Portuguese Professional yearbook 2022-23

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Message from

“After overcoming the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry was able to rebuild itself, without any external support. (…) The professional football industry recovered, expanded and became even more relevant.

A dimension worthy of justice

Professional football is increasingly growing stronger and more relevant as an industry. The numbers presented in this yearbook leave no room for doubt: if in 2021–22 the importance assumed by Professional Football in various areas of society was already too evident, in 2022–23 this is an undeniable reality. Last season, Professional Football, once again, represented almost 0.3% of the GDP, contributing €667 million (an 8% increase from the previous season), and generating over €228 million in taxes (6%

more than in 2021–22), while maintaining a significant position as a job creator. Today, we are one of the most relevant industries at a national level, with more influence and stability than ever before. The numbers clearly demonstrate the economic relevance of Portuguese Professional Football, among other important factors. Currently, no one can doubt about the role that Professional Football plays in the international promotion of the country, thanks to the talent demonstrated by its key people: players, coaches, directors and referees. In the 2022–23 season, Portugal achieved the best balance in transfer dealings. Additionally, we secured the largest prize money in our history by participating in UEFA competitions. For the third consecutive time, we placed three teams in the group stage of the Champions League. Portuguese players have won the Champions League title and various national titles all over the world. Portuguese coaches have led teams to victory in multiple national leagues. Professional football has once again raised Portugal’s name to the highest level of international recognition — which is a fact of immeasurable value. All of this has been achieved through a lot of effort, dedication and professionalism from all those who make up the universe of Professional Football. There’s no

need to be afraid to say it, much less to repeat it: Portuguese clubs perform real miracles. And they do it without the support they deserve. Although the relevance of Professional Football in various areas is evident, the truth is that we are still waiting to see its importance being truly recognized. After overcoming the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry was able to rebuild itself, without any external support. Thanks to a high sense of responsibility and concerted efforts, Liga Portugal, an organization which makes unity its trademark, was able to rebuild itself. The Professional Football industry recovered, expanded and became even more relevant. It’s time to finally see this industry’s role recognized in the Portuguese economic and social scene, namely by granting Portuguese Professional Football the same conditions offered to other national industries and to our main football competitors. Claims, such as reducing context costs, namely in terms of IRS, IRC or VAT on tickets (taxed at the maximum, in contrast to the benefits granted to other entertainment areas), are a matter of justice — a matter of equity. The numbers from the 2022–23 season are here and, once again, show the true dimension of Professional football — a dimension that deserves to be recognized. By everyone!

Pedro Proença President of Liga Portugal

“With the conclusion of this strategic cycle, it is crucial to celebrate its victories, but also look ahead to future challenges. Hence, Liga Portugal, with the support of the EY organization, has defined a new strategic plan for the 2023–27 time horizon, which aims to ensure the continuous growth and enhancement of Portuguese Professional Football.

The seven-year collaboration between the EY organization and Liga Portugal aims to raise the standards of professionalism in Portuguese Football. This collaboration helps to create an in-depth view of the industry, its main challenges and trends.

The 2022–23 season marks the end of the 2019–23 strategic cycle, a period dedicated to strengthening and valuing Portuguese professional football in multiple areas.

During this period, Liga Portugal has made significant progress, with the creation of a new brand image, an organizational restructuring — which culminated in the creation of five departments — and the hiring of various key talents to respond to the organization’s evolving needs. In addition, Liga Portugal has reformulated its structure with the creation of five new companies: Liga Portugal Infraestruturas, Liga Portugal Comercial, Liga Portugal Business School, Liga Portugal Centralização and Fundação do Futebol. Parallel to this internal development, it is crucial to highlight some relevant projects, such as the Portuguese Professional Football yearbook, Thinking Football Summit, the new headquarters of Liga Portugal, and a training center of excellence. These projects have contributed to the positioning of Liga Portugal on big international stages,

while strengthening its influence on the evolution of professional football in Portugal.

As far as the 2022–23 season is concerned, the direct impact of Portuguese Professional Football in GDP was over €667 million, generating more than 3,500 jobs and contributing more than €228 million in taxes. Thus, at the closing of the cycle 2019–23, the dimension of the industry and its constant transformation led Liga Portugal to think about the future. The EY organization has the privilege of supporting Liga Portugal in the development of the strategic plan for 2023–27. This plan, presented in this yearbook’s Chapter 4, is based on five strategic axes that are realized in 142 concrete initiatives. As in previous editions, our commitment is to turn the yearbook into an indispensable tool of analysis. This document is essential to stimulate reflection on the challenges that we face, as well as to support the process of professionalization and ensure the sustainability of the industry and its stakeholders.

Miguel Farinha Country Managing PartnerPortugal, Angola and Mozambique
The 2022–23 season: the anticipation of a new cycle

Summary 2022–23 Season Review

The 2022–23 season was marked by the change in the format of the Allianz Cup, with a higher number of teams and matches, leading to a greater distribution of prizes in the competition and greater media return. In addition to the change in the Allianz Cup, the season was marked by the end of the 2019–23 strategic cycle and the anticipation of the new one.

Liga Portugal, with the support of the EY organization, has prepared the 2023–27 strategic plan, which is based on five strategic axes: commitment to the fans, product elevation, credibility through professionalism, union of all agents and football with social responsibility.

The Portuguese Professional football yearbook is a result of a strategic collaboration between Liga Portugal and the EY organization. The content gathered in this seventh edition presents the direct financial, economic and social impact of professional football in the 2022–23 season, highlighting the global importance of the sector. The first chapter, Liga Portugal, contains the remarkable achievements of the 2019–23 quadrennium. In addition, it outlines the organizational and business structure of Liga Portugal, and introduces the five companies that it integrates. This chapter closes with a financial analysis of Liga Portugal, showing the evolution and structure of revenues and expenses. In addition, it features the partners and sponsors of this season.

The second chapter, The impact of Professional Football, measures the direct impact of national Professional Football on the economic and social realms. The sector generates, without accounting for the indirect impact, more than €667 million to the country’s GDP, in addition to creating more than 3,500 jobs and contributing more than €228 million in taxes.

In the third chapter, Liga Portugal Competitions, the attendance in the stadiums, the television audience and the media returns of each competition are analyzed. This includes Liga Portugal Betclic, Liga Portugal SABSEG and Allianz Cup. In addition to attendance, the transfer market and the financial position of each

professional league are addressed. Liga Portugal Betclic posted more than €946 million in revenues, an increase of 9% compared with the previous season. This is a trend contrary to Liga Portugal SABSEG, which suffered a reduction in revenues (10%) totaling €42 million in the 2022–23 season.

Last season, Professional Football, once again, represented almost 0.3% of the GDP, contributing €667 million (an 8% increase from the previous season), and generating over €228 million in taxes (6% more than in 2021–22), while maintaining a significant position as a job creator.


Finally, the yearbook ends with the identification of the forces of change, the challenges and the strategic plan for the 2023–27 cycle, mapped and defined in close collaboration between Liga Portugal and the EY organization. This plan is based on five strategic axes: commitment to the fans, product elevation, credibility through professionalism, union of all agents and football with social responsibility. The plan is implemented in 142 measures.

Liga Portugal and the Sports Societies of Liga Portugal Betclic and Liga Portugal SABSEG contributed in 2022–23 with:


TER 1 Liga

Liga Portugal and its work

In 2023, Liga Portugal closed an important strategic cycle for the Liga Portugal brand and for the Portuguese Professional Football affirmation. In this sense, it is important to reflect on the main achievements of this cycle.

Liga Portugal’s mission, vision and values




To ensure the excellence of the organization of competitions with full respect for the economic and financial sustainability of the institution and its associates

To assume itself as one of the most important leagues in Europe, while being compliant to the good international practices and adding both economic and sportive value to Portuguese Professional Football


In all aspects, both in competitions and in business management


To create the conditions to defend football’s best interests


In competitions and its players, and in the industry as a whole


To gather the ingredients for the competitions to be more and more spectacular, inside and outside the stadiums

Source: Liga Portugal

Liga Portugal`s goals

Organize and regulate Portuguese Professional Football competitions in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Promote training in matters related to the organization, management and bring integrity in professional competitions and the organization of events and activities related to them. 1 2 3 4 5

Promote the defense of its members’ common interests and the management of matters inherent to the organization and to the practice of Professional Football and its competitions.

Exercise, in relation to its members, the functions of disciplinary control and supervision established by law, in these Statutes and Regulations.

Exercise, in relation to professional football competitions, the competencies in terms of organization, direction and discipline, under the terms of the applicable legislation.

Source: Liga Portugal

Most important achievements of the 2019–23 cycle

Liga Portugal has achieved significant victories for the Portuguese Professional Football ecosystem in this last strategic cycle. Today, with a new image, it has managed to position itself as the “locomotive” of Portuguese Professional Football, through a hard process of professionalization that has given it a unique credibility among stakeholders.

Boost in competencies

During this period, Liga Portugal grew commercially, which allowed it to achieve positive financial results consistently. Thus, and in order to continue this success, Liga Portugal increased its skills through a business reorganization that led to the design of five new companies: Liga Portugal Infraestruturas, Fundação do Futebol, Liga Portugal Comercial, Liga Portugal Centralização and Liga Portugal Business School.

