The Digger No.44 May 1975

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IS S U E N O . 4 4

MAY 12 -


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Inside H o C hi M inh C ity In old Saigon there are flowers and friendly banter, and no bloodbath. Page 11.

A lv in P urple & the other ocker studs The nightmarish phantasies o f Aussie filmm akers, by Helen Garner. Page 7.

G ladioli & m arijuana grow side by side in C hina- for good health Traditional herbal medicine is being revived in China as part o f the “barefoot doctors"program . (A nother nail in the coffin fo r Confucius.) Page 21.


THE CHANNELS, HOWEVER, FIND THE OFFER EAST TO REFUSE Yes, that is Gra Gra, at M elbourne's Yarra Bank on May Day. What is the meaning o f this? See page 12.

Nurses’ strike The Florence Nightingale m yth has a price. Page 9.

A crisis for feminism Meaghan Morris reviews Ti-Grace A tkinson. Page 19.

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