The Digger No.4 October 1972

Page 1


SO Y O U W A N T T O B E Forget it kid, or it’s A R O C K ’N ’R O LL STA R? bread and water for tea Jenny Brown on the economics o f rock — with Spectrum and McKenzie Theory: Page 9

Wendy Bacon and Milena Damjanovic on

T H E R EV O LT AT BLACKTOW N BOYS H IG H SC H O O L W hat’s happening in the gaols Page 3

by Robert Adamson and Bruce Hanford begins Page 5

L IF E B E H IN D T H E FL O G G E R S Brent Crosswell: A Victorian football champion lifts a lid off the Great Game Page 4

PSY C H ED ELIC S IN T H E SU B U R B S Native shrubs to give you wild dreams Page 1

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