Life in the Overflow Magazine - Winter 2022 Black History Month

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Life in the Overflow Magazine


Spring is around the corner! Get a jump on looks and what’s trending for the 2022 Spring season! Check it out on page 26


Black History Month Winter 2022


BE inthe flow!

12 12 NEW NORMAL LIFESTYLES | Chantel Williams on the post-pandemic new normal

14 ENTREPRENEUR FEATURE ENTREPRENEURSHIP | Life Care Companions of NE Florida’s CEO shares her passion for the elder-

20 4 TIPS TO HEALING HEALTH + WELLNESS | LetsHeal’s Tyrell Starks give you 4 effective tips to implement into your healing process.



07 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Be sure to read our letter from our Editor, Shanica LaShay Bell




09 TITUS SHOWERS ENTERTAINMENT | New music by Titus Showers

10 DR. JOSEPH MWENYA SPIRITUALITY + INSPIRATION | Interview with Kendal Richardson, Voice of the People


LIFESTYLES | Keysha Hall shares A1LenzProductions and Entrepreneur Amber Deas, multitalented businesswoman and rapper


FASHION + BEAUTY | Fashion/Beauty Editor, Nikel Wilson shares the hottest trends coming for Spring 2022




Our Editor shares her favorite reads to kick of 2022 with

Life in the Overflow Magazine


Credit: Tammy Darmel Moore


Black History Month Winter 2022





Bella Creative Media Group, LLC EDITOR-IN-CHIEF



Terrence Moore ART DIRECTOR

Ryaun Turner


Chantel Williams Shanica L. Bell Keysha Hall Life in the Overflow Magazine is published quarterly by Bella Creative Media Group, LLC. The models photographed or photos used in this publication are for illustrative purposes only. Life in the Overflow Magazine does not suggest that the models actually engage in the conduct discussed in the articles or stories they illustrate.

Tyrell Starks Nikel Wilson Kendal Richardson HOW TO REACH US PO BOX 18109 M E M PH IS , T N 38181 PHONE NUMBER 8 47- 497- 0 035 WEBSITE



Black History Month Winter 2022

© 2010-2022 by Bella Creative Media Group LLC. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Life in the Overflow Magazine is a registered trademark of Publisher. Printed in the United States of America.


BE inthe flow!

I am happy to bring to you our Black History Month issue of Life in the Overflow! This is a special issue to me as I felt it was necessary to share the t e s t i m o n y o f M s . Ta m m y D a r m e l M o o r e a n d h e r o rg a n i z a t i o n , F o o t p r i n t s i n A f r i c a . Ta m m y D a r m e l M o o r e v i s i t e d E t h i o p i a d u r i n g t h e Ye a r o f R e t u r n i n 2 0 1 9 . T h e Ye a r of Return was an important year because it marked 400 years since the beginning o f t h e Tr a n s - A t l a n t i c s l a v e t r a d e i n 1 6 1 9 . L e a r n h o w h e r Ye a r o f R e t u r n t r i p i g n i t e d projects, initiates, and campaigns that would change the lives of the people in Africa. For such a time as this, millions of African American people are researching their a n c e s t r a l h i s t o r y, t r a c k i n g t h e i r D N A and finding out who they are. In 2021, I also traced my African Ancestry DNA a n d d i s c o v e r e d t h a t o n m y m o t h e r ’s s i d e all the way back 500-2000 years that I am of Nigerian descent. Information that we would have never imagined could be discovered is being revealed for millions of African American people. It doesn’t give us all of the pieces to our puzzle, but through other DNA tests we are being connected to family that may have been lost during the scattering of a nation of people long before some of us was ever born. My cousin recently did her ancestry and got connections with over 1000 people that s h e d i d n o t k n o w, b u t c a n n o w c o n n e c t with. Through DNA it was revealed to her that she has 2nd and 3rd cousins in Ghana, Mexico and other parts of the world!

i n m y a r t i c l e , “ R e m e m b e r i n g W h o Yo u Are” in this issue. Although we are living in unprecedented times, with Covid-19 and other strains of this disease looming, remember that God is faithful in this ‘new normal’. If you’re i n n e e d o f h e a l i n g , Ty r e l l S t a r k s s h a r e s 4 important tips to self-healing. Also we check-in with entrepreneurs C h a n t e l Wi l l i a m s ’ a s s h e s h a r e s , T h e N e w Normal about how the pandemic caused her to step out and start her business and my interview with Ms. Priscilla Baldwin of Life Care Companions in Northwest Florida. Keysha Hall shares businesswoman, Andrea Deas of A1Lenz Productions. Vo i c e o f t h e P e o p l e , K e n d a l R i c h a r d s o n i n t e r v i e w s D r. J o s e p h M w e n y a o f G l o b a l Fellowship Church about his testimony and more! R e m e m b e r, y o u a r e b l a c k h i s t o r y ! T h a n k you for taking the time to read this issue and share it with your family and friends.