Major structural projects

At the same time, during the 2019-23 cycle, Liga Portugal developed numerous projects, including the organization of the Final Four of the Allianz Cup, the Thinking Football Summit, the construction of the new headquarters of Liga Portugal, an education center of excellence with new postgraduate courses and the yearbook of Portuguese Professional Football. The projects also included other initiatives of national and international prominence that reinforce the role of Liga Portugal in the transformation of Portuguese Professional Football.


In 2021, the Decree-Law that aims to determine the implementation of the centralized commercialization of broadcasting rights for Liga I and Liga II matches from the 2028–29 season was approved. This initiative will allow the enhancement of these rights and a more equitable distribution of the resulting revenues among the sports societies.

Source: Liga Portugal

Liga Portugal’s organizational structure

Liga Portugal is organized in a representative and participative model with bodies of deliberation, administration and management of the entity, and several departments of operational competence.

Liga Portugal’s organizational structure in the 2022–23 season



Source: Liga Portugal

Liga Portugal’s corporate structure

Liga Portugal will be in charge of the central activities of the institution – the associative activity and the organization of professional competitions. The remaining activities will be divided among the five companies created.

Liga Portugal’s corporate structure in the 2022–23 season

Liga Portugal reorganized its corporate structure, autonomizing its activities in different business units. The restructuring facilitated the financial consolidation of all companies and the integration of their activities.

• Real Estate Management

• Management of the New Building

• Official Products

• Commercial and sponsorships

• Marketing, Events and Activations

• Business Development and Internationalization

• Associative and Institutional Activity

• Exploitation of professional competitions

• Education and Training

• Entrepreneurship

• Development of Studies

• Consultancy

• Social Responsibility

Source: Liga Portugal

• Centralization of broadcasting rights

Liga Portugal Infraestruturas

Liga Portugal Infraestruturas seeks to enhance Liga Portugal’s real estate assets. Its major project is the institution’s new headquarters building.



Strategic objectives

To make Portuguese Professional Football to grow and expand, in full awareness that its responsibilities go far beyond the organization of competitions

To enhance, manage, promote, administer and leverage the real estate assets of Liga Portugal

Liga Portugal Infraestruturas has the following strategic objectives:

04 03 02 01

Continue managing the Lisbon building

Negotiate with the different partners regarding the business areas of the new building that will be explored by third parties

Arena Liga Portugal - pillars


• Liga Portugal Headquarters -Two floors reserved for the day-today work of Liga Portugal’s departments

• Liga Portugal training - A floor reserved for trainings within the scope of Liga Portugal Business School

• Work meetings, events and other activities of the Sports Societies


• Incubator for companies, coworking and startups - Two floors reserved for this scope

• Arena Liga Portugal Experience - Five business units that will work in an integrated way in order to provide a unique experience for football enthusiasts

Source: Liga Portugal

Negotiate with the main service providers regarding the assistance and regular maintenance of the new headquarters building

Begin the operation of the new headquarters building — Arena Liga Portugal

• Restaurant and Sports Bar - Facilities for fans to socialize

• Museum - Technological and digital space with a focus on Liga Portugal and its history

• Kids’ Space - Space dedicated to children

Entertainment Sport

• Arena Lab - A facility dedicated to sports activities and performance enhancement, aimed at developing sports skills

Arena Liga Portugal Experience – Business units

The five business units of the Arena Liga Portugal Experience work in an integrated manner and contribute to the consolidation of the Liga Portugal brand, which is intended to become increasingly stronger.

Arena Lab

Multisport space with a football field and two floors, where multi-experiences will take place

Kids area


Food and beverage

Liga Portugal Store

Source: Liga Portugal

Space dedicated to children who want to get to know the world of football and experience various professions related to this practice

Technological and digital space with an exhibition narrative that focuses on Liga Portugal’s history, clubs and competitions

A place for football fans and lovers, where they will have the possibility to watch matches from the main national and international competitions, in a pleasant space for socializing and in an environment where people will breathe football

A completely renovated store with a large space completely dedicated to the clubs represented in professional competitions

Liga Portugal Comercial

Liga Portugal Comercial was created with the aim of broadening the commercial component of Liga Portugal. In this sense, its function is to organize events as well as to produce and promote various products associated with Portuguese professional football competitions.

Mission Values Its mission includes the production, promotion and marketing of products related to its competitions.

Its values are based on the fact that Liga Portugal organizes all its activities, always striving to elevate Portuguese professional football, its competitions, clubs, sponsors and partners, and other stakeholders in the sector.

Strategic objectives

Liga Portugal Comercial has the following strategic objectives, divided into four areas: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Implementing the governance model with partners and sponsors

Maximizing the media return for Liga Portugal’s sponsors and partners

Achieving the objectives defined in the income statement

Increasing attendance in stadiums

Monitoring KPIs in events

Opening of the flagship store at Arena Liga Portugal

Source: Liga Portugal

Executing collaboration agreement for the presence of LP store in a domestic marketplace

Executing collaboration agreement for the presence of LP store in an international marketplace

Signing of the MoU with LaLiga

Executing the plan for participation in international fairs

Implementing and monitoring the “Futebol és Tu!” (You are Football) campaign

Aiming increased distribution of broadcasters for Allianz Cup 2024

Thinking Football Summit

During the 2019-23 cycle, the Thinking Football Summit project was inaugurated in Porto. This event aims to discuss the Professional Football industry by exploring the business aspects of football. It provides a unique opportunity to strengthen links with sponsors, partners, stakeholders, international guests, Sports Societies, and main professional football institutions.


Thinking Football Summit 2022–23 partners

Source: Liga Portugal

Final Four - Innovative initiatives for product elevation

Fan Zone

For the third consecutive year, Leiria was the host of the Final Four of the Allianz Cup. The Fan Zone installed in the heart of the city provided, as in previous years, entertainment to the thousands of visitors who passed through.

The Fan Zone’ ministadium was the stage for the All-Star game, where Liga Portugal’ ambassadors and figures linked to Rádio Comercial starred in an exciting match.

The seventh edition of the Fan Race took place on 28 January 2023, with two distances — a 10-kilometer run and a fivekilometer walk.

A competition with innovation

The comedians Vasco Elvas, Hugo Sousa, Tiago Almeida and Gilmário Vemba starred in a “Pre-match” in two stand-up comedy shows.

Innovation and a commitment to technology were present in the Final Four of the Allianz Cup. Through various technologies and innovative activations, Liga Portugal sought to offer new experiences to football fans and enthusiasts.

Dedicated spaces for fans, with mega table football, a 360º photobooth, virtual reality, foot billiard and soccer cage, were provided.

Source: Liga Portugal

In addition to spaces dedicated to virtual reality and simulators, several influencers were present, such as RicFazeres, Ricardo de Sá, Miro Vemba and Movemind.

Fan Race
Fan tent
Comedy Club
Meu Super Fan Music
Digital Spot
Diogo Piçarra and Marisa Liz were the figures of Meu Super Fan Music 2023 to kick off the Final Four, which took place at the Estádio Municipal de Leiria.

Liga Portugal Business School

Liga Portugal Business School aims to develop training solutions to develop skills and to shape Talent in sports agents, with a broader understanding of sport and football, in particular.

Mission Values

Strategic objectives

The mission is to develop training solutions in order to create skills and build specific knowledge about professional football, with an aim to increase the level of training in the sector.

Liga Portugal Business School focuses, particularly, on one of Liga Portugal’s core values, Talent.

For its area of training, the objective of Liga Portugal Business School is to:

01 02 03 04

Increase the number of applications for postgraduate degrees

Source: Liga Portugal

Improve the syllabus, providing a greater practical component, namely through contact with the structures and key figures of Professional Football

Create continuous training and initial training courses, in order to meet the minimum number of registrations for each of them

Create a greater training offering, that meets the needs of the Portuguese Professional Football

Postgraduates degrees promoted in the 2022-23 season

Postgraduation in organization and management within professional football

Postgraduation in communication within professional football

Source: Liga Portugal



Fundação do Futebol

The Fundação do Futebol uses the popularity of football to promote the connection between Sports Societies and communities, promoting a fairer society. It aspires to be one of the reference entities in the area of corporate social responsibility in football.



It acts as an aggregating element, using the popularity of football, its players and professional competitions, in the promotion of Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability.

To foster a more tolerant society, through the communicational power of Football

To aggregate all the stakeholders of the Fundação do Futebol — Liga Portugal

A Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal

To foster the dissemination of the value of Respect, for an increasingly positive football environment

To increase the levels of education and qualification in the industry

To use the power of football in favor of society, with the commitment of all sports and non-sports agents.

Since its creation in 2018, the Fundação do Futebol aims to intervene in the Portuguese civil society, through five main areas of intervention:

Science at the service of football

Promotion of research in the sector, support for the study and production of scientific work and literature, encouragement of the academic training of young people and promotion of working groups and events on the impact of football on society.

Social inclusion

Designing, organizing, supporting and creating opportunities for socially disadvantaged and at-risk audiences.

Strategic objectives

Environmental sustainability

Awareness toward the implementation of environmental policies and good practices, seeking to interconnect environmental education and entertainment.

