Activity Plan And Budget 2020-21

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2. COVID-19


4. 2020-21 SEASON






6. ACTION PLAN 2020-21





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1. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 2020 will be remembered worldwide, and not just in our country, for the state of calamity and emergency imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The disease that halted Society, also forced Professional Football on taking unexpected decisions and readjusting certain realities, for which we were not prepared. In good time, at Liga Portugal, we never renounced the Resumption of the Competition. Even when we confronted with the Government’s decision to permanently suspend LigaPro, we always believed that, at least, Liga NOS would have the capacity of reinventing itself and conclude the season, as it would eventually happen. The repercussions would have been dramatic if that did not happen. At this time, it is impossible to calculate the definitive costs of the Liga NOS suspension and the damages that this would have caused in the country, since this is an industry that represents 0,3% of the national GPD. However, we are anticipating a loss of 350 to 400 million euros in relation to the 2018-19 season, due to a three-month suspension of Professional Football. During this time, we have created several initiatives to support our Clubs, especially those of LigaPro, which had at their disposal a credit line of 1.52 million euros, plus 1 million euros provided by the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF). In this unprecedented context, among many other decisions, we postponed the 1st and 2nd phases of the Licensing for the 2020-21 Competitions, anticipating the enormous struggles that the Clubs would suffer from this suspension, and consequent revenue shortfalls, mostly provided by the television operators, to whom we leave a thankful word for having stayed alongside with Football.

The outbreak of the new Coronavirus forced us to postpone our projects, such as the launch of our Annual Report, or Soccerex, now rescheduled to April 2021, but also forced us to readjust our Annual Journeys, which represent a full year of hard work from our Sports Societies, and Kick-Off, an event that is mandatory for the start of next season. The thoughtful way we work at Liga Portugal is well evident in this current Activity Plan for the 2020-21 season. This could have been the year of the unequivocal continuity of Liga Portugal’s internationalization, but also in this regard, there was only a need of readjustment, that was all. The Executive Board of Liga Portugal puts, once again, this Activity Plan at the disposal of its employees, Sports Societies, partners and sponsors, who walk alongside with Professional Football working for its Success. The Credibility, Talent, Spectacle and Aggregation are part of this project and the ongoing dialogue with our partners and Sports Societies.

There are dates and deadlines that will be presented in this Activity Plan that may also suffer some amendments, the same being dependent on the evolution of the COVID-19, and the measures regarding social coexistence that may be adopted in the country. There are also some events that may suffer some format adjustments, from face-toface to web-based meetings, depending on what may be established to date.

2. COVID-19 The year of 2020 will be marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which changed the way we live, how we cope with Society and how we live Football. With almost three months of interruption in Liga NOS, and with the definitive suspension of the 10 remaining LigaPro matchdays, the industry suffered a setback, which, of course, will leave some marks in the following season. As a result of the pandemic, and all the constraints that it caused, the activities programmed by Liga Portugal, especially within the context of promoting Professional Football, also suffered a strong impact, with some of them that were changed and other ones that were effectively canceled, in order to comply with the safety guidelines imposed by the Directorate-General of Health. Still, Liga Portugal is committed to maintain the rigorousness in all planned activities that have not been affected, even those that have suffered concept changes and that are foreseen in this Activity Plan for the 2020-21 season.


3. STRATEGIC POSITIONING 2019-23 At the end of the first term of the current

that are capable of valuing and promot-

The Activity Plan is the document that

This annual document is conceived by

Executive Board of Liga Portugal, it was

ing its competitions.

supports the execution of the activities

an organization that wants to contribute

necessary to define the strategic posi-

This way, based on past criteria and hav-

for the next season, presenting the posi-

for its affirmation as an institution of ref-

tioning for the next years, resulting in a

ing in mind a planning for another four

tioning, the strategy and the projects that

erence in the Portuguese football scope.

4-year negotiation plan that would allow

years, a strategic plan for Liga Portugal

Liga Portugal proposes to implement,

In order to successfully respond to these

to leverage the current maturity phase

was developed by EY, as well as a new

aligned and approved by the Sports Soci-

challenges, Liga Portugal has outlined an

and promote Liga Portugal on national

business model. Using this document as

eties. This document aims to materialise,

ambitious strategy for Professional Foot-

territory and worldwide. Now that Liga

a basis and understanding the current

through the implementation of concrete

ball as an industry, with the purpose of

Portugal finds itself in a stable phase, the

state of the sector and where we should

actions and respective budgeting, the

promoting and valuing the Portuguese

duty and obligation of the organization

promote our football, were defined 5 new

objectives and guidelines that should be

Professional Football commercially, eco-

is to identify the major challenges for the

strategic axes of action for the 2019-23

taken by the institution, defined for this

nomically and sportingly.

Professional Football, by defining tactics


4-year cycle.











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3.1 MISSION, VISION AND VALUES Liga Portugal stands out by the values of Credibility, Aggregation, Talent and Spectacle in the planning, at every sporting season, of three major competitions sustained by the excellence of the football presented. A talent hub that promotes and exports some of the best players in this sport worldwide, in which 36 professional teams participate. The Mission, Vision and Values articulate the essence of the organization’s aspirations, defining its positioning to the World. This is the way that an organization positions itself to its stakeholders, indicating the path it wants to follow and how it will get there.


Both in our competitions and with its agents, and in the industry


In every field, both at our competitions, as in the business management.

Joining the ingredients in order to create a more spectacular competition inside and outside the stadiums.

Ensuring the excellence of the planning of the competitions, In full compliance with the economic and financial sustainability of the institution and its associates.




Establishing itself as one of the most important European football Leagues, permanently following a path of good international practices, thus valuing Portuguese Professional Football economically and sportingly.

AGGREGATION Create the proper conditions to safeguard the best interests of football.

VALUE PROPOSAL Football with Talent

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 11

3.2 OVERALL STRATEGY The future strategy of the Portuguese Professional Football should be conceived for its (re)posi-

Betting on the internationalisation of Portuguese football is also a path to follow, capitalising on

tioning in the top 5 European leagues and to promote its economic and sporting value.

the advantages of existing specific know-how, in particular with regard to scouting, training of

Capitalising its strong strategic vision, its professional and specialised management compe-

players and coaches and the organisation of professional football competitions.

tences and its contract negotiation skills, Liga Portugal has been making efforts to value the

Establishing partnerships and defining a concerted strategy in international markets, especially

professional competitions, incorporating partners of high reputation and carrying out relevant

in countries with a common past with the Portuguese language and culture, which have play-


ers and coaches playing in Portugal, and also in countries that receive Portuguese players and

In parallel, Liga Portugal needs to assert itself even more as the promoter of change, which will

coaches, are essential to the achievement of this strategy.

require more notoriety and prominence at a national and international level, as well as a gov-

The Executive Board of Liga Portugal, taking into account the axes of intervention and the over-

ernance model better suited to the challenges that it may face. Equally important is a change

all strategy to implement, has defined 5 strategic axes for the 2019-23 cycle.

of course based on the valorisation of the Portuguese Professional football competitions, mak-

The long-term partnership established between Liga Portugal and EY has been indispensable

ing it more competitive, more financially sustainable and more transparent.

for this enhancement cycle of the Portuguese Professional Football.

This future strategy should also enhance the industrialisation of Portuguese football, giving priv-

In this way, several documents were developed, with the purpose of democratising and in-

ilege to its commercial valuing. Football is a spectacle that needs to be sold as such. Good

creasing the transparency of the sector, in which we highlight the Portuguese Football Annual

international practices imply that Liga Portugal should reinforce all the fields that contribute to

Report and the Strategic Plan of Liga Portugal 2019-23, which served as the basis to define the

increase its spectacularity, making it more marketable. At this level, it is absolutely crucial to

tactics to be implemented during this cycle.

adopt a thoughful strategy between the clubs that outweighs the constraints of the current

This constant and continuous work, within the framework of this partnership, involved an ex-

cultural paradigm and promotes social dialogue.

haustive collection of information, which allows us to understand the extent of the sector and

The conjunction of the national Professional Football with the recent technological and digital

its positioning in the national economy, as well as the paths that it will have to take in order to

developments is also essential. At this level, it is essential to bet on strategic partnerships (e.g.

achieve the objectives we have established.


February 2018

March 2019

May 2019

July 2019

Strategic Diagnosis An extensive scrutiny work with the main purpose of fully understanding Portuguese football, Liga Portugal and its framework within the European football and the world.

Strategic and Action Plans 2019-233 Strategy and action plan to respond to the existing challenges and constraints, aiming to position Portuguese football in the five major European leagues and valuing it as a business.

Business Plan 2019-23 Document of operational nature and within the internal forum of Liga Portugal, with the financial plan associated with the implementation of the identified measures and presented in the Strategic Plan for the 2019-23 cycle.

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3.3. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES This Activity Plan has as reference the presentation of specific actions to be carried out in one year, based on major macro-strategic objectives established for the 2019-23 cycle and that were framed in the last activity plan and also in the next two plans. In this way, the strategic objectives for the 2019-23 are:



Stimulate the competitiveness of competitions by promoting the best plan for its competitive models and frameworks;



Stimulate the adoption of a joint and crosscutting strategy towards all football agents to combat manipulation and corruption, seeking to ensure the integrity of the sport;



Counter some of the cultural idiosyncrasies that hinder the implementation of a more advantageous business model;

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Invest on global expansion, seeking to promote Portuguese Professional Football worldwide, as well as to diversify its sources of income;



Develop business strategies that meet the new consumer’s profile and its needs;



Implement a new governance model, both democratic, agile and reliable, that promotes a modern management of Liga Portugal;



Ensure the financial sustainability of the Sports Societies through an effective implementation of strict rules for enrolment in the competitions;



Contribute to value and increase the quality of the spectacle by stimulating the interest of the partners and enhancing a higher economic return;



Reflect on the new challenges faced by the Sports Societies regarding their audiovisual rights.



Promote an active policy of technological innovation as a catalyst for sportsmanship, as well as for creating emotional and commercial ties with fans;



Contribute to the social dialogue by converging the interests among the protagonists of the game;

3.4 STRATEGIC AXES OF INTERVENTION The strategic goals of Liga Portugal for the 2019-23 time span have been clearly defined, resulting in operational objectives that translate into five axes of action and development - leading to 90 areas of concrete action.

1 LIGA PORTUGAL’S AFFIRMATION Strategy for a greater notoriety and prominence of Liga Portugal

1. Approve and implement a new credible, democratic and professional model that facilitates decision-making and ensures greater transparency and management accountability at all levels. 2. Promote a study to assess how the organization is perceived by its main stakeholders, evaluating the institution’s positioning and proposing strategies that promote the brands associated with Portuguese Professional Football. 3. Develop a Liga Portugal - Sports Societies Trainees Program in order to acquire and retain talent. 4. Strengthen the organic structure of Liga Portugal to keep up with the growing needs, allowing it to develop and implement strategies and projects in the future. 5. Raise the level of professionalism at the upper and intermediate levels, as well as increase the level of academic qualifications and international experience of its staff. 6. Adopt a policy of continuous training, allowing for the flow of professionals between Liga Portugal and the various football institutions across the world. 7. Postgraduate in Management: capitalise on the current postgraduate to captivate international references for internal training. 8. Postgraduate in Communication: carry out a Postgraduate Degree in Com-

munication in Professional Football, in partnership with Universidade Católica de Braga’s Faculty of Communication. 9. Institutionalise a follow-up session of the strategic plan on a six-month basis. 10. Promote a semi-annual staff meeting. 11. Consolidate the reporting and accountability policies. 12. Expand and optimise funding sources focusing on the commercial activity and thus strengthening the financial position. 13. Promote a support study to evaluate the feasibility of negotiation in the future of television rights. 14. Create a Centre for Studies and Research on Portuguese Professional Football, in close collaboration with the academic world. 15. Think Thank: further the concept of think-thanks, stimulating synergies and complementarities with other entities. 16. Use the Ambassador’s project to positively promote football, its culture and the value of Liga Portugal and its competitions. 17. Reformulate and resize Liga Portugal’s marketing strategy, seeking to free the institutional side from the the more operational side. 18. Promote a new agenda with the media, political and sports agents, as well as with international organisations, thus adopting a more interventive strategy on various fields.

19. Present a multimedia megacampaign that highlights the benefits of aggregation of those involved in Professional Football. 20. Carry out studies for the implementation of collective actions aimed at the qualification of the Sports Societies. 21. Activate Fundação do Futebol, putting social responsibility in service of the brand. Launch an emblematic social responsibility initiative per season. 22. Liga Portugal Headquarters: Implemente/requalify the best infrastructural conditions to monitor the evolution of needs in the coming years. 23. Create an integrating and modern dynamic regarding the phenomenon of football in Portugal. 24. Brand Equity: develop a strategy to position Liga Portugal alongside with major brands in order to promote institutional growth on par with the top European leagues.





Strategy for greater transparency and better regulation of Portuguese Professional Football

Integrated strategy for greater commercial value of the game, managed as a business

25. Develop a digital tool to monitor the Sports Societies’ accounts, e.g. financial ratios vs targets defined by UEFA, supported by an alert system. 26. Consolidate the Licensing Manual for participation in national competitions, based on the standards of European competitions. 27. Renew the conditions for participation in competitions. 28. Create an official Liga Portugal bookmaker that will provide new sources of income. 29. Create a progressive framework for the implementation of Financial Fair Play targets, based on the parameters of Financial Fair-Play of UEFA 1.0 and Financial Fair Play of UEFA 2.0. 30. Analysis of External Investment: collaborate with government and administrative authorities on key topics in order to capture international investement in Portuguese football. 31. Fact for Football: create a document on values to be promoted and codes of conduct to be adopted by agents of football. 32. Improve Fair Play prizes, adding rewards and increasing media exposure. 33. Promote the Liga Portugal Working Groups that bring together the technicians with influence at a club-management level. 34. Study the possibility of implementing Goal-line Technology (GLT) in Liga NOS.

35. Introduce technology to support game analysis (e.g. tactical feed), as well as automatic analysis (e.g. tracking available to all teams). 36. Further develop existing platforms with addition of new features. 37. Create a concept of Fan ID for accreditation of football fans who go to the stadiums. 38. Institutional Information: create a data link between Liga Portugal and Portuguese Football Federation. 39. Develop training courses for sports commentators. Provide information to promote the positive element of football.

40. Lead campaigns to encourage fair play and promote the game with the fans. 41. Increase the creation of educational, festive, positive and civic content for football as a sporting event for families. 42. Promote a study on the current consumer profile, configuring differentiated commercial strategies for the different supporters’ profiles. 43. Develop training courses and forums for various types of football agents, including players, coaches, match officials, game delegates and representatives. 44. Encourage the presence of families at the stadiums with a programme of initiatives aimed for this purpose. 45. Pink Fan: promote the presence of women, with a range of initiatives oriented to this segment. 46. Audience: develop engagement mechanisms with clubs, which contribute to obtaining higher attendances rates. 47. Violence in the Game: conceive a campaign for eradication of violence in football, in conjunction with the Authority for Prevention and Combat towards Violence in Sports. 48. Set up, in partnership with the broadcasters, a weekly programme to be held in the vicinity of the stadiums, prior to an official match of the competitions.

49. Conduct a study for the optimisation of the competitive model and identification of the best structure among competitions. 50. Television Broadcasts: draw up a proposal for a performance guide that aligns the recording, production and broadcasting of matches which also promotes the game. 51. Promote the classification of stadiums and accessibility with the elaboration of a set of specifications. 52. Fan Zones: develop and promote their expansion 53. Implement a campaign to promote a tax-benefit status for footballers. 54. Advocate, alongside with the competent authorities, for the reduction of VAT to 6% on tickets for football matches. 55. Sports accidents insurances: defend a clear objectivity of the law to reduce the insurance premiums paid by the Sports Societies. 56. Aim to increase the properties for the naming sponsor. 57. Prepare a feasible and measurable Business Plan.

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Strategy to accelerate digitalisation in Liga Portugal and Portuguese football

Strategy to obtain a significant international appeal Liga Portugal Website

58. Establish an autonomous Digital Department with an appropriate budget and structure for future challenges. 59. Further the development strategy of channels, with the creation of a study to maximise the return. 60. Implement a new model of communication between communication and marketing. 61. Improve the Liga Portugal digital platforms for the purposes of branding and buzz for better traffic generation and conversion (CRM/FRM development). 62. Develop a study that analyses the tools to be used (e.g. SEO, CRO, etc.), as well as the return of investments in digital marketing. 63. Encourage Sports Societies to define and implement a digital strategy through the creation of specific digital guidelines. 64. Produce digital content that stimulates the increase in fans from different regions to their football idols that play in the national competitions. 65. Use international bloggers and YouTubers to promote the spectacularity of competitions and their participants. 66. Seek solutions for the development of projects. 67. Draw up an internationalisation ecommerce platform (in joint work with the Sports Societies) for the online sale of merchadise.

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68. Defining a sponsorship strategy. 69. Reinforce the commitment in eSports and gaming. 70. Qualification and international appreciation of e-Liga. 71. Create, classify and promote the concept of e-Fan internationally. 72. Improve digital content via LIGA TV (in the form of video-on-demand and/or webTV). 73. Digital Media Operator: implement a digital media operator creative strategy (in the form of video-ondemand and/or webTV).

74. Elaborate a plan for Liga Portugal’s internationalisation with the necessary staff and financial resources. 75. Formally create the “Internationalisation” Department within the internal organisation chart of Liga Portugal. 76. Promote a study to support the assessment of the viability of negotiations for international television rights in the future. 77. Prepare a roadshow for international bid placement. 78. Design and implement collective actions and/or joint projects to finance internationalisation (e.g. PT2020). 79. Set up Liga Portugal stores in the main Portuguese airports. 80. Create simultaneous Fan Zones for Portuguese communities outside of Portugal. 81. Foster greater proximity to international agencies. 82. Form partnerships with relevant international players. 83. Develop and implement the internationalisation process of the League Cup. 84. Carry out training actions and develop consulting and training projects in countries belonging to the PALOP community. 85. Use the Ambassadors as promoters of Liga Portugal, its competitions and Sports Societies in foreign markets.

86. Create a database of players with varied audiovisual content that allows the development of content to be broadcast in international media, thus facilitating interactions with nternational partners and enriching the Liga TV channel. 87. Participate in international summits to promote Liga Portugal and its competitions. 88. Create international competitions (e.g. Torneio Quadrangular, Copa Ibérica). 89. Cooperation: define a protocol allowing the joint use of international offices. 90. Adopt LaLiga as a strategic benchmark.

For each defined strategic axis, a set of ob-

In addition to developing actions for great-

jectives were identified, which will be imple-

er commercial and promotional coordina-

mented in 90 specific actions and projects.

tion with Sports Societies, such as develop-

Despite the development of a 4- year stra-

ing an internationalisation plan that can be

tegic plan, it is in this current Activity Plan

supported by European funds, developing

that the tasks are implemented both mate-

commercial proposes with higher levels of

rially and financially.

integration, as well as finding new drivers of

All actions to be implemented must be

revenue, such as consultancy, marketing of

measured in results and be consistently ori-

official products, training, generation of in-

ented to achieve the 5 strategic axes, and

formation, among others.

the respective medium-term actions identi-

This path of diversification for the source of

fied therein.

revenues by Liga Portugal is already being

Liga Portugal intends to play an increasing-

followed. However, new projects need time

ly interventive role with regard to the servic-

to reach economic maturity.

es it provides to the Sports Societies, as well

The fact that Liga Portugal is simultaneously

as in the search for a financing model that

implementing all of its investment projects

allows for higher levels of income for Portu-

means that everyone is still in a phase of

guese Professional Football in general and,

development instead of economic and fi-

more specifically, for Liga Potugal.

nancial maturity.

4. 2020-21 SEASON Competitiveness and emotion continue to shape Portuguese Professional Football. The three Liga Portugal competitions are characterised by the quality of its spectacle and game intervenors.

