Lifespan Youth and Workforce Development

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July 2018

Lifespan Community Affairs



Contents Lifespan Community Affairs .................................................................. 1 Meet the Community Affairs Team ....................................................... 2 About Youth and Workforce Development .......................................... 3 Purpose of the Inventory ......................................................................... 3 Youth and Workforce Development Programs at Lifespan ................ 4 Brown Refugee Youth Tutoring and Enrichment (BRYTE) .............. 5 Careers in Health Exploration Day ........................................................ 6 Computer Science for Rhode Island (CS4RI) ........................................ 7 RI Groundhog Job Shadow Day ............................................................ 8 Lifespan Mentoring Program ................................................................ 9 Lifespan School of Medical Imaging (SMI) ....................................... 10 Newport Met School Internship Program .......................................... 11 Power Lunch Reading Program ........................................................... 12 Project SEARCH...................................................................................... 13 Salve Regina University Service Advocates Program ....................... 14 Workforce STAT Certified Nursing Assistant Program ................... 15 Summer Youth Employment Program ................................................ 16 The Miriam Hospital Community Investment Grants ....................... 17 Year Up .................................................................................................... 18 Young Doctors Club .............................................................................. 19

Lifespan Mentoring Program 41 Providence area high school students matched one-to-one with a Lifespan employee as a professional mentor for two years Summer Youth Employment Program 90 R.I. youth hired for the summer Year Up Lifespan increased industry partner commitment by launching a health care track Workforce STAT CNA Surpassed 200 graduates with 90% retention among Lifespan hires Newport Met School Internship 4 students completed 432 internship hours

Lifespan Community Affairs

As the largest employer in the state of Rhode Island, Lifespan recognizes and embraces its responsibility to the diverse communities it serves, and of which it is a member. Across our affiliates, and across the state and region, Lifespan brings its expertise and services into the community. We deliver the care people need wherever and whenever they need it, putting the patient at the center of our work. Put simply, we embrace our mission of Delivering health with care.

While excellent care is our top priority, Lifespan also recognizes that health and well-being is more than the absence of disease. We promote a culture of well-being, in part achieved by extending our expertise and services into communities where people live, learn, work, play and pray. Lifespan coordinates hundreds of programs, events, and community service activities every year, benefiting as many as 30,000 southern New Englanders.



Meet the Community Affairs Team Lisa M. Abbott, MBA, SPHR

Monica A. Anderson

Senior Vice President Human Resources and Community Affairs Ph:401 444-5263

Director Community Relations and Corporate Citizenship Ph: 401 793-3157

Carrie Bridges Feliz, MPH

Alexis Devine

Director Lifespan Community Health Institute Ph: 401 444-8009

Program Manager Workforce Development Ph: 401 444-8984

Willie Borkai, MPH

Jason Machan, PhD

Program Coordinator Workforce Development Ph: 401 444-8490

Director Biostatistics Core Scientist Ph: 401 444-1493



About Youth and Workforce Development

Responsive to our mission of Delivering health with care, Lifespan’s investments in youth and workforce development programs are deep, diverse, and systemwide. Across Rhode Island, Lifespan sponsors youth health and technology career programs, a summer youth employment program, and workplace readiness programs. We partner to offer CNA classes and jobs to under-employed and unemployed adults, career enhancement and training for employees, volunteer reading tutors for elementary schools, and workforce preparedness support for parents and families.

From elementary school students to new professionals, Lifespan invests significant funding, staff time, and training facilities to provide career exposure, coaching and applied learning experiences. As you will read in the program descriptions, Lifespan has designed original programs and partnered with public and private entities for more than 20 years. We do this to improve academic and career readiness, meet everchanging workforce staffing needs, improve economic security across the state, and ultimately, to improve the health and well-being of the residents in our service area.

Purpose of the Inventory

This document includes an inventory of the numerous youth and workforce development programs that Lifespan either leads or participates in. This inventory illustrates the continuum of support provided by Lifespan across our service areas, to help prepare youth and young adults with the essential skills needed for success in college, career and life.



