Issue 13 - September, 2020
anagement and nutrition of the ewe will always have the greatest influence over lamb survival. However, there are huge benefits to be gained from having stronger lambs at birth, with a greater cold tolerance, and plenty of quality milk available at birth.
Pure Perendale Performance - Elite New Zealand Bloodlines
Enquiries: Malcolm Fletcher 0427 495 522 or Trudy and Tony Boyer 0419 565 450 E: mountmonmot@gm .com W:
We are offering pure Perendale Rams for inspection and private sale from October 1st
A focus on moderate birth weight with an average or shorter gestation length, and increased milk production, has helped to decrease ewe assist rate at birth, therefore improving lambing ease and lift lamb survival in commercial and stud ewes at Derrynock to above 95%, which is well above the industry standard of around 70%. We are very excited about the results, in particular when incorporating selection pressure on the gestation length as part of our overall lamb survival strategy. With scanning rates reaching 185% in our commercial flock of approx 800 Meat Maternal ewes in recent years, it was time to increase our focus on lamb survival.
We are finding our best results are coming from ewes having 4.5 -5.5 kg lambs at birth. This has meant we can utilise rams with higher
birth weights (0.4 to 0.5), and subsequent growth rates, that also have shorter gestation length ASBV’s. Lambs that are born earlier are not necessarily lighter, but are born with a lot more ease. They generally appear wetter at birth, and the ewes appear to lamb quickly and with vastly fewer presentation issues. The actual gestation length of the ewes recorded over the past 8-10 years has varied from 141 days to 154 days. We would say that approximately 90% of lambing problems occur in those ewes lambing after 150 days, with a higher incidence of presentation issues, big lambs, dry or yellow coloured, or stressed lambs at birth. As a result of selection, we have moved our average gestation length from 148.5 days back to 147 days in Poll Dorset ewes, and 146 days in our maternal composites over the past
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* MCP+ indexs up to 166 , sale rams av 158, including progeny of Cloven Hills 188/17 – one of the leading ŵĂƚĞƌŶĂů ƌĂŵƐ ŝŶ h^͕ ƐĞůĞĐƚĞĚ ĨŽƌ ƉŽƐŝƟǀĞ ƉĨĂƚ ĂŶĚ elite ynlw ASBV’s. * ůŝƚĞ ĨĞƌƟůŝƚLJ ǁŝƚŚ LJŶůǁ ^ s͛Ɛ ƵƉ ƚŽ нϯϬй͕ ŽǀĞƌ ŚĂůĨ ƐĂůĞ ƌĂŵƐ нϮϬй ĂŶĚ ĂďŽǀĞ * Leading worm resistance, with sale rams up to – 84 for ƉǁĞĐ͕ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ƉƌŽŐĞŶLJ ŽĨ ĂƐŚŵŽƌĞ KĂŬůĞĂ ϭϳϯϮϴϮ ;D Wн ϭϳϭͿ͕ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ďĞƐƚ ĞǀĞƌ ŵĂƚĞƌŶĂů ƌĂŵƐ ĨŽƌ ǁŽƌŵ resistance, was -97 when selected.
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More meat than average rams! ram ms!
dĞĚ ĞĂƫĞ ϬϰϬϵ ϭϴϵ ϭϭϲ Bruc acc – Footrot free – MN3v ^ŝŵŽŶ ĞĂƚƟĞ ϬϰϮϵ ϯϯϬ ϱϲϮ
3 years. Emphasis on good smooth shoulder and neck placement is also important. As a direct result of the information gathered from Gestation length (gl) progeny testing in our commercial and stud flocks, we have seen a reduction in our birth assist rate to less than 1% in approximately 1000 - 2012/2018 drop ewes for our 2019 lambing. This has resulted in a lamb survival rate of 95% at birth, over all birth type categories. The flock pregnancy scanned at 180% average over all year drops. We look forward to the results of a further trial we are conducting this year on our commercial ewe lambs. We are hopeful that conducting economically relevant sire progeny tests, utilising our commercial ewe flock that we will continue to improve the profitability of our commercial clients, with continued focus on Eating Quality with particular emphasis on Marbling, feed conversion, lamb survival and early maturity. We will have some of the high ranked Poll Dorset & Maternal rams for marbling available for sale in 2020, with their progeny being utilized in progeny testing that will evaluate lambs at different ages/weights being fed on a range of different rations. With an emphasis on Eating Quality, Maturity and disease resistance in both out Maternal and Terminal flocks we believe that Derrynock can provide a rare opportunity for producers to make quick improvements in traits like marbling, with selection pressure provided on both sides of the Genetic equation. ABOVE: Gestation length, lamb survival and Eating Quality!
BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE OF PRIME LAMB PRODUCTION Cloven Hills’ approach to genetics, empowering the industry’s next generation
URVE-bender lambs are within reach of future generations of prime lamb producers, with the introduction of Cloven Hills genetics to their flocks. In 1978 John Porter was among the first Australians to import quality Coopworths from New Zealand and was a pioneer in performance recording using objective information, to meet increasingly high production targets. Following successful careers in business management and science, John’s daughter Kate and husband Chris Dorahy, returned to the Western District to finish what he had started. Purchasing the family property, the second generation established their Composite stud in 2007 and now, with their children Harry 13, Rupert 10 and Bridie 8, the Dorahys are changing the face of modern prime lamb production, During the past five years, Cloven Hills has focused on increasing weaning and post weaning weight, while keeping an adult ewe weight of 65 kilograms across the flock, at a condition score of 3.2. “This is in-line with the overwhelming market desire to manage adult weight in maternal sheep, whether for stocking rate, ease of handling or cost of production, while maintaining condition score and survivability in multiples,” Kate said. “Our breeding program has focused on producing ewes and rams with the ability to drop lots of lambs on the ground that grow like steam then pull up; their adult weight index is less than the post weaning weight index, under Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs).” Extensive data collection and analysis, with heavy selection for fertility, growth and resilience are key to Cloven Hills’ operation. “You can’t physically see all of the key elements required for successful prime lamb production, such as intramuscular fat, fertility, shear force,” Chris said. “Technology has enabled us to efficiently record
ABOVE: GENETICS from Australia’s best maternal sires are on offer at this year’s Cloven Hills ram sale on October 6. Photo courtesy of Karla Northcott.
individual performances over large numbers of animals and then apply selection pressure for desirable traits.”
short-listing of rams between 10.30am and 4.30pm. “We will work with time slots to adhere to any Covid-19 restrictions; we can provide as much information on each ram as required and we’re available by phone or email, for clients who can’t get to open day,” Kate said.
The proof is in the paddock for Helen Baillie, who introduced Cloven Hills genetics to her property at Mole Creek, Tasmania, three years ago. “The (Cloven Hills) lambs are showing exceptional high growth and survivability – we’ve never seen that kind of growth in lambs on the property before … my stock manager has asked me to ‘bring back rams that do exactly what these do’,” Ms Baillie said on a recent visit to Cloven Hills. Cloven Hills consistently holds more than 25 per cent of the top 100 maternal sires in Australia, including eight currently listed in the top 10 and their genetics are wellrepresented in the 300 rams on offer at this year’s ram sale. The number one ranked ram in Australia is Cloven Hills 18-191 featuring an impressive MCP+ index of 185 with growth, fertility and scrotal circumference in the top one per cent. “This ram is sired by Cloven Hills 17-
188, who is currently ranked number three on the maternal database, while his dam’s side features great longevity,” Kate said. “Cloven Hillls 17-188 has had a significant influence on our stud and also has more than 650 progeny on the ground across 12 other stud flocks in Australia.” The stud is also involved with a range of projects/research including reproductive DNA profiling (Sheep Genetics & MLA), genetic determination of meat eating traits (UNE, GMP & MLA), understanding foetal loss in ewe lambs (Livestock Logic & Murdoch University) and what factors improve triplet survival (neXtgen Agri & Murdoch University). “I am excited as I think there is still so much more we can do to improve
sheep production in Australia and new genetic technologies should enable us to do that more efficiently,” Kate said. “We are passionate about seeing objective measurement and replicated data underpinned in the paddock. There is a lot of technology out there that could really improve the whole prime lamb supply chain/industry. As the owners of genetics and the considerable database that under pins them, we feel it important to be partners in this work.” All 2020 sale rams are available for viewing at Cloven Hills’ open day on Thursday, 24 September. Kate and Chris will be on hand to answer questions and assist with
The ram sale will be held on October 6, with on-site arrangements to be advised, depending on Covid-19 restrictions at the time. The sale will be live on AuctionsPlus from 12 noon and a full catalogue of the sale rams will be available in hard copy and the online version will include videos of every ram. “All rams come with a guarantee and we will get permits to get the rams to interstate clients, if borders haven’t opened,” Chris said. To register for emails, including the Cloven Hills newsletter and digital sale catalogue, as well as sale updates, visit For further information, phone Kate and Chris on (03) 5579 8519 or 0409 784 340.
Annual Production Sale
Sale Date 8th October, 1pm ;ĚĂƚĞ ŇĞdžŝďůĞͿ
• 140 Poll Dorset rams
• 60 Maternal rams
*Poll Dorsets*
* C+ av of sale rams 207, up to 233 * >ĞĂĚŝŶŐ ĞĂƟŶŐ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ŐĞŶĞƟĐƐ ǁŝƚŚ d W index’s up to 161 and LEQ up to 157 * Leading Worm Resistance Sires * ƌĞĚ ĨŽƌ ĐůĞĂŶ ŚĞĂĚͬƉŽŝŶƚƐ Θ ŐŽŽĚ ƐƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĞ * ,ĞĂǀLJ ĞŵƉŚĂƐŝƐ ŽŶ early maturity
dĞĚ ĞĂƫĞ ϬϰϬϵ ϭϴϵ ϭϭϲ
More meat than average rams! ra ams!
• 40 elite Poll Dorset ewes
* Lambing ease and lamb survival * LJ ƵƟůŝƐŝŶŐ ŵŽĚĞƌĂƚĞ ďŝƌƚŚ ǁĞŝŐŚƚ ĂŶĚ ƐŚŽƌƚĞƌ ŐĞƐƚĂƟŽŶ ůĞŶŐƚŚ LJŽƵ ĐĂŶ ƌĞĚƵĐĞ ůĂŵďŝŶŐ ĂƐƐŝƐƚ ƌĂƚĞƐ ĂŶĚ ŵĂdžŝŵŝƐĞ ůĂŵď ƐƵƌǀŝǀĂů ǁŝƚŚ ƐƚƌŽŶŐĞƌ ĨĂƐƚĞƌ ŐƌŽǁŝŶŐ ůĂŵďƐ͊͊ * >ĞĂĚŝŶŐ ŐĞŶĞƟĐƐ ĨŽƌ /D& ;ŵĂƌďůŝŶŐͿ͕ ƚƌĂŝƚ ůĞĂĚŝŶŐ ƐŝƌĞƐ ƵƉ ƚŽ нϬ͘ϮϬ /D& ĂŶĚ ;ͲͿ ^& ASBV’s.
Bruc acc – Footrot free – MN3v
^ŝŵŽŶ ĞĂƚƟĞ ϬϰϮϵ ϯϯϬ ϱϲϮ | 3
ICON Southie Au
ction Ram
on Rams set Aucti Poll Dor
inal Ram
l & Term
With so much uncertainty looming and state borders closed, Chrome has engaged the services of Elite Livestock Auctions for its upcoming sale on the 8th of October. Buyers will have a number of alternative bidding options available to enable the sale to run in a Covid Safe environment. It is envisaged that the traditional on property auction will still be able to take place with the addition of Elite Livestock’s online bidding platform. Convenient Bidding options include: • Bid online in real time remotely, via your desktop computer, laptop, iPad or phone • Phone bidding for remote clients with limited internet access • In person in a Covid safe environment on property at Chrome Chrome will continue to deliver rams as it has done in previous years to most destinations including south east of SA, Victoria, Southern NSW and Tasmania. “Chrome supplies rams from top end elite stud types and large even lines of commercial rams for those on a budget” said Chrome principal Matt Tonissen. “We offer a very
reasonable upset price of $500 at our auction sales and buyers receive every 6th ram purchased free” “I don’t know of any other stud that offers this sort of reward for volume buying” he said
breeding ewe. Around 2000 mated maternal ewes annually guarantees great depth, ensuring only the best rams make it through to sale.
Maternal Sires
The Icon Southie has been a great addition to the terminal breeding program at Chrome, a fast growing early maturing terminal sire, that is also suitable for terminal sire lambings out of maidens and ewe lambs. “By using ICON Southies, one of their large-scale clients has reduced assisted births from 10% to less than 2% in his ewe lambs”, a great result, improving labour efficiency, lamb survival, ewe mortality and profitability. The ICON Southies now contain predominantly Southdown genetics, the lambs hit the ground running and their early maturing attributes result a very easy doing, tight skinned lamb that is very marketable straight off mum or easily finished. The Icon Poll Dorset leg of the Terminal sires bred at Chrome offers a stable traditional meat sheep option with a difference - shorter in the leg, early maturing and lots of muscle makes for easy soft doing sheep that offer great shape and carcass. Gone are the days of big long leggy slow maturing terminal sires. In Matt’s opinion “Lambs sired from moderate frame, high growth, fast maturing terminal sires are the way of the future” Demand continues to be strong for their Poll Dorset rams given their strong performance, from the large Chrome client base, “our buyers comment on how nuggetty and early our Poll Dorsets finish, resulting in more lambs on the truck in the first draft” Matt commented.
