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Allyia Briggs | 208.620.5444 allyia@like-media.com
Haleigh Ackling | 208.620.5360 haleigh@like-media.com
Kamy Jones | kamy@like-media.com
Jillian Chandler | jillian@like-media.com
Damen Rodriguez, Ben Geanetta
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Jason Duchow Photography pg. 18, 21, Lisa Turner Photography pg. 38
Courtesy Photos: The Bonner County Historical Society pg. 38, Go
Many people would agree that preparation is the key to success in many areas of life. Yet, when it comes to being ready for a financial emergency, a sizable percentage of Americans are feeling distinctly unprepared—and that can lead to problems.
Consider these survey findings from financial services provider Edward Jones and Morning Consult:
•Nearly two in five Americans expect that their emergency savings would last no more than a month.
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 12/18/18. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).
•Less than 40 percent of respondents consider their emergency savings account to be fully funded.
a full year’s worth, if you’re retired—in a liquid, low-risk account that’s separate from the financial accounts you might use for everyday spending.
Of course, given the high cost of living, it’s not necessarily easy to put away several months of living expenses—at least, not all at once. That’s why you might want to have a certain amount automatically moved each month from your checking or savings account into the account you’ve designated for emergency needs. And when you get a financial “windfall,” such as a year-end bonus at work or a tax refund, you might want to use part of this money for your emergency fund too. You can also use these sources to replenish your emergency fund if you deplete some or all of it.
It’s important to have adequate emergency savings for two key reasons. First, when an unexpected financial need arises, such as a major home or car repair, you may well have to act quickly. And second, if you don’t have the funds readily available to meet this sudden need, you may be forced to dip into your long-term investments, including your IRA and 401(k). This typically isn’t a good move, as taking money early from these accounts could lead to both taxes and penalties. And even more important, you’d be taking away resources from accounts you will almost certainly need to help provide income for a retirement that could last two, or even three, decades.
So, if you want to be financially prepared for emergencies, how much money should you have available? There’s no one right answer for everyone, but generally speaking, it’s a good idea to keep three to six months’ worth of living expenses—or
Here's something else to remember about an emergency fund: Keep it for emergencies. As mentioned above, you should hold this fund apart from accounts that you draw on for daily expenses—but you’ll also want to avoid the temptation to use the money for other things, such as investment opportunities that may come your way. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be prepared for these opportunities, but you can do so by keeping some cash or cash equivalents within your portfolio. And, as an additional benefit, the presence of cash can potentially help reduce the impact of market volatility on a portfolio that’s otherwise heavily weighted toward stocks.
Building and maintaining an emergency fund should be an essential part of your overall financial strategy—so, if you haven’t started one yet, there’s no time like the present.
or n in Billings, Montana, Corey Obenauer was second from the youngest of six children, though he would become the youngest with the passing of his younger sister due to medical complications. When just 5 years old, his parents separated, and at age 12, Corey and his three older brothers moved to Butte to live with their father. Corey would visit Sandpoint often, as his parents were related to the Hulquists of Jewel Lake outside Sagle. Corey graduated from Butte High School in 1978 and was always involved, in some manner, with civic community organizations—from a chief hunter safety instructor to an observer to the pilot for Search and Rescue—as a method of giving back. He joined the Air Force in late 1978 in the SP program at Lackland Air Force Base. He was honorably discharged.
In 2013, Corey moved to Sandpoint to help his parents with their struggles, as they were both battling cancer. The following year, both would pass away. After their passing, Corey, who previously had an art gallery in Montana for 17 years, began building live edge furniture and started a store in continuation of his passion of woodworking—which began back in 1992.
Q.When did you open Burl Wood Dreams? And what was the inspiration behind this business?
A. I opened Burl Wood Dreams in July of 2016. My wife Kimberly inspired me after my parents’ passing to return to doing woodworking and building live edge furniture, which I have had a long-term passion for. We are in our seventh year of business, and what a blessing to have my beautiful wife working hand in hand to create beautiful one-of-a-kind artistic pieces made from all different types of wood and sharing daily our God-given talents with each other and our wonderful customers.
