H. HURLEY, general manager Phi lip Morris (Aust.) Ltd. (Brands: Marlboro, Alpine, Viscount, Al bany, Philip Morris, Virginia Slims, Park Drive, Peter Jackson . . .) And his admen: C.E. R IC H A R D SON, G.M. PATON and P.C. BENNETT o f U.S.P. Needham Melbourne Pty Ltd; B.G. GAPES and B. H ARRIS o f Com pton Advertising Aust. Pty Ltd; IL HERBERT o f Walker Herbert and Associates Pty Ltd; P& J.L. CLEMENGER o f John Clemenger Adver tising Pty Ltd; B.A. MONAHAN and P. ADAMS o f Monahan, Dayman, Adams Pty Ltd; P.G. CLARKE and F.A. RALPH o f Mullins Clarke & Ralph Pty Ltd. R.F. WATSON and R.K. M A R TIN o f Rothmans o f Pall Mall (Aust.) Pty Ltd. (Brands: R oth mans King Size Filters, Peter Stuyvesant, Chesterfield, Cam bridge, Winfield, D u n h ill. . .)
And their admen: F.E. GRACE o f Leo Burnett Pty Ltd; M.M. W ALK ER o f Foote Cone & Belding Pty Ltd; R. H ERTZ o f Hertz Walpole Advertising Pty Ltd; H. PATON and A. ADAM SON o f Noel Paton Pty Ltd. H. WIDDUP and J. RICKARDS o f W.D.&H.O. Wills (Aust.) Ltd. (Brands: Ardath, Ascot, Benson& Hedges, Capstan, Claridge, Country Life, Craven A, Escort, Fiesta, Garrick, Garrison, Hallmark, Braddock, K ool, Pall Mall, Players, State Express, Temple Bar, Turf, Tartan, Wild W oodbine, Glendale . . .) And their admen: K.H. COUS INS o f George Patterson Pty Ltd; J. Walter Thom pson Aust. Pty Ltd; S. RUBENSOHN and I. M ILLAR o f Hansen Rubensohn McCann Erick son Pty Ltd; T.B. W ALLACE and D. SUTHERLAND o f S.S.C. & B. Lintas.