Activity Plan and Budget 2018-19

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3. SEASONS 2017-18 / 2018-19





5. ACTION PLAN 2018-19









| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 3

1. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE This past season, Portugal had one of the

We are preparing to adjust the manage-

We may now ensure that Professional Foo-

management of the competitions, as well



ment model of Liga Portugal to meet new

tball Clubs are capable of self-regulation,

as greater efficiency and rigor. We were

Our country boasts

management and strategy realities, alig-

committed to rules of transparency and

pleased to mark our 40-year anniversary

the title of European champion and also of

ning with how the overwhelming majority

faithful competition, as well as rigorous

with a season full of historic initiatives for

being the exporter of some of the world’s

of Clubs have interpreted them. As an

adhesion to the Financial Assumptions.

Portuguese Professional Football.

greatest football talent. Liga Portugal has

added value, Liga Portugal has clarified

Over the past few months, we have imple-

The greatest challenge for next season will

focused its activity on developing and le-

its scope of activity and developed mana-

mented a strategy based on investments,

undoubtedly be our investment in interna-

veraging this talent. In last season’s activity

gement and planning instruments in dialog

know-how and specialized diplomacy. To

tionalizing our brand. To do this, we must

plan, we set out to meet the considerab-

with all sector agents, seeking to define

highlight just the main steps taken in that

penetrate the international market by ca-

le challenges we set for ourselves for the

bases of consensus and understanding by

direction, I emphasize the signing of a

pitalizing on the talent that is in our DNA.

development phase with the commitment

organizing a set of meetings, namely, the

Memorandum of Understanding with our

The 2018-19 Activity Plan that we present

of the entire team and support from the

first Presidents’ Summit.

Spanish counterpart, LaLiga, our unequi-

here lays out the strategic objectives outli-

Clubs, which fully embodied their role as

Today, we are even more capable of ta-

vocal involvement in European Leagues

ned in the beginning of our mandate, whi-

promoters of Portuguese Professional Foo-

king an organized approach to solving the

activities, now a full member of UEFA, and

ch is now in the Maturity phase.

tball and its competitions.

new challenges facing Portuguese Profes-

our partnership with EY, one of the most

The Board invites all collaborators, Clubs,

It is with great pride that we can confirm

sional Football, rooted in the

prestigious consultancy firms in the world.

partners and sponsors to walk beside us on

that we have achieved our proposed

financial restructuring that, after three

Attentive to the realities of the industry, we

this path to achieve our ultimate objective:

objectives with flying colors, emphasizing

seasons – and one year ahead of sche-

are partners of the Portuguese Football Fe-

the success of Professional Football.

once again the efficient and unsurpassed

dule –, has allowed us to resolve the

deration (FPF) and the Players’ Union in a

performance of all parties who walk this

negative results carried over from pre-

very active campaign to fight match fixing

path of progress with us. We have come

vious seasons and settle a debt of over

and defending competition integrity.

to adopt a strategy of sustainability regar-

€5 million, as well as to guarantee the

We inaugurated the Match Center – Cen-

ding our resources and of leveraging our

sustainability of the organization and its

ter for Monitoring Professional Football to

growth, taking a smart stance supported

competitions, all to the approval and

monitor all competition games, leveraging

by diverse initiatives.

appreciation of our sponsors and partners.

the professionalization of the operational


pionships in Europe.


It is with great pride that we can confirm that we have achieved our proposed objectives with flying colors, emphasizing once again the efficient and unsurpassed performance of all parties who walk this path of progress with us.


At the beginning of its mandate, the Liga’s Executive Board defined a strategic position for the organization, considering its past and projecting its future for the following four years. We defined four pillars in our Business Plan: Sustainability, Consolidation, Development and Maturity.

The first three were fulfilled and we prepare to present unequivocal proof, for the fourth year in a row, of the vitality and sustainability of Portuguese Professional Football, always with respect for the values of Rigor, Talent, Professionalism and Aggregation.

Similar to last year, the 2018-19 season begins with the Activity Plan that Liga Portugal proposes to carry out, aligned with and approved by the Clubs and presented over the course of this document. The activities scheduled for the upcoming season incorporate a strategy that has been designed to reach our medium- and long-term objectives.

Our Business Plan: Sustainability, Consolidation, Development and Maturity.

8 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

2.1 MISSION, VISION AND VALUES Our Mission, Vision and Values convey the essence of the organization’s aspirations, defining its position before the world. Liga Portugal is governed by the values of Rigor, Talent, Professionalism and Aggregation, which are the principles that guide our actions and activities. They reflect not only our beliefs, but also our aspirations as an organization in pursuit of our objectives. The defined Mission and Vision form the basis of the strategy and tactics presented in this plan.


To position the organization as one of excellence in its professional capacities and secure business revenue to this end.



To change the current landscape with the creation of a more profitable business model, capable of stirring greater interest from


the media and attracting more investors; Portuguese professional football should be econo-



mically self-sustainable and the management of all Clubs should be professional; To project the Liga Portugal brand and its


international competitions.

VALUE PROPOSITION Football with Talent

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 9

2.2 GLOBAL STRATEGY It is Liga Portugal’s objective to attain management levels that are sufficiently mature for it to focus its activity on the organization of professional competitions, while continuously introducing new technologies, being creative in its promotions, thoroughly training all officials involved and elevating Football as one of the most dynamic and important

With a view to aggrandize Portuguese

sectors of the national socioeconomic fabric.

Professional Football, together with EY,

Planning is only effective when it is carried out with due time – planning, executing, controlling

we are mounting a bold, 2+4-year strate-

and readjusting must be a continuous process that guarantees the sustainable consolidation

gic plan that will generate a new model

and growth of the organizations and operations teams.

of governance in accordance with the

As mentioned earlier, the Liga’s Board defined four pillars for the 2015-19 cycle: Sustainability,

will of the Clubs, to be completed before

Consolidation, Development and Maturity. The Development phase has just ended, showing

the beginning of next season.

positive operational results for the third year in a row, and we now prepare to move fully into the final phase: Maturity. The activities defined here have the objective of meeting the goals put forth for the 2018-19 season.


Financial-economic stabilization

Increase revenue – renewal of contracts Control and reduction of management and operating costs


Develop a business strategy to boost profitability Develop an effective model to measure revenue generated by Liga Reconfigure competition models, making them more attractive and balanced Organize and reformulate processes and procedures with IT systems


Boost Liga to 360-degree visibility

Establish higher value relationships / partnerships Develop alternative content, products and services Systematically increase events and exhibition of competitions Maintain Operations of Excellence in Events and Competitions

Create a technically-robust organizational structure

Create a culture of 360-degree service for Clubs and fans, sponsors and other sports entities

Develop a strong corporate culture and internal communication

Maintain a rigorous strategy and efficiency in management and operations

2018-19 MATURITY

Diversify the Liga’s visibility with an international positioning Strengthen relations / partnerships, maintaining a policy of negotiation Develop an active and visible business policy with financial returns Create a domain space and with increasing audience levels for events and competitions Create new service concepts, guaranteeing their visibility Systematically develop and maintain the Liga’s IT areas Develop a long-term social responsibility strategy

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 11

2.3 STRATEGIC GUIDELINES Liga Portugal’s strategy is based on the creation of value, credibility and project Portuguese Professional Football internationally. Liga Portugal’s strategic guidelines for 2015-19 were clearly defined and underpinned with operational objectives that fall into six perspectives of development:














Develop new

Become a reference

Develop and imple-

Boost current and

Develop a

competitive models

for the promotion

ment a business mo-

create new

360-degree commu-

transparent and

and encourage

and management

del that allows results

revenue drivers.

nication policy and

efficient strategy

good management

of international

to be measured;

increase the added

in management

practices within


that is ambitious,

value of partnerships

and operations.

but achievable.

and sponsorships.


12 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

Develop a thorough,

3. SEASONS 2017-18/2018-19 Competitiveness and emotion continue to leave their mark on the sector of Portuguese Professional Football. The three competitions of Liga Portugal stand out for the quality of their games and players.

FC Porto won its 28th title, becoming Na-

The team led by Sérgio Conceição finished

after entering the final game week with the

SC Braga, taking 4th place, will enter, al-

tional Champion in the 33rd game week

the season with noteworthy stats, having

same points, but at a disadvantage, in its

though in an earlier round.

of Liga NOS championship after the Spor-

suffered only two defeats, both outside the

confrontation with its most direct adversary,

There was no lack of emotion or competi-

ting CP - SL Benfica derby ended in a tie

Estádio do Dragão (FC P. Ferreira on the

Sporting CP. With the national title handed

tiveness in this edition of Liga NOS, with the

in Estádio de Alvalade. The resulting point

26th game week and Os Belenenses, SAD

over, the two teams fought for the remai-

final game week being decisive in various

differential between the contending teams

on the 28th game week). In addition to its

ning Champions League spot (3rd pre-elimi-

chapters. Five clubs had an uncertain futu-

led to early celebrations for FC Porto, who

national title, it also reigned as the team

natory), which ended up going to SL Benfi-

re upon entering the 34th round, which en-

would only face, and beat, CD Feirense the

with the most competition goals scored

ca, who won the advantage with a home

ded bitterly for two Clubs. While Moreirense

following day.

(82) and the least goals conceded (18),

victory over Moreirense FC. In Funchal, the

FC, Vitória FC and CD Feirense guaranteed

This most recent National Champion won

having finished 7 points ahead of the 2nd

team led by Jorge Jesus was unable to

their place in the first tier, FC P. Ferreira and

the test of consistency over the course of a

place team, SL Benfica.

escape defeat by Marítimo M., securing

Estoril Praia had less luck.

demanding competition that lasted nearly

The team from Estádio Sport Lisboa e Ben-

a spot in the Europa League (3rd pre-e-

10 months.

fica, in turn, took 2nd place on the podium

liminatory). This is also the exhibition that

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 17

One year later, CD Nacional confirmed

group, in 10th place, earned 50 points, just

competition, but even more surprising was

their return to Liga NOS, crowned Cham-

six more than U. Madeira, the first team in

the 2nd place ranking of Real SC’s Vinicius,

pions of the LEDMAN LigaPro with five points

the relegation zone.

who scored 19 goals for his team.

of advantage over Santa Clara, also retur-

The final rounds of the LEDMAN LigaPro

No team emerged undefeated from this

ning to the first championship after 15 years,

were exciting, both at the top of the chart

particularly competitive and balanced

and seven points over the 3rd place winner,

and the among the bottom contenders.

championship, with the squad led by Cos-

Ac. Viseu.

Real SC, Gil Vicente FC and Sporting CP B

tinha having suffered the fewest defeats (5)

Competitiveness was a dominant feature

were all relegated, with U. Madeira joining

in a season that had 436,378 spectators fil-

of the Portuguese championships, and the

this group in the closing round.

ling the stadiums.

LEDMAN LigaPro was no exception. On the

CD Nacional also topped the ranking of

contrary — In a competition with 20 teams,

best scorers, with Ricardo scoring 22 of the

the team that finished at the middle of the

72 goals of the most scoring team of the

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 19

Four teams reached football week, whi-

week where everyone lives for, above all,

tie in regular time (1-1), the winner was de-

ch took place in Braga and crowned the

football. And celebrating. That was how the

cided by penalty kicks, with Jorge Jesus’

2017-18 Winter Champion.

FC Porto, UD

four finalists enjoyed their time in Braga. The

team coming out on top (5-4) of José Cou-

Oliveirense, Vitória FC and Sporting CP

first game took place on 23 January 2018,

ceiro’s. Braga said farewell to Liga Cup, but

were present in the Final Four with legitima-

between Vitória FC and UD Oliveirense,

will once again host the football celebra-

te aspirations of winning the most recent,

sending the first club to the final.

tion on January 19th, 2019, when the new

but no less interesting, exhibition of the na-

The next day’s clash, especially since it was

competition begins. The Winter Champion

tional football calendar — on the contrary

a game between rivals, was a winner at all

that will succeed Sporting CP will be crow-

— Taça CTT was a success, both inside and

levels. The stands were packed to welco-

ned on the 26th, the day of the final.

outside the stadium, where crowds filled the

me FC Porto and Sporting CP, and so were

Fan Zone located in the city center.

television audiences, with a share of 36.9%

Today, the Liga Cup is a success and

of viewership, surpassing even the final

a point of pride for an organization that

match (32.4%), a game that brought Spor-

takes one year to meticulously plan out a

ting CP and Vitória FC to the pitch. After a

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 21



4. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2018-19 In order to ensure that the strategically defined actions will achieve the objectives set for the four-year period, short-term strategic objectives have been identified that will allow us to reach maturity in the short- and medium-term.


Financial Objective

Business Objectives

Total Revenue Target

17.1 M€

Business revenue target

12.8 M€

Target Operating Results


Target revenue distribution to Clubs (services, products and in financial value)

Target Resultados Operacionais

1.9 M€

Solvency ratio target


New sponsorship recruitment target Over

4.2 M€

600.000 € per Season

Average time to pay suppliers:


| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 27

Promotion and Communication Objectives Increase the AVE* of Liga and its competitions

Liga Portugal website: objective is to reach


1.300 M€/AVE 250 M€/AVE 220 M€/AVE 60 M€/AVE

annual visits.

Develop segmented databases



organized and segmented contacts.

Social network targets

Aumentar os espectadores nos Estádios

300.000 spectators

* AVE: Advertising Value Equivalency

28 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

3.7 MILLION spectators

550.000 spectators



71.000 10.000

General Strategic Goals


Introduction of new technologies in competitions


Ongoing training of sports agents


Active policy of internationalizing Liga Portugal and Portuguese football


Increase the number of and engagement with stadium spectators


Restructure competitive models


Adapt to the new model of governance

5. ACTION PLAN 2018-19

Liga Portugal is divided into various departments that oversee the execution of the various actions and

permit the defined strategy to be rolled out, allowing the previously-defined objectives to be reached.

The projects and activities to be developed can be classified into two main groups:

General projects and activities, which, although in many situations are spearheaded by one of the departments, require the joint, organized and united efforts of the various departments, and are therefore general to the entire organization.

32 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

Projects and activities specific to each department, which, despite contributing to an overall end, are focused on and developed by one single department. Furthermore, the various departments develop a set of actions that, while not isolated, are specific to each department, and are aligned with the strategic orientation and goals defined by the organization.



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| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 35

Kick-Off 2018-19

• Defining new brand activations for the

A set of coordinated actions will be car-

Kick-Off marks the launch date of the offi-

2018-19 season, in conjunction with spon-

ried out in the 2018-19 season:

cial start of the new season, namely of the

sors and partners, and in articulation with

• Monitoring local and U-23 players in

three professional competitions organized

Clubs, television operators and other sports

LEDMAN LigaPro games, ensuring that

by Liga Portugal: Liga NOS, LEDMAN Liga-


Clubs include the minimum number of lo-

Pro and Allianz CUP. It was intended to be

• Ensuring a greater media exposure of

cally-trained and Under-23 players requi-

a defining moment of the season for the

this competition to increase its AVE (Adver-

red by the regulations in order

Portuguese football market and for society

tising Value Equivalence);

to fulfill the development of young Portu-

in general. The event that marks the start

• Creating new moments for the

guese players;

of the season will bring together the usual

clients of sponsors and partners to experien-

• Ensure that defined brand activations

draw of the two competitions, with the pri-

ce and engage with the competition;

with main sponsors are implemented

zes being awarded in a televised event.

