LOSE WEIGHT AT HOME: Reclaiming your Power with Time Management

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Lose Weight at Home Reclaiming Your Power with Time Management

Guide and Workbook

© Copyright 2022 West Bridge Creatives. All rights reserved. It is not legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited.




Table of Contents Preface…………………………………………………................................6 Introduction ……………………………………………………………….…..7 PART ONE: Get Out of Your Own Way……………………….........11 i.

Reflection Questions……………………………..…...14

Chapter One: Time Management...............................................16 i.

Time Management Tips……………………………….…18


Reflection Questions..........………………….…………..19


Tracking Time Chart ………………………….……...22

Chapter Two: Priorities ………….……………………….…………..…..23 i.

Self-Reflection Questions …………………………..26

Chapter Three: Action Plan…………….………………………….……..32 i.

Action Plan Chart…………………………..……….….38

Chapter Four: Food is for Fuel………………………..…..….………...39 i.

Sample Grocery List……….…………...………...…..44


Good and Bad Carbs……..……………………….…...45

Chapter Five: Fitness Technology……………………………..…..…..46 i. ii. iii. iv.

Smart Watch…………………………........................49 Benefits of Smart Watches…………………...….....50 Smart Body Scale………………….….……….……....50 Benefits of a Body Scale……..………….………..….52

Part Two: Are you Ready to Lose Weight?................................53 i.

Reflection Questions……………………………….….55


Chapter Six: Burn that Shite /Shīt/…………...................………...56 i.

Fitness Schedule…………….…………………..….…..66


Fitness Affirmations……………………………………76


Mind Map…………………………..………….....……....77


Progression Chart……………………………..…..…...78


Weekly Plan Chart………………………..…….……...81

Chapter Seven: Protein is Bodylicious……………………..….….….82 Appendix……………………………………………………………...……...…87 i.

Smoothie and Juice Recipes

Bibliography Acknowledgements


Preface Here I am, it has been almost two years since I decided to take power over my fitness journey. I spent the pandemic year of 2020 focused on me, pure self-care, all while balancing my life as a wife and new mother all over again. I want other individuals, especially mothers everywhere to know that it is possible to achieve your goals. First, and foremost women and mothers are freaking unicorns! We can conquer the unexplainable. No, but seriously, by making time a priority, you can accomplish anything you want. In this case, losing your desired weight by increasing your fitness awareness. Forget the old you, today starts now. I spent too much of my “time” examining myself and reflecting on what I once looked like. The truth is our bodies are constantly changing and that’s okay. I began focusing less on the past so that I could live in the present. I put more of that energy on finding a solution to be become a better me. I know what you’re thinking, “that’s easy to say.” Just the thought of trying to lose weight can bring on tons of anxiety because knowing where to start and how to start can truly be a challenge. Once you’ve mastered your plan, the rest is history. Often, we get in our own way and psych ourselves out, on why we simply “can’t”. I am here to tell you, by managing your time, you can achieve your fitness goals.


Introduction When you hear weight loss and exercise, it can be quite discouraging. There are so many myths, and crash diets that are just a waste of mental anguish. The goal isn’t to just lose temporary water weight. Burn the fat and lose inches. Trim the waistline and feel good. Slimming your waistline decreases your chances of heart disease and diabetes. Losing control of your midsection can lead to more dangerous fat called “visceral” which can begin to form around your organs. Many individuals including I, have felt the feelings of failure, when really, we either lack the time or have the inability to commit to a specific schedule or routine. For some, exercise feels like a job, with added pressure. For others, it can be a time to getaway for some self-care all while completing fitness goals. According to a study via time.com, out of 40 women, aged 22-49 whether an avid exerciser or not, all the women wanted the same thing out of life; “To have meaningful connections with others, to feel relaxed and free of pressure during their leisure time and to accomplish the goals they’d set for themselves, whether in their personal lives, their careers or simply their daily to-do lists.” Fitness and exercise may be defined and appear to us all differently. As much as one can try to be motivated, it isn’t easy to get into a routine that fits into a busy schedule. I had to find a way to make exercise fun again while completing my goals. The last thing I wanted to feel, was my trips to the gym were in vain. I was 7 months postpartum from baby number 2 and needed to kick my fat burn into overdrive, if I wanted real results. When the global pandemic of twenty-twenty hit the


world, it was shocking to say the least. Most non-essential establishments were forced to shut down, including gyms and fitness centers. When one is dependent on a place of peace and therapeutic joy, and it's then stripped away, you're left figuring out what to do next. I decided to utilize what I had, which meant working out in the comfort of my own home. With the world taking a hiatus from in-person meetups to virtual interaction, much inspiration began to surface, including virtual workouts and trainers. Life hits us with unexpected turns or delays constantly and it's easy to get discouraged and lose hope wondering if your goals will ever see light of day. I’ve been heavily active my entire life, slim, athletic body. By the time I graduated college, I had picked up that “freshman fifteen” that put me right where I needed to be, so I thought. At the time, I had no clue. I was young, eating semi-healthy, but eating whatever I wanted, because I knew that youth was on my side. When I think back to those times, I realized my diet consisted of high sodium meals and not enough fitness mixed with hormonal changing birth control. My slim body began to slowly gain lbs. and before I knew it, I had added fifty lbs. to my almost 5’7 frame. I felt slower and my breaths became heavier. I had to make a change. I was never contented with my fitness ways. Don’t just make time for the things you want but make time for the things you need if health and fitness is a priority. I’m no doctor or trainer. I’m a determined individual who was ready to get back in shape the right way. I needed to use my time effectively time by making a realistic plan. The overall goal is to live a long healthy life, filled with positive habits and routines. I’m now going to break down the steps of how I got started and getting the weight off.


Nothing comes easy and neither does the results you want. It takes a plan and sacrifice. No quick diets, no tummy teas, just pure hard work, sweat and time management.



