Green Party leaflet for the SE European elections 2014

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VOTE GREEN In the European Elections Re-elect Keith Taylor and elect Alexandra Phillips

As your MEPs, Keith Taylor and Alexandra Phillips will fight for a fairer, greener economy for generations to come.

Vote Green for the right kind of positive change. We believe that the EU can, and must, put people and the environment first.

Vote Green For an economy that works for everyone, not just the richest

• Secure jobs that pay enough to build a life on. • Affordable homes, to buy and rent. • A cap on bankers bonuses.

For public services in your hands • A publically owned NHS. • An end to cuts to our vital services. • Public ownership of the railways and energy firms.

For a clean environment, and warmer homes

• Energy efficient homes, and lower bills. • Investment in renewable energy, and a ban on fracking. • Tackling pollution in our towns and cities. • Serious action on climate change.

Party For a Europe that works for you

• Putting people, not big business, first. • Making the EU more accountable to you. • A referendum on the UK’s EU membership (and a ‘yes’ vote). • Standing up to undemocratic free trade deals like TTIP. • Protecting animals and our countryside. Keith became an MEP when Caroline Lucas won the first Green Party seat in the UK Parliament.

Vote Green

Your vote counts! It’s a proportional voting system for the European Elections so every vote can make a difference on 22 May. SEGreenParty The Green Party, Brighton Eco Centre, 39-41 Surrey Street, Brighton BN1 3PB Promoted by Leo Littman on behalf of South East Region Green Party at 56-64 Leonard St, London EC2A 4LT. Printed on 100% recycled paper by Crown Litho, Paragon Court, Tongham Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 4AA. Designed by


KEITH TAYLOR says ... “The choice is stark at this election. You could vote for one of the establishment parties, who offer different shades of business as usual. Or you can vote Green for the right kind of positive change. We believe that the EU can, and should, put people and the environment first. So, for an economy that works for everyone, for public services that are run for the common good and for the protection of our environment, vote Green on 22 May.”



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