Cubeddu inglese 3d

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Liceo Scientifico Statale “L. Mossa” - Olbia

Programma finale di lingua inglese A.S. 2012/2013 Classe 3° sez. D (corso tradizionale) Docente : prof.ssa F. Cubeddu Libri di testo: “Horizons” vol. 2, di Paul Radley e Daniela Simonetti Oxford La Nuova Italia “Millennium”, vol. 1, di Arturo Cattaneo e Donatella De Flaviis Signorelli Scuola Lingua Unit 2 Functions: talking about obligation; talking about rules and laws; past and future obligation Grammar: must, mustn’t; have to, don’t have to; past and future of must and have to Vocabulary: classroom behaviour; rules of the road Unit 3 Functions: talking about conditions; giving information; talking about purpose Grammar: first conditional;defining relative clauses: who, which, whose, that Unit 4 Functions: making deductions; giving extra information; describing places Grammar: must, may, might, could, can’t; non-defining relative clauses: who/which/whose Vocabulary: describing places, facilities, means of transport, climate Unit 5 Functions: past actions in progress; talking about past ability; interrupted past actions Grammar: past continuous; could/was-were able to/managed to; past simple and past continuous: while, when, as Vocabulary: air travel Unit 6 Functions: talking about duration Grammar: Present Perfect simple with since and for Unit 7 Functions: talking about unfinished actions; talking about skills; going for a job interview Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous with since and for; Present perfect simple Vs Present perfect continuous Vocabulary: jobs, prerequisites, skills, personal qualities

Literature Unit A The Middle Ages - history Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Britain; Roman Britain; the Normans; the clash between Crown and Church; the Magna Charta and the Parliament

The Middle Ages – Culture The warlike ideal; the pagan cult of fame; the Christian influence; the French influence Anglo-Saxon Poetry, the epic: “Beowulf” Medieval literature Medieval Poetry Medieval Ballads: characteristics The subject matter of ballads Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of English poetry: life and works “The Canterbury Tales”: the story, the structure of the tales, Chaucer’s pilgrims, a portrait of middle-class England. The origins of drama Medieval drama: from Liturgical Drama to the Morality Play The Renaissance - history Key concepts; the first Tudors and the Reformation; Elizabeth I and the conquest of the seas The Renaissance - culture Renaissance and Humanisme Renaissance Poetry, the Italian and the English sonnet The Elizabethan theatre: the building William Shakespeare: life and works Texts Reading and listening “Lord Randal” From “The Canterbury Tales”: The Wife of Bath”, with comment “Shall I compare thee”, by W. Shakespeare Civilization: The Houses of Parliament (group work) A palace rooted in the nation’s history; the building; voting and Parliament seats; surviving WW2; the Houses of Parliament in the new millennium. Literary genres Overview Prose – Fiction Different narrators, point of view, characters, plot, setting Analysing a literary text

Il docente prof. ssa F. Cubeddu

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