The Readable Bible: Numbers

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The Readable Bible Numbers


From Iron Stream Media

The Readable Bible will be available as a complete Bible, in portions, in individual books as below, and as a twenty-seven volume set.

The Holy Bible 978-1-56309-531-3

The Readable Bible: Pentateuch

The Readable Bible: Genesis 978-1-56309-578-8

The Readable Bible: Exodus 978-1-56309-579-5

The Readable Bible: Leviticus 978-1-56309-580-1

The Readable Bible: Numbers 978-1-56309-581-8

The Readable Bible: Deuteronomy 978-1-56309-582-5

The Readable Bible: Historical Books

The Readable Bible: Joshua, Judges, Ruth 978-1-56309-583-2

The Readable Bible: 1 and 2 Samuel 978-1-56309-584-9

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The Readable Bible: Prophets

The Readable Bible: Isaiah 978-1-56309-589-4

The Readable Bible: Jeremiah, Lamentations 978-1-56309-590-0

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The Readable Bible: New Testament

The Readable Bible: Matthew 978-1-56309-566-5

The Readable Bible: Mark 978-1-56309-567-2

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The Readable Bible: John 978-1-56309-570-2

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The Readable Bible: Romans 978-1-56309-572-6

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The Readable Bible: Galatians–Philemon 978-1-56309-575-7

The Readable Bible: Hebrews–Jude 978-1-56309-576-4

The Readable Bible: Revelation 978-1-56309-577-1

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The Readable Bible Numbers

Forty Years in the Wilderness

Birmingham, Alabama


The Readable Bible: Numbers

Iron Stream

An imprint of Iron Stream Media 100 Missionary Ridge Birmingham, AL 35242

Copyright © 2022 by Rodney S. Laughlin

The Readable Bible text may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic, or audio) up to and inclusive of five hundred verses without express written permission of the publisher provided that (a) the verses quoted do not account for more than 25 percent of the total work in which they are quoted, (b) no more than 25 percent of a book of the Bible is quoted, (c) all quotations conform accurately to The Readable Bible text, and (d) one of the following credit lines appears on the copyright page or title page of the work:

Scripture quotations marked TRB are taken from The Readable Bible®. Copyright © 2022 by Rodney S. Laughlin, Leawood, Kansas. Used by permission of Iron Stream Media.

Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from The Readable Bible®. Copyright © 2022 by Rodney S. Laughlin, Leawood, Kansas. Used by permission of Iron Stream Media.

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1 2 3 4 5—26 25 24 23 22

Book of Numbers

Contents Preface ....................................................................................... x To the Reader ............................................................................. x Acknowledgments ...................................................................... xi Dedication ............................................................................... xi Introduction to Numbers xii Before You Read .......................................................................... xii The Book of Numbers ...................................................................... 1 Pentateuch Glossary 75 Weights and Measures in Numbers 84 Familiar Verses in Numbers 85 People in Numbers 86 Subject Index 87 Map Notes 88 Key to Genealogical Tables ............................................................... 89 The Jewish Calendar ..................................................................... 90 The Festivals of the Lord ................................................................. 91 Translation Notes ......................................................................... 92 Format and Presentation Notes .......................................................... 93 Nonliteral Words and Phrases Not Footnoted 94 The
Maps, tables, and charts are in italics Part 1: Organizing and Preparing Israel Numbers 1 Census of Israel ....................................................................... 1 Table: First Wilderness Census Summary ........................................... . 1 Organization and Responsibilities of the Tribes ..................................... 2 Numbers 2 Table: Camp Assignments and Census ............................................. . 2 Illustration: Israelite Camp Layout ................................................. . 3 Numbers 3 Levite Responsibilities................................................................. 4 Genealogy: Aaron’s Sons ........................................................... . 4 Israel Redeems Its Firstborn .......................................................... 5 Table: Levite Clan Camp Locations and Sanctuary Responsibilities ................. . 5 v



