The Digger No.14 March 1973

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Our back-to-school contraceptive guide

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The making of a monster-Parti The body o f Jan O’ Truba, 20, a heroin addict and smallscale dealer, was found with three bullet wounds in the head. Rumors o f killings on Sydney’s smack scene usually remain ru­ mors. Either the bodies are never found, and names are added to Missing Person files, or the victims die o f overdose, and the coroner returns a missing verdict. O’ Truba’s body was tangible, enough to cause the most massive police investigation yet into the city’ s drug scene. But after seven months and hundreds o f inter­ views, the Special Crimes section has been unable to make an arrest.

—Page 3

Bobbi Sykes on Catholic racism Thirty blacks walked out o f the 40th Eucharistic Congress in Melbourne, and Bobbi Sykes writes about the issues and the images: “ There is a common saying amongst blacks in Australia, amongst the indigenous o f all colonised countries really, that

‘the white man came with the Bible when the black man had the land; now the black man has the Bible and the white man has the land\ Page 5 ”


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