Green Party Holborn & St Pancras

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Come in to our campaign HQ for a chat or to help out at Map Studio Café, 46 Grafton Road, NW5 3DU


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Vote for what

Green Party for

#DECENTHOMESd homes • No to ‘Bedroom Tax’ cial rente

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#FREEEDUCATION• Ensure good local schools

Scrap university

tuition fees



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the common good

#FAIRECONOMYr everyone, not just the top 1% at works fo

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T R O P S N A R T R E T T E B # the railways • Renationalise lic transport

Affordable pub


We’ve entered a new era of multi-party politics. The first past the post system is broken. According to the polls and the bookies, neither Labour nor the Tories will win a majority in 2015. In Holborn & St Pancras it’s between the Greens and Labour. Only the Greens and Labour have elected representatives in this part of Camden. Only the Greens and Labour are seriously campaigning here. The Tories can’t win.


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GET IN TOUCH 07985 253 522

You can therefore vote for your principles in Holborn & St Pancras. You can vote for what you really believe in. Electing Green MPs will make a Labour-led government more honest, more progressive and more in tune with the views of people in Holborn & St Pancras. The Greens would turn the minimum wage into a proper living wage. We’d reform the housing market to make homes affordable. We’d remove the profit motive from the NHS and renationalise the railways. We’d bring in a wealth tax. We’d cancel Trident and invest in health and education instead. We’d support those who generate clean energy, not fracking companies. There really is only one party focused on social and environmental justice – the Green Party.


GET INVOLVED @natalieben


ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION This publication has not been paid for by big business or corporate interests, but has been supported and funded by ordinary people. Promoted by Tom Franklin, Flat 5, 17-19 Elsworthy Rd, NW3 3DS on behalf of Natalie Bennett, 56 Walker House, Phoenix Road, NW1 1EP. Printed on recycled/FSC paper using vegetable inks by WCS Digital, 27 Mount Pleasant, WC1X 0AS.

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