It is an amazing time to be alive and to be able to come into the remembrance of who I am! I strongly urge you to take a DNA test and read part of my testimony Life in the Overflow Magazine


Remembering Who You Are by Shanica L. Bell, Editor

They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” - Psalms 83:4


or my family and many other African American families, our generational history is often lost in the evil tangled web of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, rape, and Jim Crow. We are left with the pieces of stories from a history that we may never discover the entire truth about. It amazes me how other nations of people can trace their lineage back hundreds of years, while there are some of us that can’t go beyond our parents or grandparents because we were scattered as a nation to the four corners of the earth.

And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other. - Deutoronomy 28:64 KJV My family tree on both sides has left more to be imagined about who my ancestors were and their stories that have shaped who I am today. However, with ancestral DNA testing, doors have been opened for many people to find out who they are and where they come from beyond the borders of America. Last year I took the African Ancestry DNA test and also had my brother take one. I wanted to know our origins on our mother’s side, as well as our father’s side. It was important for me to know more than the fact that there was a 1619 Trans-Atlantic slave trade that my ancestors were possibly apart of. I needed the evidence found in my blood that would give me a glimpse of where my ancestors were taken from and what life and culture may have been like for them. With millions of DNA strands in the database, I learned that I share mitochondrial DNA tracing back from my mother, to her mother, from her mother and so on all the way back 500-2000 years with the Yoruba people living in Nigeria today. I amof Nigerian descent! It was amazing to now be able to say that I am not just a black woman. Black is not a nation. My brother’s results were a bit more revealing of a history that 35% of men will share when discovering their ancestral history. Our paternal DNA strand is shared present day with people living in Spain. Could it be that perhaps my paternal ancestry was apart of the Spanish/Portuguese Inquisition of the original exiled Jews who are said to be the descendants of the children of Israel? Could it be that a white man fathered my forefather through the rape of a black woman? That piece of history, we may never know.

“For I knew that they would not hear me, because it is a stiffnecked people: but in the land of their captivities they shall remember themselves.” - Baruch 2:3 KJV What I do know, is that my people are reconnecting themselves with relatives that they never knew existed through DNA. They are uncovering a history that they never imagined belonged to them. We are learning and coming into a remembrance of who we really are. Many are returning back to the home of their ancestors and taking on dual citizenship and embracing their African ethnicity. It is in God’s word that one day He will turn our captivity and have compassion upon us as a nation, wherever we are scattered, he will gather us and bring us back into the land that belonged to our forefathers and we will take back our rightful possession of it (Deut. 30:5). This is a promise from the Lord to Israel. You may have questions as to why God would scatter his people and place us in the land of our captivities. The answers are found in the first testament. The history of our ancestors in detail is outlined by generation and even prophetically tells of the things to come if we were disobedient to God as His children. Even as a royal preiesthood, set aside for God himself, we were disobedient. The remnants or His children are still being murdered in the streets without justice, living in the land of our captivities that desire to keep us as the tail and not the head, imprisoned and still enslaved by the law and so on. When we speak on our knowledge of remembering who we are, we end up cancelled or made to apologize publicly. Ask Nick Cannon or Whoopi Goldberg how fast their status was crumbling by going against the narrative. Israel shall remember who they are and see the salvation of the Lord in the latter days. “Rejoice , O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, adn will be merciful unto his land, and unto his people.” - Deutoronomy 32:43



Black History Month Winter 2022

Hammond, LA -- Titus Showers first made his mark in Gospel as the lead singer for the two-time Stellar Awardnominated family band, The Showers. He stepped out with his debut solo EP WHO in 2019 that debuted at #1 on Billboard Top Gospel Albums Chart. Returning from the success of his 2020 single “It’s Gonna Be Alright”, the Billboard award-winning artist has released a new single to radio - “Name On It”. “Name On It” is the precursor to his forthcoming selftitled new album TITUS SHOWERS. The beautifully crafted and powerful song is produced by Lucius Hoskins and written by Hoskins and Showers. Showers and Hoskins celebrate God’s blessings for his people through expressive and elevating lyrics - “I’m speaking life, I’m speaking to the mountain, claiming my promise, It’s got my name on it.” “The Lord gave me this song in the middle of this pandemic to bless the people of God all over the world,” Showers explains. “I encourage you to heed the words of the song because God has something tailor-made for you. No one can claim it or take it away from you because it has your name on it.”

