- Free Estimates Transform Your Space with a Fresh Coat of Paint! Our team has grown Professional Painting Services
Native Plants for Pollinators
DreamScapes: Timeless Outdoor Living
Built on Integrity: Tamarack Builders
Easter: A Time of Hope Around the World
Why Choose Nedra?
Bringing her background in journalism and public relations to every interaction, Nedra provides not only her expertise in marketing but pricing strategy, negotiation, strong communication skills, and showcasing properties with best-in-class marketing and luxury branding.
When you work with Nedra, you get her 100% commitment. She’ll answer your messages and calls promptly, and connect with you on all showings. Your home isn’t just another listing to her. She wants to see you to the finish line and won’t stop until that happens.
Nedra is a highly successful real estate agent with a proven track record of selling multimilliondollar homes, as well as cozy family homes and beautiful land in North Idaho. Her dedication to providing exceptional service has earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor in the luxury real estate market.
Not all storage is
SMART FACILITY: Your phone is the key! All you need to do is download the app, and you have access to your unit via Bluetooth.
TAILORED FOR YOU: The entire indoor facility is temperature controlled maintaining a stable environment. Ideal for fine textiles, documents, collectibles, artwork, furniture, and any other sensitive goods.
SEAMLESSLY SECURE: From small to large storage needs, Nokē locks ensure your belongings are safe against unauthorized access.
CONVENIENCE REDEFINED: We’ve made moving in a breeze, providing paved, upfront parking, a large spacious elevator, and 2 handcarts for ease of use.
MODERN FACILITY: Easy on-line rental, unlimited 24-hour access, monitored video surveillance, and excellent customer service.
EXPERIENCE THE EXTRAORDINARY: Discover the ease of new and improved storage solutions. Visit us online or at the main office 7 days a week.
When it comes to premier real estate in Sandpoint, Paul & Jolena are the trusted experts. As top-producing agents and part of the exclusive Christie’s International Real Estate network, they offer unmatched global exposure, elite marketing strategies, and access to high-net-worth buyers worldwide. With deep local knowledge and an extensive luxury network, Paul & Jolena specialize in showcasing Sandpoint’s finest properties—from stunning lakefront estates to private mountain retreats. Their proven track record, personalized service, and Christie’s connection ensure that your home is marketed to the most qualified buyers, maximizing your property’s value. call today to elevate your buying or selling experience with North Idaho’s top luxury real estate experts.
sandpoint living local magazine is brought to you by Like-Media.com. If you would like to advertise with us, please call 208.620.5444 or email allyia@like-media.com. To submit articles, photos, nominations and events, email us at info@like-media.com.
Living Local magazine is published seasonally and distributed freely throughout Coeur d’Alene, Hayden, Post Falls, Rathdrum, Spokane Valley, Sandpoint, Bonners Ferry and Dover Bay. Opinions expressed in articles or advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Living Local magazine is not responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented to the magazine. Living Local magazine is produced and published by Like Media, and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without the permission of the publisher.
Meet Steve Russo, Publisher Executive Director steve@like-media.com
Spring Renewal:
Growth, Hope, and Community
As Spring arrives, there’s a noticeable shift in the air—one that feels like a breath of fresh air after a challenging season. With the arrival of longer days, warmer temperatures, and the vibrant colors of nature, it’s a time of renewal and rebirth. This season brings with it a newfound sense of optimism, and for good reason.
In many ways, Spring mirrors the spirit of Easter—a time of renewal, hope, and fresh beginnings. For centuries, Easter has been a symbol of resurrection and transformation, a powerful reminder that no matter how tough the winter season is, new life is always just around the corner. Whether through the blossoming of flowers or the growth of our local communities, this is the season when things truly come to life.
Across the country, in small towns like ours, the spirit of resilience and community is stronger than ever. Spring reminds us of what truly matters—family, hard work, and the local businesses that keep our
communities thriving. It’s a season of growth, not just in the fields but also in our own backyards. The positivity in the air is hard to ignore, and it feels like the perfect time to embrace new opportunities and invest in what makes our small towns so special.
As we celebrate Easter and the promise of rebirth, let’s take a moment to appreciate the things that unite us— supporting local businesses, spending time with our loved ones, and taking pride in the communities we call home. The strength of small-town values is more important than ever, and Spring is the perfect time to nurture that spirit.
Here’s to a season of growth, hope, and the positive energy that comes with new beginnings. Spring is here, and with it comes the promise of brighter days ahead. Wishing you a season full of renewal and joy.
About The Cover
DreamScapes takes center stage on this issue’s cover, showcasing the artistry and craftsmanship that define their landscape transformations. Led by Ira Conger, DreamScapes blends creativity with longevity, specializing in stonework, pavers, water features, and more. With a deep understanding of the Inland Northwest’s terrain, their team creates inviting outdoor spaces that stand the test of time. Whether enhancing existing landscapes or building from the ground up, DreamScapes turns outdoor dreams into enduring realities. Find out more on page 33.
Cover photo courtesy of DreamScapes
Luxury Properties
K W I T H S H A N N O N ?
M y h u s b a n d a n d b u s i n e s s p a r t n e r , G r e g , c o n s t a n t l y r e m i n d s m e t h a t
I ’ m a p e o p l e p e r s o n f i r s t H e ’ s r i g h t T
r e a l e s t
M y p r o c e s s i s f i r m l y r o o t e d i n h i g h - l e v e l p r o b l e m - s o l v i n g ,
n e g o t i a t i o n , t r a n s p a r e n c y , a h y p e r - f o c u s e d a p p r o a c h t h a t
p r i o r i t i z e s m y c l i e n t s ’ d e s i r e s , a n d t h e i m m a c u l a t e e x e c u t i o n
o f r e a l e s t a t e t r a n s a c t i o n s .
T o m l i n s o n S o t h e b y ’ s I n t e r n a t i o n a l R e a l t y i s b a c k e d b y t h e
S o t h e b y ’ s b r a n d , a n e a r l y 3 0 0 - y e a r t r a d i t i o n t h a t s t a n d s f o r
t r u s t , i n t e g r i t y , a n d e x c e l l e n c e . A s a S o t h e b y ’ s R e a l t y
a f f i l i a t e , w e a r e a b l e t o o f f e r o u r c l i e n t s a b u n d a n t t o p - s h e l f
m a r k e t i n g m a t e r i a l s a n d e x p o s u r e i n t o p - t i e r m e d i a o u t l e t s .
I ’ m i n
M y c l i e n t e l e m a i n t a i n s a c e r t a i n l e v e l o f
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a l i g n e d w i t h T o m l i n s o n S o t h e b y ’ s t r a d i t i o n
o f e x c e l l e n c e . “ E x c e e d i n g e x p e c t a t i o n s .
S o l v i n g p r o b l e m s b e f o r e t h e y h a p p e n ” I
h a v e b u i l t , a n d c o n t i n u e t o b u i l d , m y
b u s i n e s s o n t h e s e t h i n g s .
Reach out to learn more about our local market or to receive a free marketing analysis on your home.
Shannon is amazing We recently moved to the area from out of state and Shannon spent three days giving us a comprehensive tour of Sandpoint and Coeur d'Alene so we could make an informed decision on where we wanted to live She made sure we had all available information on every property we toured and assembled a great team of inspectors when it came time for us to do our due diligence Our family truly could not have made this move without her JDR
As we turn the page to a new chapter for our publication, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our “Voice of the Town” campaign—your chance to shape the stories we tell. Starting now, we’re inviting you, our readers, to share your experiences, ideas, and passions through submissions—your chance to feature your voice in our content. Together, let’s make our publication a true reflection of this community, standing out as the heartbeat of our town. Email your submission to editorial@like-media.com to join the conversation— because this is your story, too.
CHAFE 150 is a dynamic cycling event dedicated to advancing youth literacy in Sandpoint, Idaho. Since 2008, this annual ride has raised over $1 million for local education programs and supports initiatives, including Lake Pend Oreille School District’s “Every Student Graduates a Reader” program. Organized by the Sandpoint Rotary Club, CHAFE 150 offers diverse routes for cyclists of all abilities and culminates in a community after-party at City Beach Park. With robust support from over 115 sponsors and 120 volunteers, the event champions early literacy, inspiring riders and community members to invest in every child’s future while making a lasting community impact.
We sponsor local non-profits for a six-month campaign.
A three-month feature article in our print magazine.
A three-month feature article in our digital magazine.
Marketing advertisements in both print and digital formats.
An SEO-optimized blog post to boost Google search rankings.
Ongoing support and promotion across our social media platforms.
Promotional product design with strategic recommendations.
Comprehensive business analysis paired with specialized marketing advice.
Like Media’s Mission: Impact communities in a positive way.
Check out all of our current and past non-profits here!
Like Media, producer of Sandpoint Living Local magazine, recognizes non-profits’ invaluable contributions. We amplify their voices, share inspiring stories, and engage with organizations to support their missions and inspire action.
Smart construction techniques, energy-saving tips for a stylish, functional home
The construction of your dream home doesn’t have to be expensive — with some strategic planning and decision-making, you can create a lovely, functional space that works for you, and your budget.
Every choice you make can reduce the cost of your dream home, whether it’s choosing a modular design that saves time, or reclaimed construction that adds character. You can also make your home work for you by saving money on things like smart home tech, DIY projects, and investing in the right home essentials.
Enlisting tax incentives for green construction and energy improvements can lower prices and drive longterm appreciation. If you’re open to creativity and lowcost upgrades, you can ensure your first home is one that you love. Here, you’ll find practical ideas to build smarter, save money, and build a home that embodies your vision and budget.
Modular homes are homes made in modules in a factory. The modules are then assembled on top of an existing foundation. These homes tend to be more cost-effective, as they can be constructed quickly and are often completed faster than on-site builds due to streamlined labor. These houses are built per demand, as the home can be designed to specific specifications, thus keeping individual tastes in mind. The homes are also usually more energy efficient because of specific standards laid out during the manufacturing process. These homes are constructed in a factory in a controlled environment, inhibiting wasted resources. Modular construction is an easy way to save money on your dream home.
