A3 Life in La Habra Spring 2011

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Contents SPRING 2011 City News: page 6 General Plan Update is a joint effort to create a single vision for the City… Lifestyle: page 10 The IVHS & S.P.C.A. opened its new state-of-the-art McConnell Pet Adoption Center… City News: page 13 Program your irrigation timer to save water and reduce runoff… La Habra Chamber: page 16 The Red Cart Program is an effort to reduce abandoned shopping carts… City News City Logo ......................................................................4 LED Street Signs ...........................................................8 Plant of the Quarter ......................................................9 Celebrating Success......................................................12 City Numbers to Remember........................................12 Recycling Information .................................................14 Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast ..............................................16 5K/10K Run/Walk ......................................................28 Spring Family Eggstravaganza ......................................32 Class and Recreation Guide Registration Info..........................................................19 Class Location Info......................................................20 Children’s Museum......................................................20 Activities for Kids ........................................................21 Activities for Adults .....................................................29 Activities for Seniors ....................................................37 Trips for Everyone .......................................................40

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4 • Li fe in L a Habra • Spring 2011

City News: New Logo Unveiled

Ci t y’s Logo Re present s L a Habra’s Histor y In November 2010, the City Council adopted a new official City logo (pictured large at right). This new logo was unveiled in January 2011 and will incrementally appear on new signs, stationery, and vehicles as they are replaced. Police cars will all have the new logo replaced within the first part of the year because of the high visibility of police vehicles and the need for uniformity. The City logo was changed to incorporate important elements of La Habra’s rich history and to provide a more up-to-date design to convey the City’s image. The previous logo had been used in some variation since the 1960s. The new logo uses the traditional colors of red, white and blue to depict a bell for the Boulevard of the Bells, an orange to represent the citrus industry during the formation of the La Habra community, and the hibiscus to display the official City flower. In addition to the official City logo, the City Council also approved three alternate logos that can be used on promotional items, event advertisements, and for other uses. These three alternate logos are shown small at right.

Life in La Habra

Li fe i n L a Hab ra • Spri n g 2011 • 5


La Habra Mayor & City Council James Gomez, Mayor Tim Shaw, Mayor Pro Tem Rose Espinoza, City Council Tom Beamish, City Council Michael Blazey, City Council

Community Services Commission Jess Badillo, Chairperson Melody Drake, Vice Chairperson Susan Crow, Commissioner Barry Dowling, Commissioner Deborah Musser, Commissioner Ana Price, Commissioner Life in La Habra Staff Jennifer Cervantez, Editor-in-Chief Sal Failla, Community Services Editor Mark Sturdevant, Business Editor Kathy Campanelli, Advertising Sales Representative Shelly Recchio Streilein, Graphic Designer Marcia Taylor, Content Coordinator

Administration Building 201 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Tel: 562-905-9700 • Fax: 562-905-9781 www.lahabracity.com

321 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Tel: 562-697-1704 • Fax: 562-697-8359 chamber@lahabrachamber.com www.lahabrachamber.com

Advertisers support Life in La Habra. Support local business and Shop La Habra! Interested in advertising in Life in La Habra? Call Kathy Campanelli at 562-697-1704 for rates.

6 • Li fe in L a Habra • Spring 2011

City News: General Plan Update

Ci t y Em ba rk s on Pla n for the Nex t 20 Years

The General Plan Update is a joint effort among the City of La Habra, residents, and businesses to create a single vision for the future growth of La Habra. The General Plan is a longrange policy document that sets forth broad goals and objectives for the growth and development of the City over the next 20 years. As required by State law, the updated General Plan takes a long-term view of the City. The process includes many events that seek the participation of residents, businesses, and property owners to take the General Plan from vision, to creation, to adoption by the La Habra City Council. As part of the General Plan Update, the City will also be preparing a Climate Action Plan that will address recently enacted legislation regarding climate change, including Assembly Bill (AB) 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, and Senate Bill (SB) 375 (Chapter 728, Steinberg, Statutes of 2008). What is involved in the Update Process? The update process will include the following steps over a period of approximately 20 months, through 2012.

Step 1: Winter 2010/Spring 2011 Document Existing Conditions The first step is to understand existing conditions and the current issues relative to the community’s growth and development. This involves an analysis of the City’s land use, economy, housing, traffic patterns, etc. This information is compiled into a Technical Background Report that will be used as the basis for the updated General Plan, as well as preparation of the Environmental Impact Report. Step 2: Spring 2011 Conduct a Visioning Process and Community Survey During this task, the consultants and City staff will meet with community stakeholders and the general public in a Community Visioning Workshop to establish a Vision Statement that will be used to guide preparation of the updated General Plan. The Vision Statement will be reviewed by the General Plan Advisory Committee (established by the City to provide guidance for the General Plan Update process), Planning Commission, and City Council. A telephone survey will also be developed in order to receive input from the community on various land use, traffic patterns, public services, and other community issues. Feedback from the survey will help to guide the General Plan update process. Step 3: Summer 2011 Develop a Land Use Plan Based on the information from the Technical Background Report, Community Survey, and the Community Visioning Process, an updated Land Use Plan will be prepared. Developing a Land Use Plan includes four key steps: continued >>>>

Li fe i n L a Hab ra • Spri n g 2011 • 7

City News: General Plan Update, continued (a) identifying growth and land use development options; (b) testing these for their impacts and acceptability; (c) selection of a preferred growth and development scenario; and (d) formulation of policies and programs that comprehensively address community development, infrastructure, services, social, environmental, and public health, and community safety issues and values. Step 4: Summer and Fall 2011 Prepare an Updated General Plan Based on the input received from the previous task, a draft updated General Plan and Climate Action Plan will be prepared. A third community workshop will be held to provide an opportunity for the community to review and comment on policy directions for all elements of the General Plan. Step 5: Winter 2011/Early 2012 Prepare an Environmental Impact Report Before considering the updated General Plan, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared to evaluate the potential impacts of growth allowed under the updated General Plan on all affected resources. These

resources include, but are not limited to, air, water quality, parks, and open space. For those resources that will be negatively impacted, the EIR will recommend ways to reduce or eliminate the impacts. Once the EIR is completed, the updated General Plan will be presented to City Council for adoption. Step 6: Spring 2012 Conduct Public Hearings to Adopt the Updated General Plan and Certify the EIR Upon completion of the draft General Plan and EIR, the Planning Commission and City Council will conduct public hearings during which the updated Draft General Plan and Climate Action Plan will be presented for adoption, and the Draft EIR will be considered for certification.

For more information, please call Carlos Jaramillo at 562-905-9724, or visit the General Plan Update Web site at www.lahabrageneralplanupdate.com.

8 • Li fe in L a Habra • Spring 2011

Public Information: New City Street Signs

New Street Signs to Re duce Ene rgy Use

The City of La Habra received federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funds in the amount of $330,000 to implement a light-emitting diode internally illuminated street name sign (LED IISNS) project. The project consists of the replacement of 176 fluorescent street name signs at 32 signalized City locations and 27 Caltrans locations. The LED IISNS include the City flower

(hibiscus) and the City name. This will be the new City standard sign for use at all signalized intersections in La Habra. Six intersections on La Habra Boulevard between Idaho Street and Harbor Boulevard will include a mission bell logo and “Boulevard of the Bells” text on the LED IISNS to distinguish the street from the remainder of the city. This symbol will be used to identify the historic route of “El Camino Real” that runs through our community. It is anticipated that these signs will reduce energy consumption, as well as provide an added benefit of beautification and unification of street signs throughout La Habra. For more information, please call Angie Miralaie at 562-905-9720.

Advertisers support Life in La Habra. Support local business and Shop La Habra! Interested in advertising in Life in La Habra? Call Kathy Campanelli at 562-697-1704 for rates.

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Public Information: Landscaping Tip

L a Habra’s D ro u g h t To le ra n t P lant o f t h e Qu a r te r

Tabebuia: Trumpet Tree The Tabebuia is known under the common names of Trumpet Tree, Ipê, Poui, pau d'arco or Lapacho. It is a native of the Location: La costanera de Corrientes, Argentina Americas and can Credit: Autoría propia. Author: © 2006 Carla Antonini be found from Tabebuia impetiginosa Argentina to Mexico. It is a large deciduous tree with green palmately compound leaves in leaflets of five. The Tabebuia has an impressive appearance with its brilliantly colored blooms and is often used in public spaces and along boulevards. Its flowers come in various colors. The Tabebuia impetiginosa species has pink and purple flowers; Tabebuia chrysantha has yellow flowers; and Tabebuia roseo-alba comes with white flowers. It generally blooms in the summer from July to September before the leaves fall, but has been known to bloom at different times depending on climate conditions. It grows best in full sun and can grow in coastal and intermediate locations. The tree can grow up to 160 feet tall at maturity, depending on the species. The Tabebuia prefers well drained soil, but is tolerant to all soil types and is highly drought tolerant when established. Tabebuia does not have a problem with roots, and its leaves and fruit are not a litter problem. It is not considered an invasive species and has a high resistance to pests and diseases. The tree does have a thin canopy and would not be considered as a good tree for shade. The Tabebuia needs to be trained to a single trunk in order to have a better shape and should be staked until it is six to eight feet tall, at which time it can grow naturally. For information or guidance on suitable plants and trees, please contact the Public Works Department at 562-905-9792 or explore the resources listed below: 1.

Photo credit goes to Autoría propia, © 2006 Carla Antonini from the Wikipedia website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabebuia


License terms of work: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-sa/2.5/ar/deed.en


Wikipedia, Tabebuia Tree, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabebuia


University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension, Electronic Data Information Service, Publication #ENH-775, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/st617

10 • Life in L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Lifestyle News: Remodeled Animal Shelter

IVHS Animal Sh elter Goes Green

In 2008, the Inland Valley Humane Society (IVHS) became the City of La Habra’s Animal Shelter. Located in Pomona, the IVHS is a full access animal shelter, taking in all animals including strays, homeless and ownerreleased pets, and never turning any of them away. In October 2010, thanks to private donors, the IVHS and S.P.C.A. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) opened its new state-of-the-art facility, the McConell Pet Adoption Center. The 12,345 square foot building features enough space for private and open offices, training facilities, pet store, pet adoption, and pet information spaces. With the new space, the IVHS

and S.P.C.A. is now able to staff two full-time and two part-time veterinarians, as well as one full-time behaviorist, ensuring all animals receive the healthcare and socialization they need before being adopted. In addition, the IVHS and S.P.C.A employs more than 70 dedicated staff and benefits from over 100 volunteers. The remodeled shelter is also LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certified, ensuring third-party verification that the building was designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance in energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. To receive LEED certification, a building must earn a minimum of 40 points (out of 100). However, the IVHS and

S.P.C.A. went above and beyond this minimum requirement and earned over 60 points to seek a LEED Gold rating by including a wide spectrum of green improvements, from recycled carpet to solar panels. The IVHS and S.P.C.A. is located at 500 Humane Way in Pomona. For more information about its services, please visit the Web site, www.ivhsspca.org. or call 909-6239777. If you need help with a lost, stray or injured animal, please contact the La Habra Police Department’s Animal Services Division at 562-905-9771.

Fol low us on Twit ter a t L aHabraC A — ge t n e w s upda tes and eve n t in for m a tion online or on you r mobile device.

PUBLIC MEDIA RELEASE — MARCH 2011 Day Care Home Sponsors & Day Care Centers The City of La Habra Child Development Centers announce sponsorship of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). All children in attendance at sponsored Day Care Centers and Homes will be offered the same meals at no separate charge with no physical segregation of or other discrimination against any child because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. The CACFP is available to all eligible participants. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or 202-720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. For more information, contact: City of La Habra at 562-905-9630, 215 N. Euclid St., La Habra, CA 90631

12 • Life in L a Habra • Spring 2011

City News: Achievements

Celeb ra ting Su cces s The City of La Habra’s mission is to improve the quality of life in our community. Some recent highlights that contributed to this mission are: ✔ Completed the Imperial Highway Smart Street Project to improve traffic flow along this major arterial. ✔ Welcomed Tom Sonoff as the new Chief of Police for the La Habra Police Department. ✔ Obtained a favorable rating of 2 and 3 for the City’s Building Code Effectiveness. This was a significant improvement from the rating of 5 (out of 10) in 2004. ✔ Opened Coyote Creek bikeway on January 12, 2011, connecting La Habra with La Mirada. ✔ Hosted a 4th consecutive championship rally for the CIF winning La Habra Highlanders football team. ✔ Sold $20 million in Utility Authority Water Bonds with an excellent rating of AA3. The bonds will be used to make improvements to the City’s water system and to construct a new pumping station. ✔ Provided food and toys to nearly 700 families through the annual Operation Santa program.