“Name On It” is impacting Gospel radio now. The album will release via A&P Records and be available on digital outlets on April 22, 2022. “Name On It” has the anointing and brilliance to add to Showers’ impressive career that boasts over 1 million YouTube views, two #1 Gospel albums, a #1 radio single, and five career top 30 songs. Evidence as Titus Showers continues to claim his promise of being a beacon of light and hope through music. § Provided by The Bellamy Group

Life in the Overflow Magazine



Black History Month Winter 2022



INSPIRATION + SPIRITUALITY Kendal: Tell us a little about yourself, something you want people to know about Dr. Joseph. Dr. Joseph: I am the man of the Spirit. I do believe its my assignment to introduce this generation to the reality of the realm of the Spirit. We have a lot of talkers from the alters and the pulpits and very few men that can translate the glory of the Lord from the realm of the Spirit into this realm and when the glory manifests, you are going to see the evidence. That evidence is deliverance, miracles, prophesy being fulfilled, healing that is evident and you will see the fruit in the lives of the people. That is my assignment, man of the Spirit. Kendal: Tell us your testimony, your testimony of getting to know God and your encounter with God. Dr. Joseph: I was one of those people that never gave their lives to God in the pulpit. I have seen a lot of people’s spiritual life, going up and down, up and down, like the sizzling Texas weather because they heard a good articulated sermon from the preacher and the preacher talked about grace and how God has graced them, so they come to Church and gave their lives based on the message. I never experienced that. I’m radical, I’m hardcore, I’m bonified a spiritual “Thug.” I am one of those heavy hitters because the day I gave my life to the Lord, I encountered God. I was going to kill myself; I was even suicidal growing up and that night, on my way to hang myself... Jesus took me into heaven and I saw him face to face. His face was like looking the sun at 2pm in the Texas summer, it’s the hottest day at 104 degrees. His face was brighter than that. He called me by name, spoke to me and told me my life’s assignment. He told me He was going to put HIS Spirit on me. It didn’t make a lot of sense. That is why I talk about the Spirit of God more than anything else because the Spirit of God makes the difference in our lives. So, Jesus said, “I’ll put my Spirit on you” and today I pray for people not because of the name of Jesus nor do I cast out demons because of the name of Jesus, but I do it because the Spirit of God is on my life to activate the power in the name. Right. And while still in the vision, Jesus allowed me to meet the eleven disciples, Peter and John and so forth. So, when I opened my eyes, I was a different person. Like, before the encounter I wanted to hang myself, blow up myself, poison myself, slash myself, I just wanted to kill myself. When, when I opened my eyes, I felt different. The bible says if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. I gave my life to Christ because I encountered him and my faith, boy, I’m on fire! Kendal: How did you produce Global Fellowship Church? Dr. Joseph: After I left bible college in 2005, I have been to some of the most innovative ministries in Dallas and I was apart of an went to churches that sat thousands of people. But my heart was constantly dry. I would drive out of mega churches, service was exciting, people were jumping up and down, people were shouting, but I still left the sanctuary dry. I kept asking the Lord, why am I constantly dry? So, I went into prayer and by 2007 at 3am early one morning, the LORD told me to go on the computer. I went online and He told me to google Global, I typed in Global, He then told me to type in Fellowship, I typed in Fellowship, He then told me to type in Church, so I typed in Church. I pressed search and the result came back, “results not found.” So, I said, “Lord it doesn’t exist!” He responded with “EXACTLY! I want you to put it in there”. continued on page 28

Life in the Overflow Magazine


THE NEW NORMAL by Chantel Williams


“...we get so caught up in the normal flow of life that we become so familiar with known patterns and are unable to see beyond them.”

