Welcome guide

Page 1


TABLE OF CONTENTS A BOUT O UR H OSPITAL .........................2

YOUR C HILD ’ S S TAY ............................2 Using the GetWellNetwork Patient/Parent Bracelets General Pediatric Units Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Pediatric Medical Psychiatric Unit Visitors are Welcome Medications Personal Items


C HILD L IFE P ROGRAM ..........................5

H OSPITAL S CHOOL ...............................5 M EALS ................................................5 Cafeteria Food from Home

T ELEPHONES ........................................6 Directory

P LACES ................................................7 Family Lounges and Waiting Areas Ronald McDonald Family Room Accommodations for Families Pediatric Garden Resource Center Pharmacy Gift Shop

H OSPITAL S MOKING P OLICY ...................8



T RANSPORTATION .............8

Parking Fees Transportation

S PECIALTY S ERVICES ..............................8 Interpreter Services Blood Donations Ethics Consultation Notary Services

S PIRITUAL CARE S ERVICES .....................9 Multi-Faith Spiritual Care Roman Catholic Spiritual Care Chapels Chapel Services

F OR YOUR C HILD ’ S S AFETY .................10 Fire Drills Electrical Equipment Security Identification

G OING H OME ....................................10 Discharge Preparation Lost and Found Billing





PARENTS .............11

Family Responsibilities

B ILL OF R IGHTS FOR C HILDREN AND T EENS .........................13

Welcome to Hasbro Children’s Hospital. We are dedicated to providing you and your child with the very best in compassionate, patient- and family-centered care. Our nurses, physicians and staff understand how stressful the

hospitalization of a child can be, and we are here to support

your family in every way possible. Our medical expertise is

profound; we also know that you are the real expert when

it comes to your child. We will partner with you to ensure

that your child receives excellent care, and that you and the

rest of your family are comfortable, informed and included

in all facets of your child’s experience.

For your convenience, we offer a morning coffee cart for

parents, serving coffee and pastries.The Ronald McDonald

Room on our fourth floor offers free refreshments,

computers, a place to do laundry, or simply a quiet refuge

from the bustle of the hospital.There is also the Izzy Family

Room on the fifth floor and Dunkin' Donuts Room on the

sixth floor, which offer comfortable space for you to relax or

rest, while never being far from your child.

For entertainment and information to help ease your stay,

the GetWellNetwork system in your child’s room provides access to practical health and hospital information; menus for meal ordering; internet and television.This is an

interactive system; we hope you will use the prompts and surveys to provide us with feedback so we can best meet

your family’s needs.

We have a full service cafeteria as well as a coffee shop, bank

and gift shop that makes floral deliveries within the hospital. Each patient room has a chair that converts to a bed, if you

wish to remain with your child 24 hours a day.You may also

After your child is discharged, you will receive a survey

in the mail asking about our service. These surveys

compare us to hospitals of similar size and service. We

would greatly appreciate your taking the time to complete the survey. We use this information to continually

improve the way we care for our patients and families.

It also helps us reward and recognize those staff members

who made a difference during your child’s stay. Whenever

our services are ranked as “very good,” a note goes to the

individual and/or department with your name and thanks. Of course, if there is anything you would like to discuss

during your stay or if you have immediate concerns that

need to be addressed, please let a staff member know.You may also call one of us directly at 401-444-5581. Sincerely,

choose to stay in the nearby Ronald McDonald House of

Providence; if your stay will be an extended one, please ask

for a referral.We are happy to assist you in any way with

referrals to other services within our facility.

Phyllis A. Dennery, MD

Pediatrician-in-Chief Hasbro Children’s Hospital

Tracey Wallace, MBA

Vice President Pediatric Services of Lifespan

Myra J. Edens, MSN, RN, NE-BC, FACHE Administrative Director Hasbro Children’s Hospital


About Our Hospital

Hasbro Children’s Hospital is the premier pediatric facility

for clinical care, research and education for Rhode Island and

surrounding southeastern New England. A private, not-for-

profit institution, it is the pediatric division of Rhode Island

Hospital, and a part of the Lifespan health care system.