Public Information: City Services Civic Center, 201 E. La Habra Blvd. Business Hours: Monday through Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Select Fridays: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. From March through May 2011, City Hall will be open on the following Fridays: March 11th, April 8th and May 6th. The City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The public is welcome and is provided with an opportunity to address the Council. Council meetings are recorded and aired on Cable Channel 3 at 6:30 p.m. on the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday following each meeting. For further information, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 562-905-9701.


City Numbers to Remember Animal Control ...............562-905-9771

Graffiti Hotline ...............562-905-9723

Child Development .........562-905-9630

La Habra Shuttle .............866-557-7433

Children’s Museum .........562-905-9793


City Clerk’s Office ...........562-905-9701

Meals on Wheels.............562-905-9747

City Hall ..........................562-905-9700

NOC Youth Center...........562-905-7076

CityTalk 24-Hour Line .....562-905-9743

Personnel Services..........562-905-9737

Community Development ..................562-905-9724

Police Department..........562-905-9750

Community Preservation Hotline ............................562-905-9694

Recreation ......................562-905-9708

Community Services .......562-905-9708 Dog Licenses...................562-905-9472 Facility Rentals................562-905-9708 Fire Department .............562-691-4692

Public Works/City Yard ....562-905-9792 Senior/Social Services.....562-905-9708 Senior Lunch Program ....562-905-9748 Volunteers.......................562-905-9708 Water & Sewer Billing ....562-905-9731

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Public Information: Water Conservation

How to Program Yo ur Irrigati on Timer

In Southern California, many single family households have irrigation timers installed which provide automatic scheduling for a household’s sprinkler system. There is a way to program your timer that will provide your plants with the optimum amount of water that they need, but also to save water and reduce runoff. The following tips will help you to program your timer. In general, these suggestions apply to regular spray head and gear driven rotors. For drip irrigation, bubblers, microspray, and rotating nozzles, optimal settings may differ. Please contact the La Habra Public Works Department if you have any questions. Also, please keep in mind La Habra’s water conservation ordinance which requires residents to water no more than 15 minutes per station per day (this excludes low flow or drip systems).

➜ It is healthier for your plants to water right before sunrise so any excess water will dry. Watering in the evening can promote fungal growth.

➜ Program your timer to multiple cycles per station not to ➜

➜ ➜ ➜

exceed 15 minutes maximum. (example: Two 7 minute cycles; Three 5 minute cycles, etc.) As a suggestion, space at least one hour between each cycle. (Example: Cycle one starts at 3:00 a.m., Cycle two starts at 4:00 a.m., Cycle three starts at 5:00 a.m.) A good tip to remember is if you can see water runoff, then stop irrigating and start the next cycle. Test the irrigation system every week. Program the controller at least once a month to allow for seasonal changes in weather. (Example: 3 minutes per station per day in January; 9 minutes per station per day in March; 15 minutes per station per day in July) July is usually the peak water use in landscaping.

If you are interested in other ways to be water use efficient, you can upgrade to a smart timer and rotating nozzles. Smart timers use current and historical weather conditions to automatically program irrigation schedules. Rotating nozzles are sprinkler heads designed to direct water more efficiently to where the water is needed. For more information on these products and available rebates, please contact the Public Works Department at 562-905-9792.

14 • Life in L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Public Information: Recycling

Where to Rec ycle Cell Phones and Prin t Ca r tridges in L a Habra There are multiple sources available to La Habra residents for recycling cell phones and printer cartridges. The following lists show several options for La Habra residents in the local area: Options for cell phone recycling: 1. Cell phones can be recycled at any local office supply store or cell phone store (Office Depot, Staples, Costco, Best Buy, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile) in La Habra. 2. Cell phones can be recycled at Unicorn Metals Recycling in La Habra.

1. Cartridges can be recycled at any local office supply store (Officemax, Staples, Walmart, Costco, etc.) in La Habra.

3. Cell phones can be recycled at the La Habra Community Center lobby.

2. Cartridges can be brought to the La Habra Household Hazardous Waste events.

4. Cell phones can be brought to the La Habra Household Hazardous Waste events.

3. Cartridges can be brought to the County HHW collection centers.

5. Cell phones can be brought to the County HHW collection centers. 6. Numerous other recycle locations for cell phones can be found in the local area and by searching the internet. Options for printer cartridge recycling:

4. Cartridges can be mailed in to the manufacturer (HP, Lexmark, etc.). Often the manufacturers provide prepaid envelopes or boxes to return old cartridges. 5. Numerous other recycle locations for printer cartridges can be found in the local area and by searching the internet.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri n g 2011 • 15

Public Information: Recycling

Use d Oi l Fi l te rs A re Re c yc la b l e

Many people know that used motor oil is recyclable, but did you also know that the oil filters are recyclable as well? Oil filters are made of steel which is a recyclable commodity. In fact, there is enough steel that if we recycled all of the filters sold in the United States annually, we could recover 160,000 tons of steel, enough to build 64 arenas the size of the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Used oil filters also contain 45 percent used oil in weight when removed from the vehicle. La Habra residents can pick up FREE used oil filter containers at the Public Works Yard at 621 W. Lambert Road. For more information please contact Jeff Henderson at 562-905-9792. If you would like to recycle your used oil filters, four of the five certified collection centers in La Habra accept them at no charge.

Recreation Leaders Needed!

Do you enjoy working with children? Are you interested in health & fitness? Do you want to make a positive impact on the community?

If you answered yes, you may want to join the City of La Habra’s Active Day Camp staff. To apply, please pick up an application at the Community Services Department, 101 W. La Habra Blvd. Applications are due on or before April 11, 2011.

Auto Zone 1200 W. Imperial Highway (562) 694-5337 (Does not accept Filters) ••• Firestone 1071 S. Beach Blvd (562) 691-1731 ••• Kragen Auto 1621 W. Whittier Blvd. (562) 905-2538 ••• Pep Boys 125 W. Imperial Highway (714) 447-0601 ••• Valvoline Instant Oil Change 461 E. Imperial Highway (714) 578-0893

16 • Life in L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Chamber of Commerce

The Re d Ca r t Pro g ra m: A Positive So lu ti o n to an Ol d Pro bl e m The La Habra Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of La Habra have partnered in an effort to reduce the blight of abandoned shopping carts in our community. The removal of shopping carts without permission is illegal in the State of California, and abandoned shopping carts are costly for the City to retrieve and for stores to replace. Moreover, abandoned shopping carts detract from the image of the City and make neighborhoods look run-down. The Red Cart Program provides shoppers with their own utility carts to encourage them to not remove shopping carts from stores. The City provided the Chamber of Commerce with $3,000 to develop a program to reduce abandoned carts that would also be acceptable to merchants.

La Habra Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

continued >>>>

Aquatic Staff Needed! The City of La Habra Community Services Department is seeking lifeguards and a pool manager for its Summer Aquatics Program Lifeguard duties will include teaching swim lessons, evaluating participant skills, and guarding during lessons and recreation swim. Senior Lifeguard will also supervise aquatic staff, schedule lessons and staff hours.

To apply, please pick up an application at the Community Services Department, 101 W. La Habra Blvd. LGT, WSI, CPR, FA required. For more information on training and certification, please visit www.oc-redcross.org and look under Health & Safety Services.

Applications are due on or before April 11, 2011.

Thursday, May 5th

at the La Habra Community Center 101 W. La Habra Blvd. Breakfast: 6:15 a.m. Program: 7:00 a.m.

Speaker: John Werhas

USC Hall of Fame & All American Athlete Played baseball for LA Dodgers, Anaheim Angels, San Diego Padres

Theme “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” Tickets are $15 per person To purchase tickets, please call Brian Burgess at 562-697-7000.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 17

Chamber of Commerce According to research conducted by Mark Sturdevant, President of the Chamber, shopping carts are actually taken by a small number of people who frequent stores two to three times per week. It was believed that, if Th e Re d Car t these individuals had Program provi des a convenient alternative, they s hoppers wit h would be less likely their ow n uti li t y to remove the stores’ carts. The funding car t s to encourage was used by the them to not Chamber to purchase 160 red utility carts, rem ove sh oppin g which were car t s from s tores. assembled and delivered by the City of La Habra Public Works Department. Thus far, approximately 70 carts have been distributed to shoppers with no vehicle or other alternative to get their

groceries home. About one quarter of these were distributed at the Gary Center’s Food Distribution Program, but most of them have been handed out randomly by Mark Sturdevant himself. “I keep five to six carts in my car at all times, and when I see someone that seems to need one, I stop them on the street,” said Mr. Sturdevant. He further indicated that cart recipients have been thrilled to receive a cart. “It’s our goal to flood La Habra with utility carts so that there is no excuse for removing a store’s cart,” explained Mr. Sturdevant. Recently, Northgate Market has pledged $1,000 to be used to purchase additional carts, and the Chamber of Commerce is hoping that other retailers and markets join in the program. The Red Cart Program has just gotten off the ground, and the City and Chamber will be evaluating it in the future to determine what impact it has had on the number of abandoned shopping carts in La Habra. For more information on the program or to inquire about carts, please contact the Chamber of Commerce at 562-697-1704.

18 • Life i n L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Chamber of Commerce

Shop La Habra, Win Prizes!

This past holiday season, the La Habra Area Chamber of Commerce initiated a popular giveaway program to encourage people to shop locally. Called “Shop La Habra & Win,” consumers brought their receipts to the Chamber office in exchange for raffle tickets. Prizes were donated by local businesses (see list below), including the Grand Prize of an Apple iPad. In all, residents brought in receipts from La Habra businesses totaling $284,575.26. Mark Sturdevant, President of the Chamber of Commerce, commented, “The reaction has been huge! People were excited about the program and are starting to think about making purchases locally.” The program has succeeding in raising awareness about local businesses, the Chamber of Commerce, and the impact that sales tax revenue has on City services. The Chamber is planning on continuing the program at other times during the year. For more information on the program, please call the Chamber at 562-697-1704. Contributors to the campaign: La Habra Journal • Pacific Community Credit Union • Banco Popular • Casa Adelita Restaurant • Portofino Italian Restaurant • Primarily Hair Salon • La Habra Modern Dentistry • City of La Habra • Kiwanis Club • Perpetual Vogue • Sam’s Club • Costco • Pre-paid Legal Services, Inc. • La Habra Chamber of Commerce

Try Our New Chamber Members 562-697-1704 • www.lahabrachamber.com

State Farm – Amy Loh 200 Corporate Pointe, Suite 200 Culver City, CA 90230 310-568-2912 H & R Block 1411 W. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 562-945-8945 Orange County Business Service Center 6281 Beach Blvd., Suite 301 Buena Park, CA 90621 714-670-0100 G Burger 421 E. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 562-245-7208

Paul Rigney Insurance Agency – Farmers Insurance 13601 E. Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90605 562-943-0094 Friends of Family Health Care 501 S. Idaho St., Suite 100 La Habra, CA 90631 562-690-0400 Five Star Fire Protection, Inc. 740 E. Lambert Rd., Suite A La Habra, CA 90631 562-690-6500 Southern California Eye Center 121 W. Whittier Blvd., Suite #100 La Habra, CA 90631 562-691-2500

Moros Cuban Restaurant 380 N. Harbor Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 562-694-4169 Magnolia Country Store 310 E. Whittier Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 562-694-5901 La Habra Modern Dentistry 1701 W. Imperial Hwy., Suite B La Habra, CA 90631 562-690-5729 Massage Envy Spa 1216 S. Idaho St. La Habra, CA 90631 714-515-7555

Re gis t ra ti o n I nfo r m a ti o n

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 19





WALK-IN: La Habra Community Center 101 W. La Habra Blvd. La Habra, CA 90631 Monday through Friday In Person: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mail Box Drop in Lobby (NO CASH): 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

MAIL-IN: Make checks payable to: City of La Habra

PHONE-IN or FAX-IN: Accepted only if charging to your credit or debit card.

Mail check to: La Habra Community Services P.O. Box 337 La Habra, CA 90633

VISA or MASTERCARD $1.75 handling charge Telephone: 562-905-9708 Fax: 562-905-9711

Re gis tration wi ll not be taken in class.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. $4 service charge per activity on all requested refunds.

Make checks payable to City of La Habra. The Department has the right to cancel classes/trips. Classes will be cancelled if under minimum enrollment. A $10 fee will be charged for returned checks. Registration will not be taken in class. Program information is subject to change. Participant’s photographs may be used in publicity.

2. No refunds after the 1st class meeting. Refunds must be requested prior to the third class meeting. 3. If class or trip is cancelled by the Department, an automatic refund will be processed and mailed to you. (No service charge.)

La Habra Community Ser vices Department, 101 W. La Habra Blvd., L.H. 90631 • Monday-Friday • 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.