- Chantel Williams


onestly the 2020 Pandemic was meant to happen. So much has come out of it, and I wonder what if it didn’t happen. In my opinion if the Pandemic didn’t take place, then things would be at a standstill, constant, and no room for change or growth. Many would lack the desire to change. Being stuck in a comfort zone would have been the standard and we would not have been able to forcefully accept and adjust to the “New Normal”.

. Ideas and passions would have gone unnoticed and probably even unannounced, leading to a level of complacency which then creates a negative impact on growth thus developing a stagnant approach. At times we get so caught up in the normal flow of life that we become so familiar with known patterns and are unable to see beyond them. We fail to look at the bigger picture and think beyond the box. Being unexpectedly laid off from my 9-5 job during the pandemic, really opened my eyes to the fact of how important it is to have your own business and build community connections. My book, which acts as a stepby-step guided action plan- outlines strategies on how to ensure that one has access to tools and resources to properly develop their business, maintain proper schedules to handle personal life, ministry, and business, all while setting boundaries in the event an unexpected event occurs such as job loss. I strongly encourage and support business development and entrepreneurship every chance that I get. For this is the most secure method to building a successful lifestyle and legacy. I would never wish what happened to me on anyone. I am most thankful to God, because he was already preparing me for the moment. He allowed me to access resources and tools that impacted my business operations in a great way prior to the incident. My business continues to flourish in a great way, and I am most grateful for being able to reach back and help others with their business development ideas and strategy implementation. Never focus so much on the bad that you forget to visualize the good that will come from it. §

Being a wife, mother, friend, and woman of many talents wearing multiple hats, Chantel LaToya Williams faced an immediate interruption in her life, and was forced to pivot.Chantel’s pivoting moment pushed her into a different level and way of thinking and provided the ideal tools and resources needed to use her story as an empowerment platform to inspire others while encouraging them to continue living out their God given talent and vision. Chantel is a Native of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, but currently resides in Hopewell, Virginia.


Black History Month Winter 2022

Chantel Williams is an author, graphic designer, business strategist, empowerment leader, and mentor

Learn more about Chantel at

FB: Maxxtell Creations, LLC

IG: @maxxtellcreations Life in the Overflow Magazine





...when I was a little girl when I preferred to be with my elder’s vs being with my peers, I felt like I was making a difference and I enjoyed hearing their stories and being taught different things. - Priscilla Baldwin My favorite color is: purple My favorite food/dish is: Chili The most played song on my playlist right now is: 911 Teddy Swim My daily affirmation is: I don’t chase, I attract what belongs to me will find me


Black History Month Winter 2022

Life in the Overflow magazine shares our interview with Life Care Companions of Northwest Florida Life in the Overflow: Hi Priscilla, please tell us a little bit about yourself and where you are from. Priscilla: My name is Priscilla Baldwin I am family-oriented, love to laugh , spending time with my friends and love to travel. Life in the Overflow: Tell us about your business Life Care Companions of Northwest Florida. Priscilla: Life Care Companions of Northwest Florida we are a Homemaker/Companion service providing Home/Community base services to person’s living with disabilities and the elderly as well. We assist those who want to continue to live independent lives in their communities with going to Doctor’s appointment, grocery shopping, light housekeeping, and Activities of Daily living to maintain a healthy environment in their homes. Life in the Overflow: Where did your passion to create a space and care for Elderly or Alzheimer’s patients come from? Priscilla: The passion came from when I was a little girl when I preferred to be with my elder’s vs being with my peers, I felt like I was making a difference and I enjoyed hearing their stories and being taught different things. I also liked being around individuals that were different according to societal standards it felt right to me. Why was it important to you? It was important to me that someone was listening to them and that they are important. Life in the Overflow: What do you see in the future for yourself and LifeCare Companions? Priscilla: I see myself and Life Care Companions seeing our mission statement being complete which is bringing innovative ideas and concepts to Northwest Florida and surrounding areas. Life in the Overflow: Do you have any dreams or aspirations that you have yet to embark on?