Great humanitarian causes

Value protection

Promotion of sports and the values underlying its participation and organization, as well as carrying out actions aimed at promoting fair play among sports agents.

Support and dissemination of major humanitarian causes of a social, national and international nature through the implementation of campaigns or operational actions that seek to defend the values echoed by the Fundação do Futebol.

01 02 03 04 05

Promote the essence of the Fundação do Futebol — Liga Portugal, consolidating the positioning of its activities and establishing collaborations with leading social and environmental organizations

Source: Liga Portugal

Promote the joint and responsible participation of Sports Societies, stakeholders and the general public

Contribute to the dissemination of the values of the Fundação do Futebol — Liga Portugal in sport and football, in particular

Promote awareness of social responsibility and environmental sustainability in Professional Football, through value creation for the various agents

Promote the image of Liga Portugal and Sports Societies as active agents in the areas of social and environmental intervention toward their stakeholders, nationally and internationally

Some of the Fundação’s projects in the 2022–23 season, by area of intervention

ReCooperar project

• Area of intervention: Social inclusion

• Purpose: The ReCooperar project includes the requalification of sports spaces of nongovernmental institutions and organizations.

• Narrow down and bring together different realities, valuing the experiences of those who do not have access to infrastructures for the practice of sport.

• Bring the clubs closer not only to the Fundação do Futebol, but to the community.

Centro de Estudos Award

• Area of intervention: Science at the service of Football

• Purpose: This initiative aims to attract new ideas, projects, and map human resources with high capacity and competence that can integrate the sector.

• Disseminate studies, works and innovation projects among stakeholders and the general public.

• Create a network that promotes innovation, research and value creation in the area of professional football.

Coração Futebol

• Area of intervention: Protection of values

• Purpose: “Coração Futebol” (Football Heart) consists of projects that are based on the transmission of the values associated with sport in general and football in particular, through storytelling in multimedia productions.

• It will feature ten exhibitions that will focus on the connection between football and the lives of fans, highlighting examples of good values that we want to be transmitted.

Relevant numbers from the 2022-23 season

425 social responsibility actions

166 of which in the area of values protection

Source: Liga Portugal

Por uma Causa de Todos

• Area of intervention: Social inclusion

• Purpose: This project aims to recreate a tournament with the magic of Professional Football between users of various institutions of the Portuguese Association of Parents and Friends of the Mentally Handicapped Citizen.

• Raise public awareness of the challenges faced by people with disabilities.

• Enable differentiating experiences that enhance the promotion of equality.

Equality and no racism

• Area of intervention: Major humanitarian causes

• Purpose: This initiative aims to bring together all professional league clubs in a joint mission to combat discrimination at all levels of intervention.

• This season, the initiative enters its fourth edition, reflecting that the theme became a commitment made year after year.

Other projects

• Centro de Estudos Award: This initiative includes awarding scholarships and support to innovative companies and projects in football, with the aim of raising new ideas, projects and mapping human resources with capacity and competence who can integrate the sector.

• Mundo d’O Ligas;

• International Human Rights Day;

• Football training scholarship – Futebol Para Todos;

• Accessible football; and others.

12 Social responsibility awards given


of average participation of sports societies in the activities promoted

281 social responsibility actions

107 of which in the area of values protection

Social responsibility awards 2022-23

The social responsibility awards given by the Fundação do Futebol promote and praise the effort of Sports Societies for their actions that create value for society, stimulating the creation of campaigns.

Estoril Praia e SC Braga

Grande é quem muda o Mundo, Humanização da Ala Pediátrica

Jul 2022

Two social responsibility awards were given in the opening of the season.

CD Feirense

A depressão não escolhe caras

Aug 2022

O Pai Já Vai

Sep 2022

On World Suicide Prevention Day, CD Feirense carried out an awareness campaign, appealing for requests for help when needed.

CD Tondela

O Sonho da Gabi

Vitória SC sponsored the initiative of the Santo Tirso collective, which met with the “Resistentes” patients from IPO, for a football match.

Oct 2022

Dá vida ao que te faz feliz

Nov 2022

CD Tondela used the launch of the clothing line for the sports season to make the dream of Gabriela, a 10-year-old blind girl, come true.

FC Vizela

“11 Escolas, 11 Camisolas”

Jan 2023

FC Vizela offered each of the schools personalized jerseys and tickets for FC Vizela matches.

GD Chaves

Um treino especial

Gil Vicente FC

Gil Vicente FC’s campaign sought to warn that there are words that hurt and that those who listen never forget.

Dec 2022 AC. Viseu | Sporting CP | F. Marítimo

Educar de Dentro para Fora, Deixa a Tua Marca“, “Bolsas de Estudo

Three awards were given for appealing to various social causes.

Feb 2023

Fome Zero

Mar 2022

Patients of the Flor do Tâmega de Chaves Association met with the GD Chaves working group before the beginning of the training.

SC Farense

Uma Conferência Muito Especial!

May 2023

The Algarve club participated in a “press conference,” guided by the students of the D. Afonso III Basic School.

Source: Liga Portugal

FC Port

To raise food for the city’s institutions, FC Porto instilled the task in the young players of the YouthLeague.

Abr 2022

Estamos juntos nesta luta!

Through several actions, they promoted awareness for Parkinson’s disease in collaboration with APDPk.

Jun 2023

Liga de Futebol Adaptado

Fundação Benfica

This initiative promoted the inclusion of young people with disabilities through sport.

Estrela da Amadora
Vitória SC

Professional Football enjoys a unique power and ability to positively influence those who enjoy with this phenomenon. It is in this sense that the growing unity between clubs and their communities is crucial and leaves us with a smile on our faces. After all, since the beginning of this journey we have affirmed our great purpose:

One Club, One Community, One Foundation!

Luís Estrela | Coordenador da Fundação do Futebol

Liga Portugal Centralização

As part of the centralization of broadcasting rights, Liga Portugal created Liga Portugal Centralização. This new institution aims for a more attractive and competitive Portuguese professional football with a greater international projection.




The Decree-Law of March 2021 requires the Centralized Commercialization of broadcasting rights beginning in the 2028–29 season, and it is necessary to prepare now. Based on this premise, the Liga Portugal Centralização was created.

The goal is to study and define a proposal for the future model of centralized commercialization of broadcasting and multimedia rights and other audiovisual content of Professional Football competitions in Portugal, as well as their subsequent commercialization.

Credibility Aggregation Talent Spectacle

Defined goals

Liga Portugal Centralização has been developing its activity which focuses on the pursuit of the following goals:

• The delivery, to the Competition Authority (PCA) and the government, of a draft centralized marketing model by June 2026

• The start of centralized marketing from the 2028–29 season, with the fundamental purpose of developing and elevating Portuguese Professional Football

Strategic objectives

The main strategic objectives, defined at the VII Summit of Presidents, that guide the day-to-day tasks of Liga Centralização are:

Definition of the general conditions for the exploitation of contents

Models and criteria for the distribution of overall revenue

Definition of the models and conditions of the sales’ lots

Evaluation of scenarios regarding the anticipation of the centralization process

Source: Liga Portugal 01 02 03 04

International markets expansion plan

Liaison with the Autoridade da Concorrência

Development of an action plan to improve the fight against piracy

Strategy to improve the audiovisual product and brand of the competitions

Status of the activities for centralization

At the end of the 2022–23 season, Liga Centralização’s activities were in the following state:


Work meetings

Milestones calendar

Inclusion of the new members in the Management Board and the start of the working sub-groups

Company creation in September 2021

Kick-starting the subworking groups in April 2022


Board meetings

New status update at the Summit of Presidents

Draft for broadcasting regulation and economic control

Request for Proposal Concept


Status updates at the Presidents’ summit

Two Presidents’ Summits

Liaison with Autoridade da Concorrência

Beginning of the draft of the commercialization model


Request for Proposal Concept

Submission of the proposal for a centralized marketing model to the competition authority

Beginning of the centralized commercialisation of the broadcasting rights of the matches of the I and II League

Source: Liga Portugal

Financial results of Liga Portugal

For the eighth consecutive year, Liga Portugal presented positive operating results, recording around €24 million in revenues, with professional competitions representing 69% of this amount.

Evolution of Liga Portugal’s revenue structure

Source: Liga Portugal

Major commercial agreements in 2022-23

Main Sponsors

3 3 7 1 10

Official sponsors of Liga Portugal competitions

Official Sponsors

Official Sponsors of Liga Portugal

Official Partners

Official partners of Liga Portugal

Allianz Cup Sponsors

Official Sponsors of the Allianz CUP

Final Four Sponsors

Official Sponsors of the Final Four

Source: Liga Portugal

Evolution of Liga Portugal’s cost structure

Source: Liga Portugal

Support for Sports Societies in 2022–23

Total direct distributions

indirect distributions

Source: Liga Portugal

Evolution of the net result of Liga Portugal

Source: Liga Portugal



The Impact of Portuguese Professional Football

Economic, cultural and social

The Impact of Portuguese Professional Football

Professional Football plays a relevant role not only economically, through the creation of wealth and employment, but also socially and culturally, given its ability to unite communities and inspire society.