• Consolidating and improving the organi-

from the start of the championship, and

In 2018, Liga celebrates 40 years of activity

zation of the awarding of official prizes;

monitor their quality and implementation

in the service of Professional Football, and

• Conceptualizing the trophy awarding

throughout the season;

the Kick-Off will be a pivotal moment for

ceremony so that, by the beginning of April,

• Develop new moments and campaig-

commemorating that anniversary. Boos-

the respective Clubs can be approached

ns with sponsors;

ting the start of the season, the Kick-Off will

and made aware of the event to be held;

• Develop a campaign to recruit spon-

include a Gala for the 40 years of Liga Por-

• Promoting ticket sales in a 360-degree

sors and / or partners to deliver the prizes

tugal, intended to provide a moment to

format (fans, families, sponsors, partners,

and other activations and for the attri-

honor the contributions of all the Presidents

community at large and tourists) with a

butes still available in this competition to

who have led the institution, as well as to

view to increasing spectators in Liga NOS

give it a boost;

distinguish other individuals and industry


• Heighten the motivation of TV

categories of Professional Football.

• Restructuring the operating model of at-

operators so that more games


tributes that could be marketed in this com-

are broadcasted and / or find financial

petition, with the support of the Clubs;

and technological and financial solutions

• Developing the Competition Manual;

that allow them to be streamed;

PIn addition to the usual organization of

• Increasing


• Conceptualize the trophy awarding ce-

the matches and their scheduling, assu-

namely at the level of competition mana-

remony so that, by the beginning of April,

red by the Competitions Department, this

gement and operating applications.

the respective Clubs can be approached

competition will demand the integration


and made aware of the event to be held;

Liga NOS

and participation of the diverse depart-


ments of Liga Portugal, which must keep


in constant communication and coordi-

O Liga Portugal’s focus in this competition


involves implementing measures that aim

Throughout the season, a set of actions

to improve, increase the professionalism,

will be carried out with a view to the mat-

add value to and promote LEDMAN Liga-

ches’ promotion and projection, namely:

Pro, namely through improving pitches,

• Develop the Competition Manual; ////////////////////////////////////////////////

infrastructures and organization.

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 37

Allianz CUP and Final Four

Given the reformulation of the competitive

• Presenting and promoting a new na-

• Develop a Manual of Operational Pro-

The reformulation of the Liga Cup com-

model of the Liga Cup, even though it is a

ming sponsor, guaranteeing rapid market

cedures for Clubs, within the scope of this

petition in 2016-17 resulted in the creation

smaller competition than Liga NOS, it yiel-

absorption of the new brand;

competition and the Final Four event spe-

of the Football Week, which has already

ded a very interesting return on investment.

• Ensuring the realization, follow-up and

cifically and develop the Competition Ma-

completed two editions.

The success of

The Final Four will take place in the last

coordination of draws throughout the com-

nual regarding the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages

the Final Four last season turned Liga’s third

week of January of 2019. Braga will once


of the Allianz CUP;

competition into a unique and fully-formed

again host the Final Four for the next two

• The organization of all operational stage

• Manage the articulation between all


years. From a competition standpoint, this

mechanics with a view to the Final Four in

the intervening parties, from the host city,

The strong investment in the Football Week

confers greater stability to the competition.

all areas, namely ticketing, match organi-

to security forces, sponsors, Clubs involved,

concept, with the creation of a Fan Zone

From an operational standpoint, it allows


among others;

in the city center of Braga where com-

for a greater streamlining of the competi-

catering, accreditation, security, signa-

• Consolidate creative ways of involving

plementary activities take place, showed

tion, lowering the costs and increasing the

ge, promotion, communication, protocol,

sponsors and creating new partnerships;

participation rates much higher than those

efficiency of holding it. For the next edition,

marketing operations, ceremonies, among

• Provide

expected, with over 100 thousand peo-

using the know-how acquired last season,



ple participating in the various Fan Zone

we aim to find new ways of attracting even

• Developing various marketing, commu-

• Develop a greater interest in this com-


more fans and partners for football week.

nication and public relations activities,

petition among TV operators and media,

the city and attract different audiences,

In this way, we can ensure that concrete

creating visibility and new promotional

which may involve the creation of more

including youth and families that do not

and integrated actions are taken by the

tools such as brand activities, musical con-

interactive content of greater interest to

normally go to the stadium or consume

various departments in order to achieve

certs, fan races, among other non-stadium


football in any other way.

common objectives, such as:



We managed to connect with

38 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |







Annual Meetings Working Groups and Annual Meetings

• Financial;

general and the Clubs in particular.

• Competitions;

In the upcoming season, and as defined

The Annual Meetings kick off the working

• Legal;

during the Annual Meetings of 2017-2018, a

year of the various Working Groups with the

• Marketing;

new theme will be introduced: Technology,

presentation of their respective proposals

• Communication;

given its growing importance at the core of

and conclusions, which will later be incor-

These groups aim to bring the various collec-

the organization and for the maximization

porated into the diverse regulations. Five

tive themes into alignment, bearing in mind

of the competitions organized by Liga Por-

Working Group meetings are held each

regulatory changes or the creation of tools


season to discuss topics of common interest

and mechanisms that lend greater efficien-

Thus, the themes defined for the 2018-19

in the following areas:

cy, value and potential to the competitions in

season are as follows:







Financial Assumptions

Competitive Framework model

Licensing Manual of Competitions organized by Liga Portugal


Ethical Framework and Conduct

Digital Stadium


Professionalization of Sports Officials Stadium Licensing and the Infrastructure Fund Game scheduling The role of new technologies

Adaptation of the General Regulations

Ticketing Season tickets and seats Consumption of alcoholic drinks Price parity with similar sectors e-Sports

Interceding for Clubs with the media Planning initiatives within the Broadcasting Landscape of football

e-Liga Digital Football Digital Security

Model for Centralizing the Process of Media Accreditation in Professional Competitions Promotion of competitions

This season, the Annual Meetings will be held on April 15th, together with European Leagues General Assembly. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

40 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

Development of the area of Business Intelligence From an industry perspective, Liga Portugal has the obligation to organize and systematize sector information in order to generate wealth and create jobs, as well as to make it available to all players so that they may incorporate it into their strategies to become even greater professionals. Liga currently holds a vast wealth of information that should be capitalized upon for the benefit of stakeholders; The process of organization and systematization of this information is being developed and will allow Liga Portugal to consider how to use and leverage this information.

Data collection

Database organization

Data analysis


The Business Intelligence tools (BI) are applications that collect and process large quantities of unstructured data from internal and external systems. The BI tools provide a better way of obtaining data to find information, mainly through searches. These tools also help prepare data for analysis, so that reports, dashboards and data visualizations can be created. The results allow for faster and better decision-making, increased operational efficiency, identifying market trends, reporting genuine KPIs and identifying new business opportunities. Liga Portugal intends to focus and organize its efforts on collecting information in a systematic way for later analysis and use. With a view to develop the area of Business Intelligence, which acts as a promoter of high-profile information of the Professional Football industry, Liga Portugal and Ernst & Young (EY) consultants have established a strategic partnership. This partnership foresees the production of an annual report with the 2nd Edition of the Portuguese Professional Football 2017-18 Yearbook, the elaboration and monitoring of Liga’s Strategic Plan and the Business Plan for the next 2+4 years. These documents will provide a strategic presentation of the vision, mission and values of Liga Portugal, its global strategy and strategic axes, plans of action and monitoring, as well as a synthesis of the additional diagnosis and strategy of the financial plan. These documents represent a vital tool for the growth and development of our industry. The future of the management of Professional Football and of increasing the value of its competitions is clarified and will follow a consistent and structured strategic plan managed by Liga Portugal, based on the know-how and evaluation of EY consultants.

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 43



Postgraduate Course



3RD EDITION Scientific Coordination: Dr. Maria de Fátima Ribeiro Porto School of the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University


For more information and enrollments, contact: Liga Portuguesa do Futebol Profissional S: | E: | T: +351 22 834 87 40

M: +351 93 042 08 60

Postgraduate Course “Organization and Management in Professional Football” Due to the high turnout and success of the first editions, there will be a 3rd Edition of the Postgraduate Course in Organization and Management in Professional Football, which will maintain its prestigious partnership with the Catholic University of Porto. This training course, which is taught by well-known faculty of the Portuguese Catholic University and renowned guest lecturers connected to Professional Football, aims to provide an unequaled graduate course on the most diverse topics relating to professional competitions: organization, marketing and communication, legal framework, Clubs management and accounting. The 3rd edition will take place in the Liga Portugal headquarters in Porto, and is set to begin in September. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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President’s Summit Last season, Liga Portugal held two Presidents’





brought together nearly all of the top directors from the 33 Clubs of professional football. The Summit is intended to serve as a forum of debate for Club Presidents and the Executive Board and President of the Liga, adding value and having the goal of discussing the common interests of the Professional Football industry. Four





for 2018-19. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

International Coordination and Promotion European Leagues, World Leagues Forum e UEFA





a valuation of Portuguese football as it was recognized at the highest global tiers. This recognition brought with it a great responsibility to protect the international prestige of Portugal, one that must be shared amongst

good practices, as well as developing joint

players, coaches and executives, streng-

initiatives. We have planned new actions

thening the need to coordinate with inter-

and activities aimed at delineating and

national entities to build new bridges and

monitoring the action plan of our partner-

tighten relationships.

ship, namely in the following areas: • Holding workshops and conferences to share best practices; • Seminars with Clubs; • Promotion of competitions; • Match Fixing and Fair Play;

Liga Portugal is on the Board of the Euro-

• Club Economic-financial Sustainability

pean Leagues, which represents the main


European professional football leagues.

• Holding Iberian matches during the off

The European Leagues has played an


active and relevant role in renegotiating

• Technology in competitions.

the memorandum of understanding with


UEFA, which seeks to establish certain principles for competition participation within

We will also act in accordance with the

this confederation. These negotiations are

World Leagues Forum (WLF) in order to

highly relevant for defining the conditions

bring together and align Professional Foo-

of access to European exhibitions, finan-

tball leagues around the world. It is also

cial distributions and solidarity funds. The

worth noting that Liga Portugal had the ho-

participation of European Leagues in some

nor of being invited to join this organization

UEFA committees is also a possibility that is

as a founding member.

on the table. Liga Portugal’s relationship with European

LaLiga Partnership

Leagues allows for collaboration in terms of

Liga Portugal also aims to develop an acti-

comparing the management of areas such

ve policy of promoting and holding diverse

as competition, marketing and law, among

actions with LaLiga, within the existing part-



The nomination of Pedro Proença, Presi-

This partnership aims to project Liga Portu-

dent of Liga Portugal and member of the

gal internationally through the creation of

board of the European Leagues, to the

exchange experiences, synergies, sharing

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Marketing Competitions







Match Center

The reasons for creating a Purchasing Cen-

Last season, Liga Portugal debuted the

ter are not just related with financial motiva-

Match Center – the Professional Football

tions, but also strategic and socio-technical

Monitoring Center, located at the Liga

factors, among others. Taking a broader

Portugal headquarters in Porto, created

view, factors like globalization, growing

to monitor the games of the three com-

complexity, pressures at the level of cost

petitions, providing centralized support to

and technological advances all provide

the agents involved in match organiza-

impetus for adopting shared services.

tion, namely, officials, Clubs, referees, the

On the other hand, the increase in

media and sponsors.

differentiation potential may allow for the

The Match Center was created by forma-

emergence of new services and reduce

lizing and systematizing existing practices

the cost of differentiation, for example, ma-

to heighten the professionalism of the

king investing in more advanced technolo-

operational management of the compe-

gy financially viable.

titions, as well as efficiency and rigor.

Some examples of agreements and poten-

In 2018-19, the Match Center will continue

tial services to be made available / nego-

its operations from the start of the sea-

tiated in this cumulative manner by Liga

son, with the goal of monitoring all game

Portugal may relate to fiscal support, hu-

weeks of the professional football compe-

man resources outsourcing, quality


management, clipping, return analyses, im-


pact studies, stadium optimization studies,

Purchasing Central/ Shared Services Center The Shared Services Center will make va-




and innovative business attributes, among others. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

rious goods and services collectively available, and under better conditions, to Clubs. The model is characterized by concentrating the management of services into one organizational unit, which in this case is Liga Portugal. Sharing value chain activities between buAPP SITE



siness units has great potential for Liga Portugal’s corporate strategy with the Clubs, given that it can increase its competitive advantage by reducing costs or increasing differentiation.

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 49



| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 51


This department is responsible for the Liga’s administrative and financial functions and is responsible for a set of specific and cross-cutting activities for the 2018-19 sports season. It is also responsible for the regular administrative and financial monitoring of the entire organization and Clubs. • Activity Planning and Budget Control • Administrative and Financial Follow-Up • Infrastructure Fund for LEDMAN LigaPro • Financial Assumptions 2019-20200 • “Totonegócio” • Management of Liga Portugal Infrastructuresl • 2018-19 Training Program9 • Performance Management and Evaluation System (PMES)

Activity Planning and Budget Controll

changes in cash needs and resources,

admission and participation of Clubs in


keeping the cash-flow budget up to date

Liga-organized competitions.

A goal for

Today, and in the face of a new paradigm,

The Activity Plan is the predictive structu-

and in line with the Liga’s current needs.

2018-19 is to promote the creation of a reg-

there is insistence that the current Liga

ring instrument of the entire organization’s

• Introduction of a budget control system

ulation licensing manual that consolidates

Portugal building, built in 1999, requires re-

objectives and strategies. The various de-

per cost and project center, with quarterly

this topic.

modeling and restoration so that we may

partments develop their business plans, re-

monitoring of the Official Accounts Reports,

The Financial Department, with the support

continue to meet current needs at the

flected in the season’s budget, which, once

whose reports are presented to Liga Portu-

of the Legal Department, will analyze the

level of human resources and the level of

approved, is subject to strict and cross-cut-

gal’s management.

documentation submitted by Clubs at the

functional and operational areas.

ting control by the Finance Department.

• Preparing the annual financial

beginning of the sports season regarding

The goal of the restoration is to remodel

Using a centralized system of control to

statements in accordance with current ac-

compliance with the mandatory Financial

the exterior and interior of the building, in-

hold each department accountable for

counting standards, reflecting in a true and


creasing its capacity and the working con-

its budget will allow, in an efficient and ti-

transparent manner

They will also receive and analyze Club re-

ditions of its employees.

mely manner, for the identification of bud-

the existing financial situation through the

ports and accounts, as well as monitor the

This restoration project aims to give the

get deviations, potential corrections and to

annual Report and Accounts of the orga-


building more working space, greater au-

permanently understand the evolution of



ditorium flexibility, to improve reception

the budget approved by members at the


The latter program has the goal of aligning

facilities and to create an innovative retail

expenses with revenues and outlining ob-

area, where it would be possible to adver-

jective ratio goals that Clubs must comply

tise and sell official Club and Liga Portugal

with in order to bring balance to the indus-

products. This new philosophy for the build-

General Assembly.