Priscilla: The aspirations that we have for the business is to share more webinars and educate on different topics relating to Dementia and working with person’s living with disabilities, holistic alternative ideas. Life in the Overflow: What advice would you give to an aspiring caregiver that is looking to branch out on their own and create a business in caring for others? Priscilla: That it’s a process it won’t happen overnight and please don’t get discouraged. Keep the faith keep pushing, believing don’t GIVE UP surround yourself with people who believe in your passion just as much as you do. The passion will keep you going it has to be from the heart Life in the Overflow: Name one thing that you wish someone had told you when you first started LifeCare Companions? Priscilla: The many sacrifices that had to be made for the business. How has the pandemic affected your business? Priscilla: The first round of Covid-19 was scary for everyone but with our clients that were special need adults/ elderly it was more scary it was teaching the new protocols of wearing a mask and hand washing procedures and explaining the importance of doing this every opportunity. It really affected us when there was a lock down because we are a Home/Community based service and couldn’t provide services to our clients. The new variant has concerns for clients and their family members and we are proceeding with caution. How can our readers get to know more about LifeCare Companions and what you do? Priscilla: Visit our website at Life in the Overflow Magazine



Black History Month Winter 2022

I wanted the soles of my feet to touch the ground.” -Tammy Darmel Moore Footprints in Africa, Founder


GOING THE DISTANCE by Shanica L. Bell, Editor

Tammy Darmel Moore sits down with Life in the Overflow Magazine and shares how a trip to Africa changed her life and the lives of others thousands of miles away.


queen in her own right, Tammy Darmel Moore is a woman led by her plight and passion for her people, her community, and humanity. She was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina, a military-brat in her own words, she doesn’t really remember much of the extensive military travel as a child. Whether it’s Meals on Wheels or serving the Cancer Society board in the Southeast for 10 years, Tammy has always had the heart to give back. Fulfilling a dream to travel and see the world after her children were adults, soon after her youngest had graduated from college, in less than 3 years Tammy would see 4 continents and 29 countries. Her travels to Africa were intentionally saved for the year 2019. “I wanted to go to Africa the way that I wanted to do it. There’s this methodology to it. I wanted to go in the year of 2019, The Year of Return”, she continued, “People would say, well what difference does it make? It makes a big difference. This trip was personal for me. So, when I got the opportunity to go to Ethiopia in 2019, that was like a double bonus, because Ethiopia is the beginning of all mankind, the beginning of civilization, the original Africa. Now we know the Africa that has been diced up into 54 countries, but Ethiopia is the original and it doesn’t get the respect it deserves.” Out of all the continents and countries that Tammy has traveled to, she expresses her respect for the original Africa. “Ethiopia is literally the only place out of all the places I’ve visited where I’ve taken my shoes off as soon as I got off the plane because I wanted the soles of my feet to touch the ground.” Upon her arrival in Ethiopia, it was important for Tammy to visit the places that were off the grid and outside of the tourist locations. For her, it wasn’t about sitting by the poolside with an umbrella drink taking selfies, but really getting to know the locals, how they lived and get their perspective. She admits that when she met the people she was in awe and fell in love with them and the country. Likewise, for the locals who expressed that they were used to seeing blonde hair and blue eyes, they were equally in awe to see people from another part of the world that looked like them. She ate with them, had conversations and formed relationships with them that continue until this day. For 3 days she remained in a remote area, in what we would called the bush, with no running water or electricity. Utilizing the sun to tell the time of day or realizing it was morning by the roosters crowing, Although she acknowledges the realness of hunger, sickness, and disease throughout the continent, Tammy saw a happy people living life in their element not burdened with the woes of life that we deal with on a daily basis in the western world. “They’re free,” Tammy says and then repeats it, “They’re free.” Reflecting on children splashing in every mud puddle that they could find, “They’re having the time of their lives.” continued on next page

Life in the Overflow Magazine



“While I was there in the bush, I met a young girl, she probably was about 13 years old. I had on a pair of black Nike Airmax, she had on shoes but her feet were protruding a little bit in one of the shoes. She was walking me back to the van and she says, “May I have your shoes? Your shoes,” as she was pointing down to my feet. I tell her that I can’t give her my shoes, because I didn’t have another pair with me. We had to walk about 5 miles out of the bush to get to the guy with the van. I felt bad. My closet at home is literally falling in with stuff. I have plenty of shoes. When I got back to the states, that weighed heavily on me. I had to tell a child ‘no’; not for a candy bar, not to a soda, but to a pair of shoes. We all need shoes. It’s bigger than having on something stylish. I started making arrangements to go back to that same village for my birthday the following year in February 2020. I wanted to give these shoes to the little girl that asked me for them. I cleaned them for her, put them in a bag and down in a box.” An invitation to return to Ethiopia in February 2020, was not able to be fulfilled due to COVID-19 sweeping the world, so Tammy got to work with collecting shoes, making the best out of the shut down and her quarantine time. Considering, that by the time the quarantine was over she could have more shoes for the little girl and others in the village as well. With no traditional marketing of her idea or social media advertising, while quarantined to her home using nothing but text messaging and phone calls - in two weeks, Tammy had collected over 100 pairs of gently used, new or like new pairs of shoes.