Q. What do you take most pride in when it comes to the one-of-akind pieces you create?
A. I think what I take the most pride in is that from the beginning I’ve never been a copier. I don’t take others’ ideas or copy their work. God gives me the inspiration and the beautiful wood to work with, and magically the pieces come together. And piece after piece, my excitement builds as He reveals to me the next beautiful piece unfolding in front of me.
Q. You are a member of the Downtown Sandpoint Shopping District. Can you share more about this wonderful organization?
A. I am a proud member of the Downtown Sandpoint Shopping District. At the heart of this program are some extremely passionate, devoted, dedicated business owners and civic volunteers, etc., mostly made up of some of the most amazing, giving, caring individuals— mostly women I might add—who brainstorm, investigate, create and orchestrate ongoing events of all kinds to promote Sandpoint as a whole, its wonderful residents, its beautiful surroundings, its one-ofa-kind way of life, its heartfelt community atmosphere. In countless ways the Downtown Sandpoint Shopping District is a loud voice promoting and supporting our beautiful hometown and expressing to all those who visit that we are, indeed, a very family life-oriented and caring community, and this slice of heaven is understandably the place we love to call home.
Q. The beloved annual Lost in the ‘50s event is happening this month. What does this event mean to you?
A. Lost in the ‘50s. Wow. To me this is the most impressive and exciting event that not only draws huge amounts of outside attraction to Sandpoint but also literally opens the gates of summertime
enthusiasm in the downtown Sandpoint corridor for all businesses. And at the heart of this event, Carolyn Gleason of Second Avenue Pizza. For the last 35 years, this well-respected and amazing lady, with every ounce of love and energy she can give, organizes, arranges, promotes and facilitates this grand event and assumes the overwhelming responsibility for the same. Hats off to you, Carolyn. We all love you. And our businesses, as well as so many others, will continue to support and help promote this legendary event yourself and countless others are so passionate about.
Q. Are you involved in other community organizations/events? Why are these important to you?
A. I try to get involved with community organizations as much as possible, whether it be a donation to schools for track, ballet, football, socker, dance, etc., as well as contributing to a plethora of fundraisers, silent or live auctions for individuals in need or community functions. Mostly we love to support and encourage support for our veterans. Our heartfelt gratitude for their service, sacrifice and dedication could never be expressed enough. And a few even work for us and with us.
Q. Why would you encourage individuals and businesses in the community to do their part in giving back to the community they call home?
A. The very word community and all its meaning: a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests and goals. Two of our greatest strengths are diversity and community. I believe that each and every soul on this earth has a Godgiven talent or ability, that when all those in our community invest those skills, each in his or her own way, that those contributions will build, support and strengthen our beautiful Sandpoint community beyond measure.
Q. During the warmer months, locals and visitors alike may find you sweeping the sidewalks around the downtown area first thing in the morning. Why did you decide to take the initiative to help keep our streets clean?
A. I think in so many ways, a first impression is a lasting impression, and so as soon as I opened Burl Wood Dreams in late 2016, I started making certain that all the area around my store was neat and clean in appearance. And I enjoyed the exercise, the air in my lungs in the morning and the result, so refreshing, so it grew to another block and then another. Pretty soon, I was ironically doing about 14 blocks; the more I did, the more I wanted to, and it felt good to give back to the community, to leave it better than I found it, I guess. And being persistent, it stayed clean, and people appreciated that. It made just a little difference in how people appreciate coming here.
Q. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
A. Sandpoint, Idaho, one of the last best places. I love that I can say that with a straight face and truly mean it. I love living and working here. It’s a step back in time, where friendships are made, honesty and integrity, kindness and helpful attitudes still mean a lot. We’re a small community but big in heart.
We do make a difference to those around us and most all who visit. I hear positive feedback all the time. Just to make a positive difference, no matter how small, is so important.
