Life in La Habra Fall 2015

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R E C R E AT I O N | B U S I N E S S | L IF E S T Y L E

La Habra LIFE IN


La Habra Debuts “Love Our Cities” Program Water Conservation Efforts Pay Off Fall Recreation Guide Inside RECREATION: New Adult Basketball League to Begin… SEE PAGE 29

BUSINESS: La Habra Chamber Welcomes New Members… SEE PAGE 12

LIFESTYLE: Fitness Equipment Installed at Montwood Park… SEE PAGE 9

Tamale F E S T I VA L Sunday, November 29, 2015 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

La Habra Community Center 101 W. La Habra Blvd. • La Habra, CA 90631

Musical Performance by Mariachi Divas Holiday Boutique, Entertainment, Music, Dance Performances, Food, Kids’ Area, Pictures with Santa Contests: Best Tamale, Best Salsa, Best Tamale Dessert, Judges Award & Churro EaƟng Contest HOSTED BY

Like Us: La Habra Recreation Division

Follow Us: @LaHabraRecDivision


#lahabratamalefest For more information on the festival or becoming a vendor at the festival, visit our website at or call us at (562) 383-4205


Contents Fall 2015

Feature Story La Habra’s Water Conservation Efforts Pay Off....... 4

City News Love Our Cities Program Debuts............................. 6 Hazardous Waste Events Scheduled........................7 Spanish Language Citizens Academy......................7 Celebrating Success............................................... 8 City News.............................................................. 11 Police Department Open House............................. 11 Chamber of Commerce News............................... 12

Class and Recreation Guide Recreation News.................................................. 13 Registration Info................................................... 14 Class Location Key................................................ 15 Children’s Museum............................................... 15 Mysterium Theater Schedule................................ 16 Activities for Kids...................................................17 Kid Drop/Parent Shop........................................... 18 Kids’ Night Out.................................................... 20 Family Hangtime Events.......................................22 Activities for Adults...............................................23 Activities for Seniors.............................................34 La Habra Library...................................................35 Trips for Everyone.................................................37

Advertisers support Life in La Habra. Support local business and Shop La Habra! Interested in advertising in Life in La Habra? Call the Chamber of Commerce at 562-697-1704 for rates. Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 3 20130_above_custom app 4x3.indd 1

7/23/15 1:23 PM

La Habra’s Water Conservation Efforts Pay Off Governor Brown officially declared a drought state of emergency in January and gave the State an overall mandate to reduce total water usage by 25%. In addition, each City was given a target goal to meet, and La Habra was tasked with reducing water usage by 28%. The City of La Habra, City residents and businesses accepted this challenge and met the goal during the month of May, with an overall reduction of 29 percent. This reduction was the result of the City successfully implementing various policies and practices: • Residents and businesses are required to water their landscape areas no more than two days per week and no more than fifteen minutes of watering per irrigation station. Properties with odd numbered addresses are

permitted to irrigate on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. Properties with even numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays. All properties may choose Sunday as one of the two days for irrigation. In addition, landscaping can only be irrigated before 10:00 am and after 4:00 pm. • During a rare rain event in May, the City used its reverse 911 system to advise all residents and businesses to shut off all irrigation systems before the rain and to refrain from watering throughout the weekend for a 48 hour period. • The City is also doing its part by shutting off irrigation in certain areas, including City medians and at most parks, using the “Brown is the New Green” campaign to promote this effort. Future projects are planned to remove the existing turf on many of these medians and install drought tolerant plants. An example of this effort can be seen on Lambert Road in front of the City Yard. Although these efforts have been very successful, the drought is far from over, and residents and businesses are encouraged continued on page 6 >>>

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La Habra Mayor & City Council Michael Blazey, Mayor James Gomez, Mayor Pro Tem Rose Espinoza, City Council Tom Beamish, City Council Tim Shaw, City Council

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Community Services Commission Monica Faith, Chairperson Carrie Surich, Vice Chairperson Jess Badillo, Commissioner Shavan Brown, Commissioner Melody Drake, Commissioner Kathy Felix, Commissioner Debbie Musser, Commissioner Life in La Habra Staff Robert Ferrier, Editor-in-Chief Sal Failla, Community Services Editor Mark Sturdevant, Business Editor Marcia Taylor, Managing Editor Dawn Holthouser, Advertising Sales Representative Shelly Recchio, Graphic Designer

Administration Building 201 E. La Habra Blvd. • La Habra, CA 90631 Tel: 562-383-4000 • Fax: 562-383-4474

321 E. La Habra Blvd. • La Habra, CA 90631 Tel: 562-697-1704 • Fax: 562-697-8359 Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 5

continued from page 5 >>>

to continue to adopt various strategies to reduce water usage both inside and outside their homes and work locations. These can include:

Indoors • Installing water efficient, low flow showerheads and faucets with aerators, as well as low water use toilets and clothes washers. • Repairing all faucet leaks (saves an estimated fifteen to twenty gallons of water per day.)

Outdoors • Repairing leaks and reducing overwatering (saves as much as 500 gallons each month). • Using pool covers can retain precious water levels and reduce the need for continuous refilling. • Replacing “thirsty” plants with drought tolerant and native plants, placing a two to three inch layer of mulch around planting beds and trees, as well as installing drip systems instead of sprinklers can maintain adequate soil moisture and lessen the need to water frequently. • Planting drought tolerant trees such as Crape Myrtles, which require very little water once established. Trees help retain moisture levels in the landscape by providing shade, cooling the surrounding plants and soil, and reducing evaporation, as well as providing critical habitat to local birds, pollinators and other wildlife.

The record water reduction achieved by the City could not have been possible without the cooperation and enthusiasm of the La Habra community. The City has proven its dedication to preserving its precious natural resources. However, our continued dedication and efforts are needed to ensure that our local water resources are preserved well into our future. By trying new approaches to saving water, we can all reap the rewards and accomplish this goal. • • • Governor Jerry Brown Declares Drought State of Emergency. La Habra Leads County in April for Water Reduction

Love Our Cities The Love Our Cities program began in Modesto, California, in 2007 and will debut here in La Habra on Saturday, September 26th, when the City, its faith-based community, and local service clubs join together for the first Love Our Cities day of service. Volunteers will perform a variety of projects around the City, including painting fences, walls, and buildings; making repairs to existing structures; planting drought tolerant vegetation; making blankets for the homeless; and holding a blood drive. Volunteers are still needed; if you would like to serve as a volunteer and/ or team leader, please register at and be sure to like us on Facebook LoveLaHabra. If you have a project that needs doing, you can also visit either of those internet sites. For further information, please contact David De Leon at or 562-383-4206.

6 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Spanish Language Citizens’ Academy Scheduled for September The La Habra Police Department’s Citizens’ Academy is taught twice annually, once in English and once in Spanish, by personnel from all areas of the agency. The next session, which will be conducted in Spanish, begins in September, but applications are being taken now. Classes will meet once a week on Thursday evenings, for approximately three hours, at the La Habra Community Center, located at 101 W. La Habra Blvd. The program consists of regularly scheduled evening classes held weekly over a 6-week period. During that time, participants have an opportunity to gain knowledge about, as well as develop a better overall understanding of, the La Habra Police Department: how it is organized, the varied ways it serves the community, and who the people are that respond when citizens call. In addition to classroom instruction, SWAT and K-9 demonstrations, attendees also have an opportunity to interact with the Chief of Police. Upon successful completion of the Academy, a graduation ceremony is held.

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Those wishing to participate can pick up an application at the La Habra Police Department, 150 N. Euclid St. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, live or work in the City of La Habra, and successfully complete a brief background check. Additional information is available by contacting Sgt. Dave Crivelli at 562-383-4300 or by emailing

Hazardous Waste Collection Events City Yard, 621 W. Lambert Rd. Business (CESQG) Collection Friday, November 13th 12:00-2:00 pm Household Collection Saturday, November 14th 8:00 am-12:00 pm This event is open to La Habra residents only, and proof of residency is required. You must make an appointment to participate; please call 562-6943730 to do so.

Show us your La Habra shopping receipts dated November 26, 2015 thru December 19, 2015 and receive free raffle tickets for a chance to win $1,000 and many other great prizes Bring your receipts to the La Habra Area Chamber of Commerce 321 E. La Habra Blvd. in La Habra (562) 697-1704, Facebook In cooperation with the City of La Habra Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 7

Celebrating Success & What’s New in La Habra La Habra Host Town After much anticipation and preparation, the City’s Special Olympics athletes from Lithuania, Myanmar and Norway arrived in La Habra on Wednesday, July 21st. Earlier that day, they enjoyed a Disney character breakfast and free time at Downtown Disney. They were welcomed at the Community Center parking lot, where they were greeted by Mayor Michael Blazey and then had the opportunity to learn more about the City through a display of vehicles and equipment from the Police, Fire and Public Works Departments. They especially enjoyed the police cars and motorcycles, as well as our vintage fire truck.

returned to La Habra for a multi-cultural dinner served at the Veterans Hall, with food provided by local restaurants. After dinner, the delegates headed across the street to El Centro-Lions Park for one of our Summer Concerts in the Park, featuring a performance by Retro Soul. Judging from the crowd in the dance area in front of the stage, many of the athletes really enjoy American music!

Dinner was provided by California favorite In-n-Out’s mobile kitchen. After dinner, it was off to an Angel’s baseball game. Thursday’s activities included a trip to the Orange County Fair, where the athletes were recognized onstage. They 8 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Friday the delegates had breakfast at CSU Fullerton, where they were housed throughout the visit, then attended a farewell ceremony at the Fullerton Arboretum. All of the activities created a wonderful opportunity for residents and City staff to meet the athletes and learn about their culture and about the Special Olympics, as well as to show them what a caring community La Habra is. Many thanks to all of those who donated their time, money, items and transportation to this very special program. The City couldn’t have done it without you! continued on page 9 >>>

continued from page 8 >>>

Montwood Park Fitness Equipment Is Ready for Use On June __, the City of La Habra opened its new outdoor fitness equipment center for community use at Montwood Park, 231 E. Montwood Ave. The La Habra Family Resource Center, the La Habra Action Council and Southern California University of Health Sciences worked with the City to select the 12-unit system that focuses on upper and lower body strength conditioning, as well as cardio work. Funding was provided by a three-part grant from St. Jude Hospital in Fullerton, the goal of which is to improve the overall health and fitness of the community and lower its health care burden and costs. The equipment will supplement the Move More, Eat Healthy campaign, which the City is also running in conjunction with St. Jude, as well as Friends of Family Health Center. There is no charge to use the equipment, and it’s available from dawn to dusk. For more information, please call the Community Center at 562-383-4200.

Volunteers Honored On June 18th, those who volunteer their services in La Habra were honored at a dinner reception at the Community Center. Awards winners were:

• Community Award: La Habra Community Collaborative; La Habra Diversion Program • MVP Award: Max Igoe; Kelli Jacobsma • Sel Handler Youth of the Year Award: Jacob Drake • All-Star Award: Cindy & Danny Singer; John & Lori Madsen The number of volunteers at the event offers solid proof that we really are a caring community!

Youth Center Graduates Third High School Class The City’s Employment and Training Division, in partnership with John Muir Charter Schools, graduated its third high school class on July 17th. Participants in the program, which operates at the Orange County Youth Center (OCYC), not only attend school for 20 hours a week, but also work from 10-15 hours a week at local businesses. By combining these two components, participants are able to integrate these real life experiences into the classroom. The OCYC offers young people the opportunity to develop career interests, receive academic support, and gain valuable work experience in order to achieve their career/ educational goals. Services are available to eligible youth, ages 16-21 years, in North Orange County. For more information about these services, please call 562-383-4227.

Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 9

Faith-Based Harvest Events Fall harvest festivals have become popular events for the whole family, and several local churches have them scheduled. Please note that these activities are not affiliated with the City’s Recreation Program. For more information, please contact the facility hosting the event. Abundant Living Church Harvest Festival Saturday, October 31st 2:00-8:00 pm Event Location: Brio Park, 300 S. Euclid St. Our Annual Harvest Festival! Vendors, prizes, live music and games! Costume contest for all ages! For more information, please call 562-315-6428.

Civic Center Information

201 E. La Habra Blvd. BUSINESS HOURS: Monday through Thursday: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Alternating Fridays: 7:30 am to 4:30 pm The City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the City Council Chambers. The public is welcome and is provided with an opportunity to address the Council. Council meetings are recorded and aired on Cable Channel 3 at 6:30 pm on the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday following each meeting. For further information, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 562-383-4030. 10 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Crossroads Community Church Trunk or Treat Sunday, October 25th 2:00-6:00 pm Event Location: 222 N. Euclid St. (Church) Food, pumpkin decorating contest, games and jumpers. Decorate the trunk of your car to the theme of your choice. Bring candy for kids to “trunk or treat” their way through the parking lot. Dress up in your favorite costumes — no scary costumes, please. Costume parade and entertainment begins at 4:00 pm. For more information, please call 562-6916674.

Calvary Church La Habra Harvest Festival Saturday, October 31st 4:00 pm Event Location: 1370 S. Euclid St. (Church) Food, games and jumpers. Wear your favorite costumes — no scary costumes, please. For more information, please call 714-446-6222.

ANIMAL CONTROL......................................562-383-4352 CHILD DEVELOPMENT................................562-383-4270 CHILDREN’S MUSEUM................................562-383-4236 CITY CLERK’S OFFICE................................. 562-383-4030 CITY HALL................................................. 562-383-4000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT...................... 562-383-4100 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION HOTLINE........ 562-383-4143 COMMUNITY SERVICES.............................. 562-383-4200 FACILITY RENTALS..................................... 562-383-4200 FIRE DEPARTMENT..................................... 562-691-4692 GRAFFITI HOTLINE......................................562-383-4220 LA HABRA SHUTTLE.................................... 866-557-7433 LIBRARY.................................................... 562-694-0078 MEALS ON WHEELS.....................................562-383-4221 N.O.C. YOUTH CENTER................................ 562-383-4227 PERSONNEL SERVICES...............................562-383-4079 POLICE DEPARTMENT................................ 562-383-4300 PUBLIC WORKS/CITY YARD..........................562-383-4170 RECREATION..............................................562-383-4205 SENIOR/SOCIAL SERVICES.......................... 562-383-4216 SENIOR LUNCH PROGRAM..........................562-383-4222 VOLUNTEERS............................................ 562-383-4200 WATER & SEWER BILLING............................562-383-4070 WASTE MANAGEMENT................................562-694-3730

City News

Annual Open House

Tamale Festival Returns Do you have a special recipe for tamales, guacamole, salsa, or other Latin American treat? Then make a batch and bring it to the City of La Habra’s second annual Tamale Festival, to be held Sunday, November 30th, 12:00 to 6:00 pm at the La Habra Community Center, 101 W. La Habra Blvd. There will be competitions for the best of all those treats, plus food and craft vendors, dance and ballet folklorico performances by students from local dance studios, and music by the Mariachi Divas. If you are interested in being a vendor at this event, contact Karlee Marshall at 562-383-4211 or For more information, please call 562-383-4200 or visit the city website at

On Saturday, October 17, 2015, the La Habra Police Department will once again open its doors to the public for its annual Open House. From 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, area residents are invited to tour the facility, visit with officers and converse with other police personnel. A variety of displays and special K-9 and motorcycle demonstrations are scheduled throughout the day’s event that everyone should enjoy. For the younger visitors, there will be free coloring books, stickers, balloons, and games to play. For further information regarding this event, contact Sgt. Jose Rocha at 562-383-4300.