Football has relevant impacts on Portuguese society

Professional Football is more concentrated in the North and the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon Football is a universal language capable of inspiring and uniting communities, impacting various dimensions, such as social, cultural and economic.

In this yearbook, there is a greater emphasis on the economic dimension, with calculated impacts of activities conducted by Liga Portugal and the Sports Societies competing in its competitions.

There is a high concentration of Sports Societies in the northern region of the country, with 18 of them spreading across the area.

The Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) is home to seven Sports Societies. Out of the total 34 Sports Societies, only nine (26%) are located in the Center, Algarve and Islands.

Impacts on the economy

Portuguese Professional Football produces direct, indirect and induced impacts on the economy. This yearbook focuses on the direct impacts of Sports Societies and Liga Portugal.

Job positions


Economic activity generated within the value chain as a result of direct impacts from Professional Football

• For example, expenditures at restaurants on match days, as well as on sports betting, gaming and tourism

• Economic activity supported by increased consumption in the economy, stemming from the direct and indirect employment impacts generated by Professional Football

Source: Análise EY

Contribution to the GDP

Football’s contribution continues to grow and has reached a new record

of the total contribution to GDP (1)

8% increase in 2022–23

Liga Portugal and the Portuguese Professional Football Sports Societies contributed around €667 million to GDP (0.26%) in 2022–23.

Liga Portugal Betclic, registering a 10% increase from the previous season, contributes the most, totalizing a €639 million (95%) contribution to GDP.

It should be noted that this figure does not include the indirect and induced impacts of Professional Football on the national economy.

In 2022–23, Liga Portugal and the Portuguese Professional Football Sports Societies had an estimated contribution of €667 million to the Portuguese GDP.

Source: Liga Portugal

Employment and job positions(1)

In the 2022–23 season, Professional Football in Portugal employed 3,504 people and awarded more than €364 million in salaries. Players account for more than 35% of jobs.

Job positions

Liga Portugal Betclic is responsible for approximately 76% of the employment of Portuguese Professional Football

Evolution of the number of job positions (1)(2)


3% increase in 2022–23

Liga Portugal and Sports Societies were directly responsible for 3,504 jobs, of which 2,660 are provided by Liga Portugal Betclic. Athletes are the sports agents with the highest remuneration, earning an aggregate of €269 million in salaries, followed by coaches and staff.

In 2022–23, Liga Portugal and Sports Societies generated the following jobs:(1)

Source: Liga Portugal (1) Employment data for FC Vizela, SCU Torreense and CD Trofense are not included due to lack of information. (2) The analysis was based on the most recent historical information available. For more details, see the study methodology section.

Employees of the Sports Societies in the 2022–23 season (1)(2)

employees 1.473




Source: Liga Portugal

(1) Employment data for FC Vizela, SCU Torreense and CD Trofense are not included due to lack of information. (2) The analysis was based on the most recent historical information available. For more details, see the study methodology section.

Fiscal contributions

Tax contributions related to the remuneration of sports agents, such as personal income tax and social security, remain the largest share of Sports Societies’ fiscal and parafiscal costs.

6% increase in 2022–23



continue on an upward trend

The largest portion of fiscal contributions is linked to the remuneration of sports agents, which explains the significant tax contributions from Liga Portugal Betclic. Personal income tax and social security contributions amounted to €178 million, accounting for 78% of the total fiscal contributions.

Evolution of fiscal contributions(1) In 2022–23, Liga Portugal and the Sports Societies contributed with the following fiscal impacts:

Source: Liga Portugal (1) The analysis was based on the most recent historical information available. For more details, see the study methodology section.

Detailed fiscal impacts of the Sports Societies in the 2022–23 season (1)

€135M Personal


€41M Value-Added Tax (VAT) •



others (2)


€4M Other taxes

Source: Liga Portugal (1) The analysis was based on the most recent historical information available. For more details, see the study methodology section. (2) “Unspecified others” includes, but is not limited to, all SL Benfica taxes due to the unavailability of additional details.



Liga Portugal competitions

Attendance and


Liga Portugal Betclic

SL Benfica won the league in 2022–23. FC Porto and SC Braga got second and third place, respectively

Four years later, SL Benfica won again, winning its 38th national league title, with a total of 87 points. The team coached by Roger Schmidt had a season with 28 wins, three draws and three defeats.

306 matches played in the competition

€1.617m of competition’s media exposure value in editorial space

The show watched from the stands

During the 2022–23 season, approximately 3.5 million spectators attended Liga Portugal Betclic’s stadium events, resulting in an average attendance rate of 51%.

Match attendance at the stadiums(1)


total attendance in the stadiums average stadium attendance per game


34th matchweek 27 May 18:00h

Source: Liga Portugal (1)

Average attendance and start time of matches

Source: Liga Portugal

Average attendance and match days

Source: Liga Portugal

Average ticket price

On average, the difference between the highest and lowest prices charged by a Sports Society was €21, with Boavista FC, FC Porto, Sporting CP, CS Marítimo, and Gil Vicente FC exhibiting the greatest disparities in average match day pricing.

Games starting after 9 p.m. had the highest average attendance, while nearly 75% of all games started after 6 p.m..

Saturday and Sunday were the days of the week with the most matches played. Despite this, Tuesday and Wednesday had the highest average attendance. It is important to note that the sample size for these days is small, with only three games on Tuesday and five on Wednesday.

Sports Societies with the highest average price differential between match days

Source: Liga Portugal

Media return

The competition’s media return is estimated at €1,617 million. In the 2022–23 season, online media accounted for €424 million, marking a 30% increase from the previous season. Television continues to be the medium with the greatest preponderance, with a return valued at €1,090 million.

Broadcast of matches on television (1)

Liga Portugal Betclic matches were broadcasted by Sport TV and Benfica TV during the 2022-23 season. Sport TV broadcasts all the competition’s matches except for SL Benfica’s home matches, which are responsibility of the Sports Society’s own channel. Currently, broadcasting rights negotiations are conducted on an individual basis by each Sports Society.

Schedule of broadcasted matches

Number of broadcasted matches

Source: Liga Portugal

The media return of the competition (AVE(2))

The value of editorial exposure generated by Liga Portugal Betclic increased by approximately €268 million (+20%) compared with the previous season. Television and online media are the primary value-generating media, with online contributions amounting to €424 million — €15.5 million of which is attributed to interactions on social networks.

Key value-creating areas

Source: Liga Portugal (1) The figures shown do not include the play-off matches. (2) Advertising value equivalency is the equivalente cost of advertising in minutes and spaces (traditional and digital) of the competition presence in the media.

Transfer market

In the 2022–23 season, Liga Portugal Betclic’s total signings reached €234 million in investment, representing a 220% increase from the previous season’s investment of €106 million. This investment allowed Sports Societies to sign 432 players.

Player signings(1)(2)

In the 2022–23 season, there was a decrease in transfers between athletes from the Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies. In contrast, the number of signings of athletes from foreign championships (56%) and the Liga Portugal SABSEG (12%) increased. The summer market accounted for 80% of the total player arrivals for Liga Portugal Betclic, with center backs being the most signed position in the 2022–23 season, mirroring the trend from the previous season.


Liga Portugal Betclic

Liga Portugal Betclic

Signings from Liga Portugal Betclic

Entradas provenientes da Liga Portugal Betclic

Source: Transfermarkt

Liga Portugal SABSEG

Liga Portugal SABSEG

Signings from Liga Portugal SABSEG

Entradas provenientes da Liga Portugal SABSEG

€234m Abroad Others

Estrangeiro Outras

Signings from nonprofessional leagues

Entradas provenientes de campeonatos não profissionais

Entradas provenientes de outros campeonatos

Signings from foreign leagues

Total signings

Total entradas

(1) The movements in and out of Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies include player transfers and loans. Departures of players who had finished their sporting careers were not considered. The data was extracted from Transfermarkt on 30 August 2023. (2) A total of 11 players who were without a club were counted as entries.

The aftermath of the transfer market

Departure of players(1)(2)(3)

In the 2022–23 season, 277 players from Liga Portugal Betclic were transferred to international clubs, representing 65% of all player transfers. The outflows from these transfers amounted to €505 million, accounting for 91% of the value generated by player departures. The summer transfer period was the most active, accounting for 77% of all player departures during the 2022–23 season. As with player arrivals, center backs were the position most frequently transferred.

Liga Portugal Betclic

Liga Portugal Betclic

Entradas provenientes da Liga Portugal Betclic

Departures to Liga Portugal Betclic

Fonte: Transfermarkt

Liga Portugal SABSEG

Liga Portugal SABSEG

Estrangeiro Outras

Entradas provenientes da Liga Portugal SABSEG

Departures to Liga Portugal SABSEG

Source: Transfermarkt

Departures to nonprofessional leagues

Entradas provenientes de campeonatos não profissionais

Entradas provenientes de outros campeonatos

Departures to foreign leagues

Main data on departures

Enzo Fernández



Total departures

Total entradas

(1) The movements in and out of Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies include player transfers and loans. Departures of players who had finished their sporting careers were not considered. The data was extracted from Transfermarkt on 30 August 2023. (2) A total of seven players left as they did not have a club. (3) Darwin Núñez’s transfer in the 2022–23 season was not counted, as SL Benfica registered the sale and profit in the 2021–22 season.