Youth and Workforce Development Programs at Lifespan Brown Refugee Youth Tutoring & Enrichment

Careers in Health Care Exploration Day

Computer Science for RI

Carol T. Lewis, MD

Lisa Coble

Cedric J. Priebe III, MD

Groundhog Job Shadow Day

Lifespan Mentoring Program

Lifespan School of Medical Imaging

Bonnie Braga

Ana Almeida-DoRosรกrio

Ellen Alexandre, MBA, RT(R)

Newport Met School Internship Program

Power Lunch Reading Program

Lisa Coble

Bonnie Braga

Salve Regina University Service Advocates Program

STAT CNA Alexis Devine

Lisa Coble Newport Hospital Alexis Devine Rhode Island Hospital

Summer Youth Employment Program Alexis Devine

Lisa Coble The Miriam Hospital Community Investment Grants

Project SEARCH Jeni Mowry The Miriam Hospital

Year Up

Young Doctors Club

Willie Borkai, MPH

Kristin L. Anderson, MD



Brown Refugee Youth Tutoring and Enrichment (BRYTE) Program Description BRYTE began in 2006, recognizing that no child learns in a vacuum. Every child’s well-being, ability to learn, and life at home are deeply intertwined. For this reason, BRYTE commits to meeting with youth where they are and as they are. BRYTE is a student-run organization that matches Brown students with recently-resettled refugee youth in Providence to provide one-on-one, in-home, academic tutoring and mentoring to refugee youth. This service is one of many integrated services offered at the Hasbro Children’s Hospital Refugee Clinic. All Brown students involved in BRYTE participate in rigorous training on: • Safety • Mandated reporting • Social-emotional learning, history of refugee groups, culturally responsive teaching, etc. • Privacy and confidentiality of personal information (HIPAA)

Eligibility Recently arrived refugees are generally the first matched, but BRYTE also works with refugees who have been in the United States for many years.



Fast Facts Lifespan supported since 2006 Lifespan is a supporting partner of this program.

Program Lead Carol T. Lewis, MD Medical Director, Hasbro Children’s Hospital Primary Care Director, Refugee Health Program

Funding Sources Alpert Medical School Brown Office of the Provost The Swearer Center Brown Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity Brown Undergraduate Finance Board

Program Achievements BRYTE has served nearly 500 refugee youth from 12 different countries since the program was initiated.

Careers in Health Exploration Day

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2017 This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Description

Program Lead

Rogers High School students with a strong interest in health care careers are given the opportunity to take a field trip to Newport Hospital to observe a variety of professionals in action.

Lisa Coble

A panel of health care professionals share their career paths, present information about their roles, and answer students’ questions. The field trip is followed by a networking luncheon sponsored by Newport Hospital.

Funding Source

Eligibility The career exploration advisor at Rogers High School selects high school sophomores and juniors who have an interest in health care careers to participate.

Careers in Health FY2017 in numbers

26 students participated

Director of Volunteer Services and Community Outreach, Newport Hospital

In-kind donation of staff time and funds to coordinate event, speakers panel, and networking luncheon.

Program Achievements In its first year, Careers in Health Exploration Day had 26 students participate and 15 Lifespan employees support the event.

15 Lifespan employees supported the event



Computer Science for Rhode Island (CS4RI)

Fast Facts Lifespan supported since 2016 Lifespan is a supporting partner of this program.

Program Description In March 2016, Governor Gina Raimondo launched CS4RI to ensure that computer science was taught in every public school by December 2017. Lifespan joined as a program partner in the inaugural year of the program.

Program Lead Cedric J. Priebe III, MD SVP and Chief Information Officer, Lifespan

Funding Source

CS4RI partners with Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (TEALS), a Microsoft philanthropies program that helps high schools build sustainable computer science programs. CS4RI pairs computer science professionals with classroom teachers to team-teach computer science in high schools. This approach combines national leadership with home-grown talent to reduce barriers to providing quality computer science education and professional development.