My dad raised me to understand qualities of honesty, integrity, accountability and dependability. You know, all those “ility” words. “Stand your ground,” he said, “for what you believe is right, and wear no bricks on your shoulders. And son, take care of your family, and don’t forget to give back.”
Anew, innovative, immersive high school has made its way to Sandpoint. The vision of founders Michele Burkey, Jessica Prentice and Natalie Britton, Nova High will be opening this fall and will welcome students grades nine through 12.
After moving her family to Sandpoint, Michele resolved to create a Waldorf High School for her children and the community. While this vision lived inside her, it wasn’t able to manifest until she met Natalie and the two of them began to dream and plan. Part of the planning phase included a meeting with Jessica Prentice, who was visiting from California at the time. The trio hit it off immediately.
“As a group, the three of us began studying models and perspectives that pushed the boundaries of what school means and how to think outside the box to create a unique school right now in this very special place,” reflects Natalie. “We spent last summer studying governance models, tuition models, typical and atypical school year and day lengths, curriculum, and so much more.”
Throughout the fall, they began to plan public events, create their website, and make all of the decisions necessary to open the school. They are currently working toward their nonprofit status and looking for spaces to lease for the 2023-2024 school year.
Though the roads leading to Sandpoint have been different for each of Nova High’s three founders, the common thread that attracted them is Sandpoint’s community and stunning natural surroundings. They recognized that Sandpoint attracts individuals “who seek to connect with others and cultivate a shared enthusiasm for the arts, sustainable food, sovereignty, and cooperative living.” Sandpoint has also drawn a considerable crowd of Waldorf enthusiasts who esteem Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophical approaches to education.
The founders chose Sandpoint for these reasons and established Nova High as an educational institution to serve families who seek an alternative approach to high school education. This model will offer adolescents the chance to develop, explore their interests, and flourish by following a Waldorf-inspired high school curriculum that is integrated within the broader community in these unique times. Nova High is founded “for the adolescents of today and tomorrow who want to be seen, heard and valued.”
“We are inspired by the insights of Rudolf Steiner who repeatedly emphasized that there is no book that can teach you how to teach; that the students in front of you are your teachers,” says Jessica. “By seeing them, listening to them, and having genuine reverence for their life’s path, the teacher will be guided to bring what is needed. Teaching is an art—full of subtlety and nuance—that at its best responds actively to each moment and each student.”
At Nova High, they recognize the following as important and urgent:
•Adolescents need to directly experience the real, physical world for many hours each and every day.
•Adolescents need to experience themselves as creators rather than just consumers.
•Adolescents need to learn to think for themselves.
•Adolescents need to be both nourished and challenged—body, mind and soul.
Students at Nova will experience both an exciting and rigorous arts program along with many opportunities to explore the outdoors. The arts curriculum encompasses various subjects such as visual arts, music, theater, and movement (classes like black and white drawing, acrylic and oil painting, hand sculpting in pottery, blacksmithing, choir, and eurythmy). Students participate in both class plays and annual all-school theater productions. The outdoor program will take place primarily off campus on Fridays where students will have opportunities to engage in internships, take part in community service, participate in nature conservation work, conduct field science projects, and enjoy community building via a winter ski program.
Enrollment is now open for all grade levels, ninth through 12th, for the 2023-2024 school year. The first year is likely to be a mixed-age group of teenagers, according to its founders. As the school grows, each class will be capped at 15 students in order to keep the student-to-teacher ratio low and support Nova’s intensive and intimate outdoor trips.
“Our founders take to heart the deep need to develop a school that is responsive to today but also always in renewal moving forward as the school grows,” shares Jessica.
It was also important to its founders that Nova offer Family Individualized Tuition (FIT). “There is a cap to the tuition and there is a minimum, but in between these numbers is the conversation and collaboration to find the tuition number that is equitable for each family,” says Michele, adding, “This model allows more families to realize they can, in fact, afford an independent high school education for their family.”