Income statement

In 2022-23, compared with 2021-22, the revenues of the Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies registered an increase of 9% and a more equitable distribution in the league table.

Total revenue

Revenues generated from the sales of athletes’ rights and competitions represent the most significant source of income

Evolution of the aggregate revenue of the Sports Societies(1) (2)


9% increase in 2022–23

Revenues from the sale of athletes’ rights, competitions and broadcasting rights are the most significant sources, representing 27%, 19% and 18% of total revenues, respectively.

Compared with the previous season, there is a notable increase in the equality of revenue distribution among the teams in the league table.

Evolution of television revenue and commercial activity in Sports Societies, excluding FC Porto, Sporting CP and SL Benfica (3)

Atividade comercial Milhões de euros

of revenues in the 2022–23

Source: Liga Portugal

Main revenue streams

In the 2022–23 season, the Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies generated the following revenues:

Player transfers

Transfers and loan revenues


Participation in European competitions

Television rights

Sale of tv rights of home matches

Commercial activity

Sponsorships, advertising and corporate

Source: Liga Portugal

Broadcasting rights are crucial for smaller Sports Societies, but its financial impact has been diminishing

The importance of broadcasting rights as revenue is significant for Sports Societies, especially for those ranked between 7th and 18th places, contributing about 27% of their total income. However, the dependence on revenue from broadcasting rights for these clubs has reduced over the years. This decrease has been occurring due to the increase in the importance of commercial revenues and transfers of athletes’ rights.

Despite the evident drop in revenues in the 2019–20 and 2020–21 seasons due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sports Societies have been developing commercial strategies with positive results, that are evident in revenues.

In fact, between 2018–19 and 2022–23, there was a 26%, 27% and 55% increase in commercial, box office and merchandising revenues, respectively.

Source: Liga Portugal

Source: Liga Portugal

Income statement

The expenses of the Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies increased compared with last season, with personnel expenses being the item that contributed the most to this increase.

Total expenses

Personnel expenses were the main driver of the increase in total expenses

Evolution of the aggregate expenses of Sports Societies(1) (2)

Source: Liga Portugal


9% increase in 2022–23

Expenditure on personnel and external supplies and services (ESS) was the largest category of spending for the Sports Societies, accounting for 47% and 26% of total expenditure, respectively.

Compared with the 2021–22 season, personnel expenses saw the largest increase, with a rise of approximately €46 million. Similarly to the distribution of revenues, expenses have also become more evenly spread across the league table.

Evolution of television revenue and commercial activity in Sports Societies, excluding FC Porto, Sporting CP and SL Benfica (1)(2)

Coaches remuneration

Millions of euros

Atividade comercial Milhões de euros

Athletes’ remuneration

Millions of euros

(1) The analysis was based on the most recent historical information available. For more details, see the study methodology section. (2) Data for SC Braga, FC Rio Ave and Santa Clara is not represented due to lack of information for the 2022–23 season.

50 | Portuguese Professional Football yearbook 2022-23

Main expense streams

In 2022–23, Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies incurred the following expenses:

Personnel expenses

Athletes, coaches and others


External supplies and services

Player transfer rights

Transaction expenses and amortizations

Financial markets

Interest and other similar expenses

Source: Liga Portugal

Spending by Sports Societies on player and coach salaries continues to rise, with expenditures on players increasing by 10% and on coaches by 34%, respectively, compared with the 2021–22 season.

Spending on player and coach salaries accounted for 26% and 5%, respectively, of the total spending of Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies in 2022–23.

In the 2022–23 season, there was a 12% increase in personnel expenses, amounting to an additional €46 million. However, due to an increase in revenues of €79 million, the proportion of personnel expenses relative to total revenues remained relatively constant, at 45%.

Source: Liga Portugal

Source: Liga Portugal

The financial position

The assets and liabilities of Sports Societies have reached record levels, yet concurrently, there has been a decrease in the number of Sports Societies with positive net results.

Total assets

The most valuable asset in history

Evolution of the Sports Society’s asset structure (1)

1% increase in 2022–23

The primary driver of asset growth was intangible assets, which increased by approximately €25 million (5%) from 2021-22. Additionally, investment properties (with a €17 million rise), other accounts receivable (up €26 million), and bank cash deposits (increasing by €16 million) were significant contributors to the overall asset growth. These increases made it possible to compensate for the €72 million decrease in customer-related receivables.

In the 2022–23 season, the main components of the Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies’ assets were as follows:

Source: Liga Portugal (1) The

52 | Portuguese Professional Football yearbook 2022-23

Tangible assets (fixed)

by the Sports Societies

Sports Societies’ net result

The Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies presented a negative aggregate net result of €15 million, reflecting a worse performance than in the previous season in which they presented a negative aggregate net result of €920k.

In total, only seven Sports Societies showed positive results.(2)

Total liabilities

Highest liabilities ever, influenced by the increase in suppliers and bond loans

Evolution of the Sports Societies’ liabilities structure (1) (2)

2% increase in 2022–23

The main driver of liability growth was bond loans, which increased by approximately €59 million compared with last season. In addition to bond loans, financing was also increased by €51 million. These increases more than compensated for the reductions in deferred income (-€49 million) and financing liabilities (-€46 million), leading to an overall increase in liabilities.

In 2022–23, the main components of the Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies’ liabilities were as follows:

Suppliers Amounts payable


Banks and credit institutions

Bond loans Bonds issued by Sports Societies

Source: Liga Portugal (1) This analysis only includes Sports Societies that provided information for 2022–23. (2) The analysis was based on the most recent historical information available. For more details, see the study methodology section.

Liga Portugal SABSEG

Moreirense FC wins the Liga Portugal SABSEG and returns to the first league.

After being relegated to the Liga Portugal SABSEG in the previous season, Moreirense FC made a strong comeback in 2022–23. During this season, the team secured a total of 24 wins, seven draws and only three defeats, claiming its third Liga Portugal SABSEG championship title.

306 matches played

€396m of media exposure value of the competition in editorial space

The show watched from the stands

The 2022–23 season marked the return of approximately 338 thousand fans to the stadiums of Liga Portugal SABSEG teams, representing an average stadium occupancy rate of 27%.

Match attendance at the stadiums(1) of average stadium capacity utilization of weight of the three best-ranked clubs in total attendance 27% 34%


Total attendance in the stadiums average stadium attendance per game


6.017 Jogo com maior assistência 34th matchweek 28 May 18:00

Source: Liga Portugal

Average attendance and start time of matches Average

and match days

While the vast majority of games, making up 73% of the total, were scheduled before 5 p.m., the matches that started after 8 p.m. saw the highest average attendance.

Sunday not only had the highest number of games played but also featured the highest average attendance.

Source: Liga Portugal

ticket price

On average, the difference between the highest and lowest price was €2.

Sports Societies with the highest average price differential between matchdays

Source: Liga Portugal

Talent with most exposure

Liga Portugal SABSEG has seen consistent growth in the value it gains from media exposure, supported by increased broadcasting of matches on television and online platforms.

Broadcast of matches on television

The television broadcasts of Liga Portugal SABSEG matches are carried out by three channels: Sport TV, Benfica TV and Porto Canal. Matches featuring the B teams of FC Porto and SL Benfica were broadcasted on the respective Sports Societies’ channels.

In the 2022–23 season, 89% of Liga Portugal SABSEG matches were broadcast on television. The remaining 35 matches were broadcast on Sport TV’s streaming service.

Schedule of broadcasted matches

Number of broadcasted matches

Source: Liga Portugal

The media returns of the competition for each match (AVE(2))

The value of the editorial space generated by Liga Portugal SABSEG has continued to rise, reaching €396 million this season. Television (50%) stands out, which, unlike the previous season, was the format with the highest media return in 2022–23, surpassing online (48%) compared with 2021–22.

Source: Liga Portugal

Key value-creating areas

Source: Liga Portugal (1) The figures shown do not include play-off matches. (2) Advertising value equivalency is the equivalent cost of advertising in minutes and spaces (traditional and digital) of the competition’s presence in the media.

Naming Linha Performer Kits Super Flash

Transfer market

During the 2022–23 season, 58 players transferred from Liga Portugal Betclic to Liga Portugal SABSEG, with 63 players moving between Liga Portugal SABSEG’ Sports Societies.

Overview of transfers’ numbers

Inflows and outflows of players’ transfers(1)(2)

Main transfers

Principais transferências

Source: Transfermarkt (1) The movements of players in and out of Liga Portugal SABSEG Sports Societies include transfers and loans of players. Departures of players who have finished their sporting careers were not considered. Data retrieved from the Transfermarkt portal database as of 30 August 2023. (2) There were 21 entries and 45 departures of players who were without a club.

SL Benfica B
Artur Chaves
Lech Poznan
Afonso Sousa
Avaí FC

B teams: valorization of young talents

From the B team to the main squad

Revenue from the sale of players who have passed through the respective B team

The B teams play a crucial role in fostering the reputation and development of young players on both national and international stages.

In 2022–23, there was a significant decrease in the use of athletes promoted from the B team (32).

