Hasbro Children's Hospital Welcome Guide

Page 1


Hasbro Children's Hospital Tlw Pe<liall' ie Di, ision of Rhode Island I l ospilal

Lifespan. netii·erinEI health will! care.®

TABLE OF CONTENTS AB O UT OUR H O SPITAL. ..... . . . ............... 2 Y O UR CHILD'

STA Y ..... . ... . ...... . .......... 2

Visitors are Welcome Patient/Paren t B racelets and Visi tor Badges Using the GetWell etwork General Pediatric nits Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Medical-P ychiatric Unit Medication s Personal Items

Parking Fees Transportation SPECIAL SERV ICES .... . . .. .............. . . . . . . . . . 8

Interpre t er Services Blood Donation s Ethics Consultation otary Service SPIRITUAL C ARE SERVI CES ...... . .... . . . . . . . . . 9

CHILD LI FE SERVICES ... . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . ......


M EALS ........ . ...... . . . ........... . . . .... . ......... .


Din ing Options Food from Home

Mu lti-Faith Spiritual Care Roman Catho li c piricual Care C hapels C hapel Service F O R Y O UR CHILD'S S AFET Y .......... . . . ..

TELEPHO NES .. . . . . . .... . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ...... . .. 6

Directory P LACES .... . . . . . ...... . ...... . . . . . ... . ...............

PARK.IN G AND TRAN SPORTATION . . . ... . . . . . 8


Family Lounges and Waiting Areas Rona ld McDonald Family Room Lodging for Fam il ies Pedia t ric Garden Resource Center Lifespan Pharmac y Gift Shop H OSPITAL T OBACCO P O LICY ...... . .......... 8


Fire D rills Electrical Appliances ecurity G O IN G H O ME ..... . .... .. . .. ............. . . . . . . .


Di scha rge Preparat ion Lo t an d Found Billing Patient & Guest Services BILL O F R IGHTS FO R PARENT$ . . .... . . . ...


Famil y Responsibilities BILL O F RI GH TS FO R CHILDREN AND TEEN S......... . .... . . .. .............. . . . ....



T- A




Our nurses, physicians and staff understand how stressful the ho pitalization of a child can be, and we arc here co support yo ur fami ly in every way possible. Our medical expertise is profound; we also know that you arc the real expert when it comes to your child. We will partner with you to ensure that your child receives excellent care, and chat you and the rest of your fam ily arc comfortable, informed and included in all facers of your child's experience. A parent consultant whose own child has received medical care at Hasbro Children's is on sclff co partner with patienrs, families, and hospital staff, and to bring the fami ly voice and perspective into every area of the hospital. For your convenience, we offer a morning coffee cart for parents, crving coffee and pastries. The Ronald McDonald Room on our fourth floor offers free refreshmenrs, compurcrs, a place co do laundry, or simply a quiet refuge from the bustle of the hospital. The Izzy Family Room on the fifth floor and Dunkin' Room on the sixth floor arc

If there is anything you would li ke to discuss during your stay or if you h,1ve immediate concerns that need to be addressed, please let a staff member know. You may also call one of us directly at -W1 -444- 5581. We thank yo u for entrusting your child co Hasbro Children's Hospic.a l.

comfortable space for you co rela., or rest, while never being

far from your child.


For cnccrtainmcnc and inforn,ation to help case your stay, the GetWellNetwork system in your child's room provi des access co pr-Jctical health and ho pita! information; menus for meal ordering; internet, games, movies, and tclevi ion. This is an interactive system; we hope you \ ill use the promprs

Margaret Van Bree, DrPH, MHA President RJH/ Hasbro Children's H ospital

Phyllis A. Dennery, MD Pediatrician-in-Chief Hasbro Children's Hospital

and surveys to provide feedback so we can best meet your


family's needs. We have a full service cafeteria as well as a coffee shop, bank, and a gift shop that makes floral deli veries wi thin the ho pical. Each patient room has a chair that convcns co a bed, if you

Tracey Wallace, MBA Vice Presidem Pediatric Seivices of Lifespan

wish co remain with your child 24 hours a day. You may

Lauren Thomgate, PhD, RN, CCRN-K Director, Pediatric Patient Care Service. , Hasbro C hildren's Hospital

also choose co c1y in the nearby Ronald McDonald Hou c of Providence. If your stay wi ll be an extended one, please ask for a referral. We are happy co assist you with referral to

Francois Luks, MD, PhD

other crvices within Lifespan.

Pediatric Surgeon- in- Chief Hasbro C hildren's Ho pita!


