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Connect the provided QR-code scanner to your computer or tablet and access our web-based ordering system.
Simply scan the required elements in the sales book. Our stock position will be shown directly. Enter your reference information and confirm the date you would like the order to be send out or collected at our warehouse. Send the order through and your order is directly allocated in our stock. The system is so easy that we can explain it within 5 minutes and everybody fully understands.
On the spot you can inform the customer when you are going to deliver the garden furniture at their place.
To keep the freight costs as low as possible, as these can be a significant percentage of the total purchase value, we will agree on fixed delivery days. To enable you to collect or receive full truckloads of furniture, these days will be discussed with you at the beginning of the season. For your information; most Shop-in-Shop partners opt for one shipment every 1 or 2 weeks.