Eligibility Rhode Island schools must apply to have the TEALS program at their school. Once the program is implemented in the school, students can opt into the program and/or it can be offered for course credit. Eligible volunteers have computer science degrees or equivalent industry experience and a desire to give back to the community.

CS4RI FY2017 in numbers 7


4 Lifespan Information Services employee volunteers

In-kind services provided by staff as tutors

Program Achievements Due to the degree of content expertise provided by Lifespan professionals during the first year of the program, teachers at Paul Cuffee and Central Falls high schools moved from the co-teaching (highest level of support) to the lab support model, in which teachers are equipped to teach 80% of the content independently.

Classroom teachers trained to deliver 80% of content

Groundhog Job Shadow Day

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2001 This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Description Children benefit from early exposure to health careers and health care settings to stimulate interest in health professions. Modeled after the Groundhog Job Shadow Days launched by the Boston Private Industry Council in 1996 and BellSouth in 1997, and endorsed by America’s Promise, Lifespan Community Health Institute began offering a version appropriate for fifth-grade students in 2001. Students spend a half-day at The Miriam Hospital learning about career pathways from human resources professionals and by touring departments, including the robotics lab, central sterilization, the blood center, and dietary services.

Eligibility All fifth-grade students at the Martin Luther King Elementary School in Providence participate each year.

Bonnie Braga Community Outreach Specialist, Community Health Institute, Lifespan

Funding Source In-kind support to provide tour guides, presentations, hands-on centers, and snacks for children.

Program Achievements More than 1,200 fifth-grade students from the Providence School District have participated in Groundhog Job Shadow Day.

Students toured 5 departments at The Miriam Hospital

Job Shadow Day FY2017 in numbers

Program Lead

Students practiced skills at 5 hands-on learning stations

70 students participated in 2017



Lifespan Mentoring Program

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2015 This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Description In October 2015, the Lifespan Community Health Institute launched the Lifespan Mentoring Program as part of its equitybased community development strategy. The Lifespan Mentoring Program pairs high school students interested in health careers one-on-one with Lifespan professionals as mentors. They work together to bolster essential skills in the academic, professional, and social domains. Mentor-mentee pairs make a two-year commitment to meet at least once a month.


FY2017 in numbers



Ana Almeida-DoRosรกrio Community Outreach Coordinator, Community Health Institute, Lifespan

Funding Source In-kind support to pay for all mentor training, background checks, and celebration of seniors. All mentors volunteer their time.

The program currently enrolls students in the biotechnology career pathway at the Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex, and the Rhode Island Nurses Institute Middle College (RINI).

Mentoring Program

Program Lead

100% of participating seniors graduated from high school

Program Achievements Seventy-four student mentees served since the program launched in the 2015/16 school year.

41 participating students and 41 Lifespan employees enrolled as mentors

Lifespan School of Medical Imaging (SMI)

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2004 This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Description Initiated in 2004, the School of Medical Imaging provides students the knowledge and skills needed for careers in medical imaging and meets the medical imaging workforce needs by training prospective Lifespan professionals. Clinical practice sessions take place at Rhode Island Hospital, Hasbro Children’s Hospital, The Miriam Hospital, and Westerly Hospital.

Program Lead Ellen Alexandre, MBA, RT(R) Radiology School Administrator, Rhode Island Hospital

Funding Source Lifespan in-kind support Rhode Island College

Program Achievements

Eligibility Entrance into the program requires admission to Rhode Island College as a medical imaging intended major. Admission into the clinical education program occurs after qualified students satisfy the following: • Completion of application • Completion of the cognate courses with a minimum grade of C in each course • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.70 • An interview with program faculty

96% students graduated 100% passed ARRT licensing exam

SMI FY2017 in numbers

Students learned Computed Tomography, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mammography, Nuclear Medicine Technology, and Radiologic Technology

55 students enrolled



Newport Met School Internship Program

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2010 This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Description Since 2010, Newport Hospital has hosted Newport Met School students as interns. Students are offered internships to develop real world skills and knowledge aligned with their academic goals. Students receive mentoring and supervision by hospital employees.