First Wilderness

Purifying the Camp

for Wrongs

Gift Ownership

for an Unfaithful

Law of the Nazirite

Priestly Blessing

Offerings at the Tabernacle’s

Those Who Brought

The Consecration

Setting Up the Lamps

of the Levites

Levite Purification

The Cloud and Pillar of Fire


Part 2: Traveling from Mount Sinai to Kadesh Barnea

Departure from Mount Sinai

Order of March

Hardship, Complaints, and Fire

and Moses


Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses

Spirit and Quail

vi Numbers 4 Instructions
the Kohathites ............................................... 8 First
Levite Census ....................................................... 8 Table:
Levite Census ............................................... . 8 Numbers 5
................................................................... 9 Restitution
................................................................ 9 Sacred
................................................................ 9 Test
Wife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Numbers 6
................................................................... 11 The
................................................................. 13 Numbers 7
Consecration ......................................... 13 Table:
Offerings .............................................. 13 Table:
Offerings ................................................ 14 Numbers 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ordination
............................................................. 15 Table:
Procedure 15 Numbers 9 Passover............................................................................... 16
......................................................... 17 Numbers 10 Silver
....................................................................... 17
18 Table:
18 Numbers 11
.................................................. 19 Israel
Complain; God
...................... 19 Numbers 12


Sojourning at Kadesh

Scouting Canaan

Table: Scouts Sent to Canaan

Route of the Scouts

Fear and Its Consequences

Defeat in the Seir

Offerings upon Entering the Promised Land

Offerings upon Entering

Offerings for Unintentional

Tassels on Garments

Korah and Three Reubenites

Aaron’s Staff Blossoms

Duties of the Levites

The Priests’ Portion

Levites’ Portion

Promised Land

Purification After Being Defiled

The Cleansing Water

Acts that Defile


Water from the Rock

Denies Passage



Barnea Numbers 13
................................................................. 22
..................................................... 22 Map:
...................................................... 23 Numbers 14
.......................................................... 24 Map:
Highlands ............................................. 27 Numbers 15
.................................... 27 Table:
................................ 28
Sins ................................................ 28 Sabbath-Breaker Executed ....................................................... 29
................................................................. 29 Numbers 16
Rebel 30 Numbers 17
............................................................... 32 Numbers 18
.................................................................. 32
............................................................... 33 The
34 Tithes 34 Numbers 19
Corpse........................................ 35 A.
.......................................................... 35 B.
................................................................. 35 C.
Ceremony ......................................................... 36 Numbers 20
36 Edom
37 Aaron’s


Bronze Snake

Balak Summons

Balaam’s Donkey

Balaam’s First Prophecy

Balaam’s Second Prophecy

Balaam’s Third Prophecy

Balaam’s Fourth Prophecy

Final Prophecies

Unfaithfulness at Shittim

Second Wilderness Census

Wilderness Census:


to Clan


viii Part 4: Conquering the Transjordan Lands Numbers 21
Destroyed ....................................................................... 38 Table: Camps on the Way to Moab ................................................ 38 The
.................................................................... 38 Map: Israel’s First Victories ........................................................ 39 Sihon Defeated ....................................................................... 40 Og Defeated .......................................................................... 41 Numbers 22
Balaam ............................................................. 41
..................................................................... 42 Numbers 23
.............................................................. 43 Map: Geography of Balak and Balaam 44
46 Numbers 24
........................................................... 47 Balaam’s
........................................................... 48 Numbers 25
48 Numbers 26
.......................................................... 49 Second
Genealogy .................................................................... 50 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Levite Genealogy .............................................................. 54 Levite Census Summary ....................................................... 54 Numbers 27
Inheritance 55 Joshua
to Succeed Moses 55

Offerings to the Lord

Daily and Festival Offerings to the Lord


Validity of a Woman’s Vow

Vengeance on the Midianites


Division of the Plunder 63 Numbers

Lands of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh

Map: Lands Given to Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh

65 Numbers 33

Stages of Israel’s Journey 66 Map: From Egypt to Canaan 67 Table: Camps from Egypt to the Plains of Moab 68