Part One


PART ONE: Get Out of Your Own Way

Sacrifice is getting out of your own way to accomplish your goals. For you, that may look like giving up a favorite food, changing your food choices around family and friends or getting up a tad earlier to incorporate a planned exercise. Do not hesitate to relay the importance of your goals to your support system. The goal is to stop putting other events or agendas before your needs. Implement them into your daily schedule or routine; otherwise, it’ll feel more of a task that you’re trying to squeeze in; and quite frankly, there is no motivation in that. Try typing up an adequate and realistic plan for yourself and hang it up in the kitchen in plain view. Rid your fridge of unnecessary snacks. You don’t need them, and you probably won’t crave them as much as the discipline kicks in. When it's time to eat, it'll be less motivating to grab junk food when you have a healthy menu staring you in your face. It may seem tedious, but the more prepared you are, the better attitude you’ll have going into this. I had some tough days, but it is all about a system, a plan, a routine. I wanted to lose weight to feel my best. I was tired of having inconsistencies. Revisiting the same conversations and routines like I’m running on a hamster wheel. A change had to come. Often, we find excuses and reasonings for why we can’t or won’t try something


new. That eventually turns in to discouraged feelings. We live in a world full of body imaging of what is and what isn’t perfect. It’s hard not to want to compare yourself to the next person hoping for inspiration or wonder what the next individual is doing when all we are surrounded by is in the moment events. Get rid of distractions and find like-minded people, virtual rooms, and classes. Surround yourself and daily interactions with those who push and motivate you to complete your goals. We all need support, it’s all about having the right group of people around you. However, it’s up you to keep that self-motivation going when it’s time to get up and no one is in your ear with a reminder besides an electronic device. Working out at home is not the easiest when that’s where every distraction may lie. That is the point of time management to make achieving your fitness goals possible especially at home. I know, it’s easier said than done, to tell you to organize your time, when fifty nine percent of Americans already struggle to do so. On average, an American has only 5 hours a day and some only 4 hours and 26 min a/week! You’re probably sitting there like “Yup sounds about right!” So, if this is the case; What are you waiting for?! Take one of your free hours and create a plan on how you are going to reclaim your power and time.


Part One: Reflection Do You Consider Yourself an Organized Individual?

Currently, What Tools or Techniques Do You Use to Effectively Manage Your Time?


Chapter One


Chapter One: Time Management This now leads me into time management. Focus on what is important to you and create open opportunity around it. If you want real results, then you must make time a priority. Usually, that's our biggest downfall; not adequately managing self-care needs such as exercise. Managing your time or time management means setting clear and direct priorities for yourself and achieving those goals. Yes, you, yourself. Time is limited and can get filled up rather quickly with unnecessary or wasted events, whether minor or not. Use any few minutes you have during waiting periods to get minor business done. This will begin to open more time to allow an activity like exercise to become a priority. When you manage your time, it forces you to take responsibility and face your priorities head on, knowing exactly what you want and need. Those priorities will lead you into the choices you make to complete them. With twenty-four hours in a day, where does of all that time go? Many times, it goes to wasted errands or activities, that make you feel like you’re being productive. You’ll need to eliminate them altogether or put a time limit on those activities. Stop multitasking and focus on your top priorities in hierarchy of ABC. Your highest prioritized activities should be based around when your energy is boosted, with your lowest activities during moments you feel a bit more depleted. Time management is evaluating my priorities, which are forever changing. I’ve dealt with time management my entire adolescence growing up an athlete. I never realized how important it was until I became an adult and had to share my hours with other human beings who depend on me. Now I know how my mom and dad felt


during my childhood days. It’s hard to squeeze in time for selfcare, let alone a consistent workout to achieve your goals. Honestly the way life moves, time waits for no one. Make your fitness goals a priority. Now that you have read and conquered the art of time management, it’s time to apply the tools and kick your fitness goals into overdrive. Get out of your own way and be the best version of yourself! The time is now! Use it wisely. Get organized and manage your time so nothing or no one gets in your way. Be in control of you and your priorities.


Chapter One Reflection What barriers in your life prevent effective time management? List them here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Example: Do you spend too much time talking to negative people? Are you easily distracted? Do you lack self-discipline and motivation? I tend to other people’s needs before I do myself. I take on too much responsibility. I never have enough time and time runs out on me. I try to multi-task but never seem to finish everything.


According to a study on Time Management from INC.com, individuals can waste up to 21.8 hours per week on tasks or activities that have low or no value at all.



Track How Your Time Is Used


Chapter Two


Chapter Two: Priorities Make your goals priority, designate a goal, and make it timebound, so that you may home in and focus. For instance, those who run in marathons or perform live shows, train exercise, and rehearse for months on end. Why would weight loss be any different?! Not to mention, jumping into any activity should be carefully evaluated to prevent harm or injury such as sprains or pulling muscles. You want to be the best and have the results to show for it, then you must do what makes you feel uncomfortable. When you work out, having a direction is key. Too often, I have spent money on spontaneous fitness classes. Although they are a great form of selfcare, being consistent and attempting to leave the house and driving to the gym just didn’t work for me; especially, having little ones at home. The thought of leaving gave me anxiety. I felt I needed to do all my mommy duties as I raced out the door. That left me with rushed gym conditioning and uncompleted goals. Time is money. The more time you spend on an area unnecessarily, you are now cutting into time that you could be spending doing something else that may generate money. Hence, “time is money. “Juggling life for myself, as a wife, and mother become quite overwhelming. It felt like I was continuously running out of minutes in a day. Give yourself a realistic and attainable timeline to complete your goals. “I want to lose ____ lbs. or ____body fat % by___ (time frame/date)


Using the S.M.A.R.T objectives can give you direction on starting your plan. Be specific about your goals, making them high level with measurable and attainable results. Don’t hesitate to create objectives that produce milestones to help you better achieve your goals. Your goals must be realistic, and time bound. Why create the same goals repeatedly? Focus in on one goal at a time and check it off! Life is long. It’s not a race but a marathon. Don’t rush your goals to see quick results. The best results are long lasting and take time. The weight gain didn’t happen overnight, so be gentle on yourself.

Be S.M.A.R.T with your Goals S=Specific M= Measurable A= Attainable or Achievable R= Relevant or Realistic T= Timeline or Time-bound


Check Your Priorities

Example: Wants/Needs: “I Want to Lose At Least 40 Lbs. To Decrease My Blood Pressure and Improve My Overall Fitness Health. I Want to Complete This by My Birthday.” Choices: Yes, My Time Is Open Due to Work from Home and Virtual Meetings. Changes: Less social media, Better Planning, Revaluate My Eating Habits Such as Sugar.


Choices: What Much I Change to Make My Needs and Wants Happen?

Time: How Much Time Do I Need and How Much Time Can I Dedicate to Completing My Goals?


Changes: What Are Three Ways I Would Like to Change About How I Spend My Time?

How Aware Am I Of My Priorities and Needs?

How Much Am I Am Choosing or Taking Initiative On?

Am I Be Proactive or Am I Letting Time Pass Me By?



