My practice combines world-class orthopaedic care in a warm and welcoming environment where every patient is treated with respect, the way I would want my family to be cared for. From the rst phone call, you will nd my team 100 percent engaged in addressing your needs.
I care for people in their 80s and 90s who refuse to relinquish their independence and opt for surgery to regain an active lifestyle. I also treat patients in their 20s and 30s who desire an improved quality of life and want to feel “normal” again.
My emphasis on preempting and preventing pain after surgery has been a game changer. Patients walk the day of surgery and the vast majority of my patients go straight home the afternoon of their hip or knee replacement surgery. This requires coordinated pre-operative planning and detailed communication between my staff and the patient.
The Leone Center for Orthopedic Care at Holy Cross Health 954-489-4575 | leonecenter@holy-cross.com 1000 NE 56th Street | Fort Lauderdale holycrossleonecenter.com
“After having 3 joint replacements by Dr. Leone, 2 knees and most recently my right hip, I just returned to playing club tennis and feel amazing.”
— Jennifer, hip and knee replacement patient, January 2024
“With my 32 years of experience at Stryker, I know orthopedic surgeons from all over the world and Dr. Leone was the only one who I considered for my surgery. I walked out of the hospital 4 hours post-op and feel better than I have in the last 10 years.”
— Frank, SPAIRE total hip replacement patient, January 2024
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Expand Knowledge
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Social Interaction
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Fun & Enjoyment
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Discover potential interests and passions in a variety of subjects.
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Build Confidence
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The Annual Pompano Beach Fine Food & Wine Celebration at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa promises to be a night to delight the senses. With a plethora of participating restaurants, including some favorites like Cafe Maxx, And Fish, The Foundry and more, guests can expect to indulge in food and wine.
How about some Spanish whites for a change? The best part — they won’t break the bank.
The Pompano Beach Historical Society turns 50. Learn about the organization’s efforts to preserve the history of Pompano Beach.
ESP offers summer fun programs for ages 5-12 Space is limited
Are you looking for a great summer camp for your children?
Do you want your kids to have good unplugged old fashioned fun?
12 Creatively Speaking
It’s the little things and a whole lot of ice cream.
Go on Action packed Field Trips? (LIMTED SPACE)
14 Pompano Picks
Pompano is happening. There’s plenty of ways to have fun in April including The Annual Pompano Beach Seafood Festival, plus plenty of performances, art classes and more.
Do your kids like having fun in the sun?
Weekly themed activities including field trips, “Top chef culinary class”, Lego building contests, Color war, Bounce house & more...
Summer fun... All that’s missing is You!!
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20 Pompano Peeps
Check out some smiling faces out and about, including snapshots from the annual Plants and People day and more.
26 Personal Development
Local martial arts guru, Craig Haley, has plenty of tips for success. This month —it’s all about how you make people feel.
28 It Dawned on Me
From chalk dust to house dust — Dawne Richards shares insights on starting a new professional chapter.
30 Creatively Cooking
Easy and packed with flavor: Sunday sheet-pan scarpariello.
50 Local Flavor
When the mood to dine out strikes, check out our comprehensive list of restaurants. Whether it’s a burger or a lobster — we’ve got you covered.
56 Staff Pick
A new department where we bring you our favorite places, events, foods and more. This month, there’s a sandwich that is so good it’s bananas. No, it’s not a banana sandwich.
From the moment my dad discovered Hoffman’s chocolate, he was hooked. You could say he was part of a long line of men with a sweet tooth. My grandfather, for instance, always kept multiple boxes of candy hidden around the house, and his ice cream freezer — a dedicated vessel for the sole purpose of storing ice cream — was the stuff of family legend.
When my parents retired to West Palm Beach in the mid-1990s, trips to the flagship Hoffman store on Lake Worth Road became a cherished family tradition, especially with the grandkids, now all grown into their twenties and thirties. They adored the lights and joyful atmosphere of Hoffman’s during the holidays. Plus, there was candy involved.
When I settled in Lighthouse Point and started a family of my own, my parents rarely showed up without two boxes of Hoffman’s chocolate-covered pretzels — one for each of my children.
The other night, my husband and I joined my sister, brother-in-law, son, and his girlfriend for a delightful dinner in Boca Raton. As our meal drew to a close and we contemplated dessert, we remembered that a Hoffman’s store was just steps away from the restaurant. The decision was obvious. We treated ourselves to a quart of their Stellar Coffee ice cream, a small box of chocolates and enjoyed dessert at home. This Boca location carries sentimental value for my family; it was where my father first discovered his favorite ice cream flavor — Stellar Coffee, an indulgent blend of creamy coffee ice cream intermingled with a variety of chocolates that truly rises to the level of stellar. Moreover, after my parents relocated to the Forum in Deerfield Beach, the Boca location became their preferred go-to spot for all things Hoffman’s.
Both of my parents have since passed away. And as we finished dinner, I joked that rather than visiting the cemetery to feel close to them, I opt for indulging in some stellar coffee and chocolate-covered pretzels at Hoffman’s.
But the truth is, it’s more than just a joke. Stepping into the store envelops me in a flood of memories, from the sight of my parents arriving for Sunday dinner with that iconic blue and brown box of chocolates to the sound of my young children clamoring for chocolate-covered pretzels before dinner. I can vividly picture scenes of my nieces and nephews piling into my parents’ car after dinner for a quick trip to Hoffman’s.
My parents were lovers of all things South Florida, and certain places will always evoke memories of them. Sometimes, it feels as though my mind is overflowing with cherished moments. While my parents weren’t avid travelers and didn’t engage in grand escapades, they imparted the wisdom that life’s greatest joys often reside in the simplest of family pleasures — like sharing a quart of everyone’s favorite ice cream. Y
ADVENTURE AWAITS AT THIS YEAR’S SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM! Offering a variety of fun activities and field trips galore, kids entering grades 1 -8 are sure to make the most of their summer with Pompano Beach Parks and Rec.
Teens are invited to join in on the fun too- by applying to become a Counselor in Training to earn volunteer hours for school.
WHEN: Friday, April 19 – Sunday, April 21, see hours below
WHERE: Pompano Community Park, 1801 NE Sixth Street, Pompano Beach
COST: $20/weekend pass, $15/Friday night, free/kids 12 and under
DETAILS: There is plenty more than seafood at the seafood festival. While you will find just about every type of seafood you can imagine, there is plenty of
good ole American food as well. Plus, the festival has more than 100 vendor booths with everything from arts and crafts to clothing, to gifts, to kid’s items and more. It is an interesting and eclectic mix of products and local businesses.
Bring a lawn char and sit and relax in the grass areas near the stages while you enjoy the live music. The event features two stages that will host our 23 bands playing over the weekend.
While there is free parking available, event organizers encourage ride shares and carpool. There is a convenient drop off point near the entrance at the corner of 18th Ave. and Sixth Street adjacent to the Pompano Civic Center.