Part 5: Preparing to Enter Canaan Command to Drive Out the Canaanites

69 Numbers 34

Canaan’s Border 70 Map: Canaan’s Border 70

Table: Leaders Who Helped Eleazar and Joshua Allocate the Land 71 Numbers 35

Levite Cities

71 Cities of Refuge

Laws Regarding Murder, Manslaughter, and Retaliation

Inheritance of Zelophehad’s Daughters

Numbers 36

ix Numbers 28
................................................................. 56 Table:
..................................... 56 Numbers 29
.......................................................... 60
62 Table:
.............................................. 64
....................................................................... 71
.......................... 72
......................................... 73


To the Reader

One day I was standing in an airport bookstore looking for a book to read. I asked myself, “Why am I looking for something to read when I have a Bible in my briefcase?” I answered, “The Bible is hard to read. I want to read something easier.” Then I asked myself, “Why is it so hard to read? You’re a seminary graduate, a former pastor, a Bible teacher!” Thus began a quest that has led to The Readable Bible—the Bible as it would look if Moses, Joshua, Matthew, Mark, Paul, and the other writers had been sitting in front of a computer when God spoke through them.

It seems to me that the Bible is hard to read because all material is presented in sentence format. Today we use tables to present census information and charts for genealogies. When we want something built, we draw up a specification document. Law codes are organized in outline form. We use bullet points, bold text, and other aids to help us grasp information. Yet in today’s Bibles, all the information is still presented in sentence format in plain text. Surely those men of old would have used modern formats if they had known about them when God spoke through them. Modern formatting does not change the information; it simply presents it in a way that makes it easier to grasp. The Readable Bible brings you the biblical text in modern formats.

You may struggle with the idea of Scripture in modern formats. Actually, all of today’s Bibles present the text in a form much different from that of the original manuscripts. Consider how many format changes that were developed over the past two thousand years led to the format considered normal today. Each change was radical in its time:

• Vowels: The earliest Hebrew manuscripts have no vowels; they were added hundreds of years later.

• Capital Letters: The Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament manuscripts have no uppercase and lowercase letters.

• Punctuation: The original manuscripts have no punctuation (no commas or periods!).

• Chapter Numbers: These were not common in Bibles until the thirteenth century AD.

• Verse Numbers: The first verse-numbering system was developed over a thousand years after the last Bible book was written. It had one-third of today’s verse numbers, making verses three or four times longer. Today’s Christian Bible numbering system was not developed until the sixteenth century.

• Paragraphs: The first paragraphed King James Bible was published in the mid-1800s.

So presenting the words of Scripture in tables, cascading the text of long, complex sentences, and using other modern formatting techniques is simply continuing the long-term trend of making the Bible easier to understand.


Our hope is that people who have never read the Bible will decide to read this version because it is so approachable. Please give a copy to someone who struggles to understand the Bible and, especially, to those who do not read the Bible.


My thanks to all the members of our editing team, our volunteer development team, and the many others who have donated funds and worked to bring The Readable Bible to completion.

A big “thank you” to my designer and partner in this project, Clyde Adams, for joining me in this faith venture. He has turned the translation into well-laid-out text and my formatting concepts into reality. The maps, tables, charts, book layout, and cover are all his work.

Most of all, I thank my wife, Rebecca, for her ideas, her love, and her strong support of this endeavor over the past twelve years.


And now I dedicate to our Lord this translation of his holy Word, humbly asking him to grant that it may bring forth fruit to his glory and the building up of his people.


Spring 2022

Introduction to Numbersa

After a stay of about eleven months at Mount Sinai, during which time God gave Moses the laws of Leviticus, the Israelites headed out for Canaan. In Numbers, Moses recorded

• who set out on the journey,

• where they went,

• how they were organized,

• stories of Israel’s faithfulness and faithlessness, and

• who was at the Jordan River when they were ready to cross into the promised land.