Now that you have thought about your priorities, it’s time to set them in motion. For you to set your action plan into motion, you want to evaluate possible factors that may be causing you to inhibit action on your fitness goals. Many times, we are set in our ways or are resistant to change because we don’t feel a sense of urgency. That feeling usually comes for a milestone or life event, such as fitting into a wedding or birthday dress, or perhaps attending your class reunion. Find out what your action limiters are.

Try stepping outside of your comfort zone, this causes a breakthrough within yourself which many people feel uncomfortable doing. When breakthroughs happen, you begin to identify and be aware of your comfort zone, including respecting


your own decisions of discomfort. You will begin to ask questions and follow your own advice. You will want to challenge attainable possibilities, and your self-doubt, will lessen which turns into you pushing yourself harder and not giving up so easily. You will begin facing challenges with a whole new attitude that allows for continued growth including bigger goals that you never thought you’d complete. Oh! What a feeling! You’ll be walking around with a whole new pep in your step showing off the new body “gains.”

Gains = Your progress in the gym. Gains = The primary goal of strength training. Gains = Muscle growth or gaining strength.



Chapter Three



Chapter Three: Action Plan This plan is what I used throughout my weight loss journey. The use of wearable technology allowed me to compare my workout stats prior to planning and acting on it. There was a significant difference from the previous six months. Once I began organizing and planning, I realized that I had leftover hours that could have been utilized elsewhere. A poor plan can easily make a workout subpar. I was overdoing with slow progressions. Be smart with your planning. I remember one day, I read an article about postpartum moms and the loss of motivation to lose weight as the months roll by. I had entered my seventh month post-partum while reading this article, which immediately gave me a wakeup call. The inconsistencies of my workouts and trying to figure out the best moments to leave the house became stressful and just wasn’t working. Sneaking out the door with two kids around, I was bound to get stopped for something. I decided then to go with other options. I went the online route, utilizing apps, looking up workouts and trainers, since the world had begun to temporarily shut down except essential business, due to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. There was constant debate whether gyms should remain open; eventually, they too had to shut down. With the help of fitness apps, and gyms providing free workouts online, I began to pick up some pace again. Soon those trainers began providing free workout challenges via social media platforms. This was a true lifesaver. With a collaboration of workouts from various trainers and staying consistent I was seeing results in the proper way. I focused mostly on a high intensity workout with interval training


that allowed me to shed fat and build muscle together. Working out at home brought back memories of backyard drills with my dad prepping me for sports practice and games. I didn’t mind at all. The weather was changing, and this allowed me to maximize my sweat outdoors! An efficient home workout beats 15–20-minute commute each way to and from the gym. Not to mention, any urges I may have to stop. That was a no-go. Not completing my goals and spending money. The only way I was going to lose the weight in a shorter fashion was to put the time and work in. It was going to require more than the 600/day calories I was previously burning. I had done this before, so I knew what to do. It was just going to be a tad challenging some years later. I started off with daily workouts, and jump-rope sessions. Soon after I decided to dive into boot camp style. My workouts increased to 2-3x/day. My extra time went to other forms of workouts such as yoga and self-care. With the support of my husband, I was able to schedule tasks around my workouts since that was my priority. He picked up extra duties to lighten my load. I had an open opportunity, and I needed to make use of it. Having an action plan was tremendous in my workout journey. Coming from a tri- sport history, I chose High Intensity Interval Training as my solution. Have you heard the saying? “Everyone is different, and no two persons are the same”. (“Montana's 2020 election | Tim Fox | Montana Free Press”) Choose a workout that works for you but challenge yourself. There are tons of exercises and regimes that can get you the results you want. In Chapter five, you’ll learn about your fitness personality. Suzanne Brue’s quiz will provide you with your fitness color and what your barriers are when figuring out the best regime for yourself. Whatever workout you choose, start slow but


push yourself. Start off as a beginner with modified workouts. Eventually you will move into a more comfortable level of fitness and what used to be difficult will soon ease up. Consume less food intake calories than you are burning. Grab hold of your grocery list and get prepping.

Tips on getting into shape:

1. Focus on the fitness and form not your body. 2. Focus on the process, results will come. 3. Focus on the small wins.


This Action Plan Isn’t for the Weak! Sample Action Plan Begin With a Light Workout Prior To Meals to Warm Up Your Body and Get Your Muscles Going (Fasted Cardio) Increase Water Intake. Commit 2x days

A workout in the am, 2nd workout in the evening. 5 days!... NO Weekdays Off! Try Maintaining My Fat Burning Zone Max Heart Rate Equation MHR=220-Age 220-35 (Age) = 185 Beats/Min Target Heart Rate Formula THR = (MHR) * (%Intensity) 185 Beats/Min * .70 = 129.5

Add Weight Training Twice a Week Flexibility: Warm Up Stretch Prior To Workout, Cool Down, Stretch Post Workout Meals: No Meals After 8, If There Is an Evening Workout, End the Night with A Healthy Protein Shake. Avoid Junk Food and Alcohol. No Eating Within Three Hours of Bedtime.




Chapter Four


Chapter Four: Food is For Fuel Eating shouldn’t be therapy. It is meant to fuel your body. Have you heard the saying “eat to live, not live to eat?” "What you put into your body reflects on the outside." Tracking your meals, or calorie counting when you first begin your fitness journey, can assist you with getting into a consistent schedule so that you may stay on track while learning to consume the foods that will fuel your body with energy. If your body is fatigue, you can’t expect your body to perform at its best. Tracking meals doesn’t have to mean the traditional writing or inputting each meal. Tracking meals also includes learning your portion sizes and having power over it. Visuals are extremely helpful. Try typing up your meal schedule including protein shakes with their designated times. This was huge for me, I had my food menu on the wall of the kitchen, or somewhere visible when it was time to eat. I started to follow the proper portions and do my own research, and eventually, I felt comfortable not keeping track of each calorie. Knowing what to eat and how to eat on your own will come. Mealtime might seem boring during this journey, but you must sacrifice those cravings and minimize certain snack habits. Meal prepping choices may look repetitive, so get creative with your healthy food options. There are also fitness apps that allow you to input your daily meals. Picture your end goal results. Clean out that fridge and start over. Don’t buy the foods that are going to be a temptation to you. Those foods will be there now and later when you’ve completed various milestones. By then, your body may


not even desire those foods anymore. You can begin transitioning eating habits by removing or minimizing foods such as sugar, meat, and dairy. Breaking a habit and beginning a new one can take up to 21 days. Check out some of these favorites and how long it takes for them to be removed from the body.