The mainstay of the ram breeding operation over the years has been the production of rams for high performance self replacing maternal flocks, across their Chromedale, Perendale and Coopworth breeds. The Chromedales have been the signature breed for a number of years now, as more producers shifted to self replacing their prime lamb dams. The self replacing system offers producers the opportunity to take control of their ewe flock, enabling selection for a variety of profitable attributes, such as: • High weaning percentages • Fantastic mothering ability • High growth rates to weaning • Tough feet • Resistance to Worms • Successful ewe lamb joinings • Great pasture utilization • Selling surplus ewes into a buoyant market All these great attributes add up to an easycare resilient breeding ewe, capable of toughing it out in the extreme conditions of Southern Australia, both in the wet and the dry. Selection for moderate adult weight has been a priority over recent years as well, aimed at producing an efficient medium framed
Terminal Sires
take their annual ram sale ONLINE
FREE DELIVERY Chrome Maternal & Terminal Rams
within a 300km radius
On the property & ONLINE with Elite Livestock Thursday October 8 • Digby/Dartmoor Road, Hamilton Inspection 9.30am (Vic time) Sale commences 11.30am (Vic time)
Individual purchasers receive EVERY 6th Ram FREE (Based on av price)
• Coopworth • Chromedale • Perendale • ICON Poll Dorset • ICON Southie
Pre-sale inspection - Monday October 5th 3% rebate to outside agents Enquiries: Matt Tonissen (Vendor) - 0417 149 805 Robert Claffey (KerrCo) - 0418 625 839 5
ed Rock and Edson Blacks are based just out of Keith SA, we are a family run business with three generations working within the business. Our business strategy is to only sell rams that we would use in our own commercial flock. From weaning through to the sale of our rams they are continually checked for soundness, excellent structural correctness and carcass quality. Our ewes are also selected at weaning for size, femineity and weight. A good quality breeding ewe is key to the success of breeding quality Dorpers for meat production; we class our ewes every year for fertility, mothering ability, structure and meat yield. The hardiness and adaptability along with fertility of Dorpers has once again proven itself with some of the driest and hottest years on records. We have been involved in the breeding of Dorpers for 23 years we
have seen many changes within the breed the most exciting changes is the acceptance of Dorpers as a main stream lamb producer with major lamb purchasers like Coles having forward contracts just for Dorper lambs. This year our ram sale will be held on Monday the 28th of September we will be offering both Dorper and White Dorper Rams, ewes are available privately. The sale will be interfaced with Auctionsplus due to covid-19 we will be also be offering clients the opportunity to attend an open day the week before the sale.
arrawindi Farms will offer 400 Rams over 4 breeds in its 2020 Ram sale on Friday 9th Oct. Viewing from 9am or prior by appointment.
Friesian cross rams. 25%, 50%, 75% and Pure East Friesian blood rams suitable for Merino, Composite and 1st X ewes for higher lambing % and milk production.
ABOVE: First time mum & her twins
The maternal sale will start at 10am with 20 Warra-M Border Leicester rams and 100 Border Leicester/East
Warrawindi Border Leicester/East Friesian sired XB ewes scanned at 202% and marked 168%. Magic
happens when you combine a small % of East Friesian genetics into any lamb enterprise adding more lambs and more weight. Warra J Suffolks will offer 25 impressive Terminal sires suitable for ewe lamb joining and heavy weight lamb production The demand for Warrawindi Farms Poll Dorset rams has exploded and this season ram sale will follow at 12:30 pm Friday the 9th Oct. 250 rams will be on offer, fit and fertile. Super high growth rates and high yielding rams backed up with impressive Lambplan data. All-purpose grassfed rams to suit all market specifications from light and heavy domestic to Heavy trade export. The rams have all been Brucellosis tested free and Johnes approved vaccinates and come with a full Galpin family guarantee. We also have an offer of buy 10 rams and get 1 FREE. Due to the world we see us living in we have decided to team up with auctions plus so the whole sale will be live streamed for our cross border clients. We also offer free delivery of rams within 100km.
ABOVE: Warrawindi Fugitive 19-799, 250 Dorset rams will be offered in this year’s 2020 sale. 6
MONDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER 1.00PM 2020 In conjunction with Auctions Plus Brucellosis
Selling Agents
BRADLEY & TANYA EDSON | PO BOX 397 Keith SA 5267 | P (08) 8756 5067 M 0428 565 067 - Brad 0409 565 062 - Tanya | E 7
ambing ease and great yield percentages are just some of the reasons Greg Fisher has been using White Suffolk sires over his Merino ewes for more than fifteen years. Mr Fisher, and his partner Jackie Fogarty, run 4300 Merino ewes on their 5000 hectare Clover Ridge property in Marcollat, SA. Each year they mate 3000 ewes to Border Leicester rams, with an additional 800 self-replacing Merino ewes and 500 first-cross ewes mated to White Suffolk sires to produce second-cross prime lambs. Previously a wool enterprise, Mr Fisher changed his operation to firstcross lamb production in the late 1990s because he felt it better suited their country. Their main focus is on producing first-cross ewe and wether lambs for the annual blue-ribbon sales in Naracoorte with the remainder kept and joined to White Suffolk rams to produce second-cross prime lambs. “The change to first-cross ewe and wether lambs and second-cross
prime lambs has provided us with a more profitable return and flexibility depending on the season.” “The first-cross ewes are exceptional ewes, they have high fertility and are excellent mothers, but for those that are retained in stud, we wanted to boost early growth rates so we were able to get them to selling weight and turn the lambs off quicker,” he said. “We did our research and the lambing ease and great yield percentage we were continually seeing with White Suffolks was a perfect fit for our first-cross ewes.”
and marking percentage of 123 percent, with lambs marketed over the hooks to Coles for their supermarket trade. “We sell our lambs off mum in mid-August at 14 to 16 weeks of age at an average dressed weight of 23 kilograms.” “Obviously, prices are dependent on the market, but we consistently achieve a great yield percentage with our second-cross lambs.”
Mr Fisher sources his White Suffolk rams from Seriston White Suffolk stud. He uses Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs) to aide his selection with an emphasis on structurally sound rams with good growth and carcase traits.
He said their Merino-White Suffolk cross lambs averaged a rewarding return of $222 in 2019.
Ewe are joined in November with the second-cross lambs born in mid-April. This year they have achieved a lambing percentage of 125 percent
Mr Fisher believes sourcing good quality rams that match well with their first-cross ewes is the key to producing a consistent lamb product and achieving a good return.
“This year’s lambs are looking great and we are looking forward to seeing how they sell in the coming weeks.”
“If you can produce a consistent, quality product you can have the confidence it will sell in any season.” For more information on the use of White Suffolk sires in prime lamb operations visit www.whitesuffolk. Association gives double the chance to win The Australian White Suffolk Association (AWSA) has increased the chance for commercial producers
to win big in its 2020 Win A Ram Competition with the opportunity the win one of two $1500 ram vouchers. The winners will be able to use their voucher towards the purchase of a White Suffolk ram from a registered White Suffolk stud.Association Secretary, Nikki Ward, said that past competitions were well supported and gained a lot of interest from commercial producers.It is expected that this year’s competition would be no exception. “It is obvious that 2020 will be one of the most challenging years for sheep breeders with COVID-19 and the sale and purchase of breeding stock,” said Mrs Ward. “We’ve increased the prize pool to two vouchers as a small way of offering support to producers and our members,” she said. Last year’s winner, Nathanial Cocks from Beaudesert, Queensland, recently used his voucher to purchase a White Suffolk ram and two ewes and is now looking to start his own White Suffolk stud. “There’s nothing more satisfying than notifying the winner of their success and seeing them put the voucher to good use,” said Mrs Ward. The competition is now open to all commercial producers with entry via the AWSA, The two winners will be drawn on 16 October 2020.
ABOVE: White Suffolk sired lambs are providing consistent and profitable returns in prime lamb production. 8
PaT h^d
P _aX\Pah
At Subaru, every moment is a chance to do. And right now, it’s your chance to get signiďŹ cant savings via preferential pricing for Primary Producers. Every Subaru is brimming with technology and innovations to make every moment
So hurry in to Subaru Hamilton to take advantage of these signiďŹ cant savings.
you spend in your car nothing short of awesome.
he well-known and impressive Racewell Sheep handler is manufactured in New Zealand by Te Pari Products - a global market leader in safe, efficient, seamless livestock handling solutions. Racewell sheep handlers are now utilised by progressive sheep farmers around the globe including Europe, South America, Australia, Canada, and UK providing you the ability to
individually manage your flock with greater precision. Using the Racewell Sheep handling system offers you increased accuracy in marketing, breeding and enterprise decisions. The technology helps deliver to producers a greater capacity to measure, manage and market sheep on their individual merit with greater accuracy and less effort. All sectors of the sheep industry including stud and commercial breeders, finishers and wool producers can benefit
Avonlea Downs :KLWH 6XŕľľRON 6XŕľľRON 6WXGV )ORFN 1R
from precision sheep management through informed breeding and selection decisions, the ability to quickly and easily monitor individual animal growth, nutrition, health and product quality. Some of the key benefits of the Racewell Sheep handler are: MANAGEMENT LABOUR EFFICIENCY Farmers, using the Racewell 3, 4 or 6 way drafters, have been splitting their lambs up into weight lines e.g. groups in 2kg increments. This is proving to be not only labour saving but also a fantastic management tool for forward planning and cash flow budgeting. It also means you can manage which stock you need to have ready for a works pick and which others remain out in the pasture putting on weight; rather than bringing a much bigger line to be drafted and picked every time. ANIMAL HEALTH Ewes certainly increase their fecundity when target tupping (mating) weights are reached. A auto calibrated dose can be given per animal via the Te Pari Dosing Gun and then recorded to its ID tag. EID Using EID tags in your flock allows sheep to be drafted by other criteria such as scanning results, micron groups or weight gains. The Racewell now features an integrated EID reader for fast precision tag reading. LABOUR EFFICIENCY The multipurpose Racewell Sheep handling system helps producers to reduce labour costs and increase efficiency. Animal management tasks such as weighing, drafting, dagging, administering vaccines, drenches, back linering and tagging can be done simultaneously and with ease. STOCK FLOW With a Racewell there is less human involvement in the weighing and drafting process. As a result the sheep feel less threatened and are more inclined to move freely through the system. MULTIFUNCTION Looking to reduce the back breaking sheep work? The Racewell Super sheep handler is designed for auto weighing and drafting, but due to the free access to the sheep, it can be used for drenching, ear tagging, vaccinating, checking mouths or udders. In fact whatever you can do in the drenching race you can do in a Racewell Super Sheep handler faster, easier and better. For more information on the Racewell Sheep handler go online to or call Te Pari on 1800 650 682.
ABOVE: Quick & easy on the body, the Racewell can process 900+ an hour when drenching.
air to say our transition from 2019 to 2020 has been one we will remember for a long time. As a pandemic and lock downs set in, we were greeted by an early break for the 2020 season, one of the best in our 15 year history on the border of the Western district and the Wimmera district. This has given us a great platform for the mated 1250 merino, 1500 1st cross ewes and 650 stud Poll Dorset, White Suffolk and Border Leicester ewes to lamb down on. A good spring led to increased conception percentage and a far tighter lambing period. Our two terminal studs, Poll Dorset and White Suffolk, have a focus towards increasing the meat yield and turning lambs off quicker, to get more out of each lamb sold and give your breeding ewes an extended rest period before the next mating. The maternal Border Leicester have been consistently high 160% conception rate over the last 5 years. We have now coupled our focus on the balance between fat to muscle of the sheep, plus getting their fleeces tested for a micron score, this will help with the fleece quality of your future 1st Cross ewes. Lambplan gives an easy to interpret system of
Maturity, Profitability & Reliability
amb prices are very buoyant at the moment: but to get the best price, the prime lamb producer needs to select his terminal sires very carefully.
figures which can give a good outline of the quality of sheep under the skin. We continue to sell our 18 month old 1st cross ewes in the Naracoorte Blue Ribbon 1st Cross ewe sale every November, with strong results and very loyal clients. The 1st cross wethers and prime lambs usually end up over the hooks. We are brucellosis accredited and fully vaccinated for OJD. We follow a strict on farm biosecurity plan, use of the JBS accreditation scheme provides another layer to our animal welfare and farm biosecurity. This year there will be 60 Poll Dorset, 61 White Suffolks and 57 Border Leicester flock rams offered for auction on Thursday 8th October on Auctions Plus. We have had to use this platform due to the border
shutting between SA and Victoria. All rams will be delivered free of cost to the clients. We will hold a Field Day on Monday 5th October for all our Victorian clients. If they can get in contact with either their agent or Ashley or Kathy on the numbers below prior to the day to book an inspection time. Inspection times will be adhered to in line with Covid 19 Protocols. If there are any questions regarding the studs or our ethos on breeding. Please contact Ashley on 0437 364 603 or Kathy on 0418 800 789. We are only too willing to help in any way possible.
ABOVE: Pembroke Border Leicester Sale Rams Looking at us looking at them
At Konongwootong, we aim to produce a line of commercially focused, high performing, low maintenance rams to suit the demands and needs of today’s prime lamb producer. Our aim is to breed rams, that will produce prime lambs to meet the Export and Trade markets: thus, giving the producer the best opportunity to maximise his marketing opportunities. Our flock rams are paddock reared on good quality pastures and are not given any grain supplementation. Flock rams are run as a single management group from weaning to sale time and all treated identically. At Konongwootong we place a strong emphasis on our bio-security program. Our flock is Brucellosis accredited free and we have MN2V status in the MAP OJD programme. We have been vaccinating with Gudair since 2002.