The passion for football surpassed all adversities

Health. It was not surprising that the usual

ambition among Liga Portugal, Sports So-

would be the only way possible to fulfill the

hustle and bustle at the stadiums and train-

cieties, players and fans, which started to

commom ambition of concluding the Liga

Liga NOS 2019-20 season will forever be re-

ing camps disappeared, making way to

take shape at the end of April, when the

NOS season in the field. From games be-

membered by all fans.

an improvised procedure in which all play-

Government and the Directorate-General

hind closed doors to a strict sanitary proto-

The COVID-19 outbreak on a global scale

ers performed their daily training sessions at

of Health announced that the ball could

col, all agents involved in the preparation

and, in particular, on national territory,


roll again in the Liga NOS football fields in

and helding of a match were forced to

forced the interruption of all competition

This was undoubtedly an unique and un-


make a several number of changes.

at the major division of Professional Foot-

precedented situation in the entire history

This was a “first major victory” that would

However, Professional Football has always

ball, after the conclusion of matchday 24

of Professional Football. However, this pro-

require increased efforts on part of all

overcome its challenges, and June 3rd

in March.

active attitude of not sitting back and con-

those involved, taking into account that

will certainly be remembered as the be-

An interruption that forced all the protag-

tinue working, within its reasonable limits,

this football “resumption” would have to

ginning of a new era. It was the day that

onists of the game to reinvent themselves,

was a clear sign that no one had yet given

be carried out under unusual circumstanc-

the game returned to the Liga NOS fields,

given the lockdown imposed by the Gov-

up and that the championship would have

es and strict safety measures.

with Portimão Estádio being the main stage

ernment and the Directorate- General of

to be concluded in the field. A common

And for a fact, everyone realised that this

for the “resumption match”. Portimonense

22 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

and Gil Vicente FC were the openers of

for goal from striker Anderson Oliveira that,

The best record, during this time period,

son, when the Dragons racked up 47 points

this resumption, in a match where Lucas

whenever he came off the bench... we

also belongs to a goalkeeper: in this case,

in 17 games, after having secured 15 wins

Fernandes crowned the return of Profes-

knew the goal was imminent!

we are talking about Marco Aurélio, who

and two draws.

sional Football with panache: the Brazilian

The ‘Gilistas’ benefited from the lethal

under Belenenses, achieved an impressive


midfielder unleashed a rocket to secure

instinct of Sandro Lima, who was a constant

record of 193 consecutive games for the

all three points for Portimonense, claiming

threat for the opposing defense, helping his


an 1-0 triumph over Gil Vicente FC. This

team to secure home triumphs against FC


was just the first step taken during this

Porto - in this first matchday - and Sporting

lengthy and difficult procedure, where the

CP, materialising yet another well-succeed-

relentless work of all agents was decisive for

ed season for Vítor Oliveira, the most experi-

The “Axadrezados” were the last ones to fall

this endeavour to succeed, since everyone

enced coach of the competition.

In another chapter, Boavista FC were the

scrupulously complied with the measures


club who remained the longest without

previously laid down, demonstrating, once

knowing the taste of defeat, at the start


Best start ever for CD Tondelala


Playing their fifth season in Liga NOS, CD

unbeaten until matchday ten, when they

Tondela broke another club record. The

lost 1-0 at Estádio do Bonfim against Vitória

‘Beirões’, managed by Spanish coach

FC. A record that only FC Famalicão came

However, besides this storm, there is a sto-

Natxo González, led the team to its best

close to reach, taking into account that

ry to be told! And the 2019-20 season of

start in history by securing eight points in

the “surprising team” of the season lost

Liga NOS was once again filled with emo-

the first five rounds of the competition. This

their first game on matchday eight at Es-

tion and marked by several impressive re-

was the result of two wins, two draws and

tádio do Dragão, after being defeated 3-0


one loss, which was the reflection of the

against FC Porto.

Right from the beginning, we had two

good starting campaign of CD Tondela,


wellknown clubs returning to the main di-

who remained in the first half of the table

vision of Professional Football.

throughout the whole first turn of the sea-

We are talking about two clubs from


The “Eagles” had a historical first turn

the Minho region, FC Famalicão and Gil


Since Liga NOS started being played with

again, that football is an example for whole

A story besides the storm

Vicente FC, who made an impact through-

of the competition. Playing their 57th season in Liga NOS, the ‘Panthers’ remained

18 clubs, no team has been as efficient as

out the whole season. The ‘Famalicenses’

Cláudio ‘Non-Stop’ Ramos

were in fact the main highlight of the ear-

However, CD Tondela’s impressive records,

ship. In total, the Reds racked up 48 points

lier stages of the championship, since they

would not stop there. The protagonist, this

of the possible 51 points, after securing 16

were top of the league from matchday

time, was goalkeeper Claúdio Ramos, cap-

wins and only one loss. A defeat that was

four to matchday seven. For this good form

tain of the ‘Beirões’. The 28-year-old keeper,

inflicted by FC Porto (0-2 at Estádio do Sport

of the club from Vila Nova de Famalicão,

who represent CD Tondela since 2011-12,

Lisboa e Benfica), precisely the club that

much contributed the constant attacking

achieved a milestone of 100 consecutive

held the best record ever in the first turn of

plays from Fábio Martins, Toni Martínez and

games in Liga NOS, being the second best

the championship.

Pedro Gonçalves, as well as for the scent

record over the last 20 years.

A record that dates back to 1996-97 sea-

SL Benfica in the first turn of the champion-

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 23

2019-20 season was certainly one of the

A decision that gave priority to the sporting

they racked up 50 points, after securing

Significant numbers put the Madeirans just

most atypical in the history of LigaPro. o

merit during the period in which the com-

14 wins, eight draws and two losses. An

one game away of matching the best re-

After the conclusion of matchday 24, the

petition was held, with CD Nacional and SC

impressive record, with the Madeirans be-

cord in the history of LigaPro, which belong

final stretch of the competition, usually filled

Farense being the two clubs that guaran-

ing the only team to not lose any game at

to GD Chaves and Gil Vicente FC. CD Na-

with emotion and uncertainty, gave way to

teed the promotion to the 2020-21 season

home soil, while also registering only two

cional were the best attacking force of the

a lockdown period throughout the whole

of Liga NOS, by virtue of standing on the first

away defeats during the season: SL Benfi-

competition (36 goals scored), on par with

world, due to the COVID-19 outbreak at

two places in the table.

ca B 1-0 CD Nacional (Matchday 7) and

UD Oliveirense, and also the best defense


CD C. Piedade 3-1 CD Nacional (Match-

of the championship (16 goals conceded).

day 17).


global scale. Due to the safety guidelines imposed by the Government and the Directorate-General of Health, the competition would end up not being resumed, with the current standings at matchday 24 being considered the final classification.

24 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

Choupana was CD Nacional’s fortress

It should also be noted that, thanks to this

For the Madeirans, this is a return to the

creased to 27 the total number of home

Consistency was key for the Algarvians

main division of Portuguese football - foot-

matches without knowing the taste of de-

SC Farense gave life to the Algarvian

ball - a year after being relegated -, where

feat in this competition.

dream, by securing their return to the first

immaculate home record, CD Nacional in-

division of Portuguese football, after their

first seven games and were leaders during

and André Luís (GD Chaves), who scored

last presence dating back to 2001-02 sea-

several matchweeks in the earlier stag-

11 goals, respectively.

son. In that period, legendary names of the

es of the competition. A campaign that


Algarvian club, like striker Hassan or coach

is worth mentioning, since they were also

Paco Fortes, represented the ‘Leões de

the team - right after CD Nacional and

Faro’. In the present season, the Southerns

SC Farense - that spent the most rounds in

culminated their gradual recovery from

promotion zone, having finished 11th on 32

the last years, after reaching 48 points (15

points. On the other hand, Vilafranquense

LigaPro edition. Throughout the whole

wins, 3 draws and 6 losses), standing out for

played for the very first time in their history

seven games played in the second turn of

being the team that won the most games

in a professional competition, eventually

the competition, no one secured as many

in the whole competition.

finishing 16th with 24 points. All the sup-

points as the team from Santa Maria da Fei-

A record that demonstrates the consist-

porters will certainly not forget their team’s

ra, who won six games, thus registering an

ency of the team under manager Sérgio

first triumph in a professional competition:

incredible leap in the table.

Vieira, after spending the most rounds at

on the second matchday, Vilafranquense

The team led by manager Filipe Rocha

promotion zone and standing at the first

secured a 4-0 triumph over SL Benfica B, a

were 12th on 23 points at the end of the first

two places in the table during 21 of the 24

game that also enters to the history of this

turn, however, they managed to move up


LigaPro edition, since Brazilian forward Wil-

to third place with 42 points. In the second


son Santos scored the first hattrick of the

turn of the competition, CD Feirense practi-


cally doubled the points from the first turn,


which also earned them the highest win-

A season to remember for three clubs In addition to CD Nacional and SC Farense’s success, this was also a season where CD

Agdon with a scent for goal

‘Fogaceiros’ were kings of the second turn CD Feirense were also the highlight of this

ning streak in this LigaPro edition (6 games), on par with SC Farense.

Also, when it comes to goalscorers, the

The return of FC Arouca and FC Vizela Fi-

Mafra, SC Covilhã and Vilafranquense

main protagonist of this LigaPro edition was

nally, we have FC Arouca and FC Vizela,

achieved unprecedented records in their

UD Oliveirense’s striker Agdon. The 27-year-

who were the two clubs that were desig-

history. Regarding CD Mafra, 2019-20 sea-

old forward, who represent UD Oliveirense

nated to participate in the LigaPro 2020-21

son represents their best classification ever

for the second consecutive season, scored

season, taking the place of CD C. Piedade

in their 55 years of history. All in all, the ‘Ma-

a total number of 13 goals, which made him

and Casa Pia AC, who were relegated to

frenses’ finished 5th with 39 points, surpass-

win top scorer of this edition, on a season

Campeonato de Portugal.

ing their previous records of 2015-16 (21st

where the team from Oliveira de Azeméis

FC Arouca and FC Vizela will both par-

place) and 2018-19 (14th place). In addition

returned to play their home games at

ticipate for the sixth time in the second

to this feat, CD Mafra was the team that

their emblematic stadium: Estádio Carlos

division of Portuguese football, with the

spent more consecutive matchdays without

Osório, which over the last few years was

‘Arouquenses’ reaching their best clas-

knowing the taste of defeat, a record that

subject to several improvements. Agdon’s

sification ever (2nd place) in the 2012-13

lasted 14 games in a row.

record surpassed the strong competition of

season, while the ‘Vizelenses’ having as

As for SC Covilhã, they achieved their best

B. Riascos (CD Nacional) and Roberto (Es-

their best season in 2007-08 when they fin-

start in the competition, after 17 participa-

toril Praia), who racked up a total number

ished third.

tions in LigaPro. SC Covilhã won six of their

of 12 goals each, and also Ruíz (Varzim SC)


| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 25

It is appropriate to say: third time’s a charm

Paulinho (90’), putting the hosts in the final.

RTP as the leading broadcaster during that

for SC Braga. In the third and final edition

In the other semi-final, the score was the

period. At Estádio Municipal de Braga,

of the Allianz CUP Final Four at Braga, the

same (2-1), with FC Porto securing the tri-

there the scenario was equally impressive,

hosts won the title for the second time,

umph against Vitória SC. The goals would

with a number of 50.000 fans attending all

where they defeated FC Porto in the grand

only appear in the second half, with Tap-

three matches in total. At last, a special

final thanks to Ricardo Horta’s effort in the

soba, in the 64th minute, putting the ‘Vi-

mention to the Fan Zone, located in the

95th minute.

maranenses’ in front. The ‘Dragons’ re-

centre of Braga, which was attended by

The ‘Gverreiros do Minho’, who, moreover,

sponded immediately, with Alex Telles

more than 200.000 football fans, who were

had already revealed propensity to score

scoring the equaliser in the next minute,

able to take part in a total of 160 activities

in the finals moments of the game, more

while Soares, in the 73rd minute, turned the

and watch 822 participants in the various

specifically in the first semi-final, where SC

scoring around and secured a spot for the

competitions organized by Liga Portugal.

Braga defeated the winner of the last two

Blues in the final, their fourth one in the his-

The Legends’ Tournament, the eAllianz

editions of the competition, Sporting CP.

tory of this competition, which continues to

CUP, the solidarity music concert and the

A match where Ricardo Horta also scored,

be a tremendous success.

match between Liga Portugal Ambassa-

in the eighth minute, but with Mathieu

This is because the final between SC Bra-

dors and Rádio Comercial were some of

scoring the equaliser in the 44th minute.

ga and FC Porto was the most watched

the successful activities that attracted fans

However, SC Braga would restore their

television program of the year, with a to-

to the heart of the city.

lead in the final minutes, this time through

tal number of 1.6 million viewers, which put

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 27

2020-21 SEASON

5. OPERATING OBJECTIVES 2020-21 To ensure that, strategically, the established actions will allow reaching the objectives set for the four-year period, short-term strategic objectives were identified, enabling the short and medium-term actions to be achieved.



17.3 M€



1 M€

1.9 M€





11.6 M€


550.000 €


(services, products, and financial values)

5.9 M€

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 33






34 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |






NO. FOLLOWERS 110.000 REACH 45.000.000




NO. FOLLOWERS 550.000 REACH 45.000.000





NO. FOLLOWERS 7.500 REACH 100.000



Increase Liga Portugal and its competitions Advertising Value Equivalent (AVE)


1.300 M€


165 M€




240 M€

97 M€

Increase stadium attendances (dependent of the evolution of the number of spectators in the stadiums due the COVID-19 situation


3.7 M


550 M


300 M

6. ACTION PLAN 2020-21 Liga Portugal is structured into a group of departments that guarantee the execution of actions and that allow leveraging the defined strategy, enabling the previously laid out objectives to be met.


Transversal project and activities

Projects and activities specific to each department

which in many situations are led by one of the

despite giving an integral contribution, these are

departments - require the joint, organised, and

concentrated and developed in a specific way

united participation

by one department.

of the various departments, and are therefore

The various departments also develop a set of

transversal to the entire organisation;

actions that, although not isolated, are specific to each department, which are aligned with the strategic orientation, as well as the objective of achieving the goals set by the organisation.

38 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |



40 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |



















| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 41

Kick-Off 2020-21

• Create new opportunities with sponsors

The focus of Liga Portugal for this compe-

the respective Sports Societies in order

Leading the launch of the 2020-21 season,

and partners, namely in terms of their cli-

tition is to find a new naming sponsor for

to make them cognisant of the planned

Kick-Off marks the begInning of the profes-

ents’ engagement and experiences with

LigaPro, giving the league greater visibility.


the competition;

It also envisages the implementation of fac-

sional competitions held by Liga Portugal: Liga NOS, LigaPro and Allianz CUP. Similar

• Create new opportunities with sponsors

tors aimed at the requalification, profession-

to the previous years, it is intended that this

and partners, namely in terms of their cli-

alisation, increasing value and promotion

will be the very first significant moment of

ents’ engagement and experiences with

of LigaPro, namely through higher-quality

the competition;

pitches, infrastructures and organisation.

the season, both in the Professional football scene and in Society in general. This event

• Continue to award official prizes, boost-

In a coordinated manner, a set of actions

dedicated to Professional Football will fea-

ing the competition’s talent and promot-

will be carried out over the 2019-20 season:

ture the draw for all three competitions,

ing the best professionals and the various

• Continue with the implementation of the

with an award ceremony to be broadcasted on television. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Liga NOS

stakeholders of Liga Portugal; • Define the concept of delivering the tro-

defined during the 2018-19 season;

phy to the winner, so that, the at the be-

• Monitor home-grown and Under-23 play-

ginning of April, it is possible to approach

ers, using the LigaPro match reports, en-

the respective Sports Societies in order

suring that the Sports Societies include

to make them cognisant of the planned

the minimum number of these players

football, comprises 18 teams that compete


required by regulation, in order to ena-

between each other throughout 34 match-

• Promote the competition in a 360º logic

days. In addition to the usual planning of

(fans, families, sponsors, partners, com-

the games and their scheduling, ensured

munity and tourists) to increase the num-

• Develop new opportunities and cam-

by the Competitions Department, this com-

ber of spectators at the Liga NOS Stadi-

paigns to promote the competition and

petition will require the integration and


the young talents, while also emphasising

ble the training of the young Portuguese player;

participation of the various departments of

• Restructure the model of commercial ex-

the continuity of the LigaPro magazine,

Liga Portugal always in constant articula-

ploitation of properties that can be mar-

under responsibility of Liga Portugal, and

tion and coordination. Throughout the sea-

keted in this competition, with the support

son, there will be a set of actions aimed at

of the Sport Societies;

others; • Develop a campaign to attract new

promoting and projecting it, namely:

• Develop the Competition Manual;

sponsors and/or partners for award cer-

• Define new brand initiatives for the 2020-

• Increase technological integration, name-

emonies and other initiatives, as well as

21 season, together with sponsors and

ly in terms of the competition’s manage-

for other assets still available in this com-

partners, as well as in cooperation with

ment and operational applications.

petition, with a view to boost its exposure;

and sports agents; • Implement an opening ceremony to celebrate the start of the League;


LigaPro LigaPro, the second division of professional

gaPro. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Stimulation Plan for Liga Portugal, already

Liga NOS, the main division of professional

the Sports Societies, television operators

• Develop an Infrastructure Manual for Li-

• Encourage broadcasters to improve the quality of match transmission (currently all broadcast via conventional operation or streaming);

• Ensure greater media exposure for this

football, comprises 18 teams - two of which

• Define the concept of delivering the tro-

competition, with a view to increasing its

are B-Teams - that compete between each

phy to the winner, so that, at the begin-

AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent)

other throughout 34 matchdays.

ning of April, it is possible to approach

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 43

Allianz CUP and Final Four

ensured the openly broadcasting of the

tion and ensure greater media exposure

• Coordinate all players involved: from the

Allianz CUP is the latest professional compe-

match, joining SportTV, the official broad-

for the competition, as well as the spon-

host city to the security forces, sponsors,

tition held by Liga Portugal. Allianz CUP has

caster of the competition.

sors associated with it;

stood out for its spectacular game, full of

The 33% share obtained by the state TV al-

• Develop and implement Allianz CUP

emotion, revealing a very interesting return

lowed them to be audience-share leaders

brand initiatives in the various stages of

per Euro invested. Allianz CUP 2019-20 - the

from first to the very last minute, making

the competiton;

last edition at Braga - has reached numbers

RTP the most watched channel on January

worthy of belonging to the history books of

26th, 2020.

the Portuguese Professional Football.

In 2021, Final Four will take place in the last

The strong investment in the #semanado-

week of January at a venue yet to be an-

• Organise all the operational mechanics

terest in the competition. This may entail

futebol (#footballweek) concept, with the

nounced, and the high number of candi-

of the stadium in order to hold the Final

creating more interactive content that

creation of a Fan Zone at Braga’s city cen-

dates to host this competiton is a reflection

Four in all aspects, including ticketing,

better appeals to fans;

tre, where complementary activities took

of this breath of fresh air and magnitude

game planning, transportation, accom-

• Create and implement the integrated

place registered, yet again, a much higher

that the competition achieved in the last

modation, catering, accreditation, se-

promotion and communication plan for

adhesion rate than previously anticipated.

editions in Braga.

curity, signaling, promotion, communi-

More than 200 thousand fans participated

For the next edition, we intend to find new

cation, protocol, marketing operations,

in the numerous activities that took place in

formulas to attract even more fans and

the Fan Zone.

partner to the #semanadofutebol.

In total, 47 thousand fans attended Estádio

This way, concrete and integrated actions

cation, public relations and promotional

Municipal de Braga, but also about 1.6 mil-

are ensured by the various departments to

tools to create awareness and consol-

lion saw the final game on RTP, the TV station

achieve common objectives, highlighted

idate activities already implemented,

that, in good time, ensured the Final game

for this season:

such as, eSports, Fan Music, Fan Race,

on RTP, the TV channel that, in good time,

• Consolidate the name of the competi-

among other non-stadium activities;

44 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

• Ensure the organisation, support, and coordination of draws & fixtures throughout the competition;

ceremonies, among others; • Develop several marketing, communi-

clubs involved, and other entities; • Consolidate creative ways to involve sponsors and attract new partnerships; • Provide all conditions necessary to the teams involved; • Together with the television operators and the media, develop a greater in-

the competition. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Annual Conferences Working Groups and Annual Conferences

in order to discuss thematics of collective

dressed, with the conclusions to be pre-

to be developed throughout the season,

interest, in the following areas:

sented during the Liga Portugal’s Annual

as well as the main conclusions regarding

Created in 2015, the Working Groups are

• Competitions;


the work done in the previous season.

intended to promote an debate between

• Content and Media;

These groups aim to align the various col-

Thus, the themes laid out for the 2020-21

the staff the staff and the Sports Societies’

• Financial;

lective thematics, with a view towards reg-

season are as follows:

administrators concerning common issues

• Legal;

ulation changes and the creation of tools

related to the competition, marketing, ad-

• Marketing;

and mechanisms that increase efficiency,

vertising, technology, prevention and safe-

• Technology;

value, and potential of competitions in

ty, as well as legal and financial aspects.

