrini Elizabeth Carolyn Sprance Stephanie Amber Stalker Elizabeth Anne Stanley Timothy James Stanton Anna Elizabeth Stegner Troy Morgan Stirling Sodie Grace Stoner William Christopher Stratton Alicia Maria Stucky Jessica Stump Briana Marie Tabler Alexzane C. Taylor Caleb John Tillmannshofer Mussa Ukasha Agustina Vazquez Kelsey Lauren Voight Katelyn Dianne Warren Jacob Thomas Wheeling Anna-Frances Olivia Williams Ashtyn Leigh Wright Suzanna Marie Wright Celine Zaccheus Rachelle Zaccheus Zachary David Goshert Zachary Spencer Preu

6 High Distinction 7 Honors Scholar

“All of these buildings and programs are ultimately and primarily about building lives — the lives of our students and the lives of those they will impact.”



EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Whitney Kopanko


COPY EDITOR Kathryn McCracken

COPY EDITOR Gabrielle Killough




Photos included in the yearbook are provided by the Liberty University Photography department: Joel Coleman, David Duncan, James Hancock, Ty Hester, Kevin Manguiob, Jessie Rogers, and Les Schofer


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