March to May 2019, with the financial con-

Infrastructure Fund for LEDMAN LigaPro

trol being carried out on the 8th of each

Liga Portugal intends to find, together with

try as a whole, and to the Clubs themselves

ing will imply a study of its relationship with

month, after which it is possible to alert

the Clubs, solutions to improve infrastructu-

in particular.

the exterior and reworking its networks of

other departments regarding deviations or

res and the fan experience.

There are plans to develop a digital plat-


potential deviations so that contingency

Training talent in an increasingly competiti-

form where Clubs can upload their data

The Financial Department will be responsi-

plans can be activated immediately.

ve market demands the continuous impro-

and various indicators can be monitored

ble for the implementation of this project,


vement of infrastructures. To this end, Liga


as well as for the management of the exist-

The planning phase will take place from

Administrative and Financial Follow-Up.

Portugal has identified the need to create a program to support the renovation of


ing infrastructure, ensuring its potential and maintenance.

Clubs’ infrastructures, thus bringing value

This lawsuit, which began in 1997, was

In a cross-cutting way, and through a wide

to our industry. This fund is derived from the

included as a topic in the Financial Wor-

range of activities, the Financial Depart-

Statutes of Liga Portugal and is supported

king Group. Part of the activity plan of this

2018-19 Training Program

ment guarantees the normal functioning

by the positive expected revenue of Liga

group is to recover and reconstitute the

In 2018-19, we plan to continue the internal

of the Liga’s administrative and financial

Portugal professional competitions.

“Totonegócio” lawsuit.

training program for Liga Portugal collabo-

areas across the board, namely:


The reconstitution of this lawsuit is intended


to dissipate all doubts as to the progress of

The development of Training Projects has

the withholdings/payments made as part

proven to be an integral part of the glob-

of the suit and clarify the present.

al strategy of Liga Portugal, in a perspec-


tive of growth and expansion that boosts

• Ensuring, on a daily basis, the allowing for the closing of accounts on the

Financial Assumptions 2019-2020

6th of each month:

Preparation and analysis of the set

accounting treatment of all documents,

• Forecasting




of financial presumptions inherent to the

Management of Liga Portugal


individual and organizational flexibility and

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 53

adaptability. Using Liga’s internal resources, the goal is to provide continuity to internal training programs, which foment the sharing of knowledge and good practices with the rest of the team. In this way, the training seeks to create synergies, generate value and share knowledge and good practices with other team members. The training program was developed with the following assumptions: • At least one course per month; • Compliance with legal training requirements; • Effective guarantee of knowledge-sharing and increase of Liga Portugal’s human resources. During the season, an external training program will be coordinated and launched with a view to supply skills that are not internally developed. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Performance Management and Evaluation System (PMES) Liga Portugal aims to continue implementing this Evaluation System based on the best international practices of human resources management. The goal of this system is to value and boost the talent, professionalism and unison of all Liga Portugal employees, broadening their skills and creating value for the organization. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

54 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |


The core business of Liga Portugal is to organize Professional Football competitions in Portugal and constantly analyze our competitive models to ensure that competitions are self-sustaining, making this department representative of the main focus of Liga’s activity. This department is responsible for the entire game planning process for the three competitions of Liga Portugal, ensuring balance and stability between the competitions. It brings all parties involved together in a 360-degree logic, aligning and joining Clubs, security forces, pitch sponsorship materials, municipalities and television operators, among others. For various reasons, this department has a set of very unique responsibilities and actions that it organizes by season. • Scheduling of Matches and the Sports Calendar • Preparation of the New Sports Season • Sports Monitoring 2018-19 • Technical Inspection Committee

• Raising Awareness for the Improvement of Pitches

• Stadium Licensing

• Workshops with the PRIO Championship Clubs

• Officials Project • Refereeing and Video-Referee • Study of the Competitive Models of the Three Competitions • Credentialing System • Infrastructure Portal • Club Portal

Match Scheduling And Sports Calendar

cessary to articulate with the Marketing

throughout the day, such as the state of

Department on operational matters such


At the start of each sports season, Liga

as pitch sponsorship materials, match spon-

• To foster a closer connection with Clubs

Portugal projects the sports calendar with

sors, vouchers, ticket design, backdrops,

to allow for more focused and reality-based

the support of the Standing Committee

and information from sponsors and part-



ners, among others.

• To ensure compliance of documents re-

nal calendars. This initiative is done in full

Acting in coordination with the Clubs, the

quired every season and on each match

coordination with the Portuguese Football

Competitions Department is responsible for

day, and in accordance with the regula-


managing the entire operation, including

tory standards set forth, namely models O,

Throughout the sporting season, and fol-

matters regarding official team equipment

P, L, I and F;

lowing all applicable regulations, Liga will

and the distribution of the official balls of

• To ensure that the operational teams

manage the sports calendar and match

the competition.

involved have a correct knowledge of the

scheduling sessions in coordination with the

All compiled information is entered into e-Li-

real situations;

Standing Committee on Calendars, Clubs

ga, one of the platforms used by the Com-

• Articulation, operation and

and television operators.

petitions Department of Liga Portugal.

procedural follow-up of e-Liga, guaran-

Liga is currently testing the ASMF - Applica-

With a view to improving the coordination

teeing constant updating of the technolo-

tion for Scheduling Matches and Fixtures,

between all agents directly involved in

gical tool in collaboration with the Techno-

which coordinates and organizes different

game organization, Liga Portugal provides

logy Department;

match scheduling proposals and supports

training for field directors, security and press

• Disclosing to the Clubs the activation

regularity and a sense of balance of game

agents before the start of each sports sea-

plan envisaged by Liga and monthly prize

days and times, based on applicable regu-

son. Furthermore, given the importance of


latory standards and practices in this area.

security for different aspects of game orga-

• To sign off on actions requested by Clubs

This platform is intended to make game

nization, we have begun to develop initiati-

in a swift manner, bringing them in line with

week match scheduling with input from all

ves with our partners, specifically, AMEF.

the respective regulations;

involved parties possible.

This season, the Competitions Department

• To verify and validate, in accordance

This project is being developed in conjunc-

will be able to intensify and consolidate its

with the Competition Regulations, Club-re-

tion with the Technology Department.

active communication with Clubs.

quested promotional activities;



• Training with partners to coordinate pro-

Preparation of the New Sports Season

Sports Monitoring 2018-19

At the beginning of each sporting season,

range of activities, this department will en-

it is necessary to create, perfect and adjust

sure the stability and normal functioning of

documents that allow for clear and profes-

the competitions.

sional contact between the Clubs and the

During the 2018-19 season, the focus of the

Competitions Department.

competitions will be:

In addition, prior to that, and in order to

• To monitor matches on a weekly

guarantee the start of the event, it is ne-

basis to manage unexpected situations




cedures and update all involved parties. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

In a cross-cutting way, and through a wide

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 57

Technical Inspection Committee

stadiums to ensure in a timely manner that

Last season, a procedural manual from the

sporting infrastructures are up to standard.

Technical Inspection Committee was imple-

This is a very important issue, as the stren-

mented to improve the coordination and

gthening of our competitions depends

monitoring of all regulatory procedures.

greatly on the improvement of conditions

During the 2018-19 season, a set of regula-

for fans, the media and sports officials.

tory actions to verify regulatory complian-

Throughout the season, the Technical Ins-

ce will be defined with a view to monitor

pection Committee will monitor infrastruc-

Clubs and provide clarification and

tures, paying particular attention to pit-

support upon request, namely:

ches, the stages of our competition and the

Raising Awareness for the Improvement of Pitches

first impression of every stadium.

we have released a Pitch Guide. Liga Portu-

Workshops with the PRIO Championship Clubs

gal intends to continue providing guidelines

To anticipate access to LEDMAN

to reduce differences between stadium pit-

LigaPro and to ensure correct knowledge

ches and to provide the best conditions for

of the regulations and rules of access to


competitions organized by Liga Portugal,

To guarantee that pitches are maintained

an annual workshop is held for Clubs in the

in good condition, the Competitions De-

championship of Portugal that are conten-

partment, in partnership with the Techni-

ding for a place in the professional cham-

cal Inspection Committee and an external


partner, will monitor the state of the pit-

This early training enables the necessary

ches and issue all necessary notifications to

contacts to be made to speed up, for

maintain high quality standards, which will

example, stadium inspections, and to provi-

also allow for better performance during

de regulatory information and other requi-


rements for professional competitions.

To reward the evolution and commitment


As foreseen in the previous season’s plan,

of the Clubs in constantly improving their pitches, a best pitch prize will be awarded each season. With this prize, we hope to harmonize and consolidate pitch quality maintenance.

Stadium Licensing Following the best European practices, Liga Portugal has anticipated the licensing of

58 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

Officials Project

Refereeing and Video-Referee

Credentialing System

nication between sports agents, the Com-

These sports officials represent Liga Portugal at

For every round, and in conjunction with

This system will be developed in synergy with

petitions Department and e-Liga to verify

each game.

the Portuguese Football Federation’s Refe-

the Technology Department, consisting of

reports. This tool will allow Liga to easily sha-

Their primary function is to assist Clubs in the

reeing Council, Liga will verify the informa-

the creation of an automatic credentialing

re and verify all documentation.

application of the rules and regulations cur-

tion needed for competitions.

module that will allow for the substitution of

In this way, we will continue the process of

rently in effect.

All logistics inherent to the games of each

all credentials for all events with a QR code

reducing our use of paper materials, which

Therefore, Liga Portugal’s investment in the

round across all three competitions will be

and readable mobile applications.

began to be implemented through e-Liga

training and working conditions of its officials

the responsibility of the Portuguese Football

This platform will define and control access


has taken on dimensions of increasing impor-

Federation. Liga will continue to monitor

to stadiums for each game, streamlining


the VAR and all logistics inherent to the sys-

the identification process at stadiums, facili-

Currently, Liga officials have support tools that

tem, as foreseen in the regulations.

tating the work of game day assistants and

contribute to and elevate the performance of


improving the security of all agents involved

their activities.

in the competitions.

prepared each game week, as is all the su-

Study of the Competitive Models of the Three Competitions

pport necessary for the games.

The analysis and monitoring of the com-

any necessary adjustments.

Throughout the season, an external company,

petitive models to ensure their sustaina-


chosen through a bidding contest, assists Liga

bility and competitiveness is always of

Portugal with the process of recruiting, selec-

primary importance for the Competitions

Infrastructure Portal

ting and evaluating officials under the Liga’s


This department will develop a portal aimed

supervision and guidance. We will continue to

In 2018-19, we will continue to analyze the

at consolidating all stadium information on

place great focus on:

current competitive models to gain insight

the e-Liga platform.

• Improving officials’ performance through

regarding future needs to alter and impro-

The portal will contain the technical files for

the current recruiting process and access to

ve competitions.

all stadiums, making them available on the

the position. The goal is to strengthen the skills

There will be constant monitoring and

tablet of the official and security reports,

and performance of these professionals;

analysis of the statistical data of the three

thus streamlining the reporting of unusual

• Placing great value on the continuous trai-

competitions, as well as a diagnosis of the


ning and evaluation of these sports officials,

current situation with an evaluation of the

All the information collected by the Techni-

increasing expectations regarding their know-

international benchmarking and an outli-

cal Inspection Committee will be duly pro-

ledge, skills and performance;

ne of a concrete tactical and action plan

cessed and handled through this portal.

• Continuing development of the ONSS - Of-

to stimulate each of the competitions:


ficials Nomination Support System, in collabo-

Liga NOS, LEDMAN LigaPro and Allianz

ration with the Technology Department. This


Club Portal

new information system has lent greater pro-

These actions aim to obtain information

A portal for maintaining constant communi-

fessionalism and rigor to sports officials, having

on the competitive models and improve-

cation between sports agents, referees and

the goal of creating more objectivity, criterion

ments to consider for the various compe-

delegates will be created, making game

and history for the nomination of officials.


information available for sharing and con-



sultation. It will serve as a portal of commu-

The logistics regarding their nomination are

This system will be tested during the 2018-19 season to determine its impact and make

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 61



This department is organized into two main areas that work in an integrated and articulated way to achieve the organization’s common objectives. Given its specificity and areas of operation, this department provides fundamental support to the Liga’s activity, to the other departments and to the Clubs.

LEGAL • Follow-up on Protocols, Contracts and Legal Situations • Regulatory Amendments, Statutes, General Regulation, Official Statement No. 1 (CO1) • Legal Support and Reporting of Legislative Amendments • Football Integrity Unit • Intellectual Property Protection Committee

REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTS • Registration of Contracts and Registration of Players • Player Salary Compliance • TRANSFER V2

The Legal branch will focus its

Monitoring Protocols, Contracts and Legal Situations

activities on the management,

The main activities in this area for the

ducing regulatory changes that reflect the

the sporting season.

application and amendment of

2018-19 season will be as follows:

concrete needs of the competitions and

To this end, it establishes and articulates the

regulations, legal actions, the review

• Negotiation of collective labor

the Clubs.

Liga’s position, analyzing documents and

and analysis of contracts, the sugges-

contracts with entities such as the

Hence, all Clubs will be invited to partici-

projects and providing proposals of Liga

tion of changes to clauses whenever

Professional Football Players’ Union and the

pate in periodic meetings on the four afo-

contributions to the work of these

necessary, and the issuance of reports,

National Association of Football Coaches,

rementioned major themes, namely in the


opinions and replies to consultations

among others;

cross-cutting projects of Liga Portugal.


whenever requested, among other ac-

• Legal advice and support throughout the

The conclusions of each Working Group will


season for statutory bodies, other depart-

be presented in March and, consequently,

Football Integrity Unit

This area will play a fundamental role in

ments and associates;

a Working Group will be held to present

The Football Integrity Unit will maintain its

maintaining the equilibrium of compe-

• To respond to all types of notifications and

concrete proposals for regulatory changes.

close collaboration with Clubs, the State

titions, in managing relationships with

requests from courts, enforcement officials,

The amendments will then be presented

Secretary of Youth and Sports, the Portu-

and between Clubs, and with the nu-

the Judiciary Police, Public Security Police,

and approved by the Liga’s Board. In a fi-

guese Football Federation, the Professional

merous organizations and associations

National Republican Guard, Tax Authority,

nal phase, regulatory changes are subject

Football Players’ Union, the Portuguese Foo-

that are crucial to the functioning of the

Social Security and other public entities;

to presentation and approval at the Gene-

tball Referee Association, UEFA, FIFA, LaLiga

competitive models. This area will thus

• Control of court cases throughout

ral Assembly, before the Clubs.

as well as with the Judicial Police, the Pu-

be responsible for regulatory integrity,

the sports season;


blic Prosecutor’s Office, the Santa Casa da

acting as an inspector of rules and re-

• Internal sponsorship of legal proceedings

gulations and as a driving force for the

in which Liga is involved;

amendment of regulations to guaran-

• Monitoring protocols between Liga and

Legal Support and Reporting of Legislative Amendments

tee their flawless adaptation to compe-

its various partner entities;

Systematic review of the legislation in force

is to watch out for eventual match-fixing

titive models.

