Ram & Lamb Issue 7

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FREE to 72,500 rural people in South West VIC & South East SA

Issue 7 - September, 2014

6th Annual Ram Sale - 400+ Rams

On the property at Chrome Thursday October 9, Digby/Dartmoor Road, Hamilton • Chromedale • Perendale • Coopworth • Poll Dorset • Southie www.chromesheepstuds.com.au

If in doubt, leave it out - By Ian Turner The prime lamb industry signals are certainly strong at present and probably for the first time for over a decade we have a buoyant lamb and sheep market combined with a reasonably good season. The latter can yet go sour, but at present most southern areas of the country are experiencing a season that is manageable at worst, or up with the ‘best ever’. Consequently ram breeder focus has shifted from trying to get rams up to an acceptable condition for sale and working to trying to predict demand and judge just how many rams to offer. Temptation is always strong to offer a few more rams in case there is more demand when industry signals are positive. This is seldom the wise thing to do. The sheep industry has changed dramatically in the last 25 years. Gone is the big proportion of wethers kept purely for their wool and then a voyage to lands afar. While numbers have halved in the national flock, the number of ewes has not dropped in proportion. A vast majority of Australia’s flock is now made up of productive ewes. After the long drought, producers did not immediately restock. They took the opportunity to cash in on better prices and the poor producing ewes at the least were generally also cast off. Lack of available finance after the cost of getting through the drought prevented many from immediately restocking. Thus we now have a very

highly productive flock, but not all these ewes are being used in self replacing breeding programs. This is the big query on ram producers’ minds; just how many ewes are out there to take up the number of available rams? There is no doubt that the buoyancy of the prime lamb market has tempted ram producers to expand their production and sale numbers in recent years. If this is in response to actual increased demand at an individual stud, then it is probably a sound move. However, if done in the hope of grabbing extra sales it is definitely the wrong move. Quality is the key to establishing long term sustainable demand. Therefore the old adage, “If in doubt, leave it out,” is very important to remember and adhere to. What a ram producer presents in any one year can affect buyer attitude towards them for many years to come. With the lamb and sheep market so strong there is more money to be made from getting rid of poorer performing stock before taking them through to ram sale age. Commercial producers do no necessarily want to troop around to multiple sales to pick up their supplies, but as there will be plenty of rams available, they can afford to shop around if necessary. If you don’t like what is in front of you, don’t buy it. However when there is a very good supply of industry leading rams

available, also don’t be tempted by cheap alternatives. Support those who do the right thing with appropriate health standards, provide likely performance indicators through verifiable data, and the surety of standards by being registered. You usually get what you pay for and rams with a dose of brucellosis can cost big bucks. That is just one possible outcome from the cheap ram purchase, whether from saleyards or unregistered breeders. Would you buy a cheap car from a dodgy yard situated on a rise above the main roadway? If not, why

buy a ram of unknown status just because it is cheap? Just like the ram breeder, “If in doubt, leave it out.” Good rams pay for themselves multiple times over in a very short time!

Above - Ewe availability from sales like this may be a restricting factor in terminal sire demand. It is therefore important to maintain the highest quality in the rams offered by breeders, and for buyers to be selective in the quality they buy.


- Are you able to support a student’s work placement? - Would you like to employ a school-based, part-time or full-time trainee? - Would you like to provide your staff with up to date, nationally recognised training? The benefits of employing an apprentice or trainee include access to training wage rates, the chance to receive up to $5,500 in financial incentives and customised training that leads to increased productivity and greater efficiency. When training your staff you can have this delivered entirely in the South East and also receive financial incentives for your business. To find out more: Phone: (08) 8723 3313, Jasmine Pearce: 0438 805 967 or Leanne Cameron: 0417 883 253

Business SA 20 Elizabeth Street, Mount Gambier SA 5290 Visit www.business-sa.com Ram & Lamb | 02

Chrome Sheep Studs - Leading the way CHROME SHEEP STUDS near Hamilton, in Western Victoria, has added another string to its enviable bow of high quality sheep genetics with the development of a new breed of terminal sire, the ICON Southie. The studs have been building a reputation as a leading supplier of prime lamb genetics to commercial producers over a number of years, and now have five lines of stud genetics under the Chrome Sheep Studs umbrella. Chrome has been a consistent supplier of top quality self-replacing maternal stud sires (Chromedale, Perendale and Coopworth breeds) for over half a decade, while the ICON brand terminal sires (Poll Dorset and Southie breeds) continues to provide new and improved genetics to the prime lamb industry. The Southie breed is the studs’ newest genetic line and was developed by crossing Southdown rams over stud Poll Dorset ewes. Chrome’s Matt Tonissen saw a need to produce rams to sire an earlier-maturing sucker lamb, with more fat, better hindquarter shape and a tighter skin. Southie rams have the additional benefit of black feet, making them ideal for high rainfall environments. The Southie ram has been developed with an emphasis on lambing ease, and has therefore been popular with Merino breeders and producers joining ewe lambs.

The popularity of Southie rams exceeded all expectations at Chrome’s January 2014 sale with a total clearance of ram lambs offered. Matt said the ICON Poll Dorset sires had also been improving the important breeding traits to meet producer requirements and the demands of both the domestic trade and export markets. All the Poll Dorset rams are fully recorded on Lambplan and have a focus on growth and muscle development in the hindquarters. “Demand for Chrome/ Icon Poll Dorset rams has increased in recent years giving us ever increasing confidence the rams are doing the job for commercial lamb producers,” Matt said. The Southie breed is testament to Chrome’s use of breeding technology to improve the genetic development of its sheep. Embryo transfer and artificial insemination technology is used in its large stud ewe base of more than 1900 head to advance the breeding of genetically diverse and producer-focussed sheep. The key focus at Chrome is breeding sires that meet both the prime lamb industry’s requirements and the needs of producers through a highly fertility and hardy sheep. “It is our belief at Chrome that one of the key economic drivers of the most profitable prime lamb production systems is the weight of lambs weaned as a percentage of the body

weight of the mother,” Matt Tonissen said. “The logical extension of that means we want efficient lamb-producing ewes, which can run at high stocking rates, and maximise the number of lambs on the ground and production per hectare.” For these this reasons, Chrome focuses its development of the maternal sires on commercial reality. Maternal sires produce a hardy, highly-fertile ewe with a moderate frame score and good mothering skills. The New Zealand Peredale sheep influences Chrome’s maternal flock for its strong genes in these key traits. Chrome maternal ewes are run under strict commercial conditions, which mimic

that of the commercial producer. Due to increased demand, Chrome Sheep Studs now hold multiple sales a year. The main sale will be held on 9th October, on property at Hamilton, Victoria with a second sale in January. Chrome offers a bulk discount to multiple ram buyers at both sales, with every sixth ram purchased free and all rams are eligible to enter SA. Ram sale catalogues will be available online from late September at www.chromesheep studs.com.au

Strong ram sales for Paxton


Cashmore Oaklea Self Replacing Performance Maternals

Our flock averages $7 per ewe mated above industry average we supply compounding genetic gain

The Paxton Stud has again enjoyed a successful 12 months with strong ram sales in the previous spring. Overall the stud sold in excess of 300 rams, which was extremely pleasing to the Harvey family. Paxton Stud principal Martin Harvey was very happy to see so many repeat buyers and a few new clients introducing Paxton genetics into their sheep enterprise. “Kirsty and I feel very fortunate to have such strong loyal clients,” Martin said. “We couldn’t be happier with having so many repeat buyers. I know how competitive the ram industry is and we dont take anything for granted. We just try to supply our clients with a good reliable sire that will continue to perform for them within their own flock.” The Paxton Border Leicester Stud is very excited about the progeny of Coolawang 49/2012 purchased for $10,400 last spring. The lambs are just hitting the ground and will be a large feature of next year’s selection. The eveness of this years selection is a feature. Paxton genetics continue to perform and are high amongst the sale toppers at the Naracoorte first ewe sales in November. The White Suffolk rams are one of the studs best ever line-ups. Many rams are sired by Days Barrassi purchased for $13,000 in shares with Gypsum Hill. The rams are very even and are showing excellent growth and muscling.

The Paxton Poll Dorset sire selection is again of high quality. Many of the rams sired by Tasmanian sire Killara, who has continued to breed long, well muscled, growthy progeny. The stud is looking forward to adding another quality sire to the Paxton breeding flock this spring. The Paxton Stud welcomes any enquiries at any time. The rams will again be offered at private selection from late September. The rams will be graded and priced accordingly. The stud continues to offer all rams with Brucellosis free, Johnes vaccinated MN2 and Lambplan accredited status.

Above - Coolawang 49/2012 with Trevor James (Coolawang) and Martin, Will, Zoe & Lilly Harvey.


MN2 Vac

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Derrynock Poll Dorsets & Meat Maternals For more than 40 years the Beattie family of East Trentham, have strived to breed the best Poll Dorset rams possible. In recent years, this has evolved to include the production of a line of Meat Maternal rams, with particular focus on carcase, fertility, milk and ease of management. Derrynock were quick to embrace the technology for scanning for eye muscle, fat, and recording weights. Most changes in the studs breeding program are a direct result from the feedback they receive from their clients, from progeny testing programs they complete each year in their own commercial flock, and through the adoption of new breeding technologies. Despite Derrynock sale rams averaging almost 30% above the LAMBPLAN Carcase + average for all Poll Dorsets in Australia, it is not their only focus. Structural soundness and fertility have been key criteria over the years with the Poll Dorset stud ewes now averaging 165 - 170% lambing each year, and the maternal ewes scanning 190% on average over the last two years.In the Meat Maternal flock the studs breeding objective is primarily focused on ewe efficiency, with the aim of each ewe weaning her body-weight in lamb at weaning (100 days). This is reliant

on a medium frame ewe selected for early maturity, fertility and particular emphasis on milking ability (often the forgotten factor). This has resulted in the top 10% of the commercial Meat Maternal ewes with a mature body weight of 60-65kg, rearing 80-90kg of lamb at 14weeks. In more recent times, focus has also been placed on worm resistance, loin length, gestation length and lambing ease breeding values, along with DNA testing for Intramuscular fat (marbling), Shear Force (tenderness) and Lean Meat Yield. As pressure increases on stocking rates and extreme growth genetics, a focus on rams exhibiting moderate birth weights and shorter gestation with a good resistance to worms and eating quality has helped the Derrynock stud service the needs of a changing prime lamb industry.