The Seafood Festival is a not-for-profit corporation. Revenues benefit a wide variety of charities and civic organizations. This is a largely volunteer driven event. Groups like Pompano Beach High School, the Boy Scouts, Blanche Ely High School, Pompano Proud and civic groups like the Greater Pompano Beach Chamber of Commerce, Wahoo Bay, Women in Financial Services, Kiwanis, Rotary, Soroptimist, and others participate as volunteers and benefit from the profits.
For more information, visit pompanobeachseafoodfestival.com Hours: Friday, 5 – 10pm; Saturday, 11am – 10pm; Sunday, 11am – 7pm
The 2023 Pompano Beach Seafood Festival Jeff Graves for Pompano! magazine
WHEN: Saturday, April 6 and 20 | 9am - 2pm
WHERE: Pompano Beach Cultural Center, 50 W. Atlantic Blvd., Pompano Beach
COST: Free to attend
DETAILS: The Green Market Pompano Beach is presented by the Pompano Beach Historical Society in partnership with the City of Pompano Beach. April is the last month the market is open for the season, so don’t miss out. Plan to find fresh fruits and vegetables, juices, baked goods, local honey, and other food items, as well as orchids, plants, and health-related products and services. Visitors will also find hand-made crafts, art and culinary products at the market. Each Green Market date will have a different theme, creating unique and exciting experience every time you visit!
WHEN: Saturday, April 13 | 10am – 2pm
WHERE: Pompano Beach Community Park, 1660 NE 10th St., Pompano Beach
COST: Free
DETAILS: Children of all ages will be able to explore a variety of vehicles. Among the vehicles on display will be a fire engine, sanitation truck, dump truck, police car and more!
With support from the Autism Society of Florida, the first hour of the event will open with an emphasis for families that have special consideration for sound levels and flashing lights. This sensory friendly hour will be from 10am to 11am without any sirens, horns, music or lights. The event will continue on at 11am with a DJ, access to honking the horns, turning on sirens and the flashing lights. The Zensory Zone Van will also be on-site with experienced staff. This van will provide a lower lighting atmosphere through a variety of sensory products like fidget tubes, tactile books, stress balls and more. Noise reduction headphones will be available for any individual who may need additional relief.
WHEN: Starts on Saturday, April 6 | 9am
WHERE: Charlotte Burrie Community Center, 2669 N. Federal Highway, Pompano Beach
COST: Free to attend
DETAILS: Get ready for an outdoor flea market near you. If you want to become a vendor, purchase two parking spots on Eventbrite for $25 and then call 954-7865566 to reserve your spots.
WHEN: Friday, April 5 | 6 – 10pm
WHERE: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA), 41 NE First St., Pompano Beach
COST: Free to attend
DETAILS: Head to Old Town Pompano for a fun-filled Friday night. Patrons will enjoy live music from local bands and a DJ, art gallery openings at the Bailey Contemporary Arts Center, craft beer, food trucks, and craft vendors selling unique and artistic merchandise. This event, which takes place on the first Friday of each month, is free for all ages. The fun takes place in the heart of downtown Pompano Beach, at the intersection of NE First Street and N Flagler Avenue.
WHEN: Friday, April 5 | 7 – 10pm
WHERE: Emma Lou Olson Civic Center, 1801 NE Sixth St., Pompano Beach
COST: $7
DETAILS: Teens will embark on a heart-pounding adventure with “Jurassic Park,” (1993, PG-13) where they are transported to a world of awe-inspiring dinosaurs, adrenaline-pumping action, and unforgettable thrills that will keep them on the edge of their seat from start to finish. The $7 price includes pizza and drinks. For more information call 954-786-4111.
WHEN: Saturday, April 6 | 2 – 5pm
WHERE: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA), 41 NE First St., Pompano Beach
COST: $30
DETAILS: Drawing Human Anatomy is a monthly three-hour workshop series taught by 2022-2023 Artist in Residence(AiR) Leonardo Montoya. The class will help explore every aspect of drawing the human form, while understanding the harmony and mechanics of movement and expression. It is recommended to take various workshops to enhance the technique aspects of each lesson, though students have the option to take workshops independently, as each session is designed to work autonomously reviewing basic elements of drawing human anatomy.
WHEN: April 12 - May 25
WHERE: Pompano Beach Cultural Center, 50 W. Atlantic Blvd., Pompano Beach
COST: Free
WHEN: Saturday, April 6 | 10am – 1pm
WHERE: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA), 41 NE First St., Pompano Beach
COST: $25
DETAILS: Head to BaCA the Saturday of every month for Intro to Painting. This class is a monthly workshop series that explores the history, terminology and practice of various color theories and techniques using watercolor and acrylics. Learn the properties of color including hue, saturation, and value; composition of palettes, and the use of mediums to alter the chemistry and texture of paint. While it is recommended to take various workshops, students have the option to take sessions independently as each workshop is designed to work autonomously.
WHEN: Saturday, April 13 | 1 – 3pm
WHERE: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA), 41 NE First St., Pompano Beach
COST: $25
DETAILS: BaCA Artist in Residence Renee Rey will be holding a two-hour creative arts session that focuses on students investigating symbols and narratives around an environment: interior, exterior, personal, political, socially responsible, or other. Students will be encouraged to use different drawing, painting, and collage materials and collaborate with another student.
DETAILS: “The Spirit of This Place” Exhibition, captures the soul of nature as seen through the eyes of internationally collected, award-winning conservation photographer Phoenix. Called a “legendary photographer” by art gallery curators and “intrepid” by collectors, her works are known for capturing the intersection of art and healing, transporting viewers to a place of peace and meditation.
Phoenix’ photographic images reflect her devotion to protecting the natural environment, sense of oneness with the light and soul of the land and its inhabitants and a reverence for wild places. The exhibition showcases works taken during her two artist residencies — Ireland and Great Smoky Mountains National Park — as well as from her Sacred Trees, Landscape, Winged Life, Venice, and National Parks Collections, including the Everglades. For Phoenix, the extraordinary beauty of nature and wilderness are a wonder. Attempting to fix them in time is her passion; photography is her art. Known for her painterly approach to composition, light, color and texture, she is an internationally collected, award-winning conservation photographer whose works are in more than 90 private and corporate collections worldwide.
Sample-McDougald House
The Atrium, Boca Raton
Irecently read hr fantastic book “Unreasonable Hospitality.” It is the story of the iconic restaurant
Eleven Madison Park in New York City. The book chronicles the owner’s vision to create a four-star restaurant that is the highlight of their customers’ days.
The author, Will Guidara, said, “People will forget what you do; they’ll forget what you said. But they’ll never forget how you made them feel.”
Throughout Eleven Madison Park’s journey to the top, they focused on how the customers felt and obsessed over creating a memorable experience. The book has valuable insights that one can apply to their business and personal relationships.
Your energy should influence the people you are conversing with, not the other way around. A thermometer measures the temperature, a thermostat sets the temperature. If you want the house to be a comfortable 70 degrees, you must set the thermostat to 70.
It is vital to intentionally spread a positive energy to everyone you interact with. Don’t simply react to others, instead be proactive and set the tone of a conversation. By doing so, you’ll create a more welcoming and harmonious environment.