Program Lead Lisa Coble Director of Volunteer Services and Community Outreach, Newport Hospital

Funding Source

Eligibility • Students in grades 9 through 12 are eligible • Students are selected for internships through an interview process • Students intern once or twice a week for six hours a day

In-kind donation of staff time to supervise students

Program Achievements All four Met students mentored at Newport Hospital in FY17 went on to attend post-secondary education.

Newport Met FY2017 in numbers



4 students

432 internship hours accumulated

Power Lunch Reading Program

Fast Facts Lifespan supported since 1996

Program Description Reading at grade level by the end of third grade is predictive of high school graduation, yet R.I. KIDS COUNT reported only 14% of Providence public school third graders are proficient in reading. (RI KIDS COUNT, 2016) Power Lunch started in New York in 1989. The program was adopted in Rhode Island in 1996 at Martin Luther King Elementary School by Volunteers in Providence Schools (now known as Inspiring Minds). A program of Inspiring Minds, Power Lunch Reading is designed to engage corporate partners in public education in Providence.

Lifespan is a supporting partner of this program.

Program Lead Bonnie Braga Community Outreach Specialist, Lifespan Community Health Institute

Andrew Karn Lifespan Information Services

Funding Source Lifespan in-kind support

Lifespan staff volunteer to read with elementary school students once a week during their lunch hour, promoting a love of reading and mentoring with elementary age students. Lifespan coordinates the Power Lunch volunteers at several elementary schools in the Providence Public School District.


All Lifespan readers volunteer their time.

Program Achievements Many readers stay with their student partner for more than one year, creating a multi-year reading relationship.

Students are referred to the program by school staff based on their reading levels, confidence in their reading skills and reading self-esteem. 8 students and

Power Lunch FY2017 in numbers

7 Lifespan readers 12 students and 12 Lifespan readers at Carl G. Lauro Elementary

at Martin Luther King Elementary



Project SEARCH

Fast Facts

Program Description

Lifespan supported since 2004

Both The Miriam Hospital and Newport Hospital are the proud business partners for the Project SEARCH High School Transition Program. Project SEARCH provides a transition to a skills-based working and learning environment for high school students with intellectual development disabilities. This unique, business-led, one year, school-to-work program takes place entirely at the workplace. Total workplace immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and relevant job skills training through strategically designed internships. Rhode Island Hospital looks forward to launching a Project SEARCH program with additional partners in the fall of 2018 for adults ages 21-35 with intellectual development disabilities.

Students must be in their last year or in their transition year of high school, have an intellectual development disability, want to work after graduation and be able to take public transportation or their own transportation to the site. They also need to be within the sending school district. The program runs September through June (school calendar) and is currently available at The Miriam Hospital and Newport Hospital.

Project SEARCH



Program Lead Jeni Mowry Manager of Volunteer Services, The Miriam Hospital

Lisa Coble Director of Volunteer Services and Community Outreach, Newport Hospital

Funding Source Lifespan in-kind support. Providence School Department provides a full-time teacher and a full-time Skills Trainer.


FY2017 in numbers

Lifespan is a supporting partner of this program.

60% of Newport Hospital graduates are employed

57% of graduates at The Miriam Hospital are employed

Office of Rehab Services provides funding for job development. Perspectives provides stipends for clothing and work-related items.

Program Achievements For the first three years, The Miriam Hospital (TMH) had 20 interns, of whom 11 are working for an employment rate of 55%. In FY2017, TMH had seven interns and four are employed, for an employment rate of 57%. Newport Hospital had five students and three have been hired outside of Lifespan, for an employment rate of 60%.