2014 Poll Dorset sale rams

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A Special Opportunity

3rd Annual Border Leicester Sale Naracoorte Showgrounds

Tuesday 7th October 3pm Inspection from 1:30pm

60 Selected rams ʕ Selected for the South East ʕ ʕ Bred in the South East ʕ Contact: Rodney & Tracey Willmott, Lucindale, SA Ph (08) 8765 8031 Mob 0429 677 774 Email: willmott@activ8.net.au Brucellosis


Accredited No. 1250


Also Note: Hanookra’s Poll Merino, Merino, Poll Dorset & Border Leicester sale on Kangaroo Island 26th September ʕ 110 rams

Seriston focus rewarded A long term focus on well-defined breeding objectives is paying off big time for Anthony Hurst’s Seriston White Suffolk and Suffolk flocks. That defined focus has been on selection for longer bodied, yet balanced sheep, then adding the fast growth and muscling genetic attributes. This combination is not simple because of negative genetic correlations, so it requires breeding skill and patience. The end product is rams that have that extra body length combined with great muscling and rapid growth, producing lambs with more weight earlier, yet with the genetic flexibility to be efficiently targeted to any lamb carcase weight. A prime example is one of the home-grown White Suffolk sires, Seriston 111079. Grown out completely on grass (no show preparation or grain feeding), his yearling muscle measurements were 55mm eye muscle depth and 40mm width, exceptional by any standards. According to stud principal Anthony Hurst, his first progeny available this year are brilliant, as are his 2014 lambs. There are also impressive sons of the Days ram purchased in 2012, a son of Gemini 298, an all breeds champion at Hamilton with exceptional performance. The

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Seriston Suffolks are also sure to impress, with the top described by Anthony as the best ever, despite excellent success at Hamilton and Adelaide in the past few years. 150 White Suffolks and 45 Suffolk rams will be on offer at the Seriston on-property ram sale, Avenue Range on October 10. Gallagher and Coprice have come on board as sponsors of this sale, the latter having a long association with Seriston for their commercial lamb feedlot.

Above - Seriston’s selection principles for more length, weight and muscle has resulted in rams that excel for their commercial prime lamb clients, who compete strongly for the auction offering of nearly 200 rams, like last year’s ram sale where Landmark auctioneer Gordon Wood is calling the bids.

Konongwootong Dorsets

At Konongwootong they aim to produce a line of commercially focused, high performing, low maintenance rams to suit today’s prime lamb producer. They place an emphasis on • High Fertility • Early Maturity • Profitability • Reliability • Realistic performance figures with sound structure • Bio-security Konongwootong flock rams are paddock reared on good quality pastures and are not given any grain supplementation. Flock rams are run in a single management group from weaning to sale time and all treated identically. Konongwootong is part of Lambplan and consider EBV figures to

be of value but only as a secondary guide after structural soundness and visual assessment. They aim to breed rams, which will produce quality prime lambs for the export and trade markets thus giving the prime lamb producer the opportunity to sell his lambs as trade or export suckers straight off the mother. As well as their Poll Dorset stud, Kongongwootong runs 3500 commercial, self -replacing Dorset Coopworth cross ewes; so they are well aware of the needs of the prime lamb producer. They would like to extend an invitation to prime lamb producers to view our team at any of our local shows, Adelaide Royal or Melbourne Royal or by appointment, prior to our Annual Sale on Thursday, October 16, at 1.30pm, at Konongwootong.

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Happy birthday Warrawindi

Warrawindi is celebrating its 10th Annual ram sale on Friday, October 17. The stud flock has grown substantially from producing 300 lambs to now more than 600 lambs from around 400 ewes - constantly achieving 150% lambing rate. The average sire Carcass + figure 10 years ago was 152 C+ and now stands at 202 C+ in the 2013 mating. Warrawindi clients have been telling us for some time now that they are selling their lambs 4-6 weeks earlier than they used to and are still getting their desired weights. Warrawindi can back this up with their wwt’s in 2004 at +4.70 and pwwt at +6.60 and now they are wwt +8.08 and +pwwt +12.45 - both weights are above breed average. Also high on their list is their EMA - it was +0.48 and now is well above the average at +1.78. Warrawindi’s commitment to producing high early

Allflex - Identify the Difference

growth and high yielding carcasses is paying off and being able to sell your lambs 4–6 weeks earlier before the flush and gain up to $1.00kg extra is the real proof. Jordan has started his own Suffock stud (Warra-J) purchasing a top line of ewes from Southrose, Burwood and Allendale and will have 10 rams for sale this year. This year Warrawindi will present 150 very impressive young rams, sired by their leading sires for growth and EMA. Also there will be 10 specially selected rams some of which have been used as ram lambs in the stud. So please come and join us on Friday, Ocotber 17, for a lamb and gravy roll and refreshments. Please contact us for a catalogue. For more information call David and Alison Galpin (08)8737 2274 or email warrawindi@activ8.net.au

The new Allflex electronic NLIS sheep tag, otherwise known as the RapIDTag, has a flawless technological design, whereby the transponder is encased within the stem. This allows both sides of the highly durable nylon tag panel, to be clearly printed with information, for quick, easy to read identification. This is a must for both on-farm management purposes, as well as to comply with NLIS requirements. To accelerate the healing process through increased airflow, the stem of the RapIDTag has been designed to rotate a full 360 degrees. It also incorporates a locking mechanism at the top of the glass reinforced plastic stem, to prevent the tag from compacting against the ear. Due to design features such as these, multiple trials have proven that RapIDTags heal much quicker in the ear, than that

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of a traditional wrap around EID tag. Specifically designed for fast and safe application for larger operations, the RapIDMatic Applicator is ideal. Strips of 20 RapIDTags are loaded within seconds, and the smooth reload action makes the RapIDMatic unrivalled for speed of application. For easy tagging in smaller operations, the RapIDTagger has been created with specially designed grooves to correctly align and bed the tags, to restrict movement during the application process. Whatever the size of your sheep operation, the Allflex RapIDTags are the ideal solution for your on-farm and official management needs. For advice on this or any other livestock management enquiry, please contact your local Allflex Area Manager on 1300 138 247, or check out our website at www.allflex.com.au.

Netley Park - committed & confident 24th On Property Sale Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 1:30pm


OB TESTED - MN3 Status - Lambplan Tested - OJD Vaccinated

Luncheon provided Enquiries welcome MN3 Betty and Ken Walker Phone (08) 8735 8177, Fax (08) 8735 8178

8017 Southern Ports Highway, Beachport, SA, 5280

Elders Millicent (08) 8735 5800

Landmark Millicent (08) 8733 2733

David Little 0438 802 760

Netley Park continues to show commitment and confidence in the primary lamb industry, after breeding Poll Dorsets for 24 years, they have added to our stud stock business with the purchase of the Willow Park Border Leicester stud from the Williams family at Mundulla in February last year and this year have their first offering of border Leicester flock rams sold under the Netley Park banner. Along with the stud stock they have expanded their commercial prime lamb flock so they are well connected and in touch with the needs and goals of the prime lamb producer. All rams are stockscan measured and all Poll Dorset sires used within the stud have been DNA selected as

double carriers of the eye muscle gene. Netley Park is looking to DNA technology for relevant markers that would be beneficial in the Border Leisester breed. Six year of selecting for DNA markers has seen rapped improvement in eye muscle measurements. Netley Park will offer 100 Poll Dorset and 100 Border Leicester flock rams at its 19th annual sale on its Cannawiraga property on September 25. All ram will be stockscan assessed, brucellosis accredited free and OJD vaccinated. The sale will commence with the Poll Dorsets at the earlier time of 1pm (SA time) with Border Leicester’s following immediately after.

19th Annual On-Property

Ram Sale



Poll Dorset


Border Leicester Flock Rams


Cannawigara via Bordertown

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 2014. AUCTION 1.00PM SA time OJD Vaccinated Accredited Ovine Brucellosis Free Stockscan figures available

Barbecue Lunch Supplied 5% rebate to outside agents

Phone/Fax: Michael King 08 8752 1602 or 0418 724 189 Ram & Lamb | 10

Majardah rams looking to the future The Price family’s Majardah Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Stud, based at Glencoe, seizes every opportunity possible to benchmark the performance of their sheep. Accurate LambPlan analysis underpins the selection of all sheep on the property. Only sheep with above average Australian Sheep Breeding Values are considered for retention within the stud. This policy also applies to sale rams. “We believe our clients deserve the best genetics possible for their commercial operations,’ said Adam Price. “We know through feedback and scientific study that sheep selected with high ASBVs will outperform sheep of lesser quality, given equal management strategies. “Our commercial clients know this benefits their financial bottom line.” By optimising ASBVs for birth weight, growth, muscle, leanness and worm resistance the family has been able to shift their focus to maintaining the meat eating quality, for which lamb is renowned. Strategies used include genomics testing all sires used in the breeding program. Potential young sires are genomics tested for intramuscular fat, shear force and lean meat yield to identify the best for use within the flock. Some are also benchmarked through the Meat Elite


Australia young sire testing program. “We believe positioning our own and our clients’ flocks for the future will protect access to markets when markets demand guaranteed quality of lambs supplied,” said Adam. “Helping clients identify the best rams for their operation starts with personalised on property selection.” Rams have the full suite of LambPlan information complemented by client conformation and visual assessment. To assist with this process the stud will host an on property ram selection workshop on Monday, September 22, commencing at 9.30pm. Interested people can book by telephoning 0428 394 300, emailing majardah@bigpond.com, or speaking with Adam, Ruth or Dale Price. Majardah Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams will be available on property from October 3.