If you ever feel discouraged, lean back on your goals and the deadline you gave yourself. Nothing lasts forever. Do what you need now, it'll be worth it in the end.


Tips For Healthy Food Swapping 1. Simply Don’t Buy Them 2. Hide Any Tempting or Empty Food Calories. Store Empty Calorie Foods in Places Where You Are Less Likely to See Them Often. 3. Refrigerator Makeover- Remove Some Unnecessary Items or Shift Most Nutritious Items to The Front, So They Are Easier to Get To. 4. Put Away and Clear Your Counters of Any “Snacks”. 5. Drink A Glass of Water When You Feel Hungry. You Might Just Be Dehydrated and Thirsty. 6. When Food Shopping, Start at The Outer Perimeters with Produce and Other Healthy Food Groups. 7. Colors And ABC’s Food Shopping. a. Healthy Foods That Correlate to The Alphabet. b. A= Apples, B= Bananas, C= Cucumbers. c. Try Shopping for Colorful Foods. 1.

Red, Orange, and Yellow Foods Are Filled with Antioxidants.

2. Green Foods Vegetables Are Great for Our Bodies Due to Vitamins A, C, And K.




YELLOW: BANANAS, LEMONS, PINEAPPLES. ** Darker Fruits and Vegetables Are Also Filled with Antioxidant but On a Higher Level. Cut Heavily Processed Foods: "Processed Food" Includes Food That Has Been Cooked, Canned, Frozen, Packaged or Changed in Nutritional Composition with Fortifying, Preserving, Or Preparing in Different Ways. Any Time We Cook, Bake, Or Prepare Food, We're Processing Food. (“At what point is home cooking "processed food”: nutrition”) For Example: -Frozen Pizza and Meals, those “healthy” frozen ones too. Microwaveable Dinner, Lunch Meat, Crackers, and Granola.






Good Carbs

Bad Carbs

Fresh Fruits

Fruit Juices

Fresh Vegetables


Beans & Legumes

White Bread

Brown Rice

Ice Cream


Cookies and Pastries

Quinoa Pure Oats

White Crackers

Chia Seed Almonds

Good carbs are high in fiber and contain natural sugars with low glycemic and insulin levels. They are slower in digestion which means you stay full longer and aid in weight loss. Good carbs give you prolonged energy to get you through the day. Bad carbs are lower in fiber and contain added sugars with high insulin and glycemic levels. They are refined or processed. They have a faster digestion rate which makes hunger come sooner and your energy levels begin to deplete. Bad carbs are stored and convert into fat cells which then can cause weight gain.




Chapter 5: FITNESS TECHNOLOGY When you combine fitness and technology together, what do you get? A new world filled with wearable technology, apps, digital platforms, and equipment’s. Back in 1981, was the first wearable heart rate monitors, with actual wearable tracking devices in the early 2000’s. I remember the days when working out consisted of overexertion or pulling muscles. Relying on a machine at the gym never really seemed motivating. The constant staring at the numbers waiting until you peak at a certain number of calories. Those days are over. Fast forward to 2015, the first Apple watch was released. I hadn’t quite stepped into the watch world. It wasn’t until 2016, after having my son, I was wearing a chest strap heart monitor that tracked directly into a phone application. This was the first time I began to understand my fat burning zone and heart rate. Working out became easier and less pressure on my body. No more counting my calories through the machine. No more over working my heart. I learned to burn calories efficiently while properly staying in my most productive zone. As time went on, I upgraded to a fitness watch. I started off with a Fitbit, counting my steps and competing in workout challenges with my family and friends. As fitness smart watches began to expand and upgrade. I decided to invest in one. This was by far the best decision I could have made. With the fitness industry booming, more and more technology and equipment began surfacing to give any enthusiast an accomplished and safe workout regardless of what strength level you may be on.



Smart Watch Utilizing a smart watch assists with the capability of tracking your calorie burn throughout the day; not just during the active moments but your overall burn in a 24-hour period. Fitness watches are a great tool for reminders such as when to work out or to simply stand if you’ve been sitting for a while. A smart watch keeps you accountable for your daily workout goals. Most fitness watches with the constant help of updates, come installed with organized health and fitness workouts at the tap of a finger. In addition, these updates give smart watches the capability to install third party applications such as those that track food and water intake, as well as fitness workouts of all sorts. Being able to track my calorie burn on my smart watch was a true benefit. Analyzing my daily numbers allowed me to push myself that much harder. Going hard also means getting better sleep. This is another advantage of the smart watch. Tracking your sleep patterns to ensure you are getting the proper rest. If you’re going to show up as your best self, you need enough rest so that your body is ready to actively move. Without proper rest, your body can become fatigue. Listen to your body. That workout is going to be that much harder, and it will reflect amongst your fitness watch. You may experience inconsistent heart rates, lower calorie burn, prolonged workouts


with an increased chance of incompletion. Be good to your body and your body will be good to you.

Benefits of a Smart Watch 1. Typically Includes Fitness Tracking Such as Steps, Distance, Calories, Heart, and Pulse Rate, Sleep Patterns. 2. Stay Connected While Doing Your Fitness Activities 3. Watch Videos and Play Music on The Go. 4. Reminders To Stand 5. Fitness Workouts and Challenges 6. Add Friends and Be a Part of a Fitness Community. 7. Keep Track of Those Active and Inactive Calories

Smart Body Scale A smart body scale is an electronic scale that measures weight and other body composition metrics. These measurements are then sent wirelessly to an app or online service that automatically records the data. These scales are usually connected with their own designed apps.


Having a fitness tracking scale can indeed feel a little scary. No one wants to see the reality of their health. Many times, we avoid going for checkups unless we are forced to; however, investing in a smart scale can be a true benefit to your health, by allowing you to stay body conscious, not just for yourself but for your whole family. It allows you to track the history of your health goals from the inside out using the recommended application. When you track your health, your fitness goals will soon follow. Focus less on the actual number of your weight and focus more on measuring and tracking your body's vitals. My personal favorite is the BMI Smart Scale Fit track Dara, which allows you to analyze 17 health measurements. These measurements include, weight, weight without fat, standard weight, visceral fat, fat mass, weight control, body fat%, BMR, bone mass, BMI, body fat%, protein mass, body water, body age, muscle rate, protein rate, and subcutaneous fat. A great advantage of these scales is that the scale will track your body composition and automatically synch it to your Fit Track app without you having to even look until you are ready. No matter when you decide to check on your progress, your numbers will be there, and numbers don’t lie.