Source: Liga Portugal

There has been a significant increase in the value of transfers of players who have passed through the B teams.

FC Porto was the Sports Society with the highest financial volume in sales of players who played for the B team in 2022–23 (€85m).

Source: Liga Portugal

Vitória SC continues to be the Sports Society that most frequently promotes players from the B team to the A team.

Source: Liga Portugal

Athletes developed in B teams that played in a Big 5 League(1) +100

65% of athletes from the national team at the 2022 World Cup which previous trained in a B team

Source: Liga Portugal (1) England, Spain, Italy, Germany and France.

B teams competing in the Liga Portugal SABSEG in the 2022–23 season 2 of sales of athletes who have played for the B team since 2013–14

€1.5b 26% of B team matches broadcasted on TV in the 2022–23 season

Income statement

In 2022–23, there was a decrease in revenues and an increase in expenses, resulting in a deterioration of the financial performance of the Liga Portugal SABSEG Sports Societies.

Total revenues

Rio Ave FC’s promotion leads to a drop in average revenues

Evolution of the average revenues of Sports Societies(1)


10% decrease in 2022–23

The Sports Societies of Liga Portugal SABSEG saw their combined revenues decrease to €42 million, marking a 10% drop compared with the 2021–22 season, primarily due to the promotion of Rio Ave FC to Liga Portugal Betclic. The biggest drivers of revenue decline were athletes’ rights (-€5 million) and revenue from commercial activity (-€2 million).

In 2022–23, the Liga Portugal SABSEG Sports Societies generated the following revenues:(2)


Subsidies/contributions Other

Distribution of revenues in the 2022–23 ranking

Source: Liga Portugal

(1) The analysis was based on the most recent historical information available. For more details, see the study methodology section.

(2) CD Trofense revenues are not represented due to lack of detailed revenue information in 2022–23.

Total expenses

ESS expenses were the main driver of the increase in total expenses

Evolution of the average expenses within Sports Societies(1)


0.4% increase in 2022–23

The total expenses of the Sports Societies of Liga Portugal SABSEG amounted to €63 million, registering an increase of 0.4% compared with 2021–22.

Despite the decrease in personnel expenses (-€3 million), the increase in ESS expenses (+€6 million) led to an increase in total expenses.

In 2022–23, the Liga Portugal SABSEG Sports Societies had the following expenses:(2)




Expenses of a miscellaneous

Source: Liga Portugal

(1) The analysis was based on the most recent historical information available. For more details, see the study methodology section.

(2) CD Trofense’s revenues are not represented due to lack of detailed information on revenues.

The financial position

In the 2022-23 season, Liga Portugal SABSEG Sports Societies experienced a decline in assets and a rise in liabilities, leading to a deterioration in their financial position.

Total assets

7% decrease in 2022–23 €45M

Despite the increase in intangible assets, total assets still saw a decrease

Evolution of the Sports Societies’ asset structure (1)

In 2022–23, the total assets of the Liga Portugal SABSEG Sports Societies were valued at €45 million, registering a decrease of 7% compared with 2021–22.

Despite the substantial increase in intangible assets (+€7 million), the decrease in customers (-€7 million) along with the decrease in other less substantial items led to a decrease in assets.

Rio Ave FC’s promotion led to a better distribution of the assets in the league table.

In 2022–23, the main components of the assets of the Liga Portugal SABSEG Sports Societies were as follows:

and others

distribution in the 2022–23 classification

Source: Liga Portugal (1) The analysis was based on the

Sports Societies net result


The Sports Societies of Liga Portugal SABSEG reported a negative net result of €23 million for the current season, a deterioration from the previous season’s negative result of €17 million. In total, only two Sports Societies showed positive results.

Total liabilities

Sports Societies with positive net results (1)


24% increase in 2022–23

Liabilities soar and register highest value ever

Evolution of the average liability structure of Sports Societies(2)

The Sports Societies of Liga Portugal SABSEG recorded total liabilities of €97 million, an increase of 24% compared with 2021–22. This increase is mainly due to the increase in bank financing (+ €14 million) and debts with associates (+ €4 million).

In 2022–23, the main components of the Liga Portugal SABSEG Sports Societies’ liabilities were as follows:

Distribution of

in the 2022–23 classification

Source: Liga Portugal (1) This analysis only includes Sports Societies that provided information for 2022-23. (2) The analysis was based on the most recent historical information available. For more detail, see the study methodology section.

Allianz CUP

FC Porto is crowned champion for the first time.

FC Porto was crowned Winter Champion for the first time in its history in the grand finale of the Allianz Cup 2022-23, played at the Estádio Municipal de Leiria – Dr. Magalhães Pessoa.

The 2022-23 edition of the Allianz Cup was marked by the new format of the competition, with more games than in the previous edition (from 37 to 63).

5 wins

in a row for FC Porto in this season’s Allianz Cup, not losing a single game

63 matches played in the competition

€316m of media exposure value of the competition in editorial space

The show watched from the stands

The stands of the Sports Societies stadiums received 257 thousands fans in 202223, registering a significant increase compared with recent seasons, still marked by the effects of the pandemic.

Evolution of the number of fans

Total attendance has seen a sharp increase, nearing the pre-pandemic figures.

Match attendance in the stadium


Source: Liga Portugal



Match with the highest attendance

Match schedules and days

The matches with the highest average attendance were those who started between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Of all 63 matches in the competition, approximately 68% started after 7 p.m., while the remaining 32% have commenced before 7 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday were the days of the week with the most games played. However, the games played on Monday and Wednesday were the ones with the highest average attendance.

During the group stage, the average attendance at the stadiums was 3,092 spectators, with SL Benfica and FC Porto recording the highest home game attendance among all participating Sports Societies.

Source: Liga Portugal

Source: Liga Portugal

Source: Liga Portugal

The impact of the media

The higher number of matches in the competition compared with the previous year (63 vs. 37) and the broadcasting of all matches on television were reflected in the increase of the media return from the Allianz Cup.

Broadcast of matches on television Schedule of broadcasted matches

In the 2022–23 season, all Allianz Cup matches were broadcast by Sport TV, and SIC broadcasted the final of the competition. Most games started after 8 p.m..

Source: Liga Portugal

The media return of the competition (AVE(1))

The value of the editorial space generated by the Allianz Cup grew by €114 million in 2022–23, due to the higher number of games broadcast on television compared with 2021–22, after increasing from 37 to 63 games. The weight of the return of television has recovered, representing practically the same as online.

Source: Liga Portugal

Key value-creating areas

The prize distribution

With a new format and, consequently, a greater number of matches, the Allianz Cup distributed the highest prize amount in the history of the competition among Sports Societies.

The 2022–23 season was marked by the new format of the Allianz Cup, with the competition consisting of eight groups, six groups of four teams and two groups of five teams. This new format, which had an increase in the number of teams and matches, led to an increase in the prizes distributed by the Sports Societies, totaling around €2 million, the highest prize in the last five seasons. Distribution of competition revenues

The Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies accumulated a prize pool higher than the total prize pool of the Liga Portugal SABSEG due to their sporting performance.

Source: Liga Portugal
Source: Liga Portugal
Source: Liga Portugal

The biggest prize winners in the competition

Of a total of approximately €2.2 million distributed to the Sports Societies in prize moneys, 30% was awarded to the Sports Societies that reached the Final Four, 50% to the teams in the group stage and 20% to the teams that reached the quarterfinals.

FC Porto and Sporting CP obtained the highest revenue distribution as a result of their performance in the competition.

Financial result of the competition

This season, the competition recorded a net result 6% higher than the previous season, with an increase of 2% in income and 1.9% in expenses.

Source: Liga Portugal

Source: Liga Portugal




The anticipation of the new 2023–27 cycle Strategy

Forces of change

01. Professionalization of the industry

The rise in financial investment along with football’s growing prominence within the entertainment sector have facilitated greater levels of professionalization within the sport.

To enhance football’s value as an entertainment product in the global market, the industry must create a variety of experiences and content aimed at attracting and retaining consumers.

Data analytics in sport

At the national and international levels, there has been an increase in the number of investments in Sports Societies as well as in the amounts invested, as is the case with the Premier League, which has 75% of foreign control.

New business models

UEFA’s new rules, the Financial Sustainability Regulations, will come into force in a phased manner between 2022–23 and 2025–26. These rules are based on three pillars: stability, solvency and control.

Sponsors from new industries

Enhancing football’s value as an entertainment product

The use of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) has proved to be a successful solution to gain competitive advantage. The worldwide sports analytics market is estimated to reach US$22,000 million by 2030.

Increased investment

The increased professionalization of the football industry has led to the emergence of new business models, such as multiclub ownership (MCO), with 195 clubs having adopted MCO models by 2022.

New model for financial fair play

New industries have gained prominence as sponsors of the various stakeholders in European and national football, particularly those in the sports betting, cryptocurrency, NFT and blockchain sectors.


New competitions and formats

Changes to international competition formats, as well as the development of women’s football and eSports, will have an impact on the industry as a whole.

European competitions — the UEFA Champions League, the UEFA Europa League and the UEFA Conference League — and international competitions — the FIFA Club World Cup — will have new competitive formats from 2024–25 onward.