THURSDAY 15TH OCTOBER, 2020 AT 1:30PM Alistair and Jessica Sutherland Phone: (03) 55 750 222 Mob: 0407 551 751 In conjunction with Elite Livestock Auctions
Brucellosis Accredited
We have been part of the LambPlan Performance recording system since its inception, but we place an emphasis on structural correctness before we consider EBV’s. A ram must be able to do the job he has been bred for. We have also used Prime Scan and Stockscan to help identify our better performing bloodlines. As well as our Poll Dorset stud, we run 3500 commercial self-replacing Dorset Coopworth cross ewes: so, we are aware of the challenges and needs of the prime lamb producer. In normal years, we enter our local regional shows and Melbourne Royal but this year, due to Covid 19 regulations these shows have been cancelled; but our team are shaping up well. Due to the uncertainty of the Covid 19 regulations and the restrictions that may be in place regarding on property sales; we have invited Elite Livestock Auctions to be part of our sale. Chris Norris from Elite Livestock provides an online bidding platform so that buyers can bid from the security of their own homes or wherever it suits them. The agents from Kerr & Co Livestock and JME will be working closely, with Elite Livestock Auctions, to enable a smooth transition to this form of auctioning. Any clients who do not have access to a computer will still be able to bid through their agents. The actual auction will be live streamed through the Elite Livestock website and linked to other relevant sites. Each ram with his facts and figures and video of the ram, will be available for viewing prior to the sale. If Covid restrictions allow, we intend to conduct an on property open day prior to the sale. More information will be available as the year progresses. At Konongwootong, we see these difficult times as a chance to embrace new technology and convert the changes forced upon us to positive experience. Our annual sale is on Thursday 15th October at 1:30pm. Please contact us or your agent if you have any queries.
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air to say our transition from 2019 to 2020 has been one we will remember for a long time. As a pandemic and lock downs set in, we were greeted by an early break for the 2020 season, one of the best in our 15 year history on the
n 2006, Beachport Liquid Minerals Green Cap was uniquely designed to reduce shrinkage and transit stress for livestock. BLM Green Cap has since been used in other high stress situations such as feedlot induction and exit, shearing, ram and bull sales and weaning to improve performance.
milk it costs a significant amount of energy per day. By removing energy requirements for producing milk from the equation, during lactation we can save up to 30% of energy requirements by weaning. This directly influences ewes condition score; by weaning they will mobilise less body condition to meet energy requirements. In many cases, it puts ewes back into an energy surplus where they’ll begin storing energy reserves again. Ewes in better condition will return to oestrus quicker, resulting in increased conception rates and more animals pregnant in the first and second cycle. Tightening up joining has flow on benefits for the following year such as reducing the tail in the mob for weaning and sale.
The aim for a successful weaning using BLM Green Cap is three-fold; • Mother – Longer recovery time, increased condition, energy surplus and increased conception rates. • Progeny – Calm, strong immune system, rumen development, less weaning time and improved handling. • Feed – Maximise efficiency to improve daily weight gain. Issues at weaning are caused by two things… Stress & Unfamiliarity! Stress causes appetite suppression resulting in weaners losing weight. Stress also compromises lambs’ immune systems which increases the likelihood of contracting disease and worms.
Damage to infrastructure is also from stress because yarding and hard feed can be unfamiliar to lambs and they want to get back to the comfort of Mum.
Benefits of Weaning Weaning lambs provides numerous benefits for your operation including an immediate saving of feed. Energy is expensive and for ewes to produce
How does BLM Green Cap work? BLM Green Cap is uniquely designed to provide a natural source of amino acids, fulvic acid and minerals. Fulvic acid is a natural electrolyte extracted from seagrass and kelp, able to dissolve and transport minerals into cells. It allows the product to provide a rich source of magnesium that’s absorbed into the blood stream to aid in calming the animal.
Other minerals such as sodium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium help restore the electrolyte balances to the nervous and endocrine systems. By calming the lambs, the transition onto new feeds is easier because their rumens convert feed more efficiently from Day 1. How do I use BLM Green Cap? Its flexibility allows you to provide BLM Green Cap to ewe/lamb units 7-3 days before weaning or to the weaners after processing. In both systems, BLM Green Cap is administered as water medication via our dispensing system directly into the trough. Encouraging stock to drink with an aniseed attractant, every mouthful of water drunk contains electrolytes and minerals without creating any more stress to the animal. A calmer animal performs better and by calming stressed lambs it can reduce yard weaning time, minimise weight loss and improve handling. By shortening this time, weaners return to feed quicker resulting in healthier, heavier weaners. “At weaning time, we use BLM Green Cap. It’s a low-stress mix that we have a real success with. It seems to keep the sheep a lot calmer and the lambs’ mother up better and we’ve had real success with that. With the Rams, they recover from the travel a lot better and seem to do better. We sell Rams at 15 months old, so we’re trying to give them the best start to life as we can. We want them to grow as quickly as possible and those minerals seem to keep them healthier they seem to grow quicker. The Rams that we take actually lose a lot of weight when we transport them to shows it’s usually between a 5 & 7-hour journey. The Beachport Liquid Minerals as well as with the electrolytes they seem to recover better. They put the weight back on quicker and it doesn’t seem to stress them out as much.
“...Saving time is a big thing in my business, so if I can save time it’s money in the bank... Jayden Harris Brimanna Poll Merino Stud
e would like to start by thanking all buyers, under bidders as well as the associated Agent’s who have helped make the 2019 sale as successful as it was. We look forward to seeing you all again this year. The rams we have chosen for the sale will again, not disappoint. In 2018 we purchased several new sires - 2 White Suffolk at the Elite Ram sale at the Royal Adelaide Show from the Waratah stud (one for $22,000) , 2 White Suffolk’s from Woolumbool at the on farm auction (paying the top price on the day) ... and a new Border Leicester from Coolawang. Last year we again purchased 2 rams from the Elite Ram Sale at the Royal Adelaide show. These rams came with excellent figures and were exceptionally sound by sight. We have purchased 3 new stud Border Leicester rams from stud masters including 1 from Coolawang with impeccable figures. All figures are available for you to view if requested. The money that we have invested, is ensuring that at Ryeview, we keep improving our genetic pool and the quality of the Flock Rams that we can offer you at our Annual Sale. With the strength of the sires used we aim to breed rams with good structure, that will produce quick growing progeny and very meaty and deep bodied lambs with good eating qualities to suit the market. We are also concentrating on ensuring ease of lambing ability, as well as our wool types to produce good skins. All of this is to produce more profit for you. Our Lambplan data and figures recorded, demonstrate that our White Suffolk’s are breeding with EBV’s and eating qualities that continue to be right up there with the average Australian White Suffolk flock. At Ryeview, our sheep flock are Ovine Brucellosis Accredited Free (No. 306), in the MAP scheme - MN3V (No. S107). All sheep are vaccinated
with Gudair, treated with Eryvac and Scabi Guard. The flock rams are treated with Cydectin Eweguard and back-lined when shorn in mid— late August. We also have our rams vet checked prior to the sale and have a structural guarantee [to cover the un-oreseeable]. All this is done so that we can provide you with an assurance that the Flock Rams for sale are healthy and structurally sound. You are invited to attend Ryeview On Property Ram Sale at 1pm on Monday, 19th October 2020, at Burkhills Lane, Millicent. We thank the Millicent Cancer Support Group for always lending a hand at our sale and assisting us with the catering on the day. As always, a selected top ram will be sold with total proceeds donated to the Millicent Cancer Support Group. Our token of gratitude to the group. We would like to thank Gary Glasson of Zoetis for his on-going support, sponsorship and expert knowledge for our ram sale.. As always, a 4% Rebate will be available to all registered outside agent purchasers. Restrictions permitting, we will offer a light luncheon before the commencement of the sale. Please direct your enquiries to Elders Millicent - David Little, Hayden Biddle, Scott Altschwager and Jack Kain. You are welcome to contact Michael and Julie Osborne on 0408 838 568 or
ABOVE: 2020 White Suffolk Rams
Profitable Livestock
CATTLE PREGNANCY SCANNING > Accurate pregnancy testing at all stages from 35 days > Fetal ageing for strategic feeding and calving of heifers > Fetal ageing to diagnose between A.I and Back Up Pregnancies > Blanket Mate after using young bulls or single sires and Fetal Age to avoid costly empty females
SHEEP PREGNANCY SCANNING > Specializing in Single/Multiple Diagnosis and Fetal Ageing to aid Subscription Feeding and improved management at lambing. Enabling increased twin survival, better average weaning weights, more efficient grazing systems and less ewe mortality. > Empty ewes can either be rejoined, culled or ran at a dry sheep equilivent.
p] (08) 87 642 074 m] 0427 944 625 e]
here’s no doubt COVID has caused some uncertainty in Wrattenbullie’s 55th year but hopes are high they will still hold their annual sale at the Naracoorte Show Grounds on the 12th of October. With shows and field days cancelled in 2020, Wrattenbullie has been unable to display their stud rams but they can assure buyers they will be presenting the highest quality, offering eight studs.
Several of those will be from Wrattenbullie’s new sire Kentish Downs 472-17, who is breeding sound rams, with a good balance of ASBV`s. His figures being Pwt 16.8 Emd 2.1 Pfat -0.3 TCP 140.7, while most of the other stud rams by AI sires Geredan 23-17 Valley Vista 58-17. Wrattenbullie’s main focus is to present an even line of 130 flock rams and the team is confident, they will present in ideal condition by sale day,
with all rams also having a full set of ASBVs. Biosecurity has become an important part of livestock production with our flock being MN3V for OJD and accredited brucellosis free. Inspection of rams available by appointment by contacting Rod 0467 646 026 or Brad 0438 266 732. The Wrattenbullie team is looking forward to seeing everyone at their sale.
ABOVE: 2020 stud rams
KīĞƌŝŶŐ ϴ ƐƚƵĚ ƌĂŵƐ͕ ϭϯϬ ĨůŽĐŬ ƌĂŵƐ EĂƌĂĐŽŽƌƚĞ ^ŚŽǁ 'ƌŽƵŶĚƐ 12ƚŚ KĐƚŽďĞƌ͕ ϭ͘ϯϬƉŵ ZŽĚ Ϭϰϲϳ ϲϰϲ ϬϮϲ ƌĂĚ Ϭϰϯϴ Ϯϲϲ ϳϯϮ Ğ͘ ǁƌĂƩĞŶďƵůůŝĞΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ ƌƵĐĞůůŽƐŝƐ ĐĐƌĞĚŝƚĞĚ
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avid Hoadley, Blayney, NSW realised that to get the best productivity and profitability from his 215 hectare high rainfall country he needed to produce as many lambs as he could. Last spring’s results show he is well on the way, with a strong lambing result. Mr Blayney marked 176 percent lambs from his mature age ewes while the rest of his flock including maidens marked 172 percent to 138 percent. “Using Multimeats has increased our production from 1200 lambs each year to 1800 plus from the same area of land,” he said. About ten years ago he saw an advertisement for the Multimeat composite breed and heard some encouraging reports on the productivity of the breed and two years later leased rams to put them to the test. “We had been using first-cross ewes in our traditional prime lamb enterprise and were getting around 120 percent lambing,” he said. “I had been interested in the Booroola gene for a while and when I heard about the possibility of lifting lambing rates I wanted to try the Multimeats.” Multimeats are a composite breed based on elite Australian genetics and carry two
copies of the Booroola gene and therefore pass one copy to all their daughters. The Multimeat genotype was initially developed by the CSIRO and subsequently by SARDI. When the program was to be terminated, Dr Colin Earl and Phil Clothier seized the opportunity and bought the genetics to develop and supply them to the industry. Dr Earl said that using Multimeat rams is a game changer for the lamb industry because it enables lamb producers to breed prolific ewes which will lamb at over 200 percent and will wean 25-30 percent more lambs when coupled with the correct management system. He added that producers find it hard to believe that they can lift scanning by one cross using Multimeat rams but this has been proven on over 60 properties across Australia. Dr Earl said that 30 years ago he analysed prime lamb production systems to determine limiters to lamb productivity and profitability. “The biggest problem turned out to be the inherently low reproductive rates of Australian genotypes,” he said. “Even after 50 years of selection for higher reproductive rates little progress has been made because of the low heritability
Dr Colin Earl with a set of Multimeat triplets in South Australia. Photo: Julie Earl
MULTIMEAT COMPOSITES Joanna, SA • Principal: Dr Colin Earl • Contact: Colin - 0428 647 457 • Ram sale: leased only at $450 • Numbers are limited so early interest is advised Young Multimeat ewes bred by David Hoadley at Barry via Blayney.
of these traits. “So now we are seeing producers achieving higher rates by either lowering stocking rates or supplementary feeding.” Both strategies are effective but costly. It is very inefficient and costly to have to get your ewes above 80 kilograms to enhance scanning rates. Apart from delivering high fecundity at zero cost the Multimeat breeding program has also concentrated on growth, wool and worm resistance.
The finer end of the Multimeat flock is around 27 micron and some Multimeat Merino wool has been selling in excess of $10 per kilogram because it is on average 2 microns finer than normal crossbred wool. Dr Earl said Multimeat rams can be leased for $450 per year. “They can be replaced after three years and if they break down or die,” he said.
Multimeat Crossbreds One cross increases Scanning by
Litter size
Lambs born
Lambs marked
204% 161%
Colin Earl • 0428 647 457 • Phil Clothier • 0427 658 026 • 17
PAXTON STUD The Paxton Stud of Martin and Kirsty Harvey have enjoyed another successful year in 2019. The stud held two sales and saw many repeat clients lining up for their Paxton genetics. The stud is continually striving to improve their animals and meet industry needs. The Paxton Border Leicester stud invested heavily last year purchasing Johnos 18 202 for a record $15,000.
tud Principle Martin Harvey said â&#x20AC;&#x153;we have been pleased with one of Johnos rams in the past and are hoping this sire will breed on for us.
After a full clearance of Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams the stud is again looking forward to presenting an even line up of terminal sires at their twilight sale on September 23.
He is structurally very sound, wellmuscled and had some reasonable data which never hurts.
The stud is endeavouring to breed long, muscled, easy care, sound sires. There are a number of new sires represented in this yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; offering including genetics introduced through a recent AI program.
Another sire which was purchased two years ago from Inverbrackie, 17 4809, has had a big impact in a short time on our flock. He was the highest indexed Border sire at the time and has improved our flock data significantly. There are a number of rams available for sale this year by that sire.