Here Comes the Bridal Show The La Habra Community Services Department will join with Westridge Golf Club to present a bridal show on Sunday, January 24, 2016, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Westridge clubhouse, 1400 S. La Habra Hills Dr. Participants will have the opportunity to meet local vendors, wedding professionals, and also find everything to necessary to plan their dream wedding. There will also be a raffle with prizes that include a weekend getaway, DJ services and a groom’s lounge. The cost to attend is $5 through Friday, January 22nd and $7 at the door. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Wish Upon a Wedding, a non-profit organization that grants weddings and vow renewals for couples facing serious illness or a life-altering circumstance. For more information or to register, please contact or visit the Community Center, Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, or call 562-383-4200. 


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         562.522.9620 | Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 11

Try Our New Chamber Members

If you are interested in participating as a Chamber member, we will connect you to people in business, consumers, organizations, and government officials in the greater La Habra area. Our goal is to learn about your business and share what we learn with others!

T-Mobile 1216 S. Idaho St. La Habra, CA 90631 714-526-3215 E.I.K. Properties 4037 Hoosier Lawn Wy. Yorba Linda, CA 92886 714-401-6862 RAD Custom Signs 10450 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 4 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-325-8303 Karen Walker — Insurance Services 16932 El Soneto Dr. Whittier, CA 90603 562-332-9779


12 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Southern California Certified Bookkeeping Deborah Autry 1081 S. Cajon Dr. La Habra, CA 90631 562-665-8547 Excel Orators — La Habra Toastmasters 341 W. Country Hills Dr. (mailing address) Meet at LHCC 101 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 310-744-5735 City Ventures Communities LLC 1321 Michelson Dr., Suite 150 Irvine, CA 92612

MAUN GROUP Real Estate/ Barbara Penland-Maun 1503 South Coast Dr. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 562-652-2867 Prevail TV dba Christ TV 562-691-3200 Children’s Happy Teeth 12245 La Mirada Blvd. La Mirada, CA 90638 562-944-8408

Contact Mark Sturdevant, President/CEO, at 562-697-1704 or visit

Recreation News New Classes

Please see the page numbers included for details.

Kids Break Dancing................................................ 17 Tap................................................................ 18 Zumba Kids................................................... 18 Introduction to Typing, Microsoft Word & PowerPoint....................................................21

Instructor Profiles Katrina Fritter Zumba instructor Katrina Fritter fell in love with dance as child, studying ballet throughout her youth. So perhaps it’s not surprising that she fell in love with Zumba, a Latin-dance inspired exercise class, after taking her first class through the City’s Recreation Department three years ago. Unfortunately, her schedule prevented her from attending regularly, so she decided that she’d solve that problem by becoming a certified Zumba instructor and teach classes at times that worked for her. She taught her first class at her church, and eventually added classes at studios in Whittier and La Habra. When she learned that the City’s Zumba class needed a new instructor, she jumped right in and began teaching during the summer 2015 session. Fritter says that she loves being a Zumba instructor because she gets to dance, teach and cheer people on to become healthier, happier and more active. It also gives her the cardio strength and endurance to run the marathons that she and her husband compete in. Finally, she says “I love Zumba because it breaks down social and cultural barriers, encourages new friendships, and strengthens existing ones.” Zumba classes meet Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 pm; Thursdays, 8:00-9:00 pm; and Saturdays, 9:00-10:00 am. Tuesday’s class meets at the Scout Hut, and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday classes meet at the Veterans Memorial Hall. See pg. 28 for more details.

Math Workshop..............................................21

ADULTS Latin Rhythm (Ritmo Latino).......................... 23 Stroller Fit Moms...........................................24 Insanity Fitness............................................. 25 Hot Hula Fitness with Kat............................... 25 Intro to Yoga.................................................. 27 Intro to Pilates Mat........................................ 27 Silver & Black Leather Bracelet......................30 Sterling Silver Wire Wrap Pendant..................30 Seed Bead Holiday Earrings............................30 Nutricion y Salud............................................31

New Activities DADDY/DAUGHTER DANCE See pg. 22 for more details.

A NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM See pg. 22 for more details.

KID DROP/PARENT SHOP See pg. 27 for more details.


Frazier Martial Arts Frazier Martial Arts has been offering martial arts classes in La Habra since 1982, when original founder, Hideki Frazier, moved here from New Jersey. The studio is operated by head instructor and owner Amanda Molina, his wife, who’s also a 6th degree black belt. Molina practically grew up in the studio, as she began taking classes there at the age of eight and teaching classes when she turned 16. While there are many martial arts studios out there, Frazier prides itself on offering an age-specific program, so that all classes are organized on that principle. In addition, classes focus on the four stages of development – physical, mental, social and intellectual — that are appropriate for the age of the class participants. Molina explains, “for example, a three-year-old has an attention span of about 30-45 seconds, so those classes are fast-paced to accommodate that. And when students transition to the next age-group class, it’s like a new program for them.” Although some studios focus on competing in tournaments, Frazier feels that competition can develop aggressive behavior, so limits its involvement to a small team. Instead, Frazier’s program emphasizes self-defense and building confidence in its students so that they will be able to resist negative peer pressure and bullying, as well as instilling patience, kindness and respect, all qualities that will help them become positive members of the community. In addition to its classes for children, Frazier offers Krav Maga self-defense classes for teens and adults, which are based on natural movements that an average person can use to handle an attack. Fitness kickboxing classes for teens and adults are also available, either with a fitness focus or a technical boxing approach. Frazier Martial Arts offers Karate Kiddies: Parent & Me Karate Class on Saturdays, 10:30-11:00 am; Self Defense with Character Education for Preschoolers on Mondays, 4:45-5:15 pm; and Self Defense with Character Education for Kids (ages five-12 yrs.) See pgs. 19-20 for more information. X-Treme Fitness Kickboxing classes meet 6:45-7:30 pm on Monday, Tuesdays & Thursdays; Krav Maga for Personal Self-Protection classes meet at 6:006:45 pm on Monday & Wednesday and 8:00-8:45 am on Saturdays. See pg. 29 for more information.

See pg. 29 for more details. Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 13

Re g i st r at i o n I n f o rm a t i on 4 FA ST & E A SY WAYS! 2.



ONLINE: Accepted only if charging to your credit or debit card.

PHONE-IN or FAX-IN: Accepted only if charging to your credit or debit card.

MAIL-IN: Make checks payable to: City of La Habra

VISA or MASTERCARD Online service fee will apply Website: https://apm.activecommunities .com/cityoflahabra/Home


1. WALK-IN: La Habra Community Center 101 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Monday through Friday In Person: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mail Box Drop in Lobby (NO CASH): 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Mail check to: La Habra Community Services P.O. Box 337 La Habra, CA 90633

$1.75 processing fee Telephone: 562-383-4200 Fax: 562-383-4482

Registra tion will not be take n in class. GENERAL POLICIES


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. $6 service charge per activity on all requested refunds.

Make checks payable to City of La Habra. The Department has the right to cancel classes/trips. Classes will be cancelled if under minimum enrollment. A $10 fee will be charged for returned checks. Registration will not be taken in class. Program information is subject to change. Participant’s photographs may be used in publicity.

2. No refunds after the 1st class meeting. Refunds must be requested prior to the date of the second class meeting. 3. If class or trip is cancelled by the Department, an automatic refund will be processed and mailed to you. (No service charge.)

La Habra Community Ser vices Department, 101 W. La Habra Blvd., L.H. 90631 • Monday-Friday • 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
















Total $ CASH

CREDIT CARD (We accept MC & VISA — NO Discover or AMEX )

CHECK (Make check(s) or money orders payable to: CITY OF LA HABRA)





Card Expires: ___________/_____________

WAIVER OF LIABILITY “I agree to waive and release the Community Services Department and the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and agai nst any and all claims, costs, liabilities, expenses or judgements, including attorney’s fees and court costs arising from my (or my child’s) participation in the City’s recreation program of any illness/injury resulting therefrom and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against any and all such claims, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, except for illness and injury resulting directly from, gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the City or its employees. I understand and agree that by signing this waiver I am freeing the City, its employees, officers or agents from any liability resulting from my (or my child’s) participation in this sponsored event or activity. I recognize that the event can be dangerous to me (or my child) and accept those dangers. I understand that if I am (or my child is) injured this waiver will be used against me and anyone else claiming damage because of my (or my child’s) injury in any legal action. I also understand that no employee or agent is authorized to modify this waiver. I hereby represent that I understand and am familiar with the nature of the activities in which I (or my child) will participate in this recreation program that I (or my child) am in good physical health and that I (or my child) do not have physical or emotional conditions, past or present, of wh ich I am aware, which would in any way affect my (or my child’s) ability to participate in this activity. I have personally read and understand this waiver.” In case of emergency, I give my permission for emergency medical treatment for myself or the minor and agree to pay any cost incurred as a result of such treatment. I also give my permission for any photographs taken of myself or any member of my family to be used for advertising purposes for the Community Services Department. I understand that on excursions, if I (or my child) fail to report to the bus at the specified time of departure, the City is NOT responsible for providing alternate transportation to or from the site. This form shall be considered valid until canceled or changed in writing by the undersigned parent/guardian/participant and received by the City. My signature acknowledges that I understand and agree to the above conditions. Refunds for trips only if the ticket can be resold. No class refunds after the first class meeting. Refunds must be requested prior to the third class meeting. A $6 SERVICE CHARGE WILL BE HELD FROM ALL APPROVED REFUNDS.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (If Minor, Parent or Legal Guardian Signature)

14 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

_____________/_____________/____________ Date

Life in La Habra Class & Recreation Pages Color-coded sections:

Children = n Adults = n Seniors = n Trips = n

Class Locations CITY OF LA HABRA LOCATIONS AWS ������ASPIRE WELLNESS STUDIO, 2303 W. Whittier Blvd., 562-691-8200 CDS ������CORONA DANCE STUDIO, 305 E. La Habra Blvd., 562-697-5757 ECLP �����EL CENTRO-LIONS PARK, 320 Erna St. (at Cypress) FMA ������FRAZIER MARTIAL ARTS, 759 E. Whittier Blvd., 562-690-2146 LBP �������LA BONITA PARK, 1440 W. Whittier Blvd. LHB ������LA HABRA 300 BOWL, 370 E. Whittier Blvd. (at Cypress), 562-691-6721 LHCC �����LA HABRA COMMUNITY CENTER, 101 W. La Habra Blvd. LHHSP ��LA HABRA HIGH SCHOOL POOL, 801 W. Highlander Ave. (by tennis courts) OBS ������ONE BODY STUDIOS, 2424 W. Whittier Blvd., 562-309-4641 SH ��������SCOUT HUT, 1100 W. Lambert Rd. (at Idaho) SMP ������SAN MIGUEL PARK, 981 N. Euclid St. USADS ��USA DANCE STUDIO, 401 W. Whittier Blvd., 562-690-9584 VMH �����VETERAN’S MEMORIAL HALL, 209 N. Orange St. (at Erna) CITY OF FULLERTON LOCATION PMS ������PATRICK’S MUSIC SCHOOL, 649 W. Commonwealth Ave. (at Woods), 714-871-1961 CITY OF WHITTIER LOCATIONS PNP ������PENN PARK, 13900 Penn St., 562-567-9460 PP ��������PARNELL PARK, 15390 Lambert Rd. (at Scott), 562-567-9450

Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 15

Mysterium Theater

Mysterium Theater was founded by Marla and Robert Ladd and opened its doors in Santa Ana on July 1, 2009. Over the years, the troupe has staged a full spectrum of plays, from classic Shakespeare to Steven Sondheim. Mysterium began performing plays at the La Habra Depot Playhouse in the fall of 2014, including The Importance of Being Earnest, Dracula, A Christmas Carol: Scrooge & Marley Together Again, and Pirates of Penzance, and will continue to delight theater-goers with a full spectrum of upcoming plays. Please see below for the current schedule.

2015 MYSTERIUM THEATER PLAY SCHEDULE* at the Depot Playhouse, 311 S. Euclid St.

Fiddler on the Roof ...............August 6th-30th As You Like It .......................August 8th-27th Jekyll & Hyde...................September 3rd-27th Robin Hood ................... September 10th-27th Sweeney Todd ........ October 8th-November 8th Sleepy Hollow.................... October 10th-31st Romeo & Juliet.................. November 5th-21st Westside Story.................. November 6th-21st Beauty & the Beast ............ December 3rd-20th

For more information, please visit or call 562-697-3311. * Proposed schedule pending rights approval 16 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Activities for Kids

For further information on any of our classes or to register, call 562-383-4200. To register online visit: HTTPS://APM.ACTIVECOMMUNITIES.COM/CITYOFLAHABRA/HOME The City reserves the right to substitute instructors, cancel activities, change dates, times and/or locations as necessary without public notice. We apologize for any resulting inconvenience.


Age: 3-4 yrs Fee: $50/8 wks Location: USADS 2003.400..............FRI 9/18-11/6........................ 4:15-4:45 pm 2003.401...............SAT 9/19-11/7..................... 9:30-10:00 am


Age: 5-7 yrs Fee: $62/8 wks Location: USADS 2002.400..............FRI 9/18-11/6........................ 6:15-7:00 pm 2002.401...............SAT 9/19-11/7.................... 10:00-10:45 am

This class introduces creative ballet and tap techniques to young dancers. Participants will learn coordination, listening skills, individual steps, and basic combinations in a creative, supportive environment. Children with prior beginning level experience are also welcome, and the instructor will make adjustments to accommodate their abilities. There will be a performance for family on the last day of class. Instructor Melissa Williams has taught children’s dance for many years. No class on Monday, November 23rd; Tuesday, November 24th & Saturday, November 28th.

Instructor: Melissa Williams Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $77/11 wks Location: MON/CDS SAT/LHCC #2001.400............MON 9/14-11/30...................4:15-5:00 pm #2001.401.............SAT 9/19-12/5................... 10:00-10:45 am Age: 5-7 yrs Fee: $77/11 wks Location: TUE/CDS SAT/LHCC #2005.400...........TUE 9/15-12/1.......................4:15-5:00 pm #2005.401............SAT 9/19-12/5.................... 10:45-11:30 am

BREAK DANCE HNEWH This style of dance focuses on creative self-expression and the celebration of music. It encourages the manifestation of one’s own personal style and develops strong interpersonal skills. The high-energy and technical use of strength, stamina and flexibility make it a great resource for physical education. It’s also lots of fun!