Salve Regina University Service Advocates Program

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2016 This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Description Since September 2016, Newport Hospital has served as an academic year host site for the Salve Service Advocates, offering college students the opportunity to perform community service at Newport Hospital. In addition, each student earns $1,000: a financial award for completing 100 hours of service at Newport Hospital.

Program Lead Lisa Coble Director of Volunteer Services and Community Outreach, Newport Hospital

Newport Hospital benefits from having highly motivated students on site in a variety of volunteer positions. This program also helps students prepare for physician assistant training programs because their community service hours can be applied toward their application requirements (optional to apply).

Funding Source


Program Achievements

• Students must attend Salve Regina University. • Students must be in their junior or senior year of college. • Students must perform 100 hours of community service within two semesters.

Service Advocates FY2017 in numbers

5 students enrolled

Newport Hospital provides in-kind staff time to supervise students. Salve Regina provides student stipends.

Students gain experience in a health care setting, professional references, and accumulate practicum hours that apply toward a physician assistant training program.

Students completed 500 hours of community service



Workforce STAT Certified Nursing Assistant Program

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2013 This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Description Workforce STAT is a free Certified Nursing Assistant training program. Three cohorts of students have completed this 16- to 18-week program consisting of a R.I. Department of Health-approved certified nursing assistant (CNA) training and education course along with a Lifespan hospital-based internship featuring experiential learning and work readiness activities. Program graduates can sit for the Rhode Island CNA licensing exam and earn a Lifespan work readiness credential. Initiated in 2013, Workforce STAT features a series of interconnected education, training and support services. It was designed by and for Rhode Island’s growing health care industry and is responsive to industry needs by accelerating the preparation of unemployed and underemployed entry-level Rhode Islanders for employment.

Program Lead Alexis Devine Workforce Development Manager, Lifespan

Funding Source Lifespan in-kind support Real Jobs RI Grant, RI Department of Labor and Training

Program Achievements A total of 90 STAT graduates currently work for Lifespan. Overall, 160 graduates are currently employed.

Eligibility • • • • • •

At least 18 years of age Underemployed/unemployed Rhode Island resident Pass a Bureau of Criminal Identification background check Read at a seventh-grade level or higher Earned either a high school diploma or a GED certificate Ability to attend all classes, internship hours and workshops

STAT FY2017 in numbers 15


90% retention rate for Lifespan hires

49 graduates

Summer Youth Employment Program

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2004 This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Description Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is designed to promote career exploration and youth development. SYEP includes workplace readiness training (also called essential or soft skills); appropriate paid, supervised summer work experiences; and comprehensive case management to address youth’s full needs while providing summer work experiences and increased self-efficacy.

Program Lead Alexis Devine Workforce Development Manager, Lifespan

Funding Source Lifespan in-kind support

The Summer Youth Employment Program was piloted in 2004 and proceeded to full implementation in 2005. The focus is on developing strong relationships with health care professionals, networking, onthe-job training, skill development and career exploration, as well as supporting the individual’s social and emotional wellness.

Governor’s Workforce Board Grant Real Path Program Grant, RI Department of Labor and Training

Program Achievements

Eligibility • • • • •

Youth ages 16 to 19 Youth interested in pursuing a career in health care Residents of Providence and Newport or youth who possess a valid CNA license Must attend two pre-summer trainings Background check and immunization

Summer Youth FY2017 in numbers

90 individuals enrolled for the 2017 summer

Lifespan has hired 24% of SYEP youth after the program. 145 former SYEP youth are currently employed by Lifespan. 92% of former SYEP youth agree that SYEP helped them develop professional skills.