“Me collecting shoes, turned into me forming an organization called, Footprints in Africa. People ask, why the name? I tell them, while in the bush I saw more footprints than shoes.” Footprints in Africa has currently partnered with Lale Labuko, an Southwest Ethiopian tribesman and humanitarian, to form an initiative for the aid of the ‘mingi’ children of the Kara tribe by the Omo River. Mingi is a bizarre, taboo concept that children borne out of wedlock, a twin or those who have teeth that come in from the top before the bottom. Those children are sacrificed and slaughtered as a part of their generational culture and belief that they would bring famine or a curse.


Black History Month Winter 2022

While in the bush, I saw more footprints than shoes.” -Tammy Darmel Moore Footprints in Africa, Founder

Labuko has become an advocate and has provided a home for these outcast mingi children. To date he has about 52 children. Footprints in Africa has collaborated with Lale Labuko, providing much needed healthcare, food and clothing by sponsoring a child for $37/month. “My background is in business development. It’s not unlikely to take something little and make it something. I thrive on challenges. I bring out my best work when I’m under the gun. It always comes out better than what I could have expected. I’m led by my spirit, even if I don’t know the end result. You don’t have to see it, just trust that incubator. I like to be led by the Spirit.” When asked how Covid-19 has affected the organization and it’s mission, Tammy responded, “Although our organization was established during Covid-19, our foundation was built on something that’s very uncommon, and it goes back to who we are as a people, it all aligns. I wasn’t detoured, because of it, if anything I was provoked. If there was no other time, this was the time to get it done. As far as travels, because Covid has extended far beyond time expected, I haven’t been able to do certain things, like take a group back to Ethiopia. That would be our annual trip. I’ve chosen Ethiopia because it’s the beginning Now, there are other areas that are more civilized and more 21st century. I think in order for us to really have a true sense of our people, Africa, it really needs to start in Ethiopia, the beginning.”

“They don’t have room to dream, so I wanted to provide a gateway so that they can actually dream.” - Tammy Darmel Moore Footprints in Africa also serves other countries. In Senegal and Gambia, Igniting Dreams initiative was started because of a local rap artist and tourist worker named Lamin. After meeting him and learning about his dream, Tammy helped Lamin by sowing a monetary seed for studio time, wardrobe and video production. Since the encounter and the release of his music, Lamin has had several shows. ‘They don’t have room to dream, so I wanted to provide a gateway so that they can actually dream.” Through Igniting Dreams, Footprints in Africa sponsors artist talent cards in both countries. Since then, Footprints in Africa has added another Igniting Dreams recipient from Nigeria to their roster and awarded a grant for higher education last year. continued on page 31 Life in the Overflow Magazine



Black History Month Winter 2022


continued on page 17 Life in the Overflow Magazine



BE the FLOW! | WINTER 2019

AMBER DEAS of A1Lenz Productions, More than Meets the Eye by Keysha Hall

Amber is a creative soul who loves to collaborate. Her motto is, “collaboration over competition”. She is open to working with different people because she understands that we learn and grown in community and believes in diversity of ideas. She wants to change the narrative that Black people have to follow a stereotypical trajectory for their career path. She states,” I want my legacy to be how I helped children, women and people of color to become a creative person themselves.” Ever the consummate professional, Amber is always ready and willing to encourage new entrepreneurs. She offers the following sage advice: I know it may sound cliché, but don’t give up. Be consistent. Keep going. Don’t compare yourself to other people. Stick to your creative knowledge and focus on your business.”


mber Deas is a true renaissance woman. She is a beautiful, multi-talented businesswoman, mother, rapper (she has bars) and author who is a source of inspiration to many. The St. Petersburg, Florida native has been a creative since her youth. Her biggest supporter cultivated her passion for photography; her father Mark Deas, who gifted her cameras for her birthdays. She says, “He provided wisdom, encouragement, advice and instilled within me a strong work ethic”. What started as a hobby has turned into a successful business yielding high praise from satisfied clients. Amber started A1Lenz Productions in 2014. She started photographing artist showcases and events while networking to other opportunities. She spent years honing her craft while learning how to effectively brand and market her business. The time was well spent, as she has not only received high praise for her photography, but also for her production and editing of music videos, movies and documentaries as well. Not resting on her laurels of her powerhouse production company, she released two books to glowing reviews. Her first book, entitled Who Do You Think You Are?, inspires and motivates people to do the work to become the best version of themselves. Her next book, entitled 51 Social Media Marketing Methods to Boost Business, offers practical advice for business owners to grow their brand. She says, ‘I’m working on more books geared towards businesses because that’s my market.”