Instructor: Corona Dance Studio Age: 7-17 yrs Fee: $47/4 wks Location: CDS 2013.400...............TUE 9/15-10/6.....................5:00-6:00 pm 2013.401................TUE 10/13-11/3.....................5:00-6:00 pm 2013.401................TUE 11/10-12/1......................5:00-6:00 pm

USA DANCE STUDIO CLASSES HIP HOP FOR HIP KIDS HNEWH This high-energy class combines fun and creative dance moves and routines. Learn basic and new hip hop steps. Dance to the coolest and most recent hip hop tunes while you make new friends. Wear loose-fitting clothing and tennis shoes.

Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $82/8 wks Location: USADS 2000.400.............FRI 9/18-11/6......................... 5:15-6:15 pm 2000.401..............SAT 9/19-11/7......................10:45-11:45 am

TINY TOTS BALLET/TAP COMBO HNEWH Here is the perfect class to introduce your little one to the joys of dance! Participants will spend 15 minutes on ballet and 15 minutes on tap and will learn some basic steps, develop large motor coordination, make new friends and wear pretty dance clothes. Ballet and tap shoes are required.

Age: 2-3 yrs Fee: $50/8 wks Location: USADS 2010.400..............WED 9/16-11/4...................... 4:15-4:45 pm 2010.401...............SAT 9/19-11/7.......................9:00-9:30 am

BALLET FOLKLORICO HNEWH Come learn the beautiful and colorful dances of Mexico! Keep your traditions alive through lively and enjoyable dances representing the many different regions of this amazing country. These classes are for beginner level dancers.

Age: 3-4 yrs Fee: $50/8 wks Location: USADS 2007.400..............SAT 9/19-11/7..................... 9:30-10:00 am Age: 3-4 yrs Fee: $62/8 wks Location: USADS 2008.400.............SAT 9/19-11/7.................... 10:00-10:45 am Age: 3-4 yrs Fee: $82/8 wks Location: USADS 2009.400.............SAT 9/19-11/7......................10:45-11:45 am

TAP HNEWH Join this fun class that emphasizes a proper foundation of tap technique, teaching simple rhythms, dancing to the beat of the music and staying together as a group. Students will enjoy learning about rhythm, musicality and timing. Body placement and terminology are also included. Tap shoes are required.

Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $82/8 wks Location: USADS #2006.400...........THUR 9/17-11/5...................... 7:15-8:15 pm continued >>> Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 17

Fitness ZUMBA KIDS® HNEWH The Zumba Kids® program is the ultimate dance fitness party for young Zumba fans. It features age-appropriate music and moves that get kids moving to the beat. It’s all about feeling fearless on the dance floor, reinforcing the idea that it’s okay to just be yourself and dance like no one is watching.

Instructor: Corona Dance Studio Age: 6-13 yrs Fee: $14/4 wks Location: CDS #2011.400.............MON 9/14-10/5....................6:00-7:00 pm #2011.401..............MON 10/12-11/2...................6:00-7:00 pm #2011.402.............MON 11/9-11/30...................6:00-7:00 pm #2011.403.............WED 9/16-10/7....................6:00-7:00 pm #2011.404.............WED 10/14-11/4....................6:00-7:00 pm #2011.405.............WED 11/11-12/2.....................6:00-7:00 pm

TOT/PRE-SOCCER Little tykes will enjoy running and kicking just like the big kids! This class teaches the basic techniques of the game and builds self-esteem through participation in fun soccer activities. Children learn to follow instructions in a nurturing, age appropriate environment. All participants receive a Kids Love Soccer jersey! Shin guards are required after the first class meeting.

Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Fee: $68/5 wks Location: ECLP Age: 31/2-5 yrs #1022.400............WED 9/16-10/14.................... 5:15-5:50 pm

SOCCER 1: TECHNIQUES & TEAMWORK Players will learn dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, agespecific defense, etc. Fun skill games are played at every session, and every participant will have a ball at his or her feet. Smallsized soccer matches will be introduced gradually. All kids receive a Kidz Love Soccer jersey! Shin guards are required after the first class meeting.


Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer

HNEWH Introduce kids to the world of Latin dance! Zumba will provide an hour of safe fun and entertainment, as well as keeping them moving and healthy. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Age: 5-6 yrs Fee: $99/8 wks Location: ECLP #1023.400............WED 9/16-11/4...................... 4:30-5:15 pm

Instructor: Magally Martinez


Age: 6-13 yrs Fee: $22/4 wks Location: SH #2012.400............THUR 9/17-10/8...................6:00-7:00 pm #2012.401.............THUR 10/15-11/5..................6:00-7:00 pm #2012.402............THUR 11/12-12/10.................6:00-7:00 pm

Participants will enjoy advanced skill building — dribbling, passing and shooting in a team play format. Each class will focus on scrimmages that emphasize application of finer technical points. All levels are welcome to come enjoy the world’s most popular game! All kids receive a Kidz Love Soccer jersey! Shin guards are required after the first class meeting.

MOMMY/DADDY & ME SOCCER Introduce yourself and your toddler to the “World’s Most Popular Sport”! As you and your child participate in our fun, ageappropriate activities, your child will develop large motor and social skills. The fun happens on the field, and in Mommy/Daddy & Me Soccer, parents are a part of the action, not watching from the sidelines. All kids receive a Kidz Love Soccer jersey!

Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Age: 2-31/2 yrs Fee: $68/5 wks Location: ECLP #1006.400............WED 9/16-10/14...................6:00-6:30 pm

Black Friday: Kid Drop/Parent Shop Parents get your holiday shopping done while your kids enjoy a day that is all about them! We will be making holiday gifts, decorating holiday goodies, enjoying breakfast and lunch, playing games and watching a holiday movie. Space is limited, so register today! Friday, November 27th • 6:00 am to 5:00 pm At the La Habra Community Center Fee: $20 per child, $15 per additional sibling (must register at the same time)

Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Age: 7-10 yrs Fee: $99/8 wks Location: ECLP #1024.400............WED 9/16-11/4..................... 3:45-4:30 pm

TOQUE FUTSAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The level of this program is recreational and targets soccer players at all skill levels. Toque will work on all futsal fundamentals, developing technical skills for the game of soccer, making all activities fun and easy to learn. Requires a minimum of 24 players and a maximum of 32 per group. Fee includes Futsal Program t-shirts and awards.

Instructor: Toque Futsal Staff Age: 7-10 yrs Fee: $115/10 wks Location: LBP #1013.400.............TUE/THUR 9/15-11/19........... 5:30-6:30 pm Age: 11-14 yrs Fee: $115/10 wks Location: LBP #1014.400.............TUE/THUR 9/15-11/19........... 6:30-7:30 pm

POLO BUDDIES WATER POLO & SWIM CLASS Polo Buddies is a beginner level water polo and swim class for boys and girls ages 7-15. With small class sizes and multiple coaches, students receive more individual instruction. In a Polo Buddies class, no student gets left behind. This class is perfect for any child, including those with ADHD (ADD) and Asperger’s. Students will be taught swimming, eggbeater, head-up freestyle, dribbling, ball handling, and passing skills. Students will also work on

continued >>>

18 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

communication skills, how to be good teammates, and how to deal with adversity. All students must be water safe, able to follow verbal directions, and must be able to work in groups of three to four kids. For more information, please go to

Instructor: Polo Buddies Age: 7-15 yrs Fee: $65/4 wks Location: LHHSP #1005.400............THUR 8/13-9/3.................. 6:00—6:50 pm #1005.401.............THUR 9/10-10/1................. 6:00—6:50 pm #1005.402............THUR 10/8-10/29.............. 6:00—6:50 pm

TUMBLING TODDLERS Class introduces students to the exciting and bouncy world of gymnastics! Instruction on bars, balance beam, vault and minitrampoline will be given, as well as movement and tumbling. Parent participation is required. No class on Tuesday, November 10th & Wednesday, November 11th.

Instructor: Lighthouse Gymnastics Staff Fee: $59/6 wks Location: PP Age: 1-2 /2 yrs #1017.400.............TUE 9/22-10/27...................4:00-4:40 pm #1017.401..............TUE 11/3-12/15.....................4:00-4:40 pm 1

Age: 21/2-5 yrs Fee: $59/6 wks Location: PP #1018.400.............TUE 9/22-10/27....................4:45-5:25 pm #1018.401..............TUE 11/3-12/15......................4:45-5:25 pm Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $59/6 wks Location: PP #1019.400.............WED 9/23-10/28............... 10:15-10:55 am #1019.401..............WED 11/4-12/16.................. 10:15-10:55 am Age: 2-3 yrs Fee: $59/6 wks Location: PP #1020.400............WED 9/23-10/28................11:00-11:40 am #1020.401.............WED 11/4-12/16...................11:00-11:40 am Age: 1-2 yrs Fee: $59/6 wks Location: PP #1021.400.............WED 9/23-10/28.......... 11:45 am-12:25 pm #1021.401..............WED 11/4-12/16............. 11:45 am-12:25 pm

KIDDIE GYMNASTICS Classes features movement education, which improves a child’s strength, flexibility and coordination. Different pieces of equipment, such as bars, balance beam, vault and tumbling mats will be used. Parent participation is required. No class on Tuesday, November 10th.

Instructor: Lighthouse Gymnastics Staff

TUMBLING FOR CHEER Our tumbling program starts with basic rolls, handstands, and cartwheels and moves on to more advanced skills as participants progress and become more skilled. More advanced students will work on round-off back handsprings, serials, tucks, layouts, and fulls. All students will work on flexibility, fitness and other skills. No class on Tuesday, November 10th.

Instructor: Lighthouse Gymnastics Age: 6-18 yrs Fee: $59/7 wks Location: PP #1002.400............TUE 9/22-10/27................... 7:30-8:30 pm #1002.401.............TUE 11/3-12/15..................... 7:30-8:30 pm

MINI SPORTS CLASS Let’s play ball! Here is a sports class especially designed for kids aged three to five. This program will cover the basics of soccer, Tee-ball, basketball, track and field, and other recreational games, along with sportsmanship, providing a great introduction to sports and building participants’ social skills. The last meeting will include a BBQ, so the whole family can enjoy the final “BIG game”. Cost is $45 per child/$40 for additional children in the same household (must register at the same time) and includes a T-shirt. Sign up today; space is limited. Rain-outs will be held indoors or rescheduled.

Instructor: La Habra Recreation Staff Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $45/8 wks Location: ECLP #1009.400............TUE 9/22-11/10....................4:00-5:00 pm

SELF DEFENSE with CHARACTER EDUCATION for PRESCHOOLERS Creating Happy, Healthy, Respectful Children!

It’s a karate program designed specifically for preschool-aged kids! Three and four year olds love physical activity and anything involving play. Our program targets their stage of development in a way that keeps them entertained, at the same time building skills that set them up for success. Optional uniform can be purchased at first class for $42.

Instructor: Amanda Molina Age: 3-4 yrs Fee: $47/4 wks Location: FMA #1010.400.............MON 9/14-10/5..................... 4:45-5:15 pm #1010.401..............MON 10/19-11/9.................... 4:45-5:15 pm continued >>>

Age: 5-8 yrs Fee: $59/6 wks Location: PP #1000.400............TUE 9/22-10/27................... 5:30-6:25 pm #1000.401.............TUE 11/3-12/15..................... 5:30-6:25 pm

BEGINNING GYMNASTICS Classes include warm-up exercises for conditioning and flexibility, as well as floor exercises, tumbling and balance beam work. Instruction is also given on other equipment, including minitrampoline, bars, and vault. No class on Tuesday, November 10th.

Instructor: Lighthouse Gymnastics Staff Age: 8-18 yrs Fee: $59/7 wks Location: PP #1001.400.............TUE 9/22-10/27....................6:30-7:25 pm #1001.401..............TUE 11/3-12/15......................6:30-7:25 pm Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 19

Fitness KARATE KIDDIES: PARENT & ME KARATE CLASS Karate Kiddies is a parent and me karate program, with a focus on motor skill development, social interaction and parent-child bonding. Your child will be able to explore and learn the basics of life skills: focus, patience, kindness, respect! Motor skills development activities will include balancing, climbing, running, blocks, punches, kicks!

Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 20-36 mths Fee: $47/4 wks Location: FMA #1003.400............SAT 9/19-10/10.................. 10:30-11:00 am

SELF DEFENSE with CHARACTER EDUCATION for KIDS Creating Happy, Healthy, Respectful Children!

It’s a kids’ karate program that has it all! Your kids will learn selfdefense, but what they also gain is the confidence to protect themselves and the courage to resist bullies and negative peer pressure! Our kid-qualified instructors know how to connect with each child on a personal level. Your child will get a lot of personal attention and the positive feedback he or she deserves. Optional uniform can be purchased at first class for $37.

Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 5-12 yrs Fee: $47/4 wks Location: FMA #1004.400............TUE 9/15-10/6..................... 5:00-5:30 pm #1004.401.............TUE 10/20-11/10.................. 5:00-5:30 pm

Music BEGINNING PIANO KEYBOARDING This ongoing piano class can be taken continuously by students at any level. Students will have fun learning the basics of playing the piano in a group setting and will rotate areas spending time playing music games, completing worksheets, and lessons with the instructor. Keyboards will be provided during instruction time; however, student must have a piano or keyboard to practice on at home. A $10 supply fee (cash only) for music books is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Tuesday, November 24th.

Instructor: Southern California Academy of Music Age: 6-8 yrs Fee: $60/6 wks Location: LHCC #4005.400...........TUE 9/15-10/20...................4:00-4:30 pm #4005.401............TUE 10/27-12/8....................4:00-4:30 pm Age: 9-18 yrs Fee: $60/6 wks Location: LHCC #4006.400...........TUE 9/15-10/20...................4:30-5:00 pm #4006.401............TUE 10/27-12/8....................4:30-5:00 pm

Art INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING TECHNIQUES This is a beginning course to introduce and develop drawing skills through demonstrations and examples of master drawings from children’s book illustrations, animation and technical drawing. Course will cover contour, line, structure, perspective, light/ shadow, color and modeling form.

Instructor: Carlos Moreno

Kids’ Night Out Kids, this event is all about you! Stop by and enjoy the evening and a break from your parents. Activities will include games, crafts, dinner, popcorn and a movie! Kids can bring a blanket and a pillow to relax on during the movie. Parents must register in advance; limited space is available, so register today!

Instructor: Recreation Staff

Age: 4-13 yrs • Fee: $15/child • Location: LHCC Dates: Friday, August 28th, September 18th & October 23rd.