The journey to Canaan took about fourteen thousand days (about forty years). The events described in Exodus and Numbers after the stay at Mount Sinai took place in less than one hundred of those days. Yet these writings are more than enough for us to see that, from the beginning, despite the miraculous nature of their escape from Egypt and the multiple interventions of God on their behalf, the Israelites had difficulty trusting him. Thus, they frequently rebelled against his command to set themselves apart to worship and serve only him, and God frequently chastised them.

Numbers serves as a reminder to us: No matter how strong our faith, when we take our eyes off of God and his lovingkindness, the distractions of the world can attract us and lead us away from God—into disobedience, and disobedience has consequences.

Before You Read

Words in italics are additions to the biblical text. In the context of commands, rules, and regulations, “shall,” “must,” and “are/is to” are equal terms, all the same strength.

Read lists from top to bottom in the first column then read the next column. You will find a “Key to Genealogical Tables” in the back of the book. While we have endeavored to make our tables intuitive, you may grasp them more quickly if you look at the key first.

We encourage you to read “Translation Notes” and “Format and Presentation Notes” in the back of the book. They are easy reading and will increase your understanding of the text.

Please browse the glossary before you begin reading. You will find helpful information about words that appear frequently in this book, as well as important explanations of the words “L” and “Yahweh.”

a “Numbers”: from the Greek title in the Septuagint, arithmoi. The Hebrew Bible title, bamidbar, means “in the Wilderness.” 17rl

Numbers Part 1. Organizing and Preparing Israel

Numbers 1

Census of Israel

1 The L spoke to Moses in the meeting tent in the Sinai wilderness on the first day of the second month (in mid-spring) in the second year after the Israelites left Egypt. He said, 2 “Take a census of Israel by clans and families, listing the name of every male leader. a 3 You and Aaron are to list by their division all the men twenty years or older who go out to war for Israel. 4 And have a clan leader from each tribe with you.”b

* So on that day c Moses and Aaron took these men who had been designated by name and called the community together. The people counted and registered themselves by clans and families. The sons of each patriarch were listed by their genealogical record by their fathers’ households. All the men of Israel twenty years or older who were able to go to war were numbered by Moses and Aaron and the twelve leaders of Israel (each representing his family), as the L commanded Moses in the Sinai wilderness.

* This paragraph is a combination of repeated text within each of verses 17–20, within each even-numbered verse through 44, and verse 45.

First Wilderness Census Summary 1:5–16, 19b–46


Tribe Patriarch’s Name

Reuben, 5 Israel’s (i.e., Jacob’s) firstborn son 20

Simeon 6

5, 16 Men chosen from the community (chiefs of their ancestral tribes, heads of the clans of Israel) who are to stand with you to assist. Men

Elizur son of Shedeur

Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai 59,300

Judah 7 Nahshon son of Amminadab 74,600

Issachar 8 Nethanel son of Zuar 54,400

Zebulun 9

Eliab son of Helon 57,400

Ephraim son of Joseph 10 Elishama son of Ammihud 40,500

Manasseh son of Joseph Gamaliel son of Pedahzur

Benjamin 11 Abidan son of Gideoni 35,400

Dan 12 Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai 62,700

Asher 13 Pagiel son of Ocran

Gad 14 Eliasaph son of Deuel


Ahira son of Enan


a Literally, “the congregation of the people of Israel by their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of names, every male, head by head.”

b Literally, “And there shall be a man of each tribe, each the head of his father’s household with you.”

Literally, “the first day of the second month.”

46,500 21
32,200 35
41,500 41
45,650 25
53,400 43 Total

Organization and Responsibilities of the Tribes

47 The Levite ancestral tribe was not listed among them 48 because the L had told Moses, 49 “Do not list or count the members of the tribe of Levi among the Israelites. 50 Instead, appoint the Levites over the tabernacle of the covenant law, with its furnishings and everything else in it. They are to carry it and all its furnishings, and they are to take care of it and camp around it. 51 Whenever it is to travela with you on your journey, they are to take it down, and whenever it is to be set up, the Levites are to do it. Any layman who goes near it must be put to death. 52 “The Israelites are to camp by military divisions,b each man in his own camp near his tribal standard. 53 But the Levites are to camp around and guard the tabernacle of the covenant law so that my wrath will not fall on the community. The Levites will keep watch over the tabernacle of the covenant law.” 54 And the Israelites did just as the L commanded Moses.