Total $ CASH CARD#:

CHECK (Make check(s) or money orders payable to: CITY OF LA HABRA) -


CREDIT CARD (We accept MC & VISA — NO Discover or AMEX ) -

Card Expires: ___________/_____________

WAIVER OF LIABILITY “I agree to waive and release the Community Services Department and the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, costs, liabilities, expenses or judgements, including attorney’s fees and court costs arising from my (or my child’s) participation in the City’s recreation program of any illness/injury resulting therefrom and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against any and all such claims, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, except for illness and injury resulting directly from, gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the City or its employees. I understand and agree that by signing this waiver I am freeing the City, its employees, officers or agents from any liability resulting from my (or my child’s) participation in this sponsored event or activity. I recognize that the event can be dangerous to me (or my child) and accept those dangers. I understand that if I am (or my child is) injured this waiver will be used against me and anyone else claiming damage because of my (or my child’s) injury in any legal action. I also understand that no employee or agent is authorized to modify this waiver. I hereby represent that I understand and am familiar with the nature of the activities in which I (or my child) will participate in this recreation program that I (or my child) am in good physical health and that I (or my child) do not have physical or emotional conditions, past or present, of which I am aware, which would in any way affect my (or my child’s) ability to participate in this activity. I have personally read and understand this waiver.” In case of emergency, I give my permission for emergency medical treatment for myself or the minor and agree to pay any cost incurred as a result of such treatment. I also give my permission for any photographs taken of myself or any member of my family to be used for advertising purposes for the Community Services Department. I understand that on excursions, if I (or my child) fail to report to the bus at the specified time of departure, the City is NOT responsible for providing alternate transportation to or from the site. This form shall be considered valid until canceled or changed in writing by the undersigned parent/guardian/participant and received by the City. My signature acknowledges that I understand and agree to the above conditions. Refunds for trips only if the ticket can be resold. No class refunds after the first class meeting. Refunds must be requested prior to the third class meeting. A $4 SERVICE CHARGE WILL BE HELD FROM ALL APPROVED REFUNDS.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (If Minor, Parent or Legal Guardian Signature)

_____________/_____________/____________ Date

20 • Li fe in L a Habra • Spring 2011

Class Lo ca ti o n Ke y


CORONA DANCE STUDIO, 240 W. Whittier Blvd. (at Walnut), 562-697-5757


CLUBHOUSE, 200 W. Greenwood Ave.


CLUBHOUSE KITCHEN, 200 W. Greenwood Ave.


EL CENTRO-LIONS PARK, 320 Erna St. (at Cypress)


FRAZIER MARTIAL ARTS, 759 E. Whittier Blvd., 562-690-2146


LA HABRA 300 BOWL, 370 E. Whittier Blvd. (at Cypress), 562-691-6721



PARNELL PARK, 15390 Lambert Rd. (at Scott), 562-464-3350


WHITTIER COMMUNITY CENTER, 7630 Washington Ave., 562-464-3430


Color-coded activity page sections:

CITY OF FULLERTON LOCATION PATRICK’S MUSIC SCHOOL, 649 W. Commonwealth Ave. (at Woods), 714-871-1961


LHMC LA HABRA MUSIC CENTER, 1885 W. La Habra Blvd. (at Beach), 562-694-4891

LA MIRADA GOLF COURSE, 15501 E. Alicante Rd., 562-943-7123



Children =


PIZZA CLUB, 1279 E. La Habra Blvd., 562-694-5888

Adults =


SCOUT HUT, 1100 W. Lambert Rd. (at Idaho)

Seniors =

USADS USA DANCE STUDIO, 401 W. Whittier Blvd., 562-690-9584 VMH



YORBA LINDA COMMUNITY CENTER, 4501 Casa Loma Ave. (Corner of Imperial Hwy. & Casa Loma), 714-961-7160


The Children’s Museum at La Habra

Hip Hop Hooray!

Museum Info:

301 S. Euclid Street La Habra, CA 90631 562-905-9793

Museum Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday 1-5pm Closed Mondays & Major Holidays Museum Admission: $7 Per Person, Children under 2 are free $6 La Habra Residents $5 Group Rate (15 or more children)


FRIDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. Explore movement as you hip hop, skip, move and put your body in motion! The goal of these classes is to spark the child’s imagination and nurture individual creativity in a very expressive and unique way! FREE with Museum admission.

Mommy, Music & Me! 2ND & 4TH THURSDAYS AT 10:30 A.M. Join Ms. Stacy for a musical morning of singing, movement and plenty of mind and body exercises for your little ones! Adult participation required. FREE with Museum admission.

Target FREE Saturdays:


Orange County’s original Children’s Museum!

Activities for Kids Da nce

US A Dance Studi o Cl a sses No classes at USA Dance Studio Monday, April 18th through Saturday, April 23rd. MOMMY & ME BALLET Bonding exercises for mommy and child will help your toddler’s development and boost intelligence and coordination. Learn creative character movements to popular children’s music, as well as beginning ballet basics. One adult participant per child. If mom can’t come, why not include dad or another family member? Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 18-35 mos. Fee: $48/8 weeks Location: USADS #2013.200..............MON 3/28-5/23 .....................5:30-6:00 p.m.

TINY TOTS BALLET/TAP COMBO Here is the perfect class to introduce your little one to the joys of dance! Participants will spend 15 minutes on ballet and 15 minutes on tap and will learn some basic steps, develop large motor coordination, make new friends and wear their pretty dance clothes. Ballet and tap shoes are required.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 21


Come learn the beautiful and colorful dances of Mexico! Keep your traditions alive through lively and enjoyable dances representing the many different regions of this amazing country. Instructor: USA Dance Studio Fee: 30 min. classes are $48/8 weeks 45 min. classes are $60/8 weeks 60 min. classes are $76/8 weeks Age: 3-4 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2007.200..............MON 3/28-5/23 .....................5:00-5:30 p.m. #2007.201..............FRI 4/1-5/27 ..........................5:00-5:30 p.m. Age: 5-7 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2007.202..............FRI 4/1-5/27 .........................5:30-6:15 p.m. Age: 8-12 yrs (Beg) Location: USADS #2009.200..............FRI 4/1-5/27 .........................6:15-7:15 p.m.

HIP HOP FOR BOYZ! This high-energy dance class combines fun and creative dance moves and routines. Learn basic and new hip hop steps. Dance to the coolest and most recent hip hop tunes while you make new friends. White-soled tennis shoes required.

Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 2-3 yrs Fee: $48/8 weeks Location: USADS #2017.200..............MON 3/28-5/23 .....................4:00-4:30 p.m. #2017.201..............SAT 4/2-5/28 .......................9:30-10:00 a.m.

Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 3-4 yrs Fee: $48/8 weeks Location: USADS #2006.200..............FRI 4/1-5/27 ..........................5:30-6:00 p.m. Age: 5-7 yrs Fee: $60/8 weeks Location: USADS #2004.201..............SAT 4/2-5/28 .............11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $76/8 weeks Location: USADS #2015.200..............SAT 4/2-5/28 .......................12:30-1:30 p.m.



This is a beginning ballet class for the younger elementary school-aged child. Come join us and experience the graceful movements of ballet. Participants will improve their flexibility and posture, as well as learning poise. Ballet shoes are required.

This high-energy class combines fun and creative dance moves and routines. Learn basic and new hip hop steps. Dance to the coolest and most recent hip hop tunes while you make new friends. Wear loose-fitting clothing and tennis shoes.

Instructor: USA Dance Studio Age: 5-7 yrs Fee: $60/8 weeks Location: USADS #2020.200..............MON 3/28-5/23 .....................4:00-4:45 p.m. #2020.201..............FRI 4/1-5/27 ..........................5:30-6:15 p.m. Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $76/8 weeks Location: USADS #2020.202..............MON 3/28-5/23 .....................6:00-7:00 p.m.

Instructor: USA Dance Studio Fee: 30 min. classes are $48/8 weeks 45 min. classes are $60/8 weeks 60 min. classes are $76/8 weeks Age: 3-4 yrs Location: USADS #2003.200..............WED 3/30-5/25......................6:00-6:30 p.m. #2003.201..............THUR 3/31-5/26.....................4:30-5:00 p.m. #2003.202..............SAT 4/2-5/28 .......................9:30-10:00 a.m. Age: 5-7 yrs Location: USADS #2002.200..............WED 3/30-5/25 .....................4:45-5:30 p.m. #2002.201..............THUR 3/31-5/26 ....................4:45-5:30 p.m. #2002.202..............SAT 4/2-5/28 ....................10:00-10:45 a.m. Age: 8-12 yrs Location: USADS #2000.200..............WED 3/30-5/25 .....................7:30-8:30 p.m. #2000.201..............FRI 4/1-5/27 ..........................6:15-7:15 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Dancers must enroll in Spring and Summer sessions in order to participate in the studio’s annual recital on August 20th.

22 • Life in L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Activities for Kids, continued

La Habra Police Department Radio Patrol

Da nce

Ora nge Count y Da nce Produc tions FREE TRIAL CLASS! ★NEW★ Your three-to-five year old child is invited to participate in a FREE dance class by Orange County Dance Productions on Saturday, April 2nd. You may try Princess Ballet OR Happy Feet Ballet & Tap Combo I. Happy Feet Ballet & Tap Combo I will meet 10:00-10:45 a.m., and Princess Ballet will meet 10:45-11:30 a.m. Descriptions of the classes and their spring session dates are below. You must reserve your space for this free class by calling (562) 905-9708.

PRINCESS BALLET If you want to volunteer your time and service to the community, the La Habra Police Department’s Radio Patrol program may be perfect for you! Radio Patrol consists of men and women who serve as uniformed volunteers helping to make the community a safer place to live. Some of the duties include assisting with traffic control, helping out during unforeseen events such as power outages, and reporting suspicious activities witnessed when out on patrol.


18 years of age and older Valid California driver’s license

Complete Application Background Check

For more information, contact Rex Spraggins, Volunteer Services Coordinator, at 562-905-9680.

Designed as a first-time dance experience, this imaginative class includes basic ballet movements, terminology, musicality and creative movement, with princess tutus and props, plus a lot of imagery and fun! Students will learn individual steps, across-the-floor movements and basic dance combinations. A short combination will be performed on the last day of class for parents and friends. There is a $10 craft fee for princess crafts payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. For more information, please visit www.ocdanceproductions.com. No class on Saturday, April 23rd & May 28th. Instructor: Orange County Dance Productions Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $79/8 weeks Location: VMH #2001.200 ........................SAT 4/9-6/11 ...................................10:45-11:30 a.m.

HAPPY FEET BALLET & TAP COMBO I This class introduces creative ballet and tap techniques to young dancers. Participants will learn coordination, listening skills, individual steps, basic combinations, and musicality to fun children’s classic songs, in an encouraging, supportive environment. There will be a performance for parents and friends on the last day of class. For more information, please visit www.ocdanceproductions.com.No class on Saturday, April 23rd & May 28th. Instructor: Orange County Dance Productions Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $79/8 weeks Location: VMH #2005.200 ........................SAT 4/9-6/11 ..................................10:00-10:45 a.m.


Maximize Your Child Care Income… Enroll in Our Child Care Food Program Today!

Let us help you provide nutritious meals and snacks and incorporate nutrition education activities in your child care program. Program benefits are: Serving Orange County prompt reimbursement, monthly nutrition for over 21 years information & in-home training/workshops. For more information & to schedule an in-home (Program for licensed family visit, call us at 562-905-9639. We look forward to child care providers only.) hearing from you! MARCH 2011

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 23

Activities for Kids, continued

Fi tn ess

BULLY BUSTER WORKSHOP Research shows that more than 160,000 students don’t want to go to school becase of the fear of being bullied. We want to help tackle the problem and would like to offer you a Bully Buster Workshop! We will teach your child to DEFEAT the Bully WITHOUT fighting! Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 5-7 yrs Fee: $15/1 mtg Location: FMA #1006.200..............THUR 5/19 .............................4:45-5:15 p.m. Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $15/1 mtg Location: FMA #1006.201..............TUE 5/24................................5:00-5:45 p.m.

KARATE KIDDIES: PARENT & ME KARATE CLASS Karate Kiddies is a parent and me karate program, with a focus on motor skill development, social interaction and parentchild bonding. Your child will be able to explore and learn the basics of life skills: focus, patience, kindness, respect! Motor skills development activities will include balancing, climbing, running, blocks, punches, kicks! Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 20-36 mths Fee: $45/5 weeks Location: FMA #1003.200..............TUE 4/5-5/3 ...........................6:00-6:40 p.m. #1003.201..............TUE 5/10-6/7 .........................6:00-6:40 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708. Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

KARATE FOR KIDZ Take this opportunity to empower your child. Our karate program teaches kids more than just punching and kicking! We offer age appropriate classes for better learning, character building and training with rewards, school and street safety programs to protect your child, as well as confidence building so that children have the ability to say “no” to negative peer pressure. This is a basic and introductory class. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 5-7 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1004.200..............WED 4/6-5/4..........................4:00-4:30 p.m. #1004.201..............FRI 5/13-6/10 ........................5:30-6:00 p.m. #1004.202..............SAT 4/9-5/7 .........................9:30-10:00 a.m. #1004.203..............SAT 5/14-6/11 .....................9:30-10:00 a.m. Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1004.204..............WED 4/6-5/4 .........................4:30-5:15 p.m. #1004.205..............THUR 5/13-6/10 ....................4:00-4:45 p.m. #1004.206..............SAT 4/9-5/7 ...............11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #1004.207..............SAT 5/14-6/11 ...........11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

KARATE FOR PRE-SCHOOLERS Our specialized Karate for Pre-Schoolers program is an age specific program that is professionally designed to teach children important life skills in a fun, exciting and enriching manner. Karate for Pre-Schoolers skills include focus, teamwork, control, balance, memory, discipline, fitness and coordination. Your child will achieve more than just learning to kick and punch. Our Karate for Pre-Schoolers instructors are trained specifically to work with young children. Instructor: Amanda Molina Age: 3-4 yrs Fee: $40/5 weeks Location: FMA #1018.200..............MON 4/4-5/2 .........................6:00-6:30 p.m. #1018.201..............MON 5/9-6/6 .........................6:00-6:30 p.m. #1018.202..............SAT 4/9-5/7 .......................10:30-11:00 a.m. #1018.203..............SAT 5/14-6/11 ...................10:30-11:00 a.m.