Age: 7-14 yrs Fee: $37/5 wks Location: LHCC #6002.400...........MON 9/14-10/12..................5:00-6:00 pm #6002.401............MON 10/19-11/16..................5:00-6:00 pm

MASTERPIECES WITH PENCILS & PASTELS In this fun class, your young artist will learn basic design, perspective, figurative art and drawing techniques. New projects are added each session. There is a $4 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.

Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 6-12 yrs Fee: $43/4 wks Location: LHCC #6001.400............FRI 9/18-10/9......................4:00-5:00 pm

Time: 6:00 to 10:30 pm continued >>>

20 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015


how to create a slideshow presentation using PowerPoint. There is a $10 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Young artists will learn color mixing, landscape and portraiture art. New projects are added each session. Please wear an old T-shirt or apron, as paint can stain. There is a $4 supply fee payable to tine instructor at the first class meeting.

Instructor: AGI Academy

Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 6-12 yrs Fee: $43/4 wks Location: LHCC #6000.400...........FRI 10/16-11/6......................4:00-5:00 pm

PORTRAITURE FOR KIDS Students learn facial anatomy using various media: chalk, pastels, colored pencils, oil pastels and ink pens. There is a $3 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Friday, November 27th.

Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 6-12 yrs Fee: $33/3 wks Location: LHCC #6003.400...........FRI 11/13-12/4......................4:00-5:00 pm

Personal Enrichment

Age: 6-13 yrs Fee: $90/6 wks Location: PP #4018.400............THUR 9/17-10/22.................3:00-4:00 pm #4018.401.............THUR 10/29-12/10...............3:00-4:00 pm

MATH WORKSHOP This is a great refresher course for students who want to brush up on their math skills. Experience a new approach to math problem solving with hands on-practice for 3rd through 8th graders. Whether students need help with homework or want to prepare for a test, AGI is here to help. There is a $10 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 9-14 yrs Fee: $90/6 wks Location: >>> PP continued #4020.400...........THUR 9/17-10/22.................3:00-4:00 pm #4020.401............THUR 10/29-12/10...............3:00-4:00 pm

INTRODUCTION TO TYPING, Microsoft Word & powerpoint

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

HNEWH Develop your child’s basic typing skills and prepare them for many years of future use. Your child will also be introduced to Microsoft Word for writing reports, doing homework and more, as well as learning how to make a flyer and

To register online visit: https://apm.

Orange County Youth Center @ La Habra 1811 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra 90631

Do you want to… Get a job & get your High School Diploma?

Ar you: Are A high school dropout? • 16-21 years old? • Unemployed? Motivated to make a CHANGE in your life? A resident of La Habra, Brea, Fullerton, Buena Park, La Palma, Yorba Linda or Placentia? THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! Through the new Academy program at the Orange County Youth Center, you have the chance to earn your high school diploma AND gain paid work experience. Call for details!

Open Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. a.m.-5:00

562-383-4227 This WIA/Title I financially assisted program or act activity is an equal opportunity program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. If you need special assistance to participate in this program, call 562-383-4227. TDD/TTY users please call the California Relay Service at 800-735-2922 or 711. Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 21

Personal Enrichment

Instructor: Bricks4Kidz

LEGO® PRESCHOOL ABC & COUNTING I & 2 Reinforce essential preschool skills with a fun, new approach based on the time-tested popularity of LEGO® bricks in this fivepart progressive class! Brightly colored DUPLO® bricks are used to create fun, simple sculptures based on the ABCs, enhancing fine motor skills. Daily curriculum is in alphabetical order. New students will receive a free alphabet book from the previous lessons. Each lesson closes with a few minutes of free-play time. An $8 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting.

Instructor: Bricks4Kidz Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $78/5 wks Location: LHCC #4001.400............TUE/THUR 9/15-10/15... 11:15 am-12:00 pm #4001.401.............TUE/THUR 10/20-11/19.. 11:15 am-12:00 pm

MINING CRAFTING LEGO® CAMP Minecraft is a game about placing blocks to build anything you can imagine. Experience the world of Minecraft with LEGO® Bricks in this engineering class! Kids will start by crafting their shelters and some of the mobs, critters and tools using LEGO® Bricks. Students will face new challenges each day, building models and crafting key elements from the popular Minecraft game. A $20 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting and includes a T-shirt and take home paper craft models.

Age: 7-15 yrs Fee: $120/5 wks Location: LHCC #4011.400.............FRI 10/23-11/20................... 3:30-5:00 pm

STOP MOTION MOVIE MAKING CAMP Lights, cameras, LEGOs®, computers, software and your creativity combine to design, create, and film a stop action mini-movie. Working as a team, students will plan, script and use LEGO® components to build the set and props and then shoot their movie using a camera. Teams will use moviemaking software to add special effects, titles, credits and more. Participants will take home a DVD of their movie creation and a recognition certificate. New students pay a $20 supply fee for t-shirt and DVD is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Returning students do not pay the supply fee.

Instructor: Bricks4Kidz Age: 8-15 yrs Fee: $125/5 wks Location: LHCC #4002.400...........SAT 10/24-11/21.......... 10:00 am-12:00 pm

To register online visit: https://apm.activecommunities. com/cityoflahabra/home For further information, please call 562-383-4200.

New to 2015: Family Hangtime Events!

The La Habra Recreation Division is launching a new set of events and activities where families can spend time together having fun being families. We look forward to seeing you at these events!

Daddy/Daughter Dance: October 3, 2015, 6:30-9:30 pm Join us for an unforgettably sweet evening for little girls and their dads at the La Habra Community Center ballroom. The event will include dinner, dessert, dancing, games and a photo booth. Open to girls ages three through 13 years with an accompanying dad, grandfather, uncle or guardian. Tickets are $20 per person and must be purchased in advance. Limited tickets are available, so register early.

22 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

A Night at the Museum: January 8th-9th, 2016, 6:30-9:30 pm Join the La Habra Recreation staff for an epic overnight takeover of the museum! Fun family activities will include games, crafts, storytelling, a move and more. Dinner, breakfast and snacks will be served. Open to children ages four through 12 years with an accompanying parent/guardian. Fee is $20 per person, and preregistration is necessary. Limited space is available, so register early.

Activities for Adults

For further information on any of our classes or to register, call 562-383-4200. To register online visit: HTTPS://APM.ACTIVECOMMUNITIES.COM/CITYOFLAHABRA/HOME The City reserves the right to substitute instructors, cancel activities, change dates, times and/or locations as necessary without public notice. We apologize for any resulting inconvenience.

Dance LATIN RHYTHM (RITMO LATINO) HNEWH In this exciting class, you will learn the fundamental steps and lead/follow used in traditional “partner-style” Latin dances, including Cumbia, Merengue, Salsa and Bachata.

Instructor: Corona Dance Studio Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $47/4 wks Location: CDS #2501.400............TUE 9/15-10/6.....................6:00-7:00 pm #2501.400............TUE 10/13-11/3.....................6:00-7:00 pm #2501.400............TUE 11/10-12/1......................6:00-7:00 pm

ADULT beginning BALLET Have you always wanted to take a ballet class? This class will go through the basics of ballet in a non-threatening environment that will leave you feeling a little taller and more graceful afterwards.

Instructor: Aspire Wellness Studio Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $40/4 wks Location: AWS #2500.400...........TUE 9/15-10/6................... 9:00-10:00 am #2500.401............TUE 10/13-11/3................... 9:00-10:00 am #2500.402...........TUE 11/10-12/1.................... 9:00-10:00 am

BASIC BALLROOM For a wedding party, a cruise or merely an occasional night out, you can use patterns and techniques learned in this basic ballroom dance class that includes Waltz, Tango and Cha-Cha. You will learn intro steps, basic counts and posture. Singles and couples welcome.

Instructor: Rita Mendoza Age: 14+ yrs Fee: $36/9 wks Location: VMH #2504.400...........TUE 9/22-11/17...................... 7:15-8:00 pm continued >>>

Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 23


Fitness for Fun



Learn one of today’s “hottest” dances — Salsa! This Salsa class will give you a basic understanding, plus teach you steps that will have you movin’ to the Latin beat sooner than you think! Patterns will vary in each 8-week session.

Instructor: Rita Mendoza Age: 14+ yrs Fee: $35/8 wks Location: VMH #2507.400............TUE 9/22-11/10....................8:00-8:45 pm

BELLY DANCING Belly dancing, with its mystical movements, will inspire your spirit to breathe, expand and stretch. Come and celebrate the goddess within! With sharp hip accents, shimmies, undulations and veil work, you’ll get an intense workout that feels wonderful. No class on Saturday, October 17th & Wednesday, November 11th.

Instructor: Yeril Barlup Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $37/8 wks Location: LHCC #2502.400 (Int)....WED 9/23-11/18................... 7:30-8:30 pm #2503.400 (Beg)..TUE 9/22-11/10.................... 7:30-8:30 pm #2502.401 (Int).....SAT 9/26-11/21..................10:00-11:00 am #2503.401 (Beg)...SAT 9/26-11/21............ 11:00 am-12:00 pm

HNEWH Stroller fitness taught by a mom who has been there! Join us for fitness, friendship and fun! Bring your stroller and kiddos. We will walk our way to feeling stronger, making new friends, and improving your mood. All fitness levels are welcome. Don’t forget water and a towel or mat. You can enroll in both the Tuesday and Thursday class for a discounted rate and more consistent exercise. If you are a mom, and you no longer use a stroller, you are still welcome to join the class. There is a $5 supply fee payable to the instructor for the resistance bands that I will provide, in addition to the use of other equipment, which includes weights, ab balls, weighted balls and more.

Instructor: Michelle Flores Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $57/5 wks Location: PNP #3009.401............TUE/THUR 9/15-10/15.........9:30-10:45 am #3009.402...........TUE/THUR 10/20-11/19........9:30-10:45 am Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $35/5 wks Location: PNP #3009.403...........TUE 9/15-10/13...................9:30-10:45 am #3009.404...........THUR 9/17-10/15.................9:30-10:45 am #3009.405...........TUE 10/20-11/17..................9:30-10:45 am #3009.406...........THUR 10/22-11/19...............9:30-10:45 am continued >>>

Visit La Habra Online at: Help our environment — please recycle this magazine!

Please note: limited parking

Contact Alicia Kautz at 562-383-4219 or Josie Anderson at 562-383-4217 for Reservations or Additional Information 24 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015



HNEWH Hot Hula Fitness is a new fun and exciting low-impact workout inspired by the dances of the South Pacific Islands. It will isolate your large muscle groups, increasing strength and adding body definition. This class is suitable to all levels of fitness. Sign up for a second class and save $5. No class on Wednesday, November 11th.

This class includes easy moves that start with the head and neck and work all the way down to your toes! Instructor Karon Thomas has taught this class for 13+ years, as well as teaching dance for many years. She combines moves from modern dance, ballet, jazz, Tai Chi walking, yoga, Chi Gong and aerobics to give you a thorough, safe workout. Please bring two 1-lb. weights or two 1-lb. cans of food to class.


Instructor: Kat Age: 12+ yrs Fee: $60/6 wks Location: CDS #3000.400...........MON 9/14-10/19..................3:00-4:00 pm #3000.401............WED 9/16-10/21...................3:00-4:00 pm #3000.402...........MON 10/26-11/30................3:00-4:00 pm #3000.402...........WED 10/28-12/2..................3:00-4:00 pm

Instructor: Karon Thomas Age: 40+ yrs Fee: $36/6 wks Location: LHCC #3026.400...........TUE 9/22-10/27................... 4:30-5:30 pm continued >>>

INSANITY FITNESS HNEWH The revolutionary, cardio-based, total body conditioning program is here! This calorie-torching, shirtsoaking workout is based on the principles of MAX Interval Training, and you’ll be ripping through the most heart-pumping, muscle-shredding, sweat-dripping, high-intensity cardio workout ever, to find out what you’re really made of. It is designed to provide you with a safe, challenging and resultsdriven workout with no equipment necessary.

Instructor: Corona Dance Studio Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $22/4 wks Location: CDS #3004.400...........WED 9/16-10/7................... 8:00-9:00 pm #3004.401............WED 10/14-11/4................... 8:00-9:00 pm #3004.402...........WED 11/11-12/2.................... 8:00-9:00 pm

To register online visit: https://apm.

Futsal Leagues STRUCTURE: Minimum of 5 players, maximum 10 8 to 12 teams per season Winners receive: Toque gear, medals & a surprise award!

La Habra Police Department Radio Patrol If you want to volunteer your time and service to the community, the La Habra Police Department’s Radio Patrol program may be perfect for you! Radio Patrol consists of men and women who serve as uniformed volunteers helping to make the community a safer place to live. Some of the duties include assisting with traffic control, helping out during unforeseen events such as power outages, and reporting suspicious activities witnessed when out on patrol. REQUIREMENTS: 18 years of age and older, Valid California driver’s license, Complete Application, Background Check

For more information, please call 562-383-4300.

FEES: $25 per player per year, which covers annual secondary medical insurance

(year cycle consists of September thru August)

$45 referee fee per game YOUTH DIVISIONS (BOYS & GIRLS) U7 | U9 | U11 | U13 ADULT DIVISIONS (MALE & FEMALE) MEN | WOMEN | CO-ED

Men’s Sunday Soccer League Registration: $35 per person Team Registration: $100 Referee Fee: $100 per game Open to ages 16+ years All games are held at La Bonita Park Futsal Courts, 1440 W. Whittier Blvd., La Habra For information or to register for any of these activities, please call 562-316-9492 or 562-212-0671

Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 25

INFANT, PRESCHOOL & SCHOOL-AGE PROGRAMS Services provided for children 6 weeks to 12 years of age 6:15 am-6:00 pm 562-383-4270 Must meet eligibility requirements.

Fitness for Fun YOGA By candlelight Destress from your day with a peaceful, energizing yoga experience by candlelight. Tone and stretch the total body with yoga exercises emphasizing the abdominals, thighs and buttocks, to shape and sculpt long, lean core muscles. This class also includes in-depth instruction on yoga postures and breathing techniques to enhance your sense of well-being and ability to relax. Advanced beginner and intermediate levels are taught. Please bring a yoga sticky mat, blocks, and strap to class.