ABOUT OUR HOSPITAL Hasbro Child ren's Hospital i the premier pediatric facility for clinical care, research, and education for Rhode Island and surrounding outheastern

cw England. We are the

only Level 1 pediatric trauma center in the regio n. A pri vate, not- for- profit institution Hasbro C hildren's Hospital is the pediatric division ofR.hodc Island Hospital and part of the Lifespan health care system. At Hasbro C hildren's, we endorse the American Academy of


Pediatri cs' guideline for safe lcep practices. We strongly

We encourage you to be honest with yo ur child about his

ad isc that our patiencs nor share a crib or bed with anyone,

or her stay in the hospital. Lee your child know that you will

even a parent or guardian. Parents and guard ians, please

be there whenever you can and that the hospital staff is kind

consult wi ch yo ur child's nurse or chi ld life specialist about

and cari ng. To reassure your child, yo u c,m also talk about

alternative ways to provide comfort to your hospitalized son

some of the fun, everyday activities available at the hospital,

or daughter.

including the playrooms, games, arts and crafts, and special programs. (Please note that patients in isolation wilJ not have access to the playroom. T his will help to ensure that other children arc not exposed


infectious or communicable


Visitors are Welcome Parents arc 1101 conside red visitors; you are part of your child's care team. Other fami ly members and friends

If you have other children at home, they may worry about their sibling's hospit.'11 stay. Be sure they also understand what is happeni ng, and let them know they are welcome to visit

generally arc welcome co visit between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. We ask that you limit visitors co t\ o at a time. An adult should accompany any child younger than 16.

most units. If you plan to bring a chi ld w ho is under age 5, please talk to your child's nurse ahead of time, and be aware that children younger than 16 wi ll need permission


Patient/Parent Bracelets


a sibling in the pediatric intensive care un it (PICU) . We ask that children younger than 12 not visit during respiratory illness/cold and flu season, approx.: October 1 - March 31, or as directed by the R.I Department of H ealth, in order to pre ve nt the spread of respirJtory viruses.

To ensure your child's safety, he or she must wear an identification bracelet at all times during the hospital stay. This br,1cele1 contains important information and must not be removed unti l you r child leaves the hospital. The bracelet must be scan ned for your child m;iy need

We understand your desire to be with yo ur child, and we



receive medication . We

gently wake your chi ld during the ni ght to scan

the bracelet before giving medication.

encourage your participation in yo ur child's care. Parents are welcome to stay with their chi ld 24 hours a day. Hi or her

Every patient' decision- making parent or legal guardian

room accommodates one parent, with a chair that convercs

mu c wear a blue identification bracelet. For your child'


a single bed. We wi ll provide linens and cowels.

protection, you must provide the last c--vo digit~ of his or her medical record number, loc.'lted on your bracelet, before

For the safety of all children, siblings may not stay

any information about your child can be given over the


telephone .

If you enter the hospital ;i_fter 8 p.m., yo u must enter through the emergency department and show your br:icelec tO

security staR: , ho wi ll ad mit you. All other doors , ill

be locked.

Please wear the bracelet until your child leaves the hospital.

Visitor Badges Using the GetWellNetwork Has bro Children' Hospital has a badge system for all visitors in order to limi t the spre;i_d of germs, allow time for patients

T he televisions at Hasbro Children' Hospital c;i_n do more

and families to rest, reduce noise during visiting hours, and

than provide a di version. We use the GetWell erwork

provide a s;1.fe environment. Badges are red or bl ue: a maxi­ mum of fo ur blue badge ;i_re issued for p;i_rentS or gu;i_rdians;

ro provide ed ucation, enteruinment, links ro seivices, and more. H asbro C hildren's H ospital has p,mncred with

three red badge for visitors. Siblings ;i_gc 12 and older wi ll

GetWcllNetwork to ensure that each patient's experie nce is

receive a red badge with an "S" sticker. Sibling badges arc

as pleasant and informa tive as it can be.

not counted against the allowance of three visitor badges.

Patients and fam ili es can:

To enter the unit, visitors must we;i_r one of the three red visitor badges allotted to each famil y. An adult must accom pany any visitor under age 16. Sibling badge arc not counted against the allowance of three visitor badges.

• view prescribed health education video regarding their condition • relax ;1.nd meditate with guidance from hc;1li ng videos ;1.nd music • request help from spiritual care, environmental,

Please know that a staff member may que tion you if you ;i_re not wearing an active badge. It is important to wear

your visitor badge during your entire stay. Hasbro C hildren' H ospital requires that all visitors we;u the pro­ vi ded ID badge w hile visiting any ,irea within the hospital.

and interprete r services • provide real- time fee dback by completing surveys ,ibout their stay • enjoy entertainment via a varied collection of feature movies, games, internet, and TV shows

T hese rules are in place for the he;i_lth ;1.nd s;1.fety of our patients, fam ilies and staff.