• Prevention and Safety;

general, and of Sports Societies in particu-

At the beginning of each sports season the

• Social Responsibility.


Working Groups activities, which consist of

In total, within the eight different groups,

During the opening session, the coordina-

periodic meetings with the Sports Societies,

more than 25 macro-thematics will be ad-

tors of each area will present the projects



Analysis of Competitive Models

Media Accreditation

Infrastructure Value

Promote the Competitions

New Technologies in Football

Digital Content

Training The importance of the competition’s image

46 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |





Financial Conditions

B-Team Regulations Allianz Cup Regulations

Stadium Visual Appearance

Digital stadium

Totonegócio Sports Betting

Fan Card

e-Liga Digital security Digital football



Security Department of Liga Portugal

Stadium Accessibility

OLA, RAD Training Content Monitor the 113/2019 Implementation Law

‘Liga Environment’ Social responsibility in Football

The Annual Conferences conclude a full year of presentation of new proposals and conclusions from the Working Groups, which will then be included in the various regulations. The 2020-21 Working Groups will take place on the 16th of September, with the Annual Conferences being scheduled for April 7th. ///////////////////////////////////////////////

Picture - Annual Conferences 2019

Presidents’ Summit Last season, Liga Portugal hosted a Presidents’ Summit, in which the leaders of each Sports Society of the professional competitions were present. The key aspects for the development of the Professional Football industry will be discussed with the Presidents of the Sports Societies. In 2020-21, two Presidents’ Summits are planned to be held, further promoting one of the strongest values of Liga Portugal: Aggregation. Within this forum, the Presidents will discuss issues of utmost importance for Professional Football. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

48 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |


of the most significant events at a global

The consolidation of the Match Center cor-

scale when it comes to the debate regar-

responds to the formalisation and systema-

ding the football industry, where, in the

tisation of already existing practices.

2019 edition, 90 world-renowned speakers

These aim to strengthen the professionali-


sation in the operational management of


competitions, as well as to provide greater

Liga Portugal is an institutional partner of

efficiency and rigour.

Soccerex, an event of international signifi-


cance that will take place on the 21st and 22nd of April 2021 in Oeiras, where it will be discussed several points related to Football as a business. This event, which was a tre-

Match Center

mendous success in 2019, is scheduled to

The Match Center - the Monitoring Centre

take place in Oeiras in the next two years.

for Professional Football - is intended to mo-

Portugal will once again be the main stage

nitor the matches of three competitions,

for the world of football during these two

Thinking Football

days, and it is with great satisfaction that

In 2018-19, Liga Portugal launched the Thin-

different agents involved in the planning of

Liga Portugal has allied itself to this event,

king Football cycle of events, which aim to

the games, including delegates, Sports So-

which will propagate Portuguese Professio-

encourage reflection, debate, and

cieties, referees, press, and sponsors.

nal Football as a brand around the world.

the presentation of proposals related to the

This tool, implemented in 2018, corresponds

Combining synergies with this major glo-

future of professional football.

to the formalisation and systematisation of

bal event, and similar to what happened

The first two cycles took place within the

already existing practices, aimed at stren-

in 2019, it will be another opportunity to

context of the Allianz CUP Final Four, in

gthening the professionalisation in the ope-

conduct an entire week dedicated to the

which over these successive days brought

rational management of competitions, as

promotion of Football with the completion

together agents of Professional Football,

well as to provide greater efficiency and

of various awareness initiatives for Liga Por-

including managers, players, referees, and


tugal - culminating in its presence at the

team officials. In 2019-20, sponsored by Oei-

In 2020-21, as in previous seasons, the Match

Soccerex event. Thus the following events

ras Valley, the event took place at Parque

Center will remain in operation throughout

will take place from the 20th to the 23rd

dos Poetas, where several activities that are

the sports seasons, with the aim of monito-

of April.

relevant to football were held. This season, it

ring all matchdays of professional compe-

• Forums with the main stakeholders of

will be held the third Thinking Football cycle,


Liga Portugal;

thus providing centralised support to the

bringing together all national and interna-

As we aim for total professionalisation, ri-

• Presidents’ Summit;

tional agents of football.

gour and efficiency in the operation of our

• Liga Portugal presence at Soccerex.

By joining forces with Soccerex, Liga Por-

competitions, we will be directly linked, as

Soccerex will return to the United States of

tugal intends to converge a multitude of

in every moment, to the various agents in

America and China, so having Portugal on

events that are relevant to the Professional

the organisation and management of the

its international tour is an important miles-

Football industry.

game, in order to make the spectacle even

tone for our internationalisation. It is one


more mediatic inside and outside the field.

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 49




This department is responsible for the administrative and financial duties of Liga Portugal and is entrusted with a set of specific and transversal activities for the 2020-21 sports season. It is also in charge of the financial and administrative monitoring of the entire organisation and the Sports Societies. • Activity Plan and Budget Control • Administrative and Financial Monitoring • Competition Licensing Manual • ‘Totonegócio’ • Liga Portugal Infrastructure Management • Central Liga • Training Programme 2020-21 • Performance Management and Evaluation System (SGAD)

Activity Plan and Budget Control

ing the treasury budget updated and

preparation of all charts and analyses to be

facilities, built in 1999, in order for us to meet

aligned with the current needs of Liga

provided to the Audit Committee. This will

the current needs both in terms of human re-

The Activity Plan is the predictive structuring


include the receiving and analysis of the re-

sources, as well as in terms of functional and

document that contains all the objectives

• Carrying out the budgetary control, by

ports and accounts of the Sports Societies,

operational areas. Following the renovation

and strategies of the organisation. The var-

cost centre and project, with quarterly

as well as the monitoring of the Sports Soci-

of the headquarters building, which began

ious departments will develop their activity

monitoring of the statement of accounts,

eties’ economic and financial sustainability

in the 2018-19 season, its remodeling will con-

plan based on the available budget for the

whose reports will be submitted every six

programme. The aim of this programme is

tinue to be carried out in a very thorough

months to Liga Portugal’s Board;

season, which, once approved, is subject

to rationalise spending in relation to reve-

manner, thus allowing the improvement of

to a rigorous and transversal review by the

• Preparing the annual financial state-

nues and to list objective targets for the ra-

its staff’s working conditions.

Financial Department. Each department’s

ments in accordance with the account-

tios that Sports Societies will have to meet,

Solving the latent shortage of space and

accountability for its own budget, under

ing standards in force, reflecting in a true

to balance the industry in general, and the

placing a buildable space at the disposal of

centralised control, will allow - in a efficient

and transparent way the existing finan-

Sports Societies in particular.

the needs of growth and organic develop-

and timely manner - to detect budgetary

cial situation, developing the organisa-

Due to a longstanding aspiration from the

ment at Liga Portugal is a priority for its Exec-

deviations, identify potential amendments,

tion’s Annual Report and Accounts.

Sports Societies, and based on the work car-

utive Board.

ried out by the Financial Working Groups, in

In 2020-21, it will continue to be carried out

the 2020-21 season, a digital platform for

the work regarding the cost-benefit analy-

data insertion by Sports Societies will be de-

sis, implementation strategy and project fi-

veloped, in order to monitor various indica-

nance for the new building, in order to build

and permanently understand the evolution of the budget approved by the members


phase will take place from March to May

Competition Licensing Manualual

2021, with financial control being carried

In conjunction with the Sports Societies

tors, ensuring its compliance with them.

new facilities for Liga Portugal, which will al-

out on the 8th of each month. This is then

participating in the Working Groups per-


low for an increase capacity, improvement

sent to the remaining departments, alerting

taining to the Competition, Financial and

them of any (potential) deviations, so that

Legal areas, Liga Portugal has conveyed


contingency plan can be activated imme-

the Licensing Manual for the Professional

This process, which began in 1997, was in-

The Financial Department will be responsi-


Competitions. This manual encompasses,

cluded once again as a topic in the Finan-

ble for the implementation of this project, as


in a single document, the criteria for sports,

cial Working Group of the last season. The

well as for the management of the existent

legal, infrastructure and financial licensing,

Sports Societies raised again the issue, ana-

infrastructures, ensuring the improvement

as well as the timeline for the their presenta-

lyzing the various aspects of the theme, ren-

and maintenance of the main headquarters

under General Assembly. The planning

Admnistrative and Financial Monitoring

of the working conditions of the staff and generate revenue.

tions and all respective measures for those

ovating its maintenance for the workflow of


Through a wide array of activities all across

wishing to apply for the professional com-

the Working Groups for the 2020-21 season,


the board, the Financial Department will


in order to give continuity to the clear clarifi-

ensure the normal functioning of the ad-

In this context, the Financial Department

cation of existing doubts.

Central Liga

ministrative and financial areas of LigaPor-

- with the support of the Legal Depart-


The Shared Services Centre - Purchase Cen-

tugal, particularly:

ment - will analyse all the documentation

• Processing all documents on a daily basis,

submitted by the Sports Societies, at the

allowing for the monthly closing of on the

beginning of the sports season, relating to

Liga Portugal Infrastructure Management

6th day of each month;

tre was implemented in 2018-19 season, which provides various goods and services in an aggregated manner and with better

compliance with the different criteria and

Today, and facing a new paradigm, there

conditions to the Sports Societies. The Shared

• Analysing variations in cash-flow needs

the department will also be responsible for

is an urgent need to carry out a renovation

Services Centre model is characterised by

and resources on a montlhy basis, keep-

the monitoring of all the information and

and upgrade to the current headquarters

the aggregation of service management

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 53

into a single organisational unit. The platform is managed by the Financial Department,

• In accordance with the survey of training needs for the 2020-21 season;

which is responsible for the management of

• Effective assurance of knowledge-sharing

the business area, as well as for the negoti-

and increased skills of Liga Portugal hu-

ation of all goods and services. The sharing

man resources.

of value chain activities between business

During the season, the 2020-21 external

units, and in accordance with the first bal-

training programme will be coordinated

ance of the value generated in the previous

and launched with a view to addressing

season, the corporate strategy of Liga Portu-

skills that are not developed internally.

gal and the Sports Societies allowed to feed,


albeit mildly, its competitive advantages an evolving project and will certainly reach

Performance Management and Evaluation System (SGAD)

its state of maturity in future seasons.

Liga Portugal intends to continue the imple-


mentation of this Evaluation System based

through the reduction of costs. This is clearly

Training Programme 2020-21

on the best international practices in human resources management. The objec-

The continuity of the internal training pro-

tive of this system is to increase and nurture

gramme for Liga Portugal employees is

talent, professionalism, and aggregation.

planned to continue in 2020-21.

The system also aims to assess all Liga Portu-

The development of Training Projects has

gal employees and expand their skills, thus

become an integral part of the global Liga

adding value to the organisation.

Portugal strategy, from the perspective of


growth and expansion that enables the enhancement of individual and organisational flexibility and adaptability. Using Liga Portugal’s internal resources, we intend to continue the internal training programmes, which foster the the sharing of knowledge and good practices with the rest of the team. This way, the programme aims to create synergies, generate value, and share knowledge and good practices with team members. The Training Programme was developed under de following assumptions: • Compliance with legal training requirements;

54 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |


The core business of Liga Portugal is to ensure the organisation of professional football competitions in Portugal, and the constant analysis of competitive models so that the competitions are self-sustaining, therefore, this department represents the focus of Liga Portugal’s activity. This department is also responsible for ensuring that all match organisation mechanics are carried out in a normal manner and in full compliance with the applicable regulatory standards. It articulates all the players involved within a 360º approach, aggregating all the Sports Societies, security forces, stadium initiatives, municipalities, television operators, among other stakeholders. For several specific reasons, this department has a set of responsibilities and, every season, performs a number of very unique actions. • Match Scheduling and Sports Calendar • Preparation for the New Sports Season • Sports Monitoring 2020-21 • Technical Inspection Commission (CTV) • Bid for Better Pitch Conditions • Stadium Licensing • Workshop with the Campeonato de Portugal Sports Societies • Delegates Project • Refereeing and Video Assistant Referee • Analysis of Competitive Models of the Competitions • Accreditation System • Infrastructures Portal • Club Portal • Training Courses

Match Scheduling and Sports Calendar

with regard to the information on the official

regulations and CO No. 1 are prepared and

kits of the respective teams, as well as for


Technical Inspection Commission (CTV)

The sports calendar is a fundamental part

the distribution of the official balls for the

Throughout the sports season, the Sports So-

A manual of procedures for external sup-

of the planning for the sports season. There-


cieties report to the Competitions Depart-

port that may be requested has been set

fore, before the start of each season, Liga

In this sense, before the beginning of each

ment, models which aim to comply with the

up within the Technical Inspections Com-

Portugal prepares the sports calendar with

season, it becomes necessary to guarantee

rules concerning ticketing, sports agents,


the support of the Permanent Committee

a ball supplier. This operational matter is ar-

kits, among others. These models are sub-

The Technical Inspection Commission de-

of Calendars and the Sports Societies. This

ticulated with the Marketing Department.

ject to treatment and internal verification in

velops monitoring initiatives and regulatory

initiative takes place in full cooperation

The logistics referant to the number of balls

order to ensure the best development and

checks throughout the season. The Tech-

with the Portuguese Football Federation.

to be distributed by each Sports Society is

coordination between the various sports

nical Inspection Commission is formed by

The Permanent Committee of Calendars

articulated with the Competitions Depart-

agents involved.

multiskilled engineers who, throughout the

is comprised by the Sports Societies that

ment, which ensures that all Sports Socie-

The Competitions Department, in articula-

sports season, provide all the support in the

belong to the Liga Portugal’s Board, elect-

ties have, at the start of the competition,

tion with the Marketing Department of Liga

infrastructures field, namely in the scope of

ed for each season, by the television op-

the required number of official balls distrib-

Portugal, evaluates and endorses all ac-

stadium licensing and monitoring of infra-

erators, and also the Executive Board for


tions requested by the Sports Societies. This

structures. This Commission is also available


Training is one of the most important tools

Department also proceeds, in close artic-

and at the service of the Sports Societies

Throughout the season, following the ap-

for the performance development of all

ulation with the Marketing Department, to

for questions regarding infrastructures that

plicable regulatory norms, Liga Portugal

agents. Therefore, Liga Portugal has been

send to each Sports Society, the activations

may arise throughout the sports season. It

- in conjunction with the Permanent Com-

developing - together with match, safety

of the Liga Portugal sponsors and the institu-

is also its responsibility to monitor the legal

mittee of Calendars, the Sports Societies,

and press delegates - two training work-

tion itself for each matchday.

and regulatory developments in the field of

and television operators - coordinates the

shops that will take place before and dur-


infrastructures in order to ensure that Sports

match scheduling sessions. In this respect,

ing the sports season. These actions make

Liga Portugal will always have the role of

it possible to consolidate the active com-

Sports Monitoring 2020-21

defending its competitions and Sports So-

munication with Sports Societies, in order to

The organisation of games needs a weekly


increase the quality and spectacle aspect

and permanent follow-up to manage situa-


of the competitions.

tions that occur along the matchdays. Thus,

Bid for Better Pitch Conditions

Given that safety is an area that can nev-

in a transversal manner a through a wide

Liga Portugal intends to continue to provide

er be overlooked, every season, there is

range of activities, this department ensures

guidelines in order to reduce the asymme-

an initiative with the doctors in Professional

the monitoring and support of the various

try of the playing fields between the various

At the beginning of each sports season, it

Football, in full articulation with the National

aspects of match organisation throughout

stadiums, thus providing the best conditions

is necessary to create, perfect, and adjust

Association of Football Doctors.

the whole season.

for the sport.

documents that allow for fast, effective,

Over the course of the sports season, there

All statistical data related to the competi-

In this sector, where the competitive and

clear, and professional contact between

will be opportunities to improve the inter-

tions is monitored. This information is funda-

technical requirements are at the highest

the Sports Societies and the Competitions

pretation of the rules in force. In order to

mental to support all the digital platforms

level, the good state of conservation of the

Department of Liga Portugal.

ensure greater ease and conformity with

of Liga Portugal. Whenever possible, mon-

pitches is a fundamental condition to guar-

The Competitions Department is responsi-

the needs arising from the organisation of

itoring is carried out on the field to provide

antee the quality of the game, and the

ble for the management of the entire op-

the games throughout the season, models

greater support to the Sports Societies.

evolution of this industry, which depends,

eration, alongside with the Sports Societies,

and forms resulting from the competition


to a large extent, on the aesthetic image

Preparation for the New Sports Season

Societies and the Liga Portugal Regulations are included in the legal developments that are to be implemented.

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 57

showcased on television broadcasts. There-

pitch conditions that allow for high-quality

involved in licensing professional competi-

table in order to allow the valuation of each

fore, due to the specificity of this matter, it

standards, and to follow better practices to

tions promote a workshop that aims to in-

delegate, as well as the procedures regard-

was created, within the Technical Inspec-

be carried in other Professional Leagues.

form the clubs of Campeonato de Portugal

ing promotions and delegations.

regarding the mandatory requirements for


tion Commission, a specialised area to deal with pitch aspects. The person in charge of

Stadium Licensing

this area will monitor the pitch conditions on

In each sports season, in compliance with

This introductory workshop allows to provide

every matchday, thus sending a report to

the regulations in force, stadium licensing

the necessary information on the conduct

Refereeing and Video Assistant Refereeferee

the Sports Societies in order to allow them

for participation in the professional com-

of professional competitions and to estab-

Liga Portugal will continue to coordinate

for a better performance of their fields. The

petitions is carried out under the aegis of

lish initial contacts with a view to expediting

with the Refereeing Council of the Portu-

goal is to maintain pitches in good condi-

Liga Portugal. Licensing has been modified

the stadium licensing procedure.

guese Professional Football all the informa-

tion for the practice of football and to in-

to follow the best international practices,


tion and logistics necessary to ensure the

crease the positive visual impact for our

thus allowing for more effective and timely


compliance with the entire Sports Societies

Delegates Project

fields will also be carried out.


The Liga Portugal Delegates are the fourth

itor, in accordance with the regulatory

Liga Portugal presented, for the fourth

The whole licensing procedure consists of a

team on the pitch, and that is why Liga

terms, the implementation of VAR and all

consecutive season, the Guide for Grass

specific manual that is properly articulated

Portugal has been largely investing in their

the logistics inherent to the system.

Pitches, which aims to contribute to the po-

with the assumptions related to the licens-

formation. All issues related to delegates,


sitioning and development of Professional

ing of clubs for participation in professional

including recruiting, training, nominations



and logistics, are treated accordingly in

The Competitions Department, in partner-

This is an area of major importance, since

the face of the importance of their key

Analysis of Competitive Models for the Competitions

ship with the Technical Inspection Commis-

the appreciation of the competition neces-

role played throughout the whole season.

The analysis and monitoring of the com-

sion and an external partner, will maintain

sary relies on improving the conditions pro-

The Liga Portugal delegates are guided

petitive frameworks will always be an as-

the monitoring of pitch conditions and alert

vided to the fans, media and sports agents.

by rules derived from the regulation of the

pect that will have to be an agenda of

teams when necessary, in order to achieve

Throughout the season, the Technical In-

competitions and manuals created spe-

the Competitions Department, in order to

the high-quality standards of pitch that allow

spection Commission will monitor the infra-

cifically for this task. In each sports season,

monitor the various models in international

for better performance during competitions.

structures: particularly, the pitches, which

an open competition is prepared to recruit

terms, and in full articulation with the format

As a way of rewarding the evolution and

are the stage for our competitions and the

new trainee delegates in order to ensure a

of national competitions. The Competitions

commitment of the Sports Societies towards

main portrait of each stadium.

permanent renewal of the staff.