At Nova High, they are passionate about creating a school where a rigorous and creative education will be available to all students, whether their parents are doctors or teachers, new business owners or engineers. “We want to welcome a diverse student population, and this is one avenue to engage with that desire,” affirms Michele.
Nova will be solidifying its location this summer as enrollment is finalized. If you are seeking an innovative and inspiring high school experience for your child, look no further than Nova High.
The bicycle beacons of Sandpoint, Idaho, have been lit. Will you answer its call? Come one, come all to the 16th annual CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo, the highly celebrated and anticipated cycling charity event hosted this summer on Saturday, June 17. The ride is organized by the Sandpoint Rotary and made possible by upwards of 80 sponsors, six nonprofit organizations and 150 volunteers, some of whom take part in a year-round committee dedicated to providing the best possible experience for the participants. All proceeds will be dedicated to Lake Pend Oreille School District’s (LPOSD) “Book Trust” program, whose mission is “to help elementary school children with little/no access to books fall in love with reading and become lifelong learners. With Book Trust, students learn the power of choice and the pride of ownership, and students’ reading levels and academic performances improve, motivating them to succeed.”
“This is a ride, not a race,” declares the event’s organizer, Mel Dick. A Gran Fondo—Italian for “Big Ride”—seeks to challenge each rider to beat their personal records and compete with themselves rather than other cyclists. The CHAFE 150 offers a myriad of distance routes to partake in. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or simply enjoy being on two wheels, there is an option just right for you. This year’s participants can choose from the 150, 80, 40, 25, or the newly added 55-mile gravel route. “It (CHAFE 150) has evolved from a one-route, 150-mile ride the first year in 2008 with about 75 riders, to multiple routes with over 350 riders this year,” states Mel. Cyclists near and far voyage annually to Sandpoint to challenge themselves to the task of completing the 150-mile route, which loops around the Cabinet Mountains of Idaho and Montana. With a 6,500-foot vertical climb over the whole distance, this route offers poetic pause and invites each rider to graciously gaze upon the vibrant landscapes and teeming wildlife.
There are a multitude of qualities that separate the CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo from other similar cycling events. “The long-distance route, the stunning scenery, the professionalism, SAG (Service and Gear) services and the innovative ways of keeping up with the times” puts the charity event, Cycle Hard For Education (CHAFE) above the rest, according to the founder Brad Williams. Many previous participants praise the ride as “One of the best supported” and “The most looked forward to after-parties” for cycling events of this caliber in the nation. Another attribute is the use of CHAFE’s rider surveys, which aim to improve the event each year by taking the time to review each response. Recently, a once troubling portion of the ride, due to a lack of road shoulder, has since been re-routed to ensure each cyclist’s safety. Yet another great example of implementing feedback from previous riders and remaining innovative is the addition of this year’s gravel bike route. “Anytime you come up with a new route you have a whole new set of challenges,” states Brad. This means logistical coordination between the CHAFE
On the golf course, on the mountain or in a forest setting looking out over the wetlands, The Idaho Club embraces wide-open spaces in one of the most pristine locations in the Northwest—all within easy access to family friendly activities, fine dining and shopping in the thriving arts community of Sandpoint.
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committee’s organizers and various government bodies in order to provide a quality experience for each rider.
Each year the number of riders grows, as does the number of sponsors. CHAFE has a multi-tiered sponsor program of Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsors amongst many more local supporters, all of which either donate funds, participate directly in the event or both. This well-oiled machine wouldn’t be possible without each of its proud sponsors. Like Media, whose mission is to impact communities in a positive way by creating content that will connect businesses with the local community, provides web hosting services for the event to ensure all those interested have access to the ride’s necessary information and registration. The presence of many other sponsors can be felt throughout the day.