Patients ;1.nd families are encouraged co use the GetWellNetwork to co nnect wi th their care te:Jm an d be

Visitors :Jre asked


contact the fami ly in advance to arrange

visits. When visitors arri ve, they should contact the p;i_rent in

involved in their care. Please ask ,1 care team provider if yo u need help.

the room. The p:1rent/gu;i_rdian will meet the vi itors at the locked door, provide badges, and accomp;i_ny them to the child's room. In certain circumstances visi tors may use the

General Pediatric Units

pho ne outside the unit co contact the nurses' station and a k tO

be admitted.

Parents may request that a soci,11 worker arr;i_nge for a large or otherw ise special group co visit.

Hasbro 4, Hasbro 5, and Hasbro 6 Red At H asbro C hildren's H ospital, the fl oors ;i_re di vided into three "pods" - red, green and blue. Each pod has eight rooms with a nursing station at the center, so nurses have a clear view into eac h room and '1.Te always avail:ible to you and your child. There ;i_re well- tocked playrooms on the

special infection preventio n precautions that need to be taken. You may be asked to wear a gown or mask. Talk with your nurse if you have que tion. If yo11 are 11otfuli11g well, we ask tliat y o11 please stay liome.

Any caregiver or srnff member should wash the ir hands or u e hand s,mitizcr before couching your child. Yo u are encouraged co speak up ifyou sec a staff member or physician who docs not. Various medical professionals will care for your child in the floors, staffed :it different times by child life specialists. Each

PICU. Under the leadership of the mending physician, d:uly

uni t is locked to ensure our p::ttienrs' safety. Visitors and

rou nds take place between 8 and 11 a.m., during which

vo lunteers should use the phone oursi de the unit to contact

representative from the nursing, respiratory th erapy,

the nursing st:ition and request access.

nutrition, case management, social work, chil d life, and physical ther:1py departments work together co develop a plan of care for your child. You are encouraged co participate

Pe diatric Inten sive Care U nit

in the rou nds co the extent you fee l comfortable.

Our pediatric intensive care un it (P ICU) includes two suites of eight private rooms each, located around a central

Pediatri c M edi cal-P sychiatric Uni t

nursi ng station. Glass walls :tllow nursing staff to see all patients, but curetim cm be drawn to allow privacy for

Hasbro 6

childre n and parents.

Our pedi:1tric medi cal- p ychiatric unit is a 16- bed inpatient unit treating psychiatric patients, ages 12 co 17 years, who also

If yo ur child is in the PICU, one guardi,m is welcome to tay overnight, and we provide bedside lceping accommodations. We as k that you use the annoire to tore your personal

h,we medical diagnoses. The interdisciplinary team consiscs of both p ychiatric and pediatric specialists. Thi unit offers a structured progrnm which includes individual, group, and

belongings so that other surfaces remain cle:tr for patien t c:tre needs. If for some reason you are un:1ble to stay and you

family therapy, as well as many ocher ther:1peutic activities wh ich enhance social skills and provide opportunities for yo ur

would like to designate another adu lt caregiver to t:1y with your child, plea5e ask your nurse for details. FOR THE

chi ld to communicate his or her needs on an emotional level. Thi un it has special visiting hours. You will be given a


handbook wi th specific details about the unit when your


child is admitted.

T he PICU family wai ting area is j ust outside the main PICU entr:mce doors. T he lounge includes a ki tchenette, bathroom and shower, and ;1 private consultation room.

M edicati o ns Wh ile yo ur child is in the hospital, plc:t e do not give him or her any medication, not even medication that he or she

T o request entrance into the PICU, please use the telephone located on the right side of the double doors. Be prepared


show your visi tor badge upon entering the unit.

had been taking at home, includi ng prescriptions, ovcr- the­ counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal remedies. All medicine taken in the hospital is pre cribed by your child's

Please wash your hands when entering and leaving yo ur

doctor, prepared by registered pharmacisrs, and administered

child's room and freq uently throughout the day. There may

by our nursing staff.

be a sign posted ourside your child's room indicating any

P e rso nal Ite m s We will provide pajamas, slipper socks, and toiletries for your child. If your child feels more comfomble with his or her own personal items, you may bring them. We encourage you ro bring a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, doll or other special possession for your child. These reminders of home are very comforting to children. So that no treasured belonging is lost, please keep tr,1ck of these items when the room is being cleaned .



The hospital experience can be overwhelming for an infant,

We arc proud to offer the Treat YoursclfR.oom Service

child or adolescent. Our team of child life specialists is here to support children and their families through this experience by responding to their psychosocial, devclopmenrnl, and educational needs.