If an employee is late, instead of jumping on them for tardiness, ask if everything is OK? People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Research has shown that employees are motivated more by positive feedback than money. Appreciate and acknowledge an individual’s achievements publicly, making them feel valued and respected. On the other hand, if there’s a need to correct or criticize conduct, handle it privately, addressing the behavior rather than the person.
Guidara said that you cannot be involved in a business that focuses on making people happy if you don’t care what they think. You must ask and be genuinely interested in their thoughts and opinions.
Taking notes shows that you care and want to ensure you fully understand their point of view.
Be mindful of your language when talking to others about their
thoughts. You should be encouraging, courteous, and very interested in their opinions. This is a very proactive approach to building loyalty with your staff and customers.
When someone comes to you with an idea, listen very closely. The way you handle that interaction will determine how they choose to contribute in the future.
Guidara says that excellence is getting as many details right as possible. No one is perfect, and we can’t expect perfection all the time, but we can strive for perfection.
The principle of kaizen in martial arts stands for continuous and never-ending improvement. It simply means striving to do everything a little bit better every time. Guidara says to think of riding a bike. If you break down every aspect of it and improve each by just 1%, the collective increase will be significant.
When the founder of mashable.com, Pete Cashmore, was asked if he set a goal to own a business that generates $16 million per year, he said, no way. He simply focused on being better every day than he was the day before. His focus on consistent growth and improvement led him to extreme success!
We all have one thing in common. We need other people to succeed in life. When we can sharpen and improve our people skills, we are getting on the fast track to success, growth, and happiness. Y
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For the uninformed, I recently began my real estate career. While I knew many Floridians are realtors, the sheer number is breathtaking. In fact, two of my best friends are realtors. Both are incredibly professional, highly skilled, and very experienced.
Anyway. Did I digress? Not by my (low) standards!
Anyway, let’s finally get to the point — Florida real estate. Surely you know at least 10 realtors. (There’s some pesky math again.) And – did you know that something like 90 percent (90%!) of them leave the field in the first five years?
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there were about 12,500 Broward County Public School teachers during the 2022-2023 school year.
Why does this matter? Guess how many Broward County realtors there are right now?
I found out that there are about 15,600 realtors in Broward County, which is more than t he number of teachers. Where am I going with this? I had a point when I started this piece but…
Right! Math is what I planned to discuss.
Kidding, but I did teach high school math decades ago, in between corporate America stints.
You may be asking why I chose a career with a 10% success rate. To which I respond, “Why is the sky blue? Where do babies come from?” and other unanswerable questions. Did I choose it because (remember those best friends?) it looked easy? Heck no! Did I choose it because it looked glamorous (again, see: best friends)? Again, heck no!
I chose it because (a) I love a challenge and (b) I hate people.
Wait what? I actually love people; I find everyone endlessly fascinating. If you pay attention, you learn that nearly all of us have some fascinating stories and have experienced some pretty crazy stuff.
If you’ve lived a totally uneventful life where everything went along as planned, please stop reading immediately. I’m not here for that kind of negativity.
How does this tie into real estate? Because real estate is not about houses. Or condos. Or any other physical structure. It’s about people, their hopes, their dreams, and their aspirations. One of my favorite things to do is interview people, and if I do say so myself, I’m pretty darn good at it. Several years ago, I interviewed a famous musician. At the end, he said, “You know, I’ve done a lot of interviews in my life, but you asked such interesting questions – questions that no one has ever asked me!”
WOW. That was definitely one of my finer moments. He then asked if my husband and I could please come meet the band before the show because he wanted to meet me in person. OMG!
Anyway – this is me encouraging you to always be curious about folks. I bet you’ll be fascinated, and surprised. Y
Experience the ease of a one-pan Sunday meal with this mouthwatering chicken dinner. Brimming with layers of flavors, this dish can transform a cozy night at home into a culinary celebration. Whether you’re seeking a homey meal or planning to invite friends over, this recipe promises a true feast. Serve it with a salad and a good crusty bread for maximum moppage
Serves 4 to 6
1.5 pounds baby Yukon Gold potatoes, halved
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper to taste
3 links sweet Italian sausage, cut into 2 or 3 pieces each
6 skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs
2 large onions, sliced
1 large red bell pepper, sliced
Preheat the oven to 425°F. Coat the potatoes with olive oil and season generously with salt and pepper. Arrange the potatoes, cut side down, on a sheet-pan and roast for 15 minutes.
While the potatoes are cooking, combine the chicken, sausages, sliced onions, bell pepper and garlic in a large bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and season with kosher salt and black pepper.
Retrieve the sheet-pan from the oven and carefully add the chicken mixture, ensuring the chicken is placed skin side up. Return the pan to the oven and roast for approximately 45 minutes or until the chicken is thoroughly cooked. Depending on the size
6 garlic cloves, chopped ½ cup dry white wine
1 cup low-sodium chicken broth
1 cup chopped hot, sweet pickled peppadews in brine
¼ cup white wine vinegar
2-3 tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped Fresh parsley for serving (optional)
of your chicken, you might want to use two sheet pans to avoid overcrowding. About 10 minutes before the chicken is done, add the rosemary and mix it up as well as you can.
Once chicken is cooked through, transfer everything from the sheet pan to a large platter. Position the sheet pan on two burners set to medium on your stovetop. Pour in chicken stock, wine, and vinegar scraping the pan to capture all the flavorful brown bits. Once the stock and wine are warm, remove the sheet pan from the heat and stir in the peppadews and their brine. Mix well, then drizzle this flavorful mixture over the chicken and sausages on the platter. Garnish with fresh parsley and serve. Y
The Pompano Beach Chamber of Commerce
2024 Pompano Beach Fine Food & Wine Celebration will gather some of the area’s finest culinary institutions, bakers, brewers and wine distributors for one night dedicated to pleasing the palate.
Here are a few highlights from several of this year’s participants.
Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa Thursday, April 18 | 6 – 10pm
Tickets are $90 for chamber members when purchased in advance at pompanobeachchamber.com
RIGHT the sushi stack at The Foundry IN CIRCLES scenes from The Foundry in Pompano BeachNestled in the vibrant heart of Old Town Pompano, South Bar & Kitchen beckons with its modern take on Southern American cuisine, heavily influenced by the flavors of Louisiana. A harmonious blend of Cajun and Creole delights awaits. At South Bar & Kitchen, the spirit of community fills the air, evident in every detail, from the inviting patio boasting an impressive banyan as a twinkling tree centerpiece to the aroma of smoked meats that evoke a sense of nostalgia and warmth. southpmp.com
The Foundry brings a big-city feel to Pompano Beach while maintaining a locals vibe. The decor is inspired by the diversity and history of America. Many of the design elements around the restaurant tell that story; whether it be the graffiti by local Miami artist @ subdivine or the firehouse iron door from Philadelphia that dates back to 1870. Each element including antiques, repurposed materials, or pieces from local artists crafts a timeless environment. The menu is built along the same guidelines — drawing inspiration from around the world — from the popular sushi stack to a classic burger. The cocktail menu includes everything from a classic old fashioned to newer creations like a strawberrybasil margarita and a cucumber martini. thefoundryfl.com
Foxtail Coffee is a growing coffee shop chain. As you step inside a Foxtail Coffee shop, you are greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The decor features a mix of rustic and modern elements, with soft, dimmed lighting, creating a hip yet inviting atmosphere. Comfortable seating options are available, including cozy couches, communal tables, and barstools along the counter. It’s a perfect spot to meet with colleagues or share a cup of Joe with a pal. Naturally, they have all the usual caffeinated suspects.