Women football’s growing importance

New technologies have introduced new dimensions to the football ecosystem, with eSports taking center stage. In 2022, the global eSports audience reached 549 million people.

New competitive formats

Women’s football has experienced a significant growth, driven by an increase in the number of athletes, viewership, competition prizes and investments.

The growing importance of eSports


Shift in supporter profiles

It is vital that the football industry adapts to the new supporter profiles, who come with different consumption habits and updated demands.

There is a wide variety of entertainment solutions that can lead to decreased attention spans. This could have implications for how fans watch football matches — a shift that is already taking place among Gen Z viewers.

Consumption of new sources of information

According to fans, athletes are the most effective agents for creating a connection between brands and football fans.

New broadcasting landscape

The sports betting industry in Portugal and Europe has experienced high growth, and it is expected to continue growing in the short and medium term, particularly the online betting market, which represents 70% of the total volume.

Growth of Web3

Increasing digital supporters with shorter attention spans

Social media platforms offering short-form vertical content and streaming platforms (e.g., Twitch) have gained popularity over traditional media.

Increased player influence

The market for broadcasting rights for sports content has undergone several changes in terms of both supply and demand, with new players entering the market and an increased interest in non-live content.

Growth of the sports betting market

Web3 has a growing impact on the world of football, with the potential to create new revenue streams through the monetization of virtual assets, such as NFTs and tokens.


Social and ethical concerns

There is an increasing social and ethical concern from industry stakeholders, ranging from regulators to supporters.

There has been mounting pressure from fans and industry stakeholders for the implementation of practices to enhance transparency and fight corruption in football.

Football as a promoter for education and social values

Given football’s role and impact, relevant national and international entities, such as Liga Portugal, are seeking to make a sustainable and socially positive impact.

Increased regulation of sponsorships

Growing appreciation for transparency in football

The football industry, through its key stakeholders, has taken advantage of its widespread media coverage to stimulate the social development of young people through the sport.

Increased responsibilities for governing bodies

Some of the international football regulators and local governments have already implemented mechanisms to control and restrict the involvement of sports betting companies in the football industry.

Key challenges for 2023–27

Liga Portugal’s 2023–27 term will be shaped by seven key challenges:

Fostering greater proximity with the fans

Boosting the value of clubs

Increasing competition value, while keeping women’s football in mind


Internationalization of Liga Portugal

Centralizing broadcasting rights

Reducing specific context-related expenses


Fostering greater proximity with the fans

Professional football is undergoing a period of radical change, particularly in its relationship with its supporters. With the growth of the industry, the financial perspective has gained a central dimension, which has sometimes resulted in a deterioration of the relationship with the fans.

Promoting grassroots football and reconnecting with fans

In Portugal, the vast majority of football fans are concentrated in the big three clubs, which requires local clubs to improve playing conditions and create more attractive experiences to attract a younger and more diverse audience. In addition, clubs should strengthen ties with local communities, promoting actions that involve local schools and associations.

There is an urgent need to promote the modernization and improvement of sports venues to enable newer and better fan experiences. In Portugal, many clubs face serious shortcomings in stadium quality and training facilities and lack the financial means to refurbish them.

01 04 02 03

It is vital to transform matches into football spectacles, ensuring the experience starts before the kick-off and lasts after the final whistle. Promoting a festive atmosphere and welcoming opposing fans as guests are crucial steps to foster a healthy competitive climate among fans.

With the expansion of the football industry and technological progress, fans have increasingly gone digital and become multitaskers. Smartphones have become a complementary tool to the match day experience, both at home and in the stadium. Over-the-top (OTT) platforms and big tech have been gaining ground in the football content market by offering exclusive coverage.

The need to improve domestic football facilities
Football as a spectacle for all
Shift in supporter profiles


Boosting the value of clubs

It is crucial to help clubs in their development, particularly regarding financial aspects, given the threats to Portuguese football’s current business model, which is based on training, development and sale of talent.

01 02

Financial sustainability

Most clubs in Portugal are reporting an operating loss and are reliant on the sale of assets, e.g., player sales, to achieve profitability. Regarding the sustainability of Portuguese Professional Football, it is important for Liga Portugal to promote a narrower gap between club revenues and expenditures. Furthermore, UEFA’s new financial control regime will put even more pressure on clubs.

Greater professionalization and new skills

By developing skills in fields, such as data analytics, marketing and digital communications, clubs can enhance their brand, improve sporting performance, and bridge the gap with fans, ultimately bringing in additional revenue. Liga Portugal is well-positioned to play a critical role in facilitating the development and centralization of this expertise, thereby reducing asymmetries between clubs.


Increased investment in Portuguese Professional Football

One factor that has aided clubs in boosting their financial position is the influx of capital from new investors, an international football industry trend that has also been observed in Portugal. Increased investment eases access to funding, which can be beneficial. However, Liga Portugal will need to safeguard clubs by promoting the creation of longterm value for both the organization and the local community.

Increasing competition value, while keeping women’s football in mind

The growing transformation and industrialization of football has brought about changes to European competitive formats and strengthened European and international leagues. Likewise, there has been a positive evolution in women’s football.


Low internal competitiveness and threats from other national leagues

Portuguese Professional Football exhibits considerable competitiveness asymmetries, evidenced by a low average number of goals, low effective playing time and a high number of drawn matches, compared with the other top seven European leagues. In addition to these challenges, other national leagues have gained prominence in the European and international scene. In Europe, the Dutch league, has shown progress in UEFA rankings and is now a direct competitor of Liga Portugal.


The growing prominence of women’s football

It is also vital to reflect on the state of women’s football and recognize its growing importance to the professional landscape, driven by the increasing viewership and participants domestically and internationally. Recognizing the significance of women’s football is becoming more crucial, given its likely trajectory toward professionalization.

04. Developing Liga Portugal

The growing complexity of the Portuguese and international Professional Football scene requires Liga Portugal to pursue constant development and improvement in order to sustain its growth and more effectively drive the paradigm shift in the industry.


A review of Liga Portugal’s financing model

It is essential to review Liga Portugal’s current financing model and better tailor it for an era of centralized broadcasting rights. Therefore, Liga Portugal should analyze the possibility of changing the distribution of its revenues, since retaining funds from broadcasting rights could play a significant role in the organization’s revenues.

Fostering closer tires with stakeholders

There is an urgent need for Liga Portugal to strengthen its relationships with all its stakeholders, especially with Sports Societies and Portuguese governing bodies, to promote a concerted effort to boost Professional Football in Portugal.

Strengthening Liga Portugal’s non-football footprint

Liga Portugal should continue to bolster its brand by engaging in non-football initiatives (e.g., Thinking Football Summit), in order to develop its reach and recognition among stakeholders, while contributing to a favorable trend in the perception of Portuguese Professional Football.

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Revision of the human resource strategy

Liga Portugal should develop a human resource strategy in order to attract and retain the best talent available to address the needs of the Portuguese Football ecosystem. This will allow Liga Portugal to effectively navigate challenges and help stand out as Portuguese Professional Football’s leading force.

05. Internationalization of Liga Portugal

Globalization has increased the relevance and importance of international markets in European Professional Football leagues, especially when it comes to broadcasting income.

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It is crucial for Liga Portugal to position itself effectively in the international market. Given the high degree of competition in the market, international markets are already saturated, making it crucial for Liga Portugal to offer a distinctive value proposition that will enable it to reach untapped audiences, while leveraging the unique selling points of its competitions (e.g., high levels of youth talent).

The most prominent clubs in Portugal are already global brands that promote Portuguese Football overseas. It is therefore imperative that Liga Portugal work together with these clubs to create synergies for the internationalization process that stand to benefit the industry as a whole.

Liga Portugal’s global positioning
Collaborative internationalization of Portuguese Professional Football


Centralizing broadcasting rights

The implementation of Liga Portugal’s 2019–23 strategic plan was geared toward securing approval for the centralization of broadcasting rights. It was ultimately successful when, in February 2021, such an agreement was reached, which will need to be settled by the 2028–29 season.

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One of the main challenges related to the centralization is the price at which the broadcasting rights will be sold. Before the pandemic, the fees negotiated for the top European leagues were increasing rapidly. However, this growth has slowed down following the pandemic, resulting in some of the contracts being adjusted downward, which could pose financial risks.

Another challenge arising from this process is the need to foster favorable market conditions for the sale. The growth in value of broadcasting deals in Portugal and the main European leagues was underpinned by a favorable competitive landscape. However, since these conditions have evolved, it is imperative to closely monitor the current market dynamics.


In order to tackle these challenges, Liga Portugal established Liga Portugal Centralização, a company focused on this process and with several objectives, such as the definition of the general conditions for the exploitation of content, or the definition of models and criteria for sharing revenues, among others. Centralization of broadcasting rights is a fundamental instrument for Portuguese Professional Football, but it also comes with numerous challenges that industry stakeholders, particularly Liga Portugal, must address.

The creation of favorable market conditions
Boosting the commercial value of the broadcasting rights
Creation of Liga Portugal Centralização


The reduction of specific context-related expenses

There are various context-related expenses that stand in the way of developing the competitiveness of Portuguese football, hindering its ability to compete with foreign clubs and leagues.