24 • Life i n L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Activities for Kids, continued

Fi tn ess


years old and teaches discipline and respect. Learn the best of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing and wrestling takedowns in a safe and fun atmosphere. NO heavy contact is permitted. Students MUST wear board shorts, t-shirt and open-fingered gloves. Gloves will be available for purchase at the first class meeting. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $45/5 weeks Location: FMA #1005.200..............WED 4/6-5/4..........................6:00-6:40 p.m. #1005.201..............WED 5/11-6/8........................6:00-6:40 p.m.

KIDS BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU ★NEW★ This Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu program is designed for kids

eight to 12 years old and teaches discipline and respect. Learn this awesome art/sport that will help participants get in shape, beat peer pressure and learn self-defense, all in a safe, fun atmosphere. Students are encouraged to purchase a gi (uniform) at the first class meeting. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 8-12 yrs Fee: $45/5 weeks Location: FMA #1010.200..............WED 4/6-5/4..........................6:00-6:40 p.m. #1010.201..............WED 5/11-6/8........................6:00-6:40 p.m.

MINI SPORTS FOR TINY TOTS Let’s play ball! Here is a sports class especially designed for kids aged three to five. This program will cover the basics of soccer, Tee-ball, basketball, track and field, and other recreational games, along with sportsmanship, providing a great introduction to sports and building participants’ social skills. The last meeting will include a BBQ, so the whole family can enjoy the final “BIG game.” Cost is $40 per child/$35 for additional children in the same household (must register at the same time). Sign up today; space is limited! Rain-outs will be held indoors or rescheduled. Instructor: La Habra Recreation Staff Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $40/8 weeks Location: ECLP #1009.200..............TUE 4/5-5/24 .........................4:00-5:00 p.m. Enjoy Our Spring Classes! The City reserves the right to substitute instructors, cancel activities, change dates, times and/or locations as necessary without public notice. We apologize for any resulting inconvenience.

JUNIOR GOLF La Mirada Golf offers classes designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. Covers basic fundamentals, strategies and skills necessary to succeed. Range balls, clubs and equipment included. Ten students per instructor. Instructors: PGA Pro John Mahoney, Jr. & Staff Age: 5-17 yrs (Beg) Fee: $47/4 weeks Location: LMGC #1001.200 ................FRI 4/1-4/22........................6:00-7:00 p.m. #1001.202 ................FRI 4/29-5/20......................6:00-7:00 p.m. #1001.204 ................FRI 5/27-6/17......................6:00-7:00 p.m. #1001.201 ................SAT 4/2-4/23...................10:00-11:00 a.m. #1001.203 ................SAT 4/30-5/21.................10:00-11:00 a.m. #1001.205 ................SAT 5/28-6/18.................10:00-11:00 a.m. Age: 5-17 yrs (Int) Fee: $47/4 weeks Location: LMGC #1002.200 ................FRI 4/1-4/22........................7:00-8:00 p.m. #1002.202 ................FRI 4/29-5/20......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #1002.204 ................FRI 5/27-6/17......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #1002.201 ................SAT 4/2-4/23...........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #1002.203 ................SAT 4/30-5/21.........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #1002.205 ................SAT 5/28-6/18.........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.


HAVING FUN WITH THE GUITAR Learn the skills necessary to play music and have fun while learning. Class emphasizes chord strumming, reading notes and tablature and playing different styles of music. Students must provide their own instruments (acoustic or electric). Students must also provide picks, guitar tuner and book, “Hal Leonard’s Classic Guitar Method,” which may be purchased at La Habra Music Center. A metronome is also suggested. Instructor: La Habra Music Center Age: 7-17 yrs Fee: $52/4 weeks Location: LHMC #4003.200..............THUR 3/31-4/21.....................6:00-6:45 p.m. #4003.201..............THUR 4/28-5/19.....................6:00-6:45 p.m. #4003.202..............THUR 5/26-6/16.....................6:00-6:45 p.m.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 25

Activities for Kids, continued

Ar t


MASTERPIECES WITH PENCILS & PASTELS In this fun course, students will learn basic drawing techniques using a variety of fun media, including oil pastels, crayons and colored pencils. Basic design, figurative drawing and landscape will be covered. Students will complete one “masterpiece” per class. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 6-12 yrs Fee: $47/5 weeks Location: LHCC #4006.200..............FRI 4/1-4/29 ..........................4:00-5:00 p.m.

FUN ACRYLIC PAINTING Each week, students will learn one technical concept and produce one finished painting per session. Art instruction will include: portraits, landscapes, color theory and color mixing. Please wear an old T-shirt or apron because paints will stain clothing. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. No class on Friday, June 3rd. Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 6-12 yrs Fee: $47/5 weeks Location: LHCC #4000.200..............FRI 5/6-6/10 ..........................4:00-5:00 p.m.

This is a beginning course to introduce and develop drawing skills through demonstrations and examples of master drawings from children’s book illustrations, animation and technical drawing. Course will cover contour, line, structure, perspective, light/shadow, color and modeling form. No class on Monday, May 30th. Instructor: Carlos Moreno Age: 7-14 yrs Fee: $37/5 weeks Location: LHCC #4005.200..............MON 3/28-4/25 .....................5:00-6:00 p.m. #4005.201..............MON 5/2-6/6 .........................5:00-6:00 p.m.

Perso nal Enric hment PLAYING WITH MUSIC & RHYTHM ★NEW★ Miss Carol is back! Join her and enter the wonderful

world of music and rhythm. This session will be all about bugs. Each week, students will learn about a different insect and will make a new hat, as well as having their mind and imagination stimulated through a variety of musical activities. A BIG party will be held on the last day of the second session of class, with bug costumes provided by the instructor. Bring your cameras! Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 2-4 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4010.200..............TUE 3/29-4/19 .....................9:30-10:30 a.m. #4010.201..............TUE 4/26-5/17 .....................9:30-10:30 a.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

La Habra City School District Announces

Kindergarten Registration For the 2011-2012 School Year

Kindergarten Registration Packets are NOW AVAILABLE for pick-up at the four primary schools until June 30, 2011. If you are not sure which school your child will attend, please call the District Attendance Secretary, Susana Gallego, at 562-690-2319. Completed packets can be returned beginning March 14, 2011 through June 30th. Receive a free book if you turn in your packet on March 14th! You may pick up your packet at the District Office at 500 N. Walnut St. after June 30th. Arbolita 1001 E. Brookdale 562-690-2352

El Cerrito 1051 N. Hillside 562-690-2340

Ladera Palma 2151 E. Brookdale 562-690-2348

Las Lomas 301 Las Lomas 562-690-2353

26 • Life i n L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Activities for Kids, continued


★NEW★ Miss Carol is back! Home schooling or preparing your child for kindergarten? Help your child master the alphabet the fun way! Learn upper and lower case letters and their sounds. Meet new friends and learn social skills while your child enjoys arts and crafts, games, puppets and more. A party will be held the last day of the second session of class to celebrate the children’s achievements. Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4011.200..............TUE 3/29-4/19 ...........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #4011.201..............TUE 4/26-5/17 ...........11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

La Habra Residents TINY TOTS GROUP Thursdays: 3:30-4:30 p.m. $65/4 weeks Se Habla Español

ADULT WORK OUTS/ CARDIO Wednesdays: 7:00-8:30 p.m.

PRE-SCHOOL PHONICS & READING ★NEW★ Is your child home schooled or preparing to enter kindergarten? If so, your child will have fun while learning to sound and spell easy words and read easy sentences. Come join Mr. Long Vowel and Mrs. Short Vowel with songs and games. Children will also work on word phonics and take home a new booklet each week. This class is designed to challenge, not to frustrate. A party will be held during the last day of the second session of class to celebrate the children’s achievements. Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 3.5-5 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4012.200..............TUE 3/29-4/19 .....................12:30-1:30 p.m. #4012.201..............TUE 4/26-5/17 .....................12:30-1:30 p.m. Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

$1 Le Te ss nn on is s

f Pl La or a ea H ges se abr 10 ca a R y e ll: es ars 71 iden & 4- ts old 86 on er 5 ly

-5 19 0

La Habra Tennis Center

MEN’S ROUND ROBIN TENNIS Tuesdays, Level 2.5 & above: $12 per night Wednesdays, Level 4.5 & above: $8 per night Bar-B-Q Every Third Wednesday

351 S. Euclid Street

562-690-5040 No black-soled shoes allowed on the courts. Thank you.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 27

Activities for Kids, continued ALL ABOUT NUMBERS, COLORS & SHAPES ★NEW★ Children will discover numbers including simple

addition, subtraction and mathematical shapes. Class includes musical activities, games and paper work. A party will be held on the last day of the second session of class to celebrate the children’s achievements. Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 3-5 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4019.200..............TUE 3/29-4/19 .......................2:00-3:00 p.m. #4019.201..............TUE 4/26-5/17 .......................2:00-3:00 p.m.

INFANT, PRESCHOOL & SCHOOL-AGE PROGRAMS Services provided for children 6 weeks to 12 years of age 6:15 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

562-905-9630 Must meet income qualifications.

MEMORY & READING COMPREHENSION ★NEW★ This class will be fun, with lots of memory games to

stimulate your child’s brain. Story and question time knowledge will be gained by learning comprehension skills to remember and understand what they hear and read. Paper work and some musical activities will be included. A party will be held during the last day of the second session of class to celebrate the children’s achievements. Parent participation is required. A $5 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: Carol Arvizo Age: 4-6 yrs Fee: $45/4 weeks Location: CH #4027.200..............TUE 3/29-4/19 ......................3:30-4:30 p.m. #4027.201..............TUE 4/26-5/17 ......................3:30-4:30 p.m.


Subsidized Child Care in Family Child Care Homes for infants 6 weeks & up. Center-based care for preschoolers (3 to 5 years of age).


Before and after school program/full-day. Breakfast and p.m. snack served (lunch preschool only). Transportation to and from La Habra City School District on school buses. Please call for more information on the waiting list and to receive an eligibility questionnaire. Fees based on income.

HEAD START 562-694-3455

Federally funded social/educational enrichment program for 4-year-olds for 31/2 hours a day.

STATE PRESCHOOL 562-905-9612

State funded Pre-K programs for 31/2- and 4-yearolds. Part day and full day services.


Location: Marketplace Shopping Center 1801 W. Imperial Hwy. 6:00 a.m. — Registration Opens 7:20 a.m. — 50 Yard Diaper Dash (ages 3-5) 7:25 a.m. — 1K Kiddy Run (ages 6-9) 7:35 a.m. — 5K/10K Run/Walk

La Habra

5K/10K Run/Walk 1K Kiddy Run 50 Yard Diaper Dash Saturday, March 26, 2011

Course: Semi-challenging course through the heart of La Habra

Entry Fees: • 5K/10K — $28 thru March 19th, $34 after March 19th or on race day • 50 Yard Diaper Dash & 1K Kiddy Run — $16 thru March 19th, $21 after March 19th or on race day

How to Register: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the La Habra Community Center, 101 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra 90631 OR online at www.runnersimage.com

Race Features: • •

Runner goody bags Medals to the top five 5K/10K runners in each age group division • Family Health Fair • Proceeds benefit the Children’s Museum at La Habra, the La Habra Concerts in the Park Series, La Habra High School Cheerleaders and local participating schools

For registration information, call: Melissa Flores at 562-905-9708 or e-mail: melissaf@lahabracity.com

Activities for Adults Dance

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 29

required. For more information, please call Jim and Jo Shipman at 562-696-1332 or Ruth Rosencrans at 714-521-2924.