Benefits Of a Fitness Smart Tracker Scale 1. Increase Self-Motivation and Will power. 2. Gives You More Detail and Insight on Your Personal Health. 3. Tracks Your Stats Automatically. 4. Great For Individuals Who Train on The Regular. 5. Great For Moms Wanting to Track. 6. Pregnancy/Post Pregnancy Progressions. 7. Can Be Used Amongst Your Family for Good Habit Teaching.

My Scale Recommendation: Fit Track Dara BMI Smart Scale: https://getfittrack.com/products/bmi-smart-scalefittrack-dara-v1 This is by far one of the best purchases I’ve made. I continue to use the Dara scale as part of my regular fitness regime and maintenance!




Part Two: Are You Ready to Lose Weight? Really evaluate if you are ready, to take the weight loss journey by storm. It takes dedication and sacrifice. It’s okay if you need to defer your fitness plans to properly prepare. Think of a weight loss journey like competitive training or a live event performance. Athletes, musicians, and marathons runners don’t spontaneously or inconsistently train. They have a specific plan or schedule they follow to condition their bodies into proper shape. If you want to be the best or have the best results, you must put in the work. Some individuals train months on end, for a 10 second run, or for a 30 min performance slot. Your body is capable of the impossible, it's the thoughts of the mind that need to be convinced. Get rid of the outside noise and distractions. Many times, I felt like I was on a roller coaster back in forth on an inconsistent routine. It became quite frustrating never being able to fully commit and reach the goals I was looking to achieve. Regardless of where you are in your journey, maintaining regular exercise is important no matter how much or little. Start off slow with baby steps until you feel comfortable to do a bit more. If you’re on the fence about kicking off your fitness journey and fully committing; spend a moment selfreflecting and answer the following questions:


1. Am I ready to change and modify my eating habits? 2. Do I have time to dedicate towards making a change? 3. Do I have too many distractions or pressures that would prevent me from giving my all? 4. Do I have any emotional issues connected to my weight? 5. Is food a coping mechanism for stress? If so, am I open to other techniques and/or strategies? 6. Do I need other support — either from friends or professionals — to manage stress? 7. Am I motivated to make a lifestyle change for the long term? 8.

Am I willing to change habits?

9. Have I thought about my nutritional and exercise plan? 10. Do I have support or an accountability partner?


Chapter Six


Chapter Six: Burn that Shite /SHīt/ Human beings were meant to move their bodies and not remain still. Unfortunately, as we get older and we take on more responsibilities in life, our schedules fill up quick and the last thing we think about is giving our body some movement. Our bodies get neglected quickly. Some of my most memorable and favorite workouts have happened outside! Nothing like a cool breezy day with sun beating on my face allowing more toxins to be released through sweat producing workouts. Point is, find a place that will make you feel the most comfortable so that your efforts are effective and efficient. Have a mirror nearby to watch your movements as you go. Record yourself for rewarded milestone playbacks of improvement. Most importantly as the inches begin to drop, go treat yourself to some new workout attire. Not only will you look and feel good in something new, but it will also allow you to focus more on your workout rather than the constant adjustment of sliding tops and bottoms. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, beginner, advanced, or somewhere in between, always consult your physician or trainer before hopping into any exercise workout to avoid injury. I, myself, thought I was in shape and have overworked my muscles and have had minor sprains. It’s not worth the setback. Create your action plan and start off slow. The more consistent you are, those exercises will get easier, your muscles will get stronger, and then inches and pounds will soon drop.


Physical activity has four domains of performance that must be balanced properly for fulfillment. These domains cover the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, which include your environment, abilities or skills, attitude, motivation, and choices or talent. Figuring out your fitness personality is one way to ensure you can stick to a workout regimen you enjoy while still burning the calories you need. Try 8 Colors of Fitness quiz by Suzanne Brue to determine your fitness color. Discovering your fitness color gives you the power to learn and understand the best activity for you, which in turn allows you to stick to a fitness program.

https://the8colorsoffitness.com These are the fitness colors and what they represent and mean for you. FITNESS COLORS BLUE -Known as the “true blue” due to their loyal, traditional, and dependable nature. Committed and Conscientious. GOLD- The color of currency, conservative and traditional. These individuals trust proven methods. Gold is considered the color of achievement.


WHITE- Visionary individuals, who are aware and receptive to their creative minds and purity. PURPLE- Quick, outgoing, and confident. GREEN- Lover of nature and seeks to be outdoors. RED- Possess high energy and enjoy being around the action. Red is a color of direction. What to look at, when to get up or stop. SAFFRON- This color seeks truth and clarity. Commands attention in a non-ostentatious sort of way. SILVER- The color of change, is powered by new possibilities and ideas. I found that my color is blue. My barriers come from not scheduling my activities ahead of time, having a disorganized space or a disruption of my current routine or plan.


Now let’s really get into it! I’m sure working out twice a day maybe three, sounds a bit much, but you must burn the calories and fat! Who wants to work out all year with no changes? I was tired of buying clothes that just didn’t’ fit because I was in between sizes due to an expanded waist size. Each event or phot-op you end up super conscious of how you’re going to look or racing the clock to lose pounds by that special date on the calendar. Stop that! The sooner you achieve your fitness goals, the quicker you can get to the fun part of maintaining. If you keep your body ready, you’ll always be ready! Make working out a lifestyle. It is a forever mood. Between my smart watch and scale, I was able to be in control of my overall body health. I learned the percentages and risk levels of my health in real time. Add in aiming towards 3600-4000 calories/ day, this is including your resting, burned calories. On average, days that I didn’t work out, according to my synced stats, I burned around 1800-1950 calories. When I executed my 2/day workout and light jump roping session, I was able to increase my calories anywhere from 1300-2400 calories. My highest calorie burn is 4,712. Keep in mind, this is based on a weight starting at 190lbs. Everyone’s calories burn is different. Individuals with a larger mass require more energy to move their body which allows for more calories to be burned at a heavier weight. As you shed pounds, less energy output is required in return calories required to burn decline.


My calorie progression chart over a 4-month period


If you’re familiar with the apple watch, what you see in the chart above are my closed rings which represent movement, exercise, and standing. Summer months June and July were my most active months.