2 Numbers

1 The L said to Moses and Aaron, 2 “The Israelites are to camp around the meeting tent some distance from it, each man under his standardc with his family banners as below:

Camp Assignments and Census 2:3–33

32a The Israelites are listed by family, 33 but the Levites were not counted among the Israelites, as the L commanded Moses.

Tribe Leader Son of Camp Location Census

3 Judah’s camp, under Judah’s standard, by company. 9 They will set out first. Judah 3 Nahshon Amminadab On the east, toward the sunrise 74,600 4

Issachar 5 Nethanel Zuar Next to Judah 54,400 6 Zebulun 7 Eliab Helon Next to Issachar 57,400 8

Camp Total 9 186,400

10 Reuben’s camp, under Reuben’s standard, by company. 16 They will set out second. Reuben 10 Elizur Shedeur On the south 46,500 11

Simeon 12 Shelumiel Zurishaddai Next to Reuben 59,300 13

Gad 14 Eliasaph Deuel Next to Simeon 45,650 15

Camp Total 16 151,450

17a Levites’ camp and the meeting tent. They will set out in the middle of the tribes. d

Levi In the middle See 2:33 above

a Literally, “to set out.” b Literally, “by their army.”

c “Standard”: a pole upon which banners signifying military units are attached. d Literally, “of the camps.”


Tribe Leader Son of Camp Location Census

18 Ephraim’s camp, under Ephraim’s standard, by company. 24 They will set out third. Ephraim 18 Elishama Ammihud On the west 40,500 19 Manasseh 20 Gamaliel Pedahzur Next to Ephraim 32,200 21 Benjamin 22 Abidan Gideoni Next to Manasseh 35,400 23 Camp Total 108,100 24

25 Dan’s camp, under Dan’s standard, by company. 31 They will set out last, under their standards.

Dan 25 Ahiezer

Ammishaddai On the north 62,700 26 Asher 27 Pagiel Ocran Next to Dan 41,500 28

Naphtali 29 Ahira Enan Next to Asher 53,400 30 Camp Total 157,600 31

Israelite Total (excluding Levites) 603,550 32b

17b “The camps are to travel just as they camp, each in its place under its standard.” 34 Thus Israel did everything the L

commanded Moses. They camped and set out by clan and household under their standards.

Israelite Camp Layout*


Dan Asher Naphtali Merari


N Tabernacle

Manasseh Benjamin


Gershon Moses & PriestsCourtyard



The exact layout is not described


Judah Issachar Zebulun


an approximation based upon the camp locations in 2:2–29.

in the
This is

Levite Responsibilities

1 This is the family history of Aaron and Moses at the time the L talked with Moses on Mount Sinai.

Aaron’s Sons 3:2–4

2–3 These are the names of Aaron’s sons, anointed priests whom he ordained to serve as priests.

The firstborn.

4a These two died before the L when they offered unauthorized fire before the L in the Sinai wilderness. They had no children. See Leviticus 10:1–3.

4b These two served as priests during the lifetime of Aaron their father.

5 The L told Moses, 6 “Bring forward the tribe of Levi and present them to Aaron the priest to help him. 7 They are to work for him a and the whole community at the meeting tent by doing the work of the tabernacle. 8 They are to care for the furnishings of the meeting tent and watch over the people of Israel as they do the work of the tabernacle. 9 Give the Levites to Aaron and his sons. They are to be unreservedly givenb to him from among the people of Israel. 10 Appoint Aaron and his sons so they may officially guard their priesthood. Any layman who comes near the tabernacle must be put to death.”

11 And the L said to Moses, 12 “Now look, I have taken the Levites from among the Israelites in place of every firstborn offspringc among the Israelites. The Levites are mine, 13 for all the firstborn are mine. On the day I struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, I set apart for myself all the firstborn in Israel, whether human or animal. They belong to me: I am the L.”

