Barone inglese 4t

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LICEO SCIENTIFICO “L. MOSSA”-OLBIA CLASSE 4 T – PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CIVILTÁ INGLESE A.S. 2012-2013 DOCENTE: PROF.SSA BARONE REGINA Nel presente a.s. Sono state studiate le funzioni linguistiche e le strutture grammaticali delle seguenti UNITS tratte dal libro di testo New Horizon - Vol.Pre 2. e il testo do letteratura Cakes and Ale . Ad esse sono stati integrate letture e schede di altri testi o materiali autentici. Il programma svolto è stato adattato agli interessi degli alunni e ai loro tempi di apprendimento.


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The New world: internal policy, Puritans vs Anglicans, America exploration ; Colonization, first Colonies, Thomas more: “Utopia”. Emigrants and the birth of U.S.A. Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet letter” (film) The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century (historical and social context (Modulo 3) The 18th Century – Literary context – The novel (Modulo 4) Daniel Defoe and “Robinson Crusoe” (Film) Travel literature: James Cook


Dalla unitĂ 10 alla unitĂ 16 UN. 10 have/ get something done talking about health Vocabulary body, illnesses, remedies UN. 11 talking about feelings Vocabulary: emotions. UN. 12 Question tags Past Perfect Reported speech UN. 13 Should have, ought to reported ask, tell want Vocabulary: Crime and punishment

UN. 14 passive tenses Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns UN. 15 Pharasal verbs be used to/ get used to/ used to tenses revision UN. 16 Third conditional Conditional revision

The Middle Age: Celtic and Anglo- Saxon Britain The Normans War and Social revolt Medieval Poetry Geordie Fabrizio De Andrè Versione di Geordie Geoffrey Chauser: The Canterbury Tales Chaucer, Boccaccio and Dante “ The Wife of Bath” The Renaissance The First Tudors and Reformation Elizabeth I and the Conquest of the seas Renaissance Drama William Shakespeare: Shakespeare's plays: Hamlet a.c. 2012/2013



Dalla unitĂ 10 alla unitĂ 16 UN. 10 have/ get something done talking about health Vocabulary body, illnesses, remedies UN. 11 talking about feelings Vocabulary: emotions. UN. 12 Question tags Past Perfect Reported speech UN. 13 Should have, ought to reported ask, tell want Vocabulary: Crime and punishment

UN. 14 passive tenses Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns UN. 15 Pharasal verbs be used to/ get used to/ used to tenses revision UN. 16 Third conditional Conditional revision

a.s. 2012/2013 Docente


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