1 minute read

Luke 1:30

would work ceaselessly and without discouragement, even when the people wouldn’t listen, until He ful.lled His mission of bringing justice on earth.

We know that the One is Jesus. He came not only to reveal God to the world but also to be a part of the world Himself. He conducted Himself in gentleness, and yet He showed strength as He moved toward the cross. His mission never changed; His obedience never wavered.

Jesus was not the typical servant. He was commi+ed to God’s plan, and it showed in His a+itude and His demeanor. He came down from heaven to walk as we walk and live as we live. He endured the people’s rejection and never faltered. He remained caring, patient, and focused. And, God took great delight in His Son and His Servant.

What did it cost God to send His Son to be the Servant of mankind?

-ink of examples in scripture when Jesus demonstrated the characteristics of gentleness, strength, compassion, and patience. How do these characteristics portray the character of God?

As you pray, ask God to make you aware of when your a+itude and demeanor fall short of bringing Him glory.

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