Program. A host will bring you a menu to keep in your child's room. After reviewing the menu, call 606- FOOD (3663) on the room phone ro order. Your child's food will be deli vered in about -45 minutes. Parents may also call in their child's selections ro 606- FOOD (3663) from ourside the

They help make the hospital environment as normal as


possible for children and families, and engage patienrs in , ctivities and interventions to support them throughout

If you cannot leave your child's room , you may request that

their journey. Child life pecialistS assist by:

one parent meal be deli vered to the room. A mall charge

• providing appropriate therapeutic play opportunities at both the bedside and in the playrooms. • preparing child for tests, procedures, and/or urgery

for each meal will appear on your child's hospital bill. lf you have question about the menu or need help placing your order, your host can assist you.

using devclopmenrnlly appropriate medical play and teaching materials, to reduce fear of the unknown .

Infant formula may be provided for your infant during their hospitaliution. Your nu rse can gi ve you a list of infa nt

• supporting patients and families during procedures by providing emotional support and/or distraction. • helping pediatric paticnrs maintain a sense of indepen­ dence, self- esteem, and control ro support coping and

formulas that Hasbro Children's Hospital has avail able. You can request certified lactation counselor services by speaking with your health care team. Breast pumps are available upon request.

complimce with new medical requirements (such as

There are a variety of dining options in the hospital,

pill swallowing, re\ ard charrs, etc.).


Our team includes a certified, hospital- based teacher who can help children and adolc cents remain involved in their schoolwork during their stay. The playroom is intended ro be a fun, carefree place for your child while he or she is in the hospital. Therefore, no medical procedures will be done in the playroom.

Our cafeteria, on the first floor of the Rhode Island

Ho pital main building (the Zecchino Pa ilion), serves hot and cold mea.ls, beverages, daily specials, salads, and desserts. The cafeteria is open daily from 6:30 a.m. to 2 ,1.m., except for 10 to 11 p.m. Au Bon Pain i next ro the George Auditorium on the first

floor of the main building, and is open around the clock.

There is also an

u Bon P;1in in the Andrew Anderson

Emergency Department; it is open from 6 a. m. to 7 p.m. dail y.

The Dudley Street Cafe offers a wide selection of menu items, including breakfast pastries, andwiches made to order, salads, fresh fruit, cookies, and <lessens. Located at th e end of the bridge to the Cooper:1tive Care Center, the cafe is open 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday co Friday.

In , ddition, a parent mini- breakfast cart visits the nursing units each morning between 8 and 10 a.m. with coffee and other li ght refreshments. These items arc intended for parents


only; if you wan t co share with your child, please ask your nurse first. Your child may be scheduled for a test that requires fasting, or might be allergic co an item on the cart. There arc also more th an •W vending machines

Main Number

-1-1-1- -1000

Patient Information



-1-1-1- 5221

Gift Shop

-1-1-1- 8316

througout the ho pita! campus, including the fifth fl oor of

Interpreter Services

-1-1-1- 8708

Hasbro Children 's Hospit:il by the elevators; outside th e

Parking Office


H asbro Children's emergency department; and in the

Patient ;md Guest Services


Anderson Emergency Department.

Patient Financial Services


Phy ician Referral


Food from Home

Pascoral ,md Spiritual Services


We understand that you \ ant to comfort and nourish your child. However, for safety reasons we encourage yo u not co


bring food from home. If you do, it must be labeled with your child' name, dare of birth and the current dare, and

Family Lounges and Waiting Areas

must be thrown away after one day. Healthy snacks and

The Hasbro Children's Hospital's Izzy Family Room ,md

refreshments arc avai lable for children on the nursing uni ts.

Dunkin' Family Room arc located by the public clcvacors

Please ask your nurse for food if your child is hungry.

on the fifth and sixth fl oors. They are provided for famil y members ofhospirnlizcd children; siblings must have adult supervision. They offer comforc;1ble se;1ting, a kitchenette,




Please provide friends and Eunily with your room's phone number. Telephones are shut off co incoming calls from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. co allow your child co rest.

television, and locker storage for your convenience in the Izzy room. They arc available to you :u any time thro ughout your child's srny. Plea e ask unit staff for the access codes, \ hich change frequently. Fan1ilies whose child is on precautions may not use the Izzy

Local calls are free . Dial 9, then the outside number. To place an in- ho pital call dial -1, then the -I -digit extension . Example: -1-1000. Cell phones may be used.

Famil y Room.

Ronald McDonald Family Room Located on the fourth floo r, just off' the elevators, the Ronald McDonald room offers a comfortable place for f.tmily members ro grab a quick snac k, re r, or even do laundry. The room is avai lable ro all adu lt fami ly members of hospitali zed children and is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. dai ly (depending on volunteer availabili ry). For more information, please call -1-1-1--6085.