A1LenzProductions is diligently working on a number of new projects, including a documentary called The Rise of St. Pete. This selfinspired project will highlight how the music started in St. Pete and go through to the present time to show the rise of the industry. This is not only important for the city, but also for the culture to document the history. Amber is a rising star who consistently creates innovative ideas for her business. She is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service to her clients and does all of this by staying true to herself. Her kindness and professionalism shine through and is the reason she stays booked and busy. § Learn more about Amber Deas and A1Lenz Productions: Website IG@a1lenzproductions Twitter @a1lenzprod

Keysha J. Hall is a Senior Program Coordinator for a private university. She has 25+ years of experience in program management, event development, financial services and copyediting. She enjoys music, photography, cooking, writing and traveling.

Life in the Overflow Magazine



BE the FLOW! | WINTER 2019






by Nikel Wilson

Winter is gone and its time to SPRING INTO FASHION and see what the hottest trends are, if you are wondering what colors are trending this spring stay tuned, I am going to show you where you can get them on a budget and still look amazing while doing it on a budget.


raditionally spring fashion has been bright colors because spring is when we see everything come back into bloom, and colorful, so our clothes tend to mimic nature. While we are use to seeing bright colors, this spring may bring us something different, spring 2022 brings us denim, monochrome, various different prints, and yes you can put all these together; because fashion has no rules, the only rule to fashion is have style and have fun.into bloom, and colorful, so our clothes tend to mimic nature. While we are use to seeing bright colors, this spring may bring us something different, spring 2022 brings us denim, monochrome, various different prints, and yes you can put all these together; because fashion has no rules, the only rule to fashion is have style and have fun.

Denim, as a spring trend? That’s what you’re thinking right? I know it doesn’t sound very “trendy” however, when paired with the right item denim can be extremely trendy. There are several ways that you can dress denim up or down. Most people when they think of denim think of regular jeans that you go to the store in and throw some sneakers on with, that’s not trendy at all, but there are some very cute trendy denim jeans that are cute for a day with the girls and a date night with your man.


Black History Month Winter 2022

Monochrome is another trend that’s in for spring 2022; it is a classic trend, that will never go out of style. Designers and stylist are starting to trend monochrome a lot more on the runways this spring, and you can add it to your closet as well. If you are a safe dresser or you are just learning about style you can never go wrong with monochrome, there are several types of monochrome though, so I will give you a few examples of how to wear it. The beauty about monochrome is that you can take pieces that you already have in your closet, put them together and create the perfect monochromic look. Another Monochromic classic design that will never go out of style is houndstooth, this classic design has been for centuries, and is still a timeless fabric, that people love to wear. Houndstooth is not just a spring trend, but it is trend that can be worn yearly and many ways. All these trends are not only affordable, but they are also stylish and high end looking. They will be a head turner, and conversation starter wherever you wear them. § These trends can be found on the following websites:,,

Nikel Kiar’ is a writer, fashion designer and blogger, and also a wardrobe stylist. She currently resides in Baltimore, Maryland