Rhode Island Hospital is the principal teaching hospital of The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Hasbro Children’s Hospital’s “All for One” commitment

means that we devote all of our knowledge, experience, and passion for healing to each child in our care.

Your Child’s Stay

We encourage you to be honest with your child about

staying in the hospital. Explain why the hospital visit is

necessary and what your child should expect. Let your child

know that you will be there whenever you can and that the

hospital staff is kind and caring. To help your child, you can

also talk about some of the fun, everyday activities available at

the hospital, including the playrooms, games, arts and crafts,

and special programming. If you have other children at home, they may worry about their sibling’s hospital stay. Be sure

they also understand what is happening, and let them know

they are welcome to visit most units. If you plan to bring a child under the age of five, please talk to your child’s nurse

This interactive system is most successful with you as a

partner and with your participation. Please refer to the

GetWellNetwork for more information on several of the

topics covered in this welcome brochure.

Patient/Parent Bracelets

To ensure your child’s safety, he or she must wear an

identification bracelet at all times during the hospital stay.

This bracelet contains important information and must not

be removed until your child leaves the hospital.The bracelet must also be worn and scanned for your child to receive

medications.We may need to gently disturb your child during

the night to scan the bracelet before administering medication. Every patient’s parent or guardian must also wear an

before bringing them in, and please be aware that children

identification bracelet. If you enter the hospital after 8 p.m.,

pediatric intensive care unit.

and show your bracelet to security staff, who will let you

under 16 will need permission to visit a sibling in the We understand your desire to be with your child, and

encourage your participation in your child’s care. Parents are

you will need to enter through the emergency department

through. All other doors will be locked.

For your child’s protection, you must provide the last two

welcome to stay with their child 24 hours a day.Your child’s

digits of your child’s medical record number, located on

a single bed. We will provide you with linens and towels.

be released over the telephone.

room accommodates one parent, with a chair that converts to

Using the GetWellNetwork

The GetWellNetwork was created to provide patients and families with an interactive resource for information and entertainment during your child’s stay here at Hasbro

Children’s Hospital. Throughout your child’s stay, we will use the GetWellNetwork system to interact with you, involve you and inform you, as well as to ask for your input and

feedback in order to continually improve the care we provide.

your bracelet, before any information about your child can

Please wear the bracelet until your child leaves the hospital.

General Pediatric Units Hasbro 4 and Hasbro 5

At Hasbro Children’s Hospital, the floors are divided into

three “pods” – red, green and blue. Each pod has eight rooms

with a nursing station at the center, so that nurses have a clear view into each room and are always available to you and your child. There are well-stocked playrooms on the floors, staffed at different times by child life specialists. Each unit is locked to ensure the safety of our patients.Visitors or volunteers

should use the phone located outside the unit to connect directly to the nurses' station and request access.

gown or mask depending on your child’s illness. There may

be a sign posted outside your child’s room indicating any

special infection prevention precautions that need to be

followed. Talk with your nurse if you have questions. If you

are not feeling well you are encouraged to stay home. Any

caregiver or staff member should wash their hands or use

hand sanitizer prior to touching your child.You are

encouraged to say something if you see a staff member or

physician not washing their hands.

While in the PICU, various medical professionals will care for your child. Under the leadership of the Attending

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Physician, daily rounds take place between the hours of

of eight private rooms each, located around a central nursing

Social Work, Child Life, and Physical Therapy work

curtains can be drawn to offer privacy for children and

encouraged to participate in the rounds to the extent you

Our pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) includes two suites station. Glass walls allow nursing staff to see all patients, but

parents. If your child is in the PICU, you are welcome to stay overnight and we provide bedside sleeping accommodations. If for some reason, you are unable to stay and you would like

to designate another adult caregiver to stay with your child,

please ask your nurse for details. For the safety of all children and families, siblings may not stay overnight. The PICU

family waiting areas is located just outside the main PICU entrance doors. The lounge area includes a kitchenette,

bathroom and shower, and a private consultation room.

To request entrance into the PICU, please use the telephone located on the right side of the double doors. Please wash

your hands when entering and leaving your child’s room and frequently throughout the day.You may be asked to wear a

8:00AM and 11:00AM. During the daily rounds from

Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Nutrition, Case Management,

together to develop a plan of care for your child.You are

feel comfortable.