LINE DANCE Grab your boots and come on over! Get your heart a pumpin’ with some of the most fun exercise around. No partner needed. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Lisa will teach you the basic steps and some fun, easy dances. You’ll be kickin’ up your heels in no time at all. Beginning instruction is from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. Beginners MUST sign up for FIRST session of each quarter. No beginners will be accepted in second session of the quarter. For the experienced line dancer, intermediate dance instruction follows from 7:45 to 9:15 p.m. Your old favorites and some new dances will be included. Step sheets will be available. For more information, visit www.lisalinedance.com. No class on Monday, May 30th. Instructor: Lisa Homan-Hernandez Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $29/5 weeks Location: CH #2505.200..............MON 3/28-4/25 .....................7:00-9:15 p.m. #2505.201..............MON 5/2-6/6 .........................7:00-9:15 p.m.

Instructor: Major Keys Fee: $22/5 weeks Location: CH Age: 8+ yrs #2520.200..............THUR 3/24-4/21.....................7:15-9:30 p.m. #2520.201..............THUR 4/28-5/26.....................7:15-9:30 p.m. #2520.202..............THUR 6/2-6/30.......................7:15-9:30 p.m.

BELLY DANCING Belly dancing, with its mystical movements, will inspire your spirit to breathe, expand and stretch. Come and celebrate the goddess within! With sharp hip accents, shimmies, undulations and veil work, you’ll get an intense workout that feels wonderful. Instructor: Yeril Barlup Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $37/8 weeks Location: LHCC #2502.200 (Int) ......WED 4/13-6/1........................7:00-8:00 p.m. #2503.200 (Beg) ....WED 4/13-6/1 .......................8:00-9:00 p.m. #2502.201 (Int) ......SAT 4/16-6/4 .....................10:00-11:00 a.m. #2503.201(Beg) .....SAT 4/16-6/4 .............11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Fitness for Fun

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED LINE DANCE EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. If you are looking for a challenge and have line dance experience, then this is the class for you. No partner is necessary, and it’s great exercise and lots of fun! Lisa Homan will be teaching the latest dances written by USA and international choreographers, and she will revive some of the best dances from the recent past. This is an opportunity to further improve your skills and knowledge of line dance. This class is NOT for beginners. For more information, visit www.lisalinedance.com. Instructor: Lisa Homan-Hernandez Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $29/5 weeks Location: VMH #2509.200..............THUR 3/31-4/28.....................7:00-9:30 p.m. #2509.201..............THUR 5/5-6/2........................ 7:00-9:30 p.m.

SQUARE DANCE This square dance class is perfect for anyone with some previous square dance experience. We will teach the calls and moves necessary to be able to dance at the plus level of square dance. It’s also great as a refresher if you have been away from square dancing for a period of time. Singles and couples welcome; a partner is not

L.A. FIT BOOT CAMP ★NEW★ Challenge yourself to be the biggest loser this session

while you work out using kickboxing, calisthenics, yoga, dance moves and more! LA FIT Boot Camp will educate you on how to live a healthy lifestyle (NOT DIET), while still enjoying your favorite foods. Following this strict regimen will reap benefits that include weight and body fat loss, well-toned muscles, endurance and stamina, and self-confidence. Towel, water, tennis shoes and comfortable workout clothes needed. Please bring your own weights. Louie Angon is a professional personal fitness trainer, choreographer and performer, with 20 years of experience. No class on Wednesday, May 11th & Saturday, May 14th. Instructor: Louie Angon Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $37/5 weeks Location: WCC #3002.200..............WED 4/6-5/4..........................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3002.201..............WED 5/18-6/15......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3002.202..............SAT 4/9-5/7 .......................10:00-11:00 a.m. #3002.203..............SAT 5/21-6/18 ...................10:00-11:00 a.m.

Come Visit the

Friends of the La Habra Library USED BOOK STORE

10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday & Saturday Closed Sunday

Located in the

ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY La Habra Branch 221 E. La Habra Blvd.

30 • Life in L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Activities for Adults, continued

Fi tn ess for Fun


SALSARCISE ★NEW★ Lose weight and get toned through a cardiovascular

workout while dancing to the beat of salsa, merengue, bachata, cha cha cha and more. Class begins with a full body warm-up. Calisthenics is a major part of the program. Workouts can be adjusted for students with low-impact needs. We will discus the dos and don’ts of exercise and meal intake. First part of the class includes a blend of Latin dances, boxing and more. The second half will include work with small, light weights. Please bring light handweights, towel, water bottle, tennis shoes and comfortable workout clothes. Louie Angon is a professional personal fitness trainer, choreographer, performer and instructor with 20 years of experience. No class on Tuesday, May 10th and Thursday, May 12th. Instructor: Louie Angon Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $37/5 weeks Location: WCC #3004.200..............TUE 4/5-5/3 ...........................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3004.201..............TUE 5/17-6/14 .......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3004.202..............THUR 4/7-5/5.........................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3004.203..............THUR 5/19-6/16.....................7:00-8:00 p.m.

This yoga class uses weight-bearing moves that increase bone density, a key issue for older adults. It also incorporates meditation practice, which can improve brain elasticity and can help to enhance health and well-being. Help yourself to manage stress, chronic diseases, and stay in good health. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket or towel and a bandana to class. No class on Saturday, June 4th. Instructor: Sultan Haque Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $74/9 weeks Location: LHCC #3003.200..............SAT 4/23-6/25............10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

SIMPLY PILATES Get fit with Pilates, which engages all the muscles of your body, giving you a total body workout. Pilates helps strengthen your muscles equally. The Stott Pilates method develops core strength, stability, flexibility and balance. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a mat, towel and water bottle. Instructor: Teresa Morrison, Certified Stott Mat Pilates Instructor Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $42/4 wks; $62/6 wks* Location: CH #3020.200..............TUE/THUR 3/29-4/21 .............5:30-6:20 p.m. #3020.201..............TUE/THUR 5/10-6/16* ...........5:30-6:20 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Cliff Gewecke’s Dance Classes are held at the La Habra Clubhouse 200 W. Greenwood Avenue

Fee: $33 per person/8 weeks




Learn the sophisticated, fun and rhythmic West Coast Swing, California’s official state dance. Class features basic (and not so basic) patterns, lead/follow techniques, and moving onbeat to the music.

Want romance, excitement and elegance in one dance? Try the increasingly popular Argentine Tango, with its ochos (figure eights) turns, kicks, and other exciting moves, all done to sensuous, melodic music. Singles and couples are welcome.

Learn today’s “hottest” dances — Salsa and Merengue! This class will give you a basic understanding of these dances, plus teach you steps that will have you movin’ to the Latin beat sooner than you think! Patterns will vary in each 8-week session.

If you know Salsa basics, this class will put them to work for you with more challenging patterns and the techniques that make them work. Turns, fancier footwork, style variations — they’re all included. Have fun!

#2504.200 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 4/5-5/24 7:15-8:00 p.m.

#2507.200 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 4/5-5/24 8:00-8:45 p.m.

#2512.200 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 4/5-5/24 8:45-9:30 p.m.

#2506.200 14+ yrs TUESDAYS 4/5-5/24 6:30-7:15 p.m.


L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 31

Activities for Adults, continued FIRM & FIT In this class, you will get a total body workout. The class includes cardio, toning and Pilates (Stott method). You will love the results! Please bring a mat, light weights, good walking/running shoes, water bottle and towel. Instructor: Teresa Morrison, Certified Stott Pilates Instructor Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $42/4 wks; $62/6 wks* Location: CH #3017.200..............TUE/THUR 3/29-4/21 .............6:30-7:50 a.m. #3017.201..............TUE/THUR 5/10-6/16* ...........6:30-7:50 a.m.

SPRING FITNESS CHALLENGE Start, maintain and live a healthier lifestyle throughout the spring. The challenge consists of making a commitment to workout two times a week minimum (classes are offered Monday through Thursday and Saturday mornings). Participants will have the option of doing weekly weigh-ins and measurements at before, middle and end of challenge. All participants will be given a nutritional guideline to follow for better eating habits. All participants must attend orientation on Wednesday, April 6th, after the first workout. Instructor: Frazier Martial Arts Age: 14+ yrs Fee: $101/10 weeks Location: FMA #3000.200..............WED 4/6-6/8 ..................................6:45 p.m.

taught. No class on Monday, April 11th and Wednesday, April 13th. Instructor: Angela King, Registered Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher (RYT) Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $92/9 weeks Location: MON-LHCC/WED-CH #3001.200..............MON/WED 3/28-5/25.............7:00-8:15 p.m.

JACKI’S AEROBIC DANCING Jacki’s aerobic dancing is a fitness program that is totally FUN! Participants learn progressive choreographed dances that are designed to give an excellent cardiovascular and muscular workout. Participants dance to a wide variety of music at their own level of fitness. A good supportive shoe and towel or mat are required. No class on Monday, May 30th. Instructor: Nancy McNabb Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $110/11 weeks Location: CH #3005.201..............MON/WED 4/18-6/29.............5:45-6:45 p.m. Fee: $80/8 weeks #3005.202..............MON/WED 4/18-6/8 ..............5:45-6:45 p.m. Fee: $60/6 weeks #3005.203..............MON/WED 4/18-5/2 ..............5:45-6:45 p.m.

TAI CHI LiuHeBaFa PILATES YOGA STRETCH & TONE Destress from your day with a peaceful, energizing yoga and Pilates experience by candlelight. Tone and stretch the total body with mat Pilates exercises emphasizing the abdominals, thighs and buttocks, to shape and sculpt long, lean core muscles with the aid of Dynaflex bands and exercise balls. This class also includes in-depth instruction on basic yoga postures and breathing techniques to enhance your sense of well-being and ability to relax. Beginning and intermediate levels are introduced. No class on Monday, April 11th. Instructor: Angela King, Registered Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher (RYT) Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $47/9 weeks Location: LHCC #3008.200..............MON 3/28-5/23 .................... 5:45-6:45 p.m.

POWER PILATES-YOGA Destress from your day with a peaceful, energizing yoga and Pilates experience by candlelight. Tone and stretch the total body with mat Pilates exercises emphasizing the abdominals, thighs and buttocks, to shape and sculpt long, lean core muscles with the aid of Dynaflex bands and exercise balls. This class also includes in-depth instruction on yoga postures and breathing techniques to enhance your sense of well-being and ability to relax. Advanced beginner and intermediate levels are

Six Harmonies Eight Methods is a more ancient form than the 24 forms of Tai Chi Chuan. This is an exploration of spirals. It may take a year to learn and can improve technique for any martial art. The instructor has studied this form of Tai Chi for 25 years New students welcome at any session. No class on Monday, May 30th. Instructor: Nancy O’Brien, Certified International Judge (Tai Chi) Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $35/5 wks; $42/6 wks* Location: VMH #3015.200..............MON 3/28-5/2* .....................7:00-8:30 p.m. #3015.201..............MON 5/9-6/13 .......................7:00-8:30 p.m.

TAI CHI CHUAN Participants in this class will learn to move slowly, breathe slowly, heighten their senses and do a meditational martial art. Eight Treasure Chi Kung, 13 and 24 form will be taught. For those that would like to try a more challenging form, Tai Chi LiuHeBaFa also will be included. This is a more ancient form that explores spirals and may take a year to learn. Any form of Tai Chi is a great stress buster and can improve technique for any martial art, as well! No class on Saturday, May 28th. Instructor: Nancy O’Brien, Certified International Judge (Tai Chi) Age: 7+ yrs Fee: $35/5 wks; $42/6 wks* Location: LHCC #3011.200..............SAT 4/2-5/7*..............10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. #3011.201..............SAT 5/14-6/18............10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

32 • Life i n L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Activities for Adults, continued

Fitness for Fun


City of La Habra’s 10th Annual


Saturday, April 23rd, 2011 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon At El Centro-Lions Park (Orange/Erna/Cypress Streets)

Visit with the Easter Bunny, Inflatable Jumps for Children, Arts & Crafts, Face Painting, Balloon Artist, Music, Funnel Cakes & More!


La Habra Host Lions Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes, Sausage, Hash Browns, Coffee/Milk/Juice

The La Habra Family Resource Center/ Health Action Promotion Program • • • •

Medical Information for Children and Adults Dental Screenings (0 – 3 years old) Immunization Screenings (0 – 3 years old) Raffles, Prizes & Much More!

Egg Hunt — FREE 10:00 a.m.: 10:15 a.m.: 10:30 a.m.: 10:45 a.m.:

0-2 yrs. 3-4 yrs. 5-6 yrs. 7-8 yrs.

11:00 a.m.: 11:15 a.m.: 11:30 a.m.: 11:45 a.m.