Amenities include: • a kitchen are,1 with ;1 microwave, t.1ble, refrigcraror and fresh coffee

place for families to seep away from the hospirnl, have a meal and share a unique support system with other fami lies, staff and caring vol unteers. T here is no ch,1rge to stay at the Ronald McDonald House of Providence, but donations arc gracefu lly accepted. For more inforn1arion, please speak to a nurse, physician, or social worker at the hospital, or call the Ronald McDonald House of Pro idence directly at

-101 -274- H-17.

Pediatric Garden The pedi atric garden was created co provide fun , di vers ion, an d a change of scene ry (when possible) for our tuni lies.

• a washer, dryer and detergent

The entrance to our pediatric garden is on the lower level.

• computers with internet access so families can

It is open during daylight hours (weather permitting) in the

check e- mail or do onli ne research • a seating area \ here fami ly members can rela.-..;: or chat

warmer months of the year. Check with your child's nurse before leav ing the floor co visi t the garden , in case a test or therapy is scheduled or a meal is on the way.

Resource Center The H asbro Children' Famil y Resource Center, located in room 118, is a lending library for patients, fam ilies and anyone \>,rorking with children. It is a satelli te of the main medical library of Rhode Island Hospital an d contains medical and consumer health books that have been specially selected wi th parents in mind. The materials cover common pediatric diagnoses such as cancer, diabetes, , sthma, epilepsy, autism, cystic fibrosis, and speci,tl needs. There also are books on parenting and bere,wement, as well as an extensive collection of childre n's books. A computer and list of reliable, user- friend ly health websites arc available for your use, and there are databases containing current research information.

Lodging for Families The Ronald McDonald House of Pro vidence provides a "home away from home" for families of children being

Lifespan Pharmacy

treated at Ha bro Children's Hospital, Rhode Island

A full- service Lifespan Pharmacy i conveniently locaced in

Hospital, Bradley Hospital and Women & Infants Hospital.

the Davol Building, near the H asbro C hildren's upper lobby.

It offers 28 bedrooms that can accommodate rwo ro fo ur

If you wish to use it for your child's pre criptions, you may

fa m.ily members. All rooms have a pri vate bath and many

use the GecWe!INetwork ro notify a team member. Yo u

are handicapped accessi ble.

can also inform your child's nurse or doccor that yo u would

A shuttle service is provided from the Hasbro Children's

like co have your child's prescriptions filled at the Lifespan

to Ronald McDonald House. The ho use offers ,1 stre s- free

Pharmacy. You may have your chi ld's medjcations delivered directly ro his or her room, or have them mailed ro yo ur

home after your child i discharged. The pharmacy al~o

If you require shuttle service to chc parking lot, please call

delivers rdills.

639-8-1--1-9 co arrange pickup. Vi itors may request a scc utity escort to che parking lot by calling -1--1--1----5221 .

Gift Shop Lori's Gifts, a full- ervice gift shop, is on the first floor of


the Hasbro Children's Hospic-al lobby. It is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. co 8 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 9 a.m. co 8 p.m.

R.hodc Island Public Tnnsit Authority (R.rPTA) buses stop outside che main encnncc to R.hodc Island Ho pital. Bus service to the hospital begins at 6:15 a. m. and ends ac 11:-1-2 p.m. A R.IPTA bus schedule is :1v,ulable ac the hospi­


tal's information desk. For more infom,arion on routes and fares, please call R IPTA ac-1-01 -781 - 9-1-00.

Lifespan is committed to the health and safety of our patients, staff and visitors. Use of smoking, vaping device , or che, ing

For more derails, please visit llltps:/ /rv111111.r/1odeisla11dl1ospi­

tobacco is nor permitted on or within 50 feet of any Lifespan


owned or leased property, including buildings, cnrr.mccways, sidewalks, parking lots and g.1nges. By staying tobacco free ac our hospiul , you will help


improve the health and safety of our patients, visitors, and

Interpreter Services

employees. Interprete rs arc , vailable to assist chj)dren and famili es. Our To provide upport whjJe you arc at Hasbro Children'

cr;tined interpreters speak Spani h, Portuguese, Cambodian,

Hospiul with your child, discounted nicotine rep lacement

Laorian, Tha.i and Russian. Assistance with other languages,

rher:1py gum and lozenges arc available at the Lifespan

including American Sign Language for hearing-i mpaired

Pharmacy in the Da\'ol Building at R.hode Island Hospital

children or parents, is also a ailable, as arc telecommunica­

or by calling -Wl-1-1--1---1-909. We appreciate your support of our tobacco- free initiative.

tion devices for che dea£ Please ask your nurse or call -1-4--1- 8708 for assistance.