Design complexities increase construction costs because they require more materials and labor. A simple design, like a rectangular or square floor plan, can reduce labor time and costs, while still providing the space for beautiful results with the right materials, finishes, and landscaping. Keeping the design simple and clean-cut with a modern, sleek look saves money and makes it easier to construct and complete within budget and time.
A thoughtful, simple design can be both elegant and costefficient. It’s about maximizing space while minimizing unnecessary features.
Build with used or salvaged materials to save money and add character to your home. Items selected from a salvage shop have history; they often reflect the insight of a DIY spirit, adding charm and dressing a home beautifully. Reclaimed wood from old barns, factory floors, or railway tracks; steel from dismantled bridges or bombed-out tanks; and bricks from demolished buildings are economical, eco-friendly, and help your home create its narrative.
Buying salvage materials requires less new matter, saving money, and treading more lightly upon the landscape. Buying locally spares related transportation costs and fights monopolies, so your salvaged DIY project accrues the potential to grow into an inexpensive and sustainable construction project.
While more efficient windows, insulation, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are initially more expensive, investing in these features will save you money in the long run, reducing costs of utility bills. Keeping your interior temperature constant means your house can handle the heating and cooling maintenance work. Over time, the savings from lower energy bills will offset the cost of your home’s energy efficiency.
Because of these upgrades, your house will be more energy efficient, making it a more attractive choice for future home buyers. Energy efficiency is a kind of ‘twofer’ that deals double-digit savings on your bottom line while making your house more environmentally friendly.
An energy-efficient home is an investment that pays you back monthly. It’s not just about savings—it’s about creating a home that works smarter.
You can significantly reduce costs by taking on tasks such as painting, landscaping, and installing fixtures yourself—while leaving electrical and plumbing work to the experts. By choosing your DIY projects wisely, you’ll save money and take pride in contributing to your home’s construction. Completing personal touches, like finishing lower walls or laying a herringbone pattern on the foyer floor, can deepen your connection to the space and make it feel like your home—unique, welcoming, and a testament to your hard work.
The best way to save money is to use materials that offer outstanding value without sacrificing quality. Your home could be built with concrete blocks, bamboo, or prefab panels for a fraction of the cost of standard materials at the same quality level. These materials are incredibly inexpensive, not only because of the price but because they are sustainable. Bamboo, for example, is renewable (it usually takes a year to harvest), and concrete blocks have incredible insulation value. Prefab panels can build structures quickly and with less labor than regular materials. Once you start thinking this way, you will begin to research alternative materials and only consider those that will make your home sturdy, stylish, and, most importantly, affordable.
Hillside Oasis with Unmatched Views of majestic mountains, the vibrant cityscape, and the shimmering waters of distant Lake Coeur d’Alene. This exquisite 6,000+ square foot haven is not just a residence—it’s a lifestyle, a retreat, and a sanctuary that redefines luxury living. Discover multiple elegant living spaces designed for both entertaining and relaxation.
SINGLE LEVEL MODERN FARMHOUSE BRINGS THE WOW FACTOR. Upgraded features on this 3 bed, 2 bath home make this 1884 sq ft home truly stand out. Board-and-batten front exterior with black and white accents meld the modern color scheme with classic style. All the large windows really bring in that natural light.
This home was built to impress! With a 14+ acre lot on a creek, stunning views, guest house and a massive 60x36 insulated shop, this property brings the wow factor to the table. Feeling spacious throughout with 10+ ceilings and 5588 sq ft, the views from every window of this home are filled with the splendor that is the Pacific Northwest and Coeur d’Alene Lake. No HOA or CC&R’s either! Just 10 minutes from town on top notch roads, you’ll be shocked by all that’s on offer.
atmosphere. Surrounded by the natural beauty of North Idaho on the banks of the Spokane River, this location offers easy access to local restaurants, a coffee shop, a movie theater, a waterfront park and even a walking/biking trail.
home on two city lots totaling .25 acres. This turn-key home is currently set up as a vacation rental and includes all furnishings! Close proximity to City Beach, shopping and the downtown lifestyle.
your friends and family in one of two dens, each equipped with a fireplace. Shoot pool in the loft or steam out your worries in the dry sauna.
Incredible Lake Coeur d'Alene and Carlin Bay views! Build your dream home on this
2860 W. Lumber Ln., Coeur D’Alene, ID 83814
Work through your home’s essential spaces first — the kitchen, bathroom, living area, etc. — building phase-by-phase to create a foundation that allows for expansion later on. Living in the house as the building is done in phases spreads the stress and the financial commitments over several years. You’ll be able to enjoy comfortable, beautiful spaces from day one and gradually enhance your home over time, adding features as your budget allows. By focusing on the essential spaces first, you can achieve your dream home over time without feeling financially strained or overwhelmed.
Timeless Outdoor Living
Artful landscapes built to last
DreamScapes redefines outdoor spaces in the Inland Northwest, crafting landscapes that blend artistry with longevity. Owned by Ira Conger, the company has evolved from a service-based business into a premier landscape installation firm known for its expertise in stonework, pavers, large-format porcelain tile, and water features. The entire DreamScapes team is made up of locals who understand the unique challenges of the Inland Northwest terrain.
“We decided to move from service-based to install-based after years of fixing others’ work,” says Ira. “We wanted to make our work functional art that will outlast most people’s lifetime. There is permanence in stone and blockwork when it is done right.”
DreamScapes provides residential grounds maintenance and takes on projects across the Inland Northwest, transforming bare land or redesigning existing landscapes. Their adaptable approach allows designs to evolve as the project takes shape. “We don’t marry our work to a design, as many things change. We flow with that to create something we are proud to leave with our client.”
Much of their work comes through word-ofmouth referrals. “Our customer base is usually a bit savvy and elegant,” Ira explains. “They either have saved and been conservative and now wish to treat themselves, or they appreciate our work and style. Ninety percent of our larger work comes from word of mouth—when your friends see the patio we put in… they want one too.”
As a licensed general contractor, the team often handles utility work alongside their landscape installations. One of their biggest challenges is access—navigating drainage, slope transitions, and permeability requires the right tools and expertise. “We have invested in compact yet powerful equipment designed to navigate tight or hard-toreach spaces.”
In Windermere Heights, DreamScapes took on a challenging project to replace failing walls that were putting homes below at risk. This homeowner shared their experience:
“We called Ira for a consultation and looked no further. It was clear he was an expert. The job required removing the driveway, installing a new drainage system, and rebuilding the retaining wall with steps. He communicated every step, keeping us informed throughout the process. They were always on time, precise and completed this complex job quickly. The final result is stunning, and we receive constant compliments. DreamScapes is, without question, the company to trust for any outdoor project.” – Dr. Crum, OMFS
While DreamScapes provides design input, most clients trust the team to bring their vision to life. “Our work creates inviting and inspiring spaces that encourage people to step outside and fully embrace each season with those they cherish,” says Ira. “When we hand our clients back their space, it’s to new friends, giving them a place to enjoy, find peace, and create moments that will be cherished for a lifetime.”
509.389.2050 Facebook.com/ spokanedreamscapes
Building a beautiful, thriving garden in the Inland Northwest involves choosing plants native to the area. Localized plants are easy to care for and a key component of a flourishing ecosystem, providing nourishment and shelter for pollinators like bees and butterflies.
It’s important to select plants appropriate for the zones of the region, as outlined by the USDA’s Plant Hardiness Zone Map. While Northern Idaho is typically considered to be in zone 6, you’ll want to choose trees, shrubs, and perennials in zones 4-5 to account for the cold winters. Native flowers, trees, and shrubs can keep your garden blooming from early spring until late fall, providing pollinators with year-round food.
Beyond planting flowers, creating a pollinator-friendly environment in your garden may include adding features like like bee hotels, shallow water baths for butterflies, and patches of bare soil for groundnesting bees help support a wide variety of species.
Whether it’s adding some flowers or rearranging your entire yard, the native plans you introduce will help build a better, more stable landscape and give your outdoor space more beauty and meaning by providing a healthy home for pollinators.
Create a thriving garden with native plants that support bees and butterflies year-round
Why Native Plants Matter
Native plants are the foundation of a healthy ecosystem. Plants native to the Inland Northwest thrive naturally in the region’s climate, requiring less water and care while providing essential nectar and habitat for pollinators like bees and butterflies. Native plants are nature’s way of saying, “I belong here.” They require less effort to thrive in their natural environment, allowing them to give back. By selecting plants that already belong in the area, gardeners can play a critical role in supporting biodiversity.
Understanding the Growing Zones
Northern Idaho generally falls under USDA growing zone 6, but caution is key. Occasionally, harsh winters make it advisable to lean toward hardier plants from zones 4 or 5. For long-lasting additions like trees, shrubs, and perennials, selecting zone 4 seedlings ensures resilience and longevity. These plants can withstand the occasional deep freezes and extreme weather.
Native Plants for Pollinators
• Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia): This versatile shrub is perfect for pollinators. Its early spring blossoms are a food source for bees emerging from hibernation, while its berries attract birds.
• Lupine (Lupinus spp.): Known for its striking spikes of flowers, lupine offers a rich nectar source for butterflies and bees while also fixing nitrogen in the soil.
• Blanket Flower (Gaillardia aristata): This drought-tolerant perennial blooms in vibrant red and yellow hues throughout the growing season, attracting various pollinators.
• Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa): Essential for monarch butterflies, milkweed provides both nectar and a breeding ground for these iconic insects.
Based in Spirit Lake, Idaho, we are a family farm serving families across the Inland Northwest. We have GRASS-FED BEEF SHARES for pre-order (eighths, quarters, halves, and wholes) and eggs from our free-range chickens. Call to place an order, schedule a product delivery, or visit our website to order online.
We are a family farm serving families across the Inland Northwest. We have Grass-Fed Beef Shares for pre-order (eighths, quarters, halves, and wholes).
U.S. Beef cattle inventory at its lowest since 1962.