• Managing the cooperative partnerships

and in preparation, on which the depart-

phenomena, monitor international reports,

between entities such

ment issues opinions and proposals for con-

monitor compliance with the principles of

as the SEF Borders and Immigration

tributions or amendments with a view to en-

financial and sporting integrity oversee

Authority, the Portuguese Football

suring the constant adjustment of legislation

transfers and draw up a Code of Conduct.

Federation and the Professional

in professional competitions.

To this end, the Department will promote

Football Players’ Union, Social Security and

From a comparative law perspective, it ob-

the recycling of knowledge, trainer training

the Tax Authority.

serves the regulatory evolution of the other

and didactic material.


Leagues, particularly The European Lea-

The Match Center will, among other func-

gues, in order to ensure that Liga adapts

tions, support all rounds of the professional

its regulations and processes to the best

competitions organized under the aegis of

practices of their counterparts. It monitors

Liga regarding matters of integrity. This initia-


Regulatory Amendments, Statutes, General Regulation, Official Statement No. 1 (OS1)

will be carried out in collaboration with the

ches (ANTF), and the Portuguese Football

other departments. The Working Groups

Federation (FPF), with which Liga maintains

were created with the ultimate aim of pro-

close ties and common themes throughout

Misericórdia, Betting Houses, Interpol and worldwide agencies. This department’s main function

the League’s partner entities, such as the

tive is a result of our partnership with LaLiga,

The drafting of amendments to Liga’s Rules

Professional Football Players’ Union (SJPF),

through training and sharing experiences.

of Conduct, Refereeing and Competition,

the National Association of Football Coa-

LaLiga shared with Liga Portugal the actions

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 63

that they had already implemented to fight match-fixing corruption, with the supervision of broadcasted games being one of the measures that Liga Portugal will implement in its competitions. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Intellectual Property Protection Committee Given the importance that Clubs have placed on the fight against intellectual property violations, a team will be created with the responsibility of implementing, executing and maintaining this project, which will act in 4 main areas: • Merchandise counterfeiting; • Unauthorized use of brands and other distinctive commercial logos; • Televised transmissions; • Protection of Liga and Club merchandising; To this end, procedures and a platform will be developed to collect all violations reported by Clubs and individuals. The legal support provided can be either pre-trial or trial, and involve the creation of extra-judicial summons, filing of reports with the Public Prosecutor, of individual charges and other required documents for fighting piracy. The project encompasses the Liga, Sports Clubs, ASAE, the Judicial Police, and national and international organizations fighting against piracy and counterfeit. This project receives direct support from the National Institute of Industrial Property. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

64 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |


Player Salary Compliance The salaries of players and coaches are monitored on behalf of Clubs during the regu-

This area is responsible for all processes

larly defined periods of each sports season

related with the registration of contracts

– January, April and May/June (Financial

of diverse sports agents within the sec-

Assumptions). This allows for the assessment

tor of Professional Portuguese Football.

of whether Clubs are complying with the aforementioned regulatory assumptions, namely the Liga’s Competition Regulations and Disci-

Registration of Contracts and Players The main task here is to receive,

plinary Regulations, at the risk of facing penalties/sanctions. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

examine and register sports contracts or


their revocation, transfers and revocations

The TRANSFER platform for the registration of

of assignments and additions to contracts

sports agents is the result of an on-going and

relating to players. The main phases rela-

joint effort between the Legal and Technolo-

ted to the activity of registration of con-

gy Departments. In the 2017-18 season, player

tracts and registrations of players, which

registration through this platform became

are closely monitored by this Department,


will be as follows:

For 2018-19, the goal is for the platform to also

• Registration periods - July and August

become mandatory for other sports agents,

2018 and January 2019;

training staff, doctors and other officials by 1

• Exceptions (unemployed) - from

July, making the entire transfer division of Pro-

September 2018 until February 28, 2019;

fessional Football paperless.

• Exceptions (injured goalkeepers,

Additionally, training initiatives for Clubs will

juniors, among others) - from September

also be carried out in the form of workshops,

to December 2018 and from February to

where the various persons involved in using

June 2019. Thus, the validations will de-

this tool will be able to clarify any doubts and

pend on the sending of documents within

exchange feedback.

the deadline, and the maximum limits wi-


thin which players can register with each squad will be controlled in accordance with the regulations. This season, players will once again register through the digital platform TRANSFER V2. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 67

MARKETING DEPARTMENT This department is functionally organized into three broad areas that contribute to different objectives but act together. The Marketing Department provides cross-cutting support to all of Liga Portugal and has the goal of developing initiatives that increase the Liga’s penetration and promotion amongst its stakeholders, namely, Clubs and fans.



• Management of Sponsorships and Partnerships

• Liga Portugal Website

• Monitoring of Average Rate of Return

• Liga Portugal App


• Liga NOS Virtual • Liga Portugal Social Media Channels

• E-Sports Competitions

• Audience Management Application Architecture

• Official Liga Portugal Merchandise

• Database Management System

• Products and Services

• E-Fan Program

• Joint LEDMAN LigaPro Tickets Project


INTERNAL MARKETING • European Week of Sport 2018 • Commemorative Dates

• 40 Years of Liga Portugal

• Christmas Parties

• Marketing and Promotional Materials

• Team Building

• Monthly and Annual Prizes

• Social Impact Platform

• Promotional Events For the 2018-19 season, the five areas will act in a coordinated way on the general projects, namely in all the competitions, providing support for events, marketing initiatives and promoting the diverse activities of Liga Portugal.

The promotion of Liga Portugal has the goal of increasing its visibility, promoting its competitions and products and engaging fans. It is promoted through campaigns aimed at cementing Liga Portugal brand, strengthening its standing and competitions in an integrated way that is consistent with the organization’s guidelines. For this purpose, four promotional areas that will be the subject of campaigns during the 2018-19 season have been identified.

LIGA PORTUGAL Global standing of Liga Portugal FOOTBALL WITH TALENT



Amplify the values of Liga Portugal, strengthen its standing, recognition and creation of value

Promote football and create value for and with Sponsors and Partners

Engage with different stakeholders/identified target audiences





Launch of the season


FINAL FOUR Football Week



Fan awareness and appreciation

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 69

tes, to promote competitions in a holistic


way, including through the creation of fan experiences and engagement activities.

This area is responsible for the ongoing management of sponsors and partners,


planning, monitoring of sponsors, analy-

Monitoring Average Rate of Return

sis of returns and added value of spon-

Liga Portugal is concerned with monitoring

sorship, and securing contracts.

the impacts of the commercial and pro-

It also carries out all conceptual and

motional activity of the competitions and

operational activities with a view to the

their partners. To this end, the AVE measu-

development of new sponsorships and

re was adopted, which consists of determi-


ning the monetary value of the news ba-





sed on the quantification of the equivalent publicity costs. This calculation allows us

Management of Sponsorships and Partnerships

to share with our partners all the relevant

The main activities in this area for the

well as to measure the value of Liga Portu-

2018-19 season will be as follows:

gal competitions.

• Manage existing sponsors and part-


ners; • Renegotiate active contracts that are ending and/or find new sponsors and/or partners; • Present proposals, negotiate and find innovative business solutions from a list of potential sponsors and partners identified for the three competitions; • Develop an active networking policy and close relationship with partners and sponsors; • Promotional events for new and existing partners: behind-the-scenes stadium tours, ticket giveaways, and so on. Increasing Liga revenue is only possible if, together with stakeholders, it is able to develop and find new ways of exploiting its existing and potential commercial attribu-

70 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

information regarding their investment, as


The uniqueness of this project is due to the

Products and Services

that we may evaluate them. The next steps

emotive factor. We developed a line of

E-Adepto Program

This area is responsible for the develop-

high-quality products of our own design,

The industry of Professional Football has gro-

and secure financing, always keeping in

ment, creation and negotiation of new

which were available for purchase online,

wn tremendously in terms of revenue and

mind the greater interests of the Clubs and

properties, products and services to in-

at official Liga Portugal stores, at the Bra-

number of fans and is currently a vital and

the competition promoter, with operations

crease Liga Portugal’s revenue-genera-

ga Municipal Stadium and in the Fan Zone

sustainable industry.

expected to begin by the beginning of the

ting potential

during the Final Four week. We also put to-

Fan relationships with Clubs and competitions

2018-19 season.

gether mystery boxes, which included ex-

are increasingly close, thanks largely to social


clusive products and surprising experiences,

networks and Web 2.0. This fact has been re-

eSports Competitions

such as game tickets, exclusive merchan-

flected in the greater number of social plat-

This season, the goal will be to cement Liga

dise, behind-the-scenes tours of the Braga

forms created for fans and the greater num-

Portugal e-Sports competition, which will be

Municipal Stadium, meet-and-greet oppor-

ber of fans using them.

disputed during the Final Four in January

tunities with invited guests (Anselmo Ralph,

This program is based on the creation of an

2019. The market was tested during the 11th

Herman José, Fernando Alvim) and much

e-commerce platform that makes exclusive

edition of the Final Four with the CTT e-Cup

more. The success of this initiative launched

goods, services and advantages available to

by Allianz. Following the success of this first

the development of a line of official Liga

all fans. The goal is to increase our interaction

edition of the e-Sports competition, it is im-

Portugal merchandise that will be presented

with all fans of Portuguese football, getting to

perative to make it professional. Liga conti-

in the 2018-19 season. A working plan for

know them and developing conditions of clo-

nues to analyze the market and will outline

marketing these products is being drawn up

seness and for sharing information.

a strategy with the Clubs to make this com-

and will be implemented during the season.

petition professional and allowing it to emu-

The merchandise will be sold online through

late Liga NOS.

an e-commerce platform that is currently

Common Project LEDMAN LigaPro Tickets


under development.

As a rule, Liga Portugal is responsible for plan-

In the context of the strategic marketing

ning, implementing and monitoring projects

considerations presented in this document,

that bring added value to the organization

the development of official products is con-

and promote the professional competitions,

Liga Portugal kicked off its entry into mer-

sidered fundamental to carrying out Liga’s

as well as enable greater Club access to the

chandising with the launch of official Liga

new marketing strategy, especially in regard

required skills for heightened innovation and

Portugal products, dedicated to the Final

to its standing. These materials must make


Four of the CTT Cup and meant for fans who

clear the attributes and premises of the

The structural needs inherent to the imple-

wanted to be fully immersed in the event.

stance of Liga and the Professional Football

mentation of the project were mapped out

The football party, which brought fans to

competitions, as well as awaken fan interest.

and the tender market was tested, conside-

Braga, was the driving force behind the

Official products help strengthen Liga’s

ring the most favorable business potential for

launch of the collection of unique and ex-

brand through regular contact and/or vi-

implementing the platform.

clusive CTT Cup products, which had the

sualization of items like key chains, pens,

To consolidate the project’s finances and

goal of boosting the image of the compe-

t-shirts, caps, umbrellas and other relevant

manage the working business model, we

tition and offering immersive experiences to


are currently awaiting proposals from com-

the fans of this competition.


panies that specialize in these processes so

Official Liga Portugal Merchandising

72 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

will be to choose the most favorable project


40 Years of Liga Portugal

As mentioned in the description of the Kick-

communication and positioning.

-Off, a Gala commemorating the 40 years

This concept will be replicated next season

This area is responsible for all marketing

On 3 February 2018, Liga Portugal celebra-

of Liga Portugal will be held, which will pay

with the same mechanics.

activities, events, brand activations and

ted the 40-year anniversary of its founda-

tribute to the Presidents who have served


more. It is responsible for guaranteeing

tion. To celebrate this date in Professional

the organization.

the delivery of Liga marketing activities or

Football history, Liga Portugal organized an


those defined with sponsors and partners.

exposition marking its 40 years. The exposi-

This department is also responsible for

tion, curated by historians Francisco Pinhei-

managing the brand, marketing ma-

ro and João Nuno Coelho, was inaugura-

Marketing and Promotional Materials

terials, the creation and production of

ted on 27 February and will remain open

The Marketing Department is responsible for

keholders, creating premium and exclusive

merchandise and gifts, signage and de-

until December 2018 at the Liga Portugal

the development of all marketing and pro-

experiences for our partners. Behind-the-

coration and the internal marketing of

headquarters in Porto.

motional materials that support the diverse

-scenes stadium tours, match tickets and

Liga Portugal, supporting the other de-

The goal was to create an exhibit of the his-

actions and departments of Liga Portugal,

social brunches are some of the planned

partments with related operational issues.

tory of Portuguese football through the se-

namely, presentations, rule books, brand

activities for both new and existing partners.

Many of the activities managed and or-

lection of 40 symbolic images for the

architecture, stationery, templates, brochu-

These actions should create moments to

ganized by this department will be gene-

40 years of Liga Portugal.

This exposition

res, digital promotional materials, signage,

gather together, fostering strong and lasting

ral projects, as they ultimately intervene

marked the beginning of the building’s inte-

outdoors materials and decoration, gifts

relationships between Liga Portugal and its

as a supporting or coordinating depart-

rior transformation, with the goal of creating

and freebies. Liga is structuring an annual

partners, so that the latter may identify with

ment in the other crucial operational

an aesthetic using pieces that evoke the 40

publications plan, which will be printed or

the values of the organization.

areas for carrying out Liga activities.

years of Liga Portugal, throughout the year.

developed digitally, according to the tar-


The promotional plan for commemora-

gets and communications to be published.

ting the Liga’s 40 years brings together a

Thus, for the 2018-19 season, the following

sequence of actions with the goal of brin-

publications have already been defined:

ging visibility to the work that this organiza-

• Annual Meetings;

tion has carried out over the course of its

• Football Finance Yearbook 2017-18;


• Activity Report 2018-19;

The exposition was the first nod to these 40

• Action Plan 2019-20;

years, which gained further prominence

• Presentation of Financial Assumptions.

by being combined with the celebration


of football in Portugal, which marks this year 130 years. Educational visits are a vital

Monthly and Annual Prizes

communications tool for affirming the his-

The concept of monthly and annual prizes

tory of Liga Portugal due to their large tar-

was developed last season with a view to

get audience reach, as well as their cost/

enhancing Talent, promoting the best of

benefit ratio. In this sense, it is considered

the best and bringing together Liga’s di-

fundamental to co-organize fan trips, press

verse stakeholders. This initiative allowed for

trips and educational trips together with

the creation of value through sponsor com-

strategic partners.

mercialization and/or boosting the Liga’s

Promotional Events This activity consists of the development of a networking policy and the development of a close relationship with the various sta-

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 75

DIGITAL MARKETING The Internet and social networks have become one of society’s main means of finding information and entertainment. Liga Portugal also directs its communicational focus on meeting the wants and needs of its stakeholders, which is why it has updated its website and developed an app with official information on the data of professional football games. In this digital era, with the growing popularity of the Internet and social networks and the shift in means of information consumption, there emerged a need to make game information available in real time. Therefore, the structure of the site must allow search engines to easily capture the intended content, such as defined keywords and all game information. The sizable number of games that Liga Portugal organizes allows us to produce a large volume of content with elevated draw for football fans. The digital ecosystem that Liga has developed allows for increased engagement with the public, thanks to the speed and ease with which information reaches the fan. In this respect, digital marketing has increasingly become a marketing strategy or set of strategies and publicity that promotes constant contact between fans, Clubs and other agents.

