ISSU E NO . 5 / O CTO BER 21 — N O V E M BER 4 / 3 0 CENTS
*1 gave ray grand'daughter the
pill* D on ’t know if she
11use it.
Tw o old ladies talk sex. See page 4
PREMIER VISITS PEOPLE'S PARK NSW Premier Askin and w ife, pictured w ith the kids o f Glebe. The site is Adventure Playground, an illegal children’s park built in the path o f S yd ney’s Northwestern Expressway. It has so far cost the NSW Departm ent o f Main Roads, the NSW police, and the countless people w ith vested interests lots o f m oney and heartache. The kids love it. Why is Askin smiling? See page 6 for a report from the streets.
W ill M cM ahon b e o u t o f w o rk com e D ecem ber? Dennis Altman hopes so — See Page 5.
F M ra d io ’s p ro sp e c ts
JL a r t
T T b y R ° berf Adamson JLJL & Bruce Hanford
Glaister’s rape left him disturbed. Zimmer explains beginning page 8.
G ir l g o n zo m e e ts a d a n c in g H a r e K r is h n a Jenny Brown talks o f nirvana and abstinence. See page 3