Key Components to a Successful Home-Workout 1. Decide On Your Goal a. Make It Clear and Realistic b. Hang It on A Vison Board 2. Create A Timeline or Calendar a. This Is at Home, Balancing Life and Work. b. Time Should Not Be Wasted. c. Prioritize How Much Time You Need. 3. Figure Out What Resources You Need a. Sacrifices b. Changes c. In-home equipment d. Workout attire e. Nutrients or supplements f. MUSIC PLAYLIST- The perfect sounds -ESSENTIAL 1. Create a playlist that’s readily assessible 2. Devices charged 4. Schedule Your Workouts a. Make It a Routine b. Same Times and Days c. Create An Appointment in Electronic Devices for Reminders d. When It’s Schedule It’s Easier to Make It Happen. 5. Planned Grocery Trips


a. Find Out What You Need, And Make a List b. Take Advantage of Delivery Services to Save Time. c. Grocery Trips and Weekly Meal Prepping to Keep Items fresh. d. Prepare Your Food in Advance. 6. Take Advantage of Your Extra Time or Down Time. a. This includes Self-Care Needs. 7. Check Your Progress a. Revisit your goals weekly and set new ones. b. Take Your Goals and break them down into smaller attainable goals. a. This helps the momentum and selfmotivation. 8. Reward Your Wins, Big or Small a. If No One Else Does, Praise Yourself and Set New Goals. b. Interval goals

When the going gets tough, Remember these tips:

Focus on the fitness and form, not your body. Focus on the process, results will come. Focus on keeping it fun, to decrease the stress.


Benefits Of Moving Your Body and Burning Fat Increased energy and a more efficient workout Better sleep, means a better workout Increased mood and self confidence Better health and immune boost Weight loss and management Decreased anxiety


Fitness Schedule


60 min HIIT At Your Own Pace or Level








45 min Fasted Cardio

45 min Fasted Cardio

45 min Fasted Cardio

45 min Fasted Cardio

45 min Fasted Cardio

4 Eggs, Veggies

4 Eggs, Veggies

4 Eggs, Veggies

4 Eggs, Veggies

4 Eggs, Veggies

or morning smoothie

or morning smoothie

or morning smoothie






Post Workout Protein Shake

Post Workout Protein Shake

Post Workout Protein Shake

Post Workout Protein Shake

Post Workout Protein Shake

Protein Meal with Veggies

Protein Meal with Veggies

Protein Meal with Veggies

Protein Meal with Veggies

Protein Meal with Veggies

Protein Meal with Veggies

Protein Meal with Veggies

Protein Meal with Veggies

ProteinMeal with Veggies

Protein Meal with Veggies









or morning smoothie

or morning smoothie




Protein: Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Vegan Options Add ½ Avocado with Eggs. Get creative with your eggs, dice up some peppers and go! Morning Smoothie: 8 oz water, ½ apple, ½ Banana, handful of spinach & kale, ¼ cup frozen mango, ¼ c pineapple, ¼ c frozen mixed berries, 1 Tbsp flaxseeds. Via: Yusef Myers PRX I recommend blending vegetables in the water prior to adding fruit.


Feel Good and Reduce Feelings of Stress and Anxiety Increases And Boost Metabolism for Post Workout Fat Burn Reduce Risk of Stroke Reduce Risk of Heart Disease and Heart Attacks Lowers Cholesterol Achieve And Maintain Healthy Body Goals and Weight Lower Blood Pressure Strengthen And Muscles, Bones, And Joints


Weight gain is gradual and kind of sneaks up on you. It happens over time with decrease of movement and decline in the metabolism, along with life changes, medications, and age. There are so many factors that cause an increase in pounds. Once the fat shows up, it seems impossible to get rid of. We rush ourselves and bodies, far too often. Take your time. Slow and steady truly wins the race. Remain consistent and those changes will come. Small changes soon turn into bigger changes. Exercise offers many health benefits, such as a boost in your mood, strengthening your cardiovascular system, and reducing your blood pressure. Here are some of my favorite forms of exercise and warm-ups.

EXERCISE SNACKING: Also known as “bite sized” workouts or exercise snacks.

According to research published from the Journal of Applied Physiology, there is a benefit in stabilizing blood sugar by interrupting your prolonged sitting with activity snacks. These are those moments when you’re consumed in your work for 30+ minutes, and you haven’t thought about moving a muscle. Like many, who own a fitness watch, know the standing reminder on your wrist all too well. Utilize this time to add in (3) 15-minute rounds daily of exercise snacking. A little goes a long way. If you aren’t ready to jump in full training style, bite-sized exercises are a perfect way to integrate working out into your daily routines. Inhome and work areas have some great alternatives. Do some pushups along the wall; Incorporate walking side squats to give your lower half some blood circulation. If you haven’t acquired all or any of your fitness equipment, don’t fret! Look around your


home, grab a chair, use gallon water bottles for weights, you can even throw a bunch of cans in a bag for added weights. Leggings, tights, and towels work great as sliders on a non-carpeted floor. Just 5 min/day can boost your mood. So, when someone calls you on the phone, stand up and talk, park a little farther away to get extra steps in, and strength training is great while watching your favorite television shows.

HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING Popularly known as HIIT. This here is my game changer. It will allow you to burn up to your maximum calories in a shorter amount of time while effectively staying in your fat burning zone. If you are a beginner or just jumping back in, this is not the time to overdue. You want to start off gradual and always begin with a low intensity modified version to prevent injury. HIIT, started for me as a flashback of high school and college sport training days. Straight forward workouts that attack problem areas. The benefit of HIIT is the fat loss and the increase in your metabolism after you’ve completed your workout. This is considered your “afterburn”. HIIT is all about intensity. Not only will it make you stronger and tougher, but it can also improve your nervous system response which will improve your digestion and reduce stress in your life. High intensity workouts improve the movement of food to your muscles rather than storing them as fat. HIIT 2X day with the proper nutrients, food, and water intake, can give you great results. Low intensity soon turns into higher intensity pace. Continue to be steadfast.


Sample HIIT workouts Try these for 50-60s Intervals, repeat 3-4 time, Begin to ease in resistance to your workouts.

Jumping Jacks


Jump Squats

Mountain Climbers


Jumping Lunges

Squat Holds


Squat to Overhead Press

High Knees

Kettle Ball Swings

Bent Over Row

Plank Jacks

Russian Twists

Side Planks

High to Low



Walkout Check out the Fit On app for more workouts; Not just HIIT, but yoga, toning, strength and more.