14 Then the L spoke to Moses in the Sinai wilderness: 15 “Count the Levites, every male a month old or more, by their clans and families.” 16 So Moses counted them according to the word of the L, as he had been commanded.

Most of 3:17–39 are in “Levite Clan Camp Locations” below 3:22, 28, 34, 39 are in “First Levite Wilderness Census” in chapter 4 below

a Literally, “perform duties for him.”

b Literally, “given given” [sic].

c Literally, “firstborn who opens the womb.”

4 3 Numbers

Israel Redeems Its Firstborn

40 The L told Moses, “Make a census ofa all the firstborn Israelite males who are a month old and older. 41 Take the Levites as substitutes for me for all the firstborn Israelites—I am the L. And take the livestock of the Levites as substitutes for all the firstborn of the livestock of the Israelites.” 42 So Moses registeredb all the firstborn sons a month old and older just as the L commanded. 43 They numbered 22,273. 44 The L told Moses, 45 “Take the Levites as substitutes for all the firstborn Israelites, and take the cattle of the Levites. The Levites shall be mine—I am the L. 46–48 And for the redemption price, two ounces of silver c for each of the 273 Israelite firstborn sons above the 22,000 Levites d whom God took as substitutes, give the money to Aaron and his sons to redeem them. 49–50 Thus Moses collected thirty-five pounds of silver e as redemption money from the 273 firstborn Israelites who exceeded those redeemed by God taking the Levites. 51 He gave the redemption money to Aaron and his sons according to the word of the L, just as the L commanded him.

Levite Clan Camp Locations and Sanctuary Responsibilities 3:17–39; 4:1–33

3:17, 20 The clans of Levi (listed according to their families) were named: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. 32 Eleazar son of Aaron the priest was appointed leader of the Levites to oversee those responsible for the duties of the sanctuary. (See Exodus 25–28; 30; 36 39 for item descriptions.)

Gershon’s Clans 3:18 Gershonites 3:21 Sons: Libni 3:18 Libnites 3:21 Shimei Shimeites Camp: West, behind the tabernacle 3:23 Leader: Eliasaph son of Lael 3:24

Serving Responsibilities 3:25–26

Guard the tabernacle (i.e., the meeting tent), specifically, the Tent and its layers of covering Tabernacle entrance curtain Courtyard entrance curtain

Courtyard curtains and cord surrounding the tabernacle and altar

All the other items related to their use

Carrying Responsibilities 4:24–26 They are to do all that needs to be done with these items: Tabernacle (i e , the meeting tent), including its inner cover, goatskin outer cover, and entrance curtains Courtyard curtains surrounding the tabernacle and burnt offering altar Courtyard entrance curtain and ropes

All the other items related to their use

They are to do all that needs to be done with these items.

a Literally, “Count . . . and list all their names.”

b Literally, “numbered by names.”

c Literally, “five sanctuary shekels, weighing twenty gerahs.”

d Literally, “over the number of Levites.” See “First Wilderness Levite Census” at the end of chapter 4. e Literally, “1,365 sanctuary shekels.”


Management 4:27–28

All their service, whether carrying or other work, is to be done under the direction of Aaron and his sons. They are to assign to them as their responsibility all they are to carry. This is the meeting tent service of the Gershonite families. Their duties are to be directed by Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.

Kohath’s Clans 3:19 Kohathites 3:27

Sons: Amram 3:19 Amramites

Izhar Izharites

Hebron Hebronites

Uzziel Uzzielites

Camp Location: South of the tabernacle 3:29

Leader: Elizaphan son of Uzziel 3:30

Serving Responsibilities

Care of the most holy things in the meeting tent, 4:4 including the Ark of the covenant 3:31 Table of the bread of the Presence



Utensils of ministry Curtain

All the other items related to their use

Carrying Responsibilities 4:15

The Kohathites are to carry the above items that are in the meeting tent. After Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all its furnishings, when the camp is prepared to set out, they are to come to carry them. But they must not touch any of the holy things or they will die.