9-10 yrs. 11-12 yrs. Teens Adults

FITNESS KICKBOXING Are you ready to make a change with your body? Take control over your body with Fitness Kickboxing! It’s a workout where you can kick and punch your way to achieving the fitness goals you’ve always wanted. Fitness Kickboxing is the best total body workout to lose weight, tone and shape up, gain endurance and flexibility, relieve stress, meet new friends and have fun. This class is the #1 calorie-burning workout, consuming an amazing 800 calories per hour. Classes are on-going for women and men with ALL levels of fitness ability. Instructor: Amanda Molina Age: 13+ yrs Fee: $45/5 weeks Location: FMA #3006.200..............MON 4/4-5/2 .........................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.201..............MON 5/9-6/6 .........................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.202..............TUE 4/5-5/3 ...........................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.203..............TUE 5/10-6/7 .........................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.204..............WED 4/6-5/4..........................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.205..............WED 5/11-6/8........................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.206..............THUR 4/7-5/5.........................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.207..............THUR 5/12-6/9.......................6:45-7:30 p.m. #3006.208..............SAT 4/9-5/7 ...........................8:30-9:15 a.m. #3006.209..............SAT 5/14-6/11 .......................8:30-9:15 a.m.

ADULT GOLF La Mirada Golf classes offer a complete group lesson format. Beginners focus on simple and effective swing fundamentals. Intermediate classes focus on long and short game fundamentals. Equipment will be provided for lessons AND practice, and students will receive a bucket of balls at each lesson. No class on Monday, May 30th. Instructors: PGA Pro John Mahoney, Jr. & Staff Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $71/4 weeks Location: LMGC Beginning Classes #3009.201..............MON 3/28-4/18 .....................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3009.202..............MON 4/25-5/16 .....................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3009.203..............MON 5/23-6/20 .....................7:00-8:00 p.m. #3009.204..............TUE 3/29-4/19 .....................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.205..............TUE 4/26-5/17 .....................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.206..............TUE 5/24-6/13 .....................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.207..............SAT 4/2-4/23 .......................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.208..............SAT 4/30-5/21 .....................9:00-10:00 a.m. #3009.209..............SAT 5/28-6/18 .....................9:00-10:00 a.m. Intermediate Classes #3010.201..............MON 3/28-4/18 .....................8:00-9:00 p.m. #3010.202..............MON 4/25-5/16 .....................8:00-9:00 p.m. #3010.203..............MON 5/23-6/20 .....................8:00-9:00 p.m. #3010.204..............TUE 3/29-4/19 ...................10:00-11:00 a.m. #3010.205..............TUE 4/26-5/17 ...................10:00-11:00 a.m. #3010.206..............TUE 5/24-6/13 ...................10:00-11:00 a.m.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 33

Activities for Adults, continued

Musi c

HAVING FUN WITH THE GUITAR Learn the skills necessary to play music and have fun while learning. Class emphasizes chord strumming, reading notes and tablature and playing different styles of music. Students must provide their own instruments (acoustic or electric). Students must also provide picks, guitar tuner and book, “Hal Leonard’s Classic Guitar Method,” which may be purchased at La Habra Music Center. A metronome is also suggested. Instructor: La Habra Music Center Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $52/4 weeks Location: LHMC #5000.200..............THUR 3/31-4/21.....................6:00-6:45 p.m. #5000.201..............THUR 4/28-5/19.....................6:00-6:45 p.m. #5000.202..............THUR 5/26-6/16.....................6:00-6:45 p.m.

Ar t

WATERCOLOR PAINTING BASICS ★NEW★ This class will introduce participants to basic wash

techniques, color theory, and principles of landscape painting. All levels of ability are welcome. Please pick up a supply list at the Community Center when you register. Instructor: Kathy Breaux, M.A. in Painting & Drawing Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $47/3 weeks Location: SH/LHCC #7000.200..............SAT 6/4-6/18 .............10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING TECHNIQUES This is a beginning course to introduce and develop drawing skills through demonstrations and examples of master drawings from children’s book illustrations, animation and technical drawing. Course will cover contour, line, structure, perspective, light/shadow, color and modeling form. No class on Monday, May 30th. Instructor: Carlos Moreno Age: 15+ yrs Fee: $37/5 weeks Location: LHCC #7003.200..............MON 3/28-4/25 .....................6:30-8:00 p.m. #7003.201..............MON 5/2-6/6 .........................6:30-8:00 p.m.

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Participants will learn how to use their own digital cameras so that they can produce more professional-looking images. The instructor will go over all the many buttons and dials and explain their purposes. Lighting, composition and image processing will also be covered. Bring your camera to class! Instructor: Gary Apodaca, Imageworks Photography Studio Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $97/4 weeks Location: LHCC #7007.200..............MON 3/28-4/18 .....................7:00-8:30 p.m.


Looking for fun, exercise and quality time to spend with your canine companion? This course introduces a variety of challenging obstacles, including tunnels, teeter-totter, tire jump, A-frame, dogwalk, weave poles, pause table, various bar and panel jumps. No previous experience required, but some basic obedience is helpful. Trophies and certificates will be awarded at a timed agility contest at the final meeting. Bring a chair and $30 materials fee (maintenance & replacement of agility equipment to keep course safe for all, trophies, reference material and special insurance) to first class, held WITHOUT DOGS. Meet in parking lot at Yorba Linda Community Center at Casa Loma & Imperial. Instructor: April Ortiz Age: 9+ yrs Fee: $77/8 weeks Location: YLCC #5001.200..............SAT 4/2-5/21 ........................ 8:00-9:00 a.m. #5001.201..............SAT 4/2-5/21 .......................9:00-10:00 a.m. #5001.202..............SAT 4/2-5/21 .....................10:00-11:00 a.m.

DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING If you need help in establishing good conduct and curbing bad habits such as destructive chewing, hole digging or over exuberance, enroll Fido now! This eight-week session is open to all breeds of dogs, ages six months or older (larger breeds accepted at four months). All A.K.C. Novice exercises will be covered, including hand signals, off-leash techniques and long-distance work. Proper training leashes and collars will be available at reasonable prices at orientation for those who need them. Trophies and certificates will be awarded at graduation. The first meeting will be an orientation to be held WITHOUT DOGS at the Community Center. Remaining classes are held at El Centro-Lions Park. Instructor: Rose Healey, Hacienda Hills Dog Obedience Club Age: 9+ yrs Fee: $77/8 weeks Location: LHCC/ECLP #5003.200..............SAT 4/16-6/4 .........................1:30-2:30 p.m.

Graffiti Hotline: 562-905-9723

34 • Li fe in L a Habra • Spring 2011

Activities for Adults, continued

Pe rson al Enric hment SEWING CLINIC

It’s spring cleaning time, so let’s dust off your machine, clean out all those unfinished projects (UFOs), and add to your sewing skills! Come and learn to make some great items that will make your gift giving for the rest of the year a piece of cake. Whether you bring unfinished projects or just a willingness to learn, I will bring my knowledge and expertise. You must bring your own sewing machine to class. Instructor: Evlee Pinkney Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $62/8 weeks Location: LHCC #7016.200..............TUE 4/12-5/31 .......................6:30-8:30 p.m.

QUILTING Have you always wanted to make a Stack-N-Whack? Stack-NWhack is an easy way to create quilt blocks with unique kaleidoscope designs. These quilts work best with large-scale print fabric. Even ugly fabrics can be used to create a gorgeous quilt! This quilt is so much fun to make because you don’t know what each block will look like until you sew it. Bring a friend and have fun with us, cutting up our fabric and watching the magic happen. Instructor: Beverly Smyth Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $62/12 weeks Location: LHCC #7008.200..............THUR 3/31-6/16.....................6:00-9:00 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS FOR SENIORS It’s never too late to learn computers! This class will introduce you to all the basic skills and terms you will need to operate a computer. We will show you how to use Microsoft Word and all its useful functions for basic communication. Experienced users can improve their skills by using this powerful word

processing tool and integrating it with a digital camera for making professional flyers or document. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 55+ yrs Fee: $72/6 wks; $61/5 wks* Location: PP #5017.200..............THUR 4/7-5/12.....................12:30-1:45 p.m. #5017.201..............THUR 5/19-6/16*.................12:30-1:45 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET & E-MAIL FOR SENIORS Explore the online world and connect with your family and friends! Class includes hands-on practices, a free email account setup, surfing the Internet and learning how to use search engines. Experienced users can update their skills by using Microsoft Word and integrating it with the Internet search for special projects, such as making travel plans and doing research. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 55+ yrs Fee: $72/6 wks; $61/5 wks* Location: PP #5016.200..............THUR 4/7-5/12.......................1:45-3:00 p.m. #5016.201..............THUR 5/19-6/16*...................1:45-3:00 p.m.

INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS & THE INTERNET Never touched a computer? Maybe you did, but felt confused. It’s never too late to learn. This class will introduce you to those basic computer skills you need to operate your computer. Also, you’ll learn all of those terms you keep hearing about but aren’t quite sure what they mean. Explore the online world and connect with your friends and family. Class includes hands-on practice, a free email account set-up, surfing the internet and learning how to use search engines. For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

La Habra Police Department Explorer Post 850 The Post is designed to provide both young men and women, ages 14 through 21, an opportunity to explore law enforcement and police services. Members participate in monthly meetings, community events, and ride-alongs. Additionally, selected members, based on merit, attendance, and good standing with the post, are chosen to attend the Police Explorers’ Academy.


14 to 21 years of age

Maintain a C average or above Attend meetings every Tuesday, 5-7 p.m.

Participate in scheduled events Attend community functions Abide by Department rules & regulations

Contact Explorer Advisor Officer Gerry Macho at 562-905-9750, ext. 1866.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 35

Activities for Adults, continued This class will benefit internet beginners with limited computer knowledge. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $72/6 wks; $61/5 wks* Location: PP #5002.200..............THUR 4/7-5/12.......................7:00-8:00 p.m. #5002.201..............THUR 5/19-6/16*...................7:00-8:00 p.m.

COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP Are you considering upgrading your skills to handle all the new, exciting computer equipment, such as digital cameras and flash drives? Participants will learn how to use these items and what to consider when purchasing them. Learn how to integrate Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel with your digital camera to sharpen your projects. This class will help those with basic computer knowledge and internet skill to advance to a higher level of ability. A $10 supply fee is payable to the instructor at the first class meeting. Instructor: AGI Academy Age: 16+ yrs Fee: $72/6 wks; $61/5 wks* Location: PP #5004.200..............THUR 4/7-5/12.......................8:00-9:00 p.m. #5004.201..............THUR 5/19-6/16*...................8:00-9:00 p.m.

Do yo u want to...

Get a jo b ? Ma ke mo ne y? S ta r t a ca re e r?

TIME OUT FOR YOU Get ready to treat yourself to a beautiful experience! Gentle stress reduction techniques for adults using proven secrets of the ages, such as relaxation massage, pressure points, stretching, tree of life work, visualization, journaling for relaxation, and affirmations. Emphasis will be on grounding and centering each participant for self-growth and personal insight to slow aging and increase well-being. Individual consultation with the instructor is included. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Participants must bring a pen and journal or notebook to class; a towel or mat for sitting on the floor is optional. Instructor: Karon Thomas Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $30/4 weeks Location: LHCC #5013.200..............MON 4/4-4/25 .......................7:00-8:00 p.m.

Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

Orange County Yo uth Center @ La Habra The OCYC offers young people the opportunity to develop career interests, receive academic support, gain valuable work experience, and achieve their career & educational goals.

At the OCYC, youth ages 16-21 can: Learn to design a resume • Learn interviewing skills Meet with the YES Rep • Check out the “Job Board” Explore career paths • Get a job

1811 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra 90631 Open Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

562-905-7076 Some services may require Federal eligibility determination. Sponsored by the Orange County Workforce Investment Board. Equal opportunity program. Auxiliary Aids and Services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For TTY service, please dial 711.

36 • Life in L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Activities for Adults, continued


Do you suffer from caffeine, chocolate or food addictions? Have those and other addictions removed during this workshop. How about pain? Arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches? Bring them in and leave them here. Do you have severe anxieties? Stressed from work? Post traumatic stress syndrome? Let’s get rid of them. Drag out your biggest fears and phobias and have them completely removed during this exciting and educational workshop. There is a $5 materials fee for handouts payable to the instructor in class. Instructor has over 25 years experience in this field. Instructor: William Engle, Purpose Driven Hypnotherapy, M.A., CCH.t, Advanced Energy Therapist-EFT-ADV Age: 18+ yrs Fee: $47/1 mtg Location: LHCC #5015.200..............TUE 4/12................................6:00-9:00 p.m.

For further information on any of our classes or to register, please call 562-905-9708.