The morning will begin at Sandpoint’s City Beach to check in, followed by a bountiful breakfast hosted at the lakeside Trinity at City Beach restaurant. If you plan on participating in one of the longer routes, you will be shuttled by buses provided by the LPOSD to your starting point in Troy, Montana. Litehouse will be transporting the bikes, and Sandpoint’s Greasy Fingers will be offering SAG services throughout the ride. A dedicated team of volunteers will greet you at scenic hydration stations while helpful Bonner General Health (BGH) staff standby for any first-aid needs. Other notable sponsors include KPND Radio, Bonner County Daily Bee, Kochava, Ting Internet, The Quill Family and RE/MAX, to name a few.
Both Mel and Brad (who has ridden every year except one) have an extensive background in and dedication to education. Since Sandpoint Rotary took over the event in 2014, the organization has since assessed proposals from various charities every three years. This year the selected charity is LPOSD’s Book Trust program, which provides young students access to owning their own books and improving literacy.
“Each of the rides have helped support students in the LPOSD become some of the best in state in statewide testing scores especially related to reading,” according to Mel. Each month of the school year, Book Trust teachers engage their students in choosing books that connect to their interests. Anticipation builds as teachers place their students’ orders on Scholastic’s website and kids start asking, “Are the books here?” and “How many more days?” “When you see how excited the kids are to read their new books and have a desire to read, what more can you ask for? It's a game changer!” shares Annie Hendricks, a 10-year sponsor/volunteer. “Cumulatively, the ride has raised approximately $750,000,” reports Mel.
Annie, of Hendricks Architecture, and her family have been both sponsors and volunteers since Sandpoint Rotary took over the event. “We always man the Bull River stop in Montana. It's one of the trickier ones due to several factors; there's no water, electricity, cell service or parking really. You have to lug everything over there (water containers, coolers), and you have to remember Montana is an hour ahead too!” Annie shares. “For us the mission is certainly the main reason we
participate. We fully support the Book Trust program in our school district, which may be my favorite cause to date. Having volunteered and been a substitute teacher over the last 17 years in the school district, getting books into young readers’ hands is a vital outreach to help our kids to not only learn to read but to love to read,” she adds. Mel reportedly rode with a first-time participant who raised $5,000, seeking to complete the 150-mile route and remained committed, encouraging each other until the finish line. Mel himself once suffered a neck, shoulder and rib injury 30 miles in to go on and finish the ride, fueled by adrenaline and nature’s majesty. Locals, visitors, sponsors, volunteers, first-time riders and returning participants each continue to make room on their calendars for the CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo for one reason or another.
If you have access to a two-wheeled pedal-powered machine and possess the desire for a challenging yet gratifying nature experience, look no further than the CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo. Riders, who are encouraged to form teams and spread the love for this charitable excursion, are required to raise a minimum of $50 for the cause. They are encouraged to set up their own fundraising page when they register and obtain support from friends, family, co-workers, etc.
They are also incentivized with prizes based on how much they raise, ranging from free registrations to a bicycle. All pertinent information and updates about this year’s CHAFE 150 ride and its cause can be found on their website, CHAFE150.org, along with the route maps and list of local supporters. Sign up now and join us this summer at Sandpoint City Beach to endeavor on this cycling expedition for education.
As a real estate professional, I frequently encounter clients who are indecisive between buying a new construction home or resell. Both options have their own advantages and disadvantages, so let’s take a closer look at what you can expect.
I have assisted numerous families in purchasing new construction homes—and have even purchased a few myself. There are several avenues for new construction, including buying a completed spec home (a completed home ready to move in). Another option is to purchase a home that is under construction, which may provide some flexibility in terms of choosing finishes, colors and other details. Finally, you can choose to build a custom home, where you typically own the land and have more control over the design and finishes. Regardless of the avenue you choose, the following applies:
There’s something alluring about a new build. The idea of being the first to live in a home that has never been touched by anyone else is appealing. I mean no one wants to live in someone else’s grime. Plus, everything is brand new, which means you shouldn’t have to worry about repairs or replacement for several years, if not decades. However, it’s important to note before you purchase your new build, you should have the home inspected by a third party. Even better, consider having the home inspected during the course of construction by a third party to ensure nothing is overlooked. Even the most experienced home builders can make mistakes due to the logistics of construction. These mistakes are typically not due to cutting corners or because they are bad at what they do but because they are people, and people are not perfect. Only Jesus is perfect.
