3 minute read

Balance, Breath and Beyond

Balance, Breath, and Beyond

Layne Borba encourages the practice of balance and proper breath in any physical activity we endeavor.

Words and photos provided by Layne Borba

As we enter the new year, many of us are setting physical goals for ourselves. While it's beneficial to add in more exercise to your routine, something we remind our clients in the studio is to balance the muscle groups. One way to do this is by incorporating more stretching in your routine. If your goal is to start running more, you'll want to be mindful to add hip flexor and hamstring stretches to your cooldown. Or, if you've always wanted to try pickleball, we would suggest you work on your obliques and spinal rotation in both directions. Our goal for all clients is to help them better perform in everyday life, whether at work or in the gym.

In our fast paced world we could all benefit from finding those moments of peace and calm.

Breathing is another aspect of fitness that is vital to getting the most out of your workout. Inhaling and exhaling at the proper moments help allow the gas exchange of carbon dioxide to occur effectively. Furthermore, exhaling allows the diaphragm to relax, causing the pelvic floor to shift up. Coupling the breath during specific movements is one of the most effective ways to either strengthen or release the pelvic floor. This is also why it's so beneficial to have an instructor to guide you throughout your workout. Pilates focuses on lateral breathing, which allows us to stay connected with the core while still breathing. You can try this at home by laying on your back with a neutral spine, knees bent, slightly engaging the core. As you inhale through the nose you should notice the sides of the ribcage expand, and as you exhale, they contract while maintaining the core connection. It can be a little difficult at first, but with practice it becomes second nature.

Breathing properly during exercise can also help us connect the mind and body and reduce stress. For example, if we take too short of breaths, we start to restrict oxygen supply to the brain, which can add stress and disrupt our hormones and/or emotions putting us into "fight or flight" mode. Using Pilates lateral breathing helps reduce blood pressure, promotes calming hormones and encourages us to slow down. In our fast-paced world, we could all benefit from finding those moments of peace and calm. Whether you take some time to stretch out or focus on your breath, your body will thank you.

Brought to you by:

Flow Studios

111 S. Court St, Ste 208

Downtown Visalia

(559) 904-3912



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