942 Broadview Rd, Western Flat, SA
200 Poll Dorset & White Suffolk Rams :HGQHVGD\ UG 6HSW # SP
We have recently joined the $uperborder$ group and look forward to being involved with some very focused breeders.â&#x20AC;? The Paxton Border Leicester rams are showing outstanding growth, muscling and sound constitution. For the first time micron testing has also been undertaken, this will be added information for our clients to make their selections. The sale day has changed from a very busy Friday that clashed with a number of sales including Lameroo off shears, to Thursday October 8th at 4pm.
150 Border Leicester Rams
The stud is hoping this will be more manageable for both clients and stock agents. The usual Paxton Stud hospitality will be on offer after all sales.
Martin said â&#x20AC;&#x153;our sale last year was extremely pleasing to see so many old and new clients showing faith in our product. It is an extremely competitive game and to see people front up year after year is fantastic. We are trying to present rams that we know will continue to perform in different environments and meets our clients needs. The industry is in a fantastic situation and hopefully the good season continues for everyoneâ&#x20AC;?. Another innovation this year is that all rams will be treated with Regulin just prior to the sale. All purchasers can be assured that the rams will be in prime fertile condition to go to work with the ewes. All Paxton rams will be sold with the highest health status being Brucellosis free and MN2 Vaccinated. All enquiries welcomed at any time Martin Harvey 0407 582 079 or head to for more details and find us on Facebook.
Robin Steen 0428 838 195 Ray Jaensch 0439 870 682 UHEDWH WR RXWVLGH DJHQWV LQWURGXFHG LQ ZULWLQJ KRXUV SULRU WR VDOH ABOVE: Will Harvey working hard at Paxton 2019 Border Leicester sale
he team at Detpa Grove are working even harder to deliver another exceptional run of genetics at this year’s annual on-property October sale. Headlining the 32nd annual sale, held on Thursday 8 October, is an elite group of 30 stud rams; progeny from an impressive list of high performing White Suffolk sires whose traits consistently rank highly in the Top 10% of the breed. Over 41 years of broad focus breeding and balancing the science of LambPlan and genomics with phenotypic function and correctness, Detpa Grove has continually developed their designer genetics. These designer genetics are on display in the quality line-up of stud rams, stud ewes and flock rams on offer at this year’s sale and are set to impress the most discerning sheep producers. The past 12 months the Detpa Grove team’s priority has been a near total focus on the White Suffolk stud with the streamlining of farm processes, and without the distraction of multiple studs and now completed international and domestic projects,
Forty of the 2019 sale rams sold between $800 to $1000 which represents exceptional value for money. Building on the well-established foundation of premium genetics including correct structure, type, desirable physical traits and outstanding phenotype, this year’s annual on-property sale presents another outstanding line-up of 250 designer generation sheep, commercial flock rams, stud ewes and rams, and specialty rams. A sire of note is the magnificent Detpa Grove Noble 180374Qu. The main sire for 2020, this ram is breeding exceptionally well, sitting in the Top 5% for TCP, & Top 10% for Pft & Pemd. With nine sons in the stud ram team from the 2019 drop his progeny are worth a closer look. Premiering this year with 2 sons, is retained sire Depta Grove Clarity 180251Tw. By Langley Heights 130572 out of a classy Burwood 110959 daughter this rams’ traits of
interest include Top 5% for Pft & Top 10% for IMF. The sales ewes are also presenting with impressive pedigrees to equal the rams on offer at the October sale. Genetic lineage of the ewes’ sires include Detpa Grove’s very own DG Noble 180374, DG Clarity 180251, DG
Part of the Detpa Grove’s unique success story is the ongoing commitment in surpassing LambPlan standards, ongoing internal trials and data collection that ensures continued excellence in their breeding of both stud and commercial ewes and rams,
Duke 180275 & DG Stride 180729, backed up by AI & outside sires such as Ella Matta 170300, Felix 170275, Baringa Magnum16W300 & Woolumbool173980.
David, Michelle and family welcome you to the annual 2020 sale. For sale updates and the latest news, visit or the “detpa grove” Facebook page.
With a gene pool this wide, the Pipkorn’s are confident buyers can purchase both stud rams & ewes whose genetics are not closely related.
ABOVE: The flock and specially selected rams on offer at the 2020 Detpa Grove annual ram sale.
Designer Generations Well-Balanced, Impeccably Bred Sheep An outstanding line-up of impressive genetics
Priorities in the studs’ breeding program as explained by principal David Pipkorn are “maintaining high growth rates”, and “preserving and improving consistency in moderate fats levels while being mindful of IMF.”
THURSDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2020 250 head sells 70 Stud Ewes - 30 Stud Rams 20 Specialty Rams - 130 Flock Rams
Mr Pipkorn said continually increasing muscling whilst maintaining and improving tenderness is an area of genetic development we are advancing carefully.
Stud ewes from 11.30am Stud rams from 12.30pm
View our total offering of the 2019 drop at the annual on-property sale
Lamb producers are benefiting from the breeding strategies of Detpa Grove, as David & Michelle Pipkorn’s dedication to considered selection of genetics balanced with practical application ensures all buyers of their stock are taking home well-balanced, exceptionally bred sheep.
Enquiries welcome
David & Michelle Pipkorn, Jeparit, Victoria ((03) 5391 8202 David: 0428 918 372 E:
Check out full catalogue (Available early September) & latest updates on our website Also regular updates and individual rams of interest on facebook 19
hicory is a deep tap rooted perennial herb which supports high animal performance during spring and summer when other traditional pastures start to lack quality and yield. This makes Chico chicory an ideal option to finish lambs over late spring and summer.
Using Chico chicory as a spring sown fodder crop for spring summer and autumn feed makes it a great option for renovating worn out, unproductive pastures. Chico chicory has exceptional quality during times when other pastures start to decline in yield and quality. Typically, leafy Chico will have crude protein content in the range of 20 – 28% and energy levels over 12 MJME/Kg Dry matter. This means Chico chicory can support high animal intake and lamb live weight gains of 180 to 360 grams per day depending on grazing management. Chico chicory can support up to 40 lambs per hectare over summer and autumn with good grazing management and growing conditions. Chico chicory is best established during spring when soil temperatures consistently are above 12 degrees Celsius. This avoids the plant vernalising and going reproductive, so it remains vegetative in its first summer, maintaining its high quality.
Chico chicory is ideally rotationally grazed to maximize animal intake and dry matter yield although can be used successfully in a set stocking situation. Chico is also a safe crop for grazing during summer with no prussic acid or endophyte concerns. Establish Chico in a free draining paddock that has been sprayed out and cultivated to promote rapid establishment. Sow Chico chicory at 8kg/ha for a dedicated fodder crop at 10mm depth. Chicory has many chemical options available for in-crop weed control which makes it
an ideal for a lead in crop for pasture renovation. Chico is also Diamond Back moth and White Butterfly tolerant making it a easy crop to look after. Contact your local Cropmark Seeds representative to discuss your spring summer and autumn feed requirements. Specific advice is recommended to ensure correct suitability and grazing management, so you get the best results on your farm.
orage brassicas are ideal crops for producing an abundance of high-quality feed for finishing lambs to target weights over late spring and summer. But trial work has shown that not all forage brassicas are created equal with many varieties not living up to expectations. Pillar forage brassica is new from Cropmark Seeds. It is high yielding, palatable and high quality; supporting high animal performance and live weight gain potential. This means more lambs per hectare turned off quicker than other types. Pillar Forage Brassica is a leafy, giant type that can be grazed multiple time in the right conditions. While high yielding and high quality, Pillar is able to handle tough conditions once established; making it a versatile crop for finishing lambs when other pastures are losing quality and dry matter yield. Pillar Forage brassica can be established in autumn or late winter/early spring depending on your feed requirements and environment. Establish Pillar when soil temperatures are consistently above 12 degrees Celsius into a free draining paddock that has
been sprayed out and cultivated to promote rapid establishment. Sow Pillar at a rate of 3 to 4 Kg/hectare at 10mm depth. Once the crop has reached maturity in 10 to 12 weeks, animals can be transitioned onto the crop. For best Dry Matter yield results rotational grazing is recommended, but many crops are successfully set stocked with lambs achieving live weight gains of 170 to 300 grams per head per day. Late winter to spring sowings are an ideal preparation for next autumn’s pasture renovation program with a wide variety of in-crop weed control options available. Pillar Forage Brassica can be used over many different farming areas. Crops have successfully been used from cereal cropping zones to high rainfall regions. Pillar can yield up
to 12 tonnes of quality Dry Matter per hectare under good growing conditions and rotational grazing management, with up to 4 to 5 grazings. In lower rainfall regions with lower yields, Pillar Forage Brassica will still produce a highquality crop that is a cost-effective alternative to poor quality summer pastures. If you need high quality feed to finish lambs fast, Pillar Forage Brassica could be the crop you. Contact your local Cropmark Seeds representative to discuss your spring summer and autumn feed requirements. Specific advice is recommended to ensure correct suitability and grazing management so you get the best results on your farm. 20
urnips are a great summer cropping option as they provide a high yielding, high quality crop ideal for finishing lambs. One of the main drawbacks in the past with turnips has been the very late crop maturity of varieties available at the time, making them an unsuitable option in many regions of Australia. However Marco turnip from Cropmark Seeds which is the fastest maturing summer turnip available in Australia, has changed the way many farmers use turnips now. Marco turnip has a tetraploid, tankard shaped bulb which increases animal access and utilisation. With its fast maturity from sowing to grazing in just 55 to 65 days, Marco turnip can be used in situations where traditional turnips would be unsuitable. Because of the quick maturity of Marco, it is an ideal crop where limited moisture is available or an unseasonal rainfall event provides an opportunity to plant a fast maturating crop. Marco can also be used for late sowing or where a crop failure occurs. In some situations it has been possible to get two crops of Marco in one season. Marco’s versatility lends itself to staggered planting times so that a constant supply of high quality feed is
available throughout summer. Marco turnip’s high feed quality supports high growth rates in lambs. This means more lambs grazing per hectare can be achieved with faster turn-off times achievable with good grazing management. With a high bulb to leaf ratio and a tankard above ground bulb, excellent crop access can be achieved to maximise dry matter yield utilisation. Marco’s bulbs have excellent storage ability in the field as they retain their quality for as long as 90 days after sowing. A summer Marco turnip crop makes an ideal preparation for the following autumn’s pasture renovation program with good chemical weed control options available. Marco can be sown from spring onwards when soil temperatures consistently reach 12 degrees Celsius. Select a free draining paddock that has been sprayed out and cultivated and sow Marco at 2 to 3 Kg per hectare at 10mm sowing depth. Stock can start to transition onto the crop as early as 55 days after planting. Marco turnips can be used in wide variety of ways in which traditional turnips wouldn’t be suitable. For specific advice on how to use Marco turnips on your farm and get the best result, contact your local Cropmark Seeds representative.
All information is intended as a guide only. Seek further advise for specific recommendations to suit individual requirements and conditions. Results will vary depending on all the circumstances. Cropmark Seeds provides no assurances, guarantees or warranties other than those that must be provides by law. To the extent permitted by law Cropmark Seeds excludes all liability, and has no liability, however arising. Refer to chemical label for direction of use, critical comments, grazing withholding periods and export slaughter intervals.
he Corriedale is a Maternal, dual-purpose Breed, and a very profitable one.
The Corriedale isn’t solely a wool or meat breed, as such should be bred with a long-term focus on breeding true to type. Longevity and the ability to selfreplace are extremely important in this day and age especially considering the price of replacement ewes. The emphasis at Gambier View continues to select sheep that perform profitably in paddock conditions and the focus at Gambier View is on the structure of the animal, lambing percentages, doing
ability, quick growth rates, with plenty of muscle. The aim is to produce sheep with the finest wool, without jeopardising all the dual-purpose aspects of the Corriedale. The fleece has plenty of lustre and character and is heavy cutting. Remembering that the wool cut has been approximately 20% of the income produced from a ewe (approximately $50 a head.) In our current environment there is probably only 10% to 12% of wool income produced from a ewe, (approximately $25 a head). However, this amount still helps with the profit margin and the value of
wool will increase again. Gambier View sheep have the following strengths: very meaty with excellent structure, hardy black feet and will cut around 7Kg of 27-micron wool. The structure of the Gambier View sheep is the reason that we can continue to produce lambs from our ewes until they are 7 or 8 years of age. The Gambier View sheep are big in size with the potential to mature quickly, producing lambs from ewes before they are 14 months of age. Lambing percentages are a main breeding goal at Gambier View. The ewes are fiercely protective, great mothers, and conception rates are high, with high survivability. We have sold rams that were joined to 1st cross ewes with the ewe portion of the Corriedale cross, retained by the client to produce terminal lambs. One of our clients has stated that his lambing percentages were greater in the Corriedale cross ewes, producing
better lambs than the out of from the original 1st cross ewes.
producing quantities of good quality lambs.
We have sold rams to be joined to a few different merino flocks. Producing a first cross ewe by a Corriedale ram instead of using the traditional Border Leicester Ram.
The Corriedale 1st cross has the advantage of cutting a lot more, of a finer fleece than the Border Leicester 1st cross.
The ewe and wether progeny of the Corriedale 1st cross, are more than equal to the progeny of the Border Leicester 1st cross. This is in the structure and size of the animal, as well as the ewe portion
• 2019 ASWS Results • Champion Shorn Sheep • Supreme Exhibit • Most Successful Corriedale Exhibitor ASWS Achievements • Grand Champion Ram • Most successfull Corriedale Exhibitor • Junior Champion Ram • Most successfull exhibitor in shorn section • Champion March Shorn Ram MATERNAL EFFICIENCY Gambier View Derrinallum High Lambing Percentages and amazing Annual On Property Sale mothering ability OUTSTANDING WOOL ATTRIBUTES Around 7kg, Long stapled & 27 micron STRUCTURAL EXCELLENCE Very well muscled STRONG CONSTITUTIONS Easy doing, easy care, hardy black feet
Monday 2nd November Offering 45 Rams Blue Ribbon Multi-Vendor Corriedale Sale Ballarat Thursday 29th October Offering 5 Stud Quality Rams
SELF REPLACING MATERNAL BREED Means more money for you!