Embark on a culinary journey to the heart of Peru at Aromas Del Peru. Led by passionate owner and chef Maria Rodriguez, this charming restaurant invites you to experience Peru’s authentic flavors and vibrant culture. With a dedication to using traditional recipes and locally sourced ingredients, each dish at Aromas Del Peru celebrates Peruvian cuisine at its finest. From the zesty ceviche to the savory lomo saltado, every bite is infused with the rich aromas and bold spices that define Peruvian gastronomy. Whether you’re a seasoned fan of Peruvian cuisine or eager to explore new flavors, Aromas Del Peru promises an unforgettable dining experience that transports you to the bustling streets of Lima. aromasperu.com
At Deccan Spice, tradition meets contemporary flair, as the modern interior sets the stage for a culinary journey. Savor the rich aromas and bold spices of authentic Indian cuisine, carefully prepared to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you’re craving classic favorites or daring to explore new culinary delights, Deccan Spice promises a dining experience that blends sophistication with the warmth of Indian hospitality. Take your pick from classic dishes like chicken tikka and all sorts of biryani and curry dishes to some Indo-Chinese twists like crunchy stir-fried noodles. There are plenty of vegetarian options on this menu, too, and of course, there are many variations of naan — Indian flatbread. deccanspicepompano.com
It has been said before and will undoubtedly be repeated, but renowned Chef Oliver Saucy has the perfect name. Nominative determinism strikes again. His culinary creations are absolutely “saucy” — creative, colorful, multicultural, and emphasize local seafood and produce.
Whether it’s Atlantic hogfish snapper, tropical fruits and citrus, Creole spices from New Orleans, savory Cuban herbs or chilies from Mexico, Chef Saucy draws inspiration from South Florida’s surrounding cultures. He keeps things fresh for both his guests and himself by allowing ingredients to drive the plate. cafemaxxfl.com
The Outback has become synonymous with a welcoming atmosphere and generous portions. Savor a tasty steak or choose from various main dishes and appetizers, including plenty of chicken and seafood options. Of course, the iconic bloomin’ onion is perfect for sharing and a fantastic way to start any dining adventure. The casual atmosphere and extensive menu make the Outback a perfect spot for gathering with friends and family. outback.com
Delight your palate with fresh, sustainable seafood, made-to-order steaks, and innovative cocktails at AND Fish Kitchen + Bar, a scenic, oceanfront restaurant serving delectable breakfast, lunch, and dinner fare. Complete a lovely day in Pompano Beach with flavorful light casual fare and creative cocktails at Patio 1200 restaurant, featuring beautiful views. And if you’re looking for a staycation option, your warm welcome awaits at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa. The hotel lets you experience an oceanfront haven on Florida’s magnificent coast. Guests will enjoy a memorable vacation with two swimming pools and a wide range of on-site water sports. pompanomarriott.com
As a native of Spain, Chef Dana has been preparing paella since she was a child, but she didn’t see the art or passion in cooking it for others until she arrived in Florida in the early 2000s. Now, she’s been cooking paella for ten years as a personal chef ever since. The business started when Dana and her late husband moved to Florida from Ibiza, Spain. They brought a pan and a burner and cooked for their neighbors and friends for fun. Soon, word spread, and her passion for paella blossomed into a business! Unfortunately, her husband passed before the business took off. And today, 19 years later, she runs the family business as a legacy he left behind. lapaellachef.com
This new brewery in Deerfield Beach celebrates the spirit of South Florida in every way. And what better way to celebrate than with beer? Whether you prefer the refreshing Heat Wave, with its crisp wheat notes and hints of fruity hops, or the classic Paddle Out Pils, there’s a beer here for everyone. The taproom’s breezy atmosphere captures the essence of fun in the Florida sun. covebrewery.com
My main goal in writing this monthly column has always been encouraging readers to try many kinds of wines.
The world’s sheer variety of wines and their potential for enjoyment are great; why not taste as many kinds as possible?
It occurred to me that I had limited familiarity with Spain’s still white wines. So, l researched, perused a few wine stores, and bought six bottles to start. My wife and I, with family members, tasted over 15 different white wines from many parts of Spain. Included were several white wines we tasted while traveling in Spain earlier this year, following excellent recommendations from knowledgeable restaurant staff.
Overall, I was pleased and impressed with the wines we tried. Most were bright and fresh, with juicy acidity and distinct, pleasant, if not delicious, citrus, tropical, and other fruit flavors. Nearly all were very approachable and easy-drinking. In addition, for anyone interested in bargains, these wines were double treats — quality was high while prices were reasonable. All the wines we tried sold at retail in the $10-30 per bottle range. There are some more expensive Spanish white wines, but relatively few bottles cost as much as $50 or more.
Another important aspect of Spanish white wines is that, with important exceptions, most are made to be enjoyed young. While some of these wines might benefit from aging, most will likely lose some of their youthful zip, zing, and fruity freshness if stored for more than a few years past their vintages. These characteristics are precisely those that make Spanish white wines occasion-flexible and very food-friendly. They’re great for just sipping alone or at informal gatherings, enjoying with cheese, olives, or other appetizers, or serving with a lunch or dinner of seafood, chicken, vegetable, rice, or salad dishes. They’re naturals for tapas, raw or other cold seafood, cured ham, empanadas, and other staple Spanish or Hispanic foods. They’re also excellent paired with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cuisine, which is very popular in Spain, especially in Madrid.
Spain is Europe’s second-largest country and has the world’s largest area planted with grapevines, producing the third-largest amount of white wine. Although Spain’s white wines are made with many kinds of grapes, they are not as widely available as French and Italian wines, but you can find them in good wine stores or online. I suggest trying different types of wines made with the four major grapes: albariño, verdejo, viura, and godello.
For starters, I suggest trying three or four different types of wines from the four major grapes : albariño, verdejo, viura (a.k.a. macabeo), and godello.
The first wine to look for is albariño which is arguably Spain’s most popular white wine. Think about it as bringing together many of the likeable characteristics of sauvignon blanc, dry riesling, and Austrian grüner veltliner wines. Albariño is typically quite aromatic with high acidity, making it bright, tart, zesty — some say racy. It’s citrus, pineapple, and other tropical fruit aromas and flavors are usually unmistakable. Like sauvignon blanc, it’s a perfect companion for asparagus, and like riesling terrific with Asian foods. Some albariño is lightly effervescent, a characteristic that’s hard to predict unless the label provides a clue. Alcohol content is typically at or around 12-13% ABV.
Galicia’s Rias Baixas region in northwest Spain is known for producing top-quality albariño wines. Albariño wines are often blended with loureiro or treixadura to add flavor. You can find a good bottle of Albariño for $15-30 from producers like Do Ferreiro, La Caña, and Granbazán. If you can’t find Spanish albariño, consider trying alvarinho, a similar wine from Portugal.