A frequent issue I’ve noticed on new construction inspection reports is that the plumbing vents are often left capped. This oversight can result in an unpleasant odor of sewer gas permeating the living space—definitely not a pleasant experience.
Welcome to the Water Lark, a waterfront home with private dock in Bayview, Idaho. It features 3 covered decks, a master suite with its own private deck, a walk-out basement, a 2-car garage, and plenty of storage. Take advantage of summer water recreational activities.
Say “hello” to your new home that is conveniently located in the heart of Sandpoint. The living and bonus rooms boast original wood floors, while the kitchen features maple cabinets and all the appliances you’ll need to whip up your favorite meals. Upstairs, you’ll find plenty of space for your family or guests. Not to mention, there is a fenced-in backyard with alley access, and a garage/shop measuring 25x40.
“Working with Ben is always a pleasure. He’s personable, knowledgable of the area, and well known. He is a great resource for anyone relocating, renting, or vacationing in the area. Keep up the great work, Ben!”
A home with history and charm is comforting. Unlike new construction, resell homes often come with mature landscaping, fencing, outbuildings, established neighborhoods and perhaps even some interesting features unique to the area.
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Another advantage of getting a home inspection on your new build is that the report itself can serve as a user guide for your home. In the report, you’ll find the locations of the water shut-off, gas shutoff, attic and crawl space access, and other important components of the home.
Additionally, depending on the builder, new construction homes will come with some form of warranty. The type of warranty varies by builder, but I’ve seen everything from 10-year structural warranties to general warranties that exclude wear and tear for up to 12 months after purchase. There is even one local builder who has a lifetime structural warranty!
Most new construction homes are built with a higher energy efficiency rating due to the latest advances in construction material and building practices. This provides homeowners with the benefit of reduced monthly utility bills. You’re even likely to find new build homes with smart home technology!
If you have the opportunity to build a custom home or choose the finishes for a spec home, there is no denying that selecting finishes, colors and layout is an absolute blast. It is the perfect way to make your home original and perfectly suited to your style.
A home with history and charm is comforting. Unlike new construction, resell homes often come with mature landscaping,
fencing, outbuildings, established neighborhoods and perhaps even some interesting features unique to the area. Think South Sandpoint and the 3rd Avenue Pier or War Memorial Field. Plus, the price tag on resell is often lower than new construction, meaning you can get more home for your money.
However, resell homes can come with their own set of challenges. You may be inheriting outdated appliances, flooring and other components that need to be updated sooner than later. You definitely should hire a third party for an inspection. The possibility of mold growth, the previous homeowners’ defected DIY projects, and roof defects are higher.
Furthermore, in the case of a home settling or having structural defects, these issues are more likely to be visible in a resell home, as it has had more time to develop and present itself.
Finally, let’s not forget about renovation when it comes to resell homes. Renovation can be just as thrilling as building a new home, and it gives you the opportunity to customize various aspects of your home to make it truly unique to your taste. This can be the best of both worlds.
Ultimately, the decision to buy resell or new construction is a personal one that should be based on your needs, budget and preferences. With a solid understanding of what you're looking for and the right local real estate professional helping you, you're sure to find the perfect home for you and your family.
Ultimately, the decision to buy resell or new construction is a personal one that should be based on your needs, budget and preferences.
If you’re looking to buy or sell, making sure the right advocate is working for you is more important than ever—so is maintaining our community and preserving the qualities that make Sandpoint, Idaho, such an incredible place to live. With resumes that include careers such as lawyers and psychologists, our dedicated team brings an extra level of professionalism to the table. We pride ourselves in our ability to negotiate and advocate on behalf of our clients, to make sure you are getting the best deal possible, whether you are buying or selling property. Contact us for your real estate needs, and discover why we’ve earned all 5-star ratings!