Pediatric Medical-Psychiatric Unit Hasbro 6

Our pediatric medical psychiatric unit is a 16-bed inpatient unit treating psychiatric patients, ages6-18 years, with

co-morbid medical diagnoses. The interdisciplinary team consists of both psychiatric and pediatric specialists. The

unit offers a structured program that includes individual,

group and family therapy, as well as many other therapeutic

activities that enhance social skills and provide opportunities

for your child to communicate his or her needs on an

emotional level.

Visitors are welcome

Parents are not considered visitors—you are part of your

child’s care team.You are welcome to stay with your child

24 hours a day. Other family members and friends are

welcome to visit between 2 to 8 p.m. daily. We ask that you limit visitors to two at any one time. An adult should

accompany any child under age 16. Please see your nurse with any questions about the best time to schedule visits

for your child.



While staying in the hospital, please do not give your child any medication, even medication that he or she had been

taking at home, including prescriptions, over-the-counter

medications, vitamins and herbal remedies. All medicine

taken in the hospital is prescribed by your child’s doctor,

prepared by registered pharmacists and administered by our nursing staff. It is important that only our staff members administer all medications here in the hospital.

Personal Items

We will provide pajamas, slippers socks and toiletries for your child. If your child feels more comfortable with his or her

own personal items, you may bring them. We encourage you to bring a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, doll or other

personal item for your child. These special reminders of home

Registered nurses provide your child’s daily care, and

ensure your child’s comfort, safety and well being. Among

many other duties, your child’s nurse assesses and monitors his or her condition, checks your child’s vital signs,

administers medications, answers questions and provides

patient and family education.

Nurse practitioners have completed advanced training in

specific areas of pediatrics and are supervised by physicians.

Nurse practitioners help your child’s physician with physical examinations and procedures, and also conduct assessments

and order medications and treatments.

Physical therapists work with your child to help improve

strength and endurance, and regain mobility so that your

child may be safely discharged from the hospital. The goal is

to help your child function independently at home, school

are very comforting to children. So no treasured item is lost,

and in the community.

being cleaned.

Occupational therapists work with your child on everyday

please try to keep track of these items when the room is

Your Child’s Health Care Team

All the members of our team—physicians, nurses, therapists and other staff members—are committed to patient and

family-centered care.We welcome your participation and

questions, and encourage you to partner with us in caring for your child.

There are several team members you and your child may

meet during a hospitalizaation. The following are brief

descriptions of our team members.

The attending physician is the doctor who will lead your child’s health care team, decide on necessary tests and

coordinate a treatment plan with other team members. A resident physician will also care for your child. Residents are physicians who have graduated from medical school and are receiving postgraduate training. Residents are directly responsible for the day-to-day care of patients, under the

supervision of attending physicians. On duty 24 hours a day,

residents are always available to answer questions concerning your child’s care.

activities such as dressing, feeding and participating in school

and play activities. They also help your child progress toward age-appropriate developmental milestones.

Speech-language pathologists work with children of all

ages, including infants, who have difficulties in the areas of

communication and feeding/swallowing due to injury, illness

or developmental delays. Speech-language pathologists can improve a child’s understanding of language, help a child

speak clearly, and help a child better express wants and needs. Mental Health workers will support your child in creating a therapeutic environment on the pediatric medical-

psychiatric unit. Mental health workers facilitate therapeutic activities in groups and partner with the interdisciplinary team in the treatment of your child.

Respiratory therapists evaluate and treat children with

breathing disorders. They manage therapy to help your child

recover lung function. They are able to administer

medications in aerosol form to assist with breathing problems

and to help prevent respiratory infections.

Registered dietitians watch for changes in your child’s

appetite and weight and take care of special nutrition needs for food allergies, medical diet prescriptions, tube/formula feedings and other conditions. Dietitians also provide

nutritional counseling and education.

Licensed clinical social workers assist children and families with the stresses associated with illness and its impact on

everyday life. These mental health professionals help families cope with difficult situations, such as medical crises and

adjustment to illness; emotional and psychological distress; loss and bereavement; and abuse and domestic violence.

