3 minute read

Psalm 7: A Prayer of the Persecuted Victorious

4 L,

Turn to me;

Rescue my soul;

Save me according to your lovingkindness, 5 For no one remembers you, O Lord, when they are dead.a (Who gives praise to you from the grave?) 6 I am tired of my groaning. Every night my bed swims in tears—I’m dissolving my couch in tears! 7 My eyes are blurredb from weeping because of my grief, worn out because of all my enemies. 8 Get away from me, all you who do evil,


The L has heard the sound of my weeping; 9 The L has heard my supplication;

The L will receive my prayer. 10 All my enemies will be ashamed and deeply troubled.

They will turn back suddenly, in shame.

PSALM 6:1–10

A genuine relationship is one free of posturing. There is no pretense in this sinner’s prayer of distress. Such confessions are hard to make. who often soared in his praise and trust in God, also plunged into rebellion, deep depression, and sin. His sins were not light. He lied, murdered, and committed adultery. his guilt burned inside him until there was nothing left to do but openly confess, “God, you are right. I am wrong. I chose to mess up. It is my fault.” God received his confession and restored him. An authentic relationship with the Lord sometimes calls us to make the same confession. In prayer we can speak the truth about our situation and our sinfulness and know the Lord forgives and restores us.

Psalm 7

A Prayer of the Persecuted Victorious

A shiggaion of David, which he sang to the L regarding the words of Cush, the Benjamite. 1 O L my God, I take refuge in you; Save me from all those who pursue me.

a Literally, “There is no remembrance of you in death.” b Literally, “My eyes waste away.”

Deliver me, 2 So they do not Tear apart my soul like a lion and Drag me awaya while there is no one to deliver me. 3 O L my God, if I have done this:

If there is injustice on my hands, 4 If I have rewarded my friend with evil,

If I have plundered my enemy without cause, 5 Then let my enemy Pursue my soul and overtake it, Trample my life into the ground, and Lay my glory in the dust. 6 O L,

Arise in anger;

Rise up against the rage of my enemies;

Wake up and command justice. 7 Gather the assembled peoples around you;

Then return to your throne on high and rule over them.b 8 The L judges the peoples.

Judge me, O L,

According to my righteousness, according to my integrity. 9 O righteous God, who testsc hearts and minds,d

Let the evil acts of the wicked come to an end;

Establish the just.e 10 My shield is God alone, who saves the upright in heart. 11 God is a righteous judge, a God who feels indignation every day. 12 If the wickedf do not repent, God will sharpen his sword.

He has bent his bow, strung it, and made it ready. 13 He has prepared deadly weapons, even made flaming arrows. 14 Look,

They conceive mischief, are pregnant with evil, and give birth to lies. 15 They design a pit for others, dig it, and fall into the hole they made. 16 Their mischief will backfire on them;g

Their violent deeds will come down upon their heads. 17 I will give thanks to the L because of his righteousness,

And I will sing praise to the name of the L Most High. Selah

a Or “Rip me to pieces.” b The Hebrew is not clear. c Or “who examines.” d Literally, “and kidneys.” e Or “the righteous.” f Literally, “If they.” g Literally, “on their heads.”

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