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At last the 1972 Cartoon Supplement! The Digger’s
Two broadsheet pages of original side-splitting funnies and pungent social comment... by Digger readers. Pages 6 and 7.
Y ou can feed it, b u t don’t tou ch Unmarried mothers, today as yesterday, put up with the humiliation and moralising advice of institutions for a variety of reasons. Some because they can’t face the shame close to home, some because they’re poor. Helen Garner talks to some who’ve been through it, and to some of the women on the other side... the Matrons. Page 4.
Sunbury : a festival o f flies and worse Jenny Brown claims
Sunbury promoters (Odessa Promotions Pty. Ltd.) were lax on facilities. A reporter who spent the long weekend behind the stage describes Sunbury from the $2.00 hill. Page 9.
BRITAIN'S LONGEST CRIMINAL TRIAL EVER The trial of the Angry Brigade - supposedly eight radical London men and women in their twenties, took 111 days and cost between 1 - 2 million pounds. It was hardly mentioned in the British press - and even less publicised in Australia. Why? Because authorities $re scared the fashion of bombing important buildings roughly once a week might spread. Page 3.