Silvia and the Synthetics;gay violence on stage
by Barry Prothero P.3
Pouch Hawkes and Jenny Brown talk to the PM’s wife
Ms.W hitlam atThe Lodge
Confessions I of a boy who sold himself Life on the streets and in the subway toilets around Sydney — a way o f earning a living P.2
G ettin g fired over fou r-letter w ords The incrimination and expulsion o f Helen Carner, teacher and friend o f students at Fitzroy High School P.6 ..
I M arijuana and I its sid e-effects The first in what could become a series; Beatrice Faust reports on reports o f a link between smoking and genital disease P.4
Bungool A tale o f old men and young . . . “ Outside the small pocket o f insider’s paranoia, it was the perfect rock scene: a beautiflil park with few bugs, a good line-up o f bands, and almost no people.” P.8
Sunbury Musicians, promoters, organisers and more get in for their bitch before the first note, by Jenny Brown , P.8
Extract from the novel
RINGOLEVIO Emmett Grogan’s game o f life and death P.4