Life in the Overflow Magazine


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So, I responded back with, Lord,” you want me to put the church there?” He said the reason I did let you fit in and the reason you felt empty is because there are so many people like you out there, that are hungry and are not satisfied and they are thirsty and not quenched. So, God said, I want you to start a church called Global Fellowship Church because I will bring people from every corner of the Globe. I will bring them together. I will bring different races together. I will bring different ethnicities together and from different educational and financial standards. Today, we have people from Japan, Korea, India, Pakistan, Russia, South America and different countries from Africa, just to name a few. I remember the first time someone showed up from Iran. I walked in a said, “Hey, man, where you from? He responded with “Iran” I told him “To give me a second” and I went back to my office and I raised my hands to say, “God, I hope this man is delivered and really born again, cause, you know what I was thinking, you know what I’m saying. Then God, said this to me “this is what I told you, I’m going to bring people from every corner of this world. Global Fellowship was birthed by the instructions of the Lord, it’s doing the will of God. It never started because someone needed a career. It never started because I needed a paycheck. It started because God wants to raise and end time church full of the remnant, men and women. They look ordinary on the outside but inside their warriors. Our Church we are LIONS, we are hungry. Kendal: Before we go what is God speaking to your Spirit and when people read this article now and in the future what would God have you to say to them. Dr. Joseph: Th e Spirit of the LORD says “COME” The Spirit of the LORD is saying to every person reading this “COME” Come to me all that are heavy laden, all of you who are burdened, all who are broken, all of you who are frustrated, all of you who are sick, all of you who are frustrated, all of you who are sick, all of you who want to quit, all of you who want to go to sleep and never wake up, all of you who want to walk out of your job or shut down businesses, all of you who are tired if the way things are going. God says, “COME,” and when you come, HE will not put another burden of religion on you. HE wants to set you free. HE wants to transform your life. He wants to answer your prayers. HE wants to give you meaning for your life. HE wants to give you purpose for your life. So, “COME,” so, you can be united with God. God wants you to come so that it will be a union in the Spirit. That will join with HIM, it’s marriage. God doesn’t just want you come to just enter a building or you pay $39.99 to attend another conference and go home to say, “Boy that was good” God wants to join with him so where you are, HE will be, so HE can lead you into your destiny, so HE can brake the yoke off your neck and give you freedom. Let me say a prayer for you and as a prophet in the name of Jesus, that the Lord will release your spirit and HIS Spirit upon you to change you, raise you, transform you and make you a better person, to reveal your own strength, your own worth and your own health in Jesus’ name. AMEN. §


Black History Month Winter 2022

“Global Fellowship was birthed by the instructions of the Lord, it’s doing the will of God. It never started because someone needed a career. It never started because I needed a paycheck. It started because God wants to raise and end time church full of the remnant, men & women.” - Dr. Joseph Mwenya, Global Fellowship Church

Instagram @GlobalFellowshipChurch_Dallas @drjosephmweyna Youtube Global Fellowship Church Facebook GlobalFellowshipChurch_Dallas

Kendal Richardson is an author, philanthropist and songwriter. He is the Founder of Grapevine HIV/AIDS organization and Voice of the People.

Life in the Overflow Magazine



Black History Month Winter 2022

Footprints in Africa also carries authentic products and jewelry from all over Africa. Tammy started a project called Life Gardens. She sponsors 12 school gardens that the children work in. She was told that 12 gardens would feed 1500 people three meals a day. In 90 days, a miracle happened in the land that reminded Tammy of the story of Jesus feeding the people with 3 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Tammy and Footprints in Africa had sponsored 7 gardens. Just 2 of the gardens fed well over 1,000 people. Today, the Life Garden project is feeding well over 4,000 souls several meals a day. Life Gardens has also become a small business for many who are able to grow food in surplus before the cold season and sell it to businesses or other people. Attendance at the schools has also increased, with knowing that they have food to eat while there. “When we do things we want to make sure that not only is it impactful, but it should also be sustainable. You don’t want to do something just for fluff, but we want to do things that long after we’ve put our footprints in Africa and gone, that whatever we’ve done, is still going, still thriving and makeing a difference,” Tammy explains. After discovering almost 20 years ago her African ancestry of the Hausa/Ticar people, Tammy had plans for dual citizenship in Africa. The trip to scout out the land after The Year of Return trip didn’t happen due to Covid-19. Tammy hopes to take a group with her back to Ethiopia and Kenya soon. She says she just wants to walk through the gardens, see the children and meet those whose lives she is changing from a continent away. Learn more about Footprints in Africa at §

Life in the Overflow Magazine



HELP! My Business is Holding Me Hostage: The 3 Steps to Finding Your Exit While Discovering the New and Improved You Dr. LaToya Robins-Thurmond

Every entrepreneur, solopreneuer and CEO that feels trapped in their business needs this book. We stress having a marketing and business plan, but we don’t stress having an exit plan. Dr. Latoya shares her own personal experiences, challenges and barriers, as well as solutions that can help move you beyond stagnation. Order your copy today! ORDER ONLINE


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