Working Group will continue to carry out

Liga Portugal has the support of an exter-

an of the current competitive models. This

nal company, selected through an open

analysis will always function as a support

tender, to carry out the whole process.

for integrated proposals that aim for the




better pitch conditions, the prize for best

access to professional competitions.

operation of this aspect. In each matchday, Liga Portugal will mon-

season. Also, within the scope of pitch im-

Workshop with the Campeonato de Portugal Sports Societiess

provement, Liga Portugal will continue to

PIn order to anticipate access to LigaPro

Throughout the season, the Liga Portugal

improvement of our competitions. We will

hold training courses in this area. It contin-

and to ensure accurate understanding of

Delegates are subject to a continuous eval-

therefore continue the analysis of the cur-

ues to be relevant to report to the Sports

the rules and regulations for access to com-

uation, following the guidelines issued by

rent competitive models, in order to obtain

Societies more information in the field of im-

petitions organised by Liga Portugal, an an-

Liga Portugal and developed by the train-

indications of any need for changes and

provement and conservation of pitches, to

nual workshop is held for clubs fighting for

ing company hired by Liga Portugal. The

improvements within the competitions.

provide information regarding pitch main-

promotion in the Campeonato de Portu-

ultimate goal is to have more qualified and

An analysis of the statistical data of the three

tenance, for the possibility of improving

gal. In this sense, the various departments

skilled delegates and generate a ranking

professional competitions will be carried out,

football pitch will be awarded this 2020-21

58 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

as well as a diagnosis of the current state of affairs, with an evaluation of the international benchmarking and the delineation of a plan of tactics and concrete actions for the promotion of each competition. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Accreditation System We will continue to work on a more efficient and secure accreditation system in conjunction with the Technology Department. We intend to create an automatic accreditation module that will allow for the replacement of all credentials, for all events, with a QR code and scanning applications. This platform will define and control the access to stadiums for each game. This way, it will optimise the identification process at stadiums and will facilitate the intervention of ARDs (Sports Complex Assistants), increasing the security of all agents involved in the competitions. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Infrastructures Portal In order to create a global platform where all infrastructure information is available and updated, an infrastructure portal is being developed. This portal will aggregate the Technical Data Sheets for all Stadiums, which will eventually take place in the entire stadium licensing process. All the information collected in the scope of the Technical Inspection Commission will be duly worked and processed through this portal. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Clubs Portal

We intend to create an e-learning system

This Portal will continue to be developed so

that allows the sharing of information be-

that constant contact can be made with

tween sports agents that may be important

sports agents, referees and gdelegates,

in the organisation of games: match dele-

allowing for the sharing and consultation

gates, security and press and their substi-

of match information. It will be a portal of

tutes. Security directors currently have dif-

communication between all sports agents,

ferent legal guidelines, which is why training

the competitions department and e-Liga

and modernisation is becoming increasing-

for verification of reports. This tool will allow

ly important. Health in football has assumed

Liga Portugal to provide all documentation

a fundamental role and has relied on AMEF

in a secure way, facilitating its access and

as a strategic partner in conjunction with

verification. It aims to create a global plat-

the clinical departments of the Sports Soci-

form where all information is shared and re-

eties. This way, we intend to provide an ad-

ceived from clubs. It is intended to be an

vanced support programme to the doctors

interactive, monitoring and warning portal

of professional football. We also count on

regarding compliance of the regulatory

this partnership to promote forums for de-


bate and analysis of the situations that con-

All models exchanged on each match-day

cern these clinical departments in order to

with the Sports Societies will be made avail-

create synergies among all. We will contin-

able on this platform. In this manner, we

ue to give priority to training for pitch con-

will continue the dematerialisation that has

ditions. It continues to be relevant to report

been implemented, namely via e-Liga.

to the Sports Societies more information in


the field of improvement and conservation

Training Courses

of pitches, to provide information regarding pitch maintainence, for the possibility

Training is one of the main obejctives of Liga

of improving pitch conditions that allow for

Portugal. Better-trained sports agents will con-

high-quality standards, and to follow better

tribute to an increasingly professional foot-

practices to be carried in other Professional

ball. The aim of this department is to create


simpler training tools in e-learning that allow

The bet on training of Delegates has been

for an improvement and contact between

a constantly developing project. In every

the organisation and Sports Societies. The

sports season, three on-site training courses

implementation of training for the various

are provided, one of which comprises two

agents with specific functions or matchdays

days in local accommodation. We believe

has proven to be an added value, which is

that better trained delegates will surely be

why we will maintain our commitment on the

more prepared to face the challenges of an

quality of training, which is mandatory, pro-

increasingly professional football.

vided to match delegates, security and press.


| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 61


It coordinates the way for the objectives that are common to the whole organisation. Given its specificity and area of activity, the Legal and Registration Department is fundamental as a support to Liga Portugal’s activity, as well as to other departments and associated Sports Societies.

LEGAL • Monitoring of Protocols, Contracts and Legal Situations • Regulatory Amendments, Statutes, General Regulations, Official Communiqué No. 1 (CO1) • Legal Monitoring and Participation of Legislative Amendments • Football Integrity Unit • Commission for the Protection of Intellectual Property • Joint Arbitration Commision

CONTRACT REGISTRATION • Registration of Contracts and Registration of Players and other Sports Agents • Wage Compliance for Players • Competition Licensing Manual

The Legal division concentrates its activ-

Monitoring of Protocols, Contracts, and Legal Situationsons

ity on the interpretation and application

For 2020-21, the main activities in this area

of regulations, as well as on the prepa-

will be as follows:


• Cooperation between entities such as


ion of Professional Football, Social Secu////////////////////////////////////////////////

on the monitoring and endorsement of

• Negotiation of collective bargaining

legal actions; on the drafting and anal-

agreements with entities such as the

ysis of employment contracts, provision

Union of Professional Football Players

of services, sponsorships, and others; on

and the National Association of Foot-

the issuance of reports, rulings, and re-

ball Coaches, among others;

sponses to consultations, whenever so-

General Assembly.

guese Football Federation and the Unrity, and the Tax Authority.

ration of a proposal for their revision;

vote of associated Sports Societies at the

the Foreign Borders Service, the Portu-

Regulatory Amendments, Statutes, General Regulations, Official Communiqué No. 1 (CO1)

Legal Monitoring and Participation in Legeslative Amendments Systematic analysis of legislation in force and in preparation, on which it issues opinions and proposals for alteration (contributions) or amendments, with a view to

• Consultation and legal support to stat-

The proposals to amend the Competition,

ensuring that the legislation is constantly

licited, among other activities.

utory bodies, as well as other depart-

Discipline, and Refereeing Regulations of

adapted to professional competitions.

This division has the fundamental action

ments and affiliates throughout the

the competitions organised by Liga Por-

From a comparative law perspective,

to ensure that the organisation of com-


tugal will be drafted in collaboration with

monitoring the regulatory evolution of oth-

petitions takes place in strict compli-

• Respond to all types of notifications and

the other departments, the Sports Socie-

er Leagues, namely within the context of

ance with the attributions of Liga Portu-

solicitations from courts, enforcement

ties that are part of the Regulations Work-

the European Leagues, in order to ensure

gal and the legal regulatory norms that

agents, the Judicial Police, Public Secu-

ing Group, and other entities invited to

that Liga Portugal adopts its regulations

govern them. All while contributing in

rity Police, National Republican Guard,

contribute to the process.

and processes to the best practices of

an essential way to the management of

the Tax Authority, Social Security and

Also in this process, it is important to point

its counterparts. The monitoring of part-

relationships with, and between, Sports

other public authorities and entities;

out the work that will be developed in the

ner entities of Liga Portugal - such as the

Societies and the numerous entities and

• Management of legal proceedings

Working Groups created with the purpose

Union of Professional Football Players, the

of reflecting the real needs of this sector

National Association of Football Coaches,

and the Sports Societies in the regulatory

the Portuguese Football Federation, and


the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports

organisations related to football and its agents. In this way, it is a division responsible for

throughout the sports season; • Internal backing of court cases to which Liga Portugal plays a part;

regulatory integrity, acting preventively

• Monitoring and refining of the protocols

This department will be responsible for

- with which Liga Portugal maintains close

and in a way that supervises the rules

signed by Liga Portugal and the various

coordinating the work and meetings of

relations and shared views, throughout the

partnering entities;

the Legal and the Prevention and Safety

whole season.

Working Groups, in order to ensure that

For this purpose, it devises and sets out the

useful conclusions for the promotion and

position of Liga Portugal, analysing doc-


growth of Professional Football in Portugal

uments and projects whilst providing pro-

General Regulations, Official Commu-

are presented at the Annual Conferenc-

posals and contributions to the work of

niqué No. 1 (CO1)


these entities.

In this regard, it should be noted that the


that govern the activity, serving, additionally, as a driving force behind the

• Monitoring of the Liga Portugal General

process of adapting regulations to the


requirements of competitive models

• Regulatory

and the promotion of the comeptitions.


• Monitoring and support for legislative amendments;

proposals that the department prepares

• Commission for the Protection of

with the Regulations Working Group will

• Intellectual Property (fight against pira-

be presented to Liga Portugal’s manage-


ment for subsequent submission to the

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 63

Football Integrity Unit

created. The aim is to focus on four main

The Football Integrity Unit will maintain its


operation in strict collaboration with the

• Product counterfeiting;

Sports Societies, the Secretary of State for

• Misuse of trademarks and other distinc-

Youth and Sports, the Portuguese Football

tive commercial features;

Federation, the Union of Professional Play-

• Television broadcasts;

ers, the Portuguese Association of Football

• Protection of Liga Portugal and Sports

Referees, UEFA, FIFA, LaLiga, as well as the

Societies’ merchandising.

Judiciary Police, Public Prosecution Office,

For this purpose, this department will carry

the Santa Casa da Misericórdia, book-

out the development of procedures and a

makers, Interpol and world agencies.

platform for the aggregation of complaints

The ‘Integrity in Football’ programme con-

from Sports Societies and individuals. Le-

tains a set of actions aimed at combating

gal support may be pre-judicial or judicial,

possible acts of corruption (match-fixing).

namely by creating drafts of extra-judicial

This unit will be responsible for preventing

interpellation, of denunciation to the Public

and supervising possible match-fixing phe-

Prosecution Office, private accusation, and

nomena, monitoring international reports,

other documents necessary to combat pi-

controlling compliance with the principles


of financial and sports integrity, and over-

This project includes Liga Portugal, the

seeing transfers. To this end - and con-

Sports Societies, ASAE, the Judiciary Po-

tinuing the project - the refreshing of

lice, as well as national and international

knowledge, coaching of tutors, and pro-

organisations fighting piracy and counter-

duction of teaching materials will be en-

feiting. This project also has the direct sup-


port of the National Institute of Industrial

Through the Match Center, the depart-


ment will provide support in all profession-


al matchdays, regarding integrity issues in competitions held under the aegies of

Joint Arbitration Commision

Liga Portugal.

The Legal Department will be responsible


for the management and administrative

Commission for the Protection of Intellectual Property

support to the member of the Joint Arbitration Commision (CAP), particularly the treatment of the files received and dis-

Given the importance attributed by the

patched, the instruction of proceedings,

Sports Societies to fight against the viola-

and notifications of dispatch and decisions.

tion of intellectual property rights, a team

This department will also be in charge of or-

responsible for the implementation, execu-

ganising the entire CAP archives.

tion, and maintenance of this project will be


64 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

Wage Compliance of Players

tions in Professional Football. If requested by

This consists in the monitoring of the wage

the Sports Societies, training sessions may be

This division is responsible for all the pro-

compliance by the Sports Societies to players

carried out to clarify doubts, receive inputs,

cesses associated with the registration of

and coaches, in the periods defined by the

and engage the various people responsible

contracts of the various sports agents of

regulations within each sports season. To allow

for using this tool.

the Professional Football in Portugal.

the assessment of whether the Sports Societies



are complying with the aforementioned assumption under the terms of the Liga Portu-

Registration of Contracts and Registration of Players and other Sports Agents

gal Competition Regulations and Disciplinary Regulations, at the risk of being penalised/ sanctioned.

Its primary function is to receive, analyse, and






players and coaches, any changes to their

Competitions Licensing Manual

clauses - and their termination - temporary

The Registration Department will collaborate

concessions and revocations of these, as

with the Financial Department on the analysis

well as the registration and licensing of these

of the documentation delivered at the begin-

players, coaches, and other sports agents in

ning of the season by the Sports Companies

professional competitions. The main stages

- regarding compliance with the mandatory

concerning the act of registration of con-

Financial Prerequisites, including all documen-

tracts and players, which are closely moni-

tation related to salary compliance to players

tored by this Department, will be as follows:

and coaches. Failure to comply with these

• Registration periods – July and August

prerequisites will result in a penalty/sanction.

2020; and January 2021;


• Regulatory exception (unemployed player) - September 2020 to February 29, 2021; • Regulatory





TRANSFER - a platform for the registration of

keeper, youth player, among other) -

sports agents - is the result of a joint and con-

September to December 2020; and Feb-

stant work between the Legal Department

ruary to June 2021.

and the Technology Department. In the 2017-

As such, validations will depend on the sub-

18 season, registration of players became

mission of documents within the established

mandatory through this platform, allowing the

deadlines and will control the number of

exclusion of use of paper.

players registered in each squad, under

Since July 1, 2018, registration processes of all

regulatory terms. The registration of players

sports agents, coaching staff, doctors, and

and other sports agents is made through the

other agents, are also required to be con-

TRANSFER digital platform.

ducted through this platform, thus demonet-


ising the entire area of transfers and registra-

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 67

CREATIVITY BOX DEPARTMENT Liga Portugal has been asseting itself as a key player in the promotion and appreciation of the professional competitions it organises, both at national and international level. Keeping its core business as the running of competitions, a wide range of new tasks and functionalities have been developed in order for it to comply with the goals set out in its statutes, which include the general guidelines for the promotion, increase in value, and profitability of professional competitions. Thus, several new functional areas were developed, resulting in a large area of operation, designated Liga Portugal Creativity Box. This division is split into two large subdivisions, which naturally contribute towards the same objectives, but that are concerned with the performance of tasks of a different nature, such as:

Marketing, Commercial & Business Development Tasks of a more operational nature, ensuring the execution of operational marketing actions, events, among others; actions focused on the financing of Liga Portugal; and where tasks related to the development of new areas of business, research and information are performed.

Content & Media With the responsibility of managing the communication and positioning of Liga Portugal and its competitions, strategically defining its tones of communication, as well as target audiences; the development of the entire digital strategy, both in terms of platform and communication, is the division’s responsibility.

Technological advances have led to pro-

between teams. There is clearly a positive

Liga Portugal brand - and its competitions -

tugal among its stakeholders, particularly

found global changes, especially regarding

relationship between internal communi-

and in finding new sources of revenue.

with the Sports Societies and the fans. This

marketing, organisation and communica-

cation and corporate effectiveness. Thus,

The Creative Box Department is hence one

operational sector is therefore divided into

tion with fans. The aim of this organisatio-

Liga Portugal has defined a functional and

of the vital support teams of Liga Portugal

two major strategic branches, each aggre-

nal innovation is to increase the fluidity of

organisational area that is considered fun-

and aims to develop actions to increase

gating four major areas of action and ope-

communication and sharing of information

damental to increase the awareness of the

the penetration and promotion of Liga Por-

rational focus.





Events & Marketing Operations

Commercial Area

Communication Strategic Planning

Digital Strategy

Sponsorship Management

Brand Management

Public Relations

Digital Ecosystem Development

Operational Advertising

Relationship with stakeholders

Digital Applications Management

Crisis Management

Internal Marketing

Production of Content

Digital Content Managente







Official Products

Business Development

Media Management

Establishing the Action Plan

Business Intelligence

Production of Content Press

Project Implementation

Consultancy Internationalisation

Media Monitoring Events

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 69

PROMOTION & COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS In the last five years, Liga Portugal has guided its performance, both in the area

1. Liga Portugal

of operational marketing and in the way

Liga Portugal Global Positioning

it communicates and positions itself, using specific and strategically defining campaigns as its basics. As a result, the promo-

Football with Talent

tion of Liga Portugal aims to increase visibility, promote its competitions and products, and create engagement with fans, partners, and Sports Societies. The promotion made through campaigns strengthens





strengthens its positioning and competitions in an integrated manner and consistent with the guidelines defined for the

2. Institutional Strenghten its Positioning





Promotion and Valuing of the Competitions

Events and Matchdays

4. Special Days Engagement with specific target audiences


70 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |


Montly Awards Final Four Season Ending




• Liga Portugal Ball Launch Campaign

• Development and Licensing of Liga

• Marketing and Promotional Materials

Portugal Official Products

• Monthly and Annual Awards

• Development of Points of Sale

• Charm Initiatives

• Management and Operationalisation of

• Periodic Institutional Promotional Events • ‘O Ligas’ Mascot • Develop Road Shows with Fan Zones • Internal Marketing

Official Products Sales • Development of Liga Portugal Merchandising and Gifts

• Team Building


• Commemorative Dates

• New Areas of Revenue Sources

• Christmas Parties

• Development of Studies

• ‘Liga Environment’

• Internationalisation of Liga Portugal

• Liga Portugal Urban Allotment

• Develop relationships with international

COMMERCIAL AND SPONSORS • Management of Sponsors and Partners • Monitoring the Return on Investment of Sponsors and Partners • Charm Initiatives with Sponsors and Partners • Commercial Activity and New Business

Leagues and Organisations • Develop the Consulting Area of LigaPortugal

Liga Portugal Ball Launch Campaign

Marketing and Promotional Materials

Charm Initiatives

This area is responsible for marketing

The Marketing team is responsible for the

an active policy of networking and proxim-

operations, events and brand initia-

development of all marketing and pro-

ity with the various stakeholders, providing

tives, among others. It is responsible for

motional materials supporting the various

premium experiences for our partners and

ensuring the delivery of Liga Portugal’s

actions and departments of Liga Portugal,

Governing Bodies. These actions should en-

own marketing actions, as well as those

namely, presentations, rulebooks, brand

courage moments of aggregation, create

defined with partners and sponsors.

architecture, stationery, templates, bro-

strong and lasting relationships between

The Marketing Department also carries

chures, digital promotion materials, signs,

Liga Portugal and its partners, so that they

out, in an integrated manner, the man-

outdoor media and decoration, and sou-

feel identified with the values of the organ-

agement of the brand, marketing ma-



terials, signaling, and Liga Portugal’s

Liga Portugal has structured an annual


outdoor media, supporting the other

publishing plan, which will be printed or


This activity consists of the development of

Many of the activities managed and

In season 2019-20, the professional compe-

cording to the targets and communica-

Periodic Institutional Promotional Events

organised by this team will be across-

titions of Liga Portugal will have a new ball.

tion defined. Thus, for the 2020-21 season,

Develop promotional actions within stra-

the- board projects, as it ends up act-

The new ball will be provided by SELECT: a

the following publications are already de-

tegic events throughout the sports season,

ing as a support or coordinating de-

Danish supplier company to several Euro-



partment for the other crucial areas for

pean and American leagues and divisions,

• Annual Conferences;

• Christmas - December;

the implementation of Liga Portugal

reaching our country through an agree-

• Football Finance Yearbook 2019-20;

• International Day of Sport for Development


ment with Liga Portugal, which now have

• Activity Report 2019-20;

As clubs in Liga Portugal steadily grow

the same details as DERBYSTAR, the ball that

• Activity Plan 2021-22.

• World Children’s Day - June 1;

in popularity, there is an increase in

is used in the Bundesliga - the name differs


• International Women’s Day - March 8;

the number of projects and tasks per-

due to marketing aspects. SELECT BRILLANT

formed by each employee, as well as

SUPER TB was unveiled as the new official

Monthly and Annual Awards

for their professionalisation, this area

ball for the Liga Portugal 2019-20 professional

The concept of monthly and annual awards

• International Day of Peace - September 21.

also provides support the staff in the

competitions, within a partnership that con-

has been a successful bet by Liga Portugal


area of internal marketing, in all things

tinues until 2023. This year, a launch cam-

to nurture Talent, promoting the best among

related to internal communication and

paign will be held in order to promote the

the best, and bringing together the various

maintaining high levels of team mo-

new ball for the 2020-21 season of the three

Liga Portugal stakeholders.


professional competitions, thus allowing the

This asset has generated value through its

promotion of SELECT alongside various sports

marketing sponsors and/or by boosting the

agents, stakeholders and football fans.

communication and positioning of Liga Por-



areas in related operational issues.

developed in a digital environment, ac-

and Peace - April 6

• Father’s Day - March 19; • Mother’s Day - First Sunday of May;

This concept will be repeated next season under the same mechanics. ////////////////////////////////////////////

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 73

‘’O Ligas’ Mascot

Portugal, whose focus is the commitment

departures of working staff from the organ-

• Reuse of materials;

The official mascot of Liga Portugal, ‘Ligas’,

of its staff towards the organisation and its


• Recycling, separation of what can be giv-

took its first steps in season 2019-20. Despite


Encouraging team spirit has a very positive

en a new life.

impact on people’s performance, contrib-

Liga Portugal aims to lead the way regard-

uting to the union between staff and to in-

ing responsible practices and promoting se-

Team Building offers several advantages. It

ternal communication, being an efficient

lective collection of waste. Internal aware-

In 2020-21, this promotion and advertising

is an activity we consider to be fundamen-

way to promote integration between em-

ness actions will be organised once again

product of Liga Portugal will be developed.

tal in providing new dynamics and improv-

ployees and managers.

to stimulate the change of attitudes and

its young age, it was an important reference and a prominent figure in the three profes-

Team Building

sional competitions.