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Flowering Trees to Consider
Incorporating flowering trees adds height, structure, and a season-long pollinator food source.
• Western Serviceberry: This hardy tree offers early blooms and is adaptable to the region’s fluctuating climate.
• Crabapple (Malus spp.): Known for its colorful flowers and fruit, crabapple trees attract bees and butterflies, supporting pollination cycles.
The Role of Wildflowers
Wildflowers are not just beautiful; they are a cornerstone of pollinator habitats. Scatter native wildflower seeds in open areas to create a meadow-like appearance. Some popular options include:
• Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta): This vibrant yellow flower blooms in late summer and provides late-season nectar, making it a favorite of bees and butterflies.
• Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): Its clusters of tiny flowers attract a variety of pollinators, while its drought resistance makes it a practical choice for the Inland Northwest.
Water-Wise Gardening
The dry summers of the Inland Northwest require water-efficient gardening practices. Drip irrigation and mulching around plants help retain soil moisture, while native plants naturally adapt to the region’s precipitation levels. Smart water practices aren’t just about conservation—they ensure your plants grow stronger, healthier, and more resilient.
Supporting Pollinator Health
Avoid the use of pesticides, as they are harmful to pollinators; instead, focus on the use of integrated pest management techniques, like introducing beneficial insects to help control garden pests. Further support the health of local pollinators by choosing organic compost to enrich soil health and create
Insider Tip!
Resources for Gardeners
• Local Nurseries: Many nurseries in the Inland Northwest specialize in native plants suitable for zone 4 or 5.
• Extension Offices: University extension programs often provide regionspecific guidance and resources.
• Online Tools: Websites like The Old Farmer’s Almanac Garden Planner help map out garden layouts and schedules. Seed Savers Exchange specializes in heirloom seeds and preserving biodiversity, while other online tools provide valuable resources for planning, planting, and maintaining a thriving garden.
For Inland Northwest gardeners, creating a vibrant ecosystem with native plants and flowers is an achievable goal. With thoughtful planning and a commitment to supporting pollinators, you can transform your yard into a haven of life and beauty.
Prioritizing quality in every project
Tucked away in the landscape of North Idaho, Tamarack Builders builds more than just homes—it builds trust. For owner Jon Mowery, construction is not just about walls and roofs; it’s about creating lasting structures that stand the test of time, crafted with honesty and care. Tamarack Builders has delivered exceptional construction experience alongside ethics and community dedication to Sandpoint since 2018 and has established itself as a builder who values building standards and customer relationships.
Construction has been more than just a profession for Jon—it’s been a lifelong journey. Before relocating to Sandpoint from the East Coast, he and his team specialized in restoring historic homes from the late 1700s through the 1800s. This experience laid the foundation for the meticulous attention to detail that defines every project Tamarack Builders takes on today. With additional experience in commercial construction, remodeling, and new builds, Jon has developed an understanding of the industry, bringing a well-rounded perspective to every home he builds.
Tamarack Builders, a leading Sandpoint home builder, specializes in custom home builds, typically taking on two to three homes per year. This approach allows them to maintain the high standards they have set for themselves. Their philosophy is built on three core values: Integrity, Craftsmanship, and Professionalism. “We take pride in doing honest work and doing what we say we’re going to do,” Jon shares. “With over twentyfive years in the construction industry, I’ve had the opportunity to glean a tremendous amount of industry knowledge. Our experience in commercial and remodeling sectors also adds a unique perspective.”
Over the years, they have navigated various challenges, including the unpredictable landscape of the construction industry. The COVID-19 pandemic brought its own hurdles, particularly in securing materials. “We had vendors who would only honor material prices the day of—sometimes only for an hour. That was different and created some unique challenges,” Jon recalls. However, lessons learned during the 2008 housing market crash helped Tamarack Builders stay resilient during those uncertain times.
Beyond building homes, Tamarack Builders is committed to giving back to the community. Jon and his team believe in using their skills to help those in need, actively participating in projects that make a meaningful impact. Through a local church group, they donate time and resources to assist families in need. Recent projects include removing and replacing a roof for a struggling family, installing a wood stove and piping, and retrofitting a commercial space for a nonprofit that supports pregnant mothers and individuals facing hardship.
Tamarack Builders is committed to showcasing its dedication to craftsmanship and core values in every home. Its approach to customer service emphasizes communication, allowing clients to feel informed and appreciated throughout the building journey. Acknowledging that a lack of communication or misinformation can be frustrating for clients, the team prides itself on being wellorganized and recognizing the importance of maintaining clear communication at all stages of the building process.
For those looking to build or remodel in Sandpoint, Jon offers some valuable advice: “Do your research and get references for anyone you’re considering using as a builder. Unfortunately, the housing market in Sandpoint has created a huge shift in demand, and many customers are signing on with the first available person. Building a home, especially a forever home, is a lengthy process. You want to find someone who sees your vision as you do and values you as a client as much as they value having the work. You also want someone who will stand by their work and be around for customer service on the back end of the build.”
Through years of experience, a commitment to quality, and a heart for serving the community, Tamarack Builders continues to set a high standard for sustainability and home construction in North Idaho.
“Give a kid a book, and you change the world. In a way, even the universe.” –Neil deGrasse Tyson
Originally inspired by Brad Williams, Libby, Montanian native and long-time Sandpoint resident, one local nonprofit has truly taken Tyson’s sentiment to heart. Since 2008, the CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo cyclists have swarmed the streets of Sandpoint, Idaho, through Troy, Montana, raising over $1 million in support of local education. In 2013, The Sandpoint Rotary Club took over the ride and continues to champion the cause for local youth literacy, funding projects ranging from after-school reading to programs for students on the autism spectrum, and the Book Trust.
Research has proven that early childhood literacy is key to long-term academic success. Because of the direct support of
our vibrant community through fundraisers like the CHAFE 150, Lake Pend Oreille School District (LPOSD) students have far exceeded the national average for reading scores. This upcoming June 14th, the CHAFE 150’s 17th annual ride will be benefiting LPOSD’s new initiative, “Every Student Graduates a Reader.” This program uses a comprehensive approach to ensure children attain their highest reading potential. Mel Dick, a coordinator for the CHAFE 150 and Sandpoint Rotarian, shares about the initiative, “Beginning with fall literacy screenings, those found to need extra support undergo diagnostic assessments to pinpoint specific areas for improvement. Teachers are trained in evidence-based practices such as phonics and comprehension, ensuring they can provide effective reading instruction.”
Testimonials from a few local students prove the impact that these literacy programs have had in our area:
“The ride has made a difference in the lives of thousands of students over the years and there is certainly no end to that road in sight, so saddle up and get involved!”
“In fifth grade, I didn’t understand how to read, and I didn’t like to try. Now that I have learned Vowel Town and the special spelling rules, I like to read. I am paying more attention now and am not getting sidetracked because I couldn’t follow along. I even like coming to school now!” (6th Grader)
“I am taking the skills that I have learned and am applying them in my other classes. I am now comfortable reading out loud off the board in class.” (8th Grader)
The CHAFE 150 has over six routes of different lengths on roads and gravel, including a Family Fun Ride with three starting locations, four different start times, and seven rest stops along the way. Whether you are a hard-core rider or casually coasting on an e-bike, the ride provides an accessible route for all levels of experience. An after-party at City Beach Park in Sandpoint is open to the entire community, rider or not, and features food, a beer and wine garden, and activities for children. “Support for the ride over the years has been outstanding,” says Mel, noting that this year’s event has over 115 sponsors and 120 volunteers. Donations can be made through their website, Chafe150.org, and with the hope to increase their ridership each year and, thus, their impact on our community, the need for sponsorships and volunteers is ever increasing.
“The ride has made a difference in the lives of thousands of students over the years,” Mel says, and there is certainly no end to that road in sight, so saddle up and get involved!
Bringing Your Perfect Landscape to Life
“We’ve loved working with DreamScapes. After a major remodel, our front yard didn’t match the property, and we wanted a low-maintenance design for the front. Ira brought creative ideas to our planning meetings—many we hadn’t considered!
A highlight was shopping with Ira for water features, a stone bridge, and “statement boulders.” His knowledge of stone yards was impressive, and he offered great preselected options while considering our preferences. The natural pillar and bowl water feature he designed now greets guests as they arrive.
Ira also took us to nurseries, where his expertise made plant, grass, and tree decisions stress-free and enjoyable.
Ira and his team were fantastic, staying with the project to completion and ensuring we were satisfied. They replaced a wall, created beautiful meandering paver walkways, handled lighting design and installation, and improved our irrigation system with individual drip sprinklers for every plant.
Our neighbors love the landscape, and we highly recommend DreamScapes to anyone lucky enough to work with them!”
- Mark & Mary J.
A time of hope around the world
This season holds deep meaning for many, including myself. It symbolizes renewal, fresh beginnings, and the promise of eternal life. What makes it extraordinary is witnessing people worldwide come together as billions celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter stands as a powerful reminder of why this holiday is so significant. Beyond the ringing of church bells and cherished family gatherings, it marks a moment that transformed everything, leaving an everlasting impact on the world.
John 3:16
Why Easter Matters
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
The story grabs you—four Gospel writers (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20), each telling how it went down that Sunday morning. They paint a compelling picture of an empty tomb and Jesus showing up alive to people who'd watched him die days before. John 19:17-19 (ESV) says: 17 “And he went out, bearing his own cross, to the place called the Place of a Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha. 18 There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side and Jesus between them. 19 Pilate also wrote an inscription and put it on the cross. It read, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews."
Paul cuts straight to the chase in 1 Corinthians 15: "Without Christ's resurrection, your belief is meaningless because you remain trapped in your sins." There is no sugar-coating there—everything hinges on this one event.
As recounted in Mathew 28, the story of the resurrection was witnessed by hundreds of first-account witnesses. Matthew 28:5-7 (ESV) says: 5 “But the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead ….”
Good Friday hits hard. It should. But Easter Sunday? That's when history was changed for eternity! Death lost. Life won. For those who believe, like me, it's not just some ancient story—it's a promise we bank on.