Another client that used a Corriedale ram instead of a Merino ram reports they ended up with around 20% more lambs from the first cross, as the “lambs just plainly wanted to survive.” We have also sold rams to be joined to Dohnes, Samms, Coopworths and Composites, as have other Stud Corriedale breeders, with great success as well. It is important to emphasise that you will have better hybrid vigour from two pure breeds. They will breed truer to type, with more consistency in the offspring, than breeding from sheep with many breeds in them. We can try and baffle people with figures, but we think it best for new clients to be in contact with breeders that have already been using Gambier View Rams. Therefore, if you contact us, we can pass on details of the relevant breeders for you to talk to. Gambier View are OJD Acc MN3V VS1143 and Bruccollis Acc AC:BR 3287 Contact Details are for Milton Savage on 0418 534 037 or email
MIY3V2003 MN3
Contact Milton Savage
| 80 Harvey’s Lane, Derrinallum
M: 0418 534 037 | E: 22
ABOVE: Meat Plus Wool = Profitability
he Perendale is exactly the right mix of resilience and performance producing high grading meat and quality wool, even in the harshest of environments, says one of New Zealandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most experienced sheep breeders, David Ruddenklau. A vision to produce a more robust and efficient sheep led the Fletcher and Boyer families to search New Zealand for elite bloodlines nearly 10 years ago. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With an impressive Perendale base of 28,000 scrutinised and registered stud ewes, New Zealand was the right place to startâ&#x20AC;?. In 2011, Malcolm alongside his daughter and son in law, Trudy and Tony Boyer, airfreighted a flock of elite registered stud ewes from New Zealandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest progressive Perendale stud, Newhaven Perendales â&#x20AC;&#x201C; marking the establishment of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Mount Monmot Perendales Studâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, in Skipton, Victoria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have watched with interest the move in New Zealand away from composite and fine wool breeds, as farmers seek tolerance to footrot, easy-care, self-replacement and good returns for both their meat and their woolâ&#x20AC;? says Trudy Boyer.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are delighted to have built up a sizable pure Perendale stud at Mount Monmot over the past decadeâ&#x20AC;? says Malcolm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; with numbers allowing them to be strict on culling for all traits (both physical and breeding values) and keep their Perendales as
pure New Zealand genetics, which excel even in a low-input situation of nil-drench or minimum drench regimes. These Perendale bloodlines have attracted a lot of interest from Australian farmers with all types of base sheep breeds, aiming to infuse
these traits into their current flock â&#x20AC;&#x201C;many being composite breeders that are drawn to the Perendaleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resilience, tolerance, efficiency and productive longevity. With this genetic package on offer we suggest you contact the team as soon as
possible to enable an early selection of your new rams! Enquiries: Malcolm Fletcher 0427 495 522 Trudy & Tony Boyer 0419 565 450
ABOVE: August 2020 Ewe Weaners
ONE Magazine, ONE Advert And you have your marketing covered in glossy full colour
LOT 18
Boonaroo Kansas N164
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IN OUR 14TH ANNUAL EDITION OF MAGAZINE 2021 Beef & Bull is exclusively distributed through Australia Post FREE to PO Boxes & RSDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Over 85 towns throughout the South East of South Australia and Western Victoria. Published January 2021.
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n the sheep production game, high conception and lambing rates don’t mean anything if your lamb survivability rates are low. Ensuring lambs are born live and then carried through to marking, weaning and production or sale is the key to successful sheep farming. Paradoo Precision Lambing is consistently proving its success as the lamb survival system of the future with its concept of short strategic joinings, reduced mob size, dedicated lambing paddocks according to scanning results all linked with paddock performance data. Paradoo’s Tim Leeming said, anecdotally, producers were reporting 2020 lambing percentages 15 to 30 per cent up from last year.
“Ewe mortality and lamb survival have serious implications on your bottom line and we need to identify what makes up the good results, learn from them and how we can change our systems to allow consistency… lamb survival is not something that we should base on hope,” Tim said. Consistently trying to make improvements and lifting the bar of
sheep production was a key part of that, Tim said. “Precision lambing is a concept developed by us to optimise lamb survival,” he said. The Leemings have completed 13 lambings over five years on their commercial sheep operation at Cobbity and have gathered data to back up their animal husbandry and farm decisions. Recent seasons have tested the system but has improving results prove its flexibility and resilience. The significantly cold and wet seasons in four of the last five years, including above average rainfall, the latest seasonal break since 2005 and the wettest year on record, hasn’t impacted lamb survivability. Over the course of the last 5 years, the Leemings have improved their conception and lamb survival rates. “We have gained a huge amount of confidence in our system over a variety of seasons,” Tim said. “Our main lambings in the last five years have consistently provided an 88 to 91 per cent total foetus survival. Between 2018 to 2020 we have
increased our conception rates and maintained a higher or improved rate of lamb survival despite having more twins and more triplets.” Tim has been sharing the Paradoo Precision Lambing concept with other producers and has seen them similarly record improved survivability. Richard and Sarde Edgar, ‘West Cuyaac’, Nareen, south-west Victoria have adopted the Precision Lambing process and have seen measurable improvements of lamb survivability and commercial returns over the course of the last three years. “After three years of Precision Lambing we are seeing measurable benefits from the system, some of these include being able to lamb twin bearing ewes in the most sheltered paddocks twice. It has allowed us to provide the appropriate level of food on offer to ewes for the entire lambing period,” they said. The Edgars have implemented the Precision Lambing strategies of shorter joinings and small mob sizes but have also taken on collecting paddock data to better understand
how and why the improvements were occurring and how to replicate them. “We have reduced our paddock size over the last five years and found increased lamb survival in twin mobs under 80 ewes,” they said. “We used to be happy with lamb survival over 80 per cent, but we now target 90 per cent every year. To achieve this, we are using the Precision Lambing concepts and working towards having 400 hectares of our best sheltered country divided into smaller, 10-hectare paddocks for two short rounds of lambing.” Tim said the Edgar’s results were not surprising when you looked at the evidence gathered over an extended period of time. He said in twin bearing mobs with less than 74 ewes, the lamb survival rate was increased by 2.5 per cent, or 5 foetuses per 100 ewes relative to the mobs with more than 100 ewes in them.
“In tougher seasons with less feed, this rate of improved survival from smaller mobs actually increases as ewes spend more time grazing, meaning there is a greater propensity to mismother lambs in the bigger mobs,” Tim said. From a purely economics perspective, Tim said, that could mean the equivalent of $60,000 added or lost from your business bottom line. “If you assume a 2.5 per cent increase in twin lamb survival over 4000 twin-bearing ewes, or 8000 foetuses, this equates to 400 lambs … at $150 a head, this is equivalent to $60,000 dollars straight off your bottom line,” he said. However, Tim said, if it was a typically wet winter, those figures could increase even further. “We know that using the best sheltered paddocks can add another 5 to 10 per cent to twin lamb survival, and this is where the real benefits of Precision Lambing are,” he said. “If you can take twin survival from a typical 82.5 per cent to 90 per cent, then all of a sudden we are talking about saving 7.5 per cent of twin born foetuses. For the Edgars at West Cuyaac, this could mean up to 1200 extra live lambs per year or $180,000 to their lamb sales.” Tim said key aspects of the Precision Lambing system were all about the ‘one percenters’ and seemed simply, but by consistently accumulating one percent from many aspects of a sheep operation it could pay big dividends. “Simple management changes, like identifying the best survival areas on farm and using them multiple times, reducing twin mob size, increasing efficiencies in supervision of lambing, tailoring better nutrition to pregnant ewes and or a combination of some or all of these areas, will pay dividends to your sheep enterprise,” Tim added. If you’re keen to learn more go to or
250+ COMPOSITE MATERNAL RAMS AVAILABLE OCTOBER 100+ QUARTER BACK RAMS 1ST NOVEMBER 100+ COMPOSITE RAM LAMBS AVAILABLE 15 TH JANUARY 7DNLQJ HZH HႈFLHQF\ DQG ODPE VXUYLYDO WR WKH QH[W OHYHO For a performance recorded, easy care prime lamb mother. We now breed a 60kg live weight ewe flock at CS 3, which can produce their weight in lamb inside 100 days; this is industry trialled and proven. A concentration of fat, muscle and early maturity has assisted in exceptional lamb survival outcomes. Over 25 years of self-replacing prime lamb breeding.
Selected Rams available for purchase from October 2nd 2020.
Tim & Georgie Leeming Tim’s mobile 0427 797 242 | Georgie’s mobile 0411 415 936 | TDC Penola Rob Handbury 0429 131 186 Ovine Brucellosis Free Accredited Flock No.3626 South Australia Eligable AB500
ocated 30mins north of Naracoorte, in the prime of the Southeast region. Rachael and Simon Withers have the perfect environment to breed high performing, low maintenance rams perfectly suited to the commercial producer looking for well-rounded prime lambs for trade or export. This is something they have been doing for the past 20 years with White Suffolks. Lambplan performance recorded with a strong emphasis on structural correctness.
October will see over a 100 of the 2019 drop rams ready for sale. 2020 brings exciting things to the sale season for POMANDA with the first drop of rams in the new breed on property – Ile De France (aprox 20 rams). “We are thrilled to have rams ready for sale this year with such an exciting new breed choice to bring to our ram buyers.” The Ile De France breed brings so many great characteristics to the ring, being an active and hardy sheep with high prolificacy, they
sire strong fast growing lambs. The ewe is noted as being extremely fertile, an excellent milk producer, easy lambed, with strong mothering capabilities and breeds naturally out of season. As a terminal sire to produce vigorous, hardy, fast growing lambs, yielding carcasses which grade well and demonstrate superior muscling of the loin and leg. They are incredibly virile, a 1% ram mating ratio is more than adequate, thus saving costs on ram purchase and upkeep. As a maternal sire for crossbreeding over commercial flocks of other breeds. They add hardiness, longevity, feed conversion, out of season breeding ability and an excellent flocking instinct. They are valued for their survival instincts as adults and as new born lambs with heavily insulated birth coats. Their clean breech and high wool quality is an asset when crossed with a range of breeds, a real positive to the traditional Merinos first cross. Ile De France sheep tend to have bare breeches - no need to mulse They ran a small trial of merino ewes (19 micron) sired by the Ile De France rams last year and have been extremely impressed by the first cross progeny. The wool quality beautifully white and only a few micron up on their mothers, the size and meatiness of the weather meant they were perfect prime lamb, easily finished and the ewe portion a great maternal option to breed on from. Rachael and Simon welcome enquires, details can be seen on the POMANDA Facebook page.
ABOVE: First Cross progeny from the Merino ewes by Ile De France sire 26
218 Commercial Street East Mount Gambier Phone (08) 8725 0855 Bucik Tyrepower
attle Glen Corriedale Stud celebrated 50 years of breeding prizewinning Corriedales in 2019. Exhibiting at shows gives the opportunity to show people the type of sheep being bred by Graham and Di Jenke at Strathalbyn, and is also seen as a way of comparing our sheep with those of other Corriedale breeders. We have regularly exhibited at the Royal Adelaide Show since 1989, and over the last 10 years at the Bendigo ASBA Sheep and Wool Show, and Hamilton Sheepvention, as well as numerous country
shows. Fleeces are also exhibited, consistently winning champion awards at the Royal Adelaide show. Being a woolclasser as well as a sheep breeder, studmaster Graham Jenke puts equal emphasis on the dual attributes of the Corriedale, being carcase and wool. This was recognised when an unhoused ram, 16-94, with a 23.9 micron fleece, won the national weaner class at Bendigo in 2017. His fleece at 12months weighed 8.5kg skirted. As a 2½ year old, 16-94 weighed 145kg. Another unhoused ram, 17-21, gained 2nd
place in the national weaner class at Bendigo in 2018. At both the 2018 and 2019 Royal Adelaide Shows, 16-94 won Champion ram. In 2019 at the Royal Adelaide show, his fleece won champion Corriedale fleece, weighing 8kg skirted, and testing 25.9 micron. The fleece of his sire, 13-44, when shorn at 5½ years old, was also exhibited, weighing 8kg skirted, and testing 26micron. The average micron of the stud ewes when shorn in 2019 was 25.5 micron. Many of this year’s sale rams are sired by 1694 and 13-44, and are showing great potential as sires. As the stud has not been able to display sheep at any shows in SA and Victoria this year due to Covid 19 restrictions, and with the uncertain future of the Blue Ribbon Corriedale Ram Sale at Ballarat in October, at which we have given people the opportunity to view our sheep, the stud is looking into ways prospective buyers can view and select our rams for their breeding purposes. Please feel free to contact Graham or Di Jenke (see ad for contact details), if you have any queries, so that we can keep you updated on options for ram sales.
ABOVE: What you see is what you get
ollowing last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s record October sale, Janmacâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 16th Annual Production Sale will feature approx. 220-230 Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Rams at the 2020 on-property auction. The largest offering to date presented by the Janmac team is driven by client feedback and strong market demand. Producing durable rams with the genetic potential to turn â&#x20AC;&#x153;grass into top end dollarsâ&#x20AC;? is one of Janmacâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s key breeding principles that sees the stud continue to grow in popularity amongst sheep producers. Potential purchasers seeking rams for increased profits from the paddock will find excellence in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s line-up. All Janmac rams have met strict selection criteria where traits including balance, structure, conformation, fertility and performance, growth rates and muscling were key to the selection process. While itsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; not quite business as usual this year, the Hauslerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s are adapting to the new normal and working closely with their agents, Rodwells Edenhope and Nutrien AG Solutions, Naracoorte to meet the new Covid-19 requirements, and ensure all Janmacâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s valued buyers can easily purchase the rams of their choice.