The most recent member of the Liga Portu-

ing the performance of working groups,

the creation of new habits concerning the

gal family will be a regular presence at the


Christmas Parties

matches of professional competitions.

• Increase productivity;

Replicating two landmark events from last

point of view, recycling leads to a more ra-


• Improving communication;

season, Liga Portugal Christmas Parties will

tional use of natural resources, and from a

• Maintain morale;

be organised once again. The Official Liga

social point of view, it increases the quality

• Develop the ability to solve problems;

Portugal Christmas Dinner is intended for

of life and preservation of nature.

• Strengthen the values of Liga Portugal.

the organisation’s human resources, while

In recent years, Liga Portugal has been

After the success of the first team-building

the Kids Christmas Party is destined for the

Liga Portugal Urban Allotment

strongly investing in the creation of Fan

initiative, in 2020-21 another event will be

children of the staff and governing bodies

Encourage employee-involvement in social

Zones at the host cities of the Allianz Cup

promoted for the Liga Portugal employees,

of Liga Portugal.

and environmental activities, promoting

Final Four and Copa Ibérica. These have

within an outdoor, informal and sporting

In 2020-21, Liga Portugal will once again

team spirit and mutual support between the

proved to be a huge success with the pres-

context, always fostering the value aggre-

open its doors and hopes to outdo the first

various departments. In this sense, a urban

ence of hundreds of thousands of people,


two editions of the Kids Christmas Party,

allotment garden will be created at the

who experienced several activities at their


promoting a remarkable moment of unity

headquarters of Liga Portugal, where the

and bonding at a time when the values of

food obtained will be donated, especial-

Develop Road Shows at Fan Zones


use of natural resources. From an economic

In this sense, we want to bring this experi-

Commemorative Dates

family and union are celebrated.

ly, to the child care institution of Casa de

ence to more cities and football fans. It will

Several moments were identified to conduct

This festive season will also be marked by


be a venue with several activities to pro-

staff group activities to promote team spirit

the dynamics of Secret Santa, fostering a


mote Liga Portugal, its clubs, competitions

and transmit the values of Liga Portugal:

moment of interaction and exchange of

and partners. In this area, people can ex-

• European Sports Week;

gifts within this Liga Portugal family.

perience various activities within a space

• St. Martin’s Day;

where Football will always be festive event.

• International Men’s Day;

‘Liga Environment’


• Christmas Party - ‘Liga-te KIDS’

Continuing this project launched last sea-

• Liga Portugal Christmas Party

son, the aim is to raise awareness of Liga

• International Women’s Day

Portugal staff on the importance of recy-

This area is responsible for the set of market-

• Easter;

cling and to implement practical measures

ing actions, focused on human resources

• Children’s Day;

in the daily life of the organisation, taking

of Liga Portugal, aiming to promote its val-

• World Blood Donor Day;

these into account:

ues among employees. Internal Marketing

• Season Closing Party;

• Energy saving;

has taken on a preponderant role in Liga

• Staff birthdays, institution’s birthdays or

• Reduction in the amount of waste;

Internal Marketing

74 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |


Monitoring the Return on Investment of Sponsors and Partners

aggregation and involvement with these

This area is responsible for the ongoing

The monitoring of the impacts of the com-

at three different occasions:

management of sponsors and partners,

mercial and promotional activity of compe-

• Beginning of the 2020-21 season, where

including among its activities, the ope-

titions and their partners is one of the con-

the Activity Plan of Liga Portugal and

• Renegotiate active contracts that are

rational and strategic planning, monito-

cerns of Liga Portugal. Throughout the whole

the Fundação do Futebol will be shared;

about to expire and/or find new sponsors

ring of sponsors, analysis of returns and

season, the monitoring regarding the com-

• Allianz Cup Final Four, weighing up the

added value of sponsorships, as well as

mercial and promotionals impacts of the

first months of the sports season, as well

• Submit proposals, negotiate and find ino-

ensuring the fulfilment of contracts. It

competitions and its Sponsors will be carried

as an outlook for the second turn of the

vative business solutions for the list of po-

also carries out all conceptual and ope-

out under the following means:


tential sponsors and partners identified

rational activities with a view to develo-

• Return and performance analysis of com-

End of the 2020-21 season, with an informal

ping new sponsorships, partnerships and

petitions and assets in the Media and Digi-

get-together and overview of the season.

The whole dynamic of commercial activity

new businesses.

tal Channels, for all competitions, including


depends on the number of contacts that

the Copa Ibérica and eSports Competitions;

Management of Sponsors and Current Partners

• Measurement of the main return impacts

These meetings will happen, presumably,

Commercial Activity and New Business

It is urgent for the industry to look for new sources of revenue and new business drivers. The main commercial actions for 2020-21 are therefore defined:

and/or partners;

for the three competitions.

the commercial department maintains. Commercial approaches are developed based on the identification of targets to

The increase in the revenues of Liga Portugal

address the national and/or international

The presentation of the results of each part-

is only possible if, together with the stakehol-


The management of sponsors and part-

ner’s investment and the demonstration

ders, we are able to developed and find

In this way, this area will be responsible for

ners is fundamental for the strengthning

of the value it has added to the brand,

new models for the exploitation of existing

generating as many contacts as possible

of existing ties and for the ongoing sha-

as well as the sharing of detailed reports

and potential assets, for the promotion of

through various marketing strategies such

ring of the organisation’s values with the

on the commitments made, including key

competitions in an integrated manner, inclu-

as charm initiatives at the Final Four and

various stakeholders. It is crucial that the

numbers, offline and online monitoring is

ding the creation of memorable experien-

award ceremony games, behind-thes-

relationship with sponsors, which extends

fundamental for and efficient sponsorship

ces and fan engagement initiatives.

cenes stadium tours, invitations to Liga

over long periods of time, is productive,

management. During the season, regular

The renewal of partnerships that generate

Portugal events, such as, the Annual Con-

creating a win-win relationship.

meetings will be held in order to share all

greater returns for Professional Football and

ferences, Kick-Off, games and other enga-

The sponsorship management model defi-

this information.

increased visibility for Sports Societies, as well

gement activities.

nes some fundamental aspects to streng-


as the negotiation of new businesses that will

One of the major focuses of commercial

reinvigorate the passion of fans for this com-

activity will be the active networking po-

petition, thus boosting visibility, initiatives,

licy, taking full advantage of relational

and engagement, which are essential for

marketing, following the identification of

the football industry.

potential sponsors with consequent com-

then this relationship: ongoing operational

of the Liga Portugal Events.


ners with a previously established periodi-

Charm Initiatives with Sponsors and Partners

city and sharing of monthly reports regar-


ding exposure and monitoring.

operational monitoring will be made in

mercial approaches.


Liga Portugal games/brand events


follow-up, regular meetings with all part-




In addition to this follow-up, it is planned for meetings to be held with sponsors and partners in order to provide moments of

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 77


Development of Points of Sale Liga Portugal will continue to develop its current points of sale, such as the Online

This are will be responsible for the de-

Store and Official Store at the Allianz CUP

velopment, creation, and operationa-

Final Four.

lisation of the Official Products of Liga

In the next season, a market analysis will

Portugal. The strategy of positioning is

continue to be performed by implementing

one of the main business tools. In a time

a business and strategic model in develop-

of excessive competition in the global

ment, aiming for new points of sale.

economy, in which the concept of bu-


siness success is to differentiate and distinguish, it makes sense for us to launch a line of official products, so that fans feel closer to our brand.

Management and Operationalisation of Official Products Sales Develop a management and control mo-

Development of Official Products Sales of Liga Portugal

del for the marketing of Liga Portugal Official Products, both in terms of revenue and in control of production costs, and stock management.

• Establish a commercial and operational

Management and development of a con-

plan for Liga Portugal Official Products in

trol model for sales, as well as the billing of

an integrated manner.

points of sale will be carried out. Sales will be

• Analyse Licensing procedures for the development of this business area. • Implement an operational and commercial strategy. • Define the Official Products to be marketed. • Define concrete actions for the production and quality control of

regularly tracked, with real-time analysis of the main KPIs associated with the business of selling Liga Portugal Official Products. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Liga Portugal Merchandising and Gifts Development Define, produce, and implement a policy

• Define an active Licensing policy, esta-

for Liga Portugal Merchandising and Gifts,

blish contacts and exploring potential

including all stakeholders involved. These


should be segmented into several catego-

• Define a marketing, promotion, and active communication plan for the whole season. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

78 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

ries and defined levels. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT The development, creation, and negotiation of new assets, products, and services, in order to increase the Liga Portugal supply available for the generation of income, will be under the scope of the Business Development team, which will also lead a strategy of adding value to football, producing knowledge, and contributing to the growth of the Liga Portugal brand.

New Areas of Revenue Sourcess Maintain the conceptual and business development of identified areas. In addition, it is essential to broaden and optimise the sources of revenue, with commercial activity, and thus strengthening the financial position. Strategies will be developed for the implementation of areas that demonstrate capacity to be expanded. In this way, expand and optimise the sources of revenue, focused on commercial activity, thus strengthening the financial position of Liga Portugal. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Development of Studies Liga Portugal has been organising and systematising the sector’s information, with a view to generating wealth and creating jobs, and also provides information so that all agents can use it and incorporate it into the definition of their strategies, all towards greater professionalism. Liga Portugal in-

tends to continue to spark measures that

gies that promote the brands associated

tionalisation of Liga Portugal were crea-

highlight the importance and economic

with Portuguese professional football.

ted in a professional and realistic process

value of football, through the study and

The implementation of collective actions

of strategic definition and planning in se-

Development of the Consulting Area of Liga Portugal

spread of knowledge concerning the eco-

oriented to the qualification of Sports So-

veral areas, from marketing and commu-

Liga Portugal has gained a significant

nomic activity surrounding football, thus

cieties is fundamental for their develop-

nication to the provision of consultancy

amount of experience in the various areas

showing how the latter should be viewed

ment. In this sense, several studies will be

services to counterparts in other countries

in which it operates regarding the develop-

by the management of Sports Societies

carried out regarding this matter. The pre-

in areas where Liga Portugal staff has ac-

ment of professional football, either directly

and the consumer itself, in a similar way to

paration of these documents represents a

cumulated significant know-how. In the

or through specialised partners, which is

other productive industries.

vital tool for the growth and development

2020-21 season, it is fundamental to conti-

now recognised internationally as one of

It is crucial to continue the investment in

of the Professional Football industry.

nue developing an active policy for inter-

the best leagues in the world in organisation

the development of studies to support the


nationalisation, and to follow up with the

and operation of their competitions. Liga

implementation of the already running

Portugal has experience in its relationship

Internationalisation Plan.

with the various stakeholders of professional


football, such as sports societies, federative

internal activity of Liga Portugal and the In the context of the improvement of the

Internationalisation of Liga Portugal

Business Development area, which acts as

For 2020-21, the development of an acti-

promoter of highly-relevant information on

ve Liga Portugal internationalisation poli-

the Professional Football industry, Liga Por-

cy will continue to be implemented and

tugal and the consultant agency EY esta-

is aimed at the worldwide penetration of

Development of Relationships with International Leagues and Organisations

blished a strategic partnership.

the brand. Internationalisation is essential

Liga Portugal expects to continue to de-

ries out an active commercial and adverti-

This partnership foresees the development

for the promotion of the competitiveness

velop an active policy of promotion and

sing campaign of its professional services to

of the annual report with the preparation

and valuing of the Portuguese Professional

implementation of various actions with in-

be marketed in the 2020-21 season.

of the 4th Edition of the Portuguese Profes-

football. In the context of Liga Portugal,

ternational Leagues and Organisations.


sional Football Yearbook 2019-20.

internationalisation is part of a broader

Last season, some Memorandum of Un-

Another study that is in its planning stage

strategy of valorisation and competitive

derstanding and Cooperation Protocols

is the Study of the Portuguese Football

repositioning of Portuguese Professional

were signed within the context of the inter-

Consumer Profile. Getting better acquain-


nationalisation of Liga Portugal, which allo-

ted with the consumer of football as a

The industrialisation of football has led to

wed for a close collaboration with organi-

product is essential for the development

the emergence of strong and internatio-

sations. In this sense, Liga Portugal intends

of more effective and surgical marketing

nally-projected brands that attract mil-

to maintain and develop the existing rela-

campaigns, allowing the economic value

lions of people and fans from all around

tionships with LaLiga, CE-CPLP (Community

of the sources of revenue to be boosted

the world. The scope of football goes

of Portuguese Language Speaking Coun-

and the sponsor portfolio to be optimised

far beyond the 90 minutes of the game,

tries) and sports institutions from the CPLP.

by creating value that is more in line with

both as a spectacle and as a business.


the fans’profile.

Liga Portugal aims to position itself at the

With the development of this study, we aim

level of the Premier League, LaLiga, and

to assess how the organisation is perceived

Bundesliga, with its ability to see football

by its main stakeholders, evaluating the ins-

beyond the fied and across borders. In

titution’s positioning and designing strate-

2019-20, the foundations for the interna-

Sports Societies.

institutions and fans. This knowledge and experience can be useful to promote football in expanding markets, and in this sense, Liga Portugal car-

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 81


DIGITAL 360º • Development of a Digital Ecosystem • Digital Content and Application Management • Development of Digital Content

MEDIA • Media Management • Press Content Creation

AMBASSADORS • Ambassadors Induction • Charity Games and Events • One Value, One Ambassador



Communication and promotional content

tions, through creation of content for so-

In addition, a close and constant con-

Strategic communication is designed

tact will be maintained with the OCS in

Specific communication content associa-

that celebrate a personal event. Perform

to rethink the way in which Liga Portu-

order to assessing them on the subjects

ted with our competitions brands allows us

qualitative analysis of official statistics and

gal communicates internally and ex-

and themes associated with Liga Por-

to generate engagement with fans and

milestones of Liga Portugal competitions in

ternally, in the actions included in the

tugal and its competitions.

the general public;

order to produce information with relevant

marketing and communication strate-

Liga-te Magazine (Connect Yourself) yourself)

gy, in order to ensure greater integra-

cial networks and awarding of mementoes

interest to fans, OCS and Sports Societies

Bi-montlhy publication dedicated to the

Photography Award “Football with Talent”

Content creation will have to follow the

activities of the Professional Football in-

“Promoted by Liga Portugal and exhibited

munication plan for Liga Portugal and



dustry, promoter of the competitions (Liga

at the end of the season. Eventually, to be

its competitions and includes an public

as macro messages, prioritisation of key

NOS, LigaPro and Allianz CUP), actions of

co-organised with an external entity with

relations policy as well as content man-

themes according to the strategic and

Social Responsibility and of its stakehold-

credibility in the Media sector.


political placement of each instance,

ers, special content with our Ambassadors

The overall communication plan for

specific guidelines for each channel of

and content related with the ‘Essence’ of


the 2020-21 season envisages the con-

communication, identification of the most


Promote the strategy of collaboration with

stant communication of the Institution-

relevant target audiences and an ap-

al activity of Liga Portugal, highlighting

proach strategy for each one of them.

Season Review

the values of Credibility, Aggregation,

It is important to guarantee and monitor

Annual publication with the previous sea-

of producing promotional content for Liga

Talent and Spectacle. In addition, it as-

the integrity and global coherence of the

son’s summary, performances, ratings, and

Portugal and its competitions, aimed at

sumes an informative follow-up of our

Liga Portugal communication at all levels,

statistics. The season is reviewed in detail,

new audiences and intends to reach spe-

activity, as well as the activity of all the

with all audiences and in all platforms and

across the various aspects of Professional

cific targets, thus fostering a closer rela-

stakeholders of Liga Portugal, with spe-



tionship with the younger public, which has

cial concern to information related to

The Liga Portugal overall communication

the Sports Societies. In this sense, infor-

strategyfor the 2020-21 season, predicts

Liga TV

mation regarding Liga Portugal’s activ-

the creation of the following contents:

Systematised video coverage of the Liga

tion and coherence in the initiatives developed in these two areas. This sec-

Content Creation

tor is responsible for the strategic com-



reference digital influencers (Youtubers, Instagrammers, Bloggers), with the purpose

more specific content requirements;

according to its positional framework:

Institutional and Informative

Football with Talent.

Communicate in a consistent manner the

nists, institutional activities, Social Responsi-

Creation of institutional content and operational support for all channels, events, President and Executive Board

Namely, a real-time follow-up of the

institutional activity of Liga Portugal with

bility initiatives, and actions with stakehold-

Press Releases, Announcements, Editorials



and Opinion Articles;

ities will be produced and organised


Portugal activities, namely those related to professional competitions, their protago-


the Sports Societies and the Governing

the activity of the Sports Societies and

Bodies, emphasising the values of Credi-

sports activity in general will be carried

bility, Aggregation, Talent and Spectacle.

Milestones and e-Liga STATS

Media Kits

out, as well as for a daily Press Review

In informative accompaniment of the Liga

Highlight the milestones of sporting High-

Provide the OCS with relevant statistical

and Monitoring. of the information

Portugal activity, as well as of all stakehold-

light the milestones of sporting perfor-

information on each game of the profes-

published in the media outlets (OCS).

ers, giving special relevance to information

mance of the players, coaches, referees,

sional competitions, and at the same time,

related to Sports Societies;

and delegates in professional competi-

support the communication departments

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 83

of Sports Societies in their match previews,

Sports Societies Roadshow

thus promoting, in an equitable way, all the

Promote an active policy of proximity with


games of the Liga Portugal competitions.

all Sports Societies, in order to enhance

Digital has increasingly become a strategy, or set of communication strategies, that promotes


the use of positive feedback and receive

constant contact with fans, Sports Societies and other agents.

inputs for improvement by Sports Societies

There was a need to give the digital domain the importance it will have in the future within football

and that will contribute to a better clarifi-

manager operations, as well as in fan consumption and their relationship with other agents in the

This area is responsible for defining and

cation of the aspects associated with our

Professional Football sector. For this purpose, a new functional department was created in the

operating the charm and networking


Liga Portugal framework, equipped with the necessary means to pursue the strategy it defines

action plan, together with the group of


regarding this area.

Public Relations

opinion makers identified in the strate-

The core business of Liga Portugal allows us to produce a large volume of content with a high level

gic communication plan and the vari-

of appeal for millions of users around the world. The objective of Liga Portugal is to consolidate the

ous stakeholders. A set of actions for the

digital ecosystem developed last season, allowing us to increase engagement with the public

2020-21 season is defined:

thanks to the ease and speed with which the information reaches the fans.

FuteCom Annual strategic meeting promoted by Liga Portugal, which will target the staff and management who work daily in the depart-

Social Media

ments of Communication, Marketing and Press at Sports Societies;

Meeting with Media and Opinion Makers Regular meetings with members of the OCS and opinion makers. Debate of the current themes of Liga Portugal and its competitions, in order to improve the awareness of public opinion and the increased proximi-



(Single Sign On)

ty and relationship between the Press and Liga Portugal;

Official representations at events, award ceremonies, galas and gameses Actions that allow for greater contact with Sports Societies and with entities in general, creating moments of dialogue and stronger ties to the various agents players in football;

84 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |



Development of a Digital Ecosystem The digital age has led to a shift in the consumption of information and in the profile of the football consumer. It has become necessary to


focus the communication strategy, branding, and buzz on the generation of traffic and conversations through digital media, with actions thought out and consistent with the various segments of Professional Football consumer profiles, using the most appropriate available tools for this purpose. The increased segmentation of the target audience will tend to in-

CRM SYSTEM Website Liga Portugal


Business Management

Clubs Portal

Website eSports

Plataforma Aplicacional da Liga Portugal

Website Fundação Website Corrida Adepto

crease the interest of various stakeholders. Liga

APP Liga Portugal

Portugal will continue to invest In the develop-

Audience Management

ment of digital tools to use in its operations and in its relationship with Sports Societies, as a way of making football credible and adding to the

During the 2020-21 season, Liga Portugal will continue the implementation of the current application structure, namely in terms of interaction with audiences. The application devel-

PHC IntraLiga


Resource Management

Single Sign On

Internal Tickets

Central Liga

opment plan is ambitious, as can be seen by


the multidisciplinary nature of the applications already built and those under construction. This project aims to organise the various existing platforms of Liga Portugal, as well as the integration of new ones, both at the level of busi-


ness and audience management, therefore


making it possible. This project aims to organise the various existing platforms of Liga Portugal, as well as the integration of new ones, both at the level of business and audience management, making it possible define the project of integrating the Liga Portugal databases, in accordance with the objectives for the season.