Website Liga Portugal

• 10 million annual visits to the website of

This season, we plan to maintain and de-


velop the current Liga Portugal website.


The online communications of Liga Portu-

• Developing banners for

gal prioritize the general website and the

partner advertisements (Ad Server);

different micro sites that focus on each of

• Develop the SEO of the current website;

the primary attractions defined in this docu-

• Develop targeted


PPC campaigns for the current website;

The official Liga web page contains rele-

• Update the website in Portuguese,

vant user information, such as game sche-


dules, official game stats and clips of the

• Develop a digital strategy in Mandarin;

main Liga NOS shots in real time.

• Identify sellable spaces on the website;

However, this channel should also, in a clear


and structured way, present the messages that position Liga Portugal in the market. In this sense, more than simply presenting information and photos or videos, the web page should capture the attention of the user/potential user through the use of key messages that will pique interest, that is, use content marketing to share information that is useful and relevant for the fan. The messages defined to position the Liga must serve as the basis for the development and enhancement of the official website. Furthermore, there should also be an area reserved for professional contact, where sports officials, service providers and others may access the various supporting documents and share doubts, questions, suggestions and contacts through a global database segmented by products/services offered. Aside from matters of content, the official landing page should be responsive, that is, adaptable to all types of devices to increase its navigability and usability. The next steps for the website are:

76 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |


Social Media

Liga NOS Virtual

Website (Starting point

and end point)



APP Liga Portugal

promote the brands associated with Liga

che or emerging markets, thereby increa-

The need to follow-up on the professio-


sing their conversion rates.

nal competitions with official information


A mapping of blogs and social network

led Liga Portugal to invest in developing

profiles is also planned, with special em-

have an essential tool for receiving all of-

Liga Portugal Social Media Channels

ficial information for each game on their

Social network marketing is a set of ac-

cementing and sharing ideas with others

smart phones or tablets. Starting teams,

tions that allow for greater engagement

to gain visibility among the followers of

official game reports and clips of shots in

with fans, attracting and capturing their

those pages and blogs. The goal is to

real time: everything just a click away and

attention. For Liga Portugal, social net-

increase Liga’s visibility among users of

at no cost to the user.

work marketing aims primarily to promote

other networks.

Constantly evolving, in the medium-term

the professional competitions and Clubs.

On the other hand, the followers of the

the app is projected to include more in-

The goal is to give a stage to the main pla-

various social channels of Clubs must also

formation on all entities involved in Portu-

yers, get to know our audience, establish

be included, so that it might be possible,

guese Professional Football, as well as the

relationships and contribute to their invol-

together with Liga, to reach the followers

development of new features dedicated

vement in competitions. Above all, social

of Portuguese Professional Football that

to promoting games through video.

marketing seeks to discover fan prefe-

spread out across the world.

a mobile application. Stakeholders now

phasis on promoting Liga Portugal and its competitions. In this case, the focus is on


Liga NOS Virtual Liga NOS Virtual is the Liga’s official fan-

Liga Portugal

tasy football game. Given its characte-

Liga NOS

ristics, it is developed in symbiosis by two departments: Technology and Marketing. The goal for this season is to develop new platform and application functionalities, boosting their visibility and, as a result, the

LEDMAN LigaPro Total





49 000

330 000

04 700

443 700

11 587 094

3 173 032

2 285 126

17 045 252

410 912

29 728

33 836

480 476

12 053 006

3 532 760

2 383 662

17 969 428

Total number of followers on the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels of Liga Portugal, a sum of the followers of the Clubs’ channels and those of Liga NOS and LEDMAN LigaPro

number of teams. The focus of Liga NOS Virtual will continue to be on promoting

rences and motivations and to spread

Communication with Clubs will be increa-

Clubs and their players, making fans feel

information about competitions. Beyond

sed, along with the respective “push” to

invested in the game and the creation of

maintaining, monitoring and enhancing

use this common force to promote our

brand spotlight spaces within Liga NOS

its social network profiles

competitions (we are stronger together).

Virtual for brands associated with Liga

- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,



LinkedIn and Issuu - Liga Portugal wants to

This platform is also the preferred channel

bring its brand to new markets - such as

of collecting fan contact information for

the Chinese market - by joining new plat-

later communication. Another goal is to

forms of interaction with the public. One

create spaces within Liga NOS Virtual to

possibility is to create specific pages for ni-

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 79

Audience Management Application Architecture

Database Management System

A diagnosis of the current application structure of Liga Portugal has been carried out, namely at the level of interaction with the public. Liga

Integrated with the previous project, Liga

Portugal has an ambitious plan for application development, as can be seen in the multidisciplinary nature of the current and developing appli-

Portugal intends to implement a plat-


form that allows for the organization and

This project will be developed in coordination with the Technology Department, which will develop a platform that gathers, in a structured way,

segmentation of databases in order for

all contact and audience information, and which guarantees the protection of information and the handling of data in an efficient and integral

communication to communicate targe-

way, respecting the new GDPR legislation.

ted information to each segment. Parallel to the development of this platform, it is


necessary to integrate and manage the


diverse databases that have resulted from the new applications being implemented. The goals and primary actions defined for

Liga Portugal Website


Management of Business


• Develop a database with 60,000

Application Plataform of Liga Portugal

Liga NOS Virtual Liga Portugal APP Prizes

Audience Management

e-Adepto CSP/CC Sponsor Tickets

PHC IntraLiga

Resource Management

LEDMAN LigaPro Sponsor Tickets

Management of Internal Tickets

Audience Management


BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE In this way, it is fundamental, with a basis in the target structure, to define a road map for integrating platforms and databases. This trajectory will allow us to access highly relevant information on profiles and strategies to be implemented.

80 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

this project are the following: contacts by the end of the season, filtered and segmented; • Develop two monthly newsletters for the mailing lists; • Develop a monthly e-blaster for specific segments. /////////////////////////////////////////////////

European Week of Sport 2018

nize Christmas Parties, one event for our

ces. This is a solution that us to understand,

As part of the European Week of Sport, two

Human Resources and another for children

empower and involve all employees, am-

This area is responsible for the set of

indoor group classes for the Human Resour-

of Liga Portugal employees and corporate

plifying their impact and social responsibility

Marketing actions focused on the Hu-

ces of Liga Portugal will be organized, promo-

bodies. The Kids’ Christmas Party 2017-18

strategies, creating a culture of coopera-

man Resources of Liga Portugal with the

ting the practice of group sports while also

was the first event of its kind organized by

tion and community within the organization

goal of disseminating the organization’s

fostering team spirit. Physical exercise is a tool

the current Board. Given the success of the


values among its employees. Internal

that can be used to fight stress and fatigue

event, thanks to the involvement of emplo-

Liga Portugal employees can, in this way,

Marketing has taken on an important

and is associated with better professional per-

yees and their families, Liga would like to

share and discuss their own ideas, develop

role within Liga Portugal, having the

formance. Liga Portugal aims to raise aware-

hold the party again this season to promote

skills and work as a team, as well as support

goal of committing its Human Resources

ness among its employees regarding regular

a moment of closeness and interaction, at

their preferred causes.

to the organization and bringing them

sports practice as part of a healthier lifestyle

a time when the values of family and unity

The functions available on the platform

closer together.


are celebrated.

are as follows:


• Gift Cards and Donation Multiplication;


Commemorative Dates

• Social Wall;

Eight periods were identified for holding

Team Building

events to bring Liga Portugal employees clo-

For next season, we plan to organize a

• Crowdfunding Campaigns;

ser together, while at the same time promo-

team building activity for Liga Portugal em-

• Needs Scholarship;

ting team spirit and transmitting the organi-

ployees in an outdoor, informal and sporty


zation’s values.


• S. Martinho’s Day;

There are many recognized benefits to

• Christmas Party;

team building, an activity we consider fun-

• Women’s Day;

damental for creating new dynamics and

• Easter;

improving the performance of work groups,

• International Sports Day;


• Children’s Day;

• Increasing productivity;

• Close of the season party;

• Improving communication;

• Employee birthdays, employment anni-

• Maintaining motivation;

versaries or employee farewell parties

• Developing the capacity for

Fostering team spirit has a very positive im-

conflict resolution;

pact on employee performance, contribu-

• Strengthening the values of Liga Portugal.

ting to uniting Human Resources and inter-


nal communications, acting as an efficient means of promoting closeness among em-

Social Impact Platform

ployees and directors.

Liga Portugal has registered as a user of


eSolidar Business, a social impact platform

Christmas Parties Like last season, we will once again orga-

• Solidarity Auctions;

that allows Liga Portugal to improve and enhance the way it creates social impact and gets involved with its Human Resour-

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 83


COMMUNICATION This area is responsible for Liga Portugal’s promotional and communicational facet, carrying out the daily management of ongoing communication with stakeholders, media management, and the timely delivery of Liga news. During the 2018-19 season, the press and public relations consulting area will continue to report directly to the President. The goal is to increase Liga’s responsiveness to the media in order to improve the speed of daily communication with them. This area is responsible for an active 360-degree policy of public relations with Liga’s target market and the promotion and communication of the commercial aspects of the Liga’s products and services. It also has an active role in the management of traditional, digital, audio and video communications in conjunction with the Marketing & Events area. • Liga TV • Liga-te Magazine • FuteCom • Meetings with the Media • Content Production •

Season Review

Milestones and e-Liga STATS

Photography prize “Football with Talent”

• Communication Campaigns •

Annual Institutional Campaign

Annual Campaigns for Portuguese Professional Football Competitions

Media Management

• Public Relations •

Official Representations at Events, Awards Ceremonies, Galas and Games

Meetings with Clubs to discuss diverse matters

Promotional Events

Liga TV

Liga Cup competitions, as well as social

kind took place at the Liga Portugal

Systematic video coverage of Liga Portu-

responsibility and stakeholder activities.

headquarters with significant attendance

gal activities, namely those related with

Various interviews with Club Presidents

of both media and Club representatives.

professional competitions, key players,

and key players in football. Launch of co-

Location for the debate and exchange

institutional initiatives, Social Responsibility

lumns dedicated to the modality, such as

of opinions.

actions and stakeholder actions. A project

Future Stars, which will give a voice to tho-


that promises to show everything produ-

se who dream of becoming football pro-

ced by Liga Portugal and in Professional

fessionals; interviews with Portuguese who

Football with the aim of giving a voice

have found success abroad and regular

Content Production Season Review

to those who work day in and day out to

columns related with football. This is an

An annual publication summarizing the

transform football into a stronger and more

investment of Liga Portugal that patently

previous season’s performances, stan-

appealing modality.

displays the growing professionalism of

dings and statistics. The season is revie-

the organization. A publication that aims

wed with a fine-toothed comb, looking at

to serve as a link with Clubs.

the various facets of professional football.


The three Liga Portugal competitions are exhaustively analyzed.

FuteCom ////////////////////////////////////////////////

The National Meeting of the Communica-

Milestones e e-Liga STATS

tion and Press Office of Professional Foo-

Marking the performance milestones

tball aims to foster a relationship between

of players, coaches, referees

those responsible for Clubs’ Communica-

and officials of the professional compe-

tions teams, in an initiative with workshops,

titions with social network posts and gifts

training and sharing of experiences. The

that give a nod to personal achieve-

same initiative will have modules linking

ment. Making official competition stats

these sports agents with the media.

available, namely from Clubs and in a


take place during the Final Four football

format that can be distributed by the

week. Another big bet of Liga Portugal,


bringing debate and future changes to one place to share ideas and, above all,

Photography prize “Football with Talent”

an event where sports agents can debate

Promoted by Liga Portugal and with an

all the issues they want to see changed.

exposition at the end of the season. To


eventually be co-organized with an ex-

the discussion. Bringing Clubs together in

Liga-te Magazine

Meetings with the Media

A bimonthly publication dedicated to co-

Bimonthly thematic meetings and deba-

vering Professional Football activities and

tes with media representatives: “Football

promoting Liga NOS, LEDMAN LigaPro and

and the Media”. The first meeting of its

ternal, credible media entity. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Communication Campaigns The main communication campaigns de-

Meetings with Clubs to discuss diverse matters

fined for the 2018-19 season are as follows:

Maintain regular contact with sports

Annual Institutional Campaign Consistently communicating institutional Liga activity to Clubs and

officials, providing a greater connection to Liga Portugal and allowing for the constant sharing of ideas.

Corporate Entities, highlighting the values

Promotional Events

of Rigor, Talent, Professionalism and Unity;

With the intention of showing the positive

Annual Campaigns for Portuguese Professional Football Competitions Develop communication actions and promotional activities for special occasions (to be determined) to generate engagement with fans and the general public.

Media Management Production and distribution of vests and armbands for reporters (photography and radio) on the pitch. Support for Clubs in their relationships with the media. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Public Relations To develop relationships and network with the various stakeholders, a set of public relations actions are defined:

Official Representations at Events, Awards Ceremonies, Galas and Games Actions that allow for greater contact with Clubs and general entities, where moments of communication and greater connection to the diverse football agents can be created.

86 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

side of football, always focusing on Liga Portugal and Clubs. Providing moments of unity around professional football. ////////////////////////////////////////////////



This department is responsible for the integrated management of the technological infrastructure of the Portugal League and support to the organization of its competitions. Its responsibilities include the programming and development of CRM applications, ERP and business applications / management of competitions, management of Liga’s physical computer pool; help desk / technical support, systems security assurance, support in the collection and management of databases, support for mobile applications and device management, among others. • Consolidation and maintenance of the e-Liga platform

• e-Liga back office

• Dashboard competitions

• Match Center

• Infrastructure portal

• Credentialing system

• Club portal




• Data Bridge Liga Portugal-FPF

• GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) • Goal Line Technology (GLT) • Diverse activities in support of other departments

Consolidation and Maintenance of the e-Liga Platform The e-Liga platform is at the forefront of sports technology and has the primary objective of facilitating information processing and eliminating the possibility for error to as great an extent as possible, digitalizing all documentation of professional football games. Simultaneously, it joins by




The portal will contain the technical files for all stadiums, making them available on the tablet of the official and security reports, thus streamlining the reporting of unusual situations. A joint project with the Competitions Department.

Develop control tools for the e-Liga platform.

Communication portal between sports agents and e-Liga to verify reports. A joint project with the Competitions Department.

touch the various “parts�, combining them in an ecosystem fed by various platforms with a direct and harmonious connection to the central Liga Portugal system: IntraLiga with the launch of the e-Liga integration with SAMSUNG tablets and smartwatches, this app saw



Development of a screen that is easy and quick to read with relevant ecosystem information.

There are also plans to develop and implement complementary platform options, namely integration with the financial system. A joint project with the Competitions Department.