STRENGTH TRAINING The average person usually works out but many shy away strengths training, which is a key component in weight loss. That’s the benefit of HIIT. Many of the workouts allow for added weights or resistance to give your fat burn a boost. Strength training is important due to the decrease of lean muscle mass with age. It not only helps to manage your weight but also to make your bones stronger. Strength training comes in various forms, first there's your own body weight such as squats, lunges, push ups; Free weights, in-home fitness machine or weight resisted door pulley. A weighted vest of 8lbs or more is another way to build upper body strength. Wear it while walking, working out, or completing various errands in or outside of the house.


DANCING One of my favorite exercises. I normally add this into my warm-up workout. It’s a great way to raise your heart rate and burn fat in areas, you may not reach otherwise. Dancing can boost your mood while strengthen your muscles. There are a variety of styles including choregraphed dance fitness moves. You can really work up a sweat and burn calories that leads to fat burn. Always warm your body up with stretching first before starting any exercise. Anyone at any age can dance and learn something new. Turn up your searches or open an app and dance along to choreographers and dance fitness instructors across the globe. It’s that easy. You can find just about anything online now. We live in a virtual, social media driven world, where resources are readily available right from home. No need to rely on gyms and facilities. Don’t get me wrong, the getaway to a fitness or choregraphed dance class is awesome, but when access becomes limited out of our control like a pandemic, you must find your own way. Pull up those videos or turn on your favorite playlist and dance away!


My TUBE Searches Choreographers: Aliya Janell Dance Fitness: Dance Fitness with Jessica Choreography and Dance Apps- STEEZY- Learn How to Dance


SKATING AND BLADING Something about taking the

workout outdoors, throw on a pair of roller skates or blades on a

bright sunny day and let your hair blow in the breeze. Skating is an

overall great exercise for your cardiovascular health. It’s especially

beneficial for your lower body as it strengthens the muscles in your

glutes, quads, and claves. Skating can bring on joy and less stress

since its increases your good endorphins. Why not have fun, while

burning up to 250 calories in a thirty-minute period. Turn it into a

Sunday Funday and bring the family along.


SLEEP With all this activity, please rest up! No workout will be efficient without the proper rest. Running on fumes to get through a workout causes further fatigue that will prolong other routine workouts. Sleep helps reduce the risk of diseases and increase your brain function so that you are more alert. Proper sleep will keep your emotions in check so you can show up and be the best version of yourself. Too many times, I’ve tried to work out on just a few hours of sleep to stick to my action plan. It doesn’t matter what routine you have, how committed you are, if you don’t allow your body to rest, it can be harmful to your body.

The importance of Sleep… Feel Rested, Reduced Stress Be More Alert for The Day Better Sleep, Means Better Workout Increased Heart Health


FOAM ROLLING After a great workout especially if there was any form of strength training involved, add in some foam rolling while your body is still heated and beginning to enter into cool down mode. This is the time I enjoy pulling out my roller and massage my worked muscles. Foam rolling has many benefits to your body. You may roll the back of your thighs, abdomen, arms, quads, hips, and back areas and more. Lose inches and round out those hips. Foam rolling helps with lymphatic draining, reducing excess fat, toning, smoothing, and loosening sore achy muscles. It works by rolling up and down allowing deeper muscle activation. Foam rolling allows for better blood circulation, and pumping, which increases your metabolic rate. For the best benefits, reduce and cutout eating junk food, processed food or that items that enhance bloating and inflammation. When rolling, breathe, slow down, and focus on the on the areas that need the most self-care.

STRETCHING You’ll want to stretch before and after workouts. Even more so, Stretch DAILY! Often, many of us find ourselves sitting probably more than we should. An office job is usually the culprit. Or you might just lounge on the couch and forget to get up sometimes. Our bodies get stiff and crackle. Then by the time you get up, now you’re really feeling those discomforts. First thing that comes to mind, “my body is getting old”; well not at all! You need to open those joints that haven’t been used in a while. What happens to anything that hasn’t been utilized?! More times than none, you need a good stretch! If you want the most efficient and flexible workouts without injury, then you must stretch!




Keep track of your body measurements. Track all of those wins big or small. Don’t let the number on the scale deter you from your goals.

Keep Track of Your Progress











Writing Down Your Goals Is Beneficial Here’s why… Writing down your goals and your progression points can help you:

1. Stay Focused- While writing your goals down may seem tedious since many of us have all the latest and greatest technology, but it works. It allows us to create good habits and focus on completing goals by tracking measurements and having them readily available in one place. 2. Boost Motivation- Who doesn't like crushing goals?!?! When you are tracking your progress, you are literally watching your body transform before your eyes. Each time you write down those improved numbers, is motivation. Sometimes we need a push and seeing things visually is a great self-motivator. 3. Stress Less- With so much going on day to day in our lives, I’m sure trying to remember body measurements is


the last thing one feels like doing. When you jot things down, it saves a lot of stress and time. You know exactly where and how to start to log your measurements. 4. Obtain Bigger and Better Goals- You know it’s only natural to yearn for more. When you track and finally realize “wow, I made it”, but in the words of celebrity fitness trainer Yusef Myer’s, “This is only the beginning”. When old goals are achieved, time to challenge yourself to new ones.




Chapter Seven: Protein is Bodylicious Why is protein important, you ask??? Well, here are a few reasons why. Protein is important to stay healthy otherwise it can lead to serious health issues. This is because protein is found in nearly every cell in your body and is major component to your organs, muscles, tissues, skins, bone, and hair. It aids in fluid balance, vision, hormones, and even blood clotting. Not just protein, focus on eating lean sources of protein that will help build lean build muscles. Additional benefits include: 1. Growth and Maintenance a. Your body is constantly using up the protein to build and repair your tissues. Listen to your body and it will tell you what you are missing. 2. Bodily Functions a. Digestion b. Energy production c. Blood clotting 3. Muscle contraction 1. Protein makes up our hormones, a. By influencing the hormones, protein control the appetite and food intake, communicating information about energy status to your brain. 4. Energy 1. Gives you energy by helping to repair and build up tissues. 2. Helps maintain healthy energy levels.


Top Lean Sources of Protein

Wild Salmon, Cod, Poultry, Lean Beef, Tofu, Egg whites, Dairy products, black beans and more.