How the World Welcomes Easter
What intrigues me is how different cultures honor Easter morning. Here's what I've seen and heard from people who have lived in various cultures:
Those who fail To plan, plan To fail.
If the answer to any of the above is ‘No’, let’s work together to create a personalized plan to set your business up for success in 2025.
1 Peter 1:3
Dawn in the Philippines
A Filipino relative explained their Salubong ceremony to me. At Easter sunrise, the entire community shows up to recreate Mary meeting her risen son. They said even the tough guys get choked up watching it. Sometimes, you need to see something played out to understand the real impact.
Brazilian Passion
My good friend Alfonso told me about Nova Jerusalém's Passion play. The whole town turns into Jerusalem, and they act out the Easter story from start to finish. There is no holding back. It is raw and unfiltered. It's intense, and the impact is generational.
Spring Mornings in America
Here at home, we do our own thing. A lot of people attend a sunrise service. Standing there in the cold, waiting for dawn—just like those women at the tomb. Later, there's egg hunts and the whole Easter Bunny business. Nothing wrong with that. But that quiet moment at sunrise? That's real. That’s beauty. That's the peace we are promised!
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
In the Streets of Rome
A good friend who visited Rome for Easter told me about St. Peter's Square. Picture thousands of people from every country you can name standing shoulder to shoulder as the Pope leads Mass. In Florence, there is a tradition called Scoppio del Carro. People light up a cart loaded with fireworks and other pyrotechnics and watch as it lights up the sky; the sight is truly spectacular. Compared to our Easter Bunny, it sounds out there, but it's been their way of marking Easter for centuries.
Under Greek Stars
In Greece, the celebration starts at midnight in a dark church, and everyone holds unlit candles. Then, boom—the priest calls out, "Christos Anesti!" (Christ is risen!), and the light spreads until the whole place is lit. Then, it's time to head home, crack some red eggs (symbolizing new life), and feast on lamb—simple traditions with deep meaning.
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Finding Hope Together
Here's what hits me about Easter: it brings people together, no matter where you're from. Whether in Greece with those candles, Italy with the fireworks, or at your local church at sunrise, you're part of something bigger. All these places celebrate Easter their own way, but they all point to the same thing—that morning when death was defeated, told in those Gospel accounts that still pack a punch and are worth your own investigation if this story speaks to you. As recorded in the Gospel of John, it is:
John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."
Different cultures and traditions share the same core truth—light beats darkness, life beats death. That's Easter. It's what keeps people coming back year after year, worldwide.
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9
Ron’s Road to Recovery: A Lifesaver for Our Sandpoint Community
Keeping patients close to home with the Swing Bed Program at Bonner General Health
In the summer of 2024, a simple bike ride became a lifechanging moment for Ron Hanson. After misjudging a curb, Ron fell hard, leaving him in severe pain. His wife, Ranel, recalls, “He was in bad shape.”
Luckily, the Hansons live near two local Emergency Department Physicians and Ranel quickly called Dr. Ben Good, who was home at the time. Dr. Good rushed to their side, assessed Ron, and urged Ranel to call an ambulance. Soon, Ron was on his way to the hospital for what would turn into a several-week journey.
“Ron was diagnosed with Parkinson’s years ago, so we’re no strangers to medical offices,” says Ranel. “But this experience was different.”
Ron had suffered a broken hip and needed immediate surgery. He had a successful procedure at Bonner General Health and spent three days in the Acute Care Unit. When it became clear that he wasn’t quite ready to return home, Ranel began looking for skilled nursing facilities. However, with few options locally, and those often full, she faced the stress of considering facilities in distant cities.
Then, by chance, Ranel ran into a Bonner General Health staff member who mentioned the Swing Bed Program—a new program
still in its trial phase at the hospital. Ranel and the staff member made a few calls, and soon, Ron could continue his recovery at Bonner General Health. He received daily physical therapy and the skilled care he needed until he was ready to return home.
“I was so relieved,” Ranel says. “The care was amazing. From nurses to physical therapists, everyone was friendly, helpful, and kind.”
The Swing Bed Program is a transitional care service that allows patients to seamlessly transition from acute care to skilled nursing care without leaving the hospital. Ideal for those recovering from surgery, strokes, or other conditions requiring ongoing support, the program provides physical therapy, speech therapy, and medication management under one roof. Most importantly, it keeps patients in a familiar environment with the same care team.
“The Swing Bed Program is a direct result of our team’s dedication,” says Becki Dotson, Chief Nursing Officer at Bonner General Health. “We’ve worked together to bring this vital service to our community.”
The program also offers numerous benefits, including easy access to a wide range of services, reduced readmissions, and shorter stays. And perhaps most importantly, it allows patients to remain close to home, minimizing the stress of traveling far for care.
“We were so pleased with the care Ron received and are truly grateful to the staff who helped us through his recovery,” says Ranel.
Bonner General Health recently completed a successful survey from our accrediting organization, which has been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to admit patients to the Swing Bed Program. Specific insurance eligibility requirements for swing bed admission apply. To learn more about the Swing Bed Program, visit BonnerGeneral.org.
Local Guide SPRING 2025
Pantone’s 2025 Color of the Year, Mocha Mousse (PANTONE 17-1230), is a warm, rich brown that adds a sense of comfort and sophistication to any space. This versatile, timeless shade works beautifully in modern and classic interiors.
To bring this color into your home, start small with throw pillows, blankets, or decorative accents. If you seek a bigger impact, consider an accent wall, upholstered furniture, or even kitchen cabinetry in this earthy tone. Mocha Mousse pairs effortlessly with soft neutrals like cream and off-white for a cozy, inviting ambiance. For more contrast, try pairing it with deep greens, navy blues, or warm terracotta shades.
This shade creates a calm, focused atmosphere in a home office, while in the living room, it adds depth and warmth. The key is balance—use it in the right places, and Mocha Mousse will bring an effortlessly stylish and inviting feel to your home.
Based in Spirit Lake, this family farm serves families across the Inland Northwest. From grass-fed beef shares to eggs from their freerange chickens, call to place an order, schedule a product delivery, or visit their website to order online.
Helping individuals and families secure their financial futures, Caleb Bowman provides personalized investment strategies for retirement, college savings, and estate planning, guiding clients toward their financial goals with tailored solutions.
One of the largest independent title insurance agencies in the Pacific Northwest, each branch will greet you with a friendly, skilled professional who knows the area and is ready to close your title and escrow. Yes, it matters where you close.
105. Pine St. Sandpoint 208.263.2125 AllianceTitle.com
Since 2012, Aqua Plumbing has been Bonner County’s premier commercial and residential plumber. This local, family owned and operated business is dedicated to providing guaranteed customer satisfaction and high-quality plumbing installations.
Sandpoint: 208.265.2782
Bonners Ferry: 208.267.2782
Sandpoint Furniture’s Carpet One & Home is committed to making your search simpler when it comes to your home flooring needs. From hardwood with timeless styles, stains and finishes, plus water and scratch resistant, to tile in stylish colors, patterns, shapes and sizes, to the warmth and comfort of carpet, with innovation and performance you’ll love.
401 Bonner Mall Way Ste. B 208.946.5065
Sandpoint SandpointFurniturePonderay.com
Perfectly Dye Easter Eggs for Easter fun
Prepare the Eggs: Start with clean, dry white eggs. Boil them for 10-12 minutes, then cool them completely in ice water to prevent cracking.
Set Up Your Dye: In separate bowls, mix:
• ½ cup boiling water
• 1 teaspoon white vinegar
• 10-20 drops of food coloring (adjust for desired intensity).
Dip the Eggs: Using a wire whisk, tongs, or a spoon, submerge each egg in the dye. Leave it for a few minutes, depending on how vibrant you want the color.
Specializing in custom home construction and remodels, Ironwood Builders brings craftsmanship and attention to detail to every project. From waterfront homes to mountain retreats, they create spaces that reflect each client’s unique vision.
PO Box 1048
Create Patterns: Before dipping, add rubber bands, stickers, or sponge designs to your eggs. For a marble effect, swirl a drop of vegetable oil into the dye before submerging the egg.
Want a natural option? Use red cabbage, turmeric, or onion skins to create earthy hues. Once dry, rub some cooking oil onto the eggs for a subtle shine.
Fun Fact: Easter eggs symbolize new life and resurrection, fitting with the Christian celebration of Easter. The tradition traces back to early Christians in Mesopotamia, who dyed eggs red to represent Christ’s blood.
The Best Ski Town to Raise Your Family NEW HOMES IN SANDPOINT
Easing the burden of those affected by cancer, this community-funded cancer resource center provides counseling, yoga classes and financial support, as well as a boutique with wigs, scarves and post-mastectomy prosthetics.
1205 US-2 Ste. 101B
Located along Lake Pend Oreille, Base Camp by Williams Homes offers access to Idaho’s natural beauty, outdoor recreation, and vibrant arts scene. Positioned between the Cabinet and Selkirk mountains, near Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort, this community is ideal for adventure seekers. With 47 new homes now available, Base Camp is close to schools, shopping, and major highways, providing convenience for families in up-and-coming Sandpoint. 641 University Park Way Sandpoint 208.494.2266 WilliamsHomes.com
The Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to supporting local businesses and the community. Focused on promoting economic growth, the Chamber connects businesses, encourages tourism, and provides resources to help the local economy thrive. Serving Sandpoint and the surrounding areas, they are committed to fostering collaboration, expanding business opportunities, and strengthening the community.