Certified child life specialists prepare and educate about

Child Life Program

medical procedures to help your child know what to expect.

The Child Life Program provides your child with

activities to provide opportunity for creativity, self-expression

creativity and play. Using age-appropriate play, Child Life

They also coordinate play, arts-&-crafts, and entertainment and fun.

The hospital school teacher is an experienced professional certified by the State of Rhode Island, who may maintain contact with your child’s school and will present material appropriate to your child’s academic needs during

hospitalization. The teacher provides group classes and individual sessions for students in Grades 6-12.

Many others will contribute to your child’s stay, including

the unit secretary, who facilitates unit functioning; the unit

assistant, who delivers your food tray or linens; the nutrition

opportunities for education, preparation, support, distraction,

Specialists educate children and families about what to expect

during medical tests, procedures and surgery, and help prepare and support your child for other medical experiences. Child

Life Specialist organize animal visits, arts programs, “celebrity” visitors, holiday celebrations and special events, while

promoting a normal routine and providing your child with emotional support while your child is in the hospital.

Hospital School

When the normal pattern of schooling is interrupted due

to hospitalization, it’s important for children and adolescents

hospitality associate, who can help you and your child with

to remain involved with their school work. Our certified

environment during your hospital stay; and the transporter,

We encourage all school age patients to use our

menu selections; the housekeeper, who maintains a clean

who will take you and your child for tests, procedures and other places you need to go in the hospital.

Students from The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and from schools for nursing, respiratory therapy,

physical therapy and others may observe or help care for your child under an instructor’s supervision.

teacher helps patients do this through the hospital school.

educational resources.


Patient meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in your

child’s room.You may make meal selections for your child using

the GetWellNetwork—meal information and menu choices are available under the Tater Tot Café icon. If you require a

personalized paper menu, your nurse will provide you with

one, listing the following day’s meal selections according to the

diet ordered by your child’s doctor. Circle your choices and

leave your completed menu on the bedside table by 10 a.m.,


and a nutrition hospitality associate will collect it. Please ask to

speak to a dietetic technician from Food & Nutrition Services

for assistance if you need help with menu selections.

Infant formula may be provided for your infant during their

hospitalization.Your nurse can provide you with a list of the

infant formulas that Hasbro Children’s Hospital has available.

nurse first.Your child may be going for a test and should not

eat, or might be allergic to an item on the cart.

There are also more than 40 vending machines located throughout the hospital campus, including locations in

Hasbro Children’s Hospital on the 5th floor by the elevators;

outside the Hasbro Children’s emergency department; in the

If you do not see your child’s formula listed, please ask to

Andrew F. Anderson Emergency Department.

able to discuss options available to you.

Food from Home

speak to your nurse, or to a registered dietitian who will be Parent trays: If you cannot leave your child’s room, you may

request that one parent meal be delivered to the room by

using the GetWellNetwork or asking your nurse. These meals

should be ordered one day in advance, and are not covered by

medical insurance. A small charge for each meal will appear on your child’s hospital bill.

There are a variety of other dining options in the hospital,


Our cafeteria, located on the first floor of the Rhode Island

Hospital main building, serves an ample selection of hot and cold meals, beverages, daily specials, salads and desserts. The

cafeteria is open from 6:30 a.m. to 2 a.m., and is closed for a short period in the late evening, from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. Au Bon Pain is located next to the George Auditorium

on the first floor of the main building, and is open 24 hours.

There is also an Au Bon Pain in the Andrew Anderson

Emergency Department; it is open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days per week.

The Dudley Street Café offers a wide selection of menu

items, including breakfast pastries, sandwiches made to order, homemade pizza, cookies, including breakfast pastries,

sandwiches made to order, salads, fresh fruit, pizza and a

variety of desserts. Located at the end of the bridge to the

Cooperative Care Center, the café is open Monday to Friday. In addition, a parent mini-breakfast cart visits nursing units each morning between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. with coffee and

other light refreshments. These items are intended for parents only; if you want to share with your child, please ask your

We understand that you want to comfort and nourish your

child, however for safety reasons, we do not encourage you to

bring food from home. If you do bring food into the hospital,

it must be labeled with the patient’s name, date of birth and

current date, and discarded after one day. Healthy snacks and refreshments are available for children on the nursing units.

