LICEO SCIENTIFICO “L. MOSSA”-OLBIA CLASSE 1E – PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CIVILTÁ INGLESE A.S. 2012-2013 DOCENTE: PROF.SSA BARONE REGINA Nel presente a.s. Sono state studiate le funzioni linguistiche e le strutture grammaticali delle seguenti UNITS tratte dal libro di testo Moving Up - Entry Book Vol.Pre intermediate. Ad esse sono stati integrate letture e schede di altri testi o materiali autentici. Il programma svolto è stato adattato agli interessi degli alunni e ai loro tempi di apprendimento.
Verb be: Present Simple- Verb Have got: Present Simple-Some/Any. - Possessive case- Possessive adjectives- Adjective order- Qualifiers. - Present Simple: like + ing- Play, do, go + ing- Which? What? - Present Simple (all forms) – Expressions with have- The time- Both- Prepositions of Time: at, on, in- Adverbs and expressions of frequency. - Present Continuous (all forms)-. Present Continuous v Present Simple –Time expressions. - How much? How many?- There is, there are- Quantifiers. - Making requests and offers- Can (ability). - Verb be: Past Simple (all forms) – Past time expressions- Prepositions of place: at, inWas/were born- can, could , may ( permission and requests) - Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs - Past continuous and Simple past
− Present perfect testo: The world Climate The royal navy : the Bounty Vocabulary Rooms and furniture- Personal possessions- Dates: months, ordinal numbers, Festivals- The Family-Physical description- chotes- health and fit- Sport and free time activities- Daily activities- Days of the week- Jobs in the house- Part-time jobs- Everyday activities- Personal life- School- Food, drink and diet- QuantitiesAbilities-Places- theatre, shows and festivals.