1202 Fifth Ave.
Sandpoint 208.263.2161
Helping builders, contractors and retail lumber yards obtain specialty lumber products and building materials at competitive prices and with completely attentive, personal service, Lumber Marketing Services offers mill-direct lumber sales, wholesale lumber sales, smaller specialty orders on a custom basis, as well as custom millwork and framing packages. 208.264.5813
Brown’s can do your custom metal machining, welding and fabrication, plus driveline and hydraulic repairs and parts in stock. Their parts specialists will make your u-bolts and hydraulic hoses while you wait. Transmission and engine rebuilds and exchanges. Brown’s ASE and Cummins Certified Diesel Mechanics are on duty six days a week. No job is too big or too small. Open 7am to 5pm Monday - Friday, 7am to 1pm Saturday. 1100 Triangle Dr. | Ponderay 208.263.4643
Serving Sandpoint and surrounding areas, owner Lisa Olson, CNA, assists clients with dignity and patience while improving their quality of life, encouraging independence where possible and empowering them to be confident and comfortable in their own familiar home. Providing excellent and affordable in-home care, she offers a wide variety of care services to those of all ages and cognitive abilities.
Capturing the essence of athleticism and personality, Jason Duchow Photography specializes in dynamic sports shots, team photos and senior portraits. Serving North Idaho and Eastern Washington, Jason’s distinctive style, enhanced by dramatic lighting, elevates portraits to exceptional quality. You can view his work online and call to book your session today.
Whether you are a homeowner, residential or vacation rental manager, or in construction looking for help with cleanup, C&M Cleaning Service can help. Fully licensed and insured, their staff will exceed all your expectations. They offer interior window cleaning, residential cleaning, complete floor cleaning and much more. Now offering all-natural Melaleuca cleaning products by request. 120C South 2nd Ave. | Sandpoint 208.610.8645
Grizzly Glass Centers is your expert auto glass services provider for auto, home or commercial. With top-qualified and certified technicians on staff, they use only professional-grade products and up-to-date equipment.
337 Olive Ave.
208.255.2686 Grizzly-Glass.com
From heating and cooling to indoor air quality, maintenance and new installation, and everything in between, let High Mark Heating & Cooling get the job done right. 24/7 emergency service is available.
78 McNearney Rd.
Since 2000, Jackie Suarez has been helping clients sell and buy in Sandpoint and throughout North Idaho and has consistently ranked among the top 10% of Realtors® here. If you’re looking for a local expert to help with your real estate needs, contact Jackie today.
477181 N. Hwy 95, Ponderay 208.290.5888 JackieSuarez.com
Providing expert restoration services, North Idaho Flood and Fire specializes in water, fire, and mold damage repair. They respond quickly to disasters, helping families and businesses recover and restore their properties.
468211 Hwy. 95
208.263.1058 NorthIdahoFloodandFire.com
Refresh Your Home and Garden
Spring is the perfect time to refresh your home and garden. Clear out clutter and deep clean your windows to welcome more natural light into your home. Swap out heavy winter decor for lighter, fresher textiles to brighten up your space. For the garden, clear winter debris and cut back dying plants to promote lush growth. Top with new mulch to help protect the soil and hold moisture. Plant colorful spring flowers such as tulips, daffodils, or pansies for quick curb appeal. Remember to check outdoor systems such as gutters and irrigation to ensure they’re ready for the season.
Spring Pet Care:
Keeping Your Pets Happy and Healthy
Spring is the perfect time to take your pets outside to play. Start the season with a health and wellness check-up to ensure they are well, and keep their flea, tick, and heartworm preventatives up to date to keep pests away. Give them good grooming to remove their winter coats and trim their nails for easy movement. Check their collars and ID tags to ensure they are up to date. Pack fresh water and a travel bowl to take on outdoor adventures. A little care goes a long way to help your pets enjoy the season safely and happily.
As a trusted real estate expert in Sandpoint, Nedra Kanavel offers personalized services to help clients find their dream homes or investment properties. Specializing in luxury and waterfront properties, she brings dedication and expertise to every transaction.
Specializing in high-quality reclaimed wood, Thick n’ Thin Beams and Flooring provides custom beams, flooring, and timber accents for homes and businesses. Their sustainable materials and craftsmanship bring warmth and character to any space.
4458 Cow Creek Rd.
Bonners Ferry
Your community. Your credit union. For more than 80 years, P1FCU has worked hard to provide excellent products and services to help members improve their financial well-being by offering the right products to help clients on their financial journey.
476844 Hwy 95
Located in North Idaho, The Steve Novotny Team at Rate has rapidly emerged as a leader in the mortgage lending industry. With a team of seasoned professionals and a solid commitment to the community, they have set themselves apart by offering unparalleled service and innovative mortgage solutions. Serving Sandpoint and Coeur d’Alene, they bring more than 55 years of combined experience with a shared goal to provide clients and industry partners and exceptional mortgage experience.
Since 1945, Sandpoint Furniture has been family owned and operated serving all of Northern Idaho, Eastern Washington and Western Montana. With a passion for beautiful home interiors, their goal is to provide their customers access to finer home furnishings that offer style, performance and affordability.
401 Bonner Mall Way, Ste. A Ponderay 208.263.5138
Delivering lightning-fast fiber internet, Ting Internet provides reliable, highspeed connectivity for homes and businesses in Sandpoint. Offering seamless streaming, gaming, and browsing, they are dedicated to bringing the community top-tier service.
1411 N. Division Ave. Building 2 Sandpoint 855.846.4626
At VCA North Idaho Animal Hospital, a full-service veterinary facility, their veterinarians, technicians and other pet-friendly support staff help pets live long, healthy and happy lives by delivering high-quality and compassionate medical care for pets and the best experience for pet owners.
320 S. Ella, Sandpoint 208.265.5700 VCAHospitals.com/North-Idaho
Let Eric Skinner, owner/Associate Broker, and Brent Stevens, owner/ Realtor, help you on your real estate journey. Eric and Brent are fine homes and estates specialists, ready to guide you in your next home buying or selling transaction, from residential and waterfront, to bare land, commercial or development.
Eric Skinner
Brent Stevens
Sandpoint Christian School is a nondenominational faith-based learning community for preschool through eighth grade, partnering with Christian families to promote academic excellence and prepare learners for a lifetime of commitment to Christ.
477954 US 95, Ponderay
As a locally owned and operated company, Sandpoint Garage Doors takes pride in their top-quality service. Serving both residential and commercial customers, they provide garage door and opener sales, installations and repair services.
1309 Wright Way
Monarch Marble & Granite specializes in custom fabrication and installation of kitchen and bathroom countertops, showers, tub decks, fireplace surrounds, hearths, desks, tabletops, and more! They work with granite, quartz, marble, soapstone, quartzite, sintered stone and porcelain slabs. Client focused and quality driven, find superior craftsmanship with stunning results.
336 McNearney Rd., Ponderay
The personal approach to simplifying your health insurance needs, Spears Insurance works with dozens of different insurance companies to provide you with the best insurance products available, ensuring your family is financially secure.
The Northwest’s largest, most experienced pole building contractor, Steel Structures America specializes in constructing custom garages and shops and is dedicated to providing tailored steel construction solutions for their clients.
154 Ivy Dr. Sagle
North Idaho Spas has been selling Sundance Spas in Northern Idaho since 1995, offering “total satisfaction” with a low-price guarantee and award-winning service. Their service technicians are Sundance and Jacuzzi Factory Certified Technicians, and their office staff members are Sundance spa experts. Ask your neighbor ... They probably own a Sundance Spa from North Idaho Spas.
564 Birch Ave. Ponderay
Put your tax refund to work FINANCIAL FOCUS®
article was written by
Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor Ken Wood
Most of us probably don’t enjoy preparing our taxes, but there’s often a reward at the end — a tax refund. If you get a refund this year, how can you make the best use of it?
Of course, the answer depends somewhat on the size of your refund. Last year, the average tax refund was $3,050, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
Whatever the size of your refund, though, you’ll want to maximize its benefit. Here are a few suggestions:
• Contribute to your IRA. If you were to receive about $3,000, it would go a long way toward funding your IRA for the year — but any amount would help. You still have until April 15, 2025, to contribute to your IRA for the 2024 tax year, but if you’ve already “maxed out” on it, you could use your refund for 2025. The annual contribution limit for a traditional and Roth IRA remains $7,000, or $8,000 if you’re age 50 or older. By getting an early start toward fully funding your IRA, you can reduce the pressure of having to come up with large amounts later in the year.
• Build an emergency fund. Your tax refund could help you start or expand an emergency fund. It’s a good idea to keep up to six months’ worth of living expenses in such a fund, with the money kept in a liquid, low-risk account, separate from the funds you use for your daily expenses. You might need to draw on this fund for unexpected expenses, such as a major home or car repair or a medical bill that’s not fully covered by your health insurance. Without
such an emergency fund in place, you might be forced to dip into your IRA or other retirement accounts to pay for these types of costs, and such a move could be expensive, resulting in taxes, penalties and lost opportunities for growth.
• Contribute to a 529 plan. If you have children or grandchildren and you’d like to help them further their education someday, you might consider investing in a 529 education savings plan. With a 529 plan, earnings and withdrawals are federally tax-free, provided the money is used for qualified education expenses. Based on where you live, your 529 plan may provide state tax benefits, too. (It is possible, though, that 529 withdrawals could affect financial aid packages, depending on who owns the account.) A 529 plan can be used to help pay for college, accredited trade school programs, some K-12 expenses and even to help repay some student loans.
• Pay down debts. Your tax refund may give you a chance to reduce your debt load. But which debts should you tackle first? You could follow the “snowball” method by paying off the smallest of your loans or debts as quickly as possible. Or you could choose the “avalanche” route by making minimum payments on all debts and using extra funds — such as your tax refund — to pay off the debts that carry the highest interest rates. Either method could help you save money in the long term.
It’s not often that you receive a financial windfall such as a tax refund — so think carefully about how you can maximize its benefits.
HealthBeauty &
Aging gracefully doesn’t mean going back in time; it means moving forward with courage, confidence, and good health. This is where a dedicated team of medical professionals comes in, helping you age well with the collaborative effort of their expertise. They can create customized plans to help you feel your best — from preventive medicine and nutrition to mental health and exercise. Let’s discover how this collaboration changes the game for healthy aging — and a healthier you.
Staying Ahead with Preventive Care
Healthy aging starts with prevention. Regular checkups and screenings help catch issues early, allowing you to focus on living your life instead of worrying about what’s ahead.