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Wrattenbullie - worth the wait

Wrattenbullie is looking forward to displaying and selling a quality showing of stud and flock rams this year. They are started the season by showing six rams at the Hamilton Sheepvention and the Royal Adelaide Show. Derrynock 40-11, Ulandi Park 54-11 and Wrattenbullie 56-12 are the sires of this team. Two of rams these will be offered at their annual production sale as stud rams. Lambplan figures have become a major factor for many clients in the selection of flock rams, therefore they have placed more emphasis on them in their breeding program. Popular sires Ulandi Park 54-

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11 and Majardah 157-08 have been used in Wrattenbullie’s AI program to increase muscle and growth figures. Other rams represented in their 2014 sale rams team include Glen Devon 370-10 who is breeding big, long rams, and Derrynock 40-11, who is a high growth ram plus quality home bred rams. Wrattenbullie has maintained its impeccable health status being brucellosis accredited free and MN3V for OJD.This year’s rams will present very well. They are available for inspection on property by appointment or at their production at the Naracoorte Showgrounds on Monday, October 13.

Janmac’s excitement hits new heights

The support of astute and loyal clients at the Janmac Poll Dorset and White Suffolk October sale at Goroke has been very pleasing to the Hausler family, none more so than last year in challenging circumstances. With that challenge behind them Grant and Bryce Hausler are ecstatic with the development and promise of the first sons of Kurralea 110011, the 2012 Adelaide Royal Show supreme interbreed champion ram that was purchased for a new Poll Dorset record price of $28,000, in partnership with the Ulandi Park stud. “His lambs impressed from the moment they were dropped and we just couldn’t be happier with them. It is always a gamble when you make such a big investment, but these sons of his have honestly exceeded our wildest expectations,” Grant Hausler said. They will make up some of the key lots at the Janmac

annual ram sale, but there is great quality right through the 170 ram and two breed offering. The Janmac White Suffolks are another year down their development track and while there aren’t as many on offer as Poll Dorsets, the production of high quality rams Janmac has been synonymous with for many years is also evident in their White Suffolks. The progeny of a leading Wingamin sire will make their sale debut as well. To again be able to offer to their South Australian clients is as pleasing to the Hauslers as is the excitement of offering 110011’s first progeny.

Above - These K110011 ram lambs displayed outstanding class and performance as lambs. You should see them now! They will be a highlight at the October 1st Janmac sale at Goroke.

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New generation sires at Detpa Grove

Detpa Grove‘s long and successful history in the White Suffolk breed and prime lamb industry is the foundation for its current launch of ‘new generation’ sires. Extensive use of advanced breeding technology has greatly reduced generation turnover and decades of objective measurement have placed Detpa Grove at the elite end of the industry for verifiable performance. Thursday, October 9, presents the next opportunity to

purchase some of these new generation Detpa Grove White Suffolk genetics, with approximately 200 head of stud and flock rams and stud ewes on offer at their Jeparit on-property sale.

Above - These Detpa Grove flock rams are strong representatives of the ‘New Generation’ elite performance sires the stud is producing for the industry.

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Below (left) - As an example of how genetic management, artificial breeding and feed technology are combined optimally is the ram Detpa Grove 130066, one of the Pipkorn family’s new generation sires. He is in the top 1% as a trait leader for Carcase Plus index, Weaning weight, Post weaning weight, Yearling and Hogget weights. Detpa Grove 130066 – an industry leader in growth index value and just one of Detpa Grove’s new generation sires is pictured when six months old and weighing 93kg. This ram weighed 75.5kg at four months under natural grazing conditions and has been used to cover 100 specially selected ewes in the stud. Sires like him dramatically impact commercial prime lamb production by increasing growth rates in terminal sires. Lambs reach profitable slaughter target weights more consistently and in a shorter time frame than industry averages. For lamb production efficiency, DG130066’s dam produced quintuplets and off grass she weaned 201kg of lambs at three and a half months of age. Detpa Grove’s total flock performance has it at approximately 20 index points above the industry average.

Final stanza for Gloroy

Above - Gloroy ‘White Caviar’ sold for a Gloroy record of $21,000 to the Aberdeen stud, NSW at February’s first stage dispersal. He has a high proportion of progeny in the final stage of the Gloroy dispersal on October 2 at Newbridge, including these sons. While ‘The Last Time’ proved to be a rather long running tour title for an Australian pop idol, the same does not apply to a highly successful Australian meat sheep stud. The Harris family’s Gloroy Poll Dorset stud will bring down the final curtain on 54 years of Poll Dorset breeding at the Final Stage Dispersal Sale on Thursday, October 2, at Newbridge, in Victoria. Besides being a leading stud in the breed for so long, this is not an ending to a fading career, but rather a case of going out while on top. The offering will also reflect that. The entire 2013 drop from this large stud will be offered, with that selection coming from over 400 head; 200 rams and 200 ewes. There will be approximately 30 stud rams on offer and a great draft of flock rams, while the ewes represent all the great breeding quality that 50 years of astute selection and a long

history of performance measurement can produce. The first stage dispersal in February saw very good support and new Gloroy record prices for rams ($21,000 and ewes $3300). That ram record was for Gloroy ‘White Caviar’ an exceptional ram for both genotype and phenotype, ranked by stud principal Colin Harris as the best ram ever produced at Gloroy. A large proportion of this year’s final stage offering are his progeny. From a performance perspective over 50% of the drop have a Trade$ index over 112, while over 25% have a Carcase Plus index of over 200. The selection choices don’t get much better than that. If the fact it is the last opportunity to get some genetics from a stud with a glorious history doesn’t get you interested, the fact that these genetics are at the pointy end of the industry for performance should. It will be your last chance.

TEMPT THE TASTEBUDS Lamb Bredie 5 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon dried rosemary 12 lamb forequarter or chump chops (not cutlets) 2 tablespoons olive oil 3 red onions, finely chopped 15 ripe tomatoes, finely chopped 2 tablespoons brown sugar (preferably muscovado) 5 sprigs fresh rosemary, finely chopped 2 cups fresh peas Method Preheat the oven to 180°C. Mix the flour and dried rosemary with a pinch of salt and pepper. Coat the lamb in mixture. Heat oil in a non-stick frypan over high heat and fry the lamb in batches for 2 minutes each side until browned. In a large bowl, combine the onion and tomato, then season with salt and pepper. Lay 6 of the lamb pieces in the bottom of a large, deep baking dish and top with half the tomato mixture. Sprinkle Ram & Lamb | 16

over 1 tablespoon of sugar and half the fresh rosemary. Repeat for the second layer. Cover with foil and bake for 3-4 hours or until the meat falls off the bone. When you are ready to serve, blanch the peas in boiling water for 1 minute, drain, then stir them through the lamb. Serve on a bed of mashed potato

Kurralea excels in all environs Decades of development of a unique Kurralea genetic type has seen clients across all environs experience success in their seedstock and commercial enterprises for many years. While the setting of a new national Poll Dorset record price in 2012 at $28,000 created headlines, it is the commercial sector focus that the Prentice family’s Poll Dorset and White Suffolk stud’s success is built on. The patient development of Kurralea’s unique type was built on having a bigger framed sheep with a maturity pattern that enabled all commercial market weights to be targeted by clients. The difficulty was to build rapid early growth and muscling into this frame type, as there are negative correlations involved. Genetic outriders needed to be identified and then used astutely to bring in the consistency producers need. The same principles have been used in both their Poll Dorsets and White Suffolks. Widespread client endorsement is the best evidence of their success in achieving this. James Osborn, manager of the ‘Barratta’ and ‘Zara’ properties AF& A Ltd is a big supporter of Kurralea genetics. The company uses rams from both breeds to mate with approximately 17,000 ewes each year on all its Hay Plains’ properties. “The reason we shop at

Kurralea is the quality of the draft and the large selection choices; there are very few places where you can get the numbers of that quality, plus they are fantastic people to deal with,” James said. AF & A target the 21-24kg carcase weight for Woolworths and in good years 70% will achieve that, with the balance going as store lambs, aiming to turn a majority of lambs off in four months. Store buyers line up to get their bigger drafts of store lambs with such good high growth genetics behind them. “The Kurralea rams are uncomplicated with clean points. They are big, long and meaty rams that are also robust, active and healthy enough to be able to walk our vast plain’s country where our paddocks from range from 200 to 1000 hectares in size,” he said.“Their depth and consistency is exceptional. That is the sign of a very good stud.” In a different higher rainfall environment in south western Victoria, Trent Adams, manager for Chatsworth House runs an intensive breeding program, using Kurralea rams over 10,000 specifically developed composite ewes. “We market over the hooks at 18-22kg carcase weight with lambs finished on stubbles and lucerne. The Kurralea rams have excellent bone, structure, frame

Above - James Osborne is a well-known buyer at the Prentice family’s Kurralea White Suffolk and Poll Dorset stud’s on-property sale each September, securing up to 120 rams at auction or privately for Australian Food and Agriculture Limited’s properties to use in their crossbreeding enterprises. size, length and easy durability and certainly do the job for us,” Trent said. This commercial success flows through to seedstock producers and creates rams worthy of the high stud demand that has produced those record prices in the past. However,

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with large sales, for every outstanding price, there are multiple bargains. The Kurralea 2014 sale will be on Tuesday 30th September, on-property at Ariah Park, NSW where approximately 300 Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams will be available.

Mount Gambier Rural Supplies

Exciting new premises Same expert team

201 Jubilee Highway West Mount Gambier

They combine their experience on the land, their expert knoweldge in the industry and their commitment to providing service that is second to none to bring you the best product to suit your needs. The team at Mount Gambier Rural Supplies has the expertise to match your needs with the best available product on the market whether it be animal health, fencing, stockfeed, ag chemical, water equipment, pasture seed plus much more.


RURAL SUPPLIES The Mount Gambier Rural Supplies team (from left) Rick Heaver, Wes Flier, Heath Telford and Bronwyn Muller.

