The Digger No.41 February 1975

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Doublejay: Sydney rock station revives radio

ISSUE NO. 4 1 ,

February 11 — March 11, 1 9 7 5


1 don't -think 1 b©v/e €V«r child who hasn't bought (oars bacfcHQrc) And doesn't know what a white ftaa is... *nd he respects it even qs q child...... end here is a man who walked oat o f & wing and was Shot under a white flag . Then I heard Mr. call out words; Sonething like'Don't let them Surrender, Shocd -mem oil ¿7*

H o w th e p ris o n e r s a w th e d e s tru c tio n o f B a th u rs t ja il

W hat Tim e magazine didn’t say


THE CIA AMONGST THE ARABS A nd it’s new Asian fronts

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