Instructor: Angela King, Registered Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher (RYT) Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $100/10 wks Location: LHCC #3001.400............MON/THUR 9/14-11/19.......... 7:00-8:15 pm

PILATES YOGA STRETCH & TONE EARLY HEAD START Federally funded home-based educational enrichment program for children 0 to 3 years old. Home visits are conducted once a week for 1½ hours. Group socialization activities occur once every two weeks. 562-383-4270

HEAD START Federally funded Head Start program for children ages 3 to 5 years old for 3½ hours a day. Lambert Site: 562-383-4256/CDC: 562-383-4262

HEAD START/STATE PRESCHOOL WRAP PROGRAM Federal and State funded program for children 3 to 5 years for 7 hours per day. 562-383-4270

STATE PRESCHOOL State funded program for 3 to 5 year old children. Part-day (3 hours) or full-day (11 hours, 15 minutes) services are available. 562-383-4262

FAMILY CHILD CARE HOME PROVIDERS Subsidized Child Care in Family Child Care Homes for Infants 6 weeks old to 3 years. 562-383-4285

SCHOOL-AGE YEAR ROUND SUBSIDIZED CHILD CARE Before and After school program/full-day. Transportation to and from La Habra City School District on school buses. Please call for more information and to receive an eligibility information questionnaire to be placed on the waiting list. Fees are based on income. 562-383-4250 Children enrolled in the Center-based programs are provided with nutritious meals based on CACFP guidelines.

Destress from your day with a peaceful, energizing yoga and Pilates experience by candlelight. Tone and stretch the total body with mat Pilates exercises emphasizing the abdominals, thighs and buttocks, to shape and sculpt long, lean core muscles with the aid of Dynaflex bands and exercise balls. This class also includes in-depth instruction on basic yoga postures and breathing techniques to enhance your sense of well-being and ability to relax. Beginning and intermediate levels are introduced. Please bring a yoga sticky mat, blocks, strap, and inflatable exercise ball to class.

Instructor: Angela King, Registered Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher (RYT) Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $50/10 wks Location: LHCC #3008.400...........MON 9/14-11/16................... 5:45-6:45 pm

Metta Yoga Discover the secret of kind-heart meditation and learn how to harness smart hormones from seven endocrine systems and six ring muscles. Breathing from the diaphragm and weight resistance techniques are used to generate healing heat throughout the body. This also alleviates the symptoms of worry, anxiety, anger, and apathy and induces sustained inner calm. Bone density retention and an aging brain are key issues for all adults. According to neuroscience, our brain needs exercise in the same way our body muscles do to increase optimal function and enjoy a meaningful life. Instruction is based on ancient Theravada Buddhist teachings. Bring a yoga mat, eye cover, and a blanket. No class on Saturday, October 17th.

Instructor: Sultan Haque Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $97/11 wks Location: LHCC #3003.400...........SAT 9/19-12/5............. 10:00 am-12:00 pm continued >>>

To register online visit: https://apm.activecommunities. com/cityoflahabra/home For further information, please call 562-383-4200.

26 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

ONE BODY Studios Classes PRENATAL YOGA Practicing prenatal yoga can be a wonderful way to put time aside for yourself and your baby. Although most gentle types of yoga are appropriate during pregnancy, there are a few things to avoid so that your pregnancy yoga experience is safe and enjoyable. This class will safely guide expecting mothers through helpful poses that address stress management, breathing techniques and hip opening. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $27/4 wks Location: OBS #3017.400............THUR 9/17-10/8................... 5:30-6:30 pm #3017.401.............THUR 10/15-11/5.................. 5:30-6:30 pm #3017.402.............THUR 11/12-12/10................. 5:30-6:30 pm

RESTORATIVE FLOW YOGA Looking for a class that offers deep stretching and a gentle flow? This class is rooted in movement of the breath and provides your body with an opportunity to release stress and gain flexibility. Perfect class for those new to yoga, as it is slower paced and uses props such as bolsters, blankets, straps and blocks.

Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $27/4 wks Location: OBS #3010.400............WED 9/16-10/7.................... 7:30-8:30 pm #3010.401.............WED 10/14-11/4.................... 7:30-8:30 pm #3010.402............WED 11/11-12/2..................... 7:30-8:30 pm

YOGA Is yoga right for you? It is if you want to fight stress, get fit, and stay healthy! Yoga energizes the body and calms the mind through a variety of poses emphasizing balance, breath, and deep stretching. This all-levels class perfectly blends standing with seated poses, giving you a full body workout. The class closes with a guided relaxation, leaving you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $27/4 wk Location: OBS #3019.400............MON 9/14-10/5................... 12:00-1:00 pm #3019.401 ............MON 10/12-11/2.................. 12:00-1:00 pm #3019.402............MON 11/9-11/30.................. 12:00-1:00 pm #3019.403............WED 9/16-10/17.................. 12:00-1:00 pm #3019.404............WED 10/14-11/4................... 12:00-1:00 pm #3019.405............WED 11/11-12/2.................... 12:00-1:00 pm #3019.406............THUR 9/17-10/8................. 9:00-10:30 am #3019.407............THUR 10/15-11/5................ 9:00-10:30 am #3019.408............THUR 11/12-12/10............... 9:00-10:30 am

intro to YOGA HNEWH Intro to Yoga is a special four-week series geared towards introducing you to the fundamental movements and breath work of yoga. It is recommended for those who have never taken yoga, less experienced yoga participants, those recovering from an injury, or those who would like a more gentle session.

Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $27/4 wks Location: OBS #3002.400...........TUE 9/15-10/6.....................4:00-5:00 pm #3002.401 ...........TUE 10/13-11/3.....................4:00-5:00 pm #3002.402 ...........TUE 11/10-12/1......................4:00-5:00 pm

INTRO TO PILATES MAT HNEWH Intro to Pilates Mat is a special four-week series geared towards introducing you to the fundamental movements and breath work of Pilates mat. It is recommended for those who have never taken Pilates, less experienced Pilates participants, those recovering from an injury, or those who would like a more gentle session.

Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $27/4 wks Location: OBS #3018.400............WED 9/16-10/7....................4:00-5:00 pm #3018.401.............WED 10/14-11/4....................4:00-5:00 pm #3018.402............WED 11/11-12/2.....................4:00-5:00 pm

PILATES MAT Our Pilates Mat classes are designed to strengthen core muscles and align the body. Using the Pilates foundation of slow, sustained, controlled movement, our classes will help you achieve a balanced, lean, muscular physique. At One Body Studios, we also incorporate the use of Pilates props to assist our students to properly execute these fun and challenging exercises.

Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $27/4 wks Location: OBS #3016.400............MON 9/14-10/5................... 8:00-9:00 am #3016.401.............MON 10/12-11/2.................. 8:00-9:00 am #3016.402............MON 11/9-11/30.................. 8:00-9:00 am #3016.406............WED 9/16-10/7................... 8:00-9:00 am #3016.407............WED 10/14-11/4................... 8:00-9:00 am #3016.408............WED 11/11-12/2.................... 8:00-9:00 am continued >>>


5K/10K Run/Walk 1K Kiddy Run 50 Yard Diaper Dash

Saturday, March 12, 2016 Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 27

Fitness for Fun ASPIRE WELLNESS Studio Classes PILATES MAT Pilates Mat class incorporates a series of movements designed to increase core strength using the body’s own resistance to improve circulation, breathing, posture and body awareness. Classes incorporate small equipment, such as bands, magic circles, foam rollers and balls of various size. All levels of experience are welcome. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $30/4 wks Location: AWS #3020.400...........TUE 9/15-10/6.....................5:00-6:00 pm #3020.401............TUE 10/13-11/3.....................5:00-6:00 pm #3020.402...........TUE 11/10-12/1......................5:00-6:00 pm #3020.403...........WED 9/16-10/7....................7:00-8:00 pm #3020.404...........WED 10/14-11/4....................7:00-8:00 pm #3020.405...........WED 11/11-12/2.....................7:00-8:00 pm #3020.406...........THUR 9/17-10/8...................7:00-8:00 pm #3020.407............THUR 10/15-11/5..................7:00-8:00 pm #3020.408...........THUR 11/12-12/10.................7:00-8:00 pm

PILATES YOGA Pilates Yoga incorporates a blend of Pilates Mat exercises and yoga poses designed to strengthen the core, while lengthening the muscles and challenging them to sustain basic yoga postures.

Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $30/4 wks Location: AWS #3021.400............WED 9/16-10/7................... 8:00-9:00 am #3021.401.............WED 10/14-11/4................... 8:00-9:00 am #3021.402............WED 11/11-12/2.................... 8:00-9:00 am

HATHA YOGA Yoga exercises the whole body. In this class, we explore different yoga postures and sequences focusing on stretching and toning muscles. All levels of experience are welcome. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $30/4 wks Location: AWS #3022.400...........THUR 9/17-10/8.................. 8:00-9:00 am #3022.401............THUR 10/15-11/5................. 8:00-9:00 am #3022.402............THUR 11/12-12/10................ 8:00-9:00 am

STRETCH & TONE This class is designed to build strength and increase length in the muscles of the body. The class incorporates foam rollers, resistance balls of various sizes, resistance bands, magic circles, and hand weights to achieve the desired results.

Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $30/4 wks Location: AWS #3023.400...........FRI 9/18-10/9..................... 8:00-9:00 am #3023.401............FRI 10/16-11/7..................... 8:00-9:00 am #3023.402............FRI 11/14-12/5..................... 8:00-9:00 am

THERAPEUTIC GENTLE YOGA This gently paced class uses therapeutic sequencing, breath work, props & visualization to help restore balance and harmony to the mind and body. All are welcome!

Instructor: Tina Makris, Anahata Yoga & Wellness Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $30/4 wks Location: AWS #3025.400...........TUE 9/15-10/6................... 10:30-11:30 am #3025.401............TUE 10/13-11/3................... 10:30-11:30 am #3025.402............TUE 11/10-12/1.................... 10:30-11:30 am

ZUMBA® Ditch the workout and join the party! Zumba is an easy to follow dance fitness program for people of all ages. Let loose to Latininspired rhythms and fun moves that get your body movin’ and your heart pumpin’! Join your groove with mine, and let’s burn some calories and have a blast! Register for more than one class and get $5 off each additional class. No class on Tuesday, November 24th; Wednesday, November 11th & 25th; Thursday, November 26th & Saturday, October 10th & November 28th.

Instructor: Katrina Fritter, Licensed Zumba Instructor Age: 12+ yrs Fee: $60/12 wks Location: TUES/SH THUR/VMH #3012.400............TUE 9/15-12/8.....................7:00-8:00 pm #3012.402............THUR 9/17-12/10................. 8:00-9:00 pm Age: 12+ yrs Fee: $55/11 wks Location: WED/VMH #3012.401.............WED 9/16-12/9....................7:00-8:00 pm

Graffiti Hotline: 562-383-4220 28 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Age: 12+ yrs Fee: $50/10 wks Location: VMH #3012.403............SAT 9/19-12/5.................... 9:00-10:00 am continued >>> Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

TAI CHI: Liu He Ba Fa


Six harmonies eight methods uses small increments to release the whole body, mind and spirit into every move. All moves are both attacks and defense. 16 movements unlock 66 movements, 66 movements explore triangles, circles and squares.

Learn easy, effective self-protection from the most common threats and street attacks! Anyone can come and learn. It’s also a fun workout that will reduce stress and get you into shape. Participants MUST bring gloves and purchase a t-shirt at the first class for $17.

Instructor: Nancy O’Brien, Certified International Judge (Tai Chi) Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $42/6 wks Location: LHCC #3007.400...........MON 9/14-10/19.................. 7:00-8:30 pm #3007.401............MON 10/26-11/30................ 7:00-8:30 pm

TAI CHI CHUAN This class includes eight treasures and 24 form. Movements are low impact with high health benefits. Slow movements and slow breathing help to develop balance, flexibility and stamina, while reducing stress. October 17th class will meet at Oeste Park, 2300 W. Lambert Rd. No class on Saturday, November 28th.

Instructor: Nancy O’Brien, Certified International Judge (Tai Chi) Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $42/6 wks Location: LHCC #3011.400.............SAT 9/19-10/24.......... 10:30 am-12:00 pm Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $35/5 wks Location: LHCC #3011.401..............SAT 10/31-12/5............ 10:30 am-12:00 pm

JACKI’S AEROBIC DANCING Jacki’s aerobic dancing is a fitness program that is totally FUN! Participants learn progressive choreographed dances that are designed to give an excellent cardiovascular and muscular workout. Participants dance to a wide variety of music at their own level of fitness. A good supportive shoe and towel or mat are required. No class on Wednesday, November 11th.

Instructor: Nancy McNabb Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $70/7 wks Location: MON/SH WED/VMH #3005.400...........MON/WED 10/26-12/9......... 5:45-6:45 pm

X-TREME FITNESS KICKBOXING Are you ready to make a change with your body? Take control over your body with Fitness Kickboxing! It’s a workout where you can kick and punch your way to achieving the fitness goals you’ve always wanted. Fitness Kickboxing is the bestcontinued total body>>> workout to lose weight, tone and shape up, gain endurance and flexibility, relieve stress, meet new friends and have fun. This class is the #1 calorie-burning workout, consuming an amazing 800 calories per hour. Classes are ongoing for women and men with ALL levels of fitness ability.

Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $47/4 wks Location: FMA #3014.400............MON 9/14-10/5....................6:00-6:45 pm #3014.401.............WED 9/16-10/7....................6:00-6:45 pm #3014.402............WED 10/21-11/11...................6:00-6:45 pm #3014.403............SAT 10/24-11/14...................8:00-8:45 am continued >>>

To register online visit: https://apm. For further information, please call 562-383-4200.


Adult Basketball League Tuesday Evenings October 5th-November 10th Fee: $45 per player Games will be played at Crossroads Community Church Gym

Instructor: Amanda Molina

Registration Deadline:

Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $47/4 wks Location: FMA #3006.400...........TUE 9/15-10/6..................... 6:45-7:30 pm #3006.401............THUR 9/17-10/8................... 6:45-7:30 pm #3006.402...........MON 10/19-11/9................... 6:45-7:30 pm #3006.403...........THUR 10/22-11/12................ 6:45-7:30 pm

Friday, September 25th For more information, please contact Bernard Nolen at 562-383-4210. Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 29

Music La Habra City School District Presents “The Music & Movement Phenomenon”

“Fenomeno de Musicay Movimiento”

Sing, dance, play instruments and have a musical adventure with your child at our Music & Movement Workshop. It’s never too soon to help your child develop a love of music. Workshops focus on movement, rhythms, building vocabulary and family fun! For more information or to obtain a schedule, please call 562-690-2305.

Canta, baila, juega con instrumentos y ten una experiencia musical con tu nino en nuestro Taller de Musica y Movimento. Ahora es una buena edad de comenzar en desarrollar el amor a la musica en los pequenos. El taller consiste de movimiento, ritmos, y diversion mientras desarrollamos su vocabulario! Para mas información or para obtener los horarios, por favor llame 562-690-2305.

Advance! and the City of La Habra present

LA HABRA GOES TO COLLEGE Student/Parent Panels & General College Information COME FIND OUT HOW TO:

✔ Prepare for College ✔ Apply to Colleges ✔ Pay for College

Sunday, September 27th, 2015

PIANO FOR YOU! Wish you had learned the piano? Now’s your chance! Learn to play the piano at your own pace in a group setting. Class size is limited to 6 adults, so register early. Individual keyboards are provided in class; however participants must have access to a keyboard or piano to practice on outside of class. A $20 supply fee for an instructional book (cash only) is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Tuesday, November 24th.