THE HOUSING MARKET FOR 2023 IS EXPECTED TO WITNESS SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS, NOT JUST IN NORTH IDAHO BUT ACROSS THE BOARD. The upcoming April and May CPI reports are expected to replace the high reports of 2022 with lower ones. As a result, mortgage rates are likely to decline to the mid-5 percent range. This should attract more buyers to enter the market that currently has low inventory. Consequently, the demand for homes will increase, keeping home prices up and leading to multiple offers.
Are you curious about current real estate trends in Sandpoint, Idaho? See page 32!
Data collected from Movoto.com
It’s officially farmers market season, as the Farmers Market at Sandpoint kicked off on April 29 at Farmin Park and will continue bi-weekly through October 14. With the mission to support local agriculture through education and a diverse community market, all are invited to shop the market 3 to 5:30pm every Wednesday and 9am to 1pm each Saturday. Shop local while wandering booths of produce, specialty foods, crafts and goods from a variety of vendors throughout the area, and take in the free concert in the park (each Saturday and most Wednesdays). To find out more about the market and what vendors will be on-site, as well as upcoming special events you won’t want to miss, be sure to check out SandpointFarmersMarket.com.
Sandpoint Leadership, a program of the Chamber of Commerce, invites the community to attend this wonderful family event and fundraiser, with 2023 proceeds to benefit Unique Center for Athletes of All Needs (UCAN). The Cinco de Mayo Block Party takes place from 4 to 8pm Friday, May 5, in downtown Sandpoint on Main Street (between First and Second streets). It will feature local vendors providing food and drinks; raffle and silent auction; and music, games and fun activities (like face painting and Folk School activities) for all ages. The event is free to attend.
MAY 12
On May 12, don't miss the Bike Rodeo at Travers Park. From 3 to 5pm, bring your bike or scooter and helmet (there will be free helmets available for kids who do not have one, while supplies last), to receive a free bike safety check and minor repairs if needed. Also learn about bike safety and practice your skills. To add to the excitement, participants can enter a drawing to win a bike! The Bike Rodeo is sponsored by LPOSD Safe Routes to School, Pend Oreille Pedalers, and Sandpoint Parks and Recreation. For more information, contact Erin at Erin.billings@lposd.org or 208.263.2184 ext.1124.
MAY 13
Join Bonner Homeless Transitions on Saturday, May 13, for the Little Black Dress Gala. The event will be held at the Bonner County Fairgrounds starting at 5:30pm and feature live and silent auctions paired with a wonderful dinner. Save the date, purchase your tickets, and help Bonner Homeless Transitions continue their mission of serving the homeless in our community. For those who are interested in sponsoring a table, please call 208.946.3274. For up-to-date details about the event, and to purchase tickets, visit BonnerHomelessTransitions.org.
MAY 31
Join others in the community in remembering all those who left us too soon. The first annual Celebration of Life gathering in the Healing Garden at Bonner General Health is planned for May 31 beginning at 4pm. This event will be a gathering of the community for anyone who wishes to attend. It will be a time of celebration of lives who have touched us, as well as a time of reflection and gathering together to honor. The tranquil setting is sure to put your soul, and heart, at ease.
*Please note, as of press time, these events were still scheduled to take place as planned. Be sure to visit event websites to stay up to date with current information.
The1950s are decades in the past, but one weekend each spring, downtown Sandpoint turns back the clock to simpler times of sock hops and saddle shoes, ice cream shops and rock 'n' roll. That's right! It's that time again for Lost in the '50s.
Always held the third weekend in May, Sandpoint's biggest party of the year returns for its 36th year, with the vintage car parade kicking off the event at 6pm on Friday, May 19, as it makes its way from Sandpoint High School down to Cedar, up to Forest, over to Church then down through downtown. Be sure to pick your favorite spot along the parade route to guarantee you great viewing. There will be a street dance immediately following the parade at Second Avenue and Main Street, where the community, both young and young at heart, are invited to boogie on down.