Merari’s Clans 3:20 Merarites 3:33

Sons: Mahli 3:20 Mahlites

Mushi Mushites

Camp Location: North of the tabernacle 3:35

Leader: Zuriel son of Abihail

Serving Responsibilities 3:36

The tabernacle’s Frames and crossbars Posts and bases, and everything related to their use The courtyard’s posts, bases, pegs, and ropes 3:37

Carrying Responsibilities 4:31–33

This is all their service of the meeting tent under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest: Tabernacle frames, including its crossbars, posts, and bases

Courtyard posts and bases Tent pegs and ropes

All the other items related to their use Assign to each man by name the items he is to carry. This is the complete meeting tent service of the Merarite families.


Moses’ and Aaron’s Clans

Sons of Aaron the high priest 3:2

See genealogical table at 3:2 above Camp Location: East of the tabernacle, toward the sunrise, in front of the meeting tent 3:38

Serving Responsibilities 3:38

Guard the sanctuary on behalf of the Israelites.

Note: Others approaching the sanctuary are to be put to death. Eleazar son of Aaron the priest is to take care of the 4:16 Oil for the light

Fragrant incense

Regular grain offering

Anointing oil

Entire tabernacle (everything in it, including its holy furnishings and articles)

Traveling Responsibilities

When the camp is preparing to set out, Aaron and his sons shall come and do the following: 4:5

Ark of the covenant

Take down the screening veil

Cover the ark of the covenant with the veil

Cover the veil with leather 4:6

Spread a solid blue cloth over the leather

Insert its carrying poles into the rings on the sides

Table of the bread of the Presence 7

Spread a blue cloth over the table

Put on the blue cloth the Plates

Dishes and bowls Drink offering jars Bread of the Presence (which must be continually there)

Spread a scarlet cloth over these 8

Cover them all with leather

Insert the table’s carrying poles into its rings

Lampstand that gives light 9

Cover the lampstand with a blue cloth: the lamps, wick trimmers, trays, and jars used to supply the oil

Wrap all the utensils in a covering of leather 10

Put it all on a carrying frame

Gold incense altar 11

Spread a blue cloth over the altar

Cover that with leather

Insert its carrying poles into its rings

Sanctuary service utensils 12

Wrap them in a blue cloth

Cover the blue cloth with leather

Put them on a carrying frame


Burnt offering altar 13

Remove the ashes

Spread a purple cloth over the ashes

Put all the utensils used in the altar ritual on the purple cloth, 14 including the firepans, meat forks, shovels, and basins

Spread a leather covering over the utensils

Insert its carrying poles into the rings

4 Numbers

Most of 4:4–16, 24–28, and 31–33 are in the preceding table

Instructions Regarding the Kohathites

4:17–20 The L told Moses and Aaron, “Do not let the Kohathite clans be killed, cut off from the Levites. Do this for them so that they may live and not die when they come near the most holy things: Aaron and his sons are to go into the sanctuary and assign to each man his regular work and what he is to carry. But the Kohathites must not enter the Holy Place to look at the sacred objects,a even for a moment,b or they will die.”

First Wilderness Levite Census

4:1–3, 21–23, 29–30 The L instructed Moses and Aaron, “Among the Levites, take a census of the Gershonites, Kohathites, and Merarites by their families and clans, from thirty to fifty years old, all who enter to do service, to work in the meeting tent.”

49 They were listed as commanded by the L through Moses, each family with its serving and carrying duties. That’s how they were listed, as the L commanded Moses.

First Wilderness Levite Census 3:21 22, 27 28, 33 34, 39; 4:34–48 4:34–35, 37–39, 41–43, 45–47 The families of the Levites (the Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites) from thirty to fifty years old who served in the meeting tent or who carried it were listed by their clans and families by Moses and Aaron and the leaders of Israel, as the L commanded Moses.


Gershonites 3:21


Merarites 3:33

Total 3:39

One month and older 30–50 years


performing the duties of the sanctuary 2,750 4:36

3,200 4:44


* There are several theories as to why the total (22,000) is three hundred less than the total of the three numbers above, none of which is certain a “Sacred objects”: those listed in 4:5–14. b Literally, “as long as a swallow.”