Blood Donations


Your child may require a blood transfusion due co urgery or


other merucal issues. We receive our blood supply from the


R.hode Island Blood Center, a non-profit agency that serves

Parking Fees Parking fe es are determined by length ofv isicor St.'ly ( cc parking brochure) . Discounted parking is available to parents. A representative is available Monday co Friday in R.hodc Island Hospital s main entrance lobby, where parent mu~t go ro receive the discount. There i a self- pay station in the lobby where visitors can pay the fee before returning co their cm . If you have questions, please ask the unit staff.

many local hospitals. Blood is thoroughl y screened, and all donation~ are rested for infectiol~~ru e. es, including AlDS and hepatitis. If you kno\ in advance that your child will require a blood transfusion, it may he possible for your child to donate his or her own blood, or for friends and fami ly members co donate for your child if their blood is che same type. Arrangemencs for chis type of donation muse be made several


eek~ in

:1dvancc and should be coordjnated with your child' s doctor.

For more information, conmct the Rhode lsland Blood Center at -101 --153-8360. For parencs who wish co avoi d a

Multi-Faith Spiritual Care

blood transfusion for their child, the hospital's Transfu. ion­

Clinically trained health care chaplains listen compassionately,

Free Medicine and Surgery Progrnm offers a variety of

offer emotional and spiritual support, as ist with ethical

options. Please call -1---14--1800 for more information.

decisions, share praye r, ammge for sacraments, or contact local clergy. Multi- faith chaplains work with local clergy and spiritu al leaders to meet the need of patients and famil ies of any faith perspecti ve or spi ritual tradition as \,,ell as those with no re ligio us affiliation.

Multi-faith chaplains are avai lable 8 a.m. co 4:30 p.m., Monday thro ugh Friday, by calling -1--1-1- -17-16 ext. 1. Please leave a mess."lge. We will respond promptly during weekday hours. After hours and on weekends a multi- faith on- call chaplain can be reached by calling -1--1-1- 5108.

Roman Catholic Spiritual Care Catholic priests are available 2-1- hours a day, seven days a

Ethics Consultation

week. Hasbro C hildren's patiencs or family members can

During your child's treatment, parents and doctors may

req uest the Sacrament of R econciliation, the Anointing of

have difficult decisions co make. Our ethics committee

the Sick, or Holy Com munion by calling-144- -1762, ext. 2.

can provide guidance for those £icing complex choices,

Parienrs and fa mily members are encouraged co notify the ir

such as choosing an,ong treatment optio ns or continuing

local parishes of their hospital st."ly.

life-sustaining treatment. This free service is available co help your fami ly come co your own deci ions. It provides

In an urgent si tuation a priest may be contacted thro ugh

co nfidential support and ensures chat you have a cle;ir

the Call Center by calling -1-1-1-5 108 or pressing Oon a

understanding of the situation and the options available.

hospital phone.

For more information, call -1-01 -793-2872.

Many Catholic patients have found that the e sacraments bring peace, healing and consolation .

Notary Services Notary public en,;ces arc available at no charge co our


patie nts and fu.m ilies. Please ask your nurse to make arrangements for you.

Two chapels arc availah lc within rhe hospital to give patients ,md fan,ilies a quiet place for prayer and reflection. The chapels ,ire open 2-1- hours a day.


The Hasb ro Children's Hospital Chapel is near the upper lobby of Hasbro C hildren's Hospit.'ll .

The spiri tual care department promotes healing by ad dressing the spiri tual and emotional needs of our patients, fami lies and staff whi le respecting their beliefs and values.

The Chapel of Hope is adjacent co the lobby of the Zecchino Pavi lion , the m;un building of Rhode IsLmd Hospital.

a real fire during your child's scay, please follow all instnictions give n by the hospit:tl staff.

Electrical Appliances Please be sure that radios, hair dryers, and any other items you bring in for yo ur child arc battery-operated . This is a ho pita] regu lation .

Security Our security department provides around- the- clock security. If yo u have any concerns, please call -1-1-1- 5221.


c HoME

Discharge Preparation

When yo ur child is ready co go home, a nurse will meet

Chapel Services Catholic Mass Noon on Sunda

with you to be sure that you have: • in tntctions about the care that your child m:1y

and Holy Days

need at home

Hasbro Children' Hospital Chapel

• inforn,ation , bout home c;ire se rvice that may

Ecmne11ical Christian Prayer Service

• information about community organiz:uions chat

help your child Wednesdays 12:05 co 12:20 p.m . C hape l of H ope

Muslim Prayer Service Fridays 1:15 co 2 p.m . C hape l of H ope When a ervice is being held in one chapel, the ocher

can help you r child • met wi th a staff member co plan your child's care • ordered supplies your child may need

Please remember to bring in the clothes that your son or daughter will ,.vear co go home, and arrange for transportation.

chapel is available for quiet prayer and reflection.