Another great addition to the studâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gene pool was the purchase of Kurralea 435-16 in 2017. This ram was purchased outright by Janmac for $12,000. Teaming up again with South Australiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rowett family, the partnership secured an outstanding sire, K234-16 for a sale top of $15,000 adding further genetic depth to the stud. Both these rams feature exceptional breed shape and muscling and highlights the Hauslerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to quietly achieve excellence in both breeds. Around 50 rams sired by these two high performance rams will feature in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sale and includes several stud prospects to be offered in the top ten stud ram lots Grant, Bryce and families extend a warm welcome to both stud and commercial lamb producers to the annual sale, to be held on-property in Goroke, Victoria, and interfaced on Elite Livestock Auctions on Wednesday 7th October. Keep up to date with the latest sale news and updates on or the Janmac Facebook page.
In a first for the stud, the on-property sale will be interfaced live online with the Elite Livestock Auctions platform so if borders remain closed all buyers can still participate in the October sale. The Elite Livestock Auctions platform offers the preferred â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Pick of the Penâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; selling format Janmac clients like, and as the entire sale will be streamed â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;liveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bids are easily accepted from any location around Australia after a simple registration process.
ABOVE: In the auctioneersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; box are David Heinrich, Landmark Naracoorte and Richard Miller, Landmark Stud Stock SA, with David Hannel, Rodwells Edenhope, and long-term clients, Paul Brook and Bill Rich. Joining them in the ring are Janmacâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grant and Bryce Hausler, Craig Rich, Jacob McGennisken, Rich Family Farms, and Stephen Rich with daughter Eloise.
Quietly achieving excellence
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Grant and Bryce are confident astute and professional lamb producers will find the impressive array of rams on offer this year will meet the industryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs,
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Two of the studâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most exciting sire purchases in recent years are producing exceptional progeny in both stud sire prospects and commercial rams. The outstanding sire, Ulandi Park 151-17 was purchased for $18,000 in partnership with Kurralea Poll Dorsets & White Suffolks, and selected for his length, clean points, and sire appeal. This ram has not disappointed with his progeny.
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arram Park will offer 300 well grown Maternal and Southie Terminal rams for sale at Hamilton Showgrounds on Tuesday the 13th of October this year. This will be our 8th annual sale, having sold under a private system for many years previously. The stud is run under strictly commercial conditions with no supplementary feeding or shedding. We aim to produce very sound well-structured rams with excellent constitution and doing ability. High fertility of both ewes and rams is of paramount importance, and we select heavily in regard to these traits. All sheep are fully lamb plan recorded, with all data presented in the sale catalogue that will be available a few weeks prior to our sale. Running the stud under our intensive commercial conditions without any supplementation gives us an accurate reflection of each individualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s doing ability and fertility, and what you see is what you will truly get. All sale rams are run and managed from weaning to sale day in large contemptary groups of over 250 head, to challenge constitution, structure and performance. Sire lines are not only progeny tested annually throughout our own large commercial flock, but are also fertility tested in big commercial joining groups under realistic and extensive conditions. The formation of the 1,400 strong breeding flock originated after Mt. Elephant was approached to carry some of the very first embryo work to come to Australia from New Zealand. This formed the basis of the stud, to which a number of breeds have been infused successfully to establish the current Perendale and Southdown composite flock. When Mt. Elephant Station was sold in 2010, the stud ewes were relocated to Yarram Park. Following the increasing demand in 2014
for Southie Terminal rams, we purchased the high performance Point Vale Southdown stud in 2015. This enabled us to fast track our terminal breeding expansion, with an additional 350 breeding ewes coming into our program. We are now confident we sit in a very strong position to supply larger lines of high performance Southdown composites to the market place as terminal sires. We had a rewarding sale season in 2019, marketing nearly 400 rams to existing and new clients in Victoria, South Australia, NSW, and Tasmania. We thank all those who supported our program so enthusiastically, and look forward to continuing a close association with you all. Feedback from several clients highlighted the excellent fertility in both our Maternal and Terminal ram program, with several flocks scanning up to 183% to ewes joined. The 2020 sale rams have come through an excellent summer period, followed by a kind Autumn â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Winter, and have grown out well. With a large genetic pool to draw from our big stud ewe base, we are able to carefully select and manage a sale team that is a very even line of sound, fertile and well developed rams ready to work. We are proud to offer another large run of young sires for your consideration on Tuesday 13th October 2020, at the Hamilton Showgrounds. Inspection is from 9.30 a.m. EST, with the Sale commencing at 11.30 a.m. EST. If you require any further information, or if we can be of any assistance in discussing and selecting your ram requirements, please contact the team at Yarram Park or your preferred agent. We also offer a classing and advisory service to any clients looking for assistance with their breeding program, and provide free delivery to property, if 5 or more rams are purchased at our annual production sale.
ABOVE: Commercial Progeny Tested Ewes
ajardah Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Stud continues to bench marking for quality.
The Stud recently contributed a group of stud lambs to the MLA Resource Flock Add-On- Project. The project aimed to calibrate eating quality traits using samples collected from the lambs. The results will add to the accuracy of LambPlan carcase quality values. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Benchmarking our sheep for performance holds us in excellent stead for our ram buyers,â&#x20AC;? said Adam. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lamb is a quality premium product that needs to compete with a range of other protein sources. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Protecting its reputation as a premium source of protein will hold and hopefully grow consumer demand,â&#x20AC;? explained Dale. All Majardah lambs are tagged and weighed at birth, this cumulates into
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many hours in the paddock ensuring accurate data is being collected. We also utilize dna genomic testing to verify parentage particularly of any ram lambs to be used, sold to fellow stud breeders or semen sales. The Price family are very careful when assigning management groups and collecting data to maximise the accuracy of their LambPlan data. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want clients to be confident that the rams they buy live up to their visual assessment and LambPlan Australian Sheep Breeding Values. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We must be getting something right by the feedback weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re getting from our clients. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rewarding to see their success,â&#x20AC;? said Dale. The Majardah 2020 sale rams are shaping up very well. They have very impressive ASBVs and selecting for conformation is always important. We use many ram lambs in our own commercial enterprise with great results. We select these rams for moderate birthweight, high growth and muscle ASBVs and sound conformation because we minimize disruption during the lambing period. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s results have been boosted by mild weather an added bonus. Notably in our stud we have assisted only four lambs to date with over 1000 lambs on the ground. The Majardah Ram Sale will be held on October 12th commencing at 1:00pm.
Majardah Rams 2020.
Terminal Breed Avg.
124 POLL DORSET & 30 WHITE SUFFOLK RAMS â&#x20AC;˘ All rams selected for sound conformation, moderate BWT, growth, muscle and worm resistance.
CONTACT: DALE & RUTH PRICE 0428 394 300 ADAM PRICE 0428 230 100 Email:
â&#x20AC;˘ Young rams bred for commercial use. â&#x20AC;˘ Performance backed by 48 years of breeding.
3% rebate for outside agents. Inspection from 11:30am. Lunch provided.
BEN GREGORY 0418 498 587 32
PETER CREEK 0428 838 332
The sale will be conducted in conjunction with Auctions Plus. Inspection and a light luncheon will be available from 11:30am. For further information contact: Adam 0428230100, Dale 0428394300, Peter Creek MWJ 0428838332 or Ben Gregory Elders 0418498587.
ABOVE: Success staring you in the face with Majardah Rams
len Holme 141077 is one of 25 sires participating at the Balmoral site of the AWI funded and AMSEA delivered, Merino Lifetime Productivity project. The site is one of five sites that will see 134 sires, 5,500 ewes, close to 2 million pieces of data collected and analysed to explore the drivers of lifetime productivity. These measurements include growth, carcase, wool production and quality, along with reproduction data. Based on four years of data analysed, progeny sired by Glen Holme 141077 showed a genetic increase in micron by just 0.5um, 9% reduction in CFW, BUT showing superior early maturity with an advantage of 5.9kg above average at post weaning weight. He is also a leader for eye muscle depth and overall growth rate. Adult measurements include • Reproduction Kg of lambs weaned per ewes joined A2 stage – 32% higher than average for Kg lambs weaned/No. of ewes joined (5.8kg) A3 stage – 33% higher than average on Kg lambs weaned/No. of ewes joined (7.2kg) Number of Lambs Weaned (Research Breeding Values) A2 stage – 21% above average for number of lambs weaned per ewe joined A3 stage – 23% above average for number of lambs weaned per ewe joined. • Wool Fleece weight A4 stage – just 9% reduction in CFW based on the flock breeding value
To assist people moving to cease mulesing and to assist those who have already made the change, this ram’s progeny are showing 0.6 improvement in breech wrinkle score (1.5 visual score) and 0.2 improvement in breech cover score (2.8 visual score). The evaluation is continuing on this drop and hogget stage measurements are still to be taken. SUMMARY: Glen Holme 162503 impressive increases in growth rate at both weaning and post weaning for just 1% reduction in wool cut, with improved breech traits. We believe in robust transparent evaluation of our sires in the public realm, and as such have nominated many sires for evaluation. We continue to nominate sires for evaluation at other sites. Results of these evaluations compare Dohnes against Merinos and Poll Merinos, enabling credible conclusions to be publicly available. All data presented has been extracted from the Balmoral Sire Evaluation Trial Results and unless
stated otherwise, references the Flock Breeding Values. The FBVs are calculated from data recorded and express the expected genetic performance of a sire relative to another sire in the evaluation. If you are not already using Glen Holme genetics, what could increases like this do for your flock and business? If you would like to discuss these results, please contact us or visit our website www. Glen Holme OnProperty Auction will be on September 17th 2020, with approximately 120 commercial Dohne ewe hoggets offered for sale prior to the 95 registered Dohne rams. Details and ASBVs on rams will be available on the Glen Holme website from the beginning of September.
Agents conducting the sale are Nutrien Ag Solutions (formerly Landmark) and AWN.
AWN Rob Williams - 0448 484 176 Peter Hayman – 0438 398 311
The agents can also be contacted Nutrien Ag Solutions – Gordon Wood – 0408 813 215 Richard Miller - 0428 849 327 Leo Redden – 0408 806 021
ABOVE: Glen Holme 162503 weaners at Jigsaw Farms, Balmoral Sire Evaluation 2020 Field Day
Manoora SA Allen Kelly - 0409 018 943
SUMMARY: Glen Holme 141077 – slightly down on adult fleece weight, BUT the bonus is 32% more kg of lambs weaned in 2018 and 33% more kg of lambs weaned in 2019, with only 0.5 micron greater than average of all sires. Just as exciting are the results from the Balmoral Sire Evaluation 2019 drop (Post Weaning update, and preliminary results). Progeny sired by Glen Holme 162503 had near flock average fibre diameter and fleece weight (-0.1um FD and -1% CFW), BUT superior early maturity with an advantage of 10.6kg (FBV) above the flock average at post weaning. w
Self Replacing Ewes
Highly Fertile 33
Easy Care
On Property Auction 17th September - 1pm 95 Dohne Rams & approx 120 Commercial Dohne Ewes
Prime Lambs
Excellent Mothers
his year the stud will again offer 70 White Suffolk and 70 Border Leicester rams at our annual sale on Friday the 25th of September. Due to the current covid 19 situation and travel restrictions this years sale will also be on Auctions Plus. This year’s offering of White Suffolk’s will see rams from our proven sires, Anden 15/108, Castle Camps Kuzz 15/26. Both these rams have breed very well and will have some excellent rams in this year’s sale. Waratah 16/312, who is in the top5% for both weaning and post weaning weight. Also represented will be new rams Castle Camps A2
17/138 an excellent muscled ram with width and depth through the back end, Castle Camps Kuzz 2nd 17/34 a long stylish ram and Mertex 17/593 purchased for his White Suffolk type and carcase qualities. Complementing these rams are our two AI sires Woolumbool 17/3980 and Ashmore 17/526, both of these rams are in the top 5% for muscle. Our Border Leicester sale rams this year will see progeny from four new sires. Gleneith 17/3 and Gleneith 17/86, two stylish high indexing rams purchased from the Gleneith stud in NSW. As well as two rams from our AI program Castle Camps Aroura (son of Johnos 11/83) and Castle Camps
Barney 17/357 (son of Inverbrackie 14/8041). Complimenting the line up will be our proven sire Duenclin Cut Out (top 1% for maternal weaning weight) and our two AI rams Jackson 17/126 and Coolawang 15/107. Again many of the rams offered will have negative WEC’s (worm egg counts) a trait that is considered very important at Castle Camps. Over the years wool quality has also been important. This is reflected in our own First Cross ewes who test between 25 to 27 micron. At Castle Camps our stud operation is very much run with a commercial focus in mind with importance placed on sheep with natural doing ability. Our stud ewes are run under commercial conditions and our young rams are run through the summer and autumn with only minimal supplementary feeding. This gives us confidence that our rams go on and perform well for our clients. We continue to get great feedback for both breeds with our clients getting excellent results with both lambs and their first cross ewes. This year’s sale will be held on the property at 2018 Riddoch Hwy, Keith on Friday the 25th of September starting at 11am, with inspections from 9.30am. Ian and Sue invite you to come and inspect the rams either on sale day or before the sale. You can also follow us on face book or go to our website www.castlecamps. for our online catalogue which will be available from early September or just give Ian a call on 0438 566 030 to arrange a suitable time for an inspection.
ABOVE: This year’s auction will also be on Auctions Plus for anyone who can’t attend in person.