Verdejo: The Lighter Side
Castilla y León province in Spain is known for its wines. While
Bierzo, Ribera del Duero, and Toro regions are popular for red wines, Rueda is famous for its white wines made with verdejo grape. These wines are light, crisp, and have apple, lime, melon, and minerally scents and flavors, with a touch of peach, fennel, or saline. Some people also smell pine or other evergreens.
Verdejo wines are typically not aged in oak barrels, but if they are, they have fuller flavors of vanilla, butterscotch, and nuts. Verdejo wines have light to modest alcohol content and are inexpensive, making them perfect for parties. They go well with lighter fare like salads, seafood, chicken, and vegetable dishes. Some producers include Tresolmos, Cuatro Rayas, Beronia, Protos, Ossian, Belondrade, Naia, Marqués de Caséres, MaVatan Nisia, and Emina.
Rioja, located in northcentral Spain, is best known for its eponymous red wines. However, distinctive white wines are also made in Rioja primarily from viura, a grape capable of making sumptuous wines. Viura is called macabeo in Catalonia, where the grapes are used mainly to make cava sparkling wine, often blended with xarel-lo or paralleda grapes. In both regions, however, viura/macabeo make still wines quite different from albariño and verdejo. The Rioja and Catalonia still white wines we tasted made from this varietal were medium-bodied and deliciously round with a light nectar-like texture and melon, apple, lemon-lime, pineapple, and nutty scents and flavors. Viura is often blended with White grenache, malvasia, chardonnay, and other grapes to create lovely blends. Better wines can be aged, potentially enhancing their creamy and nutty characteristics.
My wife and I came to like these wines very much, I think because their combined, often intriguing flavors and texture were so fresh, pleasing, and silky while folding in so nicely with good food. Some of the many producers and labels include Borsau, Hermanos Penciña, Buil & Giné, Bodegas Frontonio, Alfaro Real Agrado, Coca-Fito Aloja Blanc, Naia, Cvne, El Coto, Muga, Marqués de Riscal, and Faustino. For top, more expensive virua, look for Heredia Tondonia, Murrietta Capellania, or Remondo Placét.
Go for Godello
Finally, definitely go for some godello, if you can find it. Godello
(Gouveio in Portugal) is a white grape that makes wines that share many characteristics with chardonnay. It’s typically golden yellow, usually medium-bodied with 13-14% alcohol content, plush, and firmly structured. The aromas can be floral and citrusy with apple, orange, lemon, pear, stone fruit, exotic spice, and other flavors. The grape is grown mainly in the Valdeorras, Bierzo, and Ribeiro Sacraa regions in northwest Spain, where Vintners revived it from near extinction in the 1980s. You may only see a few labels in well-stocked wine stores selling in the $20-$35 range. Here are several to look for: Estafania Tilenus, Emilio Moro, Alverados-Hobbs, Perez Brezo, Avancia, and Vinos de Arganza. Y
Today, most Pompano Beach residents are familiar with the Pompano Beach Historical Society through the group’s regular presence at the Pompano Green Market. In fact, some may recall that the Historical Society was the founding member of the Green Market some 21 years ago. Others may associate the Pompano Beach Historical Society with their engaging monthly historical programs conducted at the museum location at Founders Park next door to Pompano’s original Fire Station. And still others have enjoyed riding along on one of their bi-monthly historical bus tours of the City narrated by Pompano historian and well-known author Dan Hobby.
But few probably are familiar with the story behind the Pompano Beach Historical Society. On Wednesday, April 17, the Historical Society will be hosting a celebration commemorating the fifty-year anniversary of the organization, which was incorporated on April 8, 1974. The Historical Society has a history of its own. It will share with the community some of their own stories and why they are excited to continue preserving and promoting Pompano Beach’s history going forward.
With a Clear Mission in Mind, the Pompano Beach Historical Society was Created
Back in 1973, a small group of residents — most descendants of pioneer families — got together to discuss the need to collect and preserve the many stories, photographs, and other objects that together represented the historical narrative describing Pompano’s pioneer founding. The Pompano Beach Historical Society was formed as a non-profit organization in 1974 to collect and preserve the artifacts and memories of “Old Pompano.” The founding members of the Society chose the plow as a symbol for the organization to reflect the community’s agricultural heritage. The Society’s first president was Mrs. Ennis Warren Ballou, born in Pompano in 1910. Her father, John Warren, owned a local farming supply store and her husband, David Ballou, owned the local John Deere Tractor outlet. The young town of Pompano was indeed a farming community back then and had about 200 residents.
Shortly after the Historical Society’s founding, the Kester family donated two “Kester Cottages” to the Society to start a Pompano Beach Historical Museum. These cottages were moved from their original locations to Rustic Park,
on the south side of Atlantic Boulevard just east of Cypress Road. They were later moved to Founders Park, Pompano’s oldest park, which was established in 1926. One of the late 1930s structures was restored to represent a furnished vacation cottage from the 1940s; the other house’s artifacts and displays represent Pompano’s past. The cottages are on the local historic register and are open on regularly scheduled tours available to the public during monthly programs and by appointment.
Initially, the Society met at the library and civic center, but in 1989, plans were developed for a meeting room. Funds were secured from local benefactors, and in 1995, the new building in Founders Park was dedicated as the Dick and Miriam Hood Center.
Also located in Founders Park is the City’s original Fire Station housing two antique Pompano Beach fire engines dating from 1926 and 1949. Both are maintained by members of the “5555 Society” and are in working order. The site also contains Pompano’s original
water pump house and commemorates the location of the original water tower that served the City until the 1950s.
And in 2002, the Pompano Beach Historical Society established the Pompano Beach Green Market to promote Pompano’s old downtown and as a salute to the community’s agricultural past. The Green Market is now one of the longest-running Green Markets in Broward County and serves as an invaluable venue for Historical Society members to engage with those in the Pompano Beach community; promote the mission, programs, and events of the Historical Society; and as an opportunity to educate residents about Pompano’s rich history.
In 2008, the Historical Society, partnering with the City of Pompano Beach, took the lead in organizing the community celebration of Pompano Beach’s 100th anniversary. The Centennial Celebration staged many events and with Dan Hobby’s contribution, the Historical Society published a new book Pompano Beach: A History of Pioneers and Progress, the Society’s
now authoritative book chronicling Pompano from rural, back-country beginnings to the wellknown Florida destination city it is today.
Today, the Historical Society presents monthly programs and lectures throughout the year that are free to the public. Each program typically has a relevant historical theme and is often conducted by a leader of the local community, a known educator, or a resident historian. Programs may, from time to time, provide the opportunity to visit other local sites of historic significance. Past programs have featured renowned Florida historian and educator Sally Ling, discussions with original members of Florida’s Highwaymen artists, and visits to landmarks such as the Ali Cultural Arts Center, Bailey Contemporary Arts (established in 1923 as the Bailey Hotel), and the Hillsboro Lighthouse. The monthly programs and the Green Market serve as the principal means for the Historical Society to engage with the community and fulfill its mission.
