PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E LETTERATURA INGLESE A. S. 2012/2013 Classe 3E Insegnante: Gabriella Saba STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS Ripasso: Future tenses. Unit 2: Must /Have To. Expressing obligation, prohibition and absence of obligation. Past and future of Must /Have To. Talking about rules and laws. Unit 3: First conditional with if, when, as soon as, unless. Defining relative clauses: who, which,that, whose. Infinitive of purpose. Expressing purpose. Saying what things are for. It’s for+ ing. Unit 4: Must, may, might,could,can’t. Non-defining clauses: who,which,whose. Unit 5: Could, was/were able to, managed to. Past continuous (all forms). Past continuous and past simple. Talking about past ability. Talking about past actions in progress. Unit 6: Present perfect: for and since. Present perfect vs Simple past. Each,every,all. Talking about past and present lives. Talking about money and savings. At the post office. Unit 7: Present perfect continuous: for and since. Present perfect continuous Vs Present perfect simple. Adjectives and prepositions: good at, keen on..+ ing. Talking about unfinished actions. Talking about your skills. Choosing a career. Unit 8: Make, do and get. Present simple passive. Talking about facts. Describing processes. Unit 9: Used to. Adverbs and comparative adverbs.Verbs + to or- ing. Talking about past habits. Comparing ability. Talking about lifestyles. Unit 10: Have/get something done. Should, ought to. Why don’t you…? You had better….., If I were you… Getting things done. Giving advice. Talking about health. Take-Bring-Get-Carry: different uses. Hear/Listen to/ Feel: differences
VOCABULARY Ecology and the environment. Rules and laws. Computers. Describing places: climate, accommodation, facilities, location. Air travel. Jobs: prerequisites, skills and personal qualities. Natural disasters. Exercise and fitness. Textbook: "New Horizons" di Radley - Simonetti (Vol II) LETTERATURA The first invasions. The Norman conquest. Notes on the development of English Language. Notes on the Anglo-Saxon Literature. Caratteristiche fondamentali della ballata mediovale. “Geordie”: lettura e traduzione. The origins of drama (Mystery, Miracle and Morality Plays; Interludes). Chaucer and the Middle Age. "The wife of Bath": lettura, traduzione e commento. Chaucer and Boccaccio. Henry VIII and the reformation of the English Church. Elizabeth I and the conquest of the seas. Features of drama. Renaisaince drama: the causes of the popularity of theatre, the structure of the building, the companies of players. Christopher Marlow: the legend of Faust. “Faustus’ Last Hour and Damnation”: lettura, traduzione e commento. Textbook:” Millennium” di Cattaneo, De Flaviis. Gli alunni