Please ask your nurse for food if your child is hungry.


Please provide friends and family with your room’s phone

number. Telephones are shut off to incoming calls from 10

p.m. to 7 a.m. to allow your child to rest.

Local calls are free. Dial 9, then the outside number. To

place an in-hospital call, dial 4, then the 4-digit extension. Example: 44000

Directory: Main Number




Patient Information Gift Shop

Interpreter Services Parking Office

Patient and Guest Services Patient Financial Services Physician Referral

Pastoral and Spiritual Services









Accommodations for Families

The Ronald McDonald House of Providence provides a

“home away from home” for families of children being

treated at Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Rhode Island Hospital,

Bradley Hospital and Women & Infants Hospital. It offers 28 bedrooms which can accommodate two to four family members. All rooms have a private bath and many are handicapped accessible.

A shuttle service is provided from the hospital to Ronald

McDonald House. The house offers a stress-free place for

families to step away from the hospital, have a meal and share

a unique support system with other families, staff and caring

Places Family Lounges and Waiting Areas

The Hasbro Children’s Hospital Izzy Foundation and

Dunkin' Donuts family rooms are located by the public

volunteers. There is no charge to stay at the Ronald

McDonald House of Providence, but donations are gratefully

accepted. For more information, please speak to a nurse,

physician or social worker at the hospital, or call the Ronald McDonald House of Providence directly at 401-274-4447.

elevators on the 5th and 6th floors. They offer comfortable

Pediatric Garden

your convenience and are available to you at any time

change of scenery. The entrance to our outdoor pediatric

seating, a kitchenette, television and locker storage for

throughout your stay. Please ask unit staff for the codes to access these rooms.

Ronald McDonald Family Room

Located on the 4th floor, just off the elevators, the Ronald

We recognize the need for fun, diversion and the occasional garden is located on the lower level, and is open during

daylight hours, weather permitting, in the warmer months of

the year. Check with your child’s nurse before leaving the

floor, in case a test, therapy or meal is scheduled.

McDonald room offers a comfortable place for family

Resource Center

laundry. The room is available to all adult family members

room 118, is a lending library for patients, families and

daily (based on volunteer availability). For more information,

medical library of Rhode Island Hospital and contains

members to grab a quick snack, rest, or even do a load of

of hospitalized children and is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. please call 444-6085. Amenities include:

• A kitchen area with a microwave, table, refrigerator and fresh coffee

• Laundry facilities with a washer, dryer and laundry detergent

• Computers with internet access so families can check e-mail or conduct online research

• A seating area where family members can relax or chat

The Hasbro Children’s Family Resource Center, located in anyone working with children. It is a satellite of the main

medical and consumer health books that have been specially

selected with parents in mind. The subject matter reflects

common pediatric diagnoses such as cancer, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, autism, cystic fibrosis and special needs. There are also books on parenting and bereavement as well as an

extensive collection of children’s literature. A computer and list of dependable, user-friendly health websites are

available for your use, as well as databases containing

current research information.




the Davol Building, near the Hasbro Children’s upper lobby.

outside the entrance to Rhode Island Hospital. Bus service to

A full service Lifespan Pharmacy is conveniently located in If you are interested in using our pharmacy for your child’s prescription needs, the GetWellNetwork may be used to

notify a team member.You can also tell your child’s nurse that you want your child’s prescriptions filled at the Lifespan

Pharmacy.You can have your child’s medications delivered directly to your child’s room, or have them delivered to

you at home, using our home delivery service. We also deliver

Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) buses stop the hospital begins at 6:15 a.m. and ends at 11:42 p.m. A

RIPTA bus schedule is available at the hospital’s information desk. For more information on routes and fares, please call RIPTA directly at 401-781-9400.

Specialty Services


Interpreter Services

Gift Shop

trained interpreters speak Spanish, Portuguese, Cambodian,

Interpreters are available to assist hildren and families. Our

A full-service gift shop is located on the first floor of the

Hasbro Children’s Hospital lobby. It is open Monday through

Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Hospital Smoking Policy

The use of tobacco products is prohibited on all hospital property, including buildings, entranceways, sidewalks, parking lots and garages.