Sports betting revenue sharing

Sports betting plays a crucial part of the revenue structure for Liga Portugal and its clubs; however, the current revenue sharing model is being contested. It is essential to reconsider this model to increase the revenue for Portuguese Professional Football. A fairer and more equitable distribution of sports betting revenues stands to improve club performance and, in turn, the overall competitiveness of domestic football.


The tax burden on Portuguese Professional Football

The tax burden on Portuguese Professional Football hinders its competitiveness. Along with Italy, Portugal is the country where the highest tax bracket (48%) is levied at the lowest absolute figure (€75,009). This heavier taxation on Sports Societies makes it difficult to retain talent, since it creates a level of expenditure that hinders financial and sporting competitiveness internationally.


Insurance costs

The current insurance law places an additional constraint on the competitiveness of domestic football, insofar as clubs’ insurance obligations represent a considerable expense. As such, with a view to promoting financial relief for Sports Societies, it is essential to revise the existing legal framework, which is something that Liga Portugal is already working on.

2023-27 Strategic plan

Currently, Liga Portugal faces new challenges for the 2023–27 time horizon. To address these, Liga Portugal, together with the EY organization, has outlined a new strategy based on five pillars, which unfold into 29 strategic objectives to be pursued during the 2023–27 cycle.

Commitment to supporters

Credibility through professionalism

Uniting all parties

Enhancing the product

Social responsibility through football

Commitment to supporters

The supporter commitment pillar places the fans at the heart of its approach. With a clear focus on getting to know them, bring them closer to football, monetize them and increase their awareness.

To bring fans closer to the spectacle of football

To better get to know supporters, assessing their consumer habits, location and purchasing power

To develop a fan-focused strategy that focuses on generating revenue through supporter engagement.

Enhancing the product

The product enhancement pillar aims to establish Liga Portugal’s competitions as high-quality entertainment spectacles, while simultaneously improving the perception of Portuguese Professional Football.

To establish the Liga Portugal brand in the football ecosystem

To develop the brand of Liga Portugal’s competitions

To improve the fan experience in stadiums

To improve, standardize and regulate the broadcasting of the audiovisual product

To promote the Liga Portugal product and its brand globally

To ensure a successful centralization process for broadcasting rights

Credibility through professionalism

Strategic priorities

To rethink Liga Portugal’s governance model

To promote the restructuring and growth of Liga Portugal’s organization

To reframe Liga Portugal’s financing model

To promote the financial sustainability of clubs by creating additional sources of revenue and promoting cost control

To support the development of infrastructure for Portuguese Professional Football

To increase transparency and the fight against corruption in Portuguese Professional Football

To promote greater professionalization of individuals working in the sports industry

To promote the use of technological and digital resources

To combat negative externalities for the industry, ensuring the quality of the services provided

To develop mechanisms to streamline financial reporting and control

To reduce the industry’s context-related costs

To attract and develop qualified human capital in the Professional Football industry

Uniting all parties

The pillar seeks to align the diverse interests of all stakeholders through a campaign dedicated to the industry’s collective improvement, with a focus on halting practices leading to its self-destruction.

To align objectives and interests among the stakeholders of Portuguese

Football To promote positive values in the industry

To support women’s football by making it an integral part of our industry

Social responsibility through football

The social responsibility through football pillar promotes football as a driver of social responsibility, given its significant media coverage and its impact on the society.


Football foundations in their efforts

To establish Liga Portugal’s stance amid divisive social issues

To consolidate and strengthen ties with local communities

To integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards within the industry

Methodology and content

This yearbook was prepared by the EY organization based on information provided by Liga Portugal and the Sports Societies. The EY organization did not perform an analysis on the quality of the information and assumed that the information received was correct.

1. Liga Portugal provided the financial information of the Sports Societies for the 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21, 2021–22 and 2022–23 seasons in two formats: (i) a compilation of the reports and accounts of the Sports Societies for the referred seasons, (ii) details provided by the Sports Societies for the referred seasons. Whenever possible, the use of the aggregated format of reports and accounts was prioritized.

2. File (i) was provided by the Sports Societies through two different channels: a) provision of the Report and Accounts in scanned PDF format, b) completion of Annex 1 of the list of requests of the EY organization-Liga Portugal yearbook. In the case of double submission, the scanned PDFs of report and accounts were used.

3. File (ii) was sent by the Sports Societies through two different ways: a) availability of Annex 1 sent annually to Liga Portugal, in Excel format, b) completion of Annex 4 of the list of requests of the EY organization-Liga Portugal yearbook. In the case of double submission, method a) was used.

4. For Sports Societies that did not provide the necessary information at the time under review, the most recent available historical information was used.

5. Due to the closing date of the document, the audited Relatório & Contas for the 2021–22 season from the Sports Societies were not available, with the exception of

those from CD Tondela, SC Braga, FC Vizela and UD Vila Franquense.

6. In 2022–23, for Liga Portugal Betclic, the files of point 2 were obtained for all Sports Societies except for point 1 of FC Arouca, Boavista FC and Santa Clara and point 2 of SC Braga, Boavista FC, Rio Ave FC and Santa Clara.

7. The files (ii) of point 2 made available by FC Porto in 2019–20 and 2020–21 relate to the consolidated accounts. Given the unavailability of detailed information regarding the individual accounts, the consolidated data was used.

8. For Liga Portugal SABSEG in 2022–23, the files of point 2 (i) of BSAD, CD Trofense and SC Covilhã and (ii) of Estrela Amadora, BSAD, CD Trofense and SC Covilhã point 2 were not received.

9. Due to the lack of previous information from CD Trofense in 2021–22, file (i) of point 2 was filled in using the SABI database and the information in file (ii) of point 2 was not accounted for.

10. Files (ii) of point 2 were not received from three Liga Portugal SABSEG Sports Societies in the season, two in 2018–19 and two in 2019–20, as well as from two Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies in the 2019–20 season, two from 2020–21 and five from 2021–22.

11. The file (ii) of point 2 made available by Leixões SC in 2019–20 does not reconcile with the audited financial statements. Given the unavailability of an alternative

source of detailed information, the available data was used.

12. The economic analysis of Professional Football examined the direct impact of the activity of Liga Portugal and the Sports Societies participating in Liga Portugal Betclic and Liga Portugal SABSEG on the Portuguese economy.

13. Information on the jobs, tax burden and remuneration of players, coaches and staff was made available by filling out Annex 2 of the list of requests of the EY organization-Liga Portugal yearbook.

14. However, the submission of information was incomplete. For each season, certain sports societies did not provide information: four in 2018–19, five in 2019–20, four in 2020–21, nine in 2021–22 and 10 in 2022–23.

15. For Sports Societies that did not provide the necessary information during review, the most recent available historical information was used.

16. Annex 2 of the EY organizationLiga Portugal yearbook file of Sports Society FC Porto was made available for the first time in 2020–21. The values in the historical period were revised considering the information available for this edition.

17. The method used to calculate gross value added was based on the metadata from the National Statistics Institute (INE), which involves deducting intermediate consumption from the value of

production. This method has been adapted to fit the specificities of the Professional Football sector.

18. The calculation of gross value added for the Sports Societies in the Liga Portugal Betclic and Liga Portugal SABSEG includes various financial elements: the total revenue from sales and services provided, other income and profits, the net balance of athletes’ rights transactions, plus the cost of sold goods, external supplies and services, other expenditures and losses, with adjustments for changes in inventory during the specified period. The gross value added of Professional Football was compared with the value of the GDP projection of the Portuguese economy for 2022, according to data from INE and projections from the European Commission (DG ECFIN).

19. The turnover of the sports societies in Liga Portugal Betclic and Liga Portugal SABSEG is derived from the total of sales, services, other income, and net gains from player transactions. Liga Portugal’s turnover includes its sales, services, and additional earnings, excluding revenues received directly from the Sports Societies.

20. The information on player transfers from the Liga Portugal Betclic Sports Societies was obtained from the football website Transfermarkt, focusing only on the analysis of the entry and exit of players from the Sports Societies.

21. The management information of

professional competitions, including the schedules, attendances and television broadcasts of the matches, was provided by Liga Portugal for the 2022–23 season.

22. The total aggregate items of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities were calculated from the aggregation file (i) of the reports and accounts of the Sports Societies for the seasons referred to in point 2, with the information restrictions described.

23. Expenses with personnel, external supplies and services, interest and other similar expenses, components of assets and liabilities, and net income were also calculated from file (i), with the same restrictions.

24. The calculation of the income details, such as gains in the transaction and assignment of athletes’ rights, broadcasting rights and commercial activity, was made from file (ii), with details provided by the Sports Societies for the seasons referred to in point 2, with the restrictions described.

25. The calculation of detailed expenses, such as expenses in the transaction and amortization of athletes’ rights, sports agents’ remunerations, was made from file (ii), with the same restrictions.

Miguel Farinha

Country Managing Partner - Portugal, Angola and Mozambique

Mobile: +351 217 912 000

E-mail: miguel.farinha@pt.ey.com

Sara Lourosa

EY-Parthenon - Corporate Strategy, Principal Mobile: +351 211 599 344

E-mail: sara.lourosa@parthenon.ey.com

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