The Historical Society also conducts bi-monthly historic bus tours, available to the public, that provide a narrated visit to over 30 historic sites within the community, two of which are on the National Historic Register. The bi-monthly tours also allow one to visit the Historic Cottage Museums accompanied by a descendant of a pioneer family or other knowl-
edgeable docent.
Over the years, the Historical Society has acquired and preserved a significant collection of historical images and other objects from the City’s earlier days. These are used for research purposes and for displays made available for public viewing.
The Pompano Beach Historical Society works closely with other like-minded organizations such as the City of Pompano Beach Historic Preservation Board, the Sample-McDougald House, the Broward County Preservation Board, Rock Road Restoration Historical Group, and other groups to support the preservation of our past. Y
Content Provided by The Pompano Beach Historical Society
On April 17, the Pompano Beach Historical Society welcomes all within the Pompano community to gather for the Historical Society’s 50th Anniversary Program and Celebration. Guests will enjoy several exhibits chronicling the history of Pompano Beach as well as a timeline of the Historical Society. There will be food, refreshments, and entertainment for all ages. Tom Johnston, Esq., a long-time Pompano Beach resident and Historical Society member, will be the keynote speaker. Festivities begin at 3pm and continue with proclamations, and the keynote address will commence at 6pm.
Email us with any additions, closings, or corrections at editor@ pointpubs.com. We try to be accurate, but it’s always a good idea to call first before heading out on your dining adventure.
$ Inexpensive (under $25)
$$ Moderate ($26-$50)
Expensive ($51-$75)
$$$$ Pricey (over $75)
And Fish Kitchen + Bar SEAFOOD Located at the Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa, diners will enjoy a modern take on fresh seafood. 1200 N. Ocean Blvd., 954-782-0100 $$
Aromas Del Peru PERUVIAN With several South Florida locations, the folks at Aromas Del Peru are bring Peruvian favorites to Pompano Beach.1 N Ocean Bvd., 954-354-2323 $$$
Beach House AMERICAN • CRAFT COCKTAILS This is the perfect place to take out-of-town guests. Snag one of the stadium seating style booths overlooking the Atlantic. Enjoy the casual and relaxed ambiance with a rooftop deck on the second floor. 270 N Pompano Beach Blvd. 954607-6530 $$
Calypso Restaurant and Raw Bar CARIBBEAN Since they opened their doors in 1990, Calypso has been a local favorite. This gem of a restaurant is known for its fresh, wild caught fish, Bahamian conch dishes, Jamaican jerk and American favorites all served with an island flair. 460 S. Cypress Road, 954-942-1633 $$
Checkers Old Munchen GERMAN For a traditional German meal, try the wiener schnitzel — it’s divine — a lightly breaded veal cutlet sautéed in lemon butter and topped with homemade brown gravy. The spaetzle (German noodles) are a real homemade treat and not to be missed — throw a little of that brown gravy on them, and they could be a meal unto themselves. 954-785-7565 $$
Chef Dee’s SUSHI • SEAFOOD A small neighborhood place with plenty of charm. Impressive sushi rolls and a varied menu with something for everyone. 3919 N. Federal Highway., 954-582-4444 $$
Dangerous Minds Brewing Co., BREWERY • ARTISANAL PIZZA
Dangerous Minds is more than just a brewery. This spot at Pompano Citi Centre offers artisanal pizzas made from scratch. 1901 N Federal Highway, 954-657-8676 $-$$
Darrel & Oliver’s Cafe Maxx INTERNATIONAL This restaurant is an anchor of the South Florida fine dining scene. 2601 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-782-0606 $$$$
Deep Oceanfront Dining & Bar AMERICAN Beach front dining at the Beachcomber Resort — go for the view. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 1200 S. Ocean Blvd. 954-941-7830 $$$
Deccan Spice INDIAN Enjoy the contemporary decor and take your pick from classic dishes like chicken tikka and biryani and curry dishes to some Indo-Chinese twists like crunchy stir-fried noodles. There are plenty of vegetarian options on this menu and many variations on naan — Indian flatbread. 1149 S. Federal Highway, 954-366-1847 $$
Di Farina Pasta Factory & Restaurant ITALIAN We all know that fresh-cut pasta is superior to the dried variety we have become accustomed to. But making pasta from scratch is a process. But what if you could just pick it up nearby or even have it delivered. Dreams do come true. Di Farina offers a variety of freshly made pasta to go. 1915 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-953-6771 $$
The Foundry AMERICAN Known for its artfully crafted dishes, The Foundry offers a fusion of contemporary flavors with a happening dining experience. 2781 E. Atlantic Blvd., 754-205-6977 $$
Galuppi’s AMERICAN What could be more entertaining than watching golfers swing and blimps ascend as you sip a drink at an outdoor bar?
1103 N. Federal Highway, 954-785-0226 $-$$
Gianni’s Italian Restaurant ITALIAN Gianni’s is practically a
Pompano Beach landmark. Enjoy traditional Italian fare at this family-owned and operated establishment, serving everything from pasta to specialties like Chicken Gianni’s and fresh seafood. Don’t skip the romaine salad with the blue cheese. Pair your dish with a bottle of wine or cocktail from their full bar. They also offer daily lunch specials Monday – Friday. 1601 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-942-1733 $$$
Houston’s AMERICAN Enjoy this contemporary eatery for lunch or dinner. An outdoor bar and seating on the Intracoastal are available. 2821 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-783-9499 $$$
J Mark’s AMERICAN A relaxing, modern restaurant and bar with food and service to match. 1490 NE 23rd St., 954-782-7000 $$$
Kin Asian Street Food ASIAN • SUSHI Enjoy everything from inventive takes on ramen soups with pork belly and a jammy egg to rice bowls and dumplings. We swooned over the shiitake buns, mushrooms with pickled sour mustard, ground peanuts and cilantro, all on a steamed rice bun. The gyoza was also a star — the dough was light and tender with a flavorful pork and vegetable filling. The restaurant has a comprehensive sushi menu, but this is a place to order outside your comfort zone. After all, isn’t sushi the new pizza? 143 SW Sixth St., 954-532-4567 $$
La Perla Di Pompano ITALIAN This small and intimate Italian eatery offers a wide selection of Italian dishes, including four different risotto dishes alone. 420 N. Federal Highway, 754-222-9174 $$$-$$$$
La Veranda ITALIAN The atmosphere is elegant, yet comfortable and warm. Inside or out, one can enjoy a special evening in the Tuscany-inspired surroundings. There is an extensive selection of pasta, entrées and traditional dishes, with new favorites to be discovered that the wait staff will happily explain. 2121 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-943-7390 $$$
Lucky Fish Beach Bar + Grill AMERICAN It’s places like Lucky’s that make you happy you live in South Florida. This tiki bar by the sea (just south of the pier) offers simple eats, some top-notch people watching all with an ocean view. The menu includes classic snack foods like coconut shrimp and fish dip to tuna poke nachos. There are also salads, sandwiches and smash burgers. You can also order to go for a picnic on the beach. 222 N Pompano Beach Blvd. $
