LICEO SCIENTIFICO “L. MOSSA”, OLBIA PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CULTURA INGLESE A.S. 2012/13 DOCENTE : CAREDDU PANU DANIELA CLASSE: I B N Grammar and Functions – Entry Book Unit 1: Verb be: Present Simple- Verb Have got: Present Simple- Present Simple (all forms) Unit 2: Present Continuous (all forms)-. Present Continuous v Present Simple –Time expressions. Unit 3: How much? How many?- There is, there are- Quantifiers - Some/Any - Articles Unit 4: Can / must / should Unit 5: Past Simple (all forms) - Past time expressions Unit 6: Present Simple: like + ing – / What’s it like? Unit 7: Comparatives and superlatives Unit 8: - Future tenses Unit 9: Will / May / Might – First conditional Grammar and Functions – Student’s book (A2/B1) Unit 1: Present, Past and Future Unit 2: Past simple vs Past Continuous –
Used to
Unit 3: Present Perfect – Defining relative clause Unit 4: Present Perfect vs Simple past – (Present Perfect Continuous – Verbs of perception) Vocabulary Rooms and furniture - Dates: months, ordinal numbers, - The Family - Physical description- Sport and free time activities- Daily activities- Days of the week- Jobs - Everyday activities - School - Food, drink and dietQuantities- Numbers-Meals in Britain - Abilities – Places – The weather – Clothes – Entertainment – Technology