201 Jubilee Highway West, Mount Gambier

Ram & Lamb | 18

Phone 8723 1222

Combined Day family sale a lamb producers’ bonanza

The offering from the Allendale Poll Dorset and Suffolk studs and the Days White Suffolk and Maternal Composite studs at their combined sheep sale on Friday, October 3, presents another one-stop shopping opportunity if ever there was one. The combination of proven terminal sire genetics from the Allendale Suffolk and Poll Dorset studs of Alastair and Jayne Day and family, to Lachy and Lou Day and family’s highly successful White Suffolk and their newer venture of Maternal Composites, covers most likely lamb producer needs. The highlight of the Days White Suffolk offering is the very appealing first progeny of Days 120077, the high performance sire that also

took almost everything before him in the show rings including senior champion ram at Adelaide. Further progeny of Days 110371, which was in the Lambplan Performance winning pair at Hamilton and Adelaide the year before, are also well worth your inspection and competition. In the Allendale Poll Dorset offering there is a huge selection of outstanding rams both physically and genetically. Sons of Derrynock 110131, a trait leader for weaning weight and with a C+ index of 196, have performed really well with great structure and early maturity. Allendale 120111, a trait leader for weaning weight, post weaning weight and with a 201 C+ index, has bred exceptionally well, having

been used as a ram lamb before being sold last year. There are also more sons of Wyndamah 090146 and grandsons of Leenala 08118 that are impressive. A big boost was at the Lambex conference when Malone Lamb won awards in the ‘Australia’s Best Lamb’ competition, including a gold medal in the 26kg plus grassfed class. The Malone family has purchased Allendale Poll Dorsets for many years. The Allendale Suffolk offering is again up to its breed leading standards. The highlight of this year’s offering is the first sons of Allendale 121080 the champion ram at Melbourne and was leader of winning interbreed groups, and Allendale 100588

Ram & Lamb | 19

which continues to breed very well. With specially selected genetics from six respected industry breeds the Days maternal composites offer a very interesting prime lamb dam option. While it is early days in their development, if you never try, you might just be passing a great opportunity by. They are well worth serious consideration.

Above - The sale scene at last year’s combined Allendale/Days combined 4 breed sheep sale at the Days property 8km south of Bordertown. This will again be the setting for their October 3rd sale when more than 400 head of outstanding meat sheep will be offered.

Fifth Nonning & Croft sale

The 5th Nonning White Dorper Sale in conjunction with the Croft Dorper on property auction is to be held on September 19 this year. Nonning, at Kilmory, is breeding to rams to walk and to have 90% or better shedding ability. The Nonning and Croft Doper studs were established in December 1998. From their first ET Programme Nonning White Dorpers have in the past four years improved our Genetics with 500 embryos imported from Namibia in 2010. Eight hundred ewes have since been implanted


and an AI program was carried out last year. The sale rams offered on the day if not sold will be used on the station at Nonning. The stud policy is ‘if it is not good enough for Nonning it is not for sale’ Both studs are running 1000-1200 stud ewes and Nonning Station turning off approximately 20,000 sheep in a year. Now running all dorpers the station has been accredited American Organic status. Nonning now has commercial sales into three States of Australia.

Lamb Tagine 1 brown onion, halved, coarsely chopped 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 600g diced lamb 2 teaspoons sweet paprika 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon salt 250ml (1 cup) vegetable stock 80ml (1/3 cup) honey 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 240g (1/4 cups) whole pitted dried prunes 190g (1 cup) couscous 250ml (1 cup) boiling water Pinch of salt, extra Skim milk natural yoghurt, to serve 1/4 cup fresh coriander leaves, to garnish Method Place the onion in the bowl of a food processor and process until coarsely pureed. Heat the oil in a large heavy-based saucepan over medium-high heat. Add

the onion and cook for 2-3 minutes or until soft and fragrant. Add the lamb and cook for 5-6 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until brown all over. Add the paprika, cumin and salt, and cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes or until fragrant. Add the stock and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer, covered, stirring occasionally, for 1 hour or until lamb is tender. Stir in the honey, cinnamon and prunes. Simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes or until sauce thickens. Meanwhile, place the couscous in a heatproof bowl and pour over the boiling water while stirring with a fork. Cover and set aside for 5 minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed. Use a fork to separate the grains. Season with salt. Spoon couscous among plates. Top with tagine and a dollop of yoghurt. Sprinkle with coriander and serve immediately.

Nonning 5th Annual White Dorper Production Sale

Ram & Lamb | 20

Last opportunity to secure Wye Corriedale genetics Following the very successful clearance of mated ewes in the first stage of the complete dispersal sale of Wye Correidales on March 20 this year, the final stage of 30 2013 drop quality ewes, plus three stud rams, will be offered on Tuesday, October 7, on Auction Plus Flock rams will be offered privately. Over the years, the breeding program for Wye Corriedales has concentrated on fertility and growth, enabling clients to have confidence in the rams they buy. The multi options the Corriedale has of producing heavy cutting 25-30 micron wool, fast growing lambs, highly fertile self replacing ewes, premium skins and carcasses suitable for both export and domestic markets, will give the producer more dollars per hectare. All of these options are available in Wye Corriedales, which have been performance recording with Lambplan since 1996 and are one of the Corriedale studs in the Performance Corriedale Group. The Hunts believe that it is important to put their sheep up against others in the show ring, not only against other Corriedales, but also against other breeds, to compare their genetic progress and maintain absolute quality. Wye only exhibited at the Royal Adelaide Show this year. Wye sheep are breeding with consistency and trueness to type. Wye has

sourced superior genetics from the top performing sheep in both Australia and New Zealand to enhance its breeding program and with their continued rigid

selection and assessment of ewes to be mated, gives the evenness of type and reliability of performance the Wye Stud offers its clients.

Above - Wye Corriedale rams under 18 months. The end of an era.

This is your last opportunity to secure Wye Corriedale genetics More information available on website and editorial this edition


Ram & Lamb | 21

Leenala With such a long and successful breeding history as the Schinckel family’s Leenala Poll Dorsets, progression from year to year is more one of refinement than dramatic change. Leenala is renowned for its long bodied and high growth rams, but in recent years the Schinckels have been concentrating on improving early muscling in particular. The growth rates are still improving but at a reduced rate, which is usual when selection pressure is applied across more traits. Their 2013 drop rams on offer this year at Naracoorte on October 13 are very well grown and show a noticeable increase in muscling through their deeper hindquarters and wider loins. This is supported in the eye muscle depth ASBV. They also have a slight increase in fat which is important for eating quality. Genomic testing is in its early development, but initial testing shows considerable variation in eating quality traits, with negative correlation to excessive leanness. While there is a stronger industry selection for sires suitable for producing lighter to medium weight lambs suitable for the domestic trade, there is still a very important export and domestic market that requires heavier lambs. Leenala is still producing rams for that end of the market, but with a little less leanness than a few years ago. Over fatness is not an

issue of significance these days, so further selection for leanness has more potential downside than upside at present. The latest drop of lambs from Valma, Ivadene, Derrynock and homebred Leenala sires are looking even more impressive in their muscle expression. Leenala 134’s progeny in particular are displaying great carcase development at an early age. Leenala will have 120 outstanding rams for auction at the Naracoorte sale, plus private selection rams. Included will be rams that have just competed with great success at the 2014 Hamilton Sheepvention, including wins in the performance classes yet again and champion ram. This is on top of Leenala’s winning pair of rams in the interbreed performance class at last year’s Adelaide Royal Show, plus winning champion ram at the Melbourne Feature breed showing, verifying Leenala’s all-round performance qualities.

Right - Leenala principals Alan & Lyn Schinckel hold their winning entry in the Sires Progeny class at the just completed Hamilton Sheepvention. They won performance classes and champion ram, being most successful ram exhibitor in the 60th year since Poll Dorsets were founded.

Ram & Lamb | 23

Beware of imitations As a market leader in fabric covered structures around the world, DomeShelter Australia, with its famous Domeshelter® branded structures, regularly deals with farmers throughout the South East of South Australia and Western Victoria. As the awareness for these convenient shelter solutions are becoming increasingly popular, like any successful product there are now several ‘Look-a-like’ shelters that are entering the market. To help the discerning buyer make the right choice, Ram & Lamb Magazine has asked DomeShelter Australia “What are the four key areas you should look at when purchasing a fabric covered structure?” • Engineer Certification: Is the shelter “Engineer Certified” by an engineer registered with the Australian Institute of Engineering, and if so can they provide evidence? DomeShelter Australia has invested many hundreds of thousands of dollars designing, improving and engineering the Domeshelter® brand of fabric covered structures to give peace

of mind to our clients. If the item is not engineered correctly the result could be catastrophic. • Made in Australia and all made in-house: We manufacture all the steelwork and fabric covers in-house. This not only enables us excellent control of quality, but also provides critical synergy through all design and production phases resulting in all components complementing each other. • Wind Region Category – Are you provided with the correct shelter for the specific ‘Wind

Region, Importance Level & Terrain Location’ in view of safeguarding your company and assets including your staff? • And finally “Mounting Rails”. Are the mounting rails included within the package as a standard item or is this an additional charge? Another common mistake companies make when purchasing a fabric structure is the kit contains no mounting rails. With a DomeShelter® branded solution, extra design and manufacturing time has been put into each shelter to

Ram & Lamb | 24

ensure installation is easy and the kit contains all the necessary componentry to ensure setup time is minimal therefore saving significant costs at time of installation. For the readers of the Ram & Lamb Magazine if you phone 1800 140 584 ask the staff at DomeShelter Australia for the full 14 item ‘Compare before you buy’ fabric shelter checklist, as this is a must have for any company that has a shelter requirement within the next 12 months.



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Chrysler Jeep Dodge Carlin & Gazzard are proud to announce the addition of Chrysler Jeep Dodge (CJD) to our line-up. Come in and see the full range – from the sublime Chrysler 300 to the tough-as-nails Jeep Wrangler and everything in between. CJD have produced some of the most exciting and innovative products to hit the Australian car market in recent times and we are proud to offer the range to Mt Gambier and surrounding areas. Our CJD specialists Wendy Webster 0413 005 593 and Paul Reade 0417 637 450 would love to help you with superb opening offers across the range. Be the first to own a C&G CJD! Already own a Chrysler, Jeep or Dodge? We’re also equipped to handle all of your servicing and warranty requirements. Mercedes-Benz The all-new Mercedes Benz CClass has hit the streets! The first ‘clean-sheet’ redesign in almost seven years, the 2014 C-Class is the epitome of style and poise. It’s also a technological tour-de-force offering equipment such as Collision Prevention Assist, Blind Spot Assist and Adaptive Cruise Control, this car can even park itself!