D Sheepstuds breeds three sheep types to suit differing climates, environment, labour availability, farmer lifestyle and other animal species grazed. I don’t get hung up on a breed name ,its more about the attributes a breed can add to our composite ewe base to enhance a farmers ease of management and profitability . Sheep meat production is always front and centre with the breeding we persue The overriding characteristic with any sheep at KD is the easy lambing. With 20 + years of recording and monitoring stud births, there is barely a lamb lost at birth due to difficult presentation, even from lambing ewes 11 months of age. We provide extensive actual data on our rams including sire and dam (in some cases) , date of birth , birth type , rear type , wean weight , post weaning weight at 5-6 months , yearling weight , full wool measurements on the wool type sheep and a muscle and fat measurement . KD had been submitting data to produce ASBV’s but the composite nature of our breeding
was fading in relevance due to a lack of across flock links. The KD Charollais & Composite sheep type that have been evolving for 19 years is used mainly as a terminal sire and has had the Charollais (sheep) breed in the mix for the past five years.We are so impressed with the Charollais Composite that we sourced some Charollais fullblood ewes and performed some embryo transfer ,some of those progeny available on September 14th 2020 ram sale. “The hybrid vigour, growth and muscling amazes me every time I handle these lambs,” Kym Staude said. “The lambs are typically born under 4kg and then take off from there on,” Kym said. KD Wooled Composites are a full wool sheep type and with each generation there is an increase in black hooved progeny, making them better for wetter areas. They are suitable over Merinos, crossbreds of all types and their speciality is for use over maiden ewes or ewe lambs. On September 14th KD Sheepstuds will have approximately 60 rams available. Younger spring 2019 born
rams are available for the months after the auction for those that are mating ewe lambs early in 2021
conditions with autumn lambing this year above 130% including maiden ewes.
The Advanced Meat Wool Merino has some profit driving attributes that are sought after .A Dohne ewe base has been bred since 2007 at the stud. They grow 4-6kg of 18-20 micron wool and they are not designed to be heavy wool cutters but to produce fast growing lambs with good carcass traits.
This years sale rams are from new genetics from Triggervale stud in NSW and a Westbrook ram carrying very stylish wool and previous sires from Koonik Dohne stud.
Dohne X wether lambs can convert feed into meat more efficiently than traditional Merinos, and with growth rates up to 400 grams per day, and at the current meat prices a bit less wool grown is easily made up for .There’s more money to be made from this sheep type that are producing higher growth lambs and more ewe lambs to work with . Dohne base sheep can handle tough
The group of rams for sale this year were up to 52 kg at weaning , up to 69 kg at 6 month weight and as of August 1st were up to 100 kg running on a natural pasture system. KD Sheepstuds will have 45 AMWM rams available on September 14th. For 21 years K D stud has been breeding wool shedding sheep. The Australian White sheep were introduced in 2011 and used over our shedding composite ewe base that the stud has developed.
They are now producing the ultimate sheep for easy care and producers in wet areas can now also use this type of sheep with confidence. The difference is that KD Sheepstuds now have in excess of 90 percent black hooved sheep and no feet are trimmed on rams presented for sale. This has been the greatest move ahead with our breeding of this sheep type. The other factor is that Aussie White/ KD Shedding Composite lambs are born with a thick hair coat. Given the recent wet and cold months, there has hardly been a lamb lost due to the cold conditions. The ewes are non seasonal breeders and one group of the stud ewes has just lambed for the third time in 15 months. There are also young ewes that are 11 months old and are about to lamb. We will have fullblood Australian White rams and Composite rams by KD Shedders that have gained many favourable comments from clients over the past years . The new Ultra White shedding breed has been used via A.I. and we will have a few rams available on October 8th . The Red Meatmaster breed is the same sheep type but there are varying red , brown and black colours within the breed .They are hardy and prolific breeders with faultless feet structure On Thursday 8th October KD Sheepstuds will have 40 – 50 ‘Top of the Drop’ rams available on-farm at Bordertown. There are 80 rams available this season. We will also have some small groups of Composite ewes available on sale day . See for more information or phone Kym on 0412 070 971.
ABOVE: “Advanced Meat/Wool Dohne Merino “ growth , muscle , hardy , fertile with a respectable 19 micron average fibre 36
Structural steel and C-Section Sheds Industrial Sheds Commercial Sheds Yard Covers Domestic Sheds Pergolas Carports Roller Doors Panelift Doors
291 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier, SA
Phone: (08) 8725 2155 37
205 Jubilee Highway East Mount Gambier Phone: (08) 8725 2022
Robert Fry 0429 688 119
Jason Hann 0418 532 935
When Knowledge and Expertise matter Contact the guys with over 25 years Experience! 38
RUSSELL INDUSTRIES GETTING THE JOB DONE FOR 25 YEARS government looks to spur businesses to invest. The instant asset write-off threshold of $150,000 for businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $500 million and now runs until December 31.
So head to 205 Jubilee Highway East or call (08)8725 2022 and find out how Russell Industries can help you with all your agricultural equipment needs.
Locally owned and operated by Russell and Robyn Collins, the Jubilee Highway East business can assist the man on the land with a wide range of products and services, from tractors to seeding equipment, from balers to other hay equipment, from sprayers to on farm transport, Russell Industries is your one stop shop for expert advice and personalised service.
LEFT: Russell Industries sales consultants Robert Fry & Jason Hann
hat started with qualified mechanic Russell Collins offering mechanical repairs at Yahl 25 years ago, has developed into one of the regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most trusted suppliers of agricultural equipment for almost three decades with Russell Industries building its reputation on outstanding, expertise and customer service as well as a commitment to providing trusted, quality brands.
TESTIMONIALS â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whatever the brand of machinery you operate it must have a back up. In a 24/7 operation like ours breakdowns and down time are very costly to your bottom line. Russell Industries and their staff provide prompt and reliable service and parts to keep our business running every day.â&#x20AC;? DARREN BERKEFELD (BERKO GROUP) â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are currently running two Pottinger C6 seeders and are extremely pleased with the machines. Russell and Robyn Collins (owners of Russell Industries) and their sales staff Jason Hann & Robert Fry with their back team (mechanics and parts personnel) are extremely helpful with all issues including purchases, warranty work parts and problems which are always overcome. l also note that there are several Pottinger seeders seeders in the Lower South East being run by either other contractors and or farmers doing there own seeding, some of which have tried other seeding machines only to convert to a Pottinger seeder and experience less trouble and less costs. Pottinger are always improving and upgrading their products and we will be purchasing a new Pottinger C6 ready for the 2021 seeding season. Thanks to Russell Industries, Pottinger and New Holland for their past assistance and we will keep the relationship strong going into the future.â&#x20AC;? GEOFFREY HANCOCK (DM & GW HANCOCK)
Russell Industries is also at the forefront of all your maintenance and repair needs, with a fully equipped workshop and experienced staff to keep your equipment running at its best and all the accessories that ensure your equipment works more efficiently and effectively to get the job done with a minimum of fuss. The business also offers radiator sales and repairs for all makes and models and an extensive range of spare parts for most applications. Russell Industries prides itself on being locals serving locals and the trusted, expert team are all familiar faces around town. Russell Industries have teamed up with some of the most trusted brands on the agriculture landscape including New Holland, Pottinger, Giltrap, Hardi and Polaris and as stockists of these quality brands, they can find the right fit for you and your needs. Now is also the perfect time to take advantage of the Federal Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s extension of the $150,000 instant asset writeoff to the end of the year as the
25th Annual On-Property
80 Poll Dorset 80 Border Leicester Flock Rams Cannawigara via Bordertown THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17th, 2020. AUCTION 1.00PM SA time OJD Vaccinated Accredited Ovine Brucellosis Free 6WRFNVFDQ Ă&#x20AC;JXUHV DYDLODEOH
Barbecue Lunch Supplied 5% rebate to outside agents
Ph: Michael King Mobile 0418 724 189 or email 76 Bainger Road Cannawigara via Bordertown 39
lundstone, the iconic boot brand, is commemorating its 150th Anniversary in 2020. An incredible landmark in the brand’s history, Blundstone is proud of achieving 150 years of making the sturdiest, most comfortable and stylish boots for all walks of life. Established in Tasmania in 1870, Blundstone remains 100 percent family-owned, and continues to be shaped by the vision and values of its founders and owners. John Blundstone started making fit-forpurpose footwear that could withstand the cobbled city streets, rugged farmland, dance and factory floors of Hobart, Tasmania in the late-1800s. This philosophy has allowed Blundstone to adapt to an ever-changing environment, and 150 years later the commitment to durability, quality and innovation has not wavered. “There are only a handful of brands that have been in existence for 150 years and an even smaller number that remain family-owned,” said Steve Gunn, Blundstone CEO, “The success of the Blundstone brand is
that we have always remained true to our heritage. Blundstone boots were born tough to weather the untamed terrain of Tasmania, they have marched in armies and dug deep on Everest. Today, our boots continue to work hard, exploring the world while simultaneously pounding the pavements of fashion capitals globally. We’re really excited to mark our 150th milestone with new partners, campaigns and products.”
the stories of those who have worn the boots in the past and those who wear them today, inspiring the next generation of Blundstone wearers. A new microsite will showcase the brand’s history and the campaign creative, sharing stories of the people who wear these iconic boots.
Known for its iconic elastic-sided Chelsea boots, Blundstone footwear is instantly recognizable for its tough, no-nonsense style that can be dressed up or dressed down. And the humble boots have endured the Great Depression, both World Wars, and an ever-changing fashion landscape, from the swinging ‘60s to ’80s grunge. The brand’s history is a constant inspiration, but its ethos and focus remain the same – to produce boots that can take you anywhere. Blundstone and its products have stood the test of time, garnering cult status among creatives, adventurers, and tastemakers around the world. Throughout 2020, Blundstone will tell
In honour of its 150th anniversary, Blundstone have released a limited-edition #9150 safety boot and a limited-edition #150 casual boot to mark the milestone with an iconic product.
The digital cornerstone of the campaign will live on www.
Blundstone Timeline A history of never standing still 1870 // The Birth Of A Tasmanian Icon Our story begins in 1855 when John and Eliza Blundstone arrive in Hobart following a 93-day boat journey from England. Founded in 1870, Blundstone started importing boots from Europe before boot making with locally sourced leathers became their forte. A defining moment comes at the Tasmanian International Exhibition in 1894. The collection of Blundstone footwear is deemed ‘exceptional’, ‘exceedingly well made’, and ‘second to none’. Blundstone supplied every description of men’s, women’s and children’s boots designed to be lived and worked in. 1900s // Boots On The Ground With John’s sons having proudly registered the trademark to include the word ‘Tasmania’ just prior, they lead Blundstone into the 20th century as an era of prosperity begins. A state-of-the-art boot factory is built from the ground up in the heart of Hobart’s CBD, pumping out 2000 boots and shoes per week. When World War I breaks out, Blundstone is one of twenty manufacturers contracted to collectively deliver 100,000 pairs of boots per month to Aussie troops. 1930s // A Tale Of Two Families In the midst of the Great Depression and resulting global financial stress, another family synonymous with quality footwear steps in and acquires the Blundstone business when it is put up for sale in 1932. This family was the Cuthbertsons who had navigated a similar path to Tasmania back in the 1800s and had been operating their own tannery and boot making factory in Hobart. Following the acquisition, the name Blundstone was retained because of its longstanding association with quality and reliability. 40
1940s // War And Peace World War II breaks out and Blundstone steps up again. Half-amillion pairs of boots are supplied to the Australian Army during World War II, including those worn by soldiers on the infamous Kokoda Track. Our wartime boots are so enviable American soldiers try - and succeed - in swapping them for their own. These coveted army patterns are incorporated into our workboots in the postwar years. 1950s // The Rise Of The Work boot Blundstone leads the way with its cutting-edge sole technology and word of our ingenuity begins to spread. Our Campbell Street factory is soon inundated with requests for made-to-order work boots that could withstand the most extreme conditions, including the 350°C baking room of Comalco Aluminium in the following decade. Towards the end of the 1950s Blundstone is producing up to 200 pairs of boots a day under the stewardship of Managing Director Harold Cuthbertson. 1960s // The Birth Of An Icon By the 1960s, more than 90 years after it was founded, Blundstone stands tall as Tasmania’s preeminent manufacturer of footwear. This is also the era our now iconic 500 series is born. These boots are true originals. The sole design has evolved over time to incorporate new technology, but the overall design with our distinctive pull-up tabs on the elastic-sided Chelsea boot continue to set us apart. The 500 has since sold more than 25 million pairs globally, proving a hit with workers, adventurers, and creatives alike. 1970s // Scaling New Heights In the late-1970s Blundstone reaches new heights, literally. Our boots are on the feet of an Australian expedition to Everest, with the Nepalese Sherpas loving them so much they request (and receive) them as parting gifts. We forge a partnership with the science institute, CSIRO to explore new technologies and more sustainable production processes. The era ends with an Australian Design Award for our Armourtread range of safety boots, the first ever to be bestowed on an Australian footwear manufacturer. 1980s // Blundstone On The Move Managing Director Sir Harold Cuthbertson is knighted for services to industry and community, while demand for factory space sees us on the move again. Our new home in Moonah, north of Hobart, is where our global headquarters remains today. We consolidate ties with New Zealand in particular through the expansion of a factory in Auckland.
Small volumes of boots are produced on this site as well as expanded manufacturing of boot uppers which are shipped to our Hobart site. In the mid-1980s, a Swedish farmer stumbles across a pair of Blundstones while holidaying in Australia. He falls in love with the product, opening up the first export market to Europe. We receive an Australian Export Award in 1986, recognising relationships with Pacific nations and New Zealand, while gumboots join our growing suite of products. They’re produced to this day in a purpose-built factory in Hobart. 1990s // Showing Our Range A collaboration with Sydney Dance Company’s Tap Dogs production caps off a decade in which we spread our artistic wings. By the late-1990s, Blundstone is represented in 22 countries worldwide. Our range expands to include Blundstone boots for kids, as well as a range of safety footwear for women acknowledging their place in our industries. 2000s // One Million Boots & Beyond The era starts with a bang. We’re once again on the feet of the Tap Dogs as they showcase Australia to the world at the Opening Ceremony at the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. The Mountain Master hiking boots - perfect for globetrotters comes with its very own Lonely Planet guide. By the mid-2000s, Blundstone is producing one million pairs of boots from its Hobart factory. During this period changes in consumer choice, global supply chain, and trade agreements force a new direction for the business and production of our leather products moves offshore. Today our products are manufactured in six sites around the world, including Hobart. 2010s // New Horizons Our international exposure continues, with Australian athletes proudly wearing our thermal boots at the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014. A year later we win a second coveted Australian Design Award, this time for the 980 mining boot. Proving good design and supreme work wear aren’t mutually exclusive, these are credited with fundamentally changing the way mining boots are made. 2020// 150 years of Blundstone Still proudly family-owned and headquartered in Tasmania, Blundstone boots are worn and loved around the world by people young and old, for work and play. And whilst our boots won’t change the world, the people wearing them just might.