Instructor: Southern California Academy of Music Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $45/5 wks Location: LHCC #5012.400............TUE 9/15-10/20...................9:30-10:15 am #5012.401.............TUE 10/27-12/8....................9:30-10:15 am

VOICE FOR ADULTS Do you like to sing? Tell your friends and neighbors about this class, which will teach them to breathe properly, sing on pitch, and have fun at the same time. Participants will sing as a group, but will focus on individual performance.

Instructor: Patrick’s Music School Age:16+ yrs Fee: $87/6 wks Location: PMS #5013.400............SAT 9/19-10/24....................1:30-2:20 pm

Art QUILTING HNEWH We will work on quilting ideas for the holidays and seasonal projects. Decorate your home for the holidays with quilted table runners and a small wall hanging, as well as mug rugs. Make several to have on hand for the holiday season! A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Instructor: Beverly Smyth Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $80/12 wks Location: LHCC #7002.400...........THUR 9/10-12/3.................. 6:00-9:00 pm

INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING TECHNIQUES This is a beginning course to introduce and develop drawing skills through demonstrations and examples of master drawings from children’s book illustrations, animation and technical drawing. Course will cover contour, line, structure, perspective, light/ shadow, color and modeling form.

1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Instructor: Carlos Moreno

at the La Habra Community Center

Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $37/5 wks Location: LHCC #7003.400...........MON 9/14-10/12..................6:30-8:00 pm #7003.401............MON 10/19-11/16..................6:30-8:00 pm

For more information, please call Advance! at 562-691-2117.

continued >>>

30 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Personal Enrichment

PHOTOGRAPHY BOOT CAMP Take your photography to the next level. In this intermediate class you will learn the refinements of your camera and photography. You will also learn lighting techniques and posing for groups and individuals. Ever wonder what’s the best lens to use or how to get that blurry look in the background? You will learn that also. We will also cover file management and backup systems. Our class will end with a photo shoot to refine our skills.

Instructor: Gary Apodaca, Imageworks Photography Studio Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $97/4 wks Location: LHCC #7001.400............MON 10/5-10/26.................. 7:00-8:30 pm


Please note that a sample of each jewelry project will be in the display case in the lobby at the Community Center.

SILVER & BLACK LEATHER BRACELET HNEWH In this class, participants will make a black leather bracelet with silver ornamentation and clasp. There is a $25 supply fee that covers the cost of materials, which includes leather, silver clasp and decoration, as well as use of tools.

Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $10/1 mtg Location: LHCC #7006.400...........WED 9/23............................ 6:00-9:00 pm

STERLING SILVER WIRE WRAP PENDANT HNEWH In this class, participants will make a sterling silver wire wrap pendant. There is a $25 supply fee that covers the cost of materials, which includes silver wire, stone, instruction, as well as use of tools.

Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $10/1 mtg Location: LHCC #7007.400............WED 10/28.......................... 6:00-9:00 pm

HOLIDAY WREATH PIN HNEWH In this class, you will create a wire wreath decorated with beads and flowers. You will learn how to construct the wreath and how to make the latest craft wire and nail polish flowers.

Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $10/1 mtg Location: LHCC #7008.400...........THUR 11/19.......................... 6:00-9:00 pm

NUTRICIóN Y SALUD HNUEVOH Esta clase incluirá los principios básicos sobre nutrición. Se instruira sobre los principios basicos de los nutrientes más importantes tales como los carbohidratos, proteinas y grasas y su importancia en la nutrición y salud. Un analisis individual sobre las importancia de estos nutrientes será enfatizado. Se analizarán etiquetas de comida para educar a los estudiantes y ayudarlos a tomar decisions saludables a la hora de consumirlos. Una introducción sobre como cocinar de una manera más sana será incluida y ejemplificada. La meta de esta clases es educar la comunidada Hispana y a sus familias a incluir comidas saludables en su dieta cotidiana. Se enfatizará el cambio de estilo de vida.

Instructor: Esther Estrada Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $37/6 wks Location: LHCC #5001.400............TUE 9/8-10/13...................10:00-11:00 am #5001.401.............TUE 10/27-12/1..................10:00-11:00 am

LOSE WEIGHT NOW! Are you unhappy, frustrated or just plain stuck? Excess weight can damage your health, so take control now! Easily lose the weight and enjoy doing it! The dieting cycle could be harming you, causing you to focus on food, rather than on you. Enjoy shopping for clothes, improve your health, sleep easier, and so much more. Bring chocolate or other food that you crave to the first session, and the instructor will eliminate those cravings. The instructor will use hypnosis, so please be sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring a pillow and yoga mat for relaxation. There is a $5 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. A follow-up CD is available for purchase in class.

Instructor: William Engle, Purpose Driven Hypnotherapy, M.A., CCH.t, Advanced Energy Therapist-EFT-ADV Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $47/1 mtgs Location: LHCC #5009.400...........MON 10/12........................... 6:00-9:00 pm continued >>>

To register online visit: https://apm.

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

Come Visit the

Friends of the La Habra Library USED BOOK STORE 10 am to 8 pm, Monday-Thursday 10 am to 5 pm, Friday & Saturday Closed Sunday

For further information, please call 562-383-4200. Located in the

ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY La Habra Branch 221 E. La Habra Blvd. Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 31

Personal Enrichment



Never touched a computer? Maybe you did, but felt confused. It’s never too late to learn! This class will introduce you to those basic computer skills you need to operate your computer. Class includes hands-on practice and will benefit beginners and experienced users who want to sharpen their office computing skills. We will set up a free email address for you so you can communicate with family and friends. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Would you like to become a permanent non-smoker? If so, this workshop is perfect for you! The instructor will eliminate your nicotine cravings using energy therapy and will teach you how to use that tool for yourself for many other benefits. The remainder of the session will deal with the subconscious triggers that cause you to reach for a cigarette. Because the instructor will use hypnosis, please be sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring a pillow for relaxation. There is a $5 supply fee payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. A follow-up CD is available for purchase in class.

Instructor: William Engle, Purpose Driven Hypnotherapy, M.A., CCH.t., Advanced Energy Therapist — EFT-ADV Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $47/1 mtg Location: LHCC #5010.400............MON 10/19...........................7:00-9:00 pm

PAINS, ANXIETIES, ADDICTIONS, FEARS & PHOBIAS REMOVED Do you suffer from caffeine, chocolate or food addictions? Have those and other addictions removed during this workshop. How about pain? Arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches? Bring them in and leave them here. Do you have severe anxieties? Stressed from work? Post traumatic stress syndrome? Let’s get rid of them. Drag out your biggest fears and phobias and have them completely removed during this exciting and educational workshop. There is a $5 materials fee for handouts payable to the instructor in class. Instructor has over 25 years experience in this field.

Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $90/6 wks Location: PP #5002.400...........THUR 9/17-10/22................ 8:00-9:00 pm #5002.401............THUR 10/29-12/10.............. 8:00-9:00 pm

MICROSOFT EXCEL & POWERPOINT Learn to make spreadsheets for bookkeeping and other information with Microsoft Excel. Participants will learn Excel’s basic functions and how to use formulas and make charts with the given data, as well as using PowerPoint to create a slideshow to go along with an Excel presentation. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $90/6 wks Location: PP #5005.400...........THUR 9/17-10/22.................7:00-8:00 pm #5005.401............THUR 10/29-12/10...............7:00-8:00 pm continued >>>

Instructor: William Engle, Purpose Driven Hypnotherapy, M.A., CCH.t, Advanced Energy Therapist-EFT-ADV Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $47/1 mtg Location: LHCC #5011.400.............MON 10/26.......................... 6:00-9:00 pm Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

To register online visit: https://apm. For further information, please call 562-383-4200.



Respect Yourself, Be Drug Free October 23rd-31st 32 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Thurs., October 29th at the La Habra Community Center For reservations, please call

562-383-4200 (Reservations Are Required)

INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS FOR SENIORS It’s never too late to learn computers! This class will introduce you to all the basic skills and terms you will need to operate a computer. We will show you how to use Microsoft Word and all its useful functions for basic communication. Experienced users can improve their skills by using this powerful word processing tool and integrating it with a digital camera for making professional flyers or document. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Senior Health Fair Move More, Eat Healthy

La Habra Collaborative November 4, 2015 9am-1pm 101 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631

Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 55+ yrs Fee: $90/6 wks Location: PP #5007.400...........THUR 9/17-10/22................. 1:00-2:00 pm #5007.401............THUR 10/29-12/10............... 1:00-2:00 pm

INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET & E-MAIL FOR SENIORS Explore the online world and connect with your family and friends! Class includes hands-on practices, a free e-mail account setup, surfing the Internet and learning how to use search engines. Experienced users can update their skills by using Microsoft Word and integrating it with the Internet search for special projects, such as making travel plans and doing research. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Thursday, November 26th.

Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 55+ yrs Fee: $90/6 wks Location: PP #5006.400...........THUR 9/17-10/22.................2:00-3:00 pm #5006.401............THUR 10/29-12/10...............2:00-3:00 pm

DOG OBEDIENCE & BEHAVIOR CONDITIONING Is Spot always in the dog house? If so, get him out and trained so that he can become a happier member of your pack! This sevenweek class is open to all breeds of dog ages six months and older (larger breeds accepted at four months). Class activities will include basic obedience: heel, sit, stay, down-stay, come when called, stand for vet visits, wait command for door dashing, leave it command and walking on a loose leash without pulling. In addition, behavioral problems such as digging, excessive barking, nipping and jumping on people will be covered. Encouragement of nervous and sensitive dogs will also be addressed. Ms. Schmidt has worked as a dog trainer for 20 years, as well as working as an exotic animal trainer at Knott’s Berry Farm. Her philosophy is “a thinking dog is a better behaved and happier member of the family”. The first class meeting will be an orientation without dogs at the Community Center. A $3 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Class size limited to 10 participants and their dogs. Please bring proof of your dog’s vaccination to the first class meeting.

• • • • • •


Vision Blood Pressure Glucose Bone Density Cholesterol Cortaid Artery

• Flu Shots • Educational programs • Nutrition education


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Instructor: Shelley Schmidt Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $95/7 wks Location: SMP #5003.400...........9/19-10/31........................10:00-11:00 am

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

562-383-4208 Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 33

LifeInLaHabra Ad 3.5x9.6.indd 1

7/21/15 4:03 PM

Activities for Seniors SENIOR ASSISTANCE INFORMATION & REFERRAL We can provide current information on services available to senior residents by city, county and state agencies, as well as offering referrals for caregiving services by bonded persons. We also have an active Telecare program, offering calls to shut-ins and frail seniors. Come see us for these valuable services or call 562-383-4200.

LEGAL AID Legal Aid is available the first Thursday of each month from 12:00 noon to 2:30 pm. This service is available for seniors 60 years of age and older who are residents of Orange County. An appointment is necessary. To make an appointment, please call 562-383-4200. If you do not meet these guidelines for service but wish to contact Legal Aid directly, please call 800-834-5001.

La Habra Shuttle “Ride with Pride” • Available to seniors 60 years and older and persons with disabilities who are residents of the City of La Habra. • Operates Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, excluding major holidays. • Cost of service is 50 cents per one-way trip for all passengers. • Transports participants throughout the City of La Habra, plus service to St. Jude Medical Center, Whittier Hospital Medical Center, and adjacent doctors’ offices, as well as to doctors’ offices adjacent to the former Brea Community Hospital. • Reservations for transportation must be made at least 48 hours in advance.

For more information or to register to use this service, please visit the La Habra Community Center or call 562-383-4200 for an application.

34 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

COMMUNITY SENIORSERV “CSS” DINING PROGRAM A hot lunch is served Monday through Friday at noon at the La Habra Community Center. Stay and enjoy cards, bingo, entertainment programs and a social atmosphere. Suggested $3 donation for lunch for seniors 60 and over; $5 charge for those under 60. Remember, the La Habra Shuttle will bring you to CSS lunch at the Community Center FREE if you join us on three or more days a week on a regular basis, if bus seating is available. And don’t forget that there is live music in the lunch area from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon Monday through Friday, for dancing or listening. For questions or more information, call Jennifer Bush at 562-383-4222 or 562-3834200.

MEALS ON WHEELS Meals on Wheels provides home delivered meals to those unable to prepare their own meals due to illness or disability. For more information please call 562-383-4221 or 562-3834200, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Services ADULT PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICES The Orange County Health Care Agency offers local residents Adult Public Health Nursing Services (APHNS), a community health assessment program. Basic health screenings and follow-up for clients with special needs and health problems are provided for adults 18 years or older. No medical treatment is provided. APHNS can help you: identify health problems early; find needed health care and social services; learn preventive health practices; and stay as healthy as possible. Appointments are held at the La Habra Community Center one day each month from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. An appointment is necessary; please call 562-383-4200 to make yours.

HICAP HICAP, which stands for Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program, is the only state and federally mandated authority providing education, advocacy and individual counseling to Orange County residents regarding Medicare and related issues. Certified counselors will be available at the Community Center on the second Tuesday of each month from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon. An appointment is necessary,

please call the La Habra Community Services Department at 562-383-4200 for dates and to make an appointment.

Volunteer Opportunities Call Josie Anderson or for information at 562-383-4217.

Classes HEALTH & WELLNESS FOR OLDER ADULTS All Health & Wellness classes cover various health-related topics of interest for older adults. Participate in fitness activities and learn the benefits of adopting behaviors associated with healthy and successful aging. Learn about the natural effects of the aging process, and the benefits of being proactive by practicing brain fitness, incorporating a healthy diet, managing chronic conditions, and engaging in routine physical activity as a means to living with optimum independence. Participants in the Monday, Tuesday and Friday classes will enjoy a thorough low-impact workout that includes a walking/cardiovascular warm-up, as well as sitting and standing exercises, work with resistance bands, balls, and

STORYTIMES Lap-Sit Storytime Mondays at 10:30 am • Read to the Dog with Bogie & Gina Mondays at 5:30 pm • Family Storytime Tuesdays at 7 pm • Preschool Storytime Wednesdays at 10:30 am • Bilingual Storytime Wednesdays at 7 pm Storytimes will resume the week of September 1st.

other props. Students will increase their strength, flexibility, range of motion, stamina and overall well-being. Instructor: Kathy Mastin................................................... FREE MON................................................... 10:00 am to 12:00 noon Instructor: Henrietta De Jong............................................ FREE TUE & FRI............................................ 10:00 am to 12:00 noon This class covers all parts of fitness, including brain and mental exercises, balance, and aerobics and uses bands, hand weights, glow in the dark wands and dance movements. Exercises are done both sitting and standing. Instructor: Diane Geivett.................................................. FREE WED.................................................... 10:00 am to 12:00 noon Participants in this class can improve their balance and reduce their risk for falls. The class is conducted seated and standing, with low to medium exercise intensity, using exercise bands, hand held weights and balance equipment. Participants will be able to enhance cardiovascular endurance, strength, range of motion and equilibrium. Instructor: Steve Hernandez............................................. FREE THUR.................................................. 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

CHILDREN’S EVENTS • Book Bunch Book Club, first Wednesday of each month, 3:15 pm: 3rd-5th graders meet to munch & gab about books! Pick up selected book at front of check-out desk. • Homework Help returns Sept. 14th. Mon.-Thur., 4-5:30 pm: High school volunteers help K-5th graders with homework. Must pre-register at the library. • Day of the Dead, Sat. Oct. 24th, 11 am-3 pm: Crafts, face painting, dancing authors. For all ages. • Holiday Cards for Heroes, Thur., Nov. 4th, 4 pm: Make a card for a soldier overseas. For all ages.