Lost and Found


If you return home and discover that you left something important at the hospital, please c:tll the nursing cation on

At H asbro Children's Hospital, the well- being of your child

the floor where yo ur child received care as soon as possible.

is our primary concern. To ensure the safety of your child and fami ly at all times, please be familiar with the policies below.

Fire Drills

Billing Soon after yo ur child 's discharge, you will receive a srntemenc for services.

We conduc t fire drills to ensure the safery of all people in our

If you do not have health insurance or can demonstrate

building. During a drill, a nurse will close the door co your

a financial hardship, , financ ial counselor will spe:1k with

child's room as a routine procedure. In the event of a drill or

you :ibout financial assistance and will help you make

arrangement co pay the bill. The social services department

Share Your Opinion

may also be helpfi.il in directing you co community resources After your child is discharged, you will receive a survey in

th. t can help you pay the hospiul bill.

the mai l asking about your e:....7Jerience at Hasbro Children's If yo u have any questions about hospital charges and your child is still in the hospi tal, call

-l➔ +-4701.

After your child's

Hospir;il. These survey compare us ro hospir;ils of similar size and services. We wou ld greatly appreciate your taki ng the

discharge, call billing/patient fimmcial crvices at 44-1-6966 .

time ro complete the survey. We use chis infom,arion ro

The office is staffed from 9 ;i.m. co -1:30 p.m. Monday

continually im prove the way we care for our pacicncs and

thro ugh Friday.

&milic. . It also helps us reward and recognize chose sc;iff members who made a difference during your child's stay.

Patient & Guest Services

Whenever our services arc ranked as "very good," a note goes co the person ;md/or department with your name

We are here co help when you have:

and thanks.

• , compliment co share . bout your e:....7Jerience at Hasbro Children's • a complaint regarding care or services ar rhe hospital • lost belongings that need co be located during or following your vi it

We are located in the George Building, fi rst floor, next ro Santander Bank, and arc open 8 a.m. ro 6 p.m. Monday

INominate a rite L at Hasbro Children's Hospital

thro ugh Friday. W alk- ins are welcome, and meetings may be arranged. Please call -101--1-1-1-5817 if you would like us ro visi t you in the hospital, or send an em,til ro pgs@lifcspan.org

Each year, H asbro Children's H ospital honors several employees whose ouistanding care and compassion moves patientS or their family members 10 nominate them a Brite Lites.




In this hospital, you and your child have the right to:

• You have the right to complete information from people helping you care for your child. • You can ask what is happening to your child and why. Everything will be explained to you hone tly, in ways

• Respect and personal digniry • Care that supports you as a family • lnfom,ation you can understand • Qualiry health care • Emotional support • Care that respects your child's growth and development • Make decisions about your child's care

Respect and personal dign i ty • You and your child will be treated with courtesy and respect. • We will introduce ourselves. We will explain our ro le in your child' care.

you can understand. • Someone who speaks your language ,v iii help e:-..l)lain things to you. • You have the right


ask questions about anything

that is unclear co you. • You can ask to have someone from your family or another support person with you when people in the hospit:tl are explaining tliings to you. • You have the right to detailed information about your child's ho pit:11 bill. • You have tl,e right to know the policies, procedures, and routines of the hospital. • You have the right to know the hospital's proces.~ for taking care of your concerns or complainrs.

• You can help us get co know your child. We can learn from you what is best for your famil y. We will take the time to listen. • The things you tell us in confidence will be kept private. • We will peak and write respectfully about your child and fumily. • We will honor your pri vac y.

Ca re tlia t s11pports yo11 as afamily

Quality liealtli ca re • There are m,my people who take care of your child in the hospital. You have the right to know who they are and what they do. • You can C'.'..l)eCt to have your child cared for by doctors, nurses, and others who know how to care for children and youth. • You are an important member of your child's health care team. You know your child best. The information

• You and other family members are welcome in

you have is imporunr. Please share this information

the ho pital because you and your family are the

,vitl, us so that rogcther we can plan what i best for

most important people co your child. Being together is important. • We will provide a place for one family member co spend the night. • If you choose, you can st, y with your child during most medical treatments.

your child. • You have the ri ght co know about treatment options for your child. • You have the right to know if your child's treatment is e:-..l'erimental or educational. You can refuse mis treatment, and the ho pital staff will still take good care of your child.

I11formation you ca11 1tndersta.nd • You have the right to ee and revie,v your child medic,tl records with health care personnel. • You have the right to know abo ut your child's condition and treatment plan.

• Before your child leaves the hospital, we will teach you about the care your child will need. We will tell you about people and places in your community that can help you.

Emotional s11pport • When your child is in the hospirn.l, you might feel

Family R espon sibilities In this hospital, y ou have the responsibility to :

afraid, angry, guilry, sad, lonely, or tired. • You can talk with health professionals ab our yo ur feelings, questions problems, or concerns. They wi ll listen to you and respect your feelings. • If yo u want help, yo u can decide whom yo u want to help you. • We can help you meet other families who have had experiences like yours.