Come Friday night, the fun moves to the Bonner County Fairgrounds, where the audience will take in the best of that legendary rock ‘n’ roll! Legend Jay Siegel's Tokens of "The Lions Sleep Tonight" fame will take the stage, plus, La La Brooks, the original lead singer of the Crystals, the group responsible for the hit "Da Doo Ron Ron," and lastly, Lost in the ‘50s favorite Rocky and the Rollers.
'50s fun continues into Saturday, May 20, with the impressive car show, where owners will be showing off their pride and joy. The streets (First, Cedar, Main, Second and Third avenues) will be lined with hundreds of hot rods and classics. Everyone's invited to stroll and see these beauties between 9:30am and 3:45pm.
In addition to the cars, there will be great music, food and fun.
After the car show has concluded, it's time to get ready for another great night of music and dancing at the fairgrounds with powerhouse band Jay and the Americans, "Come a Little Bit Closer" and “This Magic Moment,” and Rocky and the Rollers returns.
Don’t miss Sandpoint’s biggest party! Be there, or be square.
Dance tickets can be purchased for $55 (per night) by calling 208.265.5678 or 208.263.9321, or pick them up at Second Avenue Pizza (215 Second Avenue in Sandpoint).
To stay up to date with all the fun to expect at this year's Lost in the '50s, be sure to follow Facebook.com/lost50s.
Everyone looks forward to Sandpoint’s Lost in the '50s car show. You can travel back in time getting a taste of every decade as you walk downtown viewing all the cars, rusted and polished.
If you have ever wondered what the car scene was like in Sandpoint in the actual 1950s, it was an exciting one. In the summer of 1953, a dirt racetrack was built and opened by Dominic Modock. It was located near the airport and was called the Sandpoint Speedway. Many stock car racers competed at the track, both local and visitors.
In August of 1953, more lights were installed, making it one of the best-lit tracks in the Inland Empire. In a newspaper article from August 6, 1953, one stock car jockey stated: “Other than Mead, I don’t know of a better track in the area.”
What fun it must have been to go to the races at Sandpoint Speedway.
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Sandpoint SummerFest
Schweitzer Fall Fest Schweitzer.com
The Idaho Club TheIdahoClub.com
Sandpoint Elks Golf Course -
Geo Hali Sandpoint Helicopter Charters
Go Fish! Charters
Lake Pend Oreille Cruises
Bottle Bay Resort & Marina
Dover Bay Resort DoverBayIdaho.com
Sandpoint Marina SandpointWaterfront.com
Western Pleasure Guest Ranch
Action Water Sports
Sandpoint Watercraft Rentals
Sandpoint Watersports
Sandpoint is home to four great breweries. Bike to each, or take a walking tour: Matchood Brewing Co., Utara BrewingCo., MickDuff’s Brewing Co., Laughing Dog Brewing.
Enjoy fun in the sun at the sandy, grassy downtown public beach on the lake. SandpointIdaho.gov
Shop the Sandpoint Shopping District
Explore the many unique shops in charming downtown. DowntownSandpoint.com
Drive The Pend Oreille Scenic Byway
Experience some of North Idaho’s most scenic views along this 33.4-mile drive.
Relax with a Spa Day
Visit the Wildflower Spa at Seasons Resort or Highlands North Day Spa for a day of rejuvenation.
| HighlandsNorthDaySpa.com
Explore Local Galleries
Walk the downtown and stop in at several local galleries to enjoy local and regional art.
Stop in Cedar Street Bridge
Explore various shops and restaurants in the downtown bridge spanning Sand Creek. CedarStreetBridge.com
Do a Tasting at the Local Winery
Enjoy local sips from Pend d’Oreille Winery. POWine.com
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Lake Pend Oreille Repertory Theatre
7PM, $25 General Admission
Also showing May 13th, 19th, 20th 26
Katelyn Shook, Josh Hedlund, Larsen Gardens
6PM, $15 General Admission
Also showing June 3rd
8PM, $25 General Admission
Must be 18+ to attend
8PM, $25 General Admission 8
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