High Protein Sources for Weight losses

Protein Powder


Black beans




Chia Seeds

Chicken Breast



Brussel Sprouts







Sun dried tomatoes





Almonds Eggs


My Personal Favorites and Recommendations Vega Protein Powder- Vega One, Vega Sport Women’s Best Peach Iced tea BCAA: https://us.womensbest.com/products/bcaa? variant=38791697418 C4 Sports Pre workout Fitness Challenge Recommendations PRX Workout Brand; https://www.prxworkouts.com/yusuf-myers

Orange Theory Fitness online workouts Joie In life: Core slider set, extended resistance band, Hip band set: https://www.joieinlife.com/products/jnl-hip-bands-core-sliderset?variant=40225720893637


People Who Do


People Who Don’t Do They Don’t Know Why They Should Do It.

They Are Empowered to achieve.

They Don’t Know How to Do It.

They Are Willing and Able to Perform.

They Don’t Know What They Are Supposed to Do.

They Do Not Let Personal Problems.

They Think Your Way Won’t Work and Their Way

They Do Not Prevent Them

Is Better.

from Performing. They Choose To.

They Think Something Else Is More Important. There Are Obstacles Beyond Their Control. Their Personal Limitations Prevent Them from Performing


Appendix Smoothies and Juices for Health & Performance Disclaimer: I use juices and smoothies as an addition to my healthy lifestyle. I do not solely rely on juice and smoothies alone as a meal replacement or form of diet. Here are just a few. Check out juicerecipes.com and create the proper juice or smoothie based on your needs or whatever is in your fridge.

Detoxification Blackberry Banana 2 Handfuls of greens ¼ c water 1 banana peeled, and frozen ½ c frozen blackberries 1 c frozen strawberries 1 c frozen blueberries

Mango Pineapple 2 Handfuls of greens 1.5 c coconut water 1 c frozen mango chunks 1 c pineapple chunks 1 lime, peeled, and seeded Pinch of cayenne pepper



Green Berry -Smoothie 2 Handfuls of Spinach 2 c Water 1.5 Frozen raspberries ¼ frozen blueberries ¼ almond butter ¼ cup cacao powder ¼ c Vega Protein (or other plant-based powder) Beauty (Health & Skin) Mango Banana Smoothie 2 Handfuls of Spinach 1 c coconut water 1 banana, peeled 1.5 c frozen mango chunks

Apple Pear Smoothie 2 Handfuls of Spinach 2 celery stalks, chopped ½ c water 1 pear 1 apple


Energy Can’t Beet It- Juice

Green Cheer- Juice







Beet Root




Ginger Root Weight Loss Aid Green Power Kale Pineapple Avocado Parsley Orange Pear Ginger Root Lemon


Tumeric Sunrise

Up Beet










Beet Root

Tumeric Root


Ginger Root

Lemon Celery

The Anytime Cocktail Orange Apple Cucumber Kale Celery Lemon Parsley


Mood-Enhancing Berry Beets 2 handfuls greens 1 cup water 1 banana, peeled and frozen 1.5 cups frozen peaches 1 cup frozen blueberries ½ beet, peeled and dice 1 carrot, chopped Berry Medley Banana 2 handfuls greens 1.5 cups water 1 banana, peeled and frozen 2 cups frozen mixed berries 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds


Bibliography Balch, P.A. (2010). Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Fifth Edition. New York, NY: Penguin Group. Brue, Suzanne Brue. (2015, September 27). The 8 Colors of Fitness: Your Workbook. Retrieved from https://the8colorsoffitness.com/the-8colors/ Ely, Kiki. (2020). The Complete Guide to Self-Care: Best Practices for a Healthier and Happier You. New York, NY: Quarto Publishing Group. Finkel, D. (2022, January 24). The Freedom Formula: How to Succeed in Business Without Sacrificing Your Family, Health, or Life. New Study Shows You're Wasting 21.8 hours a Week: Which of these time thieves is stealing 21.8 hours a week of your working day. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/david-finkel/new-study-shows-youre-wasting-218hours-a-week.html Grace, Marlee. (2018) How to Not Always Be Working: A Toolkit for Creativity and Radical Self-Care. (“Self-Care for the Over-Committed Practitioner | "Dr. C"”) New York, NY: HarperCollins. Gutsche, J. (2020). The Innovation Handbook. New York, NY: Fast Press Company. Gutsche, J. (2020). Create The Future: Tactics for Disruptive Thinking”. New York, NY: Fast Press Company. Gibala Ph.D., M., (2017) The One Minute Workout. "Science Shows a way to get fit that’s Smarter, Faster, Shorter." (“The One-Minute Workout: Science Shows a Way to Get Fit That's Smarter ...”) Penguin Random House: New York, NY. Gillen B., Estafanos, S., Williamson, E., Hodson, N., Malowany, J., Kumbhare, D., Moore, D. (2021). Interrupting Prolong Sitting with Repeated Chair Stands or Short Walks Reduces Postprandial Insulinemenia in Healthy Adults. Retrieved from: https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.00796.202 0 Jurewicz, B. (2019). A Beginners Guide to Juicing. Retrieved from https://juicerecipes.com/juicing/ Smith, J. (2014) 10 Day Green Day Smoothie Cleanse. Avida Publishing: Mitchville, MD.


Acknowledgments I would like to thank my readers, for taking the time out and peeking into my fitness journey. Thank you to all my friends and supporters who have always cheered me on and acquired inspiration by witnessing my fitness journey. Thank you to my husband, Amir for always being in my corner and the first to notice my small wins when I don’t see them myself. To my children, Cambridge, and Calista, who began working out themselves, from watching mommy go!

A lifelong learner and graduate of Bloomsburg University, of Pa with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. Aisha later attended Capella University where she pursued her Master of Science in School Counseling. With over 15 years of experience in business, education, and mentorship, Aisha wanted to create a first hand experience for the empowered individual who is ready to change their life and stop allowing time and other life events to deter their fitness goals. Aisha has developed and delivered coursework and training materials designed for effective education of intended audiences such as independent creators and startup brands. In Aisha’s personal life, she is a wife and mother of of two. She is a homeschool mom and full-time educator. She comes from a fitness and athletic background and is fascinated on creating time to fit priorities and self care needs in no matter the circumstance.




Lose Weight at Home: Reclaiming your Power with Time Management, gives you the tools you need to lose weight in the comfort of your home without gym memberships and a bunch of crash dieting. Lose weight and keep it off and not feel guilty about those vacation meals . Stay ready and you will always be ready. By incorporating time management into your daily routine, you will begin to learn how easy it is to accomplish the goals you want, while creating a healthy and active lifestyle for the long term. This ebook includes, tips, grocery lists, juice recipes, smoothie recipes, and more. Aisha tells you her journey from being a 7 month postpartum mom to losing 40+ pounds at home in just a few months.


Aisha Swain

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