Regards in motoring,

Ken Gazzard

Launch stock is limited so call in and see Jarrod Harrison 0403 578 337 or Chris Gazzard 0418 311 207 for a thorough demonstration and test drive. Honda The all-new Jazz is here. Its Magic Seats are ultra-versatile, you can fit anything in. It’s loaded with advanced technologies and packed with creature comforts. With enough room to comfortably carry five adults, fun-to-drive handling and impressive fuel efficiency; you’ll be planning your next trip before you’ve begun your first! For all your Honda enquiries, speak with George Haskas 0409 671 074 – three time winner of Honda’s ‘Regional Salesperson of the Year’ award. Spring Sale Time! If you’re in the market for a preowned vehicle, now is the time to buy! We’ve never had such a diverse and varied range of top-quality, handpicked cars to choose from. Small cars, large cars, commercial vehicles and a huge range of SUVs – we’ve got what you’re looking for. We have fresh stock arriving daily and can even source specific models by request.

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Vicroad Agents

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Peter Gazzard 08 87238888 or 0418322356 peterg@cargaz.com.au




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John St

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Finance & Insurance It’s a fact - the vast majority of vehicles purchased are funded by a loan of some sort. At Carlin & Gazzard, we offer fast, convenient loans at or below bank interest rates. We’re committed to saving our clients time, money and headaches by offering a full suite of loan and insurance products for business or personal usage under one roof. To see how we can help you with the purchase of your next vehicle, give Mike Currie or Steven Humphries a call on 08 8723 8888. Applications can be completed over the phone in less than fifteen minutes.

Crouch St South

Well it’s hard to believe Carlin and Gazzard have been in business now for almost 60 years since it’s first beginnings in 1957. Business has flourished over the years and customer service is still priority at the dealership with vehicle sale options including Vicroads agents, trade ins, cash for cars and warranty and finance packages to suit your individual needs. Carlin and Gazzard substantially expanded the business from mostly used cars to the current pre owned department, Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz LCV, Honda, Subaru and Mitsubishi. I am also very excited to announce that in mid September Chrysler Jeep Dodge will be joining us here at C&G. We also recently launched the exciting new Mercedes-Benz CClass. This new model is sure to be a hit with existing C-Class customers and also those who are looking to take their first step into the world of luxury cars.

Crouch St North

What’s new @ C&G?

Anthony St

Spring is here!

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www.cargaz.com.au Toll Free 1800 806 533 MT GAMBIER Prices exclude Government charges. Prices valid until 30/9/2014. LVD 394. *Conditions see page 10.



George Haskas 08 87238888 or 0419 671 074 georgeh@cargaz.com.au

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Bi-Xenon headlights, sat nav, metallic black, 3500 kms. S539BAV #53928


Prices exclude Government charges. Prices valid until 30/9/2014. LVD 394. *Conditions see page 10.


Find us on ....

Chris Gazzard 08 87238888 or 0418 311 207 chrisg@cargaz.com.au



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Mike Currie 08 87238888 or 0439 898 198 mikec@cargaz.com.au


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Prices exclude Government charges. Prices valid until 30/9/2014. LVD 394. *Conditions see page 10.



Jarrod Harrison 08 87238888 or 0403 578 337 jarrodh@cargaz.com.au

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*Prices exclude Government charges. Prices valid until 30/9/2014. LVD 394. *Conditions see page 10.


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Mike Beare 08 87238888 or 0439 885 105 sales@cargaz.com.au

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Call 08 8723 8888

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Motorbikes wanted - cash for bikes Ph Paul Pomery

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Testimonials Prestige vehicles are even a breeze for C&G to deliver interstate

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“Dear Jarrod,

Thanks for the follow up, and all your help. Once again appreciate all your help, you guys offer a fantastic customer service with all the youtube videos, etc.

Thankyou very much for all your help. Your personal effort is very much appreciated. What I thought would have been a difficult car purchase because of the distance, turned out a breeze. My sincere thanks, John

Kia Cerato- Manual, remote locking, 1 owner, full service, tint, airbags. XHF276 #25177. $5,980. ________________________________________

“Hi Michael,

Cheers Henry

2008 Hino 300 Series 616 - Cab Chassis, low kms. ZDK484. #25214. $24,990. ________________________________________

You’ve done it again ... “They have done it again Carlin and Gazzard. We have just bought our Second car from these amazing people, the people that treat you like one should be treated. Thanks once again for the Excellent Service and also the hospitality which is second to none. Well done and you can be assured we will HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to all our Family and Friends, on your great service George. Lorraine - Portland VIC

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Prices are for a limited time only and supersede all other offers. Prices shown do not include registration, third party insurance or stamp duty of 4% to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles (these costs may vary outside SA). Some photos for comparison purposes only. Year shown is year of first registration. Magazine correct at time of preparation and prices hold until 30/09/2014. Carlin & Gazzard 116-138 Commercial Street East, Mount Gambier Phone (08) 238888 LVD 394 Errors & Omissions excepted

www.cargaz.com.au 08 8723 8888


Prices exclude Government charges. Prices valid until 30/9/2014. LVD 394.


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Pembroke Border Leicesters, Poll Dorsets & White Suffolks

Pembroke’s three studs have benefited from an early break in March of this year. This has helped their 2014 flock rams to come out of a tough summer reasonably well. Pembroke has had an exceptional year in the commercial sheep side of the business with high conception and marking numbers - all using their own home bred rams. This has been really interesting for them to see what their own rams can do in the commercial setting. Pembroke’s prime lambs are all sold over the hooks in the weight range of 24kg plus. They have had great success with this and are seeing the first of the lambs off prior to their ram sale in October. Pembroke’s weaner first

cross wethers are sold at Edenhope in November, with the ewe lamb portion being retained on farm for their prime lamb production. Since taking over the studs in 2006 there has been an ethic to improve genetics while breeding rams for paddock performance. Ram lambs are weaned of their mothers at between 14 and 16 weeks of age and run as one mob. They are maintained on pasture and summer crop coming through the spring and summer, with supplementary feeding being used during dry times. This usually consists of silage, oaten hay and beans depending on the season. Some selection is done for the local shows, such as Sheepvention,

Balmoral and Coleraine. Pembroke has always said that they breed rams for the commercial breeder. Whether he or she is looking to breed trade or export lambs, or first cross ewe lambs, there is always something there for Pembroke clients. All their rams are performance recorded with lambplan. This gives Pembroke and the buyer a guide to see were the figures sit along side of other breeders in Australia. Pembroke is brucellosis accredited and fully vaccinated for OJD. They have attained their Abettor 500 kill assessment. This gives them the power to trade back into South Australia, and give their clients an assurance of their health status.

Ram & Lamb | 41

This year there will be 50 Poll Dorset, 40 Border Leicesters and 30 White Suffolk flock rams off for auction on Thursday, October 9, at 1pm Victorian time, on property at 220 Wilsons Road, Telangatuk East, Victoria. If there are any questions regarding the studs or Pembroke’s ethos on breeding please contact either Kathy Simons on (03)5388 2248 or her son Ashley on (03)5388 2228 as they are only too willing to help in any way possible.

Poll Dorsets produce lamb supreme 2014 sees the celebration of the 60th year since the Poll Dorset Association was founded. The Poll Dorset breed, developed in Australia by Australian producers to perform in Australian conditions, continues to do just that; perform exceptionally well for prime lamb producers through all states and environs in this vast country. That is why it sits comfortably as the prime lamb industry’s number one sire breed of choice. The recent highly successful Lambex 2014 conference in Adelaide reinforced the Poll Dorset breed’s consistent and exceptional quality. In the ‘Australia’s Best Lamb’ competition, more than 60 entries were received from producers, butchers, processors and retailers from all regions of the country. Six of these entrants were from Poll Dorset sired lambs. However, the Poll Dorset sired entries excelled with three gold medals, two silver medals and one bronze medal. Of the six entries selected as finalists, three (50%) were the Poll Dorset sired gold medal winning entries! That is way above any other breed representation. The lambs were judged on all criteria relating to consumer preferences, so besides the normal carcase assessments, there were extensive taste and appeal judging from a wide range of select industry and consumer judges. The gold medals were received from different

weight ranges and finishing regimes. That is consistency you can trust. The entrenched purity of the breed ensures that consistency in the product produced. Commercial producers can have great faith in the expected performance levels from Poll Dorset rams. The growth rate of Poll Dorset sired lambs is exceptionally good, especially early, an important factor in allowing producers to market lambs for quick turnoff, especially important in drier areas, or in poorer seasons. For prime lamb producers all these advantages culminate into

the most important factors in lamb production; greater market flexibility and profitability. That profitability is a direct result of the Poll Dorset sired lamb being demanded by more sectors of the industry, but most importantly the consumer. Put simply, Poll Dorsets tick more boxes more often. They’re number one for all the right reasons. The breed will have ‘feature breed’ status at this year’s Adelaide Royal Show, where 19 exhibitors from four states have placed 273 entries, as part of the 60th year celebrations. However, if you can’t get

to see the quality on display there, Poll Dorsets can be readily inspected at any of the numerous shows, field days and sales around the Hamilton/Naracoorte region. For more information, view the association’s website, or contact secretariat on (08)8210 5235.

Above - Modern Poll Dorset rams like these are the industry leaders for a combination of elite performance, meat yield, functionality and profitability and receive respect from all sectors in the industry.


www.polldorset.org.au Ram & Lamb | 42




Prime Lamb Sire! fo r t h


The No. 1 ct


b om

in atio n

ELDERS MILLICENT - Celebrating a company milestone

Thank you from Elders Millicent to all our valued clients & suppliers over the past 77 years for your loyal support. We look forward to a continued relationship with you all. Since 1839, Elders has been an integral part of Australia’s rural landscape and this year Elders Millicent is helping the iconic business celebrate its 175th year anniversary. What began as a family business on the shores of Port Adelaide 175 years ago, today Elders has become a leading agribusiness, supporting farmers and their communities right across Australia.

Elders is a business which has outlived two world wars, the great depression, a global economic crisis, stock market crashes, major bushfires, droughts and floods; a business which has trained more professionals located across rural Australia than any other organisation; and a business that pushes boundaries, and invests in new science and technologies for its customers and

clients. Elders Millicent branch manager Gary Glasson said the team at Millicent was proud to be part of such a long and important history. “Much like other branches across Australia, over the years, Elders Millicent has supported many generations of local farming families and employees alike,” Mr Glasson said. “We are a business that is committed to providing a high level of

Ram & Lamb | 43

service to our clients, and are proud of supporting our wider community.”

cont. page 26. Above (left) - The original Elders Millicent office. Above (right) - Elders Millicent today.