Coming in the next issue of Life in La Habra…

La Habra Active Day Camp

Swim Lessons

4th of July Celebration

Concerts in the Park

Activities for Seniors Ser vi ces

SENIOR ASSISTANCE INFORMATION & REFERRAL We can provide current information on services available to senior residents by city, county and state agencies. The Senior Desk also offers referrals for caregiving services by bonded persons. We also have an active Telecare program, offering calls to shut-ins and frail seniors. Come see us for these valuable services or call the senior desk at 562-905-9746. LEGAL AID Legal Aid is available the first Thursday of each month from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. This service is available for seniors 60 years of age and older who are residents of Orange County. An appointment is necessary. To make an appointment, please call 562-905-9746. If you do not meet these guidelines for service but wish to contact Legal Aid directly, please call 800-834-5001.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 37


A hot lunch is served Monday through Friday at noon at the La Habra Community Center. Stay and enjoy cards, bingo, entertainment programs and a social atmosphere. Suggested $2.50 donation for lunch for seniors 60 and over; $3.50 charge for those under 60. Remember, the La Habra Shuttle will bring you to CSS lunch at the Community Center FREE if you join us on three or more days a week on a regular basis, if bus seating is available. And don’t forget that there is live music in the lunch area from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Monday through Friday, for dancing or listening. For questions or more information, call Jennifer Bush at 562-905-9748. MEALS ON WHEELS Meals on Wheels provides home delivered meals to those unable to prepare their own meals due to illness or disability. For more information please call 562-905-9747, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

For further information about Senior Services or Activities, please call 562-905-9746.


STORYTIMES Family Storytime: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. • ABC Kids Preschool Storytime: Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. • Bilingual Storytime: Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. All story times last 30 minutes and feature books, flannel stories & songs. Wednesday morning story times include a craft.

• Tutoring/Homework Help Center: Trained teens from local high schools meet with students K-5 on a drop-in basis Monday-Thursday. Sign up for one of two sessions, 3:30 or 4:30 p.m. Last Homework Help is Thursday, May 26th. • Music & Movement for Children: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Thursdays at 11:00 a.m., presented by the La Habra City School District. Young Artists’ Workshop follows the Thursday program at 11:30 a.m. thru Thursday, June 16th. • Imagination Celebration: April 29th-May 29th, presented by Arts Orange County & the Orange County Department of Education. • Family & Friends Movie Night: 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. FREE flicks!

TEEN EVENTS • Teen Advisory Board: Meetings will be Sunday March 7th & 21st; April 18th; May 2nd & 16th at 1:00 p.m. Watch for upcoming Mother’s Day Craft meeting!

ADULT EVENTS • Intermediate Genealogy: Sunday, March 27th at 2:30 p.m. Paul Moore returns to La Habra for an intermediate genealogy class. FREE • Cordelia Knott: Pioneering Business Woman: Sunday, April 3rd at 2:30 p.m. Christiane Salts, local teacher and writer, will talk about her biography of Cordelia Knott, co-founder of Knott’s Berry Farm. FREE • Local Poet & His Inspiration: Saturday, April 9th at 2:30 p.m. Charles Wright, local naturalist and poet, will be reading from his poetry and sharing what and how things inspire his creations. FREE • Librarian’s Choice Book Club: Meets at 1:00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of the month; pick up books at the library.

Orange County Public Library 221 E. La Habra Blvd. 562-694-0078 714-526-7728 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday & Saturday Noon to 5 p.m. Sunday Shop the Best Book Prices in Town at the Friends of the La Habra Library Book Store!

38 • Life in L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Activities for Seniors, continued

Ser vices


ADULT PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICES APHNS offers health screenings and counseling to adults 50 and over. APHNS can help you identify problems early, assist in finding needed health care, teach you preventive health practices, and show you how to stay as healthy as possible. Your assessment will include a personal health history, diet and medication review, screenings for vision, hearing, blood pressure, blood sugar and hemoglobin. Take advantage of this FREE service and make an appointment to see APHNS Nurse Lori Funke RN, PHN. She is at the La Habra Community Center one day each month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call the senior desk at 562-905-9746 to make an appointment. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Have you ever thought of becoming a volunteer? Learn something new, have fun and meet new people in the community. Join the hundreds of volunteers in La Habra who care about our city and gain that special feeling of accomplishment that comes with helping the people in your community. Call the City of La Habra Volunteer Coordinator Mayra Serratos for more information at 562-905-9708, ext. 263 or Josie Anderson at 562-905-9619.

La Habra Shuttle “Ride with Pride” ★Available to seniors 65 years and older and persons with disabilities who are residents of the City of La Habra. ★Operates Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding major holidays. ★Cost of service is 50 cents per one-way trip for all passengers. ★Transports participants throughout the City of La Habra, plus service to St. Jude Medical Center, Whittier Hospital Medical Center, and adjacent doctors’ offices, as well as to doctors’ offices adjacent to the former Brea Community Hospital. ★Reservations for transportation must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

For more information or to register to use this service, please visit the La Habra Community Center or call 562-905-9746 for an application.

Sponsored by

Thursdays from 9:00–11:00 a.m. at the La Habra Community Center

MARCH 24TH • Nutrition Lecture APRIL 14TH • Smart Connect MAY 19TH • Bone Density Pre-registration is necessary; you must call to let us know you plan to attend:

562-905-9708, ext. 746.

Cl a sses HEALTH & WELLNESS FOR OLDER ADULTS This class covers various health-related topics of interest for older adults. Learn the benefits of adopting behaviors associated with healthy and successful aging. Focus on the benefits of being proactive by practicing brain fitness, incorporating a healthy diet, managing chronic conditions and engaging in routine physical activity as a means to living with optimum independence. Instructor: Kathy Mastin......................................................FREE MON ...................................................................9:30-11:30 a.m.

HELP YOURSELF TO HEALTH This class meets Tuesdays, Thursdays (see class description below) and Fridays. Participants in the Tuesday and Friday classes will enjoy a thorough low-impact workout that includes a walking warm-up, as well and sitting and standing exercises and work with resistance bands, balls and other props. It will increase strength, flexibility, range of motion, stamina, and overall well-being. Instructor: Henrietta De Jong..............................................FREE TUE & FRI ............................................10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

The Thursday class works with participants to resolve problems of balance, activities of daily living, and getting around. This program enables participants to improve their balance and reduce their risk for falls. A doctor’s approval may be required to participate. Instructor: Kyle Berrios........................................................FREE THUR ............................................................10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 39

Activities for Seniors, continued MATURE DRIVER


The Mature Driver class is for anyone 55 and over who would like to refresh their knowledge of California driving laws and practices. It is an eight-hour class, and participants who complete the class receive a certificate. Some insurance companies offer discounts to those who complete this class. Please note that the class does NOT include any actual driving. In order to take the class, participants must PRE-REGISTER by calling the La Habra Community Center at 562-905-9746.

If you’d like to join a group of card players, there are several to choose from. Canasta players meet 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Mondays, and bridge players meet on Thursday from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. You must bring a partner to join the bridge group. You can play dominos on Fridays at 12:00 noon. All groups meet at the Community Center and welcome new players.

Gam es

Ac tivities

Instructor: NOCCCD .............................................................FREE

CSS BINGO CSS Bingo meets Monday through Friday from 12:45 to 1:50 p.m. The cost of playing is 50 cents per card, with a maximum of six cards. Nine games is the usual number played. If you like bingo, come join the fun! All are welcome to participate. FRIDAY AFTERNOON BINGO The La Habra Senior Citizens’ Club hosts bingo each Friday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the La Habra Clubhouse, 200 W. Greenwood. Admission is 50 cents. Donuts and coffee are served. The group also holds potlucks several times a year. All seniors are welcome to participate. Pictures of participants may be taken at the City of La Habra’s special events, classes and programs to be used in publicity materials for the City of La Habra.

WEDNESDAY A.M. VOLUNTEER STITCHERS This group meets in the Oeste Room from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. to make items for Children’s Hospital and local convalescent hospitals. You may sew, knit or crochet items. If you wish to learn any of these skills, you are welcome to join them and learn. HUFF ‘N’ PUFFS The Huff ‘n’ Puffs dancers perform at local venues and the Community Center. They practice once a week and perform a variety of dance styles in costumes of their own design. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact the senior desk at 562-905-9746. CSS “Movie of the Month” All CSS lunch participants are invited to stay late on the fourth Thursday of each month to enjoy a movie. Popcorn and other snacks are served during the movie. There is no charge for this activity, so why not check it out!

Live Music & Dancing Daily! 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon at the CSS Lunch Program La Habra Community Center

562-905-9748 Stay afterwards and enjoy a healthy, tasty lunch!


The Serenaders TUESDAY

La Habra Lites WEDNESDAY

The Foursome THURSDAY

Karyn Myers FRIDAY

Changing line-up that includes Ron Allen, Stardust Trio, Global Affair & others

Trips for Everyone

40 • Li fe in L a Habra • Spring 2011


Stateline Turnaround #9029.200 Saturday, April 9 Fee: $25 Departs: 7:00 a.m. ...Returns: 11:00 p.m. Try your luck on this one-day turnaround to Stateline. All guests will receive a free buffet coupon and a coupon fun book. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes buffet, fun book, transportation and driver’s tip. Singin’ in the Rain at the Candlelight Pavilion #9022.200 Thursday, April 23 Fee: $75 Departs: 8:00 a.m. .....Returns: 5:00 p.m. The Candlelight Pavilion is celebrating its 25th year of production in 2011 with this comedy that takes you back to 1920, when

Trip Information

All return times are approximate. Seat assignment subject to change.

many a movie studio found itself scrambling to salvage the career of its chipmunk-voiced silent picture star. Travelers will enjoy lunch at the theatre prior to the show. Trip fee includes transportation, ticket, lunch, water and driver’s tip. Palm Springs & the Palm Spring Follies #9017.200 Thursday-Friday, April 28-29 Fee: $139 pp. dbl., $225 pp. sgl. Departs: 8:30 a.m. .....Returns: 7:00 p.m. First stop is lunch at the Rock Garden Café in downtown Palm Springs. Following lunch, travelers will check in at the Palm Mountain Resort where they will have free time to relax. That evening, from 6 to 10 p.m., walk the heart of downtown and enjoy the famous Palm Springs Street Faire! The next morning will begin with a continental breakfast at Ruby’s Diner, across the street from the hotel. After breakfast, it’s time to take in a show at the famous Palm Springs Follies! Trip fee includes hotel accommodations, transportation, admission ticket, lunch, continental breakfast, water and driver’s tip.

Ma y

Harrah’s Casino #9004.200 Wednesday, May 4 Fee: $13

• No smoking or alcoholic beverages on the bus. • Refunds for excursions ONLY if the ticket can be resold. • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before departure time to board the bus. • Driver’s gratuity included. • Register early for excursions. • Excursions may be cancelled due to insufficient registration. • Registration is accepted on a first come, first served basis. • All approved refunds will be charged a $4 processing fee. • Program information is subject to change. • All trips depart from La Bonita Park parking lot, 1440 W. Whittier Blvd. The entrance to the parking lot is located by the clock tower and Taco Bell on the south side of Whittier Blvd., between Beach Blvd. and Idaho St.

Departs: 8:00 a.m. .....Returns: 5:00 p.m. Get more Vegas-style action at Harrah’s Rincon Casino in San Diego. You can play hot slots, bingo machines and exciting table games. Valid photo identification is required on the day of trip. Trip fee includes a $5 slot credit, transportation, water and driver’s tip. Golden Nugget, Las Vegas #9005.200 Tuesday-Thursday, May 10-12 Fee: $140 pp. dbl., $190 pp. sgl. Departs: 9:00 a.m. .....Returns: 5:00 p.m. “Viva Las Vegas!” Enjoy three days and two nights at the beautiful Golden Nugget, located in the heart of downtown Las Vegas. Visit the casinos, shop, dine and relax. On the way to and from Las Vegas, the bus will stop in Barstow, California, for

lunch or supper on your own. Every room will receive a fun book valued at $250! Book your room today, before we sell out. Trip fee includes transportation, hotel accommodations, fun book and driver’s tip. Battle of the Mariachis, San Juan Capistrano Mission #9045.200 Saturday, May 21 Fee: $39 Departs: 8:30 p.m. ....Returns: 6:00 p.m. Take a trip to the San Juan Capistrano Mission to be a part of the 6th Annual Mariachi Festival. The festival includes live musical entertainment, folk arts and crafts, and a variety of food booths where you will be able to purchase authentic Mexican food. Trip fee includes transportation, admission to the event, water and driver’s tip. Solvang #9015.200 Tuesday, May 24 Fee: $30 Departs: 9:00 a.m. .....Returns: 7:00 p.m. Visit beautiful Solvang, where there is something for everyone! Satisfy your shopping urge in art galleries, clothing and shoe boutiques, antique stores and gift shops. Savor delicious meals ranging from Danish specialties to international and classic American favorites. You won’t want to miss this relaxing, scenic trip. Trip fee includes transportation, water and driver’s tip. Viejas Casino #9057.200 Tuesday, May 31 Fee: $13 Departs: 8:00 a.m. .....Returns: 6:00 p.m. This Alpine casino is famous for traditional gambling, bingo, and video horse racing. It is located next to an outlet mall, so you can enjoy the day shopping, as well as gambling. Valid photo identification is required on the day of the trip. Trip fee includes transportation, water and driver’s tip.