Nonna’s Bistro & Cafe ARGENTINEAN • BAKERY • CAFE Some of Nonna’s offerings include pasta frola cake, American keto salad, and a charcuterie board for two. Carryout and delivery are available. 2608 N. Ocean Blvd., 954-532-9920 $$
Peking Duck CHINESE Peking Duck is back and under new ownership with reimagined traditional homestyle Chinese cuisine. More info to come soon. 1200 E Atlantic Blvd, 954-946-0436 $$
Oceanic AMERICAN • SEAFOOD Along with stunning ocean views, the restaurant offers a comprehensive menu emphasizing seafood. If you are looking for a standout salad, the watermelon arugula salad with grilled shrimp is a perfect choice. The shrimp and grits were prepared traditionally and packed with flavor. The baby back ribs were melting off the bone, and there was enough for a doggy bag. The restaurant boasts dazzling architecture inspired by the great ocean liners of years past. 250 N. Pompano Beach Blvd., 954-366-3768 $$-$$$
Rusty Hook Tavern AMERICAN Located on the Pompano Intracoastal, sit inside or outside; just keep in mind that the word tavern
means a local place to gather around the table. 125 N. Riverside Drive, 954-941-2499 $$
Saito Japanese Steakhouse JAPANESE This Japanese steakhouse offers a wide variety of entrees, including teriyaki dishes, tempura and sushi. Diners can choose to sit at the sushi bar, or they can enjoy hibachi-style dining. The restaurant has a comprehensive cocktail menu and 20 different kinds of martinis. 2101 N Federal Highway, Suite 208, 954-945-8888 $$
Sands Harbor Patio Restaurant AMERICAN Located in the Sands Harbor Hotel and Marina on the Intracoastal, you can dine poolside or waterside; either way, you better know how to swim. 125 N. Riverside Drive, 954-942-9100 $$
Seaside Grill SEAFOOD • AMERICAN Enjoy a view of the Atlantic while enjoying fresh seafood and an icy cold cocktail. Don’t worry if you’re not a fish lover — there are plenty of entrée choices from the land. Located at Lighthouse Cove Resort on the ocean. 1406 N. Ocean Blvd., 954-783-3193 $$
Shishka Lebanese Grill MIDDLE EASTERN It’s not easy to make a good falafel, but the ones at Shishka are worth every calorie. There are plenty of other choices, too, from the classic hummus to baba-ghanouj to chicken and meat shawarma. 1901 N. Federal Highway, 954-943-2999 $$
South Bar & Kitchen CONTEMPORARY SOUTHERN South Bar & Kitchen offers an array of Southern comfort foods with a heavy Louisiana influence. 165 NE First Ave., 954-890-2000 $$-$$$
Sushi Lab JAPANESE • AMERICAN Don’t be fooled by the name, Sushi Lab, offers plenty of options for the sushi averse. But if you are a fan, the restaurant has a plethora of rolls and sashimi. Plus the omakase experience where the chef chooses. Also, be sure to try one of the hand-crafted cocktails. 1350 N. Ocean Blvd., (inside the Residence Inn Fort Lauderdale Pompano Beach/Oceanfront) 954-937-7366 $$-$$$
Take Sushi JAPANESE • SUSHI Fresh, authentic Japanese fair delivered to your door? Yes, please. 2714 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-785-2442 $$
Valentino’s Italian Cuisine ITALIAN • PIZZA An abundance of Italian fare served for lunch or dinner. If you can’t make it over to dine in, fret not; they offer free delivery. 427 S. Federal Highway, 954-943-5387 $$
Wings N’ Things WINGS • BARBECUE It doesn’t look like much from the outside, but it’s worth trying. 150 S. Sixth St., 954-781-9464 $
Yamu Thai JAPANESE • THAI A small spot by the sea with your favorite sushi and Thai and Japanese dishes. 2608 N. Ocean Blvd., 954-532-7901
Zoyuz by Talay Thai SUSHI • JAPANESE BOWLS Zoyuz offers sushi and inventive ramen-inspired bowls. Plus, they have an innovative drink menu. 2515 E Atlantic Blvd. 954-951-6068 $$
Zuccarelli ITALIAN • PIZZA This place is more than just a pizza joint. From eggplant Parmesan to shrimp fra diavolo, you will leave quite satisfied. The portions are generous and come with a house salad. Bring your breath mints because their garlic rolls are on point. 1340 N. Federal Highway, 954-941-1261 $
Bonefish Mac’s Sports Grill AMERICAN Bar food and a wide array of televised sports games with a game room for kids. 2002 E. Sample Road, 954-960-2477 $
Cap’s Place SEAFOOD Lighthouse Point’s own hidden seafood joint dating back to prohibition. Take the short boat ride over to the restaurant. 2765 NE 28th Court, 954-941-0418 $$$
Fetta Republic GREEK Traditional Greek offerings close to home. 2420 N. Federal Highway, 954-933-2394 $-$$
Fish Shack SEAFOOD This restaurant used to be a “best-kept secret.” But now that they have moved into the Shoppes at Beacon Light, the word is out. The Fish Shack keeps it simple, serving fresh fish prepared in sev-
eral ways. There is more to the menu, but it is called The Fish Shack. 2460 N. Federal Highway, 954-586-4105 $$
Le Bistro CONTINENTAL Classically-trained chef Andy Trousdale serves up classics and inventive new dishes at this little neighborhood gem. Fresh and local produce is always used, and vegetarian, dairy-free and gluten-free menu items are available. A note to the wise; the porcini mushroom soup is worth every calorie. The restaurant also offers cooking classes and wine tasting dinners. More than worthy of a special occasion. Reservations are recommended. 4626 N. Federal Highway, 954-946-9240 $$$
Lighthouse Thai Sushi THAI • SUSHI This casual spot in the Shoppes of Beacon Light hits the spot when you seek a casual sushi or Thai dinner. The rolls are fresh, fun and tasty and the various Thai curries will leave you craving more. 2476 N Federal Highway, 954-532-6342 $$
The Nauti Dawg Marina Café AMERICAN Nestled at the Lighthouse Point Marina, the Nauti Dawg is a local favorite. Start with the tuna wontons—crispy fried wonton wrappers topped with tuna tartare, seaweed salad, red pepper mayo, wasabi and a hit of sriracha. You can’t go wrong with the fresh fish sandwich—ask what the catch of the day is. They are a dog-friendly restaurant. 2830 NE 29th Ave. (at the Lighthouse Point Marina), 954-941-0246 $$
Papa’s Raw Bar SUSHI • SEAFOOD While the fresh food is the real star, the Keys-inspired decor accounts for part of their charm. The menu goes beyond typical raw bar offerings with inventive tacos and sliders. Papa’s also offers an impressive array of sushi and sashimi. And to wash it all down, they have about a zillion craft beer options and a good wine list too. 4610 N. Federal Highway, 754-307-5034 $$-$$$
Rocca Trattoria ITALIAN Rocco is a small and intimate neighborhood place serving classic Italian fare. The shrimp tempura appetizer, while not classically Italian, was light, crispy and a great starter to share. We were suitably impressed with the flavor bomb that is the veal chop valdostano. The veal is butterflied, pounded thin, stuffed with prosciutto, gorgonzola, and wild mushrooms and topped with a brandy Marsala sauce. 2014 E Sample Road, 954-876-1733 $$
Anne Marie’s Pizza and Wine Co PIZZA • ITALIAN Whether you are looking to grab a quick slice or enjoy a much-needed date night, Anne Marie’s fits the bill. Enjoy a cheesy slice of New York-style pizza, bruschetta or classic chicken Francese. 2313 N. Federal Highway, Pompano Beach 954-590-2100.