Doctors, geriatric specialists, and nutritionists collaborate to build preventive care plans tailored to your needs. Routine tests, such as bone density scans or cholesterol screenings, provide valuable insights. Detecting conditions like osteoporosis or high blood pressure early allows treatment to start before they become major obstacles, helping you stay active and independent. Proactive care is the cornerstone of longevity. Early detection and personalized plans enable patients to enjoy their healthiest years, regardless of age.
Nutrition: Giving Your Body the Healthy Fuel It Needs
Nutrition is one of the most critical aspects of how you’ll feel as you age. Whether it’s calcium and vitamin D for healthy bones, omega-3s for the brain and heart, or antioxidants to counteract inflammation, dietitians and nutritionists design meal plans that are jam-packed with the nutrients your body requires to thrive.
Instead of fad diets, these practitioners recommend whole, nutritional foods like powerful leafy greens, complete proteins, and healthy fat sources to provide lasting energy and wellness. If you have a restricted diet, a customized nutrition program will ensure you get your fuel without feeling deprived.
Staying Active and Building Strength
Aging doesn’t mean we stop doing things, but we should make the right choices to stay active as we get older. Physical therapists and personal fitness trainers develop workout plans that work for you and your abilities. It's important to stay active, whether it’s strength training so you don’t lose muscle, balancing exercises so you don’t fall, or even gentle workouts like yoga or swimming.
Healing from surgery or an injury? Therapists in rehabilitation can restore your function and self-assurance. They focus on recovery and help you maintain an active, fulfilling lifestyle.
Mental Health Matters
Aging well includes emotional and mental well-being. Counselors and therapists can help you manage the stress, anxiety, and loneliness that can sometimes accompany aging.
Social workers and community programs encourage older adults to stay engaged through activities that foster relationships and
What is it, how can I avoid it, and what are my treatment options?
Bri Williams, WHNP-BC Refined Aesthetics Med Spa, pllc SandpointMedSpa.com 215 Cedar St., Sandpoint
Melasma is a common skin condition characterized by dark, irregular patches often found on the face. It primarily affects women and is influenced by three key factors: hormones, heat, and sun exposure.
• Hormonal changes, particularly during pregnancy or with birth control, can trigger melasma.
• Heat can exacerbate the condition as it stimulates melanin production.
• Sun exposure is a significant contributor, as UV rays can darken existing pigmentation.
To improve melasma, individuals can use broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, avoid excessive heat (saunas, steam rooms), and consider treatments such as topical creams and chemical peels to reduce pigmentation and promote an even skin tone.
purpose. From book clubs to volunteering, staying connected keeps your mind sharp and your spirit uplifted.
Managing Chronic Conditions
Fighting a chronic illness like arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease doesn’t have to translate into lower quality of life. Work with collaborative care teams — specialists, primary care physicians, pharmacists — to tailor treatments to your lifestyle.
Technology also plays a role; telemedicine and wearables track your health remotely for convenience and security, providing real-time insights and ensuring you stay connected to your care team for ongoing support and monitoring.
Take Care of Your Brain as Much As Your Body
Neurology is one of the most essential components of aging. Brain doctors and cognitive therapists offer the best tricks for keeping the mind active, whether solving puzzles, honing new skills, or simply remaining social.
The foods you eat can also support a healthier brain. Berries, walnuts, fatty fish, and other nutrient-rich foods have been shown to help improve memory. For those already experiencing memory loss symptoms, specialists can help with techniques and plans to slow the process and preserve independence.
Personalized Aging Plans
Collaborative care thrives on personalization. Your medical team considers your genetics, lifestyle, and objectives to devise a plan tailored just for you. Whether preventive, dietary, or therapeutic, your plan should be designed to help you thrive.
Healthy aging isn’t just about adding years to your life—it’s about thriving in those years. With the support of medical professionals, you can embrace the best years of your life with vitality and confidence. Partner with your care team, prioritize your health and make aging well your goal every step of the way.
AAging Better In-Home Care is one of the Inland Northwest’s largest and most trusted providers of quality and affordable in-home, non-medical health care services for seniors, veterans and the disabled of all ages. From home care, respite care, private duty and custom care, visit their website for a full list of available services.
813 Pine St. Ste. B
Sandpoint’s “Hometown Hospital,” BGH is a 25-bed critical access hospital and health care network of outpatient clinics and services serving Sandpoint and the surrounding region. For their full list of clinics and services provided, visit their website.
520 N. Third Ave.
At Lewis & Hawn, their goal is for their patients to love to smile. From sameday crowns, implants and invisalign, to veneers, TMJ treatments, sleep apnea and snoring therapies, and more, call today. Accepting new patients.
2025 W. Pine St. Sandpoint
Missi Balison, a personal trainer, exercise physiologist and certified precision nutrition coach, is the owner of Missi Balison Fitness, a women’s boutique fitness studio offering fitness, nutrition, coaching and massage. Voted Sandpoint’s “Finest Gym” five years running.
1250 Gooby Rd. Sandpoint 208.290.2081
Located in Sandpoint, Idaho, 7B Energy & Wellness is transforming the way people approach health and wellness. With cutting-edge technology and a focus on empowering individuals to heal themselves, 7B offers innovative solutions that promote optimal health and well-being. Serving the greater Sandpoint area, 7B Energy & Wellness is dedicated to providing personalized care that helps clients achieve their health goals, making it a trusted resource for holistic wellness.
30410 ID-200 Ste. 200A Ponderay 208.255.5922
Take Your Workout Outside
Spring is the perfect time to move your exercise routine outdoors. A morning walk, light strength training, or even gardening can boost circulation, keep muscles strong, and improve your mood. Plus, soaking up a little sunshine gives you a natural dose of vitamin D for healthy bones. Staying active doesn’t have to be complicated—just find something you enjoy and make it part of your routine. A little fresh air goes a long way in feeling your best!
This spring, give your body a natural refreshment with lemon-ginger detox water. This simple drink aids digestion, boosts immunity, and helps flush toxins.
• 1 lemon, sliced
• 1-inch piece of fresh ginger, sliced
• 4 cups of water
• A handful of fresh mint (optional)
• Add lemon and ginger slices to a pitcher of water.
• Let it infuse for at least 30 minutes.
• Enjoy throughout the day for a refreshing, cleansing boost.
Stay hydrated and feel revitalized this season!
Sandpoint Urgent Care in Sandpoint, Idaho, provides fast, high-quality care for nonemergency medical needs. With a skilled team, they offer compassionate treatment for minor injuries and illnesses, serving Sandpoint and surrounding areas with convenient, trusted care.
302 South 1st Ave. Sandpoint 208.265.4383
At Refined Aesthetics, their focus is to enhance one’s natural beauty and leave him/her feeling more confident. Dedicated to enhancing the lives of their patients, both men and women, they utilize the most advanced treatments, products and techniques.
215 Cedar St. Sandpoint 208.304.7535
Lewis & Hawn Dentistry - Sleep Solutions Northwest in Sandpoint, Idaho, offers expert care for dental and sleep issues, specializing in sleep apnea and snoring. Their personalized, innovative treatments improve health and overall well-being.
2025 W. Pine St. Sandpoint, ID 208.265.4558
Shriner’s Children’s in Spokane provides pediatric specialty care. Shriner’s experienced care team brings hope and healing, and are driven to make lives richer, easier and less complex for children and families in Washington, Idaho and beyond.
911 W. 5th Ave.
Shop, Stay & Play
Sandpoint, located in Bonner County, is a vibrant gem of the Inland Northwest.
This spring, the town invites visitors to explore its unique shops, unwind in its serene spaces, and enjoy events that bring the community to life. Let this guide show you the best of Sandpoint as the season blooms.
Start your Sandpoint visit at First Avenue by exploring the Sandpoint Shopping District with its individual stores and artists. Cedar Street Bridge Public Market showcases handmade jewelry, modern home items, and unique gift options. Don’t miss the treasure troves at Home Sweet Home Consignment and Foster’s Crossing Antiques, where you’ll find an array of unique pieces and timeless finds.
Those interested in fashion should visit La Chic Boutique, Grace and Joy Clothing Co., and Eve’s Leaves to discover their latest fashion trends and artisan creations.
Wine enthusiasts should stop at Pend d’Oreille Winery to savor gourmet foods, browse wine merchandise, and indulge in award-winning selections. Be sure to try their standout Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon— both are local favorites celebrated for their rich flavors and exceptional quality. Outdoor Experience and Alpine Shop provide the equipment mountain enthusiasts need before heading to Schweitzer Mountain or Lake Pend Oreille for springtime adventures.
When your day of exploration ends, you can find peaceful rest in one of Sandpoint’s inviting lodgings. Talus Rock Retreat offers visitors a peaceful luxury experience through exceptional service in a natural
Fun Fact
Sandpoint is home to the longest wooden pedestrian bridge in the United States, called the Sandpoint City Beach Pedestrian Bridge, part of the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail, which spans over 2 miles across Lake Pend Oreille. In spring, it’s a popular spot for walking or biking, offering stunning views of the lake as the surrounding mountains begin to bloom with vibrant greenery.
Alpine Shop is one of the largest watersports and snow sports outfitters in the Inland Northwest. Offering both a downtown location and shop at Schweitzer, they make it easy to find what you’re looking for, no matter the season.
Downtown Sandpoint | 208.263.5157
Schweitzer Village | 208.255.1660
The Best Western Edgewater Resort is sure to provide a peaceful and comforting home away from home for any traveler. Free internet access, business center, superior customer service, cleanliness and value, your needs will be met beyond your expectations.
56 Bridge Street
Located in downtown Sandpoint, the Cedar Street Bridge offers the public a unique marketplace filled with boutique shops, restaurants and local artisans. It’s a perfect stop to shop indoors and avoid the wet spring weather.
334 N. First Ave.
Museum exhibits immerse visitors in local history dating back to the ice age floods, the early days of the Kalispel and Kootenai people, the fur trade, steamboat era, log drives and stump ranches. Learn about the early beginnings of the small logging, mining, agriculture and railroad communities.
