Cubeddu inglese 2d

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Liceo Scientifico Statale “L. Mossa” - Olbia Programma finale di lingua inglese A.S. 2012/2013 Classe 2° sez. D (corso tradizionale) Docente : prof.ssa F. Cubeddu Libro di testo: “New Horizons” voll. 1 e 2, di Paul Radley e Daniela Simonetti Oxford La Nuova Italia Da “New Horizons” vol. 1 Unit 10 Functions: using public transport; talking about the past Grammar: present simple: future (timetables); past simple regular and irregular verbs (all forms); It takes; subject/object questions: Who/What?; sequencers (then, after...); every, some, any, no compounds Vocabulary: British money; using public transport; travel phrases; buildings Unit 11 Functions: asking about possession; asking for and giving directions Grammar: Whose and possessive pronouns; imperative; prepositions of place and movement Vocabulary: shops and places; directions Unit 12 Functions: making comparisons; expressing preferences; shopping for clothes; describing clothes Grammar: comparative adjectives; superlative adjectives; is/are wearing Vocabulary: the city and the country; clothes; fashion Unit 13 Functions: talking about future intentions; making and talking about arrangements Grammar: be going to: future intentions; when, before, after; present continuous: future arrangements; future time expressions (next week,,in two days’ time...); be going to vs present continuous Vocabulary: life choices and ambitions Unit 14 Functions: talking about the weather; describing personality; making sure predictions Grammar: be going to: predictions based on present evidence; what’s he like? vs What does he like?; qualifiers: not enough, a little bit, fairly, too, pretty Vocabulary: the weather; compass points; personality adjectives Unit 15 Functions: talking about experiences; comparing experiences Grammar: present perfect with ever/never; been and gone; recently; present perfect vs past simple; agreeing and disagreeing; So have I/Neither have I Vocabulary: regular and irregular past participles Unit 16 Functions: talking about recent events; making offers of help and accepting/refusing offers Grammar: present perfect with just/already/yet; I’ll... and Shall I....?: offers; will: spontaneous decisions Vocabulary: rooms and furniture; party preparations; tidying up, fixing and repairing

Da “New Horizons” vol. 2 Unit 1 Functions: talking about the future; talking about future possibility; making promises Grammar: will: predictions and future facts; will: promises; may/might: future possibility Vocabulary: ecology Unit 2 Functions: talking about obligation; talking about rules and laws; past and future obligation Grammar: must, mustn’t; have to, don’t have to; past and future of must and have to Vocabulary: classroom behaviour; rules of the road Unit 3 Functions: talking about conditions; giving information; talking about purpose Grammar: conditionals (1st, 2nd and 3rd conditional, see Unit 16 for revision); defining relative clauses: who, which, whose, that Unit 4 Functions: making deductions; giving extra information Grammar: must, may, might, could, can’t; non-defining relative clauses: who/which/whose Unit 5 Functions: past actions in progress; talking about past ability; interrupted past actions Grammar: past continuous; could/was-were able to/managed to; past simple and past continuous: while, when, as Unit 6 Functions: talking about duration Grammar: Present Perfect simple with since and for Unit 7 Functions: talking about unfinished actions; talking about skills; going for a job interview Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous with since and for; Present perfect simple Vs Present perfect continuous Vocabulary: jobs, prerequisites, skills, personal qualities Unit 8 Functions: describing processes; talking about natural disasters Grammar: make, do, get; present simple passive; simple past passive, present continuous passive, present perfect passive, future passive (see Unit 14 for revision) Vocabulary: expressions with make, do and get; natural disasters Ad inizio anno scolastico, in occasione della Giornata Europea delle Lingue, gli alunni hanno realizzato alcune attività attinenti alle tematiche europee, i cui risultati sono stati pubblicati online sul sito, in collaborazione con la scuola “Manuel de Falla” di Puerto Real ( Spagna) e con il prof. Manuel Francisco Carro Suarez, docente di inglese della scuola e responsabile del sito web.

Il docente prof.ssa F. Cubeddu

Gli alunni

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