7,500 3:22 2,630
8,600 3:28
6,200 3:34
22,000* 3:39 8,580

Purifying the Camp

1 The L told Moses, 2–3 “Order the Israelites to expel from camp anyone, male or female, who has any skin disease or discharge or is ceremonially unclean from touching a dead body. Send them outside the camp so they will not defile their camp, where I dwell among them.” 4 The Israelites did this. They sent them outside the camp, just as the L had instructed Moses. That’s what the Israelites did.

Restitution for Wrongs

5 The L told Moses, 6 “Tell the Israelites that when a man or woman commits any sin against another persona and thus is unfaithful to the L, that person is guilty. 7 They must confess the sin that they have committed and give full restitution plus twenty percentb for their wrong to whomever they wronged. 8 But if that person is no longer alive and has no close relative to whom restitution can be made, the restitution is to be made to the L (that is, to the priest), along with an atonement ram by which atonement is made for him or her.

Sacred Gift Ownership

9 “All the sacred offerings, everything set aside by the Israelites and brought to a priest, will be his. 10 Each person’s sacred things are his own. Whatever a person gives to the priest becomes the priest’s.”c

Test for an Unfaithful Wife

11 Then the L told Moses, 12a “Tell the Israelites, 29 ‘This is the law for cases of jealousy when a woman goes astray and defiles herself while married to her husbandd 30 or for when feelings of e jealousy come over a man and he is jealous of his wife. He is to have her stand before the L, and the priest shall apply this entire law to her. 31 The husband will be free from guilt, but the woman will suffer the consequences of her sin.

12b “ ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him

13 and another man has sexual relations with her; and her infidelity is hidden from the eyes of her husband and is undetected (that is, though she has defiled herself, there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act);

14 and feelings of f jealousy overcome her husband, and he is suspicious of her and she has defiled herself— or his wife has not defiled herself, but he is jealous, suspecting her—

a Literally, “any sin that people commit.”

b Literally, “and add one-fifth to it.”

c Literally, “it shall be his.”

d Literally, “while she is under her husband.” And verses 19 and 20.

e Literally, “when a spirit of.”

f Literally, “and a spirit of.”

9 Numbers 5


the husband is to take his wife to the priest and take him the required offering of two quartsa of barley flour for her.

Note: Because this is a grain offering for jealousy,b a reminder offeringc to draw attention tod guilt, he must not pour oil on it or put incense on it.

16 The priest is toe bring her near and have her stand before the L;

17 take some holy water in a clay jar and put dust from the tabernacle floor into the water;

18 uncover the woman’s head while she is standing before the L and put the reminder offering of grain (the grain offering for jealousy) in her hands; hold the bitter water, which is able to bring a curse, in his hand; and

19 put the woman under oath, saying to her,

“If no other man has slept with you and you have not gone astray and become defiled while married, may you be immune to the bitter water that is able to bring a curse.

20 But if you have gone astray while married and you have defiled yourself by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse of the oath—and say to the woman, “may the L make you a curse and an oath among your people when he makes your abdomen swell and your womb miscarry.f 22 May this water that brings a curse go into your bowels and make your abdomen swell and womb miscarry.”

The woman is to say, “So be it. So be it.” g

23 Then the priest shall write these curses on a scroll and wash them off into the bitter water, and 24 make the woman drink the bitter water that is able to bring a curse. It shall enter her and cause bitterness. Do it this way:

25 Take the grain offering from her hands for jealousy, wave it before the L, and bring it to the burnt offering altar.

26 Take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial offering and burn it on the altar; and afterward make the woman drink the water.

a Literally, “a tenth of an ephah.”

b Or “for suspicion.” And throughout this section.

c Or “a memorial offering.”

d Or “to bring to remembrance.”

e “The priest is to” is repeated in verses 17, 18, and 19.

f Or “and makes you infertile.” Literally, “and makes your thigh waste away.” And verses 22 and 27.

g Hebrew:

10 15
amen, amen

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