Its goal is to allow the team to compile internal reports on the operation of each game, to be attached to the official e-Liga reports. This will be carried out in coordination with the Competitions Department.

The Technology Department, in partnership with the Legal Department, has the goal of broadening the scope of TRANSFER to include all remaining sports agents. It also seeks to create a module connecting these data to the financial ERPs used by the Liga.

its scope and potential grow. In 2018-19, however, it will be necessary to consolidate, update, streamline and maintain the platform to optimize critical operating data and developments. To this end, there are plans to create modules to control and verify



and game operations, namely:

CREDENTIALING SYSTEM Will automatically substitute credentials, allowing for full definition and control over access to stadium areas in all competitions. Joint project with the Competitions Department.

DATA BRIDGE LIGA PORTUGAL-FPF This activity was planned for last season, but since it was not implemented, it is planned for this season. The goal is to develop a data bridge between Liga Portugal and the Portuguese Football Federation, guaranteeing total security of communication services and information sharing between the two organizations, namely in terms of registrations, game reports and disciplinary action.

ASMF Developed in coordination with the Competitions Department, it allows for coherence in game scheduling in each round.

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 89

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

platforms, with the ability to define fees

The General Data Protection Regulation

-throughs. This project will ensure Liga has

(GDPR) will be implemented in accordan-

the tools it needs to actively promote its

ce with the new directive issued by the

campaigns and/or negotiate digital coun-

European Union, which will levy steep fines

terparts with sponsors and partners;

on those who have not implemented the

• Maintenance and constant updating of

GDPR by May 2018. We aim to alter and

Liga Portugal and Liga NOS Virtual websites;

certify all Liga Portugal platforms according

• Maintenance of Liga Portugal app and

to the highest standards of digital security.

supporting platforms;

Information security, namely at the level of

• Provide support for creating the integra-

protecting data and sensitive information,

tion platform on Liga’s website for selling tic-

is vital in the relationship between Liga Por-


tugal, the Clubs and all other involved en-

• Implement a CRM platform, and for ma-


naging a database of contacts and au-


diences within the Liga Portugal ecosystem.

Goal Line Technology (GLT) An economic and financial feasibility study was developed to assess the viability of implementing GLT technology, so that it may potentially be introduced in Liga’s professional competitions. This technology was tested in the Final Four and will increase transparency and rigor in competitions. In 2018-19, GLT technology will once again be used during the Final Four, and financing to implement it will actively be sought. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Diverse Activities in Support of Other Departments There exists a set of projects that this department will broadly take part in, which, although they have already been introduced, bear repeating here: • Installing institutional promotion and/ or advertising on all of Liga’s web-based

90 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

and measure page impressions and click-




This department ensures direct support for the President, the Executive Board and the Governing Bodies of Liga Portugal. The DSEB is responsible for organizing, coordinating and executing all activities inherent to the Executive Board’s advisory, secretariat and protocols, as well as for advising on the interconnection between Liga’s various stakeholders and public and private entities. This department manages the logistics related to meetings, acts of representation, visits, invitations and others. It also ensures the correct implementation of protocol norms at events organized by Liga Portugal and provides support for various organizational processes.

• Monitoring of the Secretariat and Protocols • Support for Event Management and General Assemblies • Reformulation of Databases • Quality Certification - EN ISO 9001:2015

Monitoring of the Secretariat and Protocols

diverse Liga events, whether direct or ge-

This department will manage the agenda

regulations and receiving guests. With the

and commitments of the President, the Direc-

goal of improving DSEB’s area of action,

torate, the Executive Board and the Gover-

an event and invitation management

ning Bodies, also supporting, among others,

platform will be studied and introduced,

the Joint Referees Committee (JRC), General

to be coordinated with the integrated da-

Assemblies and Jurisdictional Council.

tabase management platform.

During the 2018-19 season, it will prepare,


register and promote the circulation of dis-

neral: invitations, implementing protocol

tions and other decisions of the President and

Quality Certification -EN ISO 9001:2015

the Board.

Liga encouraged the implementation of

It will continue to provide support for prac-

a Quality Management System, which is

tical workplace issues by preparing miscel-

certified and requires ongoing monitoring.

laneous documents, such as presentations,

The system has improved internal lines of

letters, internal and external communications


and others. A strategy will be developed to

zation and monitoring of processes and

improve documentation management: the

objectives. This system is based on increa-

organization of physical and digital informa-

sing operational quality, reflecting a more

tion archives.

efficient and constantly-improving ma-


nagement. In addition to this, the system

patches, circular letters, internal communica-

Support for Event Management and General Assemblies



has an analysis dashboard that constantly monitors the achievement ratios of the defined goals and objectives. During the

DSEB will support the management and or-

2018-19 season, DSEB will continue to gua-

ganization of the General Assemblies, colla-

rantee the constant updating of strategic,

borating with the General Assembly Board on

support and business/organizational pro-

three to five major meetings scheduled for

cesses, with the respective updating of


the supporting and execution documents,

In addition, this area is responsible for the im-

as well as the renewal of the certification

plementation of festive events, namely those


of an internal nature, inserted in the marke-


ting policies defined for Liga. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Reformulation of Databases This department manages the protocol for

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 93


RESPOSABILITY In accordance with the European Commission’s Green Book dated 18 July 2001,

corporate social responsibility is defined as the “voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns into a business’ operations and interactions with other interested parties.” Liga Portugal’s Social Responsibility encompasses a variety of social activities and initiatives that directly affect the well-being of various groups of society, such as social organizations, human resources, suppliers, fans and future generations, from a perspective of social and environmental sustainability. The goal for the 2018-19 season is to develop a structured project of Social Responsibility that acts in four main areas: Social Inclusion, Great Humanitarian Causes, Protection of Values and Science and Technology at the Service of Football. • Live football • Campo dos Sonhos • Geração do Futuro Tournament • Centro de Estudos • Liga Ambiente

Live Football

a network of interaction that promotes in-

This action aims to promote access of so-

novation and value creation in the area of

cially vulnerable and/or social risk groups

Professional Football will be created.

to professional football competition games


by providing them with the guest tickets normally given to Liga Portugal.

Liga Ambiente


Liga Portugal is concerned with conserving

Campo dos Sonhos

the environment, keeping it clean and developing it in a sustainable way.

Dream Football is a digital, 360-degree

Recycling is one of the most simple and

platform, unique in the world, that lets each

well-known practices wherein used objects

player show off their talent, be evaluated

are turned into new products, helping pre-

and establish contact with clubs from

serve the environment and favoring eco-

around the world, all for free.

nomic development.

Liga Portugal intends to organize sporting

Therefore, the goal is to raise awareness

activities next to stadiums before profes-

of the importance of recycling and imple-

sional competition games for children and

ment practical actions in the day-to-day

young people who enroll in the Dream

activities of Liga Portugal, bearing in mind:

Football platform, enhancing talent sear-

• Saving energy;

ches and bringing young fans and their fa-

• Reducing waste;

milies closer to Professional Football.

• Recycling.


Liga Portugal intends to promote practices

Geração do Futuro Tournment

of responsible behavior and waste separation. Internal actions to raise awareness will

A sporting activity for U-13 Club teams will

be organized to stimulate attitude chan-

be organized essentially to promote the

ges and create new habits regarding the

values of sport and of Liga Portugal. The

use of natural resources.

aim is to bring young fans and their families

From an economic perspective, recycling

closer to Professional Football.

represents a more rational use of natural


resources, and from a social perspective,

Centro de Estudos With the goal of encouraging scientific and technological research in the area of football and similar areas, Liga Portugal intends to sponsor a contest and disseminate studies/research projects. Study prizes/scholarships will be awarded, and

it improves quality of life and the conservation of nature. ////////////////////////////////////////////////


Activity General Projects and Activities Kick-Off 2018-19 LIGA NOS LEDMAN LigaPro Allianz CUP and Final Four Working Groups and Annual Meetings Business Intelligence Postgraduate Course “Organization and Management in Professional” Presidents’ Summit International Coordination and Promotion Match Center Purchasing Central/ Shared Services Center Projects and Activities Specific to Each Department Administrative and Financial Department Activity Planning and Budget Control Administrative and Financial Follow-Up Infrastructure Fund for LEDMAN LigaPro Financial Assumptions 2019-2020 “Totonegócio” Management of Liga Portugal Infrastructures 2018-19 Training Program Performance Management and Evaluation System Competition Department Scheduling of Matches and the Sports Calendar Preparation of the New Sports Season Sports Monitoring 2018-19 Technical Inspection Committee Officials Project Refereeing and Video-Referee Studies of the Competitive Models of the Three Competitions Credentialing System Infrastructure Portal Club Portal Legal Department Follow-up on Protocols, Contracts and Legal Situations Regulatory Amendments, Statutes, General Regulation, CO1 Legal Support and Reporting of Legislative Amendments Football Integrity Unit Intellectual Property Protection Committee Registration of Contracts and Registration of Players Player Salary Compliance TRANSFER V2 Department of Support for the Executive Board (DSEB) Monitoring of the Secretariat and Protocols Support for Event Management and General Assemblies Reformulation of Databases Quality Certification - EN ISO 9001:2015

98 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |





November December












November December







Projects and Activities Specific to Each Department Marketing Department Management of Sponsorships and Partnerships Monitoring Average Rate of Return eSports Competitions Official Liga Portugal Merchandise 40 Years of Liga Portugal Marketing and Promotional Materials Monthly and Annual Prizes Promotional Events Liga Portugal Website Liga Portugal App Liga NOS Virtual Liga Portugal Social Media Channels Audience Management Application Architecture Database Management System E-Adepto Program Common Project LEDMAN LigaPro Tickets Internal Marketing Activities Communication Department Liga TV Liga-te Magazine FuteCom Meetings with the Media II Football and Media Debate Season Review Milestones and e-Liga STATS Photography prize “Football with Talent” Communication Campaigns Public Relations Technology Department Consolidation and maintenance of the e-Liga platform e-Liga Back Office Dashboard Competitions Match Center Infrastructure Portal Credentialing system Club Portal SAND V2 TRANSFER V2 ASMF Data Bridge Liga Portugal-FPF GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Goal Line Technology (GLT) Diverse Activities in Support of Other Departments Social Responsibility Live Football Campo dos Sonhos Geração do Futuro Tournament Centro de Estudos Liga Ambiente

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 99


7.1 INTRODUCTION/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On 30 July 2015, the day the new Board

consolidation and massive investment in

in the structure, making it even more ro-

was elected, Liga was faced, as we all

progressively improving the Liga’s econo-

bust, efficient, competent and adjusted

know, with a very worrying financial situa-

mic/financial situation and, consequently,

to the desired reality and goals, embra-

tion. An initial diagnosis, carried out by

its members.

cing new and bold projects to satisfy our

Deloitte, confirmed that Liga was on the

Prepared for another sports season - 2018-

members and the football industry.

verge of economic and financial insolven-

19 - and aware of the management ins-

Continuing along this path and seeking


trument called a budget that we present,

complete financial stability, the budget

Confronted with this scenario, which was

we assume that the latter highlights prin-

for the 2018-19 season forecasts total re-

truly alarming, during the 2015-16 season,

ciples of maturity and stability from the

venue of €17.1 million and expenses of

the focus of activities was aimed towards

best international practices, founded in

€15.1 million, which means a positive ope-

easing these concerns and financially res-

foreseen goals and activities, with a fo-

rating profit of €1.9 million. The graph be-

tructuring Liga, through resolve and hard

cus on diverse pillars/goals and positions

low presents the evolution of the income,

work, without overlooking the primary ob-

of Liga Portugal. So, for the third conse-

expenses and respective operating profits

jective of signing sponsors to increase Li-

cutive time, under the sphere of compe-

of the last five years. Simply put, we con-

ga’s revenue.

tencies and responsibilities of this Board

sider our evolution to be consistently po-

Since that turning point, through cons-

and in relation to the 2017-18 season, Liga

sitive and for the 2018-19 season, we will

tant hard work and with clearly-defined,

will achieve a positive operational result,

present the biggest budget In the history

projected and efficiently executed goals,

in line with the activity plan and budget

of Liga Portugal.

always aligned with finding sustained sus-

presented for the period, thus highlighting

The current Board has maintained the ma-

tainability for the Liga at all levels, but par-

the tendency for the Liga’s accounts to

nagerial and operational rigor of previous

ticularly the financial level - a recognized

show clearly positive results and fulfill the

years, while also investing in and execu-

pillar of stability in all structures.

objectives of the Business Plan presented

ting new projects, providing Liga and its

With the implementation of substantive

to all Clubs in 2015.

competitions with new structures, develo-

measures, today, Liga is clearly on the

For the 2018-19 financial year the budget

ping relevant strategic activities in a sus-

right and stable track, in a sustainable fi-

proposal has been fairly balanced to al-

tainable way that considers the long term.

nancial-economic position and in the final

low Liga to continue its positive track re-

Liga’s goal continues to be to invest and

stretch of its primary objective upon the

cord. This business plan also aims to keep

create new tools of support and organi-

conclusion of this four-year period. We

boosting contributions – in compliance

zation, consistently maintaining its positive

can affirm that it is the intention of this

with this season’s operating forecast – to

results. It is worth noting that the expense

Board to, by the end of its four years in of-

Clubs, meaning a greater distribution of

increases in the budget are largely due

fice, pay off all the retained losses accu-

funds to Liga associates.

to the increased amounts distributed to

mulated over previous years, amounting

We will continue, in an accurate and pru-

Clubs, both in the form of goods and ser-

to five million euros.

dent manner, to control all Liga expenses,

vices and financially, through Liga Cup

Under these circumstances, the 2017-18

not only through the diverse internal me-

participation prizes and prior proposals

season was marked by a strong period of

chanisms of control, but also by investing

passed by the General Assembly.

102 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

Evolution of Liga Portugal’s Income, Expenses and Operating Profit (amounts in millions of euros, 2013-14 to 2018-19 seasons)

17 119

12 263

11 183

11 909

15 275

14 813

14 673 11 806

12 343

15 137 13 108

9 731

2 867

(2 -2 532) 532 Executado Executed 2013-14 2013-14

2 470

2 167

1 982

(726) -726 Executado Executed 2014-15 2014-15

Executado Executed 2015-16 2015-16



Executado Executed 2016-17 2016-17

Previsão (*) (*) Forecast 2017-18 2017-18

Orçamento Budget 2018-19 2018-19

Resultado Operacional

(*) The forecast result for the 2017-18 season is effective to the month of April 2017 and estimated to June of 2018.

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 103

Liga’s financing structure is divided into income, expenditure and distribution of funds to Clubs. In a simple schematic format, the Liga presents the following Financing model:

The operating budget proposal is available in exhaustive detail at the end of this chapter. On the other hand, the next chapters will provide a brief analysis of the projected revenues and expenses.