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint 208.263.2344 BonnerCountyHistory.org
Escape to Talus Rock Retreat for your special getaway. Rented by the room or in its entirety, this peaceful villa is perfectly situated on an 18-acre wilderness playground and only 1 mile from downtown Sandpoint!
The Panida Theater has been a Sandpoint staple since 1927. Throughout each month, the theater presents a variety of entertainment opportunities, including concerts, film festivals, fundraising events, comedy shows and so much more.
300 N. First Ave. Sandpoint 208.263.9191 Panida.org
setting. Schweitzer Mountain Resort, the largest ski resort in Idaho, offers guests world-class skiing and snowboarding, extensive hiking trails, on-site dining, and spa treatments for a complete vacation experience.
The Edgewater Resort provides guests with peaceful lake views during their stay. The property sits close to Sandpoint’s downtown district, where guests can easily access dining, shopping, and entertainment options.
Sandpoint provides exciting activities for both adventurous and relaxed outdoor enthusiasts.
The seasonal changes at Schweitzer Mountain Resort bring zip-lining and mountain biking excitement during warmer months. The historic Panida Theater entertains locals and visitors by hosting independent films, cultural events, and live performances in its downtown Sandpoint location.
Visitors can relax at City Beach by swimming, playing volleyball, or watching the sunset reflect off Lake Pend Oreille. It’s a local favorite for families and solo travelers alike.
Sandpoint is more than just a stop on your journey — it’s a place that promises unforgettable memories. Plan your visit this spring and experience Sandpoint’s charm, beauty, and spirit. Every moment here is a new chapter in your story of exploration.
A Local Fave
Farmer’s Market
Opening Day
May 3
Proudly connecting local farmers, fine artists, craftspeople, and food vendors with the North Idaho community for 36 years, the Farmers Market at Sandpoint returns Saturday, May 3, and continues through October 18! Head downtown to Farmin Park on Third Avenue and Oak Street between 9 am and 1 pm (and 3 to 5:30 pm most Wednesdays), where you can treat yourself and your family to locally grown fresh produce, baked goods, and handcrafted arts and crafts. For additional details and to view upcoming market entertainment and events, visit SandpointFarmersMarket.com.
• 4–5 fresh mint leaves
• 2–3 fresh basil leaves
• 1 oz fresh lime juice (about one lime)
• 1/2 oz elderflower syrup (or elderflower cordial)
• 4 oz sparkling water (or soda water)
• Cucumber slices for garnish
• Ice cubes Seasonal Drink Recipe
Spring GardenCooler
1. In a sturdy glass or cocktail shaker, gently muddle the mint and basil leaves with the lime juice to release their flavors. Be careful not to over-muddle, as it can make the drink bitter.
2. Stir in the elderflower syrup.
3. If using a cocktail shaker, add ice and shake gently to mix. If not, simply stir the mixture well in the glass.
4. Strain (if desired) into a glass filled with fresh ice. Top with sparkling water.
5. Garnish with a few cucumber slices and a sprig of mint for an aromatic touch!
Mother’s Day Brunch
Mini Caprese Frittatas
4 large eggs
• 1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
• 1/4 cup fresh mozzarella, diced 1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
• Salt and pepper to taste
Non-stick cooking spray
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Spray a 6-cup muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray.
2. Whisk together the eggs, milk, salt, and pepper in a bowl until well combined.
3. Divide the cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil evenly among the muffin cups.
Sandpoint’s hometown full-service bar for more than 80 years, customers are treated to exceptionally skilled bartenders serving up classic cocktails, 20 craft beers on tap and a unique wine list. Unwind with entertainment including pool, foosball, live music and more!
219 N. First Ave. | Sandpoint 208.263.5673 | 219Lounge.com
City Beach Organics downtown offers topnotch, made-from-scratch organic, glutenfree food and drinks. Everything from their acai bowls, wraps and melts, soups, salads and quinoa bowls to their juices and smoothies showcase their passion.
117 N. First Ave. | Sandpoint 208.265.9919
Authentic Mexican cuisine prepared fresh daily, Fiesta Bonita’s menu is full of many unique and authentic recipes. They have a full bar at their Ponderay location and outdoor seating. Bring the family or make it a date night. There is something for everyone at Fiesta Bonita!
700 Kootenai Cutoff Rd. | Ponderay 208.263.6174
Pend d’Oreille Winery tasting room in downtown Sandpoint features Pend d’Oreille Winery wines by the glass or bottle, artisan pizza and delicious bites, all paired with live music/piano, local art and handcrafted gifts. The perfect place to unwind.
301 Cedar St. | Sandpoint 208.265.8545 | POWINE.com
Yoke’s Fresh Market in Sandpoint, Idaho, is known for high-quality groceries, fresh local produce, and exceptional service, providing a great shopping experience while supporting the community and offering a wide selection of products.
212 Bonner Mall Way | Sandpoint 208.263.4613
Located at the base of Schweitzer Mountain Resort you will find home-style comfort food, made with high-quality ingredients, served in generous portions, all at a reasonable price. Add 20 (4K) televisions for great game viewing and a full bar, and you’ve found the recipe for Sweet Lou’s success.
477272 US-95 | Ponderay 208.263.1381
6915 E. Athol Crossing Rd. | Athol 208.561.9496
601 E. Front Ave STE 101 Coeur d’Alene | 208.667.1170 SweetLousIdaho.com
The Forge Artisan Pizza in Sandpoint, Idaho, is a local favorite known for its wood-fired, handcrafted pizzas made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Blending traditional flavors with a modern twist, The Forge delivers an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you’re stopping by for a casual meal or a special night out, their commitment to quality and excellent service keeps customers coming back for more.
306 Pine St. | Sandpoint 208.252.9433
113 MAIN
Open for lunch, happy hour, and dinner, 113 Main’s cuisine exudes modern scratch American. Now open seven days a week, everything is made in-house with a menu featuring in-season vegetables and proteins that changes with the season. The full-service bar highlights amazing craft cocktails with fresh fruits, house-made simple syrups, fresh squeezed juices, and various garnishes from candied blood oranges to edible flowers.
113 Main St. | Sandpoint 208.946.5309
Fresh and unique, Jalapeños Mexican Restaurant in downtown Sandpoint has been a favorite of many for over 35 years for its delicious, quality Mexican cuisine. Whether it’s Margarita Monday, Taco Tuesday or Magic Sundays, there is something for everyone here.
314 N. Second Ave. | Sandpoint 208.263.2995
Located in downtown Sandpoint’s historic Granary Arts District, this cafe serves espresso, rotating pour-overs, drip coffee, exclusive reserve coffees, loose leaf organic teas, locally baked organic and gluten-free pasties, breakfast burritos, and more!
524 Church St. | Sandpoint 208.265.5553
Step 1: Make the Crust
1. Combine Ingredients: In a food processor or mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Add the cold butter and pulse or mix with a pastry cutter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
2. Add Water: Gradually add the ice water, 1 tablespoon at a time, mixing until the dough comes together but isn’t sticky.
3. Chill: Form the dough into a disk, wrap it in plastic, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Step 2: Prepare the Filling
1. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
2. Sauté Vegetables: Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add asparagus and sauté for 3 minutes until tender-crisp. Stir in spinach until just wilted. Remove from heat and set aside.
Step 3: Assemble the Quiche
For the Crust
• 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cubed
3–4 tablespoons ice water
For the Filling
1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
• 1/4 cup green onions, thinly sliced
• 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
• 4 large eggs
• 1 cup heavy cream
• 1/2 cup whole milk
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
• 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup asparagus, trimmed and chopped into 1-inch pieces 1/2 cup baby spinach, roughly chopped
• 3/4 cup shredded Gruyère or cheddar cheese
• 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Step 4: Prepare the Egg Mixture
1. Whisk Eggs and Cream: In a mixing bowl, whisk together eggs, heavy cream, milk, salt, pepper, and nutmeg.
2. Layer Ingredients: Sprinkle Gruyère cheese evenly over the crust. Layer the sautéed vegetables, cherry tomatoes, green onions, and parsley. Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables, ensuring it’s evenly distributed. Top with Parmesan cheese.
1. Roll Out the Dough: Roll out the chilled dough on a floured surface into a 12-inch circle. Fit it into a 9-inch pie pan or tart pan, trimming the excess edges. Prick the bottom with a fork.
2. Blind Bake: Line the crust with parchment paper and fill with pie weights or dried beans. Bake for 10 minutes, remove the weights, and bake for another 5 minutes until lightly golden.
Step 5: Bake the Quiche
1. Bake: Place the quiche in the oven and bake for 35–40 minutes, or until the center is just set and the top is lightly golden.
2. Cool: Let the quiche cool for 10 minutes before slicing.
Enoy! Serve warm or at room temperature for breakfast, brunch, or a light dinner. Pair with a fresh spring salad for a complete meal!
38th Annual
Lost in the ‘50s
May 15-17
Each year, car enthusiasts and music fans in Sandpoint count down to this beloved event. Lost in the ‘50s marks its 38th anniversary in 2025, with three days celebrating classic cars, live music, and nostalgic fun. The excitement begins on Thursday, May 15, during the third weekend of May, with the Welcome Party at Connie’s Café, which features live music, dancing, and a beer garden. Dennis Gage from My Classic Car will be there all three days to join in the festivities.
The streets of downtown Sandpoint will buzz with excitement during the classic car parade on Friday, May 16, as spectators enjoy watching a stunning collection of vintage cars cruise through town.
The car show on Saturday, May 17, is the main attraction of the weekend’s events. Classic cars create a remarkable spectacle throughout the streets. Car enthusiasts will see classic cars restored to their former glory in a festive setting filled with music and community engagement.
Lost in the ‘50s is more than just a car show—it’s a celebration of music, history, and Sandpoint’s love for nostalgia. For upto-date details, be sure to follow Lost in the ‘50s on Facebook (Facebook.com/lost50s) or visit LostInThe50s.com.