ELDERS MILLICENT Celebrating a company milestone Originally opening as SJ Stuckey and Sons, Millicent’s stock and station agency business was purchased in 1937 by Goldsborough Mort, later to be known as Elders. Now operating on the corner of Glen Street and Railway Terrace Millicent, the Elders team of eight continues to provide livestock, farm supplies, agronomy and real estate offerings, and form part of a 2000-wide international network of employees with expert knowledge and advice. The Millicent team comprises; Gary Glasson - Branch/Merchandise Manager, David Little – Livestock Manager, Sallie Chambers – Agronomist/Merchandise Sales, Mark Little – Livestock Territory Sales Manager, Rick Grimes – Livestock Territory Sales Manager, Kerry Smith – Residential/Rural Real Estate Sales, Tiana Wheatley – Sales Support Officer/Property Management, Loretta Willis – Sales Support Officer, Kevin Warn – Insurance agent, who is in the Millicent office Mondays and Thursdays each week, District wool Manager – Steph Brooker-Jones. Steph is based in Naracoorte but is always available to discuss wool marketing with local producers. The Millicent branch forms part of a strong Elders network across the South East, with Elders offices also located at Mount Gambier, Kingston, Bordertown, Keith, Naracoorte, Lucindale and Tintinara. Whilst Elders is proud of its long history of supporting rural and regional Australia, its focus

ELDERS - 175 years & still going strong July 15, 1839 - Alexander Elder (1815 – 1885), aged 24, set sail from the Port of Kirkcaldy in the 89-ton schooner ‘Minerva’ to extend the families merchant and shipping business.His cargo included 60 barrels of tar, 9 casks of biscuits, agricultural tools and nails, seeds, clothing and linen, gin powder and 6,000 roofing slates. 1 hogshead of whisky, 1 hogshead of brandy and a puncheon of Jamaican rum. January 2, 1840 - Arrived at Port Misery, South Australia and put up a sign “A.L Elders, General and commission agent” and started to sell the cargo. 1842-43 - Set himself up as a metal broker and registered AE as his stock brand, and leases, in partnership with FH Dutton, twenty thousand acres of marginal country near Mount Remarkable, 225 km north of Adelaide. 1844-1855 - Brothers William & George Elder both arrived and Alexander returned to London where he acted as an agent for the company until his death. William also left while Thomas Elder also joined the Australian venture in Adelaide, working in partnership with George before he too headed back to England. 1855 - Thomas Elder formed a partnership with Edward Stirling, Robert Barr Smith and John Taylor: Elder, Stirling & Co which did very well from its investments in copper in South Australia. Thomas’ sister Joanna married Robert Barr Smith. 1863 - Stirling and Taylor retired and the two remaining partners Thomas Elder and Robert Barr Smith set up Elders, Smith & Co, and leased pastoral land across South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia with Peter Waite. The company spent 214,000 pounds over 30 years on water and fencing through their properties which constituted a land mass much larger than their native Scotland.

Ram & Lamb | 44

ELDERS MILLICENT Celebrating a company milestone now as a pure agribusiness, is very clearly on a long and profitable future ahead. Elders chief executive officer Mark Allison said the 175th anniversary was a great opportunity to celebrate Elders’ rich history and tradition but is also an opportunity to look at what’s next for the iconic company. “For the first time in many years, Elders is now operating as a pure agribusiness, and has sharpened its focus on ‘getting the right core business, and getting the core business right’,” Mr Allison said. “As Elders celebrates its 175 year milestone, we are also looking to the future, releasing a strategic eight point plan designed to create real value for all its stakeholders. “This eight point plan is the culmination of the efforts of all our staff to identify what we exist for, what we excel at and how we want to deliver the needs of our customers. “Elders seeks to reclaim its place as the agribusiness delivering the greatest real value to all its stakeholders in both Australia and internationally. “While a lot of hard work is yet to be done to get there and agriculture is always subject to climatic and market conditions, we are confident that the foundations for growth are now in place and will be enhanced by the plan.” “2014 is the start of the ‘new’ Elders as we move to a pure agribusiness focus, and we look forward to the next 175 years.”

Early 1880s - Elders, Smith & Co were shearing at least 1.5million sheep across their properties, yielding conservatively 30,000 bales. Established Elders Wool & Produce Company Limited to acquire the auction portion of the wool and produce business. After a seperate existance for 6 years the subsidiary company was merged into the parent concern in 1888. 1887 - Floated the company with mixed fortunes in terms of dividends. Lucky to survive 1893 when the company all but went broke. 1900s - Acquistions, changes in mangement, two World Wars, the 1930s depression & drought. 1956-57 - Elders Smith had 15.4% of the national clip after a strong period of acquiring wool businesses. 1962-69 - Norman Giles opened talks with Goldsbrough Mort’s general manager Geoffrey Wyatt Docker. The Chairman of Elders, Sir Philip McBride headed up “Elder Smith Goldsborough Mort Limited” with a new corporate head office in Adelaide. The new company paid a dividend 10% in 1964/66,11% in 1967/68 and 12% in 1969 with Elder GM now handling 28.06% of the clip. 1981-83 - Expansion gave Elders Pastoral nearly 500 branches throughout rural Australia with a staff of more than 4000. Elders structured into five operational groups: Pastoral, International, Finance, Materials and Food. 2000 - Rural Bank launched in partnership with Bendigo Bank. 2013 - Elders returns to a pure play agribusiness with the sale of Forestry and Automotive business units.

Congratulations to Elders Millicent on serving the rural community for the past 175 years

2014 - Celebrates 175 year anniversary.

Ram & Lamb | 45

White Suffolks profitable in low input regime South Australian commercial producers Gary and Wendy Kilsby use White Suffolk genetics to generate cash flow within their wool and prime lamb enterprise.They farm the 770ha property, “Lowan, at Kalangadoo, north of Mount Gambier, in a 700mm rainfall zone. Mr and Mrs Kilsby run 1800 Dohne-Corriedale cross ewes, with one-third joined to Corriedale rams as replacements and two-thirds to White Suffolk rams to produce prime lambs for the trade. These dovetail with 300 Hereford cows of Ironbark and Ardno bloodlines, turning off yearling steers at 450kg liveweight for the Mount Gambier markets. The family use organic fertilisers on their dryland pastures and aim to reduce costs. Mr Kilsby said the sheep enterprise had been based on Corriedales for 30 years until introducing White Suffolk rams as terminal sires. “I started buying White Suffolk rams about eight years ago as they answered all my questions,’’ he said. “They were a good fit with my Corriedale ewes and the lambs mature quickly. “I have never chased big framed rams, preferring a more feed efficient sheep. “They seem to have more carcass yield and are leaner than other prime lamb breeds, making it better for the processor.’’ Gary and Wendy usually sell their May-drop lambs in November at

45-50kg liveweight in condition score three through the Mount Gambier market. Mr Kilsby said the White Suffolk cross program provided a handy cash flow without having to supplement the lambs running on ryegrass and clover pastures. The wool component of the Corriedale ewes makes up one third of the farm’s gross income. “Sheep have been kind to us in the last few years,’’ Mr Kilsby said. “Last year, we marked

105 per cent (White Suffolk cross) lambs over all ewes, and the entire drop averaged $107. “We run a low input operation – we don’t supplementary feed but the White Suffolk cross lambs finish well and are profitable. “I don’t drive around the ewes every day so they must lamb without problems. “I can turn the White Suffolk cross lambs off quickly whereas I usually have


to shear the (Corriedale) wool wethers and sell them later in the year.’’ Mr Kilsby prefers to buy medium framed rams with a quick maturity pattern to result in a feed efficient lamb.

Above - Gary and Wendy Kilsby use White Suffolk rams over their DohneCorriedale ewes on their Kalangadoo property.

Sustainable Parasite Control For Your Flock with TRIGUARD® Sheep drench resistance is well established throughout Australia, and is considered one of the key concerns for producers needing to both control parasites and maximise productivity. An increasing amount of evidence suggests that drench resistance can cost farmers significant production and profitability losses, with anthelmintic resistance resulting in a reduction in lamb growth rates of up to 24%1.. Your choice of drench is an important factor affecting how you manage the development of drench resistance on your property.

Technical experts agree that the most sustainable way of achieving consistently high drench efficacy is by combining drench actives rather than relying on a single drench active. It is now well recognised by veterinarians and parasitologists that effective triplecombinations can significantly delay the development of drench resistance. TRIGUARD is a powerful triplecombination drench formulation for sheep, providing sheep producers with a potent weapon for controlling worms and managing the development of drench

resistance in sheep. TRIGUARD kills worms that have single or dual resistance to white, clear, or ML drenches, including moxidectin resistant strains, ensuring high efficacy even when resistance is already present.* Ongoing trial work continues to show TRIGUARD can deliver highly effective worm control across Australia, even in the face of significant resistance.2 In addition, when used in a well-devised worm control program, multiactive TRIGUARD acts as an essential tool for managing drench resistance and maintaining productivity. The key to the effectiveness of TRIGUARD is its combination of three different drench actives in a single, stable formulation. The three actives are short-acting drenches that are absorbed quickly, combine three separate methods of killing parasites and are then eliminated quickly, reducing the risk of resistance development. TRIGUARD is formulated to reliably deliver the right levels of actives in each dose and to avoid the potential for inaccuracies that can be associated with the mixing of chemicals on-farm. The stable, multiactive TRIGUARD formulation ensures consistent and reliable dosing to Every Sheep, Every Dose, Every Time. * See product label for full claims and directions for use. 1. Leathwick et al (2008) 2. Data on File. ®TRIGUARD is a registered trademark of Merial Limited



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Focus Genetics - industry leading genetics

Focus Genetics Highlander ‘Maternal’ and Primera ‘Terminal’ Composite sheep breeds are increasingly being used internationally in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and South America. The maternal/ terminal combination allows farmers to significantly increase output of highest quality lamb. After 15 years of development the Highlander is of consistent type excelling in maternal attributes. A moderate sized ewe with good conformation, carry’s more lambs with high survival rates and lambing ease. In fine wool flocks use Highlander rams as a meat diversification option over Merino ewes to create an alternative hardy productive first cross ewe for Terminal mating. Use over traditional first cross or Composite ewes to close the flock and retain Highlander cross ewe lambs to increase consistency, output and genetic gain. The Primera is a complementary

Ram & Lamb | 50

Terminal Composite developed from years of progeny testing for meat production and quality traits. Selection and hybrid vigour result in high survival rates and birthing ease, quick growth and earlier finishing capability. Primera cross carcases yield greater higher value retail cuts, intra muscular fat and eating quality. Use as your Terminal option, or for best results maximising lamb production per hectare combining with Highlander cross ewes. Farmers can now access Australian born rams of highest genetic merit collected from the New Zealand nucleus flocks. Two open days focusing on ‘Weaning more Lamb’ offer farmers the chance to view embryo progeny and get a better insight into the Focus Genetics breeding programs, at Murnong Farms, Inverleigh, Victoria and Damien and Kirsten Croser’s farm Kiranda located in, Penola, South Australia.