Therefore, the following financing structure is foreseen for the 2018-19 season:

Executed 2013 Executed 2013-14 14

Executed 2014 Executed 2014-15 15

Executed 2015 Executed 2015-16 16

Executed Executed 2016-17 2016 -17

Forecas Forecast 2017 t 2017 18 15 274 766

Budget 2018 -19 Budget 2018-19


9 730 836

11 182 623

14 672 875

14 812 822

Associative Income

3 438 769

4 016 137

4 604 351

4 796 255

4 561 673

4 239 400

Business Revenue

6 292 067

7 166 486

10 068 524

10 016 567

10 713 093

12 879 390


5 006 693

4 965 641

4 946 511

5 443 755

6 145 981

7 167 300


3 630 213

3 458 164

3 456 360

4 584 596

5 299 531

6 333 900

Bodies and Entities

1 376 480

1 507 477

1 490 151

859 160

846 450

833 400


7 256 387

6 943 155

6 859 251

6 899 092

6 961 864

7 969 720

Sports Societies

2 482 959

1 691 098

2 530 954

2 785 370

3 132 963

4 242 520


4 572 755

5 034 923

4 141 490

3 863 311

3 487 871

3 358 450

200 673

217 134

186 806

250 411

341 030

368 750

(2 532 244)

(726 173)

2 867 113

2 469 975

2 166 920

1 981 770

Officials RESULT

17 118 790

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 105

7.2 INCOME Liga’s income is subdivided into commer-

Evolution of Liga Portugal’s Income.

cial income and associative income.

(amounts in millions of euros, 2013-14 to 2018-19 seasons)

Commercial income refers to all income re-

12 879

lating to the organization and practice of professional football and its competitions,

10 069

while associated income is all income provi-

10 713

10 017

ded for in the charter, the purpose of which is to contribute to the Liga’s expenses. Compared with the previous five seasons,

7 166

6 292

there has been a continuity of both associative income and commercial income. However, for the next season, commercial

3 439

4 796

4 604

4 016

4 562

4 239

incomes are expected to reach a notable and praiseworthy increase to €12.8 million, while associative income will be maintai-

Executed Executado 2013-14 2013-14

Executed Executado 2014-15 2014-15

Executed Executado 2015-16 2015-16

Executed Executado 2016-17 2016-17

7.2.1 7.2.1 ASSOCIATIVE INCOME The amounts budgeted for player and

The following associative income distribu-

other agent registration and transfer fees,

tion is forecast for this season:

of Liga’s associative income.

Placard and Online Betting 24% rd e Apostas Online 24%

106 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

Associative Fees 2%



Quotas Associ 2%

the latter reach 24% of Liga’s associative

B Team Fees 6%

duction of the competitive framework of professional championships, there are two fewer professional teams, which negatively influences the majority of the associative

Fines and Protests 29%

Outros 1%

ture. For the next season, we predict that

Others 1%

sB Quotas Equipa 6%

wing significance within the income struc-

previous season, and as a result of the re-

Registration and Transfers 38%

on the structure, representing around 67%

card and Online Betting are taking on gro-

Rendimentos Comerciais Commercial Income

It should be noted that, in relation to the

and fines, are those that weigh most heavily

On the other hand, the revenue from Pla-

Budget Orçamento 2018-19 2018-19

Inscrições e Transferências 43%

Rendimentos Associativos Associative Income

Forecast Previsão (*) 2017-18 2017-18

revenues. tos Multas e Protes 27%

ned around €4.2 million.



Commercial income has a clear predominance on the structuring of Liga’s total income, bea-

The expenditure budget and Club distribution amounts continue to be based on four main

ring a weight of 75% in the upcoming season. A commercial revenue of €12.8 million is predic-


ted for this season.

• Clubs;

This is the fruit of hard work and the upward renegotiation of some existing contracts in 2017-

• Bodies and Entities;

18, which will take effect in 2018-19. Nevertheless, and despite current efforts, in the 2018-19

• Refereeing;

season, work will be carried out to sign new sponsors and/or partners to catapult the Liga’s

• Structure.

commercial income to the expected levels.

For the sporting season under analysis, and compared to the previous seasons, the following

The following commercial income distribution is forecast for this season:

evolution of the values of expenses and of distribution to Liga Clubs is predicted:

dm 9% an




Executed 2016-17

Forcast 2017-18

Budget 2018-19

12 263 080

11 908 796

11 805 762

12 342 847

13 107 846

15 137 020

with extremely rigorous and ambitious goals. The line of distribution of funds to Clubs shows an increase of around 35%, which is quite revealing


of the Board’s efforts in this area.

Other Sponsorships 5% Balls/Equipment 2%




NO 38 S %

Bi lh e t e i ra Fin Bo 5% al T l a as ça / Eq C TT u 2 ip a % m O en ut to ro s sP a 5% tro ci ni os Sa m s 0% un g

Ticket Sales for Taça CTT Final 5% Eurobic 4%



vi ço Es s d ta e O t í R ut 1 stic eco r % a lh 3% os a Eu ro 4% Bic

RT 0% P

Q uo 14 ta T % V

Others 3%

Executed 2015-16

structural expenses of around 19%. In the season under analysis, we implemented standout projects ve r d 19 esp % or

TV Fee 14%

Executed 2014-15

Fruit of the constant search for solutions to associate concerns, we have seen an investment in

Olivedesportos 19%

NOS 38%

Executed 2013-14

For this season, the amounts related to expenses and the distribution of funds to Clubs show, in percentage, the following distribution: Sociedades Desportivas 20% Estrutura 31%

Refereeing 22%

Clubs 28%

Bodies and Entities 6%

Data Collection Services 1%

Organismos e Entidades 11%

Structure 44%

Arbitragem 38%

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 109

7.3.1 Clubs The primary funds transferred to Clubs are

Liga also foresees the maintenance of su-

in the Regulations for B Teams will be main-

the constitution of a “fund” in the amount of

the Liga Cup prizes. Therefore, the value of

pport to Clubs in general, relative to ex-


€550,000 to counteract any future expenses

the prizes corresponds to 75% of the annual

penses incurred with anti-doping control

To achieve the objectives approved in the

with VAR or other unforeseen events that may

value of the sponsorships obtained within

operations, in the scope of professional

General Assembly of 28 December 2017 by

come up. Thus, making a general analysis of

the commercial exploitation scope of the

competitions, and expenses incurred with

the Clubs, the concept of TV fees was modi-

the direct and indirect distribution of funds to

competition. For 2018-19, a total Liga Cup

the purchase of balls for play and, in the

fied, so that in 2018-19, only Liga NOS Clubs

Clubs, and estimating an average value per

prize of €1.8 million is estimated, compared

case of Clubs participating in LEDMAN Liga-

will contribute to this fee, in accordance

Club, we obtain the following details:

to the €1.5 million distributed in 2017-18. This

Pro, this budget also covers expenses with

with their operating revenue.

In view of the previous seasons, it is

increase is due to a strong and selfless stake

stadium surveillance.

The increase in revenue will essentially

expected that the distribution of funds to Clubs

in competition, altering its paradigm and

Furthermore, in relation to the values of

be applied towards a solidarity fee in the

will follow this evolution:

making a greater financial return on the

B Team Fees to be distributed among the

amount of €300,000 to support Clubs who

contract negotiation beginning in 2018-19

LEDMAN LigaPro teams, it is foreseen for this

drop down to the LEDMAN LigaPro by the


sporting season that the amount currently

end of the sports season, and also towards

Direct Distribution

Budget 2018 -19

Average Amount per Club

Liga Cup Prizes

1 875 000

60 484

Placard Funds

3 700 000

119 355

Online Betting

2 200 000

70 968

UEFA Solidarity Fund

4 000 000

160 000

LEDMAN LigaPro Commercial Rights

219 520

12 196

B Team Fees

250 000

19 231

TV Fees Solidarity

300 000

23 077

12 544 520

465 310

TOTAL Direct Distribution

Budget 2018-19

Average Amount per Club

Stadium Surveillance Service

110 000

8 462

Anti-Doping Control

113 000

3 139

Ball Distribution

244 000

6 778




3 029 200

84 144

Assistants Officials VAR Fund/Unforeseen TOTAL

329 250 368 750 550 000 4 744 200

9 146 10 243 15 278 137 189


17 288 720

602 499

Equipment Distribution

110 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

Evolution of the Distribution of Funds to Clubs (amounts in millions of euros, 2013-14 to 2018-19 seasons)

4 243

2 531

2 483

2 785

3 133

1 691

Executed Executado 2013-14 2013-14

Executed Executado 2014-15 2014-15

Executed Executado 2015-16 2015-16

Executed Executado 2016-17 2016-17

Forecast Previsรฃo (*) 2017-18 2017-18

Budget Orรงamento 2018-19 2018-19



All established protocols and agreements will be maintained for the 2018-19 season. The entity

Expenses with refereeing constitute a considerable weight in the structure of Liga’s total expen-

with the most significant figures under this heading is the FPF, representing about 63% of the total.

diture, at approximately 22%. However, for this sports season, a slight decrease is expected,

The following breakdown shows the amounts planned to be distributed to bodies and entities

mainly due to a drop in the number of LEDMAN LigaPro matches and the continued adoption

for the next period:

of a set of new practices to streamline expenses. So, for the next season, a reduction of around 4% is planned for this category. Analyzing the expenses listed under this heading in detail, we anticipate the following:

European World Leagues Forum (WLF) 8%

it r

Ligas Europeias (EL) / World Leagues Forum (WLF) 8%

Ár b

Associação Portuguesa de Árbitros de Futebol

os -o 17 utro % s ga

National Coaches’ Association 2%

st os

Associação Nacional de Treinadores 2%

Support Bodies 1%

Fo rm aç ã o e c d o m ese pe n O v t rg i ç ol v ão õe im s s e n 1% ap to oi de o

Referees Other Expenses 17% Players Union 27%

it r

Referees Game Prizes 69%

Assistants 10%

sp 69 rém % i og

os j o

Training and Development of Competitions 3%

O bs er v 10 ad % or

Federação Portuguesa de Futebol


Federação Portuguesa de Futebol 63%

Ár b

Sindicato de Jogadores 27%


| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 113

7.3.4 STRUCTURE It should be noted that, since the beginning of this Board’s mandate, the stake in investing in

Thus, at a structural level, the Liga plans the following distribution of expenses:

specialty areas was, and still is, a clear and factual priority. To this end, this budget highlights the recruiting of specialists in the search for improving Liga competitions, giving continuity to the assimilation of a set of skills needed to meet the strategic goals outlined for this season,

Encargos comuns Common Expenses6%

constantly seeking out the improvement of associate services and the satisfaction of sponsor


and partner needs. Accordingly, the decisions made by the Board over time have outlined and planned for an internal reorganization of services, representing a clear convergence of the execution of the manifested and demanded need to reformulate the football industry. The aforementioned reorganization is in fact already at an advanced stage and has brought about enormous success. Clearly, in terms of human resources, this investment has imbued the Liga with greater and better capacities and professional abilities to provide a broader range of quality services to its

Depreciation 1%

Depreciações 1%

Orgãos Sociais 1% Board Members


Departamento de Apoio Executiva of Support à Direção Department for8% the Executive Board


Events Eventos 9% 9%

Marketing and Sponsorships e Patrocínios Marketing 19%

Officials Delegados 5% 5%

associates. It is not excessive to state that hiring young interns was a successful bet, given that they were given the opportunity to receive training and demonstrate their quality, allowing for a professional regeneration of the organization.

Serviços Disciplinares Disciplinary 4%

Services 4%


Legal and

Serviços Jurídicos e de Registration Registo Services 13%

Communication 6%


Competitions Competições 10% 10%

e Administrativo Administrative Financeiro and Financial TecnologiaTechnology 9% 9%


It should also be noted that, with regards to spending on Liga’s structure, and within the disciplinary field, Liga is investing in the Instructor`s Committee based on a projected increase in the number of instructors for 2018-19. This investment clearly seeks to increase the quality of services provided to its members, particularly by increasing the speed of with which disciplinary procedures are resolved.

114 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

7.4 OPERATIONAL RESULT AND FINAL COMMENTS The expected result for the 2018-19 season amounts to €1.9 million, thus continuing to reflect a

In light of the given clarification and the

clear positive results balance, allowing for the latter to become consecutively more stable, to

fact that the development of the econo-

the complete satisfaction of Liga associates.

mic and financial conditions is very positive,

This evolution is detailed in the following table:

it is proposed that this budget be approved so that Liga’s services can implement it ac-

Executed 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Forecast 2017-18

Budget 2018-19


9 730 836

11 182 623

14 672 875

14 812 822

15 274 766

17 118 790


12 263 080

11 908 796

11 805 762

12 342 847

13 107 846

15 137 020


(2 532 244)

(726 173)

2 867 113

2 469 975

2 166 920

1 981 770


The presented budget proposal is fairly balanced to give continuation to the positive results and increase the distribution of funds to Clubs. The most important factors in this budget proposal are: • An increase in income by 12%. Note that this budgeting is conservative, so the amounts may increase depending on the development of some commercial processes currently being carried out; • An increase in the distribution of funds to Clubs of around 35%, due to the renegotiation of Liga Cup contracts and also the aforementioned measures regarding unforeseen events, as well as the financial “trench” that exists between Liga NOS and LEDMAN LigaPro. • Maintenance of expenses with Bodies and Other Entities. As is easily seen, this investment represents clear growth, but also allows for the continuing affirmation of Liga Portugal’s strong brand and the solidification and growth of the competitions and the increasing impact of their visibility. In compliance with the Business Plan presented by this Board at the beginning of the four-year period, with a first year totally dedicated to the Liga’s economic and financial sustainability, the 2016-17 season proved to be a period of consolidation and financial stability. Thus, the 2017-18 season presents itself as a period of development and implementation of new projects, continuing the structural reorganization and rationalization of costs, with investment in resources and projects that benefit the organization of Professional Football and, directly, all its associates. Therefore, in the 2018-19 season, we seek to reach maturity, with a sustainable Liga that has a fully healthy financial situation, hoping that this leads to the creation of even greater value for the professional competitions and for all Clubs.