Pro11Ue information • You have important information about your child's health. We need to know about symproms, rreatn1ents, medicines, and other illnesses. You should tell us what you want for your child.

It is import.1.nt for you to tell us how you want to take part in your child' care. You should tell us if you don't understand something

Care tha t respects yortr cl1ild's growth a11d de11elopment

about your child's care. If you are not satisfied with your child's care, please tell us.

• We will con ider all your child's interests and needs, nor just those rebted ro illness or disability. • Your child wi ll be cared for by people who understand the needs and concerns of children and teenagers. • We will rry to keep your child's sc hedule and activities as norm al as po sible. This includes uninterrupted sleep, quiet times, play times, chool, and the comfort of

Pro11Ue appropriate care • You ;md the other members of the health care team work together t0 plan your child's care. • You are responsib le for doing the things yo u agreed to do in this plam of care. If you cannot follow the plan, please tell us.

family and friends.

Meet fina11cial obliga tio11s Ma.ke decisions about your child's care • You should make sure that your child's hospital bill is You have the right to any information you need

paid as promptl y as possible.

to make deci ions about your child's care. We will work in partnership with you to make decision about your child's care. •

We will explain all options so that yo u understand the ri ks and know , hat the choices are for your child's care.

You may refuse rreatn1ents as pern,irrcd by law.

You can change your mind about care for your child, even if you have already given pennission.

You can ask for a second opinion from another doctor. You can ask for a specialist to sec your child. You can ask to change hospitals. If it is medically necessary ro transfer your child ro another hospital, , e will make every effort nor ro mo,-c your child until you have been t0ld why.

Respect and co1isider the riglits of others • Your fa mily is expected to respect the rights of other children, families, and hospital personnel.



Q1tality l1ealtl1 ca re • You will be taken care ofby doctors, nurses, and other people who kno\ about children and teenagers.

In this hospital you and your family have the right to: • R.e pcct and personal dignity • Care that upports you and your family

• You have the right ro know all of the people who take care of you in the ho pita!. You and yo ur family can meet with them ro plan what is best for you.

• Informlltion you can understand • Quality health care

Emotiona l support

• Emotional upport • Care that respecrs your need co grow, play, and learn • Make choices ;md decisions

• When you arc in the hospit'll, you might feel scared, angry, lonely, or sad. You can lee people know how you feel. It is okay to cry or complain. • You can have your family with you as much as

Respect a11d perso11al dignity • You arc important. We want to gee ro know you. • We will cell you who we are, and we will call you by your name. We will cake time ro listen to yo u. • We won't talk about you in your room or outside your door unless you know what is happening. • We will honor your privacy.

possible. When this is not possible, the other people caring for you will explain why. • We can help you meet children and families who h;ive had experiences like yours. • You can wear yo ur own clothing most of the time and keep yo ur special things wi th you. • You c;m ~tlk or play with people who know how to help when you have questions or problems. • You can ask to be moved to another room if you ;ire

Ca re tha t supports yon and yottr family

uncomfortable or unhappy.

• You and your family arc import:mt. We will work together to make you as afc and comfortable

Care that respects your need to g row, play ,

as pos iblc.

and learn

• All families arc different. We w;mt co learn about what's important to you and your famil y. • There will be a place for a member of yo ur family ro spend the night in the hospital with you or near you.

• We will consider all your intcrcsrs and needs, not just those related to your illness or disability. • You have the right ro rest, ro play, and to learn. We \Viii make sure chat you have places and times for the things children your age need co grow and learn.

Information yo11 ca11 1tt1dersta,id • We will explain things to you . We will peak in ways you can understand. You can ask about\ hat is happening co you and why. • Someone who speaks your l:mguage will help explain things ro you. • Someone from your family can be \\~th yo u when people in the hospital are expbtining things to you.

Make cl1oices and decisio11s • Your ideas :md feelings about how you want co be cared for arc important. • You can tell us how we can help you feel more comfore1ble. • You can cell us how you wane ro rnkc part in your care. • You can m.tkc choices whenever po siblc. Sometimes you can help decide when and where you get your treatments.

Lifespan Your secure on-line health records

Lifespan now uses LifeChart, an electronic health record system that gives you access to your own medical information and enables private communication w ith you r physicians. Visit Lifespan.org/Mylifespan.

Hasbro Children's Hospital nr Hh nde Is la nd I l o.~pital Lifespan. Delivering health with care..

T h e l'edi 11 tri e l}i,¡i si o n

Hasbro Children's Hospital 593 Eddy Street, Providence, R I 02903 H asbroC hildren sHospital.org LSMC: 0-t l 9

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