Ryeview At Ryeview they aim to produce White Suffolk, Suffolk and Ryeland Rams that will blend with your ewes to make the ideal lamb to meet all that the processors require to return you the most dollars. Ryeview is constantly looking for new genetics to improve their flock to better meet the new requirements of the lamb industry. These new sires are selected by eye and the use of Lambplan EBVs. They must be structurally sound, have a full hind quarter and body, lambing ease and high growth with a good fat cover for easier finishing. In 2011 Ryeview purchased Anna Villa 100185 at the Adelaide Royal Show Elite Ram Sale. They also returned in 2012 to purchase Burwood 110629 for $16000. This Burwood sire has his first drop of rams in this year’s sale. In 2012 we attended the Burwood Suffolk Dispersal and purchased 10 Suffolk ewes and 1 Suffolk ram. He was a twin to the 2012 Royal Adelaide Show Champion thus the Ryeview Suffolk stud was founded. In 2013 Ryeview one of Ryeview’s Suffolk lambs won Champion Lamb at the Millicent Show. There will be a small selection of Suffolk Rams in the sale for the first time in 2014. All Ryeview sheep are run very commercially with very little hay being fed in tough times. They do not foot trim. Therefore only the best and strongest are sold to give you

rams that will work anywhere, breeding prime lambs which are born with get up and go and finish quickly. Ryeivew is constantly weaning lambs above 50kgs at 4 months and some to 68kgs. If you have had no luck with White Suffolks but have not tried a RYEVIEW WHITE SUFFOLK then it is time to get a new look at W/S. Ryeivew rams are not extreme. Lots of people are looking for extreme, then wonder why cannot finish their lambs or don’t get a lamb suitable for the industry’s needs. A good lamb must have some fat cover and a good level of marbling. This gives flavour and

moisture which ensures eating pleasure when cooked, served hot or cold. Ryeview’s Ryeland Rams produce the lamb body which fits the high end of the market that is demanding a thick body with fat cover and marbling. These rams have helped to finish lambs in tough country or poor seasons, were other breeds may have failed. At Ryeview their sheep are Ovine Brucellosis Accredited Free, in the MAP scheme - MN3V [vaccinated with Gudair], and treated with Eryvac and Scabby Guard. They are also treated with Cydectin Eweguard and dipped with Avengeat

shearing (16th August) Ryeview also has their rams vet checked prior to the sale and have a structural guarantee to cover the unforseen. All this is done to provide you with the very best rams that are as healthy and structurally sound as we can produce. You are invited to attend their on property ram sale on Monday, October 20, at Burkhills Lane, Millicent. Free lunch is available. 4% to outside agents Enquiries to Elders Millicent David or Mark Little or please contact Michael or Julie Osborne on (08)8733 3393 or 0408 838 568 or ryeview@bigpond.com .

RYEVIEW ON PROPERTY SALE Burkhills Lane, Millicent


MONDAY 20th OCTOBER 2014 Michael and Julie Osborne Millicent SA Phone (08) 8733 3393 Mobile 0408 838 568 ryeview@bigpond.com

Sale at 1:30 pm (SA Time) Inspections at 11am light lucheon provided MN3V


MN3V ABC 12 points

OB Free 306

David Little 0438 802 760 Mark Little 0409 509 842 4% Outside Agents Rebate Ram & Lamb | 51

Dohnes in Australia - 16 years on - K.D. Sheep Stud The Dohne Merino has been an instigator in the dual purpose sheep industry in Australia since its introduction from South Africa 16 years ago. With below average wool prices and higher meat prices the Dohne Merino’s appearance on the scene was timely and it encouraged traditional Merino breeders to focus on less body wrinkle (less or no mulesing) and improve carcase traits of a breed that was all about big wool cuts. WHATS BEST FOR YOUR POCKET?? An extra kg or two of wool at $8/kg or many more lambs and kgs of lamb at $5.50/kg? The Dohne Merino itself has been developed in Sth Africa for more than 70 years as a specific dual purpose sheep breed. Add to that the hardiness, higher fertility, great mothering ability and ability to rear early maturing progeny, and you have the complete package for profitable versatile sheep production. With DOHNE MERINO genetics in your Merino sheep enterprise you will have improved lambing %,good quality 19-21 micron wool, respectable wool cuts, earlier turnoff of sale lambs with c/kg higher than pure merino, plainer body aiming at no mulesing, a ewe base that are self replacing , fertile and hardy. DOHNE MERINO ARE SO VERSATILE Being used over strong wool crossbred, micron down from 28 to 24 in first cross

but retain crossbred maternal traits and high fertility and have a lower mature ewe size for better feed efficiency. IF YOU HAVE TO SHEAR SHEEP “MAKE IT WORTH IT” 70 rams available at K.D. Dohnes at Bordertown on September 16 K.D. WOOLED COMPOSITES K.D. wooled composites have been developed over the past 10 years using the Coolalee,White Suffolk and larger framed White Dorpers. The dorper has added a “natural” heavy muscling and ability to handle tough conditions while the other breeds have retained the skin

value in this composition so there is no effect on skin values. The growth rate of lambs is incredible but equally important is the easy lambing traits of the composite they have developed. Fertility of these sheep is all good with 90% in lamb pregnancy scanning of their 10 month old ewe lambs currently lambing. 35 rams available by private selection K.D. COMPOSITE SHEDDERS White Dorper has been the base of their composite shedding breed. It now doesn’t matter what a shedding breed is called for us as long as it is shedding ,has good feet structure that can handle

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wet conditions (black hooved preferably) and it has naturally heavy muscling and good growth rates. The ewe base must have the ability to mate while lactating and mate at any time of the year. K.D. has trialled the White and Red Meatmaster and they are now infused and is currently trialling the Australian White. Early indications are that the A. White are quick growing ,black hooved and a hair type shedding (less wool on fences). Stay tuned on the progress.35 rams available by private selection. For full info and photos go to www.kdsheepstuds.com.au

High growth at Haven Park Poll Dorset The Aims of Haven Park Poll Dorset stud is to achieve rams with high growth rates, structural soundness, red meat yield, length, open heads and clean legs. Their rams have proven they have the flexibility to turn off lambs at all carcass weights, export or domestic as suckers in all conditions. Haven Park’s target is to have consistent even lines of lambs that yield. They have purchased and used AI sires from Ulandi Park, Gloroy, and Valma studs. All sheep are Lamb Plan recorded and free to enter South Australia. East Friesian Border Leicester Cross Maternal Sires Multiplying your profit with multiples The resulting progeny is very impressive and represents the best traits of each breed. Fertility, milk for early lamb growth, twin survival clean heads and legs (easy

maintenance) black feet, hybrid vigour, length, Wool quality lower micron fleece weight and consistency of type and ability to finish stock as a prime article compared to other composites. They have seen an increasing demand for these rams with people using them over Merinos, Corriedales first cross ewes and other maternal composite ewes. The East Friesian Border Leicester cross has been successful in the Haven Park commercial ewe flock of 4500 ewes. With ewes joined to either East Friesian Border Leicester Maternal sires or Poll Dorset terminal Rams. These lambs have explosive growth and fantastic carcass attributes. Haven Park has been consistently marking 138% lambs selling at export weights. The carcass weight average for 2013 drop lambs was in excess of 26kg and a high above 28 kg at 4-5 months with lambs selling to a market top of $142 at Mount Gambier sale yards in November. With huge savings been made in being able to sell lambs straight off their mothers eliminating finishing costs. Please join us at Haven Park on Monday, October 27, with inspection from 10am, auction at 12noon and refreshments and lamb rolls after the sale.

Left (top) - Rick Foster at the Mount Gambier lamb market. Left (bottom) - Export weight Poll Dorset sucker lambs waiting delivery to ALC.

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Japanese opportunity for Aussie lamb BUTCHER

Ichinomiya a Tokyo suburb is seeking to revitalize its manufacturing sector in an initiative that could use Australian lamb. Dale and Ruth Price of the Glencoe based Majardah Poll Dorset and White Suffolk studs attended a workshop hosted in Ichinomiya recently to explore the potential for collaboration based on lamb. Industry leaders have initiated a program titled Project 138 that is designed to revitalize their textile industries and build new food processing industries to meet the growing demand for Australian lamb. The workshop hosted by industry, civic and financial leaders sought ideas to introduce young Japanese to the culinary delights of lamb. As observed by Mrs. Price, most Japanese have little spare time over and above their work commitments, so meals had to be prepackaged and easily prepared. Chairman of the Project Mr. Takau Kimura highlighted that these conditions offered the City the opportunity to diversify its manufacturing sector. The potential for collaboration between

the City of Ichinomiya the Australian Lamb Industry has been raised with Meat and Livestock Australia Board members by Mr. Price. “We have high quality lamb while Ichinomiya has manufacturing expertise, finance and a growing market,” said Mr. Price. ‘The opportunities are enormous.” It certainly has the potential to value add the work Australian producers have been doing to produce premium quality lamb. Genomics testing undertaken by the Price family on their flock will help ensure young Japanese have a great experience every time they eat lamb. For further information contact Dale Price on 0428 394 300 or email majardah@bigpond.com

Above - Dale Price addressing the Project 138 Workshop attendees Left - City of Ichinomiya Project 138 representatives bid the Australian farmer delegation farewell. The workshop explored opportunities for Australian lamb, Japanese processing and marketing.