14 22
19th Annual Fly Fishing Film Tour F3T Panida.org
Pend Oreille Arts Council presents: Missoula Children’s Theater: Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs Panida.org
6th Annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival Panida.org
Snow Ghost Banked Slalom Competition at Schweitzer Mountain 2025 Schweitzer.com
Costume Dance Party, presented by Angels Over Sandpoint
Get ready to dance the night away at The Hive on Saturday, March 8, as the Angels bring back their classic fundraising dances with a costume party to lift spirits and support 2025! Dress as your favorite movie star, movie character, or a past Follies costume, and groove to the funky beats of Right Front Burner. The Follies’ Queen will emcee with her signature wit. Purchase your tickets at LiveFromTheHive.com or through Eventbrite. Visit AOS1.clubexpress.com to learn more.
6th Annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival
Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 28, 2025, as the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness host the 6th annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival at the Panida Theatre. Doors open at 6 pm, with the show starting at 7 pm. Enjoy an evening of inspiring films showcasing conservation, art, and community. Super Star Supporters can enjoy a VIP catered party at Eichardt’s and reserved front-row seating. Bring cash for raffle tickets! Visit Panida.org for more details.
Snow Ghost Banked Slalom Competition at Schweitzer Mountain 2025
Experience the excitement of the Snow Ghost Banked Slalom at Schweitzer Mountain on March 29-30, 2025! This hand-dug-banked slalom competition, hosted by 7B Boardshop and Schweitzer, is a fundraiser benefiting the Bonner County Skatepark Association. All proceeds support the expansion of local skateparks in Bonner County. Don’t miss this exciting event that combines snowboarding fun with community impact. For more details and updates, visit Schweitzer.com as the event date approaches!
Stand Out. Get Seen.
With Like Media Without Like Media
NIBCA.com/home-and-garden-show 5-6
2025 NIBCA Home & Garden Show
Rock.It Boy Entertainment presents Hotel California The Original Eagles Tribute Panida.org
Schpring Finale 2025 Schweitzer.com 12 18 18-19 & 25-27
Sandpoint Lions Club Egg Hunt Facebook.com/SandpointLionsClub
Honey Pearl Productions presents The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe HoneyPearlProductions.com
2025 NIBCA Home & Garden
The annual Home & Garden Show, presented by the North Idaho Building Contractors Association (NIBCA), returns to the Bonner County Fairgrounds on April 5 and 6 for two days of local vendors and businesses showcasing the latest in home design, landscaping, and gardening. Visitors can connect with industry professionals, explore the latest trends, and discover new ideas for their homes and gardens through engaging displays, interactive exhibits, informative seminars, and expert advice. Check out NIBCA.com/home-and-garden-show to find out more.
18 5-6
Sandpoint Lions Club Egg Hunt
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 18, for this year’s annual Egg Hunt, presented by the Sandpoint Lions Club. Always held the Saturday before Easter, the hunt begins at 9 am sharp, rain or shine (or snow), at Lakeview Park (901 Ontario Street), so be sure to get there early! Kids will once again have the chance to win one of several prizes. Be sure to check your eggs before you leave to see if you’ll walk away one of the lucky winners! Be sure to check out Facebook.com/SandpointLionsClub for more info.
18-19 & 25-27
Honey Pearl Productions presents The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Step through the wardrobe and into the world of Narnia as The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe come to life on stage at The Panida Theater! Honey Pearl Productions presents this beloved C.S. Lewis classic April 18-19 and 25-27. Tickets are $25 with assigned seating, and a special Buy Four, Get the Fifth Free offer is available with code FIVE through March 18. Purchase tickets at HoneyPearlProductions.com or at the door—don’t miss this magical adventure!
Kentucky Derby Party & Fundraiser
SandpointFarmersMarket.com 3 10
Sandpoint Farmers Market Opening Day
Long Bridge Half Marathon
38th Annual Lost in the ‘50s
A Taste of
Kentucky Derby Party & Fundraiser hosted by Community Resource EnVision Center
Join the fun on Saturday, May 3, from 12 to 5 pm, for a Kentucky Derby Party at The Hive (207 N. 1st Ave., Sandpoint, ID)! Enjoy an afternoon of Mint Juleps, delicious treats, a hat contest, and exciting games. Hosted by the Community Resource EnVision Center, all proceeds support building a non-profit hub by 2030. This 21+ event promises fun and philanthropy in one unforgettable afternoon. Visit CRECIdaho.com/events for more details!
Celebrate an evening of music and artistry at A Taste of Music on Saturday, May 17, 2025, from 5 to 10 pm at The Idaho Club (151 Clubhouse Way, Sandpoint, ID). Hosted by the Music Conservatory of Sandpoint, this annual fundraising gala supports the next generation of performing artists. Enjoy captivating performances in a festive setting while supporting a great cause. Tickets are available online. Visit SandpointConservatory.org/events for more information and to purchase tickets. 3 10 17 15-17 3
Long Bridge Half Marathon
Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 10, 2025, for the Long Bridge Half Marathon in Sandpoint, Idaho. Starting at 8 am from City Beach (58 Bridge St.), this event offers 13.1-mile, 10km, and 5km races along the scenic shores of Lake Pend Oreille. Enjoy flat, fast courses on paved bike trails and roads, perfect for setting a personal record. Packet pickup begins at 6 am. Register online by May 8 at 6 pm to secure your spot. For more details and registration, visit FindARace.com/us/events/long-bridge-halfmarathon.
A Taste of Music
This season, take advantage of all the spring activities
Offering hands-on, multi-species fishing on Lake Pend Oreille and Clark Fork River, Go Fish! operates year-round and offers custom charters, including sunrise and sunset trips. Charters depart from Sandpoint and Hope.
Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness in Sandpoint, Idaho, is dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of the Scotchman Peaks through conservation, education, and responsible recreation, ensuring the wilderness remains protected for future generations.
323 N. 1st Ave. Ste. 205 | Sandpoint 208.946.9127 ScotchmanPeaks.org
Museum exhibits immerse visitors in local history dating back to the ice age floods, the early days of the Kalispel and Kootenai people, the fur trade, steamboat era, log drives and stump ranches. Learn about the early beginnings of the small logging, mining, agriculture and railroad communities.
611 S. Ella Ave. | Sandpoint 208.263.2344 BonnerCountyHistory.org
A unique place where people of all ages and abilities have the opportunity to be outside, the wide trails welcome strollers and wheelchairs. Nearly a dozen trails make for miles of hiking and biking in the warmer months, or cross-country skiing and fatbiking in the winter.
11915 W. Pine St. | Sandpoint 208.263.9471 Kaniksu.org/pinestreetwoods
With over 2,900 acres of skiable terrain, world-class trails and breathtaking panoramic views of Lake Pend Oreille, Schweitzer also boasts cozy accommodations, delectable dining options, a charming village and seasonal events.
The Panida Theater has been a Sandpoint staple since 1927. Throughout each month, the theater presents a variety of entertainment opportunities, whether it be concerts, film festivals, fundraising events, comedy shows and so much more.
300 N. First Ave. | Sandpoint 208.263.9191 Panida.org
This historic Sandpoint ranch offers an authentic taste of the American frontier. Stay in cozy log cabins, savor hearty ranch meals, and partake in a myriad of outdoor adventures like horseback riding, cattle drives and guided hikes.
1413 Upper Gold Creek Rd. | Sandpoint 208.263.9066 WesternPleasureRanch.com
Outdoor experience is Sandpoint’s central hub for the adventure community, offering the finest outdoor gear, rentals and inspiration. Locally owned, they’ve been supplying outdoor enthusiast with a curated assortment of gear and apparel since 1986. Let them help you prepare for your next adventure.
314 N. First Ave. | Sandpoint 208.263.6028 OutdoorExperience.us
In the winter, Sandpoint City Beach Park offers a peaceful escape along the shores of Lake Pend Oreille. With snow-covered mountains and a quiet lakeside setting, it’s a great spot for winter walks, scenic views, and enjoying the crisp air. Even in the colder months, it’s a beautiful place to relax and take in nature’s beauty.
58 Bridge St. | Sandpoint Sandpoint.com/community/ sandpoint-idaho
Hiking Adventures
Take in the Fresh Air
• Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail
Distance: 3.3 miles
Located: near City Beach
• Schweitzer Nature Trail
Distance: 5.2 miles
Located: Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort
• Mickinnick Trail
Distance: 7 miles
Located: Kaniksu National Forest
Visit Idaho
Adventure enthusiasts looking to add some items to their spring bucket list can utilize VisitIdaho.org as a resource for finding everything from hikes to hot springs in the beautiful Gem State.
Visit Idaho provides insightful articles and timely travel tips for anyone planning a weekend road trip or looking up local attractions in North Idaho. The website’s Travel Assistant is an interactive map that allows users to search for local eateries, scenic byways, historical sights, and more.
Exploring all that Idaho has to offer this spring starts at VisitIdaho.org.
Jimy Black
Realtor® 208.255.6207
Jake Humble and Jimy Black, childhood best friends turned business partners, lead the Humble & Black Real Estate Team with a wealth of industry expertise. Jake, a real estate appraiser, land developer, and investor, brings sharp valuation skills and strategic insight. Jimy’s background in construction and appraisals gives him a deep understanding of the market. Together, they offer a hands-on, clientfocused approach, helping buyers, sellers, and investors navigate real estate with confidence and success in the Inland Northwest.
448 Whiskey Jack Circle
Sandpoint, ID
4 Bedrooms | 3.5 Bathrooms | 3,038 Sq. Ft.
Discover a rare opportunity to own a charming waterfront townhouse on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille, just a short drive from the renowned Schweitzer Mountain Resort. Embrace the best of both worlds — lakeside tranquility and mountain adventure — at this one-of-a-kind property. Contact us for more listing information.
982 Center Valley Road
Sandpoint, ID
4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 3,948 Sq. Ft.
Welcome Home to the Selle Valley! Discover this enchanting 10-acre property, featuring a seasonal creek, stunning mountain views, and exceptional amenities that cater to the whole family. Contact us for more listing information.