PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CIVILTA' INGLESE CLASSE 2 F - LICEO SCIENTIFICO "L. MOSSA" - OLBIA A. S. 2012/2013 NEL PRESENTE A.S. SONO STATE STUDIATE LE FUNZIONI LINGUISTICHE E LE STRUTTURE GRAMMATICALI DELLE SEGUENTI UNITS DAL TESTO NEW HORIZONS, VOL. 1 E VOL. 2, DI P. RADLEY E D. SIMONETTI. SONO STATI PROPOSTI ANCHE ALCUNI BRANI DI LETTURA E CIVILTA’: Da NEW HORIZONS, VOL. 1: Unit 9 READING: “Gap years” Unit 10 FUNCTIONS: Using public transport - Talking about the past GRAMMAR: Present simple: future (timetables) - Past simple of regular and irregular verbs – Subject/Object questions: Who? What? – Sequencers (First, then, next…) – Every/Some/Any/No compounds VOCABULARY: British money, Using public transport, Travel phrases, Buildings READING: “Twenty-first Century London” Unit 11 FUNCTIONS: Asking for and giving directions – Asking about possessions GRAMMAR: Prepositions of place and movement – Whose and the possessive pronouns VOCABULARY: British Shops and places in town, Directions READING: “Spend! Spend! Spend!” Unit 12 FUNCTIONS: Making comparisons and expressing preferences – Shopping for clothes – Describing clothes GRAMMAR: Comparative adjectives - Superlative adjectives – is/are wearing… VOCABULARY: The city and the country, Clothes, Fashion READING: “Feast your eyes on the clothes of the stars” Unit 13 FUNCTIONS: Talking about future intentions – Making and talking about arrangements GRAMMAR: Be going to: future intentions – When, before, after – Present continuous: future arrangements – Future time expressions: tomorrow, in two days’ time VOCABULARY: Life choices and ambitions READING: “It’s good to be a student” Unit 14 FUNCTIONS: Talking about the weather – Describing personality – Making sure predictions GRAMMAR: Be going to: predictions – What’s she like v What does she like - Qualifiers: not enough, a little bit, fairly, too, pretty VOCABULARY: Personality adjectives, The weather, Compass points READING: “How do you doodle?” Unit 15 FUNCTIONS: Talking about experiences – Comparing experiences
GRAMMAR: Present perfect: ever/never, been/gone, recently - Present perfect and Past simple – Agreeing and disagreeing: So have I/Neither have I VOCABULARY: Regular and irregular past participles READING: “Amazing coincidences”
Unit 16 FUNCTIONS: Talking about recent events – Making offers of help and accepting/refusing offers GRAMMAR: Present perfect: just, already, yet – Offers: I’ll…, Shall I?- Will: spontaneous decisions VOCABULARY: Rooms an furniture, Party preparations, Tidying up Da NEW HORIZONS, VOL. 2: Unit 1 FUNCTIONS: Talking about the future - Talking about future possibilities – Making promises GRAMMAR: Modal verbs: Will: predictions, future facts, promises - May/Might: future possibility VOCABULARY: Ecology READING: “CAT – solutions for a dying planet” Unit 2 FUNCTIONS: Talking about obligation - Talking about rules and laws – Past and future obligation GRAMMAR: Modal verbs: must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to (present, past and future) VOCABULARY: Classroom behaviour, Rules of the road READING: “The end of fair play” UNIT 3 FUNCTIONS: Talking about conditions. Giving information GRAMMAR: First conditional, Defining relative clauses: who, which, that, whose – Infinitive of purpose: It’s for +ing VOCABULARY: Computers READING: “Shoes which control your TV” UNIT 4 FUNCTIONS: Making deductions; Describing places; Giving extra information GRAMMAR: Modal verbs: must, may, might, could, can’t; Non- Defining relative Clauses
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