Hasbro Children’s Hospital is committed to the health and safety of our patients, staff and visitors, and we appreciate your support of our tobacco-free initiative.

Parking and Transportation Parking Fees

Parking fees are determined by length of visitor stay.

Discounted parking is available to parents. Please ask the unit staff for details. There is a self-pay station in the lobby where

visitors can pay the parking fee before returning to their cars. A representative is available in the main building lobby Monday to Friday.

If you require shuttle service to the parking lot, please call 639-8449 to arrange pick-up.Visitors may also request a security escort to the parking lot by calling 444-5221.

Laotian, Thai and Russian. Assistance with other languages, including American Sign Language for hearing-impaired

children or parents, is also available, as are telecommunication devices for the deaf. Please ask your nurse or call 444-8708 for assistance.

Blood Donations

Your child may require a blood transfusion due to surgery or other medical issues. We receive our blood supply from the

Rhode Island Blood Center, a non-profit agency that supplies blood to many local hospitals. Blood is thoroughly screened. All donations are tested for infectious diseases, including

AIDS and hepatitis. If you know in advance that your child will require a blood transfusion, it may be possible for your child to donate his or her own blood, or for friends and

family members to donate for your child if their blood is

the same type. Arrangements for this type of donation must

be made several weeks in advance, and should be coordinated with your child’s doctor. For more information, contact the

Rhode Island Blood Center at 401-453-8360. For parents who wish to avoid a blood transfusion for their child,

the hospital’s Transfusion-Free Medicine and Surgery

Program offers a variety of options. Please call 444-4800 for more information.

Ethics Consultation

During your child’s treatment, parents and doctors may have

difficult decisions to make. Our ethics committee can provide guidance for those facing complex choices, such

as choosing among treatment options or continuing life-

sustaining treatment. This free service is available to help your

family come to your own decisions. It provides

confidential support and ensures that you have a clear

understanding of the situation and the options available.

For more information, call 444-6175.

Notary Services

Notary public services are available at no charge to our patients and families. Please ask your nurse to make arrangements for you.

Spiritual Care Services

The spiritual care department promotes healing by addressing the spiritual and emotional needs of our patients, families and staff while respecting their beliefs and values.

Multi-Faith Spiritual Care

Clinically trained health care chaplains can provide a

listening presence, offer emotional and spiritual support, assist with ethical decisions, offer prayer and arrange for

sacraments or contact local clergy. Multi-faith chaplains work with local clergy and spiritual leaders of all faith traditions to meet the spiritual needs of patients and families.

Our services are designed to accommodate the diversity of

Multi-faith chaplains are available 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday

through Friday, by calling 444-4746 ext. 1. Please leave a

message.We will respond promptly during weekday hours. After hours and weekends a multi-faith on-call chaplin can be reached by calling 444-5108.

Roman Catholic Spiritual Care

Catholic priests are available 24 hours a day, seven days a

week. Hasbro Children’s patients or family members can

request the sacrament of Reconciliation, the Anointing of the

Sick or Holy Communion by calling 401-444-4762, ext. 2.

In an urgent situation a priest may be contacted through the

Call Center by calling 444-5108 or pressing 0 from a hospital phone.

Many Catholic patients have found that these sacraments

bring peace, healing and consolation. Patients and family

members are encouraged to notify their local parishes of their

hospital stay.

faiths and spiritual outlooks that our patients and families bring to the hospital. The spiritual care team can provide

services to patients of any faith perspective, spiritual tradition and those with no religious affiliation.




patients and families a place for quiet and reflection. The

security. If you have any concerns, please call 444-5221.

Two chapels are available within the hospital to give chapels are open 24 hours a day.

The Hasbro Children’s Hospital Chapel is located near the upper lobby of Hasbro Children’s Hospital.

The Chapel of Hope is located near the lobby of the main building of Rhode Island Hospital.

Chapel Services Catholic Mass

Noon on Sundays and Holy Days

Hasbro Children’s Hospital Chapel

Ecumenical Christian Prayer Service Wednesdays 12:05 to 12:20 p.m. Chapel of Hope

Our security department provides around-the-clock


Employees, volunteers and students wear photo identification

badges that includes their name. If a badge is not clearly

visible, please request identification from any person who asks

you questions, transports your child or provides medical

treatment. Anyone transporting or caring for your child

should be wearing a photo ID badge.