TEEN EVENTS • TAB meetings, 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month, 1 pm. • Training for Homework Help volunteers, Sat., Sept 12th, noon-4 pm: Help elementary school students with homework and earn service hours. Pick up an application at the Information Desk.

ADULT EVENTS Join us in the exciting events that are part of our Big Read grant from the National Endowment for the Arts! We’re reading “Into the Beautiful North” by Luis Alberto Urrea in September. • Sat., September 12th, 2:30 pm: Educational Adventures with Road Scholar. Formerly known as ElderHostel, this program will show you how you can enjoy exciting educational travel around the world on foot, by bike or by sea. • Sat., October 17th, 2:30 pm: Tortilla Art with Joe Bravo. Bravo takes Latino art to a new level, creating beautiful images on huge tortillas. One of our Big Read events; pre-register at the Information Desk. • Sat., November 7th, 2:30 pm: “What is the Electric Car?” Learn 79 reasons to drive an electric car. Electric cars will be on display. • Sun., December 6th, 2:30 pm: Melodia Recorder Duo. Enjoy a musical performance by this woodwind musical instrument, popular in the 14th century. Happy Holidays! • Librarian’s Choice Book Club, last Wednesday of each month, 1 pm: Pick up book at the library. Big Read book to be discussed at Sept. 30th meeting.

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Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 35

Classes MATURE DRIVER The Mature Driver class is for anyone 55 and over who would like to refresh their knowledge of California driving laws and practices. It is an eight-hour class, and participants who complete the class receive a certificate. Some insurance companies offer discounts to those who complete this class. Please note that the class does NOT include any actual driving. In order to take the class, participants must PREREGISTER by calling the La Habra Community Center at 562383-4200. Instructor: NOCCCD.......................................................... FREE

Games CSS BINGO CSS Bingo meets Monday through Friday from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. The cost of playing is 50 cents per card, with a maximum of four cards. Nine games is the usual number played. If you like bingo, come join the fun! All are welcome to participate.

Bridge Bridge players meet on Thursday from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm at the Scout Hut, 1100 W. Lambert Rd. New players are welcome, but you must bring a partner to join the bridge group.

Activities WEDNESDAY Am VOLUNTEER STITCHERS This group meets in the Oeste Room from 8:30 am to 11:30 am to make items for Children’s Hospital and local

36 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

convalescent hospitals. You may sew, knit or crochet items. If you wish to learn any of these skills, you are welcome to join them and learn.

HUFF ‘N’ PUFFS The Huff ‘n’ Puffs dancers perform at local venues and the Community Center. They practice once a week and perform a variety of dance styles in costumes of their own design. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact the Community Center at 562-383-4200.

CSS “Movie of the Month” All CSS lunch participants are invited to stay late on the fourth Thursday of each month to enjoy a free movie. Popcorn and other snacks are served during the movie. There is no charge for this activity, so why not check it out!

Live Music & Dancing! 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon at the SENIOR Lunch Program La Habra Community Center MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY

562-383-4222 or 562-383-4200 Stay afterwards and enjoy a healthy, tasty lunch!

Trips for Everyone All return times are approximate. Seat assignment subject to change. All trips depart from La Bonita Park parking lot, 1440 W. Whittier Blvd.

The entrance to the parking lot is located by the clock tower and Taco Bell on the south side of Whittier Blvd., between Beach Blvd. and Idaho St.

• No smoking or alcoholic beverages on the motorcoach. • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before departure time to board the motorcoach. • Driver and tour director gratuity included on day tours. • Register early for trips. • Trips may be cancelled due to insufficient registration. • Registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis. • Refunds for trips ONLY if you can be replaced. • All approved refunds will be charged a $6 processing fee. • Trip date and inclusions are subject to change.

To register online visit: For further information, please call 562-383-4200.


The perfect way to discover the natural environment of Channel Islands National Park, without going ashore! Just 12 miles from the California coast, Anacapa Island is a small volcanic island and the closest of the Channel Islands. Our three-hour narrated cruise departs from Ventura Harbor and cruises along Anacapa’s rugged and scenic north shore. The trip may be highlighted by sightings of sea lions, seals and island birds, as we cross the channel to Anacapa Island (nonlanding cruise). Prior to the cruise, there will be time to browse the shops and enjoy lunch on your own in the scenic Ventura Harbor Village, along with a visit to the Channel Islands National Park Visitor Center, making for a relaxing, enjoyable and educational day. We’ll take the scenic route home along Pacific Coast Highway. Suggested: Rubber-soled walking shoes and a sweater or jacket as it can be cool on the water. The boat has shaded and unshaded areas, and

a restroom onboard, for your comfort. Price includes tour director and driver gratuity.

HARRAH’S CASINO #9004.300 Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Fee: $20

We’ll stay for all of the races and then motorcoach home. Required: when booking, provide full legal name as it appears on your driver’s license or other government-issued photo identification that you will present to Amtrak on the day of the tour. Price includes tour director and driver gratuity.

DEPARTS: 8:00 AM.......... RETURNS: 5:00 PM

DEL MAR RACES BY RAIL WITH COASTAL TRAIN RIDE #9053.300 Thursday, August 27, 2015 Fee: $99 DEPARTS: 8:00 AM...........RETURNS: 7:30 PM

Get ready for an exciting day at the racetrack in beautiful Del Mar — “Where the Turf Meets the Surf”. We’ll motorcoach to the new Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center (ARTIC) to board the train and then ride the rails as we journey south along the coast to Solana Beach. Enjoy lunch on own and time at leisure at Del Mar’s Del Mar Plaza, a collection of fine shops and restaurants set in a European-style marketplace. Just a chip shot away from the Pacific Ocean, the Del Mar Racetrack has attracted visitors to its stunning location and thoroughbred horse racing ever since the gates opened back in 1937 and Bing Crosby would greet fans. Your experience at the Track includes admission, shaded clubhouse seating, and a race program.

SEPTEMBER THE MAGIC CASTLE with Included Champagne Brunch #9033.300 Sunday, September 13, 2015 Fee: $139 DEPARTS: 9:00 AM.......... RETURNS: 4:00 PM

A unique opportunity to access this private club which is generally not available to the public! Enjoy an allyou-can-eat champagne brunch and live magical performances at The Magic Castle — the world’s most famous club for magicians and magic enthusiasts alike. The Magic Castle opened its doors on January 2, 1963 and more than four decades later, the Castle has become the world-famous “home” to the Academy of Magical Arts and their invited guests. The magnificent building that houses The

continued >>> Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 37

Magic Castle is a sight in itself — built in 1908, this storied Victorian mansion has watched Hollywood grow and change for over 100 years, while never losing its original charm. See what magicians all over the world consider to be the premier magic venue and the virtual ‘center’ of the magician’s universe. Required: “country club” attire (no jeans, shorts or sandals). You must be able to walk up a steep driveway and stairs to enter the Castle. Price includes tour director and driver gratuity.

Force has the right to change or cancel any part of the tour without notice. Note that a roster of names must be submitted by September 7th, and no additions or changes may be made after that deadline. Required: when booking, provide full legal name as it appears on your driver’s license or other government-issued identification that you will be presenting to Base Security on the day of the tour, along with your driver’s license number (or social security number), date of birth and whether you are a U.S. citizen. Price includes tour director and driver gratuity.

VIEJAS CASINO #9057.300 Thursday, September 24, 2015 Fee: $20 DEPARTS: 8:00 AM..........RETURNS: 6:00 PM

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE With Included Officer’s Club Lunch #9067.300 Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Fee: $79 DEPARTS: 7:30 AM............RETURNS: 7:30 PM

Enjoy a unique opportunity to take a behind-the-scenes tour of Vandenberg Air Force Base, among the nation’s most important military and aerospace installations. This base coordinates the training and testing of crews responsible for our nation’s missile defense and tracking system and manages space and missile testing. It is the only launch site for both commercial and military satellites on the West Coast and for those going into polar orbit. Located just north of Santa Barbara near Lompoc and surrounded by the Santa Ynez Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Vandenberg lies in a beautiful, secluded location on California’s Central Coast. On this docentguided driving tour, we’ll see some of Vandenberg’s launch complexes and other places of interest. We will visit the Space & Missile Heritage Center, which displays artifacts and memorabilia related to the evolution of missile and space lift activity from the beginning of the Cold War through current non-classified developments in military, commercial, and scientific space endeavors. Learn about the history of the base, normal day-to-day operations, and what takes place on the base leading up to launches. You’ll also enjoy an included lunch on the base at the Officer’s Club. Note that because this is an active base, the Air

38 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

OCTOBER ALL ABOARD FOR AVOCADOS! Carpinteria Avocado Festival by Rail #9036.400 Sunday, October 4, 2015 Fee: $89 DEPARTS: 8:45 AM............RETURNS: 7:45 PM

Holy guacamole! Santa Barbara County is the third largest producer of avocados in North America, so it’s no surprise we’re headed to downtown Carpinteria for the 29th annual Avocado Festival. First, we will motorcoach to L.A.’s Union Station to board the deluxe Coast Starlight train for a relaxing scenic ride along the coast to Santa Barbara, known as “America’s Riviera”. Onboard you may want to sit in the observation car for spectacular ocean views, or relax in your seat. Upon arrival in Santa Barbara, our motorcoach will meet us at the train station and transport us the short distance to downtown Carpinteria for the festival, which boasts many fabulous food booths, commercial vendors, arts and crafts vendors, three entertainment stages with over 40 performing acts, and avocados and guacamole galore! Don’t miss the contests for best avocado recipe and largest avocado. Enjoy lunch on your own and ample time at leisure in downtown Carpinteria which also offers numerous shops and boutiques. We will motorcoach home. Suggested: walking shoes. Required: when booking, provide full legal name as it appears on your driver’s license or other government-issued identification that you will be presenting to Amtrak on the day of the tour. Price includes tour director and driver gratuity.

PECHANGA CASINO #9019.400 Friday, October 16, 2015 Fee: $20 DEPARTS: 8:00 AM.......... RETURNS: 5:00 PM

CHOCOLATE SINSATION WITH STEP-ON GUIDE CURT TUCKER #9009.400 Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Fee: $105 DEPARTS: 8:30 AM........... RETURNS: 5:00 PM

Warning: This tour is designed specifically for “Chocoholics” and those with an unquenchable sweet tooth. You have been warned! Today we are joined by step-on guide Curt Tucker, who was the guide on the L.A. Murder, Mystery and Scandal tour earlier this year. He is especially loved by our travelers for his charismatic personality and fun stories. This chocolate-themed tour is provocative, complex, and tasty! Our journey begins at Olvera Street, the “Birthplace of Los Angeles”, and one of the oldest streets in the city. Here we will enjoy a perfectly brewed Mexican hot chocolate with a mouthwatering chocolate-filled churro, and a look at the controversial “American Tropical” mural. Next we will visit a chocolate maker who offers the most original flavors you have ever imagined — indulge in chocolate that might include ginger, chili pepper, infused sea salts and more. At an Armenian bakery in Glendale, enjoy delicious chocolate Baklava. Visit a master gelato maker who has created more than 700 flavors, and we won’t know which oneof-a-kind chocolate gelato flavor he will prepare especially for our group until we arrive. We’ll also visit the Monastery of the Angels, one of Hollywood’s best kept secrets, where 22 cloistered nuns who lead lives of study, prayer and contemplation also make incredible hand-dipped chocolates that we’ll sample. A delicious lunch with choice of entrée and a decadent chocolate soufflé dessert will be included at the historic Tam O’ Shanter Inn, a charming replica of a cozy Scottish Inn. All visits subject to change. Suggested: walking shoes. Price includes tour director and driver gratuity.

continued >>>

NOVEMBER OAK GLEN HOEDOWN WITH INCLUDED BARBECUE LUNCH #9006.400 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Fee: $85 DEPARTS: 9:30 AM........... RETURNS: 5:30 PM

Enjoy the scenic beauty and breathe in the crisp, clean mountain air while enjoying a country meal at the oldest and largest rancho in Oak Glen (elevation 5,000 feet) that is also a working apple farm with over 20 apple varieties, most for sale this time of year. This historic apple orchard in the heart of apple country, makes for a fun and yummy day! Savor a down-home meal that includes your choice of barbecue tri-tip or chicken, cowboy beans, homemade red potato salad, biscuit and a piece of Oak Glen’s famous apple pie! Enjoy the sounds of a three-piece country band as they sing some of the old favorites from bygone times. There will also be time to visit the old apple packing house, cider press and orchard. In the country store you may want to pick up a jar of delectable jam, pumpkin butter, a warm apple pie, a jug of freshly-pressed cider or other goodies to take back home. We’ll also make a surprise mystery stop in Oak Glen. Price includes lunch, tour director and driver gratuity.


Hollywood isn’t just famous for its celebrities and movie-making; it is also home to a incredible diverse collection of architecture. On this tour we will visit three of its most unique buildings. A highlight of the day will be a visit to Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous Hollyhock House, an example of Mayan Revival architectural with modern trimmings — which just reopened after being closed for four years during a $4.3 million renovation! It was built in 1919 as a residence for oil heiress

Aline Barnsdall, and takes its name from her favorite flower, symbolized in some of the style and décor of the house. As you tour some of the rooms on the main level (not all rooms are accessible), docents will be available to answer your questions and describe the architectural details. Following, enjoy an included lunch at the 4-star Renaissance Restaurant, located in the beautiful Manor Hotel (formerly the Château Élysée) and Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre — this is where the celebrities often dine! The restaurant feels like you stepped into 17th century French Normandy. We’ll also visit the beautiful Hollywood Self-Realization Fellowship Temple — the oldest such Temple in America. Upon entering, the hustle and bustle of the city is quickly forgotten as you enjoy the peace and serenity of both the temple interior and the meditation gardens. Price includes tour director and driver gratuity.