For more information, contact Katie Elmore at 562-905-9708 or Katiee@lahabracity.com

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 41

Trips for Everyone, continued


Vicki Lawrence & Mama: A Two Woman Show & Victoria Gardens #9000.200 Saturday, June 4 Fee: $75 Departs: 4:00 p.m. ...Returns: 11:45 p.m. First enjoy the shops and restaurants at Victoria Gardens. Then enjoy the show at the Lewis Family Playhouse. Vicki Lawrence returns to the role that took her to stardom — Thelma Harper (also known as Mama). The performance will feature new skits that will mix comedy, music and Vicki’s views on reality. Prepare to laugh the night away. Trip fee includes admission to the show, transportation, water and driver’s tip. Pechanga #9019.200 Wednesday, June 8 Fee: $15 Departs: 8:00 a.m. .....Returns: 5:00 p.m. Pechanga’s exciting gaming action includes 2,000 state-of-the-art slots and 60 table games that include Blackjack, Pai Gow, Let it Ride, 3-Card Poker and Mini Baccarat. Pechanga is housed in a bright and lively 88,000 sq.-foot casino, with a unique “clean air” filtration system. Each participant will receive a $15 credit. Valid photo identification is required on day of trip. Trip fee includes $15 credit, transportation, and driver’s tip. Getty Villa Malibu & Lawry’s Restaurant #9008.200 Wednesday, June 15 Fee: $69 Departs: 9:30 a.m. .....Returns: 7:30 p.m. Our first stop will be famous Lawry’s in Beverly Hills for lunch, which includes salad, rolls and butter, beverage, and your choice of roasted prime rib of beef (6 oz.), chicken picatta, or grilled salmon. Next stop is the Getty Villa Museum, which features over 1,200 works of Greek, Roman and Etruscan antiquities on display. Trip includes transportation, admission to museum, tour, lunch, water and driver’s tip.

Laughlin/Aquarius Hotel & Casino #9016.200

Les Miserables at the Ahmanson Theatre #9009.300

Tuesday-Thursday, June 21-23 Fee: $85 pp. dbl., $130 pp. sgl.

Tuesday, July 26 Fee: $115

Departs: 9:00 a.m. .....Returns: 6:00 p.m. Enjoy three days and two nights in the heart of Laughlin, Nevada at the Aquarius Hotel and Casino. Every room will receive two brunch buffets. Visit the casinos, shop, dine and relax. On the way to and from Laughlin, we will stop in Barstow for lunch on your own. Trip fee includes transportation, room accommodations, two buffets per room, water and driver’s tip.

Departs: 4:30 p.m. ...Returns: 11:30 p.m. The night will begin at the Hollywood & Highland Center, with its 75 shops and more, for free time for shopping or dining. Then we’ll head for the Ahmanson Theatre for a performance of Les Miserables, the musical based on Victor Hugo’s famous novel. Don’t miss this epic and uplifting story about the survival of the human spirit! Trip fee includes admission to show, transportation, water and driver’s tip.


Los Angeles Zoo & Universal City Walk #9034.300 Thursday, July 14 Fee: $40 Departs: 8:00 a.m. .....Returns: 6:00 p.m. The L.A. Zoo has opened a brand new and exciting exhibit, Elephants of Asia, which is the largest exhibit in zoo history (over 6 acres)! Your visit will include a docent-led tour of the new exhibit and other animals. Afterwards, we will stop at Universal City Walk for shopping and a meal on your own. Please note that this trip includes a lot of walking. Trip fee includes transportation, zoo admission, tour, water and driver’s tip. Dance Fever at Walt Disney Concert Hall #9014.300 Sunday, July 24 Fee: $60 Departs: 10:00 a.m. ...Returns: 6:00 p.m. First, enjoy free time at the shops and restaurants at L.A. Live. Next, we will head to the Walt Disney Concert Hall where you will feel the beat! Listen to the Cal Phil orchestra as they play classics such as Bolero, as well as songs from West Side Story, Saturday Night Fever and Queen. A limited number of tickets are available, so reserve your seat today! Trip fee includes transportation, concert admission, water and driver’s tip.


Rodgers & Hammerstein in Europe at Walt Disney Concert Hall #9014.301 Sunday, August 7 Fee: $60 Departs: 10:00 a.m. ...Returns: 6:00 p.m. First, enjoy free time at the shops and restaurants at L.A. Live. Next, we will head to the Walt Disney Concert Hall where you will take an unforgettable musical journey when the Cal Phil orchestra and guest singers perform music from such classics as The Sound of Music, Oklahoma!, South Pacific, The King and I, Romeo and Juliet, William Tell and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Trip fee includes transportation, concert admission, water and driver’s tip. Tropicana Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas #9003.300 Tuesday-Thursday, August 9-11 Fee: $140 pp. dbl., $190 pp. sgl. Departs: 9:00 a.m. .....Returns: 6:00 p.m. “Viva Las Vegas!” Enjoy three days and two nights at the beautiful Tropicana, located on the strip in Las Vegas. Visit the casinos, shop, dine and relax. On the way to and from Las Vegas, the bus will stop in Barstow for lunch or supper on your own. Book your room today, before we sell out! Trip fee includes transportation, accommodations, water and driver’s tip.

42 • Life in L a Habra • Sprin g 2011

Trips for Everyone, continued Pageant of the Masters & the Sawdust Festival #9012.300

That’s Entertainment at Walt Disney Concert Hall #9014.302

Thursday, August 18 Fee: $60

Sunday, August 21 Fee: $60

Departs: 3:00 p.m. ...............................................Returns: 10:00 p.m.

Departs: 10:00 a.m. ...............................................Returns: 6:00 p.m.

You do not want to miss this trip! Come and enjoy the spectacular Pageant of the Masters. You will enjoy 90 minutes of “living pictures,” incredibly faithful art re-creations of classical and contemporary works, with people posing to look exactly like their counterparts in the original pieces, with live narration, an orchestra and intricate sets. Your admission includes entrance to the Sawdust Festival. Trip fee includes transportation, admission to the festival and the show, water and driver’s tip.

First, enjoy free time at the shops and restaurants at L.A. Live. Next, we will head to the Walt Disney Concert Hall to hear the Cal Phil Orchestra and special guest performer soprano Khori Dastoor perform classics from My Fair Lady, Candide, Pirates of the Carribean, Titanic, Fiddler on the Roof and R. Strauss’ Four Last Songs. A limited number of tickets are available, so reserve today! Trip fee includes transportation, concert admission, water and driver’s trip.

E x te nd e d Tri ps

The City of La Habra Trips and Tours Program offers a variety of extended trips! For more information and a detailed itinerary, please contact Katie Elmore at 562-905-9708 or Katiee@lahabracity.com Please join the City of La Habra, Collette Vacations and Premier Travel for a slideshow presentation on April 5th at 1:00 p.m. at the La Habra Community Center! Appetizers, beverages and raffle prizes will be available!

Branson Musical Getaway June 3 to June 8, 2011 Fees: $1,749/pp. Double • $2,049/Single • $1,719/pp. Triple

Enjoy an array of spectacular shows on your gateway to the midwest’s entertainment capital, Branson, Missouri. Trip highlights include Twelve Irish Tenors show, Stone Hill Winery, Yakov Smirnoff show, SIX show, the Titanic Museum, the Hughes Brothers show, Doug Gabriel show, #1 Hits of the ‘60s show, and the Dutton Family Theatre. Reservations and a $250/per person deposit are due by February 3, 2011. After deadline reservations are based upon availability. Final payment is due on April 4, 2011.

Oregon Trails Featuring the Portland Rose Festival & Columbia Gorge Cruise June 9 to June 14, 2011 Fees: $1,649/pp. Double • $2,149/Single

Trip highlights include the Portland Rose Festival, Portland city tour, Mt. St. Helens National Monument, Johnston Ridge Observatory, Columbia Gorge sternwheeler cruise, Bonneville Dam, Oregon’s Pacific coast, Tillamook Cheese Factory, Winery visit and tasting, the Pittock mansion, Washington Park, International Rose Test Garden, Astoria, Fort Clatsop National Memorial and Multnomah Falls.

Reservations and a $300/per person deposit are required to hold a seat. All seats are based upon availability. Final payment is due on February 24, 2011.

South Dakota Adventure Featuring Mt. Rushmore & Six Nights in Rapid City July 13 to 19, 2011 Fees: $1,999/PP Double • $2,599/Single

Trip highlights include Mount Rushmore, Devil’s Tower National Monument, Crazy Horse Memorial, Fort Hays, Badlands National Park, Wall Drug Store, Custer State Park, Buffalo Jeep Safari, State Game Lodge dinner, 1880 Train, Deadwood, Mammoth Site, Wild Horse Sanctuary, The Journey Museum and Sioux Indian Museum, Black Hills Gold Factory, K-Bar S Ranch dinner, Chuckwagon Supper and Cowboy Show. Reservations and a $300/per person deposit are required to hold a seat. All seats are based upon availability. Final payment is due on April 27, 2011.

The Best of Eastern Canada August 28 to September 5, 2011 Fees: $2,739/PP Double • $3,339/Single • $2,709/PP Triple

Trip highlights include Montreal, St. Joseph’s Oratory, Quebec City, Ottawa, VIA Rail, Toronto and Niagara Falls.

L ife in L a Hab ra • Spri ng 2011 • 43

Trips for Everyone, continued You can also add on the following tours: Flavors and Aromas of Old Montreal, cruising Ottawa and lunch at L’Astral Restaurant, and an afternoon of sightseeing. Reservations and a $250/per person deposit are due by March 28, 2011. After deadline reservations are based upon availability. Final payment is due on June 29, 2011.

Albuquerque Balloon Festival October 7 to 12, 2011 Fees: $1,949/PP Double • $2,599/Single

Trip highlights include Albuquerque Balloon Festival, Albuquerque city tour, Old Town, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Bandelier National Monument, Los Alamos Science Museum, Santa Fe city tour, Taos Pueblo, Taos city tour and High Road to Taos. Reservations and a $300/per person deposit are required to hold a seat. All seats are based upon availability. Final payment is due on July 22, 2011.

New England Back Roads October 8 to October 15, 2011 Fees: $2,199/PP Double • $2,899/Single • $2,169/PP Triple

From country stores to covered bridges and rugged coastlines to remarkable mountains, welcome to New England’s back roads. This is an exciting adventure which showcases the best of New England. Trip highlights include Boston, Bennington, Molly Stark Trail, Hildene House, Honora Winery, Shelburne Museum, Cold Hollow Cider, Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory, Stowe, Lincoln Rocks Estate, North Conway, Boothbay Harbor and Kennebunkport. Reservations and a $250/per person deposit are due by June 8, 2011. After deadline reservations are based upon availability. Final payment is due on August 9, 2011.

by June 4, 2011. After deadline reservations are based upon availability. Final payment is due on September 4, 2011.

Best of Italy Featuring Rome, Tuscany & Four Nights in Florence November 9 to November 17, 2011 Fees: $2,779/PP Double • $3,399/Single

Trip highlights include four nights in Florence, three nights in Rome, Florence city tour, Academy Gallery-Statue of David, Assisi tour, Basilica of St. Francis, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Lucca’s Old Town, Siena tour, Rome city tour, Treasures of the Vatican Museum, St. Peter’s Basilica, and Roman farewell dinner. Reservations and a $500/per person deposit are required to hold a seat. All seats are based upon availability. Final payment is due on August 24, 2011.

New York City Holiday December 5 to 9, 2011 Fees: $2,649/PP Double • $3,749/Single • $2,169/PP Triple

“Start spreading the news,” because today you arrive in America’s most exciting metropolis, New York City, for a getaway that’s filled with shopping, sightseeing, endless entertainment and holiday cheer. Trip highlights include Greenwich Village, Wall Street, Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Metropolitan Museum of Art and a Broadway show. Reservations and a $250/per person deposit are due by August 5, 2011. After deadline reservations are based upon availability. Final payment is due on October 6, 2011.

Treasures of Panama February 8 to February 16, 2012 Fees: $3,059/PP Double $4,009/Single $3,009/PP Triple

London and Paris November 3 to November 10, 2011 Fees: $2,999/PP Double • $3,649/Single

Experience two of the world’s most popular cities on one fabulous tour. Enjoy unpacking just once in each city for a relaxing journey, as you discover the beauty and allure of both London and Paris. Trip highlights include Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London theatre performance, Eurostar Train, Seine River Cruise, Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower dinner and Paradis Latin. You can also add on the following: Windsor Castle tour, the Louvre Museum and Versailles Palace. Reservations and a $250/per person deposit are due

Welcome to Panama, a country of lush rainforests, rich history, diverse wildlife and spectacular coastlines. Trip highlights include Panama City, Miraflores Locks, culinary demonstration, Monkey Island cruise, Smithsonian Galeta Marine Laboratory, Gamboa, Panama Canal Railway, Pacific Queen, Panama Canal Cruise, Embera Indigenous Village, salsa dance lesson and Playa Bonita. Reservations and a $250/per person deposit are due by September 8, 2011. After deadline reservations are based upon availability. Final payment is due on December 10, 2011.


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