More than 200 applications received for summer 2018



The Miriam Hospital Community Investment Grants

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2006 This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Description The Miriam Hospital has an impactful community relations model that demonstrates a commitment to improving the quality of life for neighbors of the hospital and the larger community. The hospital is committed to being a good neighbor and employs a three-pronged approach to upholding that commitment. The Miriam works to build fluid communication with its neighbors, betters the community by sharing resources and applies a model of balance toward resolving conflicts and neighborhood issues. We refer to this work as the 3Bs: Building our relationship with our community, Bettering the lives of those living in the community, and Balancing neighborhood concerns.

The Miriam Hospital’s Community Investment Grants are one of the cornerstones of the 3Bs approach. Funds for the grants are an annual donation from The Miriam Hospital Foundation. Since 2006, the hospital has invested over $750,000 in organizations and programs that focus on three impact areas solely reserved for residents living in the Summit or Mount Hope neighborhoods. • Programming for youth development and education for children grades 6-12 • Health and wellness projects that align with the hospital’s Community Health Needs Assessments • Community revitalization and environmental improvement projects

Community Investment Grants LIFESPAN

Monica A. Anderson Director, Community Relations and Corporate Citizenship

Funding Source The Miriam Hospital Foundation

Program Achievements The Young Women’s Group was involved in over 30 partnerships and programs



Program Lead

FY2017 in numbers

72% of funding combined youth development and health and wellness activities

Over 422 youth, largely from the Mount Hope neighborhood, were actively engaged in activities that were funded by The Miriam Hospital. The 2017 Groundwork Providence Greenteam performed over 30 hours of environmental improvement work in both the Mt. Hope and Summit neighborhoods.

Over 200 families were engaged in activities

Year Up

Fast Facts Lifespan supported since 2006

Program Description Year up is a one-year intensive training program that provides lowincome young adults, ages 18 through 24, a combination of hands-on skill development, college credits, corporate internships, and professional support. Millions of young adults in the United States have talent and motivation, but lack opportunity. At the same time, companies have opportunities available, but lack the mechanism to efficiently fill those positions with high-quality interns. Year Up was initiated to close the opportunity divide by providing urban young adults the skills, experience, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through professional careers and higher education. This is achieved through a high support, high expectation model that combines marketable job skills, stipends, internships and college credits.

Eligibility To participate in the Year Up program, applicants must be: • 18 through 24 years old • High school graduate or GED recipient • Of low to moderate income • A U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or have an employment authorization card • Available five days a week (Monday through Friday) for the full year of the program • Highly motivated to learn new technical and professional skills

Lifespan is a supporting partner of this program.

Program Lead Willie Borkai, MPH Workforce Development Manager, Lifespan

Funding Source Lifespan direct sponsorship and in-kind support for supervision of interns.

Program Achievements Lifespan partnered with Year Up to launch a health care track in FY2017. Lifespan launched a health care track with Year Up. 11 Lifespan employees have served as mentors to 25 Year Up young adults. Lifespan’s own Lindsay Allen received the Outstanding Mentor Award from Year Up.

14 interns placed

Year Up FY2017 in numbers

53 of 62 Year Up interns have been hired at Lifespan. 6 interns were hired from the January 2018 graduating class.

in Lifespan



Young Doctors Club

Fast Facts Lifespan delivered since 2003

Program Description The Young Doctors Club was developed in 2003 at Rhode Island Hospital to offer a preventive health care curriculum to children from the Rhode Island Hospital community. Hosted at Rhode Island and Hasbro Children’s hospitals, Young Doctors Club is a partnership between the Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex, a comprehensive public high school in Providence, and the Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program of The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

This program is designed and delivered by Lifespan.

Program Lead Kristin L. Anderson, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics (Clinical) Hasbro Children’s Partial Hospital Program Medicine-Pediatrics Primary Care Center

High school students come to Rhode Island Hospital monthly during the academic year to learn about health careers and diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Funding Source


Young Doctors Club has served nearly 200 students since its inception.

Must be a student from the Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex. All grades can opt in to the Young Doctors Club.



Lifespan in-kind support

Program Achievements

The program is currently in its fourteenth year, with an average of 15 students each year.



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