Harrah’s CASINO #9004.400 Thursday, November 19, 2015 Fee: $20 DEPARTS: 8:00 AM.......... RETURNS: 5:00 PM

DECEMBER WALT DISNEY CONCERT HALL L.A. MASTER CHORALE’S FESTIVAL OF CAROLS #9063.400 Saturday, December 5, 2015 (Matinee) Fee: $109 DEPARTS: 10:45 AM...........RETURNS: 5:45 PM

Join us as we celebrate the Christmas season at the Disney Concert Hall with a traditional concert of your favorite carols sung by one of the greatest choirs in the world! The fantastic 115-member Los Angeles Master Chorale will be joined by the Disney Hall’s mighty pipe organ for a festive concert sprinkled with new arrangements and traditional songs, as

well as a few audience sing-a-longs. Hear first-hand why the Chorale has gained international prominence over the past decade. Designed by architect Frank Gehry to be one of the most acoustically sophisticated concert halls in the world, the Disney Concert Hall provides an auditory experience unto itself, with both visual and aural intimacy, for an unparalleled musical experience. Terrace level seating with great views of both the choir and organ. Enjoy lunch on your own prior to the show at Philippe The Original, known as the originator of the French dip. Price includes tour director and driver gratuity.

CHRISTMAS HOUSE HOLIDAY TEA & RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIGHTS #9022.400 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Fee: $85 DEPARTS: 2:15 PM............. RETURNS: 8:15 PM

The holidays are upon us, and it’s the most wonderful time to delight in Christmas traditions! Join us as we visit the charming Christmas House Inn & Gardens, a quaint bed and breakfast inn that was built in 1904 and is rich with history and memories of a time past. Since many Christmas festivities became a tradition here, and because of the red and green stained glass throughout the house, it became known as the ‘Christmas House’ in the early 1900s. Enjoy a walk through the house and grounds before we indulge in the annual tradition of Christmas Tea and bask in the Christmas House’s rich holiday décor. With your tea will be included finger sandwiches, fresh scones and desserts. Later, we’ll drive through the highly decorated Rancho Cucamonga holiday homes that go all out during the holiday season. This area of the Inland Empire is recognized as one of the prize locations in southern California to enjoy outdoor holiday lights! Price includes tour director and driver gratuity.

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To register online visit: For further information, please call 562-383-4200. Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 39

MULTI-DAY TOURS GUARANTEED DEPARTURES! The City of La Habra offers Multi-Day Tours, without minimum enrollment requirements. Trip information is subject to change, and these trips may be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. Multi-Day Tours depart from La Bonita Park, and have a daily seat rotation. Departure times will be sent to all passengers two weeks prior to departure. Advance reservations are highly recommended, as these trips fill up quickly. The optional travel protection/cancellation insurance plan that is available is highly recommended.

YELLOWSTONE & GRAND TETON Featuring Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Salt Lake City, Park City, Geographer-Guide #9010.300 September 26-October 2, 2015 (7-Day Tour) Per Person Land Fee: Double $1,599/Single $2,299/Deposit $250 Roundtrip group airfare with airport transfer available from $305

Embark on a spectacular journey to discover two of our nation’s most spectacular National Parks. With two nights in Jackson, in the shadow of the Tetons, and two nights in Yellowstone National Park staying at the Old Faithful Inn, this journey features the best opportunity to take in the incredible vistas, breathtaking waterfalls, mighty mountain peaks and the wealth of geologic phenomena in this region. Roundtrip airport transfers from La Habra are included with purchase of group airfare.

NEW ENGLAND FALL FOLIAGE Featuring Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Boston, Lexington & Concord, Squam Lake September 26-October 3, 2015 (8-Day Tour) #9017.300 Per Person Land Fee: Double $1,999/Single $2,499/Deposit $300 Roundtrip group airfare with LAX transfer available from $555

Pass by old whaling villages dotted with lighthouses and widows’ walks, as you travel along Maine’s rocky beaches. Travel the back roads of Vermont and New Hampshire past traditional white steepled churches, quaint villages, and covered bridges. The events which led to the Revolutionary War unfold before your eyes in Boston, Lexington and Concord. All the while the vibrant colors of the leaves provide a spectacular backdrop in every direction. This is autumn in New England! Roundtrip LAX transfers from La Habra included with purchase of group airfare.

CALIFORNIA RAIL & SAIL Featuring Coast Starlight Train, California Zephyr Train, Redwoods, Lake Tahoe, Monterey, Sacramento, Reno #9022.400 October 1 -7, 2015 (7-Day Tour) 40 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Per Person Fee: Double $1,299/Single $1,699/Deposit $200

Embark on a rail journey across California that includes four train adventures. From the coast to the redwoods to the Sierra Nevada and Lake Tahoe, this journey will offer the best that the Golden State has to offer, while traveling the rails and setting sail.

BILTMORE, BLUEGRASS & BOURBON Featuring Nashville, Louisville, Lexington, Asheville, Pigeon Forge, Smoky Mountains National Park #9050.400 October 18-24, 2015 (7-Day Tour) Per Person Land Fee: Double $1,799/Single $2,299/Deposit $300 Roundtrip group airfare available from $555

Embark on a grand adventure to discover America’s South — an area that has a history as rich as its color. A broad spectrum of exciting attractions, historic treasures and breathtaking beauty awaits you in Tennessee, North Carolina and Louisville. Your senses will come alive — from three live musical shows in Nashville and Pigeon Forge to the fall foliage in Smoky Mountains and the bluegrass in Louisville, to the majesty of the Biltmore Estate and Churchill Downs and the down home southern cooking and bourbon — this itinerary features the highlights of America’s Heartland and true southern hospitality! Roundtrip LAX transfers from La Habra included with purchase of group airfare.

YOSEMITE, SEQUOIA & KINGS CANYON Featuring Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks, Stay in Park Lodges, Bass Lake, Geographer-Guide #9058.400 October 23-27, 2015 (5-Day Tour) Per Person Fee: Double $1,199/Single $1,699/Deposit $200

On this journey to discover California’s greatest National Parks, we’ll stay in the heart of the Parks at two iconic lodges. Tour Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks while staying two nights at the Wuksachi Lodge. Explore Yosemite National Park while staying two nights at the iconic Yosemite Lodge.

THAILAND, CAMBODIA & VIETNAM Featuring Bangkok, Siem Reap, Angkor Wat Temple, Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon, Mekong River #9059.400 November 2-11, 2015 (10-Day Tour) Per Person Land Fee & Airfare: Double $2,999/Single $3,559/Deposit $500 Vietnam & Cambodia Visas Additional

Discover the “Jewels of Indochina” and experience the culture of Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam on this comprehensive three country tour. Discover Bangkok, the “City of Smiles,” explore the amazing UNESCO site, Angkor Wat, and sail down the mighty Mekong river. Meet the friendliest people in the world and taste the best local cuisine. Roundtrip LAX transfers from La Habra included. continued >>>

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CAMBRIA & HEARST CASTLE BY RAIL Featuring Hearst Castle, Coast Starlight Train, Moonstone Beach Hotel Stay, Solvang #9054.400 November 4-6, 2015 (3-Day Tour) Per Person Fee: Double $479/Single $599/Deposit $100

Embark on a relaxing three-day getaway to explore California’s Central Coast, while enjoying a stay at a quaint inn on the beach along Cambria’s Moonstone Beach. We’ll travel by train, explore the back roads and keep a relaxed pace as we explore the region and get a first-hand look at what makes the California Coast so special.

NEON TO NATURE Featuring Las Vegas “Strip” Leisure Stay, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead Cruise, Mob Museum, Neon Museum, Grand Canyon Skywalk #9064.400 November 12-16, 2015 (5-Day Tour) Per Person Fee: Double $899/Single $1,199/Deposit $200

This tour showcases the new and the historic treasures in and around Las Vegas. We’ll go from “neon to nature” as we go backstage on the “Strip”, cruise on Lake Mead, visit Red Rock Canyon, descend into Hoover Dam, walk over the Grand Canyon, and visit the newest museums. All the while, unpack and relax for four nights at a luxurious four-star resort in the heart of the Las Vegas “Strip”.

SAN ANTONIO “CHRISTMAS” Featuring Single-Hotel Stay on the River Walk, River Walk Festivities, the Alamo, Austin, LBJ Library & Ranch #9020.400 November 27—December 1, 2015 (5-Day Tour) Per Person Land Fee: Double $999/Single $1,299/Deposit $200 Roundtrip group airfare available from $455

On this journey through Southern Texas, the flavors of Native Americans, Old Mexico, Germans, the Wild West, and the Deep South mingle and merge. And this time of year is a perfect time to visit San Antonio, with its festive holiday decorations and its magnificently lit River Walk. Join us on this five-day journey featuring a single-hotel stay in the heart of the River Walk and the best sightseeing in Texas’ Hill Country and capital city. Roundtrip LAX transfers from La Habra included with purchase of group airfare.

RED ROCKS, CANYONS & RAIL HOLIDAY Featuring Grand Canyon National Park, Sedona, Verde Canyon Railroad, Jerome, Las Vegas, Laughlin #9030.400 November 30-December 5, 2015 (6-Day Tour) Per Person Fee: Double $999/Single $1,339/Deposit $200

Join us on this magnificent tour that combines the spirit of the holidays with the wonders of nature! Never have you seen colors so brilliant, nature so lustrous, and skies so magnificent, as we explore Sedona, the Grand Canyon and Oak Creek Canyon. Includes overnights in Laughlin and Las Vegas, as well as a three-

night stay in heart of Sedona, which will welcome you with its holiday spirit.

“CHRISTMAS” IN YOSEMITE Featuring Yosemite National Park, Awahnee Hotel Lunch, Tenaya Lodge Stay, Kearney Mansion #9002.400 December 6-8, 2015 (3-DayTour) Per Person Fee: Double $579/Single $739/Deposit $100

Yosemite is magnificent in winter, and this tour will certainly get you into the Christmas spirit! While renowned for its magnificent valley, great granite domes and peaks, and giant sequoias, Yosemite National Park is a whole other world in wintertime. This 3-day getaway offers a truly wonderful combination of natural wonders, winter scenes and rustic elegance with two nights at the Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite.

MISSIONS & MANSION “CHRISTMAS” Featuring Coast Starlight Train, Monterey, Cambria, Carmel, Hearst Castle Evening Tour, Apple Farm Inn Stay #9065.400 December 10-15, 2015 (5-Day Tour) Per Person Fee: Double $999/Single $1,299/Deposit $200

On this holiday-themed journey, we follow the footsteps of Father Junipero Serra as we tour several California missions and the grandest mansion in all of California — Hearst Castle. Stay at the charming Apple Farm Inn, at a quaint inn on Cambria’s Moonstone Beach and at a hotel in the heart of Old Town Monterey during “Christmas in the Adobes”. We’ll travel by train, travel the back roads and see first-hand how spectacular California is beautifully decorated for the holidays.

“CHRISTMAS” IN SAN FRANCISCO Featuring Westin St. Francis in Union Square Hotel Stay, Napa Valley Wine Train, Palace Hotel Tea #9062.400 December 17-21, 2015 (5-Day Tour) Per Person Fee: Double $1,249/Single $1,699/Deposit $250

There’s no better time of the year than Christmas time and no better place to relish in the holiday décor and festivities than in the “City by the Bay”. Experience the charm of San Francisco in all of its Christmas glory while enjoying four nights at the elegant and iconic Westin St. Francis. In addition to the Napa Valley Wine Train and tea at the Palace Hotel, you’ll be staying in Union Square and in the midst of San Francisco’s best shopping. You will most definitely leave your heart, but the experiences and memories created while celebrating “Christmas” in San Francisco, will be worth it. continued >>>

To register online visit: https://apm. For further information, please call 562-383-4200. Fall 2015 | Life in La Habra | 41

YELLOWSTONE & GRAND TETONS IN WINTER Featuring Yellowstone National Park by Snowcoach, Jackson Hole, Salt Lake City, Park City #9039.100 January 23-28, 2016 (6-Day Tour) Per Person Land Fee: Double $1,379/Single $1,699/Deposit $250 Roundtrip group airfare available from $305

The world’s first national park inspires awe any time of the year, but as you’ll discover on this very special adventure, visiting Yellowstone during the winter when bison, elk and wolves wander across snowcovered valleys, and Yellowstone’s amazing geologic features are even more spectacular, truly allows you to see the real Yellowstone. Exploring by snowcoach, you’ll feel like you pretty much have this incredible place to yourself as you see geysers, waterfalls and steaming hot springs surrounded by frozen landscapes. Combined with Jackson and Grand Teton National Park, as well as sightseeing in Park City and Salt Lake City, this is a whole other type of tour and perhaps other-worldly experience. Roundtrip LAX transfers from La Habra included with purchase of group air.

COASTAL “SAFARI” BY RAIL Featuring the Coast Starlight Train, Monarch Butterflies, Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, Cambria #9040.100 February 3-5, 2016 (3-Day Tour) Per person Fee: Double $469/Single $599/Deposit $100

Welcome aboard for a getaway that showcases the wildlife and treasures of California’s Central Coast with a memorable coastal train ride. From Pacific Coast Highway to the back roads of the Santa Ynez Valley, this tour features a variety of animal farms, sanctuaries and ranches. All the while, we’ll enjoy a relaxing stay at a charming oceanfront inn on a bluff overlooking Pismo Beach.

42 | Life in La Habra | Fall 2015

Sit back and relax as we embark on a “safari” by rail to see the cuddly critters along the coast.

ALASKA IDITAROD & NORTHERN LIGHTS Featuring Aurora Borealis Viewing, Alaska Railroad, Hotel Alyeska, Musher’s Banquet #9068.100 February 25-March 8, 2016 (12-Day Tour) Per Person Fee: Double $2,699/Single $3,499/Deposit $300 Roundtrip group airfare available from $705

Embark on a magical journey to see Alaska as it was meant to be seen — in the winter when the Northern Lights and the excitement of the world famous Iditarod Sled Dog Race are both at full strength. Your guide for this tour is a local Alaskan who knows Alaska inside and out, and you’ll hear tales from real legends and see first-hand how the Alaska winter season comes alive. Roundtrip LAX transfers from La Habra included with purchase of group airfare.

WASHINGTON, D.C. BLOSSOMS Featuring Single Hotel Stay, Cherry Blossoms, Mt. Vernon, Memorials, Local Guides, Smithsonian #9035.100 Per Person Land Fee: Double $1,499/Single $1,839/Deposit $250 Roundtrip group airfare available from $485

Embark on a journey to our nation’s capital during the time of year when the weather is normally very pleasant, and the cherry blossoms are usually in bloom. Our nation’s history and some of its most iconic sites and monuments are on full display as we enjoy a leisurely single-hotel stay and tour our capital city with local guides. Roundtrip LAX transfers from La Habra included with purchase of group air.

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NOVEMBER 11, 2015


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Honoring WWII Veterans

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