emorial First Issue
Vol.l No.l October 16-22 .1973
Plough In The Crap And Plant The Seeds I K E , presumably, many o f o u r readers, w e believe t h a t t h e exi st i ng social st ruc t u r e is d r a m a t i c a l l y i n ad e q u a t e t o o u r desires.
But criticism comes easily and, as well as poke at the flesh of the present, The Living D aylights wants to evolve a vision of the future. We invite you to
Get Marx high and ask Buddha w hat he will do w hen th e ' developers come to bulldoze _______ his banyan tree_______ This paper is not b^ing launched to inculcate an appetite fo r ludi crous consumer products. The L iv ing D ayligh ts is not a soap opera of weekly news, as so defined by a man with a green eye shade who shouts stop press whenever a politiopens his m outh or model
Despite the presumption of our advertising departm ent, this paper is not aimed at the y ou th market (hardly, at y o u r age — a d manager) nor any other predefined clique of gullible malcontents. In t ru th , we d o n ’t k no w with exactness what shape the paper will take. Part of its personality will be moulded through spontaneous in terplay w ith our readers. In mundane actuality, The L iv ing D ayligh ts is little more than a few people in a room opening the mail. We have a hungry curiosity about the world around and an erratic optimism in the ideological
breakthroughs and utopian possi bilities before us. This is not meant self-im portantly. The Living D ayligh ts is a modest proposal. In everyday terms, it boils down to . . . ho hum y et another weekly newspaper. Just another missile in the great media assault. Early warning: We do not guarantee a weekly sensation. So w h y bother? Because we believe that we can unite a variety of unconventional ideas about the meaning of the mysterious fabric of life as it exists today in 1973, and our place within it, both as individuals with soul and as Australians living in a country ravaged by a riot of idiotic and unnecessary hazards, mainly the re sult of greed and habit. Repressed and insular attitudes are being increasingly challenged by thousands of com m itted and active people, both within the dimensions of their own consciousness and in the execution of their influence on social events. We plan to monitor, reflect and pursue this drama. page 3