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 117

7.5 OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY CHART OPERATING BUDGET 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.1.9 2.1.10 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.4.8 2.4.9 2.4.10 2.4.11 2.4.12 2.4.13 2.4.14 2.5 3

INCOME Associative Income Business Revenue TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Club Liga Cup - Prizes Liga Cup - Operational Expenses Stadium Surveillance Service Official Ticketing Anti-Doping Control Ball Distribution B Team Fees Distribution of Commercial Rights TV Fees Solidarity/Fund Total (1) Bodies and Entities Portuguese Football Federation Players' Union National Coaches’ Association European Leagues / World Leagues Forum (WLF) Portuguese Association of Football Referees Total (2) Refereeing Referees - Game Prizes Referees - Other Expenses Referees - Equipment Support Bodies Competition Formation and Development Assistants Total (3) Structure Board Members Department of Support for the Executive Board Marketing and Sponsorships Communication Administrative and Financial Technology Competitions Legal and Registration Services Disciplinary Services Officials Events Depreciation Common Expenses Total (4) TOTAL EXPENDITURE (1+2+3+4) OPERATIONAL RESULT

118 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

Executed 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executado 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Forecast 2017-18

Budget 2018-19

3 438 769 6 292 067 9 730 836

4 016 137 7 166 486 11 182 623

4 604 351 10 068 524 14 672 875

4 796 255 10 016 567 14 812 822

4 561 673 10 713 093 15 274 766

4 239 400 12 879 390 17 118 790

677 664 301 544 142 086 54 788 108 048 472 829 250 000 476 000 2 482 959

113 822 393 941 165 011 53 407 106 832 558 085 300 000 1 691 098

756 006 432 133 155 618 38 454 100 923 524 121 449 999 73 700 2 530 954

1 522 212 488 733 115 411 39 710 108 175 5 031 250 000 256 098 2 785 370

1 500 000 646 514 112 062 32 680 113 000 247 000 250 000 231 707 3 132 963

1 875 000 550 000 110 000 31 000 113 000 244 000 250 000 219 520 850 000 4 242 520

1 116 915 168 787 19 000 54 978 16 800 1 376 480

1 222 160 181 659 14 400 55 658 33 600 1 507 477

1 222 138 196 761 14 400 56 853 1 490 151

537 354 241 356 14 400 66 050 859 160

530 000 239 000 14 400 63 050 846 450

522 000 228 000 14 400 69 000 833 400

2 905 426 675 119 200 444 199 815 249 872 342 080 4 572 755

3 286 811 789 987 270 975 123 041 183 262 380 848 5 034 923

2 798 859 651 114 175 579 51 078 87 791 377 069 4 141 490

2 565 034 741 284 62 424 51 684 65 496 377 389 3 863 311

2 360 870 571 550 100 000 49 000 57 732 348 719 3 487 871

2 310 210 564 300 54 000 100 690 329 250 3 358 450

142 324 375 793 374 828 20 451 271 951 272 206 388 629 411 512 53 650 200 673 42 396 118 160 1 158 315 3 830 886 12 263 080 (2 532 244)

225 470 201 168 247 307 44 465 285 405 227 567 435 138 461 725 59 790 217 134 53 379 111 688 1 105 063 3 675 297 11 908 796 (726 173)

194 281 558 404 518 492 95 073 400 300 245 300 438 026 342 236 59 521 186 806 115 051 68 116 421 559 3 643 166 11 805 762 2 867 113

37 397 546 124 592 892 119 155 303 478 521 570 544 867 659 892 195 035 250 411 178 069 81 894 804 223 4 835 007 12 342 847 2 469 975

60 260 513 651 643 154 271 737 500 898 613 566 572 026 674 735 263 701 341 030 621 275 90 000 474 528 5 640 561 13 107 846 2 166 920

68 000 540 080 1 284 820 392 990 584 360 582 550 653 830 857 870 299 260 368 750 572 580 95 000 402 560 6 702 650 15 137 020 1 981 770


INCOME Associative Associative Fees Identification Cards Fines and Protests Registrations and Transfers B Team Fees Placard Online Betting Capitólio Rent Interest Earned Commercials Guerin NOS Electronic Arts/Konami LEDMAN Lacatoni NIKE Olivedesportos RTP Samsung TV Fees Certificates/Copies Inspections Official Ticketing Ticket Sales for CTT Cup Final Sabseg Banco BIC Data Collection Services Other Sponsorships Postgraduate Courses Other Income TOTAL INCOME


Liga Cup


Liga NOS


Liga Cup



2 745 300 64 650 12 250 1 005 000 1 145 000 322 500 187 500 7 200 1 200 7 835 815 101 160 4 830 000 25 000 122 000 1 773 440 150 5 300 23 000 15 000 500 000 95 000 300 000 45 765 10 581 115

1 424 100 23 350 7 350 145 000 480 000 250 000 322 500 187 500 7 200 1 200 1 897 075 101 160 1 200 000 122 000 150 3 000 15 000 15 000 95 000 300 000 45 765 3 321 175

70 000 70 000 3 146 500 10 000 2 500 000 4 000 632 500 3 216 500

4 239 400 88 000 19 600 1 220 000 1 625 000 250 000 645 000 375 000 14 400 2 400 12 879 390 202 320 4 830 000 25 000 1 200 000 10 000 244 000 2 500 000 1 773 440 300 8 300 42 000 632 500 30 000 500 000 190 000 600 000 91 530 17 118 790


488 000

1 325 520

2 429 000

4 242 520

Liga Cup - Prizes



1 875 000

1 875 000

Liga Cup - Operational Expenses



550 000

550 000

Stadium Surveillance Service


110 000


110 000

Official Ticketing

16 000

11 000

4 000

31 000

Anti-Doping Control

75 000

38 000


113 000

Ball Distribution

122 000

122 000


244 000

B Team Fees


250 000


250 000

Distribution of Commercial Rights


219 520


219 520

TV Fees Solidarity/Fund

275 000

575 000


850 000

Bodies and Entities

620 856

210 544

2 000

833 400

Portuguese Football Federation

390 442

131 558


522 000

Players' Union

166 938

59 062

2 000

228 000

National Coaches’ Association

10 960

3 440


14 400

European Leagues/World Leagues Forum(WLF)

52 516

16 484


69 000

Portuguese Association of Football Referees






1 807 784

1 285 381

265 285

3 358 450

Referees - Game Prizes

1 272 960

856 800

180 450

2 310 210

271 690

251 690

40 920

564 300





33 377

10 476

10 146

54 000 100 690

Referees - Other Expenses Referees - Equipment Support Bodies Training and Development of Competitions

62 236

19 535

18 919


167 520

146 880

14 850

329 250


4 689 547

1 591 668

421 435

6 702 650

Board Members

51 755

16 245


68 000

Department of Support for the Executive Board

411 058

129 022


540 080

Marketing and Sponsorships

773 651

283 908

227 261

1 284 820


299 107

93 883


392 990

Administrative and Financial

444 760

139 600


584 360


427 140

151 370

4 040

582 550


390 396

154 244

109 190

653 830

Legal and Registration Services

652 930

204 940


857 870

Disciplinary Services

227 769

71 491


299 260


221 555

107 119

40 077

368 750


410 731

120 983

40 867

572 580

72 305

22 695


95 000

306 391

96 169


402 560

Depreciation Common Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES

7 606 188

4 413 113

3 117 720

15 137 020


2 974 927

(1 091 938)

98 780

1 981 770

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 119


Amount €

Associative Income

4 239 400

Commercial Revenue

18 000 000 €

12 879 390



Amount €

With Clubs

4 242 520

With Bodies and Entities

833 400

Amount €


Associative Income

2 745 300

With Clubs

Commercial Revenue

7 835 815

With Bodies and Entities

Amount €

488 000 620 856

Refereeing Expenses

3 358 450

Refereeing Expenses

1 807 784

Structural Expenses

6 702 650

Structural Expenses

4 689 547

12 000 000 €

17 118 790 €

16 000 000 €


10 581 115 €

15 137 020 €

10 000 000 €

14 000 000 € 7 606 188 €

8 000 000 €

12 000 000 € 10 000 000 €

6 000 000 € 8 000 000 € 4 000 000 €

6 000 000 € 4 000 000 €

2 000 000 € 2 000 000 € 0€










Amount €


Amount €

Total Annual Income

17 118 790

Total Annual Income

10 581 115

Total Annual Expenses

15 137 020

Total Annual Expenses

7 606 188


120 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

1 981 770


2 974 927


Amount €


Associative Income

1 424 100

With Clubs

Commercial Revenue

1 897 075

With Bodies and Entities


Amount €

1 325 520 210 544

Associative Income

70 000

Commercial Revenue

3 146 500


Amount €

With Clubs

2 429 000

With Bodies and Entities

2 000

Refereeing Expenses

1 285 381

Refereeing Expenses

265 285

Structural Expenses

1 591 668

Structural Expenses

421 435

3 500 000 €

5 000 000 € 4 413 113 €

4 500 000 €

Amount €

3 216 500 €

3 117 720 €

3 000 000 €

4 000 000 € 3 500 000 €

2 500 000 €

3 321 175 €

3 000 000 €

2 000 000 €

2 500 000 €

1 500 000 €

2 000 000 € 1 500 000 €

1 000 000 €

1 000 000 €

500 000 €

500 000 € 0€









Amount €



Amount €

Total Annual Income

3 321 175

Total Annual Income

3 216 500

Total Annual Expenses

4 413 113

Total Annual Expenses

3 117 720


(1 091 938)


98 780

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 121


The analysis of a cash-flow plan for the next

Furthermore, following the Tax Authority’s

ded and in accordance with AT. Due to the

For the next sports season, there is a fore-

sporting season should be done from the pers-

(AT) inspection of the Liga regarding the

financial restructuring carried out over the

seen increase in income by 5% in the face

pective of the critical cash-flow situation afflic-

2013-2017 period due to requests of sales

last three seasons and the celebration of

of the foreseen activity and a 7% increase

ting Liga when the current Board of Directors

tax reimbursement, AT maintained the same

various restructures, payment agreements

in payments. With these variations, an accu-

took over, when it had a deficit of €2 million.

position regarding the sales tax-exempt

and with demanding management, we

mulated cash-flow result of around €492,000

The last three sporting seasons were dedica-

status of the Liga. So, and after exhaustive

were able to comply with all commitments

is expected.

ted to the financial restructuring of the Liga,

internal deliberation, without ever, in our

generate liquidity for Liga activities and, fi-

through rigorous work and debt renegotia-

view, doubting the robustness of our existing

nally, it is estimated that by the end of 2017-

tion, and calling upon the involvement of all

and open processes with AT, Liga decided

18, Liga will be able to invert its cash-flow

partners to make this recovery feasible. We

to prudently avoid future contingencies

deficit, reaching a net positive result and

recall that, since 2015,

and alter its criteria after the start of the

bringing Liga onto a clear path of positive

Fundamental agreements have been rea-

next season, that is, paying IVA when nee-

cash-flow results.

ched regarding Liga’s financial sustainability, namely with the: • Portuguese Football Federation, whose

Cash-Flow Evolution

debt amounted to €2.6 million,

(amounts in millions of euros, 2014-15 to 2018-19 seasons)

reaching a payment agreement of 48 monthly installments, which means that by the end of the mandate, 75% of the debt will be paid off; • Professional Football Players’ Union, whose debt was over €600,000, also with whom 48 monthly repayment installments were negotiated; • Escrow Account, whose debt amounted at €850,000, and it is expected that by July 2018 it will be fully regularized. It is also important to highlight the Liga’s adherence to the Special Plan for the Reduction of State Debt (PERES), approved by Decree-Law no. 67/2016 of 3 November, in the form of 36 installments, including all existing tax foreclosure processes in the plan. Adhering to the Plan provided Liga with a significant economic benefit, with a reduction of default interest,


Starting Point





compensatory interest and procedural costs,



15 028

23 344

26 760

28 170



14 435

23 014

26 094

28 042

Cash-Flow for the Period






(2 054)

(1 342)




totaling €519,000, which will have an impact on future economic results.

124 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |

Acumulated Results

The cash-flow plan for the 2018-19 season, therefore, forecasts consolidation and investment in the ongoing improvement of Liga’s financial situation, which will allow us to achieve positive accumulated results for the first time ever. The cash-flow plan that the Liga Board proposes for this season is as follows:

HEADINGS RECEIVABLES FROM: Clubs Sponsors NOS Ledman Samsung Closed Channels Open Channels Other Sponsors Sagres EuroBic New Sponsors Electronic Arts Konami Digital Entertainment Data Collection Services Other Receivables Placard Online Betting B Team Fees UEFA Solidarity Fund Postgraduate Courses Final Ticket Sales for the Liga Cup Estado Other Receivables TOTAL RECEIVABLES PAYMENTS TO: Service Providers Refereeing and Officials F.P.F. (Protocol) F.P.F. (Agreement) F.P.F. (Registrations) SJFP SJFP (Agreement) Staff State European Leagues / World Leagues Forum (WLF) Liga Cup Placard Online Betting B Team Fees Distribution of Commercial Rights UEFA Solidarity Fund Postgraduate Courses Other Payments TOTAL RECEIVABLES Net Cash-Flow for the Period Availabilities: Start Balance for the Period Ending Balance for the Period Payments Made: Pledged Current Account NET CASH-FLOW FOR THE PERIOD ACCUMULATED CASH-FLOW

Starting Point

(2 053 758) (2 053 758)

Executed 2015-16

Execution 2016-17

Forecast 2017-18

Budget 2018-19

4 766 471

4 221 909

4 286 970

5 580 000

4 600 000 500 000 399 750 1 426 800 1 230 000 246 000 24 000 -

4 600 000 1 200 000 504 936 1 537 500 686 000 -

4 600 000 1 200 000 467 340 1 599 000 588 000 209 100 369 000 88 000

4 830 000 1 200 000 3 075 000 36 900 615 000 600 000 10 000 15 000 190 000

1 670 207 159 984 4 305 15 027 516

4 234 212 1 452 941 250 000 4 119 950 120 314 169 717 13 721 232 763 23 343 963

4 345 127 3 307 786 250 000 4 207 406 189 356 399 085 525 106 128 249 26 759 525

4 300 000 2 500 000 307 500 4 000 000 112 600 778 000 20 000 28 170 000

4 044 325 3 640 721 366 667 629 459 47 447 755 474 1 555 329 27 300 1 178 386 1 245 237 75 000 869 960 14 435 307 592 209

3 348 710 3 108 537 400 000 713 978 133 371 232 885 149 068 990 086 2 084 320 96 036 1 992 444 3 652 310 1 227 351 250 000 300 000 3 991 202 47 001 296 955 23 014 254 329 709

4 209 669 2 866 151 400 000 659 056 121 874 250 579 136 740 1 221 393 2 570 722 61 566 1 845 000 3 686 690 2 737 151 250 000 300 000 4 064 709 107 000 605 649 26 093 948 665 577

4 900 000 3 270 000 400 000 659 100 122 000 274 000 136 800 1 550 000 2 900 000 69 000 2 307 000 3 700 000 2 200 000 308 000 275 000 4 300 000 61 000 610 000 28 041 900 128 100

1 012 837 1 605 046

1 605 046 1 934 756

1 934 756 2 600 333

2 600 333 2 728 433

120 000 592 209 (1 341 549)

240 000 329 709 (771 840)

240 000 665 577 133 738

230 000 128 100 491 838

| 2018 -19 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 125



The Statutes of Liga Portugal and its Regu-

Liga Portugal’s services are open weekdays



lations are available for consultation in full

from 9am to 7pm.



on the Liga Portugal website: www.ligapor-


A: Rua da Constituição,



• Statutes of Liga Portugal;

nº 2555 - 4250-173 PORTO



• General Regulations;

T: 22 834 87 40


• Competition Regulations;

F: 22 834 87 56

• Refereeing Regulations;

GPS: 41° 9’ 53.315” N 8° 37’ 41.219” W


• Disciplinary Regulations;




A: Rua Castilho,

126 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2018 -19 SEASON |


n.º 13 D, 6º A - 1250-066 LISBOA



GPS: 38° 43’ 16.176” N 9° 9’ 0.547” W



Rua da Constituição 2555 4250-173 PORTO

T: +351 228 348 740

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