The Digger No.11 January-February 1973

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W h at chance new dope legislation? Lab or’s plans page1.

WOMEN DRINK O U TTH E BACK Sydney women juicers, tired of being shoved into back bars and ripped off for the privilege of being out of earshot of “men’s talk”, organise to breach that trad­ itional male stronghold, the public bar. In Manly pubs they expect — and get — kicks, abuse and broken glass. In between salvos they recruit a local housewife, and argue their case with licensees, regulars and police. The confrontation, not without laughter, produces four busts and a fine vibe among the beerstained sisters. By Ponch Hawkes Page 4.

Why hospitals should kill people too “The cabbage patch”, hospital staff call intensive care wards. A male nurse talks to Colin Talbot about heartstarters and mind-shocks, the machines and methods our institutions use to prolong the lives of what were once people. Death could be sweeter. Page 5.

Pituri: Australia’s oldest stone A botanist’s research into the aborigines’ use of a drug that alleviated J not only the hardships of walkabouts W / but the woes o f disillusioned white explorers and early settlers. What it looks like, where it grows, how to prepare it. Page 8.

Nimbin townsfolk hand over to festival Local heads resent the intrusion of the urban counter­ culture’s hoi polloi into their rural peace: but Aquarius festival organisers, I Ching in hand and calm reason in mind, gently woo another country town to the cause: city kids want to come back to the land. By Billy GarnerI Page 3.

R ock m usos and unions Sydney rock musos join union local to fight rip-off promoters. Page 3.

Teachers are turning hum an Know your enemy: Victorian Education Department arms itself against radical teachers . . . but still they come. Page 2.

C om m unist p arty’s young turks CPA gets a shot in the arm: young recruits clear away old deoris in a tired organisation. By Jill Jolliffe. Page 2.

Second of two extracts from Emmett Grogan’s.

NGOLEVIO Playing with death on New York streets. Page 6.

G u lliver’s albu m “The band’s all right but the singer. . . ” Page 8.

Sabbath live Dark skies and paranoia at Kooyong. B y Jenny Brown. Page 9.

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