A NATURAL FIT FOR HARDWORK. Available at CRT* Find your local branch at
The #992 is built for farming. The zip sided lace up is great for easy on, HDV\ Rʷ FRQYHQLHQFH ZKLOH WKH XQGHUIRRW cushioning provides all day comfort.
Sleek with a square toe and herringbone elastic, the rich thoroughbred #659 also has a moulded footbed to ensure you don’t VDFULʸFH VW\OH IRU FRPIRUW
Made in Tasmania, these all-rounders are recommended for general purpose farming activities but are not suitable for use in the food industry.
*Subject to stock availability. The range of products may differ at each CRT Store.
: ^ŚĞĂƌŝŶŐ
Contact Jamie for a clean, reliable, stress free job at reasonable rates! EŽǁ ŽīĞƌŝŶŐ ĨƵůů ĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚ Θ ĐŽƐƚ ƉůƵƐ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ
08 8737 3917
0429 363 280 ABOVE: Holding and catching pens of shearing shed fit out
ommander Ag-Quip continues to work closely with farmers to provide safe, efficient, affordable and practical designs. With high demands for replacing yards our team offers free on-farm design service. Our experienced consultants survey and measure using a total robotic base station and discuss your needs and solutions. A standard yard design can be used or a completely custom designed one to suit your needs. Prior to the yard installation, a consultant will re-visit your property and accurately stake the site out ready for the installers. The yards are then installed by our team of experienced yard erectors using high quality first class Australian steel. Our priority is to provide safe, efficient, and practical yards at an affordable price. Contact us today about our large product range including shearing shed fitouts, augers, feed-out bins, silos, field bins and more. Our custom designed shearing shed fitouts can be installed in new or existing sheds and can be designed working in with shed builders for the best result.
oolumbool is based north of Lucindale in SA’s South East and has been breeding Poll Dorsets since 1975, White Suffolks since 1987 and registered Poll Merinos since 1992.
250 RAMS AVAILABLE FOR SALE FROM OCTOBER 1ST ONWARDS. Rams have a two working season guarantee. Brucellosis Accreditation 599
Objective measurements are a must use tool at Woolumbool, in fact we would not breed sheep without them in conjunction with visual traits. It is efficient production which underpins the breeding objectives at Woolumbool where we aim for lower birthweights coupled with high early growth combined with exceptional muscling which gives our rams the capacity to produce fast growing easy finishing lambs. Our rams are raised principally on pasture and we are reluctant to use supplementary feed unless the season is really against us. Woolumbool rams are all late winter or spring born and are therefore not overweight by sale time and are very fit and active leading to very good mating capacity. Our clients in general are very focussed on breeding values and are particularly interested in purchasing sires which fit their own breeding objectives. Woolumbool has always been proactive with involvement in the latest research and to this end with interest in lamb eating quality we have more recently submitted lambs for processing in conjunction with other studs where the loins have been retained to measure imf and sf5 by MLA scientists to contribute to our current knowledge in this area. DNA testing of a portion of our young rams has become a regular occurrence in more recent years. The 2020 offering of Poll Dorset and White Suffolk rams has a high proportion of rams sired by leading rams on the LEQ index. The Woolumbool Poll Merino stud flock has a large suite of objective measurements taken across wool and meat traits. We aim to breed a robust, worm resistant merino which produces high clean fleece weight wool of 18 micron which is free growing long stapled and bright with good resistance to flystrike. Our Poll Merino rams are consistently above average when compared across the 3 main merino indexes.
Woolumbool also breeds Multimeat composites which carry a DNA tested double copy of the booroola high fecundity gene. This composite is particularly useful for breeding 1st cross ewes with very high lambing capacity with scanning rates in excess of 200% leading to well managed ewes able to wean in excess of 155% without having to lower stocking rates to achieve this.
We have recently been putting emphasis on the fleece characteristics and measuring the full suite of wool traits of the Multimeat composite to produce finer fleeces without losing carcase attributes. The Multimeat rams are not included in our annual sale but are available by lease arrangement only, through the Multimeat Company.
FLOCK NO. 1754
Founded 1979
Founded 1988
Founded 1987
FLOCK NO. 2924
Kent Martin 0437 699 210 | Rose Martin 0408 929 509 Nick Martin 0448 521 816 Landline (best option) 08 87 393 058 | 141 Slaughterhouse Road, Kalangadoo, SA 5278
ABOVE: 2019 Ram Sale - top priced rams
Annual On-Property Ram Sale - 240 Rams 110 White Suffolk Flock Rams 110 Poll Dorset Flock Rams 20 Poll Merino Flock Rams See a list of our Elites with data on our website
Wednesday 7th October - 1pm • Currently 2nd rank LEQ Sire • 2380 Progeny • Semen available • High accuracies • Sons available at this years ram sale • 2 High ranking sons with semen available • 185559_LEQ 169.7 • 185540_LEQ 167.2
WOOLUMBOOL-173980 BWT WWT PWT PEMD 17.7 3.4 0.45 11 98% 98% 98% 99%
PFAT 0.6 98%
PWEC -62 95%
NLW 10% 49%
DRESS 2.8 80%
Contact Phil & Sharon Clothier, PO Box 102, Naracoorte, SA 5271 Ph (08) 8765 8026 • Mob 0427 658 026 • Email Aaron & Sally Clothier • Mob 0428 658 002 • Email 43
LMY 2.52 89%
IMF 0.49 68%
SHEARF5 -5.4 67%
TCP 164.9 64%
LEQ 174.7 72%
ustralia’s sheep industry contributes a value of production of just under $4.5 billion to the Australian economy. With over 72 million sheep and employing over 100,000 Australians, it’s an industry that requires quite specific insurance covers to enhance the prospects of maintaining a profitable business.
• Death caused by accident during transportation
There are generally two types of insurance cover that can be obtained for your sheep, one being a stud stock policy that can enable you to cover your stud rams and ewes against:
• Certain causes of death, including such things as Foot and Mouth disease or Footrot to name a few.
• Death due to an accident • Death due to an illness or disease • Loss of use due to an accident (rams) • Loss of use due to an illness (rams) This type of cover may also include • Automatic cover, right from the fall of the hammer at sales • Insured agreed value right from the fall of the hammer at sales • Cover from private sales as well • Death due to destruction on humane grounds
Exclusions can apply and may include (but not limited to) • Genetic infertility • Veterinary costs or surgical costs agreed upon with the insurer and procedures performed to preserve the life of the animal.
Other covers that may be needed, such as transit insurance, that can either be added to an existing farm policy or taken as a separate cover, may be more extensive than that provided under the Stud livestock policies. The alternative to the stud stock cover (above) or in addition, to cover the entire flock is the livestock cover provided under most farm insurance policies. This section of the farm policy may be able to extend to also cover your working dogs for specific events. Each policy will vary in both their cover and exclusions but in general you should look for a policy that covers the following: • Death of livestock caused by fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake or malicious damage • Death of livestock caused by impact by any vehicle or aircraft • Theft of livestock up to an agreed sum insured (this may be less than your total livestock sum insured) • Destruction, certified by a veterinarian, for humane reasons, following an insured event (Eg: fire) Some of the better policies will automatically increase the insured sum insured by 30% during the three months of high fire danger, at no extra cost. It is wise to check insurance cover for public liability, to ensure that you (the owner of the livestock) are covered should the stock escape and become involved in a collision. As always, it’s best to speak to your local insurance broker, who will be able to search the available marketplace for the insurance covers that suit your individual requirements. For more information on Farm, Crop or Livestock insurance go to
ABOVE: MGA Insurance can help protect your livestock. 44
FM Asset Management (SFM) has been in the Green Triangle region since 2011 establishing its Mount Gambier office in 2017. The team continues to look to share their expertise and industry networks with local landowners who could benefit from branching out into Agroforestry. For landholders with established plantations, SFM can take care of all your harvest and marketing needs, providing access to the most lucrative domestic and export markets. SFM is truly independent so they always look for the best deal available for you in the current market. General Manager Mike Lawson explained the value of tapping into SFM is their multiple revenue streams. “That basically means there’s zero risk that somebody will not be paid for their resource,” he said. “We see this as a low cost, low risk investment and we have access to multiple domestic and export markets. We work in the
correctly it can improve overall farm productivity.” SFM also takes care of the red tape and government paperwork to ensure you are ticking all the boxes required. Their knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the process ensures you have a stress-free experience of stepping into the plantation space. SFM backs their expertise and knowledge, offering obligation free advice for any landowner looking to transform portions of their property to plantation.
best interests of the grower – we always put them first.” Don’t currently have a plantation? The Federal Government has released an Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) and SFM has the perfect team to guide you through just how you can turn unproductive or under-utilised land into a genuine income stream. “Providing you are eligible, you can secure a 10-year revenue stream
from year one of a newly established plantation,” Mr Lawson said. “We can help landowners access the ERF to establish plantations on their land, then provide full management services throughout the crop rotation. We are perfectly set up to get private growers into forestry in a low-cost way. We are all about working with the landowner and addressing their unique situation. There are so many benefits with the added bonus that when done
“We see that as part of building a sustainable business,” Mr Lawson said. “And we have team members in Victoria and South Australia so we are operating relatively as normal at the moment. We can still offer face to face meetings where allowed, albeit at a reasonable social distance!” SFM also operates in Tasmania and Western Australia. Adding plantations to your family farm really can be a prudent investment.
“The footprint can be relatively small, but the longer-term returns can be incredible – and they’re just the ones we can calculate. The intangible benefits to the farm environment are real also, just harder to measure” SFM can’t wait to walk you through the benefits of adding forestry to your farm portfolio. FSC and Responsible Wood certified, SFM offer certified management of commercial-scale and private forestry plantation estates, including harvesting and logistics solutions, market options and independent advice to a wide range of forestbased projects. Contact Mike and the team today for all your Agroforestry needs on (08) 8778 1236 or via email
ABOVE: The SFL Asset Management team.
raditionally sheep farmers across Australia were dependent on the weather being right to work on sheep, with work only happening when conditions allowed. The work was planned around the weather and when inclement weather occurred sheep work was deferred incurring cost and inconvenience (leaving the farmer feeling sheepish and the contractors feeling fleeced) Traditionally sheep farmers across Australia were dependent on the weather being right to work on sheep, with work only happening when conditions allowed. The work was planned around the weather, and when inclement weather occurred, sheep work was deferred incurring cost and inconvenience (leaving the farmer feeling sheepish and the contractors feeling fleeced). Farmers with Spanlift Yard Covers enjoy the flexibility of planning their week to their own schedule with minimal impact from the weather. Spanlift’s curved sheep yard covers reduce animal spooking, protect equipment, yards & sheep and creates an ultimate working environment. Sheep can be
12m – 60m, they can cover just about everything coming with a vast range of options including wide bays or varying bay sizes, roller & sliding doors, open sides or ends, roof only structures. The options are endless in being able to design something to meet even the toughest of requirements. We recommend you contact Spanlift on 1300 234 321 or visit our website to discuss your shed requirements and arrange your free on-farm appointment to assist with the design of your new rural structure. To check out videos of some completed projects go to undercover overnight, bringing certainty which both the farmer and the contractors enjoy. Every farmer knows that the layout of his sheep yards is crucial to the handling of his sheep. Spanlift have developed customised engineered solutions with minimal impact on your yard layout, gateways and raceways. With every piece of structural steel being fully hot-dip galvanised and the shed frames having a 50-year warranty, it brings
an added comfort to the investment. Some things to consider when looking at your new yard cover, that Spanlift can assist with-in the design, include: • Natural lighting where you need it most • Building Design to suit yards with minimal disruption • Design to integrate with existing buildings as required • Ensure suitable cover is achieved without sacrificing airflow • Provision for loading facilities 46
• Extra height in truck access areas • Column protector systems to prevent animal bruising • Gate hinges welded onto columns as suited • Manage Stormwater discharge and collection on site • Cover to accommodate future expansion plans. Something to keep in mind - all Spanlift’s sheds and rural buildings have a fully hot-dipped galvanised steel frame and with clear span from
Wet Sheep when you need them Dry? Think Spanlift – Proven Yard Cover Specialists. CALL NOW ON 1300 234 321 or Email at hello@
ABOVE: Sheep Yard Cover; Length 39.5m, Span 24m, Height 3.5m, 948m2, Zincalume
e c i v d a t h g i r e h t d e e n u o y n e h ! W m a e T l a n o i s s e f o r P , d e c n e i r e p x from an E
If you are considering establishing trees on your land or harvesting an existing plantation, contact Mike & the team at SFM Asset Management for a free, no obligation discussion. Ph: (08) 8778 1236 Email:
SFM Asset Management â&#x20AC;&#x201C; growing trees, growing value 47
Spanlift - SAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top Sheep Yard Cover & Shearing Shed Builder
Looking to upgrade your farm infrastructure? A Sheep Yard Cover - An investment that MAKES SENSE Additional undercover sheep storage for shearing
Custom-designed around existing yard layouts
Improved working conditions
Manufactured here in South Australia
Optional round column to reduce animal bruising
Book a free on-farm site visit today! 1300 234 321