86 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

Sponsor Tickets Audience Management

value of competitions, thus increasing the level of know-now accumulated across borders.

APP Final Four


The strategy should be based on harnessing the power of digital communication tools to bring together fans, players, clubs and sponsors, to make stadium attendance more

fined for the entire Liga Portugal digital ecosystem. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

make the following of the competition out-

Digital Content and Application Management

side the stadium more exciting and viral.

Knowing the consumer of football bet-

Development of new digital platforms:

ter, as a starting point, is fundamental for

• Integration of global Liga Portugal data-

the development of assertive and more

appealing and rewarding, as well as to


effective communication campaigns. In

• e-Fan Platform;

2020-21, it is intended that the contents of

• Audience Management Platform;

each platform be segmented, thus pro-

• Collection and analysis of DATA;

moting an increase in value that is more

• Liga Portugal Podcast

adjusted to its respective profile of fans.

Create a strategy including new plat-

Media and other campaigns of a more re-

forms, such as Tik Tok and a LinkedIN for the

stricted nature will be developed in order

Fundação do Futebol.

to make clear the advantages of aggre-

Maintenance and Upgrade in terms of Fea-

gation of the various agents in Professional

tures and Design:

Football, which at the same time, will also

• Website;

allow a greater and more effective social

• Social Media

dialogue around Professional Football. In-

• Twitter

creasing the educational, festive, positive

• Instagram Liga Portugal

and civic content of football as sports

• Instagram eSports

show with a family nature is essential for the

• Facebook Liga Portugal

promotion of the sector and for attracting

• Facebook Fundação do Futebol

new targets. The management of digital

• LinkedIn

applications will focus on:

• APP Liga Portugal;

• Conceptual

• Liga NOS Virtual; • Awards platform. The monitoring of the strategy will be carried out throughout the sports season using tools such as: • Dashboard and other monitoring/evaluation metrics for all digital activity; • Operational alignment with other Liga Portugal functional areas; • Supervision of the strategic integrity de-




operational campaigns resulting from the defined operation and strategy; • Multi-channel publishing plan aligned with the defined campaigns; • Strategic content creation for all platforms. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Development of Digital Content

• Internal multimedia content;

velopment of content, and the presenta-

• Coordination of all multichannel content

tion of the event.

The creation of objective, precise, and ori-

• Copywriting;


ginal content is essential to promote the


Liga Portugal brand, its competitions and

Press Content Creation

Sports Societies.

All contents for the press are under the re-

In its general concept, this branch aims to

mit of this department:

produce content that is highly relevant to


fans and largely consists of producing con-

Liga Portugal should assert itself as an

communication strategy, as well as the

tent that is significant or has an extremely

increasingly relevant and indispensable

campaigns/actions developed by Liga

positive impact on users, be it institutional,

player in the national media, made pos-

Portugal at each moment;


sible through a growing credibility and

• Informative content for channels;

qualification of the sector.

• Media support content, such as media




content. The production of content is fundamental not only for the organic traffic it genera-


tes but mainly for the perception it creates

Gestão de Media

among fans.

This branch will keep close and constant




contact with the Media, in order to advi-

through the generation of relevant con-

se them on issues/themes associated with

tent, exponentially increases brand awa-

Liga Portugal and its competitions. the ob-

reness. The creation of this content gene-

jective is to maintain the relationship and

rates engagement among fans, increasing

operational coordination with these pro-

awareness of Liga Portugal competitions,


both in national and international mar-

It will be responsible for the day-to-day

kets. The sharing of content throughout the

management with the Media and will

season can lead to lasting organic traffic

ensure all its operational activities, such

over time, which translates into attracting

as accreditation and vests. Furthermore,

potential partners and sponsors to the in-

it will also perform the daily monitoring of


the press review, as well as the ongoing

There are several types of content that we

tracking of the media’s digital activity and

will focus on next season, and that includes

the monitoring of relevant content in alter-

global management of the Liga Portugal

native channels, such as blogs and social

social channels, such as:


• Copywriting;

Media Management also plays an impor-

• Photography and video;

tant role in events, being its responsibility

• Multilingual content;

the convening of the Media and their re-

• Content targeted to specific internatio-

ception and accompaniment of moments

nal markets;


• Press releases aligned with the global

• Collection of information for media. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

of communication, the definition and de-

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 89

Ambassadors Induction

order to reach all the regions that are part

This ceremony aims to mark another era

of our competitions, Liga NOS and Liga-

Liga Portugal invited historic names from our championships to this programme, aimed at the

alongside with the Ambassadors of Liga


promotion and appreciation of professional football.

Portugal, with the presence of the President

In order to give robustness to the project/

The list of Ambassadors consists of 19 former players and coaches that stood out in national

of Liga Portugal. This event marks another

activity of the Fundação do Futebol, posi-

and international football, thus playing a role of promoting Portuguese Professional Football

year of commitment to the values of Liga

tion the Ambassadors’ programme also as

through the presence in events held by Liga Portugal and Social Responsible activities, na-


“voice” of the social and ecological na-

mely Fundação do Futebol.


ture of Liga Portugal and take advantage


Several historic names from our competitions were invited to this programme: Vítor Baía, Nuno

of its visibility to promote the message of

Gomes, Ricardo, Quim, Helton, Neno, João Pinto, Luisão, Jorge Andrade, Chaínho, Alan, Hel-

Charity Games and Events

der Postiga, Manuel Fernandes, Paulo Futre, Beto, Ricardo Costa, Costinha, Simão and André

From a perspective of social responsibility,


there will be one or two annual Ambassa-

The Liga Portugal Ambassador is a communication strategy that uses the credibility and trust

dor games, whose ticket sales will revert

eSports Competition

of professionals to promote and give greater visibility to the Professional Football sector. The

to an Association or Entity of social natu-

With the steadily growing panorama of

aim of this programme is to strengthen the position of the Ambassadors as vehicles of commu-

re. Nowadays, Liga Portugal has an active

eSports in Portugal, Liga Portugal will further

nication for Liga Portugal, partnering former players of professional competitions as promoters

participation in social, national and inter-

strengthen their bet on video-game com-

of the football industry in various Liga Portugal events and in social responsibility initiatives for

national responsibility, but aims to reach


the Fundação do Futebol, thus providing greater media exposure and visibility to actions of

even more people in need, who can be-

Liga Portugal held in the 2018-19 season

solidarity nature.

nefit from football’s mediatic impact to

the first edition of the eLigaPortugal tourna-

The presence of Ambassadors at events allows them to spread the word and make it more

satisfy some of their needs. The Ambassa-

ment, a competition included in the FIFA 19

positive and consistent with football fans, creating engagement and proximity with all fans.

dors, as football icons, have the ability to

Global Series and which featured the parti-

The aim is for them to be the image of Liga Portugal and to develop professional pride, a sen-

carry the message further and, in this way,

cipation of 15 Sports Societies of Liga NOS.

se of belonging, shared responsibility, in short, the values of the organisation.

Liga Portugal will be able to make an even

The tournament was played in FIFA Ultimate

In addition, for participation in Liga Portugal events, specific projects were outlined for the

more significant difference. It is intended

Team mode, in 1v1 format, on the PlaySta-

Ambassadors programme, described below.

to give robustness to the project/activity

tion 4. For 2020-21, the objective will be to

of Fundação do Futebol and position the

reinforce and promote even more eSports

Ambassadors as the ‘voice’ of the social

competitions. Promote eLigaPortugal - Win-

and ecological aspect of Liga Portugal.

ter and Spring Season, with the creation of


competitions included in the FIFA/EA Sports’

One Values, One Ambassador

90 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

Liga Portugal. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

FIFA GLOBAL SERIES international circuit and thus position eLigaPortugal as the biggest

Give continuity to the “One Value, One

FIFA eSports competition in Portugal.

Ambassador” programme, which aims

Maintain the presence of eSports in the

to personify the values to be implemen-

Allianz Cup Fan Zone, capturing the youn-

ted in the “Social Values in Football” Foo-

ger target audience, and enhancing the

tball Foundation’s Activity Plan, including

brand of Liga Portugal and the naming

levents and visits to institutions/schools/

sponsor of the competition via streaming

hospitals. Decentralise the programme in


Participate in eSports summits: Lisbon Games Week, Moche XL, etc., in order to position the Liga Portugal eSports Brand through participation in theses specific summits. Following the success of the Online VIP Challenge Tournament, promoting the online VIP Challenge Christmas Tournament, together with the Fundação do Futebol, with the purpose to obtaining social funds for charity institutions. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Competition Data Project Provide the different sectors of Liga Portugal, partners, Sports Societies and press with data that allow them to improve their information on professional competitions. Strive for a constant improvement of the database with the inclusion of information referring to previous seasons for all the Liga Portugal’s competitions, and others, in order to produce comparative reports. In this sense, the available database for consulation and analysis will be improved either by the Data Analysis team, or by any other department of Liga Portugal. A constant search for ideas regarding statistical studies that may generate relevant information to Liga Portugal and its Sports Societies, in order to create a diverse database and complementation of information concerning professional competitions. ////////////////////////////////////////////////


This department is responsible for the integrated management of the Liga Portugal technological infrastructure and for supporting the organisation of its competitions. This way, it is responsible for the programming and development of CRM, ERP and business/competition management applications, managing the Liga Portugal physical IT assets, help desk/ security of systems, support in the collection and management of databases, mobile applications, and device management, among others. • Technological Evolution of IntraLiga • Consolidation and Maintenance of the e-Liga Platform • SAND V3 • SMJJ - Statistics and Control • Data Bridge Liga Portugal-FPF • Club Portal • Accreditation System • Notification System • Tournament Mode • CRM • Miscellaneous Department Support Activities • Quality and Development Environment • Digital Security • Document Management Platform





support for the management of

Technological Evolution of IntraLiga

In this sense, plan are underway to create

As a central management tool for all Liga

platform and match operation, namely:

modules for monitoring and verifying the


Portugal information, IntraLiga has modules that allow of integration between the various Liga platforms. In 2021-21, it will be necessary to consolidate, update and optimise the platform in order to streamline the data and critical developments to the operation. In this sense, the evolution of some modules that constitute the platform is to be expected, such as Registration, Match Organisation and Accreditation. These modules will allow for the control and verification of all Liga Portugal platforms.


SUPPORT SYSTEM TO THE DELEGATES NOMINATION The development and implementation of complementary options for this platform is expected, namely the integration of the appointment of assessors and trainees, as well as the inclusion of the financial system for them. Project in cooperation with the Competitions Department;

This project aims to implement the mechanism of the data bridge between Liga Portugal and the Portuguese Football Federation, which were developed last season, ensuring total security in the communication and information transfer services between the two organisations, particularly in terms of registrations, match reports and discipline. It also develops and implements the evolutions that are relevant and critical to the established objectives;


The notification mechanism, which currently communicates with the various sports agents via email, is expected to evolve to sending SMS, this making the process more agile and efficient for all stakeholders involved;


Consolidation and Mainenance of the e-Liga Platform




Positioned at the forefront of sports technology, e-Liga’s main objective was to facilitate the processing of information and eliminate, as much as possible, the possibility of error, dematerialising the documentation of pro-

Further development of the control and monitoring platform for the scheduling of games and matchweeks, which allow them consistency in their scheduling. Project in cooperation with the Competitions Department;

The development of a way to use e-Liga in competitions such as the Allianz CUP Final Four is currently planned;

fessional football matches. Simultaneously, it groups, by touch, the various “pieces”, thus combining itself in an ecosystem fed by several platforms, with direct and harmonious




connection to the central system of Liga Portugal: IntraLiga. In 2020-21, however, it will be necessary to consolidate, update, and optimise the platform in order to streamline the data and critical developments to the to consolidate, update, and optimise the platform in order to streamline the data and critical developments to the operation. It will

Continue the process of analysis and development of the accreditation platform, started in the previous season, which will make it possible to access critical areas of stadiums, such as technical areas, on a computerised basis;

Continue to consolidate the platform created in 2019-20, so that the Sports Societies can perform their financial licensing process in an increasingly digital way. Portal for communication between sports agents and eLiga, for the management of information models (presented in the Official Communiqué no.1). Project in cooperation with the Competitions Department;

Ensure that Liga Portugal platforms are continuously updated to meet the changeable objectives that arise during the season in the CRM/FRM area.

be crucial to ensure the smooth functioning of the platform, ensuring that it meets the objectives for which it was created. | 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 93

Miscellaneous Department Support Activities

tation process in professiona competition

harm to organisations ad their staff. This in-

archiving and searching of Liga Portugal


clude, for example, copyright infringments,

documents. /////////////////////////////////////////////////

There a number of projects in which this de-

• Development of a platform for reporting

disclosure of sensitive data and company

partment will intervene extensively, which,

infringements of intellectual property, in

assets, or even the requirments of General

although already presented, are important

coordination with the Legal Department.

Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The

to mention: • In all web-based Liga Portugal platforms,


challenge is significant, but Liga Portugal is commited to working in the construction of

advertising spaces, with the capacity to

Quality and Development Environment

define quotas and measure impressions

For next season, Liga Portugal will launch

garding the importance of following good

and clicks. This project will ensure that

a Quality and Development Environment,

practices of digital security.

Liga Portugal has the tools to actively

which consists of a pipeline for the devel-

It will be implemented the Information

promote its campaigns and/or nego-

opment of new platforms. This environ-

Rights Management, which monitors the in-

tiate digital exchanges with sponsors and

ment will allow tests to be carried out, right

formation encryption, the Data Loss Preven-


from the moment their need is reported to

tion, that prevents leaks of critical informa-

• Maintenance and continuous updating

Technology Department, from the devel-

tion from the central and peripheral systems

of the Liga Portugal and the Liga NOS Vir-

opment of the platform to its placement

of Liga Portugal.

tual websites;

in production.

This department will carry out the adapta-

Ensure that Liga Portugal is able to test all its

tion of a “Security Operational Center”

platforms without affecting the production

- External SOC, which will allow to act in real

platforms, minimising the risk of errors in the

time towards security leaks. To protect Liga

transition to production.

Portugal from potential security threats, the


Technology Department will develop the

install institutional and/or promotional

• Maintenance and continuous updating of the Milestones platform; • Maintenance of the Liga Portugal App and the platforms that support it; • Further implementation of a CRM platform, as well as the management of contact, target, and audience databases in

Digital Security

the Liga Portugal ecosystem;

Information security, notably in terms of

• Further implementation tests of the Infra-

data protection and classified information,

structures Portal, which will group togeth-

is vital in the relationship between Liga Por-

er the technical data sheets of all the

tugal, the Sports Societies and other parties

stadiums, so that they are available on

involved. Security in digital environment is a

the delegate’s tablet and safety reports,

complex challenge. We can think of differ-

thus optimising the reporting of irregular

ent types and levels of security. In the age

situations. Project in cooperation with the

of information, protecting this data is a task

Competitions Department;

set for everyone.

information platforms that raise the awareness of all employees and stakeholders re-

following actions: • Development of security mechanisms in all Liga Portugal platforms; • Development of physical and logical barriers on Liga Portugal facilities; • Ensure that Liga Portugal and its platforms comply with all ISO 27001 standards; • Technological support in the monitorisation of the GDPR. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

for the Competition Licensing Manual;

creased exposure to cyber-risks. Not only

Document Management Platform

• Creation of an online platform to central-

can cyberattacks block access to confi-

The development of a document manage-

ise and dematerialise the media accredi-

dential information, but they also cause

ment platform is expected, allowing for the

• Development of the Monitoring Platform

The digital revolution has significantly in-

94 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |


INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This department is responsible for the integrated management of the quality and safety procedures of the institution, thus ensuring an even greater rigour and demand in the procedures. This department is also responsible for raising the awareness of all employees in the field of Information Quality and Security. Liga Portugal considers it essential to maintain the implementation of the Quality Management System and The Information Security Management System, in compliance with the reference standards NP EN ISO 9001:2015 and NP ISO/EIC 27001:2013 respectively, in order to ensure the excellence of the organisation. One of the benefits that Liga Portugal obtained with the Integrated Management System, it promoted its implementation and certification at the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal. • Quality Certification - NP EN 9001:2015 • Information Security Certification - NP ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Quality Certification NP EN 9001:2015

Liga Portugal is therefore required, as an ins-

Liga Portugal has committed itself to the

re and spread information, especially from

implement a Quality Management System

its Sports Societies, to define as a strategy

that documents processes, procedures and

for the organisation, the implementation of

responsibilities involved in meeting quality

an information security management sys-

policies and objectives. The system has im-


proved internal communication, document

Therefore, the Liga Portugal Executive

standardisation and monitoring of proce-

Board has approved the implementation

dures and objectives. This system is based

of a norm that aims to establish, implement,

on an increase in operational quality, re-

maintain and continuously improve an in-

flected in a more efficient and constantly

formation security management system.

improving management.