Athena Greek Street Diner DINER Formerly known as Jukebox Diner, this spot offers classic seating, jukeboxes, and that old-school diner feel. 2773 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-960-5882
Bakery Fusion CAFE • BAKERY This spot at Pompano Citi Centre is a handy spot to grab a coffee and a fresh-baked good. The menu also includes many different sandwiches, soups, salads and smoothies. You can also find fresh bread such as baguettes, ciabatta and other daily selections and a wide selection of coffee drinks, from cappuccino to an affogato 1901 N. Federal Highway (Pompano Citi Centre), 954-532-7383
Bella Monte Italian Deli SANDWICHES 2688 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-946-0333
Brendans BAR AND GRILL Burgers, wings and more — you get the picture. 868 N. Federal Highway, 954-786-0033
Big Louie’s ITALIAN
• PIZZA A South Florida chain offering classic Italian dishes. 2190 N. Federal Highway, 954-942-5510
Borogodo Brazilian Grill BRAZILIAN Open for lunch Monday-Friday 11am-4:30pm; Saturday 11am-5:30pm. 7 SE 22nd Ave., 954-782-8040
• SALADS A little gem of a place that serves
fantastic sandwiches, salads, quiche and desserts. 2765 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-532-7800
Cafe Sportivo CAFE Cash only, but don’t let that stop you. They are family-owned and operated with a variety of espresso drinks. 2219 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-782-6672
Cannoli Kitchen ITALIAN • PIZZA The Cannoli Kitchen has been a staple for fast-casual Italian fare in Boca Raton since 1996. Now, lucky for the folks in Pompano, they are open at a new Pompano Beach Fishing Village location. Try one of their many pasta dishes, calzones, subs, stromboli and other Italian classics like shrimp fra diabolo, chicken or veal marsala, and many more. 255 N. Pompano Beach Blvd., 954-737-3737
Carlucci’s Brick Oven Trattoria & Pizzeria ITALIAN Italian favorites and brick oven pizza at the beach. Open lunch and dinner Monday-Thursday 11am-10pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-11pm, Sunday 12-10pm. 3420 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-946-3150
Chez Cafe COFFEE • BAKERY A warm and cozy place to grab breakfast, lunch or a latte. 1631 S. Cypress Road, 954-933-3453
Chill-N ICE CREAM The folks at Chill-N Nitrogen Ice Cream blend and flash-freeze your custom ice cream or frozen yogurt right in front of you. Enjoy a bowl of made-to-order frozen goodness with about a zillion mixin options for maximum imaginativeness. 1170 N Federal Highway, 754 205-7222
Dandee Donut Factory BAKERY • PASTRIES From the classic old-fashioned sour cream to Boston cream, these babies are just begging to be dunked. Bagels, breakfast and lunch are also available. 1900 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-785-1461
La Rachetta at Whole Foods Market PIZZA • WINE BAR Enjoy weekly deals with plenty of beers on tap and wines by the glass. Try the sweet southern swine pizza for something different — a light and crispy pizza topped with pork belly, arugula, and cheese. 2411 N. Federal Highway, 954-786-3535
Jet’s Pizza PIZZA Try one of the specialty pizzas such as Philly cheese steak with Alfredo sauce or the BLT. 437 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-782-5387
Lester’s Diner DINER American comfort fare in a retro setting. 1924 E. Atlantic Blvd., 954-783-2109
Lighthouse Cove Tiki Bar AMERICAN Seaside eats and happy hours. 1406 N. Ocean Blvd., 954-784-2804
Nelson’s Diner DINER Nelson’s diner is a cute, hole-in-the-wall 50s diner with Elvis memorabilia on the walls, baseball flags on the ceiling, friendly servers and classic red vinyl booths. 438 S. Cypress Road, 954785-3646
Pascal & Cathy French BAKERY • CAFE For fresh French baked goods, you can’t beat Pascal & Cathy. In fact, you can watch through a window as the croissants, eclairs and baguettes are prepared and baked right on the premises. The small shop also offers breakfast, sandwiches, salads, coffee and more. The croque monsieur was positively sinful and worth every calorie. 998 N Federal Highway, Suite 4-5, 954-756-1496
Rocket at Valentino’s PIZZA This family-owned pizzeria is an excellent alternative to the big chains. Order an authentic Italian pizza and taste the love! 427 S. Federal Highway, 954-943-5387
Stingers Pizza PIZZA • AMERICAN Dine in or order delivery. They will bring your pizza to the beach—a million minds making the world a better place. 1201 S. Ocean Blvd., 954-782-2344
The Bite Eatery FOOD HALL This European style food hall is the perfect spot when your group can’t decide where to go. Whether it’s Mexican, deli, pizza, Italian, Cuban, lobster rolls, ceviche or burgers, you can find it at the Bite Eatery. Plus there is a full bar in the center. 2715 E Atlantic Blvd., 954-361-7702
The Chicken Box & More SOUTHERN This small spot with just a couple of tables serves breakfast, lunch and dinner and does a robust take-out business. Have your fill of southern comfort food, including shrimp and grits with scrambled eggs, fried pork chops, classic potato salad, meatloaf and collard greens. The greens were stellar — they were juicy and perfectly seasoned with bits of pork supplying a pleasing heft. 204 N. Flagler Avenue, 954-781-7400
We have a running joke in my family that my father must have had some mythical food-finding device in his brain that gave him the uncanny ability to discover all the best local eats.
(See Creatively Speaking on page 24.)
He was a regular at the Sticky Bun in Deerfield Beach and insisted I try their bacon.
Ever the dutiful daughter, I ventured over to try the six-slicer — the Sticky Bun’s take on a BLT. And yes, while I try my best to steer clear of bacon, the six slices on that sandwich are worth the cheat.
This is no ordinary BLT. First of all, there’s avocado. And unlike many places that limit BLTs to three flimsy and sad slices of bacon, the folks at Sticky Bun pile on six tantalizingly thick slices of perfectly cooked and bacon with just a whisper of sweetness. The bacon is house-made and is so good that calling it bacon — the stuff of supermarket shrink-wrapped packages, doesn’t do it justice.
It’s safe to say that nearly everyone adores a classic BLT, and even a subpar version still manages to satisfy. Now, picture an elevated iteration: the medley of savory, perfectly tender bacon with crisp lettuce and juicy tomato is nothing short of extraordinary. The addition of creamy avocado adds a velvety touch to every bite. Mayo is a steadfast addition, and the toasty bread is the reliable foundation holding it all together.
And let’s set the record straight: asking for crispy bacon would be blasphemy. Overcooking this stuff would be a crime against flavor — it’s simply too good. Y