Going Home Discharge Preparation

When your child is ready to go home, a nurse will meet with

you to be sure that you have:

• instructions about the care that your child may need at home

Muslim Prayer Service

• information about home care services that may

Chapel of Hope

• information about community organizations that

When a service is being held in one chapel, the other chapel

• met with a staff member to plan your child’s care

Fridays 1:15 to 2 p.m.

is available for quiet prayer/meditation.

For Your Child’s Safety

At Hasbro Children’s Hospital, the safety of your child is

our primary concern. To ensure the safety of your child and

family at all times, please be familiar with the policies below.

Fire Drills

We conduct fire drills to ensure the safety of all people in our

help your child

can help your child

• ordered supplies your child may need

• please remember to bring in the clothes that he or she will wear home and arrange for transportation.

Lost and Found

If you return home and discover that you left something

important at the hospital, please call the nursing station on

the floor where your child received care as soon as possible.

building. During a drill, a nurse will close the door to your


a real fire during your child’s stay, please follow all

for services.

child’s room as a routine procedure. In the event of a drill or instructions given by the hospital staff.

Electrical Equipment

Please be sure that radios, hair dryers or other items that

you bring in for your child are battery operated. This is a hospital regulation.

Soon after your child’s discharge, you will receive a bill If you do not have health insurance or can demonstrate a

financial hardship, a financial counselor will speak with you

about financial assistance and will help you

make arrangements to pay the bill. The social services department may also be helpful in

directing you to community resources that can help you pay the hospital bill.

If you have any questions about hospital charges and your

• You have the right to complete information from people

discharge, call billing/patient financial services at 444-6966

• You can ask what is happening to your child and why.

child is still in the hospital, call 444-4701. After your child’s with your billing questions. The office is staffed Monday

through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Bill of Rights for Parents

In this hospital, you and your child have the right to: • Respect and personal dignity

• Care that supports you as a family • Information you can understand

• Quality health care • Emotional support

• Care that respects your child’s growth and development • Make decisions about your child’s care

Respect and personal dignity

• You and your child will be treated with courtesy and respect.

• We will introduce ourselves. We will explain our role in your child’s care.

• You can help us get to know your child.We can learn

from you what is best for your family.We will take the

time to listen.

• The things you tell us in confidence will be kept private. • We will speak and write respectfully about your child and family.

• We will honor your privacy.

Care that supports you as a family

• You and other family members are welcome in the hospital because you and your family are the most important people to your child. Being together is important.

helping you care for your child.

Everything will be explained to you honestly, in ways

you can understand.

• Someone who speaks your language will help explain things to you.

• You have the right to ask questions about anything that is unclear to you.

• You can ask to have someone from your family or

another support person with you when people in the

hospital are explaining things to you.

• You have the right to detailed information about your child’s hospital bill.

• You have the right to know the policies, procedures, and routines of the hospital.

• You have the right to know the hospital’s process for taking care of your concerns or complaints

Quality health care

• There are many people who take care of your child in the hospital.You have the right to know who they are

and what they do.

• You can expect to have your child cared for by doctors, nurses, and others who know how to care for children and youth.

• You are an important member of your child’s health care team.You know your child best. The information you

have is important. Please share this information with us

so that together we can plan what is best for your child.

• You have the right to know about treatment options for your child.

• You have the right to know if your child’s treatment is experimental or educational.You can refuse this treat-

• We will provide a place for one family member to spend

ment, and the hospital staff will still take good care of

• If you choose, you can stay with your child during most

• Before your child leaves the hospital, we will teach you

the night.

medical treatments.

Information you can understand

• You have the right to see and review your child’s medical records with health care personnel.

• You have the right to know about your child’s condition and treatment plan.

your child.

about the care your child will need. We will tell you

about people and places in your community that can

help you.

Emotional support

• When your child is in the hospital, you might feel afraid, angry, guilty, sad, lonely, or tired.


• You can talk with health professionals about your feel-

ings, questions, problems, or concerns. They will listen to

you and respect your feelings.