The information security management sys-

In addition to the processes, this system has

tem protects the confidentiality, integrity

an analysis dashboard that constantly mo-

and availability of information through the

nitors the achievement ratios of the goals

implementation of a risk management pro-

and objectives set.

cess and assures the stakeholders that risks

During the 2020-21 season, IMS will continue

are properly managed. Liga Portugal imple-

to manage and ensure the maintenance

mented the ISO 27001:2013 until June 2019.

and improvement of the quality manage-

During the 2020-21 season, IMS will continue

ment system, certified in accordance with

to manage and ensure the maintenance

EN ISO 9001:2015, to boost the implemen-

and improvement of the quality manage-

tation of the actions foreseen in the risk

ment system, certified in accordance with

assessment maps prepared, the treatment

EN ISO 27001:2013.

of non-conformities and the taking of cor-


rective actions that prevent the recurrence of problems and the implementation of the annual audit programme. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Information Security Certification - NP ISO/IEC 27001:201313 The reality in which we live today is based on an information age that values it, more and more, according to the levels of security and management that is given to that same information.

titution whose objectives are to collect, sto-



This department provides direct support to the President, Executive Board and the Governing Bodies of Liga Portugal. DADE is responsible for organising, coordinating and executing all the actions inherent to the advisory, secretarial services and protocol of the Executive Board, as well as advising on the connection between the various Liga stakeholders, and public and private entities. This department manages the logistics related to meetings, acts of representation, visits, invitations, and others. It also ensures the correct implementation of protocol norms at events hosted by Liga Portugal, and supports the various organisational processes. • Secretarial Accompaniment and Document Management • General Assemblies Support • Event Management Support and Protocol Monitoring • Database Updates

Secretarial Accompaniment and Document Management

Event Management Support and Protocol Monitoring

This department will manage and control

This department manages the protocol in

the agenda and appointments of the Pre-

several events, direct or transversal to Liga

sident, the Executive Board and Governing

Portugal: invitations, implementation of

Bodies, as well as provide support to the

protocol rules, and reception of guests at

General Assemblies, Jurisdictional Council,

the following events: 1) Kick-Off 2020-21;

among others. During the 2020-21 season,

2) Soccerex; 3) Allianz Cup and Final Four;

it will prepare, record, and promote the

4) Annual Conferences - opening session

dissemination of dispatches, circular let-

and meetings; 5) Presidents’ Summit; 6)

ters, communiqués, internal communica-

Postgraduations and 7) Liga Portugal Am-

tions, and other decisions of the President

bassadors’ Induction It is also responsible for

and Executive Board.

the implementation of festive events of an

It will maintain support in practical workday

internal nature, as part of the internal mar-

issues in the preparation of documents,

keting policies.

such as presentations, letters, internal and


external communications, and others. A document management platform will be

Database Updates

implemented with a view to improving the

An event and guest management platform

organisation regarding physical and digital

has been introduced, which will be con-

information archives.

stantly updated throughout the 2020-21


season in line with the changes made to our

General Assemblies Support

databases. For this season, it is expected to integrate a continuous updated DADE data-

General Assemblies Support - DADE will be

base in the CRM platform.

supporting the management and organi-


sation of the General Assemblies, collaborating with the Board of the General Assembly, with three to five major meetings planned for the 2020-21 season. ////////////////////////////////////////////////


Activities Transversal Projects and Activities Kick-Off 2020-21 LIGA NOS LigaPro Allianz CUP and Final Four Working Groups and Annual Conferences Presidents’ Summit Soccerex Talent Hub Match Center Projects and Activities Specific to Each Department Financial Department Activity Plan and Budget Control Administrative and Financial Monitoring Competition Licensing Manual Totonegócio Liga Portugal Infrastructure Management Central Liga Training Programme 2020-21 Performance Management and Evaluation System Competitions Department Match Scheduling and Sports Calendar Preparation for the New Sports Season Sports Monitoring 2020-21 Technical Inspection Commission (CTV) Delegates Project Refereeing and Video Assistant Referee Analysis of Competitive Competition Models Accreditation System Infrastructure Portal Club Portal Training Courses Legal and Registration Department Monitoring of Protocols, Contracts, and Legal Situations Regulatory Changes, Statutes, General Regulations, CO1 Legal Accompaniment and Participation in Legislative Amendments Footbal Integrity Unit Commission for the Protection of Intellectual Property Joint Arbitration Commission Registration of Contracts and Registration of Players and other Sports Agents Wage Compliance for Players Competition Licensing Manual TRANSFER V3 Executive Management Support Department (DADE) Secretarial Accompaniment and Document Management General Assemblies Support Event Management Support and Protocol Monitoring Database Updates Department of the Integrated Management System Quality Certification - NP EN ISO 9001:2015 Information Security Certification - ISO/IEC 27001:2013

102 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |





November December












November December







Projects and Activities Specific to Each Department Marketing, Commercial & Business Development Department Liga Portugal Ball Launch Campaign Marketing and Promotional Materials Monthly and Annual Awards Charm Initiatives Periodic Institutional Promotional Events O Ligas Mascot Develop Road Shows at Fan Zones Team Building Commemorative Dates Christmas Parties ‘Liga Environment’ Liga Portugal Urban Allotment Management of Sponsors and Partners Monitoring the Return on Investment of Sponsors and Partners Charm Initiatives with Sponsors and Partners Commercial Activity and New Business Development of Official Liga Portugal Products and Licensing Development of Points of Sale Management and Operation of the Marketing of Official Products Development of Liga Portugal Merchandising and Gifts New Areas of Revenue Sources Development of Studies Internationalisation of Liga Portugal Develop relationships with International Leagues and Organisations Develop the Consulting Area of Liga Portugal Content & Media Department Institutional, Informative and Promotional Content Creation Public Relations Development of a Digital Ecosystem Digital Content and Application Management Development of Digital Content Media Management Press Content Creation Ambassadors Induction Charity Games and Events One Value, One Ambassador Consolidate and promote more competitions Maintain eSports competitions at the Allianz CUP Fanzone Participate in eSports summits Online VIP Challenge Christmas Tournament Collection of information regarding professional competitions; Technology Department Technological Evolution of IntraLiga Consolidation and Maintenance of the e-Liga Platform SAND V3 SMJJ - Statistics and Control Liga Portugal - FPF Data Bridge Club Portal Accreditation System Notification System Tournament Mode CRM Miscellaneous Department Support Activities Quality and Development Environment Digital Security Document Management Platform

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 103


8.1 INTRODUCTION/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Always having in our memory, as a start-

it seemed to be something impossible to

robust, efficient, competent, and adjust-

budget that we present for 2020-21 is a full

ing point the date of July 30, 2015, when

achieve, turned out to be a reality.

ed to the reality and objectives that are

mature budget and a sign of a total finan-

the Executive Board first took over - and

But always with a mindset to elevate and

intended to be achieved, thus embracing

cial stabilisation in Liga Portugal.

that was recently reelected for the 2019-

give credibility to Liga Portugal, this Exec-

new dynamic projects towards the satis-

The current Executive Board gave continui-

23 four-year term -, the Board was faced

utive Board feels that there is a lot of work

faction for our associates and the football

ty to the rigour regarding the management

with an extremely worrying and serious sit-

to be done, since there still room for bet-


and operation of the previous years, and on

uation, with economic and financial insol-

ter and for us to grow. This current season

Given the current epidemiological situ-

the other hand, not abstaining from invest-

vency looming.

has given us an enormous capacity to

ation, the sports calendar of the 2019-20

ing and executing new projects, provid-

Without fearing the future and with a dis-

learn and adapt to a new reality that no

season had to be extended, so profes-

ing a new and more professional structure

ciplinary discernment, the focus of the

one was prepared for. We are witnessing

sional competition for the next season will

to Liga Portugal and its competitions, by

activities naturally involved an evaluation

a planned and rigorous growth sustained

have to take place in a shorter period of

developing relevant strategic activities in

of the various existing concerns and the

internally, but also externally, where Liga

time. Therefore, the organisation and plan-

a sustainable way and always understan-

imperative financial restructuring, based

Portugal has a space to be conquered.

ning of the competitions will have to adapt

ding the meaning of “long term”. In this ma-

on rigour, professionalism and hard work,

Prepared for another sports season - 2020-

to this new reality, including the transition-

ture stage for Liga Portugal, its main goal

always having - as its main objective -

21 - and aware of the management tool

al change in the Allianz CUP competitive

continues to be the increase of greater

the maintenance and attraction of new

called budget that we present, we assume


competitiveness, investement, creation of

sponsors, allowing for an increase and

that it is based on principles of credibility,

Carrying out with the reccommended

new support and organisation tools, main-

sustainable growth of the Liga Portugal’s

talent, spectacle, aggregation and sta-

work from this Executive Board, and in

taining its positive results, on a continuous


bility of the best international practices,

clear search for complete financial sta-

and consistent manner. In this sense, it

Without wasting any minute, work has been

based on objectives and planned activi-

bility, the budget for the 2020-21 season

should be noted that the decrease

constant and arduous, with clearly de-

ties, with a focus on various cornerstones/

predicts total revenues of €17,3 million and

in budget expenses is mainly due to the ex-

fined, projected and efficiently executed

goals and positioning of the Liga Portugal.

expenditures of 16,2 million, resulting in a

pected decrease in the number of Allianz

objectives and targets, always in line with

This will be an exercise whose budget pro-

positive operating outcome of €1,1 mil-

CUP fixtures, as well as the value from the

the continuous search for the sustained

posal is clearly balanced in order to allow

lion. As can be seen from the chart below,

associated sponsors to the competition

stability of Liga Portugal at all levels, but,

Liga Portugal to remain on the essential

these results show the evolution of income,

and consequent distribution.

fundamentally, financially - a recognised

mark of positive results.

expenses and respective operating results

Despite the overall increase on expenses,

cornerstone for stability in all structures.

This plan of activities also aims to continue

in recent years.

it is planned to implement new projects on

Thus, the first four-year cycle of this Execu-

the organisation of excellence of profes-

Despite the enormous challenges of Liga

several sectors, such as communication,

tive Board was of profound reorganisation

sional competitions in full compliance with

Portugal for the next sports season, with the

image, training our aggregation that will

and rehabilitation and, as usual, thanks to

the economic sustainability of the institu-

necessary modification of the competitive

certainly create a dichotomy between

the collaboration of all. Through these prin-

tion and its associates.

model of the Allianz CUP and the struggles

spending and the value of income expect-

ciples, values and great effort/work led to

We will continue to meticulously control all

that we will have to deal with, as a result

ed in the near future.

financially recover Liga Portugal. The ob-

Liga Portugal expenses, not only through

of the current global situation, due to the

These are times to face new challenges

jective of covering all offset negative re-

the various internal control mechanisms in-

outcome of the aggregation and the in-

and expand Professional Football, through

tained earnings of the years prior to 2015,

troduced but also by investing more and

cessant search for better and greater

other business and funding models. Liga

which amounted to five million euros, what

more in the structure, making it even more

opportunities for the football industry, the

Portugal remains particularly interested on

106 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

Evolution of the Liga Portugal Income, Expenses and Operating Results (Figures in thousands of Euros; 2013-14 to 2020-21 seasons)


















(2,532) Executed 2013-14






(726) Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17 Income

Executed 2017-18 Expenses

Executed 2018-19

Predicted (*) 2019-20

Budget 2020-21

Operational Results

(*) The operational result of the 2019-20 sports season is the actual one up to April 2020 and estimated from June 2020. new challenges and specific targets. The Portuguese Professional football must be at the forefront in terms of growth opportunities, while maintaining sustainability. The current Executive Board will not deviate from its path and its strategy so carefully delineated in the search for the execution of its outlined targets.

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 107






is divided into income, expenses and



distributions of funds to the Sports Societies.

1. Associative and from Liga Portugal

In a simple and schematic way, Liga

1) Naming Sponsors 2) Sponsors 3) Official Partners 4) TV Share 5) Ticketing and Hospitality 6) Other Income

Portugal presents the following Financial Model.

DISTRIBUIÇÃO ÀS SD 1. Direct Distribution

1)Taça da Liga Prizes 2) Commercial Rights 3) B-Teams Shares 4) Sports Betting 5) Solidarity mechanism for relegated teams 6) Stadium Surveillance Service

GASTOS 1. Organisations and Entities 2. Events and Official Products

2. Exploitation of Professional Competitions

3. Structure and Services

1) Registration and Transfers 2) Fines and Protests 3) Associative Shares 4) B-Teams Shares 5) Sports Betting 6) Official Products 7) Other Income

The proposed operating budget is availa-

2. Indirect Distribution (Costs Incurred)

1) Anti-doping control 2) Ball Distribution 3) Equipment Distribution 4) Referees 5) Observers 6) Delegates 7) Dec 17 GA Fund 17

Thus, for the 2019-20 season, the following financing structure is expected:

ble at the end of this section in a comprehensive and detailed manner. On the

Executed 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Executed 2018-19

Predicted 2019-20

Budget 2020-21

other hand, the following chapters will


9 730 836

11 182 623

14 672 875

14 812 822

15 554 766

18 651 507

17 931 428

17 323 680

provide a brief analysis of the projections

Associative and from Liga Portugal

3 438 769

4 016 137

4 604 351

4 898 190

5 043 356

5 218 021

5 061 267

5 733 460

Exploitation of Professional Competitions

6 292 067

7 166 486

10 068 524

9 914 632

10 511 410

13 433 486

12 870 162

11 590 220


5 308 237

5 359 582

5 378 643

5 932 488

7 314 775

9 496 924

9 057 557

10 348 720

Organisations and Entities

1 376 480

1 507 477

1 490 151

859 160

833 782

863 671

904 323

858 780

for both income and expenses.

Events, Training and Official Products

343 940

447 319

547 183

666 802

1 317 018

1 732 173

1 723 351

1 819 060

Structure, Services and Others

3 587 817

3 404 785

3 341 309

4 406 527

5 163 974

6 901 080

6 429 882

7 670 880


6 954 843

6 549 214

6 427 118

6 410 359

6 069 814

7 131 062

7 719 050

5 899 750

Direct Distribution

1 403 664

413 822

1 279 705

2 028 310

1 981 707

3 187 317

3 460 000

757 500

Indirect Distribution

5 551 178

6 135 392

5 147 413

4 382 049

4 088 107

3 943 745

4 259 050

5 142 250

(2 532 244)

(726 173)

2 867 113

2 469 975

2 170 177

2 023 521

1 154 822

1 075 210


| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 109

8.2 INCOME The income of Liga Portugal is subdivided

Evolution of Liga Portugal Income

into income from the commercialisation of

(Figures in thousands of Euros; 2013-14 to 2020-21 seasons)

professional competitions, as well as from associative income and Liga Portugal. Commercial income from the professional



competitions, formerly known as commer-


cial income, refers to all activity from Liga


Portugal outlined by the Sports Societies,



and include all income related to the or7,166

ganisation and practice of Professional


Football and its competitions, while the associative and Liga Portugal incomes refer to all the income derived from the statutes,









which purpose it to contribute to the Liga Portugal running costs, as well as income from new revenue drivers, such as, consulting, marketing of official products, training, development of studies and information reports, among others. Compared to previous seasons, there has been a continuity line in both associative and commercial income from the professional competitions. However,it is important to mention that, for the next sports season, a decrease in the income from the commercialisation of professional competitions is expected to reach €11,6 million, which was substantially due to the expected reduction in sponsors associated to the Allianz CUP. Meanwhile, associative and Liga Portugal income, through projects to be developed in this current sports season and through consolidation of new sources of income, is expected to reach €5.7 million.

110 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

Executed 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Executed 2018-19

Predicted (*) 2019-20

(*) The expected income for the 2019-20 sports season is the actual one up to April 2020 and estimated from June 2020.

Budget 2020-21

8.2.1 ASSOCIATIVE INCOME The estimated associative and Liga Portugal income for the next sports season is around €5,7 million, representing 33% of total income. Thus, the most relevant items correspond to registrations and transfers, and fines and protests, which represent about 52% of the total income of this nature. For the next sports season, the value regarding fines and protests was estimated with greater caution, since we prevented the eventuality of behind-closed doors games being held during the season, with an impact in the sanctions related to fan behaviour. On the other hand, the income derived from sports betting (Placard and Online Betting) increasingly take on a greater prominence in the structure of these yelds. Given the prominence above mentioned, it is expected that in the next season they will reach around 23% of the associative and Liga Portugal income. The area referring to the development, creation and operationalisation of Liga Portugal’s official products will start to assume in the next season a greater relevance in the financing structure, resulting in around 9% of the income of this nature. This revenue will be achieved either by maintaining current points of sale, such as the online store and the official store at the Allianz CUP Final Four, or by opening new points of sale.

Thus, for this sports season, the following distribution of the associative and Liga Portugal income:

8.2.2 INCOME FROM THE COMMERCIALISATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETITIONS The income derived from the commercialisation of professional competitions naturally plays an important role in the structure of the total income for Liga Portugal, with a significant

Other Income 13%

weight of 67% for the next season under review. Thus, an income of this nature of around €11,6 million is expected. It is worth mentioning that despite the fact that the negotiation to obtain a new LigaPro naming sponsor, and bearing in mind the current renegotiation, in the present season, of

Official Products 8%

some existing contracts, it is expected, once again, to increase the value of the sponsors

Fines and Protests 22%

B-Teams Share 2% Associative Share 2%

derived from the commercialisation of professional competitions. As previously mentioned, given the current situation, and with the professional competitions for the next season conditioned to a shorter sporting calendar, it is likely that the competitive format of the Allianz CUP will be reformulated. Therefore, the value provided in the budget for Allianz CUP sponsors was budgeted more

Sports Betting 23%

Registration and Transfers 30%

sparingly. In this sense, for this sports season, the following distribution of the income from the commercialisation of the Professional Competitions is expected:

Other Commercial Income 1%

Regarding Online Betting, it should be noted that this revenue is directly derived from the

Ticketing and Hospitality 3%

Special Online Gambling Tax (IEJO), so if in the future discussion and approval of the State Budget for 2021, there are changes in the calculation of this tax, this will naturally affect our predictions and thus have an impact on the Liga Portugal budget.

TV Share 15%

Compared to the forecasted figures for the previous season, despite the prudence in the budgeting of most of these revenues, by virtue of their nature, they can be quite fickle and mutable, the emergence of new revenue drivers, such as official products, allowed a forecast for growth in associative and Liga Portugal income. This growth also arises due to the

Naming Sponsors 48%

Official Partners 11%

imputation to the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal of all direct and indirect expenses incurred by Liga Portugal.

Sponsors 22%

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 113

8.3 DISTRIBUTION TO SPORTS SOCIETIES The distribution is carried out by Liga Portugal either directly, with the distribution of funds to the Sports Societies, or indirectly, bearing the costs inherent in the organisation of the competitions. As can be seen from the chart below, this section has had a positive evolution over time. However, as a result of the reduction in sponsorship envisaged for Allianz CUP, and the consequent reduction in the distribution of bonuses, a reduction of around 24% is expected for 2020-21 compared to the current season’s implementation forecast, thus reaching €5.9 million.

Evolution of the Fund Distribution to Sports Societies (Figures in thousands of Euros; 2013-14 to 2020-21 seasons)

7,719 6,955

Executed 2013-14

7,131 6,549

Executed 2014-15

114 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |


Executed 2015-16


Executed 2016-17


Executed 2017-18


Executed 2018-19

Predicted 2019-20

Budget 2020-21

8.3.1 DIRECT DISTRIBUTION As far as direct distribution is concerned,

Sports Societies themselves, a solidarity

it is estimated that for 2020-21 a total of

mechanism has been set up to the amount

Taça da Liga bonuses of €217k compared

of €300k, directly supporting the Sports So-

to the €1.9 million distributed in 2019-20.

cieties which were relegated to LigaPro,

This decrease results from the possibility of

as well as an amount of €550k to create

a sharp reduction in sponsorship, bearing

a “fund” to deal with any unforeseen cir-

in mind the change in format of the com-

cumstances which may arise. The expens-


es with the surveillance in the stadiums of

With regard to the B-Team shares, to be

the Sports Societies participating in the

distributed equally among the teams

LigaPro are foreseen in this budget to no

participating in the LigaPro, and with the

longer have a direct assistance from Liga

amounts to be settled for each B-Team

Portugal but a direct involvement from the

laid down in the respective regulations, it is

Sports Societies.

planned to maintain this item for this sports

Thus, and with regard to the direct distri-

season as two B-Teams will remain in com-


petition in 2020-21.

In addition to the sports betting value,

On the other hand, as has already been

where the Liga Portugal simply intermedi-

the case since 2018-19, with the change

ates the operation, it will have the follow-

in concept of TV shares approved by the

ing distribution for the 2020-21 season:

Stadium Surveillance Service 10% Commercial Rights 8%

Taça da Liga Prizes 29% Solidarity Mechanism to relegated teams 40%

B-Teams Share 13%

8.3.2 INDIRECT DISTRIBUTION The indirect distribution includes all the

ready been the case since 2018-19, with

Thus, with an overall analysis of the direct and indirect distribution of funds to Sports Societies,

expenses incurred by the Liga Portugal

the change in the concept of TV shares

considering also the funds related to sports betting, where the Liga Portugal simply interme-

inherent to the organisation of the profes-

approved by the Sports Societies them-

diates the operation, and estimating an average value per society, we obtain the following

sional competitions. In this sense, the Liga

selves, the creation of a “fund” was ap-


Portugal envisages the continuation of its

proved to deal with any unforeseen cir-

support to Sports Societies in general, in

cumstances that may arise, to the amount

relation to the expenses inherent to anti-

of €550,000.

doping control operations within the scope

Expenditure on referees, observers and

of professional competitions and also the

delegates also carries a considerable

expenses with the acquisition of balls for the

weight in the budget under review. For the

Taça da Liga Prizes

217 500

6 400

practice of the sport.

2020-21 sports season, the following distribu-

As mentioned above, and as has al-

tion is therefore planned:

Placard Shares

3 460 000

96 200

Online Betting

4 080 000

113 400

60 000

5 000

Direct Distribution

Distribution of Commercial Rights B-Teams Shares Solidarity mechanism to relegated teams Stadium surveillance service TOTAL

Official Ticket Supply 1%

Anti-Doping Control 2%

Indirect Distribution

Dec 17 GA Fund 11%

Ball Distribution 14%

Referees 57%

Budget 2019-20

Average value per SD

100 000

6 300

300 000

16 700

80 000 8 297 500

5 000 249 000

Budget 2019-20

Average value per SD

Anti-doping control

113 000

3 200

Ball distribution

699 840

19 500


2 942 900

81 800


374 510

10 500


430 000

12 000

550 000 5 110 250

15 300 142 300

13 407 750

391 300

VAR Fund / Unforeseen Circumstances TOTAL

Observers 7% Delegates 8%

116 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |


8.4 EXPENSES Overall, the budget of expenses for the 2020-21 sports season is distributed as follows:

Other Operating Expenses 5% Depreciation and Amortisation 2% Organisations and Entities 8%

Events and Official Products 18% Structure and Services 67%

For the sports season under review, and in comparison, with previous seasons, the following evolution of expenditure figures for the Liga Portugal is expected:


Executed 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Executed 2018-19

Predicted 2019-20

Budget 2020-21

5 308 237

5 359 582

5 378 643

5 932 488

7 314 775

9 496 924

9 057 557

10 348 720

The increase in expenses foreseen for the next sports season is 14%. This increase is the consequence of a constant bet on new projects and new revenue drivers, whose initial and implementation phase obviously translates into greater investment. With this increase, it is also intended to ensure the continuity of the always pursued improvement of services to be provided to the associated Sports Societies.



