The Digger No.13 February 1973

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T h e‘D ru g Problem ’: politics,high finance and m yth A Sydney researcher on the ideology of the national and international drug trade. B y R o b in Winkler, page 4



W hy w ould the U S consul open h is house to prospective b u y ers.. .w hen he’s not selling? And why would the boss of GMH be selling his Ford Capri through the classified pages o f the M elbourne Age? And w hat would Sir Jam es Forrest, Melbourne boss of the Chase M anhattan Bank, w ant w ith six dozen nappies, hom e delivered? Underground activists are em barked on a harassm ent campaign, directed at Australian agents o f US corporations. See page 3

K ickin g the porn~can for political p ro fit NSW Premier R obert (ne Robin) Askin and his chief secretary G riffiths have used it - now V ictorian Chief Secretary Meagher is using it in an attem p t to knock o ff his boss, Prem ier Dick Hamer. It’s the old pornography-as-m oral-degrader barrel. See page 1

Victorians parody o f law and order ~the state police force A review of Peggy Berman’s libel-studded book, a scenario o f graft and kick-back running V ictoria’s pow er machine. A bortion, as Ms Berman says, was n o t the guts of the ongoing Fuss; the issue was, and still is, corruption a t the top. See page 5

Published by Hightim es Pry Ltd, 58 Canterbury Rood, M iddle Park, 3206. Printed by Peelprint, Queen sherry and Peel Streets, Melbourne.

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