• If you want help, you can decide whom you want to help you.

• We can help you meet other families who have had experiences like yours.

Care that respects your child’s growth and development

• We will consider all of your child’s interests and needs, not just those related to illness or disability.

• Your child will be cared for by people who understand the needs and concerns of children and teenagers.

• We will try to keep your child’s schedule and activities as normal as possible. This includes uninterrupted sleep, quiet times, play times, school, and the comfort of family and friends.

Make decisions about your child’s care

• You have the right to any information you need to make decisions about your child’s care.

• We will work in partnership with you to make decisions about your child’s care.

• We will explain all options so that you can understand the risks and know what the choices are for your child’s care.

• You may refuse treatments as permitted by law.

• You can change your mind about care for your child,

even if you have already given permission.

• You can ask for a second opinion from another doctor. You can ask for a specialist to see your child.

• You can ask to change hospitals.

• If it is necessary to transfer your child to another hospital, we will make every effort not to move your child until

you have been told why.

Family Responsibilities

In this hospital, you have the responsibility to:

Provide information

• You have important information about your child’s

health. We need to know about symptoms, treatments,

medicines, and other illnesses.

• You should tell us what you want for your child.

• It is important for you to tell us how you want to take part in your child’s care.

• You should tell us if you don’t understand something about your child’s care.

• If you are not satisfied with your child’s care, please tell us.

Provide appropriate care

• You and the other members of the health care team work together to plan your child’s care.

• You are responsible for doing the things you agreed

to do in this plan of care. If you cannot follow the plan,

please tell us.

Meet financial obligations

• You should make sure that your child’s hospital bill is paid as promptly as possible.

Respect and consider the rights of others

• Your family is expected to respect the rights of other children, families, and hospital personnel.

Bill of Rights for Children and Teens

In this hospital you and your family have the right to: • Respect and personal dignity

• Care that supports you and your family

Quality health care

• You will be taken care of by doctors, nurses, and other people who know about children and teenagers.

• You have the right to know all of the people who take

care of you in the hospital.You and your family can meet

with them to plan what is best for you.

Emotional support

• When you are in the hospital, you might feel scared, angry, lonely, or sad.You can let people know how you feel. It is

okay to cry or complain.

• You can have your family with you as much as possible.

When this is not possible, the other people caring for you

will explain why.

• Information you can understand

• We can help you meet children and families who have had

• Emotional support

• You can wear your own clothing most of the time and

• Make choices and decisions

• You can talk or play with people who know how to help

• Quality health care

• Care that respects your need to grow, play, and learn

Respect and personal dignity

• You are important. We want to get to know you.

• We will tell you who we are, and we will call you by your name. We will take time to listen to you.

• We won’t talk about you in your room or outside your door unless you know what is happening.

• We will honor your privacy.

Care that supports you and your family

• You and your family are important. We will work

together to make you as safe and comfortable as possible.

• All families are different. We want to learn about what’s important to you and your family.

• There will be a place for a member of your family to

spend the night in the hospital with you or near you.

Information you can understand

• We will explain things to you. We will speak in ways you

experiences like yours.

keep your special things with you.

when you have questions or problems.

• You can ask to be moved to another room if you are uncomfortable or unhappy.

Care that respects your need to grow, play, and learn

• We will consider all your interests and needs, not just those related to your illness or disability.

• You have the right to rest, to play, and to learn. We will

make sure that you have places and times for the things

children your age need to grow and learn.

Make choices and decisions

• Your ideas and feelings about how you want to be cared for are important.

• You can tell us how we can help you feel more comfortable. • You can tell us how you want to take part in your care.

• You can make choices whenever possible. Sometimes you

can help decide when and where you get your treatments.

can understand.You can ask about what is happening to you and why.

• Someone who speaks your language will help explain things to you.

• Someone from your family can be with you when

people in the hospital are explaining things to you.


Lifespan now uses LifeChart, an electronic health record system that gives you access to your own medical information and enables private communication with your physicians. Visit Lifespan.org/MyLifespan.

Hasbro Children’s Hospital 593 Eddy Street, Providence, RI 02903 HasbroChildrensHospital.org

LSMC 0217

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