All the protocols and agreements in force during the current season are maintained for the

As a proposal for the sports season under review, this section is subdivided as follows:

2020-21 season, with a view to increasing involvement among all organisations involved in professional football. The entity with the most significant figures in this section is the Portuguese Football Federation, representing about 62% of the total section. Final da Taça da Liga 19%

For the next sports season, the following distribution in values to be distributed to the various bodies and entities is therefore envisaged:

International Entities 10%

Other National Entities 4%

Produtos Oficiais 37%

Outros Eventos 44%

The competitions organised by Liga Portugal are becoming more and more notorious and media-oriented, so with the essential objective of increasing the return to sports societies and spon-

Players’ Union 24%

Portuguese Football Federation 62%

sors, the organisation of these events requires an increasing involvement and investment by Liga Portugal. The Final Four of Taça da Liga is the competition with the greatest expression and financial impact, representing about 19% of this section. This year with a smaller budget, due to the adjustment of the competition itself to the current situation the country is going through. In the light of the setbacks that have occurred during the current season, with the delay in finishing the competition, the Copa Ibérica will not be organised in the 2020-21 sports season, which has been held during the month of July, as a result of the cooperation agreement signed between the Liga Portugal and LaLiga. Training, which is a clear bet of the Liga Portugal, was in this sports season transferred to the activity of the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal, in order to segment the activities developed and to enhance the whole Talent Hub. The remaining events include, among others, the Kick-Off of the professional competitions, the Annual Conference, the trophy giving ceremonies of the two competitions and also the investment in the increasingly popular eSports competition. The area concerning the Official Products of Liga Portugal, with the maintenance of the current sales points, such as the Online Store and the Official Store in the Allianz CUP Final Four, and with the opening of new sales points, is in this sports season an area of development and great investment by Liga Portugal.

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 119

8.4.3 STRUCTURE AND SERVICES The development of projects in the various fields and the creation of new and ambitious projects, described throughout the activity plan, previously presented in this document, has as its main objective the increase of competitiveness and the capacity to value and promote professional competitions. Since the beginning of this Board’s term, a clear commitment has been made to investing in areas of expertise in order to implement an ambitious process of development and modernisation of its services, seeking to create and maintain a cohesive and highly competent team. Thus, for the next sports season, the structure of Liga Portugal, as well as all the services provided in accordance with the activity plan presented, foresees the following distribution of expenses:

Disciplinary, Legal and Registration services 11%

Performance Management Integrated 2%

Governing Bodies and Support to the Executive Board 10%

Admnistrative and Financial 8%

Content & Media 20%

Marketing and Sponsors 27%

120 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

Technology 12%

Competitions 10%

8.5 OPERATING RESULTS AND FINAL COMMENTS The result expected for the 2020-21 sports season amounts to €1.1 million, thereby reflecting a

The Liga Portugal Executive Board will con-

clear maturity and stability and a continued commitment to the services provided by the Liga

tinue to carry out its work based on a high

Portugal, seeking to achieve the full satisfaction of its associates. This development is further

level of professionalism and support to the

described in the following table:

new challenges and specific targets. Por-

Executed 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Executed 2018-19

Predicted 2019-20

Budget 2020-21


9 730 836

11 182 623

14 672 875

14 812 822

15 554 766

18 651 507

17 931 428

17 323 680


12 263 080

11 908 796

11 805 762

12 342 847

13 384 589

16 627 986

16 776 607

16 248 470


(2 532 244)

(726 173)

2 867 113

2 469 975

2 170 177

2 023 521

1 154 822

1 075 210

tuguese Professional Football must be at the forefront of growth opportunities while maintaining its natural sustainability. It is therefore proposed that this budget be approved more so that the Liga Portugal services can carry it out in their full capacity during the 2020-21 season.

The budget proposal presented is balanced, continuing the path of positive results from Liga

Portugal. The most prominent factors in this budget proposal are: • Decrease in yields by 3.4% compared with the forecast for the current sports season. As always, income is budgeted in a very prudent perspective, so it may have positive impacts depending on the development of some business processes that are naturally underway; • Decrease in the distribution of funds to Sports Societies in the order of 23.6%, due to the adjustment of Allianz CUP contracts to the unprecedented competitive model of this sports season, according to what may be approved by the Associates; • An increase of around 14% in expenses, very much aimed at investing in new revenue drivers, such as the Official Products project, and in the implement ation of new projects seeking to maintain the excellence of our products, thus boosting greater return and future investment. Today’s investment will increase and diversify revenue sources in the future. This budget thus leads to a remarkable stability, allowing the strong and credible Liga Portugal brand to continue to be consolidated. On the other hand, it also allows for the strengthening, growth and organisation of professional competitions, as well as increasing the impact of their visibility in the incessant search for improvements promoted by the members of Liga Portugal. Always with an eye on the changes and challenges that the sector is going through and will continue to face the current moment is one of close attention, rigour, affirmation and expansion for professional football, seeking new business and financing models.

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 123


Associative and from Liga Portugal Professional Competitions Income TOTAL INCOME


DIRECT DISTRIBUTION Taça da Liga Prizes B-Teams Shares Commercial Rights Solidarity mechanism to relegated teams Stadium Surveillance Service Others INDIRECT DISTRIBUTION Stadium surveillance service Official Ticketing Supply Anti-doping control Ball distribution Dec 17 GA Fund Referees Observers Delegates Others TOTAL DISTRIBUTION TO SPORTS SOCIETIES


ORGANISATIONS AND ENTITIES Portuguese Football Federation Players’ Union Other National Entities International Entities EVENTS, TRAINING AND OFFICIAL PRODUCTS Taça da Liga Final Copa Ibérica Other Events Postgraduation Official Products STRUCTURE AND SERVICES Governing Bodies and Support to the Executive Board Administrative and Financial Technology Competitions Marketing and Sponsors Content and Media Disciplinary, Legal and Registration Services Integrated Management System OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATION FINANCIAL EXPENSES PROVISIONS


Executed 2017-18

Executed 2018-19

Predicted 2019-20

Budget 2020-21

5 043 356 10 511 410 15 554 766

5 218 021 13 433 486 18 651 507

5 061 267 12 870 162 17 931 428

5 733 460 11 590 220 17 323 680

1 500 000 250 000 231 707 1 981 707

1 875 000 200 000 262 317 850 000 3 187 317

1 950 000 100 000 60 000 300 000 1 050 000 3 460 000

217 500 100 000 60 000 300 000 80 000 757 500

112 062 32 762 100 026 135 779 3 038 529 338 991 329 958 4 088 107 6 069 814

98 532 36 514 107 576 245 700 2 772 013 321 792 361 619 3 943 745 7 131 062

66 847 31 329 100 000 699 840 2 663 435 327 862 369 737 4 259 050 7 719 050

32 000 113 000 699 840 550 000 2 942 900 374 510 430 000 5 142 250 5 899 750

522 134 234 199 14 400 63 050 833 782

530 591 238 355 14 600 80 126 863 671

545 000 249 025 32 300 77 998 904 323

530 000 206 600 33 680 88 500 858 780

648 229 550 996 117 793 1 317 018

706 810 962 433 62 931 1 732 173

580 972 308 278 700 703 85 194 48 204 1 723 351

350 000 801 880 667 180 1 819 060

575 756 490 703 573 501 560 939 830 005 248 388 1 001 175 4 280 467 788 696 91 500 3 311 -

622 569 539 866 671 791 675 955 1 394 699 463 653 889 509 5 258 042 627 508 109 243 23 535 882 751

586 689 586 170 518 844 643 441 1 246 841 731 962 688 851 69 973 5 072 770 370 087 145 000 34 250 807 775

676 860 576 790 837 630 672 030 1 828 660 1 393 340 749 000 150 970 6 885 280 508 400 231 500 45 700 -

7 314 775 2 170 177

9 496 924 2 023 521

9 057 557 1 154 822

10 348 720 1 075 210

8.7 OPERATING BUDGET BY COMPETITION ASSOCIATIVE AND LIGA PORTUGAL INCOME Fines and Protests Registration and Transfers Associative Shares B-Teams Shares Sports Betting Official Products Official Products SUBTOTAL

Liga NOS


1 100 000 1 260 000 64 650 665 000 196 572 374 820 3 661 042

160 000 440 000 28 740 100 000 665 000 196 572 368 820 1 959 132

Liga NOS

Allianz Cup 15 000 98 286 113 286

TOTAL 1 275 000 1 700 000 93 390 100 000 1 330 000 491 430 743 640 5 733 460


PATROCINADORES Taça da Liga Official Ball and Kits Banking Institution Technology Partner Other Sponsors

OFFICIAL PARTNERS Fleet Insurances Game Licensing Statistical Collection Services Bookmakers

OTHER COMMERCIAL INCOME TV Share Ticketing and Hospitality Official ticketing supply Television Rights Other Income


5 060 000 5 060 000

500 000 500 000


5 060 000 500 000 5 560 000

389 960 317 500 70 000 777 460

389 960 317 500 70 000 777 460

1 000 000 1 000 000

1 000 000 779 920 635 000 140 000 2 554 920

29 585 32 500 85 000 137 750 400 000 684 835

29 585 32 500 137 750 400 000 599 835


59 170 65 000 85 000 275 500 800 000 1 284 670

1 740 380 24 000 55 625 1 820 005

17 000 38 625 55 625

315 000 315 000

1 740 380 315 000 41 000 94 250 2 190 630

8 342 300

1 932 920

1 315 000

11 590 220

12 003 342

3 892 052

1 428 286

17 323 680


Allianz Cup



DIRECT DISTRIBUTION Taça da Liga Prizes B-Teams Shares Commercial Rights Solidarity mechanism to relegated teams Stadium Surveillance Service Others

INDIRECT DISTRIBUTION Official Ticketing Supply Anti-doping control Ball distribution VAR Fund/Unforeseen Circumstances Referees Observers Delegates Others


60 000 60 000

100 000 300 000 80 000 480 000

217 500 217 500

217 500 100 000 60 000 300 000 80 000 757 500

18 000 75 000 349 920 275 000 1 722 285 197 934 264 967 2 903 106

14 000 38 000 349 920 275 000 1 175 515 170 184 156 505 2 179 124

45 100 6 392 8 528 60 020

32 000 113 000 699 840 550 000 2 942 900 374 510 430 000 5 142 250

2 963 106

2 659 124

277 520

5 899 750

402 058 196 600 25 433 66 830 690 922

127 942 9 000 8 247 21 670 166 858

1 000 1 000

530 000 206 600 33 680 88 500 858 780

510 633 266 872 777 505

115 734 266 872 382 606

350 000 175 513 133 436 658 949

350 000 801 880 667 180 1 819 060

511 128 435 561 581 676 458 517 1 222 736 890 273

165 732 141 229 216 856 158 932 503 126 392 060

39 098 54 581 102 798 111 007

676 860 576 790 837 630 672 030 1 828 660 1 393 340


ORGANISATIONS AND ENTITIES Portuguese Football Federation Players’ Union Other National Entities International Entities

EVENTS AND TRAINING Taça da Liga Final Copa Ibérica Other Events Postgraduation Official Products

STRUCTURE AND SERVICES Governing Bodies and Support to the Executive Board Administrative and Financial Technology Competitions Marketing and Sponsors Content and Media Disciplinary, Legal and Registration Services

565 604

183 396


749 000

Integrated Management System

81 660 4 747 155

69 310 1 830 641

307 484

150 970 6 885 280


359 356 150 500 22 850 6 748 288 2 291 948

97 453 43 250 22 850 2 543 658 -1 310 729

51 591 37 750 1 056 775 93 991

508 400 231 500 45 700 10 348 720 1 075 210

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 125


Value €


Associative and from Liga Portugal

5 733 460

Distribution to Sports Societies

Professional Competitions’ Income

11 590 220




5 899 750 10 348 720


Value €

Associative and from Liga Portugal

3 661 042

Distribution to Sports Societies

2 963 106

Professional Competitions’ Income

8 342 300


6 748 288

14 000 000

20 000 000 18 000 000

Value €

17 323 680

12 000 000

16 248 470

16 000 000

12 003 342

9 711 394

10 000 000

14 000 000 12 000 000

8 000 000

10 000 000 6 000 000

8 000 000 6 000 000

4 000 000

4 000 000 2 000 000

2 000 000 0











Total Annual Income

17 323 680

Total Annual Income

12 003 342

Total Annual Expenditure

16 248 470

Total Annual Expenditure

9 711 394


126 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

1 075 210


2 291 948


Value €


Associative and from Liga Portugal

1 959 132

Professional Competitions’ Income

1 932 920



Distribution to Sports Societies

2 659 124

Associative and from Liga Portugal


2 543 658

Professional Competitions’ Income

Value €

113 286 1 315 000


Value €

Distribution to Sports Societies Expenses

277 520 1 056 775

1 600 000

6 000 000

1 428 286

5 202 781

1 400 000

5 000 000

1 334 295

1 200 000 4 000 000

3 892 052

1 000 000 800 000

3 000 000

600 000

2 000 000

400 000 1 000 000


200 000











Total Annual Income

3 892 052

Total Annual Income

1 428 286

Total Annual Expenditure

5 202 781

Total Annual Expenditure

1 334 295


(1 310 729)


93 991

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 127


With the previous sports seasons dedicated

achieving a positive cumulative result, set-

flow financing of €1 million was obtained,

context of maturity and financial stabilisa-

to the financial restructuring of Liga Portu-

ting Liga Portugal on a clear path towards

which was less than the amount budgeted


gal, in the current sports season, the am-

positive cash-flow results.

for this sports season.

bitious regularisation of all the agreements

In the 2019-20 season, despite all the con-

For the 2020-21 season, the flow of pera-

established and which had been rigorously

straints we faced in due to the epidemio-

tional activities of the Liga Portugal resulting

implemented was achieved. The payment

logical situation caused by the coronavirus,

from the activity plan presented, shows an

plans negotiated with the various partners

in the face of new challenges with major im-

increase in income by 9% and in payments

have thus been concluded:

pacts on the Liga’s cash flow, only the sta-

by 1.6%. Thus, for the 2020-21 sports sea-

• Portuguese Football Federation, circa

bility in which we found ourselves allowed

son, Liga Portugal is expected to achieve

us to meet all our obligations, and a cash

a cash-flow result of €1,881,635, in a clear

€2.6 million; • Union of professional football players, with a debt of more than €600,000; • Secured Current Account, the balance of which already totalled €850,000.

Evolution of Cash-Flow (Figures in thousands of Euros; 2014-15 to 2019-20 seasons)

It is also important to highlight the Adhe-

29 688

sion of Liga Portugal to the Special Plan for the Reduction of the State Debt (PERES),

23 736

approved by Decree Law no. 67/2016, of

23 254

29 583 28 142

27 268

28 796

27 652

27 050

26 050

3 November, in the form of 36 instalments, included in the plan of all the tax execution

15 028

processes existing until now. This accession

14 555

by Liga Portugal has provided a significant economic return, with a reduction in default interest, compensatory interest and procedural costs, in the total amount of €519,000, which will have an impact on fu-


ture economic results. Thus, according to


the agreed payment plan and scrupulously


( 2 054)

executed, this expense was also paid in full.

Starting Point

With this financial restructuring carried out in recent sports seasons, and with careful




1 218 320

( 1 581)

( 1 452)





948 1 828




Cash-Flow Period

1 882 1 793



Cash-Flow Accumulated

management, all agreements were met, liquidity was generated for the Liga’s current activity and finally, in 2017-18, Liga Portugal was able to reverse the cash deficit, thus


Strarting Point









15 028

23 736

27 268

29 688

28 142

29 583



14 555

23 254

26 050

28 796

27 050

27 652

Cash-Flow Period




1 218



1 882

-2 054

-1 581

-1 452



1 828

1 793

Cash-Flow Accumulated

130 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |

In detail, the treasury plan that the Liga Portugal Executive Board presents as a proposal for this season as follows:



OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES INFLOW Sports Societies Naming Sponsors Sponsors Official Partners Other Inflows Sports Betting UEFA Solidarity Fund TOTAL OPERATING INFLOW OUTFLOW OUTFLOW Distribution to Sports Societies Organisations and Entities Staff State Postgraduation Sports Betting UEFA Solidarity Fund Other Outflows Total Operating Outflow OPERATING ACTIVITIES FLOW

EXECUTED 2016-17

EXECUTED 2017-18

EXECUTED 2018-19

4 767 037 5 100 000 3 302 550 24 000 164 289 1 670 207 15 028 083

4 863 755 5 800 000 2 728 436 536 515 5 687 153 4 119 950 23 735 808

5 036 992 5 848 150 2 834 874 260 864 1 426 508 7 652 913 4 207 406 27 267 706

6 613 174 4 830 000 4 043 625 263 584 1 553 504 8 129 771 4 254 093 29 687 751

5 704 573 5 368 660 4 283 352 1 090 245 1 184 053 9 511 548 27 142 431

7 640 000 7 346 200 2 183 300 1 513 885 2 033 250 8 866 700 29 583 335

4 044 325 4 894 107 1 070 873 755 474 1 555 329 1 245 237 869 960 14 435 307

3 348 710 5 650 981 1 725 339 990 086 2 084 320 47 001 4 879 661 3 991 202 296 955 23 014 254

721 555

4 359 440 5 282 218 1 621 579 1 241 373 2 579 138 6 035 022 4 064 709 626 165 25 809 644

1 458 062

4 815 239 5 686 622 1 640 252 1 402 788 2 594 310 106 735 6 976 103 4 525 538 817 637 28 565 224

1 122 527

5 212 786 5 500 907 1 734 434 1 396 217 2 286 026 49 470 8 327 681 2 512 198 27 019 719

122 713

6 600 000 4 131 800 1 020 600 1 643 000 4 962 000 77 300 7 540 000 1 490 000 27 464 700

2 118 635










122 290 -122 290

10 000 145 119 12 300 -167 419

50 000 -50 000





1 000 000


120 000 -120 000

240 000 -240 000

240 000 -240 000

230 000 314 -230 314

7 600 992 400

167 000 20 000 -187 000

472 776

481 555

1 218 062

769 923

947 694

1 881 635

1 112 837 1 585 613

1 585 613 2 067 168

2 067 168 3 285 230

3 285 230 4 055 153

4 055 153 5 002 846

5 002 846 6 884 481

-2 053 758 -2 053 758 472 776 -1 580 982

-2 053 758 120 296 -1 933 462 481 555 -1 451 907

-1 933 462 1 035 796 -897 666 1 218 062 320 396

-897 666 1 025 796 128 130 769 923 898 053

128 130 752 270 880 400 947 694 1 828 093

880 400 -968 662 -88 262 1 881 635 1 793 373

592 776

INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES INFLOW Financial investments Tangible fixed assets OUTFLOW Financial investments Tangible fixed assets Intangible assets Interest and similar income INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FLOW

FINANCING ACTIVITIES INFLOW Financing obtained OUTFLOW Financing obtained Interest and similar expenses FINANCING ACTIVITIES FLOW NET CASH-FLOW FOR THE PERIOD Holdings: Opening Balance for the Period Closing Balance for the Period

ACCURED CHARGES Opening Balance for the Period Variations Closing Balance for the Period NET CASH-FLOW FOR THE PERIOD ACCUMULATED CASH-FLOW

EXECUTED 2015-16

-2 053 758 -2 053 758 -2 053 758


BUDGET 2020-21

| 2020-21 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 131





The Statutes of Liga Portugal and its Regula-

Liga Portugal services are available on



tions are available for consultation in full on

weekdays from 9 am to 7 pm.

the Liga Portugal website:





• Statutes of Liga Portugal;

Address: Rua da Constituição, nº 2555 -

• General Regulations;

4250-173 PORTO


• Competition Regulations;

Tel.: 22 834 87 40



• Refereeing Regulations;

Fax: 22 834 87 56



• Disciplinary Regulations

GPS: 41° 9’ 53.315” N 8° 37’ 41.219” W




5.ºA 1495-132 ALGÉS


GPS: 38° 42’ 56.0” N 9° 14’ 03.9” W


134 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2020-21 SEASON |


Address: Alameda António Sérgio, n.º 22 –


Rua da Constituição 2555 4250-173 PORTO

T: +351 228 348 740

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