Wet Weather gear that is TUFF for the man on the land



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Taylor Marine is the largest RECYCLED RUBBER MATTING stockist and supplier of rope in the South East and Western Victoria

349 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier Ph 08 8726 5200 F 08 8726 5222 E mtgambier@taylormarine.com.au Follow us on Facebook.

Ram & Lamb | 54

Acid soils - providing the solution

YOU KNOW YOU NEED TO LIME….. BUT WHICH PRODUCT IS THE BEST VALUE? According to independent advisors like PIRSA and State Department of Agricultural advisors from Victoria, NSW and WA, all agree on one thing. THE FINER THE BETTER The fineness of the lime you use will determine a number of very important performance aspects of your lime: 1. How quickly and effectively the soil acidity will be neutralized. 2. Solubility and availability to the plants and crops you are growing. 3. The surface area of the particles of lime, the smaller the particle size the larger the surface area so the faster the product will react in the soil and the more effective the product will be. Other Factors to consider Other nutrients • many acidic soils require both calcium and magnesium in a balanced ratio for best results • Silica is very important for plant cell


wall strength and development. Agricola Superfine Lime: 1. Agricola Superfine Lime has an average particle size of 8 micron, at least 6 times finer than any other lime available in Western Victoria or SE SA so it works 6 times faster. See results the year you apply 2. Agricola Superfine Lime has Calcium and Magnesium in the ideal ration ie 1: 5 Ca to Mg ensuring soil Ca : Mg balance is maintained 3. Agricola Superfine Lime has a Silica level of approx 9 % so ensuring strong plant cell wall development. Make the right choice in Lime this year, to ensure money spent this year gives a positive return this year, and in following years too. Further information and pricing can be obtained from Greg Moorhouse, Sales Manager of Agricola Mining on 0437 376450 or via email greg.moorhouse@agricolamining.com.au

Ram & Lamb | 55


Bruc. Acc.

First auction sale for Castle Camps

The Castle Camps Border Leicester and White Suffolk studs of Ian and Sue Carr have been around for a long time. The Border Leicester stud being established in 1979 and the White Suffolk’s in 1993. After always selling their rams privately, 2014 marks a change in direction for Castle Camps. This year they will hold their first auction sale. When asked why they had chosen to go to an auction, Ian said that it had been something they had been considering over the last couple of years. While he has always liked the one on one relationship that selling privately gives you, going to an auction would give everyone a chance to view all the rams at the same time. Over the years the Castle Camps stud sheep operation has always been run under commercial conditions. The stud ewes must have the ability to produce progeny, able to perform out there in the “real world”. Their clients tell

Ian that they keep coming back because they get good structurally correct rams with excellent longevity whose progeny perform very well. Castle Camps has been LAMBPLAN testing for many years, with it being a member of the $uperborder group and all rams will be offered with ASBVs. One of the things been selected for using ASBVs is worm resistance. Nearly all the 40 Border rams offered will have WECs figures available. While the 60 White Suffolk rams on offer will not have WECs there has been an emphasis over the last few years on selecting stud sires with negative WECs. The sale will be held on the property at 2018 Riddoch Hwy Keith on Friday the 26th of September starting at 11am. Ian and Sue invite you to come and inspect the rams either on sale day or before the sale. Just give Ian a call on 0438 566 030 to arrange a suitable time.


Ram & Lamb | 56

Fly or lice problem?

Electrodip - the Magic Eye Sheep Jetter Fly and lice control is now an integral part of a farmers plan. Using the Electrodip for dipping is so quick and easy (about 1,500 sheep per hour and sides that adjust automatically to the size of the sheep) and uses only the amount of chemical you need to be retained on the sheep, minimising wastage. Electrodip owners are also using their machines as preventative maintenance with lice active chemical incorporated in their fly dipping to keep control of the problem. Owning your own machine means there is no reliance or waiting on contractors and saves you time and money. Most owners with an

average sized flock achieve a 30-60% return on capital investment when compared to paying contractors. The Electrodip can also be used at shearing time, jetting sheep as they exit the shearing sheds to ensure all sheep are jetted for lice. The piston diaphragm pumps and reliable Honda motors also enable chemical to be jetted into a full fleece to keep on top of the lice problem until shearing time. They have more than 23 years industry proven experience, so contact us today on 1800 146 892 or dipping@electro dip.co.nz

grunt BY ZAY

Lithium battery (10 year life) 200 metres water resistant 5 year warranty

Targeted advertising that really works There isn’t a successful business operating in this day and age that wouldn’t rank word of mouth as one of, if not the most, important marketing tools in its arsenal. Employing good staff, providing quality goods and/or services and making customer satisfaction the number one priority is how any well run business builds its reputation and in turn street-cred, ending up in the enviable position where customers become walking advertisements, recommending your business without prompting to their friends, family and colleagues. Shane and Jodie Foster are a shining example of this at work. The principals of Boonaroo, and until a couple of years ago, Lindsay Murray Greys, came on board Lifestyle1’s rural publications – Beef & Bull and Ram & Lamb – seven years ago when sales representative Jill Collins established the niche publications. “It has proven to be the most effective marketing tool we have used in terms of media,” Jodie said. “The wide circulation, the targeted delivery to the doorsteps of the region’s farming community makes sure the people we want to see our advertising get it in their hands.” Shane and Jodie have been a mainstay client of both rural publications for the past seven

years, booking early to secure prime position and in many cases the cover – eager to get maximum bang for their buck. “The response we get from our advertising in Beef & Bull and Ram & Lamb has really been amazing,” Jodie said. “We know from enquiries, sales and just comments on the street from people that have seen the ads that it is real value for money and they are the publications we earmark each year as an absolute definite in our advertising budget,” Jodie said.

Above - Jodie & Shane Foster, of Boonaroo, with their children.





BA TER h i r e m



a n d




s a l e s







3 Phase Generators for hire From 20 KVA-165 KVA For Hire & Telehandler Licence enquiries contact Andrew Burchell on 0417 827 986 Peter Burchell on 0418 827 273 Ram & Lamb | 58

104 Penola Road Mount Gambier SA Phone 08 8725 7700

No tougher tyre Mickey Thompson is a giant amongst racetrack heroes. He is the driver who holds more auto speed records than anyone on earth. He is the maverick car builder whose designs revolutionised racing. He is the tyre innovator whose tyres were used on fast attack vehicles in the Gulf War. When Mickey was eight years old, his father took him to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah to watch Englishman John Cobbs attempt to break the land speed record. Cobbs started his engine and thundered across the wide flat surface. Mickey Thompson looked on in awe as the huge car set a new record of 394.2 miles per hour. As Mickey stood there on the salt flats beside his father, he vowed that one day he would beat that record. Many years later, in 1960, using all his savings, his determination and his courage, Mickey (pictured below) beat John Cobbs record in his fifth attempt by travelling across the salt at 406.6

miles per hour in a car powered by four Pontiac engines and held together with spare parts from junkyards. In 1963, Mickey started his own tyre company with Gene McMannis, a chief designer from Goodyear, and designed revolutionary tyres for Mickey’s cars in the Indy 500. Most tyres running then used a narrow tread with a hard rubber compound. Mickey’s tyres were made from a soft compound three times the width with a lower profile giving more stability and a lower centre of gravity. This innovation made Mickey’s new cars so fast they were almost banned but paved the way for the tyres you see in Indy car and Formula One racing today.Mickey’s unique wider, softer tyre became the forerunner of today’s passenger tyres. But in 1963 Mickey’s revolutionary tyres created havoc with the technical committee and the

other drivers at the Indy 500. In 1969, Mickey made the switch to off-road racing. Together, Mickey and Gene built leading technology bias-belted off-road racing tyres that, in 1982 at the age of 53, helped Mickey set a new record time to win the one big race that had always eluded him, the most gruelling off-road race of them all, the Baja 1000. It was in 1991 that the US Navy chose Mickey’s tyres for their SEAL Fast Attack Vehicles during the Gulf

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War. And all that technology is available to you at Bucik Tyrepower, where the friendly, expert team can look after all your offroad needs. Mickey Thompson’s tyres are specially designed for off road driving, they have a deeper tread, stronger sidewalls, sidewall protection, leading tread technology, ultimate angle for cutting and self cleaning, deep sidebiters and specialty sizes. Now available the New ATZ P3.



Vaccination: the Importance of two shots The importance of “the second shot” is something that many producers overlook. To understand what that shot does requires a short look at the immune system, how it works and its effectiveness in combating foreign invaders. The immune system recognises foreign substances e.g. bacteria, viruses, parasites, pollen etc. It produces cells and proteins, including antibodies that kill and remove these foreign bodies. In this process “memory cells” are produced that remember what it takes to kill a particular foreign body. When

an animal host is attacked by a foreign invader, the immune system steps in and produces a number of different antibodies that attack the invader and kill it. In this process it remembers what antibodies did the job and holds that memory. The next time the host is attacked by the same invader the immune system steps in again, knows what antibodies to produce to kill the invader, and produces these antibodies on a massive scale, in a very short time, eliminating the threat. Following the first vaccination the response by the

immune system is called the primary immune response. The production of antibodies is slow and is generally at a relatively low level; only enough to eliminate the initial threat. After the second vaccination the response (secondary immune response) is very rapid as it already knows what antibodies to produce. Due to the timing of the second vaccination, the immune system has an over production of the antibodies that last in the system for a long period of time. So the first vaccination (or priming dose) stimulates the immune

Ram & Lamb | 62

system for a particular bacteria, virus or protein. This produces antibodies and memory cells for those specific invaders. This first dose should only be considered a priming dose – it does not give sustained protection (unless it is a single shot vaccine e.g. Gudair). When you give the second vaccination or booster dose,, antibodies are produced in a far greater scale, and this may give up to 12 